Mia Pt. 02 free porn video

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N.B. All information (ie phone numbers) are fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I appreciate some of you thought the last instalment was categorised incorrectly, and I’m not sure this belongs in the same one, but it seems the most viable option. Happy reading!


Caleb made it to school just in time to get settled and ready for his form class. He was uncertain as to whether leaving Mia alone in his home was a good idea or not, but he couldn’t think of anything that might go wrong. The bell sounded and snapped him out of his thoughts. Mr Matthews stood to greet the stream of noisy year 8’s now entering his class. Little cries of ‘good morning’ being shot into the air before they sat to take their seats and continued to chatter.

He hushed the class and walked around between the tables, laptop in hand, taking the register, checking that all their collar buttons were done, and that all their ties were correct. Satisfied with the attendance and their attire, he walked back to his desk, and sat down, leaning back in his chair and placing the end of a pen in his mouth, biting on it slightly as he thought of his schedule for the day.


After Caleb left for school, Mia had gone back to bed, slipping into another deep sleep which she woke from feeling well rested. As she lay in bed she looked out the great window toward the Thames. They hadn’t drawn the curtains last night, so the sun was streaming in, and everything was bathed in its warm yellow glow. She looked at the clock, it was almost eleven, safe to go home as her parents would be at work and her siblings at school.

She picked up her phone and paused to think of who might be in the area before sending the same text to a few people. The first response was from Reece.

‘Depends. Where are you?’ he asked.

Mia texted him back, telling him exactly she was.

‘Give me half an hour. My lecture finishes in 15 mins and you know how shitty London traffic is.’

She looked at the clock again, that meant she’d get home around 12pm. That was ok, she thought to herself. She sent him a text back containing just an emoji, a kissy face. He sent the same one back.

Getting out of bed now, Mia threw off the hoodie she was wearing, tossed it against the duvet and walked to the bathroom. Just then the house phone started ringing, she paused in the bathroom door. It continued to ring. Curious, she walked to where the sound was coming from and found herself in the study she had peaked into last night. She looked at the screen on the phone, there was no name, just a number.

Mia wasn’t expecting to know the name even if there had been one, but she was curious nonetheless. She turned to leave. But the ringing stopped and a loud single beep sounded.

‘Caleb! Where are- Never mind I just realised the time, you’re probably at work. You were meant to stay at mine last night, what happened? I waited and even tried calling you but you didn’t answer. Just because I love you doesn’t mean you can walk all over me,’ Mia raised a brow, ‘Anyway, I would have just come to you but I left your keys at my mums. She misses you, ever since you bought her flowers on Mother’s Day, she keeps talking about how great of a son in law you’d be,’ the woman on the phone paused, ‘anyway call me. I love you. You better call.’

The message ended.

Mia picked up the phone and wrote the number down on a sticky note she found on the desk. Putting the phone back, she went to the bedroom and stuck the note on the back of her phone. Before going into the bathroom again.

Looking around quickly, she pulled a giant white towel off of a shelf filled with other towels of different sizes. She felt it in her hand and brought it to her face, burying her nose in the fabric, she loved the smell of clean laundry.

After spending a few seconds on figuring out how to use the shower, she managed to get it going and set it hot enough to cause the glass of the shower to fog up.

She draped the towel over a rack and made her way to the sink, there was only one toothbrush, and she’d forgotten to ask if he had any spares. Not bothered to look, she squeezed a small amount of paste onto her index finger and ran it briskly against her teeth, back and forth, before spitting and rinsing her mouth with some Listerine.

She smiled a wide smile at herself in the mirror, exposing her bright white teeth. They looked fine, but she felt odd not having brushed them properly. ‘It’ll have to do’ she thought, before stepping into the now steaming shower, sighing as the little pellets of water licked away at her.

She looked around the large cubicle, her eyes settling on a built in shelf that housed a single bottle of shampoo and shower gel. Men were so simple, she smiled to herself and reached for the gel, squeezing out a good amount of dark blue liquid from the black bottle. It smelt earthy and aquatic at the same time, she was going to smell like a man, but Mia didn’t mind too much.

Her hands slid all over her body, rubbing the wash into her skin and causing it to foam. As she rubbed the lather into her ass she noticed her bum was a little sore, but not unbearably so. She allowed a small smile to escape her as the thought back to last night.

She stood in the shower for another minute, allowing the water to wash away the lather from her body to reveal her clean, gleaming skin.

When she stepped out to dry herself, her phone was ringing. It was Reece.

‘Hey gorgeous, I’m outside.’

Mia glanced at the clock, it was 11.15pm. She’d spent twenty minutes in the shower without even realising. She let out an exasperated moan.

‘I’ll be down in 5’. She hung up.

She skipped to the guest bathroom and found her jeans that were still hanging on the radiator, they looked a little crinkled, but that never mattered with tight jeans because they always smoothed out when you put them on.

She slid into them and let out another annoyed moan, she hated wearing jeans without knickers. Sitting down on the edge of the huge tub, she slipped on her socks and her boots.

Mia stood and stared at her topless self in the mirror for a moment before looking back at her jumper and bra. The jumper was wrinkled.

Sliding open the cupboard doors in Caleb’s room, she searched for something to wear. As she rummaged through all the hangers she found a plain black zip up hoodie and yanked it off the hanger before throwing her arms through and slinging it on. It was huge. She zipped it to just a couple inches above her naval, leaving her cleavage exposed, and making it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Running her fingers through her hair, she stepped back to look at herself in the mirror from head to toe. Her hair was slightly messy, and she wore no makeup. But somehow she still managed to look good. ‘Thank you, mum and dad’, she thought as she acknowledged her good genes.


As she closed the front door behind her, she checked to see whether it had locked itself, it had. Satisfied, she made her way to the lifts and waited for a ‘ping’.

Briskly walking through the lobby, she heard a ‘Good afternoon’ behind her. Not wanting to be impolite, Mia turned quickly and smiled as she half yelled it back.


She jogged the few paces to where Reece was parked, before opening the car door and falling into the passenger seat.

‘That was 10, not 5’ he said, looking at the girl who just entered his car.

Mia shrugged and pulled out her phone to silence a call.

He looked at her. Her dark hair in waves around her shoulders. Her bright eyes and long lashes still staring into her phone. Her Colgate white teeth biting at her full lips.

He licked his thumb and wiped her cheek, looking at it to see if anything had come off. She jolted her head back. ‘What the
fuck?’ she glared at him. Mia hated people touching her face.

‘Just checking’ he smiled calmly. ‘You’re a fucking mess’.

She continued to glare at him, his blond waves catching the sun and appearing gold.

‘But you’re still beautiful’ he laughed under his breath.

Mia relaxed. Reece liked her a lot, and she gave him a lot of shit for it. She knew it wasn’t fair, but it was her default response. She’d never understood why men were willing to put up with her, she never thought a pretty face was worth the amount of trouble she put them through.

He hunched over to look up through the window at the building that towered over them. ‘Who lives there?’

She shrugged again, her eyes returning to her phone.

He straightened up, gaze falling to her chest, before settling on her face. ‘You’re not wearing a bra’.

‘Well done, Captain Obvious’ she smiled, still looking at her mobile.

‘Well, whoever he is, he must be really amazing for you to put out.’

Mia looked up this time, tearing her gaze away from her phone, to raise a questioning brow at the handsome boy next to her. ‘What makes you think I fucked him?’

He smiled, ‘I might be Captain Obvious, but you’re definitely Mrs Obvious right now. Your hair isn’t exactly messy, but it’s not perfect. You’re not wearing any makeup,’ he held his hands up ‘still gorgeous’, Mia rolled her eyes at him and he smiled, ‘you don’t have a bra on, and you’re wearing a hoodie ten times your size’ he paused, ‘AND, it’s afternoon. Which means you definitely spent the night, and you most likely fucked’.

She clapped her hands sarcastically, ‘Do you want a medal?’

‘No,’ Reece laughed, ‘I wanna know who he is’.

‘Since you’re so great at deductions, why don’t you tell me, Sherlock?’

He turned off the car and sat back for a moment, then turned to her again.

‘He’s older.’

Mia rolled her eyes again and sighed. ‘Obviously, when have you ever known me to fuck with anyone my own age?’

‘No, I mean he’s significantly older. He’s not a student. I mean, look at where we are’ he gestured the building with his thumb, eyes not leaving her face.

‘Right, ok’.

‘So how old?’

‘I dunno, 28 maybe’.

‘Jheez’ he breathed. Mia stared back at him, her eyes sparkling. ‘You’re such jail bait’, he laughed.

She smiled, ‘was’.

‘Was?’ he repeated.

Mia nodded, ‘I’m officially 18 now, as of last month. No more pretending’ she laughed.

‘SHIT!’ he cried, ‘How could I miss your birthday?!’

She shrugged, ‘I never you told you when it was’.

He turned forward and started the car again, ‘I’m taking you to lunch’.

‘I have school’ Mia replied blandly.

‘Fuck school, you never go as is’.

She smiled, he knew her so well. ‘Alright so what else can you tell me about him?’ she asked as they peeled away from Mr Matthews’ building.

‘Uhhh, other than the usual, I don’t know. You have high standards that he probably falls into.’


‘Uhhh,’ he thought again, eyes on the road, ‘you know, tall, good looking, works out, REALLY smart’ he turned his head to grin at her quickly.

‘Really smart?’

‘The only reason you don’t mess with people your own age is that most are too stupid for you. It’s obvious. You need someone who can keep up’ he looked at her again, ‘like me’ he smiled.

‘Don’t flatter yourself, you’re the exception’ she smirked.

He reached out and pinched her side making her laugh, ‘Don’t be a dick’ he chuckled.


Reece led her up the stairs of his university library, holding her hand as she walked behind him. The fifth floor was always deserted. ‘So many stairssss’ Mia protested.

‘Almost there’ he laughed.

They reached the top and Mia took in her surroundings as he led her to a big desk which stretched across the length of the window above it. ‘I love books’ she said to herself quietly, looking at the thousands around her.

‘What?’ he asked looking back.

‘Nothing’. She hopped up onto the desk and picked up the book that was next to her. Someone had been studying the history of Japan. Reece picked up a chair and placed it close to where she sat, then sat down himself, looking at her.

She glanced at him over the book. Reece was staring at her, his head resting in his palm, he was deep in thought. She put the book down. ‘What are you thinking?’

He didn’t answer.

She flicked the tip of his nose, and he blinked at her, slightly flustered. ‘What are you thinking?’ she repeated.

Reece sat up, his hand now falling into his lap. ‘You didn’t eat a lot, I thought you liked sushi’.

‘I do, I’m just not very hungry’.

‘Do you think you’ll see him again?’


‘This mystery man you fucked’.

She laughed, ‘This again? Probably. Why? Jealous?’

He grasped her hips and slid her over so she was now sitting directly in front of him. He looked up at her, ‘I’m green with envy’, his face a mask of seriousness.

Mia looked down at him for a moment. His deep blue eyes staring into her. He was so handsome. With thick blond hair, big brows, and a strong jaw dusted by little specs of gold hair. She rested her arms on his strong shoulders and laced her fingers together behind his head, placing one foot on either side of the seat of his chair. Leaning down into his face, so their noses were touching. ‘Don’t be’ she whispered.

She puckered her lips to kiss his gently, and he kissed her back, nipping at her softly. He loved her lips.

Reece kissed down her perfect jaw and her long neck. Planting a wet kiss against her collar, he took in a deep breath, she smelt of men’s perfume, but she didn’t taste of sweat, so it wasn’t because the smell had rubbed off onto her.

He pushed the thought from his mind and kissed down her cleavage, nuzzling against the exposed skin. He slipped a hand through the front of the half open hoodie and cupped her breast, squeezing it gently and running his thumb back and forth over her nipple. His face still buried in the cleft of her chest.

She spoke quietly into the top of his head, her lips against his hair. ‘Reece we’re in a library’.

He pulled his face away from her bosom reluctantly, but still talked into her chest, ‘No one comes here, don’t worry’ he breathed, and with that, he pushed the fabric of the hoodie so it fell from one of her shoulders, revealing her perfectly round tit, her little nipple now hard from being teased. He sucked it into his mouth.

Mia sighed quietly, her hand stroking the thick hair at the back of his head. She loved having her tits sucked.

He tugged the other side of the hoodie causing it to fall from her left shoulder too, so that both breasts were now bare, and placed his mouth over the newly exposed nub, toying the other with his fingers.

Mia closed her eyes and relaxed, hugging his head to her, and placing her cheek against the top of his hair as he continued to suckle on her tits.

She felt a hand rub against the denim between her legs. She groaned softly, ‘Don’t, you’ll dirty my jeans’.

He released her nipple from his mouth, and spoke into the flesh of her chest. ‘So take them off’.

Mia moaned in protest as he started to undo the button on her jeans, but did nothing to stop him, instead allowing him to undo the zip as well. Reece hooked his fingers into the waist and started to pull them down slowly. She lifted herself slightly so he could pull them down her ass.

‘You’re not wearing any knickers’, he said quietly, staring at the small strip of hair above her perfect pussy.

Mia was silent.

He pulled her jeans down to her knees, creating just enough space for him to prop his head up through. He placed a hand on her chest, pushing her gently, ‘lie back’. She didn’t move. ‘Come on, I didn’t get you anything
for your birthday, the least I could do is give you an orgasm’ he grinned.

She smirked back at him, ‘you aren’t that good’.

He bit the inside of her thigh, making her flinch ‘Stop being such a bitch,’ he laughed, ‘lie down’.

Mia leaned back slowly until she was lying on the desk, her hair and Caleb’s oversized hoodie pooling around her.

Reece pushed the hoodie up slightly so her taut stomach was now on show. He ran his hand over the smooth skin, then dipped his head down to lick her pussy. She was so wet.

Mia bit her lip, stifling the urge to moan.

He spoke into her mound, ‘I’ve missed this’ he breathed. Licking the folds of her pussy, he ran his hand up to squeeze her chest, and used the other to pull her closer to him. He needed her to cum quickly if he wanted to avoid being caught.

He ran a finger through her juicy slit, coating it in her glue, and pushed it into her wet hole just once making her gasp, before pulling it back out to run it down to her ass where he rubbed the tip against her entrance.

Mia winced as he pushed the wet finger into her sore ass, sucking in another gasp. He slid his hand up from her tit across her collar and placed it over her mouth, his other hand busily working his finger in and out of her little bum hole.

She breathed heavily as he rotated his finger to rub against her tight insides. His mouth found her clit and he began to lick her heatedly. Mia clenched her jaw shut as she felt her orgasm start to build, she couldn’t make a sound.

She squeezed her thighs around Reece’s head and pulled at his blond locks as her climax struck her. Gasping into his hand, she moved her hips slowly, grinding her pussy on his mouth as she started to come back down from her sexual high.

With his finger still pulsing in and out of her ass softly, he removed his hand from her mouth, and licked away as much of her cum as he could before ducking down under her jeans and sitting back in the chair.

Other than her chest rising and falling with her breath, Mia was unmoving. He grabbed both of her hands and pulled her so she was sitting upright. ‘Come on beautiful, get up’.

He pulled the hoodie back over her shoulders and zipped it so that only her neck was in view.

She pulled the zip back down so her cleavage was showing again.

He breathed a laugh, ‘Such a fucking tease’.

Mia smiled.

Reece pushed her legs off of his chair so they were dangling over the edge of the desk, and pulled her forward again, forcing her to hop off the desk and stand as he quickly slid her jeans back up.

She did her zip and fastened the button herself, before falling into his lap and kissing his lips gingerly. His hard cock straining against the denim of his own jeans, and pressing into her thigh. She smiled as she ran her finger across the swell in his crotch, ‘You’ll have to take care of that yourself’ she purred. He groaned.

‘That’s not fair’.

‘You missed my birthday’.

‘You didn’t tell me your birthday’.

‘That’s not the point’.

He snickered quietly, ‘whatever, I have a bunch of broads queueing up to sit on my dick.’

‘Sure you do’ Mia smiled sarcastically, as he gave her a look that said ‘Oh really?’ She laughed, ‘I know you do,’ she said more earnestly, ‘but I’m not one of them, and I’m the one you want’.

He stared back at her for a moment not knowing what to say, ‘Whatever, my hands are just as good as yours… Those lips though, and that mouth… My god’, he pulled her into another kiss.

A young girl walked by, ‘Ugh, this is a library, get a fucking room’.

They ignored her and continued to lock lips.

‘What was that you said about me not being good?’ he asked in a low voice.

Mia giggled quietly against his mouth, ‘You’re such an ass’.

‘I remember what you like’ he grinned, as he patted her bum with his palm.

She rolled her eyes and kissed him again, smiling. ‘You have no idea’ she thought to herself, as her mind fell back to the night before, and landed on the moment she felt Caleb squeeze his big dick into her tiny hole. Mia sighed another smile.


‘Where to Princess?’

Mia sat in her seat looking at her phone, ‘School, and don’t call me that’.

‘It’s 2pm you only have an hour left, there’s no point’

Same as Mia Pt. 02 Videos

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This is my first time writing anything of length, so any feedback would be much appreciated. All the characters are of legal age (18 and older). Happy reading. ********* The alarm blared and Mia jumped awake, grabbing at the big clock that had startled her out of her sleep. For the life of her she couldn’t understand why her mum had bought her something so deafening. She closed her eyes and continued to lay in bed, buried under the duvet, listening to the sound of dishes downstairs, and...

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First LoveChapter 43

"Will you just leave me alone?" snapped Ryan. "God! I'm just trying to help," responded Darius. "Well you're not helping, okay? You're just fucking making it worse! I don't want another girlfriend right now. I don't want another girlfriend!" "What, are you gonna spend the rest of your life alone because of Jen? How about when she invites you to her wedding? Are you gonna bring a date or will you still be hoping she comes back to you? Wake up, Harper! She's not gonna come back...

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Relentless Dan Fey Ch 05

Dan Fey was correct in his suspicion that his mother was up to something. During lunch when Rosina went to the toilet, Penny said to Jolene, ‘Perhaps you suspect that Rosina and my son have become more than friends?’ ‘Yes she indicated that, well more than indicated, during our drive here from the ferry wharf.’ ‘And?’ ‘Relax dear, I confess I’m delighted about that. Dan appeared to be an admirable young man.’ ‘Um as the saying goes, I guess he’s been around the block a few times.’ ‘And...

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Life in a Full Circle Part One

Life in a full circle Part one Holding the scissors in my hand. I heard my mother and my mother in law banging at the door screaming, "Honey, are you ok in there" They must be thinking I am hurting myself in the bathroom. Since the day my husband died two weeks ago, there were numerous times I thought about ending my own life. I really wish I have the courage to do it, but I know Andrew wouldn?t want me to hurt myself if he is looking over my shoulder. I took a deep breath, look...

3 years ago
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Mountain Girls Have No Rules 3

Mountain Girls Have No Rules – 3 I couldnt believe my eyes&hellip,.they had drug their dead grandma up from the creek and propped her up sitting under a tree. Bella continues&hellip,.. Well Ben was real surprised, his eyes was as big as fried eggs. Lookie whos a here Ben, grandma. Well Ben just sat down and a stairin at grandma. She likes ta watch Ben. Lets show her some real good humpin. Jen grabbed Bens shotgun again and put her shells in it. She pointed it at Ben and told him ta git...

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Violated and abused pt 2

"Oh I think this one isn't happy to see us use his sister. Cut her loose and bring her over here." Without delay she was released but instead of running away, the knife being held above her stopped her from struggling. She was pulled up and thrown to the floor almost perfectly placed between Paul's legs. She looked up at her brother and could see he was trying to escape but as she looked back at him she could see he was really frightened. "Time to calm your brother bitch! I want you...

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Single Mom Opening Game Intrigue

“Hey, retard,” yelled Coree.“What, stupid,” hissed Jeramiah.“You need to pick your towels and shit up in the bathroom, mane!”“I do, bruh,” the six-foot thirteen year-old stood up. “You’re the one that be stinkin’ the joint up with your smelly ass.”“Fuck you, nigga!”“Fuck you too.”The sophomore threw the towel at his younger brother. This enraged Jeramiah who already struggled with anger management. The middle school cornerback charged. Now, they were in a full brawl.“You get on my nerves,”...

2 years ago
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Made Love To My Dearest Mausi 8211 Part 5

I opened the door and went inside the room and bolted the door. Then I turned and looked at mausi. She was sitting on the bed covering her face with the ghoonghat as a newlywed brides do. I went to her and sat beside my mausi. I could smell her fragrance. I raised my hands and uncovered her face. She was looking down and had closed her eyes. She smiled and blushed. Oh my gosh! She was looking so stunning and beautiful. I told her to open her eyes and she did. I stared deep into her eyes and...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 60 Only A Dream

I awoke with a start to the sound of Journey’s “Open Arms” being played at an ear-splitting level. Disoriented, I tried to scramble to my feet only to find – to my eternal embarrassment – that my dick was tangled up in my sheets. As I awoke fully, I remembered where I was and why I was being blasted awake in the middle of the day. At the head of the bed was a digital radio with an alarm and volume function, which I half-punched, half-slapped at, partially in desperation. It fell blissfully...

4 years ago
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Souvenir from Westworld

Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...

2 years ago
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Pain And Pleasure At The Same Time

Hi friends ….. This is Vishal again.I had posted before a story about my fun with my previous girl friend. After our breakup I was just alone and searching for sex like a mad dog and finally I got my heroine. If someone wants to spent a nice time with me then mail me on The story started after when I was transferred to patna (bihar).In patna I had rented a room in a society in a vip area. As I am a working guy, I had to go to office in the morning and will to return in the afternoon. So I have...

3 years ago
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Changed into a Slut for Cock

I dozed through all the court proceedings that day. It was all boring as hell. According to my appointed solicitor the woman pressed charges and had severe back injuries from the broken glasses and a fractured jaw. But she deserved it just like my bitch of a wife back home. The judge looked at me, disgust in his eyes. They have even got my wife to go against me, the bitch, and she even said how I abused our son as well. The judge had given me a choice either a few years in prison minimum or a...

1 year ago
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EroticaX Carmen Caliente A Perfect Sunday Morning

Carmen Caliente wakes up on a Sunday morning next to Danny Mountain. She remembers going home with him from a club the night before and having wild sex. She usually gets up and leaves a note, thanking the guy for the nice time, but she feels strangely at home and doesn’t rush off, instead having a coffee. She rouses Danny and after playing with him she runs away laughing and giggling. Danny catches her and they both fall to the couch and start making out. Carmen is having a delightful...

4 years ago
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My Sexual AdvisorChapter 4

The next afternoon I picked Karen up and we drove out to our favourite secluded parking spot. We didn't speak as we drove there, both silent with our thoughts. As we pulled up, I got the rug out of the car and we walked to where we liked to sit and cuddle. "Are you upset with me, Jim? Did I let things go too far with Fred last night?" she implored me and I could see tears welling in her eyes. Immediately I took her into my arms and kissed her as I assured her that as far as I was...

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The Taking of Jill

This is the result of a request from an Aussie woman named Jill for a "hot, romantic story involving a beautiful woman who is taken from her husband by another man." Standing before her full-length closet mirror, Jill debated how far she should go with her outfit for work that day. While always a bit of a flirt anyway, she had to admit that more and more she'd really been enjoying the reactions she was receiving lately from men - and even many women - when she flirted. She was especially...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XV 6 Troubles of Sexuality

Sitting in my second hour class, I pondered over a dream I had woken up from that morning. While I had come to terms with being a bisexual two years before, I was troubled over the possibility that I was leaning towards the homosexual side of the spectrum. I hadn't had sex with a girl for nearly two weeks, but had willingly accepted every single one of Eric's invitations or hints to screw around with him. And the fact that I had woken up that morning cumming from the dream of having dirty...

3 years ago
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Love is Stupid and Great Ch 02

That next morning, Oliver woke up pretty early, as he only slept about three hours. The couch definitely wasn’t ergonomic and he had a good idea why that married couple tried to throw it out in the first place. He laid in bed for probably an hour or so before he got up. But after a quick breakfast of mini wheat’s and some tea, he went to check his email. And… well… ‘Motherfucker! Goddamn it!’ Yeah. Oliver had checked his email, hoping to hear back from some of the people he had lined up to...

4 years ago
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I’m 24 Blondish, 36d 24 38…Yes that is my size. I’ve always had a way with the guys. But this one night…. My s****r Kim told me to come over to her house for a card game. As usual, I brought the Hennessey and Chip n Dip. I wore a tight top no bra a short skirt and thong panties. It was hot and when we play cards it get that much more HOTTER. She only invited her boyfriends friends…ALL GUYS. 4 guys and us 2 ladies just enjoying a few games of cards and liquor. ALL the guys was eyeing my breast,...

1 year ago
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ThatSitcomShow Nina Hartley That 70s Ho Here Kitty Kitty

Kitty is baking another batch of cookies to replace the ones Eric accidentally ruined when Red joins her in the kitchen. They chat for a bit while Kitty tries to tell Red about her needs. When Red doesn’t get it, Kitty tells him to go sit down. As Red is leaving, Kelso comes in looking for Jackie. He realizes that if he has sex with Eric’s mom, he can get back at all his friends for banging each other. Kitty gives Kelso some cookies and lets him know that she’ll come in with...

2 years ago
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Carmilla Repentant

“The blood is the life” – Bram Stoker--There is a joke that goes: what did the lesbian vampire say to her lover?Well, here’s the answer. I owe you so many answers, and to give you what you deserve, I have to go back to the start.I meet the Stranger years before I find you. He is the only man who has come close to evoking a stab of attraction. Until I see him standing in a dark nook of the club, a point of stillness in a sea of undulating bodies, my experience of kisses and caresses is...

First Time
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Reluctant Kimberly

My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my religion, and to be a good Christian wife and mother. This is how I became corrupted, and betrayed myself, as well as my husband. It started at my job. There was a man there, named...

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Danganronpa Trigger Havoc

Monokuma giggled. With this new power and technology, he could make the game a lot more pleasurable. With this, he could install any kind of trigger into anyone! Passive triggers, active triggers, he could totally change the behavior of anyone! But using it to make murders happen is a little too easy. Why not use it for something else... something fun? Maybe even subject someone to a brand new game? Note for incoming writers: I highly encourage you to add chapters to my story. If you are...

2 years ago
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Innocence Happily Lost

"Innocence Happily Lost"By billy69boyIntro:The following is a true account of one young girl's first sexual encounter, which occurred at a wedding reception. The story is told in her own words, written in the style of an interview:Author: I think most successful stories are the ones that start out with a true premise, first and foremost. The goal is to establish "believability". So, my first questions will be seeking background information leading up to the actual wedding. I will use numbered...

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An Affair With My Best Friends Mum

I didn’t ever think having an affair would be something I’d find myself doing. I didn’t think I was that type of person. I already feel awkward writing about this. I think we all have that one thing that we would all prefer just swept under the carpet and just forget about it. But it appears I’m the type of person who put’s it all over the internet, I guess I just really have to talk about it. I can for sure blame it on the devil and circumstances as I honestly had no intentions of getting...

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The Girl Who Didnt Have A Mom

Introduction: I was a 16 year old, I was raped by my brother and dad. Read more to found out what happens in this shocking dark fantasy. Hi my name is Erin, I was 16 years old, I lived with my single dad and my 18 year old brother. My mom passed away when I was a little girl from a car crash, so ever since then I never really had a loving mom or a girl to be around with. When I reached my first period at age 12 my dad had to give me the growing up talk. He told me about how babies were born and...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 18

Agent 4 and his assistant had found what they had been looking for. It was one of those electric devices that they sometimes used to torture their suspects with. The device had several voltage settings, but it only had a very low current. This way, they could give the suspects a non-lethal electric jolt to their system. Sure, there was always some danger involved with using electricity this way, but if it was applied to a healthy person, the risk was almost none existing. Petra could see how...

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Open Framed Girdle and Bred 4

After our breeding session with our spouses, Kyle and Colleen, things never were going to be the same. At first things became very difficult. Although Colleen was pregnant, she was now threatening to divorce me and Kerri and I had to work really hard to keep Kyle convinced he should remain a Cuckold to his wife. The good news was Kerri was now pregnant and we couldn't be happier.Kerri and I thought it would have been nice if we could keep both Colleen and Kyle submissive to us and eventually...

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Breaking Point Chapters 2630

26. A Tangled Web "Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction."? Criss Jami ***** Rodriguez walked into the salon just as Carmelita was completing an hour of electrolysis on Rachel. He schooled his expression to neutrality and hitched his trouser up as he settled himself on the second styling chair. Rachel glanced across at him...

4 years ago
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Mom son in bathroom to bedroom

Hi all I am bunny and I am 19yrs old my mom is 40yrs with hug boobs and big Ass with little fat I love my mom very much so much that I want her as my wife my dad is a hope less man always out of station and enjoying with other women once in a month he comes to us meet and go so no one is there with us expect we both in our home I enjoy watching pro movies when ever I get time one day after watching I saw my mom was going to have bath so I thought of seeing her having bath so I waited until she...

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Mark the Spot

Introduction: Mark zeros in on my special spot Mark The Spot I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work… no, undermined by a snivelling little shit that worked for me and almost got me fired. To top it all off, my car pool gets screwed up and I have to beg for a ride home. More humiliation… just what I need. Why did I move my family to this town when I was already doing well? Including today, I have asked...

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My Mom8217s New Boyfriend

Hello all, I am Aryan, 22 years old. I wanted to share my real-life experience about my mom’s new boyfriend, which happened 2 years back. Ours is a small family, me, my mom and dad. We moved to the US when I was 5 years old, and now we are NRI. Mom and dad always had disagreements and issues for the last few years. So one fine day, they decided to find their own ways and divorced. I just finished my first year of college at that time. After the divorce, mom decided to move to India and look...

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Virtual Reality

The year is 2057, and the latest state of the art technology has just been invented – the virtual simulator. This model has the ability to immerse you in worlds tailored specifically to your choice, and you can feel, hear, taste and see everything as if in real life. The best part of it is that you get to alter your appearance, and while in the simulator, real time passes at such a slow rate you could spend years in there and barely minutes will have passed outside. Death is of course, not an...

1 year ago
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Private Jet

slacks and pulled up the zipper. She finished the outfit with a pair of navy blue pumps. Maria closed the door behind her and walked to her car. She started the engine, moved the gearshift to drive, and pulled into the street. It was a warm, clear night and traffic was light. She made it to the airport in less than fifteen minutes. Maria turned her rented car in, got into the limo waiting to her to the executive airport area. I was waiting for her on my private jet. She arrived bordering...

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My sexy girlfriend

Hi every body this Sanjay from Chennai. This is a real sex incident happened between me and my girl friend Divya. Let me describe about me I’m now 32yrs old married, 5.7″ tall 75kgs fair and well built. This incident happened when I was 22 yrs old and she was 20 yrs old. She is stunning female with 34-30-36 fair and sexy girl. Lets start the story, when I was working in a pvt. Concern, she used to come there and speak with my colleague. I used to avoid her presence because I don’t want to show...

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Chiang Mai now

I rolled into Chiang Mai and by the time I got to my hotel it was a little after 5 so I decided on a bite to eat and a couple of beers. I had no real work planned for tonight just a walk through to scope out the possible problems. After last night in Bangkok I was not too interested in any pussy and planned on finding a small bar near the hotel and getting mildly under the influence. Dinner was ok, I had never expected to find a Mexican place in Thailand but as they say Amazing Thailand, they...

3 years ago
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My Husband Shares Me with a Friend

Introduction: An afternoon of drinking turns fun… One afternoon I was hanging out with my husband Ben and his friend Eric. They worked together and I had met Eric a handful of times, but I didnt know him that well. We were watching some TV and having a few drinks, and I was getting pretty buzzed. The guys had a few beers and a few shots each and I was having mixed drinks. Whenever I get drunk I get very horny and this has been a bit of a problem in my marriage because when Ben drinks he just...

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