- 4 years ago
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This is my first time writing anything of length, so any feedback would be much appreciated. All the characters are of legal age (18 and older). Happy reading.
The alarm blared and Mia jumped awake, grabbing at the big clock that had startled her out of her sleep. For the life of her she couldn’t understand why her mum had bought her something so deafening. She closed her eyes and continued to lay in bed, buried under the duvet, listening to the sound of dishes downstairs, and hurried steps in the corridor outside. She’d have to get up soon or she’d be late. Again. But instead she allowed herself to indulge in the feel of the cool, white sheets caressing her bare calves, the warmth of the pillow that was hugged to her chest, and the delicious drowsiness which still loomed over her. Her eyes shot open as there was a single loud bang at the door. It was time to get up.
Reluctantly, Mia threw the duvet to one side of her queen sized bed, and swung her long, slender legs over the edge. She stood and sauntered her way to her en suite bathroom, tying her dark hair up in a bun as she went. She found herself looking into the mirror, staring at her face and wondering if she looked as tired as she felt.
Her bright hazel eyes twinkled back at her, as she leaned in to look closer she could see the green in them. She stroked her jaw, today was going to be a long day. She turned to turn the shower on, twisting the nozzle so it was on the hottest setting and ran her hand under the water, it was cold, but getting warmer by the second. She pulled her tshirt over her head and shimmied her way out of her bottoms, letting both fall to the floor. Standing in front of the mirror again, she examined her naked body, and ran her finger along a faint bruise on her shoulder from when her sister had launched a Harry Potter book at her.
Picking up her toothbrush, she squeezed out a pea sized amount of toothpaste and brushed her teeth, spitting and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
She sighed, and stepped into the now hot shower.
Mia was a pretty girl, she had eyes that shone, lashes that fluttered and brows which couldn’t be faulted. Her full pink lips were home to the brightest teeth, resulting in the prettiest, most tempting mouth you’d ever see. She was owner of a perfectly sculpted jaw too, and beautifully crafted cheekbones that often garnered her many compliments. Her smooth, taut skin was a light shade of olive which gave away her Mediterranean heritage, as did her dark brown hair, which fell in waves at the small of her back. Standing at 5’7, she was relatively tall, with a slim waist, long legs, plump but slightly pert breasts, and an ass you could bounce quarters off of. She was delectable in every sense of the word, and she was well aware of it.
The water pecked at Mia’s soft skin like hot little kisses, leaving behind a faint trickle of warmth. She washed herself and rinsed off, the shower filling with the smell of the peach scrub she had used. She smelt edible, and the thought made her smile.
As she dabbed herself dry, her thoughts took her to the long day ahead and her smile soon faded. She loathed school. She hated the whole learning process of teachers regurgitating information (that they may as well have read on Wikipedia) and students then being made to lap it up without question. She hated the rigidity of having a timetable, abiding by rules and structures she didn’t fully accept. And she hated the authority she had to oblige. This often resulted in unauthorised absences, poor punctuality, numerous detentions, and the dreaded call home.
Despite this, Mia still managed to get the grades that were required of her. She was one of the handful that the school deemed ‘gifted and talented’, which meant that without much work or effort at all, Mia was a more than able student, and it showed. But despite having a knack for academia, she wasn’t much of an academic, instead choosing to coast through her education and underachieving for someone of her ability.
She shook the thought from her mind and hurried to get herself ready for school. Her parents had already left for work, so it added more time onto her journey as she wasn’t going to get a ride. But having been lost in her thoughts, she was already close to running late.
She opened her cupboard and stared in blankly, lost for a split second before reaching in and pulling out a black crewneck jumper and a pair of black jeans, before haphazardly throwing them on. The jeans hugged her legs and her round bottom, showing off just how toned she was. As she started to carefully apply her eyeliner, she reached for her phone and paused to send out a mass text to a select few before continuing with her makeup. Her phone buzzed, a reply. It was Adam, ‘Be there in 10’. And just like that she didn’t have to worry about getting the bus to school.
Adam was an older boy in university, tall, dark, intelligent, and utterly gorgeous. Mia had been speaking to him for a while and though they weren’t just friends, they weren’t anything exclusive either. There was no spark for her, and Adam was just one of many. Her phone buzzed again, but she left it unchecked. She pulled on some socks and pushed her feet into a pair of black Chelsea boots. Now ready, she grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs, making sure to set the alarm and lock the door behind her.
She ran down the drive toward the black beamer that was waiting for her, opened the door, flung her things in, and flung herself in next. After exhaling deeply, she turned to the man next to her.
Adam’s hair was a tousled mess, he was wearing a hoodie and a pair of torn jeans, and he looked slightly unkempt, as though he’d just gotten out of bed. But his face was still handsome, and his dark eyes, unblinking, were fixed on hers.
She gave a small smile before leaning in and giving him a small peck on the lips, then another. She reached out with her right hand and placed it on the back of his neck, stroking his hair, she kissed him again, but this time parted his lips with hers and slowly licked at his tongue with her own. Sighing softly she pulled him in closer to kiss him more deeply, their breaths mingling. He tasted of mint and tea. Then she drew away. Watching him as she moved her hand from his neck to his jaw, to stroke his bottom lip.
Without saying anything, she sat back in her seat, put on her belt and turned away to look out the window, and in barely a whisper uttered ‘Let’s go’.
The school bell was ringing to alert students it was now form time, ‘a call to being brainwashed’, Mia thought. Mia lazily made her way through the crowds of students, nodding and acknowledging the dozens that greeted her.
When she reached her form class she sat down at the first available seat near the door, took out her phone and turned it on silent before returning it to her bag. Mr Thomas sat down on the desk at the front with his laptop propped on his knee. He was a wafer of a man. Tall, pale and thin. Sallow under eyes, behind thick horn rimmed glasses, and with a 5 o’clock shadow.
He started to call out names as he took the register. ‘Abby, Ron, Cairo, Lydia, Jacob, Mia…’ He looked up, his gaze meeting hers briefly before going back, ‘on time today, I see’. One of the boys in the class sniggered, Mia rolled her eyes. Mr Thomas finished the register and went on to talk about the assembly they were to have on Thursday.
Mia phased out his voice and realising she was hungry, started to think of what she could eat.
The bell sounded for first period and they all filed out the classroom.
Mia had first period free, so she went to the common room, made her way to the back and sat down at an empty desk. Just as she put her bag on the table, Louise skipped over. ‘Mia! What are you doing after school today? Me and Amber are going to Westfield to get some things for Dre’s party, you should come with us!’
today Louise, you two have fun though’.
‘Are you at least going to come to the party?’
‘I don’t know yet, we’ll see. I’ll let you know, ok?’
‘Right, ok. What are you doing now? Do you have a free period? You could come and get breakfast with me if you want. What else do you have today? I heard you dropped Biology for Economics, what happened?’
Mia sighed. Louise was always so talkative, though she was perfectly nice, she was just too chipper and cheerful for Mia to stand. She interrupted ‘Louise, I’m really tired, I’m going to nap for a bit now, but I’ll talk to you about it all later’, and with that, Mia put her head down on the desk, resting it on her arms and closed her eyes.
She heard Louise leave, and was left to herself. She heard the door to the common room open and close, computers starting up, chairs being pulled this way and that, and the chatter of students. She focused on her breathing, the lull of the fan that came from the computer nearby, until it all became distant.
There was a hand on her shoulder, and a ringing in her ear when she finally came to. It was Dennis, the common room monitor, and the ringing was the bell for third period. She’d slept through break.
She hauled her bag over her shoulder and half ran to her Physics class, she could vaguely hear Dennis shouting after her but she didn’t stop to make out what it was. The science block was on the other side of the building, and she made it just in time before Mr Sheridan entered. She took out her notebook and copied the diagram he was drawing on the board.
Mr Sheridan was a very serious man, and taught in a very linear fashion, as he droned on at the class, Mia finished the assigned tasks and started to doodle on the side of the page. Freeing her mind of Physics and causing it to ponder other things… What did she have next? Her thoughts were interrupted by Mark, a boy in class who sat on her table. ‘Hey Mia, how’s it going? Are you finished already?’ Mia replied without looking up ‘Yep’.
‘Fuck, you’re fast’, Mia said nothing in return, Mark hesitated, ‘Ummm, are you going to Dre’s party later this week?’ Mia continued to speak to her notepad ‘Probably not’.
‘Oh… Ok. I thought maybe we could go together…’
‘I’m not going’.
‘Yea, well if you change your mind, let me know’.
Desperate for the conversation not to die, Mark searched for more words, ‘Umm, do you, errr… What do you have next?’ Mia looked up at the young boy for a moment then, biting her lip in thought, she shrugged. She flicked through her planner to check her time table. ‘Econ. I have Econ next’, she smiled to herself. Assuming the smile was for him, Mark perked up and asked ‘Is that with Mr Matthews? I heard he’s a right hard ass’, at that, Mia smiled again but said nothing.
The bell sounded, they shoved their things into their bags, and left the room.
She had Econ next. With Mr Matthews.
It was no secret that Mia received a lot of attention, both for her appearance and her allure. She kept her affairs private, no one knew whether she was dating anyone, no one knew if she’d lost her virginity, no one knew if she went to parties. She was a walking enigma, and it only added to her appeal. As she walked to her next class, she returned many waves, hi’s and hello’s. All the boys pined for her, but her for none.
The one she ached for was the only one she wanted and couldn’t have, the only one who had ever shown any resistance, he was so far out of reach. She walked up the stairs, and entered the classroom.
There HE was.
In perfectly tailored grey trousers, and dress shoes. He wore a plain white shirt with the sleeves rolled, exposing his forearms, and a black tie that hung loosely around his unbuttoned collar.
He looked up, she felt weak. ‘Afternoon Mia’, she did her best not to grin, instead letting a small smile form at the corner of her mouth which he couldn’t help but notice and admire. She said nothing in reply, only looked up at him through her long lashes, holding his gaze for as long as she could stand to. He broke first and cleared his throat before taking a few steps back, and she bit her lip as she turned away to find her seat.
Mr Matthews went about setting the tasks for the lesson, and how to complete them, but Mia solved the problems as they were read out, and started to doodle again when he began to explain the process.
As she drew, she thought of Mr Matthews, occasionally looking up from her paper to watch his hands move as he gestured, his lips as he spoke. He was beautiful. He had thick brown hair that looked soft to touch, to hold, to pull… His eyes glinted with a boyish charm, they were bright but deep, looking into them made you think he knew something you didn’t. His chiselled jaw was covered with a slight beard. Rugged but with a smile that would melt your heart, a mischievous grin only rivalled by a toddler. He was sexy and endearing all at once, and towering over most at 6’4 he was a sight to behold.
The room went quiet, and she looked up again to see what had happened, the class was getting on with the tasks. She watched as Mr Matthews took his own seat. Her eyes following him as he moved. Continuing to doodle, she smiled to herself, revelling in his perfection.
He looked up to see everyone with their heads down, scrawling away. His gaze fell on one particular student, her pen wasn’t moving as fast, and it seemed to follow a circular motion instead of horizontal. He watched her for a while longer. Her elbow propped up on the table, her face resting in her up turned palm. Her long hair settled on her shoulders. She was biting her lip as she looked at her notepad, and for a split second he envied her that, because he wanted to bite it too.
He clenched his jaw and looked around the classroom at the other students before checking his email. When he looked up again, most of the students were done. He stood and started to call on students for answers, ‘Peter, what’s number 2?’ Slightly unsure of himself Peter answered and Mr Matthews nodded his head at him before calling on another student. As he listened to the next answer, he noticed that the girl who caught his attention before was still busy at her paper, hoping to catch her out he called on her next, ‘Mia, number 8?’ and without looking up or even hesitating, Mia gave the correct answer, and Mr Matthews turned to someone else.
The bell rang and the students rushed out to get their lunches. Mr Matthews went around the classroom tucking in chairs and collecting loose sheets. When he turned around he saw Mia propped up on a desk at the front, doing something with her phone. ‘Waiting for Ms Evans?’ she looked up before looking back down ‘Yep’, he nodded in response, though she didn’t see.
Ms Evans was the head of Economics, had taught Mia Maths for 3 years before she started 6th form, and this was actually her classroom, they were on very good terms. Ms Evans would allow Mia to stay during her free periods and through lunch if she wanted to, she would sometimes even let her sleep in the Economics office if she was especially tired, and would write her notes to get her out of other classes if she was in a bad mood.
Ms Evans strolled into the classroom, ‘Hey MiMi, staying out of trouble?’ Mia laughed ‘Of course’. Ms Evans didn’t stop and continued to walk to the back of the room to put some books away on the shelf. She was a petite woman, at least 5’2, and she had killer curves. ‘Hungry?’ she asked Mia, ‘always’. Ms Evans held up an apple and a packet of crisps, Mia pointed to the apple, and Ms Evans threw it at her for her to catch. ‘Caleb do you need anything printed?’ Mr Matthews looked up, ‘No I’m good thanks, Ms’, and with that she left the room.
Mr Matthews watched as Mia took a bite of her apple. ‘You’re always eating something healthy’.
‘Yesterday it was that green slop they sell as a smoothie, today it’
s an apple. You don’t like crisps?’
‘Out of the two I preferred the apple’.
‘And if you could have chosen anything else?’
‘Mmmmm…’ Mia paused and looked thoughtful, she then looked up and as her gaze met his, ‘a banana’ she said silkily. His throat caught and she watched him swallow. Mia smiled a small coy smile and lowered her gaze back to her phone and took a chunk out of her apple.
Mr Matthews shifted, feeling slightly uneasy, had she really just looked directly at him and said that? Was she really just a fan of fruit, or had she meant something else? He felt a twitch in his groin as an image of Mia made its way into his mind. She was on her knees, looking up at him through her lashes with those big brown eyes just as she had done earlier, only, her mouth was full. Mr Matthews paced to the back of the room and pretended to look through some books.
Ms Evans then re-entered the room with a stack of papers just as the bell started to ring. Mia and Mr Matthews both watched her as she came in, somewhat expectantly. ‘What do you have now?’ She asked looking at Mia.
‘Well you better get going, Ms Haddon isn’t in the best of moods and I don’t think she’ll appreciate you waltzing in late again today’, she waited for Mia to move. Mia hopped off of the desk and picked up her bag, tucking her phone away into it, ‘got it’. As she moved toward the door, she stopped abruptly. ‘Mr Matthews?’ He looked at her, slightly bashful about before but still curious as to what she was going to say now that they had company.
‘Do you think I could come and see you after school today? There was a chunk of today’s lesson that I just didn’t get’.
He stared back at her, trying not to gawk, there was no way this girl was stumped by anything he’d taught today. Ms Evans watched him, amused. Finally, he blurted out a single word ‘Sure’ and nodded his head. Mia left for English.
Ms Evans was right about Ms Haddon, she was in a piss poor mood, and was struggling not to take it out on the class. It didn’t bother Mia much, Ms Haddon wasn’t necessarily a bad teacher, but she wasn’t someone Mia could take seriously either, she thought she tried way too hard, and her thoughts were always scattered which confused the majority of the class. Mia, like many, was used to zoning her out.
‘The taste of hunger, or a tyrants reign, And thousand more calamities besides, To grunt and sweat under this weary life, When that he may his full Quietus make, With a bare bodkin, who would this endure, But for a hope of something after death?’ Mia highlighted and scribbled a note beside the quotation before reading it over to herself once more, and then, again. ‘The taste of hunger… To grunt and sweat…’ her mind suddenly shifted to Matthews. She thought of him biting and kissing at her neck greedily… Then pictured him above her, hovering slightly, thrusting and grunting as sweat dripped down his brow’. She closed her eyes and bit her lip subconsciously, taking in a deep breath before slowly letting it back out.
‘Matthews!’ she heard. She snapped out of her lustful stupor and tuned into where she heard his name. It was two tables in front, to the left. Jade and Cassandra were giggling and whispering to one another. Mia strained to listen… ‘He’s so hot, did you see him today!’ said Jade to Cass, ‘YES! He had his sleeves rolled up again and you could see his veins’
‘I know! I wanted to die!’
‘Me too! I wish I could be in his class, you’re so lucky’.
‘You have no idea, I mean he looked right at me today, I couldn’t even, like, I almost died!’
‘Oh my god, fuck. I’m so jealous’.
Mia had heard enough, bored of the juvenile girls she went back to reading the excerpt in front of her, reading but not digesting, as she instead contemplated what exactly she was going to do after school.
Meanwhile, Caleb Matthews sat in his office chair behind his desk, spinning a pen between his fingers, deep in thought. What was she playing at? He’d known Mia to be a little flirtatious with him, and had even picked up on the little innuendoes she would drop, but they were usually so subtle, it could have just been in his head. But this was coquettish.
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We head down to our secret place, where the two of us can be alone. Usually it takes a while before one of us makes the move but it’s been too long. I grab you and hold you close with our lips meshing and our tongues wrestling. Our hands are roaming each other’s bodies squeezing, feeling. This lasts for maybe five minutes when you tell me to lie down. I comply and lie down and watch you slip off your pants to show me your glorious panties. You then slide those of to show your lovely mound and...
Part 5 of Sweet Smell of Lust Copyright© 1995-2003 A thrice-married gal from L.A. Said, "My hymen's intact to this day, 'Cause my first (a shrink) talked of it, The voyeur only gawked at it, And my most recent man's a gourmet." SSoL 5: I Rachel wadded through the crowded hallway after seeing the long hair of her target. The young man, a teenager really, had grown taller since she first met him, his face becoming more handsome and mature within the last year. Of course that was...
Well I start out how and what the accident was and how all this came about. So a few weeks ago my wife was not feeling well she was laying in bed and wanted me to lay with her. Well snuggling up next to her I became hard and horny. My wife being the trouper she is started playing with my hard dick. She then pulled it out and was stroking my dick. She then stopped and took off her top and told me to titty fuck them. So I straddled her and place my hard dick between her nice size boobs. She...
I’m not sure if it’s the conjunction or close approach of the Moon & Saturn that just happened a few days ago. Or maybe it’s the fact that this Tuesday Nov 8th is a total lunar eclipse but something’s causing the wave or rush of hot as fuck 18-year-old strippers to find their way onto the ExCoGi bed and whom do we thank? Well whatever celestial or heavenly body is to be thanked we’re giving this week’s exploit Chloe 5 erect penis’s out of 5 on the good old Swang-O meter for sure. Now...
xmoviesforyouHi friends and this is Safik from Trichy about me, 19 years old guy studying in an Eng college. I look like a kid, but have a cock opposite to my appearance. My cock is nearly 7.5 inches in length. I had many gay mates in my hostel because my cock was the favourite to everyone and even to my seniors also. I was even paid by one of my senior for just letting him suck my cock. My cock is really big, pinkish white in colour, cut. I think every one can imagine how a Muslim guys sexy cock looks. My...
IncestHi friends this is Dingdon from Raipur, Chattisgarh and thanks for your response this is the second part of the story AN INCEST SAGA. Hope you all will like it please do comment on it, it will encourage me and also will help me to improve my writing. Over the rest of the week, our hugs became more frequent, and my caresses on her mid-riff while we used to hug …….. was longer, more stronger …. And she never stopped me. More than once she caught my eyes on her cleavage, her belly, and she never...
The coaches worked us harder the final week of practice. They wanted us to put on a good show for the faithful fans and alumni on Saturday afternoon. We averaged 65,000-75,000 fans at the game the past few years. We had team or position meetings every evening after dinner. I barely had time to finish my homework. My time with Kelly was limited to eating breakfasts and lunches together. Friday night after dinner the team met to review the plans for the game and to select team captains. No one...
From My Garage Roof As I tucked my daughter Audrey into bed and said, “Goodnight” She asked, “Daddy, did you get my Frisbee off the garage roof?” I replied, “Not yet honey, but I will.” I kissed her forehead and then got out the ladder and climbed up on the garage roof. The Frisbee was not easy to find in the dark since it was the same color as the roof. As I looked around I noticed that I could see over the top of the ridge. The house behind ours that faced the other street...
Most women might be offended or ashamed to be called a slut. I’m not most women. My name is Tammy. I’m single, 31 years old, and I love sex. LOVE it! I can’t get enough, and I don’t see anything wrong with taking all I can get. It doesn’t matter to me what a guy looks like, how old he is, or if he’s married or single; if he has a working cock, then I know how to work it. And, believe me, I can work it in a way most men have never experienced. I’m good at what I do, I love what I do, and...
Mera nam harman hai ,mai 19 saal ka hu , punjabi ladka, height 6 feet, muscular body,7 inch monster. Ye story meri or meri bhabi ki hai Jo 25 saal ki hai figure mast or lag bhg ek saal purani hai .Koi ldki ya bhabi sex chat, roleplay, phone sex mai intrested ho to mail me on Mai 12th mai tha mere exams chl rhe the finals or bhabi mere he school mai 1st class ko pdha ti thi. Sre senior boys un k dewane the or mai b un ki trf attract hone lga. Sb un k bre mai sochte the or muth mrte the .Wo...
My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the sixth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls, Alison and Fiona, all in our first year at university. My first story was about how Sandra introduced me to girl on girl sex within weeks of us starting university. My second was about how Sandra introduced me to threesome sex with her and her boyfriend, Pete. My third was about starting to have sex with my new boyfriend, Martin, plus...
God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features.Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family...
Chapter 21 If you would like to contact me, you can do so at [email protected] There she was. She was everything that I remembered- long blonde hair bound in a bouncy ponytail, tight, probably near perfect body (I'd never seen her naked, so I couldn't tell for sure) encased in ass-hugging yoga pants. Her best feature, however, was her diamond shaped face and two brilliant crystalline blue eyes. "You're so brave, Riley. Eve told me everything. Don't worry, we're going to be...
This is dedicated to my Irishgirl, and may not be as erotic as you are used to but it really is just a story for my dear girl. But I hope you like. There was once a wood nymph that lived in the forest of the land of snow-capped mountains and sheep. She would fly through the trees beating her insect wings as fast as she could try to escape a terrible loneliness. She watched the humans coupling, clutching at each other as if trying to become one. She came to enjoy watching the humans ‘fucking’ as...
Rebecca Jane Smyth uses the ol’ MILF in distress trick to get her young neighbor over to her place. She tells him her TV needs fixing, but that’s not exactly true. Seems Rebecca Jane has fucked her way through almost all of the male occupants of the building. “He’s new,” she says. “The only one I haven’t had.” That situation is about to be rectified. Rebecca Jane sucks and fucks his cock, he eats her MILF pussy and then they fuck. And being the...
xmoviesforyouWilliam Monte POV: When we got back to Bruce’s house, we concentrated on what we needed to do next. We regretted having misled Director Logan, so we needed to come up with a way to fix that situation. Joni asked, “I think we need to invite him here and just ‘come clean’ with what we did and WHY. We’ll say we felt it was better to beg forgiveness than ask permission?” Bruce shrugged, “I don’t know.” Then his eyes widened, “Buttt ... Monte! Does your office have a drop ceiling like mine...
This a story based of my own experiences. Exaggerated a bit of course, but, why not ;D Hope you enjoy!Last night was a night I’ll never forget. Last night was the night I let my wife take over in bed. Just last week she discovered my stash of toys I had hidden from her for some time now. I had really taken a liking to ass play so I bought all sorts of different toys; from just plain old dongs and beads to huge plugs, I definitely had made a good collection. The thought of her husband being into...
Just one flight from home but stuck in DFW. The story of my life. After two weeks away from home I was flying back from business on the west coast. Delayed for an hour and then for three more due to icy weather all across the southern US, decided to treat myself to a pedicure in the airport. I found a spa in the D concourse and they had a short wait, so I went back to the airline club, poured up a glass of wine in a paper cup and was in the pedicure chair fifteen minutes later. The warm water...
I was laying in bed in a semi-conscious state with the full moon trying to break through the curtains. All I could remember was drinking in the bar with Sue, I couldn't have drunk so much in such a short time could I. Then as I was drifting off again I felt a smooth hand stroke my thigh and then cuddle up to me. A smooth body pushed against my back, cool breath tingling my neck. I felt comfortable and warm, even secure. A hand dropped on to my knee and slowly lifted my legs a part then I felt...
Looking into her dark eyes, I found myself lost for words as my thoughts ran wild. She was a full time student and worked part time to pay for her schooling. Putting in long hours every day, I was impressed she wasn’t burned out by this time. The first time I saw her was in a club as she danced with different people never letting anyone get too close to her but a select few. I guessed they were her friends and held her trust. The way her body moved to the music was fueling my fantasies and...
Nithya is my friend’s wife and I will say she is the perfect shaped lady in the world. First I saw her in their wedding day and from that day itself I was horny on her and I was waiting for the luck to fuck her. She looked better than a cinema heroine that day. She is 36 30 40 sized lady with big jugs and huge mountain ass. Anyone who sees her will get attracted by her thin moon hip and her bouncing boobs and her D shaped big asses. She always prefers to wear sarees especially designer sarees....
I will share the best of my 10 sexual adventures. This is the first adventure in this series. It all began when I was 18 years old. One of the neighbours moved in recently. They have a family of four – parents and 2 daughters. One sister was of my age and the other was 2 years elder than me. Their name was Sweety and Dolly. Sweety was the younger one. As we were their nearest neighbours, they started being more friendly with my family. My parents and their parents were getting along nicely. I...
Maggie opened the car door and slid into the seat next to Aaron. Her 36DD breasts were crammed into a red low cut top. The jeans she had on were so tight they looked almost as if they had been painted on."What are we doing tonight?" she asked as she pulled her long wavy blonde hair up into a ponytail. She adjusted her black rectangular glasses and looked at Aaron.Aaron looked at her, thinking how lucky he was to have such a hot piece of ass. He knew from the past few weeks that she would do...
Part 2 “Do it more slowly, like this.” He pressed his mouth gently against hers and felt the soft warmth of her lips tremble against his. Her body stiffened in surprise when he flicked his tongue lightly across her lips but she allowed it to happen without complaint. His penis jerked and hardened in response to the touch of her soft lips under his tongue. “Oh wow! It really moved that time,” the youngster breathed excitedly. “Was that a French kiss?” “Almost, did you like...
Mummy had me late in life, at the age of 40, so when I was still living at home in my early 20s she was in her early 60s - but oh boy was she still ever so desirable! She was quite tall and slim, had gorgeous legs and pert little 38B titties with delightful pale pink nipples. She had divorced my father years before, and as a younger boy when we went on holiday and shared a room I had watched her undress many times, and always enjoyed seeing her breasts spill out of her bra when she unfastened...
The last week before the first wrestling night was a busy one at the Delta Alpha Delta house. We ranked our wrestlers, and with the assistance of my brother, Mark, a high school wrestling coach, we selected the six girls we could pre-select. Gabby Hunter, that's me, was our number one wrestler. I'm a 21-year-old junior, an art history major, and a starter on the volleyball team. Rox Green was our number two, a 22-year-old senior, a business major. She was a three-sport high school...
Well I have pretty much come full circle, almost that's is. The circle will be complete as soon as I finish what has been started. I have once again crossed a line and there is no going back so is it alright to go forward ?. That is a loaded question and depending on what the issue is the answer could be yes or no. I'm going forward and this is what I have been discussing with Sis every since she found Becky's shirt in the bathroom, the shirt that was under us, the shirt which contains...
“Taylor,” He says, “Taylor, sweetie it’s time to get up you have classes to get to.” Taylor starts to wake up and moans in protest, and argues that she doesn’t want to get up and go to classes. Although Taylor’s protests are fake she gets up anyway, showers then dresses in her uniform for classes. After spending all day in classes Taylor wants to get back to her dorm as fast as possible so she can spend more time with her daddy. As she heads home a car stops and rolls down a window near...
well i hope that everyone liked the story, it is the first one i have ever written,,,
As school football captain it was my job at the end of PE to collect all the balls at the end of the session. Friday morning was the last lesson before dinner time I’d just got all the balls in the sacks and put them away I was making my way to the showers when I realised everyone else had left, which wasn’t a bad thing as I’d have the showers all to myself.Turning it on I baked under the hot water, then suddenly there was a loudish bang and then silence, a few minutes later I heard footsteps...
Ex Coronation Street star and her best friend who is back in Corrie enjoy their sexual freedom in the 21st century.Early 2009 was a strangely frustrating time for Nikki Sanderson as she was feeling really pissed off with her life even though she was quite busy and making good money. Her numerous boyfriends had so far never seemed to quite gel with her and she had struggled to really enjoy her time with them as much as she had hoped it might being a true romantic. She couldn't put her finger on...
When I turned 20, I had just graduated college with my masters in Cultural Studies, and was on my way to Argentina for a summer in culutral submission. At 5'7", 140, I was muscular, and strong. A soccer player since age 5, I had a passion for the field. I was well tanned year round - living in southern Texas let me be outside year round, without worry for a too-cold season of soccer. A tight, muscular waist, dainty hips, and perky breasts completed my body - with only 30 B's, I had the perfect...