- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
‘Laclede’s Landing?’ It was more of a statement than a question. ‘Remember when we used to come here…’ Camille stopped, not wanting to dredge up those memories of happier times.
‘Yeah, I remember,’ he smiled, a wistful light dancing in his eyes. ‘I loved to dance with you.’
She felt the heated blush that suffused her skin at the way his arms used to hold her close, their bodies swaying to the soft bluesy sounds of the bands that played in that other life. When they’d danced together the entire world around them would disappear, leaving only their two bodies touching and their two hearts beating together.
Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to the scene outside her window. It was late and the streets were alive with people. It was closing time for the myriad of pubs in St. Louis’ ‘party’ district. Crowds flowed from open doors to spill into the streets, laughing faces and listing bodies staggering about, blissfully unaware of the evil that Niko had been fighting.
‘Camille,’ Niko said slowly, his voice holding a note of warning. ‘Try to keep your head down. You’re a striking woman and easy to recognize. I should’ve taken Eades Bridge. It’s a mess down here this time of night.’
The car rolled slowly along the ancient, brick-paved streets, stopping often for the people that wandered off the sidewalks, and for the cars in the opposite lanes of the narrow roadways. Camille could see that Niko was anxious, glancing about with a forbidding expression on his face.
‘Why are we here?’
‘I need to see if Olan left me a message. There’s a place we use over on Broadway,’ he answered as he gratefully turned right onto Washington. He followed the street to Broadway, turning right again.
Camille watched the skyline as the towering Gateway Arch grew larger, looming over the city, the silvery structure a graceful, curving brilliance in the night. She had always loved this city. They’d spent many happy weekends here, shopping, dining, seeking entertainment. She’d been back only once since Niko had disappeared, the memories of his smiling face and glittering black eyes sending her home in abject loneliness, never to return.
She looked at the man who was once her Niko, seeing the set of his jaw and the darkness of his expression. He’d never been like that in those days, always smiled when she’d looked at him, always ready to wrap his arms around her, kiss her…
Shaking her head, Camille tried to get her mind off the subject of his arms and lips. I’m getting married soon, to… she thought, her mind searching but failing to come up with the man’s name. What’s the matter with me?
‘What’s wrong?’ Niko could see the agitation she was feeling etched on her face.
‘Nothing,’ she snapped, wanting to kick herself. ‘How much farther?’
‘Just a couple blocks. When we stop I want you to stay close to me, understand?’
She nodded, not wanting to look at him. The car pulled to a stop in a small lot next to a brown building. The sign on the front said ‘The UPS Store,’ their visit giving Camille pause to wonder. When they got out of the car into the mid-summer night air, she stayed by Niko’s side, as he’d told her, glancing back over her shoulder from time to time.
‘You got me doing it now,’ she muttered when they reached the front of the building.
‘What’s that?’ he said.
Camille was about to tell him how she’d been reduced to his paranoid delusions when she saw the look on his face. His eyes had hardened, his hand hanging in the air where he’d been about to take hold of the door handle. A curse hissed from his lips at a small smear of blood on the door’s glass.
‘What is it?’ she asked, sudden alarm freezing her heart.
‘Nothing, I hope.’
Pulling the door open cautiously, Niko wrapped his fingers around her upper arm while he inspected brown spots that looked like drops of liquid rust on the sidewalk and the floor inside. He pulled her along, glancing around, finding the place deserted.
The walls of the interior were lined with rows upon rows of small, locked metal mailboxes. It was one of those places where you could have your mail delivered and then pick it up at whatever time of day suited best. The silence inside was eerie, too quiet for Camille’s comfort.
Glancing over his shoulder again, he guided her along one of the walls. There was a large, bloody handprint on the door of one of the boxes, another smear angling along the wall. Niko wasted little time in pulling out his leather lock case and extracting a small key ring. It held several small keys, all looking to fit locks such as those found on these boxes. Selecting one of the gleaming keys, he slipped it into the lock of the bloody door, opening it to pull out a stained wad of paper and a cell phone.
‘Where’d all this blood come from?’ Camille whispered as she saw her husband smoothing the paper open.
‘Fuck. We gotta go, now!’
He slammed the small door shut, locking it and pulling the key out. Seizing her arm in his rough grasp and stuffing the bloody scrap of paper and the cell phone into his pocket, he dragged her to the exit, peering through the glass before shoving the door open. Camille had to run to keep up as his long legs stretched out, eating the ground under them. He all but threw her into the car when they reached it, slamming the door hard before jogging around the vehicle to take his place behind the wheel.
‘What the hell is going on?’ she demanded.
Niko fired the engine and jammed the shifter into gear, gunning the engine hard. ‘Change of plans.’
‘Where are we going now?’
‘We have to get out of the city. Sorry, babe. Doesn’t look like you’ll be getting that shower after all.’
‘I don’t care about that. What’s happening?’
Niko didn’t answer, a small muscle twitching in his clenched jaw. His knuckles had turned white on the wheel again, and for a minute, Camille thought he would tear it from the steering column. Without thinking, she reached out, placed her hand over his in a gesture of concern.
‘What happened, Niko?’ she asked, her voice soft.
He turned his hand, capturing her fingers in his, bringing them to his lips before looking at her. The concern in her blue eyes reminded him of the love she once bore for him. He remembered all the times that he thought he could happily drown in the liquid depths of her gaze, just as he was thinking now. It took all his will power not to pull over, take her into his arms and lose himself in her body.
‘Some goons waiting for us at the safe house,’ he said, focusing his attention back on the road, releasing her hand. ‘Olan said they must have followed him.’
‘Where’d all the blood come from?’
‘Olan,’ he ground out. ‘He’s been shot.’
‘Shot? Dear God. Where is he? Is he in a hospital?’
‘No. No hospitals. He’ll be holed up somewhere.’
Niko pulled the cell phone from the pocket of his jeans as soon as they reached the freeway that would speed them to the edge of the city. Narrowly missing a merging vehicle that swerved in front of him, he dialed the only number in the phone’s contact list. It rang several times before he heard a weak voice answer.
‘How bad is it?’ Niko barked into the receiver.
He was silent for a few moments while he listened to the voice on the other end. Without another word he disconnected, taking the next exit off the highway.
‘We need to find a pharmacy,’ he told Camille.
‘How bad?’ she whispered, fear showing in the eyes that she turned to him.
‘Bad enough. He took a bullet in the shoulder, lost a lot of blood.’
‘Where is he?’
‘He found a barn where he could lay low. Says that it looks abandoned.’
‘Oh, that’s sanitary,’ she smirked, rolling her eyes.
‘Sometimes we have to make do, Camille.’
‘There,’ she blurted after a few minutes, pointing in
the direction of a brightly lit building at the corner of Jefferson Barracks Drive and Telegraph Road.
Once in the parking lot, Niko pulled her up close, bending close to her ear. ‘When we go in here just keep your head down. Smile and don’t look too directly at anyone. Steer clear of the security cameras, if you can.’
She nodded, forcing a smile to her lips when she walked through the automatic doors. Feeling suddenly vulnerable under the bright lights, she stayed close to him as they picked their way through the aisles, tossing the items they needed into a shopping cart.
‘Where’re you going?’ he hissed as she pushed the cart away from the first aid isles.
‘We’ll need sterile water,’ she whispered back.
Leading the way, Camille selected several gallons of distilled water, towels, soap, and other toiletries. Just for good measure, she also grabbed a package of men’s t-shirts and a couple of blankets as well as some underwear for herself. At least she would be able to change into clean undies if she couldn’t have a bath. At the last minute, she grabbed a bottle of vinegar, ignoring his quizzical expression.
‘What’s that for?’ he asked.
‘It’s an ancient remedy for treating wounds. My grandmother used to use it.’ Then she turned to Niko, a thought striking her. ‘Do you have enough money to pay for all this?’ she asked, not wanting to cause him any difficulty.
He grinned, thinking, It’s just like her to worry about money at a time like this. ‘Yes, agapi mou,’ he whispered, sliding one large hand down her arm. ‘I have enough.’
A shiver coursed through her at the touch of his hand on her skin. Closing her eyes, she pulled away, wondering why he had that effect on her. ‘Okay,’ she said, her voice breathy. ‘I think we have everything we’ll need. Let’s get out of here.’
In the next moment, she was caught up in the fire of his black opal eyes. It was odd that she had forgotten how beautiful they were, the way the light caught all the colors of the rainbow in their depths when he looked at her like that. Giving herself a mental shake, she accepted the cash that he handed her, taking it and their purchases to the cashier.
‘Wait for me by the door after you pay,’ he told her. ‘I’m going to go talk to the pharmacist.’
She approached the cashier, smiling, but keeping her eyes down as much as possible. When the woman ringing up the purchases gave her a quizzical look at the amount of medical supplies on the counter, Camille flashed her a friendly smile.
‘My grandfather’s getting out of the hospital in the morning. He had surgery. I’m told I have to change his dressings every few hours. I hope I got enough.’
‘This ought to do it,’ the woman quipped.
Camille waited by the door with a shopping cart full of their purchases, growing impatient and more nervous by the minute. By the time Niko finally joined her she was ready to climb out of her skin. He walked up to her, shoving something in his pocket and reaching for her arm.
‘Let’s go,’ he whispered, guiding her out the door as she pushed the cart.
Niko had her get into the car before he put their packages in the backseat, watching the area around them the entire time. While he was loading the car, Camille reached across the seat to slip the key in the ignition and fire the engine. He had barely gotten behind the wheel when he slammed the car in gear and backed out of their parking slot, leaving the cart in the middle of the lot. Without bothering to stop for the sake of safety, he drove the car onto the street, forcing himself to maintain a normal speed.
‘My God, I’m a nervous wreck,’ Camille stated, clutching the edge of the seat.
Niko reached over, covered her hand with his, entwining their fingers gently. ‘I’m really sorry, baby.’
There was a sudden lump in her throat, clogging her airway and making it difficult to speak. The gentleness in his touch, the tenderness in his voice reached her heart, reminded her of times past, when she had depended on him for the love and comfort he had given her. She gave his hand a squeeze, the only response she could give at the moment.
They’d only gone a few blocks when Niko jerked his hand away from hers, barking at her to buckle her seatbelt. He veered around a corner so fast Camille feared the vehicle would flip over as her body was slammed against the door. His jaw was ominously tight, his dark eyes glittering with steely determination as he glanced in the mirror at the traffic behind them.
‘What is it?’ she demanded as she pulled the belt around, snapping it into the metal clasp.
‘We picked up a tail,’ he said, still watching the mirror.
‘Are you sure?’
He took the next intersection, gunning the engine and speeding through a red light, narrowly missing the cross traffic. Camille glanced over her shoulder in time to see a black sedan with screeching tires slide sideways into another vehicle. The sedan was on the move again, veering around the pile of twisted metal and plastic it left in its wake and gaining on them fast.
‘What do we do now?’ Camille’s voice squeaked.
‘Just hang on, babe. I’ll get us out of this.’
The Taurus slid sideways, Niko cranking the wheel over hard with the brake pedal hitting the floor. In the next instant the tires were squealing under sudden acceleration as they drove into a narrow alleyway between two brick buildings. The car was moving so fast that the tires left the rough pavement several times. Camille had the impression of flying out of control as she shut her eyes against the fear of careening into the walls that flanked both sides.
She opened her eyes as the car traveled into oncoming traffic when it left the alley at racing speed. Other vehicles came to a screeching halt, barely missing the Taurus. Niko gave the wheel a spin, sending them swerving, dodging the other cars and trucks before fishtailing around the next corner.
Camille was hard-pressed to keep her body from sliding from under the belt. She had one foot braced against the dash and one arm against the door. Gritting her teeth was the only way of stifling the screams that wanted to be set free. The car skidded around another corner before pulling into a car sales lot.
Niko cut the engine and killed the lights, grabbing Camille’s head to pull her down against the seat, his body covering hers. Camille gasped for breath around the seatbelt that pressed against her throat, could feel the fast, steady pace of Niko’s heart against the back of her head. He raised above her for a moment, peering out the windshield before settling back over her.
She felt his hand move, felt the seat belt come loose when he unlatched it, releasing her constricted throat. ‘Is the coast clear?’ she whispered, afraid to move.
‘Then why the hell are you still on top of me?’
She could feel the chuckle that rumbled in his chest before hearing the sound of it. Bringing her head up hard, she connected with his breastbone, feeling gratified at the sound of his painful grunt.
‘Get off me,’ she muttered as she pulled herself free. ‘Idiot.’
‘Hey, can I help it if I like the way you feel against me? It’s not like you’re offering me hugs or anything. I have to take what I can get.’
‘Taking advantage of me when I’m terrified hardly endears you to me, Niko.’
His grin made him look like his former self, that man that she had loved so long ago. Then his face sobered, a serious light in his eyes. ‘I’ll never let anything happen to you, I swear. I’ll keep you safe, agapi.’
He gazed at her, his eyes so intense she could almost feel the heat behind them. She opened her mouth to speak only to be swept up as his arms closed around her, dragging her against his body. His face buried against her neck, his breath tickling the fine hairs on her skin, he murmured his promise again.
‘I’ll do whatever I have to, Camille, to protect you. Please beli
eve that.’
‘I believe you, Niko.’
He raised his head, looking at her face, studying her as if she were a fine piece of art. She thought at that moment that he would kiss her, would let that fire that burned behind his eyes get the better of him, but he didn’t. He released her suddenly, pushing her back to her side of the car before starting the engine once again.
Camille was unsure if she was glad he’d controlled himself or disappointed. As they drove through the city streets, she found herself watching everything intently, searching for evildoers in every dark-colored vehicle she saw. Feeling as if her body was betraying her, she could still feel his arms around her, his breath against her skin.
‘Is this what it’s been like for you all these years?’ she whispered, not daring to look at him.
‘You mean dodging mercenaries and criminals? Yeah, mostly. Sometimes they were dodging me.’
Thinking of his life, constantly on the run and looking over his shoulder, gave her a shudder. Looking at him now, seeing the tension in his face and frame, she experienced a wave of sorrow and concern. ‘It must’ve been so hard, Niko. I’m sorry for what you’ve been through.’
The backs of his knuckles grazed the side of her face in a touch so tender she almost melted under it. ‘I’d go through it all over again if it’d win you back.’
She took hold of his hand, pulling it from her face. ‘I… Niko…’ she whispered. ‘I wish…’
‘I know, baby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t’ve said it.’
‘I cried for you. I cried every night. I went for days without sleep and then I’d dream about you walking through the door, just like you did last night. I went a little crazy for a while. No one could talk to me. I think Dad was ready to have me committed at one point. I just wanted you to come back.’
‘I tried, agapi mou, by the Virgin, I swear it. Every time I thought I was getting close, all hell would break loose again. I went a little crazy myself, I think.’ He turned to gaze at her, his eyes telling her what the years had cost him. Focusing his attention back to the dark city streets he added, ‘I was sorry when I heard about your dad. He was a good man. It must have been terrible, losing him and being alone like you were.’
‘It was hard. His heart just gave out. He was the only one who supported me, believed in me when I was trying to get answers about what happened to you. It was just too much for him.’
‘I wish I could’ve been there for you, Camille.’
‘It’s okay. It’s over now,’ she returned, rotating her head to look out the side window. ‘It was a long time ago.’
The car entered the highway, its occupants falling silent as Niko watched the surrounding vehicles for any suspicious signs. They followed 255 to 55 and took the south lane, heading out of town. Camille could see that Niko’s thoughts had turned to his friend, worried if the man would still be alive when they finally reached him.
‘Where is this barn?’ she asked, keeping her voice low.
‘South of St. Louis. It’ll take us a while to get there, an hour or so. Why don’t you try to get some rest?’
‘Fat chance. I couldn’t sleep now if you smacked my skull with a ball-peen hammer,’ she retorted, folding her arms across her chest.
‘Don’t tempt me,’ he chuckled.
‘I knew it. You really do want to do me in.’
Her statement startled him, causing his head to snap around. Then he caught the mischievous smile on her face, the merry twinkle in the brilliant blue of her eyes. The grin he returned was just as playful, a welcome departure from the tension of their current circumstances.
‘Hey, just who was beating the hell out of who last night? I’m the one with the battle wounds. Look what you did to my hand.’ He held up the offended appendage, the back of which was riddled with deep, angry furrows.
‘Serves you right,’ she snorted, swatting his arm back. ‘You almost smothered me.’
The smile disappeared from his face, replaced by the horror he’d felt when she’d fallen limp in his arms, her hands dropping flaccidly to her sides, her body convulsing softly against his. He’d feared that he’d killed her, as he’d lowered her to the floor, willing her to breathe.
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First, who has a mirror right there on the wall? Second, I don’t do this kind of thing. Third, I don’t even know his name. Kayla continued to tick off all the things wrong with her current situation. Do you want a blowjob? Who says that to a freshman in college? Who says that to any guy? Ever since the first blowjob, no man has ever refused. Kayla looked up at the mirror and saw the hard cock that was now inches in front of her face. It’s bigger than my entire head, Kayla...
He held all the girls and some of the guys with his romantic stories while the girls giggled and said how they wanted a guy like him to date them. Seeing that all the girls were crazily attracted to his charming personality i decided to slip out off the room and look around the rest of the house. I went upstairs and onto the balcony where I looked at the starry black sky. There was a telescope there and with nothing to do I looked through it. After some fiddling around with the knobs I...
This is the first ever story I have written and published on any site. All comments are welcome as they will help me with how I write future stories. As to if it is a true story or not, well, that is up for you and your imaginations to decide! I do hope you enjoy reading it! It was nearing 9pm when I walked up the path and knocked firmly on the front door of her home. I looked around, to see if there was anyone about, as I waited on her answering. I turned back as I heard the door unlock...
Episode 1 With your heart pounding and your hands shaking, you stand in an alleyway next to the bank. You’ve donned your supervillain uniform, you’ve prepared your lines, and you’re ready to go. You’ve even done up your neck-length, chestnut brown hair in bushy pigtails so you’re unrecognizable. But… is this really okay? The uniform you designed might not have been your best choice. The top is dark purple spandex, shaped like a halter top. It has no sleeves, no back save a single thin strip of...
TranssexualIntroduction:Two different species get intimate on a moon's colony - furry/non-human and human.Author’s note: Here’s a story for furry/non-human fans. All planets/moons/stars mentioned in the story are real – except the planet Gliese-H. I think this is a cute story. I had fun using my imagination. Chapter 1Ryan sat alone in the cafeteria eating a horrid combination of what he surmised to be thawed preprocessed food mixed with military rations. It was all the facility had. They might as well...
Old Wife's Tail-Part One-Fur Burgers and Pair o'Lies Juliette Lima You need not have read the previous chapter "Stupid Husband Tricks" but it helps. Suffice it to say the protagonist has been gifted with a nanotech device that controls the body, it can change shape and repair damage, it also communicates aurally and visually. But all this chat aside on with the story. Too often lore of yore was frail Dismissed as an "Old Wives' Tale" Our hero now will drift And receive a froward...
She wore no make up (not that she really needed any), her auburn hair was cut short that summer, very elegant and very practical for a young woman who like to do sports. She wore a decent gray skirt that hung loosely on her hips and that went to just below her knees. She wore white sneakers and pink socks. She also wore a plain white tee-shirt and an old denim jacket, because even though it was late June, it was not a warm day.She parked her bicycle up against hedge and then then she opened...
Copyright© 2003 It was my month to be a woman again. I get a couple of days warning as my penis shrinks and the testicles first recede, then gradually disappear up into my torso. My muscles and bony angles transform into soft feminine curves. The shoulders narrow and the hips swell. The breasts become puffy and sore, then start to grow. Padding accumulates around the upper thighs and butt. The final change is when the skin between my legs splits and the cavity opens. For the first...
We had the longest Indian summer that year. By the end of October we still had temperatures in the 70s in the afternoon, sunny day after sunny day. The kids had school, of course, and water polo practice, but we figured we'd keep the pool open maybe until Thanksgiving, even. This was California. We had no intention of actually heating the pool, not through the winter, but we decided we'd stretch it as far as we could. We'd had a quick conversation with Julie after she'd sent us that...
There were those who doubted the Union could win this war. The Galactic Council led and controlled by the Kermac, was a powerful entity, with hundreds of Thrall species, massive fleets and many millions of warriors. The Larkami were no exception, difficult to control but tremendous fighters. Ninsibfiv, the High Wizard of the Military himself had traveled to Lark, the homeworld of the Larkami to coordinate. He planned to use Larkami manned Kermac warships to counter-attack several Union...
Katherine was dressed and we were both sitting at the 1950's kitchen table drinking coffee. Katherine had regained her composure, fixed her make-up and hair, and she now looked much as she had when she first arrived. While the coffee was brewing I had suggested to Katherine that she phone her office and cancel any appointments she had for the rest of the day, which she did. "If I didn't have these feelings for you, which I still have by the way, and if I wasn't so certain that you're...
Just as Jeff and Jill showed up at my front door the three ladies from next door walked through my kitchen door. They were dressed to mesmerize any onlookers. Agnes and June had enough cleavage showing to capture any eyes roaming around. Sunshine had a short clingy dark blue dress with just thin strips of cloth holding it up. Her breasts were moving beneath the fabric highlighting her movements. The material was dark enough that it didn't show her firm nipples. Jill had a simple spaghetti...
The thought of Becky and Shelley engaging in ‘rascality’ had my demon spitting and screaming inside me. ‘You have no choice but to cut off his nugs. He has debauched your sister, and family honour demands you seek out the scoundrel and dispatch him.’ My demon was right, but there was scant chance of finding Shelley in Lincolnshire, where I was bound. Horse Guards had sent a letter to Lincoln Castle notifying the garrison commander of my imminent arrival. An escort would be dispatched to...
I had been staying at the guest house in Munich for four days, although from the amount of sperm stains on the sheets anyone might have been forgiven for thinking that it had been considerably longer. They weren't all mine. The longest had come from the beautiful young son of the landlady who sometimes made the bed and cleaned the room. On the second day of my stay I returned to my room after breakfast to find him standing over my bed and masturbating, obviously turned on by the sperm stains he...
MasturbationWhen i was younger living with my mom, before i started my black cock love. i had two bullies who would pick on me everyday. I didn’t know why picked on me but they were these two tall skinny black boys and i was this little white boy with a bit of a plumped butt. My mom was this curvy women who wore tight clothes all day. She usually wear tight black leggings and a thight shirt. Some nights she would go out and not come back until the next morning. One day i came home and asked my mom about it...
I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom. You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way....
IncestI sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom. You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the...
Babies and Dollies Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was walking around he house swaying, my swollen belly full of new life. I was ready to have the baby at any time and go back to normal. My breasts were full, also in anticipation of the baby. My feet were sore and my back ached and I had to use the bath all the time, even when the baby wasn't kicking my bladder. My husband could not help much, it was something all women go through when they are pregnant, which they...
I am a young woman, aged 22 from scandinavian country and now I am working here in some west/middle-african country near Sahara and Sahel deserts. My organization helps children to have better education and trying to teach child-caring to population which is living still old way, agrarian communities on country-side and with problems of street-children on bigger cities. At the same time I try to collect material to my graduation work. I am living on tiny camp between city and Sahel´s...
Introduction: A true story how I got new kinky way to keep fun How that all did start? I am a young woman, aged 22 from scandinavian country and now I am working here in some west/middle-african country near Sahara and Sahel deserts. My organization helps children to have better education and trying to teach child-caring to population which is living still old way, agrarian communities on country-side and with problems of street-children on bigger cities. At the same time I try to collect...
"Just what do you think you're doing?” Rick said to Ben. Ben started to run toward his grandma's house. Rick ran after him and caught him from behind. Rick threw him to the ground. "Leave me alone." Ben cried. "I don't think so." Rick said. Rick, Charlie, and Scott enjoyed picking on Ben. For the last three weeks they had bullied him. Nothing really mean or anything, just throwing him to the ground a few times, tearing his clothes a bit, pushing him around. Rick at 25 years of age was 6'3 and...
FetishLila was a skinny blonde high school senior with undersized breasts. She was an okay student but had very bad test anxiety. She tried her best and studied hard but no matter what she’d just freeze up during exams. She was nervous because she had big weekend plans but was about to get her most recent test back. She tried to think positively and hope she did well. She was so excited for the weekend. She was going to see Hi-Rize in concert with her best friend Samantha and then sleepover all she...
Tiffany/Cindy I Dave and Cindy had, ironically, met at a church function. Her husband, Tim, would often help out with the Youth Group because his younger brother, Dan, was a member, and Tim didn’t have much else to do on Sunday evenings. Dave was 16 when he and Cindy first met, and from the time that they’d met to the time that Dave had stopped going to the youth group about a year and a half later, he’d mostly had very little to do with Cindy. She was in her early 20’s, too old...
These days, I feel so damn tired of all the crap I’ve got to deal with. Life in Canada sucks, man. Brother Samuel here. I’m here for Grad School at Carleton University, having left my beloved city of Brockton, Massachusetts, far behind. I can’t stand the city of Ottawa, Ontario. The capital of Canada is as small as the minds of the men and women who inhabit it. If you think Americans are bigoted, wait till you meet Canadians. I feel that Canada is one of the most racist countries on the...
My wife had never been that much into sex but when in the mood I could fuck her arse and everything else except a blowjob but I was happy as I was getting 'regular' ass sex. My sex life took a massive upturn On New years eve last year this year when I got off with a friends daughter and still am servicing her as and when she is in her late teens and totally opposite built to that of my wife who is small and cuddly and my young friend is tall, slim and just a dirty cow. I arranged to go down my...
when you love a person you will do everyting to keep that person happy but when she stared to lie to me i had to let her go she would get mad at me because she be wanting to some were so she can get with me best friend and fuck him.
What goes around comes around as the saying goes, yet looking back, my thoughts at the time would have put my distant past behind me. I was adopted as a baby and brought up along with my sister (also adopted) by two very loving parents whom I naturally called Mum and Dad. They brought us up well and I never questioned my past or wondered who my birth parents were. It simply did not figure in my life. I was special because they chose me, was how my Mum put it. They were there at every step of...
Bigger Boobs, Butts, and Bellies All I said was, “Wow! You girls sure are big.” That’s when they turned on me and one replied, “You call us fat again and we’ll kick your fucking ass.” Quickly I apologized by saying, “Oh no! Sorry! I didn’t mean it that way. You see in my last school all of the girls were either anorexic, bulimic, or weighed less than a hundred pounds. You girls on the other hand have bigger boobs, butts, and bellies than I have ever seen before. I sure like the...
Introduction: A boy is tormented by his highschool bullies, as they dominate him in every aspect of his life. Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This author will not be held responsible if this work gets into the wrong hands. This story contains consensual but intimidating descriptions of sexual activity between boys and older people. Please write: [email protected] I would like to hear if you...
The categories pertain to the story as a whole and not each individual chapters Bullies Part 1. By Itsme When Larry arrived at the rear of the school, he found three boys from his school waiting there. He hadn't planned on meeting them. He didn't even know why he decided to go to the back of the school. He was just walking aimlessly and found himself at the rear of his high school. Classes wouldn't be starting for another fifteen minutes so there was no hurry to get to class....
I thought after my first day of school, that I wouldn’t have any more issues with bullies. Silly me, of course there would be others in school. The fact that I might get caught up with another was much more surprising. I am a placid type of person. I might have the skills to look after myself, but not much bothers me. So unless another stupid ape took a swing at me again for no reason, there shouldn’t be a reason why I would be involved. Also in the back of my mind was the suspension issue...
Kittens, Unlikely Allies My mother sat in her seat surrounded by her kittens and her Advisors as the Fang sped toward the Sol system and the tiny planet called Earth. If I didn't love being a girl so much I would have happily shed my skirts for rough trousers and leather armor. I hadn't been born a girl, but my mother had been the youngest of her sisters and no one had paid attention to her or her offspring since it was her oldest sister who was in line for the throne of Lyconia....
Sorkana's Rise, Training and Meeting Allies By: Malissa Madison Sorkana was looking over the latest supplies delivered from the Weyrs of Pern. Olinda was ticking everything off adding it to the list of stores as she directed where it was to go, calculated how much the items were worth so they could make proper restitution to those who had donated them. "What's this?" she asked of several crates sitting to the side. "Those were marked for R'nold,"...