RequitalChapter 5: Early September free porn video

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"This isn't getting us anywhere," Steve complained. "We've been doing this counseling thing for five weeks now and we're just going round and round in circles." He was looking at Mr. Houston and ignoring Barbara as much as he could.

"But I told you. I understand now that I should never have agreed to meet with Chad... even if it was just to say good-bye," Barbara protested. "I admit it! It was wrong, but I can't go back and change it now.

"And I was wrong to let Jimmie get so close to me," she added. "I didn't see what he was trying to do. All I thought he was doing was being nice to me when you weren't," she said.

Steve didn't say anything. He watched her. He understood her words, but they clearly meant nothing to him. He shook his head wearily.

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about," Steve said. "When was I ever not nice to you?"

"Well... like... you wanted to go over to that guy's house for Thanksgiving," she said resentfully. "You made me go and I'd already promised Mom and Dad we would be there and I had to call and tell them we were going somewhere else."

"No, I didn't," Steve shot back. "Don't you remember? We agreed we'd already spent three Thanksgivings in a row at your Mom's, right? We decided it would be good to do something different... maybe have Thanksgiving dinner somewhere else and go over to your Mom's afterward to visit for a while."

Barbara looked at him uncertainly. A vague memory stirred at the back of her mind.

"Well, maybe so..." she said reluctantly. "But when we got there, it was such a grubby little house... and that guy's mousy little wife... and--"

"The "grubby little house" was spic and span inside and out," Steve shot back. "It needed painting, but they didn't have enough money to get it done. Big deal.

"That guy, Greg, saved my life five years ago when a two-ton girder got loose while being hoisted up nine stories. It would have smashed me flatter than a pancake," Steve said quietly. "I owe that guy absolutely everything and he won't take a thing from me."

Barbara gaped at her husband. She hadn't known.

"And that mousy wife of his has a name. Hers is Tanya and when she and her husband were teenagers out in west Texas, she held a rabid dog off her boyfriend for fifteen minutes when he couldn't defend himself. Greg had fallen and hit his head on a rock. Brenda held that dog off with just a stick until Greg recovered enough to shoot the beast with his rifle."

Steve bent at the waist, leaning toward Barbara.

"That mousy wife adores her husband. They've been together since they were in sixth grade. Tanya could not do what you've done to me. It would kill her just to think about it. I can't even think about Greg without feeling completely and totally envious."

Steve straightened up in his chair. He looked straight ahead, his jaw tight.

"Okay... you're right... I guess," Barbara said tiredly. "I do remember we decided to go to their house now. It's just that... back when... Jimmie-boy started coming on to me, I just felt like you were pulling away from me and not listening to me," she said.

Steve glanced at her in surprise. For his wife, this was a major concession.

"And Raphael, "the Thunderbird Man" Porter?" he asked sarcastically. Barbara was ready for the question.

"You took that long trip and left me alone," she said. "I needed you with me and you weren't there." She was defiant. "Rafe came into the building to take care of some things with one of the accountant supervisors and saw me crying outside the restroom door. I didn't know it would get so crazy... I didn't mean for anything to happen at all... I just needed someone to talk to and he happened to be there."

Steve looked in his wife's eyes. She held his gaze steadily.

"I had to go on that trip," Steve said unemotionally. "We talked about that too... and it's not like I take that many business trips. That was the only one this year, darn it. How could you have needed me so much you went to another man so damned quick? And we'd been getting along a lot better just before that too. How could you do that?"

"It just happened," Barbara said after a moment. "I didn't plan it. I didn't want it. It just happened." Steve looked away in disgust.

"I know bullshit when I hear it, Barbara," he said. "You are supposed to be answering my questions honestly here... that's what we both agreed to do, if you remember right... we were going to be truthful and--"

"I had a miscarriage!" Barbara blurted. Both men stared at her in amazement.

"What?" Steve asked. "What are you talking about?"

"While you were gone," Barbara said in flat tones. "Three days after you left, I started bleeding and had to go to the hospital. I didn't even know I was pregnant and..." Barbara waved her hands helplessly.

Steve's mind was whirling. Barbara had lost a baby? He hadn't known. She said she hadn't known she was even going to have one.

"But... how could you have gone into the hospital with something that bad and nobody knew... how long were you there?" Steve asked.

"A week... more."

"More than a week? But... but why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you call me? I'd have dropped everything and come home," Steve said. His voice showed his concern, and his confusion.

"I didn't tell anyone," Barbara said quietly. "Not Mom or Dad either... I would only call them at night when everything was quiet in the hospital ward. When I went home, it was easy to pretend I just needed time to myself. All I wanted to do was sleep. I couldn't eat. I lost twenty pounds... you said yourself I looked like I was starving when you got back."

"Why?" Steve demanded. "Why did you hide it from me? Why did you keep something that important to both of us from me?"

Barbara opened her mouth... but no words came. She suddenly knew she had no reply. She didn't know why she had kept her loss a secret.

"I don't know," she said woodenly. "I don't know." Without warning, tears welled up and streaked down her face.

"Oh, God," she sobbed. "I lost my baby... I lost my baby."

Steve reflexively turned his body toward his wife. He almost left his seat to take her in his arms. At the last moment, he remembered. He remembered all the other excuses his wife had used in other counseling sessions. He made himself settle back. This changed nothing.

"So last week we talked about your miscarriage, Barbara," Mr. Houston said quietly. The revelation had ended the session the week before. Barbara had been unable to continue.

Barbara nodded at the counselor. To Steve, she looked more composed than he'd seen her in a long time. She turned to face him directly.

"Steve," she said softly, "I'm so sorry I hid it from you. Mr. Houston and I talked about it in our individual counseling but I still don't know why I did it. All I can tell you is that I felt ashamed. I think I felt like it was my fault because I didn't even know about being pregnant. I can't tell you why I felt that way. I can't tell you why I couldn't share the paid with you, but I just couldn't. Someday... when I know, I'll tell you why, but for right now I just don't understand it either."

Steve looked at her. She met his eyes unflinchingly. He decided his wife was telling the truth for once. He shrugged.

"Okay... you'll tell me," he said simply. "Since you're being so truthful and open today, maybe you can let me in on another secret," he said.

"Anything," Barbara answered.

"How many times did you fuck Raphael Porter?" Steve asked. Barbara's eyes flicked away.

"I never had sex with him," she said.

"You're lying," Steve remarked. "And you're not very good at hiding it." He turned to the counselor.

"That's it for me tonight," he said calmly. "Until my wife is ready to tell me the truth, there's no sense in talking." He got up, turned, and walked out the door without saying another word.

"How many times?" Steve demanded. Tonight, two weeks later, Barbara had promised she wouldn't try to evade Steve's questions. It had been a precondition for Steve to return to the couple's counseling sessions. If she lied again, Steve was ready to walk out. October was just around the corner for Pete's sake. Nothing was getting any better.

Barbara took a deep breath.

"Twice," she said quickly. "But it wasn't exactly sex like you think," she added.

Steve slumped in his seat. He let his eyes roll upward beseechingly. Suddenly, he jumped up from the chair and walked quickly to the window beside Mr. Houston's desk. Pulling hard on the cord to raise the Venetian blinds to the top, he stared wildly into the night, putting his cheek close to the glass to look as high up into the sky as he could.

He shook his head, raced to the window directly behind Mr. Houston, and repeated what he'd done at the other one. Verne Houston watched his client apparently going mad with professional detachment. He wondered if he would be able to drag the deranged man back inside if he tried to leap out of one of the windows. Steve was a pretty big guy.

"Hmmmmmm... I don't see it, Barb," Steve complained. "Maybe it's not coming tonight, you reckon?" Mr. Houston coughed delicately.

"Ah... what isn't coming tonight, Mr. Curtis?" he asked gently.

"The mother ship, of course" Steve replied. "My wife has obviously been abducted by aliens who think sex isn't exactly like sex. That's what she said, right? Well, her alien friends will be back to pick her up pretty soon... but I don't see the mother ship so maybe it won't be tonight." He sat back down. He'd had fun with the facetious little drama.

Mr. Houston hadn't enjoyed it nearly as much, though Steve thought he saw a small grin just before a falling blind cut off Verne's reflection in the glass. Houston lowered the other window covering before sitting back down. Barbara hadn't said anything during Steve's antics. Her only reaction had been an embarrassed flush that spread relentlessly up her neck to color her ears.

"If I could go on... ?" she asked, directing her question to the counselor. Mr. Houston nodded.

"By all means," Steve interjected.

Barbara gave him a distracted look. This was hard for her. Steve's sarcasm and sardonic performance were largely wasted on her because she was concentrating so hard on what she had to say that she gave the byplay only marginal attention.

"What I meant was that Mr. Porter would just... he would only... he just wanted me to masturbate him," Barbara said in a low voice. Her head was down. She didn't want to look at anyone.

"And I only did it through his pants," she added. "I never really touched him... and he never touched my... me... uh... my vagina or my breasts or anything like that."

Steve didn't say a word. He sat watching his wife. Barbara blushed deeper and looked steadfastly at the top-front corner of Mr. Houston's desk. Abruptly Steve snorted contemptuously.

"If that's true, you have got to be the saddest excuse for an adulteress on the face of the planet," Steve remarked. "And Raphael must be whatever the exact opposite of a stud is if he couldn't get more from you than that." Steve added.

"All that sneaking around, all the deception and lies, and... all the other crap and all he got was a couple of hand jobs? That's got to be the most pitiful affair on record," he said disgustedly. Barbara wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Nah... that's just too much. I don't believe you," Steve said distinctly. "You're trying to bullshit me again. You're lying." Barbara's head jerked around.

"It's true!" she retorted hotly. Her face was a fiery red from his scathing comments. She averted her eyes again.

Steve took that as another evasion. He shook his head and stood up.

"See y'all when she's ready to tell the truth," he said, looking at Mr. Houston. "I've got better things to do than waste time with a liar and a cheat." He walked out, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"So you admitted to Steve you really were sexing it up with that Porter guy?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah," Barbara said resentfully, "but he didn't believe me. He said it was pitiful."

Lydia chuckled. She quit out of deference to her granddaughter, but she more than half agreed with Steve.

"Well, honey, it's not the most... exciting thing I've ever heard of," Lydia remarked. She watched as Barbara's face colored. "Baby, you got to get used to it. Whatever you did with that man, you shouldn't have been doing it. You had no right to share anything like even what you say with anyone but your husband."

"But Nony, it wasn't really sex. I did all that in high school and it--"

Barbara cut herself off before she further embarrassed herself. She wasn't used to talking with her grandmother about such things. A sardonic grin quirked Lydia's lips before she could control it.

"Barbara... let me put it this way. If Steve was sitting right over there..." Lydia motioned to the couch, "and this Porter guy was standing right in front of you, would you play with that man's prick... even through his pants?" Lydia watched with interest as Barbara's face flushed even redder.

"Of course not!" Barbara protested.

Lydia nodded. She waited a moment. She looked at her granddaughter expectantly until she Barbara was only staring straight ahead stony faced.

"Okay, would you have let Rafe squeeze your butt... and shove his hand up your skirt... and kiss you like a lover does? Would you have done any of that, like in those pictures, in front of your husband."

Barbara's face went from dark red to ashen in the space of two heartbeats. She closed her eyes.

"No," she said in a small voice. Lydia let the silence continue for a while. Her granddaughter was finally facing something she'd been avoiding for a long time.

"You're beginning to see why Steve is having a wee, small problem with the way you've been acting?" Lydia suggested. "Barbie... dear, if you can't do it in front of your husband... sugar, it's wrong."

Barbara let a sour expression spread across her features.

"Oh... I've known all along, I guess," Barbara said wearily. "But you make it sound so... awful and dirty, Nony."

"It was awful and it was dirty," Lydia said indignantly. "It was the most shameful thing I've ever heard of you doing, Barbara. How could you do something like that? Didn't you understand how hurtful it was going to be to Steve?"

"But... Nony... it was like... it was like it didn't have anything to do with Steve. I wasn't thinking about him and me." Barbara stopped, her face twisted with frustration.

"I don't know how to describe it... It's like I was in another world when I was around Rafe, and it wasn't quite real. I never thought of talking or kissing, or even... uh... touching Rafe was connected to me being married.

"I mean... I see it was wrong now... but I just wasn't thinking about any consequences when I was with Rafe. Everything with him was just for the moment... nothing else... just that moment," Barbara said wonderingly.

"I don't understand that, Nony," she said. "Why was I like that?" she asked her grandmother. Her tone was that of a hurt child.

"Do you really want to find out, baby?" she asked. Barbara nodded. Her eyes were swimming in tears.

"Then you talk about it with Verne Houston. Don't try to sugarcoat it, you hear? Just tell him what you were feeling and answer all his questions without trying to make yourself look better, baby girl. That's absolutely the only thing you can do. If you don't do that, nobody can help you, understand?" Barbara nodded. Lydia perched her hip on the edge of the big easy chair and slipped her arms around her granddaughter.

"It'll be all right, Barbie... it'll be all right. No matter what happens you'll come out okay on the other end."

"But, Nony, I don't think Steve loves me anymore," Barbara sobbed. "I don't know what to do." She cried on her grandmother's shoulder for a long while. Lydia patted the younger woman's back until she quieted a little.

"Do you love Steve?" Lydia asked. Barbara nodded. Lydia felt the motion.

"You know Steve doesn't see it that way?" she asked her granddaughter. "He can't see how you could possibly love him and do what you've done to him."

Barbara sighed.

"I know... but I never quit loving him," Barbara said emphatically. "I did some stupid things but I never wanted to hurt him. I don't know how I thought it wouldn't... I thought he'd never know about it. I'm so confused Nony," she said. The tears began welling up again.

"But you still love Steve and you want to keep him?" Lydia said, refusing to be sidetracked by the tears. "No... don't answer right away. Think about it for a minute. Your husband doesn't love you right now... and he might not ever again, honey. Are you prepared to deal with that?"

Barbara didn't answer immediately. She took the time her grandmother suggested.

"Nony," she said quietly, touching a tissue to the corner of her eyes, "I'm a stupid fool and I let myself do things I knew were wrong... but I'm not that stupid... I'm not an idiot. Steve is the best thing I've ever had happen to me. I know that. I always knew it... I didn't think about it for a while... but I've always known it. I want him to love me again like he loved me before and I'll do anything to get him back."

"That's not going to happen," Lydia said sharply.


"Honey, you're not the same person he married. He was in love with the woman he married... he's not in love with who you are now. He doesn't even know who you are.

"You took the innocence right out of your marriage and made it something dirty and ugly. Steve's an angry man right now... and he's not going to change anytime soon. Can you handle that, baby? Can you take the nastiness, the harsh words, the rudeness and cussing he's going to throw at you until he gets it all out of his system? Can you?"

Barbara digested what her grandmother had said. She heard the challenge in Lydia's question. She nodded her head determinedly.

"I want my husband back," she said firmly. "I want him back so bad I'll do anything to make him see I'm his woman and I won't ever make a fool out of myself again." She looked out the window at the children across the street for a moment.

"But what do I do, Nony," she asked. "If he doesn't love me anymore, what do I do?" Lydia laughed.

"Why, that's the simplest thing in the world, child... you make him fall in love with you again, that's what."

Monday - Individual Counseling Session

"Total, complete honesty... that's the key," Mr. Houston said firmly. "I cannot emphasize that strongly enough, Barbara. If there's to be any chance of reconciling with Steve, he must see that you are an open book. No evasions, no fudging, no covering up something because it's embarrassing... or you're ashamed about it... no nothing!"

Mr. Houston was a little miffed with his client. Here it was the third week in September --coming up on two months into the couple's counseling and one of his clients had only last week admitted to having had sex with a man outside the marriage. This was the umpteenth session with Mrs. Curtis. He'd much rather something like this come out in the second or third.

"I must say you're coming awfully late to the table here," he told her. "I have to tell you your husband is probably at the end of his rope and I doubt he would believe you if you said day is light and night is dark right now."

"I know, Mr. Houston," Barbara said quietly. "I've been a fool and I know it. I wa hoping this would just go away if I kept denying I had had any kind of sex with Rafe. I've been ashamed of what I did, so I tried to hide it. But my grandmother has talked to me a lot and I admit it... I was being stupid, and selfish, trying to do that. I apologize to you and I will to Steve too when I see him."

The counselor sat back and looked at his client for a long while. Finally, he sighed to himself. There was no doubt Mrs. Curtis was sincere in what she'd just told him. She was calm and self-possessed this afternoon. Her eyes were cool and she faced him directly. Her hands sat quietly in her lap instead of twisting about each other as she tried to find ways to excuse her conduct or dodge a question. He'd just have to see what could be salvaged here.

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"Crunchy?" "Yes, Momma. Crunchy and lumpy, too." "Take the bear down and put him in his regular spot. We'll have to check him when we get back. Unless you want to shop in Manitowoc. That's the next boat." "No thank you, momma. Manitowoc doesn't even sound like fun. We can dismember the bear when we get back. Ludington for a week doesn't sound like much, either." "Dress in your owners outfit while I get us a ride." Momma ran for the white house with the red stripe while I...

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How High A Price Another View ConclusionChapter 3 Earlys Response written by E Z Riter

Early Conroy had aged ten years in the past three months. Finding the love of his life fucking another man had done that to him. But Early was tough. He had survived and things were getting better. He had, on advice of his attorney, taken the time requested by Susan—who was still his wife legally but not emotionally and certainly not morally—to consider the letter she had written him. That letter was laden with apparent remorse and pleaded with him to give her another chance. Unbeknownst to...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 120 Dearly Beloved

Dawn had come and gone leaving nothing remarkable in its wake. Discounting of course that during the previous night The Emperor of the most powerful Dynasty in known space had made planet fall. And at some point, just before the approaching noon, the closest male friend of one Kiyone Makibi would be married and thus recognized as It's crown prince. So, Key had wisely allowed additional sleep time for both Mihoshi and herself. Certain that calling what was to come 'hectic' would be the...

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Early Retirement

Early RetirementBy               Ed Kilpatrick E-mail:       [email protected] tale has been written by Ed Kilpatrick and he would request that it is not distributed nor uploaded to any website without his prior written consent.                                                                                        It had been a very long afternoon and I was hot; very hot and sweating profusely through the thick spandex (Lycra) Zentai suit, that covered me from head to toe. My hands were...

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Mollys Early Revelation

MOLLY'S EARLY REVELATION Part One We all look for those influences that shape our gender expression. But with all girls who have evolved, there is that early recognition of having that "femme" spirit of mind and expression that manifests early in life. Is it that inner mixing of XX vs. XY chromosome issue? Is it domineering women we have had in life?-more of an environmental influence or is simply a feminine being, packaged wrongly for what ever reason? As I sat...

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Innocence Lost An Early Introduction to BDSM

Innocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...

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My Yearly Physical

I work a job where a yearly physical is required. It’s a real pain in the ass. I go to the local occupational health clinic that the company contracts with. Once there I sit in the waiting room for hours until I’m taken back and ran through the drill of vitals, urine test, and eye test. After the nurse gets done with their part, I’m shown into an exam room and told to strip to just my socks.There is one of those cheapo hospital gowns for me to put on. Then I get to sit there uncomfortably until...

Oral Sex
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Yearly Physical IV

Yearly Physical IV That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate stimulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me. “Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I...

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Early journeys in love

John and I were single children raised in a small Scottish town in the 1920s. We started at Primary School on the same day and but didn’t became pals straightaway. We each had our little group of pals with whom we hung out and played. As we got older, these friendships frayed, and John and I found ourselves isolated. Boys no longer included us in their games, and we were usually left on the side-lines when sports teams were selected.“You’re a pair of wimps. We don’t want you around.”In truth,...

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By the Dawns Early Light

It happened when I turned 30 years old, seemingly on the very day my twenties were left behind. My metabolism, once my staunchest ally, turned suddenly and cruelly against me. All my previous life I had been able to eat anything I wanted and in as large of quantities as I wanted without any measurable effect on my weight or health. I could drink beer every weekend, spend every spare moment of my life luxuriating on the couch, never do anything more strenuous than walking from the airport...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 28

The show did better than Joe expected, with expectation tamping down hope so as not to be disappointed. No sell outs that first weekend, but the majority of the four hundred seats had butts in them. Each performance ended with different sets of congratulators after. Friday had the family contingent. Mom and Dad and sister. Eddie’s mom and dad and brother. Belle’s mother and cousins, of which there were several, most grease monkeys like her who would never have expected to spend a Friday in a...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 29

Joe woke up relatively early, his inner clock awakening him, quickly realizing his location, the king sized bed in the rural mansion. Cheryl smiled at him. “You’ve been awake?” he asked her. “Just now,” she said. “Shower?” “Yes.” “I gotta use the toilet.” “Me too. I’ll use the hall bathroom.” “Join me after?” “Of course.” He pulled on his boxers and entered the hallway. Simone exited the bathroom, wearing what must have been Simon’s shirt, her hair and face showing she’d just woken up....

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I had a thrilling sexperience. It was pure and pure adventurous sex, the type I love most, mere yards away from a main road and mere yards away from a major 4 road junction.I leave to work quite early between 6.15 and 6.30 am. I leave early as I have to take a bus and buses get jammed in the heavy morning traffic. Unlike many others I love to travel in crowded buses and I love the traffic. You may ask me why? It is because crowded buses offer ample opportunities to get rubbed and the traffic...

4 years ago
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Thibadeau the Pirate the Early Years

Sarah and Jason Thibadeau received a letter from the publishers of their story Thibadeau The Pirate. Opening it they read: Jason, we have just received a letter from a person by the name of Thibodeaux located in North Carolina. She has asked me to put you in contact with her. She claims to have information about an ancestor of hers that very possibly could be the same person as the first Jason Thibadeau of Vermont. According to this lady there are too many similarities between her ancestor and...

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The Day I Came Home Early From Work

The Day I Came Home Early From WorkI am a 45 year old man who has a, while not beautiful but extremely attractive wife named Lisa who just turned 36 a few days ago. We have been married for 16 years and live in an upscale, middle class neighborhood out side a large southern city in South Carolina. I am the chief buyer for a very large company and work from 8am usually to 6pm each afternoon. It usually takes me about 45 minutes to commute back and forth to my job. We have a 16 year old son who...

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Early for the Lesson Pt 1

Alex heard a sharp rap at the door. He had rescheduled with Zoe at the last minute, and she must’ve come early. Not that he minded. Their weekly visits had turned into increasingly filthy fuck sessions, so the extra time would be well spent. Alex got up to let Zoe in, ready to grab her, turn her around and take her right there in the entry way. He opened the door, devilish grin plastered across his face. It wasn’t Zoe. “Hi, I’m Courtney,” a girl standing before him said in a no-nonsense...

Straight Sex
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my life the early years

My LifeChapter oneThe early yearsI was born in the early sixties on a farm about two miles from anywhere, I never knew my mother because two days after giving birth to my younger brother something happened and she was rushed into intensive care where they tried everything to save her but she slowly slipped away. At this time I was only three years old and to be truthful have not many memories of her only what I’ve been told by either my dad or my three older sisters, my sisters bought up my...

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Early Morning Run Turns Into MidMorning Fun

I walk my dogs every morning, usually between 6:30 and 7:30.  The road is remote and in most cases, the only people and cars on the road are neighbors and the occasional contractor.  The walks are a great way to start the day.  Between morning thickness, the warm sun, and gentle breeze, more times than not I am extremely horny when I get home.  Cumming while taking a shower and watching various styles of porn is a great way to start any day. At least a couple of times a week I see Paula walking...

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Voyeur Early Years Part 1

This is my first attempt at story telling. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Even at an early age I had already begun my journey into a life of voyeurism, I just did not know it at the time. I have early memories sitting on the floor playing with my toys one morning, probably about 10 years old, my mum had some friends over and they were lounging around drinking coffee gossiping and such, not noticing the innocent young boy looking up their skirts at every opportunity....

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Early Morning Heat

EARLY MORNING HEATbyChristopher PierceHow did I wind up getting jerked off by a total stranger in the garage of my apartment building, praying that none of my neighbors would walk in? How did someone as shy as myself end up with my shorts pulled down, rubbing my crotch against another man's anxious butt?Who could say? It had all started normally...That morning I had gotten up at 5:00 AM, which was normal.It was cold outside, which was normal.I had gone to the gym and worked out at 5:30 AM,...

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Since My Early Youth

Since My Early Youth By Susie Hoare Since my early youth (prepubescent) I had an interest in dressing as a girl and also an interest in having my bottom spanked. I used to play a game with my younger sister in which I would dress in her clothes, and we would be two girls. However even at that early age of 7 or 8, I used to like pretending to be a stripper doing a strip tease. I never had my bottom spanked or caned as a child but I loved comics where spankings were shown and I...

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Linda the Early Years

Chapter 1: Debbie It was as cold as a witch's tit out there. I was wearing my big fluffy green sweater with the big white P on the front. Matching green gloves with white trim covered my hands and my head was protected by a similarly colored wool cap with white Mickey Mouse type fluffy ears. My eyes were tearing from the bitter wind sweeping across the open field. What hurt most, from the cold, were my legs, bare under the short white skirt covering those green silk panties which gave me...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 3

During Christmas break, Freddy proved to be Joe’s muse. That break seemed to open the floodgates of creativity, and Joe completed Dreamscape, his series of dreamlike sketches. They would read his dialogues fresh off the typewriter. And she would sketch what would become backgrounds for the scenes. And the collaboration helped excuse them being in his bedroom together, for her parents and his father. His mother knew what would go on, either at the beginning or the end, and often both, during...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 18

By the time Joe flew out of New York, he still didn’t understand his relationship with Moe. She had broken up with him twice, and yet they bounced back together as if strung by rubber bands, their impacts that much stronger, at least in the bedroom. The ecstatic afternoon in her borrowed apartment after the first break. The night of pleasure he brought her after the second. A night he thought he’d shared a literal and figurative climax for them as lovers, following relentless fucking, in...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 9 An Early Sunday Morning

When he made his bed once again on the sofa, he considered setting the alarm for the wee hours of the morning. He wanted to make sure he got up early enough to accomplish "his plans". Although an early alarm was not out of the ordinary because of his habitual morning run, he still did not want the alarm to potentially wake everyone else. So he left it off. Unfortunately, this was probably a mistake. He did not sleep at all. He was very worried about not waking up on time. As a result, he...

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Gas The Early Trials

‘You never said why.’ Sarah C. said to Dr Tilley from her comfy chair. Sarah idly flicked back an errant blonde hair as she looked across at the slightly greying, ageing man before her. Dr Tilley had begun to sport a neat little salt and pepper goatee of late, which framed his face in a slightly satanic cast. ‘Why what?’ Dr Tilley replied, sitting across from her in a relaxed slump. Above them, there was a soft chime. ‘We are coming in to land,’ said the voice. ‘Please extinguish all smoking...

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Our Early Years Chapter 1

My wife and I first met on Saturday, March 21, 1971, at a dance sponsored by the American Legion Post in our small hometown in South Carolina. A local rock‘ n roll band was playing that night and if you were over eighteen you could buy cold beer, which was the first thing I did when I got there.As usual, the music was loud and the air thick with smoke. It was crowded with most of those attending were from the local high school. A bit bored, I was sipping my beer and looking around when I saw...

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my early years part 2

I went upstairs and turned the water on to run myself a bath and went and got a towel from Renie,s room, went back into my room and put some music on, then back into the bathroom and relaxed in a nice warm bath listening to music, i never heard the door and the next thing i know John was standing next to the bath looking at me, i said "Hi John wheres Simon?" "He will be home soon" "ok, did you have a good day at your friends," i asked "yes" he said "can i see your fanny...

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A boys femininity awakened Part two early girlhood

Sissy boy John was petticoated at Secondary School after falling foul of Jenny Tough, a school bully. During his week of penance, John found that he was more at ease and happier amongst girls than with boys. John decided, therefore, to explore his feminine side by trying to live as a girl. John’s Mum was shocked when he first arrived at home wearing a schoolgirl’s uniform but calmly listened to his story.“Well, sweetie, this is a bombshell. You’ve always been a sensitive boy, but I never...

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An Early Return

You are alone in the hotel room, I had to leave for a several hours and told you I’d be back around 10:30. You didn’t want me to leave, but when I promised you extra special treatment when I returned, you graciously didn’t argue with me. After an hour or so you decided to draw a bath, and prepare yourself for my return. You soak and luxuriate until you feel as if your skin is going to slough off if you stay in any longer, and then rinse the suds off with the showerhead as the tub drains. I...

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An Early Morning Intrusion

Ow. That fucking hurt, man. Shit. I should really stop falling off the damn bed. I prop myself up against the side of my bed and rub my thigh where a bruise will soon be forming. *clatter* I tense. The fuck was that? More noise as whoever knocked whatever to the floor starts picking it up. I pick up two of my knives from my bedside table and creep to the kitchen, towards the noise. Why does this stuff always happen when I’m in my boxers? Shit! I fall backwards on the floor, nearly...

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Early Afternoon Off

She arrives home early from doing half a days work. She is so glad to be finally home and starting her weekend early, it feels so good to take half a Friday off and not return until Tuesday due to a Monday holiday. She opens the door to her apartment and sunshine greets her. She is on the 2nd floor and loves having the blinds open at all times. Her cat prances up to her meowing to say hello. She bends down to pet him and he purrs and that makes her all tingly inside. Throwing her purse and...

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Early Morning Hooker

Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. – Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It’s summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...

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Have Hands Will Travel The Early Years

Introduction: How It All Started Have Hands Will Travel The Early Years It was while in the Army I actually done something to really change my life. The times reflected the mood of the early 1970s with the Vietnam War, Watergate , and Womens Lib in the headlines.. I was stationed at Monterey, California at Ft. Ord . I was only months from discharge and counted myself lucky they didnt need mechanics so I wouldnt be re-enlisting. It was a job not unlike a civilian who worked 9-5 40 hours a...

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Annie and I the early days chapter 4

I should have gone to my second job that night, but when Annie asked me not to go, I agreed immediately. Well, she not only asked but she’d also put on her new see-through nightie and poured us both out a drink. What’s a man supposed to do?We were up early the next morning and ready for our new adventure. We decided we’d like to ride our bikes to the marina to collect the third boat and we stopped at Frank’s house to make sure our change of plan was okay.Nancy came to the door and said that...

Love Stories
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I Get a Surprise coming Home Early

As the meeting ended sooner than expected, I decided to fly home on Friday night instead of returning on Sunday as previously planned. In order to make the surprise complete, I decided not to call Kathy to let her know of my plans. My plane was delayed in Chicago and by the time I made it to my car in the airport parking lot, it was already 9:30 PM."Shit!" I though to myself, "This day is completely shot. Oh, well, at least Kathy will be happy to have me home a few days early."I pulled up to...

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