Cruise Ship Cuckold
- 3 years ago
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In Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 01, Chapter 1, Katie Thatcher was introduced as a stage hypnotist entertainer performing a popular cruise ship show. More importantly, she is also a trained hypnotherapist who holds group sessions to help with a multiplicity of problems such as ending a smoking habit, losing weight, etc. She also holds private sessions for people with more delicate and personal difficulties. Her husband, Matt, serves as manager and agent. Her role as hypnotherapist led her, reluctantly, into a moderate sexual relationship with Janine and, later, with a more intense liaison with Jane in Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 02. She fears that these actions will put her on the proverbial ‘slippery slope’ toward using hypnosis to take advantage of clients. While not absolutely necessary, I would recommend reading Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 01, Chapter 1, to provide a better picture of Katie and Matt’s backgrounds and of the events referred to in this story.
Katie and Matt stood on their balcony looking down at departing passengers filing off the ship as the cruise ended. Just yesterday those passengers had been highly valued — providers of money paid in bars, money lost in the casino, money used to buy optional services that not long ago were included in the basic cruise cost. Now, they were hustled out of their cabins early in the morning and stored elsewhere in lounges, bars, etc. until it was their turn to disembark. Finally they were sent off ship to a big terminal warehouse to search for their luggage. By 10:00 AM, they were gone. All this rush to empty the ship and to prepare for the influx of new passengers who will be loved until they are ousted for the next crowd. It’s a business and the old is thrown out to make ready for the new.
Katie and Matt, of course, were immune to that expulsion and later watched those new passengers file out of the cruise terminal building, happily smiling and eager to board and search for their accommodations. As entertainers, Katie and Matt were not required to do so, but they regularly pinned ID badges on themselves and aided the staff by walking through, on this ship, the Royal Promenade, introducing themselves and answering questions from the newcomers. This served a dual purpose — they provided useful information to the new cruisers and also, by introducing themselves, they encouraged people to look for their stage performance schedule. If those people happened to be young and attractive, it wouldn’t hurt if they came on stage!
After wandering about meeting people for some time, Katie observed to Matt, cynically, ‘My, it seems that quite a few good looking women have needed your help! It seems that every time I look over and find you, I see them hanging on your words. Is that just a coincidence?’
‘Now, honey, you know that this is a good time to solicit business for the show and the sessions! We need some attractive women to be decorative on the stage! Getting a few of them under hypnosis is good for business.’
‘Yeah, but what kind of business are you thinking about? Another Jane? Forget about it.’
‘Why Katie, you hurt me! My thoughts are a pure as the driven snow!’ The truthfulness of his statement was somewhat undermined by the licentious grin that accompanied it.
‘You’re as pure as the big bad wolf! You’re also as transparent as glass! Now, if you’ve trolled for victims long enough, let’s go up and get some lunch before you try to seduce any more women.’
The cruise was underway shortly with its usual shakedown period during which the ship was explored by those new passengers. Matt, as the manager of their show in which Katie was the on-stage talent, had negotiated a good contract, with their usual excellent amenities, and was anticipating a pleasant summer when on board and visiting new sites when docked.
It was the third day of a 7-day cruise on the Mediterranean, Barcelona to Venice, and the day after Katie had successfully put on their first show of the cruise in her role as a stage hypnotist. The following morning, Matt was engaged in his favorite form of exercise, playing basketball. He had been a competent, but not special, player in college, a 6′ 3′ shooting guard. He loved playing pickup games on the cruise ships’ courts but today he was limited to playing a game of HORSE with the only other player available. He still was a good shooter and, quite easily, had won three straight games and he and his victim, Richard (never addressed as ‘Dick’) Henderson, were drying the sweat off — it was quite hot in the sun — and were walking off the court.
After a quick shower in their suite, Matt intended to join Katie in scheduling several private sessions with passengers who had personal problems that they hoped hypnotism could solve. Katie also offered group sessions — ending smoking, cutting drinking, losing weight, etc., but these sessions were scheduled by the cruise director at set fees.
Actually, these group sessions were at least as important as the stage shows because, like on-shore excursions, they brought considerable profit to the cruise line. In addition to the financial considerations, these sessions were very effective, having a high success rate which led to an excellent rating on evaluation questionnaires. The private sessions, on the other hand, were very profitable for Matt and Katie because the cruise line only charged an administrative fee for handling the payments, while the rest of the negotiated fees were theirs.
As Matt and Richard walked in and headed for the elevators, Richard stopped and asked, ‘Do you have time for a quick drink before we go down? There’s something I would like to talk about.’ They got their drinks and sat down in a lounge. ‘Look’, Richard continued, ‘My wife, Cindy, and I went to your show last night and, frankly, I was really surprised. I’ve been to a couple of these stage hypnosis shows and really wasn’t interested, but Cindy wanted to go. I expected the usual…well, phony shows that I had seen before. In one of those, the ‘volunteers’ were obviously shills or stooges. In the other the hypnotist whispered in my ear telling me what to do and how to act. I went along with it as a good sport, but I hated it.
‘As I said, something like that was what I expected last night. Cindy wanted to go on stage and see what happened. All I remembered afterwards was hearing your wife telling us to relax and sometime later, I came to or woke up, feeling very good but vague about what had gone on. It was all over, whatever it was, and we left the stage with everyone applauding. Neither Cindy nor I remembered doing anything special and I suddenly was afraid that I had been doing something embarrassing like clucking like a chicken or something weird. Fortunately, the couple we were with had watched from the audience and had used their phone to record us. There we were, singing a duet and neither of us can sing! Even more unbelievably, we sounded reasonably good! Another person was playing the piano as if he were in a symphony, but he had no piano! I talked to one of the ship’s officers later and he said that he’s seen her act several times and that your wife is amazing.’
‘Well, I appreciate your kind statement and,’ grinning, ‘I hope you will say that if you’re asked to evaluate the show! We move from ship to ship over the season and, even cruise line to cruise line. In reality, Katie, my wife, is not a ‘stage hypnotist’ like those entertainers you have seen. She’s a hypnotist who works on the stage. She actually is a certified hypnotherapist and did clinical work while getting her master’s degree. She does her best work in group and private sessions just as she would in an office or clinic on shore. We really enjoy the travel and meeting people, but one of these days we’ll probably settle down somewhere and she’ll work in a more professional setting. In the meantime, we like this life.
‘In any case, I have to leave now, go down to our suite, take a shower and meet several passengers
who have some personal problems that Katie may be able to help solve. She likes the show business part of this job, but she really enjoys the problem-solving challenges. People don’t take a cruise to have therapy sessions, but it’s surprising how many see her stage performance and wonder if hypnosis can help them change their behavior in some way. Of course, most of those people join a group session to try to stop smoking, lose weight or whatever, but some situations are more personal and we have one-on-one meeting with them. Anyway, I really have to go now and start setting up a schedule.’ He paused and continued, ‘Look, we’ll be eating in the Windjammer [they were on a Royal Caribbean ship this cruise] this evening around 6:00 if you would like to meet her.’
‘I’d like that very much, but I would like to go further with this right now if you can take the time and treat me as a potential client. As you saw, I’m not much of a basketball player. Actually, my playground is the casino — poker is my game — but I came up this morning to meet you personally and ask for some help. Cindy and I have a serious problem and that it is the reason I wanted to talk to you!’
‘Oh? Well, sure, this is a surprise, but that’s my job. Go ahead. Give me a quick summary of your situation and I’ll present it to Katie and she will decide if she thinks that hypnotism can help. If so, we’ll schedule a more formal meeting for her to talk to you. She’s the professional, I’m just the manager.’
‘Perfect! This is rather personal, but I guess most of the problems she sees are personal. Cindy and I were married just after graduating from college, both about 21. Our sex life was excellent — it couldn’t have better, in fact. About a year later she got pregnant and had a baby boy. Two years later she had a girl. Now, for many people, having children dampens the libido and sex drops or virtually disappears. That didn’t happen to us. Obviously, having kids around and the work involved led to some constraints, but our interest in sex never abated. The kids grew into teenagers, we reached our mid-thirties, but, sexual interest and satisfaction still was a significant part of our relationship. She was an active participant and had no problem initiating sex herself.
‘Then she began having physical difficulties with her sexual equipment, saw the doctor and they found a large cyst growing in her uterus. It didn’t turn out to be cancerous, fortunately, but they agreed that it should be removed. Since we had no intention in having more children, the decision was made to have a hysterectomy and avoid any future problem. Everything went well, she healed up perfectly, but a different, and, for us, very serious problem, appeared — she lost any interest in sex! No, that’s wrong. The interest was there, but she gets nothing out of it. Her gynecologist checked her over and found no physical problem.
‘We discovered later that this really is not uncommon. There are all sorts of explanations, mostly psychological, but knowing that hasn’t helped. As you can imagine, this is very difficult for us. We have sex, but, as I say, she gets nothing out of it. She tries to do it for me, but having her lie there just being used or, worse, faking excitement, ruins it for me. With the best will in the world, this has begun to undermine our relationship. We left the kids with her parents and we took this trip, visiting Spain and, now, this cruise hoping that her libido might return in more romantic situations, but it hasn’t.
‘Suddenly, yesterday, after being part of your show, I had an epiphany. Could your wife hypnotize Cindy and bring back her ability to enjoy sex? I mentioned this brainstorm to Cindy last night and she is more than willing to try anything. She is even more frustrated about this than I am because she wants to feel that sexual pleasure for herself as well as for me. So, that’s my, no our, problem. Do you think that it is possible that your wife could help us? Will she be willing to try?’
‘Damn, Richard, that is a real problem! I have no idea at all. As I told you, I manage the act and arrange the schedule, but all I know about hypnosis is what I’ve learned from being with Katie. However, I certainly will talk to her about this and see what she thinks about the prospects. I know that nothing like this has come to us before, but she’s really good. Look, I’ll go down now and describe the situation to Katie. We have a group session at 11:00. Why don’t you and Cindy meet us at the Windjammer about noon and we’ll discuss the issue over lunch. If Katie doesn’t think she can help, she’ll say so, but if there’s any chance, I’m sure she’ll try.’
Matt went down to their suite and found Katie reading on their balcony. After a quick shower and dressing, he described Richard and Cindy’s problem and asked what she thought about the chances of helping with their problem.
‘I really don’t know, but I guess that it wouldn’t hurt to try. Which ones were they on the stage last night?’
‘They were the couple you had sing a duet.’
‘Oh, yeah! They weren’t bad. They certainly went under easily. About mid-thirties I think. Wait a minute! I remember now! She was the one that had the tits you couldn’t take your eyes off of!’
‘That has absolutely nothing to do with it! I didn’t even remember that when I was talking to Richard!’
‘Sure! And I’ll bet that the idea of you fondling those tits to get her interest in sex revived never crossed your mind! You never thought of Janine or Jane, did you?’
Matt’s face took on a most beneficent and innocent expression. ‘Well, I’ll admit that the thought may have briefly occurred to me in passing, but my real motivation was the genuine desire to help!’ However, that guiltless demeanor was quickly undermined by a satirical grin that confirmed Katie’s skepticism.
Katie grinned back at him, repeating what had become a mock battle between them, ‘There will not be another Jane! There will not even be another Janine! I have hammered down the lid on that Pandora’s Box and I have pulled back from that slippery slope! I will talk with Richard and your prospective victim, Cindy Henderson, but THERE WILL NOT BE ANOTHER JANE! Live with it!’
The four of them talked over lunch, and things went well. Physically, Cindy’s major attractions were, unquestionably, her breasts which, as Katie had noticed, had been the focus of Matt’s eyes when on stage. However, seated at the table, Matt and Cindy quickly realized that she was more than just an eye-catching set of tits. Her face and the rest of her body were quite attractive and her friendly personality quickly made this more than just a client-practitioner relationship. She obviously was hesitant and embarrassed to be discussing such a personal problem with two strangers, particularly over lunch rather in a doctor’s office, but she was reassured by Matt and Katie’s genuine sympathy.
Katie listened closely as Cindy described her feelings and how she had suddenly lost interest in sex, or, at least, the ability to enjoy it. ‘God knows, I was never obsessed with sex, but I always enjoyed it. If, for some reason we had no sex, like when Richard spent several weeks in the National Guard, I really missed it. I still miss it, but it just doesn’t do anything for me! I try to get excited. I…I fantasize…and…this is hard to say…I…I play with myself to try to get things started! Richard tries everything that always has worked in the past! Damn it, nothing happens!
‘I…I really thought that a hysterectomy was going to make life better. I would have no more cramping and spotting once the cyst was removed, no more worries about birth control, no more periods! I was going to lose my uterus, which I didn’t need anyway, but I would be trading it for the freedom that would mean. I certainly never conceived of losing my ability to enjoy sex — have my libido vanish! I didn’t even know what a libido was! I know that a lot of women lose interest and don’t want to be bothered, but, damn it, I want i
t but nothing happens — my body just doesn’t react. My mind says ‘get hot,’ but nothing happens! The doctor insists that it’s all mental, but I don’t see how since the desire is still there! I haven’t had an orgasm in at least six months, either with Richard or…or by myself! He has been as sympathetic as he could be. He’s tried every way he can think of to help me, but I just lie there like a lump. This is not good for either of us.’
She was almost in tears of frustration as she finished that emotional description of what, obviously, was the loss of a very significant part of both of their lives. Some women never have orgasms and they aren’t concerned or are not even aware of what they’re missing. Their husbands often don’t care or don’t even recognize that their wives are faking orgasms if those wives even make the effort. In Cindy and Richard’s case, losing something that had been important in their relationship made this a major issue. Katie was touched by the impact it had on both of them and, looking to Matt for his approval, decided to do what she could.
‘Ok, I honestly don’t know if I can be of help, but I’ll certainly try. As Richard noticed, my performance on stage is real hypnotism, not the fakery you often see. Some ‘stage hypnosis’ is much like a ‘stage magician’ except we all know that the magic isn’t real and we know that trickery is involved. Hypnotism is real so people don’t realize that the stage hypnotist is often just an entertainer. Those are the acts that Richard has seen. They certainly couldn’t help you!’
Matt turned to Cindy and stated, forcefully, ‘Yeah, not only is her act real, but, as I told Richard, she is a trained professional hypnotherapist and she really helps people in her therapy sessions. She even had a couple take a cruise just because we were on it, because they thought that she could help them! She could be working in an office or clinic, but we both prefer this life.’
Katie laughed, saying, ‘Being called a ‘stage hypnotist’ is frequently used in a pejorative way and Matt, as my manager, is sensitive about my status. He blows my horn for me so I don’t have to! However, he’s right about my background, otherwise I certainly wouldn’t be able to help you. Cindy, I have a group session scheduled right now, but why don’t the two of us get together afterwards and go down to our suite for a while. We can do a little exploring and see if I can come up with a plan to attack your problem. Just remember, I can’t promise anything. From what you’ve said, I agree with your doctor in that this is a mental block, nothing physical, but I’m not a psychoanalyst, just a therapist.’
They did meet for over an hour with Matt joining them just as they were finishing up. He was pleased to see smiles on their faces as he came into the room. ‘You two seem to be pleased. Does that mean that you have made some progress?’
Katie replied, ‘Yeah, I think that we made some headway. At least I have learned a lot about Cindy that give me possible things to try to get by whatever is holding her back.’
‘Oh, yes, Matt, she’s already helped in that something is being tried! I’ve just been just hoping, futility, that I would come out of this on my own, but Katie really gives me hope!’
‘Remember, though, I haven’t done anything yet and I still may not be able to really help!’
‘Oh, I know that, but you give me confidence and hope. You’re not treating me as some silly woman with no real problem except what she has created for herself! Frankly, that is how my doctor has reacted since there seems to be no physical difficulty. I feel like a nuisance when I talk to him. Even my female gynecologist seems to have that attitude.’
‘Well, I’ll do my best and we’ll see what happens.’
As Cindy left the room, Matt looked at Katie and asked, ‘What do you really think? I’m sure that you told her to feel good and so on as usual so I can’t tell.’
In Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 01, Katie Thatcher was introduced as a stage hypnotist entertainer performing a popular cruise ship show. More importantly, she is also a trained hypnotherapist who holds group sessions to help with a multiplicity of problems such as ending a smoking habit, losing weight, etc. She also holds private sessions for people with more delicate and personal difficulties. Her husband, Matt, serves as manager and agent. In Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 01, her role as...
Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 02. The sexual enlightenment of mother, son and tutor. 02.01 Ellie, Joanne and her son Daniel: 02.02 Ellie, Daniel, First Day: 02.03 Ellie, Daniel, Second Day: 02.04 Ellie, Daniel, Visual Test: 02.05 Ellie, Cathy, Hair Removal: 02.06 Ellie, GelPod, Introduction: 02.07 Ellie, GelPod, First Orgasm: 02.08 Ellie, GelPod, Breast Enhancement: 02.09 Ellie, GelPod, Clitoris Enhancement: 02.10 Ellie, GelPod, Conditioning: 02.11 Ellie, GelPod, Vaginal Testing: 02.12 Aron...
The sexual enlightenment of mother, son and tutor. 02.01 Ellie, Joanne and her son Daniel: 02.02 Ellie, Daniel, First Day: 02.03 Ellie, Daniel, Second Day: 02.04 Ellie, Daniel, Visual Test: 02.05 Ellie, Cathy, Hair Removal: 02.06 Ellie, GelPod, Introduction: 02.07 Ellie, GelPod, First Orgasm: 02.08 Ellie, GelPod, Breast Enhancement: 02.09 Ellie, GelPod, Clitoris Enhancement: 02.10 Ellie, GelPod, Conditioning: 02.11 Ellie, GelPod, Vaginal Testing: 02.12 Aron and Daniel,...
A cruise ship that specializes in human sexuality. High Tech makes a dream come true. 01.01 Prologue, Cruise Ship Regeneration: 01.02 Evan and Susan: 01.03 Evan and Susan meet Ruth: 01.04 Evan, Preparation: 01.05 Evan, Gel, Preparation: 01.06 Evan, Gel, Genital Correction: 01.07 Evan, Gel, Prostate Correction: 01.08 Evan, Gel, First Ejaculation: 01.09 Evan, Gel, Nipple Enhancement: 01.10 Evan, Gel, Prostate Preparation: 01.11 Evan, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 01.12 Evan,...
A cruise ship that specializes in human sexuality. High Tech makes a dream come true. 01.01 Prologue, Cruise Ship Regeneration: 01.02 Evan and Susan: 01.03 Evan and Susan meet Ruth: 01.04 Evan, Preparation: 01.05 Evan, Gel, Preparation: 01.06 Evan, Gel, Genital Correction: 01.07 Evan, Gel, Prostate Correction: 01.08 Evan, Gel, First Ejaculation: 01.09 Evan, Gel, Nipple Enhancement: 01.10 Evan, Gel, Prostate Preparation: 01.11 Evan, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 01.12...
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 05 The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 05.01 Ethan and Shawn: 05.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 05.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 05.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 05.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 05.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 05.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 05.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 05.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 05.10 Ethan, Plant,...
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The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 05.01 Ethan and Shawn: 05.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 05.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 05.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 05.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 05.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 05.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 05.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 05.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 05.10 Ethan, Plant, Feminization: 05.11 Shawn,...
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Mathew and Kathleen Thatcher, Matt and Katie, pretty well have it made. They are relatively young, early 30’s, good looking and healthy and with a job that is secure and very well paid. In addition, the working conditions hardly can be beat. They are in show business, a hypnosis act that is quite popular, in an almost perfect setting, and, even better, it comes with what is practically a captive audience. Their act, the stage part, at least, is put on no more than twice a week in normal...
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The following day the ship was ‘at sea’ as they headed for Venice and the end of the cruise. Passengers were enjoying one last day while Matt and Katie were busy with final sessions, meeting clients for the last time, etc. They finally got together with Richard and Cindy at lunch and found a couple with all smiles. Their description of the previous night wasn’t exactly graphic, but they made it clear that their sexual woes seemed to have vanished. As Richard joked, ‘I think that you overdid it!...
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After hearing that graphic description of his wife’s adulterous afternoon, Matt was surprisingly buoyant. He put his arms around her in a firm embrace, saying, ‘Damn it, honey, that was quite an experience! As I told you before, I sort of expected something like this so I wasn’t shocked. Also, also as I told you before, it doesn’t bother me a bit. ‘Look, I fucked Jane, but there was no guilt because there certainly was nothing between us. She thought that I was Tony. I, for practical purposes,...
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As Matt came into the room, he saw his wife standing there, wearing a pool coverup, but he saw her bikini lying on the bed, so, obviously, she was naked under it. She had a tremulous smile on her face as her husband took in her changed attire and a rumpled bed – straightened up but not pristine as a room steward would have left it. Looking back more closely at Katie, he saw something that caused a wry smile as he commented, ‘It looks like you got more than you expected!’ ‘I…I certainly did! I...
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My name is Al, and I want to setup my story with a little history before I jump to the mind control of my 17 year old online female friend. If you wish to skip over this part and go right to the sexual part then you may, but I think you will be intrigued to read my discovery into the hypnotic world which is all true. Besides it is not the typical sex story, it is more about a sexual experience. Don't expect dialogue or a sex scene with lots of action, you won't find it. You still...
John and Mary, A dream come true. 04.01 John and Mary: 04.02 John and Mary meet Ruth: 04.03 John, Age Regression Preparation: 04.04 John, Age Regression: 04.05 John, Gel, Introduction: 04.06 John, Gel, Nipple Enhancement: 04.07 John, Gel, Prostate Preparation: 04.08 John, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 04.09 John, Gel, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 04.10 John, Gel, Enhancement Testing: 04.11 Mary, Gel, Introduction: 04.12 Mary, Gel, First Orgasm: 04.13 Mary, Gel, Breast...
Mom, dad and I were on a cruise last week. We were supposed to go to St Marteen, but due to the hurricanes, we were redirected to the Western Carribean. We were docking in Cozumel, which we had visited many times. I decided to stay on the boat while mom and dad went ashore. I was going to spend the day by the pool. I picked out a sexy bikini that covered enough so as not to get in trouble with the cruise line. I headed down to the pool area, found a lounge adjacent to the adult pool, and...
Group SexFive days later, November 9th, Katie and Matt stood on their balcony looking down at steady line of passengers disembarking. Fifteen days ago they had stood in that same spot with the ship docked in Barcelona, watching those same passengers coming on board. Then they had just moved into their suite, and, now, in Miami, they were leaving it. Their possessions, personal and professional, were ready to be moved off-ship, go through customs and be transferred to their condo. ‘Come on, Katie, there...
The three of them entered the stateroom and, as Jane expected, Katie said some soothing suggestions to eliminate tension. She supposedly left, leaving Jane and ‘Tony’ alone. Jane immediately embraced her husband, as she saw Matt, and was almost overexcited as she kissed him. ‘Oh, honey, I know that it’s going to happen this time! The test last night and tonight shows that I’m ready! Ooh, I can’t wait!’ For Katie and Matt, it was amazingly exciting watching her strip in front of them, actually...
Story from Angel’s point of view: My husband asked me to write this next installment due to the fact that he is a bit tied up at the moment. I am more than happy to tell you our story. As you may or may not remember, my husband and I were in the captain’s wife’s cabin with him and his nephew Daniel. We were there to pay up on the bet my husband lost to Eve, the captain’s wife. So far, my poor hubby had been feminized, spanked and made to beg to suck the cocks of the captain and his nephew to...
Preface: I would like to point out that this story is written especially for publication. I have included actions which I honestly don't care much for myself, but which I have understood that my readers like to read. If you are one of my readers who likes the intimacy of my stories and the feeling that you get to know me through my stories, then please don't take the content of this story as an indication of my true feelings. I am sorry to say that many years ago I was a smoker. I know...
GenTech’s Employee of the month reward. 06.01 Lisa and Jenny: 06.02 Ruth and Lisa, Theater Preparation: 06.03 Lisa, Plant, Introduction: 06.04 Lisa, Plant, Induced Orgasm: 06.05 Lisa, Plant, Breast Enhancement: 06.06 Lisa, Plant, Clitoris to Penis: 06.07 Lisa, Plant, Male Prostate Growth: 06.08 Lisa, Plant, Urethra Tube, Erection Expansion: 06.09 Lisa, Plant, Vaginal Enhancement: 06.10 Lisa, Plant, Testing and Conditioning: 06.11 Jenny, Lisa, Performance Suite: 06.12 Jenny, Lisa,...
Cruise Ship Regeneration 05B A rare referral requiring special handling. 06.39 The Pleasure Complex: 06.40 Fantasy Room, Emily, Plant Lover: 06.41 Fantasy Room, Michelle and her male Entity: 06.42 Pleasure Room, Sarah, Cathy, Harness, Fisting: 06.43 Pleasure Room, Sarah, Cathy, Harness, Sybian: 06.44 Fantasy Room, Jamie’s Gay enlightenment: 06.39 The Pleasure Complex: The following morning they met in the main suite for breakfast and talked about what they were going to-do today. Sarah...
They found Tony sitting in the sports bar, idly holding an alcoholic drink of some kind and staring blankly at a screen on which some kind of game was being played. Certainly, he would have been totally incapable of describing either the drink or the game. He jumped when Katie touched his shoulder and he came back to earth. His blank stare gave way to a harried and conflicted look as he realized that his wait was over. ‘Everything is fine, Tony. Jane is asleep down in your room, waiting for...
07.01 Lisa and Jenny: Lisa has worked for GenTech for twelve years as a supervisor in the Research Dept. She had been nominated several times to be the Employee of the Month and was finally awarded the prestigious award. She could have anything she asked for, a month at any resort in the world, her mortgage paid off, even a new house with a luxury car. What she asked for surprised the awards committee. Lisa wanted to become a Hermaphrodite like her 'partner' Jenny who is a natural...
Part-2 The consummation of a dream. 04.20 Evan, Susan, Performance Suite: 04.21 Evan, Susan, Oil Massage, Masturbation: 04.22 Susan, Evan, Deep Throat: 04.23 Evan, Susan, The Mating: 04.20 Evan, Susan, Performance Suite: Ruth and the audience saw the door open and then Susan and Evan walked in. They closed the door and Susan drew close to Evan and kissed him on the forehead. "Let's go into the bedroom." When they entered the bedroom, she adjusted the lights over the...
Dianne, Ellie, Daniel and Aron were at the heliport waiting for Joanne. The Helicopter arrived and Joanne looked at Daniel's and Ellie's nakedness with embarrassment and confusion. Dianne informed her of the ship's rules and after a few awkward moments she hugged Daniel, being careful not to move too close to his body. She did the same to Ellie and thanked her for looking after her son. Daniel introduced his mother to Aron. Dianne saw the puzzled look on Joanne's face and told her that...
I sat in the chair, handcuffed, gagged, tears rolling down my cheeks. What have I done! What a fool I was! By revealing my fantasies, I had convinced my bride that I truly wanted to be cuckolded and she had set this whole night up to comply with my wishes. She was willing to go along with my sick needs and let another man seduce and fuck her just to please me. She had also arranged it so I would be helpless to stop it, knowing the guilt I would feel by actively permitting it. She had thought of...
When I was a freshman at UMASS I took a Psychology class. It was there that I met my friend Julie who was a Psych major. She used to help me with papers and preparing for tests. We became really good friends.One night we were in her dorm room with two of her friends who were also Psych majors. I had only met them once or twice but I liked them. They were really nice girls. I had brought along a six-pack and so we were sitting around talking, and sipping beer. One of the girls was actually a...
TrueThe following day was a busy one, but the thought of the coming evening’s entertainment was on both their minds much of the time. In their stateroom, Matt had positioned a video camera with a wide angle setting that would cover the entire room. They hoped to have a memorable recording to watch later. They put on their bathing suits and waited, oddly nervous in anticipation. Finally, around 8:00 PM as planned, Janine knocked on their door and came in, wearing shorts and a sleeveless top and...
Very little was said as Katie and Matt went to free Tony from exile in the sports bar. The only significant exchange between them was when he looked at her with a conspiratorial grin and arched eyebrow and commented, ‘No panties?’ She grinned back, hugging his arm, ‘It seemed more convenient!’ When they got back to their suite, however, the conversation was considerably more effusive. Katie was first, saying with relief, ‘She certainly was under tonight again. I assumed that she would be, but...
Summary: Shy divorcee discovers true sexuality with college ex-student. Note 1: This is the 5th different version of the story. It started with a much more complex plot and was originally written as a third person story. Yet, as it unfolded, I knew it was no longer going to be my typical submissive older woman and dominant younger woman story (sorry if that is what you were expecting). Now, it has evolved into a unique love story. Thus it is being entered in the Valentine’s Day 2016 Contest...
I have been asked many times if someone can be made to do something under hypnosis that they would not do if they were awake. Certainly an ethical hypnotist should not have someone do something they wouldn’t or shouldn’t do. Could it happen? Read on. * * * * * I was bored and mad. It was Friday and I was sitting in my Statistics class at the University. It was boring. My girl friend, Judy, had broken up with me last night and I was feeling rejected and mad. I had told her that we had been...
Sally had all but moved in, I had told her to keep her flat as a back up but she moved in a lot of her clothes and personal things and it was great having her around the house in Lisa’s absence.I had got into the habit of just wearing boxers around the house as Sally loved to see me like that. ‘cock on tap’ she called it and it was fine by me, even calling me ‘daddy’ was pleasing and she certainly enjoyed playing games and having fun, albeit she was 3 years older than Lisa they were like twins...
The file said I could hypnotize myself into becoming a woman. I had to try it out and see for myself. My wife hated my dressing and maybe I could hypnotize her into helping me become a woman. Now that would be the ultimate, wouldn't it? Feminized by Hypnosis By: Rachael Free My life was getting pretty dull with work, chores at home and bed, usually without sex. We were in our late 30's and already bored with our marriage. It's not saying that were not bad looking or we let...
This was something that I have done with others for a long time... the following is a hypnosis script that I use for the ones that want to experience hypnosis do it's deepest levels. This is just the start... but those that read it, wanting to be taken in the spell, can begin to feel what the depths of the mind can bring. If you believe, and if you know that it is real... or could be real... then you will be amazed at what you could feel. Please enjoy.I want you to pay attention to each...
This was something that I have done with others for a long time... the following is a hypnosis script that I use for the ones that want to experience hypnosis do it's deepest levels. This is just the start... but those that read it, wanting to be taken in the spell, can begin to feel what the depths of the mind can bring. If you believe, and if you know that it is real... or could be real... then you will be amazed at what you could feel. Please enjoy.I want you to pay attention to each...
This was something that I have done with others for a long time... the following is a hypnosis script that I use for the ones that want to experience hypnosis do it's deepest levels. This is just the start... but those that read it, wanting to be taken in the spell, can begin to feel what the depths of the mind can bring. If you believe, and if you know that it is real... or could be real... then you will be amazed at what you could feel. Please enjoy.I want you to pay attention to each...
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Google that exact phrase and you’ll get something like 165,000 results. It’s a given within the community, that you can’t hypnotize someone against their will. And it makes sense. If someone doesn’t want to be hypnotized, they can simply stop listening, or as the case may be, reading. That said, the opposite is true. If a person wanted to go into a hypnotic trance, they’d just have to keep reading, because this is indeed a hypnotic induction. A powerful one,...
The following story is fiction. It could happen, it didn’t happen with me. Credit for the plot must go to Softly. * * * * * I was sitting at the computer staring and thinking. “Life isn’t working out. Sex is no fun and Molly is a bore. A chubby bore.” He hit “hypnosis” on the search engine. There were thousands of hits. I arbitrarily went to the tenth page and found “Creative Hypnosis, we solve your problems creatively.” They seemed to be located in my area. “Maybe this will solve my...
Henry sat backstage before another stop on his comedy Stage Hypnosis tour. Henry Jones, better known as Henry the Hypnotist, was an Erotic Stage Hypnotist, and, at least judging by the reviews, a damn good one at that. People claimed they "really felt hypnotized," that "nothing was fake" and "Henry was the greatest entertainer alive" (There might have been a bit of hypnosis involved in those interviews). Many girls came up to him after the show, asking for his autograph, or a chance to...
Mind ControlErotic Hypnosis can make sex even more fun than you already know about. It is very erotic to be either directed or do the directing. Especially if the actions are without prejudgment. First, let me make one thing very clear. You will not do what I do in my stories. What you will do is take most of the anxiety out of sex. Men or women can take either role and, indeed, can rotate roles. Everything you do must be done with consent. The consent will be to start the process. You do not stop in the...
The two of them continued their sex-play for another half-hour. Tongues teased and titillated, fingers stroked and penetrated. Cunts and asses were probed and finger-fucked. Everything was kissed and licked. Finally, two satisfied women lay there, breathless and happy. After recovering, Katie got down to business. ‘This is fun, Cindy, but we need to get back to your Lyle fantasy. You said that you want to make the Lyle fantasies work again by making them more real. Do you still feel that...
Good evening if you’ve just joined us, although having said that where the bloody hell have you been? Yes, you’ll know from the warmth of the welcome that you can only be listening to Pure Blether FM. And I’m pleased to report that a certain flame-haired beauty has just elegantly glided into the studio, so I’ll waste no time in handing over to her for ten minutes that, so I’m told, could literally change your life. I still need to be convinced about that, Ursula. Well, Pete, if you bother to...
Total MTF Hypnosis by Dawna Tompson [email protected] March 2015 This is the text of a YouTube video of the same name that will permanently alter the listener's thought patterns to allow easy entrance to alternate MTF crossdreaming realities. This is a file for serious AGP and Crossdreamers. Neophytes or dabblers should first read this text file to confirm the video constitutes...
I was day dreaming on my computer recently when I received IM from a person who asked about hypnosis. The person enjoyed my audio, it was relaxing. I love when that happens. My best subjects preselect themselves. If someone could get relaxed with a four minute audio they would be a wonderful subject. I was VERY slowly writing my book. It was truly getting tedious. I needed some new experiences to spice it up. Most of the women who self selected were from Australia to North Carolina. No...
Part I I found the book under my brother's mattress. Normally, I avoided Kevin's bedroom for the slum it was, but Mom ordered me to bring down his sheets so she could wash them. "Mom, his room is like a slum," I said. "Go get the sheets. I don't ask much around here," she said. "God, I need rubber gloves like paramedics wear to go into his room," I said. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Quit whining. If you would like to spend the next six months watching TV instead of...
Cruise to Nowhere by Abe(for Jo: Mother and daughters face interminable torture at sea aboard the Motor Ship de Sade. The Republic of Nauru is real. The Nauru Navy is pure fantasy, and no offense is intended.)Part 1, a death sentenceIt was some time around midnight. The two-lane road across the desert was straight and level. There was no moon, but the sky was ablaze with a zillion stars, as there was no town nearby, no light pollution. Nora was driving 85 or 90 mph; she didn't look at the...