- 4 years ago
- 71
- 0
N.B. All information is fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I know it’s been a while since I last posted, which may be why my writing reads as somewhat scattered – I have no idea where this is going anymore! If any of you have any input, then please do let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Happy reading!
‘I don’t think we should see one another anymore…’
Caleb leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest, he nodded slowly, suppressing a smile. He waited for her to say more, but it seemed as though she were doing the same, as she watched him, expecting him to talk. He looked around the restaurant, wondering why he’d agreed to meet her here. He didn’t much care about their ‘relationship’ but curiosity had gotten the better of him. He looked back at her. ‘Can I ask why?’
She clasped her hands together and looked away for a moment before looking back at him. ‘I thought I was in love with you,’ she said simply ‘but I don’t think I ever was… You’re just so charming, I fell in love with the idea of you. But we want for two very different things’ she paused, ‘it just took me a little while to figure it out’.
He nodded again, giving her an understanding smile. He watched her, wanting to know exactly what had happened between her and Mia to make Jennifer go from dropping hints about marriage to the present moment. ‘Is there someone else?’
Jennifer looked troubled, ‘No…’ she managed in a small voice.
He suppressed another smile. ‘You haven’t met anyone?’
She looked at him curiously, wondering if he knew something he wasn’t telling her. ‘Sort of…’ she hesitated.
‘You can tell me’ he said smiling.
‘It was short lived…’
‘How long?’
‘Not long’ she said quietly.
‘Go on’.
‘A day… If that.’ She admitted, visibly distressed.
He smiled, ‘that’s not like you. Did you sleep with him?’
Jennifer nodded slowly, looking away.
‘He must be really special for you to break your rules’ he chuckled quietly.
She remained silent.
‘How long had you known him?’
The wrong use of pronouns was starting to get to her. ‘She’ she whispered into the air.
‘She’ Jennifer said, looking at him this time.
Caleb smiled, they were getting somewhere now. ‘Oh, well, that’s… interesting’. Correcting himself, he asked again, ‘How long had you known ‘her’?’
‘Not long’.
‘How long?’
‘A day… If that’ She repeated in a tiny voice.
He smiled, nodding, ‘She must be really something’.
Jennifer smiled to herself, ‘She is… She’s a lot like you, actually’ she paused to look at him, ‘Charming, apathetic, beautiful,’ Caleb laughed, her eyes met his, ‘she’s just not as cruel’.
He continued to smile, nodding to himself. ‘So why aren’t you still seeing her?’
Jennifer grimaced, ‘She didn’t want to see me again’.
‘She said that?’
She shook her head, ‘not in so many words’.
‘When you were together did you spend the night at hers?’
She nodded slowly, not understanding why he was so interested.
‘So if you really wanted to, you could pay her a visit and tell her how you feel?’
Jennifer hesitated, ‘I don’t really know where she lives’.
‘You stayed with her but don’t know where?’ he asked, his brows raised in question.
Jennifer thought back to the moment she met Mia. Mia had run ahead to speak to the driver so she hadn’t heard where they were going. On the way there, her eyes were mostly on Mia so she hadn’t noticed the route, by the time she looked around, they were already in the basement. When she entered, Mia had almost immediately brought the shutters down. When they drove to get breakfast, Mia had taken so many turns and driven through so many back roads, she really couldn’t tell where they’d started. All she knew was that she lived very high up.
‘No… I guess not’ she finally said. ‘She lives in a penthouse somewhere, that’s all I know’.
His brows shot up, ‘A penthouse?’ he thought out loud. He began to wonder whether they were talking about the same person, or if Jennifer had had multiple one night stands with women. ‘Who is she?’
Jennifer looked at him suspiciously. ‘Why do you care?’ she retorted, starting to get defensive. ‘You never cared about anything I did or said before’ she spat.
‘Just curious’ he held his hands up, ‘just want to know who this amazing person is who seems to have had such an influence on you’.
She blinked back at him, realising that even if she did want to tell him all about her, that she didn’t have much to say, because she didn’t know anything. She didn’t know what Mia did for a living, whether she had siblings, where she was from, or even how old she was. ‘Her name’s Mia’, she said plainly.
‘Annndd…?’ Caleb probed.
Jennifer suddenly stood, pushing her chair back as she did. ‘It’s really none of your business’.
He blinked at her, unmoving.
‘Goodbye, Caleb. It was nice knowing you’, and with that, she left.
Caleb clenched his jaw and then stroked his face, nothing she’d said seemed to make any sense. He hailed a waiter over and ordered an espresso as he tried to piece it all together.
Two more weeks had passed, and though Mia mostly attended Caleb’s classes, she still missed a few of them. Today was one of those days.
They hadn’t spoken to one another since the day she’d come to his office to warn him about calling home again, and she’d thwarted any efforts he’d made to change that. He looked at the register and clicked on her name, a task that which was quickly becoming habitual.
She hadn’t attended any of her classes so far. He frowned. She missed way too much school.
Mia scrolled through her texts as she waited in the queue to be served. She looked up briefly to see a little old man slowly put his empty mug onto the counter, she smiled warmly to herself. It wasn’t customary to return your dishes, but it showed just how thoughtful he was. She returned her gaze to her phone, listening to the old man speak as he walked to leave the café.
‘Off to the bank now! Do you know where it is?’ he asked the barista on the other side of the counter. After she’d given him directions, he lifted his hat off to her and smiled, ‘thank you ever so much, let’s hope I find it! And I hope you all have a wonderful day!’ he said to everyone as he slowly made his way to the door.
Mia smiled again, it was so unusual for someone to be so friendly, in London at least.
As she waited for her drink to be made, she couldn’t help but think about the old man she’d seen, wondering if he’d made it to a bank or not. Overcome with an unfamiliar sense of determination, Mia snatched up her drink and went to find him so she could make sure he hadn’t got lost.
Mia had searched for almost an hour before deciding it was time to give up and go to school, it was starting to get windy and though it was sunny, the breeze was biting at her bare legs, then she saw him, walking slowly through Tavistock Square. She paced quickly to catch up with him, not knowing what she’d say or do when she did. When she finally caught up, she stopped him.
‘Excuse me?’ She asked nervously, ‘I was in the coffee shop earlier and overheard you saying you were on your way to the bank but didn’t know where it was, did you find it?’
He looked at her, craning his neck slightly. ‘I did, but it seems I don’t have an account in any of the banks’.
She bit her lip, ‘You don’t have an account?’
‘No, I never made one…’ he then went on to tell Mia of how he came to London, wrongly imprisoned and then released far from his home in Scotland, and he was trying to make his way home
since. He had no family to help him, and he’d out lived all his friends. He took out his wallet and held it open for her to see, ‘this is all I have in the world’.
She glanced down at the contents, it held a ten and twenty pound note and a few coins. She swallowed. Then pulled out her own. ‘Maybe I could help a little’ she removed five fifty pound notes from her purse, it was all she had on her, she handed it to him ‘It isn’t much, but it’s all I have on me right now’ she held it out for him to take.
He slowly reached up and held the money looking at it. ‘This is a lot of money, why are you giving it to me?’
Mia stood dumbfounded, opening her mouth as if to speak and then closing it again, trying to find the words. ‘I don’t know…’ she started, ‘I just feel like life hasn’t been too kind to you…’ her voice caught, but she continued, ‘and no one seems to want to help…’, her eyes had begun to well now and a single tear trickled down her cheek, she wiped it away with her sleeve, laughing weakly. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying’ she sniffed.
‘You’re very kind, thank you very much’. He placed a frail hand on the small of her back and guided her slowly to a bench nearby. ‘Come and sit down, would you like to talk?’
Mia sniffed and then nodded, continuing to wipe at her tears as she composed herself.
They sat down, ‘What is your name, young lady?’ he looked ahead as he spoke.
‘Mia’ she said in a dry voice.
‘Mia?’ She nodded. ‘I’m Alan Connors. How old are you Mia?’
’18, how old are you?’
‘You’re very young. I’m 91’.
Mia gawped at him, but he continued to look ahead.
‘Do you know what you want to be when you’re older?’
‘I don’t know, maybe become a lawyer’ she shrugged.
‘That’s a very good profession’ he said, nodding slightly to himself.
‘What did you do?’
‘I was a scientist…’ He then went on to tell Mia about his studies and his work, asking her questions here and there as to whether she was familiar with a certain phrase or element. The longer they talked, the stranger the conversation became. Allen started to speak of space ships, and told her his was calling back to him, he was the captain.
She was slightly unsettled, but her heart still felt for him. They’d sat there for almost 3 hours together, just speaking, before he finally looked at his watch and said ‘I have an appointment soon which I must get to’.
Mia nodded, biting her lip and thinking for a moment, she didn’t want to lose touch with him, and thought she might be able to help further if she could only speak to someone else about it all. ‘Do you think I could speak to you again sometime? Do you have a phone number?’
‘If you’d like, of course. I don’t have a phone, but you can write me if you please’.
Mia bit her lip, ‘You don’t have a phone?’
‘No,’ he shook his head, ‘no one to call’.
She nodded, ‘alright’.
He wrote an address down for her which she slipped into her pocket. He started to rise slowly, and Mia did too, waiting for him.
‘It was very nice to speak to you, I wish you the best of luck, thank you’.
Mia smiled warmly, ‘You too’. She watched as he slowly hobbled away, then sat back down, exhaling loudly.
All of a sudden she was overcome with thoughts of her grandfather, and standing with a new resolve, she decided to pay him a visit.
When she stepped out of the store she’d popped into, the Uber car was already waiting for her. Clutching a paper bag in her hand, she headed towards it and climbed in.
As they drove in silence she thought back to her conversation with Allen. He seemed like such an intelligent man, but some of the things he’d said seemed so farfetched, she wondered if his years were finally taking a toll on his mind.
She thought of how lonely he must be, having out lived all those nearest and dearest to him. Mia swallowed, her throat dry. She felt just as alone.
The car rolled to a halt, and Mia looked around to see that they’d arrived. She thanked the driver quietly and closed the door as she climbed out.
Mia walked slowly, the long grass kissing her ankles as she lumbered along. She came to a stop and breathed in deeply before sitting down on the grass, crossing her legs as she gazed at her grandfather’s name etched into a gravestone.
She set the paper bag down in front of her and looked into it, pulling out a single white rose and tossing it to the head of the grave. She then pulled out a 70cl bottle of Johnny Walker, whiskey had always been his drink of choice. Scrunching the bag up into a ball, she placed it to her side and continued to stare at the engraved letters that spelt the name of one of the few men she’d ever loved.
She sniffed as she pulled her sleeves over her hands to wipe back the tears that pooled in her eyes, but they still dripped down her perfectly carved cheekbones, and fell off her jaw, hitting her thighs.
Mia’s grandfather wasn’t a very liked man. Much like Mia he was far too clever for his own good, instead of flourishing, he became complacent. He married young and irrespective of the love his parents and wife showered him with, he was extremely ill tempered, snapping at the smallest of things. Giada and her older sister grew up fearing their father as much as they loved him. As the youngest, Giada suffered the worst of his scorn, being the object of many bad beatings that would at the very least leave her bruised if not bloody, some of which she still bore the scars of.
Despite all this, Emilio had loved his grandchildren dearly, more than he loved his own, and though it was never said aloud, it was widely understood that Mia was his favourite, his golden child. Giving into her every whim and wish and favouring her over his other grandchildren, Mia and Emilio shared a special bond. For her, he was her sanctuary, and for him she was everything.
He died when Mia was 16, and when everyone cried at his passing, Mia didn’t shed a single tear. She was expressionless for the entirety of the preparations and the wake, refusing to talk about anything of relevance, choosing instead to keep everything bottled inside, unaware that the bottle would eventually crack as she continued to fill it with unspoken and unfelt emotions until finally it shattered.
Mia picked up the bottle before her and twisted the top until the seal broke with a small, satisfying crack. Dropping the cap, she held the bottle up slightly to the tombstone she sat in front of, before putting it to her lips and drinking the golden liquid deeply.
Giada looked at the clock for the hundredth time that evening, it was almost 10pm and Mia still hadn’t called or text to tell them where she was. Her daughter wasn’t the most punctual of people, but she always let them know where she was and whether she was going to be late. If she was going somewhere after school, she would have been in contact by now, but she hadn’t, and she’d missed dinner as well.
It was too late to call school, as it would now be closed and no one would be present to answer. She’d spoken to a few of Mia’s friends but none of them seemed to know where she was.
Zeke wasn’t in London currently, but she decided to try him anyway to see if he had any idea as to where Mia was. She picked up the phone and dialled his number, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. She heard him answer.
‘Zeke! Do you know where Mia is?’
‘Uhh.. No’ he said groggily. Amsterdam was only an hour ahead but he’d gone to bed early.
‘Have you spoken to her today?’
‘Uhh… No’ he said, sitting up ‘What’s wrong?’
‘She hasn’t come yet and she’s not been in touch all day, we have no idea where she is and she won’t answer her phone’ her voice was laced with concern and dread.
‘Is her phone dea
‘No, but she won’t answer. Will you let me know if she-‘
He cut her off, ‘I’ll call you back’ and hung up. Reaching for his laptop, he started it up and set to work.
20 minutes later, the main phone at the Accardo household rang. Giada snatched up the phone and answered, hoping it was Mia. Instead she heard Zeke’s voice through the speaker. ‘She’s at Brookwood Cemetery’.
Giada frowned, ‘Zeke, thank you so much. I’ll speak to you soon’. She put the phone down and called out for her husband.
It was 11.15 when Raphael hurried out of his car to run into the cemetery. Because it was late, the gate to the drive in path had been closed so he had to go on foot. He ran through the dark graveyard, pulling his coat close as the wind howled around him. He came to a stop when he found her. Pausing momentarily as he took in the sight of his teenage daughter lying unconscious, curled up by his father in laws grave, an empty bottle near her. Her denim shorts barely touching the middle of her thighs, and though her top was long sleeved, she didn’t have a jacket.
‘Mia…’ He pulled off his coat and placed it over her legs before reaching under and scooping her off of the ground. He carried her slowly to the car and sat her inside, strapping her in as her head lolled to a side.
They drove silently back to the house, Raphael looking over at his daughter every few minutes. It was dark, but he could still see that she’d been crying. Mia was one of the strongest people he knew, and it tore his heart to see her so broken.
When they reached home, he carried her in, his other two children asleep, but his wife who was sick with worry, came running. She looked at her daughters tear streaked face, black salty trails down her cheeks. She let out a small sob, ‘my baby…’
Mia woke with an arm draped around her. She turned around to see her mother lying next to her, her eyes closed. Mia looked at the clock, it was 10am, she was late for school. She groaned and sat up, her head filling with nausea and pain, making her wince. She started out of bed, but heard her mother’s voice ‘Mia you need to rest’.
‘I have school’ she said, standing shakily.
‘I’m fine!’
Giada watched as Mia staggered her way to the bathroom, her shapely long legs carrying her unsteadily. Her grass stained shorts hugged her hips as they swayed from side to side with each step. When did she get so big? She sighed.
When she reached school it was just in time for third period, but instead of going to her class she headed to the Economics office instead. The door was open so she let herself in and took her books out, setting her things on Ms Evans’ desk before sitting down to work.
The teachers were used to her being in there by now, and had even come to like her, sometimes thinking of her as one of them rather than the student that she was. So no one bothered her as they came in and out.
It was lunch when she heard Ms Evan’s voice. ‘How are you feeling?’
Mia sighed quietly, the fact she was asking that the moment she walked in instead of chiding her about missing class, meant that her mother had called school to let them know why she’d missed the first half of the day.
‘I’m ok’ Mia’s nose was in her book, her hand scribbling down notes. Her back was to the rest of the room.
Ms Evans sat down on the desk so she was almost facing her. When she saw Mia, she noticed she’d been crying. She placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it comfortingly. ‘What else do you have today?’
‘Double English’ she sniffed.
‘You’re here until 4?’
She nodded. Wiping away a tear. She wished Ms Evans hadn’t touched her. Contact always made her cry when she was upset.
Ms Green and Mr Wood walked into the office then, both chatting away. Ms Evans looked up at them both, ‘Could you give us a minute?’ They both looked at her curiously before exiting the room. She rubbed Mia’s shoulder again. ‘Come on, I’ll take you home. You’re not going to your lesson and you can’t stay in this office all day’.
‘You can’t do that’.
‘I’m not teaching next period, and I’m deputy head. I say I can. Get up, get your things together’.
Mia sighed and stood, there was no arguing with this woman. She gathered her books and pens then stuffed them into her bag before following Ms Evans out of the office. She kept her head down as they walked silently through the school and the parking lot to her Qashqui.
This is my first time writing anything of length, so any feedback would be much appreciated. All the characters are of legal age (18 and older). Happy reading. ********* The alarm blared and Mia jumped awake, grabbing at the big clock that had startled her out of her sleep. For the life of her she couldn’t understand why her mum had bought her something so deafening. She closed her eyes and continued to lay in bed, buried under the duvet, listening to the sound of dishes downstairs, and...
I was 25 and working to finish my PhD. My older brother - who was 38 and had married y oung - and his wife Janettte were looking to take a holiday without their two ki ds, Mia and Jen. Mia was 14 and Jen was 10. I agreed that I could stay in their house for 2 weeks in August and let them have a holiday.Mia was a tall slim redhead with long hair and fair skin. She was precocious for her age. Her breasts though small were already developed and she had hips that made her look good in tight jeans,...
Mia was eighteen and had a huge set of tits like her mother. Her mother was sexually active and just married her fourth husband who was much younger and had a big appetite for sex. Mia could hear them fucking every night. One day when her mom had just left for work Mia was in the kitchen getting breakfast in her robe. The new hubby named Nick came up behind her and put his arms around her and opened her robe and began feeling her tits. He whispered in her ear "Your tits are so firm and even...
Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. **************** I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it did the experience...
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GayI gazed at the ocean and couldn’t believe the spectacular view. The cool ocean air gently swept through my light brown hair like a soft wave. Makuo chose the right place. My heart warmed as I thought of my husband on the first day of our honeymoon. A year ago, I would have never thought I would be married today. I was dedicated to my career and enjoyed dating. A serious relationship was the last thing on my mind when my best friend Tochy told me she knew a guy I should meet. I went with no...
Throughout the whole story, there's one thing that I never clarified about Marlene and me: the exact nature of our relationship. If you've been keeping up, you know that it's intimate, to say the least. But the background in this is we met by accident. It was a warm October. She was finishing her drink and leave the lounger as it had become quiet. We were the only two people at the fancy bar, both dressed and not knowing that there was some big single's shindig across town. So, I sat beside...
"And this boy had the audacity to say he wanted to fuck me." Janet Douglas went on, pausing to sip at her coffee. "Can you imagine that? Right in the middle of the shopping mall! And I'd never lain eyes on him in my life!" "Good lord." Angela replied, smiling faintly. "What did you say back?" "Well, I didn't say anything! I just walked away! Honestly, this sort of thing still happens to me and I'm thirty-eight years old. It must be these big titties of mine that does it. Of...
I have been a practicing physician for quite a few years, so when I meant with my financial advisor in the spring, he advised me that I had reached my goals, that meant I could retire if I wanted to. The following morning I turned in my two weeks resignation letter, then began to look to see what I needed or wanted to do next. I was so surprised to be contacted by my old university to see if I’d be interested in teaching some classes. Since they had contacted me, I called a real estate agent to...
There was a look of shock and horror on the poor girl's face. She feared this was a cruel joke being played on a poor, unsuspecting, lonely woman. I felt Jackie slip something into my free hand. It was a ring. She must have retrieved it from one of the steamer trunks from the attic. I slipped the ring, a diamond of about three carats, on the fourth finger of her left hand. She just gawked at it. Mom had moved over to the couch, and she gently and lovingly nudged the poor woman. "Oh, oh!...
I was apprehensive about going home with Darleen, I mean she had told me her family knew about her orientation and accepted it, but I was still too introverted to face others who would know about me. At times I regretted agreeing to go home with her for the weekend, but now felt committed as she was the type of woman who wouldn’t take no for an answer. We drove up on the Thursday after work, I was a bundle of nerves of course and wanted to get it over with. The traffic was really heavy going...
“Wait, am I your beard or something?” James stands up from the red cotton-covered bed, and looks at the woman he had considered to be his girlfriend, but wasn't so sure now. “No, nothing like that." She shakes her head at him to emphasise her point. "But I find women attractive as well,” replies Alice to James, whom she does consider to be her boyfriend. So, you still want me , he wonders, as his hand catches the hair that flops over his forehead before running it through the rest of...
LesbianI spoke at length with Rebecca and Maisie, and eventually I sat Eva down and told her the truth about the zappers. I was expecting her to scream at me, but after disbelief, then showing her the devices in action, and then admitting how I had used my invention, she was overcome with emotion that I would still be willing to stand by her; she reasoned I could ensnare any girl I wanted. As strange as it may sound, I didn't want "any" girl. Her self-esteem was clearly low, but I promised her I...
We came home early, that night. The party was not very exciting, so we made excuses and left before 10, even though we had told Heather, our babysitter, not to expect us until after midnight. And obviously, she did not expect us--at least, not right then. Although we made a normal amount of noise driving up to the house and walking in, she didn't hear us at all. In fact, neither of them did. Not she or her boyfriend, lying on the couch in a passionate embrace, seemed to notice as we entered...
What a crazy fucking day this was!! On my day off I invited Sky Pierce to come over for a little day adventure. Some hiking, fucking, and overall relaxing time. We planned to fuck while on the trail so I took my phone to capture these moments. And everything went just as we planned…kind of. I took some pictures and bent her over to slam her little pussy. After a nice outdoor fuck session and facial when the camera was off there was a confrontation with a voyeur. Some perv asshole had been...
xmoviesforyouThe TempThe week started off kind of special... my regular secretary was off on a two week vacation and it was the first day of the new temp...usually they are older woman...plain... and not very exciting...but this one was more than special as i was about to find out... you walked into the room ...tall blonde and very attractive... your smile brightened up the my day immediately... your dress was conservative by it still had a hint of your sexuality...its very hard to hide that and i could...
Agents of Gor: Part 8 A Girl prepares to Sleep by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it for themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. He can be contacted via his...
My adventurous life is picking up once again. I’m always looking for new and different sexual experiences. One night, I was traveling in New York City and I was looking for a little fun. As you know, I’m a married man with a vanilla sex life and I’m also Bi-sexual. I’m very naughty when I travel. I love to do things that I normally would never do in my regular life. As you know, I’ve visited with she-males and have had masturbating dates with escorts. I was doing some research online and found...
BisexualOne Day at the Enforcement Bureau "Now, Miss"... there was a slight pause as if he wasn't quite sure that was the proper form of address, "I have to ask you some questions" The woman fidgeted in her seat, "You have questions! I have so many, first are you a policeman?" "If you are asking whether I have legal powers, such as the ability to detain people, then yes. Now, I would like to start, is that alright with you?" "Yeah.. I mean... Anything to make sense of...
Moving On By RogerGirl Aaron came home one afternoon after another failed job interview. He had lost his job recently and his wife had been supporting them both. Since losing his job he had grown his hair long, usually in a ponytail, and rarely shaved. He was somewhat thin and short for a 24 year old man and too lazy to go to the gym to work out. When he got home he found a letter on the table. He picked it up and read it. He surprised to see his wife was leaving him for another man....
Alice awoke first. It took her a few minutes to recollect where she was and why. The hint of a rosy glow remained with her and Sue, sleeping benignly next to her. A smile etched on her lovely face. Alice slowly leaned down and with just the very tip of her tongue touched just the extreme tip of Sue's nipple. The electric shock brought a wave over Alice and she squirmed. She continued her interest in the sensitive nipples of the sleeping beauty, although Sue began to stir after that first...
It was only a few weeks after my 14th birthday and me and my BFF Ashley's babysitting company had taken off like a rocket! When all the dirty old pervs found out what a naughty little nympho Ashley was, and what a insatiable, bisexual, crossdressing cumslut I was, pretty soon our "babysitting" services were being requested by men all over town ;-)Every now and then, we would strike a business deal with one of our "babysitting" clients. One guy, a gorgeous black man with an enormous BBC, owned...
I didn’t want this, I didn’t choose this. My father has ruined my life just to further benefit his own. Some say this is a blessing, well they are wrong. This is a curse. – Alison Shade – January ~~~~ One week earlier ~~~~ My name is Alison Shade, the daughter of the noble Mr Richard Shade. Being born into a rich family sucks. People expect things of you that they wouldn’t of other girls my age. I turned eighteen in December. Some people of my village would call me a Beauty. I tend to...
Well its 6 am Saturday morning. Wanted to get up early to get some alone time with my coffee and kindle. The sun will be coming up just as I start getting in my lounge chair by the lake. I have decided that for the rest of the summer I will not wear any panties, not that I wear them often as it is. I usually go commando. After the sights of last night I have been feeling frisky and decided I am going to be in a teasing mood this weekend. Wearing a fun light sundress I knew it was going to be a...
Kora Falk – Cheyvn, Kivoneth Princedom, Strifelands of Zeutch It was hard not to smile at the enthusiasm on Zanyia’s face as she slid off my lap and beneath the table I sat at. I shivered, my eyes flicking back over to my brother, a big grin on his face as Marita and Josephine licked his cum off Elli’s big tits. He loved the depraved sight. And so did I. My pussy burned so hot, my mouth watering to lick those white globes of spunk off the busty maid’s breasts. I loved my brother’s cum. The...
I had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean I talked of having...
Donna walked up to Ms. Brendan’s door, cuddled in her new long and warm winter coat. It was part of the new wardrobe she apparently had ordered through the Internet. Donna would have never spent so much money on such an obscene coat; she looked so cheap in it. But most of all, it was the idea of animal fur that was bothering her. For as long as she could remember, Donna had been strongly opposed against the killing of animals for something so senseless as their fur! Regardless, she had to...
Well after i was at the movies today with some friends and i saw this hot girls in this lil sundress that only just covered her. I was remembering about some times i had been to the movies with a old bf from my swim team when we went to Sydney and the fun time i had.Well i was going out with brent (not his real name) and he was older then me and on the swim team he was the cool older boy that all us girls wanted to be with and he picked me. it was not long before we were having lots of fun...
I wanted to thank everyone for the kind words on the first part of this story. I still feel very new to this type of writing and all of your comments and support have helped me a whole lot! I know it's been a while since part one but wanted to get back to this story. I hope you all enjoy it! What You Let Slip Part 2 Jen helped me fix my makeup and wig after our encounter. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. I wouldn't say I was exactly passable but I looked better...
I fee that I was always bi curious, but had never acted on the impulse. One night after some partying I was extremely horny and thought, “what the Hell.”The adult theater, locally called dirty Walmart, is a giant square refab building with a ton of Vegas style lights and neon.I walk inside and immediate see a sign saying “5.00 token MUST be purchased to enter theater. I plop my money on the counter and the man gives me a token.My nerves were high as I made my way to the subway like turn style...
My Dad was in Spain for a 2 month consultancy and it was the perfect excuse to have a holiday in Barcelona. My flight arrived on time and after clearing immigration I came through the gate and looked around for the guy that had been sent from Dad’s office to collect me. The arrivals hall was like any other found globally, with a cluster of people holding signs with the names of unknown people they had been sent to collect.I glimpsed my name as I scanned the signs and then looked at the face...
Part One: Showtime When our new neighbor forgot (?) to pull her shades down she put on quite a show for my husband and me. "Honey," my husband called to me from the bedroom. "She's doing' it again. Come watch." We had a new neighbor, a single woman named Shayla. We had talked to her over the fence a few times, but really didn't know her very well. We thought she was a little shy. We were going to be proved wrong on that. A few weeks after she moved in Lee and I were lying in bed with the...
PART TWO: After about 20 hours of driving they reached the shack they all got out and he grabbed his bags from the trunk and looked around "holy crap this place is huge" they all chuckled at what he said and walked to the door they open the door for him and walks amy points him to his room and he walks to it setting his bags by the door he walked over to the bed and laid down on it letting out a small sigh the girls were still down stairs talking about what they would do to him in...
Bit Of A Shock Her name is Julie Weston. She has been working for a large insurance company as a secretary to the Accounts Manager. Mrs. Jane Peters is a good boss, 49 years old, and a good-looking blond with brains to match. Julie is a 34-year-old six-foot dark haired woman, size 16-18, but fit not fat; she loves her job, which she has been doing for six months. She is skilled in shorthand, keyboard, and computer skills like any other good secretary. She lives outside London in...
It still hurts. Even if they don't say anything to me outright, seeing the looks, watching them whisper to each other, not even bothering to hide what they're doing... it hurts. I remember when I was just a little girl, hiding out on the stairs of our house, hearing my mom in the living room talking with her friends about female solidarity, and how all women were sisters. It hurt like hell, learning that was all a lie. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm getting better at that,...
We are back in Texas and I have a new job working on power lines. I’m on call most of the time but not a lot happens. Hanging around the house one day and I get a call for a job. Not well prepared for work because I’m the new guy I didn’t think anything of it for lunch. The job I got a call for ended up being a bad one, long hours for a few days. As lunch time rolled around all the guys are talking about what they are going to do. Most of them said something about pizza but didn’t want to leave...
This can either go as a stand-alone story or become a series, is completely up to you. Please give me your thoughts about it on the comments section. *I’m not a native English speaker, so there may be mistakes within the text. If anyone is kind enough to point them out to me so I can correct them, I’ll be very grateful. **All the characters in this story are over 18 years old. ****** Love Hurts "Really, Alex. Being honest. I..." She blushed beautifully and looked down, ashamed, but...