Incredible ChangesChapter 310: He Was Just Seventeen free porn video

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Well, it looks like I’m going to bed without any more pussy tonight. At least Deidre loves to cuddle with me.

When we landed, it turned into mass confusion.

Outside the terminal was a woman with bags for Elena and the two toddlers dressed for sleeping on the flight. Plans had changed, so she needed to be there first thing in the morning. The woman was one of the girl’s nannies getting to take a working vacation overseas, with a magically appearing valid U.S. passport. I got a hug from Elena, hugged the girls, and kissed the nanny on the cheek before they hurried back to the plane to go wherever.

A man was there looking for Tandra with keys for her new car. He had keycards for their luxury suites, and all her new clothes from my house already in the trunk. The GPS was pre-programmed to take her to the hotel.

Out in the parking lot, we found a lot of waiting cars and drivers.

Anna was there holding a sleeping Little David waiting for Elise. I didn’t expect it to happen like this, but I fully understood. I hugged Little David goodbye so they could get on the road.

Emily’s mom missed both of her daughters and granddaughter. Someone had arranged to fly her here. There were two drivers hired to drive in shifts to get them home while everyone mostly slept in the specially built van with bassinets bolted to the floor in the middle for the babies. I got to hold my newborn son while Emily’s things moved from her rental car and put into the van.

The place in my head showed me he had some minor health issues, which would clear up by the time he was one, that was causing his problems. I only had a make a few tweaks to correct some of them, so he wasn’t so uncomfortable. I went ahead to do something to Emily’s mom’s brain that would lower the weight point her body had reset when being pregnant with the babies. Somehow, I knew it was ten pounds less than before she got pregnant with Emily.

The rest of us rode back to the house. Annie and Crystal left for Crystal’s. It was mom, dad, April, my siblings, and Deidre left. Deidre and I enjoyed a long shower before going to bed around three in the morning. When she started playing with my dick, I wasn’t sure what was going on. She was doing her best to get me hard using her fingers and lips. Her scent is unmistakable. When she moved over me to line it up, I reached to stop her.

“Not this time, David. Since we were together in that first storm, I can’t get the need to have this inside me out of my mind. It took me a lot of work, and your friend’s money, to track myself down. There was much more than I ever expected, but only a tiny bit was digital. Online records were quite vague. The only one that was even remotely of use was nearly a million pages long, covering millions of children collected from various orphanages and group homes or those who effectively vanished without a trace. Law enforcement discarded every report of the children going missing as not worth their time to do more than logging them as runaways with notes indicating someone reported them missing to cover their butt. Less than one half of a percent had a notation that someone did care about the kid, and if found, they would welcome them back with open arms, but not to actively look. I found two lines about myself that led me to paper records waiting in a warehouse for scanning, eventually, provided the warehouse didn’t burn to the ground like the dozens of others just like it that had burned. My name isn’t Deidre, but I didn’t like the name given at birth, so I’m keeping it,” she told me and paused as she winced in a bit of pain as the head of my dick slowly stretched open her tight honey hole. “It took me weeks of going through hundreds of boxes to track down what they still had on me. It stopped when I was very young, but the pictures of me, places I lived, and other details were mine. We can talk about it in the morning, tomorrow, or even never. What matters is they can’t charge you with statutory rape for us fucking like rabbits until I’m over it for a while, but they can charge me. You were born seven hours and nine minutes before my first birthday. Multiple places I looked confirmed it. You can’t fake fingerprints, DNA, and pictures from medical records showing the birthmarks and freckles I removed after I became as I am now. Sorry your birthday present from me is a day late, but you’re giving me the only one I want.”

What the hell? Is she eighteen? How?

To keep from going off before she got me inside her very far, due to her not even knowing she was pushing out energy that was the right color to make me blow and her pussy was undeniably tight, I gave power to the implant to have to connect to my phone. She didn’t have access to the man-in-the-machine’s nearly infinite store of information from every piece of paper, document, and art that he could gain access to scan. When tapped into his systems to find how to reconstruct Paula, I learned that his androids, even the early models from decades ago, were all equipped with at least one eye that could gain a perfect focus on any piece of paper to scan it in. Only recently had they gotten the ability to identify the paper types, thicknesses, and watermarks. He did indeed have every piece of paper she described finding in that warehouse, which happened to be his as a clearinghouse for documents his company picked up for keeping for seven years and then destroying them. He was able to recreate or source most of the paper types and watermarks used so he could regenerate the document to be exactly like the original, including the type of ink, overlaps, etc. on anything. It shouldn’t have surprised me was that he had been tracking the millions of children on that list that Deidre had found. Some died of natural, though sudden, causes. Others died from accidents or were murdered. More than I thought ended up in the sex trade, some by choice with the powerful woman I met and others by force. There was a small percentage who he couldn’t find and theorized may never have existed except as a fake identity, like those I got after the sex slavery and child porn mission with Paula. All the rest had similar experiences to Deidre, well not hit by lightning or anything like that. The majority of those who remained were orphans, had both parents in prison, abandoned, or other similar reasons that resulted in them in orphanages, group homes, abusive foster homes, and juvenile detention. Once they had enough of the system, they ran away or escaped to make it on their own.

Deidre had been one of those who just vanished. Mostly it was due to her not knowing her name and choosing Deidre. Once she found she could do things needed to survive on her own, she did take care of herself without popping up on anyone’s radar, except Steve’s. What she hadn’t found was the amount of data about her that disappeared into cold case files or deemed to be a search for someone who never existed.

His systems took a few minutes to process through what I sent and track her history back to a birth certificate. From there, things got very interesting because her middle name turned out to be Deidre. Her full name being Parkin Deidre Tate. The birth certificate she found, and the DNA traces she followed, traced to an older sister who turned eighteen today. She never knew she existed because a doctor told her mom that the baby died in the nursery because of some made-up medical-sounding reason. His systems records show that her sister showed signs that her ability was already active at birth. One of the off-the-books agencies that combined to make the agency Anna works for rescued newborns, infants, and toddlers who had abilities that manifest themselves in ways that would get the notice of those who wanted to exploit them. All found loving homes in places where their agents could raise, nurture, observe, and in some cases, dampen the children. The wonder of all wonders, I met Diedre’s older sister, got given her virginity, and a debt of gratitude for saving on the man-in-the-machine’s island.

When I queried why I hadn’t detected her having abilities, I got the response that they were powerful when an infant and young child, but at puberty, they went dormant. They put her on one of the teams like Agent Thirty-Six’s (Amelia’s) team. When I rescued them under fire, I didn’t notice the burns in her uniform, where the energy weapons hit her multiple times. She absorbed the energy. On her post-mission medical checkup, the places in her brain that made her like Deidre, and to some extent me, were still completely dormant. A few lab tests concluded that she didn’t have any idea of how much energy hit her during the tests. Shunting it or converting it to energy her body needed was an involuntary reflex.

By the time I had the data on Deidre, and her sister, an inch of my dick was negotiating full access rights to Deidre’s pink castle. She was determined to bury my dick in her before stopping to let her body adjust. When our pubic bones touched, I pulled her down for a kiss.

“Parkin Deidre Tate. That is your full given name, and you turn sixteen in three weeks,” I told her. “Neither of us is getting tagged for statutory rape. When we finish playing bunnies, there will be a lot of papers waiting on my laser printer. We can go over those then.”

It was two the next afternoon before we both needed to have some time on the throne and shower to clean off the sweat. I didn’t even waste the semen to cum inside Deidre since that only made a big mess. When showered, dressed, and well-fed, we went up for her to look at the papers. She saw the ones she found and then the ones that were in the man-in-the-machine’s records. Why she believed she was her sister is due to the birth certificate since Deidre’s was “redacted” after Steve’s people found her to protect her.

“I don’t blame you for not liking Analise Puffin,” I told her. “Your sister seems to like it a lot once Puffin became her last name with no middle name. The pronounced Baby girl Tate dead shortly after her birth. A still-born baby girl took her place in the nursery. Steve’s people found your birth certificate and had Paula, before the accident obviously, make it vanish as if you never existed. Those who might try to find you couldn’t because you didn’t exist as far as anyone was concerned. Some of those papers you found did reference Analise, but the rest were yours. You are now reading her and your details. While you needed activation by lightning, she was powerful when an infant, but by puberty, she went dormant. She and I will need to verify a few things before you two compare notes. I met her on a mission that turned out to be something else entirely, and I ended up saving her and some other teams after a major clusterfuck. I’m much bigger than I was back then. I’m probably still on house arrest, but my parents will let me slide if I tell them we are going to meet your sister that you didn’t know you had. I need to reach out to some friends first, though.”

She waited until I had gotten off some secure emails, more so than she could imagine. I asked what we can do about all the different interwoven agencies for them to meet. As interested as she was in finding out more about her sister, she was much more interested in many more hours of non-stop sex. Her body protected her from getting raw, ensured copious lubrication, and her orgasm intensity was as powerful as if I was juicing her. Mom had to bang on the door to tell us dinner was ready, and we had a message from a courier.

Me getting a message my ass.

At dinner, we talked about things other than Deidre’s newly discovered sister. That waited until after the movie for Deidre to “read” the message from the courier. My emails got the right people involved to get the two to meet the day after tomorrow, but I had to come along for a range of random reasons, which my parents bought hook, line, and stinker, or whatever that saying is. Up in my room, I got a lot more detail from my phone to my implant while she was in one of the throne rooms.

It surprised me a lot to learn that Analise’s place in her head had never gone dormant. She could turn it on and off at will. While her caretakers believed it was weakening as she got toward puberty, she had been focusing on learning to control it so they couldn’t make her do their bidding as they hoped. Having been part of the same group as Anna, she also knew all about me and her little sister. She worked with agent Thirty-Six’s organization because it allowed her to use the skills she honed under her caregivers for her to defend herself if needed, but mostly to be part of a family. Part of her abilities allowed her to ensure Deidre didn’t notice or sense her when she was nearby. For years she closely watched over Deidre to ensure no harm came to her. Analise was behind arranging the pop-up camper, and the safe location at the camping area closed until it readied for the busy summer season. She didn’t learn about me being the Darren she knew and couldn’t detect I was like Anna until demanding to know who the guy was that convinced her sister to vanish from the face of the Earth. Once she knew, she decided if someone was going to help her sister, that I was probably the best person, even when she realized Deidre didn’t know me at all.

Tomorrow we were going to drive to the airstrip and fly out to a place where Deidre and Analise could get to know each other. Anna’s people know that Deidre had some abilities, but not what they were or if she even knew how to use them properly. Deidre didn’t “sign on” with Steve, so her data was anonymous unless you knew exactly where to look. Only Paula knew that, and she may never remember it.

We packed Deidre a bag just in case she wanted to go with her sister to where there were caring people who would take her in like she was their own. Anna hinted to them that Deidre was a friend. While she may have some of our unique abilities, that didn’t mean that she wanted to use them or had any interest in learning how to use them. It was all her choice as to what she might want to learn or do. I wouldn’t be happy to find out they forced her into doing something.

That doesn’t seem like much to me, but maybe they are scared of what I might do if they made me mad by forcing Deidre to do anything with her talents she didn’t want.

It seemed to me that we had flown to an island in the middle of the ocean. I saw that Anna was there with Analise. She didn’t recognize me at first. Once she did, her clothes started coming off.

“You were my first and only Darren, or David. I need you so badly. Can I have a few minutes of you laying pipe in me?” Annalise asked.

I only see three women and a pilot who is off in that direction. I will give you some dick.

She could only take a few minutes of sex before her pussy was too sore to keep going. She offered to blow me, but I just tucked it away and dressed.

Anna and I went off to have some fun while the two sisters were talking. We had finished screwing like rabbits, and the girls were still talking up a storm. We let them talk until Anna said we were approaching the end of some allotted window, whatever that meant. In the end, Deidre decided that she liked being on her own a lot, but also got lonely and missed being part of a family. She went with Anna and Analise having the caveat that she could leave to go off on her own anytime she wanted. No one would try to track her or make her come back. The family she would go live with would be good with that from the start. Her electric motorbike would be there for her to use as she wished. I got a big hug and kiss before the three girls left via boat just offshore that went out to where a submarine surfaced.

Well, off they go. It looks like I’m going home to the babies.

I was happy to get home alone. I went to see Paula for a little while, to fuck her until she was too tired to cum again. Dolly, Chrissy, Nelly, and seven middle school and five high school girls were all naked playing the pool. The three babies were sound asleep in the cool play area. I went into the kitchen to get a few sodas and made a few sandwiches. I went out onto the pool deck, turned on some tunes, and watched the girls playing around in the pool. I knew they weren’t supposed to be naked, except Chrissy, Dolly, and Nelly, but didn’t care. No one could see, I wasn’t going to tap any of them, except Dolly, if she just needed her itch scratched. None of them even noticed me until a flat-chested, bald mound, and just finished sixth-grade girl got out to go pee. She freaked out when I said hi as I sat there in a pair of biking shorts that clearly outlined my dick. Her squeals got the attention of the other girls as she ran to the women’s changing room.

Now, what are you going to do naked girls who see a boy between you, the changing room, and cabinet with towels?

One screamed to get out to which I said, “Sorry, kid, but this is my house, and you are the one skinny dipping in my pool. Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t bring a suit and you had to swim naked. Your clothes aren’t all over the pool deck, so I know you went into the changing room. You can’t miss the walls of bins full of swimsuits that the scanner and wall panels tell you will fit perfectly.”

She tried screaming, and I let her and a few others scream whatever they wanted. One got out to call the police.

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March, 1984, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday morning, after we ate breakfast, I baked a cake for Stephanie’s birthday. We’d gone shopping on Monday to get the fixings for fried chicken and homemade biscuits, which was the meal that she’d requested. When the cake was in the oven, I put the chicken in a large bowl with slightly salted water to soak, and then Stephanie and I went up to my room. “So, Squirt, what would you like for your birthday?” I grinned. “The same thing I got on my fourteenth...

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Two Different WorldsChapter 2 Seventeen

She lay for a moment with her eyes closed, feeling fresh and alive, with the whole world opening out before her as though for the taking. Her first thought was, "It must be Spring! Pretty soon now, school will be out for the summer..." She yawned and stretched and turned in the bed, enjoying the smell of fresh linen, the feel of smooth clean sheets against her bare legs, and opened her eyes. She wasn't in her little upstairs room that she had all to herself now that her big sisters were...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

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Vishwas And Akila 8211 Part I

Hello folks, after reading some stories in the, I felt like coming up with something as a contribution. I am no regular reader of the site, but certain content made me re-read them. I am no good story writer, but still, trying to come up with something. So here is imaginary story that revolves around two people Vishwas and Akila. Please forgive me if there are (certainly, they exist) any mistakes in this long story. Everything in this story is imaginary and is a work of...

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The Wasps

??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? The Wasps Page 1. ??????????? Sometimes, a spectacular approach to torturing a woman just presents itself. All of a sudden the possibilities are there and it's all too enticing and fascinating to pass up.??????????? So it was with the wasps. Some call them hornets or yellow jackets. All I knew was, get them mad and they would sting like Hell.??????????? It didn't take long with the Internet to determine their behavior. Only...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 4

Coolie said that she would be more comfortable riding in the same van as Sue, so she joined that group for the rest of the trip. Coolie remembered Bill from her course work at Auburn, he was her favorite professor. Likewise, Bill had always been impressed by Coolie's work, so he was delighted that she would be joining him in the lab. Bill was already plotting how he could make her the prime chemist on the poison production job. They were doing well on the trip until they had almost reached...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 3 Justin finds home

It was Friday morning when the commander informed us the house was ready for inspection. He transported us down to the house and spent a few hours with us making small changes; but it looked great and for the most part was perfect. We walked outside for a bit, it had been a while since we had fresh air. We had about 10 acres of land around the house with a small wooden fence around the 10 acres - this was our border, which we couldn't pass. I was not sure what would happen if we did but I...

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Episode 122 Sam meets Justy

Long before Sam handed over the domination of Suzy to Annie, becoming Her slave, she was patiently waiting to make tea for her son Mikey, idly watching porn when she stumbled across one of the many ‘MILF catches son and girlfriend’ videos.The sound of heavy petting and Suzy’s vibrator, covered the sound of Mikey (17) and Rachael (15) meeting up at his house after school: “Hi Mom - this is my new girlfriend - would you like to watch us fucking?”Rachael actually blushed, which was rather cute -...

4 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

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Madame Justine

Madame JustineDo not read this when you are under age. This is for adults eyes only. Many people enjoy the adventures of Indiana Jones. Very few of those same people would actually enjoy things like running for their lives in front of a crushing boulder, or gewtting kicked into a snake pit. Sometimes fantasy is just fantasy, no prelude for reality. Take this story as it is: Fantasy. Now read on. SLUTS ‘N SLAVES FAMILY BDSM BROTHEL A painful joy for all?Harry looked at the little business card...

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 2 Justine

the Meeting (Part 2)"Come in," Michael commanded. He looked up as the door opened, pleasantly surprised to see Meredith. "Good morning, Chancellor.""It's Meredith, Michael. No need to be so formal when we aren't in front of the students." She smiled at him.He watched as she walked over to the chair in front of his desk, his eyes gazed down at her legs as she crossed them, her short skirt rode higher on those gorgeous thighs, a quick glimpse between her legs making his cock hard. "So good to see...

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Justine pays

?Graymangazer2014-03-20                                                                 Justine pays.                                                           By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 2 Justine

Michael rubbed his hand over her inflamed back, the skin already warm, turned a light pink."Now that you know what to expect, let's try a more intimate part, Justine. How about if I flog your hanging breasts?" His hands reached down to one, grabbed it in his palm, squeezed it harshly before he moved on to her nipple, pulled and yanked until it began to harden, not sure if it was pleasure or pain that brought it about, Michael had not really cared, just wanted to give himself a bigger target to...

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Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...

1 year ago
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Chapter 2 Sir Cy explores Justine

It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and the small lock he handed to her, as well, and placed the cuff on her wrist and latched it. She then put the lock in the latch, after making sure that the cuff was snug and closed the locking mechanism. He handed her another cuff and lock and motioned for her to put it on and lock that in place as well, which she did willingly. With the...

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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

2 years ago
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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

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Episode 118 Justine becomes a sub

Week One, TuesdaySam dresses Justine in a white low-cut crop top, collar, very short leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings and stilettos; obviously no underwear.Down at the local pub, He encourages the regulars in the snug to fondle her butt and make lewd suggestions for her sub training programme.Back home they watch a few BDSM videos together and act out some of the less adventurous scenes.Sam instructs His trainee sub to carefully think about and write down her hard and soft limits, so they...

5 years ago
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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

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Identical Opposites Justine

Identical Opposites, Dejevu By: Malissa Madison The phone in the main room of the Penthouse suite of the Hyatt Regency rang three times before Maddie Grey picked up. "Yes, who's calling please?" she asked instead of saying hello. "Maddie? It's David." He waited for recognition. "Oh good morning Director. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" "You've seen the news lately? That terrible business out in Oak Hills?" "Old Case, Yes Michelle has a few theories about that,"...

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Justines introduction to Sir Cy

Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

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Dominatrix Justine

Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...

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