Sunset free porn video

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Bit of me in the beginning, skip toward the end if your looking for just the sex part.

It amazes me the beauty that nature brings to the table without even trying. From the awesome power of the sun as it sets and rises to the sensuality of woman's body to the gentle dance of plants as the breeze pushes the waves plants from side to side. As I gaze upon with excitement as the sun sets over the lake; colors of orange, yellow, and red within the center and streaks of purple and blue on the edges. I feel warmth even as I know the cold transformation of day to night will bring a slight breeze across the cool lake with a tickling chill, my adventures for the evening just beginning.

I spend almost every nights beginning here, watching the sun set, reflecting on my day. New friends, old friends, the company of those past, and the company of the person I am sharing this view with. I find such value in my interactions throughout a day. I feel compelled to close each of those with a thought at the end of my day. Something to help me remember those that have come into my life again or anew. It seems strange for me to have these views and thoughts, it is not within my overall personality to be so sentimental. Is that personality a front on to many occasions? Some people would think so but I am really am who I am, from the whatever to deep caring, I assign value to everyone, I guess this is my avenue to work that out. Those that care and respect me get the world from me, those that think I am a toilet to be shit on get what they get, everyone else gets a place in the middle.

So tonight as I reflect on a new but somewhat trying friendship hot and then cold and then gone and then back again. The problem with value is that it often changes with the stroke of a moment especially when things are so new. The discussions are matter of fact all the way to intense and deeply personal. Where do I assign value, is there a value to be set, does it even make sense to set value here, now. It is a young friendship or maybe it is like that person you meet at the bar who could be your best friend if it wasn't for the fact you would never see them again.

Time has left many wounds for me in the interrelationship thought process, some have basically vanished other than memories, others have scabbed over and are healing, but a few have left me with scars on my mind. Scars on my hands, fingers, and forearms have insured that I don't do certain things as I make repairs anymore. The scar on my neck and forearms have lead me to stay out of certain neighborhoods. The tree branch, the dry spot of pavement, the near miss with a truck, the pain I wake up with every morning remind me to drive down paths a bit slower than my youth... I have learned in the physical world that safety is a factor if I want to continue to enjoy sunrises each morning. For the mental side of life I have also learned to set up certain safety factors so that I may enjoy my sunrises. The new person; do I set a value, do I enjoy the freedom that unearned trust gives me in conversation (I don't lie and I don't embellish, life is exciting enough), do I share part of me in hopes that things grow? I have decided long ago that a certain level of open trust and risk is required to enjoy the fruits of life. Not much fun sitting on your couch watching your four walls and the world go by on TV. For me TV is filled with lies and therefore has no value. I prefer to be out enjoying all that I can feel, hear, taste, touch, smell, and sense. I enjoy the exploration of life and the comforts of the familiar, to do this though I continue through life but with a little more caution than in my youth. I have learned to protect my heart and my mind. I still enjoy the new, still enjoy the friendship, still enjoy the physical interaction of the senses. I am willing to give of me but only to a limit someone is willing to return to me. Yes I will go first if it is give and take, I am willing to make that step, I have many talents I am willing to share. I know the types of people most likely to cause me issue so I stay away from them. I step a bit more cautiously and with a bit less enthusiasm. I find that I am good in my place. Through all of the lessons I have learned to protect myself I still go out, albeit with a bit less risk and a bit more protected, to insure that I may enjoy the lifetime that I have been given.

As the tiny waves make their crash to the beach my mind clears from my reflections. I feel the slightest of breezes cooling my skin as the sun fades over the horizon. I take a few steps and place my arms around her from behind sharing a bit of warmth. In my youth I was always fumbling where to put my arms where I didn't offend her boob space, now I don't even notice other than her gentle sway that causes them to rub across then inside of my forearms. I pull her in a bit tighter and her sway moves us from side to side ever so slightly. The motion is rhythmic and flows to the sounds of the music from the bar off in the distance. There are a few other couples roaming the beach and a group of older teens playing near the water. I feel the intensity of the night rising in me, today will most likely be my only shot ever to enjoy her physically. A business trip to my neck of the woods afforded us this time to meet. Her chin in my hand now I spin her a bit keeping my other arm around her and lift her head a bit while I move down and we share our first kiss as my fingers brush across her face and run through her hair and I apply a touch of pressure to her back as my hands meet up at the small of her back. The spot just above her shorts, right above her butt is warm to my gentle touch. I can feel the 'oh shit' in her as she tenses through the first few seconds and then her body relaxes as our lips explore each others. My hand from the small of back moves up to catch her raven hair between my fingers pulling it away from our faces so that it doesn't interfere with the moment, but adds to it. The slow brushing of my hand across her face and through her hair ads to the intensity of the long awaited moment. Her tongue moves to find mine and she begins to sway to the music of a song coming from the bar without breaking from the kiss. It isn't about the music, it is about brushing her body against mine, it is about learning whether I have rhythm and motion, that which will make this one night a pleasurable memory or a 'what the fuck was I thinking' moment in her life. She tests the waters finding different little subtle ways of testing what I have to offer, should this night continue forward or stay where it is. As the last of the light from the sunset fades over the horizon we begin a stroll down along the cool wet sand, my arm around her waist, moving from the small of her back to her hip and then back. My other hand holding hers loosely, until I pull her over for another quick kiss.

It is mine for the taking at this point, I enjoy the loss of the question and enjoy the beginning of exploration. When we arrive back at the bar we enjoy the final act of the band with a few more drinks. I can feel the intensity in her as she sings along with band rubbing her ass across my cock every other swing of her hips to the beat. I notice the looks of the other guys as she moves across the bar to the ladies room. It is nice to see that she, dressed as a lady, still gets looks from the boys surrounded by little tramps in shorts with their asses hanging out the back and tits flying out of the scoop necks of their shirts. There is so much more said with less flesh hanging out. As the song goes “lady in the streets, freak in the bed”, there is no worse feeling for a guy than when he walks down the street and people look at him like how much for the ho. As a dominant I am questioned why I don't use words like whore and slut, simply because that is not what I want to be associated with, I have an expectation that my 'lady' will be recognized as just that. The return trip to me turns as many heads, it is good to see that a woman doesn't need to have it all hanging out to be seen especially since she will be in my arms tonight. When she arrives before me she stops, a bit of disappointment on a few boys faces as they turn their sites on others. She looks up into my eyes as my gaze focuses back onto her alone. She reaches up and kisses me before turning around and returning her ass to my cock again. I reach over and grab her new drink from the table next to us, bringing it over her shoulder, my arm over hers as she grabs it with her other hand and my other arm comes up underneath that arm, my hands meeting and pulling her close.

The last set ends as the dance music comes on and she locks sights with a blond walking past us. I smile and whisper in her ear that as much fun as that could be my time is for her alone tonight. She gives me the pouty eyes and I simply reply you don't need to go to the mountains I'm happy here on the hills tonight. She smiled and lead me back to the beach. We walked along the edge with our feet getting wet from the sand and the occasional unruly ripple of water. No blanket in hand but knowing what she is getting at I lead her around the thin sand line that protrudes from the cliff lines that surround the bay the bar is in. When we get to the other side I half spin her so that I can kiss her forehead, I move my one hand from her hips to her face, brushing the hair to the side my hand moving to the back of her neck as I guide her up and forward for a kiss. Soft little kisses followed by locking my lips to hers and my tongue finding its way to hers. My hand moves from her hip to her back, the two hooks were no match for my fingers before I moved up her sleeves one at a time pulling the straps down and over her hands and reaching up the front to remove her bra to the rock shelf on the side of the cliff. She steps back a few inches and smiles as she says 'that was impressive'. My hand moves from the back of her neck to join the free hand rubbing her hips. I move my way down and back up her skirt, our lips still doing their gentle dance. The feel of her ass in my hands is erotic beyond expectations, a combination of being horny before we met up for dinner, to the kisses, the rubbing of her ass against me, and the culmination of the build all evening. My fingers loop around the waist band as my palms and other fingers caress along the ridge of her hips, tongue probing her mouth and my lips along her neck. Slowly I work them down to her knees, my toes coming up to finish the job of removal of that obstacle. I feel her hands move from my shoulders to my shorts. She loops her fingers around the waistband, her knuckles going along the tickle line at the joint between pelvis and thighs. Enough pressure to be erotic and not tickle me. I pull my sweatshirt off and spread it on the ground at the base of the cliff. I grab my protection and take care of getting that on. Being sure to stay attentive to her lips. I pull her close and work my way to the sand, my butt on the sweatshirt cushioned by sand she straddles me. The kissing begins as she moves her butt backwards and her pussy meets my cock. She wiggles a bit back and forth and slides over me. She is warm and wet inside and soft and warm against my body outside. She sits there kissing me, arms around my neck, lips against my mine. I lift our shirts her naked breasts against my chest, her lips on my neck and ears, my kisses work her shoulder, my arms keeping her close to me. The occasional ride up and down me is intense as the warmth we share continues. Our eyes lock for a few moments just sharing our stares, our hands moving across each others skin, the moon providing just the right amount of light to be hidden from view yet to see each other up close. She rocks her hips back, finding a good angle for my cock to find her most erotic of places within her. Her hips move in small circles, my lips probing her neck from front to as far back as I can reach. Finding the right pressures in the right places to illicit her response, the nibble on her ear just above the lobe sends a shiver down her spine and moan from her mouth. I stay on that spot and she intensifies her circles with a short up and down motion. She digs her nails into my chest, moving her lips to mine, her tongue meeting mine, the arch of her back, tilt of her pelvis, she found the best angle. I grab her at the top of her hips as she starts to cum, I continue the motion that she has just taught me. Her nails really start to dig which is good because the pain will get me through this moment. The minutes go by feeling somewhere between forever and a flash, as passion often does. My ass gets a bit of a chill as her wetness runs down over my balls to my ass and inside of my thighs. She looks into my eyes and whispers how much 'I suck' playfully. I reply that's her job. She begins to lift off of me saying 'ok' as I pull her back down. I move her hips in circles and up and down and she falls into the rhythm and begins her ride again. She bends down during her ride teasing my nipples with her lips before sucking and nibbling on them, each step to both nipples before moving up the intensity. Her mouth is warm her tongue intense her teeth clamping down just before pain and tugging before release. My neck and ears are her next target as she has another little O before slowing so she doesn't go over the edge yet. My moaning begins as the pain of her nails is no longer a distraction for me. The she moves back into her position with her body her lips locked on my ears and neck. I can feel the wetness increasing again and she moves her lips to mine. I grab her hips again and she puts her arms around my head and neck hands on opposite scapulae, she begins her orgasm and I take over her movements with my hands. Gliding my cock against that spot, she has an intense orgasm and I keep forcing the movements. My moaning intensifies, my body stiffens, I continue that same movements, she cums again, her lips against mine, I can feel her tear fall on to the tip of my nose as I release and she goes over the edge. I gently lay back, my head against the stone of the cliff, her body d****d over mine, as a few moments of sleep over take me. The pain in the back of my head wakes me from my daze. I gently get her up with a few kisses on her head and a caress of her arms. The lake is soothing compared to the rock of the cliffs, her body warm to the chill of the lake in places where it meets mine......

We make our way to the truck, glad the bar is closed and empty. The smiles on our faces and the giddy behavior would give us away to even a drunk. The evening has been beautiful, to have to make the walk of shame at this point would take away from the magic. We drive to grab a coffee, some sugar and fat rings, and a much needed conventional potty break. The conversation is light and cheerful as the rain taps on the windows. The rhythm sets a tone for much needed sleep and we drift off into a pleasant nap. I awake to her soft kisses along my jaw line, her hand in my shorts, she kisses my lips. We spend the next few minutes enjoying the back of each others throat. She smiles, that devil made me do it smile, as she heads down 'time to do my job'. I release the seat back again so I'm a bit more relaxed and she has room to do her work. Her skill level is about average but her enthusiasm is by far way ahead of the curve. Attitude is everything as they say and it doesn't take long for me to match her strokes with my breathing. As the drive-thru line begins the morning back-up no one notices or just keeps moving because they don't care. Even as the sun rises and discovery more possible, I soon forget the other drivers on their cruise past my truck brought on more by the pleasure from her, than the normality of them driving by so close. My fingers running through her hair as I reach the brink. My body becomes ridged, my fingers lock around her hair neither pulling or pushing, my back arches as she takes the last deep dive down on me and I fall over the edge. The sucking stops in favor of her tongue moving all over, her hand at the base milking me slowly as I reach the the end of my climax. That skill level is perfected, I owe her teacher a beer at least. I look at her, moving my hand to her thighs, and she waves me off 'all good'.

After finishing my trip to the restroom, I order some quick breakfast and a couple of coffees to go, while she finishes in the restroom. We enjoy conversation with our breakfast and some snuggle time after. The trip back to her rental car is quiet, the conversation intermittent and difficult. She is heading back to her hotel and then flying out in the afternoon. We enjoy the last few minutes that she has in conversation while we snuggle, her arms tighter around me than they were when our night began. A smile rises on her face as I close her door for her, one last kiss through the window before she departs. It is long and intense, I pull back through the window sad she is leaving yet happy with the memory that I will have of this past night.

On my trip back to my place memories are getting replayed and filed. I stop at the store to get a few things for dinner that night. I enjoy her texts, smiling through the store. When I reach the registers she asks what it was that I was thinking about when we first got to the beach. I hadn't thought about explaining my ritual in years. I went through the basics without explaining the details of last night. My phone rings she wants a better explanation than texting can ever provide. As I get back to my truck I begin my explanation. I have to wait as she returns her rental car, just nice to hear her voice as she talks to the actually intelligent sounding clerk. Our conversation ends as she reaches the counter at the airport. She is crowded in as she waits for her flight but we manage through texts to finish our discussion. As her flight boards she promises to text or call when she arrives.

I finally get that text that she has arrived, it simply states 'made it back, waiting for luggage with husband, text you soon'. It will be a long night watching the sunset...

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Why did I settle for that

Just made it back from Miami, was a great visit, but it could have ended after the first night, and that would have been alright. Hated the dirnking and the smoke, but did meet another lovely tranny who did give me the tour and the break from this horrid northern weather. Although the sex with her was good... Ok, average, I didn't think it was worth the money that spent getting there and back. Why did I let her shit on my chest while skull fucking me anyhow? Some things shall always be a...

1 year ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 33 Lauras New Life

LAURA'S NEW LIFE Laura's new work arrangements started the next day. She was moved, along with Katy, Taylor and Candy, to an out-of-the way area on the second floor, with doors that locked and no windows. Alistair worked just nearby. He started the morning by getting a blowjob from Laura while Taylor licked his ass, then he removed the girls' clothes, leaving them naked, and locked them in the room from the outside. They had computers, and were able to do a certain amount of work, but...

3 years ago
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New Holly Potter

All characters are property of J. K. Rowing. I don't expect to be as good as her or even the great Kim West. If anyone wants to continue this beyond a Part 1 feel free. I doubt that I will. NEW HOLLY POTTER BY PAUL JUTRAS It was a cool summer night at Privet Drive when a young teenage let out a sigh from his bedroom window. Harry was a black-haired boy who was so thin it was almost on the unhealthy side. What made him stand out most was the lighting shape mark on his forehead. A...

1 year ago
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my 1st time with another guy pt1

it was the summer just a week or 2 after I had taken my 3 A level exams, I was just enjoying myself before I had to think of university/getting a job. I was 18yo 5'6 tall short dark hair with a slim toned and hairless body and looking at old photos I guess I looked at least 3yrs younger than I was and quite a bit like the Olympic diver tom daley.I was still a virgin it seemed like all my friends were getting some while I just wanked off to porn mags about twice a day(no internet back then!!!),...

2 years ago
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Franks Decision

Debbie was a slut. She'd been one the entire time I'd known her and that had been almost ten years. Since the eleventh grade. For some strange reason known only to God my wife Tammy and Debbie have become best friends. Even though Debbie was a round heeled slut I'd never fucked her. Not that I didn't want to because the girl was hot! Seriously hot!! But just before I turned sixteen my dad sat me down and talked about the facts of life. Not the birds and bees talk, but about life. The good,...

2 years ago
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Lucy and the Beast Pt 1

I had hung out with Jay and his friends a couple times, but I still wasn't receiving the kind of attention from him I was expecting. I had never had trouble pulling a boy before, and I knew many guys wanted to date me, and many people had said I should be a model, which I would be my dream job! (Little did I know at the time, but that actually came true, but it wasn’t quite how I imagined it to be.) But, Jay was different, he was so cool, I couldn't be sure if he liked me or not. He was so...

3 years ago
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MaudeMadeleine Part 12

I may have given the impression that all in Mistress Pickles’ household was, as it were, idyllic. It would, I now conjecture, be naïve to assume that a house full of women such as it was would be so. In fact there were tensions. Not all the ladies were as pleasant as Maria or Bella. There were times of great boredom and we were somewhat restricted because of the necessary secrecy surrounding the household’s activities. We were by no means prisoners. All of the ladies were willing and, it must...

2 years ago
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Amatorium Here I was, standing in the large marble room, on the second floorof The Temple. As my tired fingers were shaping the clay, I finally hadthe time to be with my own thoughts. No sounds, no bothering from the mastersand no distraction. My imagination was slaved in the cold earth matter but my mindwas free to rove in my memories from the past months. What was going tohappen with me? Why me in first place? The questions started to flow in my head like a mountain rivercurrent. The...

4 years ago
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Mothers Caress Mothers Porn 3

The first time it had occurred to them to discuss it was when she saw him watching that video again.Slowly, teasingly, Ashlyn drew the smooth, slick butt plug out of her pink anus. Adam let out a sigh. He was seated comfortably upon his chair at the centre of the room, watching her. With a single elegant gesture of one hand, Ashlyn swept her fine long, brown hair to one side. A mischievous smile lit up her beautiful face when she stepped forward, put her arms around her athletic father and...

4 years ago
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Uncle Ne Behen Ko Car Me Choda

If you wanna enjoy this chudai story, please have patience. Agar aap is chudai story ka mazza lena chahate hain to kripya sabar rakhein aur ppura padhe. I hope I will fulfill your lust. Sabse pehle mai aapko apni family k baare me bataana chahata hun. Mere ghar me mom and teen behene hain. Aur meri teeno hi behene sexy hain. About uncle: humare pados me uncle rehte hain jo bohot powerful hain aur haraami bhi.Unki nazar har auraato ko chodne me lagi rehti hai. Main uncle k baare me itna isliye...

1 year ago
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CheckpointChapter 3

I eyed her and said, "One more hot, high-performance pussy would probably put me in my grave!" When you start looking forward to NOT fucking, you're DEFINITELY getting too much; I knew that when I got picked up, augmentation would increase both my interest and my capabilities, but in the here and now I was servicing three women regularly -- and I had to take one day off in four in order to do a proper job! Filling that fourth day with another hungry gash would likely leave me anemic, at...

2 years ago
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For Him 3

"You don't think you're done do you?" he asked me quietly. "We aren't even close to finishing." I looked up at him. Dark sincerity in his eyes, as his hand slid down to cup my breast. My nipple stood erect under the warmth of his hand. Even through a thin shirt his heat was enough to burn against my cool skin. I couldn't help but drop eye contact with him. A blush crept to my face. He hadn't been up to two times in one day since the very first time we had sex. That was over four years ago. My...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Predatory MothersChapter 5 Out the Back Door

Ariel woke up at 7:30. Her pussy was sore from the dildos and vibrators she had been pounding into it all night long, but she still craved more. Specifically, she wanted her son's big hard cock inside her once more. She couldn't ever remember being more frustrated. She wanted to go wake him up, but the direct approach seemed to be backfiring for her. Her body was so stunning; she had never needed to tease a guy into approaching her. Subtle seduction was unfamiliar territory for her. "That...

3 years ago
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Diary of a Submissive BabysitterChapter 5

The next Friday I was down shopping in the small market near the rooming house when I spotted Hester Quick bending over getting onions from the bin on the floor. I could see her silly "granny" knickers because she tended to wear skirts far too short for a woman of her years. The taste of her cunny was a memory on my tongue but not because I had been fooling around with the poor lady. It was a second-hand taste from the cock of the sex-crazed Reverend who liked me on my knees for a much...

4 years ago
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The Best Laid PlansChapter 5

When I got home to the ranch I had a bad case of “Toxic Sperm Buildup” and nine girls were going out of their minds from needing a good hard dicking. The self-fulfilling prophecy that girl games can never satisfy a woman the way a hard cock can meant that while I usually had just the right plethora of pussy eager for plowing, at the moment I had too much because all the girls wanted me to do them first. It was an enviable position and I grinned to think that Sunshine’s daughters were hungry...

3 years ago
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Having My WayPart5

On my knees with my ass in the air, he took me hard and fast. I felt him cum inside of me as I too reached epic heights and flowed long and hard. I did not want to stop, it felt so good. My whole body was on fire. I reached down between my legs and started rubbing my clit to see if I could make it go on a little longer. I was so hot and it was so sensitive that I could not keep going. I felt my loves weight as he collapsed forward onto me pushing my body into the pillows. I, too, was exhausted....

2 years ago
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Uninvited You Shouldnt Be HereChapter 2 Elopement

A rasping on the window interrupted my troubled sleep, I opened my eyes, and saw what might be the the shadows of fingers raking the frosted glass behind the tiny window. It looked dark out, the yellow glow was coming from a streetlamp. Curious, I got up and walked over to the window, it was a small rectangular pane of glass towards the ceiling, and I reached up to open it the tiny crack it would allow. Cool night air flooded in, and I waited, wondering who it could be. A slimy, winding...

3 years ago
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Together Finally

So yeah I know that some people will call me a sicko for even writing this but I don’t care. What I have to say must be written down on paper. When my sister and I were young we did what happened to a lot of youngsters, at least from what I’ve read and researched. There are even certain websites that tell parents how to react if two siblings who are starting to explore themselves are caught exploring each other. That wouldn't have helped in our case however as it didn't start until she was 18....

3 years ago
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Made Love With My Girlfriend Married Friend

Hi friends I’m Jeeva from Chennai 24 and I’m a normal looking guy and I’m going to narrate my real life incident which happened in my life before 10 days. My girlfriend name is Anitha. Good cute looking girl with 34-28-30 we both were in love for about 3years as I’m living in Chennai and she is from Villupuram, we both studied in same college. We go to many places in Chennai as she was searching job so she took hostel for staying. I and girlfriend roaming in beach at that time she met her...

2 years ago
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Unleashing A Secret Passion For Cock

My name is Russell and I am a student. I live in lodgings that are relatively close to college. I was glad of the room to be honest, as I always leave things to the last minute and applying for a room close to college was one of those last minute things you do. I could have ended up with anybody, but I ended up with Brigitte and Steve. I couldn’t have picked a better couple to share company with in the evenings and during the weekends. Staying with them was like being at home, they were really...

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Brother Johns BenedictionChapter 3 Annettes Adultery

Back at the house, Vicki tried to help Mrs. Crisp with dinner. She was lethargic and trembly and Mrs. Crisp noticed that she was walking oddly, as if she had something between her legs. "What's the matter with you, girl?" she asked when Vicki dropped a plate and it broke. "You are acting as if... What have you been doing, Vicki? Where were you this afternoon?" "I'm sorry, Mrs. Crisp. I ain't been doin' nothin'. Like, I went to confession and... like? That's all, Mrs. Crisp," and...

3 years ago
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The Horny Teen Next Door Part 2

Charlie was holding Mr. Magic, and a bulge was appearing in his jeans—a bulge I so wanted to see. "Charlie, why are you holding that?" I asked. "The same reason you hold it..." he replied. I could feel my black lace panties, that I had worn for this very moment, dripping with my wetness. I was dripping for the man in front of me—the very man that was hard for me. I didn't know what to do. I mean, I did know what I wanted to do, it was just how I was to go about it. Was I to go up to him, kiss...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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George and ElsieChapter 5

Jane did not know where she was when she woke up. The room was not entirely dark because some light was coming in through the door. Then she remembered: After her dance with George she had sat drinking her coffee, feeling she was in a dream. Elsie's chatter and laughter seemed to flow over her and she was afraid to look at George so great was her desire to have him touch her. She remembered speaking but couldn't remember what about. When at last she had risen to go, Elsie wouldn't hear...

3 years ago
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Some Very Lovable NeighborsChapter 7

As Sue mixed a fresh round of drinks, Jack stepped up close to her at the bar, feeling his heart pounding at the nearness of this provocative woman, his mind flashing back to the events of yesterday as he stood there. He could almost feel her butter-soft mouth enveloping his turgid cock, could almost taste the aphrodisia which was her flowing cunt juice. Christ, he had really changed in the past forty-eight hours; if anyone had told him just last week that the events of the previous two days...

2 years ago
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A Firm Hand

Why can’t all working days be like this?I trudged into the office this morning feeling weary, if not a little hungover. It had been a late night which had found it’s way into early morning. Three coffees later I was feeling almost human again. At about eleven everything went off, computers, printers, lights, the lot.A power cut - serious enough so ensure no more work today, so we were all sent home…not before being told we would have to make the time up by working late over the next few days.I...

1 year ago
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My Devotion

I had been single for a very long time. In fact, I had always been. I was young, good looking, fit. My smooth, naturally hairless skin hugged my lithe musculature in an almost feminine beauty. I had every reason to be confident, even arrogant with women. But instead my mind still saw that awkward teen in the mirror, and stumbled in conversation the minute a remotely attractive woman came within a mile of me. I was doomed to be a virgin, it seemed, for ever.And then I met Tabitha. Sure I...

2 years ago
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Original: November 4, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: May 22, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 12: Predicament - After we ate some of the chocolate covered strawberries, which were even tastier than I...

4 years ago
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Becoming his Personal Assistant Part 3

Becoming his personal assistant - Part 3 This is a work of fiction, the forced sissification of Patrick, turning into eventual acceptance and appreciation. If this offends you, please read no further, as there will be explicit acts of forced sexual intercource and the like. I woke up for for the 4th time in a single night, this time however, it was actually because of the alarm clock. The other 3 times had been my clit straining against its cage so much that i couldnt stay...

4 years ago
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The Crow The Ravenous Wolf

DISCLAIMER: The stories in the ‘Celebrity’ section of Literotica are all fictional parodies – none are true, nor are they approved of by the celebrities named in the stories. Authors write these fictitious stories about famous people for the same reason that Larry Flynt made fun of Jerry Falwell, because they can. The Supreme Court of the United States, the country where this site is located, has ruled that parodies involving famous people are perfectly and totally legal under the United...

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The Apple Doesnt Fall Far from the Tree

by Fidget Josh couldn't be more unlike his father, for all of the usual, stereotypical reasons. Josh was smart, good grades, good with computers. He was on his high school's chess club and debate team, and hadn't played a sport since a particularly bad asthma attack in his last year of Little League. His father, on the other hand, while by no means unintelligent, fit the jock stereotype perfectly. He was obsessed with following sports and showed zero interest in more intellectual...

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