BethChapter 85 free porn video

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November 8, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

The Moms dropped a bombshell at breakfast.

“With Charlie’s ... agreement, we have decided how we’re going to celebrate the 100th consecutive day in which Charlie has cum inside at least one of his ... women. We are declaring an Anything Goes evening. In case anyone has forgotten since our discussion of such months ago, once the girls return from practice, the rest of the evening will be for Charlie. He may have any one or more of us whenever and wherever in the house...”

There was enough surprise and exclamation to cause Carol to cut off what she was saying, although she restarted quickly.

“I mis-spoke before. Charlie will be taking his pleasure with his ... harem as he pleases this evening. Anywhere in the house is fair game, as are the hot tub and the deck. Closed doors still mean what they always mean. After today, at his request, he will be taking a day or two off ... from orgasms.”

“Wait,” Rhee interrupted. “What about Civia? It is Wednesday.”

“Oh. Sorry. I meant to mention that. She’s got a doctor’s appointment and Kalina is picking her up from her school to take her to it, then taking her home afterward. She won’t be at practice.”

We girls just nodded.

Carol turned to Inez, who looked a bit flabbergasted still, despite the interruption, and said, “Obviously, Inez, you need not take part in any fashion. You are welcome to stay here and be a voyeur. You are welcome to hide in Gracey’s and Liya’s room. You are welcome to stay at our other house. You are welcome to do a combination of the above. You need not let us know what you will do, unless you choose the other-house option, as we’ll need to give you a key and/or warn Meka.”

Inez waited a bit after Carol finished talking to respond, presumably because she did not know whether she was finished or not.

“Wow. That’s ... uhh ... That’s something. I’ll think on that. However, if it will help everyone, I could make dinner so none of you would have to worry about it and could get ... playing as soon as the girls return.”

Sandy stood, walked to Inez in her chair, gently pulled her to her feet, and wrapped Inez in a big hug and said, “Thanks, so much. We were all worried that you’d have a cow ... or a calf. We’d greatly appreciate you dealing with dinner, as we hadn’t yet figured out how to solve that problem. We were considering calling Celeste for a visit, but then at least some of us would have had to take a time-out, so to speak, when the pizza arrived. Although this will be our first Anything Goes day, it’s something that all of us have discussed and there are rules, and time-outs were not part of those rules. Actually, there’s only one rule. Charlie is, effectively, Sheik Charlie for the evening, and his will goes, although anyone can take a break by simply going in a room and closing the door behind her.”

Inez leaned back within Sandy’s hug and stared into her eyes for a bit, then responded, “That’s crazy! Everyone ... all the girls agreed to that?”

Liya cut in, saying, “Oh, yes. We all were quite excited by the idea when Carol explained it, although there was no mention of an observer or non-participating personnel.”

Liya gently tugged on Gracey to get her moving with her to Inez and, when they got there, said, “Sandy, may we cut in?”

Sandy backed up, after which Liya and Gracey hugged Inez with one arm each.

Gracey softly stated, “Mom, are you okay with this? I know you’ve been surprised at the in-the-open aspect of our family’s sex life. As Liya said, we all liked the idea when Carol first proposed it, but we were still in the first flush of being invited into the family and all that that entailed. We’ve had a lot more experience with Dad, now, though not so much that this is not still exciting. It very much is. This may seem to you like a typical male-dominance thing, but, in reality ... I’ve thought about this in relation to how things work ... at all other times. This ... Anything Goes ... is actually a bit of balancing the equation, as most of the time, we women are the ones running the show.”

Inez stared a bit incredulously at Gracey, then asked, “Really?”

“Really, Mom. We all understand what it might look like, with a single guy having access to all seven of us. However, we women really run the show most of the time. We girls schedule our personal nights with him when it’s good for us. We can choose on those personal nights to lead, follow, or trade off with Charlie as to what we do and how, presumably like other couples would. We instigate sex or loving with Charlie most of the time. Understandably, he’s willing most of the time. But so are we!

“Mom, it’s difficult for us girls to know how ‘normal’ male-female relationships work, as this is the only one that we girls have ever known. We’ve actually had to ask Charlie to be more ... selfish, to choose to ask us for sex or for loving or to simply take us, as he is so concerned with what we want. We’ve had to tell him, each of us, that he has carte blanche with us just so it’s not always us instigating. He excites every one of us so much, has every one of us wanting him so much all of the time, that no one has ever said ‘no,’ and all of us have had incredible times with him whenever he’s ... just taken one of us. Then there is our group fetish for tables. If you stay, don’t be surprised by it.”

“That’s ... Well, I’m relieved that this is not all Charlie’s idea.”

Nearly all of us laughed, and Inez was surprised.

A smiling Gracey said, “He would never have said a thing, just lived his life secretly lusting after us. If it weren’t for the Moms, our lives would be very different.”

Inez looked at Gracey, then Liya, then back at Gracey and asked, “What do you want me to do? Stay, hide, or go?”

Gracey furrowed her brow and squinched up her face and pondered the question for a bit.

“I’m of two minds, Mom. I’m definitely nervous about you watching me, although I would probably not care much if I weren’t partaking. However, I sort of want you to see how much we enjoy this life. It really is ... incredibly satisfying and enjoyable and fun. I never imagined that ... sex could be like this. That I could have five ... or more lovers, and not just sequentially, but all at the same time, during the same ... act. This will be different, atypical for this family ... at least in some regards. However, despite that it’s Charlie’s will tonight, I suspect that we women will ... be able to ... actually, that we will ... modify Dad’s plans at times. Most of those ... modifications will certainly be adding ... personnel, so to speak.”

Gracey followed that with a grin at her mom, then said, “As a group, we’re ... We like to get what we want, and one of the aspects of this life that we all absolutely love, is sex with more, often many more, than just two of us. Mom, since you’ve probably had a ‘normal’ sex life, you probably don’t know what it’s like to have three or four or six erogenous zones all manipulated at the same time. Holy hell!”

“Wow! Really?”

Liya jumped in with, “Oh god, yes. The combination of many hands, some tongues, perhaps a cock, all at once. It’s the express lane on the Stairway to Heaven. We’ve all gotten to experience it, and I mean all of us.”

“All ... eight of you?”

“Yes, Mom,” Gracey replied. “We’re ... uh ... we girls have been a little ... reticent to ... play with the Moms, but there have been times one or more of us have helped ... Charlie send one of them to Nirvana.”

Carol chimed in, saying, “Inez, these girls ... Actually, it was the Beth-Rhee-Heather trio that really started it, but these girls do what they call a Go5 gang bang. Unlike male-dominated gang bangs, a Go5 gang bang has however many of the girls that are there all work to get one of them to cum. There’s always at least one, sometimes two, dealing with the lucky girl’s pussy, with the others kissing or playing with breasts or rubbing other erogenous zones. They can get Heather to the fireworks show from a standing start in a minute or so. Of course, Heather’s easy. If Charlie’s involved, that cuts the time down a lot for the other girls.”

Inez shook her head vigorously, raised her face to the ceiling, then shook her whole body. She looked around at all of us, now that we were all standing around the semi-hugging trio of Inez, Gracey, and Liya. She inhaled, then blew the breath out her nose noisily, then looked at Sandy.

“Nira and I took a bunch of nebulous hints, some of which we created by asking oblique questions, to arrive at the conclusion that our girls were sexually involved with Charlie. We had no clue that it was anything like this. And now that she’s at the telescope, I really should not explain reality to her over the phone. I will do that when she comes home during the holidays.” She inhaled and exhaled strongly again, then added, “If anything, this morning’s discussion has me less concerned about our girls than I was, and I was only somewhat concerned.” She focused on the girls with their arms still around her and asked, “You two are really happy. Aren’t you? I mean, with all aspects of what you call your family.”

“No, Mom,” Liya replied, “we’re not happy. We’re ecstatic. This is part of why we’ve been so obviously happy in the past few months. I cannot imagine being ... No, I can imagine being happier, even after we’ve been able, finally, to discuss our sex lives with you the past few days. However, the only thing that could make this better would be if we were all – our eight-person family and our two moms – were all living together or, at least, in very close proximity so that we wouldn’t have to spend quite so much time apart ... in either direction.”

Inez looked at Gracey, as she was nodding her head aggressively, and asked, “You agree with Liya?”

“Absolutely. We would like to be close to this wonderful house and we would like both you and Nira to be comfortable enough with this whole thing so that we ... the ten of us could spend more than 10 or 15 minutes together at a time as Liya and I change houses. We have come to love our adopted parents, Dad and the Moms, very much. However, in the past year or so, we’ve also come to really love our biological moms much more so than in the previous few years. Most of that change was due to our maturing and understanding our moms much better than we had before. We quit blaming our moms for problems that were not of their creating. Well, not creating other than by marrying ... less-than-stellar men.

“I was nervous last night when Liya and I were loving Dad because you were watching. I didn’t quite get out of it what I would usually have. I will probably be nervous at the start tonight if you’re here and watching, but this discussion has ... clarified my own thinking. I’d really like to be comfortable with making love with my adopted family with you in the room and I’d like you and Nira comfortable enough with all of this for those inevitable times when either or both of you happen to surprise us while we’re making love.”

There was much silence.

Inez stared at Gracey for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a couple minutes, then closed her eyes for a few moments, then looked back at her daughter.

“Would you object if I found such ... exciting?”

Gracey looked at her for about a half-minute, then responded, “It would be better if you were excited than if you were disgusted. I could deal with excited. Disgusted would really bother me.”

“Okay. I can see that, and we should be fine, then, as I was certainly not disgusted watching you suck...” [she inhaled deeply] “suck Charlie’s cock.”

Gracey’s face showed a half-smile and then Gracey pulled her mom more tightly into an embrace.

“Thanks, Mom. We’ll be fine.” She paused, then said, “But I’ve got to get off these crutches.”

While the five of us were by ourselves by the Monstrosity waiting for Dad to be ready to go to school, Gracey said, very quietly, “You know what the easiest route would be to having what Liya and I want as far as our living situation?”

“Yeah,” Heather replied, “Inez and Nira being fully part of the family. How would you and Liya feel about that?”

Gracey looked at Liya, and she looked back, and then answered, “I don’t know. I assume, Beth, that because this all began with your mom, you’ve never really had to deal with this.” When I nodded, she added, “We’ve accepted the Moms without even thinking, because the opportunity came from them. It would be a bit weird, but, as I said recently, I’m pretty sure my mom would be more than happy to ... be sexually involved with Our Man. I think she’s a bit crazy for him. Of course, what sane woman wouldn’t be?”

There was much laughing.

Liya’s eyes were shining, and she let out her amazing smile, as she said, “I so much like having friends that are smart and with good senses of humor. You know that that would have slid by a lot of people.”

Yesterday’s practice was various shooting drills; today’s was full-field scrimmage. Coach kept stirring the pot, mixing starters and backups in various combinations, obviously trying to get the backups more experience playing with starters and vice-versa. However, she had Nicole fill in for Gracey for the entire practice. Gracey looked on from the sidelines looking sad that she wasn’t on the pitch with us. It was beginning to feel a bit like the premier team, as we had two weeks of nothing but practice before the state tournament started; one or two of the state’s leagues still had games and local tournaments this week. Although the backups were not as experienced playing with starters as on the premier team near the end of that season, and they had not gotten as much game time as backups on the premier-team were, a bunch of them had gotten time in quite a few recent games and they were obviously stronger. I wonder how we’ll do in the state tournament.

Dad picked us up after practice.

“There’s been a slight change of plans. The first change is that, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m picking you up to save a little time. However, the main change is to allow you girls time to shower at home and do any homework before the festivities ... and dinner ... begin. Gracey, we’re going to have to work around your ... reduced mobility. We’ll move the dining-room table into the living room near the Monstrosity to lessen the amount of ... long-distance travel you’ll have to do. By the way, how’s your shin?

“It’s getting better, but it still aches, or, at least, if it hurts, it doesn’t hurt so much most of the time.”

“Good. It makes me sad to see you hobbling on crutches.”

“Dad,” I interrupted, “are you going to be okay having sex ... having a lot of sex with, possibly, Inez as an audience?”

He inhaled deeply, then exhaled. He looked at me in the mirror and said, “I promised all of you that I’d tell you what I’m really feeling. I’m really feeling a bit nervous, but ... I found it ... really exciting last night when Liya and Gracey were loving me in front of her. She’s certainly attractive enough, but I have to admit that having her watch her daughter suck me was ... exciting. I assume that you must have figured that out, given how relatively quickly I came.”

“I wondered about that,” Rhee stated. “It usually takes even us underage girls more time than that to get you off, even with our pussies.”

“Yes, well, Sandy obviously figured it out. She read me the riot act last night when we were discussing the plan for tonight. She insisted that I come clean with my girlfriends. So, I have to tell you that I’m actually looking forward to this.”

Heather, who was in the front passenger seat, unbuckled herself, then stood and hugged Dad carefully.

“Thanks, Dad. We appreciate truthfulness, but, even more, we appreciate knowing that we women are not forcing you to do things that are ... distasteful.”

“No, I told you the other night. I’ve very much enjoyed everything we’ve done, even when I’ve expressed a bit of concern. I find that I still need to think twice, as I’ve hidden this facet of who I am for so long that it’s second nature. Please remind me ... gently ... if I appear to do so in the future.”

“We’ll do that, Dad,” Heather responded. “We love you as both father and lover, and we’d absolutely hate it if you were truly uncomfortable about being with us. We would understand if you truly were uncomfortable with loving us in front of Inez or Nira, and we would back you against the Moms in that case. We don’t ever... ever ... want you to feel that you have to do things with us, just because we’ve been your lovers or because the Moms want you to do so. If that were ever the case, we would prefer to go back to having you be just our wonderful father. By the way, Beth, Rhee, and I agree with Gracey and Liya. It would be ever so good if we didn’t have to worry about watching our behavior if either or both of Inez and Nira suddenly showed up at the house.”

Dad just shook his head.

After we helped move table and chairs into the living room, Liya helped Gracey in the downstairs shower while the rest of us showered upstairs. Fortunately, our teachers seem to have backed off after the huge load of homework on Monday. We were able to finish everything we really needed to complete in a bit less than an hour. Dad stripped us of the two clothing items that each of us were wearing, and we all joined the women in the kitchen.

“This is the first time I’ve cooked a big dinner while wearing only an apron, if that,” Inez told everyone. She then added, “We’re ready here, so if you girls would move everything out to the table, we can eat.”

Table seating had been re-arranged, with Sandy at the foot, with Carol on her right. Inez had the place of honor on Dad’s right, with Gracey seated across from her mom. The seat to Mom’s left was empty and had no chair. Liya was next to Carol, Rhee across from Liya, and Heather across from me and between Rhee and Inez.

Inez had baked three chickens, then shredded the meat, keeping dark and light separate. She’d also made four different sauces: a tomatillo-and-chile-based concoction, a chocolate mole, an odd pico de gallo-like thick sauce, and a green mole.

After a few minutes of silence other than typical eating and gustatory-enjoyment noises, Sandy said, “This is simply spectacular, Inez. I don’t know which sauce I like the most. Perhaps it’s the one that I’m eating at the time. Since you’ll be around some, I’d really appreciate it if you’d teach us how you made them. I think we need to add various bits of this dinner to our regular rotation.”

“I agree,” Dad said. “It’s all incredibly tasty. We’ve obviously been missing out by not sharing dinner among our families. We’ll remedy that.”

Surprisingly, Inez ducked her head.

“Inez Josefina Gutierrez García! Head up, shoulders back. Be proud!”

Inez picked her head up in surprise at Liya’s command.

In a softer voice, Liya added, “Inez-Mom, I’ve always known you were a good cook. There’s no reason you should be embarrassed by praise for it. I’ve been working on Beth’s difficulty with accepting praise, and I can do it for you, too. However, I’ve never seen you be embarrassed by praise for your cooking. Might that be due to who praised you?”

As Inez started to duck her head, again, Liya clucked, “Ah, ah, ah,” which resulted in Inez raising her head. “It’s okay, Inez-Mom. We all know that we have as our lover the absolute hottest, nicest, most-loving man that any of us know. We expect other women to think the same. Paraphrasing from something Sandy said months ago, don’t be embarrassed by Charlie’s appreciation. Revel in it. Be proud enough to thank him gracefully, but in such a manner that he wants to experience you ... and your cooking again.”

There was much snickering as Liya looked at Dad and smirked.

Gracey piled on with her own smirk, saying, “Liya’s right, Mom. Since you’ll be staying with us when you’re between travels, you can impress Dad with more of your yummy cooking as the months go by.” In a more-loving voice, she added, “I’ve missed you making big, yummy meals like this. Granted, I’ve been here a lot, but you’ve also been really busy. I don’t mind that, as I understand that you’ve been elevating your career. However, it’s nice to enjoy these flavors, again. I love you, Mom.”

“Actually, Inez,” injected Carol, “when you’re here between jaunts afield, I would love it if you’d occasionally teach all of us something that you really like making. Sandy and I knew we were being remiss in not inviting you and Nira more often, but, as Charlie said, we’re remedying that, now. Additionally, it’s nice to have more cooks to spread dinners around with so many working parents. Certainly, before school started, Charlie, Sandy, and I were very glad that our various daughters were so good about making dinners. We’d love it if you would share in that regard.”

Same as Beth
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A Mom And Her Son8217s Friend Pt 3 Enjoying Young Cock

Hello everyone. This is an incident happened with someone else. However, he asked me to pen it down. If you like this story, please write to me on- or hangout/kik me on the same id. She was enjoying his inexperienced enthusiasm. She knew that dirtier she would talk, the more tuned he will become. His strings are in her hand and she was enjoying this fully. She never acted like this before. She didn’t realize that this was something hidden inside her. Archana whispered in his ear, “You are huge...

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Hot and Wet

A shower together after a day of meetings leads to much more! I couldn’t believe my luck when my company sent me, my colleague Tony, and two sex-bomb girls, blonde Babs and brunette Lucy to our company headquarters on a graduate induction course, putting us in an expensive hotel in the town for a couple of nights. The four of us spent the whole of the first day of our course in mind numbing meetings in a stuffy windowless room in our company office. For me, and I guess Tony, the boredom...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 2

Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...

2 years ago
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A Free Ride0

I had thought the work christmas party would be the perfect opportunity for him to have his way with me. I didnt even know if the rumours were true, if he really was known for singling out his favourite apprentice and taking them out for a nice, strictly professional meal, getting them pissed out of their face and then taking them home and fucking their poor helpless little brains out. God how i wanted it to be true. Id do anything for that to be me, splayed out on his bed like a rag doll,...

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Loves True ObsessionChapter 6

So Jack went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Ariel's house. He glanced toward the...

3 years ago
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Blow soft sweet wind

Blow soft sweet wind. Little did we know that the pandemic was about to break on our shores and how changed things would be afterwards. At first we read of the odd case here and there, but the government was complacent and then the numbers increased. It was mainly in the bigger cities, London was rife with it. We didn't worry, we lived a hundred miles from there and we washed our hands--we were safe. Then we had a major meeting and that involved people from our HQ in London and...

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Manning And Kennas Ride To Passion

MANNING I had been thinking way too much about my encounter with Kenna in New Orleans. Our encounter only involved oral sex, but I was wanting more. I didn’t know exactly what, but I was definitely willing to explore. I felt that she was a kindred spirit and was willing to let her freak flag fly in certain company. We texted back and forth the week after the New Orleans “sexploits.” We decided to make a trip to the Dungeon on Toulouse Street, in the French Quarter. The Dungeon has an eclectic...

Straight Sex
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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceEpilogue

The fleet of two ships was accelerating together towards their jump point out of the Earthat System. There was a collective ‘sigh’ of relief among all the system’s Darjee AIs who considered their side of the contract with Michael one of their worst deals in the history of Darjee trading. And the spurned DECO assholes pointedly ignored the departure altogether. Aboard the larger of the departing ships, a serious discussion started between two Tuull AIs. T’Kuudshpp...

4 years ago
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The Flaming Girls Chapter One

The Flaming Girls By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Better off Dead Charlie Ringwald put a Consulate menthol cigarette between her lipsticked lips and lit up, drawing the smoke deep into her lungs. The smoke gave a false illusion of warmth on the bitter foggy night. She put her cigarettes back into the cheap handbag hanging from her shoulder by the thin vinyl strap and wrapped her arms around herself in a vain attempt to warm herself. She was wearing a black vinyl miniskirt,...

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My Sweet Clairette 1 by loyalsock

I had just come close to having a second woman drink my piss. So close that I could - well, almost taste it. She told me she was more than willing to suck cock and drink everything I gave her. Though I wasn't really attracted to her, I found her willingness to drink piss irresistible. In fact, I was practically on fire to see her do it along with whatever else might come to mind. Unfortunately though, my desire for her rested heavily on her commitment to act as my personal urinal. Complicating...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Kat Dior Welcome To The Neighborhood

Newlyweds Kat Dior and Marcus London move from Los Angeles to Las Vegas for his work. Kat is so excited to unpack and decorate their beautiful new house. After Marcus leaves for work, Kat gets on the phone with her best friend in LA to tell her all about the big move. She’s so absorbed in conversation that she doesn’t notice trouble lurking in the yard. A masked man is canvassing the house for a robbery. The thief makes it past the secured gates as Kat wanders upstairs, unaware...

3 years ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 7 Mistress Creates David

It was just so darned hard. I’m not a bad person. That’s what made it the hardest. All I could do was pretend that I was Samantha Grail from school. She’s a real bitch. She treats everyone the same - badly. Even the teachers avoid her. I wonder if she’s one of those kids that Kathy talked about. One of the ones that abuse other kids and blackmails teachers. I wouldn’t know now for at least a week, while my family trained. My poor dad put up with so much more than I could have. I knew I had...

4 years ago
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The stranger who wanted Her Part 1

LETTER: You don’t know me. But I hope you will. You’ve probably seen me before, as our eyes have crossed. Perhaps you even took a second look at me. I certainly took a second look at you. I am writing you this letter, not because I am not man enough to go up to you and talk, but because this is the first impression I want you to have of me. I want you to know right now how much you turn on this stranger you’ve never met. I saw you once, as we crossed paths in the gym. That’s what people do...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 7B Making New Friends

Saturday: I woke up to Sally and Waush Shaua playing chase me chase you. They were doing it over our bed. I looked at the clock. It was 0705 early in the morning! Sushi was awake and smiled at me. I went and made a pot of coffee. I looked at Sushi as she was brushing her fur. She is so beautiful! I went and gave her a five-alarm kiss and she kissed me back. "Today is the day we test the new bios. Are you ready?" I handed Sushi a cup of coffee. We went out on the deck and watched the ocean...

1 year ago
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One Slip A Hard FallChapter 3 The Struggle Begins

Donna recognized the odor before she pulled the dirty underwear out of the hamper. It was the second pair that had contained the distinct scent of her husband's semen. She hadn't been certain of the other one, but on this pair, she could see a tiny amount of the evidence. It hurt! Married to Steve for fifteen years Donna knew the amount was too small to be result of a wet dream. He must have used a tissue. Donna felt tears try to form, as her vision became bleary. Now she knew for sure...

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DevilsFilm Violet Starr Rachael Cavalli StepMommy Likes To Watch

Rachael Cavalli asks her stepdaughter Violet Starr how things are going with her boyfriend, Juan Loco. Violet says her relationship with Juan is going fine, but then Rachael specifies that she’s talking about their sex life, and asks what Juan’s cock is like. Violet is shocked at the naughty question, but Rachael says that Violet should be grateful to have a stepmom who cares about her happiness. Violet says that Juan does indeed have a nice cock, and that he’s coming over...

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My First Adult Bookstore

I have lots of stories. But lately, the male, male, female, bi stories have been making me so hard. So here is one from my personal experiences. Enjoy. The first time I went in an adult bookstore, I had just turned 21. It was in Norfolk, VA, in an outdoor mall called Granby Mall. i was very self-conscious. The graphic magazines and video covers had my cock straining to break out of my shorts. I perused the aisles, looking at every genre. It was so hot. Just the fact that other people...

4 years ago
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leanne gets caught stealing

'leanne please come into my office before you leave work today' mr white says as he walks past leannes desk'uh yes sure mr white' leanne answers 'will it take long mr white i have to pick my girlfriend lauren up after work?''it will take as long as it needs could be a few minutes or a few hours its up to you leanne''uh ok mr white i'll just text lauren and let her know i may be late''you know the rules leanne no personal calls or texts during work hours' mr white says sternly'ah yes sorry mr...

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My Sakalai Fucks My Wife

Hello, I am from Coimbatore. My name is Mathan (age40) and my wife name is Vanaja (age37). We have 2 kids. Our married life was very smooth and fine. On Sunday holiday my wife and me will go to Cafe for browsing and will see sex videos and photos in the net. My wife surprised to see the long size of cock in a video. She said that she get full orgasm in our intercourse when she thinks of the longs size cock. I must say that I have only 4inch long cock. With this size I satisfied my wife fully....

2 years ago
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The Nerd Scores BigChapter 10 Keiko Matsuri

I was sitting in the front seat of the car with my lover Mrs Kate Williams. We were on our way to her beach house. Unfortunately we were not alone because in the back seat was Keiko Matsuri, a young Japanese student who was out on a 2 week visit to our country. Joanne (Kate's daughter) was supposed to be with her mum and Keiko but had to cancel at the last moment due to school assignment woes. With Joanne not coming, Kate was going to find communicating witk Keiko difficult because Kate...

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I spy with my Minds Eye

I have no trouble to analyse myself and so I know why I do get turned on by masturbation, particularly masturbation by girls. I started masturbation even before puberty myself, and despite that I have very open parents there always was this feeling of guilt which accompanied the wonderful feelings in my lower stomach. In those days, I didn’t know what I was doing, it didn’t have a name, it was just a naughty secret which made me feel both ashamed and aroused. Luckily for me, books can teach a...

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Realms of Eden Home Fires B2A18

ACT 1 — Nurture your females Chapter 5 — Bonnie’s family ‘Mum where’s my hair bands?’ called the small black haired girl as she rummaged in her bedroom drawers for the cloth covered rubber bands that held her hair in the ponytails she liked as she ran and played with her friends on the sports fields. ‘I packed them sweetie, sorry,’ said Dianne Gilroy as she stood at the doorway to her daughter’s room. ‘I thought you might like to leave it out for the trip up to see Aunty Kelsey and Uncle...

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A Husbands Proposal

Diana opened the new prescription and took one of the tiny pills and placed it on her tongue while reaching over to pick up the small glass of water and swallowed the little pill down her throat.Diana opened the kitchen cabinet placing the little packet of pills on the cabinet shelve before heading back into the bedroom. The prescription of birth control pills would be the last thing Diana thought she would ever need to take considering her husband Joe’s low sperm count.Diana and Joe had been...

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Serpent of the Incas

Jennifer Marie Stephens was excited, nervous and somewhat uneasy. Her husband was the curator for a big museum at the local college. Maybe she had been right about him all along. Now maybe her parents would see him in a better light. She had normally dated a bunch of "wild ones" in high school and college. She had been burned out with all of their maniacal egos; their endless flirtations with other women and sexual demands. She began to take a whole new direction with her personal life after...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 6

It may have been something Bob said to one of the town fathers about Millie's situation and how the two women had been required to fix up the schoolmarm's house all by themselves. Or it could have been that word got out about her circumstances, and that she was going to teach school. Whatever it was, people began to respond to Millie's plight and needs. The next day, a wagon arrived in front of her little house. In it were three women, mothers of some of the children who would be coming to...

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A Familys Tale 7

“Oh my god you should see her, she really really wants you baby like, so so bad. We should take these off now.” She whimpered as I got a nose full of her sweet arousal. “Not yet, I will later, better yet, I want you to do it later.” I sighed making her bite her lip. “You’re such a tease, I love it baby.” She whimpered as she began to rub me through my shorts as I slid my hand down her body, into her panties and onto her soaking wet little pussy. “She must be more than half naked.” I sighed...

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Spent another night at my girlfriends house, she is straight, hot body, 32c tits, juicy shaved pussy, tight assole, great lips to suck my 7 inch shemale cock, which she likes to. I thought we were alone, sitting in the den when her uncle walks in, hot body and i always fantasied about sucking his cock and fucking him in the ass, but had to jackoff and cum instead. this time, he sits next to me and asked me if i like him, well, i said yes, but i had a surprise for him, at which time a took off...

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Flyover CountryChapter 6

After leaving Mom and Dad at Yosemite, I made my way out to Interstate 5 and turned north. I crossed the Canadian/U.S. border north of Seattle and drove into British Columbia en route to Alaska. Dad and I had discussed the opportunities for operating a small flying business back in Texas and elsewhere. I could have found a niche somewhere in Texas for something like that, but the major carriers had plenty of feeder airlines funneling passengers and cargo from rural areas into the major hubs....

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He called and asks if we could meet the next day. And I said yes...of course. He called the next morning after I drop k**s off at school to tell me what hotel and room number. I could tell something was different because of his voice.When I got there and knocked on the door, he answered fully dressed. Smiled at me and let me in. I was surprised to see the vase of flowers on the desk. I walk over to smell them. He knows my favorites are carnations. Made me feel good that he would do this. And...

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Scene Report for Mistress

To the reader, below is a short chronicle of my actual reports back to my Mistress after experiencing several different BDSM scenes. I willingly placed myself in Her hands and She had full control in the activity. These are TRUE accounts. Enjoy and maybe you will, someday, be as lucky. holly M'Lady, I am not sure how You would like to be addressed, Again let me thank You for the intensity of experience. That has added a great deal of dimension to my thoughts and dreams. In...

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SHORT PIECES Gay Tales Volume 3

SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) Volume 3THE FAMILY MEETINGDon was used to the area. He had been driving his son to the “woods” for a few years now. Billy was a big boy now, just turned 20, but still couldn’t drive himself. He certainly couldn’t ask his mother. His dad had always been there for him and always discreet. Shy and tall, Billy was a bit awkward but had a nice body and face. He actually looked a lot like his father, tall, blonde and lanky. The black sedan drove into the old dirt road,...

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Veras Experience

Vera sat back in the comfort of her new sofa, a beige velour number with billowing cushions at head height and on the arms. It was something you could sprawl on, stretch out and laze, without banging your elbows on a wooden bit put there purely for decoration.She clearly felt like the lady of the manor, an ice-filled glass of Kahlua on the coffee table in front of her as she sat with one knee hooked over the other, slightly provocative but not tarty. She was more confident in her body now, at...

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Kerry And The Security Check

I'm sitting at my desk in the SAS Raddison hotel at Manchester Airport, gently sipping chardonnay. In the mirror above the desk my female self stares back. My hair is dark and shoulder length, my make up very delicate pinks I feel the gentle breeze of the air conditioning around the tops of my opaque black stockings attached by thick suspender straps with metal eyes and clasps to my black transformation corset which has a black lace trim. The corset which I have pulled as tight as I can...

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The Jaguar

Smiling I watch while you check over your newest love for any stray flecks of dust, the Jaguar shines with the tender loving care you bestow upon it and I love seeing you so happy with your birthday gift... I get busy picking things up from our picnic lunch. Returning to my side you take the basket from me and put away in the trunk, soon we on the road again and I settle back on the soft leather seat to relax... after a bit of conversation we fall silent, a comfortable silence of two people who...

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Undercover WifeChapter 3

The little group was doing its best to find out what had happened on Jeremy and Danni's date. They wouldn't say anything but that they had a good time. They were all sitting at a table in the cafeteria at lunch time. Jeremy had come up to Danni before school with a sheep eating grin on his face. "Did you get into as much trouble as I did last night, man my father read me the riot act when I got home, I'm grounded for a week and what's worse I have to help around the house for a month."...

2 years ago
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In My Dads Study

just to brush them teasingly, and soon nestle in my ear. Her breath melted my resolve in being with her, a rooming house guest, and I relaxed. She smelled of roses, fresh mountain air and eucalyptus. “Thank you for being here tonight,” Michaela whispered, cozying to me, throw still open, hair slightly damp from her shower, and her firm, generous nipples were backed with full, natural tits pressed against my chest. “I wanted to be with you, Vincent, In this spy case, you’re so compassionate...

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HobyBuchanon Brooke Johnson Brooke Johnson Is Daddy8217s Throat Fuck Meat

The scene opens with slave girl Brooke Johnson wearing a micro bikini and a collar and leash. She tells us she’s here to get brutally throat fucked! Daddy comes up and gives her a kiss then I put my cock all the way down her throat and put on a timer. I tell her this is her first test and to do everything I tell her. I begin to roughly fuck her throat and dick slap her and tell her not to take my cock out of her mouth. I slap her face and fuck it more then I put my fingers down her throat...

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Menage a quatre 3

Author's note: At the end of “Menage a quatre 2” Ron told his mum “I think I'll spend tomorrow night there.” He meant to say “I think I'll spend tonight and tomorrow night there.” I got to work a bit early. As soon as I sat down at my desk, Sandra came into my office and shut the door. “Good morning Ron. We've all missed you. Did you miss us? How was your night with your mum? Are you coming home with me tonight?” By then she was standing beside me. Before I could answer any of...

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