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This is my first time writing anything of length, so any feedback would be much appreciated. All the characters are of legal age (18 and older). Happy reading.


The alarm blared and Mia jumped awake, grabbing at the big clock that had startled her out of her sleep. For the life of her she couldn’t understand why her mum had bought her something so deafening. She closed her eyes and continued to lay in bed, buried under the duvet, listening to the sound of dishes downstairs, and hurried steps in the corridor outside. She’d have to get up soon or she’d be late. Again. But instead she allowed herself to indulge in the feel of the cool, white sheets caressing her bare calves, the warmth of the pillow that was hugged to her chest, and the delicious drowsiness which still loomed over her. Her eyes shot open as there was a single loud bang at the door. It was time to get up.

Reluctantly, Mia threw the duvet to one side of her queen sized bed, and swung her long, slender legs over the edge. She stood and sauntered her way to her en suite bathroom, tying her dark hair up in a bun as she went. She found herself looking into the mirror, staring at her face and wondering if she looked as tired as she felt.

Her bright hazel eyes twinkled back at her, as she leaned in to look closer she could see the green in them. She stroked her jaw, today was going to be a long day. She turned to turn the shower on, twisting the nozzle so it was on the hottest setting and ran her hand under the water, it was cold, but getting warmer by the second. She pulled her tshirt over her head and shimmied her way out of her bottoms, letting both fall to the floor. Standing in front of the mirror again, she examined her naked body, and ran her finger along a faint bruise on her shoulder from when her sister had launched a Harry Potter book at her.

Picking up her toothbrush, she squeezed out a pea sized amount of toothpaste and brushed her teeth, spitting and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

She sighed, and stepped into the now hot shower.

Mia was a pretty girl, she had eyes that shone, lashes that fluttered and brows which couldn’t be faulted. Her full pink lips were home to the brightest teeth, resulting in the prettiest, most tempting mouth you’d ever see. She was owner of a perfectly sculpted jaw too, and beautifully crafted cheekbones that often garnered her many compliments. Her smooth, taut skin was a light shade of olive which gave away her Mediterranean heritage, as did her dark brown hair, which fell in waves at the small of her back. Standing at 5’7, she was relatively tall, with a slim waist, long legs, plump but slightly pert breasts, and an ass you could bounce quarters off of. She was delectable in every sense of the word, and she was well aware of it.

The water pecked at Mia’s soft skin like hot little kisses, leaving behind a faint trickle of warmth. She washed herself and rinsed off, the shower filling with the smell of the peach scrub she had used. She smelt edible, and the thought made her smile.

As she dabbed herself dry, her thoughts took her to the long day ahead and her smile soon faded. She loathed school. She hated the whole learning process of teachers regurgitating information (that they may as well have read on Wikipedia) and students then being made to lap it up without question. She hated the rigidity of having a timetable, abiding by rules and structures she didn’t fully accept. And she hated the authority she had to oblige. This often resulted in unauthorised absences, poor punctuality, numerous detentions, and the dreaded call home.

Despite this, Mia still managed to get the grades that were required of her. She was one of the handful that the school deemed ‘gifted and talented’, which meant that without much work or effort at all, Mia was a more than able student, and it showed. But despite having a knack for academia, she wasn’t much of an academic, instead choosing to coast through her education and underachieving for someone of her ability.

She shook the thought from her mind and hurried to get herself ready for school. Her parents had already left for work, so it added more time onto her journey as she wasn’t going to get a ride. But having been lost in her thoughts, she was already close to running late.

She opened her cupboard and stared in blankly, lost for a split second before reaching in and pulling out a black crewneck jumper and a pair of black jeans, before haphazardly throwing them on. The jeans hugged her legs and her round bottom, showing off just how toned she was. As she started to carefully apply her eyeliner, she reached for her phone and paused to send out a mass text to a select few before continuing with her makeup. Her phone buzzed, a reply. It was Adam, ‘Be there in 10’. And just like that she didn’t have to worry about getting the bus to school.

Adam was an older boy in university, tall, dark, intelligent, and utterly gorgeous. Mia had been speaking to him for a while and though they weren’t just friends, they weren’t anything exclusive either. There was no spark for her, and Adam was just one of many. Her phone buzzed again, but she left it unchecked. She pulled on some socks and pushed her feet into a pair of black Chelsea boots. Now ready, she grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs, making sure to set the alarm and lock the door behind her.

She ran down the drive toward the black beamer that was waiting for her, opened the door, flung her things in, and flung herself in next. After exhaling deeply, she turned to the man next to her.

Adam’s hair was a tousled mess, he was wearing a hoodie and a pair of torn jeans, and he looked slightly unkempt, as though he’d just gotten out of bed. But his face was still handsome, and his dark eyes, unblinking, were fixed on hers.

She gave a small smile before leaning in and giving him a small peck on the lips, then another. She reached out with her right hand and placed it on the back of his neck, stroking his hair, she kissed him again, but this time parted his lips with hers and slowly licked at his tongue with her own. Sighing softly she pulled him in closer to kiss him more deeply, their breaths mingling. He tasted of mint and tea. Then she drew away. Watching him as she moved her hand from his neck to his jaw, to stroke his bottom lip.

Without saying anything, she sat back in her seat, put on her belt and turned away to look out the window, and in barely a whisper uttered ‘Let’s go’.


The school bell was ringing to alert students it was now form time, ‘a call to being brainwashed’, Mia thought. Mia lazily made her way through the crowds of students, nodding and acknowledging the dozens that greeted her.

When she reached her form class she sat down at the first available seat near the door, took out her phone and turned it on silent before returning it to her bag. Mr Thomas sat down on the desk at the front with his laptop propped on his knee. He was a wafer of a man. Tall, pale and thin. Sallow under eyes, behind thick horn rimmed glasses, and with a 5 o’clock shadow.

He started to call out names as he took the register. ‘Abby, Ron, Cairo, Lydia, Jacob, Mia…’ He looked up, his gaze meeting hers briefly before going back, ‘on time today, I see’. One of the boys in the class sniggered, Mia rolled her eyes. Mr Thomas finished the register and went on to talk about the assembly they were to have on Thursday.

Mia phased out his voice and realising she was hungry, started to think of what she could eat.

The bell sounded for first period and they all filed out the classroom.

Mia had first period free, so she went to the common room, made her way to the back and sat down at an empty desk. Just as she put her bag on the table, Louise skipped over. ‘Mia! What are you doing after school today? Me and Amber are going to Westfield to get some things for Dre’s party, you should come with us!’

today Louise, you two have fun though’.

‘Are you at least going to come to the party?’

‘I don’t know yet, we’ll see. I’ll let you know, ok?’

‘Right, ok. What are you doing now? Do you have a free period? You could come and get breakfast with me if you want. What else do you have today? I heard you dropped Biology for Economics, what happened?’

Mia sighed. Louise was always so talkative, though she was perfectly nice, she was just too chipper and cheerful for Mia to stand. She interrupted ‘Louise, I’m really tired, I’m going to nap for a bit now, but I’ll talk to you about it all later’, and with that, Mia put her head down on the desk, resting it on her arms and closed her eyes.

She heard Louise leave, and was left to herself. She heard the door to the common room open and close, computers starting up, chairs being pulled this way and that, and the chatter of students. She focused on her breathing, the lull of the fan that came from the computer nearby, until it all became distant.

There was a hand on her shoulder, and a ringing in her ear when she finally came to. It was Dennis, the common room monitor, and the ringing was the bell for third period. She’d slept through break.

She hauled her bag over her shoulder and half ran to her Physics class, she could vaguely hear Dennis shouting after her but she didn’t stop to make out what it was. The science block was on the other side of the building, and she made it just in time before Mr Sheridan entered. She took out her notebook and copied the diagram he was drawing on the board.

Mr Sheridan was a very serious man, and taught in a very linear fashion, as he droned on at the class, Mia finished the assigned tasks and started to doodle on the side of the page. Freeing her mind of Physics and causing it to ponder other things… What did she have next? Her thoughts were interrupted by Mark, a boy in class who sat on her table. ‘Hey Mia, how’s it going? Are you finished already?’ Mia replied without looking up ‘Yep’.

‘Fuck, you’re fast’, Mia said nothing in return, Mark hesitated, ‘Ummm, are you going to Dre’s party later this week?’ Mia continued to speak to her notepad ‘Probably not’.

‘Oh… Ok. I thought maybe we could go together…’

‘I’m not going’.

‘Yea, well if you change your mind, let me know’.


Desperate for the conversation not to die, Mark searched for more words, ‘Umm, do you, errr… What do you have next?’ Mia looked up at the young boy for a moment then, biting her lip in thought, she shrugged. She flicked through her planner to check her time table. ‘Econ. I have Econ next’, she smiled to herself. Assuming the smile was for him, Mark perked up and asked ‘Is that with Mr Matthews? I heard he’s a right hard ass’, at that, Mia smiled again but said nothing.

The bell sounded, they shoved their things into their bags, and left the room.

She had Econ next. With Mr Matthews.


It was no secret that Mia received a lot of attention, both for her appearance and her allure. She kept her affairs private, no one knew whether she was dating anyone, no one knew if she’d lost her virginity, no one knew if she went to parties. She was a walking enigma, and it only added to her appeal. As she walked to her next class, she returned many waves, hi’s and hello’s. All the boys pined for her, but her for none.

The one she ached for was the only one she wanted and couldn’t have, the only one who had ever shown any resistance, he was so far out of reach. She walked up the stairs, and entered the classroom.

There HE was.

In perfectly tailored grey trousers, and dress shoes. He wore a plain white shirt with the sleeves rolled, exposing his forearms, and a black tie that hung loosely around his unbuttoned collar.

He looked up, she felt weak. ‘Afternoon Mia’, she did her best not to grin, instead letting a small smile form at the corner of her mouth which he couldn’t help but notice and admire. She said nothing in reply, only looked up at him through her long lashes, holding his gaze for as long as she could stand to. He broke first and cleared his throat before taking a few steps back, and she bit her lip as she turned away to find her seat.

Mr Matthews went about setting the tasks for the lesson, and how to complete them, but Mia solved the problems as they were read out, and started to doodle again when he began to explain the process.

As she drew, she thought of Mr Matthews, occasionally looking up from her paper to watch his hands move as he gestured, his lips as he spoke. He was beautiful. He had thick brown hair that looked soft to touch, to hold, to pull… His eyes glinted with a boyish charm, they were bright but deep, looking into them made you think he knew something you didn’t. His chiselled jaw was covered with a slight beard. Rugged but with a smile that would melt your heart, a mischievous grin only rivalled by a toddler. He was sexy and endearing all at once, and towering over most at 6’4 he was a sight to behold.

The room went quiet, and she looked up again to see what had happened, the class was getting on with the tasks. She watched as Mr Matthews took his own seat. Her eyes following him as he moved. Continuing to doodle, she smiled to herself, revelling in his perfection.

He looked up to see everyone with their heads down, scrawling away. His gaze fell on one particular student, her pen wasn’t moving as fast, and it seemed to follow a circular motion instead of horizontal. He watched her for a while longer. Her elbow propped up on the table, her face resting in her up turned palm. Her long hair settled on her shoulders. She was biting her lip as she looked at her notepad, and for a split second he envied her that, because he wanted to bite it too.

He clenched his jaw and looked around the classroom at the other students before checking his email. When he looked up again, most of the students were done. He stood and started to call on students for answers, ‘Peter, what’s number 2?’ Slightly unsure of himself Peter answered and Mr Matthews nodded his head at him before calling on another student. As he listened to the next answer, he noticed that the girl who caught his attention before was still busy at her paper, hoping to catch her out he called on her next, ‘Mia, number 8?’ and without looking up or even hesitating, Mia gave the correct answer, and Mr Matthews turned to someone else.

The bell rang and the students rushed out to get their lunches. Mr Matthews went around the classroom tucking in chairs and collecting loose sheets. When he turned around he saw Mia propped up on a desk at the front, doing something with her phone. ‘Waiting for Ms Evans?’ she looked up before looking back down ‘Yep’, he nodded in response, though she didn’t see.

Ms Evans was the head of Economics, had taught Mia Maths for 3 years before she started 6th form, and this was actually her classroom, they were on very good terms. Ms Evans would allow Mia to stay during her free periods and through lunch if she wanted to, she would sometimes even let her sleep in the Economics office if she was especially tired, and would write her notes to get her out of other classes if she was in a bad mood.

Ms Evans strolled into the classroom, ‘Hey MiMi, staying out of trouble?’ Mia laughed ‘Of course’. Ms Evans didn’t stop and continued to walk to the back of the room to put some books away on the shelf. She was a petite woman, at least 5’2, and she had killer curves. ‘Hungry?’ she asked Mia, ‘always’. Ms Evans held up an apple and a packet of crisps, Mia pointed to the apple, and Ms Evans threw it at her for her to catch. ‘Caleb do you need anything printed?’ Mr Matthews looked up, ‘No I’m good thanks, Ms’, and with that she left the room.

Mr Matthews watched as Mia took a bite of her apple. ‘You’re always eating something healthy’.


‘Yesterday it was that green slop they sell as a smoothie, today it’
s an apple. You don’t like crisps?’

‘Out of the two I preferred the apple’.

‘And if you could have chosen anything else?’

‘Mmmmm…’ Mia paused and looked thoughtful, she then looked up and as her gaze met his, ‘a banana’ she said silkily. His throat caught and she watched him swallow. Mia smiled a small coy smile and lowered her gaze back to her phone and took a chunk out of her apple.

Mr Matthews shifted, feeling slightly uneasy, had she really just looked directly at him and said that? Was she really just a fan of fruit, or had she meant something else? He felt a twitch in his groin as an image of Mia made its way into his mind. She was on her knees, looking up at him through her lashes with those big brown eyes just as she had done earlier, only, her mouth was full. Mr Matthews paced to the back of the room and pretended to look through some books.

Ms Evans then re-entered the room with a stack of papers just as the bell started to ring. Mia and Mr Matthews both watched her as she came in, somewhat expectantly. ‘What do you have now?’ She asked looking at Mia.


‘Well you better get going, Ms Haddon isn’t in the best of moods and I don’t think she’ll appreciate you waltzing in late again today’, she waited for Mia to move. Mia hopped off of the desk and picked up her bag, tucking her phone away into it, ‘got it’. As she moved toward the door, she stopped abruptly. ‘Mr Matthews?’ He looked at her, slightly bashful about before but still curious as to what she was going to say now that they had company.

‘Do you think I could come and see you after school today? There was a chunk of today’s lesson that I just didn’t get’.

He stared back at her, trying not to gawk, there was no way this girl was stumped by anything he’d taught today. Ms Evans watched him, amused. Finally, he blurted out a single word ‘Sure’ and nodded his head. Mia left for English.


Ms Evans was right about Ms Haddon, she was in a piss poor mood, and was struggling not to take it out on the class. It didn’t bother Mia much, Ms Haddon wasn’t necessarily a bad teacher, but she wasn’t someone Mia could take seriously either, she thought she tried way too hard, and her thoughts were always scattered which confused the majority of the class. Mia, like many, was used to zoning her out.

‘The taste of hunger, or a tyrants reign, And thousand more calamities besides, To grunt and sweat under this weary life, When that he may his full Quietus make, With a bare bodkin, who would this endure, But for a hope of something after death?’ Mia highlighted and scribbled a note beside the quotation before reading it over to herself once more, and then, again. ‘The taste of hunger… To grunt and sweat…’ her mind suddenly shifted to Matthews. She thought of him biting and kissing at her neck greedily… Then pictured him above her, hovering slightly, thrusting and grunting as sweat dripped down his brow’. She closed her eyes and bit her lip subconsciously, taking in a deep breath before slowly letting it back out.

‘Matthews!’ she heard. She snapped out of her lustful stupor and tuned into where she heard his name. It was two tables in front, to the left. Jade and Cassandra were giggling and whispering to one another. Mia strained to listen… ‘He’s so hot, did you see him today!’ said Jade to Cass, ‘YES! He had his sleeves rolled up again and you could see his veins’

‘I know! I wanted to die!’

‘Me too! I wish I could be in his class, you’re so lucky’.

‘You have no idea, I mean he looked right at me today, I couldn’t even, like, I almost died!’

‘Oh my god, fuck. I’m so jealous’.

Mia had heard enough, bored of the juvenile girls she went back to reading the excerpt in front of her, reading but not digesting, as she instead contemplated what exactly she was going to do after school.

Meanwhile, Caleb Matthews sat in his office chair behind his desk, spinning a pen between his fingers, deep in thought. What was she playing at? He’d known Mia to be a little flirtatious with him, and had even picked up on the little innuendoes she would drop, but they were usually so subtle, it could have just been in his head. But this was coquettish.

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Pastors Helper

Gren was a lovely 40 year old. She had brown hair and a pretty good figure for a 40 year old. She felt called by God to come help her pastor and other church leaders in anyway that she could assist them. She found that doing God's work was really fun. Realize that Gren always was a good Southern Baptist lady. She grew up in a very loving home near Nashville, Tennessee. Tom, her father. would always teach his girls that you do whatever a man ask. Especially if the asking is to help in the...

2 years ago
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The Doctor is In Part 3

I apologise to my readers. I incorrectly referred to a cervix as a hymen in my last missive. My mind doesn't work so good these days that's why I'm writing this down. When I have an erection I have even more trouble.... So please forgive me. Anyway I hope no one is reading this as prep for their medical exams !Talking about hymens reminds me of this story... I had been at the Sanatorium a few weeks when I was summoned to appear before the Headmistress at Miss Belfree's School for Young Ladies...

3 years ago
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Mommy Wanted a GirlChapter 4

So we was about to go to bed when Chloe said "I think you should take a shower you stink of beer, maybe I could come scrub your back?" "Wont you parents mind it is rather late?" I said. "My parents are never here, they work other seas so I live alone. You can put this on after." Chloe said passing me a black silky nightie. I took my clothes off and got in the shower, my pussy was still sore but it was getting wet as I thought of Chloe joining me in the shower. I began to slowly play...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Neighbor Kolkata Beauty

Hi. I am Rajasri( name changed). I am from Hyderabad, married, age 33, height 5.5 with an insatiable sexual desire. I had my fair share of sexual encounters with maids, girlfriends, and aunts. My seduction time period was as little as 1 week(my watchman’s wife) to as long as 2 years(my maid). This is my real sex story. One reason I never preferred hookers or prostitutes was that I was told by friends that they would get irritated and annoyed if we try to have actual intercourse with them for...

3 years ago
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What Must He Do

It was late and Rajesh was rushing to catch the local train. As he jumped into the crowded train he cursed the Mumbai's hectic life and squeezed in to make some space for himself. It was still an hour's ride home and it was already 10.00 in the night. Rajesh was an average guy of 27 years working for the last 6 years in Mumbai as IT engineer but was still to make it big. His job with a local company can't be termed as a dream job and he was on a constant lookout for a better opening. He...

4 years ago
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TandraChapter 52

The sleepers came out of their tanks, much more physically fit. In the coming hours some woke up for a short period of time, and then went back to sleep. I made it a point to try to be at the awakening, and for them to see me beside them. Jamal did his best too, considering his limitations, to get the girls to regain some of their former lives. The three babies did what I expected, and most of the new mothers, tried to be home more. The nannies worked well, but the Dolson was just not as...

3 years ago
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Carol the Stripper

As I wrote about my Navy nurses, I was reminded of another young lady from that same experience. Her name was Carol, a petite blond (natural) with big blue eyes that made men melt. She had very large breasts on her small frame. She was a Professional Entertainer at least that is what she called it. Most would say stripper. I met Carol one day when she came to visit her boyfriend, who was a patient on my ward. It was a chance meeting that brought about an adventure for me that would last...

Oral Sex
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Charisma Part 2

Charisma, Part 2 By Cal Y. Pygia After fondling her breasts and her cock and balls for several more minutes while she probed Tiffany's mouth with her tongue, Charisma allowed her guest to get undressed while she removed her own clothes. The seamstress was a beautiful woman, for a genetic female, but, of course, she was nowhere nearly as gorgeous as Tiffany. Charisma had big breasts, but they sagged a little, and small discolorations and stretch marks marred the fleshly orbs, and...

2 years ago
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Wolf and Pig

Andrew stretched out lazily on a grassy hill staring up at the beautiful blue sky. His eyes were focused entirely on a single wispy white cloud that seemed abnormally determined to get some place. Andrew wasn’t sure why but he’d imagined it as a wolf and that bush up on the mountain was a fat little pig. As far away as it was that pig had to be a couple of trees instead of a bush. That didn’t make it look any less like a fat pig waiting for the ravenous wolf to come and devour it. He’d been...

4 years ago
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Sowjanya Bhabhi Fucked By Horny Devar

I am Rahul, regular reader of ISS since last 8 years Now it has given me enough confidence to me post my fantasies. This is my third Story that I’m submitting in ISS. So, please give me any suggestions and comments to my mail id , Any girl or aunty or widow of bangalore & neighboring cities want to have fun then mail me. Everything will be kept secret. I was fascinated about sex from my childhood only. Myself Rahul, today it was wid my own brothers wife who got married 8 months back I...

1 year ago
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Suck Sex! There are plenty of porn sites on the World Wide Web that specialize in all sorts of formats of pornography, from the well-known and ultra-popular porn tubes that the majority of porn consumers known and love like ‘YouPorn’, ‘XHamster’ and so on, to other porn tubes that focus on different genres of internet pornography such as amateur homemade videos, hardcore BDSM fuck flicks, Japanese adult videos and so on. It’s undeniable that we live within a porn-fueled society which for better...

Indian Porn Sites
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FirstClassPOV Saya Song Petite Babe Saya Song8217s Hairy Pussy Pounded Hard

Stunning Asian beauty with small tits, Saya Song, is feeling wet and horny while wearing blue lingerie and black stockings. The petite babe is ready to show what she got. Saya tries to fit her whole hand into her tiny mouth before getting down on her knees to give the big cock of Tyler D a sloppy blowjob. She uses her warm hands to stroke Tyler’s shaft while her soft tongue is busy pleasing his balls. After the messy deepthroating and ball-sucking, Saya lets Tyler bang her tight cunt...

4 years ago
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An Addiction We Share

Your cock: I want it. I can’t help but think of it far too much. I think I may have an addiction to you... And your cock. Can you blame me, though? You know the things you do to me. The way you look at me, giving me the look of lust and need. The way you growl at me, making me weak in the knees, my breath always hitches. The way your voice is low, but demanding, controlling. Full of desired needs. God yes, the things you do to me. I’m naked before you, my milky white skin aglow against the...

Oral Sex
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AssParade Brittany Shae Takes An Anal Pounding

This week on Ass Parade we have one of the best asses in the business today. Brittany Shae joins us this week to parade her ass. This chick has an amazing ass, as well as a great pair of tits. Not only is her body amazing, she also does anal. That’s right motherfuckers! This is another glorious anal ass parade. Brittany takes a good ol’ pounding in several different positions. Her pussy gets slammed until it couldn’t take anymore. Then, it was time to stretch that beautiful asshole. all...

3 years ago
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Me and my Twin Sister part 2

“Happy birthday big brother!” she said cheerfully. “I got something for you.” She handed me an envelope. Inside it was two tickets to my favorite band in concert, U2. I was ecstatic! “U2? I love you!” I said happily. “I knew you’d like it, that’s not all though” she said. With that, she started moving around under the covers then put her panties on my face, the aroma was intoxicating. I told her she wasn’t getting her panties back, and she told me I wasn’t getting my boxers back, completely...

3 years ago
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Samuel SamanthaChapter 3

After we got back to our hotel, I was a little tired, probably a little bit due to jet lag. I told Sammi I needed a nap and she asked if she could join me, I said of course, but to keep to her own side of the bed. "You're no fun Sam," she teased. "Actually, Samantha ... I've been told I'm lots of fun ... you just haven't decided to find out, just how fun I can be." "If that kiss in front of the photographer was any measure, I may have to get up on you after all," she...

2 years ago
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A Redirected Life Pt 3

A Redirected Life Pt 3 By Holly Day (please read parts 1 and 2 before reading this continuation) The next day Brad came back for my second photo shoot. This time I wasn't as pliable as the last time. He would more likely get a scowl from me than a smile. He sensed that as soon as he saw me. Little did I realize, I was playing into his hands. He didn't want me to look happy today. I was to get the whole effect of the cell. Mike acted as his assistant and was dressed in...

3 years ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 12

After the second and final round, the house was quieter and less tense. Travis could still feel an anxiety in the air, even without using power, but he realized that this atmosphere was nothing new. He was upset with himself for having accepted his father's selfish belligerence as normal when Travis knew it wasn't. With new determination, he spread out the map of United States on the family room coffee table and invited Anya to study the map with him. He laid out the compass points, but...

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She pounced on my slightly diminished erection, enjoying it like a kitty cat that just got a fresh plate of milk. She got me clean and pushed me on my back. She dropped her butt down on my erection, causing her to practically scream bloody murder. I threw her a pillow, as she performed at first a ‘Cowgirl’ then without stopping turned it into a ‘reverse.’ I pulled out and got her on her hands and knees and I plowed right into that beautiful butt of hers, again doing most of the work. Only...

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My ExGirlfriend And My Boss

I was working late in my office when I realized it was well past 12 and I saw the date, it was 18th November Anu’s b’day. Anu is my ex, we broke up in May as I had to join a law firm and she was getting married to a rich guy. We decided it was best to end things. I am ashu I am a young lawyer working in a small firm, this girl anu and many other girls find me very attractive but I think I am a normal guy with a height of six feet fair looking.b So I texted anu , hey happy birthday and keep...

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Just Around the Corner

Linda and I grew up just around the corner from each other. I was a couple of months older. We were both our parents only child. Our parents were neighbors and became close friends. Eventually we even vacationed together every summer, usually camping at one National Park or another. Linda and I might as well have been brother and sister we were together so much as children. The house around the corner was like another home to me. We were in Middle School when I first started to notice how nice...

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One Week With Heather Part 1Day 6

I awoke to the feeling of a hand on my cock again, which was stroking me slowly. As I came fully conscious, I realized the woman that was holding it was not Heather or Cara. She was fairly skinny, tall, and looked to be in her late 40s or early 50s. She had blondish hair with lots of white streaks, but was still attractive. She had what appeared to be a smallish set of breasts underneath a loose blue blouse and she wore a long black skirt. She smiled down at me as she kept stroking and...

2 years ago
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Last Nights Dream

I'd never give you a menu because you'd order the same thing.  “Chef firehouse special”. I think he only made this for you because you two were neighbors! Today was different. Today you came in with a beautiful woman and two boys who definitely looked like you.  I was 99% sure this was your wife and kids.    The owner/chef came out and gave your wife a big hug and said hello to your boys.  He then looked at me and told me to seat you by the window. I took you guys over and gave you menus. ...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Wayward Gynecologist Pt1

In med school, when I was trying to figure out my niche, I spent my free time fucking a lot of high school girls. I've always been handsome, and my dad bought me whatever new car I wanted, and that's about all you need when it comes to landing some hot young ass. I realized that the older I got, 16 and 17 year old girls were going to see me as a creepy, dirty old man. I set up my practice in a suburb just outside of Charleston, SC. Since then, at least one appointment a day is a 16 year old...

4 years ago
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Ballbusting campingitalian version

Sono appena arrivato in un nuovo campeggio quando dei ragazzi si avvicinano a me e mi chiedono se voglio partecipare ad un torneo di lotta mista che si svolge in una tenda.Cerco di rifiutare ma loro insistono dicendo che la lo organizzano ogni sera e tutti si divertono un sacco,così finisco per accettare. Una volta entrato nella tenda una ragazza mi si avvicina e mi chiede se conosco le regole. Alla mia risposta negativa mi dice:"Non ci sono regole particolari,lo scopo della lotta è di...

3 years ago
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Heavy Chevy

I remember Chrysler had just come out with their minivan and my wife wanted one. We had just had twins a couple years before and the Grand Am that I had, albeit a four door, was a bit tight for two baby seats and assorted baby stuff. I did some research, namely hitting junk yards. Junk yards are a good way to see which cars are crashworthy. This was a time just before airbags and America was not as safety conscious about automobiles as they are today, but I was. I spotted a couple brand new...

2 years ago
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A Teaching Moment Poor Decision

Faced with a decision that should have been easy to make, I would have to be the responsible one and forgo any type of student, teacher interaction. But no, like an impulsive youth I had to throw caution to the wind. Sure I bellowed as I reached for the joint. A bunch of “all rights” came from the group which made me feel cool and inclusive. I took a long toke and held it in my lungs. I’ve smoked plenty of weed before and I have to say this was some primo grass! I passed the blunt back. My mind...

3 years ago
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Anything You Want

As Mr. Greg was handing back the recent and not to mention, disappointing tests, he walked to a student's desk. An absent student’s desk. Checking over her mark, he got a little frustrated. Mr. Jason Greg was an incredibly attractive man that slightly resembled Justin Timberlake, although he was slightly, just slightly, bigger in build. He was about 30 years of age. He was athletic, tall, and had a very handsome face. He had short blonde hair and some blonde facial hair as well. He played...

Straight Sex
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Barbara Jeremy Ch 07

The party at Sandi Blake’s penthouse had been fun for all. The men enjoyed being outnumbered 6 to 1. The hot tub game had gotten everyone in the mood to stretch a little further than normal. Sandi had invited Angie to stay with her for the night. Jeremy was driving the van, dropping each of the women off at her house. When they arrived back at the parsonage it was after midnight, but everyone was still ready for sex. As they sat having a glass of wine, Pastor George talked about how much...

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Needs a title

My wife Mary at my side and the kids sleeping down the hall, I remember going to sleep in my room and losing consciousness normally before I slept. Vaguely I also remember snapping awake to the sound of a door opening and whooshing sounds like that of an air rifle or dart gun....and then losing consciousness again, but for a different reason. I came to again and....something was different. By the pain in my back I could tell that the bed that I was in (if you could call it that) was not ours...

2 years ago
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Unexpected ConfessionChapter 2

Instead of parking, Benny pulled right up to the front doors so I asked, "Aren't you coming in?" "No. Not tonight." Benny, always the loyal wingman, "I'm sure you and your mom have lots to talk about. Or not", he laughed. As I got out, I saw Mom lean over and give Benny a kiss on the cheek and then a slightly longer kiss on the mouth. "Another night then?" Benny smiled his big smile, "Definitely." As we entered the lobby, Mom started towards the front desk. I put my hand on...

2 years ago
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Meri GIGOLO banke pehli chudai

mera naam RAJIV hai………..mein LUCKNOW ka rehne wala hun.mein 20 saal ka hun is samay paise ki tangi ki wajah se ek GIGOLO/CALLBOY ka kaam shurur kiya tha jab mein 19 saal ka tha.aap soch rahe honge 19 saal mein kaise………kyunki usse pehle mein kai baar chumma-chaati,chsna,chatnajaise kaam kai ladkiayon ke saath kar chuka tha. aur ye aisa kaam tha jismein paise ke saath saath aish bhi thi. to mera GIGOLO bakne pehle encounter ek aunty ke saath tha,wo shaadi-shuda thi……paati tha lekin satisfy nahi...

2 years ago
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Family fuck

This is a story when I was 17 and my dad sent me stay with his oldest brother’s family in Mumbai (formerly Bombay). My name is Praveen and I just finished high school and had a break of 3 months before I enrolled into college. My uncle lived with my aunt and seven daughters in a one-room apartment in Bhendi Bazar in Mumbai. Anyone familiar with the city knows the living conditions that prevail in the city even till this day. An average family in a city like Mumbai with a moderate income lived...

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Ring of Truth Lies

Truth and Lies; two abstract concepts that plague every sentient life form capable of any form of communication. In response, two rings came into existence. The Ring of Truth. A simple band of 100% pure gold studded with a single flawless amethyst. As long as they have a soul, whoever wears it will have their spoken and written words become the truth. Only the one wearing the ring will remember the old reality. Everyone and everything else will accept it as the truth. Suppose they were to say...

Mind Control
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My auntpart 2

So I had discovered her lingerie drawers and had many a happy hour touching her stuff and ejaculating with her panties in my hand. The natural progression came when I was 13..the first time I slipped a pair of her panties on.She was, as usual at work and I had gone to her room, this time I had undressed in my room and was naked standing at her chest of drawers. I pulled a pair of black lace panties from the drawer and slipped them on over my naked body. The feeling was electric, my cock was...

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