Sunsets free porn video

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By the time I get out to the Point it is still an hour until sunset. The sky is largely clear with the sun shining brightly on the lake. There are some clouds low down on the western horizon and there is likely a storm somewhere over in that direction because the waves that are striking the rocks twenty feet below me are nearly a foot and a half high. They crash and the resulting plume of water rises nearly to my height before falling back to the rocky shore far below.

That’s one of the things that make this place so interesting. It is a small point of land which sticks out into Lake Michigan but it is enclosed by two widely angled arms which funnel the waves inwards. It is really a point within a shallow bay. To make it even more unique the rocky cliffs making up the shoreline here are undercut with a narrow notch leading up the cliff face from the top of this undercut cave like formation. Thus when a wave comes rolling in to break against the rocky spaces carved at the bottom, it fairly explodes upwards, sending fantastic sprays up the rock face towards the sky. Even in relatively calm periods the small waves breaking still provide an unexpected response.

The point is located in a tract of land of some thirty five acres, which was left to the county for a park seventy some years ago. The county has never had the money to really develop it, so it remains an area of second growth forest with over a thousand feet of shoreline. There are a couple of hiking trails but not much else. Besides, there is a state park with developed picnic areas along the shore on either side which tends to draw visitors away from the country park. This means more than a mile of the lake shore is public land with no other buildings or development.

The first time I came here was with Tom and that was almost six decades ago. We’ve repeated that visit hundreds of times since and have always considered this as ‘our’ place. It has a nice rock ledge – where I am now sitting – that provides a comfortable resting place with a great view out over the lake. The sound from the breaking waves combines with the nearly ever present breeze to lull one into a lovely relaxed state. To these are often added the occasional cries of gulls, ducks or geese. But sound is just the icing on the cake. The view out over the water towards the west, while presenting nothing fixed or solid except the wooded arms of the bay, fills one’s visual sense, the slow, rolling, never ceasing motion of the waves, the splash of the spray as they break, the very occasional view of a slow moving tanker or ore carrier in the distance. Even knowing that there is a distant shore out of sight some sixty or eighty miles away does nothing to disturb the peace of the scene spread out before one. But the absolutely best time is at sunset. Often distant clouds catch the sun. While sometimes their hearts remain dark, their edges are often turned to molten gold or fiery orange or the dull red of dying embers.

It is the twelfth of August and for nearly sixty years Tom and I have come out here together. Not every day or even every month, but hundreds of times over that span and, if we can, always on the twelfth of August. I think this is actually the first time I have ever come out here without him – I know it’s the first August twelfth. It feels so unusual now to sit here by myself. It has always been the two of us.

I close my eyes and let the sounds flood my ears and the warm late afternoon sun bathe my face. I just catch myself before I reach out for Tom’s hand, and I think back to the first time, to when it all began for the two of us.

It was in my junior year of high school. My name is Lynn Bryant. In my junior year I was five foot five, with blue eyes and dark blonde hair down past my shoulders. I wasn’t skinny but, as were most of the girls then, was fairly slim and in pretty good shape physically. In Michigan around a small town a lot of the things to do were active and usually out of doors – especially at that time. I mean no video games, no cell phones, no computers. There was television – two channels – but nothing much of interest during the daytime. No, we played outside a lot – games, biking, hiking, skating or snowshoeing during the winter, swimming during the summer….that kind of thing.

And of course there were boys. At seventeen they were one of the major areas of interest. I don’t mean to give the impression that they were a totally separate activity – most of the things we did involved both groups. Well, sure, there were times when the girls did something by themselves. I think mostly just to have an excuse to be able to talk about the boys. They were probably doing the same thing, talking about us. But there were also many couple activities. There were football games and other school sports. There were dances. Our town and two nearby ones each had a movie theater, as well as two or three drive-in movies that were within reasonable distances. There were hamburger joints and a miniature golf course. And of course there were a number of ‘lovers’ lanes’ and other ‘parking’ places. Yeah, anytime the car isn’t moving and the engine is turned off, you are parked. Sure, but you know what I mean.

I wasn’t going with any one boy but dated four or five. All of them dated other girls as well, but none of us had a problem with that. There were a few in our school that I was sure were sleeping together but not any of my group. That sort of thing didn’t happen that much just then. Or at least wasn’t talked about as much.

Ours was not a huge school, nor was it a tiny one, but there were about eighty of us in my class. That meant that we all pretty much knew each other well enough to recognize and speak to, even if they weren’t in our own group. So when a new face appeared, everyone knew it within a day or two at the most. Tom transferred there in late February. His family had moved there from somewhere in Ohio. Northern Ohio at least, so snow wasn’t something totally unknown to him.

He was about five inches taller than me, had medium brown hair and blue eyes a little lighter than my own. He looked like he might have played football but I later found that his build was not the result of that, but rather of other physical activity. He had a ready smile and easy going manner which quickly let him fit in. He migrated towards our group and by the time he had been there six weeks he was as much a part of it as any of us.

I found him easy to be with and we seemed to work or play together quite well. By late March he had dated a couple of the girls in our group but he hadn’t asked me out yet. I think he likely would have quite soon, but before that could happen the school had a Sadie Hawkins Day dance and I asked him.

The dance went quite well. We got along fine, even managing to tease and playfully insult each other without going too far. I found he could dance well, never stepping on my feet and giving me a firm lead. Afterwards we went for something to eat and when he took me home I gave him a good night kiss. The first time I had ever kissed a guy on a first date.

After that he did ask me out but we didn’t become exclusive or anything. He dated other girls and I dated other boys. This pattern continued throughout the summer and on through senior year. By spring of senior year almost everyone in our group was eighteen. This mostly meant that we had a little more leeway in where we could go and what we could do, but otherwise didn’t change things very much.

That year had an unusually warm spring. In mid April Tom asked me if I would like to go on a picnic and a hike that Saturday. I quickly agreed and when Saturday dawned it was clear and sunny with a high of seventy five predicted. He picked me up early – about ten – and we planned on being gone the rest of the day. I had made some sandwiches for our lunch and Tom had said he would bring things for a picnic supper.

We drove over to a state forest area about fifty miles away and parked at a trail head. B
ackpacks weren’t nearly as common at that time but we each had a small day pack and quickly set out for our hike. It wasn’t mountain climbing or anything, but a nice walk through the flower filled woods and up and down some small hills. We found a clearing under an ancient maple that must have been at least a hundred fifty years old and sat down to lunch. While we ate we talked and among other things found that we were both planning on going to the same college the next fall…the state university a couple hundred miles away.

We finished our walk and arrived back at the car about three. On the drive back Tom suggested we eat at the state park on the shore near our town and I readily agreed. We made our way to the picnic grounds on the shore next to the swimming area. As anyone who has lived around the Great Lakes knows, swimming in them is usually a rather chilling experience, even in late summer. The shallow area here was OK in July and August, but now the water would probably not be more than ten or twenty degrees above freezing, so even with the warm weather the picnic area wasn’t crowded. Just a couple of other tables were occupied. Tom brought out a cooler with hamburgers and soon we had a fire going in one of the grills.

While we waited for the coals to get ready, we talked. I had been to this park a number of times but somehow had never gone over to the undeveloped county area next to it. Now Tom mentioned that he had wandered over there once before and that there was a nice place to look out over the lake. I said that sometime we could go over and see it.

We cooked the hamburgers and heated some beans and made a supper of that and some chips. It was after five when we finished but we didn’t have any particular plans for the rest of the evening. We tossed a couple of ideas back and forth and finally decided on a round or so of miniature golf and headed over there. We played one round and then ran into John and Linda, two others from our group, and played a round with them. It was still daylight when we finished and I asked if we could go over to the lookout Tom had mentioned.

We headed back towards the shore and after we parked, Tom led me along a trail which traced a winding path through the woods until we emerged at the point. I was fascinated with the waves which were sending their spray several feet up the cliff face and quite enchanted with the entire place. The sun was nearing the horizon and we moved to sit side by side on the rock ledge to watch. As the colors began to change, Tom wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled a little closer to him.

We remained like that for perhaps twenty minutes as the sun slipped below the edge and the color faded from the sky. Then Tom turned to me and lifted my face for a kiss. It wasn’t like I had never kissed him before. Remember, I said he was the first boy I had ever kissed on a first date. And since then we had spent a fair amount of time engaged in such activities. I don’t mean to give the impression that we had gone very far in those directions but there had been some necking and sometimes hands had slid over backs and bottoms, but always outside of clothes.

Now we began some serious kissing but we weren’t getting really carried away or anything. Just good, clean teenage fun, you might say. Anyway it was another three hours before we finally pulled apart and started back. The sun had long set, of course, but there was a bright moon and it wasn’t a problem finding our way back to the car.

That was the first time but over the rest of spring and the summer we went back there probably another seven or eight times, generally at sunset. We still dated others but I don’t think Tom ever took anyone else out there. I know I never went out there with another boy.

By September college was approaching. I think everyone in our group was going to school somewhere, but Tom and I somehow seemed to be the only ones going to State. Maybe a little surprising considering that there would be twenty five thousand other students there. We would both be living in dorms, although in different ones. Coed dorms were just beginning at that time and they were nothing like they are today. Men and women were housed in separate wings and the women had a curfew and were locked in after eleven thirty weekdays and after one on weekends. However, Tom was in an all male dorm and I was in one with only women. And, of course, men and women were never allowed above the lobby in each other’s dorms.

College was a new experience – especially for a small town girl like me. Still, I think I handled it pretty well. I really didn’t know anyone there since Tom and I didn’t share any classes and lived in different places, but I had no problem getting along. I’d always been a pretty good student so classes didn’t present any real problems, although they did require more work than I was used to.

Socially, I didn’t really have much of a problem either. I got along well with my roommate Judy, and easily and quickly made friends in my classes. By the second week I began to receive invitations from guys and dated a number of them. There were a couple who interested me enough to spend some time making out a bit, although nothing really serious ever developed. The campus had a lot of wooded areas and it was quite common for couples to disappear into the shadows as long as the weather remained warm enough. I’m sure many of them were doing much more than kissing but I was never one of them.

At the end of the first term I went home for Christmas and when I climbed onto the Greyhound to return for the next term, Tom was sitting by one of the windows. I quickly sat down beside him and we spent the next several hours catching up on what had been going on. He was getting along fine in his classes and otherwise. I found that, like me, he had dated a number of women but none seriously.

When we arrived and were getting our suitcases he suddenly turned to me and said, ‘Lynn, I’ve missed you. Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow?’

‘I’d love to. I’ve missed you too, Tom.’

He gave me a time he said he’d be at my dorm and that we could catch a movie and then maybe go get a pizza or something. I agreed and smiled at him and then, on impulse, leaned up and gave him a quick kiss.

The next afternoon was a Saturday and Tom arrived downstairs just when he’d said he would. The movie was good and afterwards we went to the Pit for pizza and cokes. No alcohol then – the entire county was dry. We talked and laughed and by the time we left about nine thirty we were both feeling quite comfortable with each other again. Just as we had been the previous summer. Holding hands, we strolled around the big oval between the Union and the library and then along the path by the river. The campus was still about half empty with many of the students yet to return before registration on Monday but there were enough around to keep it from looking empty. Mostly they were couples doing the same things we were.

When the big clock tower sounded the chimes at ten, it found us in the pines on the hill behind Demonstration Hall. We weren’t studying evergreens. No, we were catching up on other things we had missed since the previous summer. There were a couple of inches of snow on the ground and the temperature was probably in the mid twenties, but somehow we never noticed the cold. Other things kept us quite warm and comfortable. By the time he returned me to my dorm at a quarter of one we felt as though the last several months had never separated us.

Tom and I began to date regularly and by February we were going out at least once or twice a week and had pretty well stopped dating anyone else. Most of these dates ended with some time in the shadows. We engaged in a lot of kissing and hands tended to wander quite a bit, but always outside of clothing. It wasn’t just the cold weather that caused that. No, Tom and I had become good friends and were definitely in the process of becoming more than that, but we did limit ou
r explorations. Probably this was mostly due to the times and to the way we had been raised but there was also the fact that both of us wanted to be really sure before we did much more.

One Saturday in late February we had gone to an early afternoon movie and then for a walk around the campus. It’s a large campus, over two miles across. That Saturday there were several inches of new snow on the ground and the flakes had continued coming down most of the day. However by the time we had been walking for a half hour, the snow stopped and the sky began to clear. There was some construction going on – a lot of it, in fact. At one site the top soil had been piled in a hill some fifteen or twenty feet high. We got to the hill just before sunset and climbed it for the view. The sky had cleared but there were still clouds near the western horizon.

We stood entranced, our arms around each other, watching the shifting color as the sun slowly began to sink from sight. The low light threw long, long blue shadows across the dazzling white of the new snow while the area around them was flooded with flaming orange. The clouds had their dark centers surrounded with golden and orange edges. I stared, my head leaning against Tom’s shoulder. ‘Isn’t that one of the most beautiful sights you’ve ever seen?’ I asked quietly.

For a few seconds Tom didn’t answer and I turned to look at him. Instead of staring at the sunset he was looking at me. Then quietly he said, ‘Yes, it’s lovely but not nearly so much as you.’ He hesitated for just a second or two and then firmly said, ‘Lynn, I love you.’

I think my heart must have skipped a beat – or two – or more. I had felt the same for some weeks but had been afraid to say anything. We both knew we took those words seriously and believed we’d only say them to one person. Then the words burst from me and I wrapped my arms around Tom’s neck, pulling him oh so tightly against me. ‘I love you, Tom. I love you and always will.’

We never saw the rest of that sunset. I don’t think we saw anything except each other’s eyes.

By the end of the school year we had certainly become an exclusive couple. We were both still virgins – that wasn’t so uncommon then – but we had definitely found we thoroughly enjoyed long necking and petting sessions. That, at least, wasn’t unusual then and when the weather began to warm at least one weekend night would find the two of us, blanket under arm, heading out into the large wood lots along with a great many other couples. Fortunately there were a lot of wooded areas, so we could always find some privacy.

When school was out for the year we both returned to our home town and found part time jobs. I played waitress at a small coffee shop near one of the tourist campgrounds in the area and Tom found some construction work. Still, we managed to date at least once a week. Since neither of us had a lot of money, many of these dates were just picnics or hikes or swimming or something like that. We did go out to movies a number of times and while neither of us had our own car, we did each have use of one. This made drive-ins available. Generally on a Friday or Saturday night there would be a double or triple feature so that for fifty cents each (fifty cents a car load on special occasions) there would be several dozen cars of teenagers parked before the big screens. I doubt that even half of them ever watched the show.

On the twelfth of August Tom and I both happened to be off work so we decided to make a whole day of it. We packed food, donned bathing suits under our other clothes, and headed for the state park. The day was quite hot – high near ninety – and the shallow bay had warmed enough by then to allow swimming without coming out covered with ice. We swam. We lay in the sun on the small sand beach. We cooked hamburgers for lunch. After lunch we lay in the sun, resting some more for a while and then went swimming once again. Once two other couples we knew from high school came by and we spent a little time catching up on things with them.

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Errol pulled his Volvo into a small roadside park on the outskirts of Skylar, Montana. He'd been in the saddle for over five hundred miles and he just couldn't manage another one. Twice in the last half hour, he'd snapped awake when his tires drifted off the road and onto the shoulder, making a god-awful racket as loose gravel peppered the undercarriage and fender wells. He knew if he didn't stop soon, he'd likely wind up a highway statistic. There were no other cars, but there was a...

4 years ago
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The Day we Changed Complete

Given that this is not my native language, I hope you can forgive the occasional grammatical and/or vocabulary issue.This story was written by myself after being inspired by some of the amazing stories posted here. Similarities to other stories are accidental, as this is based on a real life encounter.Characters:(me) Mike, born and raised in a small German town(my wife) Melissa, born in Kenya, raised in London and living with me.She insisted I write this from her pov, as that proved to be the...

3 years ago
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A day out

They’d met in the gym simply by the coincidence of going at the same times twice a week. Simon probably wasn’t Beth’s ideal man at first appearances. A little shy, not over weight but not well toned either – probably why he was at the gym – in contrast Beth who was there to keep her slim well toned body as near to perfect as she could. In fact, some weeks Simon only went along to see Beth’s perfect pert bum in her track suite and she sat on the spinning machine. They met, chatted and got...

2 years ago
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TeenyTaboo River Lynn Stepdaughter River learns how to cum from Stepdad

When teen River Lynn comes back from her first semester of college she had learned a lot of new stuff. One thing she learned was that most of the college boys don’t know how to give a girl an orgasm. So, when she found out her mom wasn’t going to be home for her first weekend back, she decided to get some help from stepdad. He gave her more help than she was expecting, and after a few minutes she was so happy she did. Soon she was cumming all over his fingers, tongue, and cock....

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Inmates Tale Part 2

He gave her a bewildered look as she fumbled in the nightstand drawer beside her. She pulled out a pair of pink, fuzzy handcuffs. "I know you just spent some time in these, but if you'll let me put them on you, you won't regret it." He frowned reluctantly and stuck out his wrists. It wasn't the time he spent in cuffs that bothered him; he just wanted to explore her as a free man, completely free to roam. She kissed his neck tenderly and worked a trail of kisses down his belly and happy...

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Valentine8217s Day Movie Changed Romantic Views 8211 Part 2

Hi, fans, most of you must have read about my real-life experiences with the Muslim tailor and my neighbour. If you haven’t read it, you can I had received many emails. Some of them are from girls/women who have confided in me (being a woman myself). They have told me their experiences and wanted me to post them. You can read one such story After the movie interval. So, here is the second part of the story, which happened after the interval. You can read the first part from...

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Ainsely 6

It was bad enough that Ainsely slammed the bedroom door, but hearing the lock click, I realized she was really angry this time. I was still pretty ticked myself, not especially at her, but more at the situation we were in.But sitting there alone in the living room, sipping a bourbon and water, I started to really think this through. It was time to tell myself the truth. Ainsely might well never have gotten beyond the friends stage with another guy without my instigation. Honestly, she was doing...

Wife Lovers
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The Pills part 2

*For you people who like to nitpick, I appologize about Helen's age being impossible in comparred to her kids. You can do whatever you want for your imagination. If you want her to be 43, great. If you want her to be 34, amazing. She's a 33-43 year old woman, she's very fit...thats it. Part 2 (Helen and George take the pills together): GEORGE’S POV: It was the next morning and I remember thinking that I could not believe that I just ended up sleeping through the entire...

2 years ago
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Baby Baby Baby

Baby Baby Baby Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Do not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure of yourself; but do not relinquish it simply because someone else is not sure of you......Stewart E. White "I think you should try it, just to see how hard it is!" "Nope," I said firmly. "Being pregnant is for women!" "Well, yes, that's true, but you have no idea how hard it is around here! You never help!" "I'll help," I stated in typical male fashion. "Yes, I...

3 years ago
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Cheating Husband No more Pussy for You

"Now just like your slut girlfriend, we're going to have to teach you a lesson too. And like her, you have a couple of choices. I can file for divorce and throw your ass out, keeping in mind that company of yours is in my name. You'd be broke, but you'd be free to leave or you can do whatever I tell you," Janet went on."I don't understand. You'll stay with me. I mean, we can work this out?" I answered back somewhat surprised I had a choice."Sure. But on my terms," she shot back."Okay baby. I'm...

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A Womans Arms

The ambulance version of the military HumVee pulled out onto the street from the base hospital near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq and headed down the 'Basara Highway' back to its MASH aid station about 15 klicks east of the airport. The ambulance had successfully delivered a wounded Marine who badly needed surgery, more than could be provided at the field aid station. The driver of the HumVee was eighteen year old Marine Private First Class Dennis Rader and his passenger was...

1 year ago
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Family pleasure

Note : this story is completely fictional! Well, it was 7 pm and i felt like going to this family dinner as much as i felt like shooting myself but sometimes you just have to do these things I knew what a boring night it would be - or so i thought - and i knew i would have to be on my best behaviour not saying too much in case i started insulting people - i get that way when i have had a few to drink My wife and i finally arrived at my SIL place and on enetering besides seeing all the usual...

2 years ago
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3some with coworkers

Back a few years (8 years) ago I was working at a Japanese restaurant in the CBD that hire alot of japanese girls that is on working holiday visa to OZ. With the turn over of staffs so regulaly there were a few gems came through and I have fucked a few of them. But the 2 I remembered the most is Mai (korean japanese mix, size 5 with perfect ass, flat stomach and long legs, b cup tits and fully shave & tight pussy) & Maki (japanese, size 5 with a very flat stomach, a cup tits anda very very...

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sound sleeper

Kevin honestly hadn't planned for it to happen. It just had. And all because his sister fell asleep in front of the TV with no panties on. He had just gotten home from seeing a late movie with some of his high-school buddies. It was around one, and as he walked through the living room he noticed his younger sister Katie sitting zonked out in their father's recliner. It looked like she had fallen asleep while watching some old movie. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt that she liked to lounge...

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Fucked Hard College Girl Priyanka

Hi guys my name is Jordan and today I’ll be sharing my sex story with your readers. First let me tell you something about myself, I am 6 foot tall guy with strong built and I fair in color with good physique and I stay in Pune in a flat alone and coming to the story it is of time when I was doing myB. Tech and I’ll tell story in English and Hindi as it will get more intimidate and sexy and please do tell me how you liked this story and rate it and post comments also you can mail me at This...

4 years ago
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A Girl addicted to cumming

After that night that my friend Megan taught me how to make myself cum It became a regular activity for me. It was like once my clit had been awoken I just couldn't help myself. Those last few days of summer I spent hours holed up in my room ferociously grinding on my pillows, the edge of my mattress, and one deliciously firm stuffed penguin whose name I changed from Pengy to James. At dinner one night that week my mother asked me why I was suddenly in my room so much, I made up a lie about all...

1 year ago
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Tempting Fall

Shelby stood leaning up against a post leading into the trails that marked their way through Kinderman’s Woods. She was waiting for her best friend Taylor and her husband David. She wasn’t so fond of the idea of getting back in touch with nature while taking one of these 3 to 6 hour hikes up Ketter’s Mount, but Taylor had begged for so long, she was tired of saying no. She swore it to be beautiful and breathtaking and something that Shelby would not regret, so, here she was, and they were late....

Erotic Fiction
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Vixen Bree Daniels The Girlfriend Experience Part 1

Bree is a beautiful little law student who has a few money worries. After going online and checking out a few sites, she locates a sexy sugar daddy who is looking for a naughty little girl he can dominate and take care of. They meet up, and after a few drinks, the conversation escalates to that of a sexual nature. she has always fantasised about being dominated by an older guy and this couldn’t be a better opportunity. She is about to embark on a sexual encounter she has only ever dreamed about.

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Witch Way

Legends say Evelyn Delarosa is the most powerful witch ever to be born. Even at an early age, she had mastered things those far older than her had yet to learn like transmutation. However, she tended to use her magic to pull pranks. Which eventually got her in very much trouble when she turned 23 and used her magic to turn all of the royal guards to women. Very attractive women which ended with a good four of them getting pregnant, making the spell permanent. The King was quite cross with her,...

Mind Control
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The Treatment

Disclaimer: This story contains adult themes so if you are under age or offended by this type of thing scram. If you like female domination, heavy humiliation, etc then read on. This is my first story enjoy. The Treatment (aka Poodle Punishment) By Deviant Dave I didn't frequent the strip clubs in Niagara Falls and Fort Erie Canada like my buddy Tim but I'd tag along once in awhile. For some reason I always had more of a conscience than the other guys and often felt guilty if I...

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Slave Sexual Conditioning

The searing pain is the first thing I feel as I become aware of my surroundings. As I struggle to try to find the source of it and to make it stop I begin to realize that I am held down by straps on my ankles, wrists hips, neck, and head. I cannot move except to squirm in my bonds. I try to look around, as I feel the pain ebb, but I realize that I must be blindfolded. I hear a soft, soothing woman's voice say "I'm sorry - we must have miscalculated your anesthesia." I try to respond, to plead...

3 years ago
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Moby Jane

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes...

4 years ago
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Work Hard Play Hard

After a long hard day of work, everyone decided to go to the bar after work. It was a busy day and everyone was stressed out, a beer amongst friends was just what the doctor ordered. The whole gang met at a Gino’s, a local bar in a small Illinois town. The bosses were buying round after round, till everyone was all nice and liquored up. There was quite the crowd, about 15 in all. Dirty jokes, loud music, and smoke filled the air in the bar. We walked around like we owned the place, of course we...

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Savita Bhabhi8217s Servant8217s First Fuck 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s stud servant, Manoj, tells her about his first sex. He describes how sexy his first girlfriend was. She wanted to lose her virginity to Manoj as she was going to get married after that. Listen to Manoj describing the village belle. Read the dialogues in English as you hear their sexy moans.   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button given below....

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Erotic extracts from Emmanuelle

" When his satisfied penis finally disgorged its semen in long, white, odorous spurts, she received it with strange exaltation along her arms, on her bare belly, on her throat, face, and mouth, and in here hair. It seemed that it would never stop. She felt as if it ware flowing down her throat, as if she were drinking it… She was seized with an unknown intoxication, a shameless delight. When she let her arm fall, he took hold of her clitoris with his finger tips and brought her to orgasm." ...

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Laylah and DavidChapter 10

Laylah opened her eyes slowly, but could not see a thing through the pitch black that surrounded her. As she became more alert, her head began to throb. It took her only a moment to realize that she was tied to a table. She tried calling out, but her cried were muffled by the gag that was in her mouth. Warm tears began flowing down Laylah's face as the uncertainty of what was happening began to frighten her. A door creaked toward the end of the room. Laylah saw the flame of a candle float...

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how i became an ass sniffer

I arrived on campus that Saturday morning, wide eyed and ready for the world. Even though I was in the car with my parents, I felt like I was truly moving on, and ahead in my life. High school was just a distant memory at this point, and I couldn't be happier about that. Don't get me wrong, I look back on those years fondly, now. But, at the time, it was four years of awkwardness, thick glasses, and braces. I was always involved in sports, yet never the team superstar. I always did well in...

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The Cheater

There I was minding my own business, taking a leak, when some guy yells at me and tells me to knock it off. So, I figured I'd better explain to him why I'm pissing on a grave. It all started with my best sales rep. for the last few years. Larry Wilson was a 35 year old salesman and had a territory that was about 1000 miles from the home office outside New York City. So he lived with his girlfriend in a small house he had rented when assigned the territory four years ago. He was good at...

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Playing with wine bottles

Object ConfessionsLet's get this out of the way right up front - any woman can have any guy she wants. So this isn't about whether or not I can get a guy or have sex with a guy. No man I've ever met is going to turn down pussy or ass, and if he does then either a gal is doing it wrong or his interests are invested in other men. And a lot of gals do it wrong, or get all messed up in their head over "Is it love?" and "Is it a LTR?" and other crap - and none of that has a thing to do with...

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The Willing Voyeur

I know it sounds like an odd title. What voyeur wouldn’t be willing? The trick is to be able to only be a voyeur, when the object of your desire is sitting across the desk from you. Now, on to the story. It all started about a year ago when I got a call from a prospective client that had recently moved into town. I own a small independent insurance agency and work with about twenty different insurance companies. I often get referrals from a company when one of their insured’s changes states...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 37

During dinner, my mom told us we were going to have Thanksgiving dinner on the boat. We weren't having turkey, but she assured us it would be good. My brother asked about fishing, but Dad said we should take a day off and maybe sleep in. It was still a few hours before sunset when we finished eating. Kathy and I decided we wanted to go shopping and our brothers said they'd go take care of the boat. We all split up outside the restaurant, our parents telling us they'd be on the beach at...

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15 Minute Ki kahani

Hi dosto mera nam hai Rahul age 24, aur ye ek short kahani hai, pichale mahine me mere gharwalo ke sath jaypur gaya tha, jane se pahle mene pure aane jaane ka aur waha hotal me rehne ka reservation kiya tha Magar waha jane ke bad jab hum hotal me gaye to waha pata chala ke kisi karan wo hotal kal rat se band hai, aur unhone humara kisi dusre hotal me bandobast kia tha, to hum us dusre hotal gaye, Wo ek bahot purana hotal tha, ke jaha purane type ke ek building ko unhone hotal banaya tha, lekin...

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Suck My Tits Daddy

About a year ago my daughter met a guy who was the epitome of scum. She was eighteen, he was twenty-five and the two were about as well suited as oil and water. The one time I met Roger Banks, I remember being thoroughly disgusted; his long, stringy hair held as much oil as the crankcase of his Harley, his face, which was not what anyone would call handsome, was dotted with old acne scars and several blackheads. He was so nasty that I was afraid to shake his hand.I didn't believe at the time,...

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