XSFGCChapter 1: A New Student Is Introduced free porn video

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Phillip sat fidgeting nervously in the taxi cab as it pulled into the main gate to the Xavier School for Gifted Children. His new home. Not that he would be missing his father's home in Hampton, Virginia because with the amount of moving around his father did for his work, Phillip never stayed in one location for more than three or four years. At the ripe age of sixteen, Phillip was still developing, but he had already grown to six feet in height and weighed one hundred and sixty pounds. If he hadn't taken up weight lifting two years ago, he weight would probably be more around one thirty or one forty. His dirty blonde hair, while trimmed short, complimented his blue eyes.

As the cab pulled into the circle drive way, Phillip noticed several teenagers, apparently his fellow students waiting on the steps in front of the school, a school that looked more like a mansion. Phillip was glad to see of the six teenagers, only one was a male. Phillip was typical in that he was a very horny teenager and he was typical in that he had no clue what to do with a female if he ever got the chance and his nerve would NEVER give him a chance. Still, it didn't hurt to look and this was a very good looking group, three blondes and two sun light red heads all between five foot three and five foot six. The only male was like Phillip, tall, but he also had the orange red of the two girls. Related? No, the shorter red head on the left, had a small cute nose that swooped forward and the second red head's face didn't match hers or the freckles on the male. Of the blondes, the one standing on the right with the long, straight hair hanging below her butt stared at Phillip with the most penetrating steel blue eyes and the second blonde whose hair was cut in a poofed out flowing style stood in front of the double doors to the school, looking at Phillip like she wanted to eat him up. An experience that shocked Phillip because he was sure he would enjoy it. The last blonde had a short bob and was hiding behind the only male.

As Phillip got out of the cab, the second blonde moved to the side and the man who had convinced Phillip's father, allowing Phillip to come to this school, came outside to meet Phillip. The man, Professor Charles Xavier whom the school was named after, was wheelchair bound and yet still was able to project an aura of respect and dignity about him. The fact that his shaven head shined in the morning sunlight reinforced that aura.

"Greetings Phillip and welcome to your new home", Xavier stated with caring and sincerity. He obviously wanted to calm Phillip's nerves. "The six students you see here are your classmates". At this point, Phillip was barraged by multiple greetings of which he was able to only decipher three, the southern twang of a "How do ya' do" from the male, a Irish "how are ye'" from the short red head and very cryptic and what Phillip could only relate to as a sultry, "I can't wait" from the blonde who had been standing in front of the doors. Followed by introductions; Stacy, Phillip, Rusty, Phillip, Illyana, Phillip, Rachael, Phillip, Teresa, Phillip, Sally, Phillip. By that time the whirlwind of introductions was done, Phillip wasn't sure what his name was; let alone what any of theirs were.

"Now Phillip, if you could follow me to my office, your class mates will take care of your belongings. Teresa, if you would check with Ms. Frost about which room Phillip will be moving into and then ask Ms. Frost to join us in my office. Thank you children" and with that, the Professor turned his wheel chair around and started to go inside. Shocked and a bit over whelmed, three seconds passed before he took off to catch up with the speeding Professor in his motorized wheel chair.

"Ah, Emma, thank you for joining us. I had just finished going over the preliminary rules of being a student here".

Phillip turned to see who had joined them without knocking and was ashamed when he did a double take. 'Yes, this won't be such a bad place at all', Phillip thought and was embarrassed by the look that she gave back to him, with the way she nodded her head and smirked at Phillip, he was sure she was saying, "thank you".

"Phillip", Professor Xavier interrupting Phillip's thoughts, "allow me to introduce you to the Assistant Headmistress, Emma Frost. Emma, like most everyone here is a mutant."

'And damn hot looking', Phillip thought.

Emma Frost had platinum blonde hair cut into a long bob, immaculate porcelain skin and wielding a body she wasn't afraid to show. Dressed in all white, from her 4 inch open toed, stiletto's, to her mid thigh tight mini-skirt, to her white man's business shirt, buttons opened to her navel, with her large breasts threatening to escape because they were obviously not encased in a brassiere. It was only after Phillip heard a throaty "mmmHMMM" three or four times that he was able to look up to her rosy, full lips and crystal blue eyes hiding behind a thin pair of horned rimmed glasses. Phillip wanted to crawl under a rock and die as soon as he realized that she had been standing there, for ages it appeared, with her arm out, offering a handshake. Phillip almost tripped over his own feet when he jumped up to eagerly shake her hand, hoping she was not offended by his poor actions.

"It is really a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Phillip. I am sure you are going to love it here at Xavier's" Emma said with a rich, soft voice while caressing his right hand with both of hers. He of course, could only stutter a weak, "thank you" back.

"Now Phillip, if you will have a seat, we can finish our meeting." Xavier said, re-taking control of the meeting. "We have covered all of the basic rules about being a student here, but obviously, this is not a normal school, this is a school for mutants. A school where mutants can learn to control their natural abilities as well as learn to interact with society as a whole. Learn to understand how and why society reacts the way they do against mutant kind and temper your response. What you may not realize is that this school is also the home to the mutant group, X-men, most of whom were students here just like you are now. They use their natural abilities to not only stop oppression against mutants, but also against mankind as whole. As such, you should be aware that this school could be the target of retaliatory strikes against the X-men. Do you understand what that means? Any questions about that or the X-men?"

At first Phillip had a hard time taken his eyes off of the lovely Assistant Headmistress Frost, who had sat down in the chair perpendicular to Phillips and had leaned towards Phillip giving him a wonderful view of her cleavage and possibly a light rose colored areola, but once Xavier has mentioned the X-men, Phillip was able to divest all of his attention on the Professor. X-men? Of course, Phillip knew who the mutant group was but he didn't agree with some of their actions..."X-men", he stumbled, "we ... I, err, am not, have to join?"

With comforting smile and slight shake of his head, Charles Xavier, "no, a student here does not have to join the X-men upon graduation. Indeed, just the opposite is true; we encourage our students to NOT want to join the X-men. But I will be honest with you, with the younger ones, especially the younger, MALE, students; they do want to join the X-men. Because it took a long time to really get this school up and running at its full capacity, we have only had three graduating classes and only a small percentage of those graduates have opted to join the X-men."

Suddenly, more comfortable with where he was sitting, Phillip asked, "And those who would want to strike at the school. Are you comfortable with knowing who they are and more importantly, that you will know enough in advance to evacuate the school?"

With a surprised look and a slight smile the Professor replied, "Now those are interesting questions, not at all like the ones we normally get. In answer to your questions, for the first one the answer is yes and no. Yes, those groups or individuals that have a grief with either the X-men or myself, we know and track their efforts as best we can, but we are not all knowing here and every year it seems like there is a new threat that we never knew existed to replace one of the older ones. As to evacuation, that is something we do as a last measure, normally we simply meet the threat head on. The defenses we have installed here is quite extensive, we have a security system that detects bio-metrics, the staff and student's bio-metrics are uploaded into the system and as such, they cannot trip the defensive alarms, but it gives us plenty of notification to move the younger students into the protective shelters we have scattered about the campus and for the senior students, well the X-men and their reserves to mount the appropriate defenses. Additionally, you have to understand, that my mental abilities are no small factor and I would never let anyone step foot on this campus that I didn't want to, "Xavier ended with a confident note.

Not swayed, Phillip continued, "but how do you 'track those that are wanted by the world government agencies'? How can you feel so confident that you will know what they are doing?"

Charles couldn't contain the surprised reaction to someone not taking one of his serious declarations at face value, "Phillip, you have to understand something, between Ms. Frost here, an X-man Jean Grey and myself, we are three of the strongest telepathic minds in the world." Holding up his hand to stall the expected response by Phillip, Xavier continued, "We do not randomly read minds, but what we can do is use a machine I created called Cereboro, that allows us to not only track mutants but also concentrate on individuals and not read their minds, but get a "feel" for their intentions. Something else you might want to know is that not all organizations with wicked intent are displayed that way to the public masses. Take Ms. Frost's former colleagues in the Hellfire Club. The Hellfire Club has been around for literally hundreds of years, it is one of the most exclusive clubs you could belong to, with the bulk of its members being captains of the world's industries. We have fought them several times because of views on how the world should be run and each time we have they have used their connections in the world media to paint the X-men as terrorists and yet they are the ones that are constantly trying to acquire more power."

Slowly, Phillip turned to his left and seriously looked at Emma Frost. The Professor continued, "How can we trust Emma? For one, I have had numerous sessions with her and as a premier telepath, I can and will vouch for her sincerity, but honestly, as with any position of power and responsibility, especially that as a teacher, she has to earn the trust of each and every one of us. I can tell you that she has been here for One7 months and not once has her trust come to question. Something else you might want to lock away in that analyzing mind of yours, we do not hold ones previous actions or life against them. Everyone can change and is allowed to change, for better or worst. She is not the only person here at this school with a shady background and I would appreciate it if you do not go looking for conspiracies."

To acknowledge that he heard what the Professor had just said, Phillip turned towards him, but then slowly turned towards the Assistant Headmistress who picked up the gauntlet of challenge and spoke to Phillip.

"Phillip, you need to understand that, yes, I did love the decadent lifestyle afforded to me as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club's Inner Sanctum, but after a while I began to realize that what they wanted was to make themselves as Kings and everyone else their slaves. I am sorry, but that thought process is entirely outdated and simply wrong. I left them and joined with Charles here because I believe in what he stands for. Mind you, I left the Inner Sanctum at great personal cost, in money and lives. Prior to that I was the Headmistress of the Massachusetts Academy, which was a clone of this school here. Because of my transgressions, the Inner Sanctum ordered my school razed." At this point, Emma pauses, takes a deep, emotional breath and continues with a much lower, vulnerable voice. "All of my students were massacred because they didn't want the chance that any of the children would side with me."

With her eyes clamped closed and extremely, moist, Emma took three very deep, slow breaths that accented her bare cleavage, while the two males looked on somberly and then she continued, looking directly at Phillip. "My actions killed those children. Mine. I have to live with that every day and not a day goes by that I don't curse the Hellfire Club and especially, my involvement with them. At first I came here because of a political view, I stay because this is my penance, to ensure the protection of this school and its children. I failed the first time, I will not fail again."

The cynic in Phillip couldn't decide if she was a good actress, pushing the right buttons or if she was truly repentant. But at that moment he decided he would let her hang herself if she was to be a traitor to the school.

Just as he came to that conclusion, the Professor continued. "Now Phillip, I think we are about done here. If you have any questions please, both of our doors are open. As to your schedule, we have agreed to let you CLEP out of the rest of your high curriculum and will set up for you to take those tests in the end of two month time, from there you will move on to collegiate courses to help decide what degree you would like to work towards. Additionally, you will take part of the normal social courses we use here aimed at specifically understanding being a mutant in our society. These courses are group sessions of varying sizes, with I think, the first one is going to be a one on one with me, because I would like to talk to you about some of your views. I must say, your thought processes are quite intriguing. Now, normally you would go for your physical with Ms. Frost, but because we have been in here for so long, dinner was actually served One0 minutes ago and it will be your chance to meet everyone here at the school. Now, come, let us not delay another minute."

As Phillip stood, he looked at Ms. Frost who had regained her composure and graced him with an endearing smile. As they both strived to keep up with the Professor, Phillip asked his female companion, "Physical? You?"

Gracing Phillip with another smile, Emma replied, "Yes, I have three doctorates. The first two was in Psycho Analyst and Psychotherapy, power of the mind and all that, but later when I started the Academy, I went back and completed my doctorate of physical anatomy to be a General Practitioner."

As she completed that sentence, the trio reached the bustling dining room, where dinner was already in progress. The mainstay of the dining room was the long dining room table that seated 40. That table was full except for three spots, the head at each end, which apparently was for the Headmaster and Headmistress and one chair near Ms. Frost's end of the table, three chairs down on her left, between the sultry blond and the short haired blonde that had been hiding been the male red head out front.

"Now that everyone is seated. First I would like to apologize that we were late to dinner and now I would like everyone to make our newest student, Phillip Patrick David, is welcomed over the next few days as he becomes acclimated to his new environment." With that a large cheer went up numerous well wishes were sent to across the table to Phillip. Phillip wasn't sure whether or not he should respond or how, shyly smiled with a red face while lamely waving with his right hand, until he felt a shock as the sultry blond on his right grabbed his right thigh, which made Phillip stiffen, and squeezing his thigh while leaning into his ear, spoke with her husky voice, "Don't let the big crowd cow you, this is everyone here at the school. They try to have a 'family oriented' dinner meals, but this is the first time everyone one has been present in a couple of months."

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Hot Medical Student Girl In My Hotel Room

Hello everyone! This is Yaash from Mumbai. About me, I am 23 years old and a gymholic. With the gym, my physique is getting better day by day. I have come to Odisha for a Company’s Project and I am still staying here in a hotel while I am writing this story. This is my first story here, I hope you guys Love it. Being from Mumbai, I get noticed easily due to my fashion sense and good physique. I kind of look different from other boys in the town. I have seen girls and aunties as well staring at...

3 years ago
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Venezuelan College Student With Two Blonde Danish Slaves

FRIDAY - TWO DAYS BEFORE HYPNOTISM "Can you stop touching my breast? It is getting annoying now" Tina told her boyfriend Jose off. Jose automatically let his hand go off her right breast, as his hand was around her shoulder. "Don't be like that. You're supposed to be my girlfriend!" Jose protested to Tina. The couple were walking around university campus. They were both foreign students studying in a Bristol College, in West of England. "We're in a public place!" Tina reminded...

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My Favorite Student 3

I awoke to a head of sexy red hair spread across my chest. Running my fingers through it, I recalled the hot night I'd just had. I'd woken my student up around 8 pm for a second "lesson." I took her from behind as we laid on our sides. Slipping my hand down her back, I wondered what I would teach her today. She was an eager little thing, I would find out later that day, curious about different positions, and different degrees of stimulation. But that morning, my hand now reaching her soft ass...

Straight Sex
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An Exchange Student

An Exchange Student By Paul G. Jutras In what was otherwise a typical peaceful block, there was one menace. Fourteen year old Chris Jones. As the sounds of his skateboard headed down the sidewalk, everyone in the way was moving aside as fast as they could. Some climbed street lamps and others leapt into near by stores. Those who couldn't make it were bowled over like a bunch of pins at the end of an alley. Those laying there looked up and saw Chris karate kick a garage can into the...

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Student Exchange

SRU / SRU High School: Student Exchange By Bill Hart Hank Sawyer was born Henry Alexander Sawyer, but to all his friends he was better known as Ox. Tonight found him sitting disconsolately with a small group of friends from the football team in the small bar across the street from the mall. Under normally circumstances, Hank would never dream of even touching any alcoholic beverage during the football season, but today was totally unlike any other day in his life. Today was the...

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The Teacher and the Student

A busy Thursday had found me in the library café, with what must have been the tenth cup of coffee I’d consumed that day. I was struggling mightily to focus my attention on a depressingly thick stack of books and material for my classes. It was my own fault for electing to write a thesis this year, I thought to myself.At least they kept the place nicely heated. Even though the harsh winter winds rattled against the windows, I shed my jacket, sweater, and long-sleeved tee, leaving just a tight...

Straight Sex
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FOUR Jenny Neustein, the teacher who had done most of the work of...

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My Teaching Sexcapades 8211 Pt 1 Seducing Shy Student

Hi all the good people of ISS, it has been a long gap since I wrote on ISS because of various reasons. I was having fun with my new role as a lecturer but the site was blocked so I couldn’t. But since we are back online, I want to bring you my new experiences as a lecturer and sex teacher. I am Kishan from Bengaluru and I am the hero of this story. This is only the first part of the series I am about to write. After working in a private sector for a few years, I got bored with the mundane life...

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GS Between Student and Teacher

GS: Between Student and Teacher By Caleb Jones Bill Sorenson lived a pretty decent life. It wasn't perfect, but whose life was? He was a forty five year old English teacher at a junior high school in America. He therefore had a fairly small paycheck. Combine that with a tendency to be shy around the opposite sex, and one could understand why he had never married. Not that he hadn't tried. He had dated the Spanish teacher on and off for the last three years until Rosalinda...

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New Student CMNFCFNM

Avery Williams sat in the Dean's office. It was 9 in the morning on Sunday. Classes would begin the following morning, and having arrived a day late, Avery missed out on all the orientation presentations. "It's nice to meet you in person, Avery. How are you this morning?" The Dean asked. "Um..fine I guess?" Avery replied. "Good. Now, since you've missed out on the orientation, I can only give you this pamphlet and packet of information regarding the safety and rules on campus. If you have...

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Mature woman sucks dick student in the park on a b

Mature woman sucks dick student in the park on a bench, and then he licks her pussy and fucks standingOn the day of the student all the clubs of the city were filled with young people. Lena loves young students, so I decided to definitely go hunting. To pick up her young student, a mature woman experienced in intimate matters, was not difficult. For his age, she looked so young, plus had a very sexy body and a cheerful disposition. Pretty quickly, she met a student named third-Alexander. The...

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How I Managed To Have My Studentrsquos BBC

I was 26 years old. I was working in the same college from the beginning. I got married to a guy from our relatives when I was 29. We both live in different cities. So I used to visit home once for a week in the beginning.I and my husband used to have sex every time I went home. I got pregnant within a year. We had a daughter. After that, my husband said that we no more need c***dren. After that, he even lost his interest in sex.Whenever I went home, he said it was not right to have sex when...

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My Affair with a Student

Jaime was so attractive that I knew she would be a distraction.I’m a thirty-year-old high school chemistry and biology teacher. Chemistry is a senior-level class, so all of my chemistry students are seniors, and around eighteen years old.This year’s chemistry lab was full, but there was an odd number of students. Since I always pair the students for the lab and the curriculum is designed for two students working together, that one odd student would have to work by herself and would come to me...

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The New Student Chapter 2

The new Student - Chapter 2 After a discussion between my mum and Mr Tonge, it was decided that the best thing I could do would be to go home as discreetly as possible. We would try and find out what was going on from there while Mr Tonge would check all school records to see exactly what had changed. We got to mum's car, a silver fiesta that she mainly used to get to work and back in and I climbed in the front passenger seat as I normally would, immediately realising that I would...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student

Chapter 1The BeginningDaniel, an Italian boy in his late teens is starting a fine arts program at a college in the US. He had been awarded a full scholarship as part of an exchange program with the international arts community. He arrives before classes begin and has to stay in a hotel at his expense as the residence on campus in not available for a week. He is happy to be there as this is freedom for the boy as he can now begin to express his true desires to be gay and effeminate. At home it...

2 years ago
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YOBS Student Exchange Programme

Date: 5/19/98 Rewritten 1/2/99 Ye Old Body Shoppe - Student Exchange Programme by Caleb Jones (Ye Old Body Shoppe universe created by Caleb Jones & Raven) The Student Exchange Programme Case 86: Billy Johnson / Gina Spinelli My childhood wasn't very comparable to all the other boys I knew growing up. Since well before puberty, I knew in my heart I should have been born female. It wasn't that I lusted after boys, or had urges to wear feminine...

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Introduced Into Lesbian Fun By My College Student Divya

Hi, this is priyanka, 26 years old, working with a reputed women college in Bangalore. I am good looking fair women and happily married. You can reach me on My husband introduced me into the world of porn after marriage and we really have a very healthy sex life. One of those clip was girl to girl clip which made me super excited and ignited me which my hubby noticed this and we started discussing about this in the following months. I am very lucky that my hubby understands me well and he kept...

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Sexy student

Hello ISS readers my is Divya & I live in Mumbai, I read ISS. And by fascinating I am writing first story of mine. I am 28 yrs old now widow and in search of sex partner, I am a lecturer by profession in one of the classes in Mumbai . My husband was a Govt. Servant & died two years ago. I first enjoyed sex when I was 18 with one of my student who was use to come for tuition at my home. I have lesbian experience with two female lecturers who are working with me in the same Classes. The story I...

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The New Student

Our story begins in the early evening as you arrive at the imposing structure of the school. My personal secretary escorts you to my residence where I wait in my library. I am seated at a large, imposing desk, and soon the you are standing across the desk from me, waiting as quickly flip through the thick folder stamped "Permanent Record", and under that "Doe, John." "Hello Sir" you say, dropping a quick curtsy. You are still dressed in your traveling clothes, a blue apron dress over a white...

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The Old Professor vs the Young Student

The Old Professor vs the Young Student By MinxGirl and billy69boyI had been teaching at the university for some 30 years, and I had never encountered such an intriguing vision as Soleil in all my days. She is a beauty, and an enigma. She was breathtakingly refreshing and very frustrating…beautiful, yet exasperating. I came to be rather obsessed with this 20 year old vixen from the first time I saw her in class, just something about her that caught my attention: she was half Thai, and half...

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Sex with madical student

I hear my name being called as soon as I set foot on the sand. It was a vaguely familiar female voice from a distance. I looked towards the direction and saw someone in the water with her head just visible. I walked closer and recognised her instantaneously. She was a medical student whom I have taught a few years ago."Dr Young, how nice to see you here! It is Fiona, do you remember me?" She said with a genuine warm smile on her unforgettablely attractive face.Of course I remembered her for she...

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One failing student

My name is Tonya, I'm 5'3 with C-cup breasts and red hair. I'm 28 and I teach math at a community college. I have one student who keeps failing quizzes. I handed back a quiz and he didn't do so well on it, but I came up with an idea on that Tuesday when I gave it back to him. “OK class dismissed,” I said to the whole class. Then he came up to me wondering about his grade. “I can't believe it, I could have sworn I got all this down,” the student, Jack, said. Jack was 22 and he was 5'11 with...

Straight Sex
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My Student

Class was over. All of the students (at least all that had bothered to show up on the day after the test) rushed out quickly. Dr. Vincent Prins knew that Math 090 was not a popular course, and the people who liked math never ended up in this class. But he strongly felt that introductory courses, even remedial ones, were really important. Let others glory in their upper level math whizzes, he gloried in every student who passed the course. On four of the tests, he had written ‘Please stay after...

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The Exchange Student

Her thick moist lips tightened around my shaft as I exploded deep in her mouth while I worked frantically over her clit with the tip of my tongue to...... Ah yes there it was, her trade mark gush of lady jizz, I took in as much as I could trying to follow the movements of her convulsing body so as not to waste a drop. “Time to get ready for school B” Trina smiled. What a way to greet the day, surely I was the luckiest man alive. Trina and I showered, dressed and drove to school together. At...

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The Ideal Student

The Model Student  The Ideal Student By themaneloco I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking!? I guess I could just go with the classic clich? ? it was a good idea at the time.? A good idea it was, but it certainly wasn?t my idea, at least I didn?t think it was.? You see, I am a first year student at a respectable university studying mathematics.? Of course, my parents are very proud of this, as am I.? They knew that I was destined for great things from an early age and, along with t...

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Mrs Greens Problem Student

Mrs. Green's Problem Student By Kelly M. Hello Kelly M. Here. I just wanted to say think you for the support you havegiven my via email I really appreciate it. I tried to return all the emailsthat I got. A few were returned to me because the address that I got were undeliverable.If you have any comments or questions I would like to hear from you. My emailaddress is [email protected] Thank you to Aria, Couture and DP for proofreading and editing. I really appreciateall you have done for...

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Wishbone Student TeachingChapter 4

"All right, girls!" Kyle said, grinning at the three girls. "Welcome to Mr. Philips's After School Tutorial for Skanks! You are here because you are failing your math class and the only way you're going to be graduating from high school next week is if you can find a way to convince me that you deserve a better grade from me." "Erika, what do you think you could do to improve your grade?" he asked the horny goth girl. "Oh, Mr. Philips, I'd do just about anything," she said, her...

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The First Male Nursing Student

The First Male Nursing Student Chapter one Hi! My name is Suman and this is my story. I come from a middle class family. During my school, I was relatively good in studies. So like any other good student, I dreamt of being a medical doctor someday. I finished my school with relatively good marks and started to prepare for the MBBS entrance exams. However, entrance exams were not something for me. Despite my best efforts and waiting for two years, I was unable to achieve a seat in...

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