Mia Pt. 03 free porn video

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N.B. All information is fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I know it’s been a while since I last posted, which may be why my writing reads as somewhat scattered – I have no idea where this is going anymore! If any of you have any input, then please do let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Happy reading!


‘I don’t think we should see one another anymore…’

Caleb leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest, he nodded slowly, suppressing a smile. He waited for her to say more, but it seemed as though she were doing the same, as she watched him, expecting him to talk. He looked around the restaurant, wondering why he’d agreed to meet her here. He didn’t much care about their ‘relationship’ but curiosity had gotten the better of him. He looked back at her. ‘Can I ask why?’

She clasped her hands together and looked away for a moment before looking back at him. ‘I thought I was in love with you,’ she said simply ‘but I don’t think I ever was… You’re just so charming, I fell in love with the idea of you. But we want for two very different things’ she paused, ‘it just took me a little while to figure it out’.

He nodded again, giving her an understanding smile. He watched her, wanting to know exactly what had happened between her and Mia to make Jennifer go from dropping hints about marriage to the present moment. ‘Is there someone else?’

Jennifer looked troubled, ‘No…’ she managed in a small voice.

He suppressed another smile. ‘You haven’t met anyone?’

She looked at him curiously, wondering if he knew something he wasn’t telling her. ‘Sort of…’ she hesitated.

‘You can tell me’ he said smiling.

‘It was short lived…’

‘How long?’

‘Not long’ she said quietly.

‘Go on’.

‘A day… If that.’ She admitted, visibly distressed.

He smiled, ‘that’s not like you. Did you sleep with him?’

Jennifer nodded slowly, looking away.

‘He must be really special for you to break your rules’ he chuckled quietly.

She remained silent.

‘How long had you known him?’

The wrong use of pronouns was starting to get to her. ‘She’ she whispered into the air.


‘She’ Jennifer said, looking at him this time.

Caleb smiled, they were getting somewhere now. ‘Oh, well, that’s… interesting’. Correcting himself, he asked again, ‘How long had you known ‘her’?’

‘Not long’.

‘How long?’

‘A day… If that’ She repeated in a tiny voice.

He smiled, nodding, ‘She must be really something’.

Jennifer smiled to herself, ‘She is… She’s a lot like you, actually’ she paused to look at him, ‘Charming, apathetic, beautiful,’ Caleb laughed, her eyes met his, ‘she’s just not as cruel’.

He continued to smile, nodding to himself. ‘So why aren’t you still seeing her?’

Jennifer grimaced, ‘She didn’t want to see me again’.

‘She said that?’

She shook her head, ‘not in so many words’.

‘When you were together did you spend the night at hers?’

She nodded slowly, not understanding why he was so interested.

‘So if you really wanted to, you could pay her a visit and tell her how you feel?’

Jennifer hesitated, ‘I don’t really know where she lives’.

‘You stayed with her but don’t know where?’ he asked, his brows raised in question.

Jennifer thought back to the moment she met Mia. Mia had run ahead to speak to the driver so she hadn’t heard where they were going. On the way there, her eyes were mostly on Mia so she hadn’t noticed the route, by the time she looked around, they were already in the basement. When she entered, Mia had almost immediately brought the shutters down. When they drove to get breakfast, Mia had taken so many turns and driven through so many back roads, she really couldn’t tell where they’d started. All she knew was that she lived very high up.

‘No… I guess not’ she finally said. ‘She lives in a penthouse somewhere, that’s all I know’.

His brows shot up, ‘A penthouse?’ he thought out loud. He began to wonder whether they were talking about the same person, or if Jennifer had had multiple one night stands with women. ‘Who is she?’

Jennifer looked at him suspiciously. ‘Why do you care?’ she retorted, starting to get defensive. ‘You never cared about anything I did or said before’ she spat.

‘Just curious’ he held his hands up, ‘just want to know who this amazing person is who seems to have had such an influence on you’.

She blinked back at him, realising that even if she did want to tell him all about her, that she didn’t have much to say, because she didn’t know anything. She didn’t know what Mia did for a living, whether she had siblings, where she was from, or even how old she was. ‘Her name’s Mia’, she said plainly.

‘Annndd…?’ Caleb probed.

Jennifer suddenly stood, pushing her chair back as she did. ‘It’s really none of your business’.

He blinked at her, unmoving.

‘Goodbye, Caleb. It was nice knowing you’, and with that, she left.

Caleb clenched his jaw and then stroked his face, nothing she’d said seemed to make any sense. He hailed a waiter over and ordered an espresso as he tried to piece it all together.


Two more weeks had passed, and though Mia mostly attended Caleb’s classes, she still missed a few of them. Today was one of those days.

They hadn’t spoken to one another since the day she’d come to his office to warn him about calling home again, and she’d thwarted any efforts he’d made to change that. He looked at the register and clicked on her name, a task that which was quickly becoming habitual.

She hadn’t attended any of her classes so far. He frowned. She missed way too much school.


Mia scrolled through her texts as she waited in the queue to be served. She looked up briefly to see a little old man slowly put his empty mug onto the counter, she smiled warmly to herself. It wasn’t customary to return your dishes, but it showed just how thoughtful he was. She returned her gaze to her phone, listening to the old man speak as he walked to leave the café.

‘Off to the bank now! Do you know where it is?’ he asked the barista on the other side of the counter. After she’d given him directions, he lifted his hat off to her and smiled, ‘thank you ever so much, let’s hope I find it! And I hope you all have a wonderful day!’ he said to everyone as he slowly made his way to the door.

Mia smiled again, it was so unusual for someone to be so friendly, in London at least.

As she waited for her drink to be made, she couldn’t help but think about the old man she’d seen, wondering if he’d made it to a bank or not. Overcome with an unfamiliar sense of determination, Mia snatched up her drink and went to find him so she could make sure he hadn’t got lost.


Mia had searched for almost an hour before deciding it was time to give up and go to school, it was starting to get windy and though it was sunny, the breeze was biting at her bare legs, then she saw him, walking slowly through Tavistock Square. She paced quickly to catch up with him, not knowing what she’d say or do when she did. When she finally caught up, she stopped him.

‘Excuse me?’ She asked nervously, ‘I was in the coffee shop earlier and overheard you saying you were on your way to the bank but didn’t know where it was, did you find it?’

He looked at her, craning his neck slightly. ‘I did, but it seems I don’t have an account in any of the banks’.

She bit her lip, ‘You don’t have an account?’

‘No, I never made one…’ he then went on to tell Mia of how he came to London, wrongly imprisoned and then released far from his home in Scotland, and he was trying to make his way home
since. He had no family to help him, and he’d out lived all his friends. He took out his wallet and held it open for her to see, ‘this is all I have in the world’.

She glanced down at the contents, it held a ten and twenty pound note and a few coins. She swallowed. Then pulled out her own. ‘Maybe I could help a little’ she removed five fifty pound notes from her purse, it was all she had on her, she handed it to him ‘It isn’t much, but it’s all I have on me right now’ she held it out for him to take.

He slowly reached up and held the money looking at it. ‘This is a lot of money, why are you giving it to me?’

Mia stood dumbfounded, opening her mouth as if to speak and then closing it again, trying to find the words. ‘I don’t know…’ she started, ‘I just feel like life hasn’t been too kind to you…’ her voice caught, but she continued, ‘and no one seems to want to help…’, her eyes had begun to well now and a single tear trickled down her cheek, she wiped it away with her sleeve, laughing weakly. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying’ she sniffed.

‘You’re very kind, thank you very much’. He placed a frail hand on the small of her back and guided her slowly to a bench nearby. ‘Come and sit down, would you like to talk?’

Mia sniffed and then nodded, continuing to wipe at her tears as she composed herself.

They sat down, ‘What is your name, young lady?’ he looked ahead as he spoke.

‘Mia’ she said in a dry voice.

‘Mia?’ She nodded. ‘I’m Alan Connors. How old are you Mia?’

’18, how old are you?’

‘You’re very young. I’m 91’.

Mia gawped at him, but he continued to look ahead.

‘Do you know what you want to be when you’re older?’

‘I don’t know, maybe become a lawyer’ she shrugged.

‘That’s a very good profession’ he said, nodding slightly to himself.

‘What did you do?’

‘I was a scientist…’ He then went on to tell Mia about his studies and his work, asking her questions here and there as to whether she was familiar with a certain phrase or element. The longer they talked, the stranger the conversation became. Allen started to speak of space ships, and told her his was calling back to him, he was the captain.

She was slightly unsettled, but her heart still felt for him. They’d sat there for almost 3 hours together, just speaking, before he finally looked at his watch and said ‘I have an appointment soon which I must get to’.

Mia nodded, biting her lip and thinking for a moment, she didn’t want to lose touch with him, and thought she might be able to help further if she could only speak to someone else about it all. ‘Do you think I could speak to you again sometime? Do you have a phone number?’

‘If you’d like, of course. I don’t have a phone, but you can write me if you please’.

Mia bit her lip, ‘You don’t have a phone?’

‘No,’ he shook his head, ‘no one to call’.

She nodded, ‘alright’.

He wrote an address down for her which she slipped into her pocket. He started to rise slowly, and Mia did too, waiting for him.

‘It was very nice to speak to you, I wish you the best of luck, thank you’.

Mia smiled warmly, ‘You too’. She watched as he slowly hobbled away, then sat back down, exhaling loudly.

All of a sudden she was overcome with thoughts of her grandfather, and standing with a new resolve, she decided to pay him a visit.


When she stepped out of the store she’d popped into, the Uber car was already waiting for her. Clutching a paper bag in her hand, she headed towards it and climbed in.

As they drove in silence she thought back to her conversation with Allen. He seemed like such an intelligent man, but some of the things he’d said seemed so farfetched, she wondered if his years were finally taking a toll on his mind.

She thought of how lonely he must be, having out lived all those nearest and dearest to him. Mia swallowed, her throat dry. She felt just as alone.

The car rolled to a halt, and Mia looked around to see that they’d arrived. She thanked the driver quietly and closed the door as she climbed out.


Mia walked slowly, the long grass kissing her ankles as she lumbered along. She came to a stop and breathed in deeply before sitting down on the grass, crossing her legs as she gazed at her grandfather’s name etched into a gravestone.

She set the paper bag down in front of her and looked into it, pulling out a single white rose and tossing it to the head of the grave. She then pulled out a 70cl bottle of Johnny Walker, whiskey had always been his drink of choice. Scrunching the bag up into a ball, she placed it to her side and continued to stare at the engraved letters that spelt the name of one of the few men she’d ever loved.

She sniffed as she pulled her sleeves over her hands to wipe back the tears that pooled in her eyes, but they still dripped down her perfectly carved cheekbones, and fell off her jaw, hitting her thighs.


Mia’s grandfather wasn’t a very liked man. Much like Mia he was far too clever for his own good, instead of flourishing, he became complacent. He married young and irrespective of the love his parents and wife showered him with, he was extremely ill tempered, snapping at the smallest of things. Giada and her older sister grew up fearing their father as much as they loved him. As the youngest, Giada suffered the worst of his scorn, being the object of many bad beatings that would at the very least leave her bruised if not bloody, some of which she still bore the scars of.

Despite all this, Emilio had loved his grandchildren dearly, more than he loved his own, and though it was never said aloud, it was widely understood that Mia was his favourite, his golden child. Giving into her every whim and wish and favouring her over his other grandchildren, Mia and Emilio shared a special bond. For her, he was her sanctuary, and for him she was everything.

He died when Mia was 16, and when everyone cried at his passing, Mia didn’t shed a single tear. She was expressionless for the entirety of the preparations and the wake, refusing to talk about anything of relevance, choosing instead to keep everything bottled inside, unaware that the bottle would eventually crack as she continued to fill it with unspoken and unfelt emotions until finally it shattered.


Mia picked up the bottle before her and twisted the top until the seal broke with a small, satisfying crack. Dropping the cap, she held the bottle up slightly to the tombstone she sat in front of, before putting it to her lips and drinking the golden liquid deeply.


Giada looked at the clock for the hundredth time that evening, it was almost 10pm and Mia still hadn’t called or text to tell them where she was. Her daughter wasn’t the most punctual of people, but she always let them know where she was and whether she was going to be late. If she was going somewhere after school, she would have been in contact by now, but she hadn’t, and she’d missed dinner as well.

It was too late to call school, as it would now be closed and no one would be present to answer. She’d spoken to a few of Mia’s friends but none of them seemed to know where she was.

Zeke wasn’t in London currently, but she decided to try him anyway to see if he had any idea as to where Mia was. She picked up the phone and dialled his number, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. She heard him answer.

‘Zeke! Do you know where Mia is?’

‘Uhh.. No’ he said groggily. Amsterdam was only an hour ahead but he’d gone to bed early.

‘Have you spoken to her today?’

‘Uhh… No’ he said, sitting up ‘What’s wrong?’

‘She hasn’t come yet and she’s not been in touch all day, we have no idea where she is and she won’t answer her phone’ her voice was laced with concern and dread.

‘Is her phone dea

‘No, but she won’t answer. Will you let me know if she-‘

He cut her off, ‘I’ll call you back’ and hung up. Reaching for his laptop, he started it up and set to work.

20 minutes later, the main phone at the Accardo household rang. Giada snatched up the phone and answered, hoping it was Mia. Instead she heard Zeke’s voice through the speaker. ‘She’s at Brookwood Cemetery’.

Giada frowned, ‘Zeke, thank you so much. I’ll speak to you soon’. She put the phone down and called out for her husband.


It was 11.15 when Raphael hurried out of his car to run into the cemetery. Because it was late, the gate to the drive in path had been closed so he had to go on foot. He ran through the dark graveyard, pulling his coat close as the wind howled around him. He came to a stop when he found her. Pausing momentarily as he took in the sight of his teenage daughter lying unconscious, curled up by his father in laws grave, an empty bottle near her. Her denim shorts barely touching the middle of her thighs, and though her top was long sleeved, she didn’t have a jacket.

‘Mia…’ He pulled off his coat and placed it over her legs before reaching under and scooping her off of the ground. He carried her slowly to the car and sat her inside, strapping her in as her head lolled to a side.

They drove silently back to the house, Raphael looking over at his daughter every few minutes. It was dark, but he could still see that she’d been crying. Mia was one of the strongest people he knew, and it tore his heart to see her so broken.

When they reached home, he carried her in, his other two children asleep, but his wife who was sick with worry, came running. She looked at her daughters tear streaked face, black salty trails down her cheeks. She let out a small sob, ‘my baby…’


Mia woke with an arm draped around her. She turned around to see her mother lying next to her, her eyes closed. Mia looked at the clock, it was 10am, she was late for school. She groaned and sat up, her head filling with nausea and pain, making her wince. She started out of bed, but heard her mother’s voice ‘Mia you need to rest’.

‘I have school’ she said, standing shakily.


‘I’m fine!’

Giada watched as Mia staggered her way to the bathroom, her shapely long legs carrying her unsteadily. Her grass stained shorts hugged her hips as they swayed from side to side with each step. When did she get so big? She sighed.


When she reached school it was just in time for third period, but instead of going to her class she headed to the Economics office instead. The door was open so she let herself in and took her books out, setting her things on Ms Evans’ desk before sitting down to work.

The teachers were used to her being in there by now, and had even come to like her, sometimes thinking of her as one of them rather than the student that she was. So no one bothered her as they came in and out.

It was lunch when she heard Ms Evan’s voice. ‘How are you feeling?’

Mia sighed quietly, the fact she was asking that the moment she walked in instead of chiding her about missing class, meant that her mother had called school to let them know why she’d missed the first half of the day.

‘I’m ok’ Mia’s nose was in her book, her hand scribbling down notes. Her back was to the rest of the room.

Ms Evans sat down on the desk so she was almost facing her. When she saw Mia, she noticed she’d been crying. She placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it comfortingly. ‘What else do you have today?’

‘Double English’ she sniffed.

‘You’re here until 4?’

She nodded. Wiping away a tear. She wished Ms Evans hadn’t touched her. Contact always made her cry when she was upset.

Ms Green and Mr Wood walked into the office then, both chatting away. Ms Evans looked up at them both, ‘Could you give us a minute?’ They both looked at her curiously before exiting the room. She rubbed Mia’s shoulder again. ‘Come on, I’ll take you home. You’re not going to your lesson and you can’t stay in this office all day’.

‘You can’t do that’.

‘I’m not teaching next period, and I’m deputy head. I say I can. Get up, get your things together’.

Mia sighed and stood, there was no arguing with this woman. She gathered her books and pens then stuffed them into her bag before following Ms Evans out of the office. She kept her head down as they walked silently through the school and the parking lot to her Qashqui.

Same as Mia Pt. 03 Videos

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This is my first time writing anything of length, so any feedback would be much appreciated. All the characters are of legal age (18 and older). Happy reading. ********* The alarm blared and Mia jumped awake, grabbing at the big clock that had startled her out of her sleep. For the life of her she couldn’t understand why her mum had bought her something so deafening. She closed her eyes and continued to lay in bed, buried under the duvet, listening to the sound of dishes downstairs, and...

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Nick spent the next week trying to keep his mind off his closet full of women's clothes. Brian was getting more controlling as the money owed kept increasing, and now he was texting "Nicole" at random times during the day demanding a selfie to see if his makeup was done or to make sure he was wearing a bra and panties at all times. Unfortunately for Nick he'd barely been able to get any work done over the past week. His daily makeup and hair routine took him close to an hour before it...

3 years ago
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Teaching Me The Chemistry Of Love

I can remember perfectly that school year, it was always the same. Whenever I saw him, I felt really happy, just to know the fact that he was there, near me. Some of my girl classmates constantly asked me “don’t you like any boy from the group?” and my answer was always negative. It seemed to be weird to know that with 16 years I didn’t like any guy, but for being true, there was one, the only and the best and he…he was my teacher. Since the very first day I saw him in the classroom, by the...

First Time
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Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...

3 years ago
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Happy Ending In Train

I am a 38 yrs old Indian sex pest turned gentleman leading a cursed love life. My life has turned a new leaf after my marriage, which was a turn for the worst. I am leading my horrible days with a ugly wife who rations my doses of sex. My sex life is now incredibly depressing to the extent that my only maid goes around the house with her forehead fully covered with pallu and comes to work wearing a full-sleeve & full-length blouse. Forget her hanging boobs; she even keeps her blouse fully...

1 year ago
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Mom tells About Her Anal Joys

It was a lazy day of summer, where the heat of afternoon sun made the world stop moving and lying out on the deck sipping iced tea was the most important thing anyone could do. That’s exactly what Anita and Sharon were doing, but with small tidbits of conversation thrown in.“So, when was the first time you tried anal sex?” Sharon asked.“Well aren’t you just discreet!” Anita laughed. “Could you be anymore direct?”“You said that I could ask you anything.” Sharon stated pointing her finger at...

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Taken Chapter One Dasha

Dasha skated to the edge of the rink where Viktor was waiting for her with a cup of hot cocoa. “How’d I do?” She asked, leaning over the rail. He pecked her on the lips. “Great, baby.” Dasha pouted, “Be honest with me, I need to know what to work on for the junior states next week.” “Well, your landing on the second double axel was a little weak,” he said. “But you can work on it tomorrow, I made dinner reservations at 6:30 and it is 6 now. Go change and I’ll meet you outside.”...

3 years ago
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Road Trip

ROAD TRIP By Miss Anonna It had been a long three hours and there was no doubt she needed to stop, if at least for a cup of coffee.. Kelly pulls off the interstate onto a small country road and rolls down the windows to let in a nice summer breeze. Her hand moves towards the dashboard and she turns off the A/C and radio. She notices how quiet and pretty it is outside while the air rushes through her long brown hair and ruffles her blouse just enough to taunt her nipples into the upright...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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The Flat Tire

This was really only our second date. There had been a luncheon meeting to discuss whether my small export firm could represent her company’s line of fiberglass products in an overseas market. The second meeting the following evening over dinner was to finalize the agreement. Since we got along so well, I asked her out on a formal dinner date the next night. In the two earlier meetings she had met me at the restaurants. On the first true date I picked her up at her house. When I arrived she...

1 year ago
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Double Your Pleasure

It had been a long time since we had done this, a couple of years anyway, but we had never lost the desire to do it and so today, when the opportunity presented itself, we went for it. "God baby, that's good. Fuck me baby, fuck me. Don't stop baby, fuck me," and I did my absolute best. I was trying to make it last, but her cunt felt so marvelous I knew I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. I whispered that I was close and she told me she was too: "Stay with me baby, stay with me,...

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Nanu Mate Nanna Hudugi Degatta

Hi, (hesarugalannu badalayisiddene).Names are changed, Nprakesh hesaru prakesh, 26varsha. Nanu bareda modala kathe habbakke ashwiniya udugore idara munduvarida baga.Nijavagi ee katheya kushi siga bekadare tavu modala baga odale beku.(nimma ansiskegalannu Ee vilasakke mail madiri) Ashwini ashwinilige chenngi keydiddu odidiralve?Hage habbakke ashwinilannu oorige karkondu bande. Naanu: atte…yaru bandidare nodu? Atte: yaro..Oh ashwini..Baratte..Aliyandru kantha illa Ashwini:avru..Thumba busy...

2 years ago
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EStimming in Edies Undies

The next day, my wife & Edie went out shopping, and I decided it was time to play some more! I quickly stripped off my cloths as soon as I heard them drive away and got ready. First, I wrapped a rubber band around my balls, then I took a 2-section cock ring and snugged it above my balls to keep them nice and tight, then slipped off the rubber band. Then I slipped my growing cock through the second loop, and after ensuring it was down low and tight, snugged that up as well to keep my cock...

3 years ago
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First fun part 1

First funMany years ago now, thirty roughly, my work colleague Dave paid us a visit to our new house, after showing him around we had him sitting on the couch, Wendy who was wearing a farther short miniskirt and stockings, and a see thru lacy top, with a black bra underneath, sat next to him, we had already discussed having some fun before he came, so she made sure she sat right by his side.She started to flirt naughtily, putting her hand on his trouser leg, now Dave was never the most daring...

4 years ago
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Frost Prologue 0

I will do my best to properly tag the story by chapter. But before you get invested, I want to warn you that this is a DARK story with dark themes. I will probably take a break from telling it every so often because it’s stressful for me to continuously write something that’s this dark. You've been warned. ANNA It was a bigger castle than her home castle in Genovia Anna realized. She had been traveling with her royal guard for three days to get to Arendelle and It was also darker and...

4 years ago
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Slut City

SLUT CITYParents’ conversation about their daughter going to school "Dave! Is it really necessary that our daughter wear that school dress? I mean.....look at her school uniform.....does it look like any decent school's uniform?? Mrs. Whittaker said to her husband.He calmly said, "Honey, what's wrong with that dress? And you have already seen lots of girls wearing such skimpy and revealing dresses on streets so what does it make any difference if our girl wears her school uniform?" "Yeah,...

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I am starting my story by telling you how gorgeous my sexy wife is. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. She is a beautiful blonde half German and half Hungarian. She is 5.4” tall, and 130 lbs. She has firm model legs that any man or woman can crave for. Her tight juicy pussy always hungry for a hungry mouth, tongue or a hard cock. Her nice 32 bb tits have two small young suckable nipples that are always erected and ready for action. Before I married Mona, she had no intercourse with...

3 years ago
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Breast and vaginal massage

Hi, i am raj from bangalore aged about 32, married but single now. I have also posted my ad for arabic style herbal breast and vaginal massage in vivastreet website. And i got many responses to it which were more of spam mails from nigerians. Later i received a mail from a person named anitha. I dont know whether its her original name. She asked for details and i gave her general instructions about my task and about me. She asked me about the cost and i told her that will be informed after our...

2 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 32

Our three-person accommodations at the Jomtien Beach Hotel in Thailand ran us 16,000 Thai Baht a night. Pretty impressive, even when converted to American dollars (in the neighborhood of 500 of those suckers), but the hotel was first-class-plus, and the suite -- on a high floor in the gorgeous tall structure, with views of the sea from two directions -- would have been worth it, I thought, even if the rent were coming directly out of my pay. Kim was paying her full 1/3 share these days, and...

1 year ago
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MomsOnMoms Kendra James Dana Dearmond Chanel Preston Lonely Housewife

Kendra James is dealing with changes in her life that are making her feel lonely. Her husband works all the time and her teenage son is too busy with his friends, so Kendra spends a lot of time on her own. Even her neighborhood seems pretty empty these days. She dreams of having other women around so that she can make new friends. One day, her wish comes true when Chanel Preston and Dana DeArmond move in next door. They look like sisters and Kendra can’t wait to welcome them to the...

2 years ago
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Holiday Party

This story was told to me by my friend Tim. Tim and his wife Laura are mid 30s and both work for a medium sized manufcturing firm in the suburbs of Chicago. Tim is of average build, about 6 foot and 170 lbs. Laura is about 5 foot 7 inches and about 130 lbs. She has dark hair, brown eyes and an athletic figure. All the guys comment on Laura's long legs and 34c chest. Tim and Laura have been married 10 years with no k**s and good jobs. Tim has commented, though, the Laura is very outgoing and...

4 years ago
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Divorced women

Well we started as chat mates and as our chats progressed we moved to a sexual fantasy discussion.With out our hints of hooking up we kinda sent fantasies back n forth.Then with out warning she tells me she needs to be fucked real hard to celebrate her 10 years seperation from her hubby.So I asked her was she gona act out her fantasy of fucking a stranger.She sounded like that's wat she might do then she asks me to join her for coffee and I would have the honour of choosing a stranger for her...

3 years ago
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And then there were Three

Allie relived her recent adventure with Sam every moment of each and every day. It didn’t seem to matter where she was or what she was doing. He was there. Right behind her eyelids. Taking her again and again with his talented tongue. She squirmed in her seat. The heat of his memory was intoxicating all of the tiny spaces within her being. “Are you even listening?” Allie’s head snapped back to her lunch partner. Bambi sat across the linoleum topped table in the closest dinner to their campus....

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Part 4

Strolling back into the main dungeon, I turned directly to Chloe. The various side games, whilst great fun, were delaying my preparations somewhat. “Chloe. Have you chosen the next player?”“Yes Master” she said.She took a card from the pile and walked over to a girl who I had hardly noticed. She was of average height and had that girl next door look. She was not standard model material. She was, however, incredibly sexy and I felt another erection growing in my pants.“Name?” I said,...

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Loving My Sexy MotherChapter 2

"I can't believe how well you look darling" dad said as he watched mum pouring out our drinks, she was wearing a floor length, white sheath dress with a slit up both sides and the tantalising outline of a minuscule, white g-string was clearly visible through the thin material. Dad had hardly taken his eyes off her since he'd arrived with his "secretary" to discuss the sale of the house, it was obvious that he was amazed at how sexy she looked. They'd agreed on everything including...

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Sirens story part 2 Our virginity

Heidi came over that day to hang. I guess she could feel the awkwardness she said whats going on you you guys are acting strange. We just shook our heads and said everything was fine. About six months later Heidi moved away, it was sad to see her go but my wish was granted. Me and Brandi were the best of friends and lovers. Our parents thought it was so cute that we were so close. I thought it was cute how Brandi wrinkled her nose when i fucked her. Or how she now walked with a little...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 8 The New Normal

August/September 1981, Chicago, Illinois When Elyse and I woke up, I went for my run. When I came back, she’d showered and had changed the sheets on my bed and sprayed air freshener in the apartment. “It really smelled like us, and not in a way I want Kathy to notice!” Elyse giggled when I thanked her for cleaning up. Kathy called while I was making breakfast. She said she’d be at the 55th Street station about 9:20am according to the schedule. I told her I’d meet her there. Elyse and I...

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Dear Diary Entry 5 Paying Daughters Fee Not With Money

Dear Diary, Hello again. This is Reena. The mom. Hope your tummy is being filled enough with my family’s regular entries. At first, I had to force my daughters to write down their sex stories. They were not interested at all in the beginning. My elder baby Sindhu was shy to even think about the idea. Now, the tables have turned. They are more than willing to update each and every experience they have had. I couldn’t be more proud. Prakash was so happy seeing his daughters making their foray...

3 years ago
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Weisss Degenerate Delicacy

Inspired by my horny brain, and Salem Helps Yang Bring Remnant Closer Together! This is my first story here, so I'm getting used to this site's format. Weiss grumbled to herself, glancing at her father’s study after a rather, fruitless, meeting with her father, if a meeting it could be called. “Another day, another loss for the family,” She muttered to herself, passing countless servants moving to and fro down the hall, giving none any of her attention as she made it to her room, and shut the...

3 years ago
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Confession to Mom

After 15 years of lusting and fantasizing about my Mom I had made up my mind to finally tell her how I felt. I guess I had reached the point in my life where I knew it was now or never. I thought for a long time about how to tell her. I didn't think I could do it over the phone, and I didn't want the evidence floating around that would have been left by an email. So the only option was to do it in person. That was tricky because it meant that I would have to be alone with Mom, and preferably a...

4 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 25

I was surrounded by twelve naked girls. Xiomara, my crush, my friend, my closest girl, knelt low and picked my last piece of clothing off of my ankle. I should’ve been standing tall, shoulders back, and rock hard cock striving forward. I was giggling my ass off and hunched over. I had a chub, I wasn’t anything close to unaffected. “If Dean’s dick can fit inside Suzi, we can get a bunch of girls into the shower.” Zoë was boasting. She slapped Elizabeth’s freshly bared ass, “Don’t keep us...

2 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 18 Aftermath

"Captain, I request we go secure-com: Sierra Charlie six niner. Code Delta," Tib said into his helmet microphone. They were almost halfway to their Guard base in Wenatchee, after departing the North Valley Hospital helo-pad in Tonasket. They had left their critical burn victims for transfer to an en-route Med-Evac helicopter that would fly them the one hundred twenty miles to a burn unit in Spokane, the closest major city. "Say again, Helo 757?" the Captain's voice came loud in his...

2 years ago
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Toms Journey Pt 02

Like fuck am I going on a ski holiday while my husband jaunts off to England to cheat on me with some tart he’s met online. This is what I find so hilarious about men. They think they’re so smart but when it comes to sex they are just careless about covering their tracks. They have their mind on one thing and that is getting their cock wet. I know his Facebook login and I check his messages when he’s passed out cold on the sofa most evenings which.. yes I make him sleep on because he snores...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Let's start this off with a small but important description and introduction, shall we? My name is Andi. My body type would be average I'd have to say, not too small but not too big. I'm a bit curvy. I'm a natural blonde which my personality proves when I talk for too long. I'm 5'9 and my breasts are a perky set of 34Ds, despite their size, and eyes like an ice blue. I'd like to admit that I'm not the one writng this story but my girlfriend is and she better be getting all the words right. She...

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A Sexy Tease

My ExhibitionistI needed to go to Chicago on business and I asked my girlfriend to join me.I had bought her a leather sex outfit. It was nothing but some narrow leather stripes that covered nothing. It went around her nipples, across her boobs and around her pussy, it was very sexy. We were staying in a high rise hotel with floor to ceiling windows. We checked in and I gave her the outfit I bought and left for some meetings and told her I would be back about four.When I returned she was wearing...

1 year ago
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Dont lose Alex Part 4

Friday night is never that full where I live...the streets are calm and the only light you get are from open restaurants and snack bars...I got my cellphone and gave Roger a call...I told him that I wanted to meet him in a restaurant I knew because I desperatedly wanted to talk to someone...he agreed...I pulled over into an alley and waited there...near his building... "I'm gonna get you you bitch.." I thought to...

1 year ago
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SecretsChapter 16

“Mayor and the County Judge have been on the phone for you,” said Sheila as Linda entered the office, her usual morning cup of coffee in hand. “Gee, now what could they want?” replied Linda, wincing knowingly. “The media outlets downstate have gotten the story and...”
 “And the local officials need a scapegoat,” chimed in Brad. “Sometimes Iʼm glad you won that election and not me.”
 “Right now I might be willing to trade places with you,” grimaced Linda. “Anything new?” she asked,...

3 years ago
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After the party Sasha

I awoke to the sound of guys laughing somewhere. Amuffled laugh like through a wall. It took me a moment to realize where I was and what was going on. We had a pretty wild party and I ended up in a little mini sex romp with two guys and two girls. In front of me, lightly breathing, lay the tiny and delicate naked little Sasha. I ran my hand over her sweet velvety olive skin and down over the smooth little curve of her hips. She even smells sweet. I kiss her shoulder. Behind me I feel Greg stir...


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