September Gurl free porn video

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September Gurl Belladonna [Author's Note: With Apologies to Big Star for the Title] Davis Perry rubbed his fingers across his forehead before he looked down at his son and said, "Are you sure you can handle it?" "Mom's asking me to watch Susanna for a few days, not go to the moon," Peter retorted, shaking his head. Susanna was four years younger than him and just entering high school. Peter had graduated the June before, but he had decided to take a year off before going to college. Peter was also the middle child with a two-year-older sister who went away to college. Peter often felt like the forgotten man in the family as his mother and father doted on his older sister and spent long hours scolding Susanna. Susanna's behavioral issues were the main reason that Peter's parents were reluctant to leave him in charge. She had been spoiled when she was younger and began acting out more demonstratively and destructively as she approached her teenage years. It was Susanna's behavioral issues that prompted her parents to enroll her at a private all girls' high school over her strenuous objections. She wanted to go to public school with her friends, but her parents believed that they had been a terrible influence on her. "You know what a handful she can be," Davis replied to his son as he paused to rehash his doubts about leaving his son alone with her. Davis and his wife's, Vicki, plans to oversee Susanna's first days at her new school were thrown into disarray by their oldest daughter. Her hospitalization across the country after breaking her leg and briefly falling into a comma, after she tripped while rolling a beer keg up the street with a friend, had laid waste to their plans. Both parents greatly wanted to be by her side until she was discharged from the hospital and got acclimated back to living on her own. Still, their doubts about Peter's ability to handle Susanna made them hold back a little as each thought about leaving the other behind to stay home and deal with their youngest child. "Dad, it's no big deal. I mean she acted out the other day with me, and I pinned her down. I got the edge there on you too because I'll put my hands on her while you two won't." Davis glared at his son for a moment before he retorted, "You think you can keep an eye on her and figure out what she's doing, when you're still trying to find yourself." Peter could not miss the derision in his father's tone as he finished his sentence. While Peter's mother was slightly supportive of his decision to put off college for a year, Peter's father saw it as nothing more than a waste of time. Peter replied, "I've got it. Now, get going." Davis shook his head at his son's cocky attitude before he replied, "If she gives you any trouble, any trouble, pickup the phone immediately." Peter nodded as Davis walked towards the bags he packed as his wife finished warning her youngest daughter about what would happen if she acted out while they were away. She came down the stairs when she finished, sending Davis to Susanna's room to second her message and say goodbye to her. Vicki stared at her son as she clutched at her luggage. "What's going on, Mom?" Peter asked feeling uncomfortable as Vicki stared at him in silence. "Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" "I've lived with her for her whole life, Mom." "It's not the same thing as trying to control her." "I've kicked her ass for years too." "Brothers and sisters fighting is not the same thing as parenting..." "I'm not her parent!" "True, but you're going to, essentially, be her guardian." Peter shrugged as he said, "How hard can it really be, Mom?" "You have no idea," she retorted as her husband started down the stairs. "Are you almost ready?" Davis asked his wife. Vicki nodded her head as she turned to Davis and asked, "Are you sure about this?" Despite the vagueness of her question, Peter was sure that it was about leaving his sister in his care. Davis shook his head and said, "No, but what are our options?" Vicki nodded again before she turned to her son and said, "Don't screw this up." "That badly," his father added to try to break the tension a little. "It'll be fine," Peter replied, trying to reassure them as they stepped out of the door. Peter said goodbye to them before they made their way to his father's car. Peter turned away from the door and moved into the kitchen as they got into the car and started it. As his parents pulled out of the driveway to make the trip to go and tend to his older sister, his younger sister emerged from her bedroom. She walked down the stairs and saw Peter standing in the kitchen. Susanna walked towards Peter and smirked as she said, "What's up, little bro?" Peter glared at his younger sister, knowing how much she liked to mock him for being three inches shorter than she was. There were tall and short genes on both sides of the family. While Peter and his older sister had gotten the short genes, his younger sister was not burdened with them and not shy about reminding either one of her siblings about it. "What's up with you?" Peter retorted as he leaned onto the counter. "Nothing much. I'm just heading out with my friends in a little bit." "Okay," Peter replied, not caring too much about how his sister spent her time. "Just don't bother me," Peter added. "Oh, heaven forbid. I know you've got so much going on with all that nothing to take up your time," Susanna replied as she rolled her eyes. "Well, nothing is going to beat what you're going to be doing tomorrow." "We'll see about that." "I don't think so. I was a freshman once. I know what you're in for," Peter said with a laugh. "You were at a real school. I'm at an all girls school. It's going to be nothing like you anything you experienced." "There's going to be more lesbian action," Peter replied. Susanna scrunched up her face as she shook her head and said, "That's disgusting, you pervert." "Two girls together is a beautiful thing, sis," Peter responded, knowing how uncomfortable lesbians made her sister. "Oh, so, suddenly, you're Mr. Tolerance, now." "I'm a tolerant person." "So, if I bring over Clarissa's gay brother and his boyfriend over, you won't look away when they start making out? All that kissing and fondling..." "That's enough," Peter interjected trying to clear away the image that Susanna had implanted in his mind. "That's what I thought, you little freak." "Just remember, I might be shorter than you, but I can still kick your ass." "Is that your proudest accomplishment? You can still kick your little sister's ass. Grow up already." "Oh, I should grow up already. How much did you bitch and moan when they signed you up for Chilton?" "That's totally different! They're taking me away from all my friends." "They're a bad influence, honey. They're only taking you in the wrong direction," Peter replied, mimicking his mother. Susanna rolled her eyes and sneered as she said, "Well, I'm still going out with them today." "Just be back by curfew. You've got your big first day of school tomorrow," Peter mocked. "Thank you, Mother," Susanna retorted as she walked towards him. Peter turned away from her before Susanna grabbed the ends of some Peter's long strands of hair and yanked it. "Ow," Peter yelped before he turned and slapped away her hand yelled, "Bitch!" Susanna smirked in response as she walked towards the front door and took hold of her purse. Peter watched her hurry out the door before he went into the living room. Peter rested around the home throughout the day. As the evening sky grew dim, Peter began to wonder where his sister was and called her to ask if she wanted him to pickup dinner for her. He called her phone, but he got no response, which was not unusual when he tried to call her. After Peter left his home to get dinner for himself, he returned and ate it at home while he waited for his sister to come through the front door. As her curfew came and went, Peter picked up the phone and called her again. Susanna did not answer his call, prompting Peter to start to worry. 'What the hell is she doing', Peter wondered before he left the house and got into his car. Peter drove to Susanna's favorite places to hangout with her friends, but he did not see her anywhere before he returned home, hoping she had beat him back. Peter walked in the front door and called out to his sister. Silence met him before he locked the front door and headed up the steps to check her bedroom. Peter prayed that she was ignoring him or had on headphones while he turned the doorknob to her room. Peter pushed open the door and saw that Susanna was nowhere to be found. He peered inside at the teen heartthrob pictures that lined her walls before he turned and walked out of the room. Peter shook his head as he called her phone again. Susanna picked up and shrieked, "God, what do you want from my life, Peter?" "Where the hell are you?" Peter bellowed. "What's it to you?" Susanna retorted. "I'm supposed to be watching you!" "And a hell of a job you're doing too," Susanna rejoined. "Get your ass back here," Peter shouted. "Why don't you ask nicely?" "I'm not playing games, Susanna." "I'm not either. I don't want any part of that fucking Chilton Academy they're sending me to anyway. I'm going to get myself kicked out one way or another. I may as well get it out of the way now. So, I'll be back when I damn well feel like it!" "You're coming back, now." "Make me, little boy," Susanna retorted as she hung up the phone. Peter screamed before he dialed Susanna's phone, but she refused to pickup his call. Peter kept dialing Susanna's phone, but she just sent his calls straight to voicemail each time. Peter beat his fist against the wall as he thought about calling the police or his parents. Peter remembered his father telling him to call him if his sister gave him any trouble, but Peter did not want to admit that he was in over his head already. "She's fine. She's fine. She'll probably be back by morning," Peter rationalized before he went back down the steps. Peter sat down upon the couch and turned on the television and decided to wait for his sister to come home. Peter worried more and more as the hours passed before he found himself drifting to sleep. Peter's eyes opened wide as he saw the morning sunlight shinning through the window. Peter rubbed his eyes as he stumbled to his feet and thought, 'Shit. I was only trying to rest my eyes for a minute.' Peter tried to shake off his grogginess as he moved towards the staircase. Peter slowly ascended the steps before he turned and walked towards his sister's bedroom door. Peter gave the vacant room a blank look as he noticed that the sheets were undisturbed from the night before. Peter's heart started to race as he realized that his sister had not come home. "Susanna," Peter shouted out just to be sure. "Oh, my God," Peter exclaimed as he tried to calm himself down. He reached for his cell phone and called her. Again, his call went straight to voice mail. "You bitch," Peter bellowed as he clasped his head and stood in silence trying to figure out what to do. Peter walked into his sister's room and stared around it. His eyes caught sight of her new school identification that was resting on the top of her vanity. "Son of a bitch," Peter exclaimed as he remembered that it was Susanna's first day at her new school. "They're going to call looking for her," Peter realized, knowing that her absence would also be noted. He knew that there was no way he was going to be able to hide it from his parents. "Oh, God! I'm going to have to call them," Peter muttered as he clasped his head and shook it from side to side. Peter knew that he was never going to hear the end of it from his father. He had lost his teenage sister in less than a day. "They already don't trust me," Peter said to himself as he pulled his hands away from his face and caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. Peter moved closer to it and thought about all the strangers that had assumed that he and Susanna were twins giving their appearance. They both strongly resembled their mother, while their older sister looked strikingly like his father's mother. Peter stared down at the picture and noticed the slight perceptible differences between their appearances. His small nose was slightly larger. His long hair was slightly lighter and did not contain the highlights his sister had put in hers. The distinguishing differences were real, but the picture on her identification was surprisingly dark. Peter knew that it would take an extremely close inspection of the identification to differentiate him from the girl in the picture before him. The only thing that may gave someone doubt was the height discrepancy. Peter shrugged as he reasoned, "I could claim I was wearing heels when they took the measurement." Peter caught himself as he muttered, "I can't be really thinking about trying this." 'You can't be that stupid,' a voice inside his head answered. Peter began to weigh the risks in his head before his phone rang. Peter desperately hoped that it was his sister. The sight of the words "Incoming Call - Mom" made his stomach drop as all his hopes left his body. Peter nervously pressed the talk button and said, "Hello." "Hey, baby." "Hi, Mom," Peter replied trying to feign cheerfulness. "How are you holding up?" "Pretty good," Peter lied. "Is Susanna there? I can't get through to her." "Umm...," Peter replied. "Is she there or not," his mother pressed. "Sure, she's here." "Can I speak to her?" "Can you? Um...oh, no. No, I'm sorry she's in the bathroom," Peter lied, not wanting to admit the truth. "You make sure that she gets to school. She can't be late. I don't want her starting off on the wrong foot." "I promise I'll get her there on time, Mom, one way or another," Peter replied. His mother thanked him before she asked if there was anything he needed. Peter told her no before he got off the phone and stared back at his reflection in the vanity. "Well, you really screwed yourself good, Peter," Peter said to his reflection before he saw the time on Susanna's alarm clock. "Shit," Peter exclaimed as he hurried into the bathroom. Peter turned on the shower and thought about the many mornings he spent getting ready to go to high school. "This again," Peter muttered shaking his head as he stepped into the shower. As Peter scrubbed his legs, Peter realized that his leg hair would not look good underneath Susanna's skirt. "For the love of God," Peter mumbled under his breath as he caught a glimpse of his sister's lady's razor. "I can't really do this," Peter said while he picked up the razor. He made one stroke on his legs and saw the long bald patch left in its wake. Peter shuddered at the sight of the matted hair on the blade before he cleaned it off. "There's no going back now," Peter muttered as he felt a queasy feeling growing in his stomach as he shaved his legs. Once Peter finished with his legs, he looked at the small amount of hair on his arms and decided not to shave it before his eyes drifted to his chest. Peter's meager amount of chest hair was a source of embarrassment for him among his friends as he did not have the muscle mass to pull off the smooth skin look. Peter hated the idea of losing the small amount of hair he had on his chest, but he figured that the season for being shirtless had already passed as he lathered up his chest. Peter chest did not take long to shave before he looked at his underarms and thought, 'Do I really have to?' As the realization that his sister had gym class hit, Peter knew that the answer was yes. Peter shaved both armpits before he washed his hair and stepped out of the shower. Peter quickly dried himself off before he blow-dried his long, naturally straight hair. Peter placed a towel around his waist and moved into his sister's room. He opened her closet and stared at her uniforms. The sight of the plaid jumpers and white blouses made his stomach churn before he realized that he needed undergarments to pad out the developing figure he was supposed to have as the 14-year-old girl he was trying to pass himself off as being. Peter hesitated before he moved towards Susanna's dresser. He felt like a pervert as he pulled open his younger sister's underwear drawer and looked at her collection of intimates. "Jesus Christ," Peter exclaimed as he saw the selection that easily dwarfed his entire collection of boxers and undershirts. Peter's hands trembled as he pulled out a plain white bra from the drawer and flung it onto her bed. Peter rubbed the hand that had touched the bra against his towel a few times before he managed to muster the resolve to pickup a pair of her white panties. Peter dropped his robe and felt sick as he stepped into her soft cotton panties. Peter was alarmed by how soft and comfortable they felt as they were brought up his freshly shaven legs. "This is so wrong," Peter muttered as he felt his manhood enlarging as it was placed into its confines within his panties. Peter shuddered as he reached for the bra and put his arms through it. He hooked it in front of his chest before he reached into her drawer and pulled out several pairs of socks to stuff it with. Peter felt far more comfortable handling the socks then the rest of her intimates that were now on his body as he took hold of them. Once Peter finished stuffing the bra, he thought about what he would wear on his legs. Peter knew that his sister had bought a large collection of colored tights to wear under them at her mother's insistence. It was one of the only ways the girls were allowed to show any individuality, however, even then, they were required to be a solid color. The idea of putting them on made Peter's head spin before he saw his sister's handbook from the school. He turned the book to the required uniform and was relieved to find that girls were allowed to wear socks in any color. Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he grabbed hold of a pair of plain white socks and put them on his feet before he went towards Susanna's closet. Peter picked up the plain white, cap sleeved blouse with a Peter Pan collar that he knew made his sister sick to wear. Peter knew how much she hated wearing it when her mother made her try it on, and he never tired of teasing her for having to wear it for a whole school year. The idea that he would ever find himself in it was too fanciful for him even to imagine prior to that moment. "Is this a Karmic revenge," Peter wondered aloud as he put the blouse on and buttoned it up. After putting on the blouse, Peter resigned himself to putting on the jumper that the school made its freshmen wear before permitting them to wear skirts in their remaining three years at the school. Peter put the jumper on overhead before he worked his arms through the holes. Peter shuddered as he saw his legs peaking out from beneath the skirt of the jumper. Peter's eyes were drawn back to the mirror over Susanna's vanity. "I look like a little fucking girl," Peter's said in a defeated tone that could not hide his despair. Peter grinded his teeth while he went back to the vanity and saw the array of cosmetics that his sister had left out. Peter was familiar with some of the makeup as his two sisters had teamed up to make him over when he was younger before he grew stronger than his older sister. Most of the makeup was foreign to Peter though in terms of putting it on. He resigned himself to only putting on his sister's eye shadow and lip-gloss as they were the only things he figured he could do a presentable job with given his unfamiliarity with makeup. Peter took care to apply the cosmetics evenly on his face. Peter was surprised by how feminine the black eye shadow and pink lip-gloss made his eyes and lips look. Peter shook his head at his reflection as he looked down at Susanna's school identification again and thought that no one would be able to distinguish him from the girl in the picture. Peter nodded to himself as he went into Susanna's closet and pulled out one of her purses. He put her school identification into it before he put her makeup in it as well. "What else would she need?" Peter wondered aloud as he looked around, wanting to make sure that he appeared to be a 14-year-old girl and not an 18-year-old boy pretending to be one. Peter opened up his Susanna's drawers and pulled out a brush and put it in the bag. He kept opening the drawers until he saw Susanna's Kotex. Peter's stomach churned as he took out a pad and stuck it in his bag just in case another girl looked inside of it. Peter reached for the school bag that his mother had bought Susanna. He put it on his back before he picked up his purse and grabbed the school's handbook. He thumbed through it to look at the permitted shoes as he wondered if any of his sister's would fit him. After placing the handbook in his purse, Peter leaned over and took hold of the black and white saddle shoes and the black Mary Jane's that Susanna was permitted to wear. Peter thought that the saddle shoes looked bigger, so he slipped his feet into them. Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he found that his feet almost fit into the shoes. Although his feet felt crushed by the size too small shoes, Peter knew that he could persevere for a day in them. Peter picked up the purse again and hurried down the steps. Peter grabbed his keys before he remembered that 14-year-old girls were not allowed to drive. Peter struggled regarding his correct course of action before he saw the yellow bus coming down the street. Peter had not ridden one during his entire senior year, and he felt that it was beneath him to do it. Peter waited for the bus to pull away before he grabbed his mother's keys and went into the garage. Peter decided to take her car so that he could pull into and out of the garage instead of having to walk to and from his car that was parked on the street in full view of the neighbors. Peter got behind the wheel and began to formulate a plan to park at the park and ride that was not far from Susanna's school. Peter made his way to the place before he parked his car and began the fifteen-minute walk to the school. Peter felt sick as the school came into his view and he saw the teenaged girls standing around front of it. The idea that he was going to spend a day among them seemed absurd to him, but the feeling of the warm, early autumn wind blowing up the skirt of his jumper kept driving home the reality of his situation. Peter kept his head low as he worried if he could pass himself off as a girl once he was forced to interact with people. As Peter walked past some of the older classmen, he felt largely anonymous. Once he reached the door, he saw a security guard who asked for his identification. Peter reached into his purse and pulled out his sister's school identification card. The guard looked it over before he let Peter in without saying a word. As Peter walked through the hallways, he saw some people looking at him as he made his way towards the homeroom that Susanna had been assigned to for the school year. Peter was surprised by how many of the girls were bigger than him. While there had been a number of girls at his school that were taller than he was, the Academy's school size was similar to his public school. The almost doubled amount of girls resulted in there being a seemingly doubled amount of girls who were larger than he was. His heart was racing as Peter walked into his sister's homeroom. He gazed around at the seated girls before he spotted an empty desk. He slid into the chair beneath the desk to wait for the bell to ring while the girls around him chatted as if he was not there. Once the bell rang, the homeroom instructor told them what was expected of them. Peter was surprised by her stern tone. It was different from what he was used to and was something that he felt he was beyond in his life. Despite the feeling, Peter remembered his place. The feeling of the hem of the jumper's skirt on his legs would not let him forget who he was supposed to be. Peter nodded along with the freshmen girls while the teacher continued to talk before he was given a lock and assigned a locker. Peter took his lock and went towards the locker across from the homeroom and put his things away before he returned to the classroom with the other girls. Once homeroom ended, Peter reported to his sister's first class. It was a routine that was similar to the one he had grown used to in the high school days he thought he had left behind for good. Peter walked into the class and sat down before the class began. The teacher seated the students in alphabetical order shortly after the bell rang. As the teacher explained the curriculum of the class, Peter nodded along, already knowing the material from when he had been subjected to it. Once the class ended, Peter headed into the hallway towards his second period class. As he turned a corner, he kept his head down, nervous that eye contact would result in someone making a conclusion about his true gender that had escaped everyone around him so far. Peter picked up his speed as girl stepped away from her locker. The girl took a sudden set back into Peter, sending him reeling to the floor. "Watch where you're going, pipsqueak," the girl taunted as Peter stared up at her broad, 6 foot even frame. Peter nodded in silence, intimidated by the girl. 'She could kick my ass', Peter thought with some alarm while the girl went back to talking with her friends from the school swim team. Peter's hand trembled as he got to his feet and picked up his purse. Peter could see some of the other girls laughing at him as his weakness had been exposed to them. He hurried towards his second period class as he heard the laughter that he was sure that he was coming at his expense. Peter sat down in the classroom and saw a few girls he had passed by staring at him and laughing at him as they caught a glimpse of his reddened face. He saw one girl do a pratfall while the group of girls she was with laughed at his misfortune. 'Just great', Peter thought. The second class went much like the first as the instructor told him nothing that he had not heard before. Once the class ended, Peter headed back into the hallway. Peter quickly realized that he was still a source of amusement as he exited the classroom. He kept his head down as he heard the whispering. A few girls stepped in front of him to try to make him walk into them. Peter shook his head as heard other girls talking about various things that he did not understand. Peter realized that he was in a completely alien territory. He had nothing in common with the girls. His failure to be able to relate to them kept him alienated and unable to form connections as he entered his third class. As Peter sat down, he noticed that the cliques of girls were taking form as they began to cling together as they grew more familiar with one another. Peter shook his head wondering how anyone could deal with it. While Peter had seen male bullying before, and had been on the receiving end of some of it, Peter felt that the girls were just trying to humiliate him and make him feel isolated because he lacked their social skills. The more Peter thought about it, the crueler that girls seemed to be towards one another than men were. As the class ended, a group of girls from the class walked up to Peter in the hallway and asked, "So what's your deal?" "What deal?" Peter asked. "Why aren't you saying anything to anyone?" One inquired. "I didn't have anything to say," Peter replied. One girl smiled at another before she said, "I don't doubt it with her cock sucking lips." Peter blushed furiously prompting another girl to reply, "That's it. She's a total slut." "I'm not a slut!" "How many guys did you blow this summer," one asked. Peter put his head down and tried to walk away from them as they followed him down the hallway laughing with each other and pointing at him. Peter felt that he was on the verge of tears as he entered the classroom. He wanted to scream out that he was a heterosexual boy, but he knew that would only make things far worse for himself. Peter sat down at a desk and waited for the teacher to situate the kids as she desired. Peter followed the instructions as he moved about in the class and got another lecture on a subject he remembered as it was described to him. Once Peter exited the class, a group of girls got in front of him. They walked in a slow straight line, forcing him to keep his head up to prevent himself from walking into them. Peter could see them talking and occasionally looking back at him. They never addressed him. They just let him know that they considered him beneath them as they controlled his pace and snickered to each other. 'This cannot be happening', Peter thought as he remembered some of the girls from his school that were picked on for seemingly no reason. 'I'm the target girl', Peter thought as he made his way to his next class. Once Peter was seated in his next class, he realized that the girl behind him was one of the girls that had been with the group that teased him in the hallway. Peter shook his head before he felt the girl deliberately push her desk against the back of his chair to catch Peter's long hair between it. Peter tried to move forward, prompting him to wince as he felt the pulling on his hair. Peter wanted to scream before he was able to free his hair while several classmates laughed at his expense yet again. The instructor rolled her eyes at the whole thing, sure that it was no different from any other girl-on-girl misbehavior she had seen. The class went by very slowly for Peter as the instructor talked about various mathematical theories that they were going to be learning. 'This sucked so much the first time around', Peter thought as he assured himself that Susanna would find her way into his seat sooner rather than later. The class came to an end and Peter checked his sister's schedule and saw that she had a lunch period. Peter got to his feet and dropped off the books he had received from his morning classes in his locker. Peter closed his locker and locked it before he walked towards the cafeteria. Peter began to walk towards the lunchroom, thinking back to his high school days. He knew to well that the cafeteria was practically a playground for bullies. Peter hoped that none of the girls that had said a word to him all day would be there as he entered. As Peter entered, however, he quickly realized that the room was filled with each and every freshmen in Chilton Academy. "Shit," Peter said under his breath as he saw the girls that were bonding over the various humiliations they could foist upon him. Peter got his lunch before he resigned himself to sitting at a table alone. Peter remembered seeing others do it when he was in high school. It was almost an invitation to further alienate the person. 'This is hell', Peter thought as he began to eat in silence before he caught a glimpse of the door leading to the parking lot. He shook his head and thought, 'I want break free from all this.' The door was inviting, but Peter feared he could not make it off the school's property without being caught. He shook his head at the trapped feeling that was gnawing at him. His self pity was broken up when Peter heard some jokes about the 'friendless loser' that he knew was directed at him. While Peter had never been shy, all of his confidence was stripped away from him by the panties, jumper and girls' shoes he was stuck wearing. The end of the lunch period felt like a great relief for Peter as he got to his feet and collected his purse and backpack. Peter went to his next class and sat through the science lecture before he was assigned lab partners for his sister's every other day science lab period. The girls he was paired up with did not seem to be too happy about it, but they seemed to tolerate him as they tried to get to know each other while they did their first lab assignment. Peter had difficulty talking with the girls as he was not familiar with the various things they were discussing. Peter was mostly silent as he did most of the work, but he tried to interject where he could. As the class ended, one of the girls smiled at Peter and said, "Do you want to be friends?" Feeling lonely, Peter replied, "Sure, why not?" The girl smiled as her friends came over towards them before she replied, "Oh, wait, that's right, I can't be friends with loser who can't even put on her makeup without looking like a total freak. Later, loser." The girl's friends' laughter cut Peter as he slumped down and waited for them to leave the room before he began to walk towards his next class with his chin buried into his chest. As he made his way down the hallway, he felt a shove followed by laughter. Peter wanted to strike back at the girl, but had a mental block that kept him from hitting a girl. Peter wanted kill someone by the time he entered his next class, feeling about an inch tall. "Look at her, she's probably a boy," one of the girls said to laughter as Peter sat down. Peter suppressed every urge to confirm her mean- spirited remark while he tried to focus on the instructor and pretend to ignore them as the rest of the day went on. Once the school day ended, Peter stopped by his sister's locker and collected her books. Peter then rushed out the door and headed down the sidewalk. He walked as fast as he could trying to get away from anyone he recognized. Peter took a few shortcuts as he made his way back to the park and ride. Peter looked around and was sure that no one would see him before he got behind the wheel of his mother's car and started it. Peter drove back towards his home and put on the radio to try to calm down as he thought about the events of the day. Peter pulled down his street and pressed a button to open the garage door. Peter pulled the car in and parked the car before he grabbed his purse and backpack and headed into the home. Peter closed the garage door before he stepped into the hallway. "What the hell?" Peter heard his sister shriek as he saw her staring at him. Peter's mouth dropped as his knees felt weak. "What the fuck?" Susanna said before she started to laugh. Peter stood, dumbfounded as his sister stared at him. "Are you fucking serious," Susanna said after composing herself for a minute. "Where the hell were you?" Peter retorted. "Where was I? Where were you?" Susanna rejoined as she looked over the uniform her brother had teased her about having to wear while he sported it in front of her. Peter stared at her in silence before Susanna squealed, "You went to an all girls' school! Oh, my God! That is hysterical!" "Because you disappeared!" "And your immediate thought was to put on a jumper and my makeup and go to school," Susanna replied with a laugh. "This isn't a laughing matter!" "It is for the girl not in the jumper!" "Damn it, Susanna. While the hell did you have to pull this shit?" Peter bellowed. "I told you I wasn't going." "Oh, you're going," Peter replied dropping his sister's purse and backpack to the ground. Peter started towards her with a menacing gaze, prompting Susanna to take a step back and pickup her camera phone. As Peter heard the click, he jumped towards her. Susanna bolted to the right and kept pressing buttons as Peter rushed to tackle her while Susanna took more pictures of him en femme and emailed them to herself. "What the hell is your problem?" Peter replied when he finally tackled her and saw what she had done. "My problem? You're the sissy in a dress." "I'm not a sissy!" "Your lip-gloss begs to differ," Susanna retorted before Peter started to delete the pictures from her phone. "Go ahead," Susanna started to mock her brother before pausing to add, "I already emailed them out." "To who?" "To me." "Why?" "I wanted to prove to Mom, once and for all, that those ugly saddle shoes and jumper look a lot better on a sissy than a girl." "I'm not a sissy," Peter retorted while he stomped his foot into the ground. "No! That's so not a sissy throwing a tantrum." "Stop calling me a sissy." "Sissy, sissy, sissy. My little sissy." "I'm going to kill you." "Then you'd be impersonating me for the rest of your life right? That's the plan, isn't it, you little faggot. You just want to be me." "Shut up!" Peter exclaimed as he got off his sister. "It's just like when we were kids and me and sis would take you down and dress you up in her clothes and put on her makeup. Our little Tina always looked so happy despite all your pretend struggling." "I fucking hated it and you know it." "That's what you told us, but look at you, now. You seemed to have jumped at the first opportunity to shave your legs and put on a skirt." "Shut up!" "And don't be throwing my stuff around," Susanna exclaimed while she reached for the pocketbook he threw to the ground. Peter's jaw dropped as Susanna picked up the purse and opened it saw the Kotex pad staring back at her. "Are you fucking kidding me," Susanna said, nearly doubling over from laughter. "What?" "You brought Kotex with you." "Every girl carries it." "So, you're girl, now?" "That's what the other girls think!" "Other girls? Do you hear yourself, sister! You're such a fag," Susanna replied with a laugh. "Just keep laughing it up. You're going there tomorrow!" "I am?" "You bet your ass!" "How are we going to explain that?" "You're Susanna Perry!" "I am? Is that what the other girls, as you call them, think?" "What are you talking about?" "What am I talking about? You introduced yourself as me to everyone at school!" "We look a lot alike," Peter replied, starting to sweat. "We might look a little alike, but we can't pass for each other." "No," Peter replied, sounding more than a little intransigent. Susanna countered, "Even if we did, how would we explain three inches of height growth overnight." "It's not that noticeable." "To who?" Susanna retorted with a laugh. "It's just a few inches." "So you think everyone's too stupid to see that our noses changed and our height changed and we're not built exactly the same, you know, overnight?" "They could miss it," Peter replied, his desperation clear to Susanna from his tone. "There's no denying it," Susanna said with a laugh. "I can deny it..." "And I can email out those pictures to Mom, Dad and whichever one of your friends' emails I can get my hands on." "You're shitting me." "Do you thinking I'm fucking with you? You know how much I hate that shit hole?" "You've never been there." "I visited it once. It was more than enough." "What do you want from me?" "If you felt the need to go as me, I think you should keep on going." "Not a chance." "Again, those pictures go out when I want. How I want!" "Kiss my ass." "If that's how you feel, they're going out today."' "You're screwing with me," Peter replied as he saw his sister head for the stairs. "Just watch me, Princess." "Princess?" "You didn't like sissy. I think it's just as good a word to describe you." "I'm not a princess." "You're certainly prissy." "Screw off." "Not a chance." "What do you really want from me?" "I already told you. You're me for now, at least when it comes to school." "You have to be kidding?" "Still, not a chance, Princess. Now, I'm going out with my friends. When I come back, you better have completed 'my' homework." "Are you crazy," Peter replied as Susanna began to move towards the door. "And you better still be wearing that uniform when I get back or those pictures are going out the minute I come back for dinner." Peter stared at Susanna with a slacked jaw as she walked past him and out of the house. "She can't be serious," Peter said aloud. Peter shook his head as he moved towards the kitchen table and sat beneath it. He clasped his head as he wondered if his sister was serious. The more he thought about it, the more certain he was that she was serious with respect to her ultimatum. Peter cursed under his breath as he got to his feet, grabbed her backpack and carried it back to the table. Peter pulled out her textbooks and began to do her homework at the table. Remembering most of what she was doing from his own high school years, Peter completed the homework with ease before he moved into the kitchen and began to make dinner. The feeling of the skirt of his jumper against his legs still felt strange while he walked around the kitchen making dinner for himself and Susanna. Shortly after he finished making the meal, Susanna walked through the front door. She hurried into the kitchen and saw Peter placing the dinner on the table, still dressed in her school uniform. "Smells good, Sis," Susanna said with a smile. Peter glared at his sister before she sat down at the table and began to eat. Peter glowered at her as he sat down beside her. After chewing his first bite, Peter turned to his sister and asked, "Can we talk?" "Unless your next words are to ask what you're wearing tomorrow, don't bother." Peter glared at his sister as she went back to eating, giving a smug smile at his displeasure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter awoke the next morning to the sound of a beeping alarm clock. The sound was different from the clock he had gotten used to over the years. Peter rolled over and hit the alarm clock as he stared up at the ceiling. A momentary confusion overcame him as he stared around the strange room. It took Peter a few seconds to remember that his little sister had blackmailed him into staying the night in their older sister's room. "She's taking this shit too far," Peter muttered as he stepped out of the bed wearing a pink sleepshirt adorned with a Hello Kitty slightly above its hem, which his little sister had outgrown the year before. Peter shook his head as he felt the fabric of the nightgown moving across his smooth legs and chest while he walked into the bathroom. Peter then showered before he shaved his face. After he finished up in the bathroom, Peter went down the stairs to have breakfast. As he finished eating, Susanna walked into the kitchen. "Morning, sissy," Susanna said with a smile. "Shut it!" Susanna grinned and shook her head, knowing that her words cut at her thin-skinned brother once again. She moved towards him and asked, "Are you ready to get dressed?" "You're really going to make me go through with this?" "No. I'm going to let you," Susanna replied with a smugness that struck Peter as almost beyond self-righteous. Peter sighed as he cleaned his bowl and followed his sister up to her room. Susanna pulled out her undergarments before she took out a pair of pink tights. "Those tights can't be allowed," Peter replied, hoping against hope that he was right. "The rules are clear that we can wear any color we want, so long as its solid," Susanna retorted before sticking out her tongue to mock her brother further. Peter rolled his eyes while Susanna stepped out of the room as she made him dress in a matching bra and panty set before Peter stuffed the bra. Once Peter finished putting it on, Susanna reentered her bedroom. Susanna clapped her hands as she saw him and said, "That's too precious." "Shut up, Susanna," Peter rejoined as he covered his panties with his hand. "Don't get bitchy with me, Sis," Susanna said as she grabbed her tights and rolled them down. Susanna motioned for Peter to sit down on her bed before she put his feet into the tights. Peter was surprised by how good they felt on his smooth skin as Susanna began to work them up his legs. Susanna smiled at Peter as she told him how to pull the tights up his legs. Peter sighed as he followed Susanna's instructions, taking over for her before he pulled them over his panties. Peter felt sick to his stomach as he stared at his pink tights covered legs while Susanna went into her closet and removed a blouse and jumper. Peter shook his head as he put on the blouse and jumper as he had the day before. Susanna smiled as she looked him over before she handed the pair of black, chunky heeled Mary Jane's that her mother had bought for her. "Can't I wear the other ones," Peter replied, feeling that the saddle shoes were less emasculating due to the presence of laces. "Not a chance," Susanna replied with a grin. Despite his disgust, Peter slipped his feet into the Mary Jane's before he buckled the straps of both of his shoes. Peter hated how childish he looked in the jumper, Mary Jane's and tights, but he knew that he had backed himself into the corner he found himself in. Once Peter finished putting on his shoes, Susanna began to apply cosmetics to his face. Susanna smiled as she put on his lip-gloss and said, "You did a nice job, yesterday, but you could have looked so much sluttier." "You know this is your reputation," Peter replied. "I don't give a damn about it at Chilton," Susanna said with a smile before she reached for her mascara. Peter struggled to stay still as his sister applied mascara to his eyelashes, as well as eye shadow to his eyelids and concealer. The layers of cosmetics felt strange on his skin while Susanna began to inspect his purse. Susanna grinned at Peter as she saw the Kotex he had put in the bag the day before again. She pulled it out and tossed it at him. "What was that for?" Peter exclaimed as he threw the pad down on her bed and stepped away from it. "Since you were so eager to put one in your bag yesterday, I figure you should put one on." "What?" "Your period starts today." "I'm a guy. I can't have a period." "Oh, you do. Period!" "I'm not putting this on." "Is this what you really want to get exposed about? You want everyone to find out what a sissy you are just because you don't want to wear some Kotex like a good little pansy." "I'm not putting it on!" "Oh, I think you will. It'll even help you in gym class." "How?" "Just cry that you're on the rag, and they'll probably let you out of class." "I don't think it works that way." "It does if you work it the right way," Susanna countered. "Susanna, please." "You have to the count of five," Susanna replied as she picked up her phone. Peter stared blankly at her as she said, "One, two, three, four..." Before she could get to five, Peter ripped open the bag containing the maxi pad. He tried to figure how to open it before Susanna did it for him. She told him how to put it on before she stepped out of the room to give him some privacy. Peter felt like a fool as he pulled down his tights and panties to put on a maxi pad. As Peter secured it in place and pulled up his panties and tights, Peter heard it scrunching beneath him. Peter shuddered as he dropped the skirt of his jumper back down over his crotch. Peter walked towards the door to see his sister and drew the door open. Susanna's smiling face greeted Peter as he opened the door. "How does it feel, Sis?" "It feels like a fucking diaper," Peter said, growing even surer he heard the pad crunching as he moved. "Well that checks out," Susanna said before she turned and said, "And if you want to keep thinking that you're guy, don't think of it as a maxi pad, think of it as a big sissy diaper." Peter squirmed with discomfort as he blushed before Susanna asked, "Are you almost ready to go? You know your bus will be here any minute." "Bus? I'm 18, Susanna." "No, you're 14, Susanna. You don't even have a learner's permit." "I drove yesterday." "You may have driven yesterday, but we can't risk having anybody from the school seeing you driving en femme. There would be way too many questions." Peter shook his head despite knowing that his sister's reasoning was correct. Susanna picked up his backpack and said, "Here you are, Sis." "Thanks," Peter replied with evident sarcasm in his tone. Susanna smiled while she responded, "Don't mention it." Once Peter put on his sister's backpack, she handed him the purse and said, "Don't worry, I stuffed your bag with a couple of extra pads just in case you need them." Peter shook his head at his sister's laughter while he took a hold of the purse before he walked towards the front door. Peter stepped outside and made his way towards the bus stop in front of his home. Peter waited for a few minutes before he saw the large yellow bus rumbling down the street. Peter shook his head at the sight of it as he said to himself, "Oh, great, this again." The bus stopped before him to let him on. Peter could not believe that he was reduced to riding a school bus again as he got onto it. Once Peter stepped aboard it, he noticed the faces of several girls he recognized from the day before. Some of the older classmen gave him dirty looks and whispered to each other before Peter found the seat closest to the driver. Peter felt safest there, even though he knew that the driver would provide him with little help. The bus made its way through a few more stops before it pulled up in front of the school. Peter got off and made his way inside the building before he stopped at Susanna's locker. After putting a few books away, Peter headed to his sister's homeroom. The first few classes proceeded as the day before had. Peter was the source of more than a few inside jokes as he went about the day alienated from his sister's classmates. 'I bet she'd kick their asses', Peter thought from time to time about what his sister would do if she found herself being treated the way he was by the other girls. After his science class, Peter had to report for his sister's first gym class that alternated days with her science lab. Peter walked into the class without any gym clothes and was relieved to find that they were only being given lockers and advised of what was expected from them in the class. Peter breathed a sigh of relief that he would not have to give his sister's period excuse to get out of having to change in front of the girls just yet. Peter knew, however, that it was only a matter of time before he would have to confront the situation, unless he extricated himself from the school. Once the girls were assigned lockers, they were given locks and told them to put them on the lockers. Peter went with the girls into the locker-room and was surprised by how similar it was to the boys' locker- room at his old school. 'I guess you really can't do much with a locker-room', Peter thought as only the colors of the walls and lockers seemed to differ. Peter walked through the rows of lockers before he came to the one assigned to his sister. As Peter finished putting his lock on the locker, he turned and saw a group of girls approaching him. "What's up?" Peter asked, feeling nervous while he tried to move past them. "Where do you think you're going, Slut?" One girl replied as she shoved him. Peter momentarily lost his balance and winced as the back of his head struck the lockers behind him. Three of the girls moved towards him and said, "You're such a total freak, you know that?" "Yes," Peter whimpered, hoping that their hands would stay away from his privates. One girl smiled as she slapped him and said, "That's for being a loser." Peter rubbed his face, stunned to have been hit so hard by a girl. He wanted to fight back, but the various times he was told to never hit a girl came back to the forefront of his mind as he released his fist. "Please," Peter whimpered as he tried to get past the girls. "Oh, you're not going anywhere until you admit that you're a loser," one girl said while several other girls laughed and the rest remained silent. "I admit it," Peter replied. "No say it!" "I'm a loser," Peter responded. "Now, show us what losers do for pretty girls." Peter gave her a blank look before the girl deliberately split some Diet Coke on her shoe. Peter stared up at her before she said, "Well, clean my shoe." "I'll get a paper towel...," Peter began to reply. The girl cut Peter off and said, "Clean it with your tongue just like you clean a cock, bitch." Peter stared at her with a slack jaw before he realized the girls were serious. Peter tried to move past them again but was forced to his knees. Peter began to cry a little as he stared at the girl's shoe. "We can stand here all day," another girl said before she kicked Peter in the ribs. Feeling weaker and more vulnerable than he could ever image, Peter ran his tongue across the girl's shoe and cleaned off every bit of the soda. The girl smiled before her friends demanded that he kiss their shoes to show everyone that they were better than him. Peter's hesitance was met by another painful kick from the biggest girl in the group. Whatever was left of Peter's pride and self-respect evaporated as Peter pressed his lips to each of the girls' shoes, leaving a little residue of his lipstick on each. With that the girls seemed satisfied that they had degraded Peter enough, they started to walk away from Peter before the larger girl turned and kicked Peter in the stomach. "Nobody said you could stand while we can still see you, Bitch," she barked as Peter clutched his stomach and remained on his knees. When he saw them head up the stairs to the gym, Peter managed to get to his feet. He heard some girls snickering at him while he tried to avoid eye contact with every person he saw as he tried to think about anything other than the deepest feeling of humiliation he had ever experienced. Peter felt violated as he walked out of the locker-room and went back to the bleachers to find that his bags had been dumped out. Peter stared at the various belongings for a second as the girls laughed about his pads. "Least we know why you've been such a bitch," one girl he had never said a word to yelled over at him. Peter shook his head and wanted to disappear as he collected his sister's books and put them away before he put away the things that belonged in her purse. Peter looked around and saw some girls that seemed to feel sorry for him. They, however, kept their distance for fear of falling prey to the other girls too. Peter was happy to move onto his last classes that day, but he was unable to shake the feelings of vulnerability and loneliness that were overcoming him. As he sat through his classes, Peter's mind drifted back to the incident in the locker-room. He could not believe what had happened to him and silently prayed that he would never feel so powerless again. A sense of relief overcame Peter as the school day came to an end. He put his books into his bag before he headed for the exit. Peter boarded his bus as quickly as he could so that he could sit up front by the bus driver. He came to a rest in his seat and watched the other girls board the bus. Most the girls ignored him, but a few shot him dirty looks and whispered to each other. Their giggling while they looked at Peter unnerved him and made him more than a little angry. Once the bus pulled away from the curb, Peter opened his sister's backpack and began to do some of his sister's homework. Peter kept trying to ignore his surroundings while he focused on the homework. As the bus turned onto his block, Peter's eyes tore away from the book in front of him as he went to put it away in his sister's backpack. Peter stared out the window as the driveway to his house came into view. His eyes grew wide as he saw his father's car parked in the driveway while he zipped the backpack closed. "Oh, shit!" Peter exclaimed almost falling over as his hands started to tremble before the bus came to a stop. Peter put on his backpack before he picked up his purse and headed down the steps as he got off the bus. The bus pulled away as Peter stood frozen on the sidewalk. "Ew," Peter exclaimed as he felt something spray upon him while the girls remaining in the bus laughed. Peter reached into his hair and felt the wet feeling. He smelt his fingertips and recoiled. As Peter's fingers fell away from his nose, his sense of dread reemerged as he saw the presence of a car that told him that his parents were at home waiting for him. "How are they home so soon?" Peter mumbled while he began walking towards the door, feeling as if a firing squad was awaiting him on the other side. Peter looked up at a window and saw his sister giving him a stone-faced look before she scurried away from the window. "Oh, shit," Peter muttered as his eyes shot back down to the walkway beneath his Mary Jane's. "I'm never going to hear the end of this," Peter said to himself while he glanced down at the dirtied, pink tights poking out from beneath the hemline of his jumper. Peter reached for the doorknob and turned it before he walked into his home. His mother was waiting for him as he entered. Vicki shook her head as she put the palm of her right hand against her forehead. Peter squirmed before her in silence for a few moment before Vicki raised her head up and said, "Peter, come join us in the kitchen." "Yes, Mom," Peter replied, putting his head down. Peter walked into the kitchen and saw his sister sitting next to his slack-jawed father. Peter blushed at his father's response and hoped that his father could sense that he was not enjoying this or willingly dressing en femme. Vicki followed Peter to the table and ordered, "Sit down, Peter." "Yes, Mom," Peter responded as he dropped his sister's backpack and purse and sat down at the table across from his sister. His mother sat at the other end of the table across from Peter's father. They sat in silence for a few seconds before Vicki said, "Your sister told us some things, Peter." "What?" "Some things that sort of jive with how your dressed." "I didn't do this willingly." "That's not what she said." "She's lying." "So, you weren't pretending to be her at school?" "Well, that part's true." Davis shook his head before he inquired, "Why are you pretending to be your baby sister at her school, Peter?" "Because she wouldn't go." "That's your excuse?" "It's not an excuse. She disappeared the day before school started. If she didn't show up, I knew you guys would find out and blame me." Davis and Vicki looked at each other as they began to understand their foolish son's errant thought process. Peter filled the silence as he asked, "How did you guys get back so soon?" Vicki explained that his sister had been discharged before they reached the hospital and was on her feet with crutches. They stayed and helped her for the rest of the day, but she was able to get around and had the help of her sorority sisters. Peter nodded before saying that he was glad to hear she was all right. Vicki shook her head while she replied, "I'm glad to hear that you're happy about that because you can imagine what we must have felt when we came home and found your little sister hanging around the house during the middle of a school day." Peter squirmed while Davis added, "And how we felt when she told why we couldn't take her to school." "I tried to get her to go today when she came back, but she wouldn't go." Davis and Vicki shook their heads at their son's defense before Vicki replied, "And what do you think would happen if she showed up? You two, kind of, look alike, but you're not identical. You can't pass for one another in person!" Peter sank down in his seat before Davis asked, "Why didn't you call us like I told you to do?" "I didn't want you to get angry with me." "Well, mission accomplished, son. Heck of a job, boy. You certainly knew how to handle the situation," Davis bellowed. Vicki clasped her head as she added, "Davis, all of our kids are morons! I have a JD, you have a PHD. How the hell did this happen?" "It's the MTV," Davis answered. Vicki shook her head as she looked at Peter and said, "You know what this all means right?" "What?" "She can't go back to Chilton," Vicki responded. "Then, send her to another school." "The only school we can send her to, at this point, is the public school we yanked her from in the first place," Vicki retorted. "What about home schooling?" "Neither of us has the time for that," Vicki replied. "Get her a tutor for it." "We can't afford one right now! Not after we spent so much money on Chilton this year. We'll make those arrangements after the semester ends. We can be refunded for the second semester, but we're already locked in for the first half of the year." "So, what's the plan?" Peter asked as he nervously clasped his hands. "You're going to tutor her," Davis replied. "Me?" Peter asked. "Yes, you," Vicki answered. "I don't know if I remember all of this stuff." "That's good because you're going to get a refresher." "What do you mean?" "You're going to keep going to the academy. Then, you're going to come home, teach it to your sister and help her do the homework." "You can't be serious." Davis replied, "Oh, we are, son. We didn't spend all that money on those jumpers just to get no use out of them." "This is crazy!" Peter shrieked. "Try to think about it as a chance to find yourself by being someone else for a little bit. It's very likely a more productive use of your gap year anyway," Davis responded. Peter shook his head at his father's mockery before he replied, "This is child abuse." "You're not a child anymore," Vicki retorted before Davis added, "But you are to Chilton, so try not to forget yourself, little missy." "I can't keep going back to that school. The other girls keep picking on me," Peter replied out of desperation. Peter's response made Susanna burst into laughter as Davis shook his head. Vicki gave her son a dumbfounded look before she replied, "Not our problem, Peter. You made your bed, so you can deal with it like a big girl!" Vicki then turned to her snickering daughter and said, "Don't think you're getting away with your part in this." "What did I do?" "You ran away, you refused to go to school...," Vicki began to reply before Peter interjected, "She also blackmailed me." "You blackmailed your brother, but he, basically, had that coming," Vicki then added as she glared at Peter. Peter shook his head at his mother's words before Susanna asked, "So, what do I have to do, other than listen to his stupid lessons?" "It's not what you have to do. It was what you won't be doing," Davis replied. "Like what?" "Like leaving this house for instance," Davis answered. "What? What about my friends?" "It'll do you some good to be apart from them for a semester." "You're going to keep me here like a prisoner?" "We all have to do things we hate, dear. You're going to find that out the hard way. The three of us are your world for the rest of the semester," Vicki answered her daughter. "This is so unfair!" "Unfair? How will you feel if you do step out of this house while you're punished?" "What are you going to do to me then?" Susanna rejoined as she crossed her arms and pouted. Davis replied for his wife, "We're going to shave your head and send you back to your public school so all your friends can see you in your pretty new overalls and hiking boots and what you look like with no makeup!" Peter smiled as he saw his sister's astonished face. She clearly believed that her parents would follow through with their threat that was preying upon her vanity. ------------------------------------------------------

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Working Gurl

Working GurlMy name is Danielle and I’m a working gurl . I started working in 1991 at the age of 20, my first job as a hooker was working out of an Adult Book Store North of Ft. Worth, Texas on I-35W South of the airport My boss was an older tranny named Jannice she ran the book store. On nights when she would call me in she would set me up in a booth in the video room. I never knew who or how many would come in to my booth. I was to service all that came to see me. Was I doing this for the...

2 years ago
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BiBoy turned to SubGurl

When I was young, my friend & I started to play the "I dare you" game which quickly evolved from looking at each others privates, to touching, to licking, to sucking. We would take turns sitting in a swivel chair in the middle of the room while the other sucked our cock for one minute intervals. Surprisingly I enjoyed sucking his cock just as much & if not even more than having mine sucked! And I could tell he didn't because he was just doing it so I would do it back, plus I would go...

4 years ago
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Me dressed as a Gurl

this happened about 25 years ago when i could half way pass i went to this night club for crossdresser, transexuals and transvestites west of balboa park one thursday night it wasn't has busy has on a friday or week end but there was a nice crowd mustly crossdressers a few trannys it was not to late about 8:30pm the company was fine mainly playing pool and looking around some good conversation us gurls we in back the guys were in front at the bar checking us out i was dressed to kill had on...

1 year ago
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White gurl

Well this is something I never expected. Here I am in a gay resort in the Canary Islands, can't remember what it's called, with a man, a black man.I am effectively his woman and my raison d'etre is to pleasure him. Well, he has paid to bring me here and bought me clothes to wear, not that he asked or that they were anything I would have chosen for myself but I seemed to have any choice.He is black, 6ft, muscled and hung, a good 8 inches I'd say. I am a 5'6" straight man not getting any luck...

3 years ago
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The New Cheer Gurl

The new cheer gurl By Debry White This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. It was the last year of high school for most of my so called "friends" but not for me. Even I am not in sports nor I am popular, I hang out with the football and cheer teams because I am the one that makes their...

3 years ago
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He knew how to treat a Gurl

So, as all you cum sluts like me know when you are sucking a guy off and he is ready to cum they pull out tell you to open your mouth then jerk off and shoot their load mostly on your face (which is fine with me) as you try to get as much of it in your mouth to swallow. We work so hard sucking, licking, kissing a cock only to get some of what we worked so hard for. I could never understand it. Finally last night while I was trolling my favorite truck stop (looking so cute I must say) parked my...

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Awhile back I ran into a guy online in one of the dating sites that was a TG. I was always turned on by a gurl with a boner so I chatted with “her” for a bit. She was married to a bi man. I quickly offered to join them both in bed as that would have been great fun! She told me he doesn't like to share but she did get horny when he wasn't in the mood. We quickly made a date to meet at one of the local waterside parks. She described her car to me and I told her what I would be in. At the...

4 years ago
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Hotel Gurl

I had posted an ad on Backpage and received the standard amount of online responses from the mouth breathers or the spammers. One response was very nice that read “nice pic! I’ll be getting into Tampa on the night of the 14th, staying for a few days. MWM, 6’ 3”, 250 pounds, DDF, late 50s, safe, clean, discreet. I’ll be staying the Hilton downtown and would love to get together.” We started texting back and forth and he seemed pretty sincere. He told me his name was Alan and that he is in town...

2 years ago
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Meeting an Old Buddy After Becoming a Gurl

When I arrived at his house, he was waiting for me in the front yard. I was nice seeing Victor after all these years. His once huge afro is now gone, replaced with a glistening shaved head. His 6’6” frame is still in excellent shape plus a few pounds. Then I remembered how much I used to tease him because his was so dark, I called him “blue-black” but he looked good. Vic welcomed me in the house, and told me how embracing being a gurl suits me. Victor complimented me on my dress, my new...

3 years ago
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Meeting an Old Buddy After Becoming a Gurl

When I arrived at his house, he was waiting for me in the front yard. I was nice seeing Victor after all these years. His once huge afro is now gone, replaced with a glistening shaved head. His 6’6” frame is still in excellent shape plus a few pounds. Then I remembered how much I used to tease him because his was so dark, I called him “blue-black” but he looked good. Vic welcomed me in the house, and told me how embracing being a gurl suits me. Victor complimented me on my dress, my new...

2 years ago
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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

2 years ago
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September With Luann a Musketeer Story

The First Week of September I’d gone to bed early the night before but I hadn’t slept well. A month before, I had agreed to date each of the Musketeers individually and exclusively for one month and it was LuAnn’s month. I would have been looking forward to it if I hadn’t been looking back on my month with Fallon. I did not look forward to the next month, essentially avoiding Fallon. It ripped at my core. But I wanted to give LuAnn every opportunity. I tried to focus so much on LuAnn that...

2 years ago
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September 11th

This story is based on my personal experience. It is my first written story. Please be gentle. My friend Susurrus was so kind to help me to translate my story from German into English. * Where were you? Or, where were you as it happened? These are the most common questions asked when a world-shaking event has taken place. There have been several, such as the raising of the Berlin Wall, the assassination of President Kennedy, the first lunar landing, the fall of the Berlin Wall. I didn’t see...

1 year ago
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september 11th anniversary nobody freak out plea

hello, hey, hi, everybody. how are each, & everyone of you all doing? here in the u.s.a.? i don't know about the rest of the world of some, or of such others likewise representing the global community, but then hopefully they themselves would be at least feeling okay likewise if not better yet to be said feeling alright, or if not best of all to be said feeling blessed than stressed. tomorrow within that being of the continental u.s.a. it will be that being of(what is it the tenth, or...

3 years ago
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CeCes Gurls

Ms CeCe “Hi Chubby Chick”, Alton said. CeCe aka CC replied “aren't you're supposed to be flying the plane”? Alton laughed saying, “did you get my flowers, Birthday gurl”? CC replied “yes, thank you Sweet Heart”! He grinned telling her that he was an hour out with more presents! CeCe was a plump gurl, heavy thighs, wide curved ass, thick tits and round faced. Her brown hair and deep blue eyes made her rather cute. Alton had sweep her off her feet after chasing her even when she told him that...

2 years ago
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September Diaries

September is a lovely time of year. I close my eyes and think back to new school supplies, wonderful new short skirts, turtle necks and my first high heel boots! Excitement of the new boys in class and which one sat closest to you in math class. Leaves turning, a chill in the air each morning and an electricity that I still feel to this day. I just love September, it is my favorite month of the year! Lucky for me it is also the time of year that I celebrate my birthday. I always feel like the...

3 years ago
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September Part 3

Dear Readers, the following contains no overt sexual scenes although it does reference several from September Part 1 and 2. This story was originally meant to be a bridge between my three young people’s college adventures to their new adult life together. However, I have decided to make it a “farewell” to Meg, Alex and Greg. They seem to be at a good place in their relationship and I have other stories paths I would like to follow. September Part 3Greg sat before an array of computer screens....

College Sex
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My first timw with a TGurl

When I was in college I had my first experience with a really fem boi or some would call a trap. As many college students I often spent my off hours at the local bar. You could find me there many night drinking, hitting on girls and playing pool. Well, I have always had a thing for petite rocker girls. You know the kind tight little skirts with thigh high fishnets and knee high black boots usually wearing a loose fitting band shirt. Hair all disheveled and streaks of some sort of crazy color...

2 years ago
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My gurls

I paid my monthly visit to the foster home which housed the under 18 homeless, parent less c***dren from the area. I chuckled as I saw a line of cars outside the gate like it was end of term at a posh school. Except we weren’t parents and we were going to have to pay for our c***dren of choice. There was an air of excitement , like graduation, which in a way it was. As I reached the principal office, I saw guys leave with their fresh meat. A Muslim guy with two hot babes on each arm. He had...

4 years ago
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september 25th

she was a beutiful brunette with glasses about 5ft3 and a small but busting B cup with the most beutiful body i have ever seen i got a phone call about 4pm on a saturday "hey chris come to waterloo and hang out with me" i felt myself growing in my pants already i replyed "ill be there as soon as possible". I got on the train and rushed my way to see her she was standing there with a very lonly look on her face "hey darling" i said to her in the most suductive way i could "hey my...

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It was mid-September. The blinding heat of summer days was gone, leaving the soft warmth of fall in the air. The three friends walked slowly along the river shore. They had been a threesome since Ninth Grade, when all three showed up at their new school.She was no cheerleader type. They were not athletic. That left them out of the social life of the school. Common interests in art, music, politics and good books gave them all they had needed to weather the storms of high school.Now, tonight was...

First Time
1 year ago
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September party vid

I was a co-owner of a yahoo group that hosts gangbangs and hotel parties. One Friday in September one of the male members posted a message on the message board saying that he was in the area and wanted a small party either that night or Saturday. My co-owner - J - contacted him asking if he had any females. At that time the group was an all male group (except for myself since I was co-owner) that agreed to get together to pleasure a lady that wanted a group of men. The host said no. I had been...

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September Passion

When the clerk looked over her shoulder and asked if I was here to amend the ownership on a deed, I said " Yes". But, the sound of my voice had a strange echo that was much higher, and softer than mine. That was when I realized that I was not alone on the customer side of the counter at the Country Recorders Office. She was a very attractive woman who appeared to be in her mid 30's. She had brown eyes, long auburn hair tied in a pony tail, and an impish smile on her lips that suddenly turned...

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Frankie and His Gurl

by Julee Linn [email protected] When I was fifteen, I had a friend named Frankie who lived across the street. Frankie was a couple months shy of his thirteenth brithday. He was a little stocky and still sported some baby fat. He hard dark, curly hair. I was taller and very slender, almost frail. I had dark blond hair, and it was longish and fine. Every so often, Frankie would smile mischievously and say, "You're pretty." I just smirked and took this as some...

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Daddies favourite gurl

I’d always been a daddies boy. At weekends when he was home from work I would leap out of bed and jump between him and mum as soon as the sun came up. He’d tease and joke around with me. Mum would laugh and get up and get breakfast ready as we lay messing about until she shouted that our food was ready. I loved playing with the hair on his chest and would snuggle in close as he would sing to me, holding me close in his big arms.As I got older I noticed that they were arguing a lot. My invites...

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The Pretty Gurl

She turned heads and brought smiles when she walked. Slim, appropriately sized sized breast with a prominent bubble butt. She was all girl in appearance. Marla was sex on legs, always dressed fashionably sexy but never over the top. She had alluring Class! The world admired her, lusted her, not knowing that that lovely lady...wasn't!Marla had recently turned 40, yet appearing to be 30. Her dark flowing mane fell below her shoulders, her bubble butt filled her skirts and bounced just enough to...

3 years ago
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My first time as cd gurl

So. I’d been talking to a guy for a while, probably over six months. I’d gotten in touch with him through a website I’ve been a member of for ages, called He was forty at the time (this was 2013, so I was 23). We had talked a lot about sex, our fantasies, and I had shared my fears (fear of meeting someone who would treat me badly in a non-hot way, fear of meeting someone who wouldn’t think I was hot, fear of not being good enough at sex). He had made me feel comfortable about...

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Gonzo Gurl

All about me.... As Hunter S. Thompson was known as a "Gonzo Journalist" I am in most areas of life eccentric and for lack of any existing better word a Gonzo. This blog isn't entirely based on why I am different, it may in fact bring to light why you and I are the same. If you are taking the time to read this I will assume you are familiar with the videos I make and have therefore seen the word "Metaphorphosis" which is a word I made up as an umbrella term to stamp the things I create. I...

2 years ago
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First Time With A Guy And First Time As A Gurl

worked summers in a factory by my house when I was in college. Nice, clean summer job. Charlie, the Chief Engineer was my boss. He played Div. 2 college football and still was in great shape. Thick arms and legs, big hands, broad shoulders. He was going a little bald, but otherwise...anyway. I wasn't into guys, so I didn't notice those little 'things'...signals, whatever. I had a somewhat steady girlfriend, but she went abroad that summer.Being 19 I was, it seemed, always thinking about sex....

3 years ago
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2 cocks in 1 gurl

First a bit of background to this story. This is an actual account of one of my experiences. I am a male cross-dressing Bi-sexual. Versatile but prefer to take the sub bottom role. Chris is a guy I have met a few times, he is top only, well hung, not a good repeater but quite a long stayer. He does not actually do anything to me, just likes to be sucked and fuck, which is fine by me. A typical session has me dressing for him, sucking his cock and balls, then spreading my ass cheeks for him to...

2 years ago
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I Want to be Daddys Gurl

"Next time I want to film it." I said, wiping my face and licking the cum from my fingers."You want me and Daddy to record us fucking that sissy ass? This just for you, or you gonna post it on the internet?" Sir asked."I have a profile on this site where you can post pictures and videos. I've only got nude pictures of myself on there, so far. But I've always wanted to put a video up of me getting fucked." I said as I licked the last bit of cum off my fingers, savouring the taste of Daddy and...

2 years ago
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Daddys Gurl

Okay, picture this, if you please X Daddy's huge cock thrusts all the way deep into my tight ass-pussy with one final surge as he unloads his juicy nectar inside of me. He stays inside me for a long moment, one hand holding my cuffed wrists out above my back, the other firmly planted on my ass cheek, squeezing it roughly. With my bound hands in the air behind me like this, I'm forced face down into the mattress. He's been fucking me doggy style for the last 5 minutes, and my high...

3 years ago
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One of my Favorite Gurls

I'd been seeing this one shemale perty often about a year once or twice a month she was everything you would want in a gurl she wore about a size 10 womens shoe always with 4" to 6" stiletos heels which made her taller than most about 6'2" to 6'4" she was a big gurl in all sense of the word she had a 40" c bust, a 30" waist and about a 40" hips, beautiful big sweet ass her cock was also hugh about 8" and about 3 1/2" in diameter it was so sweet I just loved to suck it and have her shove it into...

2 years ago
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Septembers Song

September’s Song By Naughty Venus I spent the early afternoon watching porn while I played with my hairy pussy until I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sound of thunder as I was lying on the sofa during my late-afternoon nap. I could tell the storm was getting closer because the floors shook beneath my feet with each roll of the thunder. I was exhilarated by the electricity in the air as the lightning flashed. I wanted to see the lightning and to hear the thunder more clearly, so I ran to...

2 years ago
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September 1460

I looked at myself in the full length mirror that had been my mothers. It was plain, not quite as lovely as my master’s mother’s. My pale, naked body seemed so stark against the darkness of my room. It was early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I slid my fingers over my small breasts, gently touching my nipples. They became hard and erect. My fingers moved down the length of my body to my mound. An image of my master appeared in my head. His handsome physique had caught my...

1 year ago
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September Chapter 2

Meg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more...

College Sex
2 years ago
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September Chapter 2

Meg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more...

College Sex
4 years ago
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September 1460

I looked at myself in the full length mirror that had been my mothers. It was plain, not quite as lovely as my master’s mother’s. My pale, naked body seemed so stark against the darkness of my room. It was early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I slid my fingers over my small breasts, gently touching my nipples. They became hard and erect. My fingers moved down the length of my body to my mound. An image of my master appeared in my head. His handsome physique had caught my...

Straight Sex
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Carol looked briefly up from the cock she was gently sucking, and was shocked again at the sight that greeted her. Somehow, for no explicable reason, it brought all back the carefully suppressed memories. She had not had a very happy childhood, not because she was mistreated, or anything like that, but because she had, to a certain extent, been ignored. Her brother Ben, older than her by nearly three years, had had Multiple Sclerosis, diagnosed when he was just three months old. Their parents...

2 years ago
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Septembers Song

September's Song By Naughty Venus I spent the early afternoon watching porn while I played with my hairy pussy until I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sound of thunder as I was lying on the sofa during my late-afternoon nap. I could tell the storm was getting closer because the floors shook beneath my feet with each roll of the thunder. I was exhilarated by the electricity in the air as the lightning flashed. I wanted to see the lightning and to hear the thunder more clearly, so I ran to...

Love Stories
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Septembers ChildrenChapter 2

Bob closed his eyes and his shoulders slumped. He presented the classic indications of a man conjuring up an image in his mind, about to divulge something deep and dark. I let him work up to it naturally by remaining silent. "I was ten, and it was Christmas eve. I was more excited that year than usual, because I knew my dad had gotten a big bonus that year." His eyes opened and he stared at me. "That's the only reason I couldn't go to sleep. It's not like I was up trying to catch...

3 years ago
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Having been into womens clothing since an early age,as I got older I often wondered about going out dressed up and hitting a local bar as a girl. Well I finally got my chance back in 1984. I was in the Air Force stationed in North Carolina and had already made a connection with a local man down there and we had sex on a pretty regular basis. He knew of my desire and one night we decided to go for it. I am pretty small body wise and kept my whole body shaved and I could pass as a woman when...

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How my girlfriend turned me into a fangurl

Stephanie and I had been dating for a year when things began to change. She was a bigger girl, 5’5” and 175lbs with beautiful c-cup breasts and a luscious ass. She was band geek from high school and always been into the local music scene. She was one of those fan-girls in the front row with a camera. She always kept her hair brightly dyed, and as we neared our one-year anniversary it was a beautiful scarlet cut short in a pageboy.Our sex life had been fairly active with one or two blowjobs to...

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My Sons Gurlfriend

My 22yr old son called and invited me to dinner to meet his girlfriend. She was a very cute young lady. I was sure she was a transexual right away. Not sure what gave her away but I could tell. I later asked him if she was and he admitted as such. I told him I was totally fine with her and not to be ashamed. Several months later he told me they had broke up and I could tell he was heart broken and invited him out to my place for dinner. We set a date for the next evening. I starting preparing...

4 years ago
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A New Gurlfriend

A New Gurlfriend by Paul1954 Discovery - May 14th, 1999 William Alistair Burns slammed the door shut, threw down his wet umbrella in the corner of the hallway, and started to remove his wet overcoat as he examined the drawn, and pale looking face that stared back at him in the mirror. He had just been through another piss awful day at the office and had arrived home late once again feeling mentally drained and physically exhausted, and he was really looking forward to winding...

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My Wifes Gurlfriend

=My Ex-Wife's Gurlfriend= by kimmie holland and meeah menoux {When I saw her email} address in my mailbox that Monday morning, I knew immediately that she must have heard. We worked in the same industry, after all, and we knew many of the same people. In the four years since we'd broken up, we hadn't seen or spoken to each other, not even once. She was angry and disappointed; and I was hurt and confused. Our short but turbulent marriage produced nothing but bad feelings. I'd loved...

2 years ago
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The Great Gurleen

By: Onlyhot2k Hello friends. How are you all? Hope all of you are fine and in pink of health. Well as all of you might have remembered that I am Raj, 27 single male basically from Jammu currently lives in Delhi (Noida) and also works in Noida. Thanks for a good response for my previous story ‘Feverish-Bhabhi’. And here I am again going to tell you another wonderful experience of my life.My email address is and will wait for your comments. Well, after I got my job here in Delhi and...

1 year ago
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Having been into womens clothing since an early age,as I got older I often wondered about going out dressed up and hitting a local bar as a girl. Well I finally got my chance back in 1984. I was in the Air Force stationed in North Carolina and had already made a connection with a local man down there and we had sex on a pretty regular basis. He knew of my desire and one night we decided to go for it. I am pretty small body wise and kept my whole body shaved and I could pass as a woman when...

3 years ago
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An Intense Desire To Dress Gurly

Stepping out the bathtub, I grabbed a soft towel and slowly dabbed the water from my slender smooth legs. I could feel the surge of hormones rampaging through my mind and body as I touched my soft skin.In the corner of the bathroom was a laundry hamper that was stuffed with various female garments that belonged to my sister. I remember noticing the strap from a silky pink brassiere that dangled from the edge of the hamper as I stood there naked, dripping on the bathroom rug.My inquisitive mind...

3 years ago
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The Choir DirectorChapter 4

On Wednesday, Erin delivered the video of Allison and Caitlin bringing each other off. Erin wasn't pleased when I told her to undress again so we could watch it together naked, but this time as we watched the video, I didn't touch her. Once again, Erin did an excellent job filming. "Good work," I praised after the video was done. "You should have played with your friends." I stood and dropped to the carpet in front of Erin. I opened her legs and moved closer. "You deserve fun...

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