GreeniesChapter 17A free porn video

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Martian Wastelands, 20 kilometers west of the Jutfield Gap
0338 hours

"Concrete reinforced trench networks protected by triple layers of dense sandbags?" Callahan repeated slowly, his eyes looking at the solemn, digital image of Captain Ayers.

"That's what we're being told," Ayers confirmed. "They're built with an egress corridor that connects the upper and lower sections and that can facilitate the movement of the units deployed in the network out the back of the trench with almost complete defilade from any frontal or overhead attack."

"So in other words, the arty didn't do shit, the tank fire didn't do shit, and every Martian that stood in those trenches yesterday is still standing in them today?"

"Well, not every one," he said. "We have information that there were significant casualties from the tank engagements. Spies in Eden report the hospitals there are overwhelmed. We are also told there were a number of desertions after the first engagement. Apparently the weekend warriors are starting to show their true colors."

"How many desertions?" Callahan wanted to know.

"Unknown exactly," Ayers admitted. "But the fact that there were any at all proves their morale is slipping, doesn't it? Their will to fight is a finite thing, something that can be broken."

"Not as much as ours is breaking," Callahan said. "The only reason half of our people haven't deserted is there's nowhere for them to go. Even so, I've had almost a dozen of my guys trying to fake some minor injury to get taken off the line and I hear over in Bravo Company some private actually shot himself in the leg and tried to claim it was an accident."

"I heard that one too," Ayers said. "If investigation reveals that is actually the case he'll be put in the brig, court martialed under wartime rules, and will spend the next ten years of his life shoveling snow in the Andes Penal Colony."

Callahan shrugged. "His punishment wasn't the point of my story," he said. "The point is that he tried it at all. We're all tired out here, cap and it gets kind of depressing watching those Mosquitoes come in every five or ten minutes to pop off another thirty or forty of us. I thought we were supposed to start moving by 0300."

"The Martian mortar attacks have delayed the re-arming of the tank division," Ayers said. "About par for the course out here. We should be underway in the next thirty minutes."

"Yeah, so we can go up against concrete lined trenches full of Martian guns."

"We'll be hitting them with overwhelming strength," Ayers said. "Four to one advantage at best, probably closer to six to one at many of the hills. Our entire battalion will be going after this one position. There's no way we can lose."

"You know," Callahan mused, "I wish I had a blowjob for every time someone said there's no way we can lose since we touched down on this place. I wouldn't have to jack off for a month."

Ayers let this go. Instead he sent a copy of their operational map to Callahan's computer (and to the computers of the other three platoon commanders in the company — they were in on the conversation but all so junior they didn't dare talk unless spoken to). "This is the position our battalion will be securing," he said. "It's known as Hill 657 on the Martian maps and it's located in grid Charlie-nine. It rises one hundred and forty meters above the mean ground level of the valley and is one of the most important defensive positions the Martians have to guard the central gap access route. Intel estimates it is staffed with company strength — two platoons of anti-tank infantry, two platoons of straight infantry armed with M-24s, grenade launchers, and eight to ten squad automatic weapons. The flanks of the hill are guarded by a number of APCs and main battle tanks, although the MBT's will probably not be in a position to support the Martian infantry against ground attack. There are at least two eighty-millimeter mortar platoons stationed behind this hill in addition to the Martian mobile guns back at the main line of defense. The artillery will not be subject to counter-battery fire, as you're aware. All of our guns are hiding back out of range of the Martian 250s and being held in reserve for the eventual attack on the main line. However, the Martian 150s will only be effective against us during the dismount period and for the first three hundred meters of the advance. After that, the bulk of the hill itself will serve to protect us from them."

"What about the mortars though?" Callahan asked. "We've seen what they're capable of doing with them."

"They will be able to drop mortar fire on us until we're roughly at the base of the hill," Ayers said. "Their mortar teams, however, will be subject to counter-battery fire from our own mortar teams who will be firing from their APCs two kilometers back."

"Won't the Martians just counter-battery our mortars with their 150s?" he asked.

"They'll be shooting and scooting," Ayers said. "Counter-battery casualties should be minimal."

"That's what we said about our mobile guns," Callahan pointed out. "And they fuckin' massacred them, remember? What makes you think they won't use whatever spies in the sky they have to pinpoint mortar teams as well? Hell, they could even hit them with their 250s, couldn't they?"

"I have no information on that, Callahan," Ayers said testily. "I'm just giving you the briefing that I've been given."

Callahan sighed, stretching back in his command chair for a moment. "Understood, cap," he said. "Please continue."

"Okay," Ayers said. "This is the attack plan in a nutshell. The tanks will roll in first and start putting suppressing fire on their trench network. They'll concentrate on the anti-tank positions first and then switch to the lower positions — where the main resistance against us is going to be coming from — once we start to dismount. Alpha and Bravo Companies will hit the front and lay down heavy suppressing fire of their own once they achieve defilade from the Martian mortars at the base of the hill. Delta Company will hit the left flank of the hill and start working their way up to the trench network on that side. We'll hit the right flank and do the same from that side. Now remember, there are APCs guarding the flanks of the hills. In order to maintain defilade from their machine guns and their 60mm guns, we're going to have to wind through this series of knolls at the hill base here, here, and here." A red line traced its way over the map, showing the route that would keep them out of the line of fire — in defilade — of the Martian APCs.

"From there," he continued, "we climb, moving on our bellies most likely. The slope of this hill is about twenty-five percent on average. It's very rocky and covered with loose sand on the side we'll be ascending. They'll be putting M-24 and SAW fire on us and possibly grenade fire. We'll use heavy covering fire from two platoons while a third advances and the fourth hangs back. Move your platoons up ten and fifteen meters at a time and then leapfrog around each other until we get close enough to start putting grenade fire through the openings in the trenches. That should keep the direct fire suppressed even more. We move up further until we can breach the trench. Once we're inside, we simply clear them out of there. All of this is assuming they don't retreat prior to that point. We're deliberately leaving their rear open so they have that option."

"Hopefully they'll decide to take that option," Callahan said. "Because if they don't, we're gonna take a hell of a lot of casualties."

"Medical teams have been alerted and are moving up," Ayers said. "So far it appears the Martians are not deliberately hindering casualty evacuation from the battlefield, so at least if you get hit, we'll be able to take care of you."

"Yes," said Callahan, "and we're already conveniently pre-zipped into these body bags they call biosuits. Isn't that nice?"

"Enough of that shit, Callahan," Ayers scolded, though without much venom. "If everyone understands their role in the coming attack, why don't you get your squad leaders and the rest of your platoons briefed in. Be sure to let your APC drivers know that they need to follow the goddamn map and stay in formation no matter what. Let your APC gunners know to stick to their zones when laying down suppressing fire. Part of the reason the tanks were hit so hard was they were putting their fire all over the place and leaving a lot of the Martian firing positions uncovered with suppression fire. Stick to those zones and follow the routes we've come up with and we should be able to keep casualties to a minimum."

"And just what is the minimum?" Callahan asked. "Only twenty percent? Forty maybe?"

"You're out of line, Callahan," Ayers said dryly. "Get the briefings done and be ready to move out in thirty minutes."

Among the platoon leaders, only Callahan noticed that Ayers hadn't answered his question.

"They're moving in," said Sergeant Walker to his squad just after 0400. "We have the almost live telemetry again from whatever source Intel is using to spy on them. They're spread out like before, tanks in front coming in hot, APCs behind, mortar teams and support battalions behind that. ETA to first contact, five minutes."

"Oh yeah," said Hicks, who had given up the SAW to Drogan and was now manning a position near the end of the trench with his M-24. "I'm lovin' this now."

"You gotta die sometime, Hicks," Walker told him. "Hopefully it won't be this morning. Command estimates they're going to put suppressing fire on the anti-tank positions first and then bring up their APCs to dismount their troops. Once they start doing that they're more than likely going to start plastering our positions to keep us from firing on them. If the fire gets overwhelming our orders are to hunker down until it eases up. Adjoining hillsides will expand their zones to pick up the slack if they can. Likewise, if one of the hills to the north or south comes under heavy fire we're to expand our zones to take the pressure off them. We have to make sure that no exposed Earthling soldier down there doesn't have someone shooting at him. If they wanna take this hill, they're gonna have to pay the price for it."

"What about arty support?" Drogan asked.

"We have two batteries of 150s committed to this position," Walker replied. "Lieutenant Comesly will be serving as the forward spotter and directing that fire. We also have our mortar teams on the backside of the hill. Platoon lieutenants will be directing that fire and it will be answered based on priority."

"What kinda numbers we looking at to be attackin' us?" asked Jeff.

"Hard to tell by the telemetry at this point," Walker replied. "But you can bet your ass it'll be at least battalion strength hitting every hill, possibly more."

"That would be about four to one or so?" Jeff asked.

"Roughly," Walker said. "You didn't expect them to fight fair now, did you?"

"No, not really," Jeff said, watching as the heat tendrils and the swelling dust cloud grew more distinct.

The rumbling vibration of the approaching vehicles became noticeable again and grew worse. The tension grew thicker and the communication over the tactical channel became less and less frequent. Nobody seemed to have much to say anymore.

"Tanks coming into range," Walker suddenly announced. "AT positions engaging."

His observation was not entirely necessary since everyone could plainly see that the AT teams above them and on the hillsides around them were engaging. The flashes of laser weapons began to light up the night once again. Almost immediately the flashing of tank guns from just over the horizon began to answer back, sending streams of eighty millimeter shells streaking towards them. Explosions began to sound as their hill was hit but it was clear from the first that the volume of return fire was not nearly as intense as it had been during the first attack, when it had seemed like the entire hill was going to collapse atop them.

"Tanks approaching," Drogan announced. "Breaching the horizon across the whole line."

Jeff saw the forms of the main battle tanks becoming visible, three then four then eight then a dozen then two dozen, their laser mounts appearing first followed by their turrets and then the bodies. Some exploded as they were hit with anti-tank fire, one here, five there, three somewhere else, but always more appeared behind them, their cannons and lasers flashing. The ones not hit began to spread out a little, continuing to advance forward despite the horrendous losses they were taking. And still more and more kept appearing.

"Telemetry is showing sixty plus APCs moving toward our position, coming in hot," Walker announced. "They're starting to spread out for what appears a frontal and flank attack. The other hills are all getting about the same and there is a large reserve divided up into company strength units lagging behind them."

"Six hundred men," Jeff said, his adrenaline now flowing quite freely. "All for us."

"How fuckin' thoughtful of them," Hicks said, gripping the handle of his M-24 compulsively.

"This is the real thing, people," Walker said. "They're coming to get us. AT units will shift fire to the APCs as soon as they're in range to try to whittle their numbers down. As soon as they start to dismount, open up on them. Remember, controlled fire, stick to your zones, and try to put your recticle on center mass if you can. Don't try to be a video game hero and get everyone with headshots. A wounded marine is even better than a dead marine. You kill them and they just lay there. You wound them and someone has to take the time and manpower to pull them out. Drogan, remember to go after the large concentrations with that SAW. Keep them pinned in place if you can so the rest of the squad can pick them off individually."

"Right, sarge," she said, her voice cracking just the tiniest bit.

"And when its time to leave, we do it like we practiced," he added. "Take your weapons and as much ammo and supplies as you can carry and walk quickly to the egress point. Don't run, don't push, and don't panic. Panic kills. Remember that."

"The tanks are stopping," Drogan announced.

And indeed they were. They had spread out on a sporadic line about seven hundred meters out, many of them trying to find what cover they could. Some were hiding behind already destroyed tanks from the first engagement. Others were trying to put boulders or small rises in the land between themselves and the hill. The cannon fire began to pick up in intensity, still concentrated above, at the AT positions, still nowhere near as intense as before.

"APCs visible," someone shouted. "Here they come!"

Jeff saw the shapes of the APCs broach the horizon. They were moving fast, faster than the tanks, not zigzagging, just coming straight on. As soon as they became visible they began to fire their own sixty millimeter cannons at the AT positions, adding to the volume of fire. The hill shook harder with the explosions but even as he feared it would be enough to suppress the anti-tank crews, two of the APCs exploded from direct hits.

"Yes," he whispered, his thumb playing over the firing button of his weapon. "Take them out, guys. Take them right the fuck out."

As they drew closer, the APCs began to fire their twenty-millimeter cannons as well, sending high intensity streaks of shells into the hill. And still the AT crews kept after them. Three more exploded, then five more, their hulks stopping dead as smoke and blood vapor rose into the air. But still they came, passing through the ranks of tanks that were trying to protect them and advancing further. Half of them came directly toward the front of the hill. The other half split up into two and began to move towards the sides. Suddenly, they came to a halt, their guns continuing to fire as fast as they could. Their rear ramps came down and the small figures of WestHem marines began to pour out of them.

"They're dismounting!" Walker shouted. "Open fire. Arty and mortars are incoming!"

Jeff's zone was near the right flank of the hill as seen from the enemy perspective. He put his recticle over the figure of a marine and pushed the firing button on his weapon. It kicked in his hand and the figure dropped, a puff of blood vapor coming out of his back. He had just killed his first enemy soldier. He attached no thought or emotion to this save a small feeling of vicious pleasure. He was too scared to feel much else. And before he could even put his recticle on someone else, before Drogan could even open up with her SAW to keep them pinned near their egress points, both the tanks and the APCs shifted fire and began to plaster the infantry trenches.

"Fuck me!" someone yelled as the streaks of eighty, sixty, and twenty millimeter began to pound into their position. Explosions shuddered and concussed through his body. Dirt, sand, and rocks began to fly around the trenches. One of the shells went off right outside his hole and he felt shrapnel pinging off his helmet.

"Fuck me is right," he said. Still he kept his head in his hole and shot another soldier. He then shot another one.

"Fuck me!" Callahan yelled as he stepped out of the APC and into the living hell of the Martian battlefield. Bullets came flying in, pinging off the top of the APC, slamming into the dirt around them. Two of the squad members went down almost instantly, both shot through the torso. He covered behind the rear of the APC the best he could and tried to clear his mind enough to start taking account of his platoon, their positioning, and the best way to advance them to the base of that hill.

The advance forward had been bad enough, horrifying even. They'd rushed inward towards their flank of the hill, sixteen APCs in all, plowing through a broad plain littered with destroyed tanks. As soon as the hill had come in sight, the lasers began to fall on them. The APC directly next to his in the formation had blown up right before his eyes, its turret flying through the air, the blood of its occupants geysering upward and blowing off in the wind. Two and then three other APCs of the company exploded right behind it, another thirty men dead in an instant, the rest of them horribly exposed, their suppressing fire doing next to nothing to slow down the onslaught of laser energy.

"Dismount!" came Ayers' cry, his voice sounding scared, desperate, very unlike the cool, professional tone of command it usually instilled. "Get everyone out and start advancing towards the base."

The APCs stopped and they'd scrambled out in a disorganized heap, two hundred meters short of their planned egress point and without much of anything in the way of natural cover from the gunfire that was erupting around them.

"Callahan, Meyers," Ayers ordered. "Get your platoons to put some covering fire on those hillside positions!"

"Meyers is dead, sir," a terrified voice squeaked back at them. "This is Corporal Jones. I've taken command of fourth platoon."

"Just fuckin' great," Ayers responded. "Alright, Jones, start commanding. Third and fourth platoon cover, first and second advance inward to the original dismount location. Move!"

Callahan repeated the orders to his platoon and then quickly moved behind a medium sized boulder that was ten meters from the APC. No sooner had he stepped away than the APC exploded, struck by an anti-tank laser. It's turret landed exactly where Callahan had just been standing.

"Jesus," he muttered, resisting the urge to stare at the destroyed vehicle. He turned back towards the battlefield and watched as his men got behind anything they could find to use as cover — rocks, undulations in the landscape, destroyed APCs. Several more went down.

"They're killing us down here," Callahan told his men. "Stop crawling around and start shooting! We need some fire on those Martian gun positions or they're gonna pick us off one by one!"

The SAW gunners settled in and quickly set up their weapons. They started firing upward, raking their bullets over the trenches where the flashes from the Martian guns were emanating. The rest of the platoon soon followed, sending three round bursts at the gun flashes with their M-24s. It had no effect whatsoever. The Martians guns kept flashing and men kept getting hit, their weapons falling to the ground, their grunts and groans of pain, their death cries echoing over the tactical channel.

"Incoming!" several voices yelled at once.

Callahan looked up and saw the streaks of artillery and mortar shells coming at them, dropping out of the sky like deadly hailstones. The explosions began a few seconds later. Flashes of light blinded them, concussions slammed into them, and men were blown apart, arms and legs and heads flying from their bodies, torsos tossed through the air on clouds of blood vapor. Shrapnel lanced into Callahan's left arm, slicing neatly through his suit and causing a warning light to appear in his goggles.

First and second platoon took the worst of it, however. They had been rushing forward to their position when the shells started dropping. Their entire front rank was shredded.

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First Threesome for Karen

“Hello”, Karen said into the phone. “Hi Babe, what’s going on at your place?” I questioned. “Oh, nothing much… I’m just bored sitting here by myself. I was watching a really good show on TV but fell asleep. So you can see I am bored to death. I can’t wait to start working out again. I can almost hear the gym calling my name.” She said sounding sleepy. “The doctor said I could start back to work next week. I am feeling much better though.” Karen is an aerobics instructor at the...

2 years ago
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My sub and her daughter Patty and Kate

My sub and her daughterPatty and KateWhen Patty arrived the next morning from her ‘date’, meaning she had whored as directed, Kate was in bed naked and I was in the kitchen fixing coffee and a bite to eat. Patty came thru the back door and into the kitchen still dressed from the night of play. With a smile on her face she showed me the $500 that she had made from three different tricks, or ‘dates’. I told her that she had done just what I had directed her to do and that she was a good sub,...

4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 2

A young girl stood still, her trunk on the ground next to her, an owl cage in one hand as she looked about in mystification, her face betraying her confusion. The girl's hair was as blond as blond could be, long tresses done up in twin pigtails that would have been suitable on a younger girl, but not on a young lady of about fifteen years of age or perhaps older, the muggle clothing she wore not designed in any way to hide her shapely figure. Her owl, Olwyna, screeched at the noise and...

3 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 14

SAL THE SUPER THE NOOKIE KING OF THE BRONX XIV UPDATED My aunt Gina was back in Italy for some kind of family reunion. I wasn't involved because she was not really my real aunt just my mama's best friend from the old neighborhood. We had been living together for almost four years now. She invested her dead husband's money in an interest in this huge double building apartment complex with over a 100 units. We were the live-in team that managed the building and kept it shipshape for the...

3 years ago
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My Auto Rickshaw Driver Addiction 8211 Part 2

“If you need anything else be sure to call up”, my father said. “We will go for quite a long time now, maybe about a month and a half. I know you can take care of yourself as you have done before but just in case don’t ever be shy about asking for help.” He said as he was at the door leaving with my mother for another business trip. He kept talking a bit longer about being responsible and keeping good care of the house but I wasn’t listening properly. The moment he had mentioned leaving the...

3 years ago
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Bonded to My NeighborChapter 9

The biggest plug had become looser in my butt. I could rotate it slowly and this afternoon it wasn't too bad trying to put it back in after going potty. It did take a little while to put it in but I held my cool better this time. When it was time I went over to Master's house. I actually looked forward to a good spanking this time. I hoped he spanked me. I knew my butt could take two days in row. My bottom had toughened up. Being spanked felt so very good. After I became as naked as...

4 years ago
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This story isn't all that original and I have seen the basic premise used several times, in TG and non-TG stories. However, I'd been thinking about this one for some time and decided to finally write it. C.A.L. By Morpheus Danny cursed silently as he hurried along the sidewalk, moving as fast as his legs would carry him, though the weight of the schoolbooks in his backpack slowed him some. He glared up into the sky, wishing the rain would stop. However, he knew that there was...

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Becoming Alive Stephanies Birth1

Stephanie broke off the kiss and pulled fletchers jacket off before tearing her t shirt off, revelaing a black lace bra that perfectly framed her dark hair and eyes, very cute, very sexy, and fletcher wasted no time in unclipping it and grasping both breasts firmly, causing stephanie to moan and bite her lip. her breasts, D cups, were firm, and her waist was tight and muscled. fletcher leant down and wrapped his lips around the right nipple and Stephanie let out a long moan of pleasure. never...

3 years ago
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Professor Tom Ch 10

Tom Smith waved goodbye to the receptionist as he walked out of the office. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He was actually leaving his office at 5 p.m. The last time he had left his office before 7 p.m. was when he’d had another moment of temporary insanity and left early to go see a movie. When he announced his departure, Sara looked at him like he’d lost his marbles. Her mouth fell open and she’d blurted out, ‘What the fuck?’ before turning bright red with embarrassment. He laughed...

3 years ago
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It Started In The Hall

I was doing my usual routine getting ready for bed; brushing my teeth, flossing and taking my nightly meds. Done, I walked into the room where my wife was laying in bed in her usual sleep wear; a pair of my boxers and a blue wife beater that she'd claimed as hers. I didn't mind because she looked fucking drop dead gorgeous in them. I slipped into bed, picked up the latest copy of Guns & Ammo and started flipping through it.We heard a noise coming from the garage area outside our window and I...

2 years ago
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Introduction to brotherly love

My mother got the local babysitter to come and keep an eye on us as she had to go to a wedding no horny little k**s allowed, so she went as the young girl arrived to look after us. Both my brother and sister was out visiting a friend so I was there with her on my own, she informed me that she was horny and wanted to spend time away from me and encouraged me to watch TV. After about half an hour I started to hear strange noises coming from my bedroom so being an inquisitive young person I went...

2 years ago
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A Rapist gets Raped

Introduction: Couple Pays a rapist back for Raping their friend Introduction: A Rapist gets Raped I will be telling this through the first person Character Janet. __________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Janet and 11 years ago I was raped by a guy named Mark. Me and my ex husband at the time lived with him and his wife Gina in their Mobile Home just outside of Atlanta, Ga because we have no where to go. One night while everyone else was...

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Marys story Part 36

Mary took Sandra back to Linda to get her pierced. “Don’t worry, it will soon be over.” Sandra was totally submissive now. Linda quickly marked her breasts the same way that she had done for Jaqueline. Mary held Sandra’s hand to comfort her. The two crunches from the dermal punches told Mary that her obligation to fulfil Imogen’s instructions was completed. “Why have you put rings in Sandra’s nipples, when I have tunnels? We are both pierced at the same size.” “You will be wearing steel rings....

2 years ago
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Wheres the Glory in That Ch 1

"Don't be a baby," Jess scolded."We've all done it. It's kinda fun, actually," Annie coaxed."They can't see you,” Taryn added, “and it's a quick way to earn fifty bucks.”I don't know how my friends coerced me into doing it, but there I was inside the women's locker room at a run-down gym, about to offer my services to men on the other side of a wall in exchange for money."Yeah, yeah, yeah… I get it. Now, where is this hole to hell? I wanna get it done and over with already," I huffed."Whoa,...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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His Fuck Doll Part 2

When Frank emerged from the bathroom, I was still recovering. Covered in sweat and still panting a little, I needed a break. Frank didn't see it that way. While I was still lying on the bed, he grabbed my ankles and pulled me across the bed. He was in full donation mode. He grabbed me by the hair and looked at me."From now on you'll call me sir," he said. "Is that understood?""Yes sir," I replied in a submissive voice."Get me hard again!" he demanded."Yes Sir," I said.He stood up next to the...

Straight Sex
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 52

"Janice! What in heavens name are you doing here? How did you get here and what happened? Are you ok? Oh my God, are you hurt?" I think I was ranting. I was so totally surprised and shocked to see my fuck buddy Janice Stewart from Lowe's underneath the hay. We'd spent some time in my dad's barn in high school, hence the term fuck buddy. Still, to have her here, now was a shocker. Manala checked her out and found nothing unusual. Shamona and Shalala helped her down to the main floor...

2 years ago
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Meri Girlfriend Niti

Hi friends , mera naam sandy ahi aur mein ludhiana mein rehta hu. Meri gf ka name niti hai aur wo delhi ki rehne wali hai. Pehli baar use mein yahoo messanger par mila aur phir hamara pyar ka silsala shuru ho gya. Meri gf ki height 5’5″ hai. Aur uski figure 36 32 34 hai. Dikhne mein bahut hot hai bus face par 1-2 til hai. Pehla 1 saal to hamre bich mein kuch nahi hua . Phir 1 din jab mein us se milne delhi gaya hua tha. To hum rajori garden mein 1 movie dekhne gaye. Movie mein abhut kam log the...

3 years ago
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Bhuas daughter Pinky with Raja

Bhua told us that her daughter Pinky is coming to India in 3 days. We should pick her up at the airport.Bhua and I and Pari went to airport to pick Pinky. At the airport we huged pinky and bhua introduce us to Pinky.We were happy to see Pinky. She was 5.8” tall with nice figures. Her breast were nice size and looks full figures. I looked at Pari she gave the sign of aprovel by touching her breasts. We talked in the car on the way to home. Pinky was not shy. She talked very nicly.By the...

2 years ago
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My heart was really pounding now. What the fuck do I do?! I wonderedsilently."Come on Suzie, let me fuck you!" he repeated. I watched him remove hisshorts and boxers so he stood in front of me naked.Think fast George! I told myself. Adopting a high-pitched tone, I said: "Ican't, I'm on my period." There! That should do it! I thought.But apparently Ivan knew more than I had given him credit for. "Then letme do you in the ass."IN THE ASS?! I was stunned.He was trying to turn me by my...

4 years ago
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The Strippers Revenge

It was three years ago when I finally decided enough was enough and escaped my miserable life with Jack. I moved far away, figuring it was the best option. I wanted to forget this life I knew, a new identity was what I needed. I had been working at Jack’s nightclub, as his ‘star’ dancer for a little over two years. My alter ego ‘Candice’ had become a stripping sensation. I was earning big money from adoring fans. That was the glamorous side of life. Unfortunately I never got to see it, but...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 115 The End Of The Beginning

It was a few days before Christmas. Sophia and Ellen had taken Betsy with them to go do some shopping. Warren was downstairs at Sophie's, in their apartment, reading a book. Suddenly, he heard the doorbell-the one from the door that led directly into the basement. He went outside the apartment and to the door, and opened it. "Jess! Hey!" "Hi Warren. What's up?" "Not much. Come on in." He led her through the basement into the apartment. "If you're looking for Sophie, she's not...

3 years ago
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All Is Fair In Love And Sex

It has been a long time since I wrote the second part of my sex story_ An orgy in the hills. Enjoy a new story now. Raj was a middle aged man who had completed his 50th year recently. He was a widower, having lost his wife and son in an accident recently. Slowly but steadily, he was coming back to normal life. He loved his wife a lot and missed her. But what he missed more was the sex between them. They had had some pretty wild times together. Threesomes and swapping were very common in their...

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Loris Revenge

Introduction: A wife gets back at her husband. Vegenance is indeed sweet. Chapter 1 Their completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week, they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it...

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lsquoBoundrsquo To Sell

Having worked at the company for almost three years andhaving made no attempt to hide the fact that I was alesbian, I suppose that it didn’t come as much of a surprisewhen one of the other women came over to ask me if I hada lot of lesbian friends.More than just idle curiosity, however, it turned out thatSally was also a lesbian and that, to my initial horror, shemade a bit of extra cash holding sales parties in theevenings and at weekends. But rather than selling Amway,Tupperware or any of...

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Lactating Surrogate Mother2

This following story is the continuation of “lactating Surrogate Mother.” Before I continue with the story I should thank those readers who sent me wonderful, encouraging feedback. Without mentioning the names of two lovely women (one lactating) who sent me emails inquiring my place of residence I should tell all the readers. I live abroad and I am not in India. I have no plans of visiting the country in near future. It was getting late for Mala to catch the bus. She hurriedly prepared my...

3 years ago
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WinnerChapter 6

I could not remember who had been the last president to throw out the first ball at a Washington Senators' baseball game. I had to go look it up and then TV and the newspapers were full of old pictures showing Roosevelt and Kennedy and Harry Truman, who could throw with either hand, doing the job. And all of them smiling and obviously enjoying it, all the way back to Taft. I probably was trying to forget about the last guy that did it. I did remember the last game at the ballpark, the one...

2 years ago
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my first time with a girl

I was 14 and I got a lot of call to babysit since having 5 brothers gave me lots of experience. I had already been changing diapers since I was 10. My mom volunteered me a lot. My neighbor on the next street was getting married and her sister and family were in from out of town and they needed a sitter cause their 1 year old was going to be staying home. Since I was going to be sitting for the 1 year old they figured why not have her other sisters k** stay with me. she never babysat and didn't...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VII

Buffy?s cock bounced and her balls dipped and swayed as she ran, but she paid her male genitals no mind. Now that the novelty of having a penis and testicles had worn off, she found them not so much titillating, as they?d seemed at first, but, rather, something of nuisance. No wonder Xander and the rest of the boys at Sunnydale High had worn jockstraps to keep them in check. The sphere continued on its course, toward the distant mountains of ice in the frozen northlands, and the Slayer...

2 years ago
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Kiski Mummy Kiske Saath 8211 Part II

Continuation of my story first read the part I first, to ne mujhe dekh liya mummy ne mujhe poocha ki main wahan kya kar rahi hoon to maine kaha ki main to dost ke ghar ja rahi thi lekin aap yahan kaise mummy boli ki unki mummy ji mere se khana banana seekh rahi hai maine mummy se poocha ki aapki chin pe kya laga hai (mummy ke mooh pe sperm ki mooch bani hui thi aur unke chin se cum ka dhaaga latak raha tha Aur uni maang mein bhi sindoor ke saath-saath cumshot se bani lambi line thi) to mummy...

1 year ago
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The Best Chef She Ever Had

Dear Molly,I can’t believe I’m writing to you, after all these years of reading your column. I would never have thought that my wife and I would have problems at the table. We have always had a great dining life, despite sticking to relatively vanilla foods. I’m usually the one pushing for us to try delving into some more exotic meals together or going for that fourth course, but Jane usually declines. I never was bothered, because I always figured she was completely satisfied with my...

1 year ago
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The Package

"The Package" "Hey Rach, there is a package for you." "That is actually for you, dear," replied Rachel. Puzzled, I began to open the package noting it was a Poshmark purchase. My guess, a pair of shoes from the weight and shift of the contents in the box. Opening the box, I was right. They were a pair of black d'orsay pumps with four-inch heels, just like a pair that she has in her closet. "Rach, I believe this package is for you, not me. It has a pair of high heels in it." "No hun,...

3 years ago
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Minding Others part 7

by DiscipleN Chapter 7 I was surprised by the knock at my door. It sounded while I wrestled with my pajamas. All I wanted was to sleep. My head leapt to the conclusion that mother had chased me, still bent on throwing me out. I briefly wondered if I deserved such a fate. Then I heard Lynn ask through the door. "Hey butt-head, what the hell's going on?" "Nothing. Just go back to bed." "Don't tell me nothing. I woke up and mother was yelling. She's locked her door and...

2 years ago
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The Girl Who Played With Herself

Lisbeth Salamander never paid porn site subscriptions. That was one of the fringe benefits of being a professional computer hacker. She hacked into the billing company’s computers and signed herself up using the names and identities of government ministers or members of the clergy. Lisbeth had a boyfriend, a young investigative journalist named Michael Plumfist, but she was one horny goth. Being fucked twice a night just whetted her appetite, and if she couldn’t sleep she would log onto the...

3 years ago
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Fun With Mom at 16

Home fun at 16 (I hope you will forgive the writing style of this story. It is a bit of stream of consciousness but it is as I remember the very exciting night.) My next time with my mom occurred when I was 16. My dad was off on a hunting trip, if I remember correctly. Mom had gone to a party and apparently drank too much while taking some prescription medicine which put her on her ass! I got a call to come drive her home (wasn’t very far away) and I did, but it was very difficult to get her...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 5

Forbidden Fruit V Soft jazz music was playing in the background at Gran Morte's. Waiters were walking in and out of the kitchen, each one carrying hot plates of food soaked in fancy dressing to a well-playing customer base. Grace and Aren Orthen were sitting at a table for two in a corner speaking about things that wouldn't be very normal for two forty-year-old women. How they liked the latest Call of Duty game, how big the tits were on the Asian woman that sat a few tables ahead of...

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