Planet Of Mother And Son
- 4 years ago
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Adam and Thomas got a welcome surprise when they awoke to find the gleaming A3000 waiting for them only ten yards from their camp fire. Their inherited memories helped them identify immediately what it was and how to operate it.
"Yesss! Ben must have gathered enough material to manufacture it. This means that we can get back to the caves much quicker and without all the walking," said Thomas, clearly delighted that he was no longer going to have to expend all the effort walking home would have taken.
"Yeah, but there's something funny going on here. I don't like it! Why has he sent it for us? It just means that we'll be able to make him pay that much quicker for not telling us about Lillian. Why would he do that?" asked Adam hotly.
Thomas shrugged and began gathering his few belongings. He was just happy to avoid the long slog home and wasn't interested in questioning their good fortune.
"Maybe it's rigged so that we have an unfortunate accident on the way home," suggested Adam, still suspicious of Ben's motives.
"There's only one way to find out," replied Thomas, "door open."
The door of the A3000 swung open and Thomas climbed aboard. Adam hesitated a few moments, but then followed suit. Thomas ordered the doors to close and then mentally commanded the hover craft to head for the caves at its maximum speed.
The water twins slept late and then had another relaxing bathe in the stream before eating an early lunch and then packing up.
"If we make the same time as yesterday, we should be back at the caves just before the light gives out," said Ben.
"Have you checked on Adam and Thomas?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah, they're in the hover craft and speeding homewards. At the rate they seem to be going, they'll be at the caves before we are."
"I hope Adam has managed to get things out of his system. It would be nice to get back to everybody just working as a team to make life easier," said Sarah.
"Mhm," Ben agreed absently.
An idea had just popped into Ben's head and he was completely distracted. He was a pace or two behind Sarah as they walked, so she couldn't see the sudden look of excitement on his face.
Adam and Thomas didn't stop the A3000 to eat, but instead merely chewed on some cold meat as the little bubble vehicle sped through the countryside. They made excellent time and were back at the caves with almost an hour of daylight still remaining.
As the hover craft slowed and came to a halt outside the caves, there were exclamations of joy from both Elizabeth and Hannah. The girls abandoned the children and darted forward to welcome their mates back. Hannah in particular studied Adam to see what kind of mood he was in after being away for nearly four weeks.
"Where is he?" Adam snarled.
Elizabeth and Hannah were both taken aback by the venom in those three words. They couldn't understand why Adam was so angry still.
"What do you mean? You went after him, why would he be here?" asked Hannah.
"No, not David. Where's that bastard Ben?" demanded Adam.
There could be no doubting the depth of feeling in the way Adam was talking, but neither of the girls could understand why he would be so mad at Ben.
"Ben's away getting more material so we can replicate another hover craft," answered Elizabeth. "What has he done to upset you?"
"You mean he still hasn't told you?" barked Adam.
"Adam, stop talking in riddles! Hasn't told us what?" asked Hannah.
"I was right all along. David did take Lillian and Ben must have known that. If he can 'see' people from miles away like he says he can, then he must have known David had her. The bastard was supposed to be keeping an eye on David — he promised us that he was doing that! How was it possible for the sneaky little bastard to walk into our camp and take my daughter?"
Hannah and Elizabeth were stunned by what Adam was suggesting and it took them a few moments to recover enough to speak. Those moments were taken up by more ranting from Adam — mostly about what he wanted to do to either David or Ben when he got his hands on them.
"That's just not possible!" snapped Hannah at last. "We asked Ben if David had Lillian and he said no. You must be wrong Adam, why do you think David has her?"
"We found a drawing she had made in David's cave, but if that's not enough proof for you, we both saw her!"
Hannah and Elizabeth swung their attention to Thomas for confirmation and he nodded.
"We followed him for three weeks and when we caught up with him at last we saw Lillian sitting on the back of his horse. There's no doubt that David took her," he said.
"But why would Ben lie about something like this? Why wouldn't he try to help us get Lillian back safely?" asked Hannah almost to herself.
"Why indeed! That's just what I want to find out, now where is he?" demanded Adam.
"I told you, he's off getting more materials for the replicator. He should be back sometime in the next day or so," Hannah replied.
Her face had taken on a dazed look as she tried to come to terms with the awful news Adam had shared.
"I still don't understand," she almost whispered. "Why would Ben keep this from us? How could he do such a thing?"
"As far as I'm concerned he's as much to blame as David! He was the one who was supposed to be keeping an eye on David so he could warn us. I mean, the sneaky little bastard could have walked in here with his gun and shot all of us! We've lost a daughter and it's as much Ben's fault as it is David's in my book. For that, he's going to have to pay!" growled Adam.
"No, Adam! There must be another explanation, Ben wouldn't do this. Not Ben," argued Elizabeth.
"What other explanation can there be? Fact - David took Lillian, both Thomas and I saw that with our own eyes. Fact — Ben can watch people from miles away — he proved that to us. Fact — Ben told us all that he would keep an eye on David to make sure we weren't in danger.
"Even if he somehow missed David sneaking up on us, even if he somehow missed David taking Lillian, he must have been able to see whether David had her after the event. We asked him to check on David and he should have told us then, but he didn't!"
The others found it hard to argue with what Adam was saying. Ben had demonstrated his ability to connect to people and Hannah and Elizabeth both had experience now of using the metal nugget too. They couldn't understand how it would be possible for Ben to watch David and not know that he had taken Lillian.
"Who sent the hover craft to pick us up?" Adam asked.
"It was Ben's idea. He has been following you on your journey and knew where to send it. He said it would make sure you got home to us quicker," answered Hannah.
"Okay. That means he doesn't realise that we know that David took Lillian. It's the only scenario that makes sense. Why would he want us home quicker if he knew we had found out about Lillian?"
"What are you going to do to him?" asked Elizabeth.
"Beat him, kill him, banish him — I don't know! But I'll tell you one thing, the first thing I'm going to do is take those fucking nuggets away from him!" snarled Adam.
Elizabeth and Hannah at last became aware of how all the shouting, expressed anger and naked aggression was affecting the children and they shooed them back into the communal cave.
Adam remained outside with his spear, knife and axe all within easy reach. He was thinking furiously and came to a conclusion. Getting up, he returned to the cave.
"Listen everybody. When Ben and Sarah get back we should all pretend we don't know about Lillian. That way we might find out what Ben's up to and we can also try to find out how much Sarah knows. Maybe we can trick Ben, but we should try to get as much information as possible before we have to confront him.
"At the very least I need to know if David is still alive and if he has Lillian. I'll beat him to death if I have to to get that out of him, but we should try to trick him first."
"Are you sure you can control yourself long enough to try to trick him?" asked Hannah doubtfully.
Adam gave her a hard look.
"This is our daughter we're talking about. I can do whatever it takes to get her back."
Ben's idea had been growing and taking shape all afternoon as he and Sarah walked back towards the caves. He knew his twin and the others would be impressed with what he had come up with and the potential benefits for everybody were almost unlimited.
"Why didn't any of us think about doing this before? It's so obvious! We've got replicators and we've got an entire planet's worth of resources. All we need to do is use the replicators to produce drones and we can set them to work to mine, refine, manufacture, build, maintain — everything! The sky's the limit!"
By now Sarah knew that something was going on inside her twin's head, but she knew him well enough to wait for him to share it. He would choose his own time and she didn't want to spoil his surprise.
Using his nuggets to constantly check the path ahead for trouble had become second nature to Ben and he did so periodically as they walked. When they were only a few miles away from the caves he made a routine check and Sarah saw him come to an abrupt halt.
"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked with concern.
"Link with me," Ben said by way of reply.
Sarah gripped her pouch and linked with him. They were both now looking down at the bubble shaped hover craft sitting outside the caves and beyond that stood both sets of twins, barely in the mouth of the communal cave.
As they watched Sarah heard what Adam was saying. She heard him clearly.
"Listen everybody. When Ben and Sarah get back we should all pretend we don't know about Lillian. That way we might find out what Ben's up to and we can also try to find out how much Sarah knows. Maybe we can trick Ben, but we should try to get as much information as possible before we have to confront him."
Sarah gasped out loud. Adam and the others knew about David and Lillian and they were planning something against her and Ben. Her frantic worry meant that she missed the next few things that Adam said, but the grim look on his face was enough to let her know how much trouble they were in.
"I'm going to break the link." she heard Ben say and then the view of the cave and the twins was gone.
"Well it looks as if Adam and Thomas are back before us just as I predicted," said Ben.
"Ben! They know! How can you be so calm? We're in big trouble, did you see the expression on Adam's face? He means to hurt you, really hurt you. What are we going to do?" whined Sarah.
"I suggest we go along with the little plan that Adam seems to be cooking up. If they're going to play a game and pretend they don't know about Lillian, then we can play the same game long enough to find an answer to all of this. As for Adam, don't worry. If he thinks he can take me then he's kidding himself. He's not big enough or ugly enough to take me one on one. Don't worry, everything will work out fine."
"But how are we going to explain not telling them about David having Lillian? They'll only keep the game going for so long, how do we explain when they eventually confront us?"
"That's easy. I'll lie. I'll simply say that every time I checked on David there was no sign of Lillian with him. That's possible, particularly if I was only checking on him for a few seconds every few days. How can any of them argue with that? They can't know for sure that I saw Lillian."
Sarah looked doubtful and Ben could read her expression.
"Look, none of them really know how the nuggets work. Hannah is the only one that has any experience (Ben was still unaware that Elizabeth had actually linked with them before) of using one and that's been limited. I can claim that the view I have when I link is pretty limited — limited to the head and shoulders of the person I'm watching.
"If that were true it would be highly unlikely that I would see Lillian."
"They won't believe that. The way you've described things in the past makes it clear you can see more than just a person's face. You described what each of the twins was doing outside the cave, remember? When you proved the nuggets worked you had them all go outside the cave and do something and then you told them what they did. No, they're not going to believe the 'view' is so limited."
"Okay, I'll stick with my first idea then. I'll just say that Lillian was never around whenever I checked on David. All they can say to that is that they don't believe me. They can't prove anything and if I keep denying it then what can they do?"
Sarah still wasn't convinced, but she couldn't come up with a better alternative. Ben took her hand in his and started walking again.
"Don't worry, everything's going to be okay. I promise," he said.
To a casual observer, the welcome that Ben and Sarah received when they reached the caves seemed genuine enough. The water twins knew better though and they could sense the underlying tension coming from the other couples.
"Thanks for saving us another long walk by sending the A3000," Adam said as he slapped Ben on the back.
"No problem, I've done enough walking in the past few years to know how much of a pain it is. With the materials I've got in the pod we should be able to replicate another one and that should make life easier for all of us," Ben replied, trying to keep his voice as natural as he could.
Despite being sceptical about Ben's plan, it was typical of Sarah to throw herself into it with all that she had. For that reason she led with what was almost a direct challenge to the others.
"We know what happened to David because Ben was 'watching' over you, but did you find any trace of Lillian at all?" she asked.
Her question threw Adam and both of the water twins could see a moment of doubt flit across his face.
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These are compliments of Fmwarmac A mother and her young son were flying Southwest Airlines from Kansas City to Chicago. The son turned from the window to his mother and asked, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?” The mother said, “Well, maybe that’s something you could ask the stewardess.” So the boy asked the stewardess, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?” The...
This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...
To my fellow ISS readers, here is the chain of events that has led me to share my first erotic story (based on a real-life incident that ended abruptly) with you guys. My birth was in a family which ran a ladies’ clothing line – my strong inclination towards females (courtesy of the buxom ayah who nursed me) – my father’s insistence that I should focus on the family business rather than receive gratuitous school level education. As time passed, my perspective towards the female customers (of...
Helooo boys, girls, and aunties I’m sameer thanks for your lovely feedbacks and for motivating me to write another story.You can find my previous part at https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/couple/becoming-independent-gigolo/ I’m back again with another story with my client number 2 after becoming an independent professional gigolo. For those who don’t know me, I’m sameer from Mumbai western suburb (mira bhayander). I’m 6.2 feet tall with a muscular body with 6-inch cock size to please any girl or...
Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
LesbianWednesday 8th May 2019, early eveningVeronica and I had spent a wonderful day together. We had breakfast and took a very happy Haley to school, then returned to her condo and made love for the rest of the morning. We just about found the energy and self-control to drag ourselves out of bed and head to a local restaurant for a light lunch, followed by a walk in the park before it was time to collect Haley and head home.A perfectly lovely late afternoon and early evening had ended with Haley...
Wife LoversHi readers, I am Vicky Kamble, a resident of Meerut. Even though I am involved in my family business, fitness is my true passion. I spend at least 4 hours at the gym each day and have a body that stuns most of the other lean boys at the gym. I am engaged to Neeti, who works with a fashion designer in Gurgaon. Last week she frantically gave me a call from her boss’ fashion show in Gurgaon and asked me to reach there ASAP. Apparently, her boss needed a muscled male to open and close the show for...
When the golden sunset, fall's below the amber hills, And when the moon shines bright, And all the world stands still, there is beauty in the light of the day, it is one certain person that lay, waste to the darkness, and brings the light in her sway, Sunny She is, and will always be, always so happy, the light hits her eye's, and there like watching Christal fire come to life , she really lives up to her name, like a golden princess, that in a dusty land brings the rain. It is an enjoyable...
You're name is Sarah Lynn. You have ink black hair, which is a pleasing contrast to your pale, white skin. You're short, standing at only 5'2, earning you you're father's nickname of 'his little firecracker'. You work hard to maintain a body you're proud of. Relentless exercise and strict dieting means you are tight and toned. Your flat stomach shows only a hint of abs and your toned legs end in a cute, tight butt. Your breasts are a nice handful, not overly big on your lithe frame, but enough...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur, the Princedom of Kivoneth, the Strifelands of Zeutch “What do you mean?” demanded my father, bursting out of his bed naked and flinging himself at Master Mage Shevoin. “Destroyed?” “Yes, your Highness,” cowered Shevoin. An older man, his skin almost as pale as a Zeutchian, his hair graying. He came from the Collegiate Tower of Esh-Esh, skilled in magic, my father’s closest adviser. As my father stood trembling in...
It was the summer after my second year in college. I was only twenty and very inexperienced. My parents had a home down by the beach, and I couldn't wait to get there. As soon as I unlocked the front door, I dropped my bag on the bed. I pulled out one of my new bikini's. After I got it on I looked in the mirror, and smiled at my reflection. Men had been noticing my little curvy and full bosomed body for a few years now. I combed my hair, put on some lip gloss, threw on a lacy cover up, and was...
Straight SexThe sofa was clearly there only for visual appeal and nothing more. Carter tossed and turned, but no matter what he did, how he coiled and uncoiled himself, he could not find an ideal sleeping position. Eventually, he settled for throwing his legs over one end, and lay there, like the perfect crash test dummy. There was no way he was going after Aron, like before, or sleeping in the same bed. In a way, this was convenient. He wasn’t going to engage in penetrative gay sex with his best...
Business wise things were really on a roll, so much so that Clare was pressing me to talk to a tax expert to ensure that I didn't pay more than I had to. I gave up my flat and bought a three bedroom house so that the girls could come and stay with me. However, in the year four A.D. Things took a new turn. I was picking up some Brake pads and Discs when I got a call from Eric asking me to drop in to our tyre supplier to pick up a pair of Pirrelli Cinturato P7s. I picked up the tyres and...
I was expecting a kid. She, Val, was supposed to look like a budding pre-teen. What I got was this total sex-bomb. I can only suppose the surprise showed on my face because she said, “Surprised? Me too. I had an unexpected growth spurt.” The laugh that accompanied the confession aroused thoughts of girls and hayrides, kissing under the bleachers during chill autumn Friday night home football games, ice skating under the stars at the city park, long walks holding hands in fields of spring...
The drive down to Walt Disney World was a long and arduous one. Mike stopped off at every truck stop and big gas station so that we could turn tricks during the day. He stopped around sunset every night, found a motel and made us crawl naked to our room whenever he could. I think he kept hoping we’d run into some people like Victor and Ernesto again. We didn’t. There were other whores, pimps and drug addicts out on the streets but no one seemed worth talking to or getting to know, and very...
“You should wear a sign that warns unsuspecting women about that thing in your pants,” Cheryl was playful following our tryst. She lay sprawled across the bed, on top of the comforter due to the wet spot we’d left in the wake of our hurricane of passion. Her eyes sparkled as she sought to hold a post mortem on our liaison. “Tommy, I’ve never felt so completely fulfilled. Where did you learn to please a women like this?” Fortunately there was no response expected. The order of the day was...
Well I found my self horny again while I was driving home so I look down to find my cock hard as a rock I was wondering where to go and jerk off so I cruised by the new house still no one there it was about ten our so but I didn't care I was horny and just love jerking off outside it was still pitch black out over there so I got my jerking tools and went around back by the pool I didn't even go inside this time I just went out back and stripped down to my jacket again and found a spot in the...
MasturbationI am in love with my coworker, Anthony. I work at this communications company with him and we started around the same time about three years ago. He and I both are assistants to a superior at the company for two different suppliers, but our desks are about 20 feet apart. I thought he was adorable when we first met. He has short brown hair with a mind of its own and hazel brown eyes. He is not very tall at about 5’7 but he has muscles to make up for it. He is the image of Green Day and Journey...