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Numele meu este Bogdan, am 29 de ani, sunt bucurestean si sunt patronul unei micute firme de confectii textile din capitala. Am pornit afacerea imediat dupa ce am terminat ASE-ul cu sprijinul financiar exclusiv al parintilor mei, ambii medici destul de renumiti in bransa lor. Acum, dupa aproape cinci ani, pot spune ca am reusit sa construiesc o firma profitabila cu 25 de angajati si sa castig suficient de bine ca sa traiesc independent de ajutorul parintilor, fara grija zilei de maine si fara sa-mi lipseasca nimic din ceea ce mi-am dorit in viata.

De mai bine de un an insa, traiesc o adevarata drama in viata personala, o poveste ce poate parea incredibila pentru cei mai multi dintre voi, dar care, din pacate pentru mine este cat se poate de reala. Voi incerca sa v-o redau in randurile urmatoare, cat mai exact cu putinta.

Cu trei ani in urma (aveam 26 de ani) am fost invitat la o petrecere la o terasa din Herastrau cu ocazia zilei de nastere a unei angajate a firmei mele. Aveam 25 de salariati, majoritatea femei avand in vedere profilul de activitate al acesteia. In mod normal nu interactionam cu angajatii in plan personal; ma limitam strict la relatiile firesti de serviciu dintre patron si angajati, pastrand distanta corecta dintre noi si fara sa ma amestec in viata lor personala. Astfel de invitatii din partea angajatelor mele primeam frecvent, cu atat mai mult cu cat cele mai multe dintre fete erau tinere de varsta mea si dornice de “o partida cu seful”, dar le refuzam intotdeauna politicos, fidel principiilor pe care mi le impusesem inca de la infiintarea firmei.

Atunci am facut pentru prima si singura oara in viata mea o exceptie de la aceste reguli si am acceptat invitatia. Am facut-o pentru ca era vorba de contabila sefa, o femeie in varsta de 45 de ani, o excelenta profesionista si “mana mea dreapta” in firma, cea care practic conducea cot la cot cu mine destinele companiei si imi consilia in mod exemplar cheltuielile, investitiile, planul de afaceri, profitul, relatia cu bancile, cu fiscul si intreaga contabilitate. Capatasem un mare respect si recunostinta fata de competentele ei si o consideram mai degraba o partenera decat o angajata; de altfel ii plateam un salariu consistent si ma straduiam s-o vad cat mai multumita din punctul asta de vedere.

Devenise pentru mine o adevarata confidenta, o prietena sincera si intre noi se infiripase cu timpul o relatie speciala. Era de varsta parintilor mei si eu o consideram o a doua mama, iar ea tinea la mine ca la propriul ei copil. Era maritata de 25 de ani, dar n-a avut parte de copii. Sotul ei era seful unui ONG care se ocupa de integrarea in societate a copiilor abandonati, o activitate obscura si o lupta permanenta cu morile de vant ale realitatii zilelor noastre, fiecare astfel de fiinta salvata reprezentand doar unu la mie din totalul celor abandonati de parinti din frageda pruncie.

In fine, am acceptat invitatia colegei mele (Roxana este numele ei) din motivele expuse mai sus si m-am dus in seara respectiva la terasa din Herastrau. In jurul unei mese mari erau cam vreo douazeci de persoane. In afara de ea, nu cunosteam pe nimeni, nici macar pe sotul ei. M-a prezentat tuturor si apoi mi i-a prezentat pe rand pe fiecare dintre invitati. Marturisesc ca n-am reusit sa-i retin pe toti, erau prea multi, dar am inteles ca majoritatea dintre ei erau prieteni de familie si rude apropiate. Ma simteam un pic stanjenit, eram pana la urma un strain in fata rubedeniilor si cunostintelor ei.

Destinul insa mi-a jucat cea mai mare festa din viata!
Langa mine, la masa aceea uriasa s-a nimerit (oare?!?) sa stea o fetiscana timida, subtirica, ireal de frumoasa, blonda cu parul lung si cret si cu niste ochi albastri ca cerul senin de vara, cu o infatisare de zeita si cu bratele albe, diafane, ca ale unei nimfe din povesti. Nu mi-am mai putut desprinde privirea de ea intreaga seara, era superba, era intruchiparea frumusetii feminine plasmuite in mintea mea in visele mele adolescentine.

Am simtit niste crampe in stomac si un junghi drept in inima si apoi n-am mai fost eu.
Eram complet rupt de lume si de realitate, ochii mei nu o vedeau decat pe ea iar simturile exacerbate peste limita imi umflau narile adulmecandu-i cu nesat mirosul si o dezbracam cu ochii mintii, imaginandu-mi sanii ei rotunzi si tari framantati intre mainile mele si pantecul ei vibrand sub asaltul madularului meu.
Nu cunoscusem niciodata o asemenea patima pentru o femeie si nu stiusem pana atunci ce inseamna cu adevarat sa-ti pierzi mintile din dragoste si din dorinta primara.

Habar n-am ce s-a intamplat in restul serii, nu stiu nici ce-am mancat, nici ce-am baut si nici ce s-a discutat la masa. Nu mi-am revenit din betia sufletului nici macar atunci cand am ajuns acasa, mult dupa miezul noptii.
M-am perpelit in somn, zvarcolindu-ma ca si cum as fi fost atins de febra. M-am trezit a doua zi, lac de sudoare si cu mintea incetosata.
Mi-am pus oarecum gandurile in ordine, apoi mi-am dat seama ca nici macar nu aflasem numele celei ce-mi devastase sufletul in aemenea hal.
M-am barbierit in graba si m-am aruncat in masina.
Odata ajuns la sediul firmei, m-am napustit surescitat in biroul contabilei sefe:

- Roxana, te rog sa-mi spui cine e fata langa care am stat la masa seara trecuta… Spune-mi cum o cheama si unde o pot gasi…!!!
- Bogdan, dragule, am vazut aseara cum ti se scurgeau ochii dupa ea… am simtit… Te rog din suflet s-o uiti… nu e pentru tine… E frumoasa foc… e nemaipomenit de frumoasa… dar… te rog, crede-ma… nu-ti incurca viata cu ea…
- Roxana, nu intelegi ca nu mai pot sa dorm noaptea… ca nu mi-o mai pot scoate din minte… ca nu mai sunt om… Spune-mi cine este si cum pot sa dau de ea… nu ma mai intereseaza nimic altceva… Daca nu vrei, te dau afara, te concediez…!, am urlat eu ca scos din minti.

Femeia a inceput sa planga, lacrimile ii siroiau pe obraji si pieptul ii tresalta in ritmul suspinelor. Si-a scos o batista din geanta si a incercat sa-si stearga ochii si nasul.

- Bogdanel… eu n-am avut copii, dar te iubesc ca si cum ai fi copilul meu! Nu vreau sa ma dai afara, sa ma concediezi… Nu-mi pasa de post sau de salariu… dar… m-am atasat de tine… imi esti foarte drag… Poate ca n-o sa intelegi asta… Crede-ma, fata asta nu e de tine, ti-o spun ca o mama…

A inceput sa hohoteasca si sa planga cu sughituri, apoi a incercat sa se stapaneasca cat de cat si, in cele din urma mi-a dictat ca si cum ar fi fost in transa:

- Numele ei este Nadia, are 23 de ani. A fost abandonata inca de la nastere in fata portii unei maternitati din Bucuresti. Nu stie nimeni cine-i sunt parintii… A crescut prin orfelinate si prin institutii pentru orfani pana cand a fost preluata de fundatia condusa de sotul meu. El i-a oferit o sansa in viata si ea a profitat din plin de aceasta; a reusit sa termine liceul, si-a luat BAC-ul si apoi a absolvit o scoala postliceala. Acum este angajata si lucreaza intr-un post de educatoare la o gradinita de copii din Bucuresti. Locuieste in chirie, impreuna cu alte doua colege de la gradinita intr-o garsoniera modesta de la periferia orasului… Iti dau numarul ei de telefon si adresa… daca asta iti doresti… Sotul meu este cel care a invitat-o la restaurant la ziua mea… El considera ca Nadia reprezinta incununarea muncii lui la fundatia aia… un copil amarat caruia el i-a dat o sansa in viata si care a reusit… Pentru Nadia, sotul meu este mai mult decat un tata, este Dumnezeul vietii ei…

Am ramas surprins, totusi nu-mi dadeam prea bine seama de ce nu as putea avea o relatie cu fata asta…
- Roxana, din cate mi-ai povestit, pare a fi o fata buna… De ce spui ca trebuie sa ma feresc de ea???
- Bogdanel…, dragul meu copil, viata este mult mai complicata decat iti imaginezi tu… Nadia este un copil bun, dar… sunt multe alte nebuloase din viata ei pe care nu le cunoaste inca nimeni… nici macar sotul meu… Din cate am aflat eu, Nadia nu a fost singurul copil al mamei care a abandonat-o pe scarile maternitatii… Au fost doi… doua surori gemene… De sora ei nu stie nimeni absolut nimic… I s-a pierdut urma… Stiu doar ca traieste, ca este plecata din Europa si ca tine legatura cu sora ei, cu Nadia… Nadia insa nu ne povesteste nimic despre sora ei geamana…, habar n-avem cine e, unde e si ce face…
- Roxana, astea sunt prostii! O iubesc pe fata asta si ea va fi sotia mea!

Apoi totul s-a petrecut ireal de repede!
Eram de-a dreptul turbat de patima; m-am urcat in masina si m-am trezit apasnand insistent pe butonul soneriei garsonierei de la adresa pe care mi-o daduse Roxana. Nu ma obosisem nici macar sa dau un telefon in prealabil ca sa-mi anunt vizita.

Mi-a deschis o tanara pe care n-o cunosteam; probabil una dintre colegele cu care Nadia impartea locuinta. Am intrat brusc pe langa ea, impingand-o intr-o parte si fara s-o iau in seama. M-am napustit in camera si am vazut-o pe Nadia pe canapea, asezata langa o alta tanara, cealalta colega a ei de habitat.
M-am protapit ca un nesimtit in fata ei si i-am strigat cu toata patima ce ma ardea in suflet:
- Nadia, te iubesc si nu pot sa mai traiesc fara tine! Vreau sa fii sotia mea… femeia mea…!!! Te doresc…!!! Te vreau….

Nu m-am mai putut stapani; am ridicat-o de pe canapea si am cuprins-o cu bratele, lipindu-mi corpul de trupul ei si sarutand-o patimas pe gura, pe gat si pe obraji. I-am cuprins buzele si limba in gura mea, lingand-o ca un descreierat pana cand am simtit-o ca se moleseste in bratele mele.
Respira intretaiat si fierbinte si se lasa pipaita si mamelita de mainile mele nesatule care-i explorau cu nesat intreg corpul, de la sfarcurile intarite ale sanilor si pana la vulva fierbinte dintre picioare.
Imi venea sa mor de dorinta, pula mi se facuse beton, Nadia tremura ca o trestie in bratele mele, i-am simtit rasuflarea umeda si gafaiala ce-i cutremura respiratia. Apoi s-a prelins pe langa mine ca o inghetata topita de caldura, soptindu-mi stins:
- Nu mai pooot… fute-ma dragul meu… fa-mi ce vrei tu… ia-ma! Sunt a ta… Ahhh, Dumnezeule… cand o sa intelegi ca vreau sa ma futi… ce naiba mai astepti…???

In momentul ala mi-am pierdut complet ratiunea. O ceata densa si alburie mi-a invadat mintea si mi-a lasat liber instinctul.
Am scos un muget gatuit si mi-am dat jos pantalonii si camasa in mai putin de o fractiune de secunda. Apoi i-am sfasiat dintr-o singura miscare hainele Nadiei, lasand-o goala in fata mea, asa cum o nascuse ma-sa. A tipat cu glas subtire, mai mult provocandu-ma.
Am luat-o pe sus, din picioare si mi-am implantat pula adanc, pana in strafundurile ei. M-a incolacit imediat cu picioarele in jurul trupului si, cu bratele agatate de gatul meu s-a opintit si s-a infipt pana la refuz in pula mea. O futeam in picioare si fata asta se agata de mine si se infigea in pula mea scancind si gafaind din greu.
Ii simteam vaginul ce-mi strangea pula ca intr-o menghina, ii simteam zeama duce ce i se scurgea in picaturi mari din pizda pe langa madularul meu, udandu-ma pe coaie si scurgandumi-se printre pulpe.

Mi-a trecut prin minte ca fatuca asta nu mai era de mult virgina, dar ma futeam cu ea asa de bine incat asta nu mai avea nicio importanta. O iubeam si o doream cu disperare, o futeam din tot sufletul meu, asta era tot ceea ce conta atunci.
Nadia incepuse sa respire zgomotos, isi smucea curul impingandu-se in pula mea si tremura din ce in ce mai tare. Apoi a inceput brusc sa se miste necontrolat si sa tipe disperata; un urlet a****lic i-a insotit orgasmul si s-a cutremurat brusc, frecandu-si lindicul spasmodic de pubisul meu si strangandu-si bratele in in jurul gatului meu, aproape sufocandu-ma. I-am simtit orgasmul, i-am simtit zeama abundenta ce-i izvora din vagin si am strans-o si mai puternic in brate, lasand-o sa-si revina si sa se linisteasca.
S-a lasat moale in jos, iesind din pula mea si s-a asezat in genunchi, cuprinzandu-mi madularul in gura. L-a lins cateva secunde si l-a dezmierdat intre buze, apoi mi l-a luat in mana si mi-a facut o laba scurta, frecandu-i rapid glandul intre degetele stranse. Am simtit ca mor si mi-am dat drumul imediat, ejaculand abundent in gura ei ce-mi inghitea cu pofta samanta.

Ne-am revenit amandoi destul de greu si eu abia atunci am realizat ca la toata aceasta scena au asistat si cele doua colege ale ei, cele doua fete ce imparteau impreuna cu ea aceeasi locuinta. Ramasesera masca, vazusera pe viu, pentru prima data in viata lor un act sexual “in direct” si se excitasera cumplit; stateau rastignite pe covor, pe jos si se masturbau cu mainile bagate adanc in chiloti, cu ochii holbati la noi si cu saliva scurganduli-se printre colturile buzelor.

Dar mie nu-mi pasa de ele, am asteptat ca Nadia sa-si revina si am intrebat-o scurt:
- Dragostea mea, vrei sa fii sotia mea? Te iubesc mai mult decat orice pe lume…
- Oh, iubitule… sigur ca vreau… te doresc asa de mult…!

Pentru mine asta a fost de-ajuns. Am smuls cuvertura de pe canapea si am infasurat-o in jurul ei, acoperindu-i goliciunea. Doar parul auriu si cret, acum ravasit si fata manjita de sperma ii ramasesera descoperite. Mi-am tras rapid blugii pe mine, fara chiloti si am purtat-o in brate, coborand pana la parterul blocului, apoi am asezat-o cu grija pe bancheta din spate a masinii si am demarat in tromba.
Am parcat masina in curtea vilei mele, mi-am scos femeia pe brate si am depus-o direct in cada generoasa cu jacuzi, apoi am dat drumul la apa si am lasat-o sa se balaceasca in voie si sa se resfete in parfumuri si geluri de dus care mai de care mai imbietoare.

Dupa zece zile ne-am casatorit. Parintii mei m-au renegat; nu concepeau ca fiul lor sa se insoare cu o fata de conditie mediocra, asta ca sa nu spun ca o percepeau mult mai rau: o tarfa cu origini dubioase care nu se maritase cu mine decat pentru bani.
Din cauza asta, la nunta n-am avut invitati decat cativa prieteni apropiati si nicio ruda din familia mea. Despre rudele din partea ei nici nu se putea pune problema, n-avea asa ceva!
Dar pe mine m-a durut la basca, aveam atunci 26 de ani, ea avea 23; era frumoasa de se intorcea soarele in loc in fata ei; o iubeam cu patima si ea ma iubea la nebunie, nu ne doream nimic altceva decat sa ne consumam dragostea in deplina armonie!

Au urmat apoi doi ani magnifici pentru noi; ne iubeam parca din ce in ce mai intens!
Partidele de amor au fost de poveste… Niciodata n-am visat ca sotia mea o sa-mi satisfaca toate poftele si toate fantasmele mele sexuale in pat.
Nadia nu se dadea in laturi de la nimic, nu refuza niciun fel de fantezie, niciun fel de idee, oricat de extravaganta ar fi fost aceasta. N-as fi crezut in viata mea ca fiinta asta angelica, frumoasa ca o zeita antica, poate fi atat de perversa in pat. Facea absolut orice si in toate gaurile ei; o futeam in pizda, in cur, in gura, intre tate si ma slobozeam pe fata ei cu o frenezie sexuala pe care cu greu mi-o puteam explica. Isi tipa orgasmele in gura mare si-si descarca lichidele pe mine, in mine, in gura mea… La randul ei adora sa fie fututa in cur si sa se joace cu pula mea in gura ei, sa ma suga si sa-mi inghita sperma… Ii placea sa faca pipi pe mine, pe fata mea, in aceeasi masura in care-i placea si sa fie stropita de jeturile pisatului meu, din cap si pana in picioare.
Este adevarat si recunosc ca asa am luat-o, stia toate chestiile astea despre sex inainte de a se marita cu mine. Nu eu am invatat-o, ba din contra, pot spune ca eu am invatat de la ea!

Dupa primii doi ani de amor de intensitate maxima, au aparut primele sincope in relatia noastra. Si asta de acolo de unde nu ma asteptam.
Acum doi ani, Nadia m-a anuntat cu seninatate si inocenta ca sora ei geamana va veni in tara, definitiv. Stiam vag ca are o sora geamana, dar nu auzisem niciodata nimic despre ea. Am incercat sa iau legatura cu fundatia sotului contabilei mele ca sa aflu mai multe amananunte. N-a putut decat sa-mi repete ceea ce deja stiam: au fost abandonate la nastere pe treptele unei maternitati, au fost ambele preluate de catre o cresa si apoi de catre un azil de copii fara parinti si de aici n se mai stie nmic: Nadia a fost preluata de catre fundatie in timp ce sora ei geamana, Lia, a disparut.

Am fortat-o pe sotia mea sa-mi spuna tot ceea ce stie despre sora ei; au fost certuri si discutii aprinse.
Am reusit in cele din urma sa aflu ca Lia a fugit din azilul de copii cand avea doar 10 ani. O perioada n-a mai stiut nimeni de ea; n-a mai tinut legatura nici macar cu sora-sa. Abia cand a implinit 16 ani a aparut in spatiul public pe internet, pe site-urile de matrimoniale si pe cele de videochat. Se dezbraca si se masturba in fata webcam-ului pentru bani. Ulterior si-a castigat existenta ca prostituata de lux, prin barurile si hotelurile frecventate de turistii straini.
A reusit in felul asta sa seduca cu farmecele ei femeiesti un australian de vreo 40 de ani ce se afla cu afaceri in Romania. Asta s-a indragostit lulea de ea, a luat-o de nevasta si a dus-o in Australia, la Sidney. Acolo a locuit pana cand sotul a prins-o ca-si face de cap si ca-l inseala cu toti masculii macho din oras. A bagat divort imediat si a scapat de panarama, dar a fost obligat sa-i verse in cont o suma de bani consistenta.
Cu banii astia in cont, Lia s-a intors in tara si traieste fara sa faca nimic, taind frunza la caini.
Acesta e contextul in care surioara geamana a nevesti-mii a aparut in viata mea si mi-a distrus-o complet.

Tragedia a inceput intr-o zi banala de vineri, intr-un august ucigator de canicular, cand ne topeam de caldura.
Nevasta-mea m-a anuntat ca la cina a invitat-o si pe sora ei. N-am avut nimic impotriva, eram chiar curios s-o cunosc, auzisem destule barfe la adresa ei si doream s-o vad si s-o analizez cu propria mea minte.

Era extrem de cald si am improvizat o masuta pe marginea piscinei, apoi am incins gratarul si am pregatit fripturile. Vinul si sampania erau la rece, scufundate in frapiera plina de gheata si Nadia pregatise deja aperitivele si slatelele de vara.
Cand a intrat pe poarta Lia, am avut un prim soc. Nu numai ca semana ca doua picaturi de apa cu sora ei Nadia, dar se si imbracase la fel.
Nadia isi pusese un pantalon scurt de blugi, cu franjurile atarnand-i pe coapse si intre craci si un maieu decoltat, fara sutien pe dedesubt, ce-i lasa sanii sa se zbenguie liberi si sa se aeriseasca in voie. Isi stransese parul blond si cret intr-o coada stufoasa ce-i atarna aparent neglijent pe spate si era machiata discret, fara excese.
Am privit-o uluit pe sora ei, pe Lia: era imbracata si machiata identic cu sora ei si semnau ca doua picaturi de apa! In viata mea n-am crezut ca doua fiinte pot semana asa de mult, ca pot fi atat de identice!

Fetele s-au imbratisat dragastos, s-au sarutat indelung ca doua surori ce nu s-au mai vazut de mult. Apoi si-au dat frau liber bucuriei revederii dupa atatia ani de despartire: si-au dat jos pantalonii si si-au scos tricourile, ramanand complet in pielea goala si au plonjat in piscina, balacindu-se in apa ca niste gaste puse pe joaca.
Le-am urmarit de pe margine si nu-mi venea sa cred: nu eram in stare sa-mi recunosc nevasta… Am incercat sa ma uit la tatele lor, erau absolut la fel; am incercat sa le compar soldurile, coapsele, picioarele, bratele, degeaba… erau identrice!
Cand au iesit din apa am incercat sa le compar vulvele… labiile, parul inghinal, buricele, alunitele de pe spate… degeaba! Fetele aste erau pur si simplu identice, din pizda si pana la tate, din cap si pana in piciore! Iar la fata, la coafura sau la timbrul vocii era imposibil sa le deosebesti! In viata mea nu crezusem ca asa ceva poate fi adevarat!

In fine, s-a lasat seara, am mancat fripturile si am baut vinul si sampania, am mai sporovait cateva barfe, vrute si nevrute, apoi ne-am retras la culcare.
Pregatisem pentru Lia dormitorul pentru oaspeti. Fetele erau inca amandoua complet goale cand ne-am urat “noapte buna” si nu eram in stare sa le deosebesc, asa ca m-am bazat pe faptul ca nevasta-mea ma va insoti in dormitorul nostru si ca sora-sa, Lia, se va duce in camera de oaspeti.

Am intrat tiptil in dormitor, tinandu-mi nevasta cu un brat incolacit in jurul curului ei si cu degetele pipaindu-i vulva. Eram excitat si aveam chef de sex.
- Dragule… sa nu-mi spui ca vrei sa ma futi…!
- Sigur ca vreau sa te fut, iubito…! Sa nu-mi spui ca nu te arde si pe tine la pasarica…. ca nu te cred…
- Bogdanelul meu drag si scump… ma arde de ma pis pe mine… Imi vine sa-mi dau drumul doar cand te privesc in ochi… Te rog… dragule…! Te rog sa ma futi… iti promit ca n-o sa te chinui… ai sa vezi… o sa-mi dau drumul imediat… vreau doar sa-ti simt pula in pizda mea…. Ohhh, Dumnezeule…. Nu vezi ce uda sunt? Doamneeeee…. deja am orgasme… curge din mine…. Baga-ti pula in pizada mea… acum… iubitule…!

Mi-am implantat pula intre labiile ei pana la cotor. Daca ma straduiam mai mult, cred ca-mi intrau si coaiele in vaginul ei, asa de deschis si de larg era. Mustea de sucuri si de zemuri si-mi simteam pula stransa de vaginul ei si unsa din belsug de secretiile ei intime. I-am prins tatele in palme si am inceput sa le framant cu furie, apoi i-am ciupit sfarcurile erecte.
A inceput sa geama, contrandu-mi fiecare asalt al pulii cu miscari ample ale curului. Gemetele s-au transformat imediat in tipete ascutite si tremurul corpului a devenit incontrolabil… Avusese dreptate, dupa doar cateva minute era gata sa juiseze… A mai sacancit de doua ori, a batait anemic din cur si s-a varsat in spasme puternice…. Ii simteam fiecare val al orgasmului care se revarsa din adancurile ei printre picioarele mele, insotit de icnete ce-i faceau pieptul sa tresalte si-i taiau rasuflarea.

Cand s-a linistit, s-a rostogolit peste mine si mi-a bagat limba in gura, lacoma:
- Iubitule… acum te fut eu… vreau o muie….
N-a mai asteptat si s-a prelins pe langa mine luandu-mi madularul in gura. L-a lins si l-a alintat cu limba cateva minute… Nu mai stiu exact ce mi-a facut… M-am trezit doar cand din pula imi tasneau jeturi de sperma in gatul ei si cand am simtit limba ei calda si umeda ce-mi curata glandul…
Apoi am adormit imbratisati, eu cu mainile inclestate in tatele ei si ea strangandu-mi in mana madularul…

Ne-am reintalnit de dimineata toti trei, in bucatarie, la cafea. Eu aveam niste chiloti pe mine, dar ele erau goale pusca. Am remarcat inca o data ca nu sunt in stare sa le deosebesc… erau identice, pana la cel mai mic detaliu anatomic!
- Sa-ti fie rusine, barbate… asta noapte te-ai futut cu sora mea….
- Nuuuu, am facut amor cu sotia mea… cu Nadia….
- Sa fii tu sanatos! Te-ai futut cu sora mea, cu Lia…!
- Nu inteleg… Semanati asa de bine… Care dintre voi e sotia mea, Nadia???
- Eu! a raspuns una dintre ele;
- Ba eu!, a venit imediat replica celeilalte;

Din momentul ala a inceput calvarul pentru mine! Timp de aproape doi ani de zile habar n-am cu cine ma fut si cine-mi calca camasile. Curvele astea doua se schimba intre ele aproape zilnic si eu nu pot sa-mi dau seama care dintre ele e nevasta mea!
Se imbraca la fel, se coafeaza si se machiaza la fel, se fut la fel, vorbesc la fel, au acelasi timbru al vocii, au acelasi fizic si aceeasi privire, pizdele lor sunt identice pana la cel mai mic detaliu, n-am cum sa le deosebesc.
Le-am cautat in geanta si in portofele, degeaba, isi schimba intre ele cardurile de identitate, permisele de conducere sau cardurile de credit oricand poftesc. Am incercat sa le fac un semn si am mus**t-o pe una din ele pe gat dupa o noapte de sex; a doua zi ambele aveau acelasi semn pe gat…

Am facut cateva concedii in ultimii doi ani, in Antalia si in Grecia, habar n-am insa daca langa mine a fost nevasta mea sau sora ei… La petreceri, revelioane, nu stiu cine e langa mine…
Este cumplit si simt ca o sa deraiez…

Am ajuns pana acolo incat le-am adus pe amnadoua in acelasi timp in patul meu; mi-am zis ca daca le fut cand sunt impreuna in mod sigur una dintre ele este nevasta mea…
A iesit doar un show erotic de sex in trei si o partida clasica intre doua lesbiene… S-au lins in pizde si si-au supt labiile si clitorisurile, una pe alta, pana cand si-au satisfacut poftele si si-au eliberat orgasmele…
Fetele sunt extraordinar de frumoase si de apetisante, arata ca niste ingeri, sunt aproape perfecte… doar ca una singura e nevasta mea si eu nu sunt in stare s-o recunosc…

In ultimul timp le am pe amandoua in pat, dar nici asta nu mi se pare o mare chestie; seamana ca doua picaturi de apa, fut doua femei dar parca e doar una singura, parca fut o clona…
Ele se simt bine si se pare ca se amuza de situatie… dar pentru mine a devenit un calvar! Imi iubesc nevasta la nebunie, dar nu pot s-o identific!

M-am gandit s-o las gravida pe una dintre ele, dar n-o sa stiu niciodata daca aia este nevasta mea…

Nu-mi ramane decat o ultima solutie: sa divortez! Asta e sfatul pe care l-am primit de la prietena mea Roxana! Nu prea-mi vine asa de usor, imi iubesc cu patima nevasta!

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Mum And Aunt Made Me Cum With There Feet

Introduction: After my amazing footjob from my auntie my mum could see that i was flushed and brought me some food as she walked away from the hot tub i saw her flash bum at me and sat down with her legs slightly open so i could see everything. Along with her feet pointing up so i could see the soles of her feet. Mum And Aunt Made Me Cum… With There Feet Part 3 of Made Me Cum Series After my amazing footjob from my auntie my mum could see that i was flushed and brought me some food as she...

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The Night I lost My Virginity

NOTE: THIS IS FICTION IS NOT TRUE AND IT NEVER HAPPENED. It was my boyfriends graduation night, I was 14 he was 19. I had just gotten back from a orthodontist appointment and I had just gotten back from it just in time. I called Jason up and told him I was on my way to his house and that I would just ride with him to the ceremony. I got there and I had my picture taken and I sat in his living room for awhile. Then we left for the ceremony. The graduation started at 6:00 and it lasted till 8 o...

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Dost ki saadi ke baad

Hi dosto aap ne is story ke aage ke bhag padhe honge ye 4 part hai bahut lambi ho rahi hai kyu ke me jo hua wo pure ka pura sach bata raha hu taki aap ko maja bhi aaye. Ha to me rohit gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gau se hu or me 25 saal ka hu me mere mayur dost hai ushki shadi me gaya tha waha ki bat aage ab story pe aate hai…. Me or payal bhabhi bike pe shadi me ja rahe the tab mene bhabhi se puchha tha ki bhabhi aap ki suhagraat kesi rahi thi. To bhabhi ab batate hai ki jab me shadi karke...

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The phone was ringing when Lois and Dennis returned to her house after enjoying a delicious pizza. Lois answered it. ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘he’s here. No. He’s been no problem. Goodness, no. I was glad I could help out. You want to talk with him?’ She gestured to Dennis. ‘It’s your parents.’ Dennis took the phone and heard his mother’s voice. ‘They’re having a great time,’ Dennis told Lois after he finished the call. ‘I’m glad. They needed to take a vacation for a while, now.’ ‘I’m glad they’re...

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Anisha 8211 Pub To Terrace 8211 Part 1

Hello friends. Vinay here from Chennai. Narrating below one more sexual encounter that I had with Anisha. Anisha came like a dream in my life. After my first meeting with her, I desired for more from her. But we had made a promise that I will never approach her first again. A few months passed. I was praying that she calls me and we could meet again. I had her number. I could see her pics on dp and check her status. I could see her online but I could not call her. With each day passing with...

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Prey For Me Ch 12

Pt. XII: The Yakuza Jack began to stir about noon. Something under the covers made him quite alert. Kim encouraged him to rise in more ways than one with her warm and wet lips. When she finished she stuck her head out from under the covers and said coyly, as cum dripped from her chin, ‘Thanks for breakfast.’ Over coffee Jack and Kim discussed their strategy for questioning the yakuza. Jack had told Kim about the meeting he and Caitlin had with Nobura Isaka, the senior advisor to the oyabun,...

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Blackmailing The QueenChapter 13 Matties Cherry

Mattie's eyes were closed tightly as Ann spread her legs. She gave no resistance, but she looked plainly terrified. My dick was hard and ready, and I had poised myself at her cute little opening, but I was having second thoughts. Mattie looked much more scared than Ann ever had. I looked at Ann, a question in my eyes. "Mattie, relax," Ann said. "People have been doing this for centuries, you know. It's no big mystery." Mattie opened her eyes, looked down, and saw my erect cock, the...

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OTK rambling and analyzing

OTK thoughts…those nasty old spankings…I was chatting with someone the other night and we were discussing spanking. Not game playing but real life, old fashioned, punishment. I grew up being punished, the k**s around me were punished and some housewives were too. Hell, my first actual boyfriend gave me my first two or three spankings; outside of the family. I remember my mother getting a few trips to the ‘woodshed’. I’m well aware that I can be a brat and a bitch; it’s in the genes, that and...

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An Unexpected Christmas Party Bonus

‘I can’t believe I must go to this damn office Christmas party! It’s not like I’m a senior member or anybody important on the staff, but she ordained I had to go. Fucking bitch just likes screwing with my life whenever she can. She works me like a slave and then calls me all times of the fucking night for the most minor things. I’d fucking shoot her in her office and walk out if it weren’t for the money I make there. So yes, I let myself be treated like shit for a huge paycheck, what’s new in...

Office Sex
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Virgins PetChapter 6

"No, I'm not mad, Gayle, but next time let me know and I'll get drunk with you." Ann Marie looked disapprovingly at the half-empty brandy bottle, then smiled and shrugged. "We can't tell your mother, can we?" "Nope." Gayle hiccuped and laughed. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you." Ann Marie slapped Gayle on the bottom. "I can't blame you for running around the house with just your panties on though, 'cause I do that all the time too." "I put Captain Marvel...

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Wife made Whore Ch2 Cum sucking whore

Ch.2- Cum Sucking Whore of A Wife Every time he comes over now he would eat my pussy like a mad man. He even posted several videos of him eating my pussy and ass right there on my kitchen counter. My legs are spread wide eagle. He would put the video camera right in my face for the whole word to see. He would say, “smile for the camera let the world see the cum sucking whore of a wife that you are!” I would then say, “I’m a cum guzzling, dick sucking, smut of a wife, but Tommy I love you.” One...

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The Beach Girl Chapter 2

However much the care of George and the spa bath had restored Jennifer, she was still partially drunk and shaken from her experience earlier in the night. Lying wide awake in the luxurious bed, she stared up at the ceiling, at the encased rail running from the ceiling’s centre to over the bed. It occurred to Jennifer that this room was meant for an invalid or paraplegic. But the pulley and steel hook was not over the bed, as she had seen in the hospital when she visited Brian.The contraption...

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Jeff and his Cousin

That summer my parents were going to Kentucky to visit our family for the week and I had to stay at my aunts house with my cousin Debbie she was 20 and didn’t feel much like going. The rest of the family was going so it would be just her and me so I packed my book in my bag because I figured I would have plenty of time there to read and look at it. When they dropped me off I help my aunt and uncle put the rest of the stuff in there car and they took off right behind my mom and dad. That day I...

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A Conversation about Pegging

Kim and I were sitting on the couch relaxing when she looked up from her laptop with a grin on her face. “Honey, I was reading an article today about a sex act for which a local sex writer coined a term. It is called pegging. Have you heard about it?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, I have heard about it. I have read a few articles of his about it and some other stuff.” “Well, I am glad you know what it is. I thought I was going to have to go into a long, drawn out...

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A quiet night in

A quiet night inby timidbruinAs I sit locked in my box with little possibility of changing my situation, I could not help but begin to wonder where it had all gone wrong.  Or right.  It all depends upon your point of view, and even with the hood and gag in place I still tired to smile.It was nothing but a usual busy Friday afternoon of meetings, reports and the usual sifting through bullshit.  During a moment between problem solving I was pleasantly surprised with a phone call from my wife.?Hey...

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How I Slept With Neighbor Couple

Hi, iss readers this is Mallika, I am an house wife got married 2years back About myself I am a native of village near Rajamundry, I am 24 years old fair with busty physic I am so shy girl so my parents didn’t send me out for graduation so, I have done my graduation in my town only, and they married me after completion of my degree even though I have an idea of doing job. My husband is good and work determined, he works at an oil company near Krishna Godavari basins, so after marriage we...

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A Study Break

Sebastian is a sexy German grad student. We initially met online, clicked, and had already hung out a few times and had incredible sex. Standing 6’2 with shaggy blond hair, I was immediately attracted to his muscular but lean athletic body. Once we spoke on the phone and I heard his sexy German accent, I knew I wanted to hear him whisper dirty, nasty things to me in German. We arranged to meet up on Saturday afternoon once he finished up some lab work. I picked him up at the T station and we...

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From a Jack to a Queen and a King

It’s not often that I go for a walk alone in the woods, but I’d been told to experience “Jack’s Forest” [oddly Jack was my nick-name], anyway, “Jacks Forest” is somewhat remote and the only way you can get there is a 20 minute drive into the countryside. But it was a beautiful Sunday evening so I thought, why not!I’d been walking for some 15 minutes deep into the forest, when I noticed a 4x4 car and a tent attached to it, I didn’t think too much of it, but as circled around it I could hear some...

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Falling For AllyChapter 3

I awoke early that morning to the sounds of my sister and parents puttering around the house. I was a little surprised that everyone was up so early considering that it was a Sunday. I stumbled to the bathroom and then to the kitchen for some breakfast. Ally was already sitting at the table eating her usual toast and jelly. I opted for a big bowl of cereal. (Ok, actually two big bowls) I discovered the reason that everyone was up so early was that mom and dad were going to spend the day...

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Wet and Wild

Kara was looking forward to an afternoon swim with Tommy and his cousin Bill. She was pretty sure Bill would like her to be naked, but she was equally sure Tommy wasn't ready for that. She didn't think she was either - maybe topless, but not all the way. She would wear the yellow string thing she had bought to wear in France. Then if Tommy was okay with it, and she had the nerve for it, she might lose the top. Unfortunately, the sky clouded over and a light rain began around noon. Although...

Straight Sex
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Surprise part 2

‘I asked what time I should pick you up next week?’ ‘Huh, oh.’ I was day dreaming. ‘Next week? Umm, I don’t know. I can manage to get here myself, thank you.’ ‘You’re not thinking of skipping out, are you? I promised everyone an encore, you wouldn’t want to disappoint everyone would you?’ you say with a evil grin. ‘I am planning on coming! I just don’t need a ride that’s all. I have gotten here on my own, and I will continue to get here on my own! Thank you, and goodnight.’ **** The get...

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John and SueChapter 5

John reads his wife's letter to him and has a decision to make. Sue handed me the envelope and left the house. She had been crying I could see by her red-rimmed eyes and the sniffles as she walked away from me. My anger was still alive and in the front of my thoughts. I went to the desk in my den and sat down. I started to read the letter she had written me. As I read I realized that she was spilling out everything that she had been doing for the last year, or almost everything anyway. I...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1115 Producer

I came home from class Friday afternoon with Rose. Senior exams were finished. The rest of the casa planned to join us by the end of the evening. We had 'senior week' ahead of us. Oh, there were things we had to attend, like picking up our gowns and commencement rehearsal, but everything else was done. As Mr. Darnell told us in our class meeting Friday morning, our job now was just to stay alive until commencement. Please. And not to go out and screw up our scholarships and college...

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Cock sucker bro Gay

100% fiction! Hi,this is a story how my brother became a cock sucker in my family.My family is a normal mom and my bro. I am well built 6ft and board shoulders i have a girl friend .when i was doing my college final year my brother was in second year.Me and my bro is not much close to each other since we fight at all times.After this incident we became more closer than ever.I was sitting in front of my computer and watching porn movies when no one in my house. While watching door bell rings am...

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The Job Chapter One

The Job - Chapter oneKatie rolled over and turned off her alarm clock. She could not believe it was already 11:00am. She had been up until almost 4:00am last night preparing for today. You see, today she had a job interview. Not just any job interview but an interview with a large software company. It has been five months since she had lost her job in the marketing department of a local advertising firm and she really needed this job. If she did not get the job she would be forced to move back...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 1 Marching orders

Lila watched, on her knees, the limo taking her former master, Juggy, and his new slave away. Her eyes, clouded by tears, lost sight of the car long before it disappeared behind a curve on the road. Kneeling by the side of her new master, she tried to gather her strength to face the, hopefully, short weeks that remained in her young life. Al-Mansour's voice brought her back to reality. "Strip, slave, and kneel before me." Lila, obediently, removed her former master's livery and knelt...

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Gromets Plaza

GrometsPlaza! Are you a bit more perverted than you should be? You know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the hottest lingerie, latex, bondage, all of that fetish stuff. Are you into that? Well, you clicked on this review which means that you MUST be into it. I’m glad to tell you that you came to the right place then. Of course, when I say that you’ve come to the right place that comes with a few caveats. The first one is that this isn’t a porno video site. Nope, this is a gallery and...

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CHAPTER TWELVE Samantha Comes to Dinner Eric's eyes went wide with dread as he stared towards the front door and froze. The very idea that somebody other than Julia would see him wearing nail polish was completely paralyzing. "Well, what are you waiting for? Open the door for our guest," Julia said firmly. He started walking to the door, the panic making his hands tremble as his heart began racing. Julia really wanted to humiliate him in front of one of her co-workers! Why?!...

3 years ago
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My Fuck Buddy and His Wife and

I like to go to nudist camps and have always enjoyed the lifestyle ever since I was a k**. Like any teenager, during those years, I used to experiment with the girls and was able to do so very easily since we were all naked and there were plenty of woods around. As I grew older, my sexual urges only got stronger, but I knew that having an erection in public was frowned upon, and so, I always kept a towel with me just in case one popped up. Sometimes a group of us teens (boys and girls) would...

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Two is Company Three is Fun College Confessions Cont

After my fling with Mark and my see saw relationship with Kate, I pretty much went emotionally numb. I would go to class, practice and work then go home. I had no life. I was lonely and depressed because all my other friends were in relationships and out partying, yet I was alone. I hated my life. I hated my body and I despised how the men around the school looked at me. Guys hit on me all the time, making sexual innuendos and it made them sick. I desired the intimate touch of sex but I didn't...

Group Sex
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Kelly at the VIdeo Store

Kelly Kapowski was very open-minded when she masturbated. Sometimes, goal was to finish quickly and just be done with it, other times she really enjoyed building the pleasure, and maximizing her arousal to the point that it was almost unbearable before she came. Having as many siblings as she did, she was usually quite quiet while she was playing with herself, because she did not want to draw attention to what she was doing. She also had a job, at a video rental store, and this was in the...

2 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 7

Victoria looked out the window of the hotel room she was sharing with Jack. She could barely keep her mind on one thought or worry, it was like trying to grab snakes while pumped full of Novocain. Playing in her mind over and over like a Youtube video set to repeat, the scene from the garage haunted her like the guilt of a crime. Her emotions were a sea of confusion, struggling to define her feelings for Jack. After seeing what he was capable of, she felt fear; after realizing the secret...

1 year ago
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Lucky Alex Ch 06

Chapter 6 Secrets and Lies As we lay in bed Lorraine said ‘You weren’t afraid tonight were you? Did you not think that Dean would hurt you?’ I hesitated before replying and then said ‘No, I wasn’t scared and yes I knew Dean would try to hurt me, but I needed to teach him a lesson for what he did to Chrissy, to discourage him from coming back or from doing it to someone else. He has no respect for other people because he has not needed to have, he has been top of the pile with a privileged...

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A Moment of Learning

The first day of college I saw him from behind, 5’9′ with short black brown hair and a sky blue collared shirt. He was a little deaf in his left ear and thought my name was Jenny instead of Jamie. I didn’t care, I liked the pet name, people always give me one. Most of the girls in class just took it for the sake of seeing a young, fresh out of college, male teacher. I took the class because I needed the credit for my major… He taught math differently from most teachers, and his method flowed...

4 years ago
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Gender Choice Week The Test

Gender Choice Week: The Test This story is set in the same universe as "Gender Choice Week," the very first story I published on Fictionmania, in 2015. In this universe, all children are born with male and female organs, and they choose their gender (or it is chosen for them) at the start of puberty. I hope to write more stories in this universe, exploring how different societies handle Gender Choice. This story is set in a country where a person's gender is chosen in "The Test" - a...

4 years ago
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Hell House

Hell House By Randy MacAnus As I sat checking my monitor wall, I said to myself, "It's good to be rich." You can afford the most delightful hobbies! I have lots of hobbies, but my favorite is breaking straight college boys and turning them into whores for men. There are easy "thug" ways to do that, of course. But I like being creative and elegant in my perversions. Now mind you, there are a lot of really good and decent young men out there, that don't deserve to be fucked over like...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sabrina Goes Out On The Town

Sissy Sabrina Goes Out On The Town ? by: Sweet Sabrina Chapter 1. It all started with the email Mistress sent me. Okay I guess technically it all started when I began to serve her via email. She had a website and for a small monthly fee she would give assignments to her sissy slaves. I had done all the assignments on her website and had now graduated to receiving personal emails with instructions on what she expected me to do next. Of course being email she couldn't tell if I...

3 years ago
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Bass Fishing NO Hardcore but some exhibitionism

Not me but as told to me by a buddy and it got me hard! It's nothing hardcore, but I enjoyed the experience just the same....I love to fish. I have a really nice bass boat with large front deck and I like to get it out often. When I first got it, I used to take my fiancé out with me all the time so I could fish and she could tan on the deck right behind the front butt seat.One time we were out and I decided to go fish the upper end of a long neck on a large reservoir. We ran up the neck till we...

2 years ago
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Blue Balls 4 Poor Theo

Summary - Theo has a problem. Can Tiffany help? Previous Story Summary – Tiffany became more and more daring, flashing her brother, father and teacher. Then, her brother discovered her naughty prank! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships,...

4 years ago
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playtime chpt 1

By German shepherd Chapter one One hot summerday I decided to pick some cherrys. Not what you folks think, some real cherrys right from the tree in my houses garden. So I took a ladder and climbed up into the tree. Before I could start picking, I recon’ed my neighbours wife Mandy in their garden, which was usually hidden against our sight and only visible because of my higher viewpoint. She was playing with her 2 year old son in his sand box. Which means he was playing in it and she...

3 years ago
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Blood of the Clans

Chapter 1 April 1589 — Loch Leven The drenching rains fell heavy as they often do in spring, in the western highlands of Scotland. Through the trees in the early morning, grey haze, a flash of lightning illuminated the murderous eyes of a small army of clansmen peering upon the sleeping village. The evil in the eyes of the leader showed the mindset on carrying out the events about to happen. They made their way into Ballachulish on the south shores of Loch Leven, the thrumming of rain on...

4 years ago
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The Metamorph

There are a number of Earth-like planets in our galaxy. While they generally follow the same developmental path physically, the humanoids that reside on them may follow any number of different paths socially, physiologically, emotionally, etc. This is the story of one of those other planets. The natives call it Trigen. Why is it called Trigen? Well, that is not a simple question to answer. The answer is simple enough; they have three genders, but the answer involves soooo much more than simply...

3 years ago
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Head Games Pt 01

“No offense, but I don’t really care to tell my life’s story to a complete stranger. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself first,” I say. “Very well.” She gives me a smile as bright as a daisy. “There’s really not much to say. I grew up with my sister. I knew early in life what I wanted to do with myself. I’ve always been interested in learning about what makes people tick so I decided to study psychology in school. One thing led to another and here I am, sitting with you now.” She...

3 years ago
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THe Back Packer Visitor

The Back Packer VisitorI had been a long time since the wife and I went anywhere together. It was a lovely day so I suggested we go for a drive and spend the day at the river, we could hire a boat just the two of us. She was delighted and rushed to get sandwiches and drinks made up for us and I grabbed a carton of beer from the outside fridge and off we went. The river was about twenty miles away but it was a nice spring day and the weather was great so the drive would be good.We were almost at...

1 year ago
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The Making Of An Office SlutChapter 5 Friday

For the first time this week, Kathy actually came into work feeling rested. She had finally been able to get a good nights rest last night after a long troubled week. Kathy found herself slowly accepting her new life, and with that acceptance came a certain amount of release. Though she still feared Vicki's perverse mind and worried about how far she would try and push Kathy, a small part of her was now looking forward to the intense sexual release she seemed to only experience when under...

1 year ago
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You stood in before the door of the throne room. Your hands clasped together in front of you as you watched, waited. You knew the soldiers were nearly to you. The castle guards tried to barricade the hallway to the eastern wing of the palace where you now stood, but the Kravan soldiers got past. At the sound of the blockade being broken through all the palace staff ill suited for battle fled. Down the hall you can hear swords clashing with one another. It's only a matter of time. The sounds of...

4 years ago
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Jasons Secrets Exposed Part 8

The following week, Marilyn and I decided that we would go out for dinner on Saturday night at Samuel's Steak House, the fanciest restaurant in town. We invited Lillie and Anne to join us and Jeff, and they accepted. On Saturday morning, I told Jason to draw my bath and then to pick up my dress at the cleaners while I bathed. I had developed a new habit of smoking my cigars in the tub. Very relaxing, I must tell you. Closing my eyes I thought back on our recent life changes. The parade of hot,...

3 years ago
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Meri Suhaag Raat 8211 Part 1

Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictitious. The story has extensive homosexuality. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against anything stated above please quit reading. The ideas for this story are taken from many others, as I’m regular reader to many erotica blogs. For any comments and ideas Email me – Mera naam Rajat hai. Ye baat meri shaadi se ek din pehle ki hai. Meri shaadi Jodhpur ke ek 5 star hotel mein thi. Mein apne 5 (Akash,...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Alyssa Reece MILF Alyssa Reece Fucks Her New Bartender

Naughty Bar Manager, Alyssa Reece, turns her new employee into a sex slave in minutes, as a business manager needs to test the quality of her employees deep, down, and dirty. The bossy girl with tiny tits but a big ass manages to get her barman to lick her pussy real good. As Alyssa gets naked she takes the big dick of her boy toy into her mouth, enjoys horsing around the bar. She sucks deeply passionate, enjoys every part of his cock. After a long exchange of blowjob and pussy-licking, the...

4 years ago
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Offered at MissMaud in the village of pleasures

Offered at MissMaud in the magic village.Meeting the accomplice partner, tuned in to the same wavelength, to practice these delicious and tasty exquisite games; is not an easy thing to do.Until the day I entered the place dedicated to these games, in the magic village, this club offering the light-dark of being able to practice this for real.It was a thrilling sexual revelation, orgasmic both cerebral and physical. But I needed to find a partner with whom I could surf with regularity on the...

1 year ago
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Baby Please Pothum

Hello friends, en peyar Kavitha en lover udan eppadi kaamam seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. Salem mavatathil vasithu varum naan kalluriku perunthil seluven, naan selvathu arasanga pengal perunthu enbathaal aangal vara maatargal. Anal en azhagai parthu mayangi oru paiyan ennai pin thodara aarambithaan. En veetil thanthai matrum amma migavum strict athanaal aangaludan kaathal seivathu pesuvathu ethuvum pidikaatha oru vizhayam. Anal en manathai antha paiyan...

3 years ago
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A Growing Desire

I kept having the same dream. Not that that’s anything new. I’ll have recurring dreams about losing my makeup, missing a flight, failing out of school. But I usually don’t have these types of dreams. The ones where I wake up in the middle of the night feeling guilty, ashamed, and incredibly wet. Guilty because my boyfriend would be gently asleep next to me, unaware what filled my dreams. Ashamed because, well, I love sex. I love the way it feels when my boyfriend pushes deep inside of me, the...

3 years ago
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This girl I knew from school pulled up her shirt and showed me her tits. Chelsea was a cheerleader and normally never even gave me a second look. That's when I knew I was just having a sexy dream. Since turning sixteen I'd finally gotten my subconscious trained so that most times when I had a sexy dream I could go on long enough to enjoy it, but wake up in time to keep from making a mess in my jams, or worse. I always slept in boxers, so my hard-on found it pretty easy to poke out the front...

3 years ago
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My ex and his brother

Introduction: I finally get a fantasy come true and then some My ex Drake and I remained close friends after we split up. I was 16 and he was 24. We still went to parties together and hung around the same friends. Most of the time I was with his group of friends, including his 21 year old younger brother Drue. Once I met Drue I knew I had picked the wrong brother. Drake and I had good sex but his brother and I had this amazing sexual chemistry and I wanted more. One night Drake, Drue and I were...

2 years ago
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Shes Late Chapter 1

Jenny was running late. Seems like she was always running late, sometimes it was her fault for not planning ahead, sometimes it was unforeseen circumstances.But it didn't matter to him. To him, it was always her fault–either directly or indirectly. She should have left earlier or she should have anticipated there would be a problem and made allowances for it.Today the traffic was heavier than usual... and then there was the road construction and the detour that took her blocks out of her way...

2 years ago
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Excitement Part 2

Hey guys, we’ll want to continue with my excitement story, this is part 2, this is going to be a lot of tease and fun, enjoy reading guys. So the night was still young, I was on top of her kissing her beautiful lips that made me crazy from day one, her legs were trembling with passion, she wanted to be explored more, but I was not ready to let her have orgasm, she was still furious about that and caught my neck and started kissing me vigorously. She was wild, very wild, she had to be tamed, but...

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