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He turned on the landing leading to the fourth flight of stairs and wearily hauled himself round and up on the wooden banister... The three cardboard boxes of cakes slid across the bottom of the wicker basket, crooked in at his free elbow, as he mounted the stone steps.

It had been a long morning, cycling on the heavy old bike with its iron basket-holder on the front, making it so hard to manoeuvre. But now he was finished. Nearly.

He always kept this customer to the last. For months he'd fantasised about her inviting him in because she was lonely and her husband was away for the week-end. Fat chance! With a wife like that he'd never be away for the week-end. Lucky bugger!

He reached the top landing and laid the basket down. Balancing the cake boxes on top of each other he walked to the far end of the landing, and, taking a deep breath, he pushed the buzzer. Music from inside the flat was the only sound - and then he heard her. Bare feet running along the hall. He felt the warmth in his groin as the chain rattled against the door, and he adjusted his sweaty hands on the boxes.

The door was flung wide and she almost tumbled out and into him. But she got her balance and stood there, panting. He drank in the sight of her. He had put her down as about twenty-two or three. She'd only been married about six months, he knew that, for Mrs. Jessman at the baker's shop had told him when he had first been given her as a customer.

Now she stood there, in a silky pink slip that accentuated rather than covered her body, her round melony boobs practically falling out of the thin garment, while nearly the all of her plump white thighs were visible beneath it. Her hair was tousled and her face quite red, her breasts rising and falling with each breath.

'Sorry! I... I. was asleep... We... I... We... slept in', she barely suppressed a giggle.

'Slept in my foot', he thought. She said this every Saturday.

He reached out to her with the boxes. He was about a foot taller than her and as she stepped forward to take the cakes he could see right down her cleavage. He glanced up and their eyes met. She knew what was going on alright. Of that he was convinced.

She put her hands round the sides of the bottom box and pulled them towards her, causing the backs of his hands to press into her breasts. Through the silk he could feel her hardened nipples and the yielding soft flesh of those delicious white mounds. She made no attempt to disengage and he could feel her heart beating - while his own hammered in his chest and his erection stiffened against his trousers.Then she moved away. Smiling. Her eyes shining. The door was shut in his face and he heard her padding back along the hall. Giggling.

'Padding back to another shag', he thought ruefully as he turned back to pick up the empty basket.

He raced down the stairs two at a time, the basket swinging on his flailing arm. As he shot off the third step before the first floor landing, he suddenly saw, in the gloom of the dark stairway, the figure of a woman standing at her doorway immediately in front of him. He desperately strove to alter course in mid-air and missed her by inches, then crashed into the wall on the far side of her door.

He slid down the wall into a sitting position, gasping for breath, gazing at the woman. She stood in the doorway, the dim light from her hall way barely enough to allow him to see her. He recognised her as 'the foreign woman' Aitken the lorry-driver had brought back as his wife - from Italy or Spain or somewhere like that.

Aitken had been killed in a bad smash on the M6 a year or so ago. His union had proved company negligence on the maintenance of the lorry and the local gossip was that his widow had got a tidy sum of compensation. She however kept herself very much to herself, although he'd heard his mother say she was very pleasant and always polite.

'But not like us', his mother said, " she goes to the shops up the town for all her stuff - and always on her own. She's a Catholic too. I've seen her coming out of yon big chapel at the roundabout."

And that was about as much as he knew of 'the foreign woman' who now peered anxiously down at him.

'Are you 'urt?', the voice was odd to his ears. It had a soft kind of musical quality, 'Let me 'elp you?'

She reached down and held out her hand. He grasped it, noticing as he did so, the olive-oil coloured skin and the long slim fingers. Her grip was strong and she pulled him to his feet with remarkable ease.

'You are in too much 'urry. Your Mamma 'as your dinner ready, I tink.' She smiled and he noticed how remarkably white her teeth were in the tanned face, while her black hair was drawn back in a bun that accentuated the high cheek-bones and large browny-black eyes.

She stood looking at him. and he realised she was much shorter than he was, but oddly she seemed to be looking directly at him, not up at him. Her clothes were dark too and she wore a striped dark blue bib-apron. Her body seemed to be quite solid, even fat, but her hand and wrist had seemed slender. He reckoned she was a few years younger than his mother. All of this flashed through his head in a second as he stammered out a reply:

'No! My mother's not in. She's away visiting my auntie - with my Dad.'

He felt a fool and tried to make amends: 'I'm just finished now - I was in a hurry to get back to the shop with the bike.' He hesitated, 'I'm sorry if I gave you a fright. I didn't see you.'

'Is okay', she patted his arm, ' how you say? No bones broken. Eh.'

He smiled sheepishly and looked at his feet. She spoke again, ' You pass 'ere on your way 'ome from shop? I know your mother. She is kind woman. I know your 'ouse. Maybe you get message for me - from baker shop? Yes? I pay you.'

'No! I mean, yes.' he blurted out the contradiction, ' I mean I'll get your message. But you don't need to pay me. It's not out of my way.'

She smiled and again patted his arm. 'You are good boy. I know. I watch you. You very 'ard working - and so beeg and sta-rrong!' He blushed furiously and shuffled his feet. Glad that the dark was hiding his confusion.

'I like you get me two - no - tree pies. een-dee-veedual, 'ow you say?'

'That's okay', he said, 'individual pies. Mince or steak?'

'I like meat', she said, 'steak, I want. And two vanilla cakes. Is okay?' She handed him some notes. He gave her one back.

'That's more than enough', he said, 'I'll be as quick as I can. It'll be about half-an-hour. Okay?'

'You take care on bike', she said, 'I see you soon' He turned to set off down the stairs when she pulled on his arm. ' What I call you?' He looked puzzled. 'Your name? What ees your name?'

'Oh', he laughed, ' my name is David. I am David.'

She smiled at him as he stood on the second step down, his face now on a level below hers, and he thought he glimpsed a girl in her middle-aged face. ' Dav-eed. Is a nice name for you. Like Michelangelo. Dav-eed. I am Maria. You call me Maria. Is okay? You say?'

He was puzzled about Michael whats-his-name but he smiled and said, ' Yes. It's okay. Maria.' Without thinking he said it again. It had been a nice name to say, ' Maria'.

She laughed and turned away. Outside the rain was just starting.

By the time he reached the shop he was very wet indeed. He put the bike away in the shed and collected the pies and cakes. Mrs. Jessman expressed her concern at him getting so wet, but he pooh-poohed her worry, saying he'd be home soon to a hot bath.

The wind and rain were in his face as he trudged back along the road. Twice he splashed into deep puddles he had not seen because of the rain lashing into his eyes. He couldn't run for fear of breaking the pies and cakes, now wrapped in a poly bag and sheltered under his jacket against the teeming rain.

At last he reached the close and dragged his soaking feet up the stairs.

She must have been watching for him at the window, for she opened the door before the bell sounded.

'Mamma mia, Dav-eed, you are drown- ed. Oh! Come! Come in, I get you dry.' Ignoring the bag he held out to her, she pulled him into the house and shut the door.

'My poor Da-veed, mother of God, you are so wet, you will get to die. 'ere! Take off wet shoes.' She paid no heed to his protests but knelt at his feet and began to pull off his sodden footwear. David was so cold and wet he made little resistance. Now in the warmth of the house, he was shaking with cold, his teeth chattering so that he could hardly speak.

He allowed her to propel him along the hallway and into her livingroom-cum-kitchen. A huge coal fire blazed in the old-fashioned fireplace, filling the room with light and heat. She manoeuvred him past the ironing board set up in front of it, and placed him close to the blaze. Steam began to rise from his saturated clothes. He began to feel a bit faint. She started to pull off his jacket. He tried to protest again but she shushed him.

'I not let you go 'ome like-ah thees. Your Mamma she find out, she very angree.'

He was so cold and shaky that he just let her do it: pulling off his jersey and shirt till he stood there, stripped to the waist, trembling with cold and not caring about anything except how awful he felt.

Taking a towel from the wooden clothes horse at the fireside, she began to towel him so vigorously he felt she was taking the skin off him. At last she stopped and, panting with the exertion, she handed him the towel and pointing to his trousers she instructed,

'Take off! I go get you somesing dry to wear. You dry good. You 'ear?'

She did not wait on a reply but marched out of the room closing the door behind her.He stood there after she had gone,shaking with cold still Not thinking straight.

Slowly he began to unbutton his trousers, his movements slow and lethargic. He was on a kind of auto-pilot, his brain not able to focus. Standing with his back to the door, he towelled and rubbed himself until he was glowing all over. Then he wrapped the towel around himself and stood warming this body at the roaring fire, holding onto the mantelpiece while the steam from the damp towel rose in front of him. His teeth now gave only the occasional chatter. He felt woozy and not able to think. He just wanted to be warm.

Maria returned at last with an armful of clothes and without a word she pushed him into the big armchair and fed his head into a large grey flannel shirt - like the ones his father wore sometimes.

He tried to help to pull it down and in doing so discovered that it was far too wide for him although the length was about right.

"'Ees too beeg. My 'usband he more fat than you.' Saying this she slapped his belly playfully with the back of her hand, causing him to gasp at the unexpectedness of the blow.

'He dead', she said. He didn't know what to say to this but as he mumbled something, she thrust the rest of the clothing into his hands and turned away towards the cooker which stood in a little doorless cupboard at the far end of the room.

'I put on pies', she said, 'you dress and stay by fire. Get warm. Be queeck! Queeck!'

Making sure she was not looking, he slipped the towel down and pulled on the voluminous white Y-fronts then the trousers - which could have gone twice round him. He puzzled over the necktie until it dawned on him that it was to hold up the trousers. He was negotiating his feet into the big woollen socks when she appeared at his side and held out a mug of steaming liquid.

'You drink now. Little at time. Drink all. Make you warm.' He took the mug and mumbled his thanks. The whisky, scarcely diluted at all by the hot water and honey, hit the back of his throat and caused him to splutter and cough. She laughed and then ordered:

'You sit at fire. Drink all up. But slow. Sit!' He sat down again in the armchair and sipped the drink, feeling the warmth of it spread through him. He was beginning to feel a bit better. But it was as though he was floating in a kind of dream with his brain in a warm fog.

Later, sitting at the table with her, he ate the hot pie and beans and the mashed potatoes as though he had never seen food for a week. She urged him to eat up and insisted he have the extra pie.

He found the wine, ruby-red and slightly warmed, strange at first but by the time he had started on the plate of custard and pears, he was sipping it with enjoyment. And all the time she talked, asking him about himself, and smiling and chuckling at his replies. Poking fun at him about his reticence and refusing to believe he had no girl-friend.

'An 'andsome beeg boy lik-ah you? I no beleeve. You break-ah the girls' 'earts. I teenk you no-ah tell Maria truth!'

At last the meal was over and he spoke of going.

'No! No! Why you go home a-yet? Nobody there. You stay at fire and be warm. Anyways, your clothes they no dry yet. Sit! I do ironing. You keep Maria company. Yes?'

He mumbled and smiled assent, and so found himself back in the big chair by the fire, full of food and wine - and very sleepy.

He must have drifted into sleep almost immediately and he awoke slowly, hearing at first the radio's music but finding himself unable to open his eyes. He had to will them open and at last they obeyed. He was slumped sideways in the chair, his head resting on the padded armrest with one arm trailing down the side so that his hand was touching the carpet.

The window curtain had been drawn and a small lamp was lit on the sideboard over at the far wall. The fire itself glowed brightly red, filling the room with flickering shadows. The ironing board had gone and the wooden clothes-horse stood festooned with the results of Maria's work.

These things registered in his mind as he emerged for sleep but it was on Maria herself that his eyes quickly focussed. She sat in the armchair opposite him, with one foot in a basin of water while the other foot was drawn up to rest on the edge of her chair with her knee fully bent to allow this and to enable her to dry between her toes.

She was totally absorbed in this task and he drank in the sight of her. She had discarded her dress and was wearing a white under slip. Her raised knee had caused the slip to hike up her thighs exposing them and giving a glimpse of the vee of her black knickers. David felt his cock begin to harden as he looked.

She shifted her foot the better to dry her toes, and his heart gave a thump as he realised that what he was seeing was not her knickers at all but the black triangle of her pubic hair. She wasn't wearing anything apart from the slip!

David had never seen a naked woman before. Hardly daring to breathe, his heart racing. and the tip of his growing erection rubbing through the reinforced opening of the borrowed Y-fronts, he gazed at her through slitted eyes, Finishing one foot, she shifted to do the other and in that movement her plump thighs opened and he glimpsed for the first time in his life, the pink-lipped mouth of a woman's vagina.

'Whatah you do?' Her voice crashed into his brain like an explosion. She leapt to her feet, smoothing down her slip. 'How longah you peek me? Uh? You lie there an' watch me long time?'

She had jumped up and was standing over him, her anger pressing him back into the chair where he now sat upright, speechless, hands gripping the chair-arms, frightened by her fury.

'What your mother say, when I tell her you spy on-ah me, after I treat you good? What she say when I tell her you, how you say, you a peeper? A bad person?'

'I... I'm sorry... I... I... was sleeping... I just woke up... I... I... couldna help it... Please don't tell my mother. I... won't tell anybody... ' He was stammering, near to tears.

'Huh!' she snorted in disbelief, standing between his feet, arms akimbo, her breasts heaving, ' I know you tell. You tell all other boys, yourah friends. You say, " I see old lady's body. I watch 'er wash 'erself in 'ouse. I see 'er... 'er..." she halted, her face working. ' I knowah what you say. You boys.'

Into his mind came a scene he had often witnessed and had never liked or took part in: a group of teenage boys standing bragging about what they had done with and to, girls they knew. He had known, as they laughed and joked and as each claim became wilder and more unlikely than the last, that it was all rubbish. But he had found it distasteful.

A kind of calm came over him. He looked straight at her.' 'I would not tell anyone about you", he said, coldly.

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"I just wish ... I just wish that for ten seconds I could sit next to you and not have to please you, or hook up with you, or give you something to make you happy. God..." "Look, we knew that this was just hooking up from the start ... you obviously thought that it was something more..." "Excuse me? I thought it was something more? You're the one who wouldn't let me go to movies with my best guy friend!" "Because I knew he wanted to get in your fucking pants! I was watching out...

4 years ago
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Familys Captivity

"That’s enough, Diego. You can give your arm a break for a moment." Joquan shook his head sadly at the father and then glanced over at the captive's two young daughters sitting on the couch across from them. "You shouldn't have stiffed me, man. I loan you money, I expect to get a return on my investment. You've had 12 months to pay up, and what do you give me? Not a DIME!" The tall, Hispanic gang leader glanced at his two lieutenants, Diego and Gurrero. "What you think,...

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Consequences of Cross Dressing

Consequences of Cross Dressing by Cindy Johnson ([email protected]) My dilemma was that I masturbated all over mother's gown and nylons and I frantically tried to clean everything up as fast as possible. I was frightened that it would leave a stain and I didn't know what to do but after twenty minutes of cleaning everything with soap and water, I felt like I was in the clear. I put everything back where it I found them and ran to my room reflecting on what had just happened. I...

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Bringing Home Tipsy Sister From Party

Hi, huma presents a hot incest story. Hope you love it. Send your feedback at I am Ganesh aged 23 years and unmarried. I always dream of nude sexy women to fuck but so far I have not been successful in getting one. I live with my divorced sister Mona. My sister is so sexy and hot that sometimes I have wondered if I should try to sduce my own sister. I have often felt ashamed of my incestuous thoughts and dreams. Mona is 30 and very sexy, 36-26-38. I have often peeped at her naked figure in the...

2 years ago
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A Snowy Mounatin Road Part 2

Linda woke up as the sun began to rise, casting an orange cast over the inside of the car where they had slept soundly, despite the freezing cold. She almost didn’t realize that Harlan’s cock head had somehow ended up just inside her lips (considering the position they were still in, she blamed herself for that). Realizing how cold it was now that the car had been off overnight, she quickly pulled herself off of her new fuck toy and reached over to the ignition. Firing the Subaru back to life...

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My Wifes Pretend Date

My wife and I were a little concerned when a single guy in his early twenties moved into the other half of our two unit townhouse. The previous occupant had been an older woman whom we barely saw, and we didn't know if we would have to endure hearing loud parties every night through the thin walls. As it turned out though, Josh ended up being an ideal neighbor. He was a soft-spoken young professional and was very easy to get along with. Before long we became friends, often inviting him over for...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 9 Margo

Thanksgiving dinner had been a triumph, and part of that success was due to Magda and Lori’s presentation on silver trays. It never ceased to surprise, and please, Margo that so many issues in the family, and House, were eased by laughter. Growing up, she hadn’t laughed much at home, and had viewed school far too seriously to get many chuckles from it. College had been different, and her flirtation with drugs had given her plenty of helpless laughter, but there had still been far too much...

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New slave

"Stand up, turn around and touch the floor with your hands, spreading your legs" She obeyed and he was pleased to see that she could touch the floor. Her cunt was clean shaven, had plump lips and a clean slit. Overall, it was a pleasing cunt. Her ass was round and dimpled and looked like it could take some punishment. "Stand and face me" She again obeyed, although this time she did not bow her head and look at his cock. She looked him right in his eye, showing her defiance in her...

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Back To School

Girls! Middle School to High School! Ages 12 to 18! We want you! We have everything you need from your head to your toes and everything in between especially for what you have in between. ... Does the guy you have a secret crush on prefer blondes and you can't get his attention? Does your boy look over at any redhead that walks by? Change your hair color! We have any hair color you want. Make one side blonde and one side redhead. Your hair is completely under your control. Want to turn...

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Mommy Sarah Part 1

Mommy Sarah? Part 1 Preface: This is the first of a series of stories based on a universe I call 'The Paradox.' The souls of the dead who have suffered an untimely end are returned to Earth, but not to the lives they had before. My name used to be Taylor Johnson. This is the story of how my life was changed forever, and how my dream came true. It started out as any other day would: I woke up early at 5:00a.m. to get ready for school. I always woke up a bit early. I...

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True Power Ch 01

It sounded like a thunderclap when I threw the hubcap at his throat. Everything was in slow motion as I turned around and — [Wait. I’m getting ahead of myself. I haven’t even introduced myself, not that it will be necessary in due time. My name is James Fuller, and I am the most powerful being on this Earth. Well, not yet, I am telling you the story of how I became the… I digress. Let me start from the beginning… I was on a plane for a school trip in the United States of America (Yes, I am...

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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 5 Anns escapades continue as she walks back home from the woods

Ann finally realized she had been laying there till almost noon. The whole ordeal was over within a few hours. But her body still screamed for release. She had held her orgasm back so long, to keep her little body receptive to all the fucking, that now she yearned for a true climax. But how could she achieve it now with all the beasts gone? She thought about her manufactured cock and knot veggies back at home, but that would take too long of a walk. Then she thought about the empty wine...

2 years ago
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Swapping fantasy contiued

To help the story flow I'll use names nowAfter finishing with Debbie I made my way back to the bar, meeting Alan exiting the lift - we joked about synchronised fucking going in to the bar to find Debbie's husband Rob already waiting and half way through a pint. I was a bit disappointed to see this as I had sent him to service my wife Sarah but didn't say anything and we joined him for a pint to wait for Andy to arrive. Andy must have had amazing stamina as we were on the dregs of our pints...

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Rayne Falls Ch 03

‘Well, as much as I’d hate to reveal the identity of customers but, he’s like the number one hotshot at the school, Rayne Fallez. I just can’t believe I’ve never seen him cruising around here before.’ Texas stated. ‘If it helps, I haven’t either. Obviously he must come through here at least once a week and who knows how long.’ Andrea like wised. ‘I actually ran into him today, I was going to the bathroom when he came out from bullying some engineer student. God damn he’s cute, I just know...

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The Unsatisfied Wife8217s Urge And The Passion With It

I am a 29 year old man, who lives in a posh colony in Mumbai. I work in a private sector company. The story which I am going to share right now happened 6 months ago. Although my majority of the time is taken over by my work and travelling that takes place. On the days I get days off I usually go for a walk in the garden which is outside my building. This is where I met her and I made my first eye contact with her. It was during the summer season, as everyone knows April and may in Mumbai are...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 172

The FSU visit had its ups and downs. The down was really disappointing. The original security office was going to take 120 days to repair. There was no conduit in the building. They had started to gut the walls only to find serious structural damage. That meant that Courtney would still be in the temporary double office trailer well after the college year started with the full security group at work. All of the hi-tech servers and camera equipment would have to be completely installed and...

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Rob and GailChapter 2

I lost myself in work and fortunately there was so much of it that I never had a free moment to spend thinking about Gail. I hadn't been home five minutes when the phone rang and caller ID showed that it was Gail. I didn't take the call or any of the four others that came after it before unplugging the phone and going to bed. I skipped gym the next morning for the same reason I had skipped the day before and instead went for my run in the morning rather than in the evening after work as...

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MyPervyFamily Sierra Nicole Be Honest8230 Do I Look Good Naked

Sierra is so hot, I can’t help myself but spy on her. She’s also my stepsister, but that’s just a small detail. She’s talking to her boyfriend, they never have sex and she seems frustrated. She hangs up on him and goes to have a shower as I watch her get her teen body all wet and sudsy. Once she’s done and she thinks nobody is watching her, she goes to her room and starts rubbing on her pussy. I play dumb and walk-in & she covers up quickly! I guess she was...

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Fulfilled Fantasies By Male Prostitute

Hi all iss readers. My name is Namita Ahuja. I am 38 years old happily married for last 12 years and mother of two children. My husband name is Rishi. I am a working woman and well satisfied with my life. My relation with my husband is great. I am still in love with him since marriage. This was all a little introduction of mine. Now let’s come to the actual story. Actually this is not a story but a real incident of my life. I am sharing this here only because iss is also a reason of happening...

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First date domination

You come over expecting to be taken out on a date. We've emailed back and forth a few times, and you've decided that I seem like a nice guy. You are naturally nervous and a little bit shy waiting at the door. I, on the other hand, am not shy. When I open the door the first thing I do is give you a nice look up and down, unapologetically checking out your tits and crotch. You break the silence by saying, "hi."I smile, "Hey, it's nice to finally meet you!" I reach out to shake your hand, and pull...

4 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 25

Two busses waited for the team as they de-planed in Boone, North Carolina. Bench Essential Personnel for home games became the Travel Facilitators for road games. Both were just fancy names for team roadies, but with the advent of a co-ed team their jobs and importance became more essential. They had to make sure that the privacy stalls were the last thing on the plane and first thing off. If there were a problem with their arrival or the fitting, the girls might have to dress in another...

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Graduation and Ch 01

As the end of Bobby Draper’s senior year approached, the young man was looking forward to the festivities that would wind up his senior year at Jamestown High School. The senior prom was coming up soon and would be followed by commencement a few weeks later. He wasn’t forgetting the parties that were usually held at the end of the year, either. He’d already been accepted at a college, so that problem was solved, but he had a lot of other weighty matters on his mind. His girlfriend, Paula, was...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 7 INTERLUDE SIF

She had big dreams and great plans, not so long ago and then things happened. At first it was like escaping prison. Leaving that backwater, male infested Nilfeheim behind and go with Egill to Pluribus. Oh what a change. Oh what a world this was. Her aunt turned out to run an escort service, earning quite a tidy sum each day from sending out girls and boys to keep well paying customers company and providing more than companion ship for an extra fee. At first she really wanted to please Egill...

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Neighbors Come Home

Growing up, I lived in a pretty nice neighborhood. The crime rate was low and everything was ascetically pleasing. Large trees lined the front yards of most houses, though there wasn’t a ton of room between each property. Because of this, most of the playing had to be done in the street, which was fine unless you wanted to dive for a ball. Still, it was a nice environment, and many of the kids in the neighborhood hung out on a regular basis. I didn’t really have much interest in the girls...

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Tables Turned

Paul and Nat invited Tina and I around for a BBQ and drinks which usually turns out to be a good night as they have a great hot tub at the back of their house. There's nothing like relaxing in the hot water with a few glassses of wine - and the girls always look very hot. Tina was going to be away in Athens with her work on the evening in question and i toyed with whether I should or shouldn't go. What the hell, I was only going to end up wanking on xnxx anyway so I agreed to go. It was...

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Finding a new hobby

San Francisco’s beautiful skyline could be seen out of the glassed wall in the lounge. The night-lights and the bay seemed so very calm even though it had been raining off and on all day. I was here for a regional meeting and it had been one busy workweek with upper management making projections on avenues of next year’s business plans. Dwayne, my husband of 16 years was flying up to met me. We planned on doing some sight seeing before heading back home to Texas. He is a wonderful man, but...

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Dost Ki Shaadi Meri Chaandi Part 3

Jaisa ki ab tak aapne padha sahiba bhabhi ne mujhse kaise chudwaya or mujhe subha kheto ka nyota dekar chali gayi. Raat ko bhabhi ki chodkar mai kaafi thak gya tha or agle di subha time se uth nahi ska. Jiske kaaran agli subha mai bhabhi ki mithaas chak nhi paya. Or dopher ko mujhe pata laga ki bhabhi apne ghar maayke chali gayi hai. Jisse mai kaafi udas ho gya. Pura din mera is karan mood khrab rha. Pr mujhe nahi pata tha ki meri kismat mai kuch or hi likha hai or shayad kuch bhut hi jayda or...

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Ravaging Neelam My Maid

It was a warm afternoon in April. I was alone at home whiling my time away and thinking of surfing some porn. Around 3 pm my day maid Neelam came to the door. Neelam is about 35 years old a Bengali woman, fair in color, with ripe full breasts, slightly plump on the stomach and had a good round tight ass. I enjoyed watching her hips move as she did her work around my home. Often I have fantasized about making wild love to Neelam but was always scared as I am married with kids and sometimes these...

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A Night at Fudruckers

It was a Friday night, about 11:00 p.m. Ashley and I had gone out for a dance with some friends of ours. She was so beautiful, she had on tennis shoes, jeans that hugged her perfect ass just right, and a shirt that was tight, but not too tight. We had pulled into Fudruckers for a quick burger before we went home. All of us ordered our food and sat down. Ashley and I sat on the side just the two of us. I was rubbing the inside of her thighs and pinching them gently. She kept doing that sexy,...

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Across That LineChapter 11A

First Of August— "So... you don't think Viagra and Cialis and stuff like that has changed swinging?" Brad asked. Raul spread his hands, palm up, to show his ambivalence on the subject. "I don't know..." he said after a moment. "I've never tried it..." "How come?" Brad inquired. "Hell, man... if you'd taken a little blue pill ten minutes ago, you'd be making that big-boobed Nannette over there have one of her screaming fits instead of talking to me, now wouldn't you?" Raul...

2 years ago
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50 Shades of Asian Part I

Author’s Note: Last year, I searched online for an erotic pen pal. Jackpot! A married, young Asian hottie in Colorado replied to me: ”Any interest in being a Christian Grey in a hot, kinky online email-only role play fantasy?” Yes! What follows is an absolutely real exchange between me (a quiet, handsome Italian guy) and this pretty, slender, long-haired beauty. It’s in multiple parts.Me:I must say that the thrill is building. I really want to please you. I need to feel you out. Determine our...

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the best feeling

“Yes sir, thank you so much,” I replied to my boss shaking his hand. “You do a good job Mr. Petrelli and I expect to have a weekly report from you,” my boss replied. “I won’t let you down sir.” Finally after ten years of working my ass off for this company I got the promotion I was going after. I had been promoted to regional director of sales for a national company and was now in charge of about six different southern states. I knew my job wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew I...

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