My very first anal
- 3 years ago
- 29
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It was bad enough that Ainsely slammed the bedroom door, but hearing the lock click, I realized she was really angry this time. I was still pretty ticked myself, not especially at her, but more at the situation we were in.
But sitting there alone in the living room, sipping a bourbon and water, I started to really think this through. It was time to tell myself the truth. Ainsely might well never have gotten beyond the friends stage with another guy without my instigation. Honestly, she was doing this because I wanted her to. I'd taken the cork out of the bottle and now the genie was out. As much as I didn't want to acknowledge it, I had to admit that I really had no idea of where or how fast this could go. I'd just been thinking with my dick about a porn fantasy, but now I would have to live with the consequences.
My beautiful loving wife, my new wife, she was only human. You can't expect a girl to do things like I'd been pushing her into without it affecting her. Even if that was part of the turn on, again there would be consequences.
Javon wasn't exactly making me happy the way he kept pushing her to make their relationship more public. But being a testosterone driven male, he had every right to be attracted to my wife, and since she'd responded as she had—as I'd pushed her to—he had every right to pursue her. Why couldn't he just enjoy what we gave him and not have this need to parade her around in public?
I wasn't able to come to any clear conclusions or plot out any carefully thought out next steps. I mean, after all, I was into my second bourbon and water before I got up to do something. But doing anything would make me feel better than doing nothing.
I knocked gently on the bedroom door, holding a tray. “Want something to eat?” I said to the locked door. No answer. I set the tray down on the floor, telling her that I was leaving it and going back down stairs. I'm no chef so I'd just made her a deli ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce tomato and pickles, mayonaise on one side and mustard on the other, just the way she likes it. Some fritos and a glass of milk completed my peace offerring.
Back on the sofa, I sat there in the dark and resumed drinking and thinking. When I heard the door open upstairs, and then close again, I sat still, holding my breath. I didn't hear anything else for another half hour, but then I heard her come out of the bedroom, go into the bathroom, and then return to the bedroom, door closing behind her. I waited another while, then crept quietly upstairs. The tray was on the floor, the food gone. I tried the door, but it was locked.
“Honey,...” I pleaded with her gently through the door, “I'm sorry. I realize this is all my fault. I'm so sorry I got so upset about it.” No answer. “I hope the sandwich was okay. I tried to make it like you like it.” No answer. So I went back downstairs, expecting I'd be sleeping on the couch. About an hour later, I was dozing when I heard her come out of the bedroom to go to the bathroom again.
I went upstairs to find the bedroom door still closed. One last try. I knocked gently. “Anyone want a massage,” I chuckled.
“You can come in,” she said in this mousy little voice. The door was unlocked. She was sitting on the bed in a t-shirt and panties. Her dress was on the back of the chair and her heels piled on the floor, her hair down and her eyes red. “Thanks for the sandwich,” she said, not really looking at me.
I repeated my apologies as I sat on the bed next to her, rubbing her neck. I told her afresh I realized this wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for my stupid fantasies and that I was willing to accept anything that came from it.
“Javon said you'd come around,” she said.
“What?” I asked, stunned.
“I called him to tell him what a jerk you were being. He said he noticed and thought you went a little overboard just because our secret was kinda out. He said you shoulda known this had to happen eventually. He asked me if you tried to hurt me and said he'd come get me if I wanted him to.”
Shocked. “Did you want him to?” I asked fearfully, gently rubbing her shoulders and neck.
She stopped me and turned to look at me. Serious expression, studying my face, she said, “I thought about it. The truth is I almost told him to come. But I didn't. I don't even know why.” Then she hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Oh baby, don't ever do that again. Don't make me feel like any of this is my fault, cause it isn't.” Then she peeled her t-shirt off over her head and laid back into my lap.
“I know,” I admitted with as much humility as I could muster. I took my time on the massage. Starting with her head and neck, her face, her shoulders her arms, the down her belly and legs, her quads, her calves, her feet, then she turned over and I did her back, slowly, patiently, doing my best to make her purr with the pleasure I'd learned to give her with a little practice. Her mind seemed to be clearing as her body relaxed, exactly what I'd done.
“What are we gonna do if this—you and Javon together so much—gets out?” I asked her trying to show that I was concerned about the thing that bothered her too. “What if word gets around and you get a 'reputation?'
She chuckled softly at that. “Too late to be worried about that,” she said. “Too many people saw us today, and I think the few people on post that don't know about us already will know all about it soon.
She continued slowly, as though she were thinking it through as she spoke. “I know you were concerned about me and my reputation. Don't kid yourself though, you're worried about everybody on post knowing your some kind of pervert for pushing your wife to cuckold you. But I believe you when you say you were concerned most about me.
“But to be totally honest, you should know that I sorta let this happen. Javon came over and we fucked all day. Then he wanted me to go out with him. He even picked the dress he wanted me to wear. I knew it would be a risk. But I went. I guess my fantasies or my lust took over, but I wanted to go. I don't know how I was thinking I could control it, but I know now there was no way to keep it all quiet.”
“It's taken me a while to realize that too. Honey I love you so much and would never want you hurt or embarrassed in any way, but it looks like this is beyond us controlling it. Even if you stopped seeing him this minute, I don't think the rumors and damage to your reputation would stop.”
“Well you don't have to worry about that,” she said, “cause it ain't gonna happen.” That threat, that certainty hung between us for a few awful moments. Then getting this playful smile on her face, she teased, “You shouldn't leave me unchaperoned with him. I don't seem to be able to keep my panties on when he's around.”
I finally massaged her to sleep and lay beside her awake for a couple of hours, just gently stroking my hand slowly over the curve of her hip, enjoying the soft touch of her body as she slept.
I drove Jack to work the next morning so I'd have the car to run up to Louisville to get all of my paperworks turned in and give them the first check. By 11:000 AM I was back and was sitting on the floor of Carolyn's living room playing Candyland with her little blonde three year old girl. Carolyn's eleven month old son was running around driving his cars all over my back, trying to disrupt our board game and generally being a pain. He was supposed to have gone down for a nap, but wouldn't stop crying when I tried that.
I'd gotten roped into babysitting for Carolyn so she and Mike could go to her prenatal appointment. I didn't know Mike very well. He was never around when I was over at Carolyn's visiting and seemed to be a very passive vanilla sort of guy. It wasn't hard to understand why Carolyn was cuckolding him so openly.
For almost two hours, I got tortured by her kids. I was wearing a mid-thigh skirt—Javon asked me not to wear pants anymore—so I had to be careful to keep it covering me while down on the floor. Her son kept trying to get in my shirt to nurse on my breast since Carolyn let him do that whenever he wanted and her daughter kept telling me I had to let him or she would cry. I tried to get both of them to take a nap, but they were having none of it. A truce only resulted when I got them apple juice and parked them in front of Sesame Street.
Finally the door opened and in waltzes Carolyn, big bellied and glowing, on the arm of Richard, her black boyfriend. I don't know where they dumped Mike, but it was obvious that they didn't need him for what they had planned. Carolyn asked me to please just take care of the kids a while longer because she had to go upstairs and take care of Richard. I really didn't have a choice.
“Why don't you take them for a walk?” she suggested helpfully as Richard wrapped his arms around her unbuttoning her blouse. Wanting to get away from that I plopped her son in his stroller, helped her daughter get her sandals on and headed out the door. I kept them out for quite a while hoping Richard would be gone when I brough them back. They were both getting fussy and hard to handle when we headed back toward the house.
“Serves you right, you little slut.” I'd never seen the woman before. She wasn't that much older than me, but was dressed very conservative, long dress, hair up in a bun. “Too bad you never learned to keep your legs together, dearie.” I blushed crimson, realizing she thought these were my babies as I wrestled with Carolyn's daughter who just then broke free and ran over to pet the woman's yappy little dog. She snatched up her dog and huffed back into the house as I struggled to catch the girl. Well then it was definitely time to get back home!
It was quiet when I opened the door and pushed in the stroller. Then I heard these heavy footsteps as Richard came downstairs in nothing but a pair of boxers. As I got Carolyn's son out of the stroller, he got a couple of drinks out of the fridge. Grinning at me he said, “Hot woman up there. Since I knocked her up, she can't get enough of me.” I just rolled my eyes and asked him if I could go now since they were done.
“I gotta go get my dick sucked,” he smiled at me. “Carolyn's in the bathroom so it'll be a little while longer. If you're in a hurry though, you can suck it,” he teased me yanking down his boxers to show off his erection.
“Don't you dare let that little bitch suck your dick,” Carolyn yelled down from upstairs. She's got her own black stud to blow when she needs a mouth full.” He just laughed and went back upstairs to her. I sat there listening to them for another thrity minutes before I finally got out of there.
What a day. What a lesson on having kids to take care of. What a lesson on how mean and judgmental some people could be. What a lesson on how crude some guys can be, even if you're giving them everything! Was I naive? Yeah, probably. I kept telling myself I'd never be in that situation.
I pulled into the parking lot at my husband's company at 5 on the dot. Several people were already sitting around on the tables out front, so I just sat in the car. Shortly Javon's smiling face approached so I got out to meet him. I had just said hello when Jack walked up.
“Honey, I have to be in a meeting for a while. I'm sorry but I won't be ready to leave ror an hour or so.” The three of us looked at each other, all conscious of the interested people watching us. “Just wanted you to know in case you have anything else to do,” he continued. Without another word, he turned and walked back into the building leaving Javon and me standing there looking at each other.
“Would you mind running me by the snack bar?” he asked politely. “I need to get a couple of things.” I knew I didn't have a choice. I just gulped hard and told him okay, knowing people would see and talk, even if a suitable excuse had been put out there. Out of newly formed habit, I handed Javon the keys and got in the passenger side, only too late realizing that didn't exactly look good. As we pulled out of the parking lot, his black hand stroking my bare thigh, it occurred to me that I was caring less and less what people thought.
We never made it to the snack bar. Javon drove to a 'recreation area' that was nothing more than a fishing pond and with some picnic tables and a barbecue pit which, on a Wednesday evening, was deserted. As he parked the car, I pulled up my leg letting my skirt ride up and lowering my gaze gave him this sultry grin, “Whaddya gonna do.. molest me?”
One black hand caught the back of my neck pulling my face to his as the other pushed roughly between my legs, shoving its way up under my behind. It what was becoming his signature move with me, his big hand grabbed my panties from the back. In one powerful, smooth and oh so dominant move he depantsed his sassy little white girl on the spot as our tongues tangled. We broke long enough for me to get my panties off my ankles and for him to pull me out of the car and shove me down onto the back seat.
Javon fucked me hard and fast. He'd never been so rough with me and it surprised me how strong my passion rose to respond. My arms and legs held tight to him as he fucked me through orgasm after orgasm. His dick was soon twitching. He pumped me full of his sperm, sucking a big hickey on my neck as his ejaculation continued, then dwindled inside me.
He grinned down at me. “Wow, do I ever feel fucked!?” I giggled.
“You are one nasty girl,” he teased.
“Me?!” I recoiled in mock offense. “You're the one dragging some poor white girl out to the woods and molesting her!” I teased. He got off of me and fixed his clothes, leaving me laying there. I just let my spread legs hang apart, my gloriously fucked pussy, still red and swollen with a little trickle of Javon jizz slipping from my hole, glowing. I put one arm under my head and smiled up at him, “I love fucking you. You can molest me any time you want, mister.”
Finally I got out, looking for my panties to wipe myself up a little bit and put them back on. Javon had picked them up off of the floor and hung them on the rear view mirror. “Now that's just mean,” I told him. “I need those. I'm a mess.”
“I don't think so,” he smirked. “Lets just leave them up there so people will see them and wonder who's they are and how they got there.”
“That's all I need,” I told him. “It'll remove all doubt about what that little slut is doing!”
“More importantly, I think I'd like to return you to your husband fresh fucked, full of my sperm, and your bare ass messing up his car seats.” I rolled my eyes. “Don't you think he'd like to get his sweet little white wifey back thoroughly used by her black boyfriend?”
“Javon!” I protested.
“I think it would help him understand his new position in the relationship, don't you?”
“That's just mean, Javon. We have something special. Unusual, I admit. But that doesn't mean I have to be mean to my husband, or that you have to. I mean, I just married him.”
“I know, I know,” he said sheepishly taking my panties off the mirror and handing them to me. “I get carried away with my own hopes and dreams sometimes.
I suddenly feel self conscious as I pull my panties back on and get adjusted. I unbuckle, unzip and lower my skirt right next to the car so I can tuck my blouse back in and buckle my belt back in place. “Let me,” he says, zipping up the back of my skirt. As I bend slightly smoothing my skirt and blouse so I don't look so 'used' Javon's hand slips up my thigh and presses my panties against my sloppy pussy. “Mmmmmm,” he voices. “I can never get enough of that. I push his hand away and get back in the car. He goes around to the drivers side.
When he just sits there, keys in hand, not moving, I tell him softly, “It's been an hour.”
“I know.” He looks over at me. “But I don't want to take you back to him. I want you to stay with me.”
“Javon.. baby, we can't,” I tell him. Then without much thought, I add, “at least just yet. I love being with you too, but I'm married, and my husband is a good man. I know I was mad at him last night, and when you said you'd come and get me if I wanted, that felt good, so good. But it made me think, about, a lot of things. The kinds of changes that could be. That's scary to me. Oh Javon, can't you just try to be satisfied with what I give you? I mean I give you a lot.”
“I want to be with you more. Not just for a quick fuck, or even a day in bed. I want to have some time with you. I think you want that too if you're honest with yourself, not just so worried about what other people think, what he thinks.”
“I don't know Javon. I feel like I'm caught in the middle.”
“Listen Ainsely. We have a four day weekend coming up. The company has a training holiday on Friday and Monday is a holiday. I want to spend the weekend with you.” I felt like I'd been punched in the gut as I started thinking through the impossibility of such a thing. But I also felt a throb of pleasure in my sappy little pussy.
“I'd have to talk to him. I don't know if we could work it out. Couldn't you just come over Saturday and maybe stay overnight?” He looked at me with a desire that only stoked the fire that was already kindling in me.
“No, that's not what I want. I want you to be with me. I want you to be mine. All weekend. From Friday morning, until Monday night. Non-stop. No 'breaks.' I think you would like it too because you'd have a lot more time to respond to me and not worry about everyone and everything else.”
“I don't know what he'd do all weekend,” I thought out loud.
“I don't give a shit what he does. I don't care if he stands there and watches us all weekend. That would be kinda sick, but it doesn't matter. I just want to have you, your full attention, all weekend.” The idea rocks my world, but it's getting more and more fascinating as I think about it. Javon reaches over and rubs my neck.
“That would mean a lot of sex,” I raise one eyebrow. “I'd be too sore.”
“I don't just want to fuck you the whole time. I mean, yeah, there will be a lot of sex. A LOT of sex. But I want to be with you, for everything you do, and have you with me.”
“You really think boring little me is interesting enough to do that with? I mean, the time I tried to tell you about my classes you just kept fingering me and kissing me.” He just laughed. This was getting to be one of the most erotic conversations we'd had. We both knew we wanted to do this.
“I'll talk to him.” I said. “Oh my god, it's been almost two hours. We gotta get back there!” Javon started up the car and drove. When he pulled into the parking lot, Jack was sitting there on the picnic table all alone. Javon got out and tossed him the keys and walked off.
My husband got in and started the car. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss and this curious little smile. We drove home together in silence, my mind a jumble, wanting to say a lot, but not knowing where to start or how to put it.
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A lot of times we get first timers who are just this side of innocent and inexperienced, which is fine by us, but oh no, that’s not what we’ve got in store for you this week. Meet 23 year old blonde and beautiful Evelyn, a girl that lost her innocence somewhere in the 5th grade when she was dry humping her girlfriend and then lost her virginity at 12! If there was ever a girl born for sex, well we think we’ve got her right here! So what happens when you get started at such a tender age? You...
xmoviesforyouFinally I had hugged and kissed everybody, and the tears were wiped away as we went to wait for my luggage. And I held George the entire time, his arms around my neck. He was babbling non-stop, and I understood maybe a quarter of what he was saying. But I did not care. Then finally we were home, and it felt amazing! “Pete, put your things upstairs in your old room, that is still yours. Georgie sleeps in the old guest room.” “OK Dee” I said as I went upstairs, putting the luggage in the...
"The garage door is broke again Bill." My wife is always yelling about getting the door fixed. I tried to fix it myself but couldn't get it done. So I told her to call someone and get the job done. The garage door has its own mind it goes up and down on its own and sometimes it doesn't work at all. My wife made an apointment for monday which means I have to stay home and wait all day. I hate that but atleast I have the day off from work. My wife left for work at around 8am the repair man was to...
GayAlene just stood there after her immense display of sexual prowess. The floor below her was nothing more than a knee-high ocean of her cum. On the island that was the couch, Angie was still shaking in orgasm, long after Alene left her body. “I did as you asked,” she said in a confident voice. Her cock was limp but it was still the biggest thing Paula ever saw, it rested all the way to her knees just burly touching the cum on the floor. “I am ready for you,” Alene said in a calm serene...
When the strange Gypsy father and son team of traveling fun seekers visited the convent the following month, they found the sleepwalking nun almost in the same place by the bus stop waiting for some innocent male nocturnal passerby to take advantage of her trance-like state to guide her into a satisfying carnal landing. They did a perfect encore of threesome copulation with a familiarity that thrilled the sleepwalking nun right down to the depths of her demanding feminine core. This time...
Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi's marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...
IncestWhen I woke up the next morning, with bright sunlight already streaming into the room, I found myself alone in the bed and with Anne nowhere in sight, which left me slightly disappointed. I had expected to be woken by her, or the other way around, and after last nights intimate confession, revel in the new closeness. I crawled out of the bed and made my way to the coffee machine, my mood brightening when I saw the note on the kitchen table. Though the small flutter of happiness was instantly...
BDSM“Yep, I am… your not mad are you mum?” Kim was a little nervous at how her mother would react, but April grabbed her hand and held it for support. “Lee what about you?” Marie asked looking at her son, as did all his sisters. Slowly he got up and looked at April, who smiled at him before he looked at Kim, a small tear welling in her eyes as she thought the worse. “Kim” he paused for a while, everyone holding their breaths “You will make a great mum and I can’t believe that I’m gonna...
As is customary in such circumstances, the meal that the school put on probably cost as much as they hoped to recoup from the patrons' subscriptions. There was more metalwork on the table than in the orthodontic restraints of most of the lower school -- which is saying a lot. Maggie and I were treated to a very well-served dinner of many, many courses. The event obviously considered by the school to be a way of showing off to themselves and a way of getting the wallets open. The service...
Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...
Sheila had been my Boss during the last three months. She was some years older than me; but that woman really made me hard every time she called me to her office.Sometimes I could not even to hide my growing erection under my trousers.Sheila knew she was a perfect bitch and she enjoyed teasing me.In our company it was considered taboo to have sex with co-workers, or even worse, with senior employees. But that afternoon Sheila called me and asked if I was available to go to any place with her...
Hi friends, I hope you would be living happy and joyful life and your penis must have tasted many different kinds of pussies and asses. I am pinku here, Ur emails and love inspire me to keep writing and sharing my experiences. Please keep writing a mail to me. You can share with me your idea, suggestion, advice or problems related to sex. My email id is . I m 26-year-old smart, sexy male. Now, I am going to narrate an another my new experience with a new lady which was really a horrible task....
A Hunter's Tale By Scrambler J Copyright July 2000 Hunter's Tale Chapter One My name is Mike Dayton. I'm a Hunter for the Guild, yesterday was my 39th birthday and I've been a Hunter for the last twenty-five years. I stand six foot five, two hundred and ten pounds of solid muscle. I've got short blonde hair and light green eyes. What is a Hunter? Simple, we are those that stand between humans and the nightwalkers. No, I don't just mean Vamps, or vampires...
Club Mephisto was the hottest dance club in town. Invariably the velvet rope line outside the door was long enough to wrap around the side of the building. Even so, Roxanne and her boyfriend Mitch never had a problem getting in. Roxanne was hotness personified. She was not quite six feet tall with a perfect hourglass figure that she barely concealed in a pair of daisy duke jean shorts and a tube top that showed off her navel piercing. She wore cute ankle-boot heels that magically transformed...
My wife finally moved home only because I told her to keep seeing other guys. The catch was she had to bring them home to a cottage on our property to fuck them. Tonight I'm waiting for her to come home from a date. So I can watch my slut wife suck a strangers cock and get fucked. Jennifer is a 45 year old 6ft with 40dd tits and voluptuous ass and pussy. When she left tonight she had on black blouse and half bra with fish net stockings and come fuck me boots. Finally I seen lutes pulling into...
Cheating WifesBrenda lay baking under the midday Caribbean sun, fantasising about black cock as she often did these days. A shadow appeared and Brenda turned her head, opened an eye - wincing a little against the bright sunshine, It was the Mango Man.‘Hey! - warm enough for you?” ‘Hi, yes, maybe a little too warm! have you sold all you mango’s?’ she asked in a well spoken voice.‘Every last one maam’ the man smiled extravagantly and pointing to his empty sack.‘Where do you get them from?’‘There is a grove...
I pulled the ragged cardboard box of fuzzy sweaters out from under the bed. Which of my lovely ladies will pleasure me tonight? I thought, running my hands over a deep blue cashmere number. I ran my hands through all the treasures in the box, feeling their sensuous fuzzy softness. "Down, boy," I muttered as my cock pushed eagerly against the material of the old terry cloth robe I wore. "We want to take our time with our soft, sensual lovelies. What is this?" My eyes had spotted a long...
ma apni kzn ki shadi ma gaya hoa tha to mehndi ki rat thi and rat k taqreeban 11 bj rha tha ma thka hoa tha and so rha tha tb hi shor sun kr mere jag khul gai mere tango ki traf mere kzn sania bethi hoi aunty sa batain kr rhi thi she was so pretty girl with hot boobs and cute and soft ass wo itni gram and pyari thi kh us ko soch k ma kafi dfa mouth mar chuka tha and us wqt ma na apni tang ko jan pooch k us ki kmar k sath touch krwaya bs touch hona ki dair thi mera khra ho gaya phly us na mere...
The story of a man’s education in love and sex. Notes for Literotica: I have not used ‘Microsoft lines’ — I am not certain what these are — but have used a series of underscores: _______ I have made sure that there are less than thirty of these in any given set. I have also used page numbers. Do you have a problem with this? This novel contains only dialogue together with my thoughts. I have used superscript initials to identify a speaker: FV for example to indicate Frank Vogels’ dialogue...
Hello, It was several years ago that my wife and I tried swinging we went out to a swingers club several times but didn’t find any one that really interested us. It just happened one day my wife was talking to her girl friend Anna and she mentioned swinging, it seems that her friend also was interested and had the same let down that we had. After talking to me about it she talked to her friend and we decided to do it with Anna and Jim. They set it up for that next Saturday night when her...
Changed "How can you be such a baby," Daniel teased mercilessly. It always pleased Daniel to no end when he was in a position in which he could show superiority over someone else and it was even better when it was his sister. They were both having their breakfast that morning and for Daniels's sister Jessica this wasn't a good situation. Recently Jessica had lapsed into wetting herself every now and then and now wore diapers until she a time where she was consistently dry. "Why do...
Hi, guys …This is south Indian fucker back with another story This is a fantasy of my reader who told me about it many days before and as per His request am writing this ……..It’s about his bhabhi ……… Keep supporting and I will write stories for fantasies of people My email id is Story begins….. Hi, guys am anil ..Am 1st-year student … Am studying away from home in Bangalore… My brother is settled there…His name is Sunil and he is married to Shobha … She is very fair…With thick black...
"Fine. I may have had a few inappropriate thoughts here and there," I reluctantly admitted. "Oh really?" she smiled. "And how frequent were these inappropriate thoughts?" "Do we really have to do this?""No. I just wanted to show you how hard it was for me to talk about this. We lived in the same house for so many years, fantasies are inevitable. It's shameful to talk about, but it's normal I think. It's part of being human.""So now what?" I asked.She thought for a moment. "Now, I better dry...
In 2016 I caught my wife sexting with a guy she knew from years back, he was her exhusbands brother. He lived 5 hours away from us so I know they didn't hook up. And this is the story on how it started and how I hacked into accounts and got to have fun with it in the end. Some may say im crazy and other will say good job. I had fun and would donit again if need be.She had been taking sexy pics for weeks but wouldn't send them to me. I asked who was she sending them to and she said no one. I...
My name is Jenny. I go to a normal high school, I play soccer, and I like to spend a lot of time with my friends much like any other girl my age. I guess you could say I'm the stereotypical beautiful, popular and athletic girl in my school, the one with plenty of friends and the one all the guys wanted to get it on with. In other words, I'm a completely normal girl, apart from one little thing.Where most girls have a cute little cunt between their legs, I have a dick. Doctors had examined me...
Author Note: So yeah, this is my first submission. I am ready to read all your horrible reviews of this story. This story is greatly inspired by The Role Exchange by Morpheus, and is told in a similar style of being in parts. There is minimal transgender in this story, but it is there, and I can promise I am already in the planning stages of the next part of this story (don't worry this one is complete) which will have a bigger focus on it. There is also a ton of hand waving of how...
It was the fall of 1992, I was in the Navy studying at Naval School of Health Sciences to be a Corpsman as the Marines called us (DOC)! I never had a real serious girlfriend in high school and didn't experiment with sex at all being raised Catholic it was supposed to be for marriage. Well, I soon found out about being away from home and family how fast some values can change when it's put to the test.I had been playing pool by myself at the club on base, also drinking a couple of beers. The...
The diminutive mage begins to weave wonders from sheer light, letting out a girlish chuckle as the brilliantly luminescent particles twirl and fade. A garish display that earns at least a few pained sighs from fellow students.With soft waifish features hidden beneath wavy blonde locks and piercing blue eyes that glimmer with ravenous curiosity, Miria looks like any other girl you’d find entombed within the depths of the Mage’s Guild. Her skin is frightfully pale from years of candlelit...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Ken Davidson, I come to you to give you a gift. My last gift to this realm." said a soft voice as woke up from my dream. I didn't know how who's voice that is, but they sounded sad. When I was completely awake I looked around my cramp room and only let out a breath as I got up and stretched out my body. I worked hard to keep it fit, but I don't have the confidence to us it. I remember my dream and laughed tiredly as I exclaimed, "My house will be fully furnished and clean and larger with an...
Carolina has been wanting to try some sex on camera for the first time. She decides to take matters into her own hands and produce it herself. She runs up to her boy toy who was resting his eyes. With the camera pointed at his cock, she decides to give it a little lick. That was a good way to wake him up. Now he could film while Caro rides his dick as if it was a dirty sex rodeo. Carolinas slender body was the perfect fuck, causing her man to nut all over her stomach. This could be one of the...
xmoviesforyouJournal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...