DanicaPart 17A free porn video

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Danica arrived in her rooms back at Zoraster's complex and immediately left for Marlena's room. She knocked and heard Celes bid her to enter from somewhere inside.

Marlena lay on the bed, covered by sheets, and Celes sat next to the bed looking worried. Celes had placed several of her scented candles in the room and lit them, filling the air with a light, relaxing scent. Marlena lay very still, and she looked pale.

"What's wrong Celes?"

Celes gave Danica a grave look and stood, grasping the sheets and pulling them from Marlena's body.

Danica's teeth clenched when she saw the rings pierced through Marlena's flesh. Large silver rings adorned her hood, nipples, and labia. "Garthak and Camilla," Danica growled.

"You need to watch out for that woman too. I found her in your rooms when I went to get some pain potions. I looked around, but nothing seemed to be out of place or missing. She just scowled at me, acted like she had every right to be there, and left as soon as I came in."

Danica growled, "I'll be warding my rooms as soon as I have the chance. The ones in Beniopolis gave Zoraster pause, so they should stop that bitch."

"Poor Marlena's made some sort of mistake and the madman let them have her. Zoraster ordered me here as soon as I got back. It was worse when I got here. She had burns all over her body. She was split and bleeding from between her legs and her bottom."

"She hasn't awakened yet?"

Celes shook her head. "I got a healer in here and he did what he could. She hasn't even stirred in the slightest. I've tried a few spells, but I can't reach her at all. I can sense her, but it's like she isn't really there."

"I can understand why."

"There's more," Celes said and pushed to roll Marlena up on her side.

On Marlena's right buttock was a brand in the image of a whip, still angry red from the recent press of the hot iron to her smooth flesh.

"Dear gods," Danica gasped.

Celes gently lowered Marlena back to the bed. "Zoraster told me to bring her around and get her back in shape. He seemed irritated. I think Garthak went too far this time. I thought maybe you could reach her."

"I can try."

Danica cast a telepathy spell, letting part of her mind concentrate on it while she used her mental powers to reach out to the woman. Marlena's mind seemed to be shrouded in fog. As Celes had said, Danica could tell she was there, but it was so faint as to be almost unnoticeable. Danica felt an urge to push forward, and followed that instinct.

After a disconcerting jolt, Danica found herself in Marlena's mind. Looking down, she saw that she appeared much as she had when she had astral projected. Otherwise, all Danica could see was a thick red-tinged fog.

Danica reached out with her mind, trying to peer through the fog. It didn't seem to have any effect. Something inside Danica told her she had to take control of the situation, force the environment into another frame of reference, one of her choosing. It was the only way she would have any chance of success.

She concentrated, bending her will to force away the fog. The fog vanished, replaced by a maze made of high walls. Danica ignored the walls and flew over them, unbound by the laws of nature here where she was in control. She flew over the maze, now able to sense better where Marlena was hiding within it. As she soared over the maze, she saw little pieces of Marlena walled up inside her. Memories of happy times, fears confined in tight boxes, favorite things sitting in places of prominence — everything that made her who she was, all carefully hidden away in the maze.

Marlena was lying in the center of the maze, her astral body nude and curled into a fetal position. She was repeating the words, no and stop in a constant monotone.

"Marlena, it's me, Danica."

The stream of words continued uninterrupted.

Danica bent down and touched the other woman gently. Marlena screamed.

Danica's astral body vibrated painfully. Regardless of her changing the environment, this was still Marlena's world, and her scream shook everything in it. "Marlena, listen — it's Danica. Let me help you!" She said through chattering teeth.

The scream died down and the stream of words returned, broken by sobs this time, however.

Danica softly stroked Marlena's back as she spoke to her, "Marlena, I've been through this too. I know how cruel Garthak and Camilla can be. They whipped me and beat me, violated me, and made me pee with that horrible violet wand. They pierced me too, driving needles into my flesh and laughing at me. I know what you went through. Talk to me, let me help you."

Marlena's litany slowed, even as the frequency of her sobs increased.

"You can't surrender, Marlena — that means they've beaten you. Garthak... That bitch Camilla... Fucking Zoraster... You have to face their torments and spit in the face of them. Be strong. Remain true to yourself. They'll pay someday. I'm going to make them pay someday."

Marlena peeked up at Danica, her eyes wide with fear and streaming tears, "They... They..."

Danica could see that Marlena's astral form had the same piercings and brand as her physical body. "It's okay — take your time. Marlena, this is your place. They can't have you here. Make their marks go away. This is your body and they can't hurt you here."

"I-I can't," Marlena sobbed.

"Let me help you," Danica said and then knelt down close to Marlena, wrapping her arms around the illusionist. She whispered words of comfort to the woman and sent strength flowing through her skin where it contacted Marlena's, lending her will to the illusionist.

Danica felt a shift in reality around her. She looked down and saw that the brand was gone from Marlena's buttock. "That's it — make it all go away and put on something that makes you feel pretty."

Danica felt cloth under her cheek and rose back up to her knees. Marlena uncurled and sat up, still choking off sobs.

"You see — they can't beat you. They can't break you. They may be able to force us to do what they want by threatening those we love, but they can't take away your spirit. You have to give that away."

"H-how have you endured this so long?"

Danica's brow furrowed. "By thinking about how I'm going to make Zoraster pay for what he's done to me... To you... To Celes... She's here, watching over us both. She's worried about you, and probably starting to get a bit worried about me too. Can you come back to us, Marlena?"

Celes voice from the real world drifted in, "Danica, she's stirring a bit."

Danica smiled as the maze vanished and Marlena's mental world started to feel less ominous and chaotic. Danica withdrew to give the woman her privacy.

It took several minutes, but Marlena eventually regained consciousness. Danica managed to get a little food and water in her, and then a pain killing draught to lessen the pain of her brand.

"I can get those damnable rings out of you, if you'd like," Celes said when Marlena started to look like her disorientation had passed.

Marlena looked at Celes with confusion obvious in her face. Danica was worried for a moment, and then realized what had caused the reaction. "Celes, she's never heard you talk without your put-upon brogue."

Celes shook her head, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Marlena. I don't usually talk normally except with Danica. I don't like how my voice sounds coming from this old throat."

"It's much easier to understand," Marlena replied, still sounding a little monotone.

"I took those damnable rings out of Danica when they did this to her. Would you like me to remove them for you?"

Marlena scowled where she could see the impression in the sheet of the rings through her nipples. "Yes, please."

Celes pulled the jar of salve from her robe pocket and Marlena pushed the sheet down off her body.

"You won't feel a thing. Whatever that is, it completely numbs you skin so you don't feel more than a tug," Danica assured Marlena.

Marlena looked over to Danica. "Did he pierce your hood?"

Danica nodded. "I decided I liked it, but I got a new ring as soon as possible. It's mine now, and I don't associate him with it at all. It's useful, because I have a lot of magic in it. You only have so many fingers and toes."

Marlena looked down at the ring and flicked it with her finger, an almost mirror image of the action Danica had taken when she was considering keeping her hood ring.

"Thinking of keeping that one too?" Celes asked.

Marlena nodded her head, but still appeared indecisive.

"If you decide to keep it, I'll have Damian make you one. You'll have hidden magic with you all the time then," Danica offered.

"I think I'll keep it," Marlena said with a smile.

"Okay — well let me get the rest of them out and loosen that one up so you can remove it," Celes said and spread the salve over Marlena's right nipple.

Marlena crinkled up her nose. "That smells terrible."

"It works, though. You'll want to get in the bath as soon as I'm done. It will probably make you feel better too," Celes informed her.

"You can talk about it if you need to. I know what you went through," Danica offered.

Marlena acknowledged the offer, but stiffened, obviously not wanting to remember what had happened to her — let alone relive it.

Celes removed all the rings save the one in Marlena's hood, and then loosened that one so the illusionist could remove it. Thinking about the rings reminded Danica that she needed to take the time to recharge hers. Some of the enchantments needed regular attention to ensure that they didn't fade. The most important of those magical powers was the spell turning enchantment. That enchantment failing because she had neglected to restore its power could prove a deadly mistake. It could only turn aside so much magic anyway, and any weakening could allow a spell she was unprepared for to strike her down.

Danica drew a bath while Celes worked, and Marlena sank into it with a sigh when Celes finished. As Marlena soaked in the bath, she did open up about what she could remember. Most vivid was Garthak raping a teenage clone of her right before her eyes — and the branding.

"Not much we can do for that I'm afraid," Celes said after Marlena finished relating what little she could about the branding.

"I bet an Erotine Priestess could get rid of it. Perhaps a Venissan could as well," Danica said as she thought about the possibilities.

Marlena cringed a little. "I don't know about the Erotines. They make me feel uncomfortable, and you have to be naked in their temple."

"Well, I almost guarantee they can get rid of that ugly thing. They have a temple in the city as well. I could go with you, if you like," Danica offered.

"I do want it gone."

"That's your best option then. Finding a strong Venissan priestess isn't going to be easy, and they will be harping on you to get pregnant. Sometimes they won't do something like this unless you're with child."

Danica smiled when something she saw in the maze of Marlena's mind demanded notice in hers. Marlena's favorite foods were crab legs and strawberry shortcake. A quick inventory of the places she could visit and the seasons told her she could probably acquire everything she needed to make it.

"I'm hungry, and I'm sure you are too. Would you like some crab legs and strawberry shortcake?" Danica asked with a knowing smile.

Marlena's bright smile was exactly what Danica had aimed for. "Those are my favorite things."

"Make enough for three, if you don't mind. I haven't eaten in hours, and that sounds really good. I'll stay here and keep Marlena company."

Danica winked and left the room, teleporting to one of Zoraster's outposts near a seaside market almost as soon as she had closed the door behind her.

"Was there a man with her — a wizard?" Devan asked Cheron once the Heraklan cleric had finished describing Danica.

"There was a man with her and Celes, but he was no wizard. He was trained at the Forge — man by the name of Brandon. Good with a sword, and quick," Cheron replied.

"You're sure her hair was blonde? Everything except that sounds exactly like my sister."

"Oh, she was blonde alright, above and below," Cheron replied with a shiver and a slight moan.

Devan raised an eyebrow, "Above and below?"

"I'm positive of that. It was certainly tickling my nose often enough to get a good look," Cheron said and licked her lips.

Devan let out a sigh. "Okay, that can't be my sister. She would tense up and do anything in her power to change the subject any time I started talking about another woman. She still has this ridiculous notion of love and propriety."

Vladamir reached out and patted Devan's hand when the woman reached for her wine glass again. "You will find her, Devan. I'm sorry that unfortunate circumstances reminded you of exactly what you came here to forget. You shouldn't give up on love. It is the greatest blessing of the gods upon man."

"You can keep love — I'll stick with lust. Lust at least does something. Love just equals pain. Where in the hell is Danica?"

Cheron slipped off Vladamir's lap and moved over to Devan to stroke her arm. "You came here to relax and forget your troubles for a time? Why don't you let us help you with that? I have lust aplenty to go with my love."

Cheron's words and her touch lit a fire in Devan's loins that soon burnt away her worries about her sister — for a time.

It took some time, but Marlena steadily recovered from her ordeal. Danica commissioned a hood ring from Damian for her, which she paid for over his protests. He received his preferred method of reimbursement as well, Danica unable to resist having him explode in her mouth and depths.

Marlena loved the beautiful ring, crafted of gold and set with an emerald. She was also glad for the numerous spells cast upon it by Celes and Danica. The magic of her ring would now help protect her from danger and offer her magical powers she did not possess herself. Just as with Danica, it became a reminder and a warning, but also something that was truly hers, a source of joy and comfort.

The three joined Andrea into their small circle. Andrea was a woman with diverse interests, and it seemed she shared something with each of them. Danica discovered that Andrea had planted flowers near the waterfall and the hedge maze, and was astounded by the woman's skills when she went to see the flowerbeds. Danica thought it was beautiful, but it was a passion for Marlena. The illusionist soon joined Andrea in her care of the flowers, and it did much to help her recovery.

Celes and Danica both grew closer to Andrea as well. Danica found that she spent as much time just talking with Andrea as she did coupling with her. Often, they just lay together and enjoyed the contact, talking quietly and gently teasing each other to soft shivering orgasms.

Andrea spent the most time with Marlena, because Danica and Celes found to their irritation that they were constantly sent on relatively meaningless little missions that involved no more skill than teleporting to locations. Zoraster himself seemed all but absent. Neither had seen nor heard directly from him since he had ordered Celes to tend to Marlena.

The two friends started to feel like pack mules and letter carriers. They tried to meet and push aside the ever-present reminders of their enslavement in pleasant company whenever possible, but they had still not found the time for all four of them to be together at once.

Danica and Celes both felt as if someone else was ordering them about. Their orders still came from sources Zoraster had used when he didn't deliver them personally, so they had little choice but to assume the orders came from him.

Celes shook her head in amazement as Danica finished the last of the runic wards on her room. "Danica, I think the gods themselves would get burned if they tried to get in here. Even when I had a body that could handle all the magic I know, I couldn't have done this."

Danica wiped sweat off her brow. "It's not easy. My whole body aches and my head feels like dwarves are marching on it."

"I'd have been that way halfway through. Let me get you a drink." Celes looked toward a glass of water on a table nearby and concentrated, making a little beckoning gesture with her right hand. The glass of water appeared sitting atop her left hand. Celes quickly steadied the glass and then handed to Danica.

"You've been practicing, I see," Danica said with a smile and then took a drink.

"I have to. I could accidentally hurt you or someone else if I don't get this damn power under control. I'm stuck with it now."

"I can understand why you do, but you'll have to get past your resentment of that power. You can't change what you are. It's a part of you."

Celes sighed, "I know. My love always told me that I couldn't escape my destiny, and I guess she was right. I wish I had my mother's grimoire, so I would know more about being a witch. I feel a little lost, because all I have is what my mother taught me before she died."

"What happened to it?"

"Once my powers were sealed, I buried it in my mother's tomb."

"It's lost then, I suppose."

"Only because I won't show the bastard Zoraster where my mother is buried. I tried to destroy that book in fits of rage several times. I doubt anything can really harm it. It should be sitting right where I left it, on top of my mother's sarcophagus."

"You could go..." Danica began.

Celes shook her head. "No, I'll not give that bastard and his bone wizards a chance to torture her as well. He'll never know where she rests."

Danica nodded, "I understand, and I don't blame you."

"I was planning to go see Marlena — she wanted some of my herbal tea. What are you doing today?"

Danica smiled. "I went and picked up some more bottles from Heather yesterday. She took my advice and has been making a stockpile of them. I think she has enough to open a shop now. I found a nice house with a storefront near the sea. Heather and Grant have always talked about living by the sea. I was going to go buy it and get everything they need to set up shop."

Celes sent her thoughts to Danica, Trying to get them away from Zoraster? Use the Hellgate to get them there. He can't trace that if you don't step through the portal on the other side. It might help hide them from him. She then said aloud, "Let me know when you get home."

Good idea. Thank you, Celes. Danica thought back, and then said, "I will. How about you, Andrea, and Marlena come here tomorrow and I'll roast turkey. I found one and had a taste for it. I'll never finish it all before it goes bad."

"I'll let them know. Maybe we'll finally all get together for once."

"See you tomorrow then."

Celes left for Marlena's room and Danica teleported to the seaside town of Suthpaeral in Agreseus.

Zoraster sat receiving reports both magical and mundane. He was near to planting the first seeds of his conquest, and there was much to do in preparation. He had remained secreted in his study doing exactly that for several days. Everything demanded his attention, because he trusted no one to do it for him.

Currently, the most critical necessity was to ensure that his dupes and agents throughout the world were prepared and knew their role when the time came. As the reports came in, Zoraster was pleased to see that all appeared to be in readiness or proceeding toward such on schedule.

This night would see another critical part of his plan set into motion. There were many with similar goals to his who could prove troublesome. Most he had found ways to ally with or neutralize. There was one threat yet remaining, and he planned to deal with that tonight.

It had proved difficult and annoying to arrange the meeting with Meckataur the Destroyer. Zoraster would have preferred to simply teleport into the Demon's presence and begin his negotiations, but that would have precipitated a battle that was counter-productive to his plans.

It would also have forced the removal of the Demon's wards, which would prevent Darkniciad and others from spying on him. Arranging the meeting allowed him to negotiate under the Demon's magical protections that were already in place and effective.

Meckataur could prove to be an irritation if working against him, and a valuable asset working with him. An item he possessed was Zoraster's true goal, however. He had only just learned of the artifact, a welcome addition he had thought denied to him. The demon had no use for it, but it would serve as the final catalyst for a spell that would cause ripples throughout the world. It would also prepare the way for his greatest magic, opening a path to the stone at last.

Once the stone was in his possession, those ripples would become a tidal wave that would destroy any who opposed him, be they man or god.

Zoraster didn't have an outpost in Suthpaeral; it was on the sea just as the couple wanted, and had many other factors that made it the perfect location for what Danica had in mind.

There was a magic school here that catered to the wealthy, the perfect clientele for the couple's wares. There was no glassblower in town, which was fair sized, but not too crowded. Many wealthy merchants had winter homes here, so the population was much more diverse than common in the region. The presence of those merchants had also prompted a local to make a very wise investment, constructing a large meetinghouse that served snacks and coffee around the clock. The place was dispelled, and had lead lined walls that prevented scrying. It had become a hub of merchant negotiations almost immediately upon opening for business.

Since nearly all business in the town was conducted there, Danica could make her purchases inside, and Zoraster would be none the wiser. Because she had purchased apartments in so many places, preferring to have a place to call home when she was outside the complex, her meeting would not appear odd. She had actually purchased a small dwelling to aid in covering up her true motive of getting Heather and Grant away from Zoraster's influence. This meeting would look like a follow up to seal that already completed transaction.

Danica had already observed the house she planned to buy for the couple inside and out through the Hellgate. She shook her head and chuckled as she considered that she hadn't even thought to send the couple through the Hellgate alone in her effort to hide them, until Celes had suggested it. She had noticed the place was for sale while exploring the town, and had instantly thought of Heather and Grant.

Danica went to the meetinghouse and found the man who owned the dwelling after only a few inquiries. He was in negotiations with another for that very building, and Danica had to bargain hard to attain it. She ended up paying a tidy sum of coin for the place, but decided it was well worth it.

Upon sealing the deal with a handshake, the merchant asked what sort of business was going to be conducted there. When Danica explained the nature of the couple's trade, he immediately recognized the lucrative opportunity, just as Danica had. He expressed interest in investing in the business, as he had some interests that could prove mutually beneficial with such a shop.

Danica promised to bring it up with the couple, thinking it would be a good idea upon hearing what he was offering. His suggestion would open up the potential for more wares in the couple's shop, and provide them with plenty of extra coin to get things going.

Another session of negotiations set into motion the construction of the equipment Grant would need to ply his trade. With that done, it was time to visit some of the shops in the region for typical purchases.

Danica bought what furnishings and other necessities she needed for her apartment, noting the wares of each shop so that she could point Heather and Grant toward them when it came time for them to furnish their home. Danica planned to cover that cost as well with a large gift of coin that she was not going to let them refuse.

She had already spent a large amount of coin purchasing her apartments, the home for the couple, and furnishings for her dwelling. When the cost of furnishing the couple's home that she had reached in her head was taken into account, it was a small fortune. The cost didn't really put a dent in Danica's finances, however. In addition to the coin she had available from Zoraster, Danica had began to make money enchanting common magic items for the wizards of the complex. Her reputation had spread as more of these items circulated.

Damian was still the master, but he rarely took common projects, so Danica reaped most of those benefits. The enchantments were simple and well documented, so it took Danica little time to complete the requests, and brought her a lot of coin.

Shopping done, she ate at a nearby Inn, and then went to her new apartment to arrange the items that were delivered that day. The rooms were still sparse at the end of the day, but at least they were now livable.

Danica lay back on her new bed, one that she would eventually replace with something more to her liking. The bed was comfortable, and because it was ready to be delivered today, Danica purchased it so she would have a place to sleep immediately.

Looking around the room, she was thinking about how she would decorate the place. She always tried to decorate in the local style — with her own unique touches — in each of her apartments. She was glad of the times she lived in, because only a decade or so before, it would have been impossible to find places like this. The business had been born of ingenious innkeepers who realized that numerous wandering sellswords and bachelors would like to have a small place to call home. Once the first few buildings filled to capacity, word quickly spread and they were springing up all over the continent.

With only one or two rooms, they offered more space and comfort than the room of an inn, but were much cheaper than purchasing or building a home that would have more space than a single person could use.

Here, Danica had a kitchen that was fully separated from the common room that also served as a bedroom. The owner of this establishment had also invested in a bathhouse for the tenants, one that rivaled the larger ones in the city for comforts and amenities.

Such bathhouses had originated in this region, and the ones here offered unique experiences not yet available elsewhere. Thinking about the baths, the likes of which she had not experienced in quite some time, sparked Danica to rise.

Leaving her rooms, Danica walked down the hall toward the back of the building where the bathhouse was attached to the complex by a short covered walkway. The small exercise yard at the other end of the walkway was empty, which gave Danica hope that the baths would not prove crowded. The locals engaged in light exercise before bathing, something that Danica had never fully understood. The whole point of bathing was to get clean, and the locals took time out to cover their bodies in sweat and dust before entering.

Walking into the bathhouse itself, the heat of the place hit Danica just before she reached the door. The intensity of the heat stole her breath at first, but Danica knew it was very relaxing once the initial shock passed. She walked toward the loincloth-clad servant who greeted everyone in the baths, accepting a pair of wooden soled sandals and a large towel from the man.

She located an empty cubicle in which to place her belongings and removed her clothing. Men and women bathed together here, though a few segregated bathhouses had emerged with the influx of foreign merchants. Nudity and sexuality had almost no stigma attached to them in this land, so the changing room was a wide-open space directly in view of the door, which didn't disturb Danica in the least. She was unashamed of her body, and anyone inside was going to see it soon enough.

Wrapping the towel around her, Danica was pleased to note that it at least did cover her completely. On occasion, she had found that the towels in the bath houses were simply not sized for a woman with breasts as large as hers. This caused the towels to feel uncomfortable and constantly threaten to come untucked and fall to the floor. She slipped her feet into the sandals and turned back toward the man who had provided her with them.

The servant was there to protect the bather's belongings as well as hand out the sandals and towels, but Danica warded the cubicle in which she placed her clothes anyway. She handed the man a coin from a small purse she carried, as was customary. The gesture also served to avoid offending him by the use of her magic to protect her possessions. Once the man accepted the coin, Danica passed through the doorway behind him.

The heat and humidity grew more pronounced as Danica walked down the short hallway toward another doorway. Clouds of steam drifted out of the doorway ahead, a signal of what she would find upon entering.

Same as Danica
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Private Michelle Carr Teen Michelle Carr Enjoys Anal

Michelle Carr is just a teenager but she sure is developing a large sexual appetite and returns today in Private Specials, Lovely Lassies delivering a great scene alongside Private stud Vincent Vega. Dressed in her sexiest lingerie this saucy redhead entices her man in to eat her tasty pussy, a gesture that Michelle rewards with a great blowjob, getting all warmed up for a fuck. This girl is a real screamer too, watch as she takes a hard fuck before offering up her tight little ass for some...

1 year ago
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A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Massaged And Fucked Indian Aunty And Her Daughter 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, thanks for the replies and feedback on my previous part. I got so many replies from readers and also had an encounter with my reader. That story will be coming later on. If you haven’t read my last story, you can read it from the link given at the top of this story. The last part was short because it only contained fisting. In this part, I am going to tell you about how I fucked Keerthana (Shalini’s elder daughter). While we were talking in the kitchen, I was exploring her body from...

3 years ago
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Life Of Slutty Shabana

Hi, this is Hrishi again. I live in Guwahati. I am an executive in an IT company and obviously, it involves a lot of traveling across North East India and the occasional visit to Kolkata. Though I am from NE region, as an Indian I am average with a height of 5ft 8 ½ inch and 32 years old and living alone. I will appreciate all of your feedbacks. I was a regular reader of ISS and after reading and jerking for about 7-8 years, I thought to pen down my sex stories and till now I have written four...

2 years ago
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Everythings Good

Everything's Good. By TOXIS  I knew it was going to be bad when two of the three detectives turned away from me when I walked in.?? There was a television in the corner rolling static on the screen.?? The one detective who would look at me asked me to sit.?? I took the chair at the head of the table away from the TV.?? Only the one sat down with me.?Look, I?m sorry to have to say this but we need you to watch a video tape we just got.??? His name tag said ?Ellison? and there was...

2 years ago
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Extreme animal sex on holiday in Greece

After I left the village where farmer Norman introduced me to my first bestial experience I seemed to drift from place to place. There was no contact at all with old friends from the village so I just started over again, and enrolled in evening classes one year because I got so bored. It was much more fun than I thought. The course was about classical Greek life and architecture, yes I know it sounds very dry and boring, but it interested me. The Greeks were a very open minded lot and much...

4 years ago
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Satisfied Young House Wife

By: Rahul Gupta Dear Friends Like you all I have also been reading lots of stories posted in this site which range from reality to fantasy.Friends I am a senior position in MNC incidents which happened in my life. The names have been changed to respect the privacy of the individuals. This incident happened more than 3 years ago.I was working with a leading MNC and based out of Delhi. I was in Pune on some official work and had logged into yahoo to check my mails.Since I had some free time...

4 years ago
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Time to play

how strange that my wife used to play on her own in bed when she thought i was sleeping, if i moved she stopped, i was so horny cause i had not cum in wks, if i said i need to empty my balls, she not in the mood, and she said she not touching her self, lol, i could feel the bed moving about 4am, i would be woken up by her wanking her clit, her legs wide, she moving up and down almost off, if i moved she stopped, if i said anything she moan i woke her up lol.many times i was so in need to cum,...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Camila Cortez Caught My Cunning Cunt Stepdaughter

Teenage stepdaughters are such fucking brats. Camila Cortez is no different, shoulda known from her mother. The apple doesn’t fall from the tree. When she spills through the window at fuck you o’clock in the morning, I (Brian OMally) can only think to ground her. Her mom is not around right now which is why she is taking advantage of me. I had no idea how far the little vixen would go. Apparently being grounded is the worst thing ever! Camila says she will do anything and tells me...

1 year ago
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My GF got a Strapon Pegged

It all began when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass. She was running her tongue lightly up and down the shaft of my cock, but paused for an instant to gauge my reaction. I moaned slightly, appreciatively. It felt good. She smiled and began slowly moving her finger in and out.We were naked on her bed in her apartment on a Saturday morning, the sunlight streaming in through her bedroom windows. At first, I wasn't fully awake, although Cindy did a fine job of waking me up. She had started nibbling...

4 years ago
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Harem Building The Southern California ConnectionChapter 2

Lee showed up with her little sister Suzie in tow on Friday night. They were fifteen minutes late but I attributed that to nerves for the both of them. Suzie had just turned eighteen and was a very cute brunette. She fidgeted as Lee and I were speaking. I turned from Lee to look directly at Suzie and said. "Suzie, Its nice to see you again, would you like something to drink?" "Yes please, a Coke or Pepsi would be nice." She replied. "Lee, what would you like?" "I'll have whatever...

3 years ago
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Shifter The Sex Demoness

"If you see this girl, use extreme caution- contact law enforcment in the area as soon as possible." A lovely blonde news lady is talking on screen. To her side is an image of the "criminal" she is speaking of. A silk skinned beauty with long, jet black hair. She's not human, her skin is dark, but a beautiful shad of crimson. Her eyes are black, lips full and soft- probably hiding sharp fangs and a snake-like tongue within. Large bat-like wings extending from her back. A demon- they were...

1 year ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 17

Marlon's state room was being used for the second time in only a few days. Once the AI had confirmed that the immediate danger from the missile had passed, Marlon had retired to his cabin to try to recover, but he also asked the AI to set up a meeting of his officers. The officers were seated much as they had been for the previous meeting and the low murmur of their conversation filled the room. Marlon himself arrived, flanked by two troopers and he strode to the head of the meeting...

4 years ago
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Cousin Ki Seal Todi

Hi everyone on indian sex stories dot net  , I am sam from gujarat and happily married.This is my second story on iss, before starting my story, I tell about my self I m 38 years old my height is 5’7″ & weight is 68 kgs & my dick size 7″ Lamba 2.5″ mota hai. And I have good athletic build, now I tell my story that happens between me & my cousin sister, her name is harshda with height of 4’6″ fair complex & curly hair (name change), this story started before 23 years on that time we both are in...

2 years ago
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The Characters Martin McTavish - me, 58Linda Bigelow -- my married sister, 55Lorraine McTavish -- my mom, 77George McTavish -- my dad, 76Jennifer McTavish -- my wife, 54Susan Robbins -- my divorced aunt, 72Dr. Hubert H. Huckabee -- the Doc, 52 Dave McTavish -- my married brother, 51>It's Complicated -- Boy, is it Complicated!On the TV or in the Movies, they always have the character say those words when it would take way too much exposition to really explain the...

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Always on GuardChapter 5

The conversation in the King's study began with much less formality. The Princess sat down in a high-backed chair and gestured for Jorgarn to take the one opposite to her. "My mother is a Longview woman," she began without preamble and before her father and her uncle had the chance to sit. "She is probably a distant relative of yours," the King intoned. But Sir Torbert shook his head in disagreement. "Longview's Lords are not always hereditary, King Landor," he said. "I believe...

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A Visit to MatildasChapter 7 After Work

After Work With the afternoon and evening classes finished, I headed back upstairs to my bedroom in the attic, hoping for some rest. It had been a hard day. Not only had there been the physical effort of the work but the continuous attention needed to make sure my instructions were followed exactly had been a strain. I was looking forward to getting into bed. I took off my uniform dress and hung it up behind the door. I wondered if I should take the corselette off too but just as I was...

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Living the DreamChapter 7

The next day was rather uneventful, at least at first. We awoke more or less together, and swapped Craxill and human-style kisses before heading off one by one to the bathroom for our morning cleanup. Breakfast was quiet, with Naltort once again demonstrating great skill in the kitchen. Tarmant seemed quiet. I didn't ask why, but I suspected she might be thinking about the confession she owed Naltort. I hoped he wouldn't be too upset when she did tell him, but I was sure it would get worse...

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Internal Affairs Ch 08

He still had the patrol car parked outside of the insurance agent’s office at night on his mind. He should bring in all the officers, of the squad on duty at the times of the complaints. He had a feeling that since it was a morals issue that would never happen. He could get a general warning about girlfriends and sex on the job issued, but he wanted to target it a little closer. He also wanted it to come from the desk cops, if they felt the brass badge group felt it had to come out at all....

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 40

Mom went to open the front door. I stuffed the key into my pocket as I moved into the darkness of the kitchen. I walked over to the doorway closest to the entry and pulled out my phone. I wanted to use the camera feature to look around the doorway and see who was there without letting them see me. “Mrs. Connor, is Seth here?” I recognized the blue hair. It belonged to Stefany from Shirley’s. There were also two brunettes and two blondes. I knew them from school, but I couldn’t recall their...

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“Look down on you? Geez, Mrs. Pittman...” “It’s ‘Jan’, Honey; I told you to call me ‘Jan!’” Jan admonished Melissa Towson, as the girl responded to Jan’s revelations about her friends and her. The version she had used was very abbreviated and modified to move them from sounding like X-rated to R-rated. “I want us to be friends.” Melissa seemed to relax more as the meal and conversation progressed. Melissa was a very cute girl with highlighted light brown hair; not heavy, but big-boned and...

3 years ago
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Junior Sex Club 8

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I must have dozed off just a bit after that, because I was abruptly aware that someone was above me...and that it was an adult woman. I could barely see anything, because her slippery cunt was hardly an inch from my lips. All that I could really tell was that her smooth labia were shaven and her slit was open. I was pretty sure that this was Eloise and I was...

1 year ago
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UpHerAssHole Marilyn Johnson Tattooed Blonde Interracial Anal with BBC

Gorgeous blonde slut with tattoos, Marilyn Johnson, is feeling extra wet and horny today. She can’t hide her excitement as soon as she sees her partner, Richard Mann. The naughty blonde flaunts her small tits and bouncy booty to the camera first before letting Richard eat them out. Marilyn softly moans in delight as Richard licks her pussy and asshole. She returns the pleasure by giving his big black cock a sloppy and messy blowjob. Richard then lets Marilyn ride his dick in cowgirl and...

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Christmas with his Fiancee

Tom and Steph got in the cab as the driver loaded their bags into the trunk. It was snowing hard, so far an inch was on the ground. The weather service was predicting total accumulation of ten to twelve inches. Theirs had been one of the last flights to land before the runways were shut down. "I'm so glad that we got to land," Steph said as she shook the snow from her long, dark hair. "If we had taken the later flight we never would have gotten here." Tom pulled off his gloves. "I'm just...

2 years ago
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RebirthChapter 13

The car I was following seemed to be heading in a fairly straight line back out of town away from the warehouse, although veering north away from where I had found Ronny and his friends. The further out of town we got, the more I let a gap grow between us. Since the traffic was thinning out, I figured I would stand out more without the traffic to blend into. I still felt like it was pretty obvious I was following him, but you hear about cops tailing people, and I hadn’t seen any signs that...

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White slavery or is it Really part 3

This is a continuing story of a young white girl after returning to the states due to the death of her father, quickly becomes an oversexed young teenager, and incurs one incredible sexual experience after another. She comes of age as an attractive young woman in this new most enticing area around the big city of New York. Adanna on the other hand being young and naive started to protest, this was met with this older black female security agent calling in, two male guards who held...

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Elaine Griffen Black BreederChapter 7

Saturday Daniella's Place It was 12 in the afternoon. Daniella's black baby was in the care centre. By 1 o' clock guest would be arriving at Daniella's. All of them were Jerome's friends. Daniella was cleaning up the place and Jerome used the money his mom gave him to buy himself whatever he wanted. They also had brought over the television from Jerome's flat into hers. Jerome made sure that it was connected so that they could all watch movies together. He also brought his DVD player...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 18

Against the dark of night he stands, Brandished holy light in hand, Forged by fury, wrath and flame, The blade that was lost, again has a name. “Excerpt from ‘Of Light and Shadow’ – Maigan Ezra” The boat rocked gently as it sailed northward up the Emerindrelle toward the Karvani Mountains. The wind had been in their favour, and the strong northerly breeze pushed the vessel quickly over the waters. Elaina was relaxing below decks in the large cabin the Elves used for sleeping and any...

4 years ago
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Bring Your Daughter to Work WeekChapter 3

I walked into the ladies room of my mom's work bright and early on Thursday morning, hiding in a stall as I buried my hands in my panties, trying to sooth my growing panic as I diddled myself. Tomarrow was the last day of Bring Your Daughter To Work Week, and If I didn't find someone to 'pleasure' me soon, I'd lose the chance all together. Just then I heard a voice whispering from the next stall. Then slurping sounds too. It sounded like there were maybe two people in the stall! I...

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Naughty Neighbor

My neighbor we will call Mary met and became friends after a while. She is about 20 years older then me(I'm 25) about 6 feet tall long dark wavy hair beautiful light skin and a nice curvy figure with a large firm ass. She also has muscular calves with long curvy wide feet and long toes which i love. She quickly realized i longed for her feet and teased me slyly more and more. One day her husband Bob was supposed to go to a friends house to watch a baseball game. Mary and I planed to to meet up...

3 years ago
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How I Helped My StepSister Continued

It had been almost a year since Bella had turned up on my doorstep, cold and wet with her two kids in tow. Twelve months in which my life had literally been turned upside down. My relationship with Bella had gone from strength to strength after that first night of lovemaking. We had tried to keep it a secret, but the kids found out quickly and as kids do, they also adapted quickly. The ex-husband was however a different matter. When he found out, he tried to make it uncomfortable for Bella and...

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Birth of a Wizard

At sixty I was not moving as fast or as nimbly as when I was younger. At least my mind was still sharp and clear which a lot of others could not say. I had been and done a lot over the years. I was a farmer and a rancher, a carpenter and an electrician, a soldier and a mechanic. I have been a clerk and a cook, hell I was even a fireman for awhile. What I was now was late and walking through an alley. I stopped in the shadows when I heard the roar and crashing explosion. There was a flash of...

1 year ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 004 Unprecedented Pleasure

Clear water is finally flowing from the showers, and my new friends pause their activity and step into the falling water, summoning me to them with the movement of their glistening bodies. Of course, I approach them, preceded by the length of my cock.Just as I enter the edge of the water, Emily stops me with her voice. “So,” she starts, “where are you from?”“Huh?” I ask, a little distracted by the ladies returning the vibrators to their pussies.“We answered some of your questions,” Xandra’s...

First Time
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Like a Good Neighbor

A light breeze carrying a hefty load of spring pollen wafted through the open window and across my sleeping face. The following sneeze pulled from my sleep. A general mental fog usually accompanied my first moments of the day but this was different, not just my mind booting up, but more like my mind was booting up the wrong operating system. I surveyed my environment to try to piece together my disjointed thoughts. Next to me in bed was Kaitlyn. She was still soundly asleep, unaffected...

2 years ago
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 CHAPTER THREE: REPLACED PART ONE OUT OF TWO!       FIN CROWN NETERA      He looked at me with that lust and sexy face, "I love you too" we hugged each other for a long time never letting go -is this the beginning of something new?- I asked my self...         JAMIE VENN LOTT     -What's taking so long? Should I call the police?- I walked in circles wondering what to do... And I came to the conclusion to go and see if she's ok. I ran to Jakes campus room "dorm" whatever. I...

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Fucking Series With My Slutty Friend

Hi everybody. This is Arun from Kochi, Kerala. I have read many stories here for last 2 years; thought about sharing my few experiences here. Here I narrate one of my experiences which is still continuing. I’m married but live separated from my wife. This story is about a girl whom I met in Bangalore. She became my friend, now is my sex partner in the absence of my wife. Her name is Saira. She is divorced now. Her age is 31. She is a Mallu. She looks pretty with good body. Her bra size now is...

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Fucking my wife in the shower and showing her off in a bar

Introduction: 6pm Friday night, were getting ready to go out but my wife hasnt told me what her plans are yet. We are in NYC. I stare at my wifes ass as she bends over in front of me. Shes teasing me and she loves it. Slowly she slips her panties off each foot. Each move is deliberate and calculated. Each twist and turn exposes a different part of her rear end. I can see her tight little ass hole teasing me. God what I would do to fuck that hole. But its a tease, it stays tight for a reason. ...

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An Indian In US 8211 The Blowjob

Hi there everybody.I’ve been a regular reader of this site. I liked the stories here,and so have decided to contribute myself. This is a tale of fiction, so none of it is real. Am planning to release more episode of this character who i will call as Lee, if the response is good. So here goes for my first story. P.S: I’ll be writing in first person point of view. My name is Lee, and I’m from a somewhat well to do family from south India.To describe me, am 5’5 with a average muscular body and a...

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MTVs Flipped My Fair Secretary

I plan on making several stories in this series, and if others want to, you are more than free to do so. Flipped By Po The 21 year-old rich and spoiled Brad, who was mysteriously bribed 100,000 dollars by MTV, agreed to appear on MTV's brand new show "Flipped". But exactly who he would be switching places with was still a mystery. But he didn't let it get to him... as long as he got paid and added more money to his illustrious bank. But... he had no idea what was about to...

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Horny Aunty Ki Hawas Mitae

Hello friend me rocky wapas aur 1 story apke like leke aya hu. Meri 1st story ko aap sabne pasand kiya uske liye thanks. Jo bhi stories me post kar raha hu wo sab real hai. So now starting my story. Apko sabko bata du ki me mumbai se belong karta hu. Jo log mumbai me rehte hai unko ye pata hoga ki ulhasnagar me sindhi rehte hai. To jaise apne pehli story me mine apko bataya ki beauty parlour wali aunty ulhasnagar se hi belong karti hai. To unki hi ek friend jinka nam maya hai. Wo unki ketti...

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VACATION 2008 Part 5

THIS HAPPENED ON VACATION 2008 – THE WAITERA couple of days after Donna had taken the 19 year old waiter’s virginity she said to me “I want to see you take his virginity also”, now this is the first time she’d asked me to do anything like this since the coffee shop incident some years before. Obviously I wasn’t keen but as she always points out she does other girls, even though she likes it, so therefore I should do the same, even though I don’t like it.She said she’d arrange for him to come to...

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Back Alley Debauchery

Mardi Gras in New Orleans, it is everything wonderful about living life to the fullest. My wife and I arrived in New Orleans the Friday before Fat Tuesday, we spent four days enjoying the food, drinks, and parades building up to Fat Tuesday’s celebration. On Tuesday, we awoke early, had breakfast, showered, and went into the French Quarter. It was late morning but we started celebrating early. The Quarter was already crowded and people were partying feverishly. My wife had prepared for the...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 11 The Prayer of Shalak

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Friday, June 17th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Ashland, OR I kissed my new wife. I had no idea what her name was, but she was gorgeous. Flaming-red hair spilled around our faces as we kissed, and I stared into her green eyes. Her kiss was hot and beautiful, stirring passions through my healed body. I felt amazing. The fever was gone, the throbbing ache in my leg had vanished. I was healed by my wife. Reina sobbed in the background while Rex...

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From this moment forward you are a girl Part 5

From this moment on, you are a girl...part 5 Her eyes were green, and they shone with intensity as I locked gazes with her...I pushed the button. The fucking machine behind me sprang to life and a very realistic shaped hot pink penis pushed its way into me. My eyes went wide but still held hers as it opened me all the way to its most forward position, slightly painful. My hips rolled, repositioning to take the entire dildo as it came on and on into me, pushing relentlessly. It...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 8 Thursday February 1 Anne And My Violent Lifestyle

I didn't see her until after the second ball of the practice session, she'd taken up her position on one of the seats directly behind the lanes. At the first available opportunity I went back and spoke to her. "Still on for tonight is it?" She nodded her head enthusiastically. "After what's been happening at home I don't want to spend any more time there than I have to." "What happened? Is there anything... ?" "I have this extraordinary feeling that you already know but if you...

2 years ago
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My ExWife Part Four

I lay there and wondered what she would think of me. Actually, I didn’t need to think, I knew, and I also knew what I thought of myself. I was in a great relationship with a fabulous lady and yet there was something missing. But that should be a reason to talk, not a reason to fuck someone else, let alone my ex-wife. I got up to make a cup of tea and my phone received a text message. I expected it to be work and checked my phone to find a message from one of my mates. “Daz, sorry but poker is...

Group Sex
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Blood of the Clans Ch 17

The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...

3 years ago
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Still in Vegas

Once back at the hotel, Mary and Joe talked about the possibility of heading out to the bar again. They recalled the great time they had the other night there, and also how Mary had teased the hell out of the three big black men. It had really gotten pretty raunchy the last time. Joe remembered how Mary had let the huge men explore her body tattoos, showing them intimate parts of her tiny sexy body. She danced with Marvin, allowing him to feel her tight body up. Also how she had allowed two of...

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My first day of school

I hade made it through most of the day thinking only about the girl I had met in the morning. She was just running through my mind all day long. Thinking about her gave me a hard on every time I thought about her and it drove me crazy how beautiful she girl was. I wanted to see her again in the worst way, just to see her smile again and admire her beauty. When I left my second to last period of the day I felt my chances of seeing her again for that day running slim. I hung my head low as I...

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Bed Breakfast and Sex Ch 01

Chapter 1 The alarm went off, and Louise Blaisdell stretched languorously in bed. She opened her light brown eyes and blinked. The digital clock read six a.m. It was time to get up. Through the window over her bed, she could see that the sky was already lightening on this late summer morning. She hit the snooze bar, and dozed for another ten minutes before the clock buzzed again, interrupting her sleep. This time she turned the alarm off and stretched again. Her hand snaked down into her silk...

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A Marines Homecoming Part 4

INTRODUCTIONIn chapter one Miriam, Jane's mother, made a pact with the young Marine Aaron. Miriam agreed to have sex with Aaron as long as he promised not to take Jane's virginity. Aaron, who is home on leave for two weeks, accepted the agreement and then immediately took Miriam to her bedroom and fucked her brains out. In chapter two the affair continued and Aaron honored his agreement preserving Jane's maidenhood. We also found out what the husband Peter was up and why he didn't trust Aaron....

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