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It started out innocently enough. But I guess they all do.
I work in computer tech support for a major research university. As part of my job, I deal with a lot of graduate students.
These kids are in their early to mid-twenties, some eight to ten years younger than me. But I'm close enough in age to them that we get along, go out for beers after work sometimes, etc. I'm friendly enough with all of them, maybe a little friendlier to the cute females. But hey, I'm a committed girl-watcher; it's what I do.
But in six years, I had never gone past looking, and maybe an occasional flirt once in a while. After all, I'm a married man, so anything else would be out of the question.
Or at least was, until I met Keri.
She's a second year grad student, at the younger end of the spectrum I deal with -- 22 or 23. A beautiful Chinese-American, she has long jet-black hair and gorgeous mocha-colored eyes. She's taller than most of the Asian students I've known, only four inches or so shorter than my six feet.
She's what you would call "solidly built," particularly considering her ethnicity. Certainly not fat; but broad in the shoulders and upper body, with an impressive chest and a firm, nicely rounded ass.
OK, like I said, I'm a girl-watcher. So I had noticed all of these things before this particular Monday. In fact, I had known Keri, at least casually, for about a year at that point.
Her lab was moving into some new digs, and she sent me an email on Friday afternoon saying that they needed about a 40 foot Cat5 cable -- commonly called a "network cable" -- because one of the computers was being positioned rather distant from a network jack.
We don't normally keep cables that length around, but it's a simple matter to make one. All you do is crimp the connectors onto each end of a raw cable cut to that length.
So, I sent an email to Keri, letting her know that I'd make a cable for her, and bring it to the lab on Monday.
She responded with:
Thanks -- you are a doll. --Keri :)
A "doll?" I thought. A little odd, since I wasn't usually that familiar with Keri, or with most of the students I worked with. But, I didn't really think much of it, as the day got busy and it flew out of my head.
Monday morning, cable made, I headed up to Keri's lab. She again acted very appreciative, as if I was doing her a personal favor instead of simply doing the job I was paid to do.
"Since you're here," she said, "maybe you can help me run the cable." She explained that they wanted to run the cable up one wall, through the acoustic tile ceiling, and down the lab's opposite wall.
Now, we're not really supposed to run cables through the ceiling. But like I said, I'm friendlier to the cute ones, and so I agreed.
I climbed up on a chair, and started feeding the cable into the ceiling. Keri stood in front of me, holding the chair steady.
This had the additional result of putting my crotch directly at her face level, though I didn't think about that at first.
The chair was a bit wobbly, and as I continued feeding cable into the ceiling, she moved the palms of her hands flat against the chairback to steady it. I felt her fingers brush against my jeans, on my inner thigh, lightly. Without glancing down, I assumed that it was an accidental touch.
When the chair wobbled again, her fingertips grazed my leg again, this time a bit harder and a bit higher. I automatically glanced down and she withdrew her fingers. "Oops," she said, smiling at me. There was a glimmer in her eye that said maybe she wasn't that sorry about it, and I felt my cock pulse in my jeans.
When her eyes automatically moved to my crotch, I knew the movement hadn't gone unnoticed, and I quickly returned my attention to the ceiling. A blush spreading over my face, I finished feeding the cable up into the ceiling.
"Now we need to pull it down from the other side," I said, hopping off the chair. On the opposite side of the lab, I climbed up on the countertop and moved one of the ceiling tiles aside, poking my head up into the stale air above the ceiling.
When it became obvious that I needed another pair of hands to help move some of the cables that were already up there, Keri climbed up and stood on the counter next to me.
She stuck her head up through the same 18" square that my head was poking through, and I suddenly became quite aware that she and I were sharing the same personal space. In fact, most of the right side of her body -- from her knee to her shoulder, more or less -- was pressing against the left side of mine. I was acutely aware of her hip pressing into my own. I could smell the shampoo she'd used that morning -- apparently, something citrus-scented.
As we fished the cable through the ceiling, my arousal grew. At some point, the cable snagged on a ceiling brace in front of us. Keri reached with her right arm and stretched out in front of me. I could clearly feel her full breast pushed against my side, just above my ribcage, and my cock snapped to full attention, uncomfortably trapped in my jeans.
Once we got the cable pulled all the way through, we climbed down from the bench. My restricted cock was still at full attention, and I was quite uncomfortable in Keri's presence. We got the computer connected, and I was quick to make my departure, cock still straining against the denim, nostrils still filled with the sweet smell of her hair.
I made it through the rest of the day in a bit of a fog, and that night made wild love to my wife, all the while thinking of a stacked Chinese girl with jet-black hair.
The next day when I got to work, I had the following email from Keri:
Thanks again for your help yesterday, I really appreciate it. You're the best!!
I'm wondering if you'd be able to help me get some loooong cable installed at my apartment. I don't know anyone else qualified enough to install such a long cable, and I can't do it alone. I could feed you dinner -- homemade Chinese! -- or something in exchange.
The double entendres were impossible to miss, and I reread the email several times, while my dick again swelled in my pants. Was she really asking what I thought she was asking? Was it completely innocent and she really just needed computer help?
I finally decided that it was somewhere in between, that she probably did need some help and was just flirting a bit, having some fun with me. I emailed her back for more info, and found out that she did have a legitimate need. She had just gotten cable modem service at home, and the only cable TV outlet in her apartment was in the family room. Problem was, she wanted to move her computer to a desk in her bedroom, and needed a way to get a connection between the two rooms without running cables all across the floor.
I called my wife and found out she was going out with some girls after work. Grinning, I decided that if Keri wanted to have a little fun, so would I. I still thought it was mostly innocent at this point, as I typed out my reply:
No problem, I can help you out tonight after work. Dinner sounds great, I love to eat Chinese.
I'll be sure to bring my long cable. How's 6:30 sound??
Keri responded in the affirmative, and I spent the rest of the day being alternately amused and aroused by the situation.
I got to Keri's place at 6:30 sharp, a 100' Cat5 cable slung over my shoulder. She lived in one of the newer garden-style apartment complexes near campus, on the top floor.
She opened the door with a smile, wearing what were obviously exercise clothes. She had on a delicious pair of short grey shorts, exposing her alabaster long legs. Up top, she wore a ribbed grey tank with "UCLA" spread across the material, her tits stretching out the fabric.
"My undergrad alma mater," she explained, following my gaze. I felt my neck and face heat a bit, caught staring at her chest. "Come on in, she said, swiveling to walk back into the apartment. I chuckled as I saw the back of her shorts -- they read "BRUINS" in block letters across her ass.
"Can't fault your school spirit, that's for sure," I said. She looked back over her shoulder and blushed, the pink color very evident on her pale skin.
"Sorry for the casual attire," she said, as I followed her into the family room. "I went to a yoga class at the rec center and just got home. Didn't even get to take a shower."
"No problem," I said. "No need to dress up for me." I looked around the room, which had crown moldings at the top of the walls, a fireplace, and a sliding glass door on the back wall leading out to a 3rd-floor balcony. Behind me, a pass-through window led through to a large, sparkling-clean kitchen. A half-open door on my left appeared to lead into a bedroom; another led into a half bathroom.
"This place is great," I said. "I thought all you grad students were starving."
Adorably, she blushed again. "Daddy's money," she admitted. "Our deal was that if I got a fellowship in a lab to pay for my tuition, he'd cover living expenses."
"Good deal," I said, nodding.
"Definitely. And since you mentioned starving, unless you are, I thought we'd get the dirty work out of the way first."
"Sounds good to me."
Keri showed me the particulars of her setup. The cable company's modem was stacked on top of her TV, connected to a splitter and then to the coax outlet in the wall.
"I've already moved my computer in here," she said, leading me to the bedroom, or more accurately a bedroom suite. An open doorway on the far wall led into a large-looking bathroom. Keri had a new-looking Dell set up on a small desk in one corner of the room. There was a skimpy green lace nightie strewn across the foot of the bed, and a pair of black silk panties on the floor next to the bed. I was distracted and not listening when she continued talking.
"Huh?" I said, turning my attention back to Keri.
The hint of a smile crept up around her lips, and she repeated herself. "I said, if you open that closet behind you, you'll see where the attic door is."
I swung the door open, revealing a large walk-in closet and, on the ceiling, a square trap-style door leading up into the attic. "This will work," I said. "What we'll do is drill small holes in the ceiling above your TV and above your computer. Then, I'll go up into the attic and you can feed the cable to me from down here, I'll take it to the family room, and feed it back down to you from there."
Keri had a nice Makita cordless drill, making easy work of the holes in the ceiling. I stood on a chair to reach the family room ceiling, and again she did her "I better hold the chair for you" trick, her fingers gently stroking my thighs. "Looks like you really know how to drill a hole," she said, her eyes sparkling.
In the bedroom, I offered to let her take care of the hole in that ceiling, and this time I held the chair for her. Keri's eyes widened as I gently brushed my fingers across her bare knees, and the drill wobbled a bit in her hands. When she hopped down from the chair, her breasts bounced nicely beneath the tank top, and I could see her erect nipples pressing against the middle of the 'U' and the middle of the 'A' across her chest.
I dragged the chair over into her closet, and kicked off my shoes. Hopping up on the chair, I slid the attic trap door aside. I was just tall enough that my head and shoulders protruded into the attic, and I took a look around. It was almost completely empty, with only a few boxes pushed into one corner.
"I can't even climb up there without a ladder," Keri said. "My dad threw those boxes up there when I moved in."
I nodded. "I can haul myself up here without one, I think. It's a good workout anyway."
"I'll help boost you," Keri said, standing in front of me and putting her hands on my knees. "On the count of three?"
"Sure," I said, bracing my arms on the rim of the attic opening.
"One... two... three!"
As I hauled my upper body into the attic, Keri pushed on my legs. Problem was, she pushed too much "forward" and not enough "upward," so my waist bent and my legs swung away from her, just a little bit. This caused her hands to slide up my jean-covered legs rather quickly, the friction heating my thighs. Before I really knew what had happened, the palms of her hands were directly on top of the front pockets of my jeans, with her thumbs pressing directly on my cock.
My cock, already semi-stiff, swelled to full erection under Keri's touch. Involuntarily, I moaned softly, and Keri jerked her hands away, apologizing. This caused my lower body to swing back towards her, my hard cock bumping directly into her face!
Absolutely throbbing by this point, I hauled myself up into the attic. Keri recovered enough to push again, this time keeping her hands firmly on my shins, and I was able to swing my entire body up into the attic.
There was a small plywood platform built around the attic opening, and I rolled over onto it, on my stomach. My erection butted up uncomfortably against the surface, and I reached down to adjust Mr. Happy into a better position. Putting my face down through the opening, I looked at Keri. "Are you OK?" I asked.
She was beet red, flushed from her face down her neck, and across the exposed top of her chest, and the swells of her tits. I could see straight down into her cleavage, practically to her nipples.
"I'm -- I'm fine," she stammered. "I was just... surprised," she said.
"You and me both," I said, grinning. "Let's just say we're not going to win any contests for graceful entry into an attic."
"You got that right. But we might get points for style or... effect," she said, grinning. Now it was my turn to blush.
I moved over to the hole we had drilled in her bedroom ceiling, taking care to step only on the joists in the attic. My erection still throbbed in my pants, and I suspected my wife would get another solid workout tonight, if she didn't come home too drunk.
Keri fed the cable up into the attic from below, never missing a chance for a little innuendo ("I can't find the hole... oh, there it is.") and then I pulled it to the opposite side of the attic.
Crouching down above the hole in her family room ceiling, I gave her a little of her own medicine back. "This hole is almost too small for this big cable," I said. "Oh wait, with a little force, it slides right in."
By the time I went back over to crawl down out of the attic, I was dusty, sweaty, and still rock hard. I swung my legs down through the opening, and Keri grabbed my ankles to guide my feet to the chair. She must have been leaning in on purpose, because as I lowered myself down through the trap door, my crotch brushed against her face once again.
She was grinning at me like the Cheshire cat when I hopped down off the chair, and we moved into the family room to connect the cable to the cable modem.
Keri had a good-sized entertainment center in the corner of the room, and I leaned over it to grab the cable extending from the ceiling. I couldn't quite see around the back to where the connection needed to be made. Keri said "Let me see," and leaned into me to look, her firm breasts mashed against my back. I could feel her erect nipples poking me, and her hand brushed against my ass as she looked.
"I think I can get to it from the other side," she said, and she moved around the left rear of the entertainment center, motioning for me to hand her the cable. I swear she stroked it slightly, looking at me to make sure I noticed. She leaned over to connect the cable, giving me a delicious view of her breasts hanging free and braless, the complete upper sides of her tits visible inside her tank top.
The cable snapped into place with an audible -click-, and we moved back to her bedroom to connect the other end. On my knees, I crawled under her desk to connect the cable to the back of her PC. Keri leaned over the desk to feed the cable down to me, and placed one foot between my own. I could feel her bare shin pressed against my left ass cheek, and my cock lurched.
Because of the way her desk was built, the PC was in a small enclosure on the right, and I couldn't get my hand behind it enough to connect the cable. (Admittedly, I was also distracted by what Keri was doing behind me.) I mentioned that maybe she could try, she had smaller hands than I did.
Of course, thinking about viewing her on her hands and knees was part of my decision to trade places so quickly. She agreed, and dropped down beneath the desk. I simply admired the view, her "BRUINS" shorts riding high up her thighs, and my cock got even harder.
"I can't reach it either," she said from beneath the desk. "Can you scoot the PC forward a bit?"
"Oh yeah, good idea." Scooting the PC forward a few inches would give Keri more room to get her hand behind it.
Problem was, Keri was on her hands and knees to the left of the PC. To the right of the PC was a wall. Which meant, that to lift the computer and pull it out a few inches, I was going to have to be on my knees as well, next to Keri, leaning across that gorgeous ass.
Not really a problem for Mr. Happy; he was all excited about it.
Dropping back down to a kneeling position, I moved over and leaned across Keri's legs, trying to avoid any direct contact between my crotch and her body. My crotch was about three inches directly behind her ass. I pulled the PC out a few inches.
"How about now," I said. "Can you get it?"
"Almost..." she said. "Just about... a couple of inches more," she said. Then, suddenly, she moved backwards and pushed her ass directly into my crotch!
I exhaled, and nearly dropped the PC. On some primal instinct, I said, "Here, let me help," and I pushed my cock harder against her ass. At the same time, I lifted the PC up a little higher. "Get it?"
I think I heard Keri moan softly, and then the -click- as the cable snapped home. "That did it," she said from under the desk, as I set the PC back down in its original location. I clambered to my feet and extended a hand to Keri, helping her up. She was blushing again; I probably was too.
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EroticMy ears had barely registered the sound of the rifle shot when the second man's head exploded in red. Just as I heard the second crack, the third man's head also turned red. The third rifle report hadn't even died out when Sammie and Cindi each grabbed a sword and killed the man nearest them. Out of the corner of her eye, Cindi saw Amy fighting for her life, dueling with one of the men. I saw Cindi pull her arm back, raise the sword over her shoulder, and fling it forward, hurling it...
Maira naam Jameela riaz hai,age 33 saal hai.shadi ko 12 saal ho chukay hain aur 2 bachay hain. meray sohar aik piyaar kernay walay mard hain. Mera breast size 36 hai, weight 61 Kg aur 5.6 feet height hai.white color aur hips say zara upper hairs hain.lips Indian actress Kangna Ranoot say bohot miltay hain. ab main asal kahani ki taraf aatihun. aik din rooz k maamul ki tarhan bachay school aur shohar kaam py gay huay thay, main room ko clean krnay main masruuf thi k fone ki ring bajji ……. Dusri...
Today I went to get my belly button done. I am 18 a DD and shortish and brunette. As I walked into the store I saw the girl that was going to do it. Mid 20's sexy slim with just the right sized boobs. She led me to a room in the back. I was shaking from the nerves of getting it done. She stood me in the middle of the room and I had to lift up my dress. I was blushing bright red,of corse I had to have warn my see though pink panties that day. I saw her starring and I thought nothing of it. Then...
LesbianThe lightning cracked across the darkening sky as the maelstrom approached. The smell of rain filled the evening air and drifted across our senses. Sitting on the hood of the car, Kim and I watched the storm get closer. With each boom, Kim's brown eyes widened. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Turning to look back at the storm, I watched the rolling clouds as they fought for position. Like lovers in bed, the clouds tossed and tumbled over each other. Sheets thrown across the room, bodies...
My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...
“Hello, Dear. Won’t you come in? We’ve been expecting you. Is everything all right? The message you sent me seemed to lack coherence and I’m afraid there were several terms used with which I am not comfortable. Refined young ladies do not speak in those terms.” Cheryl declined to respond, but took a seat, anyway. Her mother continued. “And who is this lovely young lady you have brought along?” “This is Daphne. She is Mark’s secretary and lover and the first of his invited harem.” “I...
As 4pm rolls around, I’m already filing away Stacy’s mounds of documents, then jotting down a memo for myself of all the things I need to get done over the weekend. Being an assistant wasn’t exactly what I had planned after graduating college with a degree in Art, but when Smith Studios closed …the job I had lined up went with it. Working for Stacy Ward isn’t all too bad, and it’s a means to an end for the time being. ‘Amelia?’ I look up from my desk to see Stacy powering down her computer. I...
This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Ramesh had arranged for a car for Vijay to leave. Tanika felt so much closer to Ramesh after the anniversary event. She squeezed his crotch one last time as she leaned against his chest. Tanika’s breasts were pressed against Ramesh’s chest. Being his daughter-in-law, she knew how to repay him for all the favors he had done for her. Maybe she could make him moan with another amazing blowjob. She giggled as she felt his...
Taboo Orgy 5The smell of sex was very noticeable and so were all the noises coming from the women.Karen first looked at Jenny who was on the floor pumping her hips up into Ann’s hands and was shocked and amazed at what they were doing that her own cunt started to respond.She had one hand to the side of her opened mouthed face and had the other pressing against her cunt for fear that she may have wet herself through her dress and someone might see. Her eyes then turned to Kevin who looked...
Me and my partner Tim got invited to a mates party,so I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body making sure I gave my pussy a good clean cause I was planning on breaking his ute in after the party. I got out while he jumped in after me and put on my red lacy bra and matching g-string(the one that he bought for me on my birthday), I was going to wear my jeans but changed my mind cause I remembered that he like seeing me wear my ass tight black pants that tie up on each side and and a...
Group SexI woke with the sun coming through the curtains, it warmed my face as I opened my eyes realizing I was still naked from playing last night. I got up and picked up my strapless dress from the ground walking into my bathroom, I needed to clean up before my friend Kim came over. I stepped into the steamy shower and letting the water flow over my breasts and my ass. I stood there in the water as it splashed onto my face.I opened the door to my bedroom and walked out with the steam of the shower...
LesbianJay’s turn: And so it starts. It’s one thing to run the roads with somebody like Lena and I have been doing, basically on a loose schedule, talking, nothing more critical than not becoming a traffic statistic. It’s entirely another when you have to treat your new wife as a green as grass employee who needs to spin up pretty fast into handling the documents for a good-sized construction project. I saw the first indication that things might be better than I thought when she pulled out a...
My name is Barbara Luttice My name is Marla Eton.? I?m a 43-year-old Briton, currently living what I consider to be my dream life with Julio, a considerate, handsome, late-thirty-something Italian university art history instructor and avid painter, here in sunny Italy.? Ever since my stressful divorce from a Fleet Street solicitor four years ago, I?ve lived here in the beautiful Tuscan countryside, an hour?s drive from Florence, were I now work part-time as a visiting professor of...
while enjoying one of many trips to Aruba, my wife and I found ourselves at my friends condo with only one other person in the pool area. It was a young man in his early teens and he was very cute. My wife commented on how adorable he was. she got extremely horny and I began rubbing her back and shoulders with oil as she watched this k** play in the pool. she caught his eye and smiled at him several times and he finally overcame any shyness and walked over to say hi.We exchanged some small talk...
The phone rings and I sleepily reach over to answer it. Who would be calling me at this hour? I looked at the clock. It read Five AM. I pick up the receiver and answer with a half asleep tone in my voice. "Hello?" "Slave I want you prepared for my return. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Master." I reply. Now fully awake. "Good." He says and hangs up. I could not have gone back to sleep if I wanted to. The tone in Master's voice had been very harsh. He did not sound happy at all. I...
Angie Lee was due in from the states soon and John was certainly happy about seeing his wife after a five month separation. He was a bit apprehensive about how she was going to fit in with his new friends. He was sexually involved with my wife Dot and her best friend Goody. At twenty-something she was engaged to be married, but he disappeared one day. Much as she tried, she didnt think she would ever find her Prince Charming. All of the good men were married. She was easily attracted to men....
At the end of my first episode, I was looking forward to further naked exposures and masturbation with Pat watching. However progress was put on hold for a while. Firstly, Pat finished her secretarial course, and got a job, meaning that it was no longer possible to repeat these "showings" after school, during the week, and usually I was not alone at home over the weekend. For my part, my final exams had just about arrived, and I needed to try to concentrate on these, which were, in fact,...
FetishMonica Sheppard lived across the street. She had always been amiable toward my dear wife and me. After Joan had passed away, she'd come over every chance she could to check in on me. Neither of us had any inkling as to the events which would profoundly affect the two of us.The summer of her eighteenth year had marked two years since my wife, Joan’s passing. Our house’s sat directly across from each other and from the living room, I could see her bedroom window. I knew this because I had seen...
ReluctanceMy name was Roy and You were my mom you were cute blond with blue eyes, and you knew I was getting bullied by a kid named Peter. You were obviously concerned for me because you were my mom. You of course invited him over for a discussion on the matter. He knocks at the door, and you answer the door. It shocked you at how hot he was you said “please come in let’s talk.” “Please take a seat” you offer Peter to take a seat. He takes a seat, and waits for you to say something. You sit next to him,...
MILFYou are sat on the couch watching a day time game show on your TV whilst idly surfing the internet on your laptop your eyes regularly glancing at the clock in the corner of the screen. Your new roommate was moving in today you were forced to advertise online to find someone to live with wince in your first year of College you hadn't managed to make any friends, largely due to your own shyness, apart from the fact that it was a woman moving in you new little about the person who would soon be...
TeenCursed! by Eddie Glover part 1 Tommy Thompson frowned as he ran home from football practice. He wanted to go out tonight with his girlfriend Megan but this was the night of the full moon. Unlike the rest of his family who only changed form upon their strange curses, he changed into a gorgeous red-headed woman whenever he uttered a profanity....or under the full moon. Needless to say this curtailed his social life on those nights. He walked in the front door of his...
Hello friends! Mera naam Aaditya hai. Main abhi IIT Delhi se engineering kar raha hu aur sath hi UPSC ki bhi taiyari kar raha hun. Main hamesha ISS se kahani padhta tha. Isiliye apni kahani bhi share kar raha hu taki aaplog maze le sako. Ye meri last story ka dusra part hai. Usme maine bataya tha ki kaise mujhe Pooja jaisi jabardast maal ko chodne ka mauka mila. Aur bahar ghumne jane ke bajay hum dono room mein hi ruk gaye. 1 baje honge tab room pe knock hui. Pooja ne kaha – Suhasi hogi. Tum...
Blonde Russian stunner Kaisa Nord is the kind of client every handyman dreams of. The seductress is known to slink around scantily clad when the hired help is around and in today’s Hands On Hardcore premium porn masterpiece she’s in a barely-there bikini when her gardener, David Perry, is on the property. To get his attention the blue-eyed glamour pornstar gets into her birthday suit before making her approach and David’s cock easily pops out of his pants and into her mouth,...
xmoviesforyouMy name's Lucy. I used to be so straight. I can hardly believe it now. It seems like another life. I guess it all started when I was eighteen. I have always been blessed with good looks. I wore my hair up in a tight blonde pony tail. I was always well turned out and made up. Looking back on it, I guess I was a bit stuck up and thought myself a bit special. I know quite a few boys did too. They were always hitting on me and trying to get into my knickers, but I was not having it. It was only a...
John took his usual path along the rising trail on his weekly walk in the hills surrounding the town. He was a fit mid thirty something man worked hard as a tradesman who enjoyed the quiet of the countryside on the weekends. He enjoyed a bit of fishing and shooting but mostly to get out in the fresh air and hear nothing but the sounds of nature. The trail headed up a slightly sloping path along a tree line with some rocky outcrops where he would take a quick break either on the way up or on the...
VoyeurOn those days I was a bit aggressive in bed with my loving hubby. Several times I woke Victor in the early hours by my soft insistent wet mouth working his cock to full erection and then climbing on top of him as I rode myself to orgasm, almost disregarding his desire... But I was still horny after a good morning fuck. I needed more…I told Victor that a new manager had taken his new position at my office; but I never told him that this man was a middle aged black man; self-confident, smart and...
Hello friends, mera naam Viraaj hai or mai apne bare me kuchh batana chahta hoon, meri umra 20 saal ki hai, mere ghar me mai or meri do bahane, mom-dad sab milake panch log rahte hai. Meri chhoti bahan 12 vi me padhti hai or wo hostel mai rahti hai. Or meri badi bahan ghar se hi college par jati hai. Or wo kariban 2 saal muzsr badi hai. Mai sex story kabhi kabhi hi padhta kyu ki muze sex ka bahoot shokh hai or mai khud ko rok nahi pata. Ye baat kuchh 2 saal purani hai, mai aise hi ku6 google...
Back when I was 19, something happened that changed my relationship with one of my older cousins. It was summer, only a few months ago and our families decided to go camping up in the mountains. This wasn't going to be some wild rugged excursion though. There was a resort and water park where other families stayed and we were going to be renting a couple of mountain lodges nearby. We had all gone once before on a day trip so generally knew what to expect. I was very excited about the trip...
VANISHED INTO THIN AIR John Bailey was content with life. He was married to a marvellous woman, Moira, and after four years they suddenly had a windfall that only happens to other people, never to yourself. Moira's uncle had died, don't get him wrong, he was sad that anyone should pass away, but Moira was working in his multi-million business as his assistant. Now she was the boss, becoming a majority shareholder. She ran the company for some eighteen months, then the business...
I have always loved being nude and exploring different ways of pleasing myself by putting objects up my ass. One night I was out on this old country road riding my bike nude and noticed the seat was loose, so I worked it off to see if I could fix it. I started looking at the post and it looked like it might be fun to ride with it shoved up my ass. Relising that it could hurt me I place a large shop towel that I folded several time over post and sat down on it. The towel was to thick to enter my...