Mind Control Panties Story 12 Virgin Cherry Delight
- 4 years ago
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The music pulsing through the house stirred the figure’s ancient soul. Though the music was modern, made with electronics and possessing alien sounds, the beat it created was primal. Something passed down and down and down through the generations of men from dim antiquity. The figure wanted to dance. To revel in the music and to indulge in the teenage hormones permeating the room.
The figure was crashing a teenage house party.
High school students flocked around, drinking beer and smoking marijuana. The sour-sweet tang of the drug mixed with the sugary aroma of wine coolers. They laughed. Cheered. It passed a pair of girls making out in the living room, stripped down to their bras. This was the perfect place to leave its newest creation.
It held in its hand a dainty and pristine pair of panties. Something cut for a schoolgirl to wear, full of all that virginal promise. A band of white lace encircled it and it had two words written in the brightest, reddest color: Cherry Tart.
The figure fought the surge to watch the two girls kissing. They were doing it willingly, mostly. One was stoned and the other almost drunk, but it wasn’t from its magic. It wasn’t the same as twisting and turning and molding girls into new beings. To show them different delights. The girl upstairs, its target, had experienced so many of them already.
With effort, it dragged itself away and slipped up the stairs, ignored by the teenagers moving up and down. They didn’t give the figure another glance. It was nondescript. Alien but unremarkable. They twisted their bodies to let it pass, not breaking their conversations or looking up from their phones. On the second floor, the sounds of sex and shouting grew louder and louder. Boys were cheering. There was a girl in there, a slut writhing in passion.
Delilah White had a cock in all three of her holes. The seventeen-year-old girl was a veteran of being gang-banged. She reveled in hedonistic lust. Her large breasts bounced before her as she rode up and down on Bruce’s thick cock. The mixed-race youth gripped her hips as she worked up and down his dick. Ryan fucked her from behind, a tall, fifteen-year-old boy with a goatee. Nate was the one feeding Delilah his cock. He was short, his black hair buzzed short like a soldier’s and possessed the compact build of a wrestler.
“That’s it, suck that dick,” he ground as the figure dropped the special pair of panties on Delilah’s discarded clothing. In the process, it snatched up her dainty thong, a strip of black cloth that didn’t look like it could cover anything.
The figure wanted to stay. To watch her fornication. The figure had plans, a new idea to test with this pair of panties. Something beyond just changing her personality.
It wanted to see if it could shape her body.
It took one last look at her bleached-blonde hair dancing about her face as she sucked and moaned and shuddered through her next orgasm.
Then the figure was gone.
Sometime later, when all the guys have finished using her and Delilah was sobering up, she stumbled towards her clothing. So much jizz spilled down out of her holes. The spunk dribbled from her ass. It ran down her thighs. It coated her.
Dad’s going to be so pissed when I get home, she thought with some glee, aching to throw her activities in his face. Ever since her mother died, her father sought to control her. She hated it.
She bent down and snagged up the panties.
“The fuck?” she muttered, her bleached-blonde hair spilling across her face as she bent over further. “Who the fuck stole my panties and replaced them with this kiddy shit?” She glanced at the snoring guys who’d fucked her.
She snorted and stepped into them.
Delilah White
A strange tingle ran through me as I stepped into these kiddy panties. I couldn’t believe someone had stolen my thong and replaced them with these. They had fucking lace around them. And that childish tripe on the back.
Cherry Tart.
Real subversive. These were something a virgin who wanted to pretend that she was a bad girl would buy at Hot Topic. I rolled my eyes as I drew them up my legs. I savored the strange tingling running through me. I smirked as I felt the cum leaking out of me. At least I would stain these. Whatever dumb girl left hers behind, I would take pleasure in ruining them.
I smiled as I drew the panties higher and higher. I shuddered as it slid up my thighs, smearing the cum as it went. The seed was soaking the fabric now. More tingles rippled through me. And then I pulled them up over my rump. I snapped the waistband down on my skin and...
I shuddered, squeaking. I was naked. There were boys snoring around me. I gasped, my hands covering my breasts. They were growing smaller. Why were they so big? I had small breasts. Little boobies. My cheeks burned. I shook my head, noticing, for a moment, that my locks looked blonde and not my usual brown. I groaned. As I darted my hands down to grab my clothes, I wondered why I was naked.
Oh, God, did I have sex?
My virgin pussy clenched. I couldn’t have had sex. I was a pure girl. A good girl. Oh, my daddy was going to be so mad. I had to get out of here. I grabbed my bra, sliding it on. For a moment, it seemed too big. And black. I didn’t own black bras.
Then it was white and small and fit my A-cup breasts perfectly.
I fastened it and then grabbed my skirt. A tingle rippled from my panties. I frowned at my bottom. Why was my skirt so short and...
I breathed in as relief filled me. What was wrong with me? This skirt clearly fell past my knees. It was fine. I stepped into the tartan skirt, part of my high school’s uniform. Of course, I was the only girl that wore hers. The rest were bad. I zipped it up and then grabbed my...
What was this crop top? I didn’t wear anything like that. No, no, I had worn a crisp, white blouse. Something a schoolgirl would wear and...
I pulled on my white blouse, quickly buttoning it up. I didn’t have time to tuck it in because I needed to get out of here. One of the boys was already rousing. It was Bruce, the star quarterback.
“Delilah?” He groaned. “Damn, a schoolgirl. That’s kinky. Want to come here and ride on my cock. Put your hair up in pigtails.”
I squeaked in fright. I bolted out of there. “I’m not a slut!”
I heard him burst into laughter.
I darted down the stairs, confused why I was even here. Of course, I heard that there was a party at Ryan’s house, but I would never go to something like this. Oh, my daddy must be so worried about me. I wanted to call him, but I didn’t know where my purse was. Did I leave it back in that room? Oh, God, I couldn’t go back in there.
They were naked in there.
I hit the first floor and darted over the passed out guy. He was snoring, his shirt off. Someone had drawn a penis on his face. It was disgusting. Filthy. I leaped over him and raised for the front door. I heard someone call my name and say something rude. Something absolutely crude. I couldn’t believe it. I was a good girl. Why would he even think I’d do something like that?
I would never suck a cock.
I burst out of the house and onto the street. I just had to get away. I couldn’t be anywhere near any of these people. I gasped as I raced down the street, running as fast as I could. My schoolgirl skirt swished about my legs. My arms pumped. My brown hair flowed behind me, safe and free. I wasn’t a bad girl. I didn’t even understand how I got here. I kept running and running and running. My side ached. I tasted a coppery flavor at the back of my mouth. My legs burned.
I stumbled to a gasping halt. I planted my hands on my knees, sucking in tight. I blinked, looking around. Where was I?
I shuddered, this flush of fear shooting through me. I had no idea where I was. It was dark. I was the only one out on the street. I bit my lip, my head darting to and fro. I was so frightened. I didn’t even have my purse let alone my cell phone. But I couldn’t go back to that terrible place.
I couldn’t believe I was even there. And naked. What happened to me?
I struggled to parse my memories. There were these wicked flashes, things that I would never do. Terrible things. They made me blush just thinking about them. I shuddered, shaking my head. That wasn’t me. I was Delilah White. I was seventeen. A virgin. I made a promise.
I glanced down at my right hand and sighed in relief as I saw the promise ring on my finger. I twisted it, the gold band that my daddy had given me. I drew in a deep breath. I was beginning to relax.
I might be lost, but I was still a virgin. I hadn’t let my daddy down.
I was wondering what I should do next when I heard a rumbling sound. I glanced on the street to see the headlights approach. Large headlights. Something big was approaching. I raised my hand against the glare, squinting to see. I heard a powerful engine growling and chugging.
I trembled, curious at who was stopping to help me.
Just as the vehicle slowed down to stop by me, I realized it was the rig to one of those semi trucks. I didn’t have a trailer attached, so the driver must be going home or something. I squeaked when the passenger door suddenly creaked open. A man with a thick mustache peered out at me, leaning over the bench seat.
“You okay?” he asked. “Kinda late for a girl as young as you to be out.”
“I’m lost,” I said. “I was at this terrible party for some reason and then this guy said something to me and I just had to run out of there. I kept running and running and ... I don’t know where I am.”
“Well, girl, I can give you a ride home.”
I flashed a smile. “Why thank you, sir.”
He chuckled. “You call me Hank. I don’t reckon I’ve ever been called sir before.”
“Well, thanks to Hank,” I said, struggling to climb up into the cab. It was so tall. “I’m Delilah.”
I managed to get into the seat and closed the heavy door. This giddy thrill raced through me. I sat so much higher up than other cars I’ve been in. I looked out of the window, smiling as he pulled away from the curb. If we were driving through normal traffic, I’d feel so important right now looking down at the other carts.
“So, what did this guy say that so horrified you?” he asked.
“He wanted me to suck his...” My cheeks burned. “Well, you know. His boy thingy.”
“Hank!” I gasped. “You shouldn’t say a word like that around a girl my age.”
He chuckled. “Sorry. I forgot. I’m used to running around with the coarser crowd. So, where do you live?”
I told him my address as he drove the truck. The engine growled. He shifted the gears with one hand, the other resting on the steering wheel. He kept glancing at me, I smiled back at him.
“So, the idea of sucking a ... boy thingy offended you?”
“Of course it would,” I said. “I would never do something like that.”
“Why not?” I blinked at him. “Why, because I’m not one of those girls. A slut.”
“Well, more than just sluts suck cock,” he said. “I mean, a boy thing. Sorry.”
My cheeks burn.
“In fact, how can even know your against if you never even tried it?” he glanced at me. “Seems to me it’s something you should just try out at least once.”
“If I did that, every boy in my high school would be blabbing about it. Next thing I know, they be claiming that they did other things to me.”
He chuckled. “Well, there’s a solution to that problem. Just got to choose someone that doesn’t go to your high school.” He glanced at me. “Why, I’ll offer my own cock for you to suck.”
I swallowed.
“I mean, you really need to know. A girl your age, why, she has to know if she’s a cock-sucker or not. It’s important. You won’t know until you try...”
I swallowed as the truck slowed down. I heard the air brakes release the pressure as we stopped. He shifted the gears into the park, the engine idling away.
“I promise that no will know that you suck my cock.”
A strange tingle raced around my panties. I swallowed, staring at his crotch. I gasped as he unsnapped his jeans. He was doing this right before me. I covered my eyes as I heard his jeans rustling. I knew he was pulling it out. His cock. This wicked thrill went through me. I couldn’t believe this was happening.
My fingers covering my eyes parted ever so slightly. I peeked out and saw it.
I gasped.
“It’s so big,” I said.
He chuckled. “You took a peek. Curious? You’ll get a better look if you scoot closer.”
I swallowed, shocked that this was happening. It stirred the strange heat inside of me. I never felt anything like this before. What is that about this that made me want to reach down and touch him. I didn’t do that. I swallowed, though, and leaned closer, studying his cock. It thrust hard and pink out of his jeans. The tip twitched and throbbed. I could see curls of dark-brown hair around the base. A strange liquid beaded at the tip.
“Oh, my, that’s big,” I said. “Do girls really... ?”
“Trust me, your pussy can stretch to take it,” he said. “But we’re talking about blowjobs here. Just scoot lower, open your mouth wide, and just suck that big cock in your mouth. Find out what you are.”
I swallowed. He was right. What if I did like them? I should at least know.
Trembling, I reached out and grabbed it. I gasped at how warm it was. It twitched and throbbed in my hand. It felt so alive. I shuddered, my tongue flicking over my lips. I lowered my head further. I closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and descended the last few inches.
I shuddered when I felt him pressing into my mouth. I pulled my teeth back, instinctively knowing I shouldn’t brush his flesh with them. I slid my lips over his cock, engulfing the crown. My tongue swirled around, tasting that salty liquid. He groaned this throaty sound of pleasure.
I sucked.
His dick twitched again. He groaned as I sucked and nursed on him. It was like a big lollipop. A salty flavored one. I shuddered, that wet heat between my thighs growing and growing. It made me want to reach down and scratch it. I trembled, my hand tightening on his cock as I sucked again and again. My tongue danced, caressing it. I lapped up more of that liquid leaking out.
It wasn’t pee. What was it? It tasted good.
I started moving my head, bobbing up and down. My lips slid along his shaft as I squirmed. I was growing so hot and wet between my thighs. Why? My cheeks hollowed as I sucked on him. He groaned, my lips moving up and down faster.
“Shit, I thought you were virgin. You know how to suck a cock. Damn.”
What did that mean? I was a virgin. I had never sucked a cock before. What, did it mean that I was a natural?
I kept sucking on his cock and bobbing my head. I slid my lips up and down his dick. I shuddered, this heat growing and growing between my thighs. It felt so wicked. So naughty. I shouldn’t be doing this. Daddy would be angry at me, but the trucker was right. I had to know.
Was I ... enjoying this? Was that why I was getting so hot? So wet?
The trucker was groaning and grunting as I worked my mouth up and down his dick. I slid as far down his shaft as I could, his cock pressing into the back of my throat before I slid back up. I sucked the entire way, my cheeks hollowing. I just knew that he loved it. He enjoyed my mouth. His hand tightened in my brown hair. He gripped me. I quivered, this tingle racing through my panties.
Was I a bad girl for doing this?
My tongue danced around the top of his cock. The seat creaked and groaned beneath us. His hand tightened. He pressed my head down hard. I gasped as his cock brushed the back of my throat and then slip down it.
He was sliding into my esophagus!
He let out a throaty laugh as he pressed my lips all the way down into his pubic hair. I could smell this manly musk. His cock was stretching out my throat. I moaned, humming around him, instinctively knowing he’d like that.
“God fucking damn, you are a slut,” he groaned. “I can’t believe you can take a cock with such ease. Fuck.”
I wasn’t a slut. I was a virgin.
He drew my head up by pulling my hair. It hurt and yet that only made me feel wetter between my thighs. He groaned as I sucked so hard. My tongue danced around his shaft. I caressed him with purpose. It felt like I knew what I was doing. Like I really was a natural-born cock sucker. That was impossible. I couldn’t be that. I squirmed, rubbing my thighs together. My skirt rustled.
“Getting hot in your little cunt?” he asked. Then he chuckled. “Of course you are, little slut. You’re in that sexy schoolgirl outfit. Yeah, you wanted me to come along so you could suck my dick.”
But I didn’t want this.
I ached to tell him that, but I was too busy sucking his cock. His dick throbbed and twitched in my mouth. That salty juice that leaked out of the tip of his cock soaked my tongue. He tasted so good. I sucked hard on him, wanting more. I shuddered, my thighs still squirming, struggling to satiate that hot itch.
“I see just how hot you are, slut,” he said and then shoved his hand between my thighs.
I gasped as he slid up them. He shouldn’t be doing that. His hand neared my pussy. I tried to clamp down on him with my legs, but he was so strong. He kept going.
I gasped as his rough fingers reach my dainty panties. He rubbed them, pressing them into my folds. I shuddered, a naughty heat blossoming in my pussy. It was so intense. Blissful ripples flooded through me.
I couldn’t believe it. His touch felt amazing. I knew he shouldn’t be touching me there, that I should make him stop, but his strokes just made me quiver. I sucked on his cock with even more passion. I nursed on his dick with such hunger.
He groaned, his fingers rubbing up and down my pussy. He touched my virgin flesh through my demure panties. All these naughty pleasures surged through me. My toes curled in my shoes, a whimper rising in my throat.
“Damn, you’re hot and wet,” he groaned. “I know what you need. Yes, I do.”
What did I need?
I gasped as he suddenly ripped my mouth off his cock. Then I was moving, seized by his strong hands. Before I knew it, he was lifting me onto his lap. The steering wheel pressed into my stomach, my chest leaning over it. The horn honked as my breasts pressed into it. I gasped as I felt his fingers hooking aside my panties. I realized I was straddling him. I felt his cock nudging into my inner thigh and—
“Oh, no, no, I’m a virgin!” I gasped as his cock slid up my inner thigh towards my pussy.
He snorted as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down.
I whimpered as his cock touched my pussy. The hand holding my panties aside moved away, sliding around me to grab my other hip. He held my waist tight and, with a groan, he slammed me down his cock.
I gasped as my cherry popped.
I felt my hymen tear for the first time. Then his cock was inside of me. Filling me. His girth stretched open my twat. I shuddered while a wave of heat washed through my virgin body. A delicious wave.
“Fucking damn, you’re tight,” he groaned. “Now move those hips. Ride my dick.”
I gripped the steering wheel while this intense heat that burned from my pussy seized my legs. They flexed all on their own. I gasped and rose up his cock. I shuddered feeling my pussy sliding up his dick. But not to escape him like I should.
Oh, no, I rose up until just the tip was in me, and then I lowered myself back down him.
I gasped as I took him again into my virgin depths. This wonderful heat rippled through me. He massaged my inner depths. I lowered my head over the steering wheel, shocked that I was enjoying the trucker’s massive cock so much.
I shouldn’t be doing this. I was a good girl. A virgin. Daddy would be so angry with me.
I shuddered, my pussy clenching around him. I slid back up his shaft again, my twat clinging to the thick girth. I groaned, my hips dancing from side to side. I stirred my pussy around his cock, the pleasure rushing through me. Then I slammed down him. I groaned, my eyes fluttering. More of that wonderful heat rippled through me.
“Yeah, you like Hank’s big dick in your cunt, don’t you?” he grunted, his hands lightly holding my hips.
“I do!” I gasped. “Oh, my gosh, I do.”
“Goddamn, you’re such a whore,” he groaned. “I love the schoolgirl skirt. The white panties. And the blouse ... Fucking hell, you’re a sexy thing.”
“I’m not a whore!” I gasped.
He chuckled. “Whatever you want to call yourself, you’re it.”
A strange sensation built and built inside of me. Every time I slid down his cock, this pressure swelled. It grew as I rose up his cock, too. My pussy clung to him, increasing the friction of our flesh sliding past each other. It felt so amazing.
“Work that schoolgirl cunt up and down my dick,” panted Hank. “Damn, your tight and hot. I’m going to fire so much cum inside of you.”
I gasped, my pussy squeezing down on him. That made our naughty activity feel even better. “No no, you can’t. My daddy will kill me. He must be so worried that I’m out so late.”
“I don’t care what your daddy thinks, I’m busting my load inside of you,” he grunted. “You want it. Your tight, hot cunt aches for it. Don’t it?”
He was right. I wanted him, but I shouldn’t. Why did he feel so good inside of me? I rode him faster. I gripped the steering wheel, my nipples aching inside of my bra. I worked my pussy up and down his dick. I came closer and closer to that amazing pleasure. Something was going to happen inside of me.
Was I about to have my first orgasm? Was I going to cum on the trucker’s dick? What sort of virgin did that?
I slammed down him, shuddering. His dick filled me up so much. My hips danced from side to side. My body moved. It felt so natural to be riding his dick. Why? I groaned, my fingers gripping the steering wheel. I arched my back, my brown hair swaying. I couldn’t take much more of this.
“Fuck me,” he groaned as I slammed down his cock. As I rose up his shaft, his dick twitched. I felt something hot spurting inside of me. “Yes, take it. Take my fucking load.”
I gasped, realizing he was spurting his seed in me. It was his semen. His cum. I slammed down his cock and gasped, feeling every spurt splashing into the depths of my pussy. It sent this wave of pleasure through me.
A tsunami of rapture that had my entire body spasming. Bucking.
My pussy convulsed as the wave reached my mind. Ecstasy spilled through my thoughts. And more waves followed. They rushed through my body. I groaned and gasped, my head shaking. Stars danced before my eyes as my pussy seemed to melt about his cock. My twat massaged and writhed and drained his cock dry. He grunted, his hand squeezing my hips as he flooded me.
“God fucking damn, you are an amazing slut,” he groaned. “I can’t believe it. Damn, you drained my balls.”
I whimpered, panting. My breasts rose and fell as the pleasure peaked inside of me. It was amazing. I couldn’t believe I just did that. I wasn’t a virgin any longer. I whimpered in delight, feeling his cum inside of me. His dick softened. What happened? Why did I do that?
Why did it feel so good?
That question rippled through my mind as Hank drove me home. I adjusted my clothing and pulled up my panties. They tingled around me, the electricity reaching into my pussy. It was almost like the underwear had cleaned me up and made me whole. Pure. It was such a relaxing sensation. It soothed away my confusion. I sort of felt like I was waking up from a dream. Like I had only imagined I had sex with the truck driver. I mean, I was a virgin.
I was a good girl, right?
I couldn’t check before him, but I knew I still had my hymen.
“Here you are,” he said, giving me a nod and a smile. “You take care. Really glad I ran into you tonight.”
“Thank you for the ride,” I said, giving him a polite nod. It had to have just been some wild imagination. I must have dozed off while he was driving me home. There was no way I would have sucked his cock and then given him my virginity.
No way at all.
Just like I wouldn’t have done those other things. Those half-remembered perversions. I had been trapped in a slutty nightmare that I woke up from back at the party.
The door squeaked as I opened it. I climbed out of the cab, my tartan skirt flaring about my legs. I pushed them down before he saw my panties. My cheeks burned. Oh gosh, how embarrassing would it have been if he’d glimpsed those?
He pulled away from the curb, leaving me standing out on the dark street. I swallowed, glancing at the house.
Was Daddy still awake?
He must be so worried about me. Just to make sure it had been a dream, I slid my hand up my skirt. I felt so wicked for doing this right here on the street. It was in the middle of the night. No one was around. My fingers slid up beneath the panties through the leg hole. I stroked through my bush to find my vulva. I bit my lower lip. I found the folds of my pussy. I shouldn’t be doing this, but...
I felt my hymen.
I let out a sigh of relief and pulled my fingers away. It must have just been a dream. It was just a weird coincidence that I had the salty taste lingering my mouth, or that I had this buzzing pleasure rippling through me. I was a virgin. I had proof. Taking a deep breath, I marched ahead to the house. I climbed up the steps, found the front door unlocked, and entered.
The lights flicked on from the living room.
I squeaked in fright finding Daddy sitting on his recliner. He faced me, his eyes boring in on me. “You were out late,” he said, standing up. He was a tall and gentle man. His brown eyes flicked up and down my figure. It looked like he was afraid of something. “Out partying again?”
“Again?” I gasped. “I don’t know what happened, Daddy. I just woke up at this party. It’s not like me. I’m so sorry for worrying you.”
Shock rippled across his face as I threw myself at him. I hugged him tight and pressed my head into his chest.
“Delilah?” he asked. “Did you dye your hair back brown again?”
“Dye my hair? You okay, Daddy? Why would I dye my hair?”
The tingles rippled from my panties. I swallowed, feeling how strong he was. How solid. He stared down at me with a strange look in his eyes. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back. He stared down my blouse. His brow furrowed even more. I glanced down, confused at what he was seeing.
“What happened to your breasts?” he asked. His hands seized them through my blouse. I gasped in shock as my daddy groped my small boobs through my blouse and bra. He squeezed them. “You lost several cup sizes. You couldn’t have been padding your bra all these years. Not the way you dress.” “Daddy?” I asked. “You shouldn’t be touching me like that.”
He snorted. “As if every boy at your school touched you like this? Probably a few of your teachers, too.”
I gasped in indignation. “I’m a virgin daddy. Honest.”
“A virgin?” he growled. He grabbed the front of my blouse. “Why are you wearing something like this? Usually, you wear something cut so low I’m surprised your tits don’t pop out. I don’t know what to do with you, Delilah.”
“Daddy?” I said and then gasped as he ripped my blouse open. Buttons popped off, bouncing off his chest. He exposed my white bra cupping my small breasts. He shook his head, shocked. “I didn’t imagine them, right? Your tits?”
“Maybe you’re just tired, Daddy,” I told him. “I’m not what you think. I’m sorry I went out to a party, but I didn’t do anything. I can prove it.”
“You can prove that you’re a virgin?” he asked. “I only caught you with two boys last year in your bedroom. All naked and writhing.”
“We were studying!” I gasped, remembering the last time I had two boys in my bedroom. Daddy had been so furious. I didn’t even think about it until he pointed out that I had the door closed and anything could have happened. But nothing had. I certainly hadn’t had a threesome with them. I hadn’t taken one of their cocks in my butt-hole and the other in my pussy.
I was a good girl.
“Prove it. Prove that you’re a virgin. I don’t know what weird game you’re playing, Delilah, but let’s see.”
“It’s embarrassing,” I said, my cheeks burning. “But, I mean, you’re my daddy. So I guess you can see.”
I drew up my skirt. Slowly. Daddy’s jaw dropped. “Jesus, are you going to flash your twat at me?”
“Just so you can see that I have a hymen,” I said, my cheeks on fire. I pulled up my skirt high enough to expose my panties. “Just tug down my underwear, and you will see. Honest, Daddy. I won’t disappoint you. I’m your good girl.”
He laughed louder, almost hysterical. I didn’t understand what was happening. What had gone on tonight? Nobody believed that I was a virgin. I messed up by going to this party and then blacking out. But I had my hymen. I just proved it. I didn’t have sex at the party with those three boys, and I didn’t have sex with a trucker, either. I didn’t suck his cock until he exploded in my mouth, and I certainly didn’t drink all his yummy cum.
Hello ISS readers.. I’m Cherry. M26. Hyderabad. Tall and handsome. This write up is real which has happened to me 3 years back. It’s gonna be a bit long write up but please do read till the end to know what happened in Vegas and to my Cherry.. Mail your Comments to In 2013 January, I was 23.. By then Had done all sort of naughty things when I was teen, as in, squeezing hot girls boobs in city buses, trains, crowded places.. Especially in Bangalore shopping malls, in scary house, special...
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Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall were small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, coed girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store's entrance. Nor did anyone pay...
Chapter Ten: Futa's Virgin Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean At least the treat before me would make up for Sasha Ford stealing one of the panties P had given me. She was out there, a futa mind-controlling whoever she wanted. It seethed in me that she wasn't under my power like she was supposed to be. But at least Chloe had found me Kendall. “I am really sorry, Mildred,” Chloe said. “You didn't help her steal the...
The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a teenage girl’s budding desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn’t noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets of plain, boring panties, so similar to the type worn by the last...
Chapter Six: Futa's Mind-Controlling Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure watched the events unfolding through the mist rising from the waterfall. Through the fog, the transition between air and water, it could see the game it had set into events. Sasha Ford stole out of the house with the purloined boy shorts. Chloe Quick reveled in the foursome she'd engineered at the Lyons. Mildred Dean drove with her stolen lover to...
Chapter Eleven: Mind-Controlled Daddy Loves His Cherry Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michaels “We have to use this to help fathers breed their daughters,” my wife, Kimmie, said. A look of absolute excitement crossed her face. Her red hair swayed about her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled. Freckles danced on her features as she beamed at me, cuddled on the couch with our youngest daughter, June. The pair had just had sex,...
Chapter Three: Virgin Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, The Magery of Thosi The market place before the docks on Lake Esh bustled with travelers, locals, and merchants, a vast, busy tide that ebbed and flowed. I walked with Thrak, he crowds paring before my orcish lover like the waves before the knifing prow of a ship. Everyone gave the huge, hulking, ferocious, barbaric Thrak a wide birth, the already pale, Thosian faces growing even whiter as...
Chapter Twenty-Three: Mind-Controlled Daughter Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! John Preston I couldn't believe I just ordered a mind-control device from the very man I was investigating: Dean Michaels. $10,000... I just spent $10,000 on what had to be a hoax, but my fellow U.S. attorney, Gina Brand, was right. How else to explain what was going on around this man. FBI agents didn't march into a police precinct and come out...
Mildred Dean At least the treat before me would make up for Sasha Ford stealing one of the panties P had given me. She was out there, a futa mind-controlling whoever she wanted. It seethed in me that she wasn’t under my power like she was supposed to be. But at least Chloe had found me Kendall. “I am really sorry, Mildred,” Chloe said. “You didn’t help her steal the panties, kitty cat,” I told the fourteen-year-old blonde futa. “So don’t feel sad. We’ll deal with Sasha. She didn’t...
Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall where small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, teenage girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store’s entrance. Nor did anyone pay attention as the figure moved through...
Chapter Two: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Dryad's Grove, The Kingdom of Haz I gripped my sword, the blade burning with the warrior god Gewin's enchantment, as I stepped out into the clearing. I had followed the sounds of moaning. I had thought the moans belonged to my wives, the twin sisters Fiona and Aoifa. I had lost them when the trees came alive and attacked us. I hacked my way through the trees, my sword stained with sap, and instead found the dryad...
Chapter Six: Futa's Wild Virgin Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I left the college's main office in a daze. I just had sex with my dean. The Black woman had revealed that she was a secret lesbian who enjoyed seducing her female students into having sex with her, finding the ones she thought were secretly gay or bi. When my mom let the college know I had come down with Futanari Syndrome, the college's dean, Ms. Washington,...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Nubile Daughter's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only eighteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, nineteen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her...
Dean Michaels “We have to use this to help fathers breed their daughters,” my wife, Kimmie, said. A look of absolute excitement crossed her face. Her red hair swayed about her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled. Freckles danced on her features as she beamed at me, cuddled on the couch with our youngest daughter, June. The pair had just had sex, their bodies flushed. The incest command I had used at church was still active in them even though the device was off. They believed that it was...
Chapter Two: Daughter's Cherry Birthday Gift A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My forty-fourth birthday had not gone at all like I expected. How could I have anticipated that my youngest daughter Tonya would become so flirty, that she would end up impaling her virgin pussy on my cock and ride me until we both had come? The idea of having sex with Tonya, let alone any of my daughters, had been a foreign idea...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure watched the events unfolding through the mist rising from the waterfall. Through the fog, the transition between air and water, it could see the game it had set into events. Sasha Ford stole out of the house with the purloined boy shorts. Chloe Quick reveled in the foursome she’d engineered at the Lyons. Mildred Dean drove with her stolen lover to thrust her perversions upon the reverend’s unsuspecting family. The passion. The...
Chapter Thirteen: Mind-Controlled Virgin Sister By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson “Master!” chorused the hundreds of girls crowding the hallway before me. “Master, Master, Master!” There were so many of them. I only recognize half of them by sight, a sea of college coeds, interspersed with professors and staff like the college's secretary, Miss Debbie. Plus there was my PE teacher Coach Johnson, my history teacher, my English instructor from last year, my sultry French...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Brother's Cherry Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex strode through the halls of The Institute of Apotheosis. For most technology companies, having a eighteen-year-old with no college degreewalking through it would be unusual. But the Institute wasn't most companies. They had a higher purpose than just making the newest device or killer app. They were in the business...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Seven: Mommy Pops Daughter's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke's buzz from her orgasm instantly vanished as a wave of fear washed over her. Alexis clutched her swollen, pregnant belly. Deidre's eighteen-year-old daughter rubbed herself, her eyes so wide, a look of shock on her face. “I... I...” Alexis was pregnant, but only a few weeks. She shouldn't be showing. In...
Chapter Five: Futa-Cutie Mind-Controls the MILFs By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford If I could curse out loud, I'd be spitting vitriol. Fuck, fuck, fuck! screamed through my thoughts as I stared through the louvered slats of Mildred Dean's closet. I was trapped in here. Stuck with the panties that I so desperately wanted to don bunched in my hand. I had to pull them on and gain my own futa-cock. And have my own mind-controlling...
Chapter Three: Virgin Prize By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Tower of Kov-Thi, The Kingdom of Haz At the bottom of the Tower of Kov-Thi, a monolith of black that thrust high over our head, was a guard post, only no guards manned it. The foul stench of kobolds filled the air, and their filth lingered in the hovel before the door. We had killed many of the kobolds who served the dark Warlock whom now occupied the tower and was terrorizing the surrounding lands. According to...
Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only fourteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, seventeen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her cunt. Janet, my youngest, blinked her brown eyes, adjusting her glasses on her cute nose. “What?” she blinked. “Take...
Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Five: Virgin Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davis I shook my head, my hands shaking as they clutched my phone. My wife was gay... She was cheating on me with her friend Marissa. How long had this been going on? For years, Linda had gone to visit Marissa. Four times a year they got together for their weekend visit and... They were having lesbian sex. My wife—my homophobic wife who was...
Chapter Seven: Futa Mind-Controls Her Bratty Sister By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford I pulled out of my mother's pussy, my new futa-cock feeling amazing as I slid out of her. It popped out. My dick throbbed as I put my finger to my lips, motioning my redheaded mother to silence. She grinned and nodded, eager to obey. That was all thanks to the mind-controlling panties I stole from the woman who had moved in across the street. Mildred...
Chapter Three: Popping the Daughter's Cherry A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! After an hour of searching the internet, I could not find any match on the belt buckle my daughters had bought me. There were plenty that said “Best Dad,” but none were in quite the same style. Had quite the same shape to the panel. “We bought it at Target, Daddy,” Janelle had texted me along with a picture of her breasts in the...
After my evening with Cherry, I was about as happy as I’d ever been. I went about the apartment, cleaning and putting things away while humming some song I couldn’t put a title or group name to. My thoughts drifted back and forth between the time spent with my Cherry that night and the time that I would be spending watching her at the upcoming game where she would be cheering. It was getting late, so I decided to get a shower and couldn’t help but recall when we showered together that...
Chapter 6 The next morning, I got up and had an unusual craving for a bagel (of all things). So I got up and made a quick trip to the local ‘mom-and-pop’ convenience store which had a fresh baked goods section. While standing in the short line to pay for my bagel, I looked at the headlines in the town paper and had to read it a few times to believe what I was seeing. The big story was about the mayor meeting with the Governor to discuss getting State funds to fix the intersection! I...
Introduction: written for and dedicated to Lucky Mann ***Please be sure to read the first 6 chapters or you will be lost!*** Chapter 7 It was a nice day outside, so I decided to go for a run. Just as I was getting into my rhythm, it occurred to me that everything was unusually grey for such a sunny day. Looking into the sky, I found there was a very strange cloud over me that had me stopping in my tracks to get a better look. It was perfectly stationary but seemed to blow like a flag in the...
Introduction: The final chapter of Cherry… Thank you, Lucky Mann, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. ***Read the first seven or youll be lost! Thanks for reading. Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, Hello, Katie. I havent seen you in a while. How are you? Katie said, Hi. Im...
Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, “Hello, Katie. I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” Katie said, “Hi. I’m ok, I guess. But I’m scared about something.” I asked, “Why? What’s the matter?” She looked at me and said, “I’m going to be on TV tomorrow and I’m scared you...
Chapter 7 It was a nice day outside, so I decided to go for a run. Just as I was getting into my rhythm, it occurred to me that everything was unusually grey for such a sunny day. Looking into the sky, I found there was a very strange cloud over me that had me stopping in my tracks to get a better look. It was perfectly stationary but seemed to blow like a flag in the wind; only it blew in all directions at the same time—as if the source of the wind was from the center of the cloud. ...
No one grows up to have the exact life they had imagined for themselves as a kid. In my youth, I always imagined that I would marry my high school sweetheart and make a fortune working as a fireman. I couldn’t have been more wrong. But then again, perhaps I wasn’t so far off the mark. High school, for me, was a chore. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and it didn’t include college: I wanted to be a fireman. To me, it was the ultimate real life “superhero” job. I wanted to be the one to...
The last 24 hours were mostly spent with the Love of my life and I was in an amazing place emotionally. At the same time, I was still troubled about the loss of Katie. My thoughts alternated at random between the two as I drifted off to sleep. I found myself walking along an all too familiar road. Up ahead stood a girl facing away from me and I knew who she was before I got to her; she wore a yellow sundress. As I reached her, I stopped next to Katie. Without needing to look at her...
I was feeling pretty good about my life as I went home; reliving the day in my head. I couldn’t get Cherry out of my mind and it wasn’t even all about the incredible blow job she’d just given me. There was a real connection with her and I just enjoyed being with her. I wasn’t sure if it was love or not; it was still too early to know that for sure, but I knew I really liked her a lot. I was pulling up in front of my apartment when I realized I couldn’t remember a single detail about the...
Cherry the Cheerleader is written for LuckyMann and is dedicated to him. Chapter 3 “Where is she?! Where is my daughter?!” Cherry’s mother began interrogating me. I remained calm and said, “She is where she is supposed to be: she is at school.” Wishing to avoid creating a scene for the neighbors to gossip about, I motioned to the other doors close by and invited the clearly angry and worried woman inside to talk. I had a few questions of my own for her (like how she knew where...
The started as any other, she woke up went to work, was her usual efficient self, came home, fed her cat, cooked dinner and went to bed. No sense of foreboding came to her, none of the famous ?female intuition? nothing out of the ordinary in fact. It was just another day to strike off the gray calendar of her life. But that night was not gray, it was black, black as the rose she found in the morning. She lived alone with just a black cat for company, the cat was the only sign that she actually...
Chapter 1 No one grows up to have the exact life they had imagined for themselves as a kid. In my youth, I always imagined that I would marry my high school sweetheart and make a fortune working as a fireman. I couldn’t have been more wrong. But then again, perhaps I wasn’t so far off the mark. High school, for me, was a chore. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and it didn’t include college: I wanted to be a fireman. To me, it was the ultimate real life “superhero” job. I...
Having been fed performance enhancing drugs, stripped, teased and spanked till he can't sit down, Jared is finally ready to model for Cherry's art project - with all three girls ready to help him out. The redhead advanced on him as he stood there with a still-smarting ass, a broad, white plastic tube in her hand. The girls’ preparations were all fine-tuned, he had to admit. “Fit this around your cock. Get it in place.” Vanessa helped him fit it and before he’d had time to consider what was...
Group SexJohn Preston I couldn’t believe I just ordered a mind-control device from the very man I was investigating: Dean Michaels. $10,000... I just spent $10,000 on what had to be a hoax, but my fellow U.S. attorney, Gina Brand, was right. How else to explain what was going on around this man. FBI agents didn’t march into a police precinct and come out thinking that a man could do no wrong. That he could break any law. My phone buzzed on my hip. I pulled it off the plastic case on my belt. A new...
Jared has committed... and submitted to having his cock replicated for an art project, while being teased, tormented and spanked along the way. Now his reward is in view - but he can't enjoy it before allowing himself to be restrained...“No. No way.” Jared and Cherry stood panting, each into the other’s face.“You wanna feel hot wet cunt sliding all the way to the base of your poor sore cock, you wear these.” She let the cuffs drip tauntingly from the end of one fingertip and he watched them...
Group SexChapter One: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aoifa – Khan, The Kingdom of Haz Flirting with dwarves was a waste of time. I sat in the Khazaz Mekon, one of fifteen bars that catered to the dwarf garrison of the fortress of Khan, the mighty entrance that led to Modan, the dwarves subterranean kingdom which lay beneath the Lesh-Ke Mountains. Five dwarves sat with me. They weren't unattractive despite their shorter stature. They were solidly built with impressive beards...
Jared Morgan, blue-jeaned rock guiatarist and practised seducer, has committed himself to helping with an art project by old flame Vanessa and her friend Cherry. Having turned down multiple sexual opportunities en route, he wonders exactly what this 'project' will involve...Jared sensed another shared smile between himself and Vanessa, as he passed through the deserted lobby. Who else would be there and whether they would be smiling too, he could only surmise. During the ascent in the...
Group SexJulie couldn't move. She felt totally devastated. She lay there naked beside her unconscious brother in law, her shapely legs still as widely splayed as they'd been when his thighs were between them and his hips were covering hers, meshed to her as closely as was physically possible. "You sure look wasted, Julie." Sherry looked at the man lying beside her friend and added, "He looks kind of wasted, too. You sure wore him out. Did it hurt much?" "Yeah... at first... but not...
I’ll continue my story from where I left off in part 10 but before I do I just thought that I’d mention that my little titties have grown a bit and I would say that they are definitely an AA cup now. They’re still as pointy and my nipples seem to be getting bigger. Either that or they’re permanently hard; maybe it’s the weather getting a bit colder. My butt has grown a bit and uncle Ben sometimes calls me bubble butt. My pussy is still just a slit with my little clit just poking out. I...
Jared is naked, hard and ready to supply the goods for Cherry's art projext, with help from her co femme domme Vanessa and frisky sub Jaylee. As he's accompanied to the shower by Jaylee for a pre-modelling session rinse, he searches for a way to grab some, ANY advantage in a situation that is uncharacteristically out of his control...The bathroom was next to the kitchenette, one of three rooms off the main studio. It was functional rather than luxurious, the shower no more than a bathtub...
Group SexIt's been awhile since my last nasty i****t tale, so I thought I would stop by and tell you about my sweet cousin Cherry. Cherry is my Uncle Pat's daughter and the baby of the family. When Cherry was just a few months old when Uncle Pat and his wife split up it was Aunt Clair who got custody of their daughter. A few weeks after the divorce Aunt Clair packs up and move her and Cherry to the East coast. It would be f******n years before my Uncle Pat would see or hear from his daughter.June 2,...
I woke up the next morning with Ben rubbing his cock along my slit. Somehow we’d swapped places during the night. “Hmm, that’s nice.” I said and lifted my top leg so that Ben could use my hole. He did and after he’d cum he shuffled down the bed and got his head between my legs. He drove me crazy making me cum twice. “Can we do that every morning Uncle Ben?” “I would expect nothing less young lady.” Ben replied. After a shower and breakfast, Ben told me to put my clothes on. I asked him...
You let yourself in with your key. The room is dark except for a line of votive candles in red glass holders, in a direct line from the living room to the bedroom. The air smells of a sweet scent - sandalwood?. It's too faint to be sure. You smile, put your purse down on the couch and kick off your shoes. Whatever comes next, it's going to be nice to get off your feet.You undress, folding your clothes neatly and leaving them on the couch. Only when you're completely naked do you venture to...
First TimeThe name Ivana has been a bit sullied for me, so I'm glad one of my favorite porn stars goes by Cherry kiss instead of her real name. However, I'd still jerk off to her even if she didn't. I'm not fucking crazy.Cherry's MistletoeCherry Kiss was born on December 31st, 1992, in Nis, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, not much is known about her childhood, but I have some friends from Eastern Europe that can fill in the blanks.Life was cold, the belly was hungry, and people were...
Twitter Porn AccountsChapter Thirteen: Futa Mind-Controls Her Hot Boss By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean The panties sailed over my boss's desk and landed on her cleavage, sticking to the round expanse of firm boobs the dominating woman had. Athena Pearce gasped in shock, thrusting back from her desk. The leather executive's chair wheeled back as fury crossed her face. “There is no mental health condition that is going to justify throwing your wet...
Easter holidays sleepover - at the cottage - part 2 Wednesday As we cleaned-up the breakfast stuff I told Piper that we were going for a walk over to the farm. “Won’t there be people there; and what about on the way?” “Relax girl, we won’t see a soul on the way there and there will probably only be Mick and Chloe at the farm. Oh, and Duke and Foxy but you don’t need to worry about them.” “Why?” “Duke and Foxy each have 4 legs.” “Ah, right. What shall I wear?” I reached for Piper’s...
This is fapyfap writing a story or my story about…..Ummm let’s just get into the story……And we aren’t here for grammar and shit and if this story is real or fake so just read and fap! Happy fapping! And if you wanna contact mail me at …. I am a guy, age 24, and a normal guy with an average dick….This story is about my ex gf lets call her cherry! Because her nipples were big and hard and her pussy was sweet! I was 18 then and she was too, her stats were 34-28-38 then, her best part was her...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford If I could curse out loud, I’d be spitting vitriol. Fuck, fuck, fuck! screamed through my thoughts as I stared through the louvered slats of Mildred Dean’s closet. I was trapped in here. Stuck with the panties that I so desperately wanted to don bunched in my hand. I had to pull them on and gain my own futa-cock. And have my own mind-controlling panties. You just had to stay downstairs fucking! snarled through my thoughts. I glared at...
Cherry.TV has a cute little logo featuring a pair of its namesake fruit. And while the image is clean enough that it could appear on a candy wrapper or child’s toy, there’s some inherent sexuality to it that’s impossible to miss if you’re a horny adult or just a frequent masturbator. Part of it is that sweet little drupe’s sensuous red color, calling to mind the lipstick and painted fingernails of your favorite sluts, as well as the fact that the pair of them together look as much like a ripe,...
Live Sex Cam SitesHer whole body tense from a long day, Cherry nearly collapsed as the elevator rose, pushing her into the ground. She let out a long, gurgling sigh, deflating as she unbuttoned her snug, creased suit. Twelve long hours of managing accounts and personnel at a top-tier law firm was good money, but the burden of responsibility took a toll on her health.She had been looking forward to this all day. The elevator chimed, and she stepped onto the landing of her boyfriend's apartment. Unbuttoning her...
BDSMA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change....