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Hypnosissy By Margaret Jeanette Paul Peters was awake at midnight again. He had gone to bed at his usual time which was 10 P.M. For about the last two weeks he was sleeping every other night. The other nights he would lie awake in bed wondering why he coulldn't fall asleep. He tried sleep aids from the drug store and they seemed to work in reverse keeping him awake all night. At work he discussed his problem with Sid Werner. Sid told him he had once had a strong aversion to riding in a boat, so he went to a hypnotist friend of his, and now just about every week-end he can go fishing, no problem being in a boat. Sid gave Paul the name and address of his friend. On the way home Paul stopped at the hypnotist's house. He mentioned Sid's name and what he had done for him. Then he explained how he was only able to sleep every other night. The hypnotist told him he thought he could help him. Three minutes later Paul was under a hypnotic spell. After about five minutes he was brought out of the trance feeling no different than before. He asked how much he owed for the session and was told it was free but that there was a cost to be able to sleep. "If you really want to sleep you have to put lipstick on and a frilly nighty or pajamas. That is the only way it will work. There is a cost to everything." "You got to be kidding, right?" "No, I am not kidding. If you want to go to sleep you will wear lipstick and a feminine nighty. The more feminine you are the better you will sleep." The rest of the way home all he could think about was how would he ever get a decent nights sleep. Then he thought it might not be too bad if he tried it once. Then he wondered what Mary, his wife would think about it. He decided not to say a word to her about it, just do it. That night he fell asleep three minutes after he hit the bed. The next morning he wondered again why he couldn't do that every night. This was the night I can sleep, he decided. So tonight will be the one I can't. At work he worried that he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. It became an obsession with him. His secretary, Nicole Bast, asked him what was bothering him and he explained that he wasn't sleeping like he should. She sympathised with him. At home during supper all that was on his mind was whether he was going to be able to sleep tonight. His usual interest in the news just wasn't there. He turned a baseball game on and watched that for awhile. Finally came bedtime. Mary was in bed and sleeping as he tossed and turned. Finally in desperation he got up and put Mary's red lacy nightgown on. He got back in bed and still couldn't fall asleep. Then he remembered the lipstick part. He got up and went into the bathroom. In the top drawer he found one of Mary's lipsticks and applied to his lips. He got into bed and within minutes he was fast asleep. He woke up five minutes before Mary's alarm was to go off, quickly got the nightgown off, folded it, and put back into the drawer. Then he went into the bathrooom to get the lipstick off. Everything was working out just fine. He was exuberant over how well he had slept. At breakfast Mary asked him if he was all right. He told her he never felt better and asked why she asked. She told him his lips looked different, like the little lines in them looked darker than the rest of his lips. He just shrugged. All day he felt reinvigorated. He was a bundle of production. Never could he remember feeling this great. Maybe having to wear a nightgown and lipstick wasn't so bad if you got this great a sleep. What could go wrong? That night he slept as usual on alternate nights and went to work feeling great. When he got home he celebrated with a cocktail and a really good supper. Come bedtime he felt like he was ready for sleep. But once in bed all he did was toss and turn. Finally he got up and put the red lacy nightgown on and got the lipstick on. Mary woke up ten minutes before her alarm was to go off. She looked at Paul and then took a second look. What was he wearing?- it was her red nightgown and he was wearing lipstick. What the hell is going on? She was immediately angry and woke him up. "What are you doing wearing my nightgown and lipstick? Tell me -- I want to know!" "You see, it's this way," he began. "Never mind, I don't want to hear your excuses! Get up, NOW!" She opened a dresser drawer and took out a pair of ruffled panties and threw them at him telling him to put them on. He protested a bit but put them on. He knew from her tone of voice that he better do as she says. Then she advanced on him with a black bra in her hands and ordered him to hold out his arms. She slid the bra on and stepped behind him and hooked it. "Dear, let me explain!" Sbe grabbbed a package containing a pair of pantyhose and threw them at him and said in a voice that told him he'd better do as she said, "Put them on and if I hear one more word out of you I'll send you to work in a skirt. If you know what's good for you, you will go redo your lipstick and you better be wearing it when you get home from work." As they ate breakfast he said "Dear, I know it looks odd. But don't be angry. I went to a hypnotist for my sleep problem and he hypnotised me and as a condition for me to sleep he made it so I had to wear a frilly nightgown and lipstick. It sounds peculiar but that's how it is." "Then tonight after work I want you to take me to see this hypnotist. I want to hear about you from him." At work he felt better, now that Mary seemed to have settled down a bit. But Mary had experienced an unexpected thrill. All Mary could envision at work was how Paul would look in a dress. She was on the verge of coming in her panties at the thought. After work they arrived at the hypnotist's house. Mary talked to him. "Could you make it so when I call him Paula he will think he is a woman? And if I called him Pansy he will be all-woman, fully feminine in style and outlook." "Sure I could, but is that what you want?" "Yes, but when I call him Paul, I want him to be himself." "That will be no problem." He went to talk to Paul and soon it was done. The hypnotist talked to Mary before they left. "Now when you call him Paul he will be himself and when anyone calls him Paula he will go along with whatever suggestions you may make about him being a woman, and when he is callled Pansy he will be a really girly, really feminine woman. Are you sure that is what you want?" Mary assured him that was what she wanted. On the way home Mary said "Paula, should we stop and get you some heels to wear?" "Yes, that would be nice." was the answer. Mary smiled to herself. They made one more stop at a surgical supply store then went home. "Paula why don't you wear your new heels?" she asked him. Paula went and put on her new heels. Mary smiled and told her they looked nice on her. She wondered how far she could take this before Paul rebelled. The next morning she attached a pair of false breasts to his chest saying,"These are double D, Paula, because I know you have always wanted big breasts." "Honey I can't get my shirt buttoned." It wouldn't button over his new breasts. She handed him a plain white blouse and he put it on and got it buttoned. She could see the outline of his bra but really had to look to see it. "Don't forget to freshen your lipstick." "I won't." That morning Nicole noticed his blouse and lipstick right away, and looking closly could make out the unmistakable outline of a bra. "Are you wearing panties also?" "Yes, and pantyhose. Mary wants me to. She calls me Paula." "Well, Paula, if you are wearing pantyhose you should be wearing heels, don't you think?" "I guess you are right, but I don't know what to do about it." "I could get some money out of petty cash and get you some." "That would be nice." Nicole was shopping at an adult store and purchased a pair of six inch heels in his size. She noticed a pair of odd earrings and asked about them. She was told they were punishment earrings and that they each weighed about two and a half pounds. She bought them and some ultra-long false fingernails. She stopped at a drugstore and got some nail polish. An hour later Nicole came into his office was carrying a couple of bags. He wondered what was in them and didn't have to wait long before she was putting on the heels on him, locking them on with small padlocks in back, where he couldn't see. "Now that is what nylons are made for, to wear with heels. How would you like some fancy fingernails?" "That would be nice." Forty-five minutes later he had fingernails that extended over a half inch past his fingertips and were painted a bright red. Nicole asked Paula if he would like some nice earrings and he said that would be nice. "What is that you are putting on that earring?" "Super glue to hold them on. It is the same I used on your fingernails. By the way they are space age plastic and you can't cut them with a nail clippers. You'd need a special grinding stone to trim them. I'll have a note for your wife, make sure you give it to her." When he arrived home Mary noticed his earrings immmediatly then she saw his long nails and exclaimed, "What have you done to yourself? Where did you get those heels? They are so high!" "Nicole got everything for me and gave me this note for you." He handed her the note. She read it. It read 'Mrs. Peters, I know you are changing Paul and I am trying to help. Enclosed find the key to unlock his heels but I wish you wouldn't tonight or tomorrow morning. Let him get used to them. When I called him Paula he changed immediately. Let me know if I can do anything else. Nicole' Mary smiled at the thought of him wearing the heels until tomorrow night. She asked Paula if she wanted to go shopping after supper and Paula said sure she would love to go shopping. Shopping, they got him a long wavy wig in his hair color and some more fancy nightgowns, plus some very fancy blouses and skirts. At the jewelry counter they got him some necklaces, bracelets, and four rings for his fingers. He complained that his legs hurt from too much walking and Mary told him that was part of being a woman. They continued shopping and he picked out four more fancy nightgowns. He was a shopping machine and Mary had to smile at how womanish he was. When they got home he wanted to get the shoes off but found he couldn't get them off. Mary looked at them and said she didn't know why they didn't come off. He tried to get his pants off and couldn't get them off over the heels. Mary took a seam ripper snd opened up the seams on the inside of the legs so he could get his pants off. As he was getting ready for bed Mary told him he probably will have to wear a dress or blouse and skirt tomorrow. He didn't seem upset at all about that. The next morning he put on the wig and a clean bra and panties, then black shiny pantyhose followed by a black slip with a stretch lace bodice. Mary suggested he put on one of her girdles and he did. Then he picked the fanciest blouse. It had four rows of lace in a V pattern in front. It buttoned in the back so Mary buttoned him up. She picked a black sheath skirt for him and told him how nice he looked. He got a necklace and two bracelets to put on. Mary smiled at him when he was all ready for work. He checked his woman's watch to see if he had time for breakfast. At work Nicole told him he really looked nice. She suggested he allow her to make up his eyes. He agreed. She thinned his eye brows to a fine arch, then applied eye liner and eye shadow, finishing up with mascara. His eyelashes were very full and very long. He said he had to go to the bathroom and Nicole suggested he use the woman's bathroom. She told him to try one of the perfumes that they got from a client and kept there. He said he would. When he came out of the bahroom and got close to Nicole she said,"You not only look like a pansy but you also smell like a pansy." His demeanor changed and he said, "How do you like my outfit? Isn't it just lovely, the most feminine outfit you have ever seen?" Nicole didn't know what to say, finally saying "Yes, Paula you look gorgeous." He returned to Paula and Nicole wondered what had brought on that outburst. At mid-afternoon, Brian Hutton the president and CEO of the company came into his office. "I'm looking for Paul Peters" "You found him" "You don't look like a Paul Peters." "I am Paul Peters and now Paula Peters as well. It a long and involved story." "Well, I have some great news for you. Ben Hunter is retiring after next week and you are considered one of the top level three employees. How would you like to move up to level two and take over from Ben?" "That would be great!" "Okay, then starting tomorrow report to Ben so he can show you the ropes. I just got an idea -- the equal opportunity folks are givng us a hard time about the good ol' boy advancement policy we seem to have. Keep wearing dresses and the job is yours. That'll get those folks off our back. Is it a deal?" "I guess I can keep wearing dresses. It isn't as bad as you might think. In a way it is lighter and fluffier, if you can call it that." "Well, you look very pretty, more like a woman than a man even without the dress, if you don't mind me saying." "Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment" "Oh, you can bring your secretary with you when you take over. I am going to see Bill Sengstock now to offer him your job. Bye!" He called Nicole into his office and told her she was moving up to a level two secretary as his secretary, with the resultant raise in pay. Nicole was very happy. "How do I get these damn earrings off?" "Take a wire nippers and cut the wires." "Thank you!" When he arrived home Mary just loved how his eyes looked. He now looked so feminine that she couldn't remember how he'd looked as a male. She called him Pansy and told him to go freshen up in the bedroom and bathroom. When he came out he was wearing three necklaces and four bracelets and fresh lipstick. "Paul, how it go at work today with you wearing a dress?" "What? Why am I wearing a dress?" "I'll tell you what. I'll give you five minutes to get undressed but for everything feminine you have on after five minutes you will wear a dress for a week. Do you think you can do it?" "I am sure I can. Just watch me!" "Okay I'll tell you when to start. I'd start with getting my fingernails shorter and squarer. Start!" He headed out in the garage to get some nippers to cut the fingernails. After three and a half minutes Mary went out to see what he was doing. He was furiously going threw tool chest drawers mumbling "Where are those big nippers?" "You've got one minute, dear. Why don't you try to get the color off your nails." He went into the house and asked where the nail polish remover was. Mary told him she never uses it and suggested as long as he only had twenty seconds left he should get his heels off. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, Times up! Let's see what we got.' She went and stood in front of him. "Wig and hair ribbon, two weeks, earrings that's two more for four weeks. feminine eye brows-six weeks! Eye shadow, eye liner and mascara times two that's twelve weeks. Powder on nose, blush on both cheeks, lipstick-seventeen weeks. Now three necklaces thats twenty weeks, blouse,slip, bra two breast forms-twenty-five, skirt, bottom slip, girdle and panties-that taked us to twenty-nine weeks pantyhose and nylons on both legs-thirty-two weeks- high heels-thirty-four ten toes with nail polish-forty-four weeks- oh and your fingernails long and painted- that's sixty-four weeks- and your bracelets and watch takes us to sixty-nine weeks. Oh yes, four rings that takes us to seventy-three weeks. Seventy-three weeks to wear dresses!" "What do you want, anyway?" "I want you to thank me for putting you in dresses and to tell me that you want to keep wearing dresses!" "Okay, thank you for putting me in dresses and I want to continue to wear them. How's that?" "Wear them for how long?" "As long as you want me to wear them. Now why did you put me in dresses?" "I guess I might as well tell you. I am more lesbian than not. That is why in the two years we have been married we only made love twice." "I knew as much. I suspected it long ago but I still love you. I have a confession to make. When the hypnotist hypnotized me with you there I was deep in thought and didn't even hear him. I perked up when he said Paul and then Paula and Pansy. I've been acting all along to see how far you were going to take this. Now my big news! I've been promoted to be in charge of the whole customer service department. That's level two and a hefty raise. Now just call me Paula, not Paul or Pansy. Part of the promotion is that I continue to wear dresses for work so I figure I might as well wear them full-time." Mary grabbed him and planted a wet kiss in his lips. "You are the greatest husband. Maybe we should go to the doctor and see about breast implants and estrogen therapy." "Sounds all right to me. Maybe I can get bigger breasts than you've got." They both laughed. They went into the bedroom and were giggling and kissing for over two hours before getting ready for bed. He got the six-inch heels off and got Mary to cut his earrings off and replace them with a pair of ruby dangly earrings. Their marriage was stronger now than it ever was. The future looked great and they enjoyed each other's charms. End (c) 2009 by Margaret Jeanette

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FamilySwap Jessica Ryan Michelle Anthony 4th Of July Family Shootout

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, swap siblings Tyler Nixon and Michelle Anthony can’t seem to get along. They’ve dressed for a Fourth of July party, but instead of celebrating they’re busy fighting. Chasing Tyler into the living room, Michelle pins him to the ground. They’re making so much noise that their swap mom, Jessica Ryan, comes to see what’s going on. She tries to help...

2 years ago
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Straight Roommate No Inhibitions

Most people don’t have good experiences with their roommates in college. Not me. In fact, I can still remember my freshman year vividly…It had been a chaotic day of last minute shopping at Target. My parents and I had spent the better half of the day trying to get everything an eighteen year old would need for his first year. After piling everything into the car, we trudged into the entrance of Marks Hall, where I would be spending the next eight months of my life.203…. 204…. 205…206… I...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Cheater Vol 1 The First Affair

Daniel was walking down a road wearing a blue blazer, a white shirt, and a black tie. He carried a briefcase in his right hand and a pamphlet in the other. He was a door to door salesman. He came to the first house on the road and turned right off the pavement and up the gravel drive. He rapped on the door three times with his knuckles. A woman, Sarah, answered the door. “Hello madam, might I interest you in our new product?” Daniel smiled politely as he rattled off the details “Okay,...

1 year ago
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Bringing in Jenny 2

Once in the bedroom the ladies climbed onto the bed and layed next to each other and started kissing passionately and running their hands across each other’s luscious tits! I stood at the side of the bed awe struck for a minute taking in the scene of these two beautiful women making out on the bed. My eyes worked my way down until they were focusing on two of the most scrumptious looking pussies they’d ever seen! Like a man possessed I got between Misty’s legs and started licking the top of her...

4 years ago
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Impregnating My Best Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part 2

This is sandy and as I asserted in my last narration. I’m a Sikh man of 35 years. Happily married and residing in Gurgaon. If you haven’t,  then please read the previous part of this story. Going forward: As I left from Jot and Sim’s home, I was still in shock. My heart was still stuck in my throat after what just happened in that last 1 hour. Still trying to digest it and I reached home by then. I straightaway went to the loo. I washed my face with cold water to come back to senses. As I...

3 years ago
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Evil Twins

The Evil Twins Diana Fox and her twin brother Peter lay head to toe in her large bed. Itis a typical Saturday morning and Diana is sprawled over her brother with hiscock buried deep in her mouth. Similarly, Peter's tongue is buried in his sisterspussy. The only sounds are the muffled moans and slurps of the seventeen year-olds.As he laps at his sister's cunt lips, Peter grips a cheek of her tight bumin each hand and separates them, revealing the tight bud of Diana's asshole.He forces the middle...

2 years ago
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Tree House pt 1

So we ended up getting talked into building a tree house. I know it sounds immature and a little bit childish for our age group, but we had plans. It was intended for his little brother, but both of us could imagine building some colossal superstructure out of plywood and nails, capable of housing our weed. Plus, his dad had given us an almost unlimited budget. So for the next two months we built our crazy tree for the lack of a better purpose in life. I was still managing to keep my...

1 year ago
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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 9 Their First Date

On Sunday morning Stephen was briefly alone in the kitchen with Chloe. Katherine was reading the paper out on the back patio, while enjoying her second cup of coffee for the morning. "Chloe, I've got a favour to ask you; two actually" he whispered. Knowing that she may have gone too far last night, as it was no accident what he had seen, she had made sure he could see her uncovered breast, she was a little sheepish as she nervously asked in a small voice "what?" "Well tomorrow...

3 years ago
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The Weekend

It’s Friday. I’ve just finished my classes and am on my way back home. 5.15 pm. I didn’t have to wait too long for the bus. Surprisingly, it arrived faster than I anticipated. Sitting at the end of a seat aligned along the length of the bus, I was planning about what I’m to do in the next two boring days. School days are fun. Weekends are hell. Little did I know that this weekend is not going to be like any other. The three person seat I was on had a pretty girl at the other end. She seemed to...

2 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 13 Household Chores

At the exact same time that Jack was putting the moves on my wife, I was in my office, having a homemade sandwich for lunch. It was now about two months since I had started wearing bras (during the day) and nightgowns (during the night) for Janice. Two months, and so many changes! My mind traveled over to my briefcase which I knew contained a moist pair of panties that Janice had worn just yesterday. Should I take them out to enjoy them for a minute? My penis shifted uncomfortably in my...

2 years ago
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new job fantasy

I was pretty nervous as I looked at myself in the mirror and put the final touches on my make up. Not only was this the first day of my new job, it was the first time I would be working anywhere in full femme mode. I’d spent the last few months perfecting my look, my walk and my voice. The hormones we beginning to kick in and my cute little tits looked perky. I fact I’d been passing successfully for a while now, but still this was a big step.I did a last twirl to check my self out.“Not Bad”, I...

1 year ago
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My First HoleInOne

 The sun began to set over Eagles Nest Country Club as we stood on the fifteenth hole. The par three was one hundred fifty-eight yards, slightly uphill with a bunker on each side and one behind the green. I watched as Monica bent over and teed up her pink ball, affording me a clear view of her white lace panties. She had been teasing me the entire round and I played along, not knowing what was to come.“Wheeet Whoo! Very sexy, Sis.” She looked over her shoulder as she stood up and addressed the...

2 years ago
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Working Hard

We have been asked by a few people from Xhamster to continue some of the stories we have posted and we so plan on doing so once more has happen and or when that feel for that story comes back around. But in the mean time I need to tell you all about this weekend and the fun my wife and I had. Please understand we wish no one any pain or to be hurt mut this even though painful was also pleasurable.We are about to get a new roof on our house and before they put the roof on, we wanted to clean up...

1 year ago
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Sexfighting league F

"Bella! Fifteen more minutes and you're on!" came the call from one of the stage hands. "I got it, thanks!" I yelled through the door. I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my locker room. For a thirty six year old woman, I thought I was in good shape. Luxurious dark hair, large breasts, firm stomach, an ass that was thick and firm. Part of it was genetics, I'll admit. Being of half Filipina and Latina descent, I somehow got the best of both worlds. From the first, that sort of Asian...

2 years ago
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Car play is to much fun to pass up ch2

My lover has such a great job not only does he get to deliver my restaurant's product but gets paid for 10 hours to sleep for some of that time and fuck me for the rest. This week’s delivery was his normal route in Tahoe, only this week it was snowing making everything take longer so it made his time run out and his layover time in Tahoe. Which meant he couldn’t drive for 10 hours. Yay for me, he got us an executive suite at one of the casinos out there we regularly go to. I needed...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood PetChapter 4

The following morning, Karen Smith was still too overwhelmed from the obscene thrill of her forbidden sexual coupling with her aunt's dog to feel any significant amount of shame or remorse over what she had done. Oh, admittedly, there had been several light twinges of both in the hours that followed. She wasn't quite that calloused yet, not to realize the unnaturalness or unlawfulness of their abnormal love-making, but the delectable pleasures her darling Satyr had raised and sated within...

1 year ago
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Indian Wife Enjoys With A Old Shopkeeper

Hi, we’re back with another round of story with a dash of kinky. Like i’ve said before we are a couple in gurgaon and we love experimenting with sex….Anything goes….Well almost anything goes….We like cuckold,voyeur, interracial as long as its different we love to try it together….. This incident happened when we were watching porn together…..This particular one was something that we both enjoyed, it had a black guy fucking a wife in front of her husband….We both love cuckold porn so we started...

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The Gift

I don’t know what I did. I was in my store and turned around and the next thing I knew I was here, in the hospital. When I woke up there was a nurse in the room with me and when she saw my eyes open she smiled and stood up. She took a washcloth out of a basin, wrung it out and sponged my face with it. I hadn’t realized how hot I was. I looked up at her and she was beautiful. Black hair tied up, a beautiful face and breasts that looked great in her tight uniform. She smiled and rinsed the cloth...

4 years ago
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CommuneChapter 31

The day had not gone well for Trupti. She had a major final that afternoon and it had been a bear. She detested essay tests since they played to all of her weaknesses. Her education in India had not prepared her for constructing a reasoned argument that reflected her views on a subject. She was used to knowing what the instructor wanted and writing to his or her views. American instructors asked broad questions that she found nearly impossible to answer. The upshot of the change in education...

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It was several weeks after our first experience. Jake called me and asked if we could meet somewhere. A time and destination was arranged. When I picked him up I could see that Jake was upset about something. I found a secluded spot for us to sit and talk. It took a little while for him to get it out. It seems that he has been having a series of wet dreams involving boys he knew at school. The dreams were very explicit. One even involved his gymn teacher whom Jake said looked like me. He told...

2 years ago
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Halloween Treats

HALLOWEEN TREATS by Throne "B... but, honey, this isn't the costume you were supposed to order for me," I said petulantly, as I looked into the box. Staring back at me was an adult-size diaper, two large safety pins, and a pair of plastic panties on the same scale. My wife Cleo said, "Sorry, Dink, but that's what they sent. You're not saying that it was ME who got it wrong, are you?" I glanced at the threatening look on her face and swallowed drily. "N... no, dear," I said...

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My Sexy Secretary Shilpa

By Uncle Raj: My Sexy Secretary Shilpa Hi My name is Raj, I am 59 years old. This is my first story, As I told U I am 59 ys old, but I have a very strong SEX drive, There R only 3 members in my family, My self, my wife age 57, my son 32. We have our Family Business, We have office stafe of 11 Persons 5 girls & 6 boys, me & my wife have one common secretary her name is Shilpa she is 38 years old now married and have 1 daughter. The incident I am going to write happened 10 years ago. That day...

4 years ago
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Rocky fucks a innocent gay

Hi this is Rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. Contact me at I had this guy with me in my college, His name was Jimmy, and He was really a innocent guy. He was slim, not so good looking but an ordinary guy. We Became good friends n started to visit each other’s place. He never talked much with the girls, which looked lil strange to me as at this age all boys try their lucks at least once. One day, when I visited his place, he was alone watching TV. He told me that his...

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Without Love

Without Love     Part two.     The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her meagre wage allowed, the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she may as well be on another planet.   It was not long before the freedom she had tasted, became a desire to move...

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The hike with an Xfactor

Tim and John had low paying jobs and were tired of the daily grind. Tim was married to Sally. They had a decent marriage, but after six years of marriage the spark had worn off. They both hoped it was just a lull before they enjoyed a new phase of their relationship. When Tim told her that he and John planned a month-long hike in the Colorado wilderness, she thought it was a good idea. It would give them a break and hope to have a happy reunion. She didn't even mind that Tim was quitting...

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Nurse the SCREENS

I haven't written anything for a long time, I am now qualified as a nurse, and I work at a local hospital, looking after the c***dren. One particular lad, Jack, was on the c***dren's ward even though he was 18, his parents had taken that option, not wanting him to be with adults and their ailments. He was suffering from a back injury, he'd fallen off a skateboard or bike, and was very bruised and had difficultywalking for a time. He was six foot, and very VERY good looking, but painfully shy....

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 58 Arson AntiAircraft Fire Airport Sex

Mark I had Lucas ensure a twenty-four hour guard on The Meadows and Darwin Architectural Group, plus KC’s gallery. He decided on a limited team of two at The Meadows during the day when workers were present, and six to eight guards circulating around the property and surrounding roads during the overnight hours. He also installed a series of security cameras and perimeter alarms in obvious and not so obvious places. All of it seemed like closing the barn door after the horses had left, but...

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Reminiscing from my early “courting” days with wife Sarah then my new girl friend. On our very first date she,d showed how passionate she could be when we attended a news cinema which youngsters will have little knowledge of, but they were a bit like drive ins in America though not so private yet few others took notice as most in them were couples doing what young couples will do and not bothered what others were doing. After our second news cinema date Sarah,s late Mum invited me to their...

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A New Orientation Part 1

A New Orientation.... by LaShaunda The changes that have happened to me in the last year have been unbelievable. I could never have imagined the new direction that my life would take. I am examining myself in the mirror, and diligently checking my physical appearance for the slightest imperfection. I must look perfect at all times, and like the naughty little Asian sexpot for my expecting "honored clients." I am wearing my standard "VIP masseuse's uniform" of a red and...

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I Remember It Well

You might call the timing perfect. One beautiful day of lovemaking, followed by almost a week while she sailed the Caribbean on a cruise, where I couldn't speak to her or see her or touch her, only dream about her. You might call the timing awful. One beautiful day of lovemaking, followed by almost a week while she sailed the Caribbean on a cruise, where I couldn't speak to her or see her or touch her, only dream about her. Upon my first re-reading of the draft of this story, I noticed that...

2 years ago
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A Voice from the Past Part 5

Storage Room One sultry day, Brad asked Betty to help Tony in the store room locating some lost inventory. Diana chuckled to herself thinking this is going to make Tony’s day; Debby is in heat and wearing painted on jeans and going braless under a company polo shirt and her huge boobs are in full swing. “Diana, is Betty done with the assignment in the shop, yet?” “I haven’t seen her, so I suppose she’s still out on the floor.” “Wow, would you do a me a favor and...

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