Jessie re lives her youth
- 3 years ago
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“News from Crnnch,” Arwen announced a couple of days later. “The attack will be, as we were told, by four hordes with two held in reserve to reinforce any breakthroughs.”
“Will he be involved?” Roxanne asked.
“Yes, he’s been put in overall command of a horde,” Arwen replied, pointing out on the screens the horde aimed straight at the largest grouping of adelshaut and ghosin.
“Ah, he’s been given the role of the suicide decoy,” I nodded.
“Looks that way,” Roxanne agreed. “Now, can we help him?”
“We can launch disruptor mortar rounds from on top of this partially ruined tower block,” I pointed. “Also use sniper fire from there too. Only problem I see is it will be obvious where we are and might leave us open to attacks from the Orcs or sled fire.”
“We can support from here and here,” Heimdor pointed out two other locations. “Still going to be rough for them, but will allow them to make a fighting retreat when the other attacks fail.”
“Aye, there’s no real way for them to win, even with their shield disrupting spears,” Roxanne sighed.
“They may surprise us...” Róisín began.
“You saw what a single adelshaut did to John and trust me he’s no pushover with a sword,” Roxanne broke in. “Even with energy weapons there are just too many damned Vultoqi for a single horde to overcome, particularly if they close with them ... and they will.”
“True, but the Orcs will be shielded too,” I added.
“Aye, but if we can breach an Orc shield, and we can, the Vultoqi will be able to as well,” Roxanne explained.
“Agreed, but we can at least help Crnnch. Athena wants him looked after,” I nodded, seeing the truth of Roxanne’s statement.
“And we will, even if it gets costly. What I want you to do is destroy the stairwells of that block to prevent any ground forces getting up to you. Take out any sleds that approach and be on the lookout for orbital strikes, though I doubt that they’ll go for them as the Vultoqi are easily capable of dealing with them.”
“Yes, Mage Roxanne.”
“You’ll then lay down a Null route to the edge of the Vultoqi domain and as far into it as you can. Other than that, do your best to keep Crnnch’s command group as safe as possible when the Vultoqi counter the Orc attack,” Roxanne expanded on her thinking. “Heimdor, Naimh, Alice, I want you to set up your squads along the route they’ll have to take and deal with any scouts the Vultoqi have out, including the ghosin situated here, here and here. Co-ordinate along with John from the top of the building.”
“Yes, Mage Roxanne,” we all replied.
“Try to avoid getting into trouble, but, also expect it too. A million Orcs are going to be damned hard to stay out of the way of, never mind the Vultoqi.”
Crnnch looked at his orders in disbelief; the plan was simple and also suicidal. Basically, charge in a straight line at the centre of the most active Vultoqi zone and kill them all, using the Orcs with spears to break the Vultoqi mental shielding.
“Seeker, this is ... this is madness,” Adept Kurl finally stated.
“Yes, you’ll notice the other three hordes have been given routes which keep them under cover and are aimed at zones of suspected Vultoqi weakness,” he hissed in reply. “One would almost think we’ve upset the high theocrats of the Beoghra.”
“Can’t think how,” Adept Slaarg chuckled morbidly.
“Is there no way to ameliorate these orders into something ... workable?” Kurl asked.
“No. They’re very explicit and will brook no deviations,” Crnnch replied, sitting back in his seat, his red cloak/shield not giving away his expression.
“Damn them!” Slaarg sighed.
“I am going to ask the new enemy if they can help,” Crnnch finally announced.
“Seeker!” Kurl gasped, whilst the rest of his Adept group looked shocked, then hopeful.
“Assuming they would, can you contact them?” Slaarg asked carefully.
“Yes,” Crnnch nodded. “I believe so, via that statue of their goddess,” he added by way of explanation and diversion.
Crnnch stood and led the way to the large storage area discreetly placed under his headquarters. It appeared on no map and was not discussed by his staff in any public area where they worked. The door itself recognised them and slid aside silently to permit them entry to the large room where all the evidence they did not wish the Beoghra to view and/or destroy was kept.
Despite a layer of dust covering many of the artefacts, the path to the statue was clean and well swept. The statue itself, in pristine condition, stood on a small plinth which Crnnch knew for a fact had been specially made for it.
“We would speak to you, goddess,” Crnnch intoned politely.
“Seeker Crnnch, what is it you desire?” the statue stated in beautifully melodious Yr’chan.
“It spoke!” Fumel stated the obvious.
“My name is Athena and of course I can speak through this object,” the statue replied with a hint of laughter.
“But why didn’t you say anything before?”
“Well, you never specifically asked me to, now did you?”
“Ar-Thenna, we have been tasked to attack the Vultoqi, but the plan itself simply means our death. We were wondering if your followers or allies could assist us?” Crnnch asked, playing to the gallery somewhat.
“Do you all accept me as your goddess?”
“Yes,” came a number of stumbling replies as the Adepts finally spoke aloud what they’d all been thinking.
“My allies will assist as best they can, but, this will be most dangerous for you. I suggest you retreat as soon as the other hordes are defeated ... as they will be. Take these,” A glowing semi-transparent limb indicated a mysteriously appearing pile of weapons. “They are adapted for you, my followers. The handguns fire a bullet that will breach Vultoqi armour and the blade weapons will penetrate Vultoqi hide if the red jewel is pressed when in combat. Stay safe and we will talk again soon.”
“How did you know she would answer, Seeker?” Slaarg asked once the statue had ceased contact.
“I didn’t, but it was worth a try as I’m not enamoured at the thought of death along with the rest of you,” Crnnch replied.
“Yes, Seeker. This plan is madness,” Kurl agreed.
“It is indeed, though our survival will be up to our own means and will no doubt bring further scrutiny of us if we do,” Crnnch replied thoughtfully.
“Yes, Seeker,” they all agreed.
“Is all ready?” the Most High asked Brnnt during the Council meeting that would authorise the attack.
“It is, Most High. Though I still object to using one of the hordes as a sacrificial diversion. It is not as if it will gain us much, if anything.”
“The Seeker leading it is favoured by Beog. I believe Beog will protect him and the horde he will lead,” the Most High replied disdainfully.
“Has Beog been informed of the attack?” Karkol asked disingenuously.
“He is all seeing, all knowing.”
“This he has told us, yet I desire to know if he has given it his blessing.”
“His command is to slay all in the path to his domination!” the Most High snarled. “This automatically means it has his blessing!”
“And if we fail?” There was a stunned silence as Karkol voiced the greatest fear of many in the Council.
“We will not fail! We have new weapons and a method to breach the psionic shields of the Vultoqi,” the Most High sneered. “One could almost suspect you were hoping such so as to replace me,” he finished ominously.
“I have no desire to see the hordes fail. I was merely enquiring as to the consequences of failure as we have not had any great success against the Vultoqi, past or present. Have we plans for the worst as well as the best?”
“Do not be ridiculous! Archimandrite Karkol consider yourself under arrest for questioning my judgement!”
Karkol simply shrugged and walked towards the two guards at the entrance as they looked confused at the order from the Most High.
“Most High, arresting a Council member for simply questioning your judgement is simply ... unprecedented,” Takkas stated.
“It is treason!”
“Respectfully it is not,” Frust interjected. “His question was relevant. If we fail, how will we explain it to Beog?”
“We. Will. Not. Fail!”
“And when we do?” Karkol asked.
“Get out! This meeting is over. Archimandrite Brnnt order the attack. NOW!”
Four massive portals opened on Vultoq and the hordes streamed through, linking up with the various Adepts and their staff who were to guide them to where they were to begin the attack. Three were laden down with the new equipment the TechnoYr’ch had designed to increase the hitting and penetration power of a standard Yr’ch weapon, the fourth simply had a few Yr’ch with the adapted shield-breaker spears and a distinct lack of shields as well as competent support staff. It was a horde that was intended as a diversionary sacrifice for the other hordes and its members knew it.
“The route is marked?” the nervous Adept leading the horde asked Crnnch and his staff.
“It is. Form up behind me and my staff and let us lead the way,” Crnnch replied in the hissing tones a Seeker was supposed to use amongst the ordinary Yr’ch.
Setting the armoured carriers in a vee formation ahead of the horde, Crnnch and his staff led the way, targeting the route past the wrecked tower blocks where Ar-Thenna had told him her allies were lying in wait to help. Behind him, more and more Yr’ch were emerging to head at a jog towards the designated route that he had been ordered to follow without deviating until the enemy were engaged.
“Narrow your front,” the Adept ordered his Land-bosses as it was fairly obvious that advancing in the standard thousand Yr’ch wide pattern would be broken up by the buildings.
“Ready weapons!” Crnnch ordered Tenklar as they approached the tower block where he was sure the Vultoqi would be concealing themselves.
“Yes, Seeker!”
“Drop the Null shells on their projected route!” I ordered the various mortar teams we had positioned on top of the building
There was a series of loud bangs as the teams expertly dropped the shells onto the waiting Vultoqi formations, exposing them to the Orcs, who immediately opened up at extreme range with their beam weapons. The surprised Vultoqi broke into a sprint at once to try and close down the gap or get out of the Null zones. On seeing them however the Orc horde simply gave a massive bellow and charged directly at the Vultoqi.
“Sniper teams, fire at will,” I ordered as the front ranks of the horde opened up with their sub-standard weapons ineffectively at the Vultoqi who were drawing their physical blades to engage them.
‘More Vultoqi approaching,” Róisín pointed out.
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"T'Pol was looking at Phlox, digesting his diagnosis – acute exhaustion coupled to a case of post traumatic stress disorder of yet unknown severity. How was that possible? Yes, he had worked long hours, like he always did when his mind was in turmoil, but she had ordered Lieutenant-Commander Hess in no uncertain terms to make sure he did end his shift no longer than an hour or two later than expected - and it had worked. How could he still be so exhausted that he suffered an emotional...
Oh Part 2 of Pinky. Well the next day or I should say later that night, Pinky reached out to me by text. She was working overnight shift again. This time the tone was a bit different. She mentioned to me about how much she enjoyed our little time together, but she was upset with her boyfriend. He was mad she didn't call him back in the morning. Despite that face he knew she was working overnights for this week. I guess he expected her to call before she went to sleep or something like that....
Change for the better Part 5 I woke the following morning to the sounds of squealing and moaning. I opened my eyes to see Priscilla on top of Ms. Vanderbilt. Priscilla was moving her body closer to Ms. Vanderbilt and then away again and then I saw it. Priscilla had a clitty just like me. She looked so feminine and she had large breasts. Priscilla was a she-male and very pretty one at that. I looked closer and saw where her clitty went in Ms. Vanderbilt. Ms. Vanderbilt had...
COMPLETE FANTASY I was in high school at age 16, and I had known for a while that I was bi. I was about 6 foot 150 lbs with brown hair, I was also slightly athletic. I always had the biggest crush on my teacher, he was dark haired and had a wonderful beard. He was shorter than me, probably 5'8" and 150lbs. He had just a wonderful build to him that drove me nuts. I always fantasized what his dick looked like. Anyway I was pretty sure he was gay because of the way he acted and he never had a...
Gay MaleWhen you live on a ranch, things are really different than when you are a city kid. For one thing, you have a lot bigger responsibilities. For example, if you have animals that can’t fend for themselves, and you are supposed to feed them, they will die if you don’t do your job. When I was a little girl, dad did all the work. I saw how tired he was by the time he got all the chores done, made dinner, checked my homework, had me take a bath, made sure I had clothes for school, and got me to...
Family Changes part 2 Dave awoke to the feel of a mouth on his cock, it felt amazing he opened his eyes to see a lump in the bed bobing up and down. He lifted the sheet off himself to reveal Joanna giving him head and he loved it and was so glad he had choosen this family to make his. As she was sucking on him he imagened what was going to happen today, first after he had had breakfast he would go in to Dan's room and make some more changes to the litttle fag to be, Then he would...
The good mood created by the successful repair and relaunch of the Wolf attack force lingered throughout the next week. Admiral Himmel was extremely verbose in his praise when we reported that all ships had boosted for Borneo after only six days, and General Montgomery added his own words of praise after our detailed report crossed his desk. Our promised spares arrived, and while it was not a full shipload, half of one container had been filled with a variety of whiskeys, vodkas and beers,...
Cuckold Maid Scene by Throne I was in the Maid's Room. Actually it's my bedroom, since my wife no longer allows me to sleep in her bed. The space I'm in now is smaller and dominated by a four-poster bed, juvenile model, done in pink and white frills. Around the room are examples of the maid uniforms that Kiley makes me wear. Once she discovered my crossdressing tendencies it was all downhill, until I reached this point. I was naked, having just applied scented emollients to my...
Hey everyone. Deepak here. Big thanks to ISS for posting my story and thanks to the readers who came up with good suggestions and comments. Special thanks to all the women who bombarded me with your answers. I never thought so many women . Woah, it seems to be a large number. Many people asked me a lot of questions about us, I will answer some of them at the end. Since I am so vetti, I came again with another part so soon. New readers please go and update yourself with all the . Without any...
IncestFbailey storyI had been off getting into trouble as usual. My mother was a single parent with two teenage k**s on her hands, a crappy job, and bills to pay.I’m fifteen years old and I get to do just about anything I want to, as long as the cops don’t catch me.My sister Evelyn is thirteen years old and a little brat. She snitches on me all the time even though Mom doesn’t punish me and I always get even with her.Mom is a thirty-three-year-old woman with a great body. She got knocked up when she...
Working Out at the Gym By Rachel Renee McCullough I had been working out at the Bravo Gym downtown. The gym is not actually a gym as you would normally think of it but a boxing club. They had all the weights and equipment of normal gyms but a great deal of the fitness that they promoted was centered on boxing. I had gone in just to check it out, on the recommendation of a friend, with no intentions of taking up boxing. It just seemed like a decent place to work out without the...
Her whole body tense from a long day, Cherry nearly collapsed as the elevator rose, pushing her into the ground. She let out a long, gurgling sigh, deflating as she unbuttoned her snug, creased suit. Twelve long hours of managing accounts and personnel at a top-tier law firm was good money, but the burden of responsibility took a toll on her health.She had been looking forward to this all day. The elevator chimed, and she stepped onto the landing of her boyfriend's apartment. Unbuttoning her...
BDSMAnastasia Brokelyn has come to Barcelona in Private Specials, Black POVs, and of course this sexy brunette is after just one thing… BBC. Ana soon has her craving satisfied as she takes on stallion Jesús Reyes in an incredible interracial POV, and you can enjoy all the action up close and personal as if you were there! Watch this beauty put on a show as she strips down naked and shows off her incredible cock sucking skills before offering up her tight wet pussy for a fuck as she hops on for a...
xmoviesforyouSarah woke with a start to the sound of her mobile phone chiming. A new text message from Baz, her internet lover had come through. Check your email it said. Sarah pulled her laptop off the bedside cabinet and switched it on. What could be so important that he’d wake me up so early on a Saturday morning she thought? There was only one message in her inbox – A Little Night Reading was the title in the subject box. Any thought of a stern rebuke was instantly forgotten as she clicked to open her...
The theory presented for the treatment comes from the fact that many people who attempt and fail to jump to their death report that on the way down, they changed their mind. The treatment is supposed to create the same effect with a similarly extreme situation to push the patients to change their mind and decide that they want to live. A healthy goop is engineered to have all the nutrients a person might need. It's not designed to taste good, but to be healthy as food, eliminating the...