Finders Keepers
- 2 years ago
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After getting something to eat we sent another message to Liz giving her the news about Keelin. We left Eve out of it; I think she needed a little alone time. She did make an appearance later for dinner and seemed nearly normal. Well, not normal for Eve maybe; this was a nicer, more open Eve, pretty damn near pleasant to be with.
Later that night Keelin and I were sleeping when I heard our door open. I keep the lights dimmed for now instead of having complete darkness so I saw it was Terry.
"Will you hold me?" Her voice was low, tentative, very much out of character for her.
"Terry, I don't think..."
"Please, Toliver?" A small hand touched my shoulder. "She needs it; we all need it." I was going to argue?
"Okay, Terry, but I..." From my first word Terry was moving and by the time I was finished, or didn't finish, she was under the covers and snuggled up next to me.
"You sleep naked," she finished for me. "I know, Kee told me. That's okay." I'm not sure it was okay by me. At least she was wearing something. Wait, she was wearing another one of my shirts. If this kept up there wouldn't be any left for me!
Anyway she snuggled in with her head on my shoulder and pulled my arm around her tightly. Keelin did the same on my other side. Okay, I admit it; I could get used to this.
"Thank you, Tol," Terry mumbled from somewhere on my shoulder. "I know I act like nothing bothers me but it does. I'm a little intimidating and I'm not as pretty as Kee or Eve, but sometimes I just need to be held." Intimidating? A battalion of Blue-bellies after your blood is intimidating. Terry goes beyond that. The problem is I keep forgetting these girls are really just children still. Okay, not children; but still young women, really young women; at least it seemed so from my advanced age.
"You're not that intimidating, Ter," I know I was lying; she did too. "And you're just as beautiful as Keelin or Eve. The fact is all three of you are knockouts and you know it."
"Eve is very pretty," Keelin said from my other side. She didn't sound jealous or bothered in any way. She was just stating a fact. "I've never meet anyone with her looks before, not even a super-model, and I've met a number of them."
"Yes, Eve is very attractive," I admitted. How did we get on this subject? I wish sometimes I wasn't as honest as I was. I just knew my mouth was going to get me into a heap of trouble. I probably should have shut up and pretended to be asleep; should of, would of, could of. "If you just had a vid of her and any number of other girls you'd probably say she was the prettiest. But what makes someone attractive is so much more than just what's on the outside. You two are beautiful; but what you have inside makes you so much more attractive than Eve, it's not really even a contest.
"Keelin, honey, you are cute and sexy as hell but more than that you are such a damn good person. That makes you incredibly attractive.
"And as for you, little Terror; you have a great package but what you are outshines even that. You're smart, funny, cool in crises, brassy, sassy and so incredibly whole ... You are so much more than just a wonderful body, it's hard to describe."
"Oh, you seem to be doing a pretty good job," Terry cooed. "So, I don't intimidate you?"
"Oh, you're a handful, that's for sure." Thinking back I could probably have phrased that differently. She was firmly holding my hand and with my arm around her it was effectively pinned to the bed. With a deft movement she placed my hand on her breast and there was nothing I could do about it. Did I mention she was larger than average? Large, firm, soft ... Anyway, you get the picture.
"Ack!" I'm just full of pithy comments. What was I supposed to do now? I had one arm trapped by this blonde bombshell and my other one equally pinned by my little fiancée. The evil little vixen was not only agreeing to this but assisting! "Terry... !"
"Kee told me what she had to do to get you to take her," Terry said as she twisted and slid until she was lying fully on top of me. "Am I going to have to rape you too?" It became immediately obvious that her nightshirt ― my shirt ― was the only thing she had on and it wasn't fastened, coming open and giving me that delicious skin-on-skin feeling. I was trying like hell to keep my control but little Tol had no problem with what was going on! Terry wiggled on me and gurgled. "Someone is happy to see me," she whispered.
"Keelin?" I don't know if I was asking for permission or for help.
"Please, Toliver," she answered stroking my hair. "Please do it for me, for her. She needs you as badly as I do. Please make love to my friend. Don't you like her? Maybe even love her, just a little anyway?"
"You know I do," I panted. "But think, Terry! Think about what you're doing, what could happen."
"I have," she purred. "And we can talk about it later. Right now I want you..." She moved her hips and just that suddenly I was balls deep in one of the wettest, tightest pussies I'd even been in. Every bit of reluctance I had disappeared, the only thing I was thinking about was fucking this gorgeous creature riding on top of me. I hadn't noticed, but now both my arms were free. I reached up, pulled her to me and rolled us over until she was beneath me, her legs came up to wrap around my hips and I was suddenly even deeper inside of her.
"Oh, yes," she hissed. "I like this even better. Come on, big boy, fuck your little slave into submission." Okay, this probably comes as a surprise to no one except me but my little aggressive, assertive super-genius had a submissive streak about a klick wide. She just loved to be "taken." And I appreciated the delicious irony, right? Wrong, the only thing I was thinking about was doing my best to split her in half. I started pounding into her with my best effort. Right then I wasn't a lover trying to fulfill and pleasure his partner, I was a bull fucking his cow, the stallion breeding his mare or any other alliteration you might think of. It was a good old monkey-fuck.
As I came to find later ― not much later actually ― when she was excited and ready Terry was multi-orgasmic and had a hair-trigger. She started cuming at about stroke five and kept cuming until I finally blasted my load in the entrance to her cervix about ten minutes later. (We got the time frame from Keelin later; I wasn't paying any attention.) Again I wasn't the considerate lover because I immediately collapsed on top of her and damn near passed out. I don't think she minded since she wrapped her arms and legs around me damn near crushing the breath right out of me. It wasn't until a few minutes later I was able to roll over between the two girls and even then she whimpered in protest. There the three of us lay, the two girls with their heads resting on my chest scrunched up against my sides.
"Good, huh?" Keelin smirked at Terry.
"Oh, God, girl!" Terry sighed. "I know what you told me but I thought you probably just didn't know any better. Damn, I've had a lot more experience and that was the best I've ever had!" This did nothing to bring my raging ego back down to normal size. In fact that wasn't the only thing swelling again. Both of them had their hands idly playing with my gradually re-inflating cock. "In fact, I got to get me some more of this."
"Wait your turn, you greedy bitch," Keelin laughed and pushed Terry away as she climbed on top of me.
It was a long night for one elderly ex-sniper. I don't know how they did it but Keelin was able to drain me and then half an hour later Terry got her turn again. This time it was much slower, gentler; really making love instead of just fucking. She seemed to enjoy that almost as much as our first wild fuck. I know I did.
I woke the next morning alone which I didn't take for a good sign, but then it was 0830, the latest I've slept in for years. I was a sticky mess so I hit the 'fresher; if I had to face the music I was at least going to do it clean. Pulling on a pair of pants and a shirt ― one of the few I had left ― I headed for the kitchen. The three of them were there chatting. As one they stopped talking, never a good sign, and each one turned to look at me.
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Gay MaleMy only c***d and I still live together although he is now 42 and I am in my sixties, his dad died over twenty five years ago and I hit a bad patch after his death. I relied on my son to look after and do everything for me after I would not leave the house.Weeks turned in to months then in to years and now I have a son that has never had a girlfriend, he works in a garage as a mechanic but hardly socializes after work.I look after and pamper him rotten in the house and when I was cleaning his...
I got Mami to show me the details of the website. I found the system was configured to save surveillance history if there was space to store it. It went back two months. It must have terabytes of space. Mami was shocked to find she could have watched Glennvision anytime she wanted. She scheduled her evenings hoping to catch Glenn having a session. It didn’t take me long to figure out the mornings when she was a huge pain in my ass coincided with the times there was no episode of Glennvision....
The next couple of days after the party I could hardly walk. My ass burned from all of the cocks that had used it and my pussy never stopped throbbing. The worse part was it was time for parent teacher meetings. Most of these were with parents that were either overly involved or totally oblivious to what my students were up to. Near the end of the day I saw Emily's mother walk in. I remembered that her name was Bev. She was an older version of her daughter and could still turn the head of any...
Despite having to duck low to avoid the swirling cloud of sooty smoke from the huge Bottle kiln below which she stood, Elaine Stringer’s cunt bulged lusciously, on the confirmation of her prior thoughts that the urchin at her feet was a submissive. He may have been in need of some less worn clothing, but his slight yet robust masculine shape would please women such as Madam Roussel, Agatha Brown, and Eleanor Brigham ... each would relish breaking such a male to order, not to mention the newly...
I cross dressing & son of my landlord loves me specially on bad. he dosent like to talk to me , he needs me only to satisfy his lust. I m ok about that as he is tall, dark n handsome & he has huge thick cock mmmmmm.I love him so mad for day he called me to see if I m available for him, I said I have one hour only as my spouse mit may come back after that.he came to my basement & surprisingly called his friend too. before I ask something he stuck his already hard tool in my...
Honey, Raima and Selina all three mobile engineer sat for a meeting and this time they have included Munna as she is an intelligent and bold enough to come to a conclusion. Three engineers took the following decision:- 1. All mobile control will be seized from now onwards. 2. No cunt ring and cock ring for couple. If there is any true love then the sex will remain otherwise no need. 3. All the bondage of sex between them through mobile conrol ends from now onwards. Munna: Now what you three...
IncestIt had been a while since we had been out dancing and my girlfriend wanted to do something, ‘like the good old days’. More and more she had been fantasizing about other people in bed, so I was intrigued to know what she had in mind. It wasn’t that surprising, one Friday night, for me to come home to find her sitting with a glass of wine, wearing a dress that I had bought for her. Well, a ‘dress’ I’d bought it for one of our fantasies in the bedroom. It was slightly sheer and tight at the...
CuckoldWhen I arrived at the door the gym was locked. I pulled out my badge to get in. As the door was closing someone called out for me to hold the door. I turned to look, and it was Louis.We walked back to the locker room and Louis took a locker next to me. Louis had blonde hair down to his shoulder and was medium build and six feet tall. While I was taking my clothes off, I felt that Louis had an eye on me. I was down to my hipster panties.Louis was taking his pants off and I noticed he was wearing...
Gay Male