September's ChildrenChapter 2 free porn video

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Bob closed his eyes and his shoulders slumped. He presented the classic indications of a man conjuring up an image in his mind, about to divulge something deep and dark. I let him work up to it naturally by remaining silent.

"I was ten, and it was Christmas eve. I was more excited that year than usual, because I knew my dad had gotten a big bonus that year."

His eyes opened and he stared at me.

"That's the only reason I couldn't go to sleep. It's not like I was up trying to catch him."

"Catch who?" I shouldn't have spoken, but I did. Time was getting short.

"Santa," he said. Bob must have seen the unavoidable flicker of derision on my face, because he leaned forward. "I was at that age where you know he doesn't really exist, but you can still kind of milk the concept, if you know what I mean. Our parents still took us to sit on his lap and ask for things. We'd done that, in fact, just a couple of days earlier, standing in line with a bunch of other kids. I had to watch Suzie - she's my sister - while our mother and father did some shopping. Suzie was all excited about talking to Santa, but I knew it was all a lie, and that our parents put the presents from Santa under the tree after all us kids were in bed on Christmas eve. And that's what I was doing that night - just sneaking down to see what size the packages from Santa were going to be. I was just too excited to sleep."

He paused, as if he were waiting for me to acknowledge that he had an appropriate disbelief in Santa Claus.

"Go on," I said, instead.

"I knew if I got caught I'd get in trouble, so I went to the kitchen first and got a glass of water. I thought I was so clever. But there were no new presents under the tree. So then I was worried I'd come down too soon, so I hurried to get back in my room."

He stopped and frowned, and his eyes took on a glazed look, as if he were visualizing something far away.

"But when I got to the hallway, my parents' door was open and the light was on. I knew I was busted, but I had the glass of water, so I decided to try to bluff my way through it if I couldn't just slip by without them seeing me."

It was difficult, but I waited. He closed his eyes again but this time his whole body stiffened up.

"As I approached my parents' bedroom door, I looked in, just to see if they saw me ... you know? But what I saw then..."

He trailed off and I saw a single tear squeeze our of a tightly closed eyelid and roll down his cheek. He was exhibiting all the signs of someone who is reliving a traumatic incident.

"Go on," I said softly.

His eyes opened again, but the look on his face was hopeless.

"I stopped because the bed looked all wrong. I could see my dad, lying on his side, and my mom's hair lying on her pillow. And I could see her legs ... her bare legs ... wrapped around him."

Another tear welled out of Bob's left eye.

"Your father?" I asked. Sometimes when a child sees his parents making love, it's shocking enough to cause problems later on in life.

"No," he gasped. "There were three people on the bed."


"The one on top of my mom ... they were having sex. But it wasn't my dad. It was him!"

"Him?" I prodded.

"It was ... Santa," he whimpered.

I sighed. He'd been so lucid, there for a few minutes. I'd thought I was going to get some really good information, and then he'd gone off the tracks again.

"Santa," I said slowly.

"It was him!" insisted Bob. "He looked just like all the pictures. He was big, and had on a red suit with white fur on it and everything. And he was humping my mother!" He shook his head slowly. "Right there in the bed, next to my father."

"And you were ten," I said. I couldn't disguise the disappointment in my voice.

"Old enough to know what was going on," he said defensively. "When I was growing up we knew all about it long before any of our parents wanted us to, and long before we got to sex ed in school. We never got to do any of it - not that young - but we knew what was involved."

"Listen to yourself," I said calmly. "You just told me that Santa Claus, fully dressed by the way, was having sex with your mother, while her husband was lying in bed beside her."

"I know that."

I sighed. "Was your father watching?"

"He was asleep!" snapped Bob. "I could hear him snoring. I could also hear the bed springs making noise as the bed bounced up and down. And I could hear my mother ... moaning."

"So she was awake."

"She knew who he was! She was saying his name."

"She was saying Santa's name," I repeated.

"Yes, and telling him how good it was."

"And you were ten," I repeated, trying to impress on him how young that was.

"Doctor, I told you it sounds crazy, but the fact is I remember every detail, as if it happened yesterday. I remember what happened next too."

"There's more?" My voice rose.

"Oh yeah," he said almost sadly. "I was frozen right there. While I knew what was happening, I'd never seen it happen before. I was at the age where I wanted to believe my mother had never had sex at all, and that Suzie and I were magic or something. You know the deal. Anyway, he made this giggling, groaning sound and went all stiff for a few seconds and then there was an explosion of some kind of golden dust or something and he like bounced off of the bed. He landed right on his boots, except that it didn't make enough sound. It was like he only weighed a few ounces. He looked down at my mother ... my naked mother ... and said "You were always a looker Marge, and it was even better the second time." And then he turned around and looked right at me and put his finger to his lips. I knew he was looking right at me ... that he knew I was there, watching. I heard the faintest 'Shhhh' from him as he fumbled around down where a zipper might be."

Bob's eyes glazed over again.

"Except I never heard a zipper."

His eyes cleared and he looked at me.

"And then suddenly his hand was on my arm and I was floating away from their door, back down to the living room, next to the tree. He said I was supposed to be in bed, and that he was going to have to take my name off the nice list and move it to the naughty one."

By now I didn't know what to think. Maybe Bob really was around the bend. He went on, though, so I listened as his eyes glazed over again.

"I still remember exactly what I said. I was horrified. I said 'That's my mom!' to him. He laughed, and said 'I'm just giving Suzie what she asked for, remember?' and he let go of me."

Bob slumped, as with resignation, and he looked at me again.

"Remember when I said they took us to see Santa at the store, and I was watching Suzie? Well when she sat on his lap she said she wanted a baby sister."

I almost rolled my eyes, but controlled the urge.

"So anyway he said I wasn't supposed to have seen that, and that he was going to have to do something about it, and the hair stood up all over my body and I started to run. I was looking over my shoulder at him, which is why I tripped over the edge of the throw rug that's only there during the Christmas season. I saw him laugh and he pointed his finger at me and it was like golden sparkles shot out of his finger and came right at me. I was falling, though, and my hand got between me and him so that I couldn't see him any more and the sparkles got all around me and I felt numb all over."

He stopped, looking confused. "I don't remember anything else until Suzie came in and woke me up for Christmas Morning. And at that time I didn't remember any of what I just told you."

I frowned. His comment wasn't registering as anything that made sense. "What?"

"I didn't remember any of what I just told you until ten years ago. I was in a hockey game with a bunch of other enthusiasts and a slap shot hit me in the head. I almost died. I was in a coma for a week. When I woke up in the hospital ... that memory was in my head. But if I remembered all that ... why don't I remember any of the rest of the night?"

"We can look into that later," I said, actually interested now. Physical trauma can affect the mind in ways we don't fully understand yet, but it's very different from disease. Treatment options are still experimental for the most part, but it's a fascinating field, and I was interested in it. If all this delusional behavior was based on damage caused by the accident, there was at least hope that approaching things from a rational standpoint might produce positive results in discrediting his possibly false memory.

"Well you're not insane," I said firmly. I shouldn't have said that. Not then, and not in that voice. But I think I was already unconsciously starting treatment with the idea that convincing him of an alternate truth ... a rational truth ... would be possible.

He actually laughed. I took it as a good sign, because he relaxed too.

"Oh I don't believe that you actually saw all that," I said quickly. "But I believe you believe it. I don't think it's the product of some disease, and I think we can deal with it."

"Oh really," he said, smiling.

"Really," I said, also too firmly.

"So how do we deal with the fact that that my mother had a little girl the next September?" he asked.

I waved a hand. "You may actually have seen your father and mother making love," I said sagely. "But your ten year old mind couldn't deal with that reality. You said yourself that you didn't want to believe that your parents had sex. So you repressed that memory, subtly altering it in the process, and kept it suppressed until the accident." I held up a hand. "I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's what may have happened. It's one explanation for what you're going through."

"My father had a vasectomy after Suzie was born," he said calmly. "When they found out mom was pregnant, they almost got divorced, because he thought she'd been cheating on him. I remember her crying and pleading with him to believe her. There were some really rough months there, until the doctor said his clamp might have leaked. Back then they just clamped things off, instead of cauterizing the ends, like they do these days."

"Okay," I said easily. "So maybe the clamp did leak."

"Melody doesn't look anything like Dad, or Suzie or me," he said.

"You know better than to think that proves anything," I said, trying to get him to admit that at least some part of his theory was questionable.

"Okay," he said, giving me what I wanted. "What about the fact that when I went to bed that night I was ambidextrous, and when I got up Christmas Morning I was left handed?"

"What?" I was clearly confused as to what this had to do with anything.

"Remember I said my hand got in the way of that gold dust ... the sparkles? That was my right hand. It took the full brunt of them, rather than my head, which was what I think he was aiming at. So I did forget what I wasn't supposed to have seen, but not as thoroughly as he intended. The accident shook it loose." He held up his right hand. "Before that night I was ambidextrous. I could do everything with either hand. But this hand ... the one that got hit by that dust or whatever it was ... I couldn't write with it any more, and I couldn't throw a ball with it or anything. It was like it had forgotten how to do everything it had ever been trained to do."

"Oh give me a break," I said, finally unable to keep my frustration in.

Bob wasn't at all shaken by my outburst. "I had a backpack when they arrested me. There's a book in it ... my mother's diary. I found it in her things after she died. Go look at the entry she made for Christmas day, 1972. She wrote about it."

I looked at my watch. I had another appointment to get to.

"Why did you grope that woman?" I asked him, point blank.

"She's due in September," he said, his voice completely normal. "When I meet a woman who's due in September I can't help but think she might be carrying Melody's half brother or sister."

I didn't know what to do. I obviously needed to spend more time with this man. He was clearly deranged, but I couldn't know why without further evaluation. He could understand the charges against him. I was sure of that. But he might be able to mount a pretty good defense based on insanity.

That was something that could wait.

"I'll be in touch," I said. Then I signaled the guard to let me out.

"Doc," he called as the door opened.

I turned.

"Remember ... I was born in September too," he said. "And Santa said it was their second time."

I called the court clerk later that day. I confess I misinformed her, technically speaking. That was because if I just said he could understand the charges, they wouldn't need my services any longer, and I thought I could do something for this man if I had a little more time with him. His obsession had landed him in hot water. He might survive that, but who knew what all this Santa business might lead him to in the future. So it was for that reason that I informed the clerk that my initial contact indicated further evaluation was necessary. She grumped about it. They always do. Everybody thinks a psychiatrist has some mystical ability to look at someone and make a diagnosis right then and there. She tried to make me feel guilty by saying that the judge wasn't going to do anything about bail until I gave him my final report.

Maybe the clerk's guilt trip worked, because I made room in my schedule two days later to see Bob again. I took along some testing materials in my briefcase. When the guard was going through it, inspecting all the papers, I remembered Bob's reference to his mother's diary and asked to see his personal items box. The perfectly ordinary book was in the box. I didn't have to look for the date he'd given me. The diary fell open to that page, as often happens when a book is opened to a particular part over and over again.

Her handwriting was neat and legible.

Christmas day, 1972. Something happened last night. I dreamed. I can't remember what it was about, but I woke up excited ... excited about Christmas ... but more than that somehow. I feel wonderful. Haven't felt like this in years and years. We made love last night. That hasn't happened in months. I can't remember that either, but I know it happened. No time for more. Must get breakfast ready and wake the children. Bobby's usually up begging to skip breakfast on Christmas, but I haven't heard a peep from him.

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Women at play

This is another true story. Something which happened in 2007. Men frequently masturbate. Fact! Well, so do we women. More often than men seem to think. And, boys, I don't just mean the sexy young things that seem to preoccupy your fantasies. I'm 56 years old and, although I enjoy regular, good sex, I still make time to entertain myself.I want to tell you about something which happened about 4 years ago. One of my fantasies was to watch another woman masurbate. This was something I'd not seen...

1 year ago
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Yin and Yang

There was nobody special I wanted to see at my ten-year reunion, but I went anyway, and was pleasantly surprised to see so many people I had forgotten about. It was a fun evening, and I collected a few phone numbers of people I hoped to reconnect with later. As the evening wound down, I ended up at a table with an old friend, drinking beers and talking. Keith and I had played in a couple of bands together in middle school and high school. He was an awesome keyboardist and vocalist even at that...

Gay Male
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Naughty Babysitter

I used to babysit for my at-the-time boyfriend’s sister at his mom’s house, where he then was living. Sometimes when his niece was asleep, we would go to his room or the play room to fuck. Anyway on to the story. I got to work almost everyday at five AM and this day was no different. And almost always James was asleep when I get there, and so was the baby. After my boyfriend’s mother bid me goodbye, I sat down on the couch and watched TV until James woke up. His bedroom door opened and...

2 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 42

I don't know how long we sat there in silence, but Jimmy came in and addressed me. "Sheriff, Sis sent me in to get you. We found something she thinks you ought to see." He went back out the door before I could give him any answer. I looked at Doris and she was smiling. Jeesh, I could see right now she wasn't going to be any help when it came to those two keeping me running. I went outside and everyone was looking in bay 2, and as I walked over to see what was going on Sandra looked at...

1 year ago
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High Stakes Rolling

Quick Disclamer; This story is being built off of scoobaluba’s. For they have not added anything and intrigued me too hard. The universe quickly made it known what sort of time it had in store for James, with the day starting having to hunker down in a strange novelty store to avoid the ever increasing rate of rain outside. When he opened the door to the establishment, the smell of the place seemed to punch him in the face, that strange waft of old books and even older carpet not the best...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 108 Schism

"I don't remember much of what happened after bursting out of that tube." Ryoko's voice continued. "Most of what followed seems hazy even now. The next, even semi-solid recollection I have is of flying through the corridors of the Soja, laughing uncontrollably! Destroying everything in my path! All without a clue to even who the hell I was! Yet somewhere somehow knowing that something was terribly wrong! I remember landing in the main hall trying to get a hold of my self! Almost...

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A Way With Words

I’m heading out on a blind date with a Woman named Eve, it’s been a rather long dry spell since me and my Ex, Kate, called it off. My co-worker Claire, whom I always considered a little meddling and A LOT annoying, had suggested we may be a good match for each other. From what I was told by Claire, Eve has a lot going for her, smart, funny, kind... Sounds like every other “plain Jane” I have dated, but, what the hell! I walk into the downtown Toronto restaurant and am greeted by the Hostess. “I...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 15 Closing the Circle

I was dripping in sweat when the P.T. hour was over. I hadn't done that much, but the effort required to spend even five minutes on the stationary bike was enough to wear me out. When I weighed myself after two weeks I had lost another ten pounds. Just as it had with my first surgery, that single fact was the motivator for me to endure the pain and keep going. Well ... that and Kim. The physical therapy department was closed on Christmas Day and the following day as well. That didn't save...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ka Deewana

Hello friends… This is sameer from hyderabad .. Aged 21 doing engg…. Mai bahot study mind aur sharmila type ka ladka hun … Isliye mujhe ladkiyon se baat karne me daar lagta hai aur mai sex bhuka hun …. Isliye mai apni ek story joh meri ek aunt ke sath hai woh share karne ja raha hun plz agar pasand aaye toh mujhe mail kare mera email address hai … Kuch galti hui toh maaf karna dosto. .. Toh meri aunty ka naam archana (name changed) unki age 27 yah 28 hogi rang gora slim beautiful aur unka...

2 years ago
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Luke Violet 5

“Hey, I'm home." That's all she's able to say as she walks into the living room and looks at me and Linda. She gasps. "What the fuck?!?" I'm standing completely naked while Linda holds her panties in her hand. Violet is completely shocked and horrified. Damn....we had some explaining to do. “Uhh...hey Violet. How’d everything go while you were away?” I try to make small-talk with her but I could tell she’s still in shock. “Luke! What the FUCK are you doing?? And LINDA??? WHY...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Addison Lee Softball Teammate And I Go Balls Deep in My Wife

My beautiful wife Addison is super devious and is totally into my softball buddy, Peter. We devise is a little plan together and my wife and Peter end up fooling around while I’m secretly filming. Peter doesn’t seem to mind the cheating and just doesn’t want to get caught. He sucks on her tits and gets a blowjob til I barge in and scare the hell out of him. Once I reveal it was a setup he seems less nervous and my horny wife lures him back in. We both fuck her, switching sides...

3 years ago
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E115 Beginning of Donalds surrender

When Emma wakes Friday morning, though she hates to acknowledge it, she still has a small bit of underlying anger about Donald secretly taping her in such intimate moments.  But then part of her had been rather aroused watching them, and in time she knows she will like to watch them with Donald, but that will be down the road.She smiles to herself, thinking what she is planning for Donald today. It is going to take him to the very edge of submission to her.  She does now know Donald rather well...

Love Stories
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He was getting ahead of himself. He knew he needed to be patient. He knew all he had to do was charm her and she would be throwing her panties at him in no time. She looked in the mirror, tying her long brown hair into a tight ponytail. Her lips shimmered with the gloss she had just applied. Sophi her hands from her C cup breasts, over the black dress and down her ribs to the curve of her hips. She blew a kiss at her reflection and smiled as her heels clicked on the tile floor with every step...

2 years ago
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S01E02 Elizabeth 19 Attending Yale

Continuing our journey through the Ivy Leagues, we are at Yale University this week. It is perhaps one of the few universities to have as storied a history as Harvard. Cut to the pool. A young woman is swimming laps in the Olympic sized pool. This is Elizabeth Johansson, a sophomore; or, a second year student for our viewers back home. She is the only one in the fast lane and cuts through the water like a dolphin. After five more turns she pulls herself out of the water. She slides her...

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Black List I GhostsChapter 21

The trio of agents spend the rest it the day going from one dive to another. Each place the visit seems to take them in the opposite direction than they want to go. Either the lowlife scum they speak to are incredibly loyal or they fear a long, rigorous torture and then death more than they do a short prison term and quick death. Their luck changes when they reach their latest stop. “What kind of dump is this” Geoffrey asks as they pull into the parking lot. “The kind that might get us some...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 37 Clinic Days 10 21 What the hell is she

I was not hearing anyone moving around outside my room when I woke up again. Normally, there is at least someone banging around or a TV turned up loud enough that I could hear it. Closing my eyes and using the place in my head, I didn't see any squiggly lines in this ward or the other one on this floor. I made sure this was still the same ward. I hadn't moved. I wondered what was going on as I worked my way into the bathroom to pee before finding clothes, so I could go eat. Having worked...

2 years ago
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The Torment of The Bridal Party

Lisa opened her eyes, she attempted to move her hands to wipe her eyes, but she couldn't, she looked down at her hands still covered with her gloves, her hands had ropes around them that were attached to the bed that she was laying on, she felt a tight m Lisa opened her eyes, she attempted to move her hands to wipe her eyes, but she couldn't, she looked down at her hands still covered with her gloves, her hands had ropes around them that were attached to the bed that she was laying on,...

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At Breannas Insistence 1

I'm sure my mouth opened and closed, trying to form appropriate words, but before any sounds came out, the young blonde woman squealed with glee and rushed forward to hug me, her arms reaching up around my neck to pull me against her even as she ground her lush body against me! "MISTER HELLER! I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU!" she screamed into my ear with what most would view as excessive glee, but which seemed normal as memories of another former student came to the fore."

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Dear Kiki 1

Dear Kiki, I've heard that you often give advice to people with sex-type problems, and that you can be really wild and uninhibited sometimes, so I thought you'd be ideal to help me with my husband Gerald. We've only been married for a few months, and yes, I know Newlyweds have to go through a Period of Adjustment, but I really don't see how I'm going to work this out without some Expert Advice! Gerald's nice-looking, in 'a sort of soft, boyish way, but I must admit that what really...

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Husband and friend set up wives

After the incident where Vinod had to stay back at my place and got a chance to lick and feel sleeping Priya, He now felt that he owed me a favor, So now we were constantly discussing on how to fuck each others wives. One day I had a call from Vinod he said that he was going on tour to kodaikanal with Meena and his kid was off at Meena’s parents for the vacation, and would I like to join. I told him to come over to a restaurant for tea with me and we would discuss it on Thursday. On Thursday...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Kinuski Paola Hard Fuck Buddies 8211 Part 1

You’re in for a treat with blonde besties Kinuski and Paola Hard in part 1 of 2 of this XXX series. These two naughty hotties have a thing for each other that they’ve been longing to explore, and today they finally indulge their desires with our Euro Girl on Girls 4K cameras on them, encouraging these two lesbians on. The glamorous babes don’t hold back on licking and loving on each other’s pretty pussy, passionately diving in with their fingers and tongues. What happens...

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My Brother8217s Bride8217s Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 4 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. This story is about her cousin sister Bhavya whom I trapped and took her fresh virgin cunt. Bhavya is Bhavana’s...

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The London Underground

Jon sprung yet another surprise on me when he came home from work one Tuesday night and told me that he had a business meeting in London the next day. He'd decided to take me to London with him and leave me to fend for myself while he went to the meeting, but have a bit of fun with me before and afterwards. We quickly packed a bag and caught the 7 something train. The journey down wasn't anything special and there were very few people on the train. Jon had booked us into the Regent Palace...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 11

My bladder is the perfect alarm clock. The urgent need to go dragged me out of hibernation as the night sky brightened in advance of dawn. I awoke to the gentle sound of Sheila’s breathing. Nude, beautiful, and warm, she lay next to me in the relaxed innocence of sleep. Sheila sensed a change in my position, shifted her body, and pressed her bare bottom into my groin as we snuggled together under the covers. My hand remained cupped to her breast. Sheila placed her hand over mine and pulled it...

4 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 28

I woke up alone and heard the shower running. I stared at the ceiling and wondered if I’d made a mistake. Then Bethany came back to my room wrapped up in one towel while she dried her hair with another. The smile when she saw me awake reassured me. Then she dangled her damp hair in my face with a big grin before giving me a quick kiss. “You wouldn’t wake up, so I showered without you,” Bethany said. She flipped her hair back and continued to work it with the towel. “I never sleep in,” I...

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K T and FamilyChapter 28 Take Me Out to the Ball

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: I always wanted to have a ball like Mom's Wedding Ball, but these things need spontaneity. No one my own age wants to do vintage dance, but the vintage dance societies—yes there are such things—tend to be narrowly focused on one period. The wedding ball did a little of everything. Aunt Francine knew an incredible number of them, but not everything. One of my favorite pictures is of Niles, one of Dad's security people, demonstrating British formal dance...

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