I Should Have Called A Cab free porn video

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I SHOULD HAVE CALLED A CAB By Spanky de Bautumn I huddled in the darkest part of the closet, afraid to breathe for fear of making a sound, trying to figure out how I'd gotten myself into this mess. It started out like any other fall night, nothing special, just another Thursday night. The starter on my old Pontiac was on the fritz, so I caught a ride to the Wayside Inn. It was on the other side of town, but Thursday is Ladies Night, so I felt compelled to make an appearance. It turned out to be a slow night, nothing much of interest and I wasn't what the ladies in attendance were looking for. I ran into Charlie Brooks and a couple of his buddies. We shot some pool and told each other the lies we had hoped would impress the pants off of some member of the softer gender. Around midnight, I'd heard enough bull and was about to get a cab and call it a night. Before I could make the call, Charlie caught me and said he'd heard about a house party not too far from the bar. I really wasn't ready to go to bed, so I hopped into the car with the rest of his posse. The five of us piled out of Charlie's Toyota in front of a small frame house that had seen better days. The place was a mess, there were two cars up on blocks, an old washing machine, and who knows what else hidden in the over grown grass that was taking over the front yard. Inside we found two guys passed out in the living room and a bunch of empty bottles and cans, the headstones of a dead party. Billy, who I learned later, lived there, was in the back yard making out with his girl, Wendy, on a porch swing. Some fast food fried tacos I ate earlier in the evening were suddenly trying to make a curtain call, so I quickly went in search for the john. The bathroom's motif matched the rest of the house, Modern Filth. It was obvious we wouldn't be staying and I thought about trying to hold off until I got home. The tacos and my intestines had a different idea. The tacos were grumbling like kids on the last day of school, not wanting to be there, and my intestines were like their parents, trying to get them out of the house as soon as possible. I had to yield to their opinion and like a brave soldier or a fool; I rushed in before my internal organs could stage a revolt. I can't explain exactly how nasty the bathroom was because I'm trying to erase the memory from my mind. The fact that I had second thoughts about relieving the agony I was feeling should paint a clear enough picture. I only touched what I needed to finish the job and was out of there in what I considered record time. But, as I exited the restroom, I noticed the house was unexpectedly quite. It turned out Charlie and his boys, finding the party was over, had taken off without me. I went out and talked to Billy and Wendy, they told me that Charlie had asked them if they had seen me, which they hadn't, so he figured I must have started walking back to the bar. I inquired about a lift home. They said they didn't have any wheels, but the Wayside was within walking distance and I could probably get a ride there. I should have called a cab, but in the state of mind I was in, I figured I could save some money, hoof it, and still get back to the bar before closing time. I'd lived in Lyndseyville for most of my twenty-six years, but had never been in this part of town. It was the oldest part of the city, littered with large old Victorian houses mostly in need of a face-lift. Consequently, I somehow got turned around and didn't realize it until I noticed the houses were starting to thin out. As I did a U-turn, I saw that one of the houses I'd just passed had the lights on and I could see some people milling around on the screened-in porch. I'd been trying to get my bearings and they weren't making any noise, so I must have missed it. Good thing I turned around when I did or I might have missed it all together. Maybe my luck was changing; maybe I could use their phone and call a cab, like I should have done instead of wandering off in unfamiliar territory. To my pleasant surprise, the figures on the porch were a couple of nice looking ladies, who appeared to be my age or younger. They turned out to be sisters, Mary, the older of the two and Beth, the cuter of the two. They were a bit standoffish at first. In this neighborhood, at this time of night, anyone would be. After hearing my dilemma and my assurance that I was not a whacked out serial killer, they seemed to relax a bit. Mary said I could use the phone and Beth added that these autumn nights get chilly, so it would be all right for me to wait for my ride inside where it was warmer. I found both of them attractive in an old fashion, girl next-door sort of way. So once inside, I wasn't in any hurry to call the cab company. When neither of them brought up the subject, I figured they were thinking likewise. It turned out their mom was out of town, helping her sister with a difficult pregnancy and their father was a long haul trucker, scheduled to be home sometime the following afternoon. As such, the young ladies were letting their hair down, drinking some wine, and enjoying the brief respite of freedom from parental authority they had left. They didn't come out and say it but I got the feeling that their old man wasn't a proponent of the Ozzie Nelson School of Parenting. It was what they didn't say that made it appear they were somewhat afraid of him. We got to talking, I had some wine, and replaced calling the cab with a new idea that involved helping these two lovelies celebrate the few precious hours of unfettered living they so needed. I made sure their glasses were always half full and talked them into joining me in a bit of cannabis that Billy had given me to help me deal with the situation I was in. Both of them were bright and easy to talk to, which made for stimulating conversation. Before I knew it a couple of hours had passed and it was going on 3AM. It appeared my plan was starting to come together. The wine and the weed had done their part by loosening up Mary and Beth's inhibitions. We were sitting on the couch, me in the middle with the sisters competing for my attention. It was starting to resemble one of my fantasies and I couldn't wait to see how this would turn out. I felt like a rock star, a boy toy for a couple of groupies. Beth's head was resting on my shoulder and Mary was drawing little circles on my thigh with her finger trying to explain something about something that happened sometime earlier in the day, I think. The situation I found myself in had my mind in another place, so I really wasn't listening. The fire had died down to a soft glow, making the scene very romantic. I was about to make my move on Beth and see where it would lead, when there was a sudden roar of a diesel engine, the screeching of a truck coming to a stop, followed by the swoosh of air escaping from its brake lines. A dark chill filled the room and the girls leaped from the couch in a panic. It was their father, home early. They told me to hide in the hall closet while they tried to get him upstairs. Then sneak out when it got quiet. I got the feeling they had done this before. I told them we hadn't done anything, we were just talking, why did I need to hide? That's when my suspicions about their father were confirmed because they said he had an awful temper especially when it came to boys and there was no telling what he might do. That was good enough for me and I high-tailed it to the closet. I looked back to see the sisters scurrying about, cleaning up any evidence of our little party before the old man walked through the door. Just as I was shutting the door, I saw something that sent a chill down my spine. My black jacket was hanging on the coat rack by the foyer like a black flag warning of impeding danger. It was too late to say or do anything, the girls were too preoccupied to notice. I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. Damn, I should have called a cab like I was going to do instead of listening to that little voice that stokes my male ego and seems to always get me in trouble. I had gone from walking on cloud nine to stumbling into the darkest part of this closet in a matter of seconds. What am I going to do if he finds me in here? What am I going to say? Why didn't I call that cab? I heard him enter the room and the three of them talking, but couldn't make out what was being said. I thought or hoped that maybe there was a chance he wouldn't see my jacket and maybe this would all work out. I swore to any God that was listening, if he got me out of this I would turn my life around, or at least try, and start going to church, if only for the holy days. My prayer was broken by the sound of breaking glass followed by loud angry cursing. I heard the sound of footsteps running past the closet and up the stairs. The heavy boot steps of the father soon followed them. He was accusing his daughters of being ungrateful whores, worthless sluts, and he'd make them pay for their sinful ways. His boots sounded like a bass drum as he lumbered up the stairs after them. Then I heard him pounding on a door demanding to be let in. I figured this was as good a time as any to get out of there and I slowly opened the door. From upstairs came the crunching of wood as the door yielded to the kicking of his work boots. Without looking back, I headed straight for the front door. I started to open it and remembered my jacket was still hanging on the rack. I turned to go back for it, took two steps, when a blood curdling scream stopped me dead in my tracks. It froze me like a statue; the only thing that seemed to be working was the part of me that urinates. The next few minutes were a blur and I found myself running down the street faster than I knew was possible. Blocks later I slowed down to a jog because my lungs are burning and there was a stabbing pain in my side. I started to feel like a shameful coward for running out on Mary and Beth. I thought of going back, thought better of that idea and keep going, in what I hoped was the right direction. I told myself it was a family matter, the girls knew what could happen, and except for some normal testosterone driven wishful thinking, I had done nothing that I should have to pay for in pain. I was trying to ease my conscience, but I wasn't doing a very good job of it. I finally found a phone booth next to a small neighborhood market. My first call was to the police. I told them I was out walking my dog, when I heard a violent argument and the sound of things being broken coming from the house. Adding that I thought there were two young ladies living there and they might be in need of some help. The officer asked my name and address, but I hung up the phone, not wanting to get any more involved than I am. Then I make the call I should have made hours ago, I call a cab. My hands were shaking so much I had trouble getting my front door open. I had to use both hands to hold the key steady, but I finally got it open and flopped down on the couch. The sun would be up soon but I couldn't sleep. I was still somewhat upset with myself for running out on the girls like I did. I could have at least tried to defuse the situation, talk to the old man or something. There was an empty feeling inside me; I guess that's where my chivalry used to be. I tossed and turned for more than an hour before falling into a troubled sleep. I was awakened by a nightmare in which I had shrunk to the size of a small rodent and was being chased around a dream styled room by a pair of gigantic heavy work boots. Besides killing the cat, curiosity can be a great motivator. I needed to know what happened. I needed to know that Mary and Beth were all right before I could feel good about myself again. So, I borrowed my neighbor's car and took off to see what I could find out. As I pulled up to where the house should have been, I knew there was something wrong. This place looked as if nobody had lived in it for years. This couldn't be the same house. So, I drove around for a while but something kept drawing me back to the first house. I was so confused. I was sure this was the right place, but it's not the same house. I parked in front of the place and was trying to put things in order when I saw a mailman coming down the street pushing his cart. I stopped him and said I was looking for someone who I thought lived there. He told me I must be mistaken because this place was deserted when he took over the route, 12 years ago. As he tells me this, I'm thinking, what's going on because I was sure it hadn't been a dream and I knew I wasn't so stoned that I had hallucinated the whole thing. He goes on to say I must have it mixed up with another house because no one has lived here since the murders. Hearing this I got goose bumps all over and every hair on my body stood up at attention. He tells me the story of a crazy old man who killed his two daughters and then himself. The wife had been out of town when it happened and never came back. She couldn't sell the place and so it sits there slowly rotting away. He says the people in the neighborhood avoid it like the plague. He turns to continue with his postal duties and over his shoulder he laughingly says, "Everyone thinks the place is haunted, if you believe in that sort of thing." My jaw dropped to my chest, I was stunned, my head started spinning, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I had to get out of there. I stumbled back to the car and drove around trying to make some sense of it all. In the back of my mind, I knew what I had to do and it scared the shit out of me. I had to go back, go inside, and see what was there. When I returned to the house, I didn't see anyone around and told myself this was it. I knew if I left I'd rethink this whole business and probably never come back and for my own sanity I needed to see what was inside. The porch was shaky but it held up as I tried unsuccessfully to get a glimpse inside through the dirty windows. I got to the front door and reached for the knob with a hand that was shaking like a dashboard hula dancer on a bumpy road. To my surprise and dread, the door opened with a loud creaking sound. The light that came rushing in from the open door awakened the darkness. My eyes adjusted to the semi dark room and I started to look around. There was a sense of familiarity; it looked like the same place. But how could that be? A sudden gust of wind caused the door to let out another loud squeak and I almost jumped out of my skin. I turned, to make sure it was just the wind and not someone coming up behind me, and saw something that stopped me cold. I couldn't catch my breath. It seemed like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. I wanted to run, as far and as fast as possible but my legs wouldn't cooperate. I looked again to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me in the dimly lit room. They didn't. With all that had happened I had forgotten about it, but there, hanging on the coat rack, was my black jacket.

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The day started like any normal week day. The alarm clock went off early in the morning, I hit snooze and dozed off for ten minutes before it went off again. This time I killed the alarm did a good stretch before climbing out of bed. The morning tasks went like usual, then I got dressed in a polo work shirt and khakis. I cooked some bacon, eggs and hash browns before leaving the house to make my first stop. It was a new customer and company policy was new customers are top priority. A call the...

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I did not write this, but it is one of my absolute favorite stories.Superb lesbian seduction!"Cabled"by Shawn O.Even though she was expecting someone, Kimberly still jumped whenthe doorbell rang. It had been like this lately. A thick, palpabletension crackled around her, transporting her far from the present,leaving her exposed, vulnerable. Literally exposed, she discovered,for she had been standing naked before the full length mirror in thehallway of her apartment when the doorbell...

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It was the 4th of July and all the firework festivities had colored and thundered the skies. Mercaba and I were watching all of this from our manhattan rooftop.Mercaba was a middle aged beauty with long silky, reddish brown hair. An exotic beauty from MoroccoAs we watched the celebratory events with the skies all lit up, her shadow was beautifully painting the outside walls. She was mine for the duration of the evening. MY blood had surged to my nipples and clit. I could feel the heat rise in...

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The Cableman

The cableman was coming at 11 to fix her TV and she has showered and waxed her pussy and glossed her nipples. She has big firm DD tits and can suck her own nipples to entertain the men. Her favorite hobby was sex. She loved men of all sizes and colors. She has even been paid for sex and loved being a whore. Her body earned her lots of money, but she loved doing it for free with repair men.He pulled up to the house and she liked his looks. He knocked and she opened the door stark naked. She told...

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Hubby Catches Wife Being Naughty With The Cableman

Stacy stopped unpacking the box when she heard the doorbell ring. She adjusted her robe before opening the door. A uniformed cable man with a clipboard in his hand, stood there. His eyes roamed down her body, lingering on her chest for several moments. The way he looked at her, made her blush. He said, "Mrs. Hill?" She nodded her head. "I'm here to install your cable." He said, continuing to undress her with his eyes.She involuntarily began to look him over too, even though she kept telling...

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So This Guy Walks Into A Caberet

'So this guy walks into this bar...' By Trashy Trisha Author's Note: My apologies to all but I couldn't resist!!! So this gentleman walks into a cabaret. He's gorgeous and extremely well dressed. He literally reeks of money. Walking over to the bar, he looks around at the surroundings. Everywhere his eyes travel he sees beautiful T.V.'s, T.S's, C.D.'s, and D.V.D.'s. The barman walks over to him and asks if he'd like a drink. "Sure. In fact, I'd like to buy all of these...

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Ladies Night at the Gay Cabellero

“What do you think about this one?” “She’s nice. I like her.” “What do you like about her?” persisted Tom. “I like her tits, Tom. They’re bigger than mine and I would like to suck them.” replied his wife, Penny. Penny was sitting on her husband’s lap. They were both studying a girly magazine. Tom turned the page. “There, look at her cunt. Do you like her cunt, Penny?” “I love her cunt Tom. I like the way she’s trimmed her pubes. It’s pretty.” “Would you like to lick it, Penny?” “Would...

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Love those unshaven armpits

I don't know when or why I started loving those wonderful unshaven female armpits. But I definitely know when I became aware of this passion of mine. I'll tell you about it.I had just turned 21 and had broken up with my girlfriend. As it turned out we both felt we were not quite finished with eachother and started dating again after a couple of months. She had always shaved her armpits before. But now it was another story. It was early summer and somehow I saw a glimpse of an unshaven armpit...

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Surrendered My Dick To My Sex Bomb Boss In Her Cab

Hi friends. I am Arun. I'm 23 years old and I'm here to share with you my real life sex experience with a 27 year old babe Gayathri who on one side is my immediate boss and on the other side she is the wife of my sister-in-law's cousin. She is very fair complexion (lemon colour), very hot and sexy. She was in USA with her husband and has returned to India a few months back as her husband got transferred to India. She always comes to office in formals which is a coat, a formal shirt and a skirt...

3 years ago
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My Wife and the Black Cabby

I used to work as a night security guard in a factory on the edge of town. The factory was on a quiet country lane which was did not have any public lighting, and was in complete darkness at night. Because of this, the lane was a favourite amongst couples who wanted discrete sex in cars. Although the lane appeared to be pitch black, we could see things as clear as day through the infrared lighting of our security cameras. We frequently used the camera's zoom lens to put us almost inside the car...

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Midnight Cabaret

Please let me introduce myself. My name is indigo. i live in a big city where life is hard and danger lurks around every corner. Threats are many, but my hunger for pleasure keeps me constantly seeking new scenes in the night. i am a shy submissive and usually look for outgoing people with dominant personalities. My voice is quiet, and i only speak when it is polite, or when i am asked to. i have caramel brown eyes and flowing wavy chestnut brown hair that falls just past my shoulders. I stand...

4 years ago
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Taking Advice From Haven Inessa

'Where is she? I need to get me a dose of seeing Skylar Smith in math class,' I thought, biting down on my bottom lip. 'Maybe it’s because she is just as popular as Haven and Inessa, so the teachers must not give a damn. I have to ask her out, it’s not like either of them is going to let me get away with not doing it eventually. They know me,' I thought before I glanced back behind me. 'Having them as friends has its perks, but I still don't know how to get Skylar in bed.'"I'm sorry,...

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Haven And Inessa Prove They Love Me And Now Skylar Too

I backed away, and then both Haven and Inessa grabbed onto one of Skylar's hands. I surely knew they needed to make another statement after Skylar asked that question. "Skylar," Inessa said, turning Skylar's head to hers. "We've met Heidi's parents, we know she loves pineapple on her pizza, but hates pepperoni, and we even know she'll watch The Wizard of Oz six-hundred times in a row, but won't watch Oz the Great and Powerful even once. We'll gladly have fun with you, whether our...

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BBW Nik Nak The Cabbie

I’m going to tell you a quick story of what outrageous activities went on at a party I was at last night. It was an 18th birthday party. My best friends cousin turned 18 last week and her parents organised a party for her at the local labour club last night. I wasn’t really up for hitting an 18th but my bestie, Jenn, practically begged me to go with her. So, I scrubbed up and went out. When we first got there, at about 7:30pm, it just seemed like a low-key f****y event. The usual oldies and...

2 years ago
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BBW Nik Nak The Cabbie

I'm going to tell you a quick story of what outrageous activities went on at a party I was at last night. It was an 18th birthday party. My best friends cousin turned 18 last week and her parents organised a party for her at the local labour club last night. I wasn't really up for hitting an 18th but my bestie, Jenn, practically begged me to go with her. So, I scrubbed up and went out. When we first got there, at about 7:30pm, it just seemed like a low-key family event. The usual oldies and...

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Deflowering Haven

In the 18 years we had been married, especially of late, my husband and I discussed that if the right woman came along, I would let him fuck her, but only if I could watch. For unknown reasons, the thought of my husband fucking another woman while I watched turned me on. I didn't necessarily want to be involved, I just wanted to watch. Haven was our 19 yr old babysitter. She was in her freshman year at the local college, and had been coming over a couple of times a week at different times to...

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PoemChoose to Misbehave

Choose to Misbehave As I strut downtown embracing the lunch My fuchsia panties start to bunch I step wider to try to avoid The pinkish lace that rubs on my rhoid The itch is there, damn! And I can't scratch Can't rub my finger-tips on my snatch The bag is bulky, needs both my hands I curse myself for buying mail-order brands I wiggle my buns, rotate my hips Hoping the itch will ease just a bit But instead the durn itch grows just like the digit That caused these rhoids, that's...

2 years ago
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Haven And Inessa Flex Their Friendship

"Heidi, hurry up and go after her," Inessa advised me, leaning to me. "Don't let her get away.""I'm naked, though.""Who cares? The woman you love is getting away," Haven whined, waving her hands at me.I bit down on my bottom lip, but after twenty seconds, they both got up and shoved me towards the door. I felt to be in a sauna, but I had to make a move."Fuck it, I love you two," I muttered before I walked out of the apartment. "Hey, Skylar!" I yelled, going after her.She turned to...

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Being Taught By Haven And Inessa

"Holy shit, I'm here," I muttered, pulling into the complex. "I've never been so conflicted in my life: I want them, but I'm so scared that they'll bust me. I just saw them in the bathroom a few hours ago, but now I'm parking my car in front their building in the same dress."I turned off my car, but I failed to take my key out or undo my seatbelt. My eyes widened as much as they could and I lied back too. I just tried to relax and let my nerves calm down. It seemed pointless at the ten minute...

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It started out innocently enough. But I guess they all do. I work in computer tech support for a major research university. As part of my job, I deal with a lot of graduate students. These kids are in their early to mid-twenties, some eight to ten years younger than me. But I'm close enough in age to them that we get along, go out for beers after work sometimes, etc. I'm friendly enough with all of them, maybe a little friendlier to the cute females. But hey, I'm a committed girl-watcher;...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13 E07 Penny Havers 19 from Belfast NI

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a stereotypical concrete council estate. Back in the 1960s, on paper, this probably looked like a futuristic worker’s paradise, but right now, in reality, it just looks boring and grim. Grim people walking by grim buildings on grim streets. Then another grim looking figure – short, fat, hairy and decidedly ugly ... It’s our regular male host, the Cockney geezer called Dennis, the owner of the lady pleaser – the Doberman named Romeo ......

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Hentai Haven

HentaiHaven! Do you ever wish that you lived in a Hentai Haven? Be careful what you wish for. It is a freaky animated world full of horny tentacled creatures and busty demons that turn into peanut butter after you finish fucking them. It’s all fair game in this haven; do you dare visit?Well, if you want to cream your pants to unique hentai content, I say take that fucking dare! And if you think that you can handle sexy as fuck hentai content that will drain your balls, you have come to the...

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Its Nothing That You Havent Seen Before

Introduction: My ex-wife invited me to go camping with her and our son. Fbailey story number 681 Its Nothing That You Havent Seen Before We had been divorced for two years when I got a call from Charlotte, that she wanted me to go camping with her and our son. I said no but she always could be persistent. Eventually I gave in just to shut her up. Charlotte had it in her mind that we were going to backpack into some wilderness and survive off the land for ten days. Yeah, right! That bitch...

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A Woman in Full Sharons Jounry Continues Part III Haves and HaveNots

A Woman in Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part III - Haves and Have-Nots Wednesday was market day, the day the Farmer's Market took over Union Square. Sharon loved shopping there because it was a source for wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables. She knew most of the merchants by name, and they looked forward to seeing her each week. More often than not, Julie joined her, but today she was alone. As she crossed 17th Street, she saw a homeless man sitting up against the...

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Spying On Haven And Inessa

I peeked at them. 'Oh, there they are, Haven and Inessa,' I thought, strolling by them.Even as I passed, my eyes failed to part from them.I stopped in a corner and continued to eyeball them. 'Wow, a gorgeous brunette white lady with a pretty black woman with curly black hair. They are both in their low twenties and stunning too. Just kiss each other, I just know that you two are a couple,' I thought, licking my lips. 'Oh, their cotton thongs are sticking out as their butts are together. Bright...

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The Haven

-1- Denise and Henry, mom and son, crashed through their bedroom kissing like crazed honeymooners. They attempted to spend a couple hours at the beach, playing in the ocean, but their lust for one another was too powerful. Denise wanted to have sex at the beach; Henry preferred somewhere less public. Denise rolled her eyes at her son, grabbed his hand and led him to their home a few hundred yards away. Her bikini top fell off, her bottoms torn off, Henry’s swim trunk removed, all...

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