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He turned on the landing leading to the fourth flight of stairs and wearily hauled himself round and up on the wooden banister... The three cardboard boxes of cakes slid across the bottom of the wicker basket, crooked in at his free elbow, as he mounted the stone steps.

It had been a long morning, cycling on the heavy old bike with its iron basket-holder on the front, making it so hard to manoeuvre. But now he was finished. Nearly.

He always kept this customer to the last. For months he'd fantasised about her inviting him in because she was lonely and her husband was away for the week-end. Fat chance! With a wife like that he'd never be away for the week-end. Lucky bugger!

He reached the top landing and laid the basket down. Balancing the cake boxes on top of each other he walked to the far end of the landing, and, taking a deep breath, he pushed the buzzer. Music from inside the flat was the only sound - and then he heard her. Bare feet running along the hall. He felt the warmth in his groin as the chain rattled against the door, and he adjusted his sweaty hands on the boxes.

The door was flung wide and she almost tumbled out and into him. But she got her balance and stood there, panting. He drank in the sight of her. He had put her down as about twenty-two or three. She'd only been married about six months, he knew that, for Mrs. Jessman at the baker's shop had told him when he had first been given her as a customer.

Now she stood there, in a silky pink slip that accentuated rather than covered her body, her round melony boobs practically falling out of the thin garment, while nearly the all of her plump white thighs were visible beneath it. Her hair was tousled and her face quite red, her breasts rising and falling with each breath.

'Sorry! I... I. was asleep... We... I... We... slept in', she barely suppressed a giggle.

'Slept in my foot', he thought. She said this every Saturday.

He reached out to her with the boxes. He was about a foot taller than her and as she stepped forward to take the cakes he could see right down her cleavage. He glanced up and their eyes met. She knew what was going on alright. Of that he was convinced.

She put her hands round the sides of the bottom box and pulled them towards her, causing the backs of his hands to press into her breasts. Through the silk he could feel her hardened nipples and the yielding soft flesh of those delicious white mounds. She made no attempt to disengage and he could feel her heart beating - while his own hammered in his chest and his erection stiffened against his trousers.Then she moved away. Smiling. Her eyes shining. The door was shut in his face and he heard her padding back along the hall. Giggling.

'Padding back to another shag', he thought ruefully as he turned back to pick up the empty basket.

He raced down the stairs two at a time, the basket swinging on his flailing arm. As he shot off the third step before the first floor landing, he suddenly saw, in the gloom of the dark stairway, the figure of a woman standing at her doorway immediately in front of him. He desperately strove to alter course in mid-air and missed her by inches, then crashed into the wall on the far side of her door.

He slid down the wall into a sitting position, gasping for breath, gazing at the woman. She stood in the doorway, the dim light from her hall way barely enough to allow him to see her. He recognised her as 'the foreign woman' Aitken the lorry-driver had brought back as his wife - from Italy or Spain or somewhere like that.

Aitken had been killed in a bad smash on the M6 a year or so ago. His union had proved company negligence on the maintenance of the lorry and the local gossip was that his widow had got a tidy sum of compensation. She however kept herself very much to herself, although he'd heard his mother say she was very pleasant and always polite.

'But not like us', his mother said, " she goes to the shops up the town for all her stuff - and always on her own. She's a Catholic too. I've seen her coming out of yon big chapel at the roundabout."

And that was about as much as he knew of 'the foreign woman' who now peered anxiously down at him.

'Are you 'urt?', the voice was odd to his ears. It had a soft kind of musical quality, 'Let me 'elp you?'

She reached down and held out her hand. He grasped it, noticing as he did so, the olive-oil coloured skin and the long slim fingers. Her grip was strong and she pulled him to his feet with remarkable ease.

'You are in too much 'urry. Your Mamma 'as your dinner ready, I tink.' She smiled and he noticed how remarkably white her teeth were in the tanned face, while her black hair was drawn back in a bun that accentuated the high cheek-bones and large browny-black eyes.

She stood looking at him. and he realised she was much shorter than he was, but oddly she seemed to be looking directly at him, not up at him. Her clothes were dark too and she wore a striped dark blue bib-apron. Her body seemed to be quite solid, even fat, but her hand and wrist had seemed slender. He reckoned she was a few years younger than his mother. All of this flashed through his head in a second as he stammered out a reply:

'No! My mother's not in. She's away visiting my auntie - with my Dad.'

He felt a fool and tried to make amends: 'I'm just finished now - I was in a hurry to get back to the shop with the bike.' He hesitated, 'I'm sorry if I gave you a fright. I didn't see you.'

'Is okay', she patted his arm, ' how you say? No bones broken. Eh.'

He smiled sheepishly and looked at his feet. She spoke again, ' You pass 'ere on your way 'ome from shop? I know your mother. She is kind woman. I know your 'ouse. Maybe you get message for me - from baker shop? Yes? I pay you.'

'No! I mean, yes.' he blurted out the contradiction, ' I mean I'll get your message. But you don't need to pay me. It's not out of my way.'

She smiled and again patted his arm. 'You are good boy. I know. I watch you. You very 'ard working - and so beeg and sta-rrong!' He blushed furiously and shuffled his feet. Glad that the dark was hiding his confusion.

'I like you get me two - no - tree pies. een-dee-veedual, 'ow you say?'

'That's okay', he said, 'individual pies. Mince or steak?'

'I like meat', she said, 'steak, I want. And two vanilla cakes. Is okay?' She handed him some notes. He gave her one back.

'That's more than enough', he said, 'I'll be as quick as I can. It'll be about half-an-hour. Okay?'

'You take care on bike', she said, 'I see you soon' He turned to set off down the stairs when she pulled on his arm. ' What I call you?' He looked puzzled. 'Your name? What ees your name?'

'Oh', he laughed, ' my name is David. I am David.'

She smiled at him as he stood on the second step down, his face now on a level below hers, and he thought he glimpsed a girl in her middle-aged face. ' Dav-eed. Is a nice name for you. Like Michelangelo. Dav-eed. I am Maria. You call me Maria. Is okay? You say?'

He was puzzled about Michael whats-his-name but he smiled and said, ' Yes. It's okay. Maria.' Without thinking he said it again. It had been a nice name to say, ' Maria'.

She laughed and turned away. Outside the rain was just starting.

By the time he reached the shop he was very wet indeed. He put the bike away in the shed and collected the pies and cakes. Mrs. Jessman expressed her concern at him getting so wet, but he pooh-poohed her worry, saying he'd be home soon to a hot bath.

The wind and rain were in his face as he trudged back along the road. Twice he splashed into deep puddles he had not seen because of the rain lashing into his eyes. He couldn't run for fear of breaking the pies and cakes, now wrapped in a poly bag and sheltered under his jacket against the teeming rain.

At last he reached the close and dragged his soaking feet up the stairs.

She must have been watching for him at the window, for she opened the door before the bell sounded.

'Mamma mia, Dav-eed, you are drown- ed. Oh! Come! Come in, I get you dry.' Ignoring the bag he held out to her, she pulled him into the house and shut the door.

'My poor Da-veed, mother of God, you are so wet, you will get to die. 'ere! Take off wet shoes.' She paid no heed to his protests but knelt at his feet and began to pull off his sodden footwear. David was so cold and wet he made little resistance. Now in the warmth of the house, he was shaking with cold, his teeth chattering so that he could hardly speak.

He allowed her to propel him along the hallway and into her livingroom-cum-kitchen. A huge coal fire blazed in the old-fashioned fireplace, filling the room with light and heat. She manoeuvred him past the ironing board set up in front of it, and placed him close to the blaze. Steam began to rise from his saturated clothes. He began to feel a bit faint. She started to pull off his jacket. He tried to protest again but she shushed him.

'I not let you go 'ome like-ah thees. Your Mamma she find out, she very angree.'

He was so cold and shaky that he just let her do it: pulling off his jersey and shirt till he stood there, stripped to the waist, trembling with cold and not caring about anything except how awful he felt.

Taking a towel from the wooden clothes horse at the fireside, she began to towel him so vigorously he felt she was taking the skin off him. At last she stopped and, panting with the exertion, she handed him the towel and pointing to his trousers she instructed,

'Take off! I go get you somesing dry to wear. You dry good. You 'ear?'

She did not wait on a reply but marched out of the room closing the door behind her.He stood there after she had gone,shaking with cold still Not thinking straight.

Slowly he began to unbutton his trousers, his movements slow and lethargic. He was on a kind of auto-pilot, his brain not able to focus. Standing with his back to the door, he towelled and rubbed himself until he was glowing all over. Then he wrapped the towel around himself and stood warming this body at the roaring fire, holding onto the mantelpiece while the steam from the damp towel rose in front of him. His teeth now gave only the occasional chatter. He felt woozy and not able to think. He just wanted to be warm.

Maria returned at last with an armful of clothes and without a word she pushed him into the big armchair and fed his head into a large grey flannel shirt - like the ones his father wore sometimes.

He tried to help to pull it down and in doing so discovered that it was far too wide for him although the length was about right.

"'Ees too beeg. My 'usband he more fat than you.' Saying this she slapped his belly playfully with the back of her hand, causing him to gasp at the unexpectedness of the blow.

'He dead', she said. He didn't know what to say to this but as he mumbled something, she thrust the rest of the clothing into his hands and turned away towards the cooker which stood in a little doorless cupboard at the far end of the room.

'I put on pies', she said, 'you dress and stay by fire. Get warm. Be queeck! Queeck!'

Making sure she was not looking, he slipped the towel down and pulled on the voluminous white Y-fronts then the trousers - which could have gone twice round him. He puzzled over the necktie until it dawned on him that it was to hold up the trousers. He was negotiating his feet into the big woollen socks when she appeared at his side and held out a mug of steaming liquid.

'You drink now. Little at time. Drink all. Make you warm.' He took the mug and mumbled his thanks. The whisky, scarcely diluted at all by the hot water and honey, hit the back of his throat and caused him to splutter and cough. She laughed and then ordered:

'You sit at fire. Drink all up. But slow. Sit!' He sat down again in the armchair and sipped the drink, feeling the warmth of it spread through him. He was beginning to feel a bit better. But it was as though he was floating in a kind of dream with his brain in a warm fog.

Later, sitting at the table with her, he ate the hot pie and beans and the mashed potatoes as though he had never seen food for a week. She urged him to eat up and insisted he have the extra pie.

He found the wine, ruby-red and slightly warmed, strange at first but by the time he had started on the plate of custard and pears, he was sipping it with enjoyment. And all the time she talked, asking him about himself, and smiling and chuckling at his replies. Poking fun at him about his reticence and refusing to believe he had no girl-friend.

'An 'andsome beeg boy lik-ah you? I no beleeve. You break-ah the girls' 'earts. I teenk you no-ah tell Maria truth!'

At last the meal was over and he spoke of going.

'No! No! Why you go home a-yet? Nobody there. You stay at fire and be warm. Anyways, your clothes they no dry yet. Sit! I do ironing. You keep Maria company. Yes?'

He mumbled and smiled assent, and so found himself back in the big chair by the fire, full of food and wine - and very sleepy.

He must have drifted into sleep almost immediately and he awoke slowly, hearing at first the radio's music but finding himself unable to open his eyes. He had to will them open and at last they obeyed. He was slumped sideways in the chair, his head resting on the padded armrest with one arm trailing down the side so that his hand was touching the carpet.

The window curtain had been drawn and a small lamp was lit on the sideboard over at the far wall. The fire itself glowed brightly red, filling the room with flickering shadows. The ironing board had gone and the wooden clothes-horse stood festooned with the results of Maria's work.

These things registered in his mind as he emerged for sleep but it was on Maria herself that his eyes quickly focussed. She sat in the armchair opposite him, with one foot in a basin of water while the other foot was drawn up to rest on the edge of her chair with her knee fully bent to allow this and to enable her to dry between her toes.

She was totally absorbed in this task and he drank in the sight of her. She had discarded her dress and was wearing a white under slip. Her raised knee had caused the slip to hike up her thighs exposing them and giving a glimpse of the vee of her black knickers. David felt his cock begin to harden as he looked.

She shifted her foot the better to dry her toes, and his heart gave a thump as he realised that what he was seeing was not her knickers at all but the black triangle of her pubic hair. She wasn't wearing anything apart from the slip!

David had never seen a naked woman before. Hardly daring to breathe, his heart racing. and the tip of his growing erection rubbing through the reinforced opening of the borrowed Y-fronts, he gazed at her through slitted eyes, Finishing one foot, she shifted to do the other and in that movement her plump thighs opened and he glimpsed for the first time in his life, the pink-lipped mouth of a woman's vagina.

'Whatah you do?' Her voice crashed into his brain like an explosion. She leapt to her feet, smoothing down her slip. 'How longah you peek me? Uh? You lie there an' watch me long time?'

She had jumped up and was standing over him, her anger pressing him back into the chair where he now sat upright, speechless, hands gripping the chair-arms, frightened by her fury.

'What your mother say, when I tell her you spy on-ah me, after I treat you good? What she say when I tell her you, how you say, you a peeper? A bad person?'

'I... I'm sorry... I... I... was sleeping... I just woke up... I... I... couldna help it... Please don't tell my mother. I... won't tell anybody... ' He was stammering, near to tears.

'Huh!' she snorted in disbelief, standing between his feet, arms akimbo, her breasts heaving, ' I know you tell. You tell all other boys, yourah friends. You say, " I see old lady's body. I watch 'er wash 'erself in 'ouse. I see 'er... 'er..." she halted, her face working. ' I knowah what you say. You boys.'

Into his mind came a scene he had often witnessed and had never liked or took part in: a group of teenage boys standing bragging about what they had done with and to, girls they knew. He had known, as they laughed and joked and as each claim became wilder and more unlikely than the last, that it was all rubbish. But he had found it distasteful.

A kind of calm came over him. He looked straight at her.' 'I would not tell anyone about you", he said, coldly.

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My wife and I have been together for over 20 years now. We met when I was 20 and she was 19. At that time, I'd only had sex with one person...I was number 19 or 20 for her.Our relationship has had its share of ups and downs, just like anyone else, but the ups for us have always outweighed the downs.This will be the first in a series of stories that go through our sex life, in no particular order. Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed living them!My wife, Jen, is brunette, 5'8", has amazing...

3 years ago
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Amandas ChoiceChapter 16

Roquan uttered a snort of disgust as he picked up yet another Farviewing pearl from the hearth and dropped it back onto the velvet. Three clients now! Three! Three that he almost lost and had to convince not to terminate their existing contracts with him. Damn Lord K'garon! Thanks to his insufferable arrogance of sending Tanyee back to the Manor, other clients who had already heard rumors of obedience troubles with Roquan's slaves had taken that as a signal to reconsider their business...

3 years ago
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Fun with Sherry

I couldn’t believe how lucky I got when my sister-in-law Sherry came to visit her sister (my wife, Cara). Sherry’s single and Cara is her only sister. I was feeling a little down at the time as I was unemployed and upset with myself for allowing myself to get out of shape and pack on some extra pounds. One morning while Cara was at work, I was lounging around on the living room sofa in a t-shirt and shorts when Sherry came into the room wearing gym shots and a t-shirt,...

3 years ago
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Tali Topless

Tali Topless Francine was embarrassing Tali in the Rockville Courthouse cafeteria. “C'mon,everyone talks about trying to help rehabilitate criminals, but who reallyis hands on? Natalia here is remarkable!” Tali smiled, and shook herhead. “I hired an extremely competent chauffer, that's all. And Fentonis good company as well, he's not really like other disadvantaged types—he'steaching himself Greek, for God's sake.” Francine laughed. “You'rea saint!” Francine turned to Ken Buxbaum, who was her...

2 years ago
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A Toy of my Own

Going back home and seeing Gail was an inspiration. But it also made me realize how much I missed getting boned by my old male partner Hank. Or how much I wanted Gail to shove one of her toys up my own ass. Once I discovered that they really weren't metal spikes that is.After returning to New England I knew what I had to do. The Adult Bookstore was way outside of town in a fuckin' Industrial Park. What the hell it was doing out there I have no clue. Maybe they're putting fork lift motors...

2 years ago
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We both have an assignment with Rose and Max in the suite of their five-star downtown hotel, They have been in town on business which was very successful, so they have booked our services for their sexual pleasure to celebrate Rose was in her mid-forties and a very attractive woman, the concierge told me as we made the arrangements on the phone, twenty years older than me, while her wealthy, very fit bisexual man was around the same age. On the way I teased Seb by asking him if he would...

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AlRincon is a site that's about sex and other stuff. Case closed. That's my take on what this site offers and it is a pretty damn accurate one. They have some sex, and then, they have some other stuff. Get it? No? Okay, let me expand a little bit so that you don't cry me a river and call me lazy for not being too detailed in my reviews. has popups, has sexy pictures, videos, videos that are not sex-related, they have viral clips wallpapers, they have...Okay, now that you...

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Louisas Room

I have close friends who know secrets about me but there's one that I've never found the courage to tell. Its not something I'm embarrassed about but I've never quite known how to bring it up. So I'm going to tell it here. Strangers are sometimes easier to talk to... My name is Audre. I am a graphic arts student. I am the only daughter of a Scots architect (my Dad) and a French actress (my Mom) although she hasn't worked for many years. I have enjoyed the benefits (and sometimes suffered the...

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Green CloudsChapter 12

I was dressed and waiting the next day when Mr. Porter called. I'm not certain if I was more anxious to pick up my first paycheck or to use that as an excuse to go for a drive in my new car. He finally called at nine and ordered me to be in his office by ten. I sat at the kitchen table staring at the clock, counting the seconds until it was time to leave. I arrived with a few minutes to spare. Mrs. Stanley informed Mr. Porter I was waiting and we talked for a few minutes while waiting for...

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Nina and Hannah Get Spanked

This continues the Nina series. 38 year old Nina had got to work early but her bottom was stinging from the six strokes her 18 year old stepdaughter Ella had given her this morning. Six hard strokes because Hannah had complained again yesterday that Nina had belittled her at the office and Ella reiterated to her stepmother just what she thought of that. Six strokes. Before work to act as a reminder Ella explained. Nina hated being caned but always enjoyed the after pain and when she got to the...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 30 Sarah

Tuesday, May 25, 1971 Nicky and Grace were still asleep as I crawled out of bed, trying not to wake them. I grabbed my jock strap, did some stretches and started my run to the registration building. By the time I returned, I wasn't nearly as winded as I had been before. Out on the front lawn, Anna was going through some sort of ritual, moving with grace and poise. I watched her as I did my cool down stretches. Finishing her exercises, Anna picked up her towel to wipe off the...

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Mom Turned Bitch With The Help Of Me And My Friend 8211 Part 3

Yan amma va directorum avaroda 2 asistant um othaduku appurom naga yaga vetuku vanthom.Yan amma sex panun tried la poi rest yaduka arambicha.Nanum yan friendum bar ku poi drinks panidu vanthom.Then naga valakam pola na clg kum amma velaikkum poga arambichom.10 days ku aprom antha director yanaku call panuna nanum yananu keten.Avan yana pakanum nu sona.Oknu nanum antha director house ku pona.Avaru yanaku oru happy news sa sonaru.Yan amma ku oru ad la nadika oru chance vandurukunu. Me:sir it...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 7 If I Cant Have You

Medway High School 8:35am, Thursday, February 15, 1979 “And to end the morning announcements,” Mr. Williamson said, “The following teachers are out sick today, and their classes will not be held: Mr. Pierce, Ms. Glover and Mrs. Bumstead. We would greatly appreciate it, if anyone who comes down with flu-like symptoms, be it either students or faculty, please stay home and help limit the spread of this nasty flu-virus. That is all. Have a great Thursday.” “No math class for us,” Lynette said...

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Bevor dein Urlaub seinen Lauf nimmt, kannst du in den Einstellungen oben rechts (3 Balken) die Namen ändern. first_name = Jungenname last_name = Mädchenname Die 8 Inselgesetze von Eros Mindestalter: Das Betreten der Insel ist nur Personen mit einem Mindestalter von 18 Jahren gestattet. Kleidung: Bekleidung jeglicher Art ist verboten! Eine Ausnahme bildet das Bedecken von Kopf und Augen. (s.h. Punkt 5) Technische Geräte: Technische Geräte wie Smartphones, Musikplayer und Radios sind nicht...

Group Sex
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When a text becomes a sext

Ah! One of my favourite past times. when you are in a in a state of frustration of epic proportions but not able to accept a huge dick in your pussy for whatever reason, a good ol' sexting session is probably what the doctor should be ordering. And if you are worried about your messages and pictures of your pretty pussy going viral; don't be! Send those messages with pride and commitment: not only do you give yourself a good seeing to, you also have the god given power of making a man blow his...

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Police Ne Khub Choda 8211 Part 3

Hello guys.. Thank you so much apke feedback ke liye or mai sabko reply ni kar paayi uske ke sorry. Or haa jo meri chut ka maza real me lena chahta h wo anytime invited h meri place me.. Or dosto mai raipur ki rehne wali..sorry phle part me ni btane k liye.. Ab mai apni story me aati hu.. Guys wo police ab muje har roz chodne laga tha..Hum dono ko bas bahana chaiye hota tha kapde faadne ka.. Kartik hmesa meri ghar me 9:30 ko aa hi jaata or sham tak mere sath chudai ki class leta..Isi chalte...

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My Hollywood actress Aunt

Hi, to all XHAMSTER readers. It is always very exciting in sharing about my various sexual experiences. Now this is the story of having sex with my aunty when I visited our home town to attend a marriage. I was doing my second year in the college.When I reached my aunt’s house, I saw it was filled with people ever were. My aunty greeted me with smile and put my luggage in her room and asked me to fresh up. Since I travelled the whole night, I went straight to the bath room and took a nice...

1 year ago
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TransAtlantic part 1 Departure from Rome

TRANS-ATLANTIC part 1 DEPARTURE FROM ROME Jack Masterson arrived at the cruise terminal in the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, Italy. He was a travel writer who owned and operated a travel website that reviews luxury resorts, hotels, cruise ships and destinations. He'd been in Europe for a month; traveling and posting articles on his site about his adventures. Tonight he began his trip home to the United States, but he wasn't flying. A Trans-Atlantic cruise on the Holland...

2 years ago
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Welcoming my Neighbor

The weather was so hot as I got out of the house for the first time for the day. Looking across the street, I saw him standing there, washing his car. Muscular. Tanned. Shoulder length hair and just fucking sexy. I knew I would see him sooner or later but I hoped for sooner. He was the grandson of Mrs. Hawthorne, the nosy neighbor. He had relocated here to stay with her for the next few years. I know I am going to enjoy my new neighbor!Everyone knows me, am Nikki, twenty-two years old, brown...

Straight Sex
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First time with another guy

I've been reading stories on this site for a long time. I'm a bisexual male who would like share my first time experience. I was spending the summer at my uncles, helping out around his small farm as he was gone alot because his regular job was as an over the road trucker. I enjoyed the freedom I enjoyed staying with him. I lived in a small trailer with my mom and sister and it was crowded, not a lot of privacy. I enjoyed the guy time. Up to this time I had limited sexual activity. I had...

3 years ago
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I Saw Her Through a Crowd

Sometimes it only takes one meeting of eyes, one fleeting glimpse across a packed room to know. Sometimes your eyes connect with someone so intensely that it transcends the sound of Velvet Underground being blasted from a rented PA, the dozens of fratboys with red cups and the couples practically fucking on the stained couches. That’s what happened to me that night. Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. I was only there that night because a friend of mine needed a wing man. I was supposed to...

Straight Sex
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My Neighbor Aunt Has Crush On Me

Hi, guys, my name is Rohan. I am 22 years old, working in IT sector. I live in Hyderabad and am 5’6 feet tall, handsome, well-built body and my manhood is 6.5 inches. completely opposite to my height… LOL..that’s about me. Coming to my real story which happened last month ie. December 2016, must say had a sexual awsome experience at the end of the year. I also have a girlfriend and also had sex with her which I will reveal later. Because we guys are more interested in incest ???? and that must...

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The Beginning To The End

I met Brandi when I was going to college in California. She was born and raised in Alabama and was very conservative. We both were raised with a silver spoon in our mouth. The first time I saw Brandi, I got that instant bulge in my pants. She was five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes that melted you with a simple glance. She had a tucked ass and large boobs that looked like they were straining to get out. My name is John. I was twenty-four and Brandi was...

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VengeanceChapter 6

After their tour, Roxy and Dirk headed to the studio floor for her shoot. Dirk asked to stay and watch. Roxy happily agreed. She wanted somebody she knew to be there, even if she knew him for less than a day. Watching her at the rave, I figured I could push her along quite quickly, so I had the first set on the beach patio with one male model. Dirk had instruction to step in if things got hot, and he thought it wouldn’t scare Roxy off. To get her comfortable, they introduced the entire crew....

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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 10

Before long, I was in Wayne's bathtub. He had to take off all his poo-stained clothes (as well as mine) and dump them in the washing machine. The big fat man almost drowned me in the bathtub as he washed me. "Didn't your father ever toilet train you?" Wayne asked. "I wanted to tell you I needed to go to the toilet, but I had a sock in my mouth." "I've been spanking little children like you for twenty years now, and nothing like this has ever happened." "Do you spank Erika if...

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First Time Anal First Time Cheating

Well what can I say, I cheated on my wife with another woman. Why could I do something like this? Why should I, too? Well I have my own reasons, which I shall not get into on here. But I shall tell you how it began.I had a wife-to-be and a son and daughter at the time and felt like everything was great; apart from one thing that is. Sex.My wife isn't into trying new things or changing to different positions. So sex has been boring to say the least. I hadn't had sex for months and your hand can...

First Time
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Secrets RevealedChapter 3

The days passed, and Sean attended more meetings than he ever had as CEO of LDC/Whitten. Nothing of significance was achieved from the sessions. Most were just time and energy drains. Sean was more accustomed to meetings in a corporate setting, where there was a specific reason for any meeting. The aim was to solve any problem as quickly and as painless as possible. He quickly became disillusioned with the process in which governments worked. Sean attended the League of Free Systems hearing...

3 years ago
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Kiki and Me

Kiki and Me By Jane Err How this all started is hard to remember; it seems so long ago. I had moved to New York with my girlfriend of three years, only to break up in three months. The excitement of the city was too much for her and we drifted apart. My career was thriving and I found a freedom in the city, which I never thought existed, something about being a nameless face in the crowd was very liberating. I had just started a new job at a small advertising firm when I...

1 year ago
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Ruined 8 Year Old Friendship

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers, I hope all of you are having some great fapping time. I am back to tell you a true story that happened last year in Bhopal during the rainy season. I was sitting at my home waiting for a call from my friend- jyoti who was an amateur photographer and was learning photography in Delhi. She came to Bhopal for a week to during the break at her photography institute in Delhi. Main aur jyoti ek dusre ko 8 saal se jante the aur hum bahut acche dost the last year...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

CockatooNikkie SilkIt’s a cliché, isn’t it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bedwith someone else. Only slightly less of a cliché in my case, as the‘someone else’ was my wife’s closest girlfriend - closest in every senseof the word.It was a quick divorce; no k**s, only a rented flat, so the onlysquabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep thelot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I ownedinto the boot of my small car. I was 28 years old, fit,...

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MomWantsToBreed Jennifer White My Stepsons Cum Is All Ready

Jennifer White has taken an active interest in the welfare of her stepson, Juan Loco. When she sees that Juan has grabbed himself a snack that doesn’t meet her health standards, she replaces it with another one that is more up to snuff. Juan isn’t pleased with the switch, but Jennifer’s next move surprises him. She puts a paper cup on the table and instructs Juan to fill it with his sperm. Jennifer will taste it to determine whether he’s eating a sufficiently healthy...


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