A Farmer's LifeChapter 05 free porn video

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Senior Constable George Rochester races out of the courthouse to his police car while talking on his radio. He soon confirms he’s the closest to the farm with the fire. He’s also a member of the local RFS so he has one of their radios as well. On the RFS radio he gives out the alert about the fire and its location while he starts his car, turns on the lights and siren, then he races out of town at high speed. Mark Meadows, the RFS sub-captain for that part of the Hartman RFS District lives on and works a farm near to the Johns farm, and he responds about heading that way.

Ten minutes later George and Mark are parked side by side on a hill and both are looking north toward the Johns farm. The town of Hartman is to their south-east and the fire is north-west of them, almost at the northern border of the Hartman RFS Control Area. Already the closest RFS units are at the fire. Unlike Bennett’s Road all of the units here are located on different farms and the volunteers drive them to the scene. Due to the farms being so spread out this is a more efficient way to get them to the fires. The land here is wide open plains and the farms are a lot bigger than near Bowen’s Creek.

Mark surveys the large triangle of burnt land behind the fire-front moving to the east. It’s about half a kilometre wide and burned over a kilometre from the shed where it started. The hay-shed is still burning, but the crop fire is a much bigger concern as the shed has done its worst by setting the crops on fire and it can’t do any further damage.

George asks, “Mark, is it my eyes, or are those trucks having trouble staying with the leading edge?”

Mark turns his binoculars on the RFS trucks at the northern and southern edges of the fire, and swears when he sees the men in them are bouncing around while spraying water from the tanks because the three trucks are racing to stay with the fire-front. He turns to his car, spreads the map on the bonnet, and pulls out his radio while looking at the map. After activating his radio on three frequencies Mark says, “General emergency, runaway wildfire Hartman RFS Control Area. Racing east with a wind from the west behind it. Evacuate all areas east of here.”

George turns to his car to grab his police radio to spread the news and to get the police busy with evacuating people. While he does he hears Mark adding, “All town fire services stay in town and try to protect your towns by setting up protection on the west side. All Hartman RFS units north of town make for Little Creek Crossing to set up a safe zone on the edge of the village. Check farms and evacuate everyone to Little Creek as you go. It’s going too fast for us to handle, let’s protect our people, that’s the best we can do with this one.”

Right Here

James and Al are in the workshop completing the servicing of Tom’s Tanker and its twin, Tom’s Tanker Too, when the message about the fire at Hartman comes over the RFS radio. James pulls out the map and he sees Hartman is directly west of them, about twenty-five kilometres away. However, he knows how fast a wildfire can race, especially with the wind pushing it. Walking outside he feels the strong wind is from the west and that really worries him.

While racing for the detailed district maps James keeps in the RFS utility he has as the local RFS Captain he shouts out, “Jenny, Jean, take the two Tom’s Tankers and fill them with water. Then race over to Daisy Too to soak all of the trees and the ground around them. Then get your arses back here after refilling the tanks. Al, race over to the RFS Shed and fill up every damn tank, sprayer, and bucket you can find.” They all dash off while he spreads the map out.

After a moment he pulls the radio microphone out of the ute and says, “Hartman Control, Bennett’s Road Command. I need the current location of the northern and southern edges of your fire and where it started from.”

Mark responds with his best locations by estimating their distances from known crossroads then he asks, “What good is that?”

James responds, “I know the wind direction and this gives me an indication of where it’s likely to hit us so we can concentrate on it there.” Marking the three points James draws lines outward from the start point. Assuming it will spread at the same rate he extends the lines.

Mark comes back on the radio, “The wind and fire are picking up. It’s moving east faster, but the sideways spread is a bit slower due to the faster forward speed.” He gives the new north and south points, and they’re within the lines James has on the map to make a narrow funnel.

Standing To

Lifting his radio James takes a breath then says, “Bennett’s Road RFS Command is declaring a regional fire emergency and calling for all fire services east of Rivers Run Road and within half an hour’s drive of the city of Rivers, town of Bowen’s Creek, and the town of Carter to report to the RFS Command Centre at the entrance of the farm Right Here. If the wind doesn’t have a major change of direction it will cross Rivers Run Road at Right Here in a path some kilometres wide. We need everyone here right now to prepare the roadside area to stop it. Bring everything and everyone you can.” When he releases the button there’s an orderly flood of responses from the local RFS and town fire services.

The local RFS and farm people are the first to arrive. James has his utility set up by the entrance and he’s busy sending people to where they can be of use as soon as they arrive. Many have to park beside the road to wait for suitable equipment before they can get to work. Twenty minutes later people and fire-trucks are spread out over a fourteen kilometre section of the road, seven kilometres on either side of James’ command centre. Jenny and Jean have returned and they’re setting up the fruit shed to provide food, drinks, and a rest area for when it’s needed.

The various tanker trucks are out dousing the roadside and as much of the crops on either side of the road as they can reach without entering the properties. James wants all of the vehicles to stay on the road to enhance the response times in moving about.

Mark Meadows is pacing the fire-front as best as he can and sending regular updates on the two end points. While the fire races closer to Rivers Run Road they tighten up the line because they can now narrow down where it will hit. The tankers and trucks from Rivers and the two towns are spread along the line because they’ve the biggest capacities and the strongest pumps. The six regional RFS units are all there too. So there’s a very solid line of equipment and people along the roadside.


James is starting to feel good about the situation as all of the people west of here have been evacuated east of their line, all of the road is doused, plus a few hundred metres each side of the road is soaked with water, and he has a solid line of trucks and people to fight the fire when it reaches them soon. Then his whole world is turned upside down. Police Officer Randy Davis looks up at James, “Just got word, five kids are still at the McClain Farm, a car is on the way to get them.”

James spits out, “Shit!“ while he spins for his ute. He jumps in and he takes off in a cloud of dust.

Al reaches for a radio but Jenny stops him, “Jim is driving the fastest vehicle in the area and he should get there sooner. However, there’s no way he can sit here while some kids are in danger. Anyway, they’ll probably need two people when they get on site.” Al gives a slow nod in reply. He knows Jenny is right, but he doesn’t like it and he can tell she doesn’t like it either. However, both know Jim is his father’s son, so there’s nothing they can do about it.

After a couple of minutes’ drive along Rivers Run Road James is in a slide while he skids around the turn into Bowen’s Creek Road to head toward the fire. Just ahead of him is a police car with its lights and siren going. A little further down the road James blows past the police car like it’s standing still. When the RFS assigned him this utility James had his mechanic upgrade the motor, now it’s the fastest thing in the district. After two more kilometres James skids in the entrance to the McClain farm as he swears at the thick cloud of smoke and fire glare he can see over the ridge only a few kilometres further west. Flying down the long farm drive he hits the switch for his siren. A moment later he pulls up in a huge cloud of dust in the homestead yard to see four surprised kids standing on the back veranda staring at him.

Getting out of the utility he asks, “Is this everyone on the farm?”

The eldest, a girl, replies, “No, Annie is off reading somewhere. We’ve been looking for her to have lunch. She’s not in the house or one of the buildings.”

The police car pulls in behind James as he says, “Damn! OK! You four, in the police car and race for town. I’ll look for Annie.” James turns to the officer, “The bushfire will be here any moment, get these four out of here now. I’ll look for the fifth.” The cop nods yes while the kids race for the police car. In seconds the police car is on its way out at high speed while James is turning from his utility. He has one breather pack on his back, another on his left arm, and a pack with fire blankets on his left shoulder while walking toward the fields calling out, “Annie,” as loud as he can.

For two minutes he’s walking around the edge of the fields near the house calling out and not getting a response, then he hears a distinctive sound. A little to his left and ahead someone just popped open a can of drink. He races in that direction. A moment later he almost steps on a young girl about twelve years of age lying on the ground hidden by the crops and listening to music on ear buds while reading. The music is so loud he can hear it, despite the way she has them stuck in her ears.

Pulling the girl to her feet James hits the ‘off’ button for the music then he pulls the ear buds out. She starts to struggle, but stops on seeing his RFS jacket. Holding the breather set he says, “Quick, put your arms in this and strap it on.” While she settles the breather set onto her back in a comfortable way he looks around and he isn’t happy with what he sees of the situation due to the latest changes to the fire.

The fire-front is racing across the field toward them and an arm of the fire has already spread further ahead. His utility is on the other side of the several farm buildings to where they are and the fire is already between them and the truck with the workshop already on fire. There’s no way out, so they have to find a place to hide from the fire.

Between them and the homestead is the sorting yards and beside the sorting yard is a loading ramp to help load stock onto trucks. The ramp is packed earth between brick walls. Taking Annie’s arm James heads her to the east side of the ramp. On getting there he pulls out one of the fire blankets and he lays it on the ground with part of it up the wall of the ramp. He has her lay on the blanket in the corner then places two more blankets so their sides are between that blanket and the wall before he lies right beside her and pulls the three metre long blankets over them.

“Right, Annie. Put the mask on and turn the valve beside it on to the first click. That will give you a metered measure of oxygen despite no outside air. The blankets will protect us from the bulk of the heat, but it may still get very warm. We have to stay here until we’re very sure the fire has passed over and is no longer active around us. The tanks will give us air for nearly two hours on the first setting.” She slowly nods in reply. He sets his own mask in place then he reaches for the microphone of his belt radio. Holding it up near his mask he activates it and says, “Bennett’s Road RFS Command, I’ve found the girl and we’re caught in the fire, we’re... , “ and he gives a grunt just before he passes out.

While he’s speaking to Annie the fire reaches them to set everything around them burning, except for the dirt ramp and their blankets. On the other side of the ramp is an old gum tree, very rotten and only just staying up. The fire weakens it further and the wind is enough to finally knock it over. The tree falls onto and across the ramp. One of the last remaining large branches sticks out enough to hit James on the head and knock his head into Annie’s. To put his breather mask on James has to push his helmet back and doesn’t put it on properly afterwards. The branch hits James on the back of the head, but instead of hitting the side of his helmet it hits the top of the helmet which has more protection. So instead of cracking his skull through the weaker side of the helmet the hit does no serious damage, but the force of it knocks him forward so his forehead hits Annie’s forehead and both of them are knocked out.

Bennett’s Road RFS Command

Al and Jenny smile when they hear James on the radio saying he found the girl, but are very worried when his transmission is cut off with a grunt of pain and is followed by silence. One of the volunteers calls out, “Here it comes.” The yell moves along the long line of waiting people. They all take a deep breath, then they stand still while they watch an old and hated enemy come charging at them at full speed. It sounds like an old steam express train racing through the station when the fire-front races toward them.

It hits the damp crops in front of them and it staggers while it slows down. Al puts the RFS radio to his lips, “All tankers, hit it hard.”

Twelve kilometres of road comes alive with the hoses on the tanker trucks working on the fire. Some are concentrated and aimed as far into the fields as they can go, spraying around as much as possible, while others are using a wider spray to cool the air and stop the fire-front.

For three minutes the two forces face each other, then the fuel at the fire-front starts to run out and the fire dies down a little. This is what the bulk of them are waiting for, Al gives the command and the ground troops slowly move forward to attack their old enemy. Backpack spray kits go into action when people set about putting out the fire at the ground level. The trucks move off the road and up to the fences to spray further into the fields. People move to gates and enter the fields before spreading out again, utilities pull up beside fences and people climb into the back of the utes so they can jump down into the fields.

Squad by squad, unit by unit, all of the ground troops advance and eliminate the enemy while some of the trucks move to the gates to move into the fields to advance on the enemy. The extra troops to the sides where the fire didn’t reach are already moving in and flanking it.

Ten minutes after the fire reaches Rivers Run Road it’s clear they’re winning and soon mop up operations are all that’s left.

Al is in command at the moment so he can’t leave, but others do and Jenny is leading the race to the McClain Farm in her truck. She’s followed by the two Tom’s Tankers, a police car, and an ambulance. A few minutes later all five vehicles are stopped in the yard near the burnt out remains of Jim’s RFS ute. Jack is standing on the roof of his truck using binoculars to scan the fields. He soon says, “Right, he has to be around the buildings. There’s no lumps out in the fields big enough.”

One crew sets to putting out the burning homestead while the rest spread out to look for James and Annie. After two minutes one of them spots the fire-blanket under the burnt out tree. After a few minutes of hard work the tree is out of the way, the blanket is opened, and they find the two unconscious people. Both are breathing and have pulses so they load them into the ambulance and both are off to the hospital.

Note: The RFS uses combined pumper / tankers for versatility.


Both James and Annie have concussions so they spend the next few days in hospital under close observation.

Many millions of dollars of damage was done to crops, sheds, and houses in the path of the fire. Due to the speed Mark Meadows declared the emergency people were able to evacuate in time. In a lot of cases the evacuation was only as far as the nearest village where they fought to keep the village fire free and all in it safe. James and Annie were the only people to be caught in the fire itself and they survived unburned.

The government holds a Royal Commission into the fire and the events leading up to it. Mark, James, Al, and all who held the line at Rivers Run Road are commended for their quick thinking and hard work. Criminal charges are laid against the four main players with Lewis, Johns, and Pike being sentenced to ten years in prison while Henderson is sentenced to seven years. The latter two appeal, but lose the appeals because they both knew they should have called in the fire while it was still small and could easily be put out.

Amanda Marks starts a class action against the insurance company for compensation on behalf of all who lost something in the fire. Her claim is based on the insurance company’s stance to punish people instead of minimising damage. She claims Pike’s action was a standard operating procedure within the culture of the company. The insurance company is quick to settle out of court and it’s also very quick to pay up on claims by anyone who lost anything in the fire, other than the one by Johns.

The Daisy Too trees take only minor damage due to their pre-fire soaking. James’ burnt out RFS ute is replaced and the wreck ends up in his workshop as another rebuild job, which Jim does very well on. Thus the Bennett’s Road RFS ends up with another vehicle over their official list of equipment.

Note: A Royal Commission is an Australian Commonwealth or State Government investigation into a serious or major event.

Life Continues

Those affected by fire damage get busy in rebuilding or replacing a lot of buildings, equipment, and fences. The farmers work very hard at putting their properties back into proper working order.

What looked like being a thin year due to the extra-long dry spell and hotter weather than normal turns out to be financially better than expected. The average yield per hectare is down for all of the crops due to the weather problems at a critical time in the crop growth. This results in less produce for sale, plus the large losses due to the Hartman fire and other less dramatic small fires means the total crop yield is well down. This puts the per tonne price of what little is harvested higher than the previous year. Thus those who have valid insurance claims get paid out on the current price of the average crop yield. This helps cover a lot of the costs of the year’s operations for many of the farmers affected.

Naturally the bulk of the money is invested in the preparation and planting of the next lot of crops. That’s how farming is, this year’s crop is harvested or finished so you start preparations to plant next year’s crop.

Children grow up and people grow older while the crops are sown, grown, harvested, and sold. The many cycles of life go on.

Like Al and Jean, the cycle of life means James and Jenny watch their children go to school, then university, and some move away to work in other fields or areas while a couple of them stay to work the farms they live on. All are trained in the aspects of farming and farm life while they grow up, and they help on the farm until they move away.

Life is change and a part of the changes of life is death. Matt Porter dies of a cancer a few months before his parents’ planned retirement. In an odd twist of fate when Al and Jean Porter retire it’s Al and Jean Cowley who fill the gaps in the farm work. Al Cowley and his fiancé move into the house on Daisy Too because his studies concentrated on orchards. Al and Jean Porter move to the house on Daisy Downs while Jean Cowley and her intended move into the main house on Right Here because Jenny and James don’t want to move house.

The new generation of farmers take over the main burdens of the farms while being directed and helped by the previous generation. This is the way of farm life where generation follows after generation. Time moves on and Al marries his Mary while Jean marries David to become Mrs Watt as David is Bob’s great grandson.

The main driving force of the farms is still James with Jenny in full control of the books and the fruit shed. Al and Jean Porter still help out by working part days, or when there’s a task where their knowledge or help is needed to do it right. The new couples have children and there are more than enough people to work the three farms well.

James is very annoyed by the changes in his physical capabilities as the years move on. Due to the damages done in his earlier endeavours he’s no longer as physically capable as he was and the doctor is telling him to cut back on the physically demanding work of the farm. Despite knowing what the doctor says is true he wants to fight it, but he can’t fight the doctor and Jenny as well.

On his fifty-fifth birthday Jenny sits James down and says, “Jim dear, you know you have to do less physically demanding work. The kids and grand-kids are more than capable of doing the farm work and now they only need a little direction from you. You’ve trained them too well. You now need to find a new challenge in life that isn’t so physical.”

He sighs then replies, “I know, Jen, I know. I don’t like it and I’ve no idea about what to do now. I can’t do anything that involves a lot of paperwork or reading, you know that. So what is there? If I spend all my time in my wood workshop we’ll need to build a huge shed to store all I make. So what can I do?”

She grins as she hands him a USB drive while saying, “There’s a few files on here I think you should look at. Then let me know how you feel about what they suggest.”

He nods yes while accepting the drive. After the lunchtime birthday party James heads to his computer while the rest of the family heads back to the farm work. He spends the afternoon watching video files.

Changing Directions

Seven months after his birthday James is standing in the bedroom he added onto the house for Tom which is now converted into James’ office. He stands in the middle of the room as he looks at the way Jenny has set it up for him. Slowly shaking his head he turns around and returns to the lounge room to look at the group sitting there. Jenny, Tom - who is home on leave from his work for four weeks, Al and Jean Porter, Al and Mary Cowley, Jean and David Watt are all sitting there, smiling.

After a deep breath and sigh James asks, “OK, my new office is set up for me to work in at home should I get the job. Now what?”

Jenny grins, “Jim, I’m more worried they’ll give you the top job than if you’ll get the job at all.” He turns to her, “I’ve been talking to people about this for months. I’ve not done any real work before now because I wanted Tom back here to help direct us. Thus this four week blitz.”

James turns to Tom and raises an eyebrow. Tom grins as he replies to the implied question, “Dad, getting you elected to the local council is going to be dead easy. Much easier than helping my regular boss get elected to the Senate, and he’s well liked in the electorate. We’ve got four weeks to get your name and face before the voters who don’t know you and to let the rest know you are really standing for election.” James goes to speak, but is stopped by, “Dad, every farmer within ten kilometres of here will vote for you, so will all of the truckers who live around here, as will all of the RFS people. That’s fifty percent of the voters right there, so it’s clear to me you’ll be elected.”

James just gives a slow head shake as he says, “OK! You lot have it all planned, so just set to. Make no promises without clearing them with me first, and tell me where I have to be for what publicity events. Let’s get this show on the road.” They all smile and start taking turns to tell him what they’ve already arranged.

Publicity Launch

Late-morning of the next day, a Saturday, James is at a party for the members of the local RFS people and their families held in a major park in Rivers. The party is to start with a catered lunch he’s paying for. The food is ready and the park is jammed with invited guests, including the local print and television reporters. Tom had much bigger plans for the day than James approved, when objecting to some aspects James said, “I know you’ve got to organise a few publicity things. However, they have to be done the way I’d do them, not the big and fancy stuff others will do. So no big stand, right!”

The result of that conversation is James climbing into the back of the burned out RFS ute he rebuilt. He has a microphone in his hand which uses radio to reach the several large speakers set about the park. Grinning, he turns it on and says, “OK, everyone. Please turn to face the pool complex.” They turn toward him. “Good, now if you’ll all keep quiet and pay attention for a few minutes we can get all the speechifying out of the way then we can get stuck into the food and drinks then the kids can play games. I’m sorry, but my campaign manager says I have to give a political speech so we can write all this off as part of my campaign, so listen up for a moment. I’m sure many of you know I’m running for the local shire council this year, if you didn’t, you do now. I’m not going to make a lot of promises about doing this or that yet, mainly because I don’t know what does and doesn’t need to be done yet. Once elected I’ll have the access to all of the information I need and I’ll make decisions on the issues then. I do promise to do the best job I can and to do my best to see we get the best return for the money spent by the council. I won’t be the only one on the shire council so I can’t promise to do things, just to fight for them to the best of my ability. Please vote for me. Now, I believe that speech is long enough to qualify as a campaign speech, so you can now rush the food tables before the smell gets to be too much.”

The crowd laughs while they move toward the long line of food tables to the side as James climbs down from the ute. In minutes there are orderly queues of people at the food tables and James is having a word with many people while he wanders through the large crowd of people present. At each table of food and drinks is a bucket with a sign saying, ‘Donations for Jim Cowley’s campaign, please don’t put in any money unless you can truly afford to.’ Some smile and drop a few coins in, some pass by without adding to the buckets, but that’s as expected as James made a point of inviting a lot of people who are a bit short of money and he made a point of telling them not to donate.

The large crowd enjoys the food and the children enjoy the many games and activities set up in the park; including a range of jumping castles, face painting, various rides, even horse and donkey rides.

Jenny made a point of over-catering for the lunch, but she’s surprised about how little food is left after the day is over and everyone is on their way home about four thirty in the afternoon. She turns to James, “Jim, they sure were a hungry lot!”

He laughs, “You didn’t take a good look at them, did you!” She shakes her head no. “I figure we had about five hundred or so extras in for a feed. A lot of passing tourists pulled up and asked what was up. I told them to join in and enjoy themselves. Also, a lot of the Rivers locals called by to talk to me and I sent them over to get a bite too.”

That night the news is full of James’ campaign launch. The local television news is typical when the announcer reads:

Six months ago the nominations opened for the upcoming local government elections. Local farmer and RFS Commander James Cowley stood for the Bowen’s Creek Shire Council. While all of the other candidates have been on the campaign trail for months the news from James has been quiet until lunchtime today when he had a campaign launch picnic in the park beside the Rivers pool complex. He gave one quick short speech and told everyone to have fun. Many people passing by were also invited to join in.

They show a video clip of his full speech.

After his short speech I spoke with Mister Cowley about why he left his campaign so late. He said, “Jenny is my campaign manager and she waited until our Tom was able to help her with professional advice. He’s home for four weeks to help her out.” Tom Cowley is James’ eldest child and also the campaign manager for Senator Murphy of the Rivers Region, one of our most vocal federal representatives. I don’t know how well James will do in the election or how his short campaign will go with the voters, but those in the park today all said they’ll vote for him. Like any campaign activity they had out buckets for campaign donation, but these ones had signs asking people not to donate unless they can really afford to do without the money. I even saw James stop a couple of people from putting money in while telling them to see to their family first. So it’s clear he puts the people first.

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Mopping at the sweat and dust on his face, Pete looked up into the hard, bright late morning sky. "Damn," he thought, "this ain't going to cut it today. Fuck the damn farm! When a guy don't feel right, he don't feel right. Should of stayed home from the office yesterday. But no-o-o, old mister tough nuts won't let a frigging cold keep him from the job. Damn it to hell! But there's nothing that HAS to be done this weekend. And I can leave the goddamn tractor out here overnight. Won't be...

1 year ago
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Farmer And Drifter

I live in a remote area of the U.S. and there's really not much to do but, work. I live on a small farm alone where I have a few animals and grow some veggies (some are special). I made alot of money investing awhile back. My nearest neighber is about 15 miles down the way. Living here does get lonely, so what I do is alot of wackin and such. I really like to eat cum for some reason there's nothing that turns me on more. I like to get up some days and do nothing but, get crazy with myself. Get...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Itefaq Se Choda

Bhabhi ko itefaq se choda.. Rohan gupta. () Hi, ISS readers, i m a regular reader of ISS and now i want to share my sex experience with u. This my first experience to post a story on ISS so please ignore all my faults. This story is between me and my babhi. Let me introduce myself first. I am a young handsome boy from Punjab. Having a dick of 6.5 inches long and 2.5 inches thick. Lets start the strory in our own desi language. Ye kahani mere or meri bhabhi ke bich main hai. Main apne gharwalon...

1 year ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 25 Classic Girl

My unexpected grumpiness from the morning mostly dissipated after Heather pulled into the driveway. Julie and I were to meet at the coffee shop in town after lunch. Heather was very glad to be able to spend some time with Lara. Almost too glad, I thought. Despite some lingering apprehension about what they might discuss, I decided to let things happen as they might. The morning was low key, but satisfying. Lara, Heather and I played some board games and listened to music, before the girls...

3 years ago
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Daughter in need

“იყო და არა იყო რა”(There was and there was nothing) It was one of the Summers hottest days. On those days on which you would be able to make fried eggs on the road. I was standing at the bay window chilling inside the house thought came in my mind “who on the right mind would be outside in that heat?.” That was when my eyes spotted the who. The who was my own daughter sun bathing in the backyard, at the side of the pool. Having nothing to do, and being only us at home for that day, I wanted...

2 years ago
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Whine With Dinner aka Just Desserts

"Whine With Dinner" a.k.a. "Just Desserts" Grant Wellsley and his wife Editha had been seated at their usual table near the center of the elegant and expensive downtown New York restaurant. They had ordered their drinks, selected their dinner and were now relaxing. They had been out on the town and had been to the early show of one of the top plays on Broadway. Now, it was dinner and drinks to end the luxurious evening. The club owner entered the room to talk to the maitre'd as a...

3 years ago
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Andha kya chaahe

Hi readers remember me na? Thanx yaad rakhne ke liye well jo mujhe nahi jante toh main aapko batata hun mera naam Sanjay hai or main Mumbai me rehta hun,I’m 40+ yrs old hight 5.7 Gym body. Aur mere lund ka size 7.5 inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota hai. Main aapko aapni story batata hun. Ye tab ki baat hai jab mai engineering ke final year me tha. Hum log ek bahot hee ‘closed knit’ family the. Door door ke rishtedaar winter ki chhuttiyon mein saath ho jate the kucch dinon ke liye. Mein apne cousin...

1 year ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 8

“Josey, we’re getting hungry. Let’s go get Mother to cook us some breakfast. I know she’d like to give you some more pussy too, that is if she’s not too sore from that last fucking you gave her,” Mirra told me as we sat naked on my tailgate and talked. “OH YES, I’d love to see Josey fuck Miss Willie with both of them naked so we can see it all,” Alexa said. “Hell Yeah, and Josey is out of fucking rubbers so he’ll have to fuck her and shoot cum in her pussy. Let’s go, Josey, we want to see...

3 years ago
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Bhaiya Ke Kaam Aa Gayi

Hi friends, mera naam Puja Kaur hai aur main Punjab ki rehne wali hu. Mere ghar mein mummy papa, chacha chachi, taya (bade papa) tayi (badi mummy) sath mil kar rehte hai. Mere bade papa ke 2 ladke hai jinme se ek Delhi rehta hai aur ek Mumbai rehta hai. Dono wahan par job karte hai. Chacha ke 1 ladka aur ek ladki hai jo ki abhi school mein padhte hai. Aur mere mummy papa ke bhi 2 bache hai – badi main aur mujhse chota mera bhai. To friends ye story tab ki hai jab maine apni 12th complete kar...

3 years ago
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Stud MakerChapter 3 Our friend Freud

That first afternoon had passed with Iris showing me over the rest of the old house. It was originally Georgian with pieces added over time. The cosy flagstone kitchen was adjacent to the comfortable living room having a lovely French bay opening onto the pretty patio garden. It was choc-full of character; once, even an old family ghost had appeared. Upstairs had creaky corridors leading off to various bedrooms and bathrooms. The room Iris had prepared for me was on the left wing over the...

3 years ago
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English Oral

Elizabeth is a young woman, age 18 with deep blue eyes. Her dark brown hair is soft and silky, much like velvet. Her skin is pale white; her face has a slight blush applied to it. She has her hair up in a bun; loose strands cling to her neck. She is dressed in a black T-Shirt that has a gothic Hello Kitty in the lower right corner. Her dress is simple red dress, with frills on the bottom; her shoes are small with black and white patches all over it. Elizabeth looks up at her teacher. He...

4 years ago
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Cheating Has ConsequencesChapter 2

It had been about 2 weeks since I caught Hannah trying to cheat her way through school and had my way with her. She had pretty much ignored me since. Which worked for me since the less she was around, the less mess there was around the house! I did catch her checking me out here and there when she was around. Normally I sleep in the nude so in the mornings, I just throw on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt and I had caught her more than once surreptitiously checking out my bulge. Damn those...

3 years ago
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A real woman called Rachel

Rachel's RewardGood karma comes to Rachel on her friends' honeymoon.“On behalf of my wife and myself…” It was a traditional opening gambit for a groom’s wedding speech and it caused everyone, Rachel included, to laugh and applaud. Reece could carry off even the corniest of lines with grace and charm. “I’d like to thank you all for being here to celebrate our special day,” he said, concluding the sentiment and drawing out another appreciative murmur. American and Brit guests alike were loving...

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Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 16

The weeks passed quickly and true to the physician's word, Vishi was showing by the second week and into maternity wear by the end of the third. Even though she was constantly reassured, she was still somewhat alarmed over the distention of her abdomen. Her belly protruded twice as far as normal. In fact on Earth, by appearance, she would have been thought ready to deliver by the end of the first month. And still her belly grew larger. She suffered no mourning sickness which was unknown...

4 years ago
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Mummy Ban Gayi Uncle Aunty Ki Slave

Hi, mera naam hai rohan singh.I am really new here.Iss ka story main bohut din se padh raha hu.Bohut din se soch raha tha mere life me hua sorty v share karu. Main ek software engineer hu or mumbai me ek mnc me job karta hu.Aj mera first story likh raha hu batana kaisa laga. Kuch saal pahle ki hai jab main college me tha. Ye story meri mummy ki hai jinka umar 40 saal ki hai.Smita singh naam h. Mummy bohut tall hai,fair hai, uska breast aur ass v bohut bada aur khubsurat hai. Mummy ko sab log...

3 years ago
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A Timely IntroductionChapter 2

After what had just happened, I was amused at the shyness Alicia and Mark displayed as the greeted each other. I decided to move the conversation along. “Mark, could you stand a beer?” “Sure” We had been in the hot tub for more than the recommended time already so we covered the tub and proceeded to the kitchen. Alicia led the way and when she bent over the lawn chair to pick up her clothes, she gave us premier look at her glistening vagina. I doubt she realized she was doing so and said...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Dani Blu Stepsister Finally Gives Him Pussy

Dani Blu is trying to get a quick shower in before work, but her stepbrother JMac is feeling extra horny today and can’t stop watching her. Her beautiful body getting nice and soapy turns him on so much that he secretly starts to jerk off. He gets caught and tries to play it cool. She was feeling horny today too, and she knows how badly he’s been trying to fuck her. She decides to finally let him hit. He jumps in the shower with her and she gives him an amazing blowjob before moving...

1 year ago
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A busy afternoon

Mr Walker stood behind me, pulled my g string to one side and plunged his cock straight into my willing pussy. I returned to the agency website on Wednesday evening to check emails. Tuesday's meeting with Alan had been somewhat successful. Although it had been my first job, I had handled it very well and was feeling a lot more confident . There were about twenty offers to be chosen from. I read through them carefully and deleted most of them. I selected a job for mid day on Thursday. Peter from...

Sex With Stranger
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Service SocietyChapter 16 Getting Gas

It was Thursday afternoon, and Dexter was still headed home from Nevada after retrieving his car. It was his intention to arrive at the apartment, early on Friday morning. Eric was covering the website, so Dexter didn’t have any worries, there. Ed Daimler had asked him to find three engineers to infiltrate Daimler Plastics, to find out what was really going on in the company. Somehow, the old man had managed to find a lawyer to draw up an agreement during dinner time. It was a rather...

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The Messenger of Pain

"THE MESSENGER OF PAIN" by Jay Merson (c) Copyright. Jay Merson. 2000. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this bookhas been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrightsand patents act 1988. This electronic book published originally by A1AdultEbooks and reproducedhere with permission of both author and publisher. Author Biography: Jay Merson is a prolific BDSM scene author, withsome 80+ titles to his credit covering a range of adult themes. ?The...

1 year ago
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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 2 Daya ka sarke pallu Bagha ne usse choda

Pichli mein aapne padha, ki kaise Jethalal aur Madhavi ne train ke luggage compartment mein maze se chudai kari. Ab thoda peeche chalte hai flashback mein. Sab log gaadiyon mein baith kar station ke liye nikalne waale the. Daya ne aaj yellow saree pehni thi, uske sath blouse bhi yellow hi tha. Uska blouse deep-cut tha, to uski mastani cleavage dikh rahi thi. Cleavage mein uska latakta hua mangalsutra dekh kar to kisi ka bhi mann dol sakta tha. Jab Jethalal client se milne chala gaya, to...

3 years ago
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The Price For Being A Bitch Chapter 3

This is a transcript of my chat with Darling_Bitch, a domme and one of my first friends when I graduated from romance novels to erotic lit. DB: I still don’t see why you’re going to such extreme measures, CumBunnyHoney. You can’t possibly deserve this. Me: Listen Darling, you wouldn’t know this because you haven’t experienced it, but let me tell you what marital sex is. You close your eyes and watch while your memory and your imagination project a porn video on the dark side of your eyelids and...

2 years ago
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Progression Ch 04 A Real Fitting

Nathan hung out with Jeff and his other flatmates for the day. He had been so focused on Ryan and Jack that it was nice to have a break and be normal for the day. They went to the pub for lunch and then watched some films. Before he knew it, the day was over, and everyone was heading to bed.The next morning Nathan woke up for work. He panicked, remembering tonight he was to meet Ryan and Jack again, but he wasn’t in his cage.Quickly he picked up his cage and went into the bathroom for his...

4 years ago
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Wife wants and gets a Bigger Cock Chasity

I fell in love and married Julie, my beautiful wife who is now 31, and who is beautiful and charming in every way. She has a very sexy body, great legs and long reddish-brown hair. Our sex life has always been good as Julie is very passionate. After a year of marriage, I rekindled my intense fascination in chastity belts. The idea of being locked up sexually was always very exciting to me. Even when I was younger, I would take a short cardboard tube, put it over my penis and wear it under my...

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A story for my Daddy from his cum hungry slutty li

(another one written a while ago but figured it was time to share some more of my work. THis is over the age of consent and written as more Daddy/baby girl than i****t)Oh, daddy, I am so sorry I didn’t mean to be a bad girl but I made teacher call you this time before he punished me as you told me to, my pussy was on fire It needed to feel cool air daddy I couldn’t help it. You both agreed that I was a needy little slut who definitely should be punished. You gave sir our address and told him...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 70

Crow Ridge Tulsa, Indian Territory When Miranda first started teaching at the new school building in the fall of 1884, she started a tradition that she kept up as long as she taught school there. Each Friday after school classes ended, she and Grandmother would move the desks and tables back to the sides of the one room school building and teach dance steps to the students. They had an arrangement with Bill and Jack Robertson to come to the schoolhouse and play music while they taught the...

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Be gentle with Hanna folks

This is her very first time. “I’ve never been in a nude magazine layout before,” the statuesque beauty discloses. “I hope the readers like me.” With her country-girl looks and winning smile (not to mention legs that don’t quit and a pair of massive mammaries), she’s sure to be a HUSTLER favorite. Speaking of Hanna’s hills, are they real? “They sure are,” the newcomer insists. “I swear. I guess things just grow bigger in Indiana.” Now that she has an explicit spread under her belt, Hanna is...

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GirlsWhoLie Amber Chase Pay To Play

Amber Chase thinks she can pull a fast one on her personal trainer by calling him an accountability buddy instead of a professional trainer. When the trainer calls her on her missed payments, she starts pulling her shirt down to pop out her big boobs. The trainer protests, but Amber is convinced that she can fuck her way out of paying him. Grabbing his hand, she rubs it against her hard nipples and then slides it lower. Dropping to her knees, Amber pulls out her trainer’s dick and lets...

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Night at the club leads to so much more

My girlfriend Paula and I went out to a club with another couple, Anita and Jeff, and another friend Jules (for Julie). Jules was joking all night that she was our fifth wheel. Jeff drove and got completely hammered very quickly. I told Paula that we would take a cab home as Jeff refused to give anyone else his keys. Anita and Jules decided to ride in the cab with us. So Jeff went to use the bathroom, and we left. Soon after getting in the cab we found out how expensive it would be for us to...

1 year ago
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9 into 1 The Destruction Of A Bitch Pt1

The evening had been planned for months the final of a major tournament with a few drinks and the usual company we had been friends for a long time but did live in each others pockets and got together about once every couple of months. We had gathered at Marks house a 41 year old who was the only single one in the group. After a BBQ in the garden we watched the football in the huge TV/games room it is the best man cave I have ever been in decked out with a pool table, pinball and arcade...

2 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 3 The Meeting

June came down the stairs to find her sister sitting on the living room sifting through pictures and her stomach turned with worry. “That was quick.” Autumn said when saw June enter. “Did you bring your panties?” “Yes’.” June uttered as she held them out for Autumn to see. “You’re not wearing any, are you? Lift your dress and show me.” June lifted her dress and held it open.” “What are you doing?” June asked “You can put your dress back down and come sit next to me. I want you to pick...

3 years ago
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Bernadette Love at first sightChapter 5 And Mother made Three

"Bernie, what are you doing? Let's get dressed first at least." I think she had forgotten we were both nude. I heard Belle running up the stairs so it was too late anyway. Bernie pulled the quilt from the bed and wrapped it round her and me? Well there was nothing Belle hadn't already seen! She knocked at the door and Bernie opened it and pulled Belle in by the hand. Seeing Bernie's upset face Belle shot a glance at me and I shrugged. "Why the hell did you have to do that? And don't...

4 years ago
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A chaste slave

This all happened a few years ago, and sometimes I still am amazed that all happened. While I had been experienced with sex, even kinky types of sex, when this happened I was quite shocked, although the shock was of course pleasant… But I am getting ahead of myself. I guess I should give an introduction to myself. I am a middle-class, suburban guy with a boring job. Sexually, I am pretty normal…by 21st century standards. I’ve done some adventurous stuff, but a typical weekend of mine is more...

4 years ago
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Gina the 55 year old submissive

Chapter 1 Jeff was smoking a joint as a fifty year old blonde with large tits with a bit of a sag sucked on his 10 inch prick. He was casually watching a video where this 20 year old guy was dominating two ladies in their fifties. Tonight he was gonna do that , so he was watching to get some ideas. As his mom Sharon kept sucking his dick , he called out to his stepdad to get him a beer . Philip like Bill (Gina's husband ) was now also a cuckold and only got off by watching his wife...

1 year ago
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Away for the Summer Part VIII

Away for the Summer, Part VIII by Forsythe This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Please read Parts I through VII before continuing. Further edited versions to the segments of this tale may be found on my Deviant Art account: http://stipanow.deviantart.com/ Sally had a hard time sleeping that night, as she tossed and turned trying to decide her best options for telling Joe some version of the truth that would also prevent the revelation from undoing part or all of the work...

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EroticaX Ana Foxxx Chanell Heart The Perfect Threesome

Ana has tried threesomes before, but has always felt left out, the third wheel. So when her boyfriend suggested they try something adventurous with their sex life, she said she would love to, but she had to be a serious part of it from the very beginning. He said he had to problem with that. And, she had the perfect third person in mind–her best friend from high school whom she’d kind of had a thing for anyway, but never expressed her desire to dig her salivating tongue into some...

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Claires Mistake From CFO to Piggy Part 4

Looking down at Claire, I laughed at how stupid and degraded she looked. "What a dirty fucking whore," I said. "You know, ladies and gentlemen, I think she's more like a pig than a dog or a cat, don't you?" The audience standing around watching Claire's continuing abasement laughed and nodded their agreement."Yeah", chortled a guy wearing a dinner jacket, "A dirty fucking cum pig. That's what she is. What are you, whore?""A c…cump…ig, sir," mumbled Claire, blushing with shame.Christina pushed...

3 years ago
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Pete and Amy Part 32 Little Dolly Lexa February 10th 2017

Note: This is Part 2 of my third time hanging out with Pete and Amy for intimate fun. We’ve had lunch several times since we met in mid-January, but our schedules have only allowed us to hang out for sexual reasons twice since I met them at the bar. This original plan for this night was entirely different and started out that way but during a break in the action, I was given an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I’d been interested in Dollification for quite some time but every time I met...

2 years ago
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Diary of a Broken Heart

…or ‘Amazing weeks in the Fall ’09’. Why two titles for the post? Right now it’s the former but I know myself well enough to recognize in a few more days or maybe weeks it will be called the later. This is a little therapeutic for me so I hope some of you pretty girls don’t mind if I publish a little story. Maybe you might like it and if you do I hope you’ll let me know that you want more? Maybe you can help me get over this little thing that I’m writing about? First allow me to introduce...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 59

Being intentionally awake after midnight felt utterly alien to Cassie. She lay on her bed with her arms wrapped around herself, the dark stillness like a foreign dimension. At night, she felt far more at home in the dreamverse than anywhere else. She was not frightened of the dark; she felt out of place, as if the physical constants of reality were just slightly off. She uttered a husky sigh as she resisted the urge to squirm. Her pussy ached and oozed, and the heat within its folds felt...

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All happened three years back at my uncle’ house. I was at that time 18 years old. My name is Karan. My mami is 36 years old and we all call her by Tulsi. She has never been to a high school and had no big experience on sex as my uncle most of the time he is not at home busy working in the fields. She was almost an idiot in that topic and was not aware about these things.I was on holiday and I planned to stay at my uncle house as it was close to the jungle having mountains and rivers close by....

4 years ago
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Aatmakatha 8211 Part IV

Jan 2009: Mere semester exams khatm ho chuke the.aur is bich around ek month tak mere aur vishal ke bich sex nahi hua tha.first sex ke baad agle d0 hafto me mai vishal se 4 baar usi ghar me mil chuki thi.exams khatm hone ke baad wo mujhe fir se usi ghar me bulane laga aur kabhi kabhi kuch din usi ke sath rahne ke liye kahta.par mai ne usse boli ke mai ghar par kaise explain karungi.par fir bhi wo zid pakde huye tha.is bich mai bahot baar usi ghar me gayi.mai normally last ke 2 ya 3 lectures...

2 years ago
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An American Prayer

Is everybody in?Is everybody in?Is everybody in?The ceremony is about to begin.Wake up!You can't remember where it wasHad this dream stopped?AwakeShake dreams from your hair, my pretty c***d, my sweet oneChoose the day, choose the sign of your day, the day's divinity,First thing you see.A vast radiant beach and cool jeweled moonCouples naked race down by its quiet sideAnd we laugh like soft, mad c***dren,Smug in the woolly cotton brains of infancy.The music and voices with all around us.Choose,...

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sortie dautoroute

comme souvent je me rend le soir au bois de chez moi à la recherche d'homme pour me sucer la queue.ce soir la il pleuvait, je me doutais que je n'allais pas croiser grand monde voir personne mais j'ai quand même décidé de m'y rendre.une voiture était garée. je m'y rends à la rencontre de l'homme qui y était. je lui demande alors ce qu'il cherche et il me réponds qu'il a déjà fait son affaire.heureusement pour moi, au même moment une autre voiture arrive. je me dirige vers elle. un homme d'une...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 361

Sunday morning while we were doing breakfast and taking care of babies, we had the TV morning talk shows on. The independent debate was the talk of the morning; the ratings were the best of all the debates to date, even better than the party-run debates. ZNN Sunday Morning analyzed every question and every response, even down to the facial expressions. Then they analyzed the questions as groups trying to see if the moderators were biased or playing favoritism to either of the individual...

3 years ago
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Taking The New Toy For a Spin Part II

I only let the toy run for a few seconds and then hit the button. Lynn continued her walk to the restroom. The guys at the table turned and watched her walk all the way. As soon as she entered the restroom they all started comments. They were speaking Spanish so I didn’t understand most of it. But I heard “Puta” “mujer caliente” and “fuck en al asno.” After a few minutes Lynn emerged from the restroom. The Mexican construction workers all turned to look. I was close enough to see the view...

1 year ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 27

It was almost two weeks later before Ryan could find a night clear of hockey and basketball games, not to mention a time where she had no rehearsal scheduled. As they rode out to Chantilly in his car, and the weather was gray and damp, typical of early February. Brody glanced over at Ryan as she stared out the window and fidgeted, tapping her foot on the floor. "You're not one of those people that steps on imaginary brakes, are you?" he asked. "What?" She looked over at him, confused. He smiled...

Love Stories
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DaddyChapter 3

“It certainly looks like they fucked each other last night,” the first voice said. “They’re both naked ... I hope so,” the second said, waking me up. “Good morning, Daddy,” they said together. “It’s 9:30 in the morning. Get dressed and let’s go,” Sarah said. “Do we need to start calling Delia, Mommy?” Anne remarked with a giggle. “No,” the voice came from under the covers next to me. “Just because we love one another, doesn’t mean anything has to change. Leave, we’ll see you by the car in...

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He Fooled His Best Friends Wife

At the sound of an unfamiliar car engine rumbling into the driveway, a puzzled Jennifer stood up and walked to the window to identify the source of the noise. Surely Dave hadn't bought yet another car? Being married to a confirmed petrol-head had some advantages, such as always having an exciting motor-car to ride around in, but it also had some disadvantages, such as their garden, garage and often the kitchen filled with oily rags, oil, tools and various s**ttered automobile parts, strange...

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