wedding group in jamaica
- 3 years ago
- 33
- 0
November 8, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
The Moms dropped a bombshell at breakfast.
“With Charlie’s ... agreement, we have decided how we’re going to celebrate the 100th consecutive day in which Charlie has cum inside at least one of his ... women. We are declaring an Anything Goes evening. In case anyone has forgotten since our discussion of such months ago, once the girls return from practice, the rest of the evening will be for Charlie. He may have any one or more of us whenever and wherever in the house...”
There was enough surprise and exclamation to cause Carol to cut off what she was saying, although she restarted quickly.
“I mis-spoke before. Charlie will be taking his pleasure with his ... harem as he pleases this evening. Anywhere in the house is fair game, as are the hot tub and the deck. Closed doors still mean what they always mean. After today, at his request, he will be taking a day or two off ... from orgasms.”
“Wait,” Rhee interrupted. “What about Civia? It is Wednesday.”
“Oh. Sorry. I meant to mention that. She’s got a doctor’s appointment and Kalina is picking her up from her school to take her to it, then taking her home afterward. She won’t be at practice.”
We girls just nodded.
Carol turned to Inez, who looked a bit flabbergasted still, despite the interruption, and said, “Obviously, Inez, you need not take part in any fashion. You are welcome to stay here and be a voyeur. You are welcome to hide in Gracey’s and Liya’s room. You are welcome to stay at our other house. You are welcome to do a combination of the above. You need not let us know what you will do, unless you choose the other-house option, as we’ll need to give you a key and/or warn Meka.”
Inez waited a bit after Carol finished talking to respond, presumably because she did not know whether she was finished or not.
“Wow. That’s ... uhh ... That’s something. I’ll think on that. However, if it will help everyone, I could make dinner so none of you would have to worry about it and could get ... playing as soon as the girls return.”
Sandy stood, walked to Inez in her chair, gently pulled her to her feet, and wrapped Inez in a big hug and said, “Thanks, so much. We were all worried that you’d have a cow ... or a calf. We’d greatly appreciate you dealing with dinner, as we hadn’t yet figured out how to solve that problem. We were considering calling Celeste for a visit, but then at least some of us would have had to take a time-out, so to speak, when the pizza arrived. Although this will be our first Anything Goes day, it’s something that all of us have discussed and there are rules, and time-outs were not part of those rules. Actually, there’s only one rule. Charlie is, effectively, Sheik Charlie for the evening, and his will goes, although anyone can take a break by simply going in a room and closing the door behind her.”
Inez leaned back within Sandy’s hug and stared into her eyes for a bit, then responded, “That’s crazy! Everyone ... all the girls agreed to that?”
Liya cut in, saying, “Oh, yes. We all were quite excited by the idea when Carol explained it, although there was no mention of an observer or non-participating personnel.”
Liya gently tugged on Gracey to get her moving with her to Inez and, when they got there, said, “Sandy, may we cut in?”
Sandy backed up, after which Liya and Gracey hugged Inez with one arm each.
Gracey softly stated, “Mom, are you okay with this? I know you’ve been surprised at the in-the-open aspect of our family’s sex life. As Liya said, we all liked the idea when Carol first proposed it, but we were still in the first flush of being invited into the family and all that that entailed. We’ve had a lot more experience with Dad, now, though not so much that this is not still exciting. It very much is. This may seem to you like a typical male-dominance thing, but, in reality ... I’ve thought about this in relation to how things work ... at all other times. This ... Anything Goes ... is actually a bit of balancing the equation, as most of the time, we women are the ones running the show.”
Inez stared a bit incredulously at Gracey, then asked, “Really?”
“Really, Mom. We all understand what it might look like, with a single guy having access to all seven of us. However, we women really run the show most of the time. We girls schedule our personal nights with him when it’s good for us. We can choose on those personal nights to lead, follow, or trade off with Charlie as to what we do and how, presumably like other couples would. We instigate sex or loving with Charlie most of the time. Understandably, he’s willing most of the time. But so are we!
“Mom, it’s difficult for us girls to know how ‘normal’ male-female relationships work, as this is the only one that we girls have ever known. We’ve actually had to ask Charlie to be more ... selfish, to choose to ask us for sex or for loving or to simply take us, as he is so concerned with what we want. We’ve had to tell him, each of us, that he has carte blanche with us just so it’s not always us instigating. He excites every one of us so much, has every one of us wanting him so much all of the time, that no one has ever said ‘no,’ and all of us have had incredible times with him whenever he’s ... just taken one of us. Then there is our group fetish for tables. If you stay, don’t be surprised by it.”
“That’s ... Well, I’m relieved that this is not all Charlie’s idea.”
Nearly all of us laughed, and Inez was surprised.
A smiling Gracey said, “He would never have said a thing, just lived his life secretly lusting after us. If it weren’t for the Moms, our lives would be very different.”
Inez looked at Gracey, then Liya, then back at Gracey and asked, “What do you want me to do? Stay, hide, or go?”
Gracey furrowed her brow and squinched up her face and pondered the question for a bit.
“I’m of two minds, Mom. I’m definitely nervous about you watching me, although I would probably not care much if I weren’t partaking. However, I sort of want you to see how much we enjoy this life. It really is ... incredibly satisfying and enjoyable and fun. I never imagined that ... sex could be like this. That I could have five ... or more lovers, and not just sequentially, but all at the same time, during the same ... act. This will be different, atypical for this family ... at least in some regards. However, despite that it’s Charlie’s will tonight, I suspect that we women will ... be able to ... actually, that we will ... modify Dad’s plans at times. Most of those ... modifications will certainly be adding ... personnel, so to speak.”
Gracey followed that with a grin at her mom, then said, “As a group, we’re ... We like to get what we want, and one of the aspects of this life that we all absolutely love, is sex with more, often many more, than just two of us. Mom, since you’ve probably had a ‘normal’ sex life, you probably don’t know what it’s like to have three or four or six erogenous zones all manipulated at the same time. Holy hell!”
“Wow! Really?”
Liya jumped in with, “Oh god, yes. The combination of many hands, some tongues, perhaps a cock, all at once. It’s the express lane on the Stairway to Heaven. We’ve all gotten to experience it, and I mean all of us.”
“All ... eight of you?”
“Yes, Mom,” Gracey replied. “We’re ... uh ... we girls have been a little ... reticent to ... play with the Moms, but there have been times one or more of us have helped ... Charlie send one of them to Nirvana.”
Carol chimed in, saying, “Inez, these girls ... Actually, it was the Beth-Rhee-Heather trio that really started it, but these girls do what they call a Go5 gang bang. Unlike male-dominated gang bangs, a Go5 gang bang has however many of the girls that are there all work to get one of them to cum. There’s always at least one, sometimes two, dealing with the lucky girl’s pussy, with the others kissing or playing with breasts or rubbing other erogenous zones. They can get Heather to the fireworks show from a standing start in a minute or so. Of course, Heather’s easy. If Charlie’s involved, that cuts the time down a lot for the other girls.”
Inez shook her head vigorously, raised her face to the ceiling, then shook her whole body. She looked around at all of us, now that we were all standing around the semi-hugging trio of Inez, Gracey, and Liya. She inhaled, then blew the breath out her nose noisily, then looked at Sandy.
“Nira and I took a bunch of nebulous hints, some of which we created by asking oblique questions, to arrive at the conclusion that our girls were sexually involved with Charlie. We had no clue that it was anything like this. And now that she’s at the telescope, I really should not explain reality to her over the phone. I will do that when she comes home during the holidays.” She inhaled and exhaled strongly again, then added, “If anything, this morning’s discussion has me less concerned about our girls than I was, and I was only somewhat concerned.” She focused on the girls with their arms still around her and asked, “You two are really happy. Aren’t you? I mean, with all aspects of what you call your family.”
“No, Mom,” Liya replied, “we’re not happy. We’re ecstatic. This is part of why we’ve been so obviously happy in the past few months. I cannot imagine being ... No, I can imagine being happier, even after we’ve been able, finally, to discuss our sex lives with you the past few days. However, the only thing that could make this better would be if we were all – our eight-person family and our two moms – were all living together or, at least, in very close proximity so that we wouldn’t have to spend quite so much time apart ... in either direction.”
Inez looked at Gracey, as she was nodding her head aggressively, and asked, “You agree with Liya?”
“Absolutely. We would like to be close to this wonderful house and we would like both you and Nira to be comfortable enough with this whole thing so that we ... the ten of us could spend more than 10 or 15 minutes together at a time as Liya and I change houses. We have come to love our adopted parents, Dad and the Moms, very much. However, in the past year or so, we’ve also come to really love our biological moms much more so than in the previous few years. Most of that change was due to our maturing and understanding our moms much better than we had before. We quit blaming our moms for problems that were not of their creating. Well, not creating other than by marrying ... less-than-stellar men.
“I was nervous last night when Liya and I were loving Dad because you were watching. I didn’t quite get out of it what I would usually have. I will probably be nervous at the start tonight if you’re here and watching, but this discussion has ... clarified my own thinking. I’d really like to be comfortable with making love with my adopted family with you in the room and I’d like you and Nira comfortable enough with all of this for those inevitable times when either or both of you happen to surprise us while we’re making love.”
There was much silence.
Inez stared at Gracey for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a couple minutes, then closed her eyes for a few moments, then looked back at her daughter.
“Would you object if I found such ... exciting?”
Gracey looked at her for about a half-minute, then responded, “It would be better if you were excited than if you were disgusted. I could deal with excited. Disgusted would really bother me.”
“Okay. I can see that, and we should be fine, then, as I was certainly not disgusted watching you suck...” [she inhaled deeply] “suck Charlie’s cock.”
Gracey’s face showed a half-smile and then Gracey pulled her mom more tightly into an embrace.
“Thanks, Mom. We’ll be fine.” She paused, then said, “But I’ve got to get off these crutches.”
While the five of us were by ourselves by the Monstrosity waiting for Dad to be ready to go to school, Gracey said, very quietly, “You know what the easiest route would be to having what Liya and I want as far as our living situation?”
“Yeah,” Heather replied, “Inez and Nira being fully part of the family. How would you and Liya feel about that?”
Gracey looked at Liya, and she looked back, and then answered, “I don’t know. I assume, Beth, that because this all began with your mom, you’ve never really had to deal with this.” When I nodded, she added, “We’ve accepted the Moms without even thinking, because the opportunity came from them. It would be a bit weird, but, as I said recently, I’m pretty sure my mom would be more than happy to ... be sexually involved with Our Man. I think she’s a bit crazy for him. Of course, what sane woman wouldn’t be?”
There was much laughing.
Liya’s eyes were shining, and she let out her amazing smile, as she said, “I so much like having friends that are smart and with good senses of humor. You know that that would have slid by a lot of people.”
Yesterday’s practice was various shooting drills; today’s was full-field scrimmage. Coach kept stirring the pot, mixing starters and backups in various combinations, obviously trying to get the backups more experience playing with starters and vice-versa. However, she had Nicole fill in for Gracey for the entire practice. Gracey looked on from the sidelines looking sad that she wasn’t on the pitch with us. It was beginning to feel a bit like the premier team, as we had two weeks of nothing but practice before the state tournament started; one or two of the state’s leagues still had games and local tournaments this week. Although the backups were not as experienced playing with starters as on the premier team near the end of that season, and they had not gotten as much game time as backups on the premier-team were, a bunch of them had gotten time in quite a few recent games and they were obviously stronger. I wonder how we’ll do in the state tournament.
Dad picked us up after practice.
“There’s been a slight change of plans. The first change is that, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m picking you up to save a little time. However, the main change is to allow you girls time to shower at home and do any homework before the festivities ... and dinner ... begin. Gracey, we’re going to have to work around your ... reduced mobility. We’ll move the dining-room table into the living room near the Monstrosity to lessen the amount of ... long-distance travel you’ll have to do. By the way, how’s your shin?
“It’s getting better, but it still aches, or, at least, if it hurts, it doesn’t hurt so much most of the time.”
“Good. It makes me sad to see you hobbling on crutches.”
“Dad,” I interrupted, “are you going to be okay having sex ... having a lot of sex with, possibly, Inez as an audience?”
He inhaled deeply, then exhaled. He looked at me in the mirror and said, “I promised all of you that I’d tell you what I’m really feeling. I’m really feeling a bit nervous, but ... I found it ... really exciting last night when Liya and Gracey were loving me in front of her. She’s certainly attractive enough, but I have to admit that having her watch her daughter suck me was ... exciting. I assume that you must have figured that out, given how relatively quickly I came.”
“I wondered about that,” Rhee stated. “It usually takes even us underage girls more time than that to get you off, even with our pussies.”
“Yes, well, Sandy obviously figured it out. She read me the riot act last night when we were discussing the plan for tonight. She insisted that I come clean with my girlfriends. So, I have to tell you that I’m actually looking forward to this.”
Heather, who was in the front passenger seat, unbuckled herself, then stood and hugged Dad carefully.
“Thanks, Dad. We appreciate truthfulness, but, even more, we appreciate knowing that we women are not forcing you to do things that are ... distasteful.”
“No, I told you the other night. I’ve very much enjoyed everything we’ve done, even when I’ve expressed a bit of concern. I find that I still need to think twice, as I’ve hidden this facet of who I am for so long that it’s second nature. Please remind me ... gently ... if I appear to do so in the future.”
“We’ll do that, Dad,” Heather responded. “We love you as both father and lover, and we’d absolutely hate it if you were truly uncomfortable about being with us. We would understand if you truly were uncomfortable with loving us in front of Inez or Nira, and we would back you against the Moms in that case. We don’t ever... ever ... want you to feel that you have to do things with us, just because we’ve been your lovers or because the Moms want you to do so. If that were ever the case, we would prefer to go back to having you be just our wonderful father. By the way, Beth, Rhee, and I agree with Gracey and Liya. It would be ever so good if we didn’t have to worry about watching our behavior if either or both of Inez and Nira suddenly showed up at the house.”
Dad just shook his head.
After we helped move table and chairs into the living room, Liya helped Gracey in the downstairs shower while the rest of us showered upstairs. Fortunately, our teachers seem to have backed off after the huge load of homework on Monday. We were able to finish everything we really needed to complete in a bit less than an hour. Dad stripped us of the two clothing items that each of us were wearing, and we all joined the women in the kitchen.
“This is the first time I’ve cooked a big dinner while wearing only an apron, if that,” Inez told everyone. She then added, “We’re ready here, so if you girls would move everything out to the table, we can eat.”
Table seating had been re-arranged, with Sandy at the foot, with Carol on her right. Inez had the place of honor on Dad’s right, with Gracey seated across from her mom. The seat to Mom’s left was empty and had no chair. Liya was next to Carol, Rhee across from Liya, and Heather across from me and between Rhee and Inez.
Inez had baked three chickens, then shredded the meat, keeping dark and light separate. She’d also made four different sauces: a tomatillo-and-chile-based concoction, a chocolate mole, an odd pico de gallo-like thick sauce, and a green mole.
After a few minutes of silence other than typical eating and gustatory-enjoyment noises, Sandy said, “This is simply spectacular, Inez. I don’t know which sauce I like the most. Perhaps it’s the one that I’m eating at the time. Since you’ll be around some, I’d really appreciate it if you’d teach us how you made them. I think we need to add various bits of this dinner to our regular rotation.”
“I agree,” Dad said. “It’s all incredibly tasty. We’ve obviously been missing out by not sharing dinner among our families. We’ll remedy that.”
Surprisingly, Inez ducked her head.
“Inez Josefina Gutierrez García! Head up, shoulders back. Be proud!”
Inez picked her head up in surprise at Liya’s command.
In a softer voice, Liya added, “Inez-Mom, I’ve always known you were a good cook. There’s no reason you should be embarrassed by praise for it. I’ve been working on Beth’s difficulty with accepting praise, and I can do it for you, too. However, I’ve never seen you be embarrassed by praise for your cooking. Might that be due to who praised you?”
As Inez started to duck her head, again, Liya clucked, “Ah, ah, ah,” which resulted in Inez raising her head. “It’s okay, Inez-Mom. We all know that we have as our lover the absolute hottest, nicest, most-loving man that any of us know. We expect other women to think the same. Paraphrasing from something Sandy said months ago, don’t be embarrassed by Charlie’s appreciation. Revel in it. Be proud enough to thank him gracefully, but in such a manner that he wants to experience you ... and your cooking again.”
There was much snickering as Liya looked at Dad and smirked.
Gracey piled on with her own smirk, saying, “Liya’s right, Mom. Since you’ll be staying with us when you’re between travels, you can impress Dad with more of your yummy cooking as the months go by.” In a more-loving voice, she added, “I’ve missed you making big, yummy meals like this. Granted, I’ve been here a lot, but you’ve also been really busy. I don’t mind that, as I understand that you’ve been elevating your career. However, it’s nice to enjoy these flavors, again. I love you, Mom.”
“Actually, Inez,” injected Carol, “when you’re here between jaunts afield, I would love it if you’d occasionally teach all of us something that you really like making. Sandy and I knew we were being remiss in not inviting you and Nira more often, but, as Charlie said, we’re remedying that, now. Additionally, it’s nice to have more cooks to spread dinners around with so many working parents. Certainly, before school started, Charlie, Sandy, and I were very glad that our various daughters were so good about making dinners. We’d love it if you would share in that regard.”
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Straight SexJefferson High Monday of this first week of school had started out strangely and it had the feel of being packed full of more than I could handle. Maybe it was intuitive or just superstitious, I didn't know for sure. I was just starting to eat lunch when Jennifer stopped at my table. The freshmen and sophomores had fourth period lunch and the juniors and seniors had fifth period lunch. If you were willing to cut classes, you could show up at either one. Apparently, Jennifer had cut...
I didn't see Danielle for a week afterward. I got really swamped at work, and couldn't get any free time. We spoke on the phone and exchanged cute e-mails, but didn't see each other face to face until that Friday. None of our conversations mentioned what had happened the previous weekend. I had almost completely forgotten about it when I walked up to her door late on Friday night. I had really missed Danielle, and was looking forward to seeing her. As soon as the door opened, we...
My boyfriend, Allen, loves to wear women's clothing. It's something he's been doing awhile now, probably three or four years. We both get very excited about going to our local department store to hunt for new additions to Allen's wardrobe. Last night we had one such shopping trip and we both had a luscious time."Grab a buggy," said Allen when we entered the store. "I plan to load up tonight.""I bet you do," I said and winked at Allen. Allen is six feet tall and built rock solid from head to...
CrossdressingThis is a continuation of the story Pleasure and Pain, to fully understand this story it is recommended that you read the previous story. The morning after their sordid little affair. The girls awaken entwined in each others arms and legs naked and still covered in cum from the prior nights fantastic escapades. Meg opens her eyes and finds herself still in the arms of Alana. 24 hours ago she was seriously thinking about killing or at least severely hurting this woman for ignoring 20 years of...
I had a text the following Thursday afternoon from Megan: 'Is it all right if I come by the house tomorrow night for dinner with Mike and Jon? I bet you can guess about how the night might turn out. Love. Megan.' I immediately replied, 'Cum as soon as you can with your friends. You can also all come to house tomorrow. Love u. Matt." April came in my office a few minutes later with some division reports she'd been reviewing. After I got her comments, I showed her the text...
Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
You are Sarah Johnson. You've lived most of your life in the city, but a few years back your husband accepted a job where he had to travel a lot, which provides you with a lot more money, but at the same time, left you home with the children quite a bit. Your husband decided to purchase a larger house out in the country, a few miles from the suburbs, where you could live a peaceful existence away from the crime of the inner city. At the same time, you were given a lot more privacy, and between...
IncestAbella Danger has found someone to bring home to her boyfriend Alex Legend. Avi Love can’t wait to take part in a threesome between herself, Abella, and Alex, but first she needs a glass of wine to unwind. The alcohol has barely passed Avi’s lips before she drops her inhibitions enough to give in to the temptation of making out with Abella. Alex waits patiently in the living room for a while, but eventually he gets up to see what’s taking the girls so long in the kitchen. The sight that greets...
xmoviesforyouHi ISS readers, This will be one of the stories of the series and some of it is a fictional sexcapade. A detailed description of the events unfolding will be explained at length. It gets naughtier with twists and turns as the story progresses. Hi, my name is Suhas. Age 27, fair, good height and average built. I live along with my parents and an elder brother. We lived in an orthodox yet small neighborhood on outskirts of Bangalore. Both my parents and my brother used to work. I was left alone...
After a short run and a light breakfast in the hotel room, I got ready for work and arrived at the office early. I told Eric that we would only tour buildings until noontime and then I needed to spend some time in the office. Since this was a travel day, I wanted to complete my reports and have plenty of time to catch my flight home. We toured two buildings and I suggested that we take a coffee break. He was passionate about his work and I enjoyed hearing him talk. We found a booth at the...
I felt Danielle's thread vanish from that far off place, then snap back into existence, much stronger as she re-appeared behind me. She cane around the chair and faced me. "My father sends his regrets for my cousin's actions. He says that your forbearance in the face of an assault by a renegade has brought great honor to your House and to you personally. He gives his unconditional approval of our Bonding. And finally, he said that Michelle will recover. The combat was witnessed and you won...
SHEILA'S NEW GIRLY A story by Satinmaid under the direction of Mistress Lisa. This is pure fiction, blah blah blah, don't even read this bit (let alone the story) if you're under twenty one, blah blah blah if you're offended by the subject matter then you really should have left this site several pages ago. ----- I'm not sure how exactly how I managed to offend my two flatmates enough for them to take what I had said as a challenge but somehow...
She was at home waiting for HIM to come home from work. She was wearing a new lace teddy that hugged her curves just right. It showed off her ample breasts, hugged her tight waist and well lose across her hips, showing her ass when she moved the slightest bit. She knew she was supposed to leave him alone when he was at work. His job was very important and he had to focus, but she was lonely, bored, and horny home alone. She sauntered into the bedroom and admired herself in the full-length...
SpankingToday was a special day for Dawn as she was now 16. There was a pool party this afternoon and she had a date for the evening. Tom, her father had planned the whole thing as he wanted it to be a special time for his girl. Tom had special feelings about her right or wrong he had some sexual feeling for her. He got erections often when he saw her at the pool in her skimpy bikini. Her ass was a sight to behold and hold is what he wanted to do. She had such nicely shaped tits and when the...
By the time I get out to the Point it is still an hour until sunset. The sky is largely clear with the sun shining brightly on the lake. There are some clouds low down on the western horizon and there is likely a storm somewhere over in that direction because the waves that are striking the rocks twenty feet below me are nearly a foot and a half high. They crash and the resulting plume of water rises nearly to my height before falling back to the rocky shore far below. That’s one of the things...
Stumbling Upon Life Chapter 2Based on real events after a mid-life divorce. Please read Chapter 1 first, available in my posts.Thank you for reading and commenting.Chapter 2: The CamperA skinny young, tipsy-looking girl rushed past us and into the lady’s room, slamming the door.“I think she might really need to piss?” Rachel giggled.“Want to get out of here?” I asked, still in a trance, leaning into her ear as we squeezed through the swarm of clinking bottles. My panties were soaked. “I got a...
Hi friends mera naam jamal up ka rehne wala hu 5 10 height hai athletic body well mainten rekhata hu ma aaj aapko ek aise ghatna batane ja reha hu jo soch kar bhi namumkin lagti hai kuch din pelhe ki baat hai main nashe ki halat main maidaan main betha tha nasha itna tha k main ghar jane se katra reha tha achanak mujhe ek awaz sunai di maine dekha to paas k khander se aawaz aa rahi thi jaise koi has reha ho main pehele to ignor kiya Fir mujhe laga k loi mujhe madat k liye bula reha hai par...
After lunch, while on my way to my first lesson I was intercepted by Cayenne Proctor. “Did you get a tuxedo okay?” she asked. “Not yet. It’s having a couple of alterations made, but it should be ready this afternoon, subject to a final fitting,” I replied. Then a thought occurred to me. “Shouldn’t I have the receipt for the prom package with me in case the rental shop wants to check it?” Cayenne sighed with annoyance. “I promised Marcus I wouldn’t let the receipt out of my hands. I guess...
This chapter was kindly edited. Great job. Thank you Mike. ***** On Wednesday afternoon Todd dug out all his acting skills to look as indifferent to Amanda as he could muster. He thought a fearful expression clouded her beautiful face, probably wondering if this was not completely feigned. With every passing day after the encounter with him Monday morning it dawned upon her she had reacted a little too cold at the parting scene. That wasn’t herself, it was just acting because her desire to...
February 11, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, We had nothing to do today other than our weekly housekeeping duties, so ate a leisurely breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, then attended to those various chores. Even though the house is large and two of the bathrooms are huge, with so many of us, we finished the weekly cleaning around 1 and were waiting only on the last loads of laundry in the two dryers. We gathered on the fresh sheet and comforter we’d recently placed on our bed. As we had been doing...
Nova Cane is a classic horny blonde teen. As soon as she gets a moment alone, she plays with her body like its a wonderland. She sticks toys in her holes and changes positions like she just cannot get enough of her own sexuality. So, when our stud shows up and sees that there is a bejeweled buttplug in Novas tight teen ass, he understands exactly what kind of girl she is. He pulls out his throbbing prick and sticks it in her sweet, young hole. He pounds her hard and she squeals in pleasure,...
xmoviesforyouThe year is 2030. The United States is under the dictatorship of a far-right religious sect, and has annexed Canada. All rights have been stripped from women: The vote, the ability to run a business, the right to say "no" to male sexual advances.I'm in my mid-30s and working at an investment firm in Toronto. All females are now required to be completely nude at all times. While outdoors, we are permitted to wear shoes. Once inside the building, however, we must remove them, so that we are...
Generally speaking, Meg always went with me when I returned to my home town. However, since I was traveling down for a friend’s birthday, she decided to stay behind to visit Justin and his family. Since Kevin and Randy and their wives had recently had babies, I opted to stay in a hotel for the weekend. I went down on Friday and after checking in, I took a ride to Randy’s house. Upon arriving, I saw Kevin and his family and it appeared the boys’ mother Brianne and her husband Barry were there....
"More strudel, herr Barhoe?" ventured the Baron, even as he cut a hefty slice and put it in his plate. "No, no, thank you. I'm full," I said and declined politely because indeed I had eaten as much as a starving bull. I hadn't quite expected this sort of reception, especially with what I'd been told up to that point about the Baron. Had I based my expectations solely on the merit of what I'd been led to believe, brutal torture would have been the order of the day, instead of a...
As I said before, in the 5 yrs Jackie & I dated, we did many dirty sinful, but so much fun, things together. She is actually the one that got me wearing panties. I don't know if I'll get to that in this story or not. If not this time, I'll get to that in the future. As I've also said, she was older and heavy, but she was proportional. Her Titties were big enough to match the rest of her. Anyway, there was something specific about her sexuality, she had a very strong lust in her that came...
We had spent a long day moving from Chicago to Cincinnati. The Ryder truck was finally unloaded and returned to the rental station. My mom and I were exhausted and completely filthy. My mom is about 5’3” with an incredibly sexy ass. She had a beautiful set of dd cup breasts with nipples that when erect could poke an inch through the halter tops she habitually wore. As we walked up the stairs to our new apartment, I could not help staring at her luscious ass cheeks peeking out from her short...
It was something I, who had lived in the town for years, was completely unaware of. I knew there was a Rugby club in town of course, and that they had a club house, but I didn't know about the annual “stag” nights that took place. At least I didn't until my mate Tony invited me to one. This was a few years back now, before we were both married, and I remember Tony being a bit vague about the whole thing. He and I had visited London strip clubs and had a good time in the past,, so he knew I...
Hi to all those ISS readers and fans of this site. I’m Mr. Erotic and welcome to my fantasy world. The below mention story is pure fantasy, and completely fiction. Persons and names mention in this story have no relation to reality. Here is the 2nd part of the story. Those who haven’t read the previous part, I request you to read that to understand this part. Without much ado let’s head to the story………. As I took a cab to the airport, all I was thinking about how it’s going to be, it’s been...
I know children need their privacy. I know I shouldn't have bugged my daughter's bedroom and her phone, but what is a Mother to do? *What* I ask you? It's not like she's sweet and innocent. Not since those *damn* Tucker boys got their hands on her. *Damn* those boys. She *was* my *sweet* Jessica before they came along. Thank God I did wiretap her phone. The first conversation I recorded was Jessica talking to Mandy, her best friend. "Did you do *it*?" Mandy asked. "Yeah, but I'm...
Nude Celeb Forum? You must be retarded, if you don't know what to expect at this place! Pretty much everyone has a celebrity that they'd want to do the nasty with, I know I do. Like, no matter how faithful you are to your girlfriend, I just know that when you saw Nicki Minaj walking around in that crazy outfit of hers, with one of her succulent tits hanging out you wanted her to be right there in your room, didn't you, and you wanted her precious titties in your face, also didn't you, you...
Porn ForumsHi I am Akki from Orissa.This is my 1st sex story about how I fucked my friend Tanya. Please send ur comments to my email id If any unsatisfied aunty or girl or bhabhi in orissa want to fuck someone then contact with phone no. And address for having safe and secret sex. So here is how it all started.After my schooling my parents and I were transferred to Bhubneswar.I started my +2 there. I didnt know anyone there. In the 1st week of classes I was able to make 2or3 friends, but all boys. I was...
Du sitzt mit deiner besten Freudin Mia auf der Couch und ihr unterhaltet euch über Vor- und Nachteil des Frau bzw. Mann seins. "Dann lass uns es herausfinden", sagst du zu ihr. Mia stimmt dir und ihr legt Bedingungen fest. Nach einer Weile habt ihr alles besprochen und seid zu einem Ergebniss gekommen. Es gibt 3. Wettkämpfe, 1. Armdrücken 2. Schere-Stein-Papier 3. ein Wrestlingmatch. Nach jeder Runde darf der Gewinner sich eine Strafe für den Verlierer ausdenken. Wer 2 von 3 gewinnt, steht als...
BDSMAfter a couple trips to the coast and our well documented hot tub adventures, Amber and I wanted to expand our horizons and try something a little different. What better place to explore new sexual adventures than Las Vegas? We made our reservations at the Bellagio, bought our plane tickets and headed for Vegas. Amber packed some of her most sexy and skimpy outfits, as well as some of her sexiest lingerie, and a few of her favorite sex toys. Our first night in Vegas we were both very excited...
The following days I was unusually quiet. I tried my best to spend time with Tom and avoid the rest of the family as much as I could. Dad was right. I was hurting and felt insulted. They had sex with 12 year old girls and we, the boys, were left out. Tom had the same feelings and we talked a lot about what we saw and what we felt about it. Sunday afternoon the guests left, and only then the family noticed how quiet I was. During dinner on Monday Mom asked: "You've been very quiet the...
Hi, friends. This is the sex story of my first sexual encounter in life away from a homeland in Germany. I am a simple 26 years old guy, who has come to Germany for studies. I I am having an athletic body and good looking.I stay in Hamburg and this story is from my first year in Germany i.e. 2015. After coming to Germany, it was a very strange feeling for me as it was the first time I was away from India. New place, new culture new people, so I was pretty alone at the beginning. But slowly, I...
Ava Parker and Summer Day had such a fun night that they ended up in jail. We can all relate to that situation. The only problem is they had no idea how they were going to get bailed out of there. Luckily, one of their fathers had a friend in law enforcement who tipped him off. Now he had to go tell the other father too. This did not look like it was going to end well for the girlies. As their fathers arrived, they switched daughters and clearly explained to them that they needed to learn an...