Mia I Njen Muž, Prepiska Između Nje I Mene free porn video

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Mia i njen muž
Lovac sam kao i tvoj muž, sastali smo se u vašem kraju, lovci se druže, zar ne. Lov, cuga, klopa i onda razmještaj po kućama. Ja sam dopao kod tvoga muža, ranije sam se raspitao, rekli su mi da ima zgodnu ženu i da je ljubomoran. Družio sam se s njim i izgleda da sam mu se učinio bezopasan, dok je odlučio da me dovede na spavanje.
Ljubomoran je, čuo sam to i sama se pitaš kako to da je stranca doveo kući na spavanje?? Pustio sam priču da me puno ne interesiraju žene jer imam posljedice od rata, odnosno da mi "ćuna " ne funkcionira , što su pričali i moji dečki( njih par koji su bili u dogovoru sa mnom) i tvoj ljubomorni muž me doveo doma, kao trofej. Na tvoj upit kako i zašto me doveo on se smije, ha ha pa morao sam nekoga ovaj mi se učinio simapa, lik je ok, zašto ne....gledaš ga s nevjericom, to ste pričali dok sam ja bio u wc-u.
Uostalom uvijek tražiš nekoga tipa za grupnjak, a sada sam ti ga doveo i smije se kao lud, kao dobra šala, ha ha ima onaj opaki zločesti smijeh, da vidimo kako će to ispasti, samo kažu njegovi momci da on baš i nije pravi muškrac ha ha i smije se. Nakašljavam se kao izlazim iz wc-a, ti me gledaš znatiželjno, nešto ti tu ne štima, cugamo i dalje, On je jako vesel, ja pogledavam kriomice u tvoj dekolte, koji je on rekao da malo više otvoriš, da me pališ(jadnika) kako me nazvao.Volim gledati tvoje grudi, a pod stolom ti sada već otvoreno dodirujem noge, tvoja uz moju, prihvačaš , jer ti je lijepo, ali nekako s nevjericom. Pali me kako su nam noge prislonjenne jedna uz d**gu i malo ih trljamo, dok on uzima mobitel i ide razgovartai na terasu, vesel je. Gledam za njim i uzimam tvoju ruku i stavljam je na moje međunožje, stavljaš ruku na moj napeti ud, pokušvaš je odmaknuti ali ja ne dam, otvraš dlan i hvataš prstima moj ud, te ga lagano masiraš preko hlača a na usnama ti osmijeh. Kao ono , pitaš se, ali? Gledam te i stavljam prst na usta, opsuti se i uživaj , vjeruj mi... ali muž kaže da ti.......nugodno ti je to i izreči , ha ha smješkam se , znam ja što on misli, ali ti vidiš i osjetiš jel tako, sada ga već masiraš preko hlača, napet je i tvrd, stiskaš ga i drkaš preko hlača jer si se napalila, a on i dalje priča na mobitel na verandi...
Vrača se i onako raspoložen gleda nas i veli, slušaj prijatelju, ova moja žena, kurva, moram tako reči , sanja o tome da je jebu dvojica, ja se kao pobunim pa nemoj tako govoriti, daj začepi kaže on meni i slušaj me. Ti si pognula glavu, i šutiš , a on veli i tako sam ja odlućio ovoj kurvi da ostvarim njenu jebenu želju, zato si ti tu. Jebati ćemo je nas dvojica, kad to toliko silno želi, i smije se kao lud. Ja mu pokušavam kontrirati pa nije uredu da je tako zoveš, a on će slušaj prijatelju, od sada je i ti moraš zvati kurvom jer to ona tako silno želi, koja žena želi da je jebu dvojica je kurva, jel tako draga moja kurvo, ti šutiš ..
Pitao sam te nešto, da dragi moj, odgovraš mu pognute glave, dok ti noga ispod stola trlja moju, jebote al sam se napalio, on se smije i ode u podrum po vino, a ti i dalje mahnito drkaš moj kurac preko hlača, dok moja ruka miluje tvoje međunožje, lagano ti milujem unutarnju stranu bedara ...
Vrača se s vinom prilazi ti s leđa, ljubi te po vratu i gura ruke u bluzu, vadi sise van i miluje ih, gledam to, napaljen sam izvadi ih, i pita me što veliš na sise što ih ima kurva od moje žene, pa nemoj je tako zvati, pokušvam ja, ali on ponvlja, što veliš na sise od kurve, ti se izvijaš, dok te on ljubi po vratu i miluje sise koje slobdono vise vani, jebote pa ti si napaljena, i to dobro. P a ima krasne sise, mucam ja . Ponovi tko ima krasne sise, kurva jel tako. Mislim u sebi,jebi se , ponavljam, da,da, da kurva ima jako dobre sise, odmiče te od stola, spušta ruke medju noge zadiže suknju i miluje ti bedra i unutarnju stranu butina, sve do gačica, jebote koja scena, muž ti s leđa, sise vise slobodno, a on ti šlata međunožje, a ja skrivam napeti kurac... pogledaš me ispod oka vidim da si napaljena....
On nastavlja s milovanjem i i dira ti picu preko gačica , te veli, večeras ćemo se zabaviti, želim mojoj kurvi da ispunim želju, ali pošto se mom kolegi lovcu ne diže kurac i smije se kao lud, svojim kretnskim samodopadnim smijehom, on će lizati picu od moje kurve, kurvo jesi li zadovoljna upita te on. Šutiš i gledaš me ispod oka, dok ja pizdim sise ti vise vani, noge raširene a on te šlata medju nogama.
Dok te on šlata medju nogama, odjednom se diže iza tebe i naređuje ti da ustaneš, prizor je prekrasan kosa ti nježno pada niz ramena, sise , teške i pune vise iz grudnjaka, spuštaš haljinu i on ti naređuje da dođeš do mene i poljubiš me. Više me ništa ne može iznenaditi , igra je počela, vidim da ga slušaš i da bi mogla biti zanimljiva noć.Naime mrak je pao, prilaziš mi, ustajem saginjem se da te mogu poljubiti, osjetim tvoj dah miriše na vino, hvatam te oko struka i priljubljujem k sebi da osjetiš moj napeti kurac koji se propinje, lagano se trljam njime o tvoje međunožje ti si se samo čvrsto se stisla uz mene, osjetim kako ti srce užurbno kuca, prislanjam usne uz tvoje, i jezici nam se silovito, željeno isprepliču u divljem zanosu strasti, dok nas on pogledava, u tom trenutku ne postoji on, samo nas dvoje, prekrasno, odmićem se gledam te, želim upiti taj prizor za vječnost, ti ljepotica ljubi
Ti ljepotica ljubiš se sa mnom pred mužem, predivan osjećaj, napet. Ma ko ga jebe, bit će on većeras rogonja, a da to ni ne zna, neće ovo biti njegova igra već moja, tvoja i moja ......
Oh kako je lijepo, ne možemo prestati ljubiti se, strastveno , a istovremeno i nježno, tijela nam se trljaju jedno o d**go, tvoja je ruka iza moga vrata, a moja ti stišće guzu i pritišće je na moj ukručeni kurac, odjednom se čarolija prek**a, hajde vas dvoje golupćića dosta je tih sranja s nježnosti, skoro ste me dirnuli u srce, da ne znam da se prvi put vidite pomislio bih da ste ljubavnici i slijedi njegov iritirajući smijeh...
Hajde Mia, ti češ sada za nas dvojicu izvesti striptiz, zinula si i gledaš ga, sjeo je kraj mene donio čaše s vinom i nazdrvio mi, ha štoveliš na moju kurvu, jel dobra, i onako ispitivački te gleda. Dobra je jako je dobra, to je moj komentar.
Hajde, samo hajde kurvo počni već jednom s tim striptizom , jedva čekam da vidim reakciju našega prijatlja Grge, ha ha , samo da vidiš kako to moja kurva profesionalno radi, past češ na guzici , ako ti se od njenoga striptiza ne digne kurac, onda si stvarno u kurcu. A TI KURVO KRENI VEĆ JEDNOM IZABERI GLAZBU I Sk**AJ SE
Izabrala si glazbu( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZuJ_OHBN78 ) i počela se lagano vrtjeti, sise si vratila u grudnjak, i lagano , kao stidljivo plešeš, on te nezainteresirano gleda, dok ja pratim svaki tvoj korak. Gledam te u oči , primjetila si to, želiš tu pažnju, treba ti, osjećam to, otkopčala si bluzu, i dodaješ je suprugu, on je nehajno dobaci do mene, i kaže evo ti za početak nešto od kurve, smije se , pratiš ritam dolaziš do mene okrečeš mi leđa i sjedaš u krilo , želiš da ti otkopčam grudnjak, otkopčavam ga i lagano ti milujem divne grudi, osjetim , kako drhtiš, treseš se u mome krilu, ljubim te za vrat, lagano jezikom prelazim iza ušne školjke, dok tvoje tijelo prislanjam uz moje, osjećam kako si se naježila, godi ti nježnost, naglo ustaješ rukom pridržavaš grudnjak, sk**aš ga , treseš s grudima i bacaš mi grudnjak u krilo. da prekriješ moju nabreklu kurčinu. Jesam li to vidio osmijeh na tvome licu ili mi se učinilo, ako i je vješto to prikrivaš od muža, jebote pa on misli da on vodi igru, zajebao se , ti i ja , nas dvoje ćemo igrati glavne uloge ,a on će biti periferna figura, pijun, pajac, osjećam to, ha ha vidjeti ćemo tko će se zadnji smijati....
Sk**aš suknju u ritmu, vrtiš njome, sviđaju mi se tvoje brazlijanke,lijepo ti ističu tvoju skladn guzu, jebote pomišljm kako bi bilo jebati te u guzu, okrečeš mi je i vrtiš s njom pred mojim licem polazim da te dohvatim, ali se odmičeš , smiješ se, no, no, to je vlasništvo moga supruga, on odlučuje tko će je imati, zar ne dragi, smije se godi mu ,ego mu raste, tako je kurvo, ja sam tvoj vlasnik. Bacaš mu haljinu u naručje ostavlja je sa strane , pogledava me i kao nehajno kaže, vidiš, tko je ovdje gazda. Maše ti rukom da dodješ do mene, pogledavaš ga , ponovo ti mahne kao nestrpljvio, i cuga vino, prilaziš mi, okrečeš guzu i vrtiš njome preda mnom.
Prelazim ti rukama preko ledja, milujem ih , spuštam ruku na guzu, milujem te preko gačica, dok se ti uvijaš,alli lagano da bi mogli oboje uživati u milovanju. prelazim rukama preko kukova i butina te jednom rukom hvatam tvoju nabreklu pičku, zaustavljam te u pokretu, stiskam je punom šakom, snažno ne prejako, ukočiš se stiskaš noge, kao da traje vječnost, osjetim kako puslira pod mojim dlanom, kako sam je stisnuo tako je i lagano masiram ,osjetim koliko si topla, podatna, o da, želiš ti kurac, trljam je, dok si se ti ukočila..... trgne nas njegov glas koji kurac ste stali hajde kurvo pleši, a ti skini joj gače da vidiš što je pička, moja pička.
Sk**am ti gače dok se ti uvijaš , iskoračuješ i uzimam ih, mirišem, o da volilm miris napaljene pičke, vlažne su , gledamo se u oči, gola si, uvijaš kukovima, treseš sisama, prelaziš rukamo po tijelu, znam da je to namijenjeno meni, on ustaje i odlazi van. Sjedaš preko puta mene,raširenih nogu, punih teških sisa, lijapa u svoj svojoj nagosti, znoj ti se prelijeva preko usnica, brišeš ih, prinosim ti vino, uzimaš ga, gledaš moj nabrekli ud ,stisneš ga rukom ,jako,grčevito..ulazi on povlačiš ruku, piješ vino, on nešto nosi u ruci, što je to????
Što to on nosi u ruci, pa to je ogrlica, kožna ogrlica s sjajnim lance, ide prema nama, jebote koji mu je kurac mislim u sebi, ma neće mene, nek se jebe,.....
Mia kelkni dolje, pogledaš ga, odlažeš čašu s vinom, klekneš, digneš glavu, stavlja ti kožnu ogrlicu oko vrata, milujem te po leđima, osjetim da drhtiš, strah, napetost, uzbuđenje, osječam da ga se ne bojiš, pa onda je uzbuđenje, tebe to pali....
Milujem te po leđima , spuštam se rukom prema guzi, milujem je lagano, a ti širiš noge, klećiš i širiš noge da bih ti mogao lakše doći do pice. Guram ruku medju noge, lagano si ih raširila, prstom dodirnem usmine,nabrekle su pune od napetosti uzbuđenja, d**gu ruku guram preko butine do prednjeg dijela pice, milujem ti klitoris, osjetim kako pulsira, napet je , prst kojim sam došao s guza, razmičem usmine, ilagano ga gurnem u tebe. Ulazi bez otpora, vlažna si ,samo sklizneu tvoju nutrinu ,drhtiš, osjetim kako ti nutrina pulsira, milujem ti klitić, masiram ga, dok d**gom rukom pojačavam pritisak na tvoju utrobu, naime stavljam još jedan prst grčiš se lagano , neprimjetno se nabijaš na moje prste. Volim kad pokažeš incijativu i karaš se na mojim prstima,pogledam gore a muž ti stavio ogrlicu,crnu, novu, kožnu s alkom i lancem oko vrata , digne lanac(sjajni , kromirani, doista je elegantan) pljune ti u lice i kaže hajde kurvo zini, pa to ponovi kako on to uradi tako se ti trgneš i nabijaš na moje prste, te lagano neprimjetno vrtiš sa svojom prekrasnom guzom , gledam gore, uzeo je kurac u ruku igura ti ga u usta, dižeš ruke da si pomogneš gutati ga,....
Ne , nediraj ga rukama kurvo, samo ustima radi, tako prave kurve puše kurac, nauči se već jednom hoćeš biti kurva onda i budi kurva kakava treba biti.
Spuštaš ruke, hvata te za glavu , i nabija ti kurac u usta, ah sad ću ti rasturiti usta kurcem da me zapmtiš, dok on to govori ti se lagano nabijaš na moja dva prsta , a ja prednjim masiram klitoris, osjetim kako ti se utroba diže, dok ti nabije kurac do grla, jebote koji osjećaj.
Pao je mrak, brzo kao i što pada u tim krajevima, sreča pa da ne vidi kako mi je kurac čvrst i napet, s rukom koje ti je naredio da spustiš , drkaš grčevito moj kurac , dok te ja jebem s prstima. Hvata te za glavu i nabija grčevito ovo je jebanje u usta mislim u sebi, čuje se tvoje grgljanje, ali ne posustaješ s drkanjem moga kurca i nabijanjem na prste, ti uživaš , drago mi je to vidjeti i osjetiti.
Kurvo, kurvo puši , sad bi željela da te još ovaj jebe, ali vidiš kakav je, ha ha ha i stisne ti glavu, čvrsto, te se isprazni u tvoja usta, zagrcneš se ne možeš sve progutati, sperma ti curi niz bradu, smije se gleda te, ali ti ne posustaješ s nabijanjem na moje prste dok ih ja nabijam još žešće u tebe i masiram ti klitoris . Trzaš se , zavrtiš kukovima i umiriš se, prislonim se uz tebe, mokra si od znoja, grlim te, izgubila si se u mome zagrljaju, treseš se kao prut, i umiriš se na mojim prstima, nemoj ih vaditi molim te neka malo stoje u meni, volim ih osjetiti. On je otišao u kupatilo , šapčem ti ne brini sad će on zaspati ,a onda ću te ja jebati, okrečeš glavu i gledaš me, što to pričaš, ne brini , zaspati će, kad ti kažem, gledam te, lice se presijava od znoja, tragovi sperme na licu, ogrlica oko vrata, a sjajni lanac visi ti do između nogu.
Ne brini zaspati će i imamo čitavu noć za nas, ma neće znam ja njega odgovaraš mi, smješkam se, vjeruj mi.....

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4 years ago
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Mia Chapter 3 The Challenge

Four hours had passed since they arrived at the Kappa Pi Epsilon party and the running tally was: Kristopher: 2, Norah: 3, Mia: 2 and Patrice: 5 “Couldn’t we have just made it how many shots we could do in a night?” moaned Kristopher. “This is getting embarrassing.” “You’d still be losing!” laughed Norah. “Yeah but I’d never thought Patrice would be winning this. You and Mia maybe... not him! Where is Mia anyway?” he asked looking over all the heads of the party goers, but unable to see her...

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Mia Chapter 5 The Sleepover Part I

Finally – this shift has dragged in! Jesse thought to himself as he hurriedly left the HQ for Campus Accommodation. It was early Saturday evening, but with his flat mate gone for the weekend and the soccer season over he was looking forward to chilling out on the sofa and watching TV. He was half way to his apartment when he heard an all too familiar voice call out his name. “Jesse! Wait up.” He turned around and saw the delightful brunette that he had been no-so-secretly pining for over the...

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Mia Six Months Later

I would not see Mia for another 6 months.  However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again.  In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit.  Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty.  Even in her letters, Mia would...

Group Sex
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Mia Pt 02

N.B. All information (ie phone numbers) are fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I appreciate some of you thought the last instalment was categorised incorrectly, and I’m not sure this belongs in the same one, but it seems the most viable option. Happy reading! ********** Caleb made it to school just in time to get settled and ready for his form class. He was uncertain as to whether leaving Mia alone in his home was a good idea or not, but he couldn’t...

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Mias first anal

Alex drove Mia home. She got out of the car and came around to his window for a quick kiss. Alex handed her a small package and told her to open it when she was alone. Burning with curiosity she hurried inside and ran into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She ripped open the package and found a short note from Alex at the top, which she immediately read. "Put it in and leave in. I'll pick you up around three tomorrow." That was all the note said. Impatiently, she tipped the...

3 years ago
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Mia Chapter 2 Another Fine Introduction

30 Aug 2010 Dear Mia, Great to hear you are having a great time. Wish I could say the same. I’m getting grilled from my folks about the amount of times I’ve been going out – hello I’m 20 years old for fuck sake. As much as I know this academic year is going to be difficult they don’t need to keep reminding me. They don’t see that I’m using my last chances to come in a 5am then not wake up to like 2pm. But that’s a rant for another day. Actually can’t wait to move out again. I like how...

4 years ago
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Mia Martin ndash Party of the Year

My name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my freshman year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.The year was 2005.I had met an amazing woman Mia the previous semester, shortly after New Year's we started spending a lot of time together. Mia was cool, much cooler than I. She was always the shortest...

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Mia Made Us

I was twenty-two years old and married for nearly two years. I was so happy and in love with my husband and made it my goal to be a loyal and faithful wife. Had I only known what the future had in store.I had been working as a bartender for a year now and I loved my coworkers. Everyone got along and made the environment a fun one. The group of bartenders and waitresses were attractive and fun people. The one that stood out though was Mia.A twenty-nine-year-old gorgeous Latin and black woman who...

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Mia Chapter 1 Introductions

Chapter 1 - Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...

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Mia Instagram modeling

Mia had been on her phone on Instagram checking out who had been liking and sharing her recent pictures. Mia was a beautiful girl. Mia rarely used any filters unless it was to add effect to her pictures. Mia had a short curly jet black pixie cut with honey almond highlights that looked wonderful with her mocha brown complexion and her wide sparkly dark brown eyes. Mia went by MiaBuddaflyKiss3s on her Instagram and twitter account. Per request from some of her older male followers she had a...

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Mia Pt 2

Mia - Part Two - Not close enough for comfortI took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from home for days at a time, it was over a month before I saw Mia for more than a few seconds in passing. Her own life as well as my eldest son’s had also got increasingly fraught with the approach of their exams, and although both had more time at home, most of that was used for revision,...

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Mias Mistake

Rainy cold Tuesday morning, I just dropped off my brother for a minor outpatient surgery. Once he was checked in, I really wanted a cup of coffee. I stopped at a coffee shop down the street and stood in a short line to place my order. A woman turned from the counter and looked at me. I politely smiled at her and her glance shifted down from my face.“Did she just check me out?” I asked myself. I checked my zipper to confirm it was secured, it was.The woman, I will call her “Mia’, turned and...

3 years ago
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Mia Pt 1

Part One - Too close for comfortShe was the sort of girl who simply did your head in. Mine at least! Part of it, of course was that I had known her almost all her life, she was after all only a month younger than my eldest son and had lived next door since she was eight months old. She was in effect the daughter I never had. I had watched her grow and was almost as protective of her as her father, my very good friend and neighbour, Pete. Mia was almost sixteen and a half and although she...

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Mia Seduced and Betrayed

There was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of pathetic excuses that didn't mean shit to me. I mean, there I was, with my make up all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just made for being pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going...

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Mia The Latin Sorceress

I walked into the cantina just as “Happy Hour” started. “Perfect timing,” the young, dark-haired woman behind the bar said. “What’ll you have?”“What would you suggest,” I asked her. As I draped my jacket over the back of the bar stool. “It’s been a rough day, so the first one needs to hit me hard.”“I got just what you need,” she smiled. She grabbed a glass, and a couple of bottles, and went to work. After the tall glass was filled, she places it on a napkin in front of me. “Want to start a...

Oral Sex
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Mia Khalifa

Is Mia Khalifa doing porn again? That’s one of those eternal questions in porno these days, to be honest, and I woke up this morning wanting to solve the mystery. Well, I craved to jerk off to a video of Mia getting fucked, but I figured I could do my Porn Dude diligence—I am one of the world’s most respected and highly regarded porno experts, after all. Some folks slack off on the job by rubbing out a quickie on company time, but I’m only hard on the job when I’m hard on the job. So figuring...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
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Mia und Conny

Die beiden Schwestern liebten es, alleine daheim zu sein. Das mag für die meisten Teens komisch erscheinen, die lieber zusammen um die Häuser ziehen, aber Mia und Conny waren nichts anderes gewöhnt. Sie kannten sich gegenseitig. Sie mochten sich sogar. Und sie hatten viel gemeinsam. Ihre Freundschaft war dadurch begründet, dass ihre Eltern beide gut vertdienten, aber dafür so gut wie nie zuhause waren um in ihren Büros für noch mehr Wohlstand zu sorgen. Schon immer lebten die beiden im Luxus,...

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Mia Malkova

Mia Malkova Reddit, aka r/MiaMalkova! If you are here, then I can safely assume that you are a big fan of Mia Malkova, right? It is either that, or you just wanted to know who the fuck that is. Well, whichever the case might be, I am sure that you will not be disappointed, because Mia Malkova has made a ton of amazing pornography, and r/MiaMalkova/ is solely dedicated to this gorgeous girl.Now, if you are expecting anything else from r/MiaMalkova/ other than content featuring this cutie, then...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mia Chapter 5 The Sleepover Part II

‘This is fine, just helping a buddy out,’ Jesse assured himself as he made sure all the electrical outlets were switched off around the apartment. He was also giving Mia plenty of time to get ready for bed. He knocked his bedroom door and waited for her to give him the okay to enter.  ‘Holy shit she’s just made that t-shirt the sexiest thing I own!’  Jesse endeavored to contain his excitement as he watched Mia, who was now only dressed in one of his baggy Toronto Maple Leafs’ tees,...

1 year ago
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Mia Marin 1700 11m

Whether you have enjoyed the fruit of the vine yourself or not, everyone knows how fun it is to bump uglies with Latin bitches. Bitches like Mia Marin are known the world over for their sexual exploits. Latin chicks are fiery, sexy, and ready to do the deed at the drop of a hat. There is nothing like Mia's sexy Latin voice crying out for more in Spanish. It could make me bust a nut in a second flat.Soul SuckersI feel bad if you have never dipped your dong in one of these ladies. I can still...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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I was overjoyed as my surrogate teenage daughter was coming to stay with us for a few weeks. She and her mother have not been getting along very well at all, in fact there is huge resentment between them. Both are to blame but the main problem as I see it is that Mia feels unloved by both her Father, Mother and other people close to her. I waited at the airport for Mia to arrive. It wasn’t long when I saw this incredibly sexy young lady in a short skirt and a revealing top walking...

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I was 25 and working to finish my PhD. My older brother - who was 38 and had married y oung - and his wife Janettte were looking to take a holiday without their two ki ds, Mia and Jen. Mia was 14 and Jen was 10. I agreed that I could stay in their house for 2 weeks in August and let them have a holiday.Mia was a tall slim redhead with long hair and fair skin. She was precocious for her age. Her breasts though small were already developed and she had hips that made her look good in tight jeans,...

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Mia Khalifa

Reddit Mia Khalifa, aka r/MiaKhalifa! In her short pornographic career, Mia Khalifa made some incredible content, and I am sure many of you still drool over her. Well, there is actually a subreddit created just for her naughty content, and it is obviously called r/Miakhalifa/. So, if you ever thought that this babe is hot and you would love to get access to all kinds of pornographic shit featuring this beautiful girl, you are welcome to check out r/Miakhalifa/.I am sure that all of you already...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mia Bandini 360000

Every man has his own favorite body parts that turn him on the most, but some things are universal. For example, everyone loves a beautiful pair of bouncy breasts, no matter the size. Big, small, medium, gigantic, they're all worth a squeeze. Ladies obsess about titty size, and men have preferences, but in the end, every boob is a great fucking boob. I'll take one of each.Teen TNABut bitches aren't just tits with a head. There is more to love about the female form than the big mama milkers....

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Mia macht ihren Weg

Mia hatte es satt. Ständig nervte ihre fürsorgliche Mutter. Sie war immerhin schon neunzehn Jahre alt und konnte das Gelaber nicht mehr hören. Mit wem sie ausging und ob sie diesen „Jungen“ auch wirklich gut genug kannte und wann sie denn zurück käme. Die Mutter lebte seid ihrer Scheidung von Mias Vater Männerlos. Sie konnte nicht verstehen das Mia sich mit solchen „Strolchen“ verabredete. Mit Sicherheit wäre die Mutter an die Decke gesprungen, hätte sie gewußt das ihr „Miachen“ schon mit...

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Mia Makes A Porno

2012 Mia got out of the taxi. The email told her Unit4 Merchantile Avenue which cut through a trading estate outside Heathrow airport. It looked like a nondescript modern industrial unit landscaped with young saplings and low maintenance shrubbery. It was mid morning and the pale autumnal sun struggled to burn through the thick stubborn clouds. Mia was dressed, as asked in the email, in an outfit she would wear on a date night. So an electric blue dress that fell just short of the knee,...

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Mia Allowed Dario

Mia Allowed DarioBy: Londebaaz Chohan This relation flourished so quickly because it started very quickly as well. Mia got a very bad cut and luckily Dario could help as a start. Here is what happened in a “Brief detail”!It was a Saturday afternoon and they had planned a dinner and drinks get together. Dario was to get the grill going with different meats sizzling while Mia was supposed to get the desserts. As Dario walked in his kitchen from the backyard he heard a loud smash of a glass...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 5 The Sleepover Part I

Finally – this shift has dragged in! Jesse thought to himself as he hurriedly left the HQ for Campus Accommodation. It was early Saturday evening, but with his flat mate gone for the weekend and the soccer season over he was looking forward to chilling out on the sofa and watching TV. He was half way to his apartment when he heard an all too familiar voice call out his name. “Jesse! Wait up.” He turned around and saw the delightful brunette that he had been no-so-secretly pining for over the...

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Mia Malkova Twitter 23000 3m

How fucking sexy is Mia Malkova? So goddamn sexy that she’s making some mainstream splashes. She’s hot as fuck, has a sexy personality, and she looks pretty damn stunning even with clothes on. No wonder she made a recent appearance on G4.And you would know that if you followed her on Twitter.com/MiaMalkova. If so, you could follow all the latest happening in the crazy goddamn world of Mia Malkova. It’s all here for you to learn more about where is she, what she’s up to, and where she’s going....

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Mia und die aufgehende Sonne

Es war ein schöner Morgen. die Sonne schien und Mia genoss den warmen Staub unter ihren nackten Füßen. Das dünne, weise Kleidchen, das nur von einem schmalen Gürtel in Form gehalten wurde, strich sachte über ihre noch jugendlichen Brüste. Sie ging entspannt auf die Kleine Holzbaracke zu vor der bereits, Amalia und Amy saßen. Amalia war ca. 25 Jahre alt und groß gewachsen, hatte wilde blonde Locken und einen gigantischen Busen, weshalb sie ausschließlich kurze Hotpants trug. Amy war 19 hatte...

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Mia was eighteen and had a huge set of tits like her mother. Her mother was sexually active and just married her fourth husband who was much younger and had a big appetite for sex. Mia could hear them fucking every night. One day when her mom had just left for work Mia was in the kitchen getting breakfast in her robe. The new hubby named Nick came up behind her and put his arms around her and opened her robe and began feeling her tits. He whispered in her ear "Your tits are so firm and even...

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Mia Melano

Mia Melano Reddit, aka r/MiaMelano! Do I have any huge Mia Melano fans here? If so, then you have come to the right subreddit, and if not, you are about to become her fan. Meet the lovely Mia Melano, a gorgeous blonde girl with a fantastic body. Of course, the name of the subreddit is rather straightforward, as it is just her name, r/MiaMelano/. But, the subreddit is more than just that!First of all, how much do you actually know about Reddit? Well, you are about to learn a lot more, as I shall...

Reddit NSFW List
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Penguesta Ko Chuda Mene

Mere naam Rahul hai aur mai final year ka phadra tha hu. Mere umar 24 saal hai Jabalpur ka rhane wala hu. Aur ye khani mere aur mera ghar me rehna wali pengusste ki hai. Uska naam seema hai uski umar 21 saal hai uska figure 30 24 26 hai aur mere lund ka size 7 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai ye bata aaj se 3 mahine phela ki hai .jab mere gharwala shadi me gaya tha aur mere paper chal reha tha jise ke karna me nhi jaa paya. Aur phela mere mana me use ke liya galat nhi tha. But ek din jab mai ghar...

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Donkey Kaa Lund Liya Mene

Hy friends. My name is sunita ,live in sikar from rajastan.Age 40 Years Hai, Aaj Main Pehli Baar apni real story aap sabhi ko sunane jaa rahi hoon, Its my true and real story,aap mujh se contact bhi kar sakte ho, Meri ID hai , Ab pehle main apna parichay karati hu main ek acche ghar ki housewife hu, mere boobs bhi 38 size ke hai , meri kamar 30 aur meri gand 36 ki hai,; Ab mein apni first sex ke kahani batane jaa rahi hu, yeh baat kuch din pehle ki hai ,mujse lund lene ka bhut shok ho gaya tha...

4 years ago
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Mia Six Months Later

I would not see Mia for another 6 months.  However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again.  In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit.  Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty.  Even in her letters, Mia would...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

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Mia Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Jesse

Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia...

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Mia Chapter 3 The Challenge

Four hours had passed since they arrived at the Kappa Pi Epsilon party and the running tally was: Kristopher: 2, Norah: 3, Mia: 2 and Patrice: 5 “Couldn’t we have just made it how many shots we could do in a night?” moaned Kristopher. “This is getting embarrassing.” “You’d still be losing!” laughed Norah. “Yeah but I’d never thought Patrice would be winning this. You and Mia maybe… not him! Where is Mia anyway?” he asked looking over all the heads of the party goers, but unable to see...

2 years ago
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Mia cugina linda

Mia zia se ne va per una settimana e mi incarica di occuparmi di sua figlia, mia cugina più piccola. Avevamo cinque anni di differenza, lei ha fatto i diciotto giusto una settimana fa. Odiavo l'idea ma hey, vengo pagato quindi ok! La sera arrivo a casa di mia zia, lei mi saluta e se ne va. Come va Linda scende di sotto. Cristo se era cresciuta. Bionda naturale, occhi verdi e un naso di quelli a patata ma teneri. Il suo viso era ancora da teenager ma era una cbcr (cresci bene che ripasso) una...

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Mia and the Monster Men

Mia Marlowe was walking home from work. The twenty year old woman had a book in her hand, reading it intently and barely paying attention to her surroundings. She had walked through the long woods that seperated her home from the coffee shop she worked at many times and had only ever tripped once. Her black hair was cut in a short bob, held out of her face with a headband. She was reading a biography on H.P. Lovecraft, her favorite author, with her green eyes, only occasionally having to push...

2 years ago
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Mia and the French Father

It's mid-summer, and I've taken the some time out before final year to earn a bit of money as a nanny in France. It's incredible how much parents will pay for you to look after their children. I've landed a fantastic deal, a young couple and their adorable children in the south of France, complete with my own top floor suite.Late one evening I had decided to take a bath, it was warm enough to keep the long french doors wide open in both my bedroom and bathroom, and with the moon streaming in...


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