Au Naturel Ch. 02 free porn video

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Simon lay in Kate’s arms in a wonderful state of drowsy contentment, the pleasure endorphins flooding his system and slowing the passage of time to a drugged haze. Eventually he recovered sufficiently to prop himself up on one elbow and grin foolishly at her.

‘That was amazing!’

‘Why, thank you, sir! Considering I don’t have much idea what I’m doing, that seemed to work OK.’, she smiled, poking her tongue out at him.

‘And there was me thinking you were the experienced one,’ he said, genuinely surprised.

‘What, the older woman syndrome?’ she laughed. ‘Just the odd fumble, I’m afraid, all very unsatisfactory. I haven’t really done much at all.’

‘Why, if you don’t mind me asking?’

She hesitated slightly. ‘I’m not sure. The wrong boys, the wrong time, I don’t know. I’m not as confident as you might think, and I’m a bit old-fashioned — I actually need to like someone before I can expose myself to them.’

‘Like on the beach?’ he enquired with a grin, ducking as a pillow flew inches past his head.

‘You know what I meant! Exposing your body is easy,’ she insisted in the face of his obvious scepticism, ‘But opening up properly to somebody is much scarier.’

‘True,’ he admitted. ‘I’m not exactly self-assured myself, my experience is pretty much non-existent. Hey, maybe we can teach each other!’

‘That sounds like fun.’ She leaned back with her hands above her head and stretched out provocatively. ‘Where do you suggest we start?’

He gave a half-amused, half-serious growl and reached up to pinion her wrists with one hand.

‘First of all, you’re going to open up to me, and you’re going to tell me how you turn yourself on when you’re alone.’

Now it was her turn to relinquish control, and she realised with a thrill that Simon was not going to let her be in charge all the time. Just the thought made her pulse run a little quicker, her mouth go slightly dry, and she noticed with slight embarrassment that she was getting moist.

‘Do you masturbate a lot?’ Now she was definitely going red, but tried to answer honestly, if slightly defensively. ‘Um, a fair bit, I suppose. Don’t you?’

‘Oh yes, all the time,’ he admitted freely. ‘Mostly while fantasising about you these days. But we’re talking about you. How do you start?’

God, this was tough. She’d never discussed this sort of thing with anybody, let alone whilst stark naked with them.

‘Er, it’s usually when I go to bed, so I’m undressed anyway. If I feel like it, I’ll just stretch out and stroke myself for a bit first.’

‘Like this?’

His free hand touched her side and he gently trailed his fingertips across the warm skin. She shivered slightly, but not from the cold.

‘Mmmm. A bit firmer.’

He swept his whole hand across the flatness of her stretched out belly, and was rewarded with a louder moan.

‘What do you do next?’

Kate barely trusted herself to speak, but managed to say in a barely audible voice,

‘Stroke everywhere except my breasts and between my legs.’

He obliged, caressing her face, shoulders, arms, sides, stomach, legs and even her feet. She sighed contentedly, and her body began to respond to his touch. He watched carefully, noticing which touches made her arch her back, her breasts pushing up invitingly. With iron self-control he ignored them and kept stroking the sensitised skin elsewhere.

‘Now, please,’ she pleaded eventually.

‘Now what?’ he enquired innocently as she squirmed.

‘Pig! Stroke my tits!’

‘Don’t move!’, he instructed as he released her wrists to free his other hand, and slid both of them up her rib cage to fill them with her breasts. The nipples hardened noticeably in the palms of his hands. Feeling emboldened, he tweaked both peaks between his fingers and thumbs.


‘Oops, sorry! Too hard?’

‘A bit. They seem to be very sensitive at the moment for some reason.’ She smiled forgivingly at him. ‘I didn’t tell you to stop, though.’

He hesitated for a second, then bent over and took one nipple gently into his mouth, letting the warmth of his lips and tongue surround it.

‘Oh! That’s nice … but the other one’s feeling left out now … ahhh, yes, go on. I can’t do that to myself!’

She drew up her knees and thrust herself up at him as he greedily suckled on the breasts he adored. His hands explored more urgently now, moving lower on her belly, just brushing the curly hair below. Her legs began to fall apart, seemingly of their own volition, and he had to force himself to slow down and not to make a grab before she was ready.

Kate had long imagined this, but it was so much better when it was someone else’s hands. Especially Simon’s. She willed him to touch her pussy, but he kept stroking her stomach, her legs and her inner thighs until she could bear it no longer.

‘Please, now, please …’

This time he didn’t tease, but moved one hand firmly down across the mound of soft hairs, and curled two fingers into the warmth and wetness of her. She cried out inarticulately at the touch, her muscles clenching involuntarily. He found her clitoris and began to rub it with the tip of one finger. The intensity of feeling was too much for her, close to the pain threshold, and the wave of pleasure which had been growing inside her receded, leaving her almost weeping with frustration.

Deciding that direct action was the only answer, she reached down and grabbed his hand, moving it away from that over-sensitive spot. He froze, looking anxiously into her eyes, but she covered his hand with her own and guided it gently, showing him exactly where to go and how much pressure to apply.

Slightly affronted at first, Simon quickly realised that this was the best way for him to learn, and allowed himself to be led. Kate repaid him by beginning to sigh and buck again as his fingers stroked around and just below her clit, avoiding the tip. He was a quick learner, and she took her hand away, encouraging him with a stream of whispered provocation:

‘Yes, that’s it! Mmmm, right there … don’t speed up, just keep doing that … don’t stop! … oh, yes!’

His cock straining with the excitement of succeeding in pleasuring this lovely girl, Simon drove her on and over the edge, the wave building and building, higher than she would have thought possible, before it broke with her shuddering cry and sob as the climax overtook her.

She lay senseless for a few moments — or was it minutes? — before she recovered sufficiently to look across to him. He was watching her, a big grin on his flushed and sweaty face.

‘God, you look smug!’ she sighed.

‘Oh, do I? Sorry!’ he replied, not much abashed.

‘Yes! It’s OK, you’ve earned the right to be a bit smug — that was fantastic! Sorry I had to stop you in the middle there.’

He forgave her on the spot. ‘That’s OK, I needed some help, and I do want to know what works for you.’

‘So do I, so let’s promise always to be honest, even if it’s awkward at the time. We have a lot more exploring to do.’

‘Must we? I was thinking of watching the footie tonight.’

This time the pillow didn’t miss, beating him around the head several times before he managed to grab it, and then Kate, in a mock wrestling match which quickly took on a more erotic flavour. Kate came up for air for a second:

‘Next lesson – you need to hold me tight and stroke me when I’m done.’

‘Oh yes, I’d read that you had to do that with girls.’

‘I am not ‘girls’!’, Kate said quickly, rather more sharply than she’d intended. This time he was genuinely contrite.

‘Sorry, I shouldn’t generalise. Insensitive macho male puts his foot in it again.’

‘Macho? You?!’ Her giggles meant that he was no longer in the dog house, but now he felt a slight dent to his own male pride. One day he would show her that he could be macho, too, and
make her pay for her cheekiness. The pleasant visions which this thought engendered transmitted themselves downwards and he began to grow hard again, a fact which didn’t escape Kate’s appreciative eyes.

‘God, you’re insatiable! What have I let myself in for?’

‘Come here and you’ll find out’, he dared her in his best deep, macho voice before another burst of laughter overtook both of them, followed by more sighs and moans as they continued their explorations.


After that first evening, a few days passed before they met again — there were ‘phone calls and text messages, but not the uninhibited chat they normally had. Both Simon and Kate were a little unsure about how the relationship would develop, and what the other’s hopes and expectations were. They arranged to meet in the park rather than their favourite pub or ‘their’ beach, for a ‘proper talk’, now that the summer holidays were drawing to a close, and college beckoned. Simon was early, and had been sat on the bench for ten minutes when Kate sidled up behind him and spoke in a very bad Russian accent:

‘The weather is quite inclement for the time of year.’

He turned quickly. ‘And the wind blows coldly’, he answered, staring pointedly at her chest, where the inadequate protection of her thin T-shirt failed to hide the growing evidence that it was, indeed, rather chilly.

‘You’re impossible!’, she laughed. ‘You could at least look me in the eye.’

He stood and kissed her, and it was several minutes before they sat down again, breathing rather heavily. Both were relieved to find that their evening of exploration had not discouraged the other, and seemed indeed to have had the opposite effect. They were keen to carry on seeing each other, and to keep their relationship going long-distance, if necessary, when they went off to their respective colleges in the autumn.

‘Are we OK with the sex?’, asked Simon.

‘What, here?’ she flashed back.

‘Funny girl! You don’t regret it?’

‘No, not at all,’ she replied seriously, ‘But I don’t think I’m quite ready to lose my virginity, so no penetration …’

‘What about …’

‘No, you can’t shove it up my arse, either!’

‘I wasn’t suggesting that!’ he protested, before catching the twinkle in her eye and smiling sheepishly. ‘Still,’ he said, brightening, there are lots of other things we can do.’

‘Yes, so I’ve heard. Why don’t you take me home and show me what you’ve learnt from those porno mags you read?’

There was a loud cough, and they whirled round to see a middle-aged matron walking her small dog on a lead across the grass right behind the bench. As she passed Kate eye, the woman’s lips were tightly pressed together, and the younger girl coloured slightly, then the woman caught her eye and, so quickly that Kate almost missed it, winked and walked on.

‘Come on!’ said Kate, dragging Simon off the bench and laughing wildly, ‘Let’s go before we embarrass ourselves any more here!

Back at her place, they undressed each other more slowly this time. Kate allowed herself the luxury of enjoying the sight of Simon’s slim body revealed to her in stages, lightly muscled but nice and firm, and well tanned all over from their days on the beach. His penis strained for escape from his pants, and she gave it an encouraging squeeze through the cotton before releasing it where it bobbed invitingly, already climbing past the horizontal as she gazed at it. She let him remove her remaining clothes, then, to his surprise, sank to her knees in front of him, eye to eye with his eager member.

Simon held his breath. Would she? It was a long-time fantasy, but he’d never really believed that a girl would voluntarily do that unless she was being paid for it. She hesitated, then leant forward and planted a tiny kiss, half way up his shaft. It twitched and swelled even more, invisible ties winching it higher, almost to the vertical against his stomach. His legs felt as though they were turning to jelly as she poked out the tip of her tongue and ran it wetly all the way up to the head, eliciting a groan of pleasure.

Of course, she would never admit that she and her friends had been known to watch porn themselves, or that most of what she knew about blow-jobs came from them or from unreliable accounts from her allegedly ore experienced friends. Looking in close-up at this rather daunting (were they all that big?) specimen, she was quite sure that she’d never get that all in her mouth, let alone down her throat. What if she choked?

She carried on licking, kissing and nibbling, playing for time — besides, judging by his reactions, he was enjoying this. His hands came round to the back of her head, urging her forward , but she removed them and placed them firmly back at his sides. She wanted to be in control for now.

Finally she plucked up the courage to take the shiny, swollen head between her lips and into the warmth and wetness of her mouth, and she started to suck enthusiastically, if inexpertly. The response was immediate and unexpected — Simon shook convulsively, and his warm cock pulsed violently in her mouth. Startled, she opened her mouth and drew back just as he came, jets of white fluid spattering her chin and throat. Simon was mortified.

‘I’m so sorry’, he muttered, avoiding her eye and trying to clean himself up with a tissue.

‘It’s OK,’ she said, meaning it, and putting an arm round him. ‘It’s quite flattering really – didn’t realise what an effect I’d have on you. Besides, next time will be much better.’

As it sank in that there would be a next time, Simon felt a rush of relief, and determined to learn some self-control. They lay on the bed and chatted and kissed for a while, until she noticed that his erection was already returning. She pushed him onto his back:

‘Just relax, and tell me to stop if you don’t want to come.’

She coaxed his penis back to its full glory with her fingers, stroking and squeezing before applying her tongue and lips. When she was more confident that he was in control, she slipped the head into her mouth again, but this time kept quite still, just letting him enjoy the sensation before slowly releasing him and using her fingers instead.

She learned to draw back when he automatically began to thrust at her, and he started to recognise his own responses and call ‘stop’ when that surge of feeling began. She kept this going for a while, letting him subside slightly before exciting him to fever pitch again. The effort of restraint was telling on him. The veins stood out on his brow, and he knew that he couldn’t last such longer. Kate withdrew for a moment.

‘Would you like to come in my mouth?’

Not trusting himself to speak, he nodded, and watched as her lips, barely parted, slid slowly, slowly, over the tip of his glans and engulfed the head before withdrawing just as slowly. Simon let forth a shuddering sigh, giving himself up to the indescribable feeling as Kate’s head dipped and she took him inside once more.

He observed, spellbound, her lips as they slid over his cock, the bulge which formed in her cheeks and then the shiny wetness from her saliva on him as she withdrew. She kept the pace slow, but gradually began to take him deeper, carefully testing her own limits.

He began to throb inside her again, but this time she didn’t stop, but looked up at him and held his gaze as she slid down as far as she could go. He watched most of his prick disappear into her glorious mouth and groaned loudly as he came, some ecstatic but still sentient part of his brain reflecting that this was quite possibly the best feeling in the whole world.

She was better prepared this time, fighting down a gag reflex and keeping him in her mouth as long as she could. ‘Spit or swallow?’, the old playground question came unbidden to her mind, as she decided that the former would be messy and undignified, and she gulped, relieved to
find that whilst it wasn’t exactly nectar, the taste was bearable.

When she eventually released him from her mouth, Simon was almost comatose. He looked as though she’d hit him with something very large and very heavy, and was barely conscious enough to give her a quick cuddle and a kiss of pure gratitude. She looked down at him and smiled indulgently, relishing the feeling of power over the ‘stronger’ sex. ‘Not bad for a beginner’, she thought to herself, and reflected on where the way to a man’s heart actually lay.

She could get to like this – a lot …

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Inside Out Part 2 That Last of Sheila? By Suzanne Knight I got up around 7Am showered and shaved, went with a comfortable bra with weighted breast forms that moved naturally when I walked, put on the waist cincher, sheer taupe pantyhose and a gaffe. The Sheath Vee String Vagina had been pretty uncomfortable yesterday after only a few hours. I did understated make up except I still used the dark red lipstick that went with the finger nails. I slipped into the white blouse and the blue...

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Dressed like a girl IV

I was wearing my pants and shirt by the time Tom came home. He said he was tired and didn't want to play. I said ok and told Ann I was going home. Monday after school Ann said she had to go to the store with her mother and wanted to know if I wanted to come. I said I had to ask my mom. We went to her house and I called home. Mom said as long as I get back in time to do my homework. We went to the store and her mother told Ann to go to the girls department and look for some under clothes and get...

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Whole Truth

Whole TruthBy: Londebaaz ChohanWith all the homosexual fantasies and experiences; since the day his cock and balls had started to support Morgan’s encounters, he has come to believe that it was not a matter of luck or chance only. He had to think and ponder many ideas for his success to get his cock sucked or take some young ass for the pure pleasure of his sexy cock, always yearning and ready to fuck. Yes, he was gay and believed the theory of ‘Natured’ or ‘Nurtured’ whole heartedly. He also...

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Two Slutty Daughters Chapter Nine

An original story by edited and broken down into chapters by meChapter 9Diane's run took on a strange gait as she rushed home. Her cunt was so hot she limped as she trotted. Watching Anita getting fucked by her older brother had been the final straw for Diane. She had to get fucked right now, or she knew she would never be able to look herself in the eye again.Panting with exertion and lust, she burst into the back door of her house to find her father calmly making himself a sandwich. He looked...

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After the Party

I’d been out at my office pre-Xmas party, the night before Xmas eve. It was last day at work for the year, as the following day I was off up to Scotland for Xmas and the New Year with a group of friends from way back. There would be just 5 of us, three guys and two girls, if we 40 somethings could be called boys and girls. Somehow we had all escaped from or avoided our various relationships, and thought it would be good to get together again. I’d had a great time at the party, good company and...

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First Love

First Love. By Vanessa As far as I can remember, I`ve always had a thing for dressing in women`s clothes. All of my life I`ve been driven to it. My mum or my sister were always the innocent victims of my transvestism, and whenever the opportunity arose I`d be rifling the laundry basket or their wardrobes and chests of drawers in search of the prettiest under garments and outfits. I don`t know what drove me to it as a young boy, but I certainly remember what egged me on when I was in...

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Sexy Hot Mangalsutra Aunty

Hi, friend . I’m kiran .Now i’m 19 year’s old. This is the real story happened in my life in dec 24, 2015. There was a house construction going on the opposite side of my house before 2yrs. After completions of the house, there came a newly married couple. At the first time in my life, i saw such mind blowing, beautiful aunty. She has amazing body structure 38-24-32 size shaped body with stiff round breast. One next day, i got up at morning 7:00am, at that time the beautiful aunty was putting...

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I Need to RememberChapter 17

For the next week we began to settle into a domestic routine. We would take turns cooking and spend all day working on the decorating we had started. Then after dinner we would settle down in the living room, sometimes we would just kiss and cuddle for the evening, other nights we would read or talk for hours. I had never owned a television set and for the time being we didn’t feel that we needed one. Then we would go to bed early and make love until we fell asleep. We both knew that in five...

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Treats From The Trickster

One It all started the year I was 14. I had a younger brother and sister who were 9 and 5, and Mom insisted on taking them trick-or-treating-mainly because of my sister. She didn't trust my brother to watch her, and she was only five. That meant I was stuck passing out the candy, considering I had no other plans. There were parties going on, but I hadn't gotten invited. I had no social life at 14. I was pudgy and kind of shy and geeky. So, I passed out the candy. It wasn't so bad. A...

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Monday AgainChapter 3

As Linda lay back, her whole being was centered, focused on what Jim was doing to her clit, through the thin lace of her thong. Suddenly, Jim pulled the flimsy material up tightly between her labia, increasing the pressure on her clit. He was kneeling on the floor with his upper arms pining her thighs to the bed. He maneuvered his chest in order to spread her thighs further apart in order to open he up completely to his searching tongue. She reached down with both hands to grab his head. He...

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A Day by the Pool

She was topless and what was I doing staring at her? It started innocently. It was a hot summer day and I knew that Sara would probably be out back sunning herself by the pool. She was our neighbor’s college daughter and she was home for the summer. Our neighbors were new and Sara knew few people in the neighborhood. So I thought I would invite her over for an evening BBQ with my spouse and kids once they got back from fishing. Her family was gone for the weekend. Sara was lying on the chaise...

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The Futa Empire

Your name is Esmeralda. You are a 19 year old girl. You live under the reign of the Futa Empire. As a young woman living in the capital you desire one thing above all else, to become a futa. Futas are the societies upper class, and there are only a handfull of them. Not many women are chosen to be the elite dick carrying members of the society, but those who are live as royals. The need for men disappeared after the arrival of the Futa Godess. She made the first Futa 239 years ago, and that...

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How I lost my virginity

I know most writers of these stories claim them to be true stories and more often then not they are fake, but my story actually happened, this is how I lost my virginity. During the summer of 2008 right after graduation I took a job at a hotel as a cashier/concierge. I was a good athlete in high school, kind of tall and thin, I always got a lot of attention from the high school girls but they never would have sex. At the hotel there was 3 Russian workers here in the U.S on a work exchange...

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Wicked stepmother Part 7

Crispin was one of those people who do not come fully awake all at once so when he awoke to find Ella naked beside him it took a few second to remember the previous evening. When he did he smiled, then he remembered some more and gave a nervous giggle.“You remembered your mother haven't you?”“Yes it wasn't a dream she did do what I remember didn't she?”“Oh yes, your mother having discovered what we are like and the idea. appeals to her. Sal has that effect on people. I was a virgin but within a...

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Ryans SummerChapter 13

On Saturday night, Ryan was waiting on the street outside of Cindy's house. He was a little scared to pull into her driveway for fear that her father would see him. He didn't know how he would react to him dating his daughter... not only because he was poor but also because of the extra circular activities of the job. He had asked Cindy if she wanted to go to the movies and then get something to eat. He was a little surprised that she said yes. He figured that she would have had guys lined...

2 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 07

Anime Convention Harem Chapter 7: Effort and Opportunity Outta luck after all, huh. Raven locks of hair swept down over one of the scene girl’s eyes, and Kelly blew that fringe of her bangs up with an annoyed puff of her lip. Fuck. She resentfully kicked at one of the discarded pamphlets littering the main lobby as she surveyed the aftermath of AnimeCon’s first day. The skylights had long since fallen dark and the tempestuous sea of convention attendees, once hundreds thick, had since...

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DreamweaverChapter 67 Things Heat Up

I was bored; there was just no other way to put it. Awakening in my hotel room, or more correctly, transitioning back to the room after my conversation with Lizzy, I found I had nothing to do. Looking back at my time in Vegas so far I came to the realization that the whole trip was poorly planned. Granted, it was all very last minute -- I mean, a week ago I was safely living at home with my family, going to school, and only dealing with the darker side of humanity at night. Now I was alone in...

1 year ago
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MissSpelled Part 5

Miss-Spelled (Part 5) "How can it be possible? I saw him pour it in the glass!" I wailed. "I thought it was strange that Richie would be so careless as to leave the bag behind," said Becca. "He's an idiot, but he's not stupid. I think this was all part of a plan so if you were to call the police, whether he was successful or not, you'd give the police the drugs and there'd be no sign of his prints on there. You'd look like you were crying wolf and he could claim that you were...

1 year ago
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Tushy Pepper Hart We Only Have an Hour

Pepper loves babysitting for her current family. It’s an easy job and they are very generous. The problem is that she has found herself fantasising about her male boss and the more she thinks about it the more she craves it. Luckily, today is the day where she finds herself with the opportunity to make it a reality. When his wife leaves for an hour to run some errands, Pepper wastes no time in putting her plan in action. She greets him after his shower and shows him exactly what she wants....

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Secret Service Kitty AndersonChapter 8

There was a series of bank robberies where some federal money was stolen. I could tell that Judge McAllister was pissed off with the robberies, and he was just waiting for an excuse to put federal deputy marshals on the case. Alan and I were just happy for the new assignment; we were ready for any case, as long as we worked together. The robberies seemed to be concentrated between Eagle Pass and Laredo. These counties had been hit hard by the latest money panic and were slow to recover, so...

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My Best Friend Aunt To My Bed Friend Aunt

I am Adi, age 20 from Kerala. Before the start of the story let me tell you something this is my first sex story so please excuse me from the mistake.. For feedback mail me at Teens adults or mature women who are interested in sex chat or time pass relationships can mail me 100% secrecy is promised Let me start the story or so called my life. I had a girlfriend in the past and we often had sex but after my break up, my cock was eagerly searching a pussy. And I always had eye on bigi as she...

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Cassandra demtigen und gedemtigt werden

Prolog Männer sind jämmerlich. Sie sind so einfach zu durchschauen und zu manipulieren. Denn sie denken nur ans Ficken und wenn Du weißt, wie Du als Frau das ausnutzen kannst, hast Du gewonnen. Aber auch die meisten Frauen sind jämmerlich. Sie denken, dass sie sich von einem Mann ficken lassen müssen, um an das zu kommen, was sie wollen. Manche Frauen wollen sogar nur eines, den Mann selbst. Oder – noch schlimmer – sie wollen nur einen bestimmten Mann und keinen anderen. Eines schlägt dem Fass...

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The Compound

Chapter 1IntroductionMy name is Brenna. I grew up in a small Midwest city with my father, stepmother and 3 older brothers. My mother died when I was 3 and my father remarried when I was 5. My stepmother was abusive, to put it mildly and I would make any excuse to get away from the house. I didn’t have many friends; no one wanted to spend time with the girl with the bruises.When I was 15 some new neighbors moved into our neighborhood. A father with 2 sons. The youngest son, Kurt was my age and...

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That 2 Minute With Bhabhi

Hi, all Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. Here I’m with my first sex story. This is a true incident which happened 7 years back. I don’t remember the sex positions and all but I do remember are the sequences which led to having sex with one of my cousin’s wife. My cousin’s wife is not of a great beauty. She is fair and bit fat. But she had the big melons which would stand out in her body. Other parts of her body were ok. Initially, I thought she is very conservative. She used to be very...

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The Neighbors Wife

This is my first story, Enjoy.Background: My neighbors wife is a curvy Latina woman with nice sized breasts and a nice ass. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. I was a 17 year old Canadian with a 8 inch cock. Day One:So it was an October evening I was just getting out of the shower. I walked to my room butt naked because I lived alone.i had forgotten that I had left my bedroom window wide open. My room window faced the neighbors kitchen. Not knowing I walked in to my room with my wet cock...

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My Boss SlutChapter 8

Becky, my wife and my boss' slut, was telling me about her weekend. At his club, Mr. Williams, my boss, and six other men filled her with their cum after making a bet on which one would get her pregnant. More than that, nineteen other men fucked her all they wanted. Each of those nineteen had to use a condom so they would not interfere with the bet. Becky was very appreciative that they emptied all the condoms into her willing mouth so she could swallow all that man cum. Becky is a world...

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Getting the Message

I am sorry but there is no sex in this story, the plot just didn’t need it. Now my friend and editor has had a chance to read it through, I have made some improvements. Thanks Lily. T * The problem with keeping unused and unneeded bits and pieces in boxes is one day they have to be sorted out. After four years, this box is full of outmoded electronic gadgets, erstwhile sentimental keepsakes, various papers that used to be important, photographic memories of old friends and ex-lovers, and...

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Fucked By Neighbour8217s Boy And Made Him Popular Gigolo Of Mumbai

Hello everyone, I am Shalini,about me I am 5.3 ft tall, skin colour light brown,age 32,mere boob ka size 32.After seeing me any man can turn his head . Rahul is hero of this real incident which happened with me some 3 months before . About him he is 5.9 ft tall, brown skin color ,average look but noticeable thing in him is his personality ,nature and his dick which is 16 cm in length. I only measured once with scale which we get in Geometry Box . This size is more then enough to make any indian...

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True or Dare chapter 5

Well been teasing you with this story since the beginning and now Ladies and gentlemen we have finally arrived at how I lost my virginity and The unorthodox way I finally lose that blood cherry Well many month had pass since Christine and I shared that awkward first kiss in the stair well at school and the first of our many wild phones sex that we had and throwing in I’m still am dating my fiancé Jackie it been a wild pass few month for me just to say Well over pass month Christine and I...

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Bullets and Butterflies A Cult Story Part 2 of 3

Part 2: Butterflies Through sheer will Thom forced his mind awake before it was time to rise. Eyes closed, he lie perfectly still except for the mimicking of deep sleep breathing. This time to himself alone was important. It was the only moment in the day he could center himself and hold onto the core of his personality. But his keepers also seemed to be aware of this possibility, which is presumably why they gave him (and everyone else he assumed) a sedative every night; nearly every...

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