Total MTF Hypnosis free porn video

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Total MTF Hypnosis by Dawna Tompson [email protected] March 2015 This is the text of a YouTube video of the same name that will permanently alter the listener's thought patterns to allow easy entrance to alternate MTF crossdreaming realities. This is a file for serious AGP and Crossdreamers. Neophytes or dabblers should first read this text file to confirm the video constitutes an acceptable hypnosis activity. The text is also presented so that experienced listeners can confirm that the hypnosis video is not a commercial activity and that there are no embedded subliminal effects. -- This recording is going to put you into a deep trance. Turn off your cell phone and find a quiet place free of distractions so you can listen to it without interruption. The use of headphones is recommended. Since you will be motionless for a while; it is best to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and then loosen any tight or restrictive clothing. Close your eyes. If you are watching a video you will not need to look at the screen during this recording; It will go dark in a few moments. Begin by performing a few exercises. These will help you overcome any fears or inhibitions. They will also provide a simple mechanism for you to come out of the trance if you feel the need at anytime. Begin by taking three deep breaths, inhaling through the nose; and exhaling through the mouth. Inhale. Observe how relaxing this simple gesture can be. Another deep breath. And a third deep breath. Now imagine that your body is an empty vessel. Imagine filling it with a bright orange colored liquid. This liquid will absorb all of your tensions and anxieties. It pours into the top of your head and slowly fills your entire body. Let the fluid fill your body. It is slowly filling your empty vessel. The fluid fizzes a bit when it touches your insides. Feel it fizz as it pours in your lower extremities and slowly fills your entire body. The fizzing works its way toward your abdomen, chest, and arms. It removes all anxiety and tension from any area of your body that it touches. All anxiety is fading, you are becoming more and more focused on your inner self. Observe how easy it is to relax as the fluid builds and fizzes. Let the fluid fill your head. There is much to loosen and break free here, so let it operate for a few extra moments. Tension and all negative thoughts and emotions are loosened, dislodged, and then washed away. Let the fluid draw tension and anxiety from every cell in your body. Allow yourself to relax. Relax. Now, imagine two valves, located at the lowest point in your body. Turn the handles on the valves to open them. Let the liquid begin to flow out. Notice that the liquid is no longer a bright orange; it is dark, almost brown. It is much thicker. The liquid is carrying away your tensions and all your conscious thoughts. You are getting very relaxed. You can hear only these words. Everything else is fading as it mixes with the fluid and exits through the valves. Allow the last drop of fluid to escape and then close the valves. You are now in a very light trance. This is your base state and it is the starting point for your adventures into your inner world. You can return to this state, or a lower level, during this session or anytime, by simply breathing deeply, touching your index finger to your thumb and then repeating the word restore until you return to the trance state. If you want to come out of the trance at anytime, you may simply lift your index finger and you will immediately return to the base state. You will then be able to move to normal waking consciousness. Or you may return to deeper levels. If something unexpected should happen during this session, you can immediately return to a normal waking state, feeling refreshed and ready to deal with whatever has arisen. These safeguards will always be available so there is no need to hold onto fear or anxiety. You are safe in this inner world and you can exit it at anytime you choose. We are now ready to begin the trip into your inner world. See yourself at the top of a green valley. The sky is a brilliant blue and it is sprinkled with large puffy white clouds. The rising sun illuminates their bottoms and they glow with a three dimensional beauty. The valley floor is spread out below you. It is filled with lush foliage and beautiful green meadows. You would like to descend into this valley. A few hundred feet below you can see a trail that appears to lead deep into the valley, but you don't see a way to get down there. Walk along the ridge. There is a promising starting point not far ahead. Start your descent. Be careful, the ground is steep; weeds, vines, and uneven soil make the descent difficult at first. Hold on to the roots and vines to steady yourself as you negotiate the steep slope. Work your way downward and onto the rough trail. Just below it is a small stream. The trail leads across this little flow of water. It's small enough to hop over. You continue down along the rough path. Deeper and deeper, downward, downward. Push the foliage aside and follow the path down. Follow the path, deeper. Deeper. The path is a bit wider now. Its easier to walk along it. Trees form an arch over the trail creating a warm green tunnel. Continue to descend ever downward, deeper into the valley. Relax and set aside all of your conscious thoughts. The winding path takes you again across the stream. The stream is wider now, and flowing faster. But rocks, poking above the surface, allow you to easily step across and continue downward. Down, down, the path continues down. The path is much wider and even easier to traverse. It takes you ever so much deeper into the valley. Once again, you must cross the stream. The stream is wide and the water is rushing and tumbling over large boulders in mid-stream. A fallen tree forms a rough bridge and you manage to get to the other side without too much difficulty. Your path downward is easier; you are now deep into the valley. Continue to move downward. Wild flowers line the trail. The air is cool and crisp. You set aside any thoughts that get in the way of your progress downward, ever downward. You feel energetic; you increase your speed as you follow the path downward. Once again the winding path crosses the stream. It is now a bubbling torrent of water. A rope bridge allows you to carefully cross over the tumbling water. Steady yourself by holding onto the ropes. Follow the trail downward, remembering to relax your body and release any thoughts getting in the way of your adventure. The path is smooth and wide. It is still descending, deeper, deeper, deeper into the valley. The path is hard packed gravel now. Rock walls appear on either side. Expert stonemasons built these walls with exquisite care. This path has been here a long time. It has been carefully maintained. Downward, downward. The path is less steep and is now paved with bricks, the rock walls are lower. You can see the ridge you started from far above you. It would be nearly impossible to get back up there. But you have no desire to go back. Once again the path crosses the flowing water. The water is much wider now. It is nearly a river. But the water has slowed. It flows slowly under an arched wooden bridge. Slowly walk across the bridge. Stop in the middle to look at the smooth water below. It is clear and deep and you can see all the way to the riverbed below. Now continue down the path. You move down the path. You are nearing the floor of the valley. The path is nearly flat. It moves across a beautiful meadow filled with wild grass and spring flowers. The sun is bright and warm. Listen and you can hear birds chirping in the trees just ahead. Their sounds seems to urge you onward and you quickly cross the meadow. Your confidence is growing. You set aside all doubts about inner adventures, knowing that you are prepared for whatever happens and that you can return to your base state easily. You pass through a stand of trees and once again the path crosses the river. An arched stone bridge crosses over the smooth clear water. A light breeze brushes along your cheeks. Know that once you cross this bridge you will arrive in your inner world. Walk halfway across the bridge, then stop and look at the water below. Look at the surface. The water is so still you can see your reflection. A breeze rises and the water ripples. Your image becomes distorted. Pick up a stone from the road and drop it into the pool. Watch your watery image disappear and then reappear as several related images wavering on the expanding circle of waves. Your image is not so solid and permanent. Is it? As the splash moves outward, notice how the sunlight glistens on the surface. It streams flashes of light into your face. The flashes are stronger now, and they occur at a natural rate to move your mind into its optimum state for inner exploration. You feel confident that this is the correct approach and you can control your inner world, to an extent you have never before realized. Know that with practice this inner world will soon appear as real as any experience from your waking life. If this is your first time listening you might find that you'll need some patience to achieve this level of awareness, but you needn't feel compelled to try too hard. Walk to the end of the bridge and stop at its edge. Take a moment to prepare. Now step into the grassy estate on the other side. Take a look around. You are in a park setting and the air is fresh and crisp. You feel wonderful and ready for adventure. A slight breeze rustles the leaves of the trees in front of you. You can see a building just behind them. The building grabs your interest and you move forward through some bushes to get a better look. A large stone mansion appears before you. It is an elegant Victorian castle. It has three floors many bay windows, dentils, and columns. The top floor has dormer windows set below a pitched slate roof. Stone cornices adorn the entire facade. There is a turret and large porch at the far end of the structure. Walk along the gravel path toward the entrance portico. As you walk along notice that there are men walking toward the entrance. You count three or four and some others milling around. You acknowledge their presence with a nod. You don't know them but you recognize in their faces the anticipation you also feel. Know that they too are going to be part of your experience and you will be part of theirs. You already feel a gentle pull of kinship toward these men. You recognize in them the same feelings and desires that you have. A professionally dressed woman motions toward you, encouraging you to step forward through two large wooden doors. You glance at her name tag; her name is Maryanne. She hands you a sealed envelope and directs you toward a large ballroom just off the entrance. You take a seat at one of the elegant cloth-covered wooden chairs that face a raised courtroom judge's bench. The others are now filing in and taking their seats as well. Each of them also holds a sealed envelope. You and the others sit in silent anticipation. You feel confident that it is going to be excellent and fulfilling. A woman bailiff in a blue uniform enters the room and stands in front of the bench. She calls out: All Rise for the honorable Judge Ascension Cielo. You and the others rise in unison as a middle aged woman dressed in a black robe enters and steps up to the bench. Welcome. I am so happy that you have chosen to come here. Some of you look a bit hesitant so I want to assure you that at no time will you be asked to do anything you don't fully agree with. Safeguards are in place to make sure your journey is safe, pleasant, and fulfilling. If at any time you feel uncomfortable I want you to know that you have the power to slow down or stop at any time. This estate has been created specifically for you. It is made for your enjoyment and fulfillment. It should be explored and enjoyed by you as you see fit. Now, please, I want each of you to open your envelopes. Inside is a card with a feminine name printed in gold embossed ink. Look at the name written on it. Read it carefully several times to make sure you have it correct. This is your new name. While you are here, you will identify and respond only to your new name. Now I want you to silently repeat the name that you see on the card. Say it three times slowly. Very good! It is time to administer the oath. Please raise your right hand and repeat in unison after me. I, say your name, do honor and protect my inner world. I acknowledge my long standing need to transform myself into a woman. I hereby publicly commit myself to developing my ideal woman in this and other fantasy and dream states. I will enter this trance as often as I feel the need. I will use the form I develop here only for my personal enjoyment and enrichment, without ever provoking harm to myself or others. I will preserve and protect the body, mind, and emotions that I craft and I will incorporate into my waking life only those experiences that I choose. I promise to do this to the best of my abilities, without reservation, so help me God. Look around at the others who have just taken this oath. They are smiling and excited, just like you. You have all waited and worked a long time to get to this point. Your transformation is about to begin! You step forward and, with the others, form a line behind the judge's bench. Behind it you see an (enormous steel bank vault) set into the back wall. The layered steel door is thick, over 18 inches, and very heavy. It requires a pneumatic piston to close it. Large coiled springs on the hinges make it easy to open the door once the huge locking pins slide back. Examine these steel locking pins. They are shiny and smooth stainless steel rods three inches thick. You can see that once the door is closed and these pins lock in place, anything placed in this safe will remain completely protected and undisturbed. Place your index finger on the sensing pad just outside the door. See how the steel pins immediately retract. You have the power to open this vault at anytime by simply placing your index finger on the pad. The items you place in here are completely safe and under your control. They can never be lost, changed, or disturbed. They will remain here safe but inaccessible until you consciously choose to fetch them. Now step inside the vault. At the back of the wall there are many soft luxurious bath robes hanging on wooden pegs. Look for your name printed above the peg, Take down your robe. Place it on the stool. Now take your wallet out of your pocket. Open it and thumb through its contents. Look carefully at your driver's license, credit cards, and all its other contents. Now close the wallet and put it in the steel drawer marked with your name. Do the same with any other personal items. You will not need any of them while you are here. Now completely undress yourself. First, remove your shirt. Put on the robe. Remove your shoes and socks, then your pants. Place them in the drawer. Finally, remove your underwear from beneath the robe. Place everything in the steel drawer. You should already be feeling free and a bit lighthearted. The cool air flowing up and under the robe feels fresh and exciting. Turn around and pick up the white helmet. Next to it is a memory stick. Insert it in the slot in the helmet and place the helmet on your head. There is a button on the visor, just above your eyes. Press the button. Can you feel your male personality moving from your head to the memory stick? There is no need to fear this loss. It is being safely encoded in the memory stick and you will be able to fully restore it whenever you choose. All of your male attitudes and learned behaviors are sliding out of your head. Close your eyes and you should be able to visualize a blue stream of light carrying all of your male behaviors and thoughts out of your brain. Initially, it looks like a bright pulsating strobe light. Relax and allow them to flow out completely. Give it up. Relax, release these learned behaviors and responses completely. You're body responds by reducing your testosterone levels to a just a trickle. Pause for a moment and observe how this lightens your mind. It's refreshing. You feel clear headed. Notice how your aggression level has also dropped. You no longer feel on guard or irritated. It's much easier to relax. You feel open to forming new relationships with the others around you. You feel physically different too. You are unchanged on the outside but you feel lighter and perhaps a bit more vulnerable. You enjoy this change because you know that you are safe and among friends. You feel great! Take a moment to reflect on how great it is to be able to let go completely. Your male self is completely safe and protected. Feel different? Yes, of course you do. The blue stream of light is weaker now and fading. Wait as the last of your male self empties from your head and the light extinguishes. You haven't yet formed a female set of behaviors or attitudes but it is now impossible to act out or behave using any of your unconsciously programmed male thinking patterns. Take off the helmet. Notice how you handle the helmet. You hold it more gently in both hands. It seems a bit heavier than when you first put it on. You set it back in place much more carefully than when you first picked it up. Remove the memory stick from the helmet, close the cover and place it in your drawer. Now shut the drawer. Fasten the silk tie on the robe, slip into your puffy pink slippers, and then and join the others in the ballroom. Notice how you feel an affinity with the others that you didn't feel quite so strongly before. The others have subtly changed too and some of them are now laughing and acting a bit silly. A few are already acting effeminate. But it no longer bothers you to be around people who speak or act in ways that are different . You easily accept their behaviors. Look down at your hand. See how it droops at the wrist and your fingers seem to point toward the ground. It doesn't feel all that unnatural anymore does it? You may be surprised to find that it is no longer possible to act or react as your old male self. But, you really have no desire to do so anyway. You have begun your transformation. Your growing anticipation and excitement is enhanced by knowing that the others around you feel the same way. You want to share those feelings with them and doing so confirms the value of your emotions. Does it surprise you to feel this way? Yes, it's a powerful new feeling, but you are comfortable with this awareness. The last participant has now left the vault and has joined you and the others in the ballroom. Join hands with those standing beside you, and they in turn will join their hands with those standing near them, linking all of the participants together. Judge Cielo steps to her bench. I want you to understand that once the safe is closed nothing within it will be accessible while you remain here. Does anyone wish to retrieve their belongings? Understand that doing so will cause you to immediately wake up, fully alert and refreshed, but you will be unable to re-join us for any further adventures. Good! I want to wish you all good luck and I thank you for making this commitment. Bailiff, please activate the door. With the press of a button the vault door slowly closes. The pins on the door lock in place with a solid thump. You feel elated! You join with the others in a spontaneous round of applause. The woman who first met you at the door, Maryanne, steps forward. She divides you into groups of three and four. One participant in your group is much younger than you but the rest of the members seem a little bit older. You are not alone in this adventure. Your group has collectively worked many years pursuing an identical quest. They are going to support you and in return you are committed to helping each of them to the best of your abilities. This is sisterhood. Together you walk down a long white hall and wait out side of a small medical examination room. Other groups cluster around similar rooms up and down the hall. You sit on straight-backed chairs in the hall as you wait for your turn to enter. You can hear the soothing voice of the doctor as she greets the first person in your group but then nothing more as she closes the door. After a while your new friend comes out visibly shaken. She has difficulty in walking and heads straight for a chair. It appears she may pass out. You are concerned for her and move to hug and comfort her. But you must leave because Doctor Markoff has now called your name. You enter the room. Dr. Markoff and the nurse each greet you affectionately. It is unfortunate that the start of your journey must to be so uncomfortable, but your transformation will not be effortless. The large hypodermic needle the doctor is holding will have to be injected directly into your testicles. Wendy will hold your hand for support. If this becomes too uncomfortable understand that you can always distance yourself from this experience. But then the effect may not be as powerful as you require. Open your robe, and expose your male organ. Dr. Markoff gently lifts your scrotum and cups and steadies your left testicle in her hand. With her other she thrusts the needle into your scrotum. Feel the needle pierce your sensitive skin and then resistance and a sudden increase in pressure as it enters your testicle. Yes, it hurts but it will be over soon. The fluid feels cold and it burns as it goes in. You feel like your groin is about to burst. Breathe out. The first one is done. Now take a deep breath and prepare for the other side. Ok, hold your breath. Yes it's alright to cry, Wendy has tissues. There; the second one is done. Breathe. Understand that everyone you meet here, the entire staff, has followed this same path. They have volunteered to come back and help you with your transformation. They know how difficult this can be. They have no wish to hurt you. Transformation is not easy or simple, but without effort you won't be able to obtain the results you yearn for. Dr. Markoff must also do the same with your breasts. First, the left side. Straight into your nipple. The medicine feels cold and it stings as it spreads throughout your chest area. You feel growing pressure rippling outward from the nipple. It is tight, bulging, and full; and it stretches the skin until it feels like it will tear. The needle is out now. Your breast is swollen, hard, and full. Your nipple has expanded under the pressure of the fluid; it is erect and very sore. A little of the liquid leaks out through your nipple. Wendy pinches it for a second to stop the flow and then wipes the excess away. Breathe in again and get ready for the other side. A pinch. Hold it. Your right breast swells. It too becomes hard, and full. Your nipple feels huge. It stings. Let go. There, It is done. Your groin and breasts throb with burning pain. Think of it as a reflection of your burning desire. You are probably quite uncomfortable now and wondering if you want to continue. Relax as best you can, the pain will only last for a little while longer. Wendy gently guides you back into the hall. Your group gathers around to comfort you and that seems to take away some of the pain. You are sharing an experience with them that helps bind you together. And that feels very good. Maryanne leads your group down the hall. You slowly manage the flight of steps to the second level and then continue down another long hall. She opens the door to your personal suite and leads you directly to its bathroom. Inside is an elegant free-standing porcelain bathtub, resting on a black and white checkered tile floor. Lit candles line the window and marble counter tops. Despite the pain you must carefully place the linen wrap that sits on the counter so that it completely covers your head before getting into the tub. Be sure to tuck it in around your entire head and make sure the adhesive at the edges adheres firmly to your scalp. The large tub is full of bubbles and it looks inviting. You take off your robe without being told. You step on the small stool next to the tub. Raise your legs over the high rim, and slide gently into the warm water. Immediately your pain begins to subside. You feel wonderful again. Relax. This is a much more pleasant part of your transformation. It feels wonderful to be immersed in this liquid warmth. Cup the suds and blow on them. They form little soap bubbles that drift upward before disappearing with a small pop. Wendy enters with a flask and pours several handfuls of pinkish bath beads into the tub. The water thickens noticeably. You feel even more relaxed than before. Your skin begins to tingle. Wait a moment for the beads to work on you. The tingling seems to excite deeper levels much farther below your skin. It slowly progresses to your inner core. The tingling turns to a warm flush as it slowly spreads and enters every cell of your body. Let the warmth work for a few moments. Now lift up your leg above the bubbles. See that it is now smooth and hairless. It looks positively feminine. Tilt your toes downward and slide your fingers along the inside of your calf and thigh. Your skin is very soft and sensitive. Your arms are smooth and hairless too. This is how you were meant to be. Feel the smoothness of your fingers against the soft, supple skin. Yes, go ahead and feel between your legs too. It no longer hurts but it feels much different than you were accustomed to. Your scrotal skin is tight and shrunken. Your testicles have shrunk and are pulled close to your abdomen. Drift off for a moment and just let the feelings you are experiencing come to the surface and splash across your awareness. This is a big step in your total transformation. Now hold your breath and submerge your face completely underwater for as long as you can hold it. Yes, fine. Come back up. Feel your face with your hands. Any facial hair you had before is now gone. In fact, there is no hint of any beard, only smooth clear skin around your cheeks and neck. The rest of your body is smooth and hairless too, including your pubic area. Your skin looks younger; wrinkles and age spots have all disappeared. Get out of the tub. Step over the porcelain rim of the tub and pick up one of the long luxurious pink towels folded on the rack next to the tub. Gently wipe the water and foam off of your body. Wrap the soft towel around your body and tuck it in just above your breasts so that they are covered. Now step back and take in your entire image in the full-length mirror. It is still a bit steamed up, but through the mist you can see the outlines of someone who looks vaguely familiar. Of course it is you but you already look so different. You seem much younger and so smooth and supple. You might even imagine that you are a bit thinner. You feel physically more delicate. Lift the towel and take a look. Your hairless male organ looks much different without dangling testicles. Oddly, it crosses your mind that it looks a little bit feminine, if that is possible. Remove the towel and stand naked in front of the mirror. Without any body hair it appears that your tummy is flatter. Your rib cage seems smaller, perhaps the tight bulges on your chest just make it seem that way. Your shoulders look smaller and less square. Your neck seems longer and thinner too. Without any hint of a beard your chin seems smaller, and perhaps a bit less square than you thought it was. Maybe its just an illusion caused by the flickering candle light, but your face seems somehow different. Your cheeks are fuller, your eyes seem larger. Perhaps they look that way because the bony ridge above your eyes sockets seems to have receded. Your eyebrows are thinner and higher. You do seem to be physically different. The effect is subtle but it is real. Notice how your head tingles. Reach and slowly begin pulling off the head wrap. Peel the adhesive and expose just the top of your hairline above your forehead. The hair is full and your male hairline and any pattern baldness seems to have disappeared. Continue to peel away the wrap. See that your hair is full; its color is what it was when you were a teenager. Pull the entire wrap away. Your hair is matted and tangled. But it seems to be much longer. Run your fingers through your hair to untangle it. Your hair is much longer. After a few strokes it falls on your shoulders. It seems to be nearly as long as you imagined it would be. Take a look at your hands. Do they seem smaller? Do your fingers look longer and thinner? Perhaps. Now, hold your hair back so that it all falls behind your shoulders. You could be mistaken for an adolescent boy. Now shake your head and allow the hair to fall around your shoulders. Now you look more like an adolescent girl. There is a soft knock on the door, so you slip your robe back on and open the door. Wendy is back. She compliments you on your new look. Go ahead and pirouette for her. Turn this way and that. You are thinner! Your skin is clear and smooth. You are now certain that your body has become more feminine. Enjoy! You are creating and reshaping your body right now! Wendy raises an ear piercing tool to your ear and inserts a small stud on your left. Yes, it is a little uncomfortable. Now your right ear. Turn your head in the mirror and examine how these small pieces of shiny gold contribute to your sense of growing femininity. Return to your bedroom suite. You didn't take much notice of it when you first entered. Take a moment now to explore your surroundings. The room is of course painted pink with textured wall coverings on two of the walls. On one wall is a framed picture of a Victorian era woman in a long summer dress standing on a stone bridge. She is looking intently over the railing; staring at the water below. The picture looks somehow familiar. Similar images adorn the other walls. The centerpiece of the room is a queen-sized bed. The large headboard is carved with delicate flowers and angelic figures . It supports two large wooden posts. Two matching posts support a white linen canopy over the entire bed. Lace curtains fall from the canopy and grace the lush white carpet. The pillows are covered in soft pink satin. The lace trimmed skirt of the matching bedspread falls to the floor around the bed. Across the room is a dresser with a large white-trimmed mirror mounted on the wall above it. Next to it is a small make-up table and chair. A large bouquet of fresh cut flowers is arranged on the top of the table. Smell them. Isn't their fragrance wonderful? Turn your attention to the window. The delicate curtains are fastened with satin ties. The thin lace curtain covering the window softens the sunlight, bathing the room in an appealing glow. Below the window sits a pink heart-shaped divan. It looks like an inviting place to curl up to read or to write in your journal. This is your personal feminine refuge. You may return here whenever you feel the need to relax, recharge, or simply loaf in feminine luxury. You can stay here as long as you want. Go ahead, lie down on the soft bedspread and curl up on it; enjoy its fresh smell and soft texture. Feel how this perfectly reflects and enhances your own feminine mood. Take note of the clothes arranged at the base of the bed. Get up, take off your robe and put on the white cotton panties and tee. Notice the thin strip of red lace around the edges of each piece. Slide your bare arms through the thin shoulder straps. The tee conforms to your emerging new body. Your small breasts bulge a bit through the tight tee. The outlines of your erect nipples show through the cotton too. Your hips look a bit wider in those cotton panties. You already have the hint of a woman's figure. Look again in the full- length mirror. Your spine curves a bit now and your butt seems to attract your attention in a way it never did before. It is fuller and wider now. It seems to fill out your panties perfectly. Toss your hips a bit and feel how they move differently than before. You pre sent the image of a young teen-aged girl. You are well on your way toward your complete transformation. Pick up the comb on the dresser and use it to part your hair down the middle. Your hair is now long, long enough to gather into two pigtails. Use the bands on the dresser to hold them in place. Tie the pigtails with the white ribbons laying on the makeup table. Pick up the Hello Kitty night gown from the bed and slip it over your head. Now arrange the pigtails so they fall over the front of your shoulders. Slip on your puffy pink slippers. Put on your goofy black-framed glasses too. You look like a young girl but not like the one you imagined for yourself. Be patient. Experiencing a bit of adolescent awkwardness is an important part of your transformation. Listen, You can hear excited girlish voices in the hall outside of your room. Open the door and look down toward the sun room at the end of the hall. Others from your group are walking excitedly toward the room. The volunteers here have set up a small salon. They are painting fingernails, combing and curling hair, and providing advice on hair and skin products. Racks of clothes are arranged around the room and the girls are excitedly looking at and trying on various outfits. Some of the girls seem far ahead of your transformation. Their breasts are more developed, they even show some cleavage. Their hips are fuller than yours, their waists are thinner; they wear makeup and their hair is fixed in ways that look far more fashionable than your silly pigtails. You might think, Why don't I look like that? I feel awkward. I am just a girl. They look all grown up. It is natural to feel a little anxiety at this stage of your transformation. You cannot create a full and complete transformation without this normal angst. But go ahead now and join in with the others, your body will catch up with them soon enough and they and the other volunteers will help you learn how to present yourself in a way that completely satisfies your needs. Now understand that you can explore this room in any way that suits you. Try on any of the outfits that interest you. Meet with the makeup girl and find the right makeup and tips that you can use. Have your hair cut or curled or tinted in any way you see fit. Slowly walk through the foundation section. Pick up the silk panties, feel their smoothness, its okay, you needn't feel embarrassed about enjoying their feminine textures anymore. Select as many colorful panties and matching bras as you need. No, instead you should select as many as you would like. You should have enough feminine dainties so that you can always match them to fit any mood. Browse through the other nearby rooms that have been set-up as boutiques. Yes, go ahead and have your nails done. Visit the jewelry room and also make sure you examine the perfume counter. Select a scent from one of the testers and choose a wonderfully feminine one for your own. Apply some to your neck and wrists. You smell wonderful. Visit the shoe boutique and pick out several heels, boots, casual lace- ups, or pink trimmed running shoes. Understand that you can slow down this experience or replay it at any time and with any level of detail again and again if you so desire. This is your fantasy created specifically for your enjoyment. Take a moment to talk with the others here. Sit with your group. Tell your story. Tell your new friends how and when you first became aware of this driving life desire. Tell them how you've dealt with it. Tell them everything: the good, the embarrassing, and your disappointments. Share all your life experiences and tell them about your hopes for the future. Then, listen to their stories and notice how many of them seem to overlap, often tracing the same life path as yours. You are not alone with these feelings; you are not a freak or an outcast. Many others share your need and right now you are becoming much closer to a few of them. Isn't that reassuring? Now move forward. It's getting late, the sun has long set and it's time to return to your room. You are carrying an armful of clothes and holding bags of shoes, handbags, and other items you want to take back to your room. Maryanne is standing by your door. The maintenance man is working on the sink in your bathroom. He is almost done. You might want to wait. But your arms are full and you are tired. You enter your suite and drop the load on the bed. Turn around and look at yourself in the mirror. You have replaced that awkward teen with a confident young woman. You stand erect in your new fashionable heels. You are a beautiful looking young woman. Your adolescent clothes have been replaced. There is no hint of your lacy thong hidden under the sexy black work-out tights. Your tight fitting low-cut top shows off your now ample cleavage and clings to your slender waist. You're nails are long and painted in your perfect color. Your hair is curled, teased, and pinned into a sexy messy bun. Three gold bracelets adorn your wrist and a small gold fleur is fastened around your neck with a slender chain. You've found a make-up style that fits your mood. You've applied your new favorite perfume and it smells wonderful. It was foolish to worry that your transformation was off-track. Your physical appearance is nearly complete. The outlines of your body are now fully feminine. No one would ever mistake you for anything other than an attractive and well-dressed young woman. Hang your new outfits in the closet and fold and store your dainties in the dresser drawers. Take the bottles of shampoo, hair conditioner, and body soaps to the bathroom. As you step on the bath stool to put the items away you realize that you are not yet very skilled in high heels, especially when you are standing on a stool. You are falling backward; certain you will crash on the floor. Instead, you fall into manly arms. The maintenance man has caught you in mid-fall. His arms hold you. You are relieved, embarrassed, and grateful. You may also be surprised to find how comforting his embrace is. Your fingers brush along his hairy arm, as you untangle yourself from his arms. He is tall, much taller than you. He is strong too, and his arms and chest are warm to the touch. You thank him graciously. Observe how his eyes scan upward from your shoes. His glance slowly rises until his eyes meet yours. He is clearly attracted to you. He is shy and a bit embarrassed. Introduce yourself to help put him at ease. While doing so take note of his strong chin, white teeth, the stubble of hair on his chin, and his handsome profile. You feel a wave of tingles but you may be uncertain exactly where they begin and where they end. This feeling may be new, unusual, or surprising. Relax and go with it. This is a normal reaction driven by the complex interplay of rising estrogen and oxitocin, mixed with the trace of testosterone that still powers your sexual desires. With practice you will be able to more easily manage these embryonic sexual stirrings. You walk with him to the door. Even in your heels, he is a head taller than you. But he is not a giant. You are much shorter than you once were. As you walk together you unconsciously brush against him once or twice. He says goodbye and turns to walk down the hall. Your eyes focus on his tight jeans until he turns the corner and disappears. Do you feel a bit disappointed that nothing more happened? Perhaps, but you are probably not yet ready for that. It's late and time for bed. You selected a lovely silk chemise for your bedtime sleepwear and you pull it out of the drawer. Undress and slip the gown over your head. Don't forget to go to the bathroom to remove your makeup and wash your face before going to bed. You need to evacuate your bladder. Stand at the toilet, lift your gown and try to pee. You cannot do it, can you? Try again. The pressure is greater but nothing happens. It's impossible to pee in the same way that you have always done before. Now put the toilet seat down and sit. Lift your gown. Pick up your flaccid penis. Funny but, you almost forgot you still had one. Feel the small peanut sized bubble of skin a little below its base. Squeeze it. Press harder! More! It may hurt a bit but it will eventually rupture. There. Feel the warm stream on your inner thigh as the urine bursts out. The first time it will spray all over like that but next time it will probably flow in a manageable stream. Now clean yourself and wipe away any spills. You might feel a sense of loss as you realize that attending to your bodily needs is now going to be a bit more difficult than before. You may picture images of public toilets you've seen and you'll probably cringe at the thought of now having to negotiate that bit of yuck. But all women must do it this way. It reminds you that you have just passed another marker on your road toward complete transformation. Now return to the bed and pull down the covers. Sit up in bed and reach over and fetch the small plastic packet in the drawer of the bed stand. Pull the plastic wrapper open. Inside you'll find a small tube of cream and a flexible domed shaped cup made of translucent rubbery material. It isn't much larger than a thimble. The next few steps will be a little bit tricky. Lay on your back and lift your gown so that you have unrestricted access to your penis. Hold it in one hand and the cup between your thumb and index finger in the other. Compress your head and stretch the rubbery cup over it. Squeeze hard, stretch; pinch if you have to. Be careful not to scratch yourself with your long fingernails. You are probably thinking that there is no way to get it to cover the entire head. You may have to work at this a bit and it is probably going to feel uncomfortable. But you can do it. Push firmly; the entire glans must fit inside the rim of the cup. Be patient. You may need to try it a couple of times but do not give up. Much depends on you getting this correct. Try again, the pressure may be quite uncomfortable but you must get the entire head inside the cup. Good. Now let go. Watch how the head retracts into the foreskin. The cup will slide deep into a tube formed by the skin of the shaft. This will happen even if you have been circumcised. If the cup pops off you did it wrong and you must start over again until you get complete retraction with the cup firmly in place. Tip your penis toward you so that you are looking down through the tube of skin. Do you see the tip of the retracted cup surrounded by the symmetrical tube of foreskin? Yes, you have placed it correctly. Now open the cream and squirt a liberal amount of its contents down through the penile tube so that it covers the top of the cup. You should immediately start to feel the cup tightening and shrinking. It will feel uncomfortable for a while but this is an essential step in your physical transformation. Your penis looks much shorter with its head pulled inside the foreskin like that. It looks odd; it doesn't even seem to belong there anymore. Examine the area below it that used to be your scrotum. There is no hint of your testicles. They have pulled into your abdomen and are now forming into ovaries. Outwardly, the area below your penis now appears in the shape of a vulva. The urinary track is the only opening but you cannot really see it. It sits in a fold in your scrotal skin that now defines the two halves of your new outer genitalia. Sit for a moment and see if you can sense any other internal changes. Push down on the area just above your pubic bone. Press hard and you might feel a slight tightening or firmness deep below the surface. That is your uterus. There is still some work that remains to complete your physical transformation. But know that you are getting close. Now pull down the straps on your gown and expose your breasts. Take a good look at them. They are full and complete. They may be smaller than you originally imagined, but they are perfectly proportioned to your new body. Press and see if you can feel the mammary lobules just below the skin. Let your fingers move over toward your nipple. It is no longer sore. You have a woman's nipple, large and erect; and the areola is darker and much larger. Stroke your nipple. It feels wonderful. It creates tingles in the area where your vulva is still forming. You feel sexually aroused. Of course you won't be able to achieve an erection, but that doesn't matter anymore. Let your mind drift. Imagine a puppy with big brown eyes staring up at you. You want to cuddle that cute little dog and stroke its soft fur don't you? Pick him up and hold him close. Notice how the more you stroke the more your mind just drifts. Without much effort you find it replaying the sight of the maintenance man walking down the hall in his tight jeans. You remember his warm and hairy arms don't you? Hmm. Do not judge, just go with it. It feels wonderful doesn't it? Curl up and enjoy the bed. If you like you can fetch the stuffed teddy bear from under the bed and hold it close. Slide down between the soft sheets and cover yourself. You must rest. Now understand that sleep restores the physical body and dreaming locks in important memories of recent events. You will need rest to refresh your body and process everything that has happened to you. Understand also that time has very little meaning to the subconscious mind. You can expand, contract, or move forward and backward in time. When you replay this in your head you may choose to slow down, speed up, or expand any event including your sleep period. Now, drift off to sleep with whatever thoughts and images that have found their way into your head. Move forward. The gentle harp of an i Phone alarm wakens you. As you open your eyes, yellow sunlight streams onto your face. You have had a full and restful sleep. You might even stop and pause for a moment to recall some of the dreams you just had. It would be surprising if you could not recall at least one or two. You are rising early because you realize that getting ready is going to take you much longer than what you have been accustomed to. Take your time. You will dress casually at first so there is no need to do more than apply a little makeup and brush out your hair. Still, you want to practice the skills you have learned, and besides, you want to always take care to look your best. You know immediately what sort of outfit you need but selecting the right jeans, top, and casual pumps takes more consideration than you've been accustomed too. This is now a more natural way for you to think about your daily routine. Once you are dressed you must think about how to arrange your hair. Use the curler to give you a few basic curls. Now a simple teasing with a ponytail tied high on your head might be appropriate. Try that. Loosen it a bit so it isn't so tight. Now apply a blend of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some mascara. Yes, it looks fine. Pick up your favorite lipstick. No, maybe not that one, you are not going out for a night on the town, maybe something a bit more subdued. Yes, you look wonderfully feminine now. Find your way back downstairs and locate the office next to the medical procedure room. Dr. Markoff will be at her desk. She hands you a legal document. This is your informed consent. You must sign this if you are to complete your transformation. You probably have a good idea of what this entails. Scan the document. It contains a description of the medical procedure and it provides advice regarding feminine hygiene, the need for routine gynecological exams, advice on safe sex practices, and the need to consider using some form of birth control in the future. Near the bottom of the document, in bold letters above your signature block, is a warning:. I understand that this procedure is permanent and irreversible. If you are uncertain about this procedure know that you can abort this trance by simply lifting your index finger. You will find yourself at the vault where, with the press of a finger, you will collect everything you left there. You will wake up relaxed and refreshed. But doing so will break your oath. This means that you will never be able to reenter this trance. Replaying this file will have little effect and you will soon give up trying. You might even experience trouble achieving a deep trance if you attempt other hypnotic transformation sessions. If you are playing this on an electronic device you may want to pause it to consider this important decision. Be careful not to use your index finger as you might accidentally disengage. If that happens, simply touch your index finger to your thumb and repeat the word, restore, until you return to the trance state. -- Welcome back. Pick up the pen and sign your name. Good, you did so without any hesitation. Dr. Markoff directs you to the procedure room next door. Undress and put on the hospital gown; hop up on the operating room table. Wendy lifts your legs and fastens them into stirrups, adjusts them so your legs are spread wide, and raises the back of the table so that you are in a semi-reclined position. Dr. Markoff lifts the gown, exposing the entire area below your chest. She spreads an orange colored anti-septic in the area between your legs; and then arranges a green sterile cloth so your penis and the area just below it is accessible through an opening in it. A large mirror on the ceiling allows you to clearly see the area between your legs. Your tiny hairless penis looks much different poking through the sterile cloth. Its head is retracted to nearly its base. It is limp but the doubled skin makes it point almost straight out. It no longer provides any of its intended functions and it doesn't fit your new body. It looks ridiculous. It is an unneeded appendage. Relax! Understand that the next few steps may be difficult, especially if you are squeamish. But you should watch. It is important for you to lock into your mind the permanence of this procedure. If that seems too overwhelming you can watch as a more distant observer by glancing in the mirror. But that may reduce the effect. Looking away is not advisable. You will feel the pull and tug of Dr. Markoff's medical instruments as she works but you will not feel any significant pain during the procedure. You feel a sharp cutting sensation and smell a faint wisp of burning skin as she begins to cut through the skin at the base of your penis. Look at the incision as she cuts around it. She leaves a small V shaped flap on the bottom side of the base. The flap is stripped of its top layer of skin, exposing the soft pink of the underlying dermis. The cut continues low around the base until it meets at the starting point. She holds the tube of penile skin between her fingers, gently tugs, and then slides the tube away. Feel it easily slide off, exposing the inner workings of your penis. The skin is inverted but it's still attached at the top to your tiny covered glans. She makes a circular cut around it and the skin slips free. The skin will be preserved and used as a mesh to restore the skin of burn victims. What once belonged to you will be put to good use healing others. You will see a mass of tissue protruding where your penis once stood. She picks up the bundle and uses a scalpel and tweezers to gently separate the useless remainder of your urethra, and then tugs both ends out of the tissue. What remains is a length of tissue containing exposed arteries, veins, and a nerve mass leading to the encased glans. She cuts and frees two tubular tissues from the mass. These tube-like structures are your corpus cavenosa. They were once used to power your erections. Although you will never again experience another erection you will still need these structures. You feel some tugging and stretching as she first cuts two slots inside the penile opening and then uses forceps and tweezers to arrange them deep below the inner surface of your new vulva. Now, whenever you get excited they will fill with blood and engorge your new genitalia. You won't lose any sexual sensations; you'll just find they will be located in different places and will be activated in different ways. What remains of your penis is now just a limp bundle of nerves leading up to your shrunken compressed head. This is a sensitive bundle of exposed nerves. You may feel a few sharp sensations like a strong electric shock as she maneuvers the bundle down through the penile base so that it just pokes out through a small incision just below where your penis once stood. This will create your new clitoris. Your compressed glans is now correctly positioned. The lower flap is stitched to form the clitoral prepuce. The cup is pulled away with a pair of small tweezers to expose your new clitoris. Doing so actually stimulates the nerves and you may feel a surge of sexual pleasure. Not everything about this procedure is uncomfortable. Look at the results so far. You can see a bloody opening where your penis once stood. The skin has already pulled close and the opening is barely a half of an inch across. Take a good look at the opening. The last manifestation of your physical manhood is gone! Lock that in. A few quick stitches closes the hole into a fold that now forms the upper opening of your labium. The laser scalpel slowly cuts along the crease that was once the center of your scrotum. The tissue easily splits apart, exposing your newly formed labia minor. There is very little blood so you can see the pink moist tissue inside your new genitalia. She trims away a little bit of excess skin, shaping it so that it meets your expectations perfectly. She then uses a scalpel to cut open the thin tissue that covers your vaginal opening. She suctions out a small amount of blood. Wendy lifts the surgical cloth and wipes a few small blood stains from your abdomen with a moist cloth. That's it! You are done! Once you finish the healing process you will physically be a complete and fully functional woman, just as if you had been born one. You probably feel physically drained. But does it surprise you that the procedure was less dramatic and emotional than you thought it would be? There is no sense of loss, only a sense of total physical completeness. Congratulations, you have achieved your life's desire. You still must pay attention as Dr. Markoff performs your first gynecological exam. She smears K Y jelly on an instrument and inserts it into your vaginal opening. A camera on the instrument displays its progress on a TV screen. This might be less comfortable than you imagined it would be. After all, this is a medical, not sexual activity. You can see the tool cross moist lips and enter your pink tunnel. Feel the cylindrical instrument slide the length of your vaginal canal. The pulsating tissue with the dimple at the end is your cervix. Everything looks perfect. Close your legs slightly to hold the menstrual pad that will soak up any residual blood. Carefully climb down and sit in the wheelchair; Wendy will roll you to the ancient service elevator and then take you to your suite. You may start to feel a throbbing hot pain between your legs, it may increase in intensity as you get closer to your room. This is normal. Bear with it. It won't last long. Once again the staff has prepared a healing bath. Carefully remove the menstrual pad and dispose of it. The pain is much worse now so you'll want to quickly remove the hospital gown and slip directly into the warm healing water. Immediately your pain lessens. You feel wonderful and relaxed. You already feel partway healed. The pain is nearly gone. Relax. As you soak, look up at the ceiling and consider what happens next. If you are like most guests here you haven't given it much thought; you've been too focused on transformation to think about what happens once you achieve it. Of course, there is still some work to do. You must completely heal physically and more effort is needed to finish your mental, emotional, and psychological transformations. You will also finalize your total transformation in a graduation ceremony that will take place in a little while. But what then? You should think about your next moves. First, what does it mean for these events to be permanent and irreversible? It means this experience can never be forgotten. Unlike a fleeting thought it is now a permanent part of your existence. In fact, it will continue to exist even after you leave your physical body. You have engraved a multidimensional hologram directly onto the fabric of the universe. You must act accordingly. If that seems too overwhelming one option is to lock this experience in the vault as you leave. As with everything you place in the vault it will stay safe and unchanged, and totally inaccessible. Nothing that has happened here will be able to affect any part of your waking, dreaming, or fantasy life until you choose to reopen the vault door. But you didn't make this difficult journey only to store it away. Did you? Another option is to choose to do nothing. This is not recommended. An imprint this powerful left just below your consciousness could affect your waking life in unpredictable ways. While its effects can never do harm, you may not be able to control when it might surface. That could prove embarrassing. It's much better to make a clear choice about how you want to proceed and what, if any, of these experiences you wish to incorporate into your waking life. If this is your first time, you should probably repeat this entire experience several more times until you can completely visualize each of these events. Each time you should reduce the volume a little more. You will soon find it possible to return without the need of an electronic aid. Simply relax, hold your thumb and index finger together, and assert your intention to return by repeating the word, restore. Once you can do this you will be much freer to explore. Begin by replaying these events as many times, with any level of detail, and at any speed you choose. But this is a large estate and you've only explored a small part of the main building. Roam around, walk the halls, look inside the rooms. There are many activities available to you here. And you can never harm yourself or others as long as you remain on the estate. One activity you may be drawn to is to help others who are visiting here. Recall how you were helped by the staff members. Your experiences are valuable and you can draw on them to assist others with there transformation. To volunteer, simply look for Maryanne and she will help you. Most guests arrive here with an intent to explore their sexuality in a female form. A large part of the estate has been created to serve all manner of sexual activities. Simply find your way out through the portico where you first arrived. Once outside, ask for directions from one of the groundskeepers. If that seems too embarrassing you can wander around the estate until you find what you need. With practice you will be able to locate and then enter into any encounter you can imagine and then experience it even more clearly than your waking state. You needn't fear any situation or event; as long as you remain on the estate no harm can come to you regardless of the content. You may want to explore other times and places or immerse yourself in other cultures. How would it feel to be an Egyptian princess in the fourth century BCE? A Grecian matron seducing young philosophy students in First Century Athens. Or how about an Eighteenth Century French courtesan, or a fourteen your-old black slave living in the Antebellum South? Every possibility is open to you. There are subterranean tunnels under the main house that connect to other mansions. Through them you can develop subconscious, and even telepathic, communication channels with those close to you in your waking life. Still curious? Did you know that the portico you arrived at is actually the rear entrance? Find the entrance hall in the front of the building. Go through the outer doors and stroll to the main gate. Directly in front you will find a wide, well-lit avenue. Walking down this avenue as you are about to fall asleep will induce a normal dream state, but you will experience it in your present form and it will reflect your present mental and emotional concerns. A small country lane branches off this main avenue. It is less well travelled and heavy foliage restricts the view to just a few yards. This road leads to lucid dream states. Walk down this road and you will be able to consciously direct your own dreams. It is not well lit, so it may take some practice to find the road. But once on it you will have almost immediate access to lucid dreams. Branching off the lucid dream lane is a steep, rocky, and winding trail. Hiking this path leads to alter net realities. This path may be more difficult, especially if you are not fully prepared. Here is where you can explore your past and even future lives, find out how your life might have unfolded if you had made other choices, or even explore other universes. Refocus your attention. The bath water has cooled, and besides, you must prepare for the graduation ceremony. Get out of the tub and dry off. Now turn and look at yourself in the full length mirror. Your hairless legs are long and perfectly shaped. They come together to form a smooth surface of skin up through your abdomen, just as you always imagined it would be. Look at how your hips and thin waist form a perfect hour glass figure. Your skin is soft and hairless; your breasts are full and perfectly shaped. Your neck is now long and thin; and your face reflects a classic symmetrical beauty. Your hair is luxurious; long and feminine. Even close family members would have trouble recognizing you now. But look into your eyes. Look deeply. You are still the same person. Yes, your actions and thoughts may be altered by circumstances and hormones, but your core self is unchanged. The only real change is that you will no longer be concerned about transforming into a woman. That is going to free up a lot of your personal energy to pursue other meaningful goals. Isn't this exactly what you have worked so hard for? But you must not dawdle with such thoughts now. You can already hear excited voices in the hall outside your room. The others are getting ready for graduation and you must join them. Slip on your silk chemise and head down the hall to the sunroom. You can hear commotion, a radio is playing dance music, girls are talking and giggling. Go ahead and dance your way down the hall, put your arms above your head; skip and prance. Shake your booty. Enjoy! The sun room is now set up as a large dressing room. This is a social affair with your sisters. The girls are already busy trying on dresses, rolling their hair, and performing their makeup rituals. You quickly join in the excitement. There is a sense of purpose in the air as you select the perfect formal gown from the large rack of available dresses. You ask

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Nurses Seduction by Hypnosis

I was day dreaming on my computer recently when I received IM from a person who asked about hypnosis. The person enjoyed my audio, it was relaxing. I love when that happens. My best subjects preselect themselves. If someone could get relaxed with a four minute audio they would be a wonderful subject. I was VERY slowly writing my book. It was truly getting tedious. I needed some new experiences to spice it up. Most of the women who self selected were from Australia to North Carolina. No...

3 years ago
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You Too Can Learn Hypnosis

Part I I found the book under my brother's mattress. Normally, I avoided Kevin's bedroom for the slum it was, but Mom ordered me to bring down his sheets so she could wash them. "Mom, his room is like a slum," I said. "Go get the sheets. I don't ask much around here," she said. "God, I need rubber gloves like paramedics wear to go into his room," I said. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Quit whining. If you would like to spend the next six months watching TV instead of...

4 years ago
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DoortoDoor Hypnosis

This story owes a debt to JukeBoxEMSCA, and I’d like to take a moment to thank them for their work and for their inspiration. Any similarity between their work and mine should be taken as imitation (aka the highest form of flattery). **** It had a been another long day. Another day of rising early, bleary-eyed and tired, to get to the station to sit on a rocking train wishing he was still in bed, nodding off as the track rolled by. Another day of calls and reports and queries at work, of...

2 years ago
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Test Hypnosis

There are so many different ways to hypnotize an individual. Many people do not realize we are often in a state of hypnosis. If you day dream, then you are somewhat in an altered state of mind. Do you watch tv and get so occupied, that everything else around you just falls out of your thoughts? All of our senses are affected by this, and this is the test we are going to try. The five senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The most simple form of this is sight. So it is easy...

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Samantha and Hannah Hypnosis

Samantha flopped down on the couch next to Hannah, a wide smile on her face and a gleam of enthusiasm in her deep brown eyes. "So, what do you say, sis?" she asked, opening her fist to let a crystal pendant dangle from her outstretched fingers. "You up for a rematch? I know your record this week is 0-5, but I really think you can break the streak with a good show tonight. You're tough, you're strong, you've got what it takes to resist me!"Hannah had to snicker at that, even if her pride was a...

1 year ago
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Erotic Hypnosis

After attending an Erotic hypnosis training class at a local BDSM Club, I was working on practicing my new skills by entertaining at Swinger parties. I had honed my skills to the point where I could release the inhibitions in most of the ladies who wanted to give it ago. Most of my subjects were skeptical at first but after quietly discussing their innermost fantasy, I could make them come true but helping them visualize the scene in their mind. One evening a hot little brunette named Monique...

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50 Word Hypnosis

Hypnotist The hypnotist swung the watch back and forth watching the light reflected off its shiny surfaces illuminate Alyssa’s cleavage. He whispered, ‘You’re feeling tired, very tired,’ staring down her blouse for a better view. Oddly, when his finger snapped she only watched the hypnotist flap his wings like a duck. Personality Alyssa guessed it was her hypnotic personality, but whenever she smiled and swung her shoulders back and forth the guys would do anything she asked. It seemed in...

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A/N: I’m going to warn you now, I’m not extremely versed in the lore of DC comics. And while I do know that the particle accelerator from STAR Labs isn’t how the Flash gets his powers in the comics, I’m going to include this because it’s a good source of power acquirement for my MC. Try to be patient with my fact checking of stuff, but if anything is glaringly obvious, please do feel free to point that out. 7 MONTHS AGO... I shrugged off my coat and entered my office. Another boring night as a...

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It was a fairly easy transition, at least for me. Her panic attacks had subsumed almost everything else in her life. She was unable to hold down a job. She had trouble being out in public alone. Simple tasks had become insurmountable.Fear gripped her and wouldn’t let go. She was terrified of the fear itself and how it could immobilize her. Drugs didn’t work. In fact, medication of any kind seemed to make it worse. Alcohol worked for a little while, but produced a different kind of paralysis.In...

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Creampie Hypnosis

“Ngh! Ngh! Nggggggh!” he grunted. Karen could feel Clem’s ejaculate spewing into her wet hole, even though he was buried deeply inside her. The realization that he was going to be momentarily sucking it out of her brought her that much closer to her own orgasm. She waited until he stopped trembling, and she felt his body relax onto hers. “MMMmmmm,” she purred, “was that nice for you?” “Oh baby,” he sighed, rolling onto his side, his cock now...

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A Womens Viewpoint on Erotic Hypnosis

Mike has asked me to write about my feelings about him hypnotizing me. He first tried it when we had our first date. It was in my apartment and we had just returned from a romantic dinner with musicians that went around to the tables and wine with our meals. Neither of us was much of a drinker. The wine had made me a little wobbly and slow. I definitely felt mellow. I was young and my only sexual experience had not been particularly pleasant and certainly not fulfilling. Mike was a large,...

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FWD Hypnosis

I got this email the other day. It completely changed my life. It came from a friend of mine so I didn’t think twice about opening it. It was a forwarded email, so I figured it was just one of those long stupid observation, joke emails I always get and delete. Boy I was wrong. I was very engrossed whilst I read it. Totally got into it. I am sending it to you to read. I hope you will send it to a friend as well, after you are finished. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. Read the whole...

4 years ago
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Wife Adventures Hypnosis

You're a tall, slim man of average appearance. You live with your young wife in a quiet neighborhood in the outer suburbs in a small house. Your wife, Jessica, is a 24 year old brunette, standing at a little over 5'3". 'Petite' would be an accurate term to describe her. You've lived together for over a year now after having been married for only a few months more. You met Jessica when you were still in college. She worked in the library where you'd often see her. It took a while before you...

Mind Control
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Adventures in hypnosis

Their tenth anniversary had just passed, he had just climbed off her. They both rolled over and tried to sleep. John's thoughts disturbed him, he'd known when they married she wasn't the most adventurous in their sex lives but always hoped she would change over time. Monica on her part was wondering what she was doing. She knew he wanted her to be more adventurous but he hadn’t pressed when they'd first married, especially as what she'd done with her fingers and tongue had kept him more than...

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Glory Hole Hypnosis

I was horny. I wanted to cum. I was in New Orleans with a twenty-four hour plane layover. The airline put me up in a hotel. But, now what?I had been giving head to guys for years. But it was always in the context of some degree of relationship—never with a stranger. But, that day, I had no one with me. I was in a city I'd never been in. I knew no one and no one knew me. At eighteen, although I was sexually experienced, I had little in the way of real street-smarts. I couldn't see myself going...

Oral Sex
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Fun With Hypnosis

My name is Eric. I'm a 27 year old straight male. I live with my wife, Paige, a 26 year old woman. She's white, 5'7 with short brown hair. Like, think pixie cut short. She's absolutely beautiful, I consider myself lucky every day to wake up with her. But my friend and former coworker, Joey, has a wife who any man would be lucky to have. Her name is Lauren. They are both 26, he's half black and 6'3. Very athletic build, which explains how he got her. She's 5'3, so very short, also very fit and...

Mind Control
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Fwd Hypnosis

I got this email the other day. It completely changed my life. It came from a friend of mine so I didn't think twice about opening it. It was a forwarded email, so I figured it was just one of those long stupid observation, joke emails I always get and delete. Boy I was wrong. I was very engrossed whilst I read it. Totally got into it. I am sending it to you to read. I hope you will send it to a friend as well, after you are finished. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. Read the whole...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Garter Hypnosis

Denise placed the personal ad because she was bored, mostly. Three months of living on her own in Benton Harbor, Michigan had not been a terrific boon to her sanity. It was a crappy little town off the interstate with fast food chains and a couple of bars, but when you looked closer to find all the tremendous depth that always lurks in Smalltown, America (at least, so she'd always been told) you found ... nothing. The people here weren't even all that different in an interesting sort of...

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Hypnosissy By Margaret Jeanette Paul Peters was awake at midnight again. He had gone to bed at his usual time which was 10 P.M. For about the last two weeks he was sleeping every other night. The other nights he would lie awake in bed wondering why he coulldn't fall asleep. He tried sleep aids from the drug store and they seemed to work in reverse keeping him awake all night. At work he discussed his problem with Sid Werner. Sid told him he had once had a strong aversion to...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 8

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 8) Brenda took Bill to the mall. First stop: shoes. They found the same pair that Brenda had in Bill's size. Now they really were dressed alike! But while they were there, they picked up a couple more matching pairs. Next was the obligatory Friday trip to Victoria's Secret. The panties that Bill picked out kept getting skimpier and skimpier! When they returned home, Brenda went into dominatrix mode. She brought Bill to...

4 years ago
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Total Return

1. The Leaving Party The time of day was .663 by the decimal clock; late afternoon, as anyone with their head in the present day would know. To a small minority, though, to those annoying individuals who are forever making a nuisance of themselves with their insistence on clinging to an antiquated and obsolete method of keeping time, it would be 15:55 or (even more annoyingly) five to four P.M. The date: 2342.115, which to the aforementioned reactionaries would be the 26th day of the...

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Total Woman Academy 01 Redux

Ned lay on his back on the fluffy white linens with the bed covers pushed back. His cock was planted firmly in Angelina’s cunt and he felt the wonderful soft friction being generated by her motions. Ned’s half dazed eyes saw her shadowed, upright figure in the moon glow that filtered through the curtains. Angelina’s long strawberry hair waved gently behind her back and her breasts stirred as she oscillated her body in the sensual rhythm. Her nubs were erect and darkened, swelled into pert...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - The Beginning (part 1) Christine had made all of her money "the hard way" - growing up with nothing, she married the right guy and when he passed away, she inherited a fortune. She also inherited an attitude where she thought she was the financial genius that her late husband had been. She was always drawn to materialistic things - in life as well as in investments. So when the business plan for Total Transformation Salon and Spa came across...

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Total Woman Academy 11

Krista looked up from her computer. Her office atop the high-rise headquarters of her business had a great downtown view. She paused to scan the skyline. She was knee deep in things to do: hedging the commodities market to control a key rare earth metal, reviewing and rejecting another buyout offer, re-arranging her schedule to attend an emergency Total Woman Academy board meeting. Her office door opened without a knock and she turned to confront the intruder. She heard ‘Got time for a...

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Total Woman Vignettes 05A

Prologue Mr. Rubin looked out the limousine’s shaded window at the Academy entrance where topless Evelyn and Maureen had emerged, tits jostling as they waved a vigorous good bye. Suzy waved back through the smoked rear windshield as the limo rolled out the gate. Suzy returned her attention inward and stroked her father’s arm. ‘Daddy… Maureen and Evelyn asked if they could visit us at the beach house after graduation. Can we invite them for the summer?’ Mr. Rubin heart skipped a beat…with...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Casey Part 1 of 2

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Casey (Part 1 of 2) Casey grew up with a privileged life as an only-child. His father had cashed out of the dot-com boom at just the right time. But that all changed one day when his parents were killed in a plane crash. 22 year old Casey was suddenly alone. Money was not a problem - he had plenty. But the years had taught Casey that most friends along the way were drawn to him because of the cash, not because of Casey. That bred an...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 1

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Cathleen & John (Part 1) "You look great and I love your hair," Cathleen said as she ran into her neighbor Brenda in the store. "Oh, thanks! I feel great. I started going to that new salon downtown. They're amazing! And I'm trying to get Bill to go with me," Brenda replied. Cathleen smiled and laughed, "ya, I bet I'd be able to get John to go, too. Right!" "It's such a beautiful place. The owner, Bri, is a sweetheart and...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 4) The next week Brenda went to the mall. She was looking for some new things to fit her new look and personality. Bill went into the office. He hadn't been there in a few days. But he had been a good boy so mistress Brenda allowed him to wear her panties - but she told him that he couldn't touch himself unless she said so. "He must be going crazy", she thought to herself with a chuckle. Continuing on that thought, she...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Vignettes 03

Prologue The Board of Directors meeting was going well and winding down. The financial reports and Old Business items had been reviewed. Revenues had been increasing, along with modest cost aggregation, but profits were exploding. The last item for New Business was a proposal to develop other offshore venues for exotic, as well as erotic, excursions. There were three potential venues: a Mountain Ski Lodge, a Desert Dude Ranch and a Tropical Island get-away. A motion was made to commission...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Part 1 of 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Samantha (part 1 of 4) Lieutenant Samantha Hodge had graduated from the Police Academy at the top of her class. In just 3 years on the force, she had earned the respect and admiration of the entire police force. A tireless and diligent police officer. A 5'10" African-American beauty with incredible green eyes. She had an incredibly athletic body, though not a lot of female shape. Samantha had always wanted to be in law enforcement. A...

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Total Woman Requests 05

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

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Total Woman Vignettes 10

Prologue For the next many hours, Zack didn’t have to dream of Leila the belly dancer lying naked beneath his conquering embrace, her supple body dancing them into a horizontal sweaty frazzle. He lived it… and thrice again before dawn. Woken repeatedly by Leila’s whimpered pleas, Zack deferred to her specialized dexterity. He allowed Leila to warp his naked body into comfortable poses, bolstered by strategically placed pillows. Arms, legs and back were simultaneously spread, curved and bowed...

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Total Woman Vignettes 02

Prologue Syd waltzed across the Total Woman Clinic lobby that he had struggled into a short week ago. Fergie, the receptionist, gave him a broad smile. Syd remarked ‘We missed you yesterday at the sauna.’ Fergie nodded and said ‘I missed you too but I am only an intern therapist and not allowed in Group Therapies. Anyway, I won’t forget you after Friday night together. It was wonderful.’ Syd nodded and turned to leave. Fergie came around the counter and pecked his cheek goodbye. Syd walked...

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Total Woman Academy 05 Redux

Ned awoke from his deep sleep feeling refreshed and ready to face another day of duty at the Total Woman Academy senior facility. Yesterday, he had solved Destiny’s dilemma but along with the previous days of facilitating Brooke maximum impact at the fund raiser, he was worn out. He wandered the grounds which were unusually alive with excitement. There was a whirr of activity throughout the facility. The kitchen was bustling to prepare the banquet meal for this evening’s annual event. The...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning Part 4 of 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa - The Beginning (part 4 of 4) Kristie was wheeled back into treatment room 5 through the back door. Julie and Bri were waiting. The intern slid Kristie back into the treatment chair, naked. Nobody would recognize Kristie. In the last 7 days, her entire body had been transformed. What had started as just a sweet duplicate of Julie's hair had turned into a completely transformed sex pot. Kristie had huge tits - at least double D's. Julie...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 9

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 9) "So tell me about your conversation with Heather," Brenda said as they were driving home. "My God, Brenda," Bill began. "I am so blown away by this on so many levels..." Brenda smiled. Bill continued... "I had no idea the full extent of what Total Transformation can do. I've been thinking about how they can take the potential of the sensory input technology so much further and in so many directions. But now,...

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Total Woman Vignettes 06

Prologue To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer, Retired From: Ms. Smith, Chairwoman, Total Woman Pageants Board of Directors Subject: Congratulations!!! What joy! On behalf of everyone at Total Woman Pageants, I extend our fondest best wishes to you and your new bride, this year’s Ms. North America! We are happy that, after your lifetime of dedication to guiding and steering countless young women in attaining their life dreams, you have found the one who can bring you the true happiness you...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 1) Brenda took the mail from the box and started to sort through it. Along with the normal bills and other junk mail was a discount flyer to a local salon - Total Transformation Salon and Spa. Just that morning she had looked in the mirror and though that she needed to find a new place. So "junk mail" turned to good timing. She called and made an appointment for Thursday morning. Brenda arrived a few minutes early and...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 5

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 5) From Starbucks, Brenda headed back toward her car. She pulled out her phone and made a call. "Hi Cassie, it's Brenda. I was hoping that I could come by and see Bri?..." "Well, now if possible. I'm over at he mall and could be there in 10 minutes."... "That's fantastic. Thank you very much!" 15 minutes later, Brenda walked into Bri's office. Bri stood and greeted her, motioning toward the love seats. "Please,...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 12

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 12) Friday morning, Brenda spent more time with Dr. Miller and Dr. Banes getting more insight into their research. And, of course, each was eager to partake in feeding from her luscious breast. At noon, she met with Julie in final preparations for Kimberly's awakening tomorrow. "Her healing has gone magnificent," Julie said as she examined Kimberly's new sex. "The swelling has subsided. At this point, we can remove the...

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Total Woman Excursions 11

The afternoon weather was still balmy but Labor Day marked the end of summer, if not astronomically, well then socially. The duties of school and career beckoned vacationers back to work. Somer sat across from Stephanie at the wooden table. They picked their way through the last of this summer’s picnics: hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, macaroni and potato salads, watermelon, beer and wine. They had spent the day in lawn games and other light festivities. ‘So, Somer, where are you off to after...

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Total Woman Clinic 07

Syd sat inside the sauna, wrapped in a waist towel, sweating profusely. The hot rocks crackled in a basket in the corner. The walls were ringed with two tiers of cedar benches and a long, broad squat slatted table was positioned in the center. He had finished 30 minutes inside and the heat timer had expired to let the room begin its cool down. The door opened and Syd’s six therapists entered the room. Each beauty had her hair wrapped in a white head towel. Another towel was tucked across the...

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