Very Loving Family
- 3 years ago
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Lucy was busy on the next morning, and there was no opportunity for Ellen to speak with her in private. After lunch, Lucy had to visit one of the governors of the hospital where Sir Jonathan performed his pro bono publico work. Lucy was very good at this behind the scenes work, letting the wealthy sponsors bask in the public praise, but keeping the hospital going for her husband. It was this pro bono work as well as his naval service that had earned Jonathan his knighthood. Not that Lucy saw her work as a chore. She enjoyed the good she could do, but also the friendship with some very important families who needed her talent for the charities to which they liked to attach their names.
Thus, Ellen was left to her own resources. She had written two letters already, one to apologise to Mrs. Binnings for her behaviour, and another one to Lord Wynchelsea, the older brother and only relative of James Finney. She wrote that she regretted being the subject of the quarrel that had been the cause of the fatal duel and blamed her own inexperience and lack of tact for it. However, she was uncertain whether the letters were in good taste and she could not ask Lucy. On a whim, she put the letters in a bag, threw on a cloak and a scarf and walked over to the Carters. Fortunately, Lady Carter was at home and received her, and Ellen asked whether she would be kind enough to have a look at her apologies.
Harriet decided to help her, partly out of her good heart, and partly to see whether Ellen really regretted what she had done. She was surprised how summarily Ellen had taken the blame for the quarrel.
“This is a little bit strong, dear,” she said after reading the letter to Lord Wynchelsea. “After all, you did not tell Finney to be rude and insulting. He could have made his point without resorting to insulting language. You should rephrase that. The letter to Mrs. Binnings is quite well written. If she does not accept this apology, I shall have a word with her.”
“Thank you for your help, Lady Carter.”
“Well, Ellen, I have to disappoint you. Richard has left the house with my husband. He is paying his respects to Lord Wynchelsea at Mr. Finney’s wake.”
“Oh, should I go there too?”
“No, my dear. This is just about the people involved in the duel, such as Richard and the seconds. It is to show that there is no ill will between the families anymore.”
“Please excuse my asking, but would you have allowed Mr. Finney at Richard’s wake?”
Harriet thought about it.
“There would not have been a choice for me, really. But let us not dwell on these morbid thoughts. Is there anything else you want to discuss?”
Ellen swallowed. All of a sudden an idea hit her.
“Lady Carter, there is something I want to ask you. It is rather personal and if you prefer not to answer me, please tell me so.”
“Yes, carry on, Ellen!”
“I wanted to ask Lucy but I thought maybe you would know more about it since you are married to Richard’s father.”
Harriet raised her eyebrows.
“You know that I have seen Richard’s, ummh, private parts, back then? Oh God, I’m blushing again! It’s just that it looked so big and I do not know how it can ever fit into me without tearing me up. I know that men want to do that with their wives and I don’t want to be a disappointment for Richard.”
Harriet was at a loss for words for once. Then she remembered her own fears when she had first seen her husband’s member and she considered what to tell the girl in front of her.
“Well, Ellen, obviously I have not seen Richard’s ... umh ... body in the last years, let alone in an aroused state, but based on what I remember of him as a boy and based on what I know about his father, it is quite possible that he is, let’s just say, well-endowed. My dear girl, that will be a good thing for you! My husband has never caused me pain, but he has made me a very happy woman.”
“Not even the first time?” Ellen asked without thinking, and then she wanted to bite her own tongue off, remembering what she had overheard about Harriet Carter’s first time.
“You may as well know, Ellen, that I was married once before. Suffice to say, that my first husband hurt me terribly that first time. However, that was because he was a cruel man and a rotten lover. Your first time will hurt you some, but if done right, you will also enjoy it.”
“But how can it fit?” Ellen repeated the question that nagged her.
“Are you that tight, my dear?” Harriet asked, suddenly worried that something might be wrong with the girl.
Ellen blushed deeply. “I tried a finger and it would not fit,” she whispered.
“Your stepfather could have a look...” Harriet started but stopped when she saw the mortified look on Ellen’s face. “Do you want me to have a look?” she asked sincerely.
“Would you?” Ellen blurted. “I would not want Richard to marry me if I’m malformed.”
Harriet led a beet red Ellen to her private study and latched the door.
“Have a seat and relax,” she told her, trying to hide her own embarrassment. Could she do this? Could she touch this girl’s private parts? There were only two women whom she had ever touched there, and they had been closest friends.
“All right, Ellen, I am not going to look. I will feel whether everything down there is as it should be. Are you ready?”
Ellen nodded taking a deep breath.
Harriet moved her hand up along under Ellen’s skirt. She felt the upper end of the stockings and beyond that, the girl’s soft, warm flesh. The legs of the linen drawers Ellen wore were wide enough for Harriet to wiggle her hand in. She felt fuzzy, soft hair on her palm and took a deep breath. Placing her hand over Ellen’s sex, she did not find anything different from her own nether regions. Using her middle finger, she traced the soft lips. They were dry and did not open for her finger. Ellen held her breath and sat stock still.
“Ellen, my dear, you must relax. How can I probe you if you are all rigid and dry? Here, let me try something.”
Hesitantly, Harriet moved the palm of her hand in a soft, circular motion of the girl’s mound. She felt hot herself and her mouth became dry. This was probably not a good idea after all.
“How does that feel, Ellen?” she whispered.
“Good. Strange, too. What are you trying?”
“Trying to loosen you up. Have you ever touched yourself down here?”
Ellen shook her head. “Just once, to try. I couldn’t get my finger in though. And yesterday night. There was moisture and I could get one finger in a little bit.”
“The same thing is happening now. You are getting moist. You have to know that a woman must become very moist for a man to put his maleness in. Let me try now. Do you feel me?”
“Yes!” Ellen’s breath exploded.
“Your nether lips are opening up. Of course, beyond those is your maidenhead and we would not want to break that. From what I can feel, everything is like it should be, my dear. How does this feel?”
Harriet gently rubbed along Ellen’s slit, spreading the moisture that the girl produced. “Let’s loosen you up some more,”
Ellen gasped with the feelings. She did not know what to say. Harriet’s ministrations caused something in her that she could not explain.
“There you are, Ellen! Give me your hand and feel for yourself.”
Harriet guided Ellen’s hand under the skirt and Ellen could feel that her opening was accessible. She tried with rubbing the soft lips with her fingers, but when she rearranged her hand in the confines of her drawers, she brushed her thumb against the top of her slit and almost jumped up.
“What is it, did you hurt yourself?” Harriet asked concerned.
“I don’t know. There is this spot, when I touch it I feel like I cannot breath. Right up here on top of my opening.”
“Yes, dear, that would be your pleasure spot. This is where we are very sensitive to loving touches.”
Harriet could not resist the temptation and moved her hand to Ellen’s button, caressing the lips around it first until she felt the hips of the girl undulate under her touch. A whimper came from Ellen’s mouth now, and Harriet slowly moved her thumb over the engorged clitoris, to elicit a deep moan from the girl. Throwing all caution to the wind, Harriet gripped the drawers deftly with two hands and pulled them down. Then she lifted the hem of the skirt and had an unrestricted view on Ellen’s treasure box.
“Do you want me to carry on, dear?” she asked Ellen, who looked down at her with big blue eyes. Ellen nodded as if in trance, and Harriet put her hand on top of Ellen’s opening. Again, she let her fingers slid through the girl’s wetness until they met resistance. Harriet began to feel giddy herself; the smell of the girl’s aroused sex was intoxicating.
“Let us try something else,” she whispered and knelt between the spread legs.
Bending down, she blew warm air on the girl’s love button, eliciting a loud gasp. She blew some more, again inducing a strong response. Unable to stop, Harriet went for the kill. Swiping her tongue from the bottom to the top of the virginal opening she started her assault, followed by taunting little kisses on the engorged clitoris. Ellen’s hips began to buck when Harriet sucked on the swollen button, letting her tongue swirl over the sensitive tip. A few minutes of this and Ellen began to whimper softly, pressing her mons against the probing mouth, and then the girl shuddered and pressed her thighs together, and the wetness of Ellen’s release ran over Harriet’s chin. When Ellen calmed down, Harriet kissed her cheek and put her hand on the girl’s opening.
“This kind of lovemaking can bridge the time between engagement and wedding without causing unwanted consequences, my dear.”
Ellen looked at the older woman with wide eyes, the question openly on her face.
“Yes, my dear,” Harriet smiled, “it is not as good as the real thing, but it will leave you a virgin no less.”
“I’m glad that I asked you about these matters. I cannot imagine Lucy giving me such an initiation,” Ellen said gratefully.
Harriet grinned, but kept her thoughts to herself. Ellen did not have to know that Lucy had been the one to initiate Harriet to the Sapphic love two decades ago.
“Now you know what to expect with the right man. Are you still afraid?”
Dazed, Ellen shook her head.
“Now, perhaps we should freshen up.”
It was good that they ended this intimate tutorial as Richard and his father returned just minutes later. Ellen’s eyes bugged out of her head when she saw Harriet Carter give a full kiss to her husband. When Sir Anthony’s eyebrows shot up and his nose moved, Ellen blushed crimson.
“We still have at least an hour until dinner. Richard, why don’t you entertain Ellen in the living room. I need to speak with your father.”
Richard hugged Ellen briefly.
“Hello, darling. What a pleasant surprise to see you today!”
He led her into the living room whilst an impatient Harriet took her husband’s hand and dragged him upstairs. Once in their bedroom, Harriet pushed Tony onto the bed and threw herself on top of him, kissing him fiercely. Anthony Carter was not one to question his luck. Taking his cue, he rapidly stripped his wife of her clothes and then got rid of his own garments. When he started to kiss his way down on her body, Harriet pulled him back up impatiently.
“No, Tony, my dear! Just get on top of me. I need you inside me now!” she urged him.
Tony had not seen his wife this aroused for some time. The lips of her sex were puffy and oozing fluid. With unrestrained eagerness, he aligned the tip of his member to her opening and pushed into her.
“Aargh!” Harriet gasped when she was filled to the bottom. Her legs closed around her husband’s hips and she tried to press him into her as deeply as possible. Tony responded in kind, pumping into his wife with abandon, until the swishing noises of their coupling mingled with hoarse moans from both lovers.
“Yes, Anthony, darling, pound me! Give me all! Deeper! Deeper! Oh, ah, ah, aaahhh!”
The clenching of her muscles pushed Tony over the edge too. Spurt after spurt shot from his member deep into the womb of a spasming Harriet.
“Oh my god! Here is another one!” Harriet breathed almost reverently, clamping down on her husband’s softening member. She pushed her husband off her body and climbed on top of him kissing him passionately. Again, he tasted something familiar. He licked over her lips.
“Is this what I think it is?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
Giggling, Harriet nodded.
“Did you get together with Lucy?”
Still grinning, she shook her head.
“You would not believe it if I told you,” she announced.
“Let us see. I was not away for more than three hours and Ellen was already here, that did not leave you enough time to ... No! Really?” he expostulated, comprehension finally coming.
“Yes, my dear. What you just tasted is your sweet, virgin, future daughter in law,” Harriet proclaimed with an outrageous grin.
“But how come?”
“She was worried,” Harriet began to giggle again. “She has seen our dear son and it so seems that Richard is as well built as you are. She was afraid Richard would not fit into her. She is completely innocent, the poor lamb. I agreed to examine her, and to make sure that she is not deformed. I had to show her how to prepare herself for her wedding night.”
“How did she like it?”
“Let’s just say that I satisfied myself that Richard will have a wife who will fully appreciate the amorous efforts of her future husband.”
“Harriet, you are something! But are you certain that you did not steal your son’s bride?” Tony chuckled.
“Well, darling, perhaps you can drop a hint to Richard that his bride appreciates close attention to her little quim. He learned about these things, didn’t he?”
“It was part of his curriculum,” Tony smiled. “From what I heard, he showed aptitude as well as an eagerness to learn.”
“Tony, we still have an hour until dinner. Do you think we could do it again? This felt so good after all the aggravations of the last week.”
“Your wish is my command,” Tony smiled and aligned his resurrected member to her lower lips. With a sigh, Harriet impaled herself.
Richard and Ellen felt awkward sitting alone in the large living room. They could sit and talk, but they could not show their affection because the maids bustled around frequently. Sensing that his parents were not returning anytime soon, Richard took Ellen’s hand.
“Shall we go to my room? We will not have any privacy down here.”
“I’d love that, Richard,” Ellen answered. Richard led her upstairs. When they reached the second floor, they stopped in their tracks. At first, Richard thought something was amiss. It sounded like his mother cried out in pain. He was about to start to the door of his parents’ bedroom, but Ellen held him back.
“Don’t you hear, Richard? You must not disturb them now.”
“You mean, they are... ?”
Ellen blushed deeply again. She nodded.
“Yes, I think your parents love each other very much.”
Just then they heard a happy squeal, obviously from Harriet, followed by the deep laughter of Tony.
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*Just a reminder that these ideas should obviously never be either supported or condoned in any fashion in real life. any of the themes in this story are exactly that, a STORY. this is fictional and it should stay that way. Please don’t actually go out and act on any of the things depicted here. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :) John Doe was like every rich, stereotypical white kid living in California, and although he grew up in an Asian family, his mom had always made sure to tell him he was the...
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This happened in the 80's when I was married to Gill (Gillian) and she was pregnant with our d aughter.My wife's mum (Joyce) was a sweetheart,a plump lady in her 60's who was divorced and semi-retired.She'd been a full time legal Secretary but now did 2 afternoons a week.Gil and I were made for each,both had a very high sex drive and after 3 years of marriage we still 'did it' several times a week! She loved oral and anal..which were her 2 favourite things about sex..lucky for melol.I've 7" and...
Uncle John and Aunt Ethel lived in the country. It was about 50 miles to the nearest town. They lived on a nice farm which was about 60 or 70 acres, hardly anyone ever came to that part of the country. Uncle John and Aunt Ethel were getting up in years. Uncle John was about 70 and Aunt Ethel was about 65. Despite their advanced years they were in very good shape. Uncle John Stood about 6 feet 2, had a full head of grey hair, and was very well built. He really didn’t look as age. Aunt...
A loud knock startled her from her trance. Running to the door, and flinging it open, she could see 7 very large men, towering iver her 5'1" petite frame. "But where is everyone else?" she asked, disappointed. They had promised her a group of 27, and she had reserved 2 whole nights for this. "Dont worry about it whore, theyre coming" the closest man replied, as he shoved her down onto the floor. Then the men started filing in.. one after another. Some of them spat on her as they passed....
Michael came like never before and Michelle kept her promise to her loving husband and swallowed everything that he released into her wet and waiting mouth. She even kept his cock in her mouth savoring it with her warm tongue long after it's final spurt of his cum. When it had finally become soft, Michelle let it unceremoniously slip form her warm mouth and then as she licked her lips she looked up lovingly at him and smiled. She decided to whisper, "Mmmm, that was so good honey." Michael could...
Wife LoversToday was when it all started. I had finished taking my pills. I was ready my father said. I was the only boy in a family of 8. 5 sisters. It was a lot. They all shared a room, and I had my own. My dad knocked on the door, then opened it. He was a tall, overweight man. He was completely bald, and wore nothing. His average soft member hung. He said “You finished your pill bottle?” I nodded. He said “Then you are ready. Today is the last day you ever wear clothes. You are the man of the house....
Fetish“Hi, my name is Linda.”“Hi Linda, I’m Lodge.”Lodge was sitting at the bar when I approached to get something to drink after our long ride from Virginia. I thought get a glass of wine and wait for John to join me after we into the hotel and he brought our luggage up to the room. The cool fruity taste of the chardonnay was perfect to take the edge off a long day in the car. Lodge was cute and had a friendly smile.I pulled up a heavy stool and sat down saving a chair for John when he joined me...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. It turned out to be a week before Uncle Dar could go home. We all stayed until he was better, including Shelly and Sandra. They'd gotten permission from their parents for that somehow. I think the fact that Megan was there helped a bit. She had even cancelled practice while Dar was in the hospital, and then would go get the whole team and bring them in to see him. He loved the...
Michael heard the garage door open and he knew Michelle was finally home. He was waiting for her dressed in an open shirt and black silk shorts. He got off the couch and made his way to the hallway so he could greet her the moment she came in through the garage door. Michael was nervous. As Michelle pushed the button to close the garage door, she took a deep breath. She sat in the car for a moment, collecting her thoughts before going in. It was so good to finally be home, but the thought of...
Wife LoversMichael had cum hard, yet he was well aware that Michelle had not. With everything that just happened, her texting Brandon while she had her hand on his cock, he almost felt a renewed sense of excitement already. Even though he had just come harder than he had in a very long time, he still felt excited and now wanted to please Michelle, somehow, as well. “Ok babe, you go into the bedroom and get on the bed, I'll meet you in there in a few minutes.” Michael said. Michelle knew that Michael...
Wife LoversJames is a 40-year-old black man who's wife died in a car accident a few years ago. He's average height and in good shape for his age. Jake is his 21-year-old son. He's tall and athletic. Right now, he's away at college. Jessica is a 36-year-old white woman who got knocked up at 18. Her boyfriend married her but couldn't handle the responsibility and left after 4 years, making her a single parent. With shoulder length red hair, large breasts with just a small amount of sag, and a great body she...
InterracialStephanie's Slavery Synopsis After complaining that her boss was a slave driver, Stephanie is forced to really become his slave.Stephanie's Slavery by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spank Rom If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...
She loved Michael and she loved knowing she could still excite him. They had been together over 25 years and they were both still determined and committed to keep their relationship as passionate, exciting, and especially as adventurous, as they possibly could and for as long as they could. They both were aware that this would involve introducing different types of variety and experimenting into their love life to keep it exciting, and both were prepared to do that. The only question that...
Wife LoversSlavery in our TimePart 1 – Her Strange FascinationLaura walked down the aisle gazing at all the merchandise around her. Since she was a child, Laura had always been fascinated with the selection of slaves at the department store. Highclass was a superior department store and the quality of the slaves was high. Highclass offered a wide selection of quality slaves from domestics and nannies to gardeners and chefs. Slaves varied in price due to a number of factors such as age, health,...
Tracey looked out of the air plane window and wondered what awaited her on the ground below.They were approaching the imaginatively named Zonga International Airport, in the capital city of Zonga in the country of Zonga. Why choose different names when one will do thought Tracey wryly.Not that many people had heard of Zonga up until two years ago, with good reason, it was a backward little country on the eastern side of Africa with one capital city which was also it's only port, and not much...
Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....
My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...
I am one of the most lucky and blessed young ladies that I have ever been born. Being part of a perfect family, my dad was a football quarterback in college, he would have gone pro, but a late tackle, blew out one knee, so instead he became a pharmaceutical rep for a large company. My mom, like me blonde hair, a cheerleader in college, that is how the two of them meant. She graduated as a nurse, moving up in her education until she became a DPN, Doctorate of Nursing practice, she is over a...
Imagine a world that is very much like our own, and yet very different. On the surface everything looks the same. Same technology, similar history, etc. But then we look closer, and we see the differences. We see that there seems to be a few more women than men. A comprehensive census would reveal a ratio of seven to one. And we see that all of those women, and the handful of men, are in some way beautiful. That's not to say everyone is a statuesque Swedish model, but no one could be considered...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...
LovingSkye: Hearing his snap, she is jolted into action, and stands, walking silently behind him as they make their way to the playroom. MatrimKnotai: stops in front of a set of leg stocks and points at the ground under the stocks. "Lay down on your back slave, head towards the wall." LovingSkye: She walks up behind him, seeing a pair of leg stocks strapped to the wall, cold metal chains that would soon be holding her captive. "Yes sir." She lays down, the cold floor bringing...
It was late Monday afternoon and Cindy Adams had just come home from another day at her job as a receptionist for a large bank. Amanda Clark, her best friend and roomate, was already home when Cindy arrived. Amanda and Cindy had known each other from their college days, sharing a dorm room there as well. They had gotten to be good friends, and it seemed only natural that after college they continue their friendship. Although neither girl considered herself a lesbian, they had shared more than a...
Office SexThis is a story about a young and very naive white girl's travels through submissive interracial sex and slavery. After reading about these terrible events in history her guilt has become an obsession to right the terrible wrongs that many young black girls had to endure as a slave over 150 years ago! She eventually sees herself as a white slave girl to black abusive slave owners, quite the reverse of what actually happened. Sybil was a most interesting young woman she had grown up in...
DIVORCED INTO SLAVERY By Ivorygirl Carla could find no comfortable position in the dark, dank cell in which she’d found herself alone, her hands cuffed behind her back and bound to her cuffed feet and both attached to a chain imbedded middle ways up in the wall. At the moment, the best she could do with her curled legs beneath her was to remain on her knees on the small cot that put her up just high enough and lean sideways against the wall. The chain she was hooked to didn’t allow for much...