Abducted Ch. 04 free porn video

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Chapter 4 – More Questions

Back in her room, Emma looked at the clock. 12 noon. She had been in the ‘interview room’ for less than two hours! It was hard to believe. So much had happened.

She went to the bathroom, started to run the water for a bath, and slipped off her robe. She stared in the mirror at her soft, white body, the whiteness of her skin marred by angry red marks on her breasts, torso, thighs and buttocks. She found the jar marked ‘Bath Balm’ and applied the ointment liberally to her wounds as instructed. Immediately, she felt the stinging pain lessen as the balm worked its way into her sore skin. Gratefully, she stepped into the bath and immersed herself.

As she lay soaking, Emma tried to take stock. She didn’t know where she was, but it was obviously a long way from home. There seemed little prospect of escape, but they seemed careful not to allow her out of the room without a blindfold. Did that mean they were worried about her seeing something or someone who might help her? She stored the thought.

Emma pondered her situation. This was no initiative test, she thought bitterly. She couldn’t get used to the idea that this could be happening to her, and at the end of the twentieth century. Surely she would have been missed by now, at least at work. How long before they raised the alarm and started looking for her? Would they find any clues?

She was promised another session this afternoon. There was much she needed to know, and she needed to concentrate and get her mind in order. How long before they started her ‘training’? She had no real indication as to what the ‘training’ would consist of, but she felt that it was certain to be unpleasant, and that her freedom would be curtailed still further.

The bath and the balm eased her pain considerably. As she dried herself, she noticed the weals appeared less angry. She patted them gently with the towel. When dry, she dressed in a simple skirt and blouse, and sat in a comfortable armchair to contemplate.

Shortly after one o’clock, the two oriental maids appeared with her lunch trolley. Remembering Yasmin’s instructions, Emma didn’t try to get any information from them. Gratefully, she noticed that a half-bottle of Sancerre 1993 had been supplied. Emma would have liked something stronger, a large gin and tonic might have settled her shattered nerves, but it was probably better, she reflected, to keep a clear head. She poured a glass of wine – an excellent vintage, and served at just the right temperature, cool but not chilled – and picked at her lunch without much enthusiasm. A plan was beginning to form in her mind. She secreted another bottle of water inside a small cupboard, together with a couple of bread rolls, and some fruit. She ordered steak (rare) for her evening meal.

Yasmin watched, unseen behind the two-way mirror.

After the meal had been cleared away, Emma started looking through the books installed in a bookcase along one wall. She noticed several which seemed to relate to slavery and submission, sadism and masochism. She had heard of one, ‘The Story of O’, and started reading. As she read, her worries increased. Was this the sort of regime to which she would be subjected?

Suddenly, at precisely 2.30, the door opened and Yasmin entered. Emma, surprised, looked up from her book. ‘On your knees, Slut!’ barked the older woman. ‘When I enter a room, you will get down on your knees, and stay there until given permission to rise!’

Emma obeyed immediately. ‘I am sorry, Madam. I didn’t realise.’

‘That’s it, and spread your legs. Lower your gaze, look at the floor, not at me. Place your hands behind your back, to accentuate your breasts. No keep your back straight, and your head up, but lower your gaze. Yes, like that. That is the posture you will adopt in future when I, or anyone else in authority, enters your room.’

‘Yes, Madam.’

She picked up the book Emma had been reading. ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘you’ll find this useful, Slut. I would also recommend these.’ Yasmin selected another three books from the shelf, and laid them on the table. ‘Try these when you have finished ‘The Story of O’. They will give you a greater understanding of the journey you are about to make.’

Emma thought to herself that she would do anything possible to avoid making that journey, but for the moment, it was important to obey Yasmin and to try to gain her trust.

Yasmin seated herself in an armchair. ‘Very well, Leila,’ she began, ‘you may rise now and be seated. You have some more questions?’

Emma got up from her knees, and sat opposite Yasmin. ‘Thank you, Madam,’ she said, careful to keep her eyes lowered, in what she hoped was a sufficiently submissive pose. ‘If it would please you, Madam, could you tell me about my training? When will it start?’

‘As soon as we have the results of your tests.’

‘Tests, Madam? What tests?’

‘Everyone in the palace who is sexually active is tested each month for sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV. Anyone new is considered ‘unclean’ until they have been tested. It is a serious offence to have sex with an unclean person. Samples were taken while you were under sedation, and we should have the results in a day or two. You will then be assigned a trainer, and your lessons will start.’

‘I see, Madam, I wondered why you told the guards that I was unclean. Now I understand.’

‘We need to be careful with new arrivals,’ continued Yasmin, ‘especially in your case, because of your partners.’

‘But I have only two, Madam.’

‘Yes, but one – Max I believe – is married. He has sex with his wife, and you were not his only mistress.’


‘Oh yes. Only last week he took his secretary to Amsterdam on business. They booked separate rooms, but only used one bed.’

‘Bastard!’ exclaimed Emma under her breath.

‘We believe,’ Yasmin went on, ‘that she has another regular partner as well. And your other lover – Peter – spends every week in London, where he also has a regular girlfriend. We didn’t have time to establish what she does at weekends when Peter returns to Edinburgh.’

‘Him too!’ muttered Emma. ‘Bastards both!’

‘The system is not foolproof, of course, because of the gestation period for some diseases, but it has been remarkably effective so far. In my twenty years here, I can only remember one outbreak of syphilis, which was rapidly controlled. The cause was discovered – one of the guards admitted to using a prostitute while on leave in the capital. He was castrated and dismissed from the force – as was his ‘copain’ of course. I believe his ‘copain’ later killed him, in revenge for the loss of his virility. No-one blamed him, and he was never prosecuted.’

Emma continued to be astonished at the matter-of-fact manner in which Yasmin talked of these atrocities, and shuddered.

‘Please, Madam, of what will my training consist?’ she asked, hesitantly, not sure she wanted to hear the reply.

‘It would not be proper to go into detail now, but you will not find it pleasant at first, until you have learnt how to suffer pain and humiliation, and even to welcome them. You will learn how to treat a Master correctly and properly, and come to understand the beauty of true submission to your Master’s desires.’

‘How long will it take, Madam?’

‘That depends, of course, on how well you learn, but probably between three and nine months. I have already explained that you have one week each month free from training, during your period. In addition, you will be released every fifth or sixth day, to recover and contemplate what you have learnt. Training takes place in special training rooms, during your rest days you will be brought back here.’

‘And will I always be in solitary, Madam?’

‘For the present, yes. As your training proceeds, the rules will be relaxed, and you will be allowed to mix with the others, and spend your allow

‘Allowance, Madam?’

‘Yes, of course. When you have completed your training, and assuming His Highness is happy with you, you will receive a monthly allowance of four thousand US dollars, to spend on anything you wish – clothes, jewellery, books, anything you decide. That will increase periodically, depending on your performance. Your Master will expect you to look your best at all times. It is also most important that you keep your mind active, you are expected to be a companion, not just a toy. During training, of course, your allowance is lower, only one thousand per month. The first thousand will be credited to your account one month from yesterday. In addition, all the clothes, jewellery, etc. in this room are yours. Some came from your flat, but we have added a few extras, which I hope you will like.’

‘Thank you, Madam. I haven’t yet investigated them all, but the person who chose them has very good taste.’

‘Why thank you, Leila. I co-ordinated it myself,’ replied Yasmin, smiling. ‘I’m glad you approve. I hope you will learn to be happy here.’

‘But, Madam, surely they will miss me at home, and at work. Will they not be alarmed at my disappearance?’

‘For the moment, no. Your mother received an e-mail to say that you were going abroad for a few days. Your office had a phone call on Wednesday morning, purporting to be you, and explaining in a very weak voice that you had a bad dose of influenza. Very soon, however,’ continued Yasmin, smiling, ‘many people will be searching for you, including the Fraud Squad, Europol and Interpol!’

Emma started. ‘Why, Madam? Why Interpol?’

‘Well, your company will shortly discover a large hole in their accounts, amounting to nearly two and a half million pounds sterling.’ Yasmin checked a record in her folder, and continued, ‘Two million, four hundred and eighty-two thousand, five hundred and eighty-four pounds and twelve pence, to be precise!’

‘What?’ gasped Emma in surprise.

‘I’m not sure of the exact details,’ Yasmin went on, ‘but they will trace it initially to a bank account opened by you, with an account name very similar to one of your company’s major clients. By the time they get there, however, it will all have disappeared into several numbered Swiss bank accounts, all of which are now empty.’

Emma gasped. ‘And they will think it was me, Madam?’

‘Oh, yes. Enquiries will show that you left your flat early on Wednesday morning and drove to the Airport for the early morning flight to Paris, on a ticket you booked a week ago. From there, they will probably be able to trace you to Zurich, Vienna, Budapest, and finally to Belgrade, after which the trail will go blank! It’s all been very carefully planned! It took a little time to find some-one sufficiently like you to use your passport.’

In spite of herself, Emma was impressed at the lengths to which they had gone to cover her tracks.

‘Oh yes, and one other thing,’ continued Yasmin, smiling, ‘They will be able to trace one hundred thousand pounds to a bank account held by your friend Max. It would be interesting to hear how he explains that to the police!’

Emma was surprised at her reaction. Yes, it quite amused her to wonder how Max would react. He could be very pompous at times, this would prick his pride! Served him right for two-timing her! She smiled.

‘I see the thought amuses you, Slut! That’s good, we’ll make a good slave of you yet!’

‘Am I allowed any contact with the outside world, Madam?’

‘For the present, no, none at all. In a few days, we will install a computer terminal in your room, and you will be able to access the internet. It will be barred, however, to prevent any information flowing out. It is pointless to try to access your e-mail account – we have changed your password. We will monitor it for you, and let you know about anything we regard as important. I will also arrange for the internal phone to be re-connected. You will have access to only two numbers. If you need to see me, or have urgent problems, dial 200. My office is manned at all times. For general requirements – room service, etc. – dial 210.’

‘Thank you, Madam,’ replied Emma, with a resigned expression.

‘Do not be down-hearted, Leila. We hope you will soon learn to be happy here. We will cater for all your requirements. In time, you will meet the other girls and I trust you will make some good friends.’

‘How many women does His Highness have, Madam?’

‘Currently forty-six, not counting his two official wives, of course. In addition, there are two trainees – yourself and another girl who has been here about six months now. The women are spread around his three palaces, but thirty are here permanently. This is his favourite retreat, perhaps because his wives never come here,’ added Yasmin, smiling.

‘Forty-six, Madam?’ asked Emma, with a puzzled expression. ‘But I thought I was Number 29!’

‘You are the twenty-ninth recruited since His Highness succeeded his late father, my Master, nearly ten years ago. Before that, His Highness already had his own small court, but those women had his father’s prefix. Also, he inherited, and decided to keep, some of the younger women from his father’s court. When he took charge, he augmented his court by about twelve in the first year, but since then he has restricted himself to no more than two or three every year.’

‘May I ask, Madam, were you abducted too?’

‘Yes, twenty years ago, from London. I understand your apprehension and your fear. Please be assured that we do not wish to harm you. We simply want to train you to fulfil your destiny. Pain and discomfort are an essential part of the training, but you will find much pleasure as well.’

‘I’m frightened, Madam!’

‘That is natural and understandable. Mainly, you are frightened of the unknown. As you learn more, the fear will recede. Believe me.’

‘Yes, Madam.’

‘I will leave you now. Shortly, two women will come here to take some measurements, obey their instructions, but do NOT try to get information from them. That should not take more than twenty minutes and the rest of the day is free for you to amuse yourself. To-morrow, at 10 in the morning, I have booked you a session with our physiotherapist. It is most important that you keep supple and fit. She will also help with aches and pains. Following that, you will see our resident beautician and manicurist. She will help you to look your best at all times. You will be collected at 9.55.’

‘Thank you, Madam.’

Yasmin left, locking the door behind her.

Emma started to plan. She knew had to try to escape before her ‘training’ started. She wasn’t sure how long that gave her, but probably no more than two days, until the results of her tests were known. She had no clear idea where she was, except that it was not in Europe, but started to put clues together. ‘His Highness’ (whoever he was) had nearly fifty women in his harem. She did some mental arithmetic. Fifty women, at four thousand dollars per month, that came to about two and a half million dollars per annum – just for ‘allowances’, not counting all the other costs! This man was seriously rich, that had to mean either oil, or crime, or both.

She thought about the clothes in her wardrobe. They were predominantly suitable for a hot climate. In addition, the entire palace seemed to be air-conditioned – she heard all the time the faint hum of the system.

What other clues could she glean? His Highness had two official wives.

She thought back to the two meals she had had, and the menus, the prolific but subtle use of spices reminded her of a Lebanese restaurant she had once visited with Peter. It suddenly stuck her – there were no pork, ham or bacon derivatives on either menu, or on the tray of cold meats supplied for breakfast.

Oil – heat – harems – multiple wives – lack of pork. It HAD to be somewhere in the Middle East.

musings were interrupted by a knock on the door, and in walked two women, about thirty years old, smartly dressed in matching white overalls. ‘Good afternoon,’ said the first, curtly, in a strange foreign accent, possibly Eastern European, thought Emma. ‘We need some measurements. Take off your clothes and lie on the bed.’

Meekly, Emma complied. One woman wielded a tape measure and called out the numbers for the other to record. Emma was astonished at the number of measurements, and had difficulty in restraining herself from asking questions. They measured the circumference of her ankles, knees, thighs in two places, wrists, elbows, upper arms, neck, and finally her head, first around the mouth, then the forehead, and finally from her chin to crown. Her arms were measured, from armpit to wrist, and her legs, from the sole of her feet to her crutch. They asked her to stand up and extend her arms above her head. They then measured the full distance from the tips of her fingers to the floor, then from the top of her head to the floor. She extended her arms sideways at right angles, and they measured the full distance from the tips of the fingers of her right hand to those of her left. Finally, they took some body circumference measures, bust across her breasts, bust below her breasts, waist and hip.

‘OK. That’s all. You can get dressed now,’ announced the first woman. She and her colleague departed without further comment.

Emma slipped into a bathrobe, and looked around the room again. No windows. She tapped the walls, trying to get some hint as to which might be an outside wall, but to no avail. ‘Even if I had the tools,’ she thought bitterly, ‘I’ve no way of knowing which wall to tunnel through.’

She looked closely at the grille covering the air-conditioning duct. ‘No use – even if I could get the grille off, I’d never squeeze through there,’ she mused. Similarly, in the bathroom, the ventilation ducts were far too narrow to contemplate their use as a means of escape. It would have to be the door! If she could surprise the maids bringing a meal, she might be able to get out of the door and lock it behind her. She might have a chance of finding a way out before they were able to raise the alarm. It was a slim chance, but she had no alternative.

Unseen eyes watched Emma all the time. ‘She’s plotting something,’ said Yasmin. ‘I’m certain of it!’

But how, and when, to attempt an escape? If she was right about being somewhere in the Middle East, Emma did not want to risk a full day in the open air, with no shelter from the sun. On the other hand, it might be essential to have some daylight to help her get her bearings, and perhaps find somewhere to hide. She seemed to recollect from school geography lessons that night fell very quickly, and earlier than in Scotland, in summer at least. About five o’clock in the evening would be good. If she were to arrange to have tea brought to her at about five o’clock, it might be possible to make an escape, and find somewhere to lie low until darkness fell. Possibly, if she was only bringing a small trolley for tea, they would just send one maid, and that would assist her escape, she would only have to cope with one potential hindrance. After that – goodness knows! It all depended on what she would find out there. Hide, and wait for darkness to fall? Then wait until early dawn, and try to find a large hotel with British or American guests? Failing that, a Western company headquarters? Even without proof of identity, surely someone would believe her story.

Emma began to feel better, having organised the glimmer of a plan. She looked at her watch, and saw that it was 4.25pm. Emma wondered if the phone had been reconnected yet, as Yasmin had promised. She picked up the receiver and heard a dialling tone. She dialled 210. Within seconds, a soft feminine voice answered, ‘Yes, Miss Leila, how may I help you?’

‘Hello. Would it be possible to have some tea sent to my room?’

‘Yes, of course, Miss. English tea?’

‘Please. With milk, but no sugar. And a bottle of mineral water if possible.’

‘Right away, Miss. Anything else?’

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Maries MomChapter 4

Marie was about to put her plan into action. For weeks now she'd scouted out the field and had finally found the one man she wanted to fuck. Yes, he was black, too. His name is Hendricks and he seemed to be just what she was looking for. She'd talked to him several times, just to get to know him and to also get up the courage to do what she wanted to do to, and with, him. Finally the moment arrived and she made her move. "Julian," she called to him. "Would you come over here and do me a...

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Femdom Strapon

I went to her house on the outskirts of the city in a modest suburban setting. On knocking on the door she opened it. She was stunning - at least 6 foot tall, with dark ivory skin, long flowing hair. She was wearing a black lacy top and shiny trousers.She lead me into the house and commanded me to strip naked in the bathroom. I trembled as I removed my clothes. She then led me into her dungeon where she commanded me to kneel before her. She then explained the rules that I would have to follow...

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Sister finds my toys Pt4

'Shit,' Chris said. 'How long will she be here?' I kind of gave a little shrug. 'She said two weeks.' This was going to ruin everything. Chris and I had just about settled into our brother/sister relationship. Things were going so well for both of us and now everything would have to be put on hold. Carol had always been the thorn in our sides. She’d always been the one to tattle on us, to spy on us and to generally make our lives miserable. Looks like nothing had changed. Chris laid...

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Donna and the Flight Attendant

"Please place your tray tables and seat backs in the upright and locked position in preparation for our landing in San Francisco," was the announcement over the loud speaker. "The current time in San Francisco is 6:00 a.m. We know that you have many choices when you fly and we appreciate you choosing United." I didn't have that many choices. Not for a cheap red-eye all the way across the country. It had been an incredibly fascinating flight, however. My name is Donna, by the way. I wrote...

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The Performers Organization Series

THE PERFORMERS By slave ruthie CHAPTER 1 Her mum was crying again - she hadn't really stopped for weeks. Julie criedless now but she still felt so empty inside. Why had Nikki done it? Why hadshe run away like that without telling her? Julie shared everything with herbig sister - they were only a year apart and ever since their dad had leftwhen they were little, they stuck together. Some people even think we're twins,she remembered sadly. Nikki had left all her stuff. Not even a letter or...

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Chapter 4 FemDom pt9

positioned on the "fuckseat" (i love that Baroness calls the loveseat a fuckseat) in a sitting, but laid back position, Baroness rode my cock fully. Baroness rode every inch of my cock, taking all of it on every movement she made. it turned me on to to think that Baroness got as good as she gave.without saying anything, Baroness lowered herself down onto my cock deep. Baroness then reached under my left leg and in a slow but very precision movement,was able to remove herself from on top of...

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work colleague

This happened 15 years ago for real and now i want to share it. I worked at a care home and had a girlfriend at the time but was interested in men but was not out and discreet. I worked with a gay guy who i got on with really well. He had a partner and they lived together. I was 37 and my work colleague was about 40 and his partner 52. One day we had training together and as we finished early we went the pub and had about 4 pints very quickly. He told me about the volatile relationship he had...

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A Helping Hand

I wiped my hands clean with the old t-shirt I had for a rag as Lynn stood at the side of the car with a concerned look on her face."Don't worry," I assured her. "It's nothing major. I will get the parts and be back in an hour.""I can't afford much," she sighed. "If it's more than a hundred dollars I will have to wait until next payday.""Don't worry, I will be back shortly," I said as I walked to my car. "We can work something out."***As I finished the repair I had a hard time...

1 year ago
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Home economics

The girls in the senior Home Economics class were milling around and talking as the bell to start the fifth period rang. "Okay, ladies, please take your seats," Mrs. Wells ordered, "and make it snappy because we have a lot of ground to cover today!" A few moments later when everyone was in their assigned seat the fortyish teacher offered, "That's better, now where were we in our last lesson?" Jenny quickly raised her hand and after being recognized by Mrs. Wells replied, "We were discussing...

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A Psycho a Gun a Knife and Sex Part 1

My best friend was scared shitless. He had been calling her off and on all day, threatening to kill her boyfriend, today and as soon as he got home from work. He started calling out of the blue that morning. She said he had a deep yet squirrelly creepy voice and she was naturally scared. So instead of calling the police she convinced her best friend to come over. As she paced, fidgeted and replaying verbally what he had said to her, I was curled up in my favorite chair, ironically calm with a...

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Hypnosis App II Back In Town Parts 5 and 6

Author's Note: When I originally started on this sequel to Sissy Slut Ally's "Hypnosis App," I was overwhelmed by the possible choices that were ahead of me. James is a person with infinite power in this universe - shouldn't he be doing something more interesting than wasting his time on petty torture of his old classmates? I realized that there was an interesting character arc that could unfold, starting with James' realization that 'getting even' didn't give him nearly the same...

4 years ago
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Special Delivery

Our regular mailman broke his leg and a cute, young woman would be our sub for about 6 weeks. When my wife wasn’t around (and that’s much of the time), I would flirt with her and tell her that I had never had a “mailman” as pretty as she. That always got a big smile. Actually, she was a nice looking, 22 year old. She was fairly petite – with long brown hair. She was quite thin with quite small breasts. She had a great personality and was very nice to fantasize about (I jacked off quite a few...

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Boys Games 1

Chapter 1 – Cousins My name is John. When I was a teenager, I was dispatched to my Aunt Lisa to stay as my mother had to go to hospital for an operation. She had twin daughters Mary and Jenny, one a redhead and one brunette. They were just average looks, nothing sexy. I had very little sexual experience, Apart from jerking off which I did often. We were all at school and it was winter in England, very cold. My Aunt was a lovely person, quite different to my mother, who was very strict. Her...

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Hijab- A head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Essentially a scarf. Burqa- A outer garment worn by some Muslim women that covers their whole body when in public. Kuffar- Arabic for "Non-believer". ***** Fahima Begum sat in front of her bedside mirror unable to concentrate as she struggled to fix her hijab properly. Lately her mind had been plagued by doubts and sinful thoughts that no married Pakistani woman should have, and yet there they were. Fahima had been...

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Forsaken Ch 04

BB lay between awake and sleep, her thoughts on this dream, this wish that now cuddled beside her. His heat warming her chill soul, and his caress resurrecting ancient memories filling her blissfully in a passionate embrace: Love. To feel as he felt, secure in his arms free from the lonely, empty cold she held the memory living the dream. Drawing him closer she nuzzled playfully, bringing her lips to his: Igneous embrace. The kiss granting her wish as in this gentle exchange of tasting his...

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One Night of Bliss

'Across a crowded room.' That's where I first noticed her, and immediately my mind jumped to Rossano Brazzi (his voice dubbed by Giorgio Tozzi) singing those words to Mitzi Gaynor from 'Some Enchanted Evening' in the musical 'South Pacific.' But while the attraction in that movie scene was Nelly Forbush's face, right there in the frat house my eyes dropped a bit lower. And while in the show the song was a precursor of Love, the 'L' word that best describes my emotions that evening was...

2 years ago
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Private Amaris Poolside Fucking

Private Specials, Lovely Lassies 2 brings you Amaris, a sensational blonde who has met her favourite singer (Clarke Kent) on the beach and decides to invite him back to her place for a music lesson and a little extra. After playing a few chords on the guitar Amaris is all warmed up and wants to play with a cock instead as she wastes no time getting a taste with a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch Amaris’s amazing natural tits in action as she bends over and enjoys a good fucking out by the pool...

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The Barn

The sun beats down on the dry, baked earth. The heat shimmers and dances, rising from the buildings and wheat fields like a gossamer mist. Angry clouds gather in the distance. You and I are touring a farm that’s for sale. The farm is large and we are making our last stop on the property, a large barn nestled at the edge of a grassy field. We walk hand in hand, the heat causing a fine sheen of perspiration to glisten on our bodies. The wind starts to pick up as the clouds move toward us. We...

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Mother needs me

Mother needs meMy name is . I am living in South India. i****t, like in the rest of the world, is a taboo in India also. And Mother-Son i****t is considered the ultimate taboo. But I am a lucky boy who has a loving and horny Mother and we fuck regularly. What follows is my true story of how I achieved the ultimate pleasure of regularly fucking my own Mother, which I happily continue now also.My Father died when I was 10 years old. I was put in a boarding school right from that time because my...

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PupsRUsChapter 3

Grace drove up to Sam Abbots' little farm and tooted the horn to announce that she had arrived. Sam walked from in back of the house and greeted Grace with a hug. They were long time friends and business associates. Grace introduced Sue as her new business associate, but, frankly, none of them knew exactly what that meant. Oh, well, it was not important. What was important was that Sam had two Great Danes about 18 months old that he wanted to sell. The women were taken to see Jack and Joe...

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Big Birthday

May 1st - 7 Days to Finals, 12 Days to Graduation, 14 Days until your Birthday... You are John, a 19 year old, very average, young man. You decided that community college was for you, and you are trying to start your own online business. You're close to graduation, but it's going to be close. Your grades are on the line, and it's coming down to your final exams. Your business hasn't taken off yet, but you know in your heart it will soon. You are an only child. Your mother, Kate, is 45, having...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 5

"Well Chris, I'm sure you have a really good story to explain where the hell you have been since last night, and how you ended up looking like a punching bag. Lets get you set up to have that head of yours looked at, and anyplace else that needs it, then we can all find some place quiet and talk." Bill led Chris up to the check in and his best friend at the check in desk. "Veronica, how did you end up bringing Chris here? I thought that you didn't care about him at all." Jamie asked...

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Cuckold Fantasy

I responded to an online add looking for someone to " Fuck my wife while I watch". I checked out the add and looked at the pictures. You couldn't see faces, just the bodies. The wife was stacked, little chubby, shaved pussy. The husband was skinny, not a bad sized cock, and completely shaved as well. I sent them a message that I was interested, with my stats and a few pics. I included a pick of my face, my cock, and a full nude. I am in my late 40's with the body of a 25yr old and an 8" cock. I...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 1 A Simple Plot of Revenge

Wednesday Afternoon Man that session with Mark was great. I feel so refreshed, so alive. I know what I am going to do to celebrate today; I am going to do some shopping. I need to get something flashier than what I normally wear. Something more fun. Maybe even some new undergarments. These cotton ones seem so itchy today. I think I'll buy myself a garter belt and stockings. I know I used to think those were so whorish ... but I also know Maggie wouldn't hesitate to wear them. Can't let...

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My rules my husband might regret

I think it's time I share my story with all of you. I am not going to use any real names but I want to share what has happened with me and my experiences and how this is has changed my marriage and how my husband has had to adjust to the changes which has occurred if I continue to tell you what happened later on after this story. I am a 38-year-old brunette average build maybe a few extra pounds but I would considered myself nice looking. I work as an administrator for a local hospital in my...

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Have A Good Feel She Loves It Part Two

“Fucking Hell, have they all come on the same bus?” I said laughing as we walked into the bar and main room. In the twenty minutes since leaving the bar to go onto the patio the place had transformed. I left with the lone Franco holding the fort and returned to find around a dozen people milling around. Linzey was behind the bar and her husband was busying himself setting up the DJ stand in the opposite corner to the television screen, which was now playing some soft porn. “Not quite, the...

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Sneaking Out

Samantha paced across her bedroom as she waited for Trent to call. Thoughts of being caught sneaking out filled her head and she grew more nervous. Even though she was eighteen, her parents were still very strict.  Suddenly her cell phone rang. Samantha’s heart pounded as she answered. The caller id read: ‘Trent.’ She cleared her throat and opened the phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey. What’s up?’ ‘Not a lot, you?’ ‘Not too much. I’m almost there. Are ya’ ready?’ ‘Pretty much. You know where to stop,...

5 years ago
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Beach Man

I met him yesterday morning on the beach. He was tan and attractive and struck up a conversation with me as easily as an old friend. We talked about everything but ourselves. I began to feel sexy in my bikini. It’s been so long. I had a strong desire to submit. In the afternoon I went with him to his place and we had sex. His cock was about average length, somewhat thicker but so very hard. I liked the feel of it in my mouth and wanted to swallow his cum. He had other ideas and was stronger. He...

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Closing Time with Jessica

[Fiction/Fantasy]First Try at writing an actual story Sorry if it sucksI looked at the clock. 12:59. YES! Then I pull my phone out of my back pocket to confirm. 12:59. Hell fucking yes! Then I turn behind me to the timer/official clock. 12:59:35 25 Seconds till we close and are finally allowed to resume all the closing shit we have to do. It's been a fucking crazy Friday Night, with more cars rolling through than normal. *Bonnnnnnnnnggggggguh* NO MOTHER FUCKING WAY! I look at my manager,...

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The Flying Instructor

‘Get the nose up boy’ said Alan Foster, my instructor. I pulled back on the yolk and the nose rose but too fast. ‘I have control’ Alan said as he corrected my feeble attempt to land the plane. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a bad pilot, I just have this problem with landing. ‘Try again’ said Alan. I did and although it wasn’t pretty, we managed a very bumpy landing. At the debrief Alan put a video in the player saying that this is how it’s done. He explained that it was his daughter on her first...

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Baxter Savage All Hallows Eve Carving More Than Pumpkins CAW 85

Tagged: cannibalism, murder, death, cooking Introduction: Baxter Savage, a serial killer seeking to right the wrongs in his past kills for peace of mind, to put at ease his morose ponderings and possibly manage the guilt he feels. It's a short story, so be warned. Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 To derive a sense of pleasure from the screams, as blood curdling and fearful as you could possibly imagine, a mass of flesh lay in a crumpled...

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Social Disorder Therapy

I didn’t consider myself to be arrogant.  Yes, I’m smart and self-confident.  And admittedly, I can be impatient with people who don’t see things as clearly as I do.  But arrogant? My boss at the corporation I work for as a management analyst called me in one day.“Brad, every time I send you to another department to handle some problem, I get calls after your visit saying ‘Don’t ever send that SOB down here again. He’s arrogant and condescending.’  I don’t know what you’re doing, but something...

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I've lived in the same house for 30 years. I've always seen and talked to the same people so I didn't really know any strangers. Everything in my life was well-ordered and routine. I was a staid, well respected member of the community. Well, that changed earlier this year when I met Sasha. The day Sasha moved in, I was planting two new rosebushes to replace the ones that didn't make it through the winter. I couldn't help but watch as some of the most beautiful furniture I had ever seen was...

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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 17

I was much improved Wednesday. I still looked like I'd been run over by an eighteen-wheeler, and my chest was still tender to the touch, but I was able to move around with more spring in my step. I called Greg to my office. "Where are we with Anterra? Loni has an appointment with a counseling firm in Gilbert this afternoon." "He's forgotten about Loni for the present," Greg said and chuckled. "That captain on the Houston police force is hot on Anterra's trail. He put together a...

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