Delights In TimeChapter 3 free porn video

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Roz sat back down and seemed to wait for the Reverend to speak. She made no effort to be polite, instead looking almost resigned to this interruption in her world.

"I just wanted to see how you were and if I could be of any help. Is there something bothering you?"

She looked at him with an expression of what appeared to be pity. She smiled briefly before she answered him.

"Nothing that you can help me with. I made a very bad mistake and betrayed my husband and now I have to live with that. Unless you can change that, there is nothing anyone can do."

With that, Roz turned away and again looked at something only she could see. She simply seemed to go away and that scared Reverend Parker more than anything else. He made several more attempts to talk to her but her responses were either abrupt or she simply ignored him until he finally gave up. He left the den and went into the kitchen where the girls were patiently waiting.

"I'm afraid I can't help your mother. I think she needs professional help. If you would like, I can recommend someone. Are you girls all right here? Do you need anyone to come in to help you?"

"Mom's fine about everything else. She's never neglected us. She does everything around the house: she fixes our meals, she does our clothes, she keeps the schedules and appointments but she won't talk to us and doesn't seem to care what we do. She won't let us have wild parties or anything like that but she won't talk to our friends when they're here. We don't know what to do."

"I would talk to your dad first. See if he can help you. They may be divorced but I'm sure he cares about you. Let him know what's going on and that you're worried and frightened. I think you should call him as soon as you can. I am worried about your mother."

He stayed for a short time just calming them down before leaving. He'd let it go for a while longer but something had to be done and done soon. He made them promise to talk with their dad and then to let him know what they decided. He left with a heavy heart, fearing things might not get better.

When Reese called that evening, Jacey and Jada both told him what was going on with Roz. They finally made it clear to him that they were scared for her and they were afraid that something bad was going to happen. They cried at first when he said he didn't want to get involved but finally convinced him to come back as soon as he could. They wanted him to come right away but he said that it would be a week or so before he could. He would let them know for sure later. They had to be content with that. He finally told them to tell Roz that he would come for dinner the Tuesday after next. Maybe that would cheer her up. They agreed immediately and made final arrangements.

The girls discussed it between themselves and decided to tell Roz the next morning before leaving for school. They hoped that it would help boost her spirits if she had something to look forward to. A family dinner should get her moving. They went to sleep feeling better about everything. If dad could help mom, they would be grateful. Dad was the fixer in the family. He could fix this.

As planned, the next morning at breakfast, Jada waited until Roz sat down with her usual cup of coffee for breakfast. "Mom, we have some good news. Dad's coming home to have dinner with all of us next Tuesday. He wanted to know if that was OK?"

The change in Roz was immediate and unmistakable. She stopped with the cup halfway to her mouth as she turned to look at Jada with her brow wrinkled in confusion. She put the cup down carefully as she asked Jada to repeat what she had just said.

"I said, Dad wants to know if it's OK for him to come have dinner with all of us next Tuesday. Is it OK?"

Roz paused for a minute as she considered her daughter. She seemed to be trying to determine whether Jada was playing a trick on her. When it became clear that Jada was waiting for an answer, Roz understood that this was real.

"Of course it's OK. Did he call you last night? Is that when he mentioned dinner? What else did he say? I should talk to him if he calls again tonight. Will you let me know when he calls?"

"He said he would call you tonight instead of us. He'll call on our regular phone, not the one for Jacey and me." Jada glanced at Jacey with a smile as if to say, "Told you."

"Well then, that will be fine. I'll talk to him then and see what his plans are. Now, you girls should get ready for the bus. You don't want to be late."

Since the girls got themselves off to school every morning without Roz even noticing, they thought her comment to be a positive one. They both left with smiles on their faces and hope that their mother would be all right again.

Roz couldn't get her mind around it. Reese was coming home? He was coming to dinner? She hadn't seen or talked with him for several years and now he was coming to dinner. Jada said he was going to call tonight. He was going to talk to her, not the girls. As she thought about seeing and talking to him again, her heart began to pound and she had to sit down before her legs gave way. Could this be the beginning of the end of her torment? Could he have forgiven her? Maybe they could at least be friends again. That was worth anything. She still loved him completely but she accepted that he would never again be her lover and husband. Friends was all she could hope for and it was enough: she could live with that.

Roz got up and wandered through the house looking around. It was a mess. She had to clean it. She had to make things perfect. Like her life before she ruined it. Stop! Stop thinking like that! He was coming home so stop this and make things right. She began to gather the things she would need and began making the house perfect.

When the girls came home, they were surprised to find dinner on the stove, the smells coming from the various pots and pans delicious and inviting. The table was set but Roz was nowhere to be found. They put their books and packs away and went to their rooms to change but stopped when they heard singing coming from their mother's room. They tiptoed down the hall and peeked in to see Roz sitting at her vanity combing her hair. She had put makeup on for the first time in a long time and her hair was shining with a fresh washing and curling. She looked like another person. They ran back to their room smiling and giggling. It seemed that their mom was back.

Dinner was altogether different but pleasant. Instead of just dishing out their plates and then going into the den, she joined them. She served a delicious meal of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and bacon, fresh baked biscuits and a fresh fruit salad. They enjoyed the meal as well as conversation: Roz asking about their day, their activities and their plans. It was as it used to be, before dad left. Jada and Jacey shared looks that said their plan had succeeded far beyond their expectations. It was the first really fun meal they had since longer than they could remember.

Since it was a Tuesday night, the girls had a regularly scheduled meeting of one of their many clubs so Roz agreed to drive them and pick them up. Recently, her normal reaction was to let someone else do the driving so the girls told her that they had already scheduled rides. Roz was surprised but then quickly understood that she had not been an active part of their lives for some time and apologized to Jacey and then to Jada for her seemingly antipathy. She felt tears come to her eyes but the girls quickly told her that they would rather go with her and they could call to cancel their rides. That seemed to please Roz and she happily cleaned the table while they got ready.

With the girls gone to their meeting and the house cleaned top to bottom at least twice, Roz nervously waited for the phone call from Reese. For the first time, she wondered where he was and how he was living. She was surprised to realize she knew nothing about his activities over the past two years. She stopped asking the girls when her depression became severe and she had not tried to find out. The girls had stopped talking about him when it was clear that it just upset Roz to hear anything about him. Thus it was that she waited for a call from a man that she hadn't spoken to in several years, a man that used to be her husband and who was living somewhere else and perhaps with someone else. She decided to take one of her pills to calm herself down. She hadn't taken anything since the girls told her about Reese.

At just after 8:00, the phone rang and Roz froze. She couldn't move for the first two rings but finally found the courage to pick up the receiver.


"Hello Roz. It's Reese. How've you been?"

"Hello Reese. I've been OK. It's good to hear from you. How are you and where in the world are you. I guess I lost track."

"Well, I'm fine and I'm currently in Costa Rica, in San Jose'. I've been here for the last eight months or so and I have to tell you, I love it here. I'm staying with a couple from the states that I met. He's retired and they moved here about three years ago. It's really great. I think you would love it."

"I don't know about that. I was never one for roughing it. I always liked the creature comforts as you know."

"Well, anyway. I am going to fly back to the states, leaving here Friday and I should be back in Springfield by Sunday evening. The girls said it would be OK if I came for dinner and we could talk? Is that still OK?"

Roz paused as her heart was beating so hard that it made her uncomfortable. She was waiting for the pill to kick in and calm her down. Maybe another one.

"Of course. I would love to have you come to dinner and so would the girls. Can you come Monday evening? I know the girls have things on Tuesday and Wednesday so Monday or Thursday would be fine. Whichever is best for you. I have no plans so I'm open."

"Monday would be perfect. I'll call in the afternoon to confirm and to find out what time to come. Should I bring anything?"

"No, just come as you are. You might plan on about 6:30. We usually eat about that time."

"Good. It's set then. It will be good to see you again Roz. It's been too long."

"I would love to see you again too. Goodbye, Reese."

Roz hung up quickly before she could say something stupid. She thought she had done well just to keep it together. His voice sounded so good, like nothing had changed. Of course she heard his voice in her dreams all the time. She saw his face everywhere and she still found herself expecting him home at dinner time. Even after all of this time, she hadn't accepted the loss of her husband, her friend and her lover.

For her, the past years had been a constant reminder of her stupidity, her greed and her shame. She continued in her depression even with the damn pills. They made her so tired that she had to find something else to ease the pain without driving her to bed. She had made a connection with one of the delivery guys and he had put her on to a source for oxycontin, a pain pill. She found that one or two of those in the evenings when things were so bad put her at ease and made sleep welcome. She had read up on them and found that they weren't physically addictive but she had to be careful with the dosage so that she would not have withdrawal symptoms from the psychological addiction. Once in a while, when things got too bad, she took both the oxycontin and the Zoloft. That really put her into the zone. No problems then!

The phone call lifted her spirits and she began to make plans. She wanted everything to be perfect and she began to plan the dinner. This is what she did well and it was second nature to her so the pills didn't affect her as she began. She worked solidly for the next two hours until it was time to pick up the girls. She answered all of their questions about the phone call from Reese. She pretended to be calm but they knew better and they teased her unmercifully. She welcomed the feeling of really connecting with her girls. They had a fun evening of girl talk and plans. It had been almost a year for the girls as well so they were excited to see him again.

Over the next several days, Roz put everything together, making several trips into town to pick up the odds and ends that she found she couldn't do without. She filled the days with preparations, just as she used to do for her business, but this was far more important to her than business. She had the menu for dinner, she had candles, the house was spotless, and the wines were selected. The girls would each have a glass: she had promised them. Dessert would be a choice of chocolate cake or fruit with whipped cream. To be certain that everything was perfect, she arranged for everything to be delivered to the house by 5:00 Monday evening. She had decided at the last minute to have everything prepared by the best kitchen in town and used her contacts to make arrangements. She was taking no chances. Now she had only to wait.

Roz made sure she had worked her way down on all of her pills so that Sunday she had taken nothing. She was so high with anticipation that she felt no need for anything. She was happier than she had been for over a year. She was anxious to see and talk to Reese. They had said so little to each other before the divorce and nothing since. She had so much to say and so many things to apologize for that she had been practicing in front of her mirror for days. She felt scared but ready. She wanted him back in her life, even as just a friend. She had hope for the first time in so long.

Monday arrived and she was nervous but ready. The girls went off to school and Roz made final preparations. The wines were chilling, the table was set, the china was clean and the silver polished. She had to admit, it looked wonderful. She waited.

At 4:00 the girls got home from school and went up to finish their homework so as to be free the rest of the evening. Roz helped them pick out clothes for dinner and she asked their opinion of her choice. They had suggestions and she accepted most of them. They waited.

At 5:00, the food came and Roz went over everything with the deliveryman to be sure things were as ordered. Once satisfied, she took the entrees into the kitchen and put them in the oven on warm. She made sure all the sides were transferred to the good serving dishes and the desserts were in the fridge. She made a final check and was ready. She went in to be with the girls and they waited.

At 5:45, she went in to the dining room to light the candles and make a final check of the settings. Everything was right, and the table looked perfect. She lowered the lighting to allow the candles to show and went back to be with the girls. They waited.

At 7:00, they all were becoming concerned. Reese hadn't called to confirm and they couldn't understand why he wasn't there. He said 6:30 and he was never late for anything. And anyway, he hadn't called. They waited.

Finally, at 7:30, Roz called the number she had for the local airport. She thought Reese had said he used that airport to fly in and out of when he was learning to fly. Maybe they had some information or could tell her who to call. She was finally connected to a Mr. Phillips, one of Reese's original instructors. She explained the situation and Phillips told her he would make some calls and get back to her. She thanked him and hung up. They waited.

Forty five minutes later, he called back. The news was not good.

"Rosalind, it's John Phillips. I called the FAA and got some information. It seems Reese left Costa Rica early Friday morning and he was scheduled to land in Tegucigalpa Honduras, before continuing on to Belize and then to Mexico. There is no record of his landing at any of those destinations Friday or Saturday. The word was passed on to begin searching for him but they wanted to wait to be sure he didn't land somewhere else. He wasn't required to file a detailed flight plan since he was flying in sight most of the way. I'll stay on it and keep you informed. I think it's far too early to be worried, so please be calm. OK?"

"Thanks John and please call as soon as you know anything."

Roz hung up and told the girls of the conversation with John Phillips. They all tried to remain calm but it was difficult. Since it was early, Roz decided to go ahead and eat and try to stay on plan. Maybe the routine would be good for them all.

Dinner was quiet even though they tried to stay positive. No one ate much and the wonderful dinner went pretty much to waste. No one wanted dessert and the wine wasn't opened. Roz finally decided that they had to talk about it so she began.

"You know your dad. He's tough, a great pilot and if he had problems, he'll be able to fix them. Just trust him. OK?"

"Mom, he's late. He's never late. If he was going to be late, he would've called us. You know that. He's in trouble somewhere."

"He didn't call because he's somewhere he can't get to a phone or his cell is out of range. Just be patient. He'll come home."

He has to, Roz thought to herself. This can't be the end. He called me, damn it! He was coming back to me. I won't accept anything bad. He'll be here.

"Let's not think bad things. Just wait. And be patient."

With that, they all went their separate ways to wonder and worry in their own ways. There were no further phone calls that evening so they finally went to bed to wait till tomorrow. They would have more news then.

The following morning, Roz called John again and asked him for an update. He told her that they had air patrols out looking and that Reese had landed in Honduras as scheduled and took off an hour later. He wasn't reported being seen in Belize and no one had reported in anyplace else on his flight path. He was officially reported as missing now and the authorities were on it. John told her to be patient. If he had crash landed, the plane he was flying was a good one and had a good safety record. He may have been grounded for many reasons and in a place where he couldn't call. They just had to wait till he was spotted.

Roz hung up with a bad feeling. The girls were right. Reese would have found a way to call if he were able. He was lost! That was official now. She needed a pill, now!

Nothing was heard from the searchers for the next three days. They had cut back on the number of search flights and bad weather made it next to impossible for anyone on the ground to be of any help. It was late Friday night when they began to believe the worst case scenario was no longer just a scenario. It was real. Reese was dead and not coming home.

The house was a quiet and somber place that weekend. The girls worried of course, but they saw the rapid slide in Roz, back to where she had been for so long. They tried talking to her and asking her for her help but it was no use. She had retreated back into her shell. She was gone from them, again. Reese was their last hope and he was not coming home. As she disappeared more and more into her shell, the girls lost what hope they had. The following Monday, they returned to school, not knowing what else to do. Roz never noticed.

It was Wednesday night, the girls had just gotten home from school and there was no dinner on the table when they came in; no sounds from the house. They thought Roz was out visiting one of her friends. Jacey started a light supper for them all and told Jada to get changed and do her homework. She would finish dinner and let it stay on warm till they were ready and Roz returned.

Jacey had her room at the back of the house, looking out on the lake. She picked it because of the view. It was all the way back, and she had to pass her mother's room on the way. As Jacey walked toward her room, she glanced in to see if her mom's bed was made. She never made the bed if she had been in one of her 'napping' moods. Her depression often drove her to stay in bed for hours during the day. Jacey saw that the bed was unmade and continued walking but brought herself up short! Was that her mom on the floor? She wasn't sure so she reversed her steps and looked in.

It was her mom and she was fully dressed and laying on the floor next to the bed! Jacey ran to her and looked to see if she was breathing. She was, but slowly. Jacey felt her pulse: thin and very slow. As Jacey rose to call 911, she saw a small bottle in her mother's hand and Jacey grabbed it to read the label. 'Oxycontin'. It was empty. She went to the phone on the bedside table to call and noticed another empty pill bottle and an almost empty bottle of gin. She knew what had happened! Her mother had taken pills and alcohol, trying to kill herself! Her depression had gotten to her.

Jacey got the 911 operator and told her to have an ambulance get there as soon as possible. The operator asked her what the problem was and she told her, even mentioning the pills she thought her mom had taken. No, she didn't know how many. No, her mother was never prescribed Oxycontin. Yes, she had been drinking. As she answered her questions, she heard the sirens of the ambulance in the distance. Without realizing it, Jacey had been talking to the operator for several minutes. Long enough for the word to get out and an ambulance on its way.

As Jacey was talking on her mother's phone, she heard the other line ring and yelled at Jada to take that call. It was their line. It could be something about their father since this line was tied up, and she couldn't stop to tell Jada what had happened. She could only wait for the ambulance. As she answered yet another question from the 911 operator, Jada flew into the room, yelling at Jacey to come quick.

"They found Dad! He's OK and they found him. They... "

Jada suddenly stopped talking as she saw her mother laying on the floor. Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes got as big as saucers. She dropped to her knees beside Jacey.

"What's wrong with Mom? What happened? Did she fall? Jacey, what's wrong?"

Jacey quickly filled her in on the phone call to 911 and asked her to repeat what she said about their dad. Jada was silent for a minute, but finally got out that it was John on the phone and they found Reese. His plane had developed engine problems and he had made a forced landing in a remote part of Belize. He had to walk for almost three days, living on berries, wild bananas and drinking water from the streams. Fortunately, he knew what he could and couldn't eat and he was fine. Dirty and tired, but fine.

He wanted to call immediately but they had no phones where he was found. It took another day and a half to get to someplace where he could call. The message was passed to the FAA and finally to John. John said that Reese should be back in the states by now and hopefully he would be back in Springfield by tonight. He would call with more information as soon as he had any.

Just then, the paramedics came running up the stairs with a stretcher and their kits. They quickly pushed Jacey and Jada aside and began life saving actions on Roz. They were silent for several minutes before one of them spoke.

"I have a pulse! I have a pulse, thin and thready but there. She's still breathing, but she'll need to be intubated. Give me that ET. Thanks! There! I'm in. OK, bag her! Good breath sounds! Her color's coming back. Stronger pulse now. OK, she's ready for transport."

The man and woman lifted Roz with ease and placed her on the stretcher. They lifted and were out the door and half way down the stairs before the girls were able to pull themselves together. They followed the team to the ambulance and waited as they put Roz inside. As the woman made ready to shut the door, Jacey stopped her.

"I'm going with you. She's my mother and I'm going."

She turned to Jada and told her to call Sabrina and tell her to come over and pick her up and then to come on to the hospital. As she stepped up into the ambulance, she continued,

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Thanksgiving BJ

How I got my cock sucked on Thanksgiving. It was Thanksgiving and we were visiting f****y and friends. There were around 20 or so people there. People were coming and going, so it was a little hard to keep up with where everyone was or what they were doing. After lunch most everyone was outside or watching football. I drank a lot of tea with my meal and so I went to the main bathroom. The door was closed, but I figured if anyone was in there they would lock the door and due to its location,...

2 years ago
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Part 1 of my mother in law experience

Today was like any other day, it was relatively warm and sunny and my wife had said that her parents had wanted an odd job doing in their spare bedroom. I often did little jobs for my wife's parents as her father was away most of the time with his job so didn't get time to do things around the house. My wife would be at work all day so I thought I'd go around when I wanted, if no one was in it wouldn't matter, I had my own key to let myself in and I knew the alam code. As early afternoon was...

4 years ago
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Nurse Mom Chapter 2 My Mom heard us

I told Sue I would be right back. I grabbed a pair of shorts and went out into the hall. I didn't see any light coming from Mom's room. I started down the stairs quietly, and when I got to the first floor, I started to look around. I picked up the clothes that were strewn about the den. When I got close to the patio doors, I saw Mom sitting out by the pool. She had lit some candles and was reading in one of the deck loungers. I took all the clothes back up to the room with me. Sue knew...

2 years ago
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Popper Immersion Tank

“A Guild Navigator is a fictional humanoid in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. In this series, starships called heighliners employ a scientific phenomenon known as the Holtzman effect to "fold space" and thereby travel great distances across the universe instantaneously. Navigators are able to use a limited form of prescience to safely navigate interstellar space. To enable their prescience, Guild Navigators consume large quantities of the spice known as Melange which is found only...

1 year ago
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A Cold Winters Day In January

It is a cold winter's night and she is sweating. It's Friday, and with the work week over, Kay and her husband along with their photo loving friends Ed and Jan are at Marcus's house - the house where she and Marcus's wife Terri have had so much fun and where there has been so much sweat. It is the house which has that incredibly thick blue rug purchased from that fancy hotel. This is the rug where she and Terri have knelt and sucked so many cocks, the cocks of the handsome young men their...

Group Sex
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 38

I had talked to Eve the night before. I was heading to Birmingham tomorrow for the weekend. She and Joan would fly down. It was the late in the afternoon when Eve called Thursday. She said, "We have been back at the table negotiating. The production company is starting to come around. I think they finally realize that I haven't been bluffing. I think the 'for sale' sign on my house here surprised and convinced them. We don't have an agreement but they will fly to Birmingham for a couple...

2 years ago
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My First Service To My Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello to my readers, I hope you enjoy my earlier story. So this is my second story on indian sex stories dot net readers which happened a few days ago with my reader. If any unsatisfied bhabhi or aunty from Faridabad who wanted to get satisfied then email me on Full privacy will be there. So after many days of published my story, I got a message on my gmail , her name was kritika ( name changed). She told me she like the story of mine , so I was happy so someone said it was nice . She was...

1 year ago
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Scrolller Handjob

Do you dream at night of getting a handjob from a beautiful woman? Do you also dream about the most vanilla sex? Regardless of what you are into, if you want to cum to looking at pictures of other dudes get jacked off, it’s hard to think of a better place to visit right now than More than just fucking pictures, the site is what a modern porn picture site should look like.Is that a bold as fuck statement? Hell yeah, it is. But I stand by it. Suck my dick if you don’t like...

Handjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Mommys Bodysuit

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a Monday afternoon and I had gotten home from classes early. Mom was at the gym with Rose and Dad was off to a job that would take him away for the better part of the week. I knew that I had the house to myself for at least the next hour or so. I maintained a state of total arousal, due to all of the things that had gone on before. Having been caught with Mom's panties over my face, being made to put on Mommy's bodysuit and service both dad and...

3 years ago
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A Critical PathChapter 2

The next week was busy for Nick. He put his flat on the market and his belongings into store. On Wednesday he drove up to Liverpool and booked into a small hotel some ten miles outside. The rest of the week was spent house hunting. On Saturday he found somewhere: a small house in a country village about thirty minutes from the office. It would not be available for another three weeks and would then require a week's work to be fit for him. He reckoned the company would cover four weeks in a...

1 year ago
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A Snapchat mistake gone wrong part 3

Yuri was glued to her phone all of the time now. I would ask "who are you talking to?" And would just say "omg Zach is so funny" while showing me a sexual meme he Sent her.Ryan, Zach and Yuri starting a group text named "the spit roast gang" and all they did was make crude comments towards each other and share sexualized memes.Most of the memes/jokes were racially themed to poke fun at each other. Zach commonly said Yuri was the queen of happy endings. Since Zach had red hair, Yuri referenced...

3 years ago
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Savitri in Mumbai

I had started to work in Mumbai ( then Bombay ) after earning my degree in mechanical engineering. I had always fantasized during my college days of having a maid cum sex partner to start off the career. My workplace was in a small manufacturing unit located in midc, andheri and i had initially taken up staying as a paying guest in a place referred by one of my colleagues at work. It was a small room on the terrace of an old house, which surprisingly had a large open space around the house, a...

1 year ago
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Dont tease a tease

I knock at your door. The bitter winter wind swirls around me, flowing up between my stocking clad legs. I shiver. Locks of carefully curled hair are tossed in the breeze. The thin red coat I have on to hide my evening attire is doing nothing to keep me warm. My nipples push against silk, the corset restraining them only creates further friction, making me shift my weight trying to ease the tingle between my thighs. You finally open the door looking a little flustered. Apologies roll quick...

2 years ago
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Caribbean VacationChapter 3

The six of them met at the entrance to the horse barn. The Count promised that it wouldn't take more than three hours to ride up to the rim of the volcano and come back down. Stephen gave his wife a peck and waved as Cornelia and the Count slowly rode out. Then he gave his daughter a peck as she told her dad that they might not make it back until after dark. When Raphael heard that his hopes for seducing the young red head went much higher than before. He wondered if his employer would have...

3 years ago
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Mobile Se Patayi Ladki

Hi friends, mera naam himanshu hai, or me 3rd year ka student hun. Me lucknow me rahta hu or 19 saal ka hun, ye meri 1st story hai. Me iss pe stories karib 6 mnths se padh raha hun. Ye jhuth nahi sachhai jo b me yahan pe likhne ja raha hu. Ye karib 10 months pehle ki bat hai. Mere lagbhag sare dost aksar hi ladkiyon ko pta k ya randi ko chodte rehte the. Me us time virgin tha or bas apne armaan hath se hi nikalta tha. Mere sare doston ki kai grlfrnds thi, lekin meri 1 b ni thi. Mere...

4 years ago
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Becoming Tammy Part 3

Becoming Tammy, Part 3 By Incognito ******************** Author's note: Part 3 of my series, "Becoming Tammy". Do give me comments and feedback. It is shaping up to become a pretty long story, by the looks of it. If I can keep myself from becoming repetitive and boring, it'll probably run for about 10 parts. Synopsis: John has switched bodies with his girlfriend Tammy to help her with an exam. They quickly discovered that bodies were not the only thing they switched, John...

4 years ago
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My Successful Attempt 8211 Part II

Hi, I am Ashok Sawant from Sangli. I was in a very distressed mood. My story, An unsuccessful Attempt, was not appreciated by many readers. Who would like to read an successful attempt? Everybody want to be successful in every Endeavour whether it is his career or it is an attempt to get sexual pleasure. So I was checking my mail to find out if there is any response appreciating my first attempt. To my surprise, I saw one mail, written by a girl. Her name was Nisha. She was also from my native...

1 year ago
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Out for a ride

It was the first sunny Sunday for nearly four weeks and I was getting extreme bike withdrawals. I was up early and gave the wife a kiss as I placed her cup of tea on the bedside cabinet."Thanks, don't go mad if your going out for a ride" she said."I wont."I put on my helmet,leathers and fired up my fireblade.Where should I head?Aberystwyth? Yeah great road and lots of bikers to chat to when you get there.Soon I was blasting along meeting loads of guys n girls out enjoying the sun.Before I knew...

3 years ago
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Making the Movie

Kayla was laughing at me. “What’s so damned funny?” I asked her. “You’re taking this so seriously,” she pronounced. “I just want it to be good. We said we could do it better. If we don’t have a good story, it will suck.” We were leaning across the breakfast bar, drinking coffee. It was my favorite time of the day because I got to look at my gorgeous wife and drink my favorite non-alcoholic beverage at the same time. “What’s the hang-up?” she asked. “I’ve got about four or five different...

Wife Lovers
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Natalie Sawyer Breaking Entering and Fucking

Fan fiction that may contain content not suitible for people under the age of 18. Be Warned.Celeb - Natalie Sawyer (Anal, MF BJ, FINGER, RELUC, SPANK, SQUIRT)Natalie Sawyer is a 35 year old Sky Sports News presenter and she had just finished her shift on Sky Sports news HQ. She was wearing a red dress (as seen in pictures 2,3 and 4 above) and beige coloured heels. Whilst on TV, she always liked to show a bit of cleavave, she was never afraid to show some while on air. She has shown some...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 70

Crow Ridge Tulsa, Indian Territory When Miranda first started teaching at the new school building in the fall of 1884, she started a tradition that she kept up as long as she taught school there. Each Friday after school classes ended, she and Grandmother would move the desks and tables back to the sides of the one room school building and teach dance steps to the students. They had an arrangement with Bill and Jack Robertson to come to the schoolhouse and play music while they taught the...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pt 19 and Epilogue

XIX: By The Grace And The Goddess The moment Xavier had been informed by one of his contacts...Sgt. Connor Niehaus, another soldier who was a part of the Nightshifters unit...of the confirmed location of a woman fitting Maggie's exact description, he was quick to drop everything and acquire a large black case. This was all he took with him as he gunned the engine and raced out to the coordinates Connor gave him. He hoped to be able to intercept...and deal with...Maggie before...

3 years ago
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iSummer chapter 12

When Carly arrived at the Groovy Smoothie, Melanie was already there, waiting on her."I see you got my text." Carly shyly said as she sat down at the table where Mel was sitting."Yeah." Mel replied with a smile as she nervously shifted her weight in her chair."So about last night." Carly started. "It was great." She whispered. "It was the best night of my entire life."It was the words that Melanie had been wanting to hear but she could sense that "but" coming next."But I'm so confused." Carly...

3 years ago
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Our new baby sitters mum 5

Introduction: Helen tells about Friday night, Wendy wants another partner This is the sequel to Our new baby sitters mum (1), (2), (3) & (4) It is almost certainly better if you read them first. I was ecstatic. Here I was, naked, in a room filled with other naked people, about to have sex with a man that I barely knew, while the other people watched, and I knew that they would all be fucking each other in random combinations while I watched. The sexual tension in the air was incredible. I owed...

2 years ago
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Players Trick Book5

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

3 years ago
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MY inlaw

MY in-law.I secretly enjoyed the way my br(o)ther in-law was always undressing me with his eyes, trying to look down my top or his oops “sorry” roving hands. Although I've only been married a few years it's kind of nice to feel desirable by another man. On rare occasions I wondered what it would be like to fuck him especially when I'd rub one out or let my mind wander when my husband Mike was fucking me. My husband tries hard when we have sex but our sex life has diminished the last year. He's...

3 years ago
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Fun after school

'Sir, may I go to the toilet?' you ask friendly. 'Yes, Doe, go ahead. In 5 minutes class will be dismissed anyway.' replies the teacher. You exit the English classroom and go to the nearest boys restroom, but you immediately notice that these are already occupied. So you head over to the ones at the end of the school where it is empty and all the people there are already gone. Again, you go inside the restroom and hear some sucking noises and moaning noises. Silently, without making any sound,...

2 years ago
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a story my aunt wrote for me

I slid my hands over my skinny toned stomach as I smoothly put my slinky black bra over my round D cup breasts. My nipples were still erect from my performance.I slid on a white wool sweater and tied my silky blond hair into a loose bun.I pulled out the last of the bills that were stuck in the waistline of my thong and organized them in a neat pile before putting them into my bag.“How’s the crowd tonight Carly?”“Not bad Stacy, a few horny businessmen but I’m afraid I milked them for everything...

1 year ago
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Perunthil Ilamaiyaana Paiyanai Usar Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathiayil ilamaiyaana oru paiyanai perunthil usar seithu avanai en veetirku vara vaithu matter seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Alamelu, vayathu 38 aagugirathu, enaku thirumnam aagi iru pen pasangal irukiraargal. Avargal palliyil padithu kondu irukiraargal, en kanavan arasanga uthyogathil irukiraar. Oru naal en amma veetirku sela perunthil sela kathu kondu irunthen, bus vanthathu athil eeri iruthiyaaga irukum irukaiyil amarnthu konden. Sirithu thuram...

3 years ago
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Unguent 3

Storm Clouds Laura stood up after draining her mocha to its chocolate lees. The Japanese girl clicked on the next episode of her anime, while she gave her another polite nod connoting goodbye, tossing her silken black ponytail hither and thither. Laura looked around for the trashcan and spotted it next to the door of the Starbucks. The Indian business boy gulped as Laura’s eyes met his, and then looked away. She got a distinct high school vibe from him. She smiled and tossed her empty mocha...

1 year ago
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Two Teen Whores Part 1

It was a hot and sultry Sunday afternoon. I had been running errands all day, and my jeans were saturated with sweat. The last thing on my list was to move my SUV in preparation for Monday's street cleaning, and then I was going to hit the shower and call it a day.As I walked to the car, I noticed two petite, slutty teens standing on the sidewalk next to my vehicle, one blonde, one brunette. They were wearing tank tops and short skirts, and were talking to some guy who was sitting on his...

1 year ago
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Meghna Didi Ko Apna Banaya

Meri behan Meghna ki shadi aaj se 5 saal pelhe ussi ke boyfriend Abhishek se hui thee aur aj tak main mama na ban saka tha. Kai bari maa ye topic le kar baat kar chuki thee lekin Meghna didi ye keh kar taal deti,’ Maa jaldi kia hai? Sari umar padi hai. Jawani pyar karne ke liye hoti hai. Bache hona koi zaruri nahin hain!” Main to sharam ke mare iss topic par bol hi nahin sakta. Meghna mujh se 5 saal badi hai. Usska kad 5 feet 6 inch, rang gora, jism gadraya hua, lambi tangen, janghen kasi hui...

1 year ago
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BFFS Paisley Bennett Aliya Brynn Lyra Lockhart Jingle Bell Cock

Santa sweethearts Paisley Bennet, Lyra Lockhart, and Aliyah Brynn love the movie Mean Girls, and this holiday season, they are planning to recreate that famous Christmas dance scene. They get together and run through the choreography, but Lyra just cannot seem to get it right! As a result, the girls get into a big fight, but luckily our stud shows up to pacify things. He suggests that the girls make Lyra feel more comfortable by squeezing her round tits. That gets their juices flowing, and soon...

2 years ago
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CumFilled Mom

Hello, my name is Josh, and my parents have been divorced for almost 4 years now. My father, Richard, remarried to a 25 year old blonde bombshell shortly after he left my mom, who at the time had two kids. Me, 18, and my 12 year old sister, Becky. Mom mourned the divorce for a year and a half before she met, fell in love, and married a black man named Jake. He was a nice enough guy and treated my mother pretty well, but other members in my family still had a hard time dealing with my mom...

4 years ago
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Now What

Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti Jerry Emerson had heard the rumors about the Game. There were some strange things going on in that old house on the hill. Group sex, wild orgies... unbelievable stuff. Now, if you could just get past the thorny hedges, razor wire, and killer dogs... It was easy enough to crawl through the hedges. Ripped clothes and a scratched up face were no big deal. The "razor wire" consisted of a few rusty strands of ordinary barbed wire. No problem cutting a passage...

1 year ago
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My neighbour Sharon pt 2

After the first night, I was truly terrified of running into Sharon. She'd seen me so clearly through the bathroom window, and had clearly heard me as I came while groaning her name - how was I going to face her?! How was I going to have a normal conversation after pumping thick ropes of cum across my girlfriends breasts while thinking of Sharon? Either way, I had to get out of the house at some point - Sammy had already left to go to work, she was an early riser. Thanks to my job I was...

2 years ago
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The Tunnel Part 2

She emerged from the terminal and into the streets of New York City, right in front of Madison Square Garden. Unsure of what exactly to look for, she stood frozen in front of the door as throngs of people passed by without notice. She took a deep breath and analyzed her situation. She was once a he, now standing in a skirt in a once familiar city that now seemed huge and menacing. The discomfort she felt in her new body warped the sites and scenery into an imposing force, a world that was...

4 years ago
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You can blame it on a detour First Chapter

My company had to send me to a boring conference in Atlanta.I asked my Boss about the plane ticket; but he smiled, saying it was a two hours’ drive from home; so I should go there in my own car.The next morning, I kissed my lovely husband and promised him that I would be careful on the road. I told Victor that I would call him from the hotel, to let him know that everything was fine.The road trip went fine until I got very near to Atlanta.A construction team was working on the road and they...

2 years ago
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my first time

I was a boy in puberty, which he knew nothing about sex! for my 18th birthday neighbor convinced me to go with him to a brothel, where he will pay me a whore. Of course, I agree ..... he took me to a big building, and said that the whores inside side. When we entered, he took a room with double bed ... in the room told me to lie down ... When I went to bed, he took the handcuffs and tied me. My stomach started rolling over me. he pulled out his cock, he looked bigger than he was, I was scared,...

1 year ago
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband’s birthday is next week and I still haven’t found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to hunt. I...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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My Dark Knight

My Dark Knight by Aimee Weston (aimee 2) There's a man in my doorway. He's outlined in the cold blue glow from a streetlight. A black, man-shaped shadow, silent. At first it seems like he must be part of a dream. I shut my eyes. I open them again. He's still there. It's no dream. This can't be happening. My heart is beating out of control, skittering down a panic path. He puts a finger to his mouth. If I could have screamed, I would have already. Now I know I better...

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