Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 20 Onward and Upward
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“Ah, come in Michael. Yes, now. How are you?”
“Hello Bishop, I mean Your Grace” the bishop waved a hand, such niceties were immaterial. “I’m, well I’m not that good I suppose.”
“No, no. Understandable. A sorry business. What are we to do? It does seem a shame, but I fear we must move you somewhere less ... less scandalous shall we say?”
“Yes, I did offer to resign”
“Pish!” does anybody say pish these days? “Pish and tosh, you are a good priest; the church cannot lose you”
Michael Tobay was the Reverend Michael Tobay, DDL MDiv. Around forty, maybe slightly less, he had had an interesting career as a priest. Before that he had spent five years in business, and been rather good at it. Officially he was still married, they used the fact of her job working away a lot as the excuse for the lack of an harmonious, wee wifey helping with the teas. In his, so far, brief career he had been propositioned by the vicar when he was a curate, propositioned by the choir mistress at St Judes, been accused of propositioning a choir boy (who was later found guilty of blackmailing two teachers and a scout master – Michael Tobay stood against the wrongful accusations and the boy’s money-making scam collapsed around him) and been offered drugs by an undercover policeman in a sting. They had targeted the wrong vicar in the town, it was Rev. Smythe, a geriatric who, it turned out, had been making substantial extra-curricular income from drug supply. Rev. Smythe had realised they were onto him (once they picked the wrong vicar) and legged it to Columbia where he now offered unction to errant drug lords. In all this Rev. Tobay had sailed through with reputation unblemished; until the DaD – Drink and Drive – conviction. It happened like this:
Attending St. Maximus and St Sloan for morning communion, the usual congregation was there of 30 or so, the suitable amount of wine was poured into the chalice and blessed. In a wholly unexpected event, young Richard Dwyer had rushed in just after and whispered to his Nan that his Mum and Dad were having another barney. This happened about every two weeks. People kept score of who won, Mrs Dwyer was no shrinking violet, she could knock seven bells out of her husband if she landed the first punch, but then Mr Dwyer was not some weed either. So their marital tiffs were more WW3 than simple arguments. Nan Tosker left with Richard, followed by her second husband Bill Tosker, followed by Aunt Marjie (Dwyer), followed by Edie and Eddie Brown (nosey bastards), followed by the off-duty PC Sharon Tatler and her husband-to-be (Sharon thought she might help and Pete wanted to be the protective boyfriend), followed by Dr Terry and Nurse Adelaide (not married, at least not to each other), known to be having an affair by everybody, including Dr Harriet – Terry’s wife (who was a Methodist and so not attending) – and Jim Callaghan (Adelaide’s estranged husband). The two medical people thought they might be needed. So the congregation had dropped by a third.
Then, when communion was being given, it transpired that half of the remainder went for a blessing or didn’t go up at all! Michael was left with a lot of wine. It is well known that church law forbids leaving blessed wine lying around. It might get used in Devil worship or something. And you can’t just put it in the fridge for next week. The rules say the minister has to finish it off. So he did.
When he left the church, he went for a pint with his parishioners. Just the one, it was one of the traditions he had introduced to be seen as part of the community. And the police crackdown that weekend was targeting The Brown Pig – the local pub being used for post-church service libations. They picked on a different pub each week as part of their “Zero Tolerance for Drink Drive Year”
One pint would have been fine, but one pint plus a load of communion wine meant he was over, and ‘bish bash bosh’ as a very annoying TV chef would say, he was up before the beak and pleaded guilty. There was no option really, he was over the limit. No question. The magistrate heard the mitigating circumstances and said he was sorry but the allowable mitigations were “didn’t know I had drunk alcohol” - he did, “worked in a life saving profession” - not a soul-saving one, or “knew the chief constable” - he didn’t. Driving licence gone, Daily Telegraph headline (7th page) “Vicar accidentally drunk”, Sun headline (3rd page, under semi nude eighteen year old) “You’re Nicked Vic”, Daily Mail headline (page 1) “Mail campaigns against Alcoholic Clerics”.
Too much publicity, he had to be moved.
“How about this? Lower Comptney? We’ve had trouble filling the post, three vicars have retired after a year; I don’t know why. It’s on the coast, lovely spot. Yes? Okay, Nice to see you. Stay in touch.” And he was ushered out. The bishop had a lot on his plate. There was the Round Table dinner (‘Five courses, we do hope you can come, rather a nice claret from Mount Servoi to try’), the boys’ school prize giving (‘thank you so much for agreeing to attend, we hope you can attend lunch; we have a good cellar’), the sermon on avoiding excess to write.
By Wednesday, Michael Tobay had packed his things, kissed the housekeeper goodbye on the cheek and watched the pantechnicon take his furniture and worldly goods. Then he cycled to the station, got on the train, travelled to Munchester, the nearest station to Lower Comptney since Beeching did his rape and pillage, and cycled along the old railway track to the parish that was to be his home. He noticed the three pubs “Good, I do like a good pub, sadly centre of the village now, not the church”, he noted the closed Methodist church (a sign told people the nearest Wesleyan chapel was now Upper Comptney, five miles away), he had admired the Norman entrance of the (locked) parish church there. And then he asked for directions to the rectory.
“OOo, I’m not sure. The last vicar stayed down Lowes Lane I think.” He cycled down Lowes Lane, mentally kicking himself (again) for not having checked, not having GPS, being in a virtual 19th century in fact. Lowes Lane had a long high wall, and a door in the middle ‘Lady Longborough School for Girls, Tradesman’s Entrance’. He cycled back to the centre of the village and asked someone else.
“Sorry, don’t live here mate”
The policecar drifted past, clearly in no hurry to catch anything. He flagged it down, they called HQ, who checked with someone who knew the area, who said “Lowes Lane, can’t miss it. There’s only one door and then fields at the end”
“But the only door I saw said Lady something school”
“I don’t understand.”
The voice at the end of the phone repeated the instructions, slower. “Just knock” it finished.
He went back down Lowes Lane and pressed a doorbell, waited, pressed again and again. Then he knocked. The door opened a crack “Hello? I’ve been told to ring but there was no answer”
“There wouldn’t be”
“I’m sorry?”
“S’alright, it didn’t disturb us”
“Oh dear, I’m finding this confusing”
“Bell don’t work. You should have been told to knock”
“Oh, I see, I was told to knock”
“Well then...”
“I’m the new vicar, I was told -”
“Michael Tobay”
“Ah, yes, come in, come in. We have to be a little careful who we let in you know. I’ll let the Head know” An old bent man staggered off.
Michael was feeling less than charitable ‘Looks like you’ll be my first funeral here’ he thought, and then mentally apologised to the man and to God. ‘I’ll try harder’
“Rev-er-end To-bay? How ... nice ... to ... meet ... you” An old women of at least a hundred and fifty was looking up at him. He did a double take and realised she was probably ninety, then lowered that to seventy and settled there. She spoke slowly and deliberately. “We ... exp-pec-ted you ear-li-er with your fur-ni-ture” This was the Headmistress – they still called her that – Miss Samphire. She was a relative of the founder, perhaps a niece, no one was sure. She stayed remarkably on top of what was happening in her little realm, even though all the administration was now done by others.
“Ah, yes, I caught the train and then cycled. My cycle is outside, may I bring it in?”
“Of ... course. Of ... course. Young ... Mike ... will ... get ... it” Young Mike, it transpired, was the doddery old gent who was security at the back entrance. He had been at the school for fifty years, Michael heard, and was called Young Mike because his father, who passed away three years ago, had also worked there until he was eighty-two and retired.
“Oh, when did he retired?”
“As ... I ... say ... three ... years ... ago”
“Oh, I see”
“Well ... here ... is ... the ... house ... Shall ... we ... see ... you ... at ... prayers? Miss ... Dainty ... will ... be ... along ... to ... welcome ... you” She hobbled away and Michael Dobay had his second uncharitable thought. He believed he was patient, but now had met the limit of his patience.
“I suppose Miss Dainty will also be nine hundred years old” He said out loud
“Would you be the Reverend Today?”
“Tobay!” he responded sharply as he turned, then he found himself facing an attractive young woman of thirty or so. “I’m sorry, it’s been a trying day; and please, call me Michael”
“I shall, thank you. My name is Dorothy Dainty. Technically Dr Dorothy Dainty, but I hope you’ll call me Dot. Everybody does; everybody over eighteen that is. The sixth form are allowed Dorothy, the rest call me Doctor Dainty. And make fun of me behind my back. Each intake invents a new nickname. Occasionally someone comes up with a new one. Clod, I thought original.”
“Opposite of Dainty being Clod-Hopper, that was too long, so it became Clod. Other less inventive ones are Fairy, Deirdre, Dotty, Any-Dots, and ... oh never mind”
“No, I can’t, you’re the new vicar; maybe, if I get to know you well enough, but not yet.” she whispered “It’s rather rude”
“I’m intrigued”
“Well, you’ll have to stay that way for a while” She could see he was trying to think what it might be. That was a mark in his favour, the last vicar but one was lacking in any humour, imagination or tolerance. That was his downfall.
“I took the precaution of leaving a list of the services in the village and in the school for you ... you look confused”
“Good, that’s how I feel. Tell me, why am I staying in this school”
She sighed, as if she was used to regurgitating the history “In 1535 the monastery here was finally closed. The parish church had shared services with the monastery and, when the land and buildings were sold to Sir Roger Savery, he opted to build a small church in Lower Comptney” he was about to ask a question but she held up a finger “That church was in Sea Street, which would be located approximately 30 yards out to sea now. The Savery family did not provide a parsonage, instead they provided a second son to be the local vicar. This unusual relationship continued through several generations, sometimes a daughter was married to a parson and he became vicar of Lower Comptney. The Great Storm of 1789 accelerated what had been happening – the coastline erosion. The church was by this time on the edge of the low cliff. Sea Street had already been washed away, with many of the graves, and the church had to be entered through the choir as the main doors had warped in subsidence. 1789 and the church vanished into the waves.
The whole village had moved inland and deliberately left a space for a new church. New graves were already being dug there. The Saverys provided some money and then lost the rest in speculation. You can still see, to this day, where the church building was stopped, - in Church Street, there is a ruin. It always has been a ruin since it never finished being built. Meanwhile the manor had its own chapel, like Brideshead? No? Oh you should read it, very good book. By this time the Mourney family owned the manor and had no intention of providing either a vicar or accommodation in their house, nor finishing the church when their chapel was big enough for the village. There were labourers houses on the land and two of these were knocked together for the vicar. In 1920 the Mourney family ran out of male heirs. Miss Harriet was a spinster of fifty when she inherited a tumbledown house and lots of debt. She turned it into a school and it turned into a successful school. Building work has steadily connected all the old buildings together into the complex you see today. We are raising funds for the new Science Block.
That last is the appeal for funds which parents have to listen to if they want their girls to attend. And many do. We are well on the way towards out half-million appeal.”
“I see, I thought I detected a well-rehearsed speech there. But still, it explains a lot. Thank you. And the services in the school?”
“A hang over from the Saverys, they insisted on the private chapel, which is now the de-facto parish church; the Mourneys kept it up and the school foundation provides accommodation rent-free in exchange for some private services for the girls.
An interesting fact is that the ruin is still the official parish church”
“I see. I’ll study the information you have provided. I’ll be at prayers tonight”
“Yes, about the girls...”
“They ... well they like to test new members of staff. And that includes you I’m afraid. We try to keep them under control, but girls are devious”
“Is that why three vicars have left?”
“Partly, well, one anyway. Reverend Eldridge certainly was tried to the extreme. He umm...”
“Yes? Please, forearmed is forewarned”
“Yes, Well he lacked circumspection.
He took some pupils to task for their dress. After that the girls made his life hell. Oops, can I say that?”
“I don’t know, what do you mean?”
“Well, he objected to the shortness of their skirts. After that they would bend over to tie their laces as he walked down the corridor, revealing -”
“Yes, yes I see”
“That’s not all. They would deliberately walk passed him in their gym kit. No? Very short pleated skirts, or even just gym knickers. We tried to stop it, but if they are legitimately going to or from gym it isn’t as though we could punish them for walking in the school. And if your lace unties then you must tie it and ... well you see?”
“So he couldn’t take the strain. It sounds like his complaint was the result of his desire, not his desire to see them more demurely dressed.”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.
I’m not stupid, I don’t expect vicars to be made from sugar and spice and not blood; unless of course you are -”
“Gay? No, sorry. That would be easier wouldn’t it? But no, I’m not. Rest assured, I’ll be on my guard”
He was left to unpack and consider his position. The house looked out onto a grass lawn on which a couple of girls sat in the evening sunshine. They were only eleven and not a problem, but he could imagine that older girls lying out there could be a distraction. Going upstairs he found a bedroom that looked out over the outside wall. This would be his study.
As he came down again, there was a knock at the partially open door. “Hello?”
“Ah, yes, hello. Can I help you?”
She was also young, perhaps twenty. She wore a smock. “I’m the cleaner, is now a good time?”
“Ah, I don’t know. Good time to... ?”
“Well, to clean. I usually give the house a quick once over Fridays, and a proper do on Mondays, will that suit? I come in each evening to wash up, though often the vicars eat in the refectory of an evening. Will you be doing that?”
“It’s Wednesday isn’t it?”
“Yes, I’m not here this Friday, me and my friend are going to DullEdge. I’m so looking forward to it!”
“Dull edge is a... ?”
“Not Dull edge, DullEdge. Grunge Heavy Metal with a hint of Country. They are so wicked! So washing up?” she talked quickly, and jumped subjects easily.
“I hadn’t thought; well, I didn’t know. We’ll have to see. I do quite like cooking, so I might prepare some meals myself. But then if I do I’ll clear up after.”
“Oh, no need sir. That’s my job, ‘Appy to do it.” She started her ‘quick clean’; he went upstairs, looking out of the stair window he saw three sixteen or seventeen year olds walking across the lawn in games slips and airtex shirts. Yes, he could see how that kind of view might unhinge some men. He was made of sterner stuff.
“By the way, what’s your name?”
“Oh, sorry, I’m Jackie.”
“Pleased to meet you Jackie, I’m Michael.”
“I know, Reverend Tobay” Jackie was careful to keep to the required standards, a cleaner is addressed by her first name; a ‘cleanee’ is given their title and surname.
Prayers was at six and he left the house before realising he didn’t know where the chapel was. He stopped a girl and asked, she stared blankly at him. “The chapel, surely you know where it is?”
“You mean St B’s” said a voice behind him he found himself looking down slightly onto a girl with a tight blouse stretched over her well-developed bust.
“Do I?”
“Yes, it’s called St B’s in school. I’ve been sent to take you, Clod realised you’d be a bit lost”
“I think you should refer to her as Doctor Dainty to me”
The girl looked taken aback; she had thought he’d be confused and wouldn’t ask. Instead he was ahead of the game. One up to him.
The chapel was packed. He learnt later this was partly down to him. Midweek prayers were optional for seniors, those in the fifth and two sixth forms, sixteen to eighteen year olds broadly. The rationale was that they needed extra time for work, but really most of the time they would sit around and chat. This night though there was curiosity at play. The news that he wasn’t an eighty year old codger had already gone round the school. That he was a Pierce Brosnan look-alike was discounted by most girls as likely to be exaggeration, but they were all still keen to catch a glimpse. He was ushered in to the seat reserved for the vicar, and the head read a, thankfully short, prayer; which still took her ages. They had an uplifting reading, prayers for sick, dead, poor and unfortunate people. He wondered what unfortunate meant. Really a kind of catch all; why not just say “God, do your best, amen”. The consensus was that he was late 30-ish, good looking, and smiled. He passed their first test, but to some that meant they had to test him further. He didn’t know the Pandora’s box he was looking into. He was asked to give the closing prayer. Instead he asked them all to join them in the blessing “I always think we should all be blessing each other, not asking for a blessing from ‘the religious guy at the front’” he explained. Some joined in, some did not. He would work on this.
The next couple of days, he settled in, having little to do, them not being Sunday or Wednesday – the service days - he decided to have a look round the rest of the parish on his trusty bicycle. The immediate village had an unusual layout because if its position and history. What should obviously have been the village square, the centre and focus of the village, overlooked the beach. A pub was situated at the landward edge, a dip indicated where there used to be a pond, a patch of ground at the end of a row of cottages showed where that particular house had collapsed as its foundations slipped the 20 feet down to the beach. Erosion had been stopped, or delayed, by various protection methods. West Gate led, appropriately, west from the square, down it where many of the shops were situated: a butcher, a baker, a (candlestick maker? Wondered Michael, no, a grocer) grocer selling the usual higher priced essentials that people ran out of and could not be bothered to drive to the town to the supermarket.
Much of the village economy relied on the school. The farms, locally, provided some work, but most of it low paid. People commuted, but few people moved to the village if they weren’t working locally, due to the danger of losing land/property to the sea. In short, the village was in decline. It had been a regional centre of commerce a few hundred years ago but had lost the protected estuary behind a bank of sand dunes in the great storm of 1670 – probably that was what allowed the storm of 1789 to be so devastating - and the decline had begun; accentuated by erosion until the current village was an odd-shaped artefact of a past that had long vanished. Down the ‘hill’ (really a ridge, so arrival along the road hid the fact that the village and manor were on a low rise), the river flowed into the sea over shallow and unnavigable sands. These sands were walkable at low tide and dangerous as the tide returned, turning them into soft sands that could trap the unwary. The Sucking Sands had been the subject of three legendary stories and had featured in an unpublished Sherlock Holmes story “The Curse of the Sucking Sands”. Nevertheless they claimed victims with surprising regularity – most were rescued these days, the last fatality was four years before when a drunken man went for a walk in the dark and was found up to his waist in sand when the tide receded.
Michael’s forward-thinking mentor at theological college had said there were two centres to a village: the church and the pub. He opted to visit his competition, or was it collaborator? He wasn’t sure. “Good morning, what do you recommend?”
“For what? Gout? Growing potatoes? The next government?” The bar man was either surly or a wag.
“Well, we can talk about those three if you like, but let’s start with the beer here. Are they local?”
“Aye. You could try the Skirt Lifter, but that’s more one for the ladies, or the Brown Bear. Athorn is off at the moment.”
“Well, I’m not sure I should be asking for Skirt Lifter anyway, people might get the wrong impression of their new vicar. I’ll try the Brown Bear.”
“Ah, new vicar? I thought you might be. Seems the school gets through vicars like some of us have breakfast. What happened to the last one? Get caught in bed with a pupil did he?” He was definitely pushing, seeing how far he could go.
“No, he never got caught!” Michael laughed and then added “I’m joking, don’t start any rumours”
“S’alright, I know he couldn’t stand the strain. He came in quite regular towards the end.”
“Hrmph” seemed a suitable non-committal response. The beer was good. And he was starting to warm to the man behind the bar, he was gruff, cynical, straight-faced, and humorous.
“ ... and the other nun said -”
“‘yes it does wear the soap’. I’ve heard it, and you shouldn’t be trying to shock me with jokes like that” he laughed despite himself and repeated the one about the vicar, the policeman and the prostitute.
“Why, vicar! I’m shocked!” laughed the barman
“I used that at a Men’s Meeting, it broke the ice and demonstrated that we should not judge people by their appearance. Tell me about the village.”
“What’s to tell? We get tourists in the summer, come to see the disappearing village; some claim to hear the ghostly bells from the church out to sea. Thing is, I know for a fact that the church only had one bell. There’s an old engraving in St Poll’s Next Sea, in the museum. It shows the church tower, clearly a one-bell tower.”
“And why would a village have more than one bell anyway”
“Precisely. Butcher sells good meat, Baker sells good bread. Mrs Gob – sorry, Mrs Turnova, she’s just a terrible gossip, so I calls her Gob – well, she’s not known for clearing the shelves of out of date stock, if you catch my drift. My pub [which was called The Kings Head] sells good beer. The Manky Duck – the Brown Swan to you – it sells awful beer.”
“‘Course it does”
“The other pub – the Black Boy - sells Girtles, and gets very rowdy on a darts night; if you like darts then fine, otherwise, you’ve come to the right place for refreshment.”
“I can see that, hive of social interaction” Michael replied, surveying the empty pub with a smile. “Which pub do the girls sneak out to? Oh come on! I’m not stupid”
“They come here, but they use the Saloon.”
“I’ll stick to the Public Bar then.”
“Your opposition – Methodists – closed up three years ago and merged with the one at Upper Comptney; Catholics meet in Samphire Meadows, there’s a couple from here that go. So, you have the village to yourself, all the other God-Botherers have given up”
“Sam.” This being the name of the bar man, the pub landlord was his wife, Lucy, “You are an old cynic. I shall have to work on you”
“I’ve had too many years of practice vicar, you stand no chance. So tell me vicar, you always ride a bike? No car?”
“Ah, well, funny story about that ... but it will have to wait for another day. I have to go I’m afraid” Actually he wasn’t sure making it known he was banned for drinking too much communion wine was a good idea. Funny, but not a good way of starting a new job.
Off he went and explored further, then a little further and then further still. Before he knew it, it was evening and he was cycling narrow lanes in the dark whilst people drove at dangerously high speeds and narrowly avoided him. He would mention that in his sermon somehow.
He made his way back and let himself in. A silhouette in a ground floor window caught his eye. The rooms were the common room for the sixth forms, he knew. He had been given a quick tour the day before. There was something ... He couldn’t put a finger on it. He walked across the quad, aware that to an observer he might seem to be a Peeping Tom, creeping around at night, and hoped no-one saw him. When he peeked through a narrow gap in the curtains he was even more sure he could be mistaken for a voyeur. Now he knew what struck him about the silhouette, the upper body was sharp, not fuzzy. Five girls were playing some kind of drinking game, a chair had been wedged against the door to avoid surprises. Two girls were naked from the waist up. As he watched a third failed to answer a question (which he could not hear) satisfactorily and raised a bottled to her lips, swigged and then removed her shirt. One of the topless girls was next and again failed the test, she took a gulp of red wine and dropped her skirt. He was transfixed. He knew he should not be, he should rap on the glass but... “You should give them a fright and rap on the glass” a voice said
“I know I sh- oh! Shit! I mean. Bugger. No! I mean -”
“Shh! They’ll hear you. I want to see how far they go”
“But Miss Dainty, I mean Doctor Dainty ... I mean Dot, I mean is it appropriate?”
“Look, they started it, you just happen to be in the right place at the right time, or the wrong time. I’m not sure which. I can see you weren’t too keen to stop the game too early. Oh look!” A girl dropped her bra to the floor. Three were now topless. Michael was grateful for the dark. He tried to appear not to be watching their young bodies too fervently. But a man is a man, with or without a dog collar. As they continued to watch, a girl finally was evidently the loser, and a pair of panties dropped to the floor. She raised her arms and turned 360 degrees. Dot said “right, I suppose that will do. Goodnight Michael, off you go.” As he sped across the lawn, she knocked vigorously on the window. In 2 minutes, five girls found themselves standing half-covered being given an urgently whispered dressing down.
At the next prayers. The same five girls ‘volunteered’ to hand out and collect the hymn books. They would do this for the rest of term, or the Head, and their parents, would learn why. The girls trooping in all smirked, it seemed the bush telegraph had told them what had spawned this sudden spirit of religiosity. The girls would have been mortified to know it wasn’t just Clod who had seen them from the window.
Michael prayed for strength to resist all temptation; or not to be put into temptation he could not resist. He was a man of God, but also a man of flesh, and the recent escapade kept recurring to him; both in his dreams and his waking hours. When he saw Sadie – the girl who had lost the competition that night – one morning a few days later, he could not help contemplating what a fine, firm young body nestled under her school uniform. He prayed harder.
“Good ... Morning ... Reverend ... How ... are ... you ... sett-l-ing ... in” said a voice behind him, the small ancient figure looked up at him in what he assumed was a smile.
“Oh yes. Very well thank you Miss Samphire”
“I’m making sure nothing is hidden from him” Doctor Dainty had appeared “We are laying bare all our little foibles” She smiled innocently, he spluttered slightly
“Good ... good ... good ... yes ... good” the old lady toddled off. Michael looked at Dot.
“That was naughty. I’m a vicar! You mustn’t put me in difficult positions like that”
“Sorry, just my bit of fun. Anyway, you have a group of willing volunteers. I thought you’d be pleased.”
“Except that I’ve seen one naked and several topless. It isn’t the best thing to remember in church” He was starting to think he might not last long either. “Do things like this happen a lot?”
“Not a lot, just in waves. The girls get bored and then do things like you saw, or midnight skinny dipping. I’d rather they go for the drinking competitions to be honest. Less dangerous. But I’d appreciate it if you kept an eye out for late night escapes, especially to the beach”
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Massage shop near the University is not ever busy, the women who work there are all nice looking with gym bodies and selling pussy to mostly thai men. One working there does most the cleaning and gets a massage customer now and then. She was big in the ass and I knew she had power. Told the woman, I pick her. She smiled and jumped off the floor. She took me upstairs for my oil massage. Told her I was hot, needed a shower and wanted her to wash my back for me. She gave me a shower, washed my...
interracial wife, husband cheating Picture taking leads to much more with neighbor/Mike and Keisha live across the street from us. Over the years, theyhave become our best friends. We do everything together including goingon vacations. Therefore, it came as no surprise that one day Keisha tookme aside and asked.“Dave could you do me a big favor hon.”“Sure Babe what is it?”Mike is going out of town next week and our anniversary is coming up andI wanted to surprise him with some sexy pics of me...
Hi friends I Mohit and I am regular reader of ISS. Meri umar 24 saal ki hai aur main Delhi me rehta hoon. Meri ye story abhi december 2006 ki hai. Main ek company me as a sales manager kaam karta hoon. Mere se junior ek namita naam ki ladki kaam karti hai uski bhi umar 23 saal ke karib hai. Wo bahut hi khubsurat hai. Main dil hi dil use chahta tha lekin usse kah nahi pata tha. Is baar December ke mahine me humare senior management ne hume order diya ki hume 15 din ke tour pe lucknow jana hai....
Harlowe Blues stepdad is fed up with her insolent ways. He hates coming into the room to see her stuff all over the floor while she is wasting the day away playing video games. Today, he has had enough. He punishes her with the dominant dicking of her life. First, he makes her spread her pussy lips for a fuck machine to pound her tight pussy with a dildo. Then, he picks her up and slams her submissive muff while holding her up in his arms. This horny stepdaughter cannot get enough of her...
xmoviesforyou"You're so damn hot, Pamela," Judge Redding said as he helped the hot sexy young lawyer ride up and down on his thick hardon. She was far sexier now sitting on top of his hard cock and fucking herself up and down on his lap than she'd ever been when fully dressed and doing her lawyerly duties in front of his court. No one would ever imagine sexy Pamela coupled at the crotch with old Judge Redding, and even he could hardly believe this was happening. "Ohhhhh, ohhhh," Pamela moaned as...
Hi, my name is Jill, and this is a story about how I became a submissive. I had been working at the local steak house for a few months, when this sexy woman started coming in regularly. I was dying for a chance to have her sit in my section. One night, I had just come back from my break to find her sitting at one of my tables. "Hi, my name is Jill and I m here to serve you tonight. What can I get you ?" She sat real still for a second and then said, "You are here to serve me huh ?" Just the way...
Lesbian“You’re asking me, now,” Kelly laughed. “...Your chance for revenge?”“Truth or dare, then.” Brian asked.“Dare,” Kelly decided. “Gimme something good for once.”“Something good, huh…” Brian said, thinking back to the better dares that had been thrown around back when he played in high school. He was surprised to realize he actually did want to get back at her a little bit. She’s been going a little overboard trying to stir things up between me and Stephanie.“Okay, I’ve got one.” He rose from the...
NovelsIt is sometime before Sarah wakes up. It is the sound of waves lapping against the shore that enter her consciousness first. She feels grittiness all along her body and face. When she finally does open her eyes, it is dark. It isn’t darkness she sees but rather that it is still night. The moon is still casting its light, reveling that she is lying on the beach. Sarah starts to move and quickly she finds that her body is resistant. She is waterlogged and achy all over. It feels like she was...
Chapter 15 (The Dolly) Marshall Texas~ With Grandma Wisdom’s passing came the move of moves. Pat (Sandra’s Mother) and the girls (Michelle, Stacey and Melissa) whom were in Pat’s care now after much debate of placement after their mothers (Gwen, Sandra’s sister) death, moved into grandma Wisdom’s house. Sandra, Phillip and I moved into Pat’s trailer. Now we were renting to own. But Sandra’s job was over in Shreveport, Louisiana. Mine was painting with a local painter and he’s a chapter in...
“Yes, you can call my cell, Angel,” Dyanne instructed her assistant over the phone as she headed out of the city. “But, only if it’s important. I’m only going to be away for the week, five days, then I’ll be back in the office on Wednesday,” she paused for a moment to shift her attention on the traffic merging onto the highway, then continued. “I need you to follow up on the TopShop shoot. Please have the test shots in my office when I get back, and don’t forget about Monica’s test with Helmut....
Love StoriesGoing South 3 Sue tells all It was a week later after dinner and Sue and I were in the living room watching television. She was sitting across from me and I could tell she was not interested in the show. She was slowly opening and closing her legs giving me a view of her pussy. After ten minutes of teasing me she gets up and comes over to me. She straddled my legs facing me and put her arms around my neck. Looking me in the eye she said baby I need dessert, you know something hot and delicious...
you were on yer back, knees together but feet in the air. the crotch sticks slightly to your moist pussy lips. your panties spring free and are tossed aside, forgotten for now. ill take them with me later; a trophy. smooth skin from front to back side to side. havin yer legs up, knees together does a very special thing to a womans vag. the lips puff up an peak out between her thighs (important that everything is smooth). its a very sexy scene. i had my tongue in your ass in no time. i slide...
Under the penteta, the mucus filled the smooth hip and the naked muscular rolls in front of the front. It was understandable that her mother's shaw has now become a terrible form. Both of them were kicked to death,and the two of them were filled with ray neck.The blow began to lash on the buttocks of his buttocks and began to lick his own tongue. His soft muffled hefty hip, the boy's hot tongue touching the cover of the bed, he was overwhelmed by the thickness of the camel. Ahhahahhhhhhhhh .....
Anita and I were doing some shopping that Saturday afternoon.The weather was sunny and very warm. So my sweet wife had chosen to wear a light summer dress, with no bra, nor thong at all.Ana had her curly hair tied back. She looked delicious as always. After visiting some stores, we decided to get something for lunch at the local park area to enjoy our picnic. While we ate. I soon had my foot between her spread thighs, rubbing her bald pussy with my naughty toes. Anita moaned as she was getting...
One morning before heading to varsity I decided to go to the mall, to get myself a new pair of jeans and maybe new shoes. While walking around looking in different shops for what I wanted, I bumped into Gabby's friend Hailey who I recently met at Gabby's house. She really was sexy, greeting her with a hug, we had a quick chat. Just before saying goodbye I teased as well as flirted asking if I would get to see the sexy lingerie that was in the packet. She flirtously replied say you more than...
My aunt Karen had come to stay with us while her house underwent some major renovation work over the next 6 to 8 weeks. She had been married to my moms brother, my uncle Jack, for a couple years before he passed away about eight months ago. Now my aunt Karen has gotten settled into the spare bedroom next to mine and it's been almost a week since she arrived. She adjusted quickly to the new surroundings and made herself right at home. I soon began to learn her routine as each morning, when she...
Karl returned home a few hours later and showered. Afterward, as he sat at the desk in his room he replayed the events earlier that morning. He still couldn't believe his actions. It had started out yesterday with his being caught staring at Amy. She was the sister of his longtime neighbor and best friend Brad.Brad seemed to know what Karl was thinking as he stared at his bikini-clad sister's body and issued him a challenge."If you want to do her, you have to do me first," Brad informed...
IncestI made my way through the dart players and into the corner where I like to sit. Armed with my note pads and pen I sat on the high bench that ran the length of the bar and angled myself so I could watch the game on the big screen. Slightly off to my right and 2 tables away sat an interesting looking brunette. She also was on the bench seat. She was wearing a black full length winter coat that was undone enough to reveal a mid length skirt and long nylon clad legs. She was entirely over dressed...
The Inner Man by Baberntzen It was a shock to find out that my wife thought that I was having an affair. She says that a friend of hers saw me going into a motel with Karen, my secretary. I tried to tell her that whoever her friend had seen, it wasn't me. I admitted that I had taken Karen to lunch now and then, and I also freely admitted that Karen and I got along well and treated each other more like friends than supervisor and employee. However, that's as far as it went. I...
Best friends Emma Sirus, Jeni Angel and Lana Sharapova are more than ready to celebrate the summer by going full “hot girl summer” mode and sneaking into the neighbor’s pool. Little did they know that the neighbor’s son, Johnny, is home and catches the three of them hanging out topless in his pool! Since the girls were vlogging the whole thing, now he has evidence of them trespassing but the only way he’ll keep quiet about this is if the three of them get all “hot girl summer” on his dick!
xmoviesforyouThe Double Scissor Snip – Nice And Clean! By ladybalddreamz"If you loved me, you would do it." As I herd her words, I nodded in agreement. My lesbian lover had talked over and over about modifying me, starting with my hair. "I want you to be bald." She had said on so many occasions, "I love the thought of you walking down the street with me, with no hair on your head, people staring at you because you look so different, wondering why a woman would have no hair." "Please." She said again. I...
Enathu kanavan iranthu 10 varudangal aagugirathu, ithu naal varai naan veru entha aanaiyum ookavendrum endru aasai patathe illai. Aanal ippozhuthu enathu maganirku vayathu 22 aagugirathu avanathu nanbargal ingu veetirku vanthaargal endraal enathu kaama aasai avargal meethu vizhugirathu. Ennal athai thaanga mudiya villai, pinbu ena nadakirathu endru theriyaamal puriyaamal irunthen. Naan oru gramathil vasipathaal akam pakam irupavargal thapaga pesi vida pogiraargal enbathale naan veru oru aanai...
TOD: Jenny 's Daughter By Cabinessence Raymond Weiss had just graduated from junior college and landed a job as a file clerk at a local insurance company. Not a very exciting opportunity, but it was a living and it helped him pay the rent on his studio apartment. This was the first place he could call his own. There wasn't much in there now but a bed, some folding tables, a TV and VCR, and an old sofa that his mother gave him. He soon resolved that he would make this a...
Mike was telling his gang pals about his latest scheme. "I got this bro who works for a moving company & for a few bucks he lets me in on easy rip off jobs. There is this yuppie white couple who he moved into their new digs & he said they got thousands of dollars worth of good shit. I scoped out the place for a while. Hubby goes to work every morning like a good boy & she takes her little kid for a walk a liitle bit later. We wait for her to leave, bust in the back way & give her a taste of...
Thirty-five year old Roma had seen her life change over one weekend. She had taken on a young lover, she had cum so many times in a weekend she could scarcely believe it and now she needed to find ways to fuck her son's school friend Daniel regularly without anyone knowing.It was only Sunday morning and her son Ben was due back that evening. But already Roma needed a cock inside her again. It had been too long without regular fucking, she was going to enjoy more of it as priority one. She just...
MILFFlashback – Major M – Held Hostage My head was bagged, my hands were cuffed behind me then they roughly dragged me out of the taxi, threw me on the ground and kicked the hell out of me! Thank God they didn't go after my head! One of them bent down and swore in broken English, "You are the American pig commander of the spawn of Satan that killed many of my men. For this you will pay!" I quickly thought and objected, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm only a Major, the...
We tried something new with Chris and Christina the other day. I went over for another day of fun and when I got there Christina had Chris tied to a chair naked. His cock was standing at attention. She had on a see through teddy and I got hard almost immediately. She came over and stripped me down to just my tighty whiteys. Christina and I started to make out in front of Chris. We started to kiss passionately and my our hands were all over each other. She slid her hand into the front of my...
On Thursday, in the afternoon following school, Jennifer and her daughter, Haley, pulled up to the huge home of Dean and Andrea Steadman. “Wow, Mom!” said Haley in wonder at the magnificence of the place. “This place is awesome! And you know these folks?” “Well, Mr. Steadman is one of the executives where I work. He does the same level of executive oversight work as my boss, Mr. Pittman,” Jennifer said. She was not quite as awed by the grand expanse of the large house. She had been to Jan...
If a woman wishes to reward her man she can give him a massage he will never forget. Buy a bottle of Canola Oil which is cheaper than expensive massage oil plus you will have plenty left over for more massages. Canola oil has no petroleum products in it and is "green" enabling you to use it on the entire body including inside orifices safely. Buy your favorite scent to add to the oil. I use cinnamon because it makes the skin tingle and also smells good. Make sure you only add a small amount...
This is the continuation of my previous "neighbors with benefits" post here...As we laid on the futon recovering from the intensity of our passion, I had my arm wrapped around Jenny and was teasing and caressing my fingertips over her flushed areola and still tingling hard nipple. Tracing my other hand over the smooth curve of her hip I replied, "Hmm, well, I'm thinking it would be fun to help my neighbor some more tonight...need any help in the shower?" Catching my eyes with a devious smile...
The Do-gooder MILF Quickly my hand went between her legs. She pulled away but I kept at her. I signaled the boys. Time for them to get in on the action. I stepped back to watch. They were all around her. Three pairs of hands all over. Stroking, petting, grabbing, pinching. The Do-gooder bitch was crying, begging pleading. One was to the front of her, the other to the back. They were rubbing up against her DRY HUMPING the Bitch. They never said a word. I was so hard I had...
When I got back to my place I told my roommate Lisa about my sexual experience in detail. I just had the best sex of my life. I had been thoroughly and completely fucked. Shaun's cock is a monster just like we had been told. It had to be a foot long and so thick it would take both my hands to reach around it. It was the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. I was beginning to get very sore as told my roommate Lisa all the details. I still cannot believe that he fit that thing into my...
Shawna settled into the black leather seat with a little trepidation, crossing her legs at the ankle as a woman leant over her shoulder to clip a microphone on to her lapel. "Is that alright there?" she asked, and Shawna nodded distractedly, reaching for the glass of water at her side. "Thirty seconds, people!" someone shouted from the studio floor, and the audience began to settle as the host jogged back out to his seat, settling comfortably into place as the clock ticked...
The office Christmas party is the traditional occasion for out-of-control, unwise couplings. But it doesn't have to be Christmas. We used to have a summer event when we would take the twenty-minute ferry ride to a small neighbouring island. This was in Guernsey and the little island was called Herm. You can walk around it in an hour. It's like a Robinson Crusoe place, but with a pub and a hotel and beach kiosks. Beautiful beaches. And at night it's magical.Our group was having dinner in the...
Straight SexDebbie (Jade Baker) voices her disappointment to her two friends Karen (Macy Meadows) and Carter (Jessie Saint). She can’t believe that they both went through with that stupid pact. Sleeping with your stepmom is wrong and nobody will make her think otherwise. That stubbornness annoyed Carter a lot. She doesn’t have to do it if she doesn’t want to, but she had no right to judge them. Plus, they all know that she loves older women and has feelings for her stepmom also. The three...
xmoviesforyouI just stopped jabbing and lay there still. Shanti was fucking on her own and enjoying herself. I was just squeezing her ass. I began scratching on her ass crack with the help of my fingers. As soon as I found her asshole I began rubbing it with my fingers. She broke the smooch immediately and got up. She looked back down to her ass to see what I was doing. But she didn’t stop the fucking. I was trying to insert my middle finger inside her asshole. She looked at me astonishingly. She held my...
Ce sont mes fantasmes inspirés par la déesse Reva exquis de photographies. C'est une sorte de journal érotique écrite en anglais parce qu'elle parle l'anglais. Veuillez pardonner les erreurs éventuelles dans grammar ;bThese are my fantasies inspired by the goddess Reva's exquisite photographs. I will post the photograph that inspired my dirty thought. This is a sort of erotic journal written in english because she speaks english and these are comments to her pictures. Please forgive any errors...
After having some good dreams of you playing with me while I was asleep, I wake up fully aroused and ready to go. Unknowingly I’ve been touching myself as you were in my dream. My hand already wrapped around myself with a firm grip and wanting you badly! Rolling over I see that you’re already up and out of bed to my dismay. But on the plus side, I can smell breakfast on the stove. Always so eager to keep me happy. You’re such a good girl, and who could want more. You make love like no...
Josh knocked on Tammy’s door. Moments later, Tammy opened up the door and seeing Josh, let him into the house. Tammy was Josh’s next door neighbor and she had been a friend of his family for over ten years. Tammy was single, having divorced her husband soon after they married. She was 30 years old and very attractive. Josh’s parents had used her to baby-sit him as he grew up, and he loved her very much. She was like a big sister to him. Well, sort of. Josh was eighteen now. He was in the...
Straight SexNimmi aur Raj nange hi ek dusre ke alingan mein so gaye. Raj ne aaj pehli baar choot ki chudayi ki thee aur Nimmi ne aaj tak bahut se lund liye thay lekin Raj ka lund anokha hi tha. Khas iss liye ki vo abhi bas 18 saal ka tha aur dusra ki vo usski saheli ka beta tha. Nimmi apni saheli ke Pati Ramesh se bhi chudwa chuki thee jab vo zinda tha. Baap ke baad bete se chudwane ki khushi alag hi thee. Nimmi aur Raj gehri need mein sote rahe. Jab subha Raj ki need khuli to apne pass Nimmi aunty ko...
I heard Eric make a telephone call behind while I watched Lyndia begging to be fucked. I could plainly see the desire on her face, her eyes half open and her lips wet and shinny. Her chest was flushed a deep red, she had been so turned on for so long that it looked like a rash. Her labia were clearly visible from where I stood, swollen and red. A large dark wet spot colored the cushions under her. "OK Bob, it's all set," Eric said behind me as he turned and started down the stairs. I...
I was s****teen, just about to be a legal adult, when I went into a bar to go out dancing with a few friends. I'm 6'3, and have a deepish voice, and despite my boyish face, I never got carded until AFTER i turned 18. Ironic.Anyway, we were all dancing, then someone went to go get us all drinks to cool off. Just as we were sitting down I spotted the most amazing girl in the whole place, she was dancing. I don't know if it was the way the lights bounced off her dark hair, or the glint in her...
All the elves are worried when Vixen returns alone while Santa is out on his deliveries. Later in the night his sleigh is spotted, but is flying erratically with only the seven reindeer.Santa lands the sleigh hard. One of the runners collapses and the sleigh smashes it into a snowbank. The elves rush to sleigh and roll it off the old elf.Santa slowly tries to stand up. He looks like the night had not gone as planned. Part of his fur is missing from his suit, his coat is open, the right sleeve...
HumorHi.I am now a mature gay crossdresser.A bit of history of my life as a crossdresser.I have been gay for as long as I can remember. I have always lusted after men. As with most crossdressers, I have tried to be (normal) but have always returned.I even got married and still am officially. Very rarely did I get hard for sex and was often punished for my failure, ordered to lick her out. I only enjoyed the punishment and luckily, she found sex elsewhere.Many encounters leading to my first anal and...
CrossdressingCleo and I started dating, seriously dating, within days of our first hook up. Cleo lived across the hallway from my apartment, so picking her up was as simple as walking across the hall and tapping on her door.Cleo was Asian in ethnicity, tall and slender, with an olive complexion and brown oval eyes that simply perfected her charm and sex appeal. Her jet-black hair reached down to the small of her back. She had a slender frame, but she was not skinny. While at home and alone, she rarely...
TrueIn a strange, twisted dimension, an alternate universe exists where a planets jewels are the most valuable thing in it's universe and sold throughout due to their properties. But, there is one major difference in their creation... In the early years of the Semax civilisation, jewels were almost non existent because of the lack of pressure in the planet wasn't enough to make jewels from seed. Then they realised that their extremely low sex drive left most of their holes very tight which caused a...
BisexualWe used to go out on ‘flashing sessions’ as we called them over a period of many years, but haven’t done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us ‘fruity’ shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...
Chapter 7 Aidan woke the next morning to the sound of birds singing in the trees. He was about to roll over when he felt Naomi stir, sighing softly in her sleep. He cracked his eyes open and tilted his head to look down at her. The sight that greeted him made him smile. Early morning sunshine streamed in through the tiny window over the bed, gilding her silken limbs with a pink radiance and casting red highlights through her tousled chestnut curls. She was snuggled against him, her cheek...
After raiding the food stores, the giant alien had fallen asleep on one of the bunks. She hadn’t even tried to get the cockpit keycode out of him again. Eriksen couldn’t believe how incompetent she was, she had given him the run of the ship with apparently no qualms about him attempting to escape. Maybe she was used to her victims becoming so pliant and passive that the thought of it hadn’t even crossed her mind. The aft of the ship was probably still depressurized, the hangar bay along with...
Raven's house was small – a one bed, one bath that worked perfectly for her single lifestyle. As a Magus, she lived alone because a standard relationship with any one person wouldn't work. I understood the dangers of that first hand. Danielle was worn out, like she was suffering from exhaustion, simply because she had been having sex with me – and it wasn't from my prowess in bed. The real kicker was we were only together two to three times a week. Things would have progressed much more...
"Last time you gave me the last bit while I was bent over the coffee table and my husband really seemed to like that. Would you mind doing them all that way this time?" she asked. With visions of the daughter in that position still fresh in my mind and remembering how good the mother looked last time, I didn't hesitate to agree. She stood between me and the table and spread her creamy legs a little more than shoulder width apart then, keeping her legs straight, she bent at the waist and...
Kaikoura was shaken ... nothing severe ... but the shocks were becoming regular. Almost predictable. Harbingers of future events? Maybe or maybe not. It seemed like a good idea to keep moving. The voices in my head agreed ... keep moving. Getting the crew together, I put it to them. “I’m getting weird...” I started. “You can say that again,” from one of the girls. And everybody nodded. “As I was saying, I’m getting weird FEELINGS about the trip. You are college students. You should be...