Eleanor Of PenkhullChapter 3 free porn video

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Despite having to duck low to avoid the swirling cloud of sooty smoke from the huge Bottle kiln below which she stood, Elaine Stringer’s cunt bulged lusciously, on the confirmation of her prior thoughts that the urchin at her feet was a submissive. He may have been in need of some less worn clothing, but his slight yet robust masculine shape would please women such as Madam Roussel, Agatha Brown, and Eleanor Brigham ... each would relish breaking such a male to order, not to mention the newly acquainted Violet Preston ... and so indeed would she. He’d caught her eye before, and his interest in her had been obvious, whereas most men wouldn’t have given the middle-aged woman a second glance, not with the younger feminine kiln workers around, whose delicate hands inspected the fired pottery, he was obviously submissive, and desired the firm hand if feminine authority.

He had feigned losing grip of a near empty sack barrow, on encountering her to the rear of the kiln, an area less frequented by workers, and had made himself prostrate at her feet in retrieving the couple of sacks of lime, which he’ d been careful to lay and not to incur her any chance of injury, but suitably hindering her path. As he looked to engage her in conversation of some sort, trying desperately to find the words, so taboo was the direction of his desire for her in those days, she placed her foot upon the sack he knelt before, and lifted her skirts to reveal a dainty ankle boot, negating any need he may have thought he had, to explain himself. If the sight alone had him boning erect with submissive passion, her voice ensured he came close to shooting his load.

“Do you play with yourself when thinking of me... ?” He gasped at her openness about such an intimate and sordid act, another completely taboo subject, and not what he’d have expected from any woman, never mind such an outwardly upright and mature example as she ... but it thrilled him just the same, and left him gaping, still speechless as she sneered down at him.

“Well? ... do you bring forth your seed in my honour?” He dared peer up at her, the feeling of being at her feet. Looking up at her broad hips, full breasts tight in her blouse, her hair in a severe bun, and eyes looking contemptuously through glasses, taking him to an exhilaration which removed all his inhibitions ... almost. He clutched at her shoe in shame, as he admitted his lusting self abuse.

“Oh yes ... yes!” She grinned as she teased the entire truth from him, already taking control of him with pompous feminine authority.

“ ... and just how is it you think of me, at the point where your seed is expelled?” He couldn’t answer, so shaming were his thoughts as he spent in her honour, but kissed her boot lovingly, bringing cynical laughter from Elaine. His answer wasn’t necessary, she knew simply by virtue of his attraction to her, he craved the spite of feminine authority ... and she’d see he received more than he could ever have dreamed of. She grinned victoriously as he continued to grovel at her feet, yet another male was hers to be put to good use, and her cunt tingled with arousal at the prospect.

“You’re finished here ... you’ll go to the cab rank by the Square, and wait for me there.” He didn’t know if she meant finished for the day, or for good, but did as she requested without question, her sneering command keeping him erect. Elaine knew he’d never see the grimy works again, and nobody would care; young, single males often disappeared without notice from their arduous and poorly paid employment in the potteries, presumably to seek their fortunes elsewhere ... but no-one knew that a sizeable proportion of those absconders from that particular company, did so at the behest of Madam Elaine Stringer. She made it known to her cohorts that she was leaving for the day, and strutted to the Square.

He felt exposed at the Square, despite being sat at a bench behind the many cabs, out of sight of the few people who passed by the Square at that time of day. This square was anonymous to him, except in passing on foot, the many cabs not a mode of transport he’d ever used, their situation in the square beside the managerial offices for the potteries, convenient for the more senior staff frequenting those buildings, just that fact making him feel inferior. He couldn’t believe he’d made contact with her, and as he sat alone, the urge to disappear and reminisce about the experience in some ale House did cross his mind, so edgy was he, but he knew he’d regret it. When her strutting figure approached in the distance, he felt his cock erect immediately on noting her purposeful stride in flowing skirts and tight waisted jacket, and knew he could never deny her imposing her authority over him.

She simply looked at him as though he were baggage, then turned to the nearest cab pointed him to it.

“In you get, now!” and then clicked her fingers at the cabbie, who sat reading some cheap publication, gaining his attention.

“Frederick Avenue, at the junction of West Avenue, if you wouldn’t mind.” Her latest acquisition heard the command as he clambered nervously into the cab, he often wondered what it was like to travel in one, but never imagined he’d do so under such circumstances. Though she seemed almost oblivious to his presence as they travelled in silence, he noting that the cab was sending its way through the murky industry and rising to the more homely residential areas, Elaine’s arousal was growing all the time as she studied him, he’d make a fine pet for one of the women ... after she had begun his discipline. The cab stopped at a corner, and he saw the modest detached house where his submission to feminine authority would begin in earnest. As he walked with her to the front door, she looked him up and down sneeringly.

“We’ll soon have you tidied up and made presentable.” His erection pulsed as the door was opened, and Elaine’s two smiling maids greeted the male with an obviously intimate enthusiasm, a plump ginger one, the first to speak.

“Why, a new boy Madam Elaine ... is he to be taught his position in life?...” Elaine grinned at her spiteful statement, she knowing full well that would be the case, he blushing, but obviously pleasured at being belittled by a serving woman. The other, a stern brunette, eyed him with a contempt, but so obviously pleased to have another submissive male to dominate.

“He needs a good scrub down, he’s filthy Mada Elaine ... a good scrub down and perhaps a good spanking for allowing himself to get that way.” Elaine saw the pleasure in his eyes through the shock of being addressed by female servants that way, her cunt tingling at the honesty of his submissiveness, and raising a spiteful eroticism in her.

“Kiss their feet, the way you did mine! ... you’ll know your place in this household.” He sank to his knees amid cynical feminine laughter, not hesitating to sweep his head between the two booted pairs of feet, kissing each lavishly, his cock boning rigid at the prospect of being dominated by three women. Elaine smirked at his grovelling, her cunt more than ready for the attentions of the tongue presently tasting leather.

“Wash him down ... and shave him too ... I’m going to slip into something more comfortable, I’ll inspect him when he’s clean.” He was made to strip naked, the women musing over his erection which stood high as he knelt whilst they filled a tin bath, their laughter at his pathetic obedience to them, ensuring his cock remained rigid. The taller of the two placed a hand on her hip, and looked sternly at him.

“Get in! Now! ... we’ll soon have you presentable.” They had him kneel whilst they soaped him down, taking much pleasure in feeling his contours, and taking extra pleasure in teasing his genitals and anus clean, the more buxom of the two giving his balls extra attention, squeezing them gently to have him know he was completely under her control. Having washed him down, the tall one then produced a cutthroat razor, smiling wistfully at him as she flicked the menacing looking blade open, whilst the buxom one lathered up some shaving soap.

“I do so love this part ... we’ll soon have all that nasty hair off you...” His cock perked high as the buxom one lathered his face then held him still by the ears, while the tall one expertly flicked the razor about his face, shaving him smooth. His balls tingled on seeing the razor not put away, but lather applied to his chest, what little hair growing there shaved clean ... then his erection bolted rigid as the maid took his balls in hand once again, and lathered them ready for the blade. The tall one sneered viciously as he showed a little reluctance for the first time.

“Don’t you fidget now boy ... or I’m likely to snick those balls clean off.” He came dangerously close to losing his seed as the two women took turns in fondling his erection and applying the razor about his balls and the seat of his boning cock, then delighted in shaving the hair from his arms and legs too. The plump one took further pleasure in taunting him while the soap was washed off and he was padded dry.

“There! as smooth as a baby ... doesn’t that make you feel extra vulnerable, and ready to submit to the command of a woman?” They laughed as he failed to utter an answer which was not necessary anyhow, but the perking of his erection from his smoothly shaven balls confirmed he found his hairless situation acutely erotic. Their laughter was interrupted by the ringing of the service bell, telling them their mistress was ready to receive her new acquisition, the plump one flicking his bare cheeks with a stiff cane in urging him to her.

“Up the stairs ... Madam Stringer I’d ready to receive your worshipping of her.” He now felt the foreboding that had had him masturbate lustily over the woman he was about to face, as the mood of the two maids moved from jeering humiliation to dominant spite, as they both saw him to Elaine’s upper parlour on all fours, whipping his flesh with their canes and ensuring his cock bolted rigid and his anus tingled sweetly with the bliss of submission to femininity. Whipped up the stairs and across the hall, the two stern women sneered at the tears he was already beginning to show, as he was consumed by the masochism he had only himself to blame for. The door was opened, and the waft of feminine arousal which greeted his nose, took his balls up high in the need to spurt his seed.

Though a novice and not having witnessed the rich scent of genuine feminine arousal, he having only rarely been tempted by the dryness of professional women, the delicious spice of Elaine’s mature cunt was unmistakable to his instinctive senses, she having fingered herself liberally as she added yet another mark of capture to her account book. Even before he’d been processed, she knew through expertise when she had a saleable acquisition, and the sight of him naked and cleanly shaved, had her sighing and slipping two fingers through her cunt unashamedly. If he’d found her direct conversation at the pottery shocking, it was as nothing compared to the brazen exposure of her womanly features that met his excited eyes now.

She sat naked, but for a thin black shawl which emphasised her femininity rather than obscuring it, and the handsomely heeled ankle boots he’d kissed so willingly, and would do so again. Her smile of dominant triumph radiated from her bespectacled face, her full and slightly sagging breasts expressing nipples which stood hard in honour of her achievement of securing another fresh male to tease with her spiteful strictness ... the blissful promise of administering discipline and punishments in seeing that his spirit was thoroughly broken, having her cunt ooze in arousal as she sneered at his bewildered, tearful, but equally excited face. Her womanly belly bulged gracefully to greet the broad thighs that expressed her dominance so wonderfully, the spread and expanse of her mature flesh, serving to intimidate feeble males such as he, and nestling between them, pink, with inviting labial flaps glistening invitingly, was the cunt he’d be taught to service to perfection orally, receiving many canings for the slightest deviance.

He knew instantly from her scowling look that the domination he’d so foolishly sought, was to be awarded him in earnest now. Elaine casually pointed to the feet he’d already become acquainted with, and the two maids whipped him to them, giving adoring smiles at the scores and stripes to his flesh, which had him painfully forewarned of the pleasure in their sadism to come. When at her feet, grovelling and twitching with the smarting pain, she deftly lifted his chin with her boot, and adored her prize, while he took in her sneering smile, and was then transfixed by the gape of her glorious cunt, its scent making his cock pulse and ache in longing to service it. Elaine was as eager as he to have him taste her cunt for the first time,

“Oh you look wonderful now, pretty in fact ... which is most convenient.” She looked to the two maids who twitched their canes in anticipation of the routine they were so familiar with, on new males arriving, their cunts moist with arousal in view of their turn at having him taste victorious essences.

“I take it you’ve disposed of his rags ... he’ll not be needing those anymore...” The tall maid smirked as she flexed her cane.

“Oh yes Madam Elaine, incinerated ... reminders of how things once we’re, eliminated permanently.” Elaine sneered and spread her thighs just a little further, allowing him a fresher whiff of her heady arousal, whilst watching his bewilderment at knowing he was now naked in more than one sense.

“Oh yes, my pet, you’ll wear what’s chosen for you from now on ... and I think you’ll find your first chosen attire most stimulating, when you’re taken elsewhere tomorrow to begin your training in earnest...” His bewilderment grew at the knowledge of losing his clothing, however threadbare it was, and at being taken elsewhere. He was so confused with the rush of events, but his submissiveness was stimulated thoroughly by it ... he now knew he was well and truly owned, and the maids were excited at knowing he would now feel that way too, as they ushered him closer to Elaine’s cunt with their canes. The dominant woman eased her thighs further apart and grinned wickedly as he sniffed at it longingly.

“I’ll wager you’ve never serviced a woman orally before?...” He thrust his cock at the air as he sniffed hard at the rich spice of her arousal, before pleasing the women by squeaking out his response.

“No ... never...” Elaine grinned as she gently put her free hand behind his head, whilst continuing to tease her slot with the other.

“Well it’s going to be one of your duties in life from now on, and you’ll be taught to perfect it ... now have a good sniff before we start...” She pulled his face close, and watched his expression with spiteful interest on feeling his breath on her labia whilst his nose sniffed energetically. On his knees to a dominant woman he’d masturbated over, sniffing at her cunt whilst marshalled by two strict maids, he lapsed into a submissive heaven as he took in her spice. His cock stood high and rigid, pulsing and dribbling pre-cum as the maids gleefully played their canes upon its rude erection, then Elaine nodded to them with a sneering smile as she pulled his lips to the gape of her mature cunt. He felt those canes begin to tease his flanks and buttocks, gently at first, as Elaine made her command of him.

“Lick my cunt! ... taste my dominance! ... sweep that tongue from bottom to top...” His heaven increased infinitely as he tasted the musty sexual arousal of the woman he’d idolised from afar, and who now dominated him at leisure while two other women showed their spiteful contempt for a weakness which shamed him, but brought him the exquisitely masochistic pleasure he was now subjected to. The spite of those canes increased as he probed and swept his tongue lovingly into the moist warmth of a mature woman’s cunt which had known the obedient service of many a beaten male, her sighing interspersed with cynical laughter at his novice efforts, albeit vigorously enthusiastic, so fitting of a truly submissive male who was ready to know his place.

“That’s it, the hood at the top ... play your tongue at what’s under it...” She let out a gratified sigh as he obeyed, the rhythmic application of the canes increasing, and smarting his flesh in earnest now, bringing tears to his eyes to add to his humiliated pleasure ... then Elaine ensured that humiliation was enjoyed by all there.

“Masturbate! ... show us all how you dreamed of me, and how you relish achieving admission of your shameful weakness!” He didn’t hesitate in grabbing his aching cock, and to the sneering laughter from the maids, and increasing volume of the sound of canes through the air, moved toward the ecstatic zenith of his submissive heaven as he stropped his cock rapidly. Elaine sighed with pleasure at his ardent efforts to tease at her bulging clitoris without fail, despite the whipping he was now receiving, his eyes streaming ... he was hopelessly dominated and would make a superb pet for many of the stricter dominants she knew ... the pleasure of it, teased her beyond control, and as her orgasm dawned, as much to those thoughts as to his novice efforts, she brought her thighs back to have his tongue slip down to know the spice of her anus while she fingered her needy cunt.

“Lick my arsehole! ... Know your place!” As Elaine moaned with the expert stimulation of her clitoris, it bulged rigid at the caress of her fingers as the caress of his tongue sought the depths of her anus without hesitation. He now wanted those canes to never stop, as the heat and spice of her mature pucker delighted his tongue as that glorious zenith approached. The maids cast the vigour of their scorn upon his flesh, as he arched his back and pushed the flesh of his buttocks out for due punishment, while his senses took in the acrid tastes of utter defeat to womanhood, his eyes watching those manicured fingers slip through that glorious cunt as she moaned in seeing herself to the deserved pleasure he’d failed to award her. The feeling of worthlessness was overpowering as the seed rose from his balls, the striping of his buttocks in earnest, heralded by the sweet sound of those canes, ensuring his spend was in utter submission.

Elaine’s broad thighs were held high as her orgasm reached a satisfyingly sadistic pinnacle, feeling his face pressed hard into the cleft of her arse, the tongue thrusting deep in worship as he jerked and shot hi mess in defeat, the maids smiling with a pleasure of their own as canes were lifted high and brought down again, their song and the resultant impact on his flesh, ensuring every last drop of hit semen was surrendered to them.

He flipped to the floor, beaten and exhausted when Elaine’s thighs descended, and she pushed his head away with a sneer. The two maids helped his limp figure to a couch where they busied themselves in the pleasure of binding his ankles and wrists, gagging him too, under the premise of ensuring he couldn’t escape during the night should be have second thoughts. They knew through his performance already, there was no possibility of that ... even if he had clothes available ... but a night in bondage would emphasise his predicament thoroughly, and ready him for tomorrow’s spiteful pleasures.

Elaine furthered his nocturnal torment, presenting her underwear to his face; she took immense pleasure in seeing that the undergarment she’d worn at his capture, liberally soiled by that sexually pleasing incident, had its gusset tied neatly over his nose. That predicament, the feeling of his smooth body against the leather of the couch, his helplessness in bondage ... and especially the delicious spice of that gusset, ensured his erection returned in earnest, and any sleep was fitful as he thought long and hard about what he’d let himself in for, and how he lusted for more spite tomorrow as he sniffed at that gusset’s heady fragrance of dominance.

Elaine grinned wickedly as the smoothly shaven male was presented to her feet in the parlour, his erection standing high once more, after being teased to his new owner with flicks of the canes he was already beginning to relish, a thrashing to tears obviously on his mind, but Elaine had fresher humiliations in mind for him ... though he’d never ever again be far from a sound thrashing. She’d belittle him at every opportunity from now on, marvelling at the fact that the canes which the two maids flexed before his eyes, had brought him to orgasm as equally as the taste of her cunt and arsehole.

“Oh you DO look extra pretty this morning, but we’ll have you looking perfect for a visit to where you’ll be taught in earnest ... and where you’ll be displayed to some very affluent lady friends of mine...” His mind rankled with her repeated emphasis on his looking ‘pretty’, guessing from the smiles from the maids as they moved toward a dressing screen, that there was more to her mocking than just her words. He gasped as they concertinaed the screen, and he saw what was behind it, his expression exciting Elaine to a further tease.

“ ... we must have you looking the part...” He struggled to come to terms with what their intentions were, on seeing to dressmaking dollies between the two sneering maids, one adorned with a very restrictive looking whalebone corset, the other adorned with a flowing and frilly pink dress, suitably tight about the waist, beyond that, upon a desk, a faceless headpiece adorned with a blazingly ginger wig. His balls and anus tingled wildly, but the prospect of what was now obvious didn’t quell his erection, despite his instinctively outward cry of frightened revulsion.

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Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 4

“What!” shrieked Pat, “What’s going on?” Alick left his armchair, scrambled over on his knees and scanned the page. “I guessed where you were from your reaction.” “I can’t understand this.” She moaned. “It makes no sense.” “Hector’s her creation, she invented the episode. To be precise, she scripted it in the same way she does with everything else. There was no problem until she strayed onto the subject of The Berkshires. Once she insinuated he was no more than an actor, the illusion was...

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Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 3

May 29th Tom Miller and wife Sandra met us as the taxi drew up on the drive of their house in the suburbs of Stockbridge. Also there, were their two children. As I understand it, Tom’s my second cousin or my first cousin twice removed - it’s a confusion, not helped by my fatigue. I’ve been given the bedroom of the eldest son and, although it’s only 7.00 in the evening, my body thinks its tomorrow. I’m tired and grubby with no energy to write. I plan a long soak in the tub before I...

1 year ago
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Eleanor Rigby

I’m sure that by now many have heard of Eileen Nearne, an eighty-nine year old woman who died alone in her flat in southwest England on September 2, 2010. With no known friends or relatives, the town of Torquay entered Miss. Nearne’s tiny flat to search for records of someone to notify of the impending funeral. No living relative or friend was found, her only sibling Jacqueline had died in 1982 and Miss. Nearne had been alone ever since. Yet what the authorities did turn up was an astounding...

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Eleanor Remembers

Eleanor sits at the dressing table brushing her long, wavy hair. 100 strokes a day her mother used to tell her and it's a habit she's never given up. Even now that she has no reason to worry about her looks, her hair is her one vanity. Charlie always loved her hair. She smiles as he enters the room, silently as always, as if she's conjured him up just by the act of saying his name in her head. She knows her family thinks she's mad when she tells them she can sense his presence but then...

1 year ago
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Rowing Channel of Plovdiv has long is a paradise for athletes but also for people looking for a place to be I pressed boyfriend, but I do and I had no idea that it can ‘knock’ something right there. Every week I go to run at least twice comb base, but instead of the runway, I prefer the alley near the river – more relaxed in principle, except in cases when a high school student with ganja, or a pair of misguided pensioners ringing around. Once ran a greater distance than usual – in the work I...

4 years ago
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Rowing Channel of Plovdiv has long is a paradise for athletes but also for people looking for a place to be I pressed boyfriend, but I do and I had no idea that it can "knock" something right there. Every week I go to run at least twice comb base, but instead of the runway, I prefer the alley near the river - more relaxed in principle, except in cases when a high school student with ganja, or a pair of misguided pensioners ringing around. Once ran a greater distance than usual - in the work I...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 2

March 2nd 1995 This is my first ever diary. I say ‘diary,’ although there are no dates printed in the book. Perhaps it should be ‘The journal of Eleanor Risby.’ I believe that’s what people call them - not that I would know what others think. Ever since I ceased working, I never mix. But, there I go again, wandering from the point. I must try hard to control myself and keep to the subject. I’ve never written a diary, even when I was a child. Mind you, nothing ever happened in my infancy, at...

3 years ago
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Eleanore Rigby

Ellie and I were married 16 years ago. I had spent much of that time waiting for the other shoe to fall, as they say. Ellie had been the prettiest girl I had ever seen. Now she was the most beautiful woman I had ever known. She had been three years behind me in school. She was the homecoming queen, the captain of the basketball team and still held school track records in the 400 and 800 meters. To say she was popular is like saying that an eagle can fly. It just didn't begin to cover the...

3 years ago
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Eleanor Ch 09

This chapter is a little gory…but I hope you still enjoy it. I promise nxt chapter is more of the romance! ********************************************* ‘Shhhhh Varin, she will hear us.’ Anika nudged her guard gently as they hid in the tapestry covered window. Jostling to stay on the ledge, and keep their feet from the ground beneath the tapestry, Varin held Anika on his lap, arms holding her steady against the window, while struggling to keep his large legs from falling. At the click of the...

2 years ago
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Eleanors Beach

Down in the Virgin Islands there is a beach, it is a small, somewhat remote beach and is accessible by four-wheel drive, and then only when the path isn’t washed out from a recent rain. It is near the famous Megans Beach, and is shown on maps only as Neltjeberg Bay. I know it as Eleanor’s Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, or at least of the beaches I have seen, and yet few people know of it. Or, perhaps, they are simply afraid to speak of it. I had been working...

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Eleanors DescentChapter 2 Disturbed

On the Tuesday, I picked Eleanor up from where she worked, because her car was being serviced. I expected her to dress for more formally at work because of the status of her job, but no. She came out wearing a short mini skirt, and a neat blue blouse. She climbed in the car and reached across to kiss me. As we pulled away from the kerb, she waved to a woman on the street. "Goodnight Janet!" she yelled. Janet gave her thumbs up and blew a kiss. "That was Janet, my assistant" she...

4 years ago
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Eleanors ReRun Exprience

Eleanor asked me to go back to her flat, as her flat mates were not going to be there. So I readily agreed. I was already formulating a sexy night of full action. The action that took place was an almost exact re run of what happened 10 years earlier. We met at 7pm and drove to her house. When we arrived I immediately went to her bedroom and ordered her to strip naked. I stood and watched her remove her clothes, I told her that her cunt was mine to punish, her tits would look nice bound...

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Eleanors DescentChapter 4

Next morning the flat was a hive of activity, as the three girls rushed around getting ready for work. Every time one of them came close to me, she would blush slightly and mumble a quick thank you. George mean while had grabbed his proper clothes and left hastily. I walked into Eleanor's room just as she was putting on her bra, walked up to her and said "I must be going now babes, are you ok to get to work, or do you need a lift?" "It's ok, Emma goes right by the shop and she will...

3 years ago
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Eleanors DescentChapter 7

It was a couple of weeks after the party, when Eleanor got the kinky urge again. She conveyed this to me by using her activation word of 'pornoslut' so I knew I had to come with a new scenario for the next time we met. It just so happened that a friend at work had been talking about a place in Camden Town, London, called 'CHARLIE BROWNS' which was an adults only movie house. Their membership Gimmick was that couples joined for £5, Males joined for £15 and single women joined for free. I...

1 year ago
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Eleanors DescentChapter 3

Emma returned from the bedroom, red faced but breathing hard. "George has made a real mess up the front of his uniform!" she said. "Eleanor and Teresa are still trembling, what have you done to them?" she added. "I have shown, Teresa that she is not top bitch around here and in order for that lesson to stick, she has to be left as she is till morning!" I stated. I took her arm and led her back to the living room. "You obviously must be Submissive yourself, or at least an...

4 years ago
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Eleanors DescentChapter 6

It was Saturday night, the night of Teresa's birthday party. I arrived at 8.00 pm, to find the party in full swing and about thirty people present. I squeezed through the crowded kitchen and made my way to the living room, meeting Emma along the way. She kissed me full on the lips and whispered "Still can't get over the excitement of last Saturday night, it was awesome!" "Where is Eleanor?" I asked. "She is in her bedroom!" Emma replied. So I continued but now heading for...

2 years ago
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Eleanors Beach

Down in the Virgin Islands there is a beach, it is a small, somewhat remote beach and is accessible by four-wheel drive, and then only when the path isn’t washed out from a recent rain. It is near the famous Megans Beach, and is shown on maps only as Neltjeberg Bay. I know it as Eleanor’s Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, or at least of the beaches I have seen; and yet few people know of it. Or, perhaps, they are simply afraid to speak of it. I had been working...

First Time
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Eleanors Descent

Eleanor?s Descent. ?Chapter 1 I first met Eleanor, when I was working as a site security guard at a sports complex. She was a volunteer First aider working for the Saint Johns ambulance service. She stood 6? tall weighed around 150 lbs, had shoulder length blonde hair. Her figure was striking with her trim waist and protruding tits. I later found out they were 38 B. A film company was filming a TV special, so extra security was needed at the sports centre; you know the kind of thing,...

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Eleanors Love Life

The day started out like any other day. I woke up, got out of bed, brushed my teeth, showered my body with lavender scented body soap and vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner, combed my long ginger hair and looked myself in the mirror. I had light freckles on my pale face on my cheeks and light green eyes. I put on my brand new black bra and panties set which I had bought from Victoria's Secret. I felt bold as I slipped on a purple blouse, and black pants and black polished 1 inch heels. I...

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Eleanors Education

Five years. Five years I lived with that snobbish, arrogant, lazy, frigid bitch. Five years of her ‘doing her duty’ a couple of times a month (when there was little or no chance of conception). Five years of soothing my housekeeper’s feathers after Eleanor criticised, scathingly, some meal or the state of the house. Then, thanks to a business acquaintance I heard about the Training Centre. Some enquiries, a visit to a judge in chambers – he certainly didn’t rubber-stamp the order, but after ten...

4 years ago
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Eleanors DescentChapter 5

I took the three girls out to my car and we set off for a local piece of greenbelt land. We ended up at a place called Friern Barnet Park. Parking the car in the car park I walked with the girls over to the entrance gate. Passing through I chose a dirt track path running off to my right, on we walked for several minutes, all the time their eyes darting left and right to see if anyone else was about in this park approaching dusk. I removed the rucksack from my shoulder and then ordered them...

1 year ago
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Eleanors Descent 02

Chapter 2 --- Disturbed. On the Tuesday, I picked Eleanor up from where she worked, because her car was being serviced. I expected her to dress for more formally at work because of the status of her job, but no. She came out wearing a short mini skirt, and a neat blue blouse. She climbed in the car and reached across to kiss me. As we pulled away from the kerb, she waved to a woman on the street. “Goodnight Janet!” she yelled. Janet gave her a thumbs up and blew a kiss. “That was Janet, my...

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Eleanors Descent 06

It was Saturday night, the night of Teresa’s . I arrived at 8.00 pm, to find the party in full swing and about thirty people present. I squeezed through the crowded kitchen and made my way to the living room, meeting Emma along the way. She kissed me full on the lips and whispered “Still can’t get over the excitement of last Saturday night, it was awesome!” “Where is Eleanor?” I asked. “She is in her bedroom!” Emma replied. So I continued but now heading for Eleanor’s bedroom. In case someone...

1 year ago
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Eleanors Descent 05

I took the three girls out to my car and we set off for a local piece of greenbelt land. We ended up at a place called Friern Barnet Park. Parking the car in the car park I walked with the girls over to the entrance gate. Passing through I chose a dirt track path running off to my right, on we walked for several minutes, all the time their eyes darting left and right to see if anyone else was about in this park approaching dusk. I removed the rucksack from my shoulder and then ordered them to...

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Eleanors Descent 01

Chapter 1 I first met Eleanor, when I was working as a site security guard at a sports complex. She was a volunteer First aider working for the Saint Johns ambulance service. She stood 6’ tall weighed around 150 lbs, had shoulder length blonde hair. Her figure was striking with her trim waist and protruding tits. I later found out they were 38 B. A film company was filming a TV special, so extra security was needed at the sports centre; you know the kind of thing, over rated stars trying to...

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Eleanors Descent 03

Eleanor’s Descent Chptr 03 Emma returned from the bedroom, red faced but breathing hard. “George has made a real mess up the front of his uniform!” she said. “Eleanor and Teresa are still trembling, what have you done to them?” she added. “I have shown, Teresa that she is not top submissive yourself, or at least an exhibitionist, the way you brought our coffees in the other day” I ventured. “Yes well what of it?” she responded. “Oh Nothing!” I replied. Leading her over to the sofa, I sat her...

1 year ago
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Eleanors Descant 07

It was a couple of weeks after the party, when Eleanor got the kinky urge again. She conveyed this to me by using her activation word of ‘pornoslut’ so I knew I had to come with a new scenario for the next time we met. It just so happened that a friend at work had been talking about a place in Camden Town, London, called ‘CHARLIE BROWNS’ which was an adults only movie house. Their membership Gimmick was that couples joined for £5, Males joined for £15 and single women joined for free. I suppose...

1 year ago
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Eleanors Descent 04

Eleanor’s Descent chptr 4. Next morning the flat was a hive of activity, as the three girls rushed around getting ready for work. Every time one of them came close to me, she would blush slightly and mumble a quick thank you. George mean while had grabbed his proper clothes and left hastily. I walked into Eleanor’s room just as she was putting on her bra, walked up to her and said “I must be going now babes, are you ok to get to work, or do you need a lift?” “It’s ok, Emma goes right by the...

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Dyked Maggie Green Natalie Porkman Strapping On With Stepmom

Young Natalie Porkman is a bit of a tomboy, but her stepmom, Maggie Green, is starting to think it is more than just a fashion choice. She sneaks into her stepdaughters room and finds a giant strap on dildo hidden away, and she is shocked. When she confronts Natalie about it, the angsty teen denies everything. But soon, the confrontation leads to a steamy sexual encounter between the snoopy stepmom and her sexy lesbian stepdaughter. Natalie straps the dildo on and fucks her thicc stepmom from...

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Dinner For Three

[ For Megan, who will never be without those BIG black cocks that she loves so much! ]Her phone buzzed on the bed side table as she was brushing her teeth. She checked it and saw that it was from William, her grandmother's next door neighbor, a late 40's widowed black guy she had recently been fucking. He said he'd been missing her, and was wondering if she could managed to come over and have dinner with him. He added that he had an old army buddy over, and that he wanted to introduce her to...

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Love is all that matters pt6 Like mother like daughter

She never mentioned it, tho we didn't really get any together time, it was very busy week. Dad started that new project of his and it didn't start very well, so he asked me if there was any chance to help him out. I used to do that very often when I had free time. But now dad couldn't find a replacement for one of his men, and that's where I step in. Deal was that I'll start from next monday; until then, I had to teach Jessy everything she needed to know for her to be able to take care...

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©Sven the Elder June 2002 He sat alone. His table was on the patio where he could see the cars as they pulled into the restaurant parking lot. He waited for her and wondered what to expect. Patio? Well that was stretching it a bit -- actually it was a floating pontoon, a pier really, but the end opened out into a large area and he could sit comfortably there in the early evening sunshine, the warm south Cornwall sea breeze refreshing as he looked back up the walkway at the waterside...

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Fraternity BustedChapter 4

I quickly settled into the routine of jail life. The lights went on at 6:30, which gave us plenty of time for sex, in the form of hand jobs or oral, before being taken out of our cells for breakfast at 8:00. After breakfast we were given five minutes in a cold shower and got dressed. Officer Bowers had us on a county work crew repainting and cleaning the local public schools. The work wasn't that hard and it was good to get out of jail for a few hours. Usually we ate sack lunches on site and...

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Summer of Amys Dad Part 2

19-year-old Ali Fisher has gone on vacation to Greece in search of fun and adventure. She falls into company with Amy, two years her junior, but has much more interest in Amy’s married father David. Mutual attraction simmers between Ali and David before finally boiling over in an intense swimming-pool encounter. They have crazed sex in the elevator on the way to Ali’s room, but are almost caught when David’s wife and daughter return early from an excursion… Briefly Ali heard Melanie’s reply:...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Hua Saccha Pyaar Part 2

Hi dosto mera naam Anurag hai aur main apni real life story ”Bhabhi ko hua saccha pyaar” ka dusra part leke aaya hu. Sabse pehle toh main aap sab se maafi mangna chahta hu, mujhe pata hai maine 2nd part batane mae bhut deri kar di par main bhut busy tha jis vajah se aage ki kahani nahi likh paya. Pichle kahani ko bahut logo ne pasand kiya ab main ki incidents ke baare mae bataunga. Sabse pehle toh jinhone isse pehle ki kahani nahi padi unke liye ek short description de deta hu. Yeh story ek...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 4

Chapter 4 - A New Normal The next few weeks were quite overwhelming for Dave and Maddie, as well as for Cindy. In spite of all the insane events of the weekend, Cindy was still a freshman at Georgia Tech with professors to please and classes to pass. She was brilliant in her own right, of course, but it was still an adjustment for her with the revelation of her brother's new girlfriend. Maddie was anxious to begin looking for work, but was unable to do so until her birth certificate...

2 years ago
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Finger Training Emily

Finger Training - EmilyFinger training was just the beginning for sweet Emily. He held out his large powerful hand with the palm up. Emily looked at him shyly; she flushed. Her face was pink and warm. It glowed with health… and with shame. She had never been nearly naked before with a man and the fact that he was completely naked, caused her to lower her eyes. Her downcast eyes immediately rose. She was startled. She had caught sight of him; an important, very scary part of him. His...

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