Our New Daughter Evan I Mean Ellen Chapter 3 - The Morning After free porn video

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Chapter 3 of the Ellen Saga, many thanks to Trish who wrote the majority of this portion of the story for me, Hope everyone enjoys the story feel free to comment with any suggestions on this part of the story or the story going forward or email me if you prefer [email protected]. Much Love CHAPTER 3 - The Morning After I don't know if I slept a wink. I stayed in this half-awake dream state, tossing and turning all evening with the events of the night before rolling through my mind. Periodically, I'd fight back a tear as I murmured "Why?" under my breath. "All this for skipping a stupid presentation at school..." the thought would stay with me through my sniffling. "No one to blame but myself, but why this?" The sensations of the panties and nightgown only served to increase my discomfort. Part of me--you can guess which part in particular--would become aroused involuntarily at the feel of the soft materials in which I was dressed. But the arousal would subside as my mind turned to the gravity of my situation and an impending sense of terror. "What will tomorrow bring?" I asked myself in fear. I was scared to my core. My father's anger and delight in deriding me. My brother's absolute glee at being designated man of the house and watching me being taken down a peg (or two or three or five). But my mother's reaction to the situation was the most troubling; the quiet acceptance and tenderness toward me. So I lie there. Wondering what I had done wrong. Wondering how I could fix things. Wondering if I should pick up the horrid cell phone they'd given me and call the police or something. Wondering, wondering, wondering until I could see the sun was coming up and dreading the day ahead. I was jolted upright when I heard my mother "Ellen! Time to get up sleepy head!" "Sleepy head?" I thought. "Don't you have to actually sleep to be that?" "Big day ahead!" my mother continued. "No time to waste. Girls can't just roll out of bed to face the day. We have a lot more to do than those silly men!" I heard the stress on the word "we" and my insides crumbled yet again. There was no "we" here. I was a 13-year-old boy. "Mom," I started, firmly but politely as I rolled over in bed, "I don't know why you are saying 'we.' You know I'm a boy." "Oh, Ellen," Mom responded, "Let's not get into this again. This was covered thoroughly, completely, and forcefully if you remember what your father did to you last night and that is how it is going to be for the rest of the summer. So get yourself out of bed right now young lady. There is much to learn and much to do." "No," I said plainly as I turned away from her. "No. I am not going to do it." "Your father is still sleeping Ellen," my Mom countered, "and I would be loath to wake him up and tell him that his daughter is a stubborn little thing that won't do what she is told. We could then replay the events of last evening if you insist." The ball was back in my court. My bottom still stung from the violent swats my father had inflicted the night before. I shot up in bed and shivered for a moment; an action that wasn't lost on my mother. She now saw the fear in me. I quietly cursed to myself. I had shown weakness, the one thing I didn't want to show. "So..." my mother continued, "what's it going to be?" "I... I... I," I stammered, words stuck in my throat. "Don't think you need to wake dad." "Good," came from my mother's lips, which had crept into a smirk. "And you should call him 'daddy' from now on. 'Dad' is the term boys use when addressing their father." My heart absolutely sunk as I slid out of bed. My mother had left the room after our exchange, but quickly returned with a pink terrycloth bath robe. She looked at me and with a grin said, "Oh my!" "'Oh my' what mom?" I responded. She giggled and pointed at my crotch. "That!" she said. "That, uh, little 'problem' you have shooting out. Does that happen often?" "Mom!" I shouted covering up my budding erection. "I'm a thirteen-year- old boy! What do you think?" I leapt into my bed and covered myself. I began to sob. First the embarrassment at the restaurant. Then the spanking. Then the humiliating gifts. Then being forced to wear a night gown and panties. And now this in front of my mother. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "Ellen? Are you alright," my mother asked tenderly. "I'm not Ellen!" I shrieked as I turned toward her. "I'm Evan and I am not alright. Can't you see that? Are you that stupid?" I had never seen my mother move so quickly. She pounced on me, almost like a predator coming down on its prey. Her hand came across my face with a loud slap, which jolted me upright. It was then that she pinched my chin and locked her eyes onto mine. I had always seen a softness in her azure blue eyes, but that softness had turned to ice as they bore into me. I struggled, but couldn't break her hold or turn away. "Stupid? I'm the stupid one?" she said mockingly. "I'm not the one that is so stupid and inconsiderate that they skip out of a mandatory presentation at school and then face severe punishment at home. That's not me. That is you!" I gulped. "But mom! I'm a boy and this is just crazy!" "Crazy?" she chuckled. "No, crazy is the way your father and I have been raising you to this point. Always playing good cop bad cop with your father not doing his job on the disciplinary end of the equation. So I have to wheedle and cajole and entreat and beg. 'Oh Evan, you're so special. Oh Evan, you're so wonderful. Oh Evan, you're so misunderstood. Well that ends now. After your latest little expedition into irresponsibility, your father and I had a long talk. I said I was tired of this. I said I was tired of the flat-out mistreatment that you ladle out to me and I was tired of him not doing his part. When I suggested this is how we remedy the situation, he was leery, but I insisted. Your father and brother can be a bit coarse and insensitive, but you are simply spoiled and feel entitled. I told him this is the way we are going to cure you of your harebrained macho crap and if he didn't go along with it, I was out of here. He could raise his two sons on his own. I am simply tired of taking it, especially from you." I was no even more scared than I was when lying over my father's knee awaiting his hand to make contact with my bottom. My mother would neither release my face nor her stare. She saw the fear and she made certain I knew that she saw that fear. She held it firm. After what seemed like an eternity, she slowly released her grip and looked away. She stood up and fetched the pink robe that she had flung to the floor. She tossed it onto the bed. "Here," she said quietly. "Cover yourself up and come downstairs. We need to get breakfast ready for your father and brother and I can't have you waltzing about uncovered with you sticking out." I was amazed with her grace as she turned toward the door. Less than a minute ago, she had turned into a banshee, but now she had regained her composure and a quiet dignity. As she neared the door, she turned "And from now on Ellen, address me as 'mother' or 'mommy.' Only boys call their mother 'mom.'" I reluctantly reached for the robe, but before I could touch it I simply collapsed. Falling forward onto the robe I began to sob uncontrollably. I could never remember crying like this. My body convulsed as it drained of what little energy I had after having little, if any, sleep. I buried my face in the robe, feeling the warm, salty tears slowly drench my face and the robe. I continued to wail, oblivious to my mother turning toward me and sidling next to me on the bed. I felt her soft hand on my back, which shivered and heaved as my wailing continued. "Ellen," she said softly. "Sssssssssssh. You will wake your father and brother." She reached around me and slowly pulled me up and toward her. My sobbing face found its way to her shoulder, but I continued to cry. I was inconsolable. "Mom... uh... mommy," I stammered, choking through my tears. "I don't want to do this. I just don't. Isn't there another way?" "Ellen," she continued. "We just went through this and I thought I made myself clear. Your parents--the people who make the decisions are around here--have decided this is what needs to happen before it is too late for you. I know it isn't going to be easy. Not for me. Not for your father. And certainly not for you. But it has to be done and you will see that once you get serious about being held accountable for your actions. Your father and I will be firm about this and I can't speak for your father, but I will try to be as gentle and understanding as I can be while trying to get through to you how disappointed we both are in your behavior." I was surprised by how calm my mother was. Less than two minutes ago, she had my face in a vise-like grip with her eyes boring into my soul. Now, she was comforting me. I didn't like what I was hearing and I was still determined to somehow lessen the punishment that was going to be doled out to me, but her hug was the consolation I so desperately needed at the moment. She hadn't hugged me in years, probably because I hadn't let her, but right now her hug brought me back and dulled the pain I felt so deeply. "We do need to get up Ellen," my mother said softly, "and we do have to get you ready for the day. So it's on with the robe sweetie." She rose from the bed and I slowly followed. She helped me into the soft, pink robe that exhibited a wet circle where my tears had fallen. My erection had totally subsided, momentarily lessening my embarrassment. My nightgown fell smoothly around me, creating a silhouette totally foreign to me. My mother reached toward me, straightening the robe and then running her fingers through my hair. "Oh my!" she giggled. "We are going to have to do something about that mop of yours. Let's get you to the bathroom." She strode confidently toward the bathroom assigned to Thomas and me while I lagged behind. It felt so different navigating with the nightgown and panties. "Hop to it," my mother said as she reached the doorway to the bathroom and turned to face me. "We've got a lot to do to get your ready for the day." "Mom." I said as I approached her, "I really need to piss so can you get out of the way and let me do that before we do anything else?" "Piss?" my mother responded sharply. "That type of language is not befitting a young woman." I could see her back arch and eyes sharpen and the last thing I wanted was my face trapped in her grip again, so I backpedalled quickly "I mean, can I go to the bathroom please?" "Of course, dear," she said, her lips curling back into a sweet smile. "But we girls often go together and so let's do that." "We?" I asked plaintively. "Yes, this is going to be a new experience for you and you need to be shown proper feminine hygiene," she said matter-of-factly. She ushered me into the bathroom and I approached the toilet bowl. Lowering my panties, opening the robe, and lifting the nightgown, I stood next to the toilet bowl, ready to take aim. "Ellen!" she gasped. "That is not the way women go potty. You need to sit." "Oh please!" I grumbled. "No way!" "Ellen," she huffed. "Is it going to be like this every step of the way? We went through this in your bedroom and I will reinforce everything I said in there. For the entire summer, you are going to be a daughter. Not a son. Let me repeat. A daughter. Not. A. Son." The firmness of those last three words jolted me. "You are going to learn what it is like to be a young woman and that means a young woman in every way, shape, and form. You will act like a young woman. You will conduct yourself like a young woman. And starting right now, you are going to go to the bathroom like a young woman. So sit." So I sat. I lowered the panties to my ankles and lifted my nightgown. I had to bundle up the robe so it wouldn't touch the water in the toilet bowl as I sat down. I couldn't relax enough to relieve myself. Looking to my mother, she could see my pleading eyes, begging her to leave. "Honey, just relax" she said quietly. "I used to watch you all the time when you were little, so it's nothing I haven't seen before." I resigned myself to the current situation. Exhaling deeply, I felt my bladder release. The sound seemed somehow different, distracting me momentarily. As I finished, I began to stand up, only to hear my mother hiss "Wipe yourself!" "Huh?" I said. "Women wipe themselves after going potty. It is quite uncomfortable walking around with damp underwear, not to mention the odor," she said firmly. "So grab a little sheet of toilet paper and wipe your opening." My hand nervously reached and pulled off three or four sheets from the toilet roll. "You don't need that much," she stated. "Just one or two sheets should do." I daintily reached for my penis and dabbed at the end, drying the droplets that sat on its tip. After a couple of strokes, I put the balled up toilet paper into the toilet, reached back, and flushed. "Well, that's girl lesson number one," my mother beamed. "We are going to go pass/fail on the first few lessons and after a rocky start, I will still give you a passing grade. Next up, your hair."

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EllenChapter 12 Naughty Sisters

“Did you enjoy yourself, my dear?” Doña Maria asked her son over the rattle of the coach wheels on the cobble stones. She had spent the last hours of the ball sitting with the Carters. It had been a pleasant evening for her, the ice between her and Sir Anthony’s wife had finally melted. Lady Carter had been in a very happy mood and that had helped. She realised that her son had not answered. “Antonio! Did you enjoy yourself?” “Err, yes, sorry Mother. I was in thought. Tell me, Mother, the...

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EllenChapter 21 Bliss

Two weeks after Marjorie Binnings’ trial, on a warm day in early August, the tenants of Matcham and Woodbridge and their dependants assembled in and in front of the village church. The front pews were taken up by a large group of visitors, noble and rich people, who had come to celebrate with Richard and Ellen. Before their friends and relatives and the assembled country folk, the new squire of Woodbridge Manor, Richard Lord Lambert and his lovely bride, Ellen Trilby Wilkes, exchanged their...

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EllenChapter 33 Rewards

Ellen was feeling lazy. Even with the benefit of a wet nurse, the first days with her new daughter had been tiring. Fortunately, she could rest without a bad conscience on this morning. Richard had gone very early. He had a seven o’clock meeting with Sir Robert Norton and he had seen to it that breakfast was served in bed for Ellen. The newspapers were strewn over the bed cover too. Three of them carried the announcement and that was why Richard had brought them into the bedroom for Ellen to...

3 years ago
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The Three Faces Of Evan 2

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN - 2 by Throne The new arrangement went on for a few weeks. Evan was drawn more and more deeply into his Eve persona, being coaxed to act feminine all the time at home, wear panties even at work, and assume 'wifely' chores around the house. Tyra also insisted on plucking his eyebrows. She chided him for being silly when he resisted and said it would only be a conservative change. She thinned them and narrowed the outside ends. It wasn't a big difference...

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EllenChapter 41 Morality Issues

The sound of their bedroom door when it slammed shut after the fleeing Marie, alerted Richard, too. “Who was that? Tony?” he asked, slightly worried. “No, it was Marie. She must have been standing there for a while, now that I think of it. Oh, my! We must have been a sight for her!” “What was she doing here?” “I suppose, she came to look after me. We were not exactly mute. She probably feared I was under attack.” Ellen looked over her shoulder. “Not so far from the truth,...

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The Winsome WidowChapter 3 Evan

The text came through from Evan at 11:30pm; he was on his way home. I had downloaded an erotic eBook a bit earlier and was keeping my fires burning with a little bit of reading and a little bit of rubbing ... through my robe, of course; I think if I touched myself properly then things would have quickly spiralled out of control. Heart pounding in my chest, I raced into the bedroom and found a couple of silk scarfs in my drawer. Watching in the wardrobe mirror, I tried a few poses in bed:...

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Uncle Evan comes to visit

Sabrina high school sophomore. 5’2, 105 lbs, red hair, green eyes and a tight little body that made the high school boys drool over. Not to mention a few older men who sometimes gave her the creeps with their staring. Mom Nicki 34 year old wife, mother and ruler of the roost. A tad over 5’, maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet with sparkling red hair which her only daughter inherited and a spectacular hot body, despite her barely noticeable tits. Dad Andy 37 year old husband,...

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EllenChapter 9 Repercussions

On the next morning after a good night’s sleep, Ellen sat down at her desk to finish the letters according to Harriet Carter’s advice, and she sent both of them by messenger. That done, Ellen busied herself with other affairs that she had neglected in the past, tumultuous days. She and Richard had agreed not to visit that day to allow both of them to catch some breath and to allow their families to adjust gradually to their developing love affair. However, Ellen wrote a short letter to...

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EllenChapter 14 Tragedy Strikes

Over the next three months, Don Antonio Ruiz de Costa became a frequent visitor at the Carters’ home. He and Eleanor spent an increasing amount of time together and it was clear to everyone that their mutual infatuation increased with each visit. Harriet Carter did not insist on the presence of a chaperone anymore since she had come to trust the young man. Harriet had also developed a strong level of understanding with Antonio’s mother and she often accompanied Eleanor when she visited the...

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EllenChapter 20 The Sting

It was a week after the charity ball, and Sir Anthony Carter was sitting in his chair, perusing the Naval Gazette, when he stumbled over a small article. Bolivian Merchantman Lost On Sept. 15, the Rosemary schooner, out of Falmouth, after having weathered a severe cyclone, and standing one-hundred miles north-east of Barbados, came to sight a small boat, carrying the survivors of a ship wreck. The rescued sailors and passengers reported the brig Estrella del Sur to have sprung a leak in the...

4 years ago
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Michael and Ellen A New Beginning

He always kind of knew what he liked seeing on a woman once she entered a room. That never seemed to change. Michael, having moved up in his company two years later, was still single at the age of 31, but in truth he did not care that he was. He’d had his share of women, not that it was his goal, but to be with a special woman such as his cousin Ellen he told himself was something rather different. There were others. He remembered them all. There was Sarah. There was Elaine. There was Amanda....

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EllenChapter 39 Keeping it in the Family

The stay in the hunting lodge, delightful as it was, had come to an end and the Carters returned to Munich in early May. Here, Richard found a pile of documents that had been delivered by a special courier. One envelope in particular caught his attention as it bore the seal of the Royal Household. It contained orders for a special mission. The Household and the Government were evaluating potential husbands for the Princess Victoria. One such prospect was Prince Franz August Carl Albert...

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EllenChapter 4 Aunt Lucy

Summer came, and the preparations for a big Midsummer Night celebration were in full swing. Friends and relatives came to visit from far and wide. One of the first to arrive was Lady Carter’s younger brother, Captain Andrew Lambert, with his pretty young wife Emily and their four children. Ellen became flustered when presented to Lord and Lady Brougham, but Lady Brougham, a stunningly beautiful woman, hugged her with great personal warmth. Ellen was given to understand that Moira was a close...

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EllenChapter 4

She pulled her mouth away from mine and said, "Oh, God!" And then she pulled her lower body up so that my swollen dick pulled out of her with a loud, wet, suction sound. "Oh God, Danny," she repeated, breathlessly. "It's so sensitive now. I can't have it inside me anymore." "What?" I asked in her ear. She lay herself back down on me so that her fuzzy pubic mound rested on my throbbing cock. "I'm tingling all over, Danny. I think I'm still cumming! Ohhhh! It was wonderful," she...

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Ellen Goes to Amateur NightChapter 3 A Very Private Dance

The manager called the three contestants up on the stage one at a time, and after a few comments to the crowd he announced 'L' as the winner. "Catch them for a lap dance if they are willing," he said rather lewdly. "And 'L' will be back to do another dance for us later." The crowd cheered. Danielle joined Ellen at her table with Adam and the guys. She had come alone, and after their moments of rushed pleasure in the dressing room, a special bond had silently developed between the...

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EllenChapter 13 Coming to Terms

Don Antonio Ruiz de Costa was well aware of the rules of gentlemanly conduct. For instance, it was good manners to call upon the Lamberts on the next day and to thank them for their hospitality. That this was a welcome excuse to possibly see Eleanor Carter again certainly added to his motivation. He therefore arrived at eleven o’clock, speculating that the Carters would still be at the Lamberts’ house. Lady Lambert received him in a small tea room and accepted his calling card. He thanked...

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EllenChapter 27 A Passage to India

When Richard returned from The Netherlands, rumours abounded already that the mother of the Colombian ambassador had entered into an affair with the notorious Marquis de Ste. Croix. Whilst this would have made for a juicy piece of gossip under any circumstances, the fact that the Marquis had interviewed Doña Maria’s son after just two weeks to formally obtain permission to court the lady was just unheard of. Older and more knowledgeable members of London’s society of course remembered the...

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EllenChapter 40 A Deplorable Accident

For the next two days, Richard and Ellen stayed at home and took the time to play with their children. They took strolls in Munich’s ‘English Garden’, a public park. A few times they sat with the natives in one of the large beer gardens, in the shade of old chestnut trees, and enjoyed the light ale that was served. A few days later, Ellen met with Marie to tell her of their visit to Coburg. She found her cousin in bad spirits. On Ellen’s insistence, Marie told her the reason. Lucien was now...

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Evan Part One

My name is Henry. I am seventeen, and a junior in high school. I wouldn't call myself the sexiest thing on the planet, but I do just fine with girls. I have dark hair swept to the left, and hazel eyes that people tell me are beautiful. My penis, because I know you are asking, is about five inches hard; I know its is small for my age. Evan was a thirteen-year-old boy that lived a couple houses down from me on my street. He had silky brown hair and beautiful brown eyes that could melt away...

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The Three Faces Of Evan

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN by Throne It was Saturday night. Evan had been waiting all week for this evening. It was when he had sex with his extremely desirable wife, Tyra. She was a tall blond with generously padded contours. He couldn't get enough of her big bust and wide jutting ass. But what he loved the most was going down on her. He was hooked on cunnilingus. He lived for the taste and feel of her pussy. If she encouraged him, he would do it every night. She appreciated his...

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EllenChapter 3

It was good to hear her sounding so natural this morning. It eased the pain in my gut a little bit. I looked at her and she smiled at me. Her blond hair was all fresh and shiny and clean looking and it reflected the sunshine from the window behind her. She looked so cute in her white blouse with the little green tie at the neck. "Yeah," I said to Mom, "I'm a little nervous about these exams." Mom was relieved that I wasn't sick and so was Dad, who wanted me to take care of the yard...

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Rob and EllenChapter 2

I watched him walk out to the garage and was glad that he would never know the truth of my night with Stu. The truth would just kill him. The truth was that Stu had given me the best sex of my life. It had been so good that I wasn't sure that I wouldn't have run away with him if he had asked. I really do love Rob and I'm sorry now that Stu and I played. I told the truth about the guilt I was carrying, but deep in my heart I know that I had kind of lied when I said 'never again.' It would...

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EllenChapter 36 Marie de Perigneaux

They were now on the last leg of their river journey. They would reach Wuerzburg, the ancient capital of the Franconian duchy, that evening. The mayor had sent a horseman, to alert the royal court in Wuerzburg of their arrival. King Ludwig’s father, the Elector Maximilian, had been Napoleon’s ally early on. When France seized all the territories left of the River Rhine, Napoleon saw fit to compensate his ally with the duchy of Franconia which had been ruled by the Prince-Bishop of Wuerzburg....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 472 Ellenrsquos First Christmas

“I almost forgot about Ellen and Christmas,” I told my parents in my dad’s new office. “I talked to her about her past Christmases, and she doesn’t remember any. It seems her dad couldn’t exactly go shopping for presents. I know everyone on both sides of our family is coming to celebrate here this year since we have the room and space. I don’t think Crimilda ever had one based on what I knew about her life before bringing her home to live with Becky. We never had the money to do anything...

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