Cruise Ship Regeneration 4Part 1: Susan And Evan, A Wish Come True free porn video

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Evan was born with a genital defect known as 'Micropenis'. At eighteen, the length of his penis was one inch, flaccid and erect. He is a freshman in college and does not participate in any sport program that requires him to undress in locker rooms and/or take open showers.

He is taking Computer Science and this is where he met Susan, also a freshman. She took an immediate liking to Evan and they met continuously in the Library, her house and at Starbucks. As the end of the Freshman year neared both had prepared each other for the finals. Throughout the year Susan had tried to draw close to Evan and was puzzled why he always kept her at arm's length. It was a beautiful Saturday morning as they made their way to the Library. Susan finally decided to take the direct approach and asked him why he hadn't tried to kiss her. It was something Evan had feared would happen and he broke down and cried. While a worried Susan comforted him, Evan explained the birth defect that had plagued him all his life. They never made it to the Library, instead they just walked around the Campus confiding their personal thoughts with each other.

Unknown to Evan, Susan's father was a referring Urologist to GenTech. After much soul searching Susan nervously approached Evan and told him she had talked to her Father and explained to Evan what who he was and what he did. She was much relieved when Evan didn't reject or get upset with her. He cautioned her that he had seen a multitude of Doctors and all told him that his problem could not be corrected.

He smiled at Susan and broke the tension by saying,

"I am getting used to sitting down when I have to pee."

They finally made it to the Library. Susan knew what GenTech could do and she also knew that she had found the love of her life.

Evan met with Susan's Father who gave him a complete physical including full blood tests and a prostate biopsy. He also took blood samples from Susan. Their blood would provide the necessary Genetic and DNA information that GenTech would use in its Gel programming. Evan wasn't aware that an HD camera was taking full frontal pictures of his nakedness.

04.03 Evan and Susan meet Ruth:

The summer break came and they were boarding the Cruise Ship Regeneration. One of the rules of the ship was that no clothes could be worn by the passengers. It was in effect, a floating nudist colony. Evan was given an exception to rule but had to wear a swimming suit. To make easier on both of them, Susan was also given the exemption.

They couldn't believe how luxurious and large their state room was. The walk-out balcony gave them a full view of the ocean. After unpacking, they made a tour of the ship and again were impressed by the genuine friendliness of the ship's crew. Within the hour the ship left the harbor and made its way to the open sea. As they relaxed on the deck chairs, a messenger arrived and told them that Ruth, GenTech's Certified Physician Assistant, would like to meet with them. They followed him into the lower deck to a door labeled THEATER 1 which wasn't very far from their state room.

A smiling Ruth greeted them and for the next half hour she explained in detail what the Gel was and how it would perform Evan's genital correction and enhance both their bodies.

She finished by saying,

"Evan you will be first, tomorrow morning at 08:00am. Wear the robes that are in the room. You both can come at the same time and Susan, you can watch Evan from the viewing room. It will take about an hour and then it will be your time."

Ruth informed them that their blood samples gave GenTech all the information it needed. She then instructed them on how to prepare themselves for their sessions. In the vanity of the bathroom, there is a Fleet Enema that Evan must give himself. There are also two bottles of a liquid depilatory that each of you must use to remove all bodily hair below your shoulders.

"I would suggest you have your dinner around 6:00pm tonight and Evan, give yourself the Enema at 10:00pm and then apply the depilatory."

Ruth stood up and said,

"Evan, sit tight for a few minutes while I talk to Susan in another room."

Ruth turned on a computer and started a slide show. It displayed the naked pictures of that her Father took of Evan. Ruth zoomed the screen in to Evan's genitals and Susan gasped in shock when she saw the tip of Evan's penis protruding through his pubic hair. No wonder Evan was wouldn't let any girl close to him.

Ruth said,

"This is why I brought you in here."

With a few clicks of the mouse, Evan's penis went from almost non-existent to a four inch erection. His grape sized testicles became normal. Ruth smiled when she the blush on Susan's face. Another series of mouse clicks and the erection became longer and thicker with the measurements being shown at the top of the screen.

Ruth said,

"I need your input."

She repeated the growth cycle a few more times and whispered to a stunned Susan,

"I suggest an erection of 8.25 inches x 3.00 inches and proportional testicles."

Susan looked at Ruth, smiled and nodded her head.

Evan saw them come back to the room and the beaming face of Susan. When he asked, Susan told him it was female talk.

Ruth walked them back to their state room to make sure they knew the way to the theater and then hugged them both before she left.

At 6:00pm they had dinner in one of the dining rooms then relaxed on their sectional watching a movie on the HDTV. At 10:00pm Evan reluctantly gave himself the enema. After which, Susan joined him in the shower. It was a little awkward at first since it was the first time they had seen each other naked. Evan cringed when he saw Susan looking at his 'private parts'. After the flowing waters washed the remnants of their hair away, they gazed at each other's nakedness. Evan's inch long penis was no longer hid by hair and cringed as he looked away,

Susan smiled and kissed him on the cheek,

Tomorrow, that will all be taken care of."

Both stepped out of the shower and dried each other off. In a few minutes they were snuggled up close to each other on the bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

04.04 Evan, Preparation:

They awoke at 07:00am and a nervous Evan walked around the state room like a caged animal. Susan kept assuring him that everything was going to be Ok. They arrived in Ruth's office and a nurse led Susan though a door that led to the viewing room. She was surprised to see so many people in the theater.

Ruth smiled at Evan and said,

"First things first, remove the robe and hang it in the closet."

Evan did so, but did not look at Ruth.

Ruth smiled and said,

"Its Ok Evan, you don't have to be embarrassed around me. I am going to give you an injection containing powerful growth hormones that will act as a catalyst with the Gel's secretions."

What she didn't tell him was that it also included a calming sedative, a mild aphrodisiac and a drug that would make him 'open to suggestion'. She waited a minute or so until she saw the nervousness leave his face and a soft sigh escaped his lips when a wonderful warmth flooded his genitals and his nipples began tingling.

Ruth took Evan's hand and led him through a door marked 'THEATER'.

They entered the theater and Evan froze. His eyes flew open and his nervousness quickly changed to a sense of foreboding when he saw the large audience in front him. The arousal that was building in his body quickly faded. Ruth saw Evan's reaction and quickly comforted him by saying,

"These are the people that make your genital correction possible. Everything that happens to you from this moment on, is because of their efforts and expertise."

The 'suggestion' was now taking effect and Evan nodded his understanding.

He then saw a strange 'Chair' sitting beside a large, four foot square, gridded tile at the front of the stage. Below the Chair was a smaller gridded tile.

The 'Chair' is a unique computerized device that can move a restrained subject into any position, sitting, laying, kneeling or standing. It has no seat, only soft Gel-like supports for the legs, buttocks, back and arms. Foot rests, along with restraints are embedded within the ends of the leg supports. Any part of the 'Chair' can release skin absorbing chemicals.

Ruth led Evan toward the Chair and two attendants helped him onto to it. He looked nervously at Ruth as the attendants secured his wrists and ankles to the Chair's restraints. As his body settled onto the supports the Chair bent his legs at the knees and pulled them back to the sides of his hips. At the same time the Chair's seat pushed upward, spreading the cheeks of his buttocks apart.

Susan watched intently as Evan was being positioned into the Chair.

Ruth nodded at the Console Operator and said to Evan,

"We are going to start now. I will not leave you alone."

04.05 Evan, Gel, Introduction:

Ruth walked Evan so he stood on the large gridded tile. She explained to him that the enhancing Gel was beneath the grid and when 'signaled', would rise upwards, supporting his body. Ruth suggested that he would be more comfortable if he sat down on it. An anxious Evan felt the attendants gently grip his arms and guide him into a sitting position on the grid. His 'compliant' eyes watched as their hands bent his legs at the knees with his feet resting on the grid. His breathing came in nervous pants when he saw his spread nakedness on the monitor and his audience looking intently at him.

Ruth nodded at the Console Operator and said to Evan,

"Relax, you are going to enjoy this."

Suddenly Evan heard a low level gurgling sound beneath him and looked up into the monitor. His eyes opened wide when he saw a transparent, bluish, gelatinous mass oozing upwards through the gridded holes. He flinched and shifted his hips when he felt the Gel make contact with his spread buttocks and instinctively tried to stand up but the 'hands' on his shoulders held him firmly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the warm thickness flowed between the spread cheeks of his buttocks, across his rectum and then upwards under his bent thighs. At the same time it continued its upward flow along his back and then spread over his sides onto his chest.

The Gel secreted a reinforcing mix of docility and aphrodisiac drugs. Evan become calmer and his nervousness dissipated. The mass that was cushioning his buttocks pushed upwards and Evan felt himself rising above the grid giving his audience and Susan, a clearer view of his body. The warm mass under his arms, lifting them outward, level with shoulders. At the same his bent legs were spread apart and his body was put into a slightly reclined position.

As the Gel spread across his breast area, two small masses formed over each of his areolas. Within each mass, a depression formed into a 'mouth' and Evan sighed as each descended onto his nipples with a delicious action.

The Gel now had complete control of his body.

Both Susan and Evan saw the graphic close-up of his stub-like penis, small testicles and rectal area in their HD monitors. Both saw that Gel mass making its way between his bent thighs, spreading the cheeks of his buttocks further apart. His anal lips tingled as the soft Gel slipped over it, on its way toward his balls and penis. He felt his testicles slipping into warm, massaging pouch and sighed as the new sensations flowed across his loins and a tingling sensation rippled into the head of his small penis.

The flow of the Gel now reached his penis and his sigh became a soft moan as the Gel flowed onto his thumb-like penis, encasing it into a warm velvety sheath. As it closed around the soft stub of flesh, the Gel sheath began to caress and squeeze his awakening penis. The rippling sheath soon caused his excited penis to thicken but not lengthen. Evan's moan got louder as sensations that he had never felt before flooded his mind.

He looked at the monitor and blushed when he saw the small thickness straining upward between his thighs. Another moan escaped his mouth when felt the clear Gel sheath begin manipulating his hardness with an exquisite swirling action. It felt as though dozens of small fingers were caressing his excited penis.

04.06 Evan, Gel, Genital Correction:

The silky pouch and sheath that were encasing his balls and erection began to a slow massaging action as each secreted its growth chemicals. Evan sighed as a wonderful warmth saturated the junction of his thighs. Susan heard Evan's sighs and looked closer between his spread thighs. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Evan's balls and small erection were being massaged within a swirling pool of a clear liquid ... and they were growing.

Evan loins were exploding with exquisite sensations that he had never felt before in his life. His hips began shifting back and forth and his moans grew louder as his erection and testicles slowly spasmed their way through the growth process.

1.00" x 3/4"... 1.25" x 7/8"

The tip of his erection tingled excitedly as the gland formed.

1.50" x 1.00"... 2.00" x 1.25"

As his erection grew, Evan gasped at the new hardness that was throbbing between his thighs.

2.25" x 1.25"... 2.50" x 1.25"... 3.00" x 1.25"

The length and girth had reached its targeted size. The Gel's urethra probe would complete the expansion of Evan's new manhood. The growth liquid within the pouch and sheath were drained away and once again the exquisite massaging and squeezing actions were restarted. Evan moaned as his erection strained within the Gel's vagina-like sheath and Susan smiled.


04.07 Evan, Gel, Prostate Correction:

Suddenly, Evan felt a warm, thickness pushing between the cheeks of his buttocks. A wide eyed Evan frantically shifted his hips in an effort to stop the advancing Gel. The Gel mass slipped through the spread cheeks and he froze when its purring thickness pressed onto his rectal opening. A round tip was formed which secreted a warm liquid that oozed into his tingling anal lips. The tight sphincter muscle relaxed and a euphoric warmth spread around the loosened opening and seeped into his rectal sheath.


He felt the probe apply pressure against his tingling rectal opening and sighed as the tip slithered past the relaxed sphincter muscle into his rectal passage. A wave of warmth accompanied the thickening probe as it nudged inward and his erection jerked within the rippling sheath. He unconsciously started to push and grind his hips onto the Gel's probe as it entered his rectal sheath twisting and turning.

Evan shut his eyes and savored the new feelings that were spreading across his body. Again, his eyes flew wide open, his hips thrust downward and a loud gasp escaped his lips when the Gel's probe made contact with his underdeveloped prostate causing an incredible spasm to ripple across his loins.

"Uhh ... Uhh ... Uhh..."

The probe formed a massaging pouch over the top of the excited tissues and released its growth chemicals. Evan tensed as a new set up sensations gripped his mind.

Slowly the small gland started to expand. As his prostate grew, so did the seminal vesicles and the level of Evan's Testosterone. His moans and pants intensified as his prostate and erection began throbbing in sync with each other. His first release of preseminal fluids reached the opening on his tingly gland.

"Oh God ... what..."

04.08 Evan, Gel, First Ejaculation:

The probe's soft depression, that was pressing onto his prostate, intensified it exquisite massaging action. It deliberately and teasingly, spaced its joyous caressing of Evan's prostate. Every time it restarted, Evan's body was racked with a series of internal ecstatic spasms much like those that a woman would feel.


His body shook and thrashed in ecstasy as the orgasmic freight trains roared throughout his rectal area, onto his erection and into his disbelieving mind. His erect nipples strained into the suckling 'mouths'. In a few seconds, Susan saw a graphic close-up of Evan's erection and saw the clear sheath begin to swell with his drooling preseminal fluids.

The Gel's probe lengthened to 7" x 1" with deep ridges along its flexing surface. It started a slow, ecstatic stroking action and Evan squealed in joy as the pulsing ridges slipped onto and off of his spasming prostate.


The probed began to vary its lunges from fast to slow, all the way in, all the out. An exquisite pressure was building within his 'new' prostate and at the base of his throbbing erection.

The Gel now intensified its assault on Evan's body. The suckling 'mouths' on his erect, tingling nipples, the clasping sheath encasing his erection, the massaging pouches holding his balls and the probe's incredible sweep over his excited prostate. Evan's mind and body had never experienced sexual joy before and he wailed as the new sensations exploded across his body.


An incredible pressure was building up at the base of his erection. It pulsed up his rigid hardness and seemed to stall at his thick, tingling gland. His liquid joy swirled around the ultra sensitive gland and then explode outward, into the waiting 'mouth' of the Gel's vaginal sheath.

Bright flashes of orgasmic lights flashed across his mind and eyes. His toes curled and his hands fisted. He threw his head back and squealed in joy as his body was gripped with intense orgasmic shocks from his first ejaculation.


His mind couldn't cope with the extreme, first time sensations and his sexual sensory system went into overload and he lost consciousness.

The Gel's vaginal 'throat' and 'mouth' feasted on Evan's spewing nectar and increased its clenching, milking actions, coaxing the spasming prostate to unleash another stream of thick semen.

Evan slowly awoke and moaned as delicious aftershocks racked his body. The rectal probe withdrew and its purring head lay nestled within the swollen anal lips.


04.09 Evan, Gel, Nipple Enhancement:

Suddenly, Susan heard Evan sigh and begin shifting his chest back and forth. The Gel masses that were formed over his areolas renewed their kneading and massaging actions. The 'mouths' released a chemical that would give his nipples the same sensitivity as those of a female.

Evan moaned as his arousal was rejuvenated.

The suckling 'mouths' began to deliciously kiss and caress the hard buds and Evan's sigh turned into low gasps as exquisite tingling sensations flooded each nipple.


NIPPLES: 1/4" H x 1/4" D

As his nipples grew, they became more sensitive and Evan began thrusting his excited nipples into nursing 'mouths'. His body had never felt such exquisite sensations and he moaned as the waves of pleasure rippled across his chest.

NIPPLES: 3/8" H x 5/16" D

The ecstatic sensations were now merging into those that were emanating from his throbbing erection.

NIPPLES: 1/2" H x 3/8" D

Evan's enhanced nipples had now reached their targeted size. The secreted chemicals from the suckling 'mouths' now connected each nipple into his sexual sensory system. The Gel's attention to his rigid nipples slowed to a low level 'purring' and Evan slumped down onto the Gel's soft supports savoring the wonderful feelings.

Susan smiled when she saw Evan's rigid, rubbery nipples being caressed within the clear Gel 'mouths. They were almost identical to her nipples. She wondered if they could get as excited as her nipples and her labia twitched at the thought.

04.10 Evan, Gel, Prostate Preparation:

The Gel mass that nestled within his anal lips intensified its 'purring' and massaging actions. The Gel tip increased its pressure and he began to grind his excited entrance in slow circles around the rippling, slick head of the probe. It slipped inward through the loosened opening, twisting and turning. Evan's squirming hips caused the thick probe to advance further into his rectal sheath and he moaned as the flexing head began to caress the sensitive lining of the sheath. The probe's tip began circling the walls of the sheath as if were searching for something ... and then it found it ... Evan's prostate. Again, the head of the probe flattened out and incased the sensitive mound of his prostate in a soft, warm pouch and began a delicious caressing motion of the sensitive tissues. He arched up and wailed at the incredible contact. His erection jerked as ripples of joy rushed from his prostate to the excited head of his erection.

The probe's slow, soft massaging motion was constant and never faltered. Within 30 seconds small explosions of pleasure ricocheted across his loins. Preseminal fluid seeped out the opening slit on the engorged gland and was eagerly swallowed by the Gel's thirsty 'mouth'. Within a minute the small explosions intensified and Evan began moaning and gasping. As his body quaked with minor orgasms, he flexed his engorged erection in a frantic attempt to ejaculate.

Evan suddenly sucked in his breath as a series of ecstatic sensations gripped his entire rectal area. The Gel's 'mouth' on his excited gland ballooned as Evan's erection began spurting and drooling copious amount of preseminal fluid. The probe suddenly stopped its exquisite massaging of Evan's prostate and Evan moaned with disappointment as he kept thrusting his erection into the Gel's clenching vaginal sheath.

The probe released its chemicals that were quickly absorbed into Evan's prostate. The chemicals would be activated by the urethra probe which would enhance his prostate. The gel mass slipped out of Evan's rectum and he sighed as the wonderful fullness left his body.

This was the second time that Susan saw and heard Evan squirm and moan as the rectal probe attended to his prostate. She looked at the nurse that was with who whispered something in her ear. Susan smiled knowingly.

04.11 Evan, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement:

Evan slumped onto the Gel's supports savoring the exquisite sensations that were radiating from his rectal sheath and prostate. Suddenly a quick gasp escaped his mouth when the Gel's 'mouth' that was covering the tingling head of his erection begin an exquisite sucking action on the excited gland. His hips bucked and his small hardness flexed wildly as the 'mouth' feasted on his spurting preseminal fluids. Just as Evan was approaching his ejaculation point, the 'mouth' stopped its delicious 'nursing' and Evan groaned as his body was pulled back from his orgasmic edge.


Suddenly he felt the Gel's sheath that was covering his gland folding downward toward the circumcision ring. He looked at the monitor and saw bared head of his small erection glistening in the light.

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Part 1: Susan and Evan, A wish come true Videos

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Cruise Ship Regeneration 1Part 2 John and Mary Sexual Discovery

01.18 John, Mary, Performance Suite: 01.19 John, Mary, Oil Massage: 01.20 Mary, John, Shower, Deep Throat: 01.21 John, Mary, The Mating: 01.18 John, Mary, Recovery Suite: Ruth and the audience saw the door open and then Mary and John walked in. They closed the door and Mary drew close to John and kissed him on the forehead. "Let's go into the bedroom." When they entered the bedroom, she adjusted the lights over the bed to a soft glow, then turned on the sound system so it played...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 2Chapter 2

The sexual enlightenment of a mother, son and tutor Part-2 Aron and Daniel, Ellie and Daniel 02.12 Aron and Daniel, Sexual Guidance: 02.13 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat: 02.14 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, The Mating: 02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter: 02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Masturbation: 02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm: 02.18 Ellie, Daniel, The Mating: 02.12 Aron, Daniel, Sexual Guidance: Aron had prepared the room while Daniel slept. The harness was...

2 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 6Part 2

A rare referral requiring special handling. Part-2 06.39 The Pleasure Complex: The following morning they met in the main suite for breakfast and talked about what they were going to-do today. Sarah suggested the Pleasure Complex which Emily and Michelle quickly agreed to. Jamie nervously nodded his head and said yes. Emily noticed the hesitancy in Jamie's voice and drew him aside. He told her that he felt a need to experience the Gay enlightenment and didn't know why. Ellie understood...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 04

Tonight was one of the three formal nights aboard ship on our fifteen day roundtrip cruise from Los Angeles to Hawaii. Angel and I were very excited as we changed into our formal attire. I was wearing a black tuxedo and bowtie. Angel looked magnificent in her royal blue evening gown cut low in front to accent her beautiful milk white breasts. It looked like she had been melted down and poured into it. Every curve and valley fit perfectly. Just as we were about to leave the cabin, our phone...

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 01 Ch 01

Mathew and Kathleen Thatcher, Matt and Katie, pretty well have it made. They are relatively young, early 30’s, good looking and healthy and with a job that is secure and very well paid. In addition, the working conditions hardly can be beat. They are in show business, a hypnosis act that is quite popular, in an almost perfect setting, and, even better, it comes with what is practically a captive audience. Their act, the stage part, at least, is put on no more than twice a week in normal...

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 03 Ch 05

The following day the ship was ‘at sea’ as they headed for Venice and the end of the cruise. Passengers were enjoying one last day while Matt and Katie were busy with final sessions, meeting clients for the last time, etc. They finally got together with Richard and Cindy at lunch and found a couple with all smiles. Their description of the previous night wasn’t exactly graphic, but they made it clear that their sexual woes seemed to have vanished. As Richard joked, ‘I think that you overdid it!...

1 year ago
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Cruise Ship Luck

I am a 65 year old married male and like so many other guys doing without any marital sex. My wife and I were on a cruise last September and my luck on this cruise was unbelievable. I am not new to sucking cock or, for that matter, taking one in my ass. I have been sucking cock since my late teen years and started getting fucked while in my mid 20's. After the third day of the cruise my wife was busy on a site seeing excursion while I on the other hand was heading to one of the many bars on...

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Cruise Ship Poker

So what a glorious day. I was on a large cruise ship that I had paid top dollar for and I had a suite close to the top of the boat and it was spectacular. Now I was always planning on taking this trip with my wife but a few years ago she decided to move in with a buddy so after the divorce and settling all the bills it took me some time to save and put away and finally I paid for this sweet suite and I was on this cruise by myself. Yes it sounds a bit boring but nothing in my life is ever...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 09

Angel and I were pretty much left alone for the rest of the cruise. We had a wonderful time, visiting the islands, walking on the beaches, playing in the surf and enjoying the sites of Hawaii. We also enjoyed the ships facilities. We went to the nightclub shows, swam in the pools, watched first run movies and enjoyed the amazing cuisine offered almost twenty-four hours a day. We figured the Captain and his wife had gotten their fill of us and were busy tormenting other passengers. We had...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Holiday To Remember

The ship we’re on is lightly rocking; I can feel it waving over the water. We've been on holiday for six days, and I can’t wait to see where the rest of it goes. I can feel the warm rays of light dance across my skin; I’m barely covered by my sheet. The touch of my naughty man is what I feel next. He’s waking me up the best possible way. His warm lips kissing along my inner thigh, feeling him work up closer to my pussy. I purr out softly… “You know, it was just a few hours ago, you were in the...

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Cruise Ship Cruise Back Aboard

The deep sound of the ship's whistle drowned out the band playing on the dockside. As the sound died away Samantha laughed out loud. How appropriate for the band to be playing the theme song from that old TV show. She found herself quickening her pace just a little. Perhaps her children were right. Maybe she could find love again, "exciting and new." She checked with the purser's crew and got her cabin assignment. She decided not to go down to it right away. She was assured her luggage...

2 years ago
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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 6 Regeneration

I backed away slowly, looking in horror at Julia's shattered body. I had unconsciously raised my hands in front of me, as though to ward off some invisible attacker. But there was no need. I knew who had done this. What had just happened played over and over in my mind. One moment I'd been looking at her in fury, wondering if she was responsible for my transformation, enraged that she mocked me; the next something inside me had struck out at her and she'd gone flying across the room...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 01

We were married in the Skywalker Lounge, on the top deck of the Golden Princess Cruise Ship. We hadn’t sailed yet and were still moored to the dock in San Pedro. Twenty-five of our friends came on board to attend the ceremony. We all dressed in Hawaiian shirts or sarongs. The view of the harbor was spectacular, the lounge décor was like something from outer space. It was magical! After a beautiful ceremony, hors d’oeuvres and drinks, our friends departed, wishing us well. Angel and I started...

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Uncle Evan comes to visit

Sabrina high school sophomore. 5’2, 105 lbs, red hair, green eyes and a tight little body that made the high school boys drool over. Not to mention a few older men who sometimes gave her the creeps with their staring. Mom Nicki 34 year old wife, mother and ruler of the roost. A tad over 5’, maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet with sparkling red hair which her only daughter inherited and a spectacular hot body, despite her barely noticeable tits. Dad Andy 37 year old husband,...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 03

After hearing that graphic description of his wife’s adulterous afternoon, Matt was surprisingly buoyant. He put his arms around her in a firm embrace, saying, ‘Damn it, honey, that was quite an experience! As I told you before, I sort of expected something like this so I wasn’t shocked. Also, also as I told you before, it doesn’t bother me a bit. ‘Look, I fucked Jane, but there was no guilt because there certainly was nothing between us. She thought that I was Tony. I, for practical purposes,...

1 year ago
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Cruise Ship Sex

Yours We finally get to our room, 4132 on the luxurious cruise ship. We have been up since 530 this morning, running around, made our connecting flight, and finally got in line for our departure on our week long cruise. The line to get on the ship was almost 3 hours. The cruise had 3 scheduled stops, going to the Bahamas, Grand Cayman, and Saint tropes. The first thing we do is fall into bed. The view is amazing from our huge picture window. Over looking Fort Lauderdale, Florida, our...

3 years ago
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The Crucifixion of Evan

The Crucifixion of EvanThe Idea Gains HoldEvan was a devout Catholic in a family of devout Catholics.  His mother was the vice principal of the city?s Catholic school and his father was a 15-year history teacher in the same school.  Evan was one of three kids ? him at 15, his little sister Mary at 12 and his older brother Matt at 17.  Evan?s group of friends, all found through the church and the school, were fairly like-minded.  They grew up together, attended Bible study together, went on...

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The Power of Science Chapter 2 Evan Makes a Breakthrough

Evan Weiss started attending Excelsior, a fancy private school after he made a scientific breakthrough, proving his genius. He recently looked through one of his old notebooks and discovered one of his old ideas about time travel or time manipulation. He decided to try it out in hopes that it might work. ===== Evan spent most of his Saturday at the school's lab doing research. He was planning on building a machine that would allow him to manipulate time. It was crazy, but Evan decided he...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 27 Randall and Rachel

As Jack marched in through those gates he looked up at the Principal’s Office and saw a figure standing just behind the Venetian blinds. On an impulse Jack lifted his hand and waved at that solitary figure - the school’s sentinel he thought. Jack wasn’t sure but he thought he saw that figure wave back. Jack was about to give another wave back when a hand came up from behind and clasped itself across Jack’s bare shoulder. This hand on Jack’s shoulder made Jack nearly jump out of his skin. His...

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The Entrapment of Susan Andrews

             The Entrapment of Susan Andrews                                                      A Headteachers Story                                  As narrated to MasterofM                                           Part One: Trapped!The young student had been given more warnings than were strictly permissible, still though he continued displaying resentful hostility toward me and members of my staff until, during one meeting in my office when the boy had sworn at me personally I finally...

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Evan By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you have not yet reached adulthood where you live, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My name is Evan Light, but almost no one calls me Van. I'm almost twenty years old and not...

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 02

As Matt came into the room, he saw his wife standing there, wearing a pool coverup, but he saw her bikini lying on the bed, so, obviously, she was naked under it. She had a tremulous smile on her face as her husband took in her changed attire and a rumpled bed – straightened up but not pristine as a room steward would have left it. Looking back more closely at Katie, he saw something that caused a wry smile as he commented, ‘It looks like you got more than you expected!’ ‘I…I certainly did! I...

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My best friend Evan

It began at the end of our last exams. It was a common tradition for everyone to get a little crazy on the last night to celebrate the summer. A friend of mine, Susan, told me that she would be having another of her famous parties. Susan's house was huge and had gained a reputation for hosting popular raves. Needless to say, we were all excited to hear that another one was coming. When Saturday night came, me and my best friend, Evan, set out on the long walk to Susan's...

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Curing Evan

Published 1 year ago, ~91,600 views I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my 18-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would you help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home...

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Curing Evan

100% fiction! I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my eighteen-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would three help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home soon. Before we left, Evan apparently had...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 10 The Second Encounter with Evan

Chapter 10: The Second Encounter with Evan The five spent the day training, and indeed, by the time the sun set, everyone was immensely tired and ready for sleep. Yawning luxuriously, Althea and Miranda sat in the back of Cal's jeep while they let Jeri sit up front with Cal. "So, whatcha thinking about?" Jeri asked Cal tenderly as he expertly steered the jeep past the large sinkhole in the middle of the dirt road. "You've been awfully quiet, lately... Something on your mind?" Cal...

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Evan and the Beach Boys Chapter 2

Introduction: This is the last segment of Evan and the Beach Boys. Enjoy! Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Twelve year old Evan had just returned from a fucking session with the notorious Beach Boys. Evan was thinking about cock in his room. He took out his sexy young penis. He was stroking it thinking all about boys. He then had a hot idea. He called his friend Michael. Michael answered the phone. Hello said Mike, Hi its Evan, you wanna come over? responded Evan. Sure,...

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The Three Faces Of Evan 2

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN - 2 by Throne The new arrangement went on for a few weeks. Evan was drawn more and more deeply into his Eve persona, being coaxed to act feminine all the time at home, wear panties even at work, and assume 'wifely' chores around the house. Tyra also insisted on plucking his eyebrows. She chided him for being silly when he resisted and said it would only be a conservative change. She thinned them and narrowed the outside ends. It wasn't a big difference...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 8 Regeneration at the Cuckoos Nest

Room 132 was a spartan box filled by four beds separated by thin curtains, and the required medical support equipment. Three of the beds were occupied. I recognized Hutchison in the bed furthest from the small window. He had withered since I'd seen him last, the flesh wasting from his bones under the stress of his body's final fight for survival. He was unconscious, his breath coming in shallow heaves. A heart monitor made a desultory beeping beside his bed. I scanned the room, taking...

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Cruise Ship Cruise

I woke up and stretched my arms over my head. Then I twisted a bit to get the kinks out of my back. More than that I couldn't seem to find the room to do. I did sit up just a bit to look around. All in all, a much more satisfactory cabin than the one I was sitting in only a few hours ago. This was a suite, and the other did not come with a black haired head on the pillow on my left nor a light brown one on my right. Sighing, I settled back and thought back to yesterday... "I can't believe...

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Evan and the Beach Boys Chapter 1

Introduction: Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Evan was walking on the southern California beach. It was a hit day, and the twelve year old boy wanted to go to the beach. The small genital bulge was seen pressing against his tight speedo. The beach boys saw it, and got aroused. There were five boys of the beach. The beach boys were a gang of dreamy blonde Californian homosexuals in their twenties. When they saw the bulge in Evans speedo, they knew what they had to do. When...

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Evan Part One

My name is Henry. I am seventeen, and a junior in high school. I wouldn't call myself the sexiest thing on the planet, but I do just fine with girls. I have dark hair swept to the left, and hazel eyes that people tell me are beautiful. My penis, because I know you are asking, is about five inches hard; I know its is small for my age. Evan was a thirteen-year-old boy that lived a couple houses down from me on my street. He had silky brown hair and beautiful brown eyes that could melt away...

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The Three Faces Of Evan

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN by Throne It was Saturday night. Evan had been waiting all week for this evening. It was when he had sex with his extremely desirable wife, Tyra. She was a tall blond with generously padded contours. He couldn't get enough of her big bust and wide jutting ass. But what he loved the most was going down on her. He was hooked on cunnilingus. He lived for the taste and feel of her pussy. If she encouraged him, he would do it every night. She appreciated his...

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Losing Evan Discovering Emma The Final Part

Losing Evan, Discovering Emma. By Tanya H. Part 7 - Living. There I was sitting behind my desk in reception, it was 1030 and Janine had gone for her break, the sun was shining outside and I was already fast-forwarding to Friday when Olivia and I were going camping in Edale again, when in walked Deb, remember her, with some grey-suited lad behind her, arms full of files and laptop bags. I recognised her as soon as she came through the doors and my face went cold as blood ran away...

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Emily and Evan

Evan was beautiful. Everything about him took Emily's breath away. The way his shoulder length blonde hair shone in the sun, the way his eyes turned to fire when he looked her, even the way he would casually brush her hand, when he thought she wasn't paying attention, made her heart flutter. He was beautiful. Emily had known Evan since childhood. They were nine when she first decided she had to marry him. It was a random thought really. She was walking by the river with Evan and his sister...

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Losing Evan Discovering Emma Parts 2 and 3

Losing Evan, Discovering Emma. Parts 2 and 3. By Tanya H. Part 2 - Surviving. Next morning I woke early with only the faintest remnants of a hangover and the notion of an early morning run along the seafront. While attempting a sleepy scratch of the belly and almost dragging out the jewel from my tummy button I remembered there wasn't in the flat any running kit to fit me. Under my distorted t-shirt I was curves and softness I hardly dared touch. Kirsty slept on, spreadeagled and...

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Cruise Ship Threesome

Mom, dad and I were on a cruise last week. We were supposed to go to St Marteen, but due to the hurricanes, we were redirected to the Western Carribean. We were docking in Cozumel, which we had visited many times. I decided to stay on the boat while mom and dad went ashore. I was going to spend the day by the pool. I picked out a sexy bikini that covered enough so as not to get in trouble with the cruise line. I headed down to the pool area, found a lounge adjacent to the adult pool, and...

Group Sex
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 05

Five days later, November 9th, Katie and Matt stood on their balcony looking down at steady line of passengers disembarking. Fifteen days ago they had stood in that same spot with the ship docked in Barcelona, watching those same passengers coming on board. Then they had just moved into their suite, and, now, in Miami, they were leaving it. Their possessions, personal and professional, were ready to be moved off-ship, go through customs and be transferred to their condo. ‘Come on, Katie, there...

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Evan und Joanne

Unser zuletzt Geschriebenes wurde abgelehnt, mit der Begründung: enthält echte Erlebnisse. Die Regeln haben wir nie im Detail gelesen, nur, was in der Überschrift steht, also keine Gewalt, nichts, was unter 18 betrifft und kein K9. Haben wir uns natürlich dran gehalten. Umso überraschender also die Ablehnung, da wir von dieser Regel bzgl. echter Erlebnisse nicht wussten, und wir eigentlich genau davon schreiben. Aber vielleicht lag es daran, dass es in Englisch war und dabei möglicherweise...

Group Sex

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