The PowerChapter 3 Dates and Dalliances
- 4 years ago
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St. Margaret’s Vicarage, Stratton-Over-Wye, Spring 1784
What bliss, thought Lucy Whitmore as she listened to the birdsong in the slightly unkempt vicarage garden. Even if she racked her brains, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a quiet minute to herself. What with a growing family and a clerical husband whose door was always open for the needy or just plain talkative, together with an eternally hopeless housekeeper, her life was at a constant sprint.
This morning though, as it had dawned bright and sunny, Matilda, the family’s eminently capable nursery maid, decided to take all three Whitmore children out for a walk. She colluded with one of their efficient daily maids, and Lucy found herself bustled out into the garden with a pot of tea. And miracle of miracles, it was still hot.
Not that she didn’t count her blessings. Even if they all seemed to need her attention at the top of their voices, she adored her offspring and was thankful for their robust good health. Then there was her darling husband Tobias, she thought affectionately, frequently absent-minded, occasionally infuriating but always loyal and loving.
Holding her teacup, her mind drifted back to her heartbroken state seven years previously, following her fiancé’s death in battle. If Tobias had not come along at the right time with his gift of friendship that soon blossomed into love, she could only guess at her lot.
No doubt, as an ageing spinster she would suffer her mother’s increasingly desperate attempts to marry her off to anyone who would have her. Lucy shuddered at the prospect and comforted herself with another sip of hot tea.
Life is good, she thought contentedly. She had her own home to manage, pleasingly ramshackle compared to her mother’s stringent standards, her beloved family and dear, true friends with whom to share her contentment. She smiled, thinking of Meg, their closest family friend who lived in Titterington, the next town along. As her spouse Alex was in the Merchant Navy, Meg often brought their one-year-old daughter Elizabeth Lucy, Lizzie to the family, to play with the Whitmore children while the ladies exchanged gossip.
Lizzie was inevitably monopolised by strong-minded Rose, now three, and attempts by her six-year-old brother, Jamie to gain Lizzie’s attention were met by a stern, “Go away. That’s my baby!”
Tobias frequently said that Rose’s bossy streak might be amusing if it didn’t remind him so much of his mother, in which case she’d probably be running the household with an iron rule by the time she was five.
The closeness of the two little girls was sweet, but as they were half-sisters by blood, Lucy was always anxious that someone outside their extended family circle might notice the distinct resemblance. Thank heavens Lizzie has inherited Meg’s dark curls, Lucy mused.
Given Alex was born female but had chosen to live her life as a man, Tobias (due to his premarital connection with Meg) was selected to do the necessary to give the couple the hope of a child together, with Lucy’s prior blessing, of course.
Lucy would not only trust Meg with her life, but also her husband. To sweeten the deal, Meg had confided Alex’s skill with a certain china pleasure toy so that any amorous benefits of the arrangement would not be for Meg and Tobias alone.
Tobias was not only willing to fulfil this unorthodox pastoral duty but was transported by the notion of his wife and Alex intimately together. Once his mission was deemed successful, when in the privacy of their bed at night, he virtually begged Lucy to recount every moment of the erotic encounter. Tobias was so overcome with repeated enthusiasm that the inevitable result was six-month-old Theo.
Lucy took another sip of tea as she reflected on another potential dilemma. A couple of weeks ago, the two women and all four children were in the vicarage parlour one wet afternoon. Above the chaos, Meg recounted that as Alex was again on board ship, her good friend Betty had asked her to visit her in Bath, where she was currently employed as an actress.
“I haven’t seen Betty for ages and would love to go, but I’m hampered with that nuisance,” she said, with a nod of her head towards Lizzie, such maternal fondness in her voice that no one could take her dismissive words seriously.
“It’s not that Betty would mind,” she added, “but her place isn’t set up for children. Can you imagine grubby hands all over the silk curtains and baby sick on the cushions?” Meg rolled her eyes at the thought of the damage one small girl could do to her friend’s elegant terraced residence in The Circus.
Without pausing for thought, Lucy said, “But we could take Lizzie for a short while. After all, Rose would want her here every day if she was allowed.”
Meg’s eyes lit up at this suggestion, but after mulling it over, she slowly shook her head. “Lucy, you are the soul of kindness, but that would be too much to ask. You have more than enough to handle with your three, plus Tobias,” she said with a grin. “I appreciate your offer, but it wouldn’t be fair.” Although she stated this firmly, Lucy could see the disappointment in her face.
Lucy impulsively mentioned the idea to her husband later, catching him alone in this study, and wasn’t altogether surprised when he echoed Meg’s sentiments.
“My love,” he said, mildly concerned, “such an offer only reflects your good heart. But you have numerous household burdens on your shoulders already.” To emphasise his point, they both winced at a crash somewhere in the building, either a result of Jamie trying to reach for something too high for him or yet another china serving dish added to the housekeeper’s score.
Recalling this advice, Lucy frowned. She would dearly like to help Meg with a few welcome days away with Betty. Enjoying the sun on her face and the still-warm beverage, Lucy felt she could take on the world, let alone little Lizzie. However, with experience, she knew she might feel differently by early evening when she would be more than glad to chivvy her protesting brood into their beds.
Three months later...
Tobias sat at the desk in his study, devising his Sunday sermon from several scraps of scribbled notes. Meg had called around shortly after dinner, and their combined offspring were playing together. As he wrote, he smiled at the sound of the children’s voices and shrieks of joy coming from the parlour, then frowned as he heard a repetitive cough punctuating the happy clamour.
He hesitated, his quill pen hovering over the half-filled page. Despite warm summer days, Lucy was under the weather, which concerned him.
In his mind, the cause had started in late spring when Lucy prevailed on taking little Lizzie for a week to give Meg a chance to visit her friend Betty in Bath.
He had observed since their three children ran them ragged, then a fourth might founder them altogether. Lucy had protested that Lizzie would be no trouble, and indeed, during the child’s stay, he didn’t notice a disruption. However, he suspected this was because Lucy shouldered the main burden of care.
Then came a particularly wet and miserable June, where the whole neighbourhood, including the vicarage household, came down with a summer cold. He and the children had thrown it off quite quickly, but Lucy was still off-colour by the time Tobias’ mother arrived, using as her excuse that she was not yet introduced to her youngest grandchild.
Tobias sighed and set down the pen before a drip of ink could blot the page. His mother, although well-meaning, was set in her ways and tried to impose what she felt was correct order on a shockingly relaxed household. This attitude inevitably caused a sense of strain.
During the elder Mrs Whitmore’s stay, Meg wisely kept her distance. Although they missed their friend, Tobias agreed with Lucy that of all people, his mother might spot the Whitmore stamp on young Lizzie’s features. This was a conversation best avoided permanently.
However, during an outing to Titterington, Lucy and Mrs Whitmore senior had met Meg on the High Street. Polite niceties were unavoidable under the circumstances, and Lucy reported later to Tobias that Meg had been the personification of demure charm. Unsurprisingly, this display didn’t fool Mrs Whitmore in the slightest. When the three adults sat down to dinner and Meg’s name was mentioned, his mama had frowned and said, “I know that she’s a frequent visitor to the vicarage, but I have to say there’s something not quite right about that young woman.”
Tobias froze in guilty terror, but to his relief, Lucy smoothly picked up the conversational baton. “But mama,” she protested with wide-eyed innocence, “She’s a friend of my family!”
Tobias silently congratulated his wife on the clever if erroneous implication that Meg had the approval of the Holbournes, Lucy’s entirely respectable parents.
“I suppose if your mother tolerates her, then I must too,” his mama had said slightly doubtfully, and the subject was thankfully dropped.
As a roar of laughter from Jamie interrupted his musings, Tobias picked up his pen to continue his sermon before the ink dried up altogether. He had only written a few more lines before there was a tap at the door.
Expecting Lucy, he was almost as pleased that it was the comely figure of Meg who entered the room, shutting the door behind her.
“Am I disturbing you?” She asked with a smile
“Yes, you are, thank goodness,” Tobias said, putting down his pen again. “I only hope that congregation won’t find this as dull as I do.”
Meg sat opposite him, saying, “As we’re just about to leave, I wanted a quick word. I have to say that I’m concerned about Lucy.”
”I’m worried she hasn’t shaken off that wretched cold as yet,” Tobias agreed.
“And I still feel guilty that I loaded Lizzie on her in May,” Meg said.
“Lucy insisted,” Tobias replied honestly. “In her own way, she can be as stubborn as Rose.”
Meg laughed, “Well, as we are agreed, I wonder what you might make of this scheme? Since Lucy was so kind to leave me unencumbered to visit Betty, why don’t I return the favour? Betty would love to see her and, as Alex will be home in two weeks, we will gladly take Rose for a while, if that would help?”
“I think it’s a splendid design!” declared Tobias with a broad smile. “A rest and a change of scene are just what Lucy needs.”
He rapidly thought aloud, saying, “Lucy’s mother would gladly have Theo, especially with a whole heap of maids to help and make a fuss of him. Jamie can stay here as it’s a quiet time of year in the parish. All the elderly ladies find him far more charming than me, so I can take him on my rounds.”
“That all sounds very manageable. I’ll write to Betty straightaway to put things in place,” Meg said, rising. “Then I’ll leave it up to you to persuade Lucy to our plan.”
Tobias felt that preparation was the best way to deal with his wife’s inevitable objections. So, he scribbled more notes on the back of those containing fragments of his sermon and prayed he did not get them confused when standing at the pulpit.
However, once Lucy was convinced and a date had been set for her departure, an obstacle arose from an unexpected source. One afternoon, Lucy entered her husband’s study clutching a letter.
“My love,” she said with considerable agitation, rushing to his side. “I think that Betty has a mistaken impression about my visit.”
Obligingly, Tobias set aside his Biblical reading to take the missive.
Dear Lucy, he read,
I am looking forward to having you staying here in Bath. With just us two girls together, we can have such fun. Tobias noted this last word was emphasised by being underscored three times.
As my dear Denny will be at his estate, we can kick up all kinds of larks without our men objecting to our pleasures! To add to that, there is a pick of handsome young players for you to play with, should the fancy take you. Such adventures we shall have!
Anticipating your arrival on the 3rd of the month,
Yrs, &tc
Tobias burst out laughing. “Betty hasn’t changed,” he said cheerfully. Noticing his wife’s uncertain frown, he pulled her onto his knee.
“She’s just teasing,” he reassured Lucy, putting his arms around her. “You know Betty’s ways of old. Meg will have told her already that you need to recuperate during your time away.”
“I suppose so,” Lucy said, putting her head on his shoulder. “Although I’ll miss you and my babies, I was only planning on getting my strength back. I’m not a prude, but I was startled by Betty’s assumption that the purpose of my trip was to snag an illicit lover.”
As she relaxed against him, Tobias breathed in her sweetly familiar scent and kissed her neck. “Darling Lucy,” he said. “Giving you the chance to recover fully is the main objective. But if the fancy takes you, as Betty put it, I have no objection to you seeking extra pleasures,” his lips moved to her ear as he whispered, “on the proviso that you tell me every... single... detail.”
His wife shivered as he kissed the delicate line of her jaw in between each word until their lips meshed together promisingly. Inevitably, before any further intimacy could occur, the strident tones of the churchwarden rang out in the hallway.
With a resigned sigh, the couple separated from their close embrace, Lucy reluctantly clambering off Tobias’ somewhat raised lap.
“I’d better take this out of harm’s way,” she giggled, grabbing the racy letter from the desk while giving her husband a final teasing kiss. She reached the study door precisely before the intruder could breach the threshold.
“Ah, Churchwarden, how nice to see you,” she uttered serenely. “The Vicar is expecting your call and is quite ready for you now.”
Before schooling his features in an appropriate expression, Tobias grinned at how Lucy was showing a knack for intrigue that would stand her in good stead with Betty.
Uncharacteristically, Tobias planned Lucy’s day of departure like a military operation, or what he imagined one to be. He had to admit, the only examples he was aware of were those of his brother Tom, who seemed to spend his military career doing as little as humanly possible.
Tobias arranged to get Lucy on an early coach to Bath before the household was fully awake, mainly so the children could not distract their fond mother and persuade her to stay.
Lucy was determined to obey her husband’s strictures and not fret about her family as the coach rattled and shook its way on the road for most of the day. She found she was more distracted by not coughing over the other passengers, which was effective if an uncomfortable way to pass the journey.
To her surprise, Betty met her at the coaching inn and had hired a sedan chair to take them up the hill to The Circus while her footmen carried Lucy’s bags. On arrival at her gracious home, having scanned her friend’s exhausted appearance with a sharp glance, Betty whisked Lucy up to her splendid first-floor drawing room to admire the furnishings and the view over the central communal garden.
Lucy was too weary to notice that this was a delaying ploy for the maid to unpack her clothing. As soon as Betty got the nod, she led Lucy upstairs to the beautifully appointed guest room with her nightgown laid out on the inviting bed and strict instructions to get comfortable.
Once Lucy was changed and in bed, Betty reappeared with a glass of brandy and hot water and stood over her like a mother-hen until she finished it.
“I’m off to get ready for the theatre now,” Betty said, kissing Lucy’s cheek. “And you, young lady, are to get some sleep.”
After a day or two of complete rest, Lucy rallied enough to enjoy the sights of Bath. Since her hostess rose towards the middle of the day after a late night at the theatre, Lucy occupied the morning by browsing the shops or walking to nearby Barton Fields to enjoy the vista and the balmy summer air.
Despite the naughty tone of her letter, Betty took her nursing duties seriously and excused Lucy from any socialising until she judged her guest restored. On the third morning, having slept well and enjoyed an hour outdoors, Lucy joined her hostess, yawning and in her wrapper, for a late breakfast. Lucy was pleased to learn that she was permitted to attend the theatre with Betty that evening.
While enjoying a saucer of coffee, her pleasure was increased by a letter presented to her on a silver salver addressed with her dear husband’s distinctive spidery handwriting. As she opened it, a fleeting panic the household had collapsed without her was dispelled by the greeting.
Dearest Lucy,
Before you start worrying, we are all well and nothing or no one has been broken beyond repair in your absence.
I can report that Theo is being doted on at your mama’s to such a degree that he will be disgusted at the dip in standards of service once he returns home. Meg declares that Rose is not only good company for Lizzie but keeping her and Alex entertained. I dare not enquire further than that.
Jamie sends his love to you, together with a kiss. Although he is enjoying having Matilda and me to himself, he was a little put out that Rose was chosen to stay with his darling Meg. We had a man to man discussion on the subject and concluded that it was best for filial relations (and possibly his bodily safety) not to separate Rose from “her baby”.
Meg, bless her kind heart, has promised to take him out for an afternoon once you have returned home, which has settled the matter without a tear being shed. Other than that, Jamie is content to attend any afternoon visits with me. I am glad to report that eating his body weight in cake as a result of these excursions doesn’t seem to have done him any lasting damage.
I know Betty will be looking after you and hope that by the time this letter gets to Bath, you will be in better health and spirits.
All I can do is to encourage you to have fun, this word was underlined three times in an echo of Betty’s letter that made Lucy smile, and to rest and thoroughly enjoy yourself.
I send my fondest love along with Jamie’s,
Your loving husband,
Lucy passed the letter over to Betty as she was buttering her toast. She smiled and said, “How lovely to have such a sweet family,” in a slightly wistful tone.
Lucy looked up from her coffee cup. “Would you like to have children?” She asked.
“Oh, all in good time,” Betty said with a careless wave of her hand, holding a triangle of toast. “Denny’s forever asking me to marry him, and I’ve assured him I will eventually. But why desert my career before it gives up on me? I’ve many years left to become respectable and be a grand lady and give him half a dozen little honourables,” she said comfortably. Lucy grinned at Betty’s earthy practicality.
As her hostess was not required at the theatre until early evening, they spent a cosy afternoon at home until it was time to dress. Lucy marvelled over the luxury of a full hour with no interruptions and the assiduous attentions of a personal maid to change her frock and arrange her hair.
Having brought some pretty summer dresses with her, she was pleased with her appearance when Betty knocked at the door to see if she was ready.
“Lovely,” that lady remarked, casting her eye over Lucy’s pale blue satin gown. Then she frowned suddenly, “but you don't need that,” she said, whisking away the covering fichu to reveal the low neckline. “You’re not in the country now!”
Lucy wanted to protest that she felt anxious exposing so much of her bosom. Then as she glanced at Betty’s magnificent embonpoint, it occurred to her that in comparison, her own decidedly modest décotellage would escape attention.
Lucy thoroughly enjoyed the outing to the theatre. Watching Betty tread the boards successfully was a delight, as she praised her friend during the post-performance party in the upper room of an inn near Old Orchard Street. Having attended such enjoyments with Tobias on their previous trip to Bath, she missed his presence but was welcomed by all.
The well-established actresses engaged her in conversation about her family while interspersing anecdotes about their grown-up children. Their younger colleagues were at first slightly aloof, but once it transpired Lucy was not a rival for their roles and a fresh-faced one at that, they unbent to become more cordial.
Lucy enjoyed some genteel flirting with veteran actors. She giggled to herself that the younger leading men, despite bestowing extravagant compliments on her, were prone to catching their reflections in the mirror, or even the back of a serving spoon, and preening like peacocks.
On the second evening, while mingling with the theatre crowd after the show, Betty introduced her to members of the orchestra that accompanied the performances.
She turned to a dashing young man in a dark red coat with skin the colour of milky coffee, “I’d like to introduce my dear friend, Mrs Whitmore. Lucy, my love, this is Tony and he plays the fiddle.”
The musician gave her a mock-outraged look, as he bent over Lucy’s hand and kissed it elegantly. “Elle adore faire des bêtises,” he said mildly, shooting a pretend glare in Betty’s direction. “Madame,” he addressed Lucy in perfect, slightly-accented English, “I am enchanted. However, my name is Antoine and my instrument is, in fact, the viola.” Betty giggled as he rolled his eyes at her and Lucy guessed that this mutual teasing was quite usual.
“As Lucy speaks the lingo, I thought you could jabber away in French with each other,” Betty said gaily, before being distracted by another arrival to the fray.
Antoine declared himself delighted to be able to converse in French. He was attentive and charming, and Lucy noted that he didn’t once try to catch sight of his handsome profile on a reflective surface. She felt a little colourless and staid compared to the flamboyant actresses, so Lucy was gratified to have such attractive company. She noted that Antoine’s manners were as á point as his clothing, with gold-coloured lace at his cuffs and collar that contrasted agreeably with his velvety skin. Also, he did not overload her with insincere flattery and had a wicked sense of humour. Lucy could see why he was a favourite of Betty’s.
One afternoon, before they dressed for the evening, Betty casually announced that Lucy should wear her best rig-out since they were invited to a party. Lucy obeyed the stricture, but when leaving the theatre after the play, rather than proceeding to a house within Bath, Betty led her to the White Hart Inn where a hired coach awaited them.
When asked their destination, Betty just tapped her nose and said with a cheeky grin, “It’s a surprise,” and was drawn no further. However, Lucy did not have long to wait as, only a few miles out of town, they turned off the main road into a long carriage drive and halted in front of a splendid edifice, grandly lit with torches to announce the festivities.
As they entered the equally lavish ballroom, Lucy was glad that Betty had warned her to wear something special as everyone was arrayed magnificently. The early part of the evening passed in a whirl of introductions and dancing and laughter. Lucy was taking some refreshment in between dances, when without warning, Betty caught her by the hand and led her out onto the terrace almost before she had time to put her glass on the proffered tray.
Lucy assumed that Betty simply wanted some fresh air after several vigorous country dances and was taken aback when she was marched down a path that led into the grounds. In bafflement, she asked, “Where are we going?”
All she got in response from Betty was another naughty giggle and, “You’ll see!”
As Lucy’s eyes accustomed to the darkness, she thought she spied a glimmer of light through the bushes that surrounded the path. Before long, they came out into a clearing before a folly designed as a Grecian temple. In contrast to the main building, it was not only tucked away but discreetly lit.
Betty halted and handed Lucy a half mask to cover the upper part of her face. “What’s this for?” Lucy asked, more puzzled than ever.
As she tied the ribbons of her mask in place, Betty replied mysteriously, “To signify that we’re here to look and not touch.” Lucy had to be satisfied with that gnomish pronouncement since Betty swept up the steps, Lucy fumbling to put her mask in place as she followed her.
As they entered the inner room, all became clear. This was sport of a very different kind to the polite occasion taking place at the mansion. The alternative partygoers, rather than in their best brocades, were in floating Grecian style robes. Or at least they had been before the entertainment commenced, Lucy thought as she glanced at the couples disporting on various strategically placed couches wearing very little indeed.
Betty led her to an alcove from which they could view the lusty entertainment. Lucy saw other recesses dotted around the room, containing a few people, fully dressed and masked as discreet spectators. At first, given that this party was well underway in more ways than one, Lucy almost didn’t know where to look. She thought it typical of Betty to spring this surprise without any warning.
Having been handed a glass of wine by that lady, grinning beneath her mask, Lucy began to adjust to the scene before her. Although more private, this event was as lavishly catered as the one in the ballroom. Waiters hovered with trays of drinks for both watchers and players, and Lucy spotted a most imaginative use for a glass of wine that made her raise her eyebrows above her mask. She also noticed an upper gallery, from which a small orchestra serenaded the groaning throng. Although the musicians were masked, there was amongst them a man with dusky skin who was recognisably Antoine. Lucy began to hazard a guess at how Betty wangled an entrée to both functions.
Watching the unfolding vista of lust, Lucy thought rather ruefully of Tobias who would surely be diverted by such a display. She scanned around the room, finding a grouping of a sturdy man and two voluptuous ladies that she knew would appeal to his tastes. She was committing their exploits to memory when Antoine appeared at her side.
“Do you see something that particularly catches your eye?” he asked with amusement at her concentration as he sipped a glass of wine.
Lucy glanced at him and giggled, saying, “Oh, it’s not that. I just wanted to make sure to remember this all to relate to my husband.”
Antoine was even more amused as Lucy explained, “You see, he’s at home looking after the children while I’m here. I wouldn’t want him to miss out on all this.”
Antoine laughed, and his smile was wide and sincere as he said, “It is only right that such a lovely lady should have such a generous husband,” and he kissed her hand gallantly before returning to his musical duties in the gallery.
As the soirée continued, the participants became even more uninhibited, coupling in combinations that would not have previously occurred to Lucy, who felt very sheltered and naive. Eventually, Betty signalled it was time to return to the main party, and the two women slipped out of the room, unnoticed by the heaving throng.
They removed their masks in the cool night air while Betty said brightly, “Did you enjoy that? When Tony told me what purpose he was hired here for tonight, I thought it might be diverting.”
“That’s one word for it,” Lucy said, making Betty laugh.
“Since we’re both attached to our loved ones, and I’ve promised Denny to be true to him, I thought it might be enjoyable to watch,” Betty said airily as they came to the terrace of the main house. They joined the dancing in the ballroom as if the fleshly diversion in the folly had never happened.
When night became early morning, and Lucy’s feet were so sore she could dance no more, the carriage was summoned. As he finished his musical stint, Antoine accompanied them for the return journey.
The conversation in the carriage was subdued, and perhaps wholly not from tiredness, Lucy thought as her mind whirled with an array of carnal images from the temple of Venus.
Once Antoine was set down at his lodgings, the ladies returned home to The Circus and wearily trooped up the stairs of the sleeping house.
As Lucy got into bed, she still felt unnerved by all the enticing sights she had seen. Trying to calm her raised pulse by thinking virtuous thoughts, she was just about to blow out the candle when Betty tripped into the room arrayed in her nightgown.
“I can’t sleep after all that excitement,” Betty said, throwing off the garment to reveal her splendid curves. “Move over,” she added, coming towards the bed with intent.
“But Betty,” Lucy attempted to protest, despite the glorious sight she had thoroughly enjoyed before and, no doubt was about to again. “What about your promise to be faithful to Denys?”
“Oh, I meant with another man. You’re a girl, so that doesn’t count,” Betty said dismissively before joining Lucy under the covers. Before she could object, not that she was much inclined, Lucy was engulfed by Betty’s delicious warmth. Without much ado, lifting Lucy’s nightgown to her hips, Betty straddled her and moved forcefully against her, rocking her way to mutual excitement. In no time, Lucy was pleasurably smothered by Betty’s splendid bosom as they combined the heat and moisture of their feminine parts. Knowing her darling Tobias would gladly encourage her to partake of such delights, Lucy willingly succumbed to vigorously noisy satisfaction to end the evening on a fitting note.
After a few days of normality, the adventures of that night faded. Lucy's days were occupied with buying gifts for the children or attending the Pump Room to mingle with polite society. Then in the evening, she was in the habit of visiting the theatre with her hostess, pleased to support her in her chosen career.
If during the inevitable post-performance gathering, Betty had her head close to her musician friend confidentially, Lucy assumed she imagined the sudden gleam in Antoine’s eye.
The next night, after leaving the inn with Betty and Antoine somewhat earlier than was their custom, Lucy was bemused that, rather than walking up the hill to The Circus, Betty turned right as if to go to the centre of town.
“Where are we going now?” Lucy asked, half-exasperated and half-amused at her friend’s antics.
“Follow me and find out,” Betty said with a wink. As they scurried along, towards the insalubrious district of Westgate Street, Lucy was glad of Antoine’s protective presence.
She began to get her bearings and assumed they would come out on the grand piazza in front of Bath Abbey. However, Betty ducked down a side lane and finally halted in a dim passageway that Lucy guessed must be at the back of the Pump Rooms.
“Voila!” Betty exclaimed in an atrocious French accent. She tugged on the handle of a half-hidden door which opened easily and she stepped over the threshold, giggling.
“Where is she taking us?” Lucy asked, totally bemused.
Antoine shrugged elegantly. “Who knows with Madame Betty, but it will be très amusant, for sure.” He stepped back politely to let Lucy through the doorway and she trailed through the shadows after Betty’s disappearing figure.
This was a very different side of the baths complex compared to the elegant and modern facade, as they followed ancient passageways, weaving both outdoor and in. Lucy was so busy keeping Betty in view that only later did she wonder at what Roman ghosts they might be disturbing, or more prosaically, what if one of them tripped over a piece of medieval masonry and knocked themselves out, only to be discovered as a shameful trespasser the next day.
As it was, they eventually emerged into the wide-open area of the Roman Great Baths. Even in the hazy moonlight, it was a magnificent sight. Lucy paused, soaking in the atmosphere as the water gushed from the hot springs.
Betty had no such qualms. Still giggling, she started to unlace the front of her gown. Antoine shrugged, and smiling so that Lucy saw the gleam of his teeth, he started to undo the silver buttons on his form-fitting coat.
It seemed only courteous to join in, so Lucy began on the ribbons of her stays. Before her gown was undone, she heard a whoop and a splash as a newly naked Betty jumped into the baths.
As Antoine slid into the water more decorously, Lucy rather shyly slipped off her shift and entered the pool. “It’s lovely and warm,” Betty called across with no inhibitions whatsoever.
“What if we get caught?” Lucy hissed.
“Oh, there’s no one around,” Betty consoled her. “I was assured that it would be safe enough for us to be here tonight.”
Lucy wondered who Betty had bribed or charmed to gain illicit nighttime access to the hallowed waters.
Betty giggled again, “After our adventure the other night, I thought it would be fun to have our own Roman orgie.” At that announcement, Lucy was speechless. Antoine just laughed at Betty’s antics.
After a while, Lucy forgot that they were unclothed together and found the water very relaxing as she paddled in its luxurious heat. They gradually congregated at one end of the pool as they conversed.
“Ooh, I’m too hot,” Betty exclaimed, arising from the pool to sit on the edge. Lucy could only surmise that Antoine found Betty’s sumptuously dripping curves as enticing as she did.
“Come and join me, Lucy,” Betty said, patting the stone ledge beside her. Lucy obeyed automatically and perched beside her friend, finding herself slowly enveloped in a clinging clasp. There was a soft moan nearby and then a splash of displaced water to signify Antoine was leaving the pool for a better view.
While still interlaced with Betty, Lucy caught a glimpse of a gleaming dark body, tightly muscled and intensely masculine as Antoine drew closer.
Lucy’s abiding memory of that magical time was damp, steaming female skin entwined in a close embrace, punctuated by the rhythmic slap of nearby male self-pleasuring. If she was aware of another hand sliding between them occasionally to share the sensation of silky pliant flesh, it was never intrusive or interrupted their intimacy.
The tussle with Betty in Lucy’s bed had been fast and urgent, but in comparison, this was timeless and never-ending. Lucy almost couldn’t make out whose limbs were whose as the women dissolved into each other.
At last, all three were still as the pool bubbled silently before them. As the air grew chilly, they shrugged themselves into their clothes and made their way back to the thankfully still-unlocked door.
Fortunately, as they walked towards The Circus, there was a light rain shower, which not only meant the streets emptied but explained away their damp appearance and the women’s bedraggled hair. Once safely indoors, Betty ordered a rum punch to be made up and all three sat sipping decorously in her drawing-room.
“Well, that was fun,” Betty said brightly, causing Antoine to choke on his drink.
“I’ll never know what you’ll think of next,” Lucy said, which Betty took as a compliment. Eventually, Antoine took his leave to return to his lodgings, bestowing a lingering grateful kiss on the back of each lady’s hand.
It seemed like no time at all before Lucy’s holiday was over. On her final night, the theatricals gave her a fond farewell as if she was one of their own. When it came to Antoine’s turn, he embraced her warmly, kissing her on both cheeks. “You have been enchanting, Madame,” he said, his eyes gleaming with approval. “As I have said before, your husband is a very fortunate man.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him that,” Lucy replied with a dimpled smile.
The next morning, despite an early start, Betty accompanied Lucy to the coaching inn, complete with a couple of footmen to carry all of Lucy’s baggage. She waved away her guest’s thanks for restoring her to health and said with a wink, “Give my love to everyone and you are welcome back any time.”
Once on her way, Lucy thought how well-rested she felt compared to her outward journey. Her mind wandered idly over the events of the week, the friends she had made and the fun she had enjoyed, both conventional and slightly outrageous. Given Antoine’s good manners and sculpted physique, Lucy wondered how long it would take for Betty to succumb to his charms, despite her promise to Denys. She almost giggled aloud at the thought of Betty, dismissively waving her hand while saying, “Oh, that doesn’t count. After all, he’s French!”
Her homecoming was joyous, with Tobias greeting her enthusiastically at the coaching inn, informing her all three children awaited her return at the vicarage. Once home, Jamie hugged her tightly, saying how much he had missed his mama, even before he asked for his present.
In the parlour, over the children’s heads, Lucy passed on compliments to her husband from mutual acquaintances in Bath, while giving out noisily accepted toys and gifts. Eventually, when she had put her offspring to bed, Lucy went downstairs where Tobias was waiting with a glass of wine.
“Your very good health, my dear,” he said, toasting the safe return of his beloved. “And did you have much fun with Betty?” He grinned and raised an eyebrow.
Eager to please her loving husband, who had taken on the household burden during her absence, while taking a sip of wine, Lucy quickly scanned her memory for what frolics he might enjoy the most.
“Well,” she began, “we did attend a rather splendid orgie.”
Tobias was completely still, his eyes wide. Temporarily, Lucy thought she might have shocked her husband beyond his limits. Then he rose remarkably swiftly from his chair, snagged the wine jug and glasses with one hand and eagerly held out the other towards his wife. As he drew Lucy to her feet, she could see Tobias' eyes were alight with anticipation.
“In that case," he said, "we’d better take this upstairs.”
I was 19. It was a hot and steamy summer’s night. I was out at my usual club and was in the mood to party, drink and dance until early hours of the morning. I spotted my gorgeous African spunk of a man across the room. Justin was an incredible lover, with lovely blue eyes, longish dreaded hair, beautifully tanned skin and a body to die for. Justin and I fucked on a regular basis. It was never more than that… neither of us wanted it that way. If I picked up someone else for the night or if he...
I was 19. It was a hot and steamy summer’s night. I was out at my usual club and was in the mood to party, drink and dance until early hours of the morning. I spotted my gorgeous African spunk of a man across the room. Justin was an incredible lover, with lovely blue eyes, longish dreaded hair, beautifully tanned skin and a body to die for. Justin and I fucked on a regular basis. It was never more than that... neither of us wanted it that way. If I picked up someone else for the night or if he...
Group SexDelightful Sex With D by Ramprabhu (This happened some 10 years back. The lady involved is my collegue in my office. This is the only incident of intimacy I could have with her. I had kept the details in my diary. When I started to post the accounts of my sexual pleasures in this website, I wanted to post this also. So I wrote and showed the draft to her. She was reluctant to give me permission to post it in website. Later I took printouts of some other accounts posted by me in this site and...
This happened in 1989 /1990 when we lived in a common tenancy house. I have already written an earlier account about it under the title "NICE TIME WITH A NEIGHBOR WOMEN" which appears in this very site. I have referred to my sexual happiness with my neighbor lady Soundarya there. I had also said that she left that house when her husband was transferred to another place. In their portion which is next to us, a new tenant came. His name was Parthasarathy and his family comprised of himself,...
It was more than a surprise when an email dropped into my inbox the other day, totally out of the blue as they say and it come from someone who I hardly knew. You see I had been working on a project and had made contact with Diane who was an area supervisor, it did not work out so I knocked it on the head so to speak. That was four years ago. Well, surprise, surprise, an email from Diane popped into my Inbox with a very formal message enquiring how I was etc. We passed the rest of the day in...
Hello friends, my name is sahil and I am a very big fan of indian sex stories , my mother neha is 42 years old very beautiful lady .My father is a businessman and have very strict schedule so most of the time I and mom live together. ‘sahil, what are you doing? Still busy on your laptop. ‘, my mom said to me as she opened door. ‘yes I am completing my college work ‘, I replied. ‘breakfast is ready, should I bring it here? ‘mom said ‘its ok mom, as you wish ‘I replied. After having breakfast I...
IncestThis happened in 1989 /1990 when we lived in a common tenancy house. I have already written an earlier account about it under the title “NICE TIME WITH A NEIGHBOR WOMEN” which appears in this very site. I have referred to my sexual happiness with my neighbor lady Soundarya there. I had also said that she left that house when her husband was transferred to another place. In their portion which is next to us, a new tenant came. His name was Parthasarathy and his family comprised of himself, his...
"Wait here, hon" she said. "I'm going to change and then put on the coffee." The woman disappeared down a hall. I looked around the smallish living room at the overstuffed couch and chair, the obligatory coffee table with scuff marks and cigarette burns in the finish. All in all, the room was nothing special. My bladder had started to feel full, probably the psychosomatic result of the hope in my loins rather than any real need to pee. I decided to look for a bathroom anyway. I headed...
(This happened some 10 years back. The lady involved is my collegue in my office. This is the only incident of intimacy I could have with her. I had kept the details in my diary. When I started to post the accounts of my sexual pleasures in this website, I wanted to post this also. So I wrote and showed the draft to her. She was reluctant to give me permission to post it in website. Later I took printouts of some other accounts posted by me in this site and gave them to her to read. She felt...
Passionate Dalliance I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn’t full...
Passionate Dalliance I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn't full of...
Straight SexFeedback and criticism very much appreciated. Work in progress. I couldn't see anything. My hands were bound together above my head by some smooth rope. The air was very humid and hot and probably because of that, droplets of sweat were gently sliding of my body. It was very quiet. I could only hear some distant radiator blowing and occasionally something that sounded like a ventilator turning on briefly. The sweat kept falling and gliding across my skin. I felt almost naked. It seemed I only...
He left the cell door open. And I was chained to the bed. A simple, large, metal cuff on each ankle, each wrist, with a heavy chain going to each post on the luxurious bed.The blouse I had been wearing was gone...skirt, still in the main dungeon...not even wearing the stockings anymore. Just naked, chained, with his tie as a gag in my mouth.I didn't want to move. I felt lethargic, depressed...I watched the camera...but it wasn't moving...caressing me like it was doing before. Even though the...
Samantha walked quickly, pulling me along out the door of my cell. I was trying very hard not to fall down, so I didn’t notice the newly placed, wooden crossbar.Shaped like a narrow X, leather restraints for my ankles, no chain, but fastened to bar itself. As I looked up, there were the leather cuffs for my wrists, but the chains were adjustable by winch on either side of the X. I felt another violent tug, Samantha wanted my attention.She slowly rolled up the leash, forcing me closer until...
I slowly woke up, feeling a little bit sore in my wrists, and certainly my bottom. I closed my eyes and nestled into the down pillow. Feeling the comforter, very warm, a silkiness on my body…I curl up, nibbling on the edge of my thumb…no, no can’t go back to sleep.I open my eyes and on the night table a digital clock tells me it’s already noon, Saturday. But I wouldn’t know otherwise, no windows in my cell. I sigh…if he keeps his word, I go home tomorrow…[i}...home…I want to go home…but…[/i]I...
Shuddering. Feeling so much heat on my bottom. Hurts so bad.…hurts so good…“Can you stand up, Suzy?”I can’t even answer. I’m doing everything I can not to sob. My face is in my hands, I can feel how red my face is. I start to sniffle. I hate this. Ihate how this makes me feel…so ashamed, so humiliated, so……so bad, so naughty, yes…I just shake my head. I can’t do anything.Gently, he turns me over. I look up into his face and then away. I bring my tiny, cuffed fists under my chin. He...
The ride seemed to take forever. I squirmed so that I could see the back of his seat. I watched the city lights give way to the highway lights. After awhile, the van slowed down and things got darker. He was definitely taking me out of the city…somewhere, obviously secluded.My body stopped listening to me. It gave up. I was limp after struggling to turn around. My legs and arms gradually began to relax, to fall to the side, useless. I had strained so hard against the wrist cuffs that my hands...
They hadn’t met. She was a single mom. He was a college professor. Only in the halls at their children’s elementary school had their paths crossed. He always sat alone, along the rear wall, during plays and concerts, she was always busy with her daughter’s hair, or substitute teaching. There lives were a world apart. Yet that Spring Tuesday she had worked at school a bit late, and he came a bit early to the concert (she found out much later that he had to see Steven’s coach about what...
© 2004 by Lowered Eyes All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permissionof the author. This work is written as adult entertainment and is not intended tobe accessed by anyone under the age of 18. All persons and events portrayedare fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely co-incidental.
Using the forged pass key provided by a supporting agent, I slip into the apartment. I head for the computer by the desk, rifling through the disks on the desk in the hope that I can uncover something quickly. I try the computer; several levels of password protection tell me that it isn't worth the time given the mission constraints. I grab several likely disks from the desk and throw them into a small case over my shoulder. A notebook, one page partially removed hastily. A remaining fragment...
Author's preamble. This story is a product of my imagination. The characters herein are likewise imaginary and any similarity to real people is purely accidental. All sexually active characters are over the age of 18. The story contains aspects of brother-sister incest, lesbian sex and cream pie. If any of these aspects are not to your taste (excuse the pun, ) may I respectfully suggest you look to other stories on the site. It is not my wish to offend my readers. If these aspects are...
I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Creed and thinking how they'd likely be a "two hit wonder", when I heard a knock on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn't full of pretense as so many others like her...
Delight Of Gay ProfessorBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the first job for Sir Jonathan at the Social Sciences University as a teacher and he was so glad for his success although he had to move quite far away from home but it was well worth it. The only difficulty was the handy availability of sex. He loved the pussy play and had been almost happy the way his sex life was going. Only lately his girlfriend helped him discover that as much he loved fucking a pussy, he also enjoyed to get fucked. He...
I was also very infatuated with his best friend’s mother Soundarya and had been for quite awhile. I don’t know how to get her . In the net I read story where a boy coveys his feelings through a letter . I wrote a letter what my feelings titled “I Want U So Much.” How she looked so seductive today that I almost attacked her right then and there. She came home from shopping and asked her son and me to help bring the packages in from the car. She was wearing a short black saree , white silk...
"Well Potter, I must admit I had not expected this from you," hissed the serpentine Dark Lord, Voldemort from his throne. Before him stood an angry, recently of-age Harry Potter, fresh from a brutal duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. Surprisingly, Lord Voldemort's most favored Death Eater is still quivering in pain on the floor behind her younger opponent. Harry smirked, "You've seen the way they treat me, their so called 'savior'. I hate the Ministry, Voldemort... and I've grown to despise the...
This is a work of pure fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Please don’t hold the author responsible. It was 8 AM Friday morning; the alarm of my table clock woke me up. I dragged out myself out of my bed to go to office. I am not married and stay alone in a rented 3 BHK flat at a posh locality of a growing hi-tech city of Hyderabad. A city which is high on IT industry and am another IT guy working as a Consultant in a global IT firm. In my short...
"I'm sure you would. This is a lot of fun for you but not so much for me. So far, the only climax I've had I could have given myself. Somehow I expected more." "Shit Roz, what did you expect? Look at you! You're gorgeous. Any guy would cum in his pants just looking at you. I'm sorry and I'll try harder next time to make sure you get some pleasure first. OK?" "Sure. Whatever. But I can't get away tomorrow so you'll have to call me the next time you come through. Give me some...
Roz sat back down and seemed to wait for the Reverend to speak. She made no effort to be polite, instead looking almost resigned to this interruption in her world. "I just wanted to see how you were and if I could be of any help. Is there something bothering you?" She looked at him with an expression of what appeared to be pity. She smiled briefly before she answered him. "Nothing that you can help me with. I made a very bad mistake and betrayed my husband and now I have to live with...
It for sure wasn't that kind of a day when it all began. In fact, it was actually a pretty shitty day all around. I'd waked up in a generally foul mood, and the cloudy morning hadn't done much to lift my spirits. Neither did my early attempts at exercising, there were those same dull tones in my ears when my mind was thinking of gloriously reverberating notes to thrill the very souls of all who heard. Once again I found myself seriously questioning my choice of career. Actually I'd...
You read that bank sanctioned vehicle loan to Headmaster as per requirement of Divya. Sanction letter was handed over on Monday and same day HM got delivery of car. Divya attended school and thereafter she booked in a hotel outside city and invited CM of bank as per their deal. By 6 of evening Divya was nude on body of CM. He hugged her tightly. Kissed deeply and whispered , “My darling, let me love you. “ He said and positioned her flat on king size bed of the hotel room. “ no hurry, I am...
They were up early the next morning and Jenny was out of the house with the flyers by eight. In addition to the invitation to the opening party each one stated that there were staff vacancies and that people should drop by anytime to apply. James set about sanding down the tables. That took him all day apart from half an hour to arrange beer deliveries for Thursday. He applied the first coat, stain, on Tuesday morning and the second, gloss, on Wednesday morning. He was well pleased with his...
CAUTION: This is a story of a romance that is still building. The people in it don’t know what will happen next, but they hope they have found something beautiful and lasting. Because they have been so unsure of themselves until now, there is no sex at all until late in the story, and even then there is nothing very explicit. * Nicole Evans found herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She was unemployed, eligible for only the minimum unemployment compensation, and with little...
I went back inside rather than watch everyone leave; I was going to miss them, and worry about Anders and Solona, and somehow watching people go was just harder than it should have been. Or maybe it’s just my lack of sleep? Alistair caught up to me before I got far, pulling me against his chest and just holding me. I didn’t cry – and was rather proud of myself for that fact – and rewarded myself with a soft, lingering kiss with my husband. “We should get some rest,” he whispered to me, his...
My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could...
Hi, I am Niket 25 year old again with my good looking and beautiful mom, Nila, 52 year old with a 35 + boobs and nice round ass. We were in the resort room at Lonavala and decided to have sexual pleasure during our stay in the resort. I sucked and played with her pussy and made her cum. I asked her to play and suck my cock. She agreed and asked me to sit in bed. She hold my cock in her hand and placed her palm on my balls. After holding my cock, she looked at my cock and said Niket nice tight...
IncestSunday — Harry Lynch was trimming back his shrubs on the Saturday that his safe, warm, family life came to an end. He was intent on his attack on the overgrown plants when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his neighbor, Cal Dillon. "Hey Harry, can I borrow your lawnmower? Mine just died and Marge will kill me if I don't get the yard done before her fancy-smancy tea this afternoon." Their Maryland neighborhood was made up of 'mini-estates' of homes on one and two acre lots. Everyone...
It was nineteen seventy-three, and I’d just landed my first real job as a computer programmer with a small company on the East Coast. I’d skipped college, much to my parent’s dismay, and headed off to backpack through Europe and Asia. My grandmother’s estate had established a trust fund for me, which I was able to access once I turned eighteen. And a small piece of that nest egg sustained me for my four years of exploring the world. Now, at age twenty-two, I was ready to get serious and chase...
Introduction: If you havent read chapter one, well, don,t worry, you could still get off on this chapter. it might make more sense if you read chapter one 9plus, its really hot!) This chapter doesnt have such a long introduction, its pretty much just another round of sex. Daphne and Gabe still have a lot of fucking left inside them, so enjoy! So tell me more about your career, Daphne said as she snuggled closer to Gabe on the couch in his living room. I guess people ask you this all the time,...
Filmy Hi, this is Azhar from Gujarat . The incident I am about to narrate took place a few years back. A middle aged lady used to come and collect the laundry clothes for washing/ironing from our house every day. One day however she fell from the stairs and fractured her leg. Her son and daughter-in-law were summoned from the village to take care of her and her business till such time that she could resume her duties. Initially her son came to collect the clothes for a few days, but later it...
Warning: This totally fictional story contains some affectionate scenes between a mother and son that some might take to be incestuous. I would never in real life condone any behavior of this sort, but as a harmless fantasy it does seem to intrigue many people. If you don't like that sort of thing or you're under 18, please don't read any it. Positive comments are more than welcome. I'm [email protected] Mommie's Pretty Panties By Marcie Manseau Chapter One - All He Had...
Saturday, September 2, 2006 Coach Earley called at about 9:00 in the morning. It turned out that I would be allowed to play. I showered, at a light breakfast, and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before Mom drove me to school. I sat next to Roy and Nick on the bus to Intercourse. When we got to the high school, we all filed into the locker room and proceeded to strip down. While everybody else put on their uniforms, I just put on an athletic cup, cleats and shin guards. Coach Earley...
Fresh out of high-school, 18-year old Oregon farm-girl turned model, Penelope Reed is very excited to be auditioning for Brutal Castings. This petite little Latina meets most of the requirements for the job; pretty face, nice tits, sexy nubile body, and a willingness to follow Master JB Rodeo’s commands. Eager to impress her new Master, Penelope has little trouble posing for photos in her see-thru bra and panties and trying to do some naked twerking. Good start, but it takes more than...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true story about my experiences in jail over a very short stay.. I had recently been pulled over with my WIFE. I had a suspended license and had past due tickets. With no money to pay and no way to bail out, I went before the judge.A thuggish looking young black k** light skin, fair complexion and borderline latin looking. But my features, nose lips and obvious african american tells made it easy to see I was Black. I sat in the pew with thirty or f******n other white males and one...
She walked up to him, grinning as she approached. When she was standing in front of him, she kissed him deeply, running a hand slowly down her chest until she reached his crotch. He looked at her expectantly as she got on her knees, kissing the pants and pulling the zip down with her teeth. She pulled out his semi-hard cock and kissed the tip, looking up. He smiled as she took his entire length in her mouth, sucking him hard. She pulled back, licking her lips, and took a deep breath right...
BDSMSylvia's Revenge 3 by Joanie Davis I felt like the cords were crushing me, wrapped tightly around my torso and arms above and below my padded bust and at my waist. My arms themselves were bound together at wrists and elbows. My legs were folded over on themselves, my ankles tied to my thighs. A large vibrator buzzed away busily up my ass. In addition to all of this I was wearing pantyhose on my shaved legs. Polished toenails shone through the hose, peeking through the straps of...
The Greatest Lie, Chapter 11 - A Whole New Me, The Same Old World ? by: Alexandra Rios "En Francais", they say "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose:" the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Tran and I got back to Minneapolis from our trip to Thailand for our sex change operations, it was every bit as dark, frigid and depressing as it had been when we left. I returned to the same tiny, dreary apartment in a drug infested, sleazy stretch of Hennepin...
The next day, back at work at Holy Cross School, Jacob Smith, the headmaster, was priding himself on resisting his would be temptress when in walked Cassie Parks again, this time with the nun who monitored the dorms and Cassie’s roommate, Jill Pierce. If Cassie was on one end of the spectrum, Jill was on the other. Fully aware of her sexuality and how to use it to get what she wanted. Jill was basically a slut. She snuck off campus, offered blow jobs to male teachers for better grades and had...
First TimeChance Encounters: Strangers on the train. (c)By Legion999 2010To set the scene, it was a warm sticky night as the people traveled to and from where they did or didn’t wish to remain. The train wasn’t particularly busy for a Friday evening, a man and woman shared a carriage and sat on the opposing side as one would expect.As the journey wore on they were both feeling the stifling evening air.Peter, 42 year old blue collar worker, he was not over weight and had a good physique. It was so hot he...
Quickie Sex“Why does this always happen to us?” Opal Anne asked as I held her tight. “We need to move to the city if for no other reason than not having to drive this trail to get to town.” I quietly whispered to her, “We have more than enough money to do that right now. We can turn around and go back to town and have a place in Denver in a matter of days.” She stiffened a bit and turned her head to look me in the eyes and returned my whisper. “No. I want to make another baby on the plain and I want...
A week after I released my balloon, Doug got suspended from school for a couple days for getting into a fight with Michael Drake. Michael had gotten back together with Susan the day after Joyie's suicide, which proved my theory of his using Joyie to make her jealous; and the two of them were reenacting a "love" scene between Michael and Joyie -- making fun of Joyie. The group they hung with were laughing their heads off and having a field day until Doug and some of this team mates walked...
Pamela had already made the picnic and packed it into a wicker basket when the boys arrived. She’d cleaned the kitchen as well, been a thorough little domestic goddess with her mom and dad away for the week. And finally she had changed from jogging pants and T-shirt into her costume. Nothing outlandish, just a simple white-muslin dress and sandals, and then to the garden to pluck daisies and buttercups and ring them into a crown and a necklace. She stood before her bedroom mirror adjusting the...
March 24, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You don’t think she was serious?” Kara asked with a smirk. Kara, Jessica, and I were in the sauna late on Sunday afternoon, where we’d gone as soon as I’d arrived home from San Diego. “No. It was all in good fun. That’s a pretty good group of young adults and professors. And they all seem to have their heads screwed on straight.” “What did Meredith say?” “Nothing. She was pissed at me and decided not to attend. She told Phil Edwards that something had...
Kari was already at the door. He slipped down the hallway to eavesdrop on the conversation. "I DON'T CARE ASSHOLE!! YOU DIDNT EVEN STOP! WE ARE DONE! LEAVE!!" Kari was pissed and screaming at him. "I messed up, I was wrong and am wrong. It was a mistake. But please don't throw away all of our history over it. 5 years babe... 5 years!!" Eric had tears running down his face as he pleaded his case. "Do you really want to bring up the past dick? You were kissing Marcy at homecoming and...
Meagan rode the elevator down to the lobby but couldn’t get her mind off her last view of the secretaries’ office floor, those two red circles between the desks. She strolled across the floor towards the door and didn’t even hear the man at the reception desk wish her a good day. As she neared the doors to the outside she saw the black town car parked there with the driver standing beside the back door. He opened the door as she came out and slid into the backseat.Meagan sat there as the driver...
NovelsIt had been several weeks since Debbie had her sexual encounter with one of her clients. At firs she was afraid that he was a state inspector and she would lose her license but as time passed she became more confident that he wasn't. Today she had two clients, both female. The morning appointment was at 9:00am and the afternoon wasn't until 5:00. At 8:45 the doorbell rang. Gina was right on time as usual. She has been a client for almost two years now and was never late. Debbie walked her...
Hello guys, this is Neil again from Mumbai. This is the continuation of my previous encounter with Isha whom I seduced the night before and she had begged me to fuck her. So, the next day, I met Isha as we had decided to go shopping together. The moment I met her, she had this naughty smile on her face and I knew what that was for. It was because of the way I had seduced her and made her cum hard for me with just sexting. Just to introduce you guys to Isha again, she is my friend’s...
Kim and I were sitting on the couch relaxing when she looked up from her laptop with a grin on herface. “Honey, I was reading an article today about a sex act for which a local sex writer coined a term.It is called pegging. Have you heard about it?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, Ihave heard about it. I have read a few articles of his about it and some other stuff.” “Well, I am gladyou know what it is. I thought I was going to have to go into a long, drawn out discussion...
Note: This story is completely fictional! For now three years Linda and James have been having sex all over the house: the kitchen, the laundry room, their rooms, the shower, the sink, the sofas, etc. Evrywhere! Now, Linda was 21 years old, and legally she was an adult, so now she could marry. James and Linda moved to New Mexico in the U.S. , they entered their new home and begin kissing right away. Linda took her shirt off, showing her boobs. James began sucking her and moving down to her...