RampantChapter 2 September 6 1214
- 4 years ago
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Once again dinner was early and abundant. They had more than forty miles to go before suppertime. Afterwards, Karl marshaled the party to leave. Both knights and sergeants wore hauberks, coats of mail. So did all the squires but Roger. It seemed an extreme precaution. "Is the territory through which we travel that dangerous?" she asked.
"Not really. The Count Du Montagne sees his power slipping away. Under that circumstance, it would be foolish of him to make an attack unless it were one that the Duke or the Emperor would sanction. Even more foolish for one of his vassals to do so. On the other hand, people often make foolish moves when they see their power slipping away."
This time, the help in mounting was more than ceremonial. She rode Belle; George was being saved for the ceremonial entry into Clavius. Aside from the armor and the sergeants riding ahead and behind, the knights seemed neither bellicose nor particularly worried. She and Karl rehearsed one of the duets again, and then all the gentle males sang a long section of the Song of Roland. They were interrupted by a long roll of thunder.
Soon it was raining steadily, the kind of rain which drives itself into cloth however tight the weave. The hawks were quickly transferred to covered cages on the pack animals. Less than an hour later, she was soaked through. Their horses plodded on, appearing less disturbed by the weather than she felt.
"At least," said Karl after a few tries at song had petered out, "this weather makes an attack even less likely." And, in truth, no armored man would patrol in such weather except for specific need. "Did I promise thee the tale of how thy mare got the name 'George'?" he continued.
"Something like that. Thou didst say that it was not a tale for that moment." She had to raise her voice to answer him; Karl did not seem to have that problem.
"Never mention her to my father," Karl began. "George was the name of his last child. My stepmother is never going to bear again, and there are many arrows in his quiver. (Although, God is my witness, there never seem to be enough.) Anyway George, the boy, was a scamp. Somehow, behavior that would have broken a switch on my hide -- or even my sisters' -- brought him a scolding. I will admit that he got nearly as many switchings as we; it was just that his mischiefs were much more numerous. Anyway, despite being my father's favorite, he was well liked by the rest of us. He laughed with such glee, he ran so excitedly to greet any of us on our return, his adventures were so outrageous, nobody could help loving him. The very peasants whose chickens he chased adored him. I was a squire, home seldom, before he was walking, but I loved him well.
"When it came time for him to learn to ride, he was put on top of the gentlest horse in the stable, an old mare called Schreiterin. Thou knowest how it is at that age; one less rides the horse than one sits on it. George was nervous for two minutes, and then he fell in love. I would have expected him to demand a faster-stepping horse too soon. Instead, he wheedled to ride Schreiterin every day, sometimes several times a day. Nor did he try to gallop her, it was always a gentle walk with George perched on top. The times I saw them, they looked more like a boy sitting on a hay bale than horse-and-rider. After well more than a year of this, George learned that Schreiterin would have a foal. (First he noticed that her girth was growing faster than his legs.) He pestered my father to allow him to name the foal after himself. Perhaps he was convinced that the foal would be male, perhaps not; sex means little at that age.
"Then George caught some inexplicable fever and wasted away. I'm told that, by the time Schreiterin had her foal, George had hardly any flesh on his bones except for a grossly swollen belly. However ridiculous the name, it made him happy for several minutes in a week when no other news interested him at all. After he died, my father gave Robert mare and filly, with the request that they be kept away from Castle Dan and his presence. Robert gave the filly to me after my knighting."
Her first impulse was to put her arm around him after that story. The hauberk, however, effectively prevented that. Instead, she reached over and put her hand on his rein hand. Hands and face were the only skin that he revealed, and there was enough rain on their faces to hide any other dampness.
They rode in silence after that. Who was this man to whom she had joined her life? She thought of all the characterizations she had heard of the Danclavens.
A little tight-fisted? That seemed accurate. Karl wore little more fur on his clothes than did her father's vassals. More than a little calculating? That was certainly true. From his play at backgammon to his schedule for Roger, Karl seemed to think out more moves ahead in every aspect of his life than her father would have spent on planning a siege.
Karl certainly spoke as if the notorious Danclaven solidarity were fact. On the other hand, the two of them had been given only brief times when they could speak in private. It was certainly possible that he had ambitions at the expense of his family which he planned to share with her later -- or ambitions he never planned to share; he was a self-contained man.
All of this was slightly off the point of her impression of this particular Danclaven. Karl had been unfailingly polite to her, which was only her due; and he had been remarkably considerate as well. He had also been what she could only call "encouraging." And he had been enticing, oh yes! He seemed set on seducing her, and she was well content to be seduced. Their courtship, although long, had been more about Festmauer than about her person. It seemed almost as if Karl courted her after the wedding, and she enjoyed his doing so.
Reassuring thoughts did little to brighten the wet, cold day; but the rain gradually eased. Then, the hooves rang on stone. They turned left and were on the Roman road. Shortly after, the sun came out on their backs. It hardly cast any shadow, much less warm them; but it showed that the rain was finishing. "Heinrich!" Karl bellowed.
One of the sergeants trotted up to them. "My lord?"
"Have one of the servants unpack another mantle for my lady and bring it here -- warm, not dressy."
"Should I send it with Eagle, my lord? The other servants' horses are too tired to trot."
"I think that would be safe; there are empty fields on both sides of the road."
She knew that the new mantle would only get damp from the inside, but it did feel a little warmer. "What does safety have to do with which servant does a task?" she asked after the man -- presumably Eagle -- had dropped back. Karl emphasized, especially to Roger, that she was the chatelaine of his castle and was to be obeyed; but she had no part of the shared history. Occasionally she felt like a stranger within a company that all spoke another language, Flemish perhaps, or Sicilian.
"Elijah, as thou sawest, is still a boy and light of weight. He rides a horse of good quality. If we are attacked, he is to ride for Castle Clavius."
"And Elijah is Eagle?"
"That is the command for him to take flight, although he should act without command when he sees an attack. There is no great secret to Danclaven word-code. We work out what messages we might want to convey and then put a word to each one of them. It is useful, but there are weaknesses. Suppose I tell my men to suspect treachery in the castle that I am about to visit. I warn them: 'If I say "destrier," then draw your weapons and attack our host.' Then Roger comes into the hall and reports on Partizan's condition. 'And what is Partizan?' asks our host.
"I reply, 'Why Partizan is my ... Uh ... it is the horse I ride into battle.' At best, he thinks me a dunce; at worst he guesses the code word, and suspects why I needed one."
She smiled at the picture, but her sopping clothes soon darkened her spirits. She had company in her misery, however. A stream of drops scattered from the edge of Karl's hauberk. With the new mantle, the weight of all the water on her back had decreased. She was considering what weight there must be on Karl's when he lifted another song. She joined in, and Roger added some trills around their voices.
An hour later, well past the half-way point, she and Karl changed horses. Karl showed a little strain in lifting her onto George that time, but he placed her gently in the saddle.
Soon after they resumed their journey, the Rhine came into view. The road followed it in general, but avoided most of its swings. When the river could be seen by the rearguard, one of them burst into song.
"Whom do we bring to her rightful place?"
"Lady Elizabeth," all the other sergeants sang.
"Who is the fairest dame of the Rhine valley?" another sang.
"Lady Elizabeth," the chorus responded.
They sang until each had sung his solo. Her face warmed at each compliment, and burned at "Who can ride all day and be ridden all night?"
That song out of the way, older ones arose from the company as they traveled. They had seen no other travelers since shortly after the rain began, but they now passed peasants walking in both directions. Sometime later, a body of merchants passed them heading south. Another came into sight a soon as they passed the first. The road was broad, however, and the traffic in the other direction hardly needed to narrow itself to give the noble party free passage.
They splashed across a shallow puddle from a ditch that ended at the road. A dirt wall, much too low to be defensible, spread on either side of the road. "Clavius land," Karl said. "Heinrich!"
Heinrich trotted up again. "My lord?"
"Send Elijah forward. I have a message for the castle. And tell another servant to bring my lady's best mantle." When Elijah trotted up he told him: "The best speed that will not harm thy horse. Tell Sir Stephen that we will dismount in the middle court and address the castle from there. We will sup half an hour after arrival. We will need a change of clothes for the knights and Master Luke to meet me there. Have a room set apart for my lady. Now go!"
When he trotted off, the servant took her mantle and draped the blue one she had worn for her wedding over her shoulders. It was a very clumsy job, the servant's horse being a good two hands lower than George. Elizabeth adjusted the mantle herself. When she looked up again, the castle was in sight. The walls seemed to go on forever, climbing the hill to their left and entering the river to their right.
"But it is immense!" she said.
"Large," said Karl, "but not so large as it looks from here. The low walls on either side enclose nothing. They merely make it difficult for foes to pass us by on the hillside."
Nevertheless, she could see that it was a formidable fortress that they approached. The walls stretched straight on either side, embellished by a large gatehouse and several round towers. The ditch was wide and had no further bank, exposing the wall. There were two bridges over it, side by side.
Once through the gatehouse, they broke into a trot. Elizabeth found herself still on the Roman road. Now, however, there were walls on either side, with not more than two feet of grass between road and wall. The wall on the left rose well above the lances that the knights were now carrying erect from stirrup height, she guessed it at six or so feet higher than the walls around her Father's outer courtyard. The right-hand wall was at least eight feet higher than the left.
The road ran straight and empty towards what must be another gatehouse. They were still really not in the castle. Finally, they came to a gatehouse on their right. They passed within, and came to a large courtyard. This contained a crowd, which cheered as they entered. There was a more-or-less clear section to their right, and Karl rode that way, saying "Follow."
They circled to the right until they reached a shelf of stone against the outer wall. It was about four feet high, and twelve deep. There were wooden buildings atop it, preventing her from seeing how far it ran. Karl, still mounted, plucked her from the saddle and moved her atop that shelf. She found some footing, and he released her so she could stand. He turned his horse so that his back was turned to her.
Karl's voice carried the courtyard with no trouble. "People of Clavius," he began, and then waited for the echo to die away.
"Vassals, villeins, and visitors... "I present to you... "Elizabeth of Danclaven...
"Baroness Festmauer... "Your chatelaine... "And my wife... "What you hear from her...
"You have heard from me.
She, perforce stood there while the people cheered and shouted welcome. There was only one way she was going to get off that shelf unless she wanted to risk her introduction to her new home to be falling on her rump in the mud. A knight came forward, saluted her, and then helped Karl to dismount. The two of them walked over to her. Karl held up his arms, and she grasped them. She stooped until he could get a firm grip on her waist, and then he lifted her and swung her down. When she found footing in the mud, he released his hold.
"Sir Stephen," he said, "seneschal of Castle Clavius." Apparently her public introduction sufficed for introduction to him. A gentlewoman came forward next. "Lady Ingrid, Baroness Adlernest, my brother's widow." She embraced Elizabeth gingerly.
"Sister," Ingrid said, "thou art soaked. We have a room set aside for thee, and thy clothes should be there before us. We have much to discuss, but nothing which cannot wait until thou art dry." Indeed, the walk through that courtyard and over the drawbridge into the next was quite enough delay for Elizabeth.
The room was not particularly small, but it was crowded. The maids who had accompanied her were more than matched by the maids whom Lady Ingrid had provided. A fire blazed on the hearth, and there was a small tub. "We really lack time for a proper bath," said Ingrid.
"I know," Elizabeth responded. The cluster of maids stripped her in record time. As soon as one pair removed one garment the next pair was reaching for the next garment. She stepped into the bath as soon as her stockings were removed. It was scalding, and there was no room to sit down. Lady Ingrid wiped the water over her legs, and she stepped out. From the knees down, she was a bright red from the heat of the water.
Helga and a stranger dried her in front of the blazing fire. Helga giggled at her two-tone appearance, receiving a slap from Lady Ingrid for the insolence. Helga had been Elizabeth's from birth, and Elizabeth herself almost never slapped her. She did, however, realize that Helga would profit from the stricter discipline.
Her own servants had precedence when it came to putting the clothes on. They knew what she meant by her description and had a good guess where it was packed. She chose the clothes that she had worn for her wedding, but asked for another mantle. The blue one was now wet.
"My lord!" called Roger. "The stars could be seen from midnight on." Astrology reports at this hour? Karl covered her ear before bellowing, "Yes Roger. Guest robes this morning and dressing after breakfast. Summon my lady's servants." He clasped her tight and kissed her hair before releasing her. "I love thee, but we must rise." She was willing enough to rise. They both were up and washed before Roger returned with the maids. The Augustinian said mass that morning, and left after...
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Decisions vary in scope and importance. We make them all the time; their making defines us as people, tells others who we have been, what we are, what we might be. Maybe you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, or hot summer nights with a tall glass of cold lemonade. A slender girl with legs that climb all the way to heaven, or one with curves that don't quit, promising to send you freefalling into love. The high-paying stressful job that will line your pockets with green and...
"Where is she!" yelled Phil at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing in the vast entrance hall of his parent's estate. "Where's who?" smirked his mother, her face belying her lack of knowledge, as she entered from the kitchen. "You know fucking who!" yelled Phil. "Son!" bellowed his father, entering from the library, his face surprisingly sad. "Quiet down and respect your mother!" Phil laughed wildly. "Right. Respect the bitch who fucked up my life. Where is she, Mother?...
“Incoming!” Private Toha Smith ducked his head behind the dirt entrenchment as a heavy 6 inch round fired from German artillery less than a mile away flew with steady speed near his position. Machine gun rounds were wising past his head. Toha had little to do but duck his head or risk losing it. The Germans were putting up strong resistance. He held onto his rifle tightly. There was not much he could do. The private that warned Toha grabbed his M1917 Browning machine gun and started to...
September’s Song By Naughty Venus I spent the early afternoon watching porn while I played with my hairy pussy until I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sound of thunder as I was lying on the sofa during my late-afternoon nap. I could tell the storm was getting closer because the floors shook beneath my feet with each roll of the thunder. I was exhilarated by the electricity in the air as the lightning flashed. I wanted to see the lightning and to hear the thunder more clearly, so I ran to...
See, I was recently divorced and though you'd call me straight, I'd had some affairs with men when younger and was thinking about trying that again. So I kept alert for possible "friend with benefits" situations. If nothing else, I could get a new friend out of it; I like time with friends so this could be good if it only went that far. I was pleased when he called me a few nights later, suggesting we get together for a drink. So far, so good. We agreed to meet at a BBQ restaurant...
My name’s Chris Coleman, I’m a college student and it’s the summer break between my junior and senior year. I’d really like to be able to take on a full time summer job but I’m carrying classes during the summer quarter so part-time work is all I can handle. I want to graduate in December and get a job. Although I do intend to pursue a post-grad degree it will have to be something I can accomplish while I’m working. I’m a scholarship student so, between that and student loans I make do,...
I looked at myself in the full length mirror that had been my mothers. It was plain, not quite as lovely as my master’s mother’s. My pale, naked body seemed so stark against the darkness of my room. It was early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I slid my fingers over my small breasts, gently touching my nipples. They became hard and erect. My fingers moved down the length of my body to my mound. An image of my master appeared in my head. His handsome physique had caught my...
Meg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more...
College SexMeg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more...
College SexI looked at myself in the full length mirror that had been my mothers. It was plain, not quite as lovely as my master’s mother’s. My pale, naked body seemed so stark against the darkness of my room. It was early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I slid my fingers over my small breasts, gently touching my nipples. They became hard and erect. My fingers moved down the length of my body to my mound. An image of my master appeared in my head. His handsome physique had caught my...
Straight SexAuthor’s Comment: Fantasy allows us to do things that are impossible in real life. The Matrix movies are a perfect example. We just don’t move like that in real life. But it’s fun to pretend. There is a physical act in this story that’s like that. I’m told it just can’t happen in real life. But it would be fun if it could. So in THIS story ... it can. If this story seems similar to “Centerfold Daughter”, that’s because they were written at the same time; another example of the same idea...
Chapter 1: Master Librarians Once More "Are you ready, Jack?" Annie asked, waving her Master Librarian card at him. After their last mission, she had found it in the bottom of her old jewelry box and now kept it in her wallet. She was dressed for a casual outing in jeans and a light blue t-shirt, but Jack wore his usual cargo pants and a collared shirt. He had grown used to the more professional look while in college, a common mode of dress among archeology students. Jack examined his own...
Carol looked briefly up from the cock she was gently sucking, and was shocked again at the sight that greeted her. Somehow, for no explicable reason, it brought all back the carefully suppressed memories. She had not had a very happy childhood, not because she was mistreated, or anything like that, but because she had, to a certain extent, been ignored. Her brother Ben, older than her by nearly three years, had had Multiple Sclerosis, diagnosed when he was just three months old. Their parents...
It's funny how some chapters of your life start so unexpectedly and without your realizing that they've started until you take a look back and clearly see their beginning point. Natalie sat alone with the radio softly playing in the background of her small apartment. What did I ever do to deserve this? Natalie thought bitterly. She had struggled in college, working her butt off to get the same grades her peers had found so easy to achieve. While she had not been blessed with the brains in...
School had just started the week before, but Tory was already in full swing in her classes. The fourth class period of her day was Advanced Graphics, a senior-only course. She loved teaching this section, since only the students who wanted to be there were, and they put their full effort into it. This helped right now, because the busier Tory was, the less time she worried about her eldest being at sea. Just as she started talking about the homework assignment, the door in the back of the...
I called the desk and found my companions had gone out but would be returning. I ordered lunch in my room and had a long soak in the bath. A little later there was a knock on the door and a new waiter pushed a trolley in. Although wrapped in one of the hotels gigantic dressing gowns, he wouldn’t look in my direction and practicallly bolted as soon as I scribbled the room number on his book. That afternoon, the guys still didn’t return but I had a phone call to say they were playing golf....
The school bus came to a halt as it pulled up on the street next to Gary’s home. He wore blue jeans, a buttoned red shirt, and old sneakers that barely fit him along with a small backpack with his lunch and essential school gear. He watched the door of the bus open as the sound of the brakes engaged, making its classical auditory squeak that filled the surrounding environment. The bus driver, a quiet older man with a smirk on his face, looked at the child as he took note of him. “You are...
That night Gary slept in his bed. The bed that had been ordered and moved in was not exactly the most comfortable, but it was all that could be afforded with his mother’s current budget. He felt himself slip in and out of a dream. Perhaps it was a nightmare? Only the voices he heard while he slept provided any sort of explanation. “Ha ha...” he heard a voice in his sleep. Gary could not tell where the sound was coming from as he felt like he was in a dark room. “You just move to this place...
I closed the heavy blackout curtains and ate a few strawberries and drank some more champagne. I turned the lights out, slipped a sleep mask on and lay back. The room was warm and soporific and despite the tingle in my body, I was half asleep when there was a knock on the door. I pulled the towel roughly over my body and called “Come in.” I heard the door open and a voice called “We have come for the trolley, Madame!” I heard a light switch and a sharp intake of breath. A different voice...
Before it arrived I had time to slip down to the fitness centre and spend a while swimming slowly from one end to another. The warm water was very soothing and refreshing and as the pool was empty, I slipped out of my swimsuit and savoured the movement of the water on my bare skin as I swam. Refreshed, I climbed out of the pool and began drying myself when I gave a surprised “Oh!”as I turned and there was an elderly couple, dressed for dinnerstanding just a few yards from me. “I am sorry to...
“Mmm ... mmm ... mmmm,” a dancing fat woman hummed as she was dancing to the music in an extravagant room. The Egyptian woman looked to be in her late twenties as she wore scantily clad clothing. Her white dress covered her chest and her lower body but not her stomach. Her belly would jiggle around as she was listening to a Good Rocking Tonight by Elvis Presley. The room was large and luxurious. It was lined with a large bed in one corner that could hold four people on it. The room and...