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Inexplicable By Morpheus I was at the edge of the high school courtyard, sitting on a concrete ledge next to some planters that looked down on nearly everything. My feet dangled nearly a foot above the ground, which somehow made me feel as though I was even higher up than I actually was. The extra height made me feel almost as though I was separate from the throng, as though I were an impartial observer watching over the crowd. I continued to people watch while I ate my lunch, something that I liked to do several times a week. I liked people and got along with them well enough in general, but sometimes it just felt nice to sit back and observe without actually being involved. It gave me time to be alone with my thoughts and just relax. My name is Steve Colby and I am a 16 year old high school student, just like everyone in the crowd I was looking over. I'm 6 foot 1 and slender though fairly athletic rather than just being a beanpole, so had the kind of build that was usually referred to as being 'wiry'. Once I finished eating I just sat there for another minute, wishing I had my guitar with me so I could practice. I wasn't a great guitar player yet, but I was pretty damn decent if I did say so myself. My hope was to get a little better and then maybe even join a band. I had no illusions about becoming a rock star or anything, though I couldn't help but having a few day dreams. Then I noticed a large guy coming towards me, immediately recognizing him. Curtis was a couple inches taller than me and twice as wide, his size making him a powerful force to be reckoned with come football or wrestling season since he was on both teams. I hopped off the ledge and stood there to meet Curtis. Curtis stopped in front of me and sneered, "I'm gonna kick your ass after school..." "You and what army?" I responded defiantly. "I don't need one to crush you," Curtis told me with a smug confidence. "You are going down..." "Bring it," I offered, gesturing for him to come at me. Curtis stared at me for a moment with a threatening expression before he burst out laughing. "Dude, I can't wait to beat you with that new game you got... My bud Miles has the same game so I've been practicing... You barely beat me last time, so this time you don't have a chance..." "I've been practicing too," I smirked, "I mean... I do own the game..." "Bite me," Curtis grinned back at me. "We'll see who wins tonight..." With that Curtis turned to leave, then paused to look back. "I'll bring the snacks..." Then he laughed and continued on his way. I watched Curtis leave and shook my head at the very idea of him beating me. After all, I had a little more practice with the latest combat simulation video game, though admittedly not a whole lot more. Still, I was sure it was more than enough to take him down. Then I turned and began walking across the courtyard, quickly noticing another of my friends a short distance away. Zeke was short and skinny, had thick glasses, and looked something like the stereotype of a nerd. However I knew better as did nearly every would be bully in school. Zeke was really into the whole mixed martial arts thing and the last guy who'd tried getting physical with him had ended up with a dislocated shoulder. I sometimes even wondered if Zeke intentionally played up his whole nerd look just to draw bullies into his clutches. "Hey," I greeted Zeke with a grin. "Hey Steven," Zeke responded, using my full name instead of just calling me 'Steve' like everyone else. I think he did it just to mess with me a little. "So what's up?" I asked, taking a seat beside him. "Not much," Zeke answered, pausing just a moment before adding, "but you know they're airing that new UFC tournament on pay-per-view Sunday. Why don't you come over and watch it with me?" "Sounds cool," I told him. "But I think my dad plans on having me do some yard work..." I gave a slightly exaggerated grimace at that, knowing it would be hard talking my dad out of the chores once he'd made up his mind. "I'll have to get back to you on if I'm able to come or not..." Zeke nodded. "Okay. But if you do come, don't get there too early. I've got my jujitsu class..." Zeke and I continued talking for a minute until someone else I knew came towards us. Jen was a very pretty girl with red hair the shade that people sometimes referred to as 'Ginger' hair. She was also my girlfriend... sort of. We'd gone on a few dates but didn't have any sort of official relationship. It was more like being causal friends with a few dates thrown in though I did hope for more. "Ah, the lovely Jennifer," Zeke said to Jen when she reached us. Jen just smiled at me. "Hey Steve..." Then she looked at Zeke and said, "Hi Toad..." However she was still smiling pleasantly as she said it and he didn't take any offense. After all she'd once told him that she'd keep calling him Toad until he started calling her Jen instead of Jennifer and it had become a sort of game between them. "Ugh," Jen shook her head, "Mr. Drake assigned our class another history report over the weekend..." "Do you need some help?" Zeke asked her. Jen gave him a steady look for a moment. "I don't think so... Not from you at least. The last time you helped me in history you told me that Thomas Edison invented the first car... Do you know how stupid that made me look when I put that in my report?" "Well," Zeke responded with mock innocence, "I guess it's a lesson in actually reading your own material..." I just laughed at that. "He does have a point." "Oh shut up." Jen gave me a half-hearted glare. "Anyway," I shrugged, "I was wondering if you want to go out again..." Jen hesitated for only a moment before nodding. "Sure... I'd love to..." Jen and I began making plans for our date, deciding on a time to meet up, while Zeke kept trying to invite himself along or make it a double date... which meant Jen would have to talk one of her friends into going too. I liked Zeke, but certainly didn't want him along on my date and fortunately, neither did Jen. We were just finishing up when the warning bell rang, announcing that lunch was over and that we had 5 minutes before our next class started. I said good-bye to Jen then hurried off in the opposite direction with Zeke since the two of us had the same class together. A short time later I was sitting in class with my algebra textbook open in front of me. I stared at the pages with a deep scowl, trying to make out the mysterious code and shaking my head in annoyance at how little it made sense. Math was definitely my least favorite subject, though ironically this was actually my favorite class of the day, due entirely to my teacher Mrs. Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell was the hot teacher that nearly every boy in school had a crush on and most girls were jealous of. She was a gorgeous brunette with a killer figure and what were rumored to be DD cup breasts. Mrs. Mitchell also always wore professional clothes, so it was hard to really get a good look at her figure. In fact she tended to dress more professional than most of the other teachers at school, probably because at 29 years old she was the youngest teacher and wanted to be taken seriously. At the moment, she was wearing black heels, a knee length skirt, and a blouse with jacket. A pair of stylish glasses helped finishing off the image. "I have the results from yesterday's test," Mrs. Mitchell said a she began walking through the class handing out the tests. "Some of you could use a little more practice, but no one actually failed this time..." Mrs. Mitchell set my test in front of me and gave me a faint smile before moving on to the next student. I looked at it and let out a sigh of relief. I had a C minus... which wasn't great, but it was better than what I'd earned on my last test. "Math just isn't my thing," I mused, leaning back and looking around the classroom, trying to guess what people got from the looks on their faces. Of course some were pretty obvious as they were waving their tests around or telling the people next to them. I wasn't exactly eager to brag about my score, though at least it wasn't something to really be ashamed of either. "So what did you get?" Zeke asked me. I held up my test paper so he could see the grade, then he held his up for me to see, smirking as he did so. "Kiss ass," I told him with a grin. After a minute Mrs. Mitchell returned to the front of the class and called for everyone to quiet down. Once the class was ready she began another lecture on the headache that was algebra. I didn't pay attention to what she was saying, though I was definitely paying attention to her. There was a good reason my most hated subject also happened to be my favorite class. -------------------- I sat on the edge of my bed as I carefully strummed my guitar, trying to get the notes just right. Very little noise actually came out of it because it was currently unplugged. It was pretty late at night and though I was allowed to stay up as late as I wanted on Friday nights, I still had to keep quiet so I didn't wake my folks up. My practice was interrupted by a large yawn that may have been even louder than the sound from my guitar. I paused to rub my eyes, thinking I should probably go to bed real soon. I was getting pretty tired. Of course the freedom to stay up as late as I wanted tonight only encouraged me to stay up as late as I possibly could. After all I could catch up on my sleep by sleeping as late as I wanted too... or at least until my dad decided to kick me out of bed. "Maybe I should go to bed," I mused, knowing that my dad would take great delight in waking me up particularly early if he thought I'd stayed up too late. He'd probably even come up with some obnoxious chores for me to do too. Then I looked over my room, noticing the empty soda cans that were piled up in the corner along with the empty bag of chips. I hadn't gotten around to cleaning up after Curtis left and decided that it could wait a bit longer. Maybe tomorrow... if I remembered. Suddenly I felt extremely dizzy and the world seemed to explode into a flash of light followed by darkness. In just an instant I somehow knew that everything had changed... absolutely EVERYTHING. The room was now dark, though just enough light came from the window that I could make out the shape of things and see that this wasn't my bedroom. Of course the size, shape, and placement of the window told me that too. However I only momentarily noticed all that as I was also aware of other things... such as the fact that I was lying down on a bed and that there was someone on top of me. My entire body felt completely and totally different, not to mention flooded with more physical sensations than I could possibly absorb. I was dazed, confused, and in complete sensory overload. My body felt warm, gooey, and tense all at the same time, but also absolutely fantastic. I couldn't explain or even understand the intense pleasurable sensations that flooded through me, but which were focused mostly on my groin and chest. It took me a few moments to realize that the person on top of me was a man and that he was pushing up against my crotch... pushing up INSIDE of me. No, somehow, he was pumping in and out of me and it felt so damn good. I was so overwhelmed by confusion and these sensations that I had absolutely no idea what to think or do. I had absolutely no idea what was going on and could barely even form a coherent thought. And then my body exploded into even more pleasure as wave after wave of ecstasy washed through me. It was sort of like the orgasm I had when I jacked off but ten times better. No... a hundred times better. A thousand... I was absently aware that I had somehow gone from playing guitar in my bedroom to having sex with some guy. But as shocking as that was, even more surprising was the fact that I absolutely loved how it felt. I was so caught up in everything that was happening to me that I couldn't even consider how wrong this was. The man who was fucking me put his hands on my chest and played with my nipples and I gasped at just how good it felt. I loud moan escaped my lips especially as another orgasm was fast approaching. When he pulled his hands away I felt my chest, noticing that I had two large round fleshy mounds pushing out and very sensitive nipples that felt awesome to touch. However as I orgasmed again I grabbed hold of the man on top of me and held him tight, digging my nails into his back until he gasped out as well. Even though the idea of having sex with a man was normally completely and utterly unthinkable, I was so caught up in the moment and the pleasure that I quickly became an active participant, kissing the man and even shifting positions a little for him. Eventually though we were both exhausted and I just lay there beside him, my heart racing as I savored the warm pleasure that still filled my body. "An afterglow," I muttered to myself, smiling as I enjoyed just how good it felt. I'd heard a couple guys talking about an afterglow before, but I never had any real idea of just what that meant. I did sort of feel like I was glowing. Now that we were done, I was able to start thinking again as well as realizing exactly what it was I'd done. I felt stunned that I'd not only just had sex with a guy, but had enjoyed it immensely. I still didn't even have the faintest clue as to what was going on. The man beside me quickly fell asleep and soon began to snore. I was completely exhausted and was on the verge of falling asleep as well. However I was also burning with curiosity and a desire to make some sense of what was going on and what I'd become. I carefully slipped out of bed and out of the bedroom. "Where am I?" I whispered, knowing good and well I wasn't in my own house or even my own body. It had become pretty obvious during what had happened that I had a girl's body. "Who am I?" There was a bathroom right across the hall from the bedroom, so I went in and turned on the light, then turned to look at myself in the mirror. I immediately saw that I wasn't just a girl but a woman, a grown woman and a gorgeous one at that. I had shoulder length dark hair that was badly mussed from the sex. Then I looked down at myself, seeing that my body definitely matched the face. It was definitely a woman's body, though I'd discovered that first hand in the most awkward way imaginable. I couldn't help but smiling faintly at the memory, even as I winced in embarrassment. "Very nice," I said in admiration, seeing that it was definitely a hot and sexy body. It was a body that could probably have been in Playboy. I cupped my breasts and added, "Damn nice... " Unfortunately I was also covered in bodily fluids which smelled funny and were starting to dry and become uncomfortable. "Gross... " I looked back into the mirror and thought that the face staring back looked familiar somehow. I stared at it for a few more seconds before suddenly realizing where I'd seen that face before. "Mrs. Mitchell," I gasped in surprise. Of course I'd never seen her without the glasses or with her hair so messed up, so she didn't look quite like I was used to. However once I realized who this face belonged to it was obvious. "I've turned into Mrs. Mitchell... " I stared at my reflection then down at my body, shaking my head. "No fucking way... " I felt unsteady on my feet, partly because of the shock and partly because I was just physically tired. At the same time though, my body still felt good and sort of hummed with the residual sexual energy. Now I knew who I was, which made me realize I was probably at Mrs. Mitchell's house... and the man I'd just had sex with was her husband. Unfortunately I still didn't know what the hell was going on or what had actually happened. "Maybe it's a dream," I thought aloud, letting out a yawn. "Yeah... that's it. This has to be a dream..." I looked down at my body again and added, "A very weird dream... " If this was a dream then maybe all I needed to do in order to wake up was pinch myself. I tried that but it didn't work. It just hurt. Since that didn't work, I decided that maybe I just needed to go to sleep here in the dream in order to wake up back in the real world. A minute later, I left the bathroom and crept back into the bedroom. I'd already had sex with the man who was snoring in bed, so just sleeping next to him didn't seem quite so bad in comparison. I climbed into bed and was careful not to touch him, though he didn't seem to have the same consideration since he rolled over and put an arm around me. Strangely, it felt oddly comforting. "It's just a dream," I told myself, thinking about the sex as I closed my eyes and tried willing myself to sleep. "Just a really wet dream... " ------------------- I woke up and memories of the night before immediately came crashing back to me. I grabbed my chest and gulped when I felt the nice soft round breasts. My other hand went between my left and felt the lack of my usual equipment and the slit that was now in its place. "Oh shit," I winced, knowing that it hadn't just been a dream. It was real. It had all really happened. "Oh God... " I immediately felt awash in mixed emotions which made no sense to me. I felt an excited thrill as I remembered how good the sex had felt, but also horrified that it had happened at all, not to mention guilty for the for the fact that I'd enjoyed it. After a minute, I sat up in bed and noticed that I was alone. The man... Mrs. Mitchell's husband was gone, so it was just me, much to my relief. I wasn't up to facing him in the light... or at all. Then I noticed the sex juices had dried all over my body and had become crusty and uncomfortable... not to mention completely and totally disgusting. "Gross," I grimaced. It was with a horrible sinking feeling that I climbed out of bed, feeling a knot in my stomach that almost felt like a lump of lead. I took several deep breaths and tried to catch my balance. At the moment I felt like reality itself had somehow gone off balance on me. "I'm Mrs. Mitchell," I whispered, looking down at myself and feeling a tiny surge of panic. While I was trying make sense of my situation and decide what to do next, I heard noise from outside the room. I could hear the toilet from the bathroom across the hall flushing. The noise was quite common but nearly made me jump, reminding me that I wasn't here alone. It looked like I was going to have to deal with Mr. Mitchell after all. "Gene," I muttered, suddenly realizing that was his name. Mrs. Mitchell must have talked about him in class once or twice and I tried remembering what she'd said, but couldn't. After all I'd never had any reason to care about her husband other than to be a little jealous of him. I wasn't about to go face Gene naked and would have preferred not to face him at all. However it didn't look like I was going to have much choice so I'd prefer it was on my terms... at least as much as possible. Fortunately I found a fuzzy bath robe hanging on the back of the door and a pair of slippers sitting off to the side. At least I wasn't completely naked. I took a deep breath and nervously stepped out of the bedroom, looking down the hall but not seeing Gene. I let out a sigh of relief at that then quickly went across the hall into the bathroom. My bladder was full and demanding relief, though there was another reason I wanted to come in here too. My attention was immediately drawn to the mirror where I looked over my reflection again, gulping as I did so. It had been hard enough to believe it last night and wasn't much easier now. Mrs. Mitchell stared back at me, albeit a Mrs. Mitchell that didn't look nearly as put together as she did in class. I opened the robe up again and ran a hand down my body, feeling my large breasts and shivering slightly at the memory of just how good it had felt to have them played with. I shuddered and tore my attention away from the explorations. This was all so strange and uncomfortable, especially with Gene just a room or two over. I sat down on the toilet and did my business, finding that it felt about the same as normal, though just a bit odd at the same time. However I didn't waste any time dwelling on this and just did my business as fast as I could. Once I was finished in the bathroom I braced myself and went to face Gene. I was more than a little nervous about doing this but knew that I didn't have a lot of choice. Besides, I'd never been one to run away from something that scared me. In fact being scared usually just made me more stubborn. Gene was in the kitchen and when I saw him standing there I froze and stared at him, not sure what to do now. He was kind of handsome with blonde hair and he was tall, about six inches taller than me. Of course I was in Mrs. Mitchell's body now, which meant I was only about 5 foot 8, so that put him about my own normal height if not just a little taller. He was well toned and obviously spent a bit of time in the gym, but I'd been able to tell that last night in the dark. At the moment Gene was already dressed in a pair of nice slacks and a somewhat professional looking shirt. This only made me feel even more self-conscious since I was wearing absolutely nothing but the bath robe. "Ah, the lovely lady Ann," Gene exclaimed when he saw me, giving me a grin and a slight bow. "How'd you sleep?" "All right," I responded hesitantly, not sure how I should act with him. I knew that I was probably blushing like crazy, but he either didn't notice or thought it was appropriate. "I had some strange dreams," I told him to try explaining my awkwardness. "Good ones I hope." Gene winked at me so I smiled back, though doing so somewhat weakly. "I just wish I didn't have to go to work," Gene told me. "I'd rather spend my Saturday here at home with my two favorite ladies... " "Two?" I blinked in confusion. Gene stared at me for a moment then chuckled. "Don't tell me you're jealous of Mina." At the mention of 'Mina', I suddenly remembered that she was Mrs. Mitchell's daughter. She'd mentioned her before in class, a few times in fact. "Well, I've got to go," Gene said, picking up the lunch he'd made himself and then grabbing his jacket. He came over and surprised me with a quick kiss on the lips before rushing out the door, calling out, "I'll see you when I get home..." I watched Gene leave then reached up and touched my lips, hardly able to believe I'd kissed him again. Of course I'd been caught by surprise, but I think I'd sort of enjoyed it too. I shook my head in disbelief. "After last night," I muttered in embarrassment, "a kiss is kind of small change..." Gene was gone, which was sort of a relief for me, but the thought that I was alone in the house with a little girl who would think I was her mom made my heart suddenly jump. I gulped, definitely not liking the idea and being sure that I was in deep trouble. Since I had a little privacy for the moment, I took the opportunity to look around the house, looking into all the rooms, so I wouldn't be caught by any more surprises. While I was doing this, I found Mina's room and was relieved that she was still sleeping. I decided to keep quiet so I could have as much private time as possible. After all I still had no idea what was going on and needed a chance to think. I needed a chance to make sense of this and maybe figure out how to undo it. I sat down and looked myself over, feeling up my body and shaking my head. However I quickly remembered all the stuff that had dried on my skin and knew that I really needed a shower. A few minutes later I was back in the bathroom and climbing into the tub. The hot water felt good running over my body, but I couldn't help but noticing that my skin was a bit more sensitive than normal, especially on my breasts. I blushed as I remembered just how sensitive they'd felt last night. In fact my entire body started to respond just a little bit as I remembered how good the sex had felt and rubbed my nipples. However I tried turning my attention away from that and get back to just washing up. I felt good to get clean again and just a little better about my situation, though not much. All I knew was that I'd suddenly gone from being home to being in Mrs. Mitchell's body in the middle of having sex. I shook my head, thinking that it had been one hell of a welcome. Now that I was clean, I decided that I needed to get dressed. As easy as it would be to just sit around in the fluffy bathrobe, I couldn't just do that. I went back to the bedroom and began looking through the closet and dresser, quickly finding some clothes that wouldn't be too bad. Before long I was dressed, wearing a pair of slacks and a dark blue blouse. Of course I was wearing some underwear as well not to mention a bra which had taken me nearly a minute to figure out. The only thing left to choose were the shoes and there were multiple pairs of those to pick from. On a whim I grabbed a pair of high heels that didn't look too intimidating. "I hope I don't break my neck," I muttered as I took a few experimental steps. I felt a little wobbly at first, but quickly got my balance. After a few minutes, I was walking around the house with the heels on without much problem. Once I was satisfied with the clothes and the fact that I could indeed walk around without falling on my face, I went back to the bathroom and looked myself over in the mirror. I definitely looked a lot more like the Mrs. Mitchell I was used to, though it still wasn't quite there. I brushed my hair which helped, but there were still a couple things missing. Makeup and glasses. "Funny," I mused, realizing that I hadn't been having any problems at all seeing without glasses. A thought suddenly occurred to me that the glasses weren't real... that they were props to make Mrs. Mitchell look more professional. "Maybe..." I didn't dwell on why I didn't seem to need glasses at the moment and instead turned my attention to the lack of makeup. I found all sorts of makeup on the counter and on an impulse began to try it, to see if I could actually make myself look right. I felt self-conscious as I began to experiment, but that didn't stop me. "I hope I'm doing this right," I sighed as I began putting on some eye shadow, not having any real idea of what I was doing only that it seemed to make sense to do it this way. It sort of felt right and that seemed to work out since it looked right too once I was done. Then once I was done with the lipstick as well, I stared at my reflection intently before nodding approval. "I look just like Mrs. Mitchell... " Even though I'd never tried putting on makeup before I'd done quite a good job. In fact I was surprised by just how well I'd done since I'd expected to look like some little girl who'd gotten into her mom's makeup for the first time. Instead I looked like someone who put on makeup every day. I looked like Mrs. Mitchell. Then it suddenly dawned on me that it was a little strange to keep thinking of her as Mrs. Mitchell when I was this intimate with her at the moment. I was in her home, in her body, and I'd even had sex with her husband... as awkward as that was. If all that didn't earn me the right to use her first name I had no idea what would. "Ann," I said experimentally. Then I looked at my reflection and joked, "Hi... I'm Ann Mitchell... Oh... what do I do for a living? I'm a math teacher..." I shook my head at that and suddenly wondered what the hell I was doing. I was somehow stuck in my teacher's body and here I was playing dress-up and goofing around. I should be freaking out or at the very least trying to make some sense of what was going on. Instead I realized that what I'd been doing was distracting myself from the very serious problem I now had. With that in mind I went to the living room and sat down, trying to think about what might have caused this strange situation. I hadn't made any wishes to genies, wishing wells, or anything else that could have been twisted though I might have conceivably made an absent wish at some point to get into her panties. However I hadn't been thinking about Mrs. Mitchell...about Ann last night when this had happened. "God, what would my friends think of this?" I asked myself, wincing at the thought of Curtis, Zeke, or Jen finding out. Jen might actually have been useful in helping me deal with all the girl stuff that I would doubtlessly be faced with if I was in this body for very long, yet I seemed to be managing all right by myself so far. However there was no doubt in my mind that if I told Jen, she'd tease me mercilessly about this and I couldn't imagine Zeke or Curtis being any better. "What could have done this?" I demanded in frustration, looking down at myself and cupping my breasts before adding, "I mean, this isn't even possible... How can something this impossible actually happen?" Just then I heard a voice, though it wasn't answering my question. Instead it was calling out, "Mommy..." I quickly looked up and saw a very cute little girl coming out of the hallway, looking adorable in her Elmo pajamas. This was Mina, Ann's daughter, who'd been sleeping in the other bedroom. This meant that my private time alone with my new body and thoughts had come crashing to a halt. "Good morning," I told her with a forced smile, not sure what to do. I wasn't exactly used to babysitting or dealing with kids. In fact, now that Mina was in front of me I felt almost as nervous as I had dealing with Gene. "Morning mommy," Mina told me, rushing over to where I was sitting on the couch and giving me a hug. She then scrambled up onto the couch beside and half climbed into my lap. I hesitated a moment before asking, "Did you sleep well honey?" The 'honey' part just slipped out, seeming almost natural when talking to a little girl this sweet. "Yeah," Mina responded, then added, "I'm hungry... " Since it seemed I was 'mommy' at the moment, I got up and went to the kitchen to find her something to eat. I was just about to pour some cereal when Mina protested that she wanted pancakes, making me roll my eyes, though I did change gears. A short time later, Mina and I were sitting at the kitchen table eating a pancake breakfast. Mina was absolutely delighted while I was feeling quite pleased at myself for having managed to make them. "Yummy pancakes," Mina exclaimed while I just watched her excitement with a smile. It was sort of infectious. Just as I was finishing breakfast, the phone began to ring. "Hello," I answered it. "Hello?" a boy's voice came from the other end, sounding a bit uncertain. "Steve?" I blinked in surprise and realized who this had to be. "Ann?" "It is you," she gasped in my normal voice, not seeming to care that I'd used her first name rather than called her 'Mrs. Mitchell'. "I wasn't sure..." "So we did switch places," I whispered, taking another look at Mina and then taking the phone into the next room so I could have a little more privacy. "You really turned into me too..." "Apparently," Ann responded. Then she demanded, "Did you do this?" "No," I quickly assured her, shaking my head even though I knew it was silly since there was no way she could see me doing so over the phone. "I don't know what the hell happened... One moment I'm in my room and the next thing I know I'm..." I left it at that, blushing brightly. "Oh God," Anne gasped. "I was in the middle of..." There was a long pause before she weakly joked, "That must have been quite... surprising." "To say the least," I grimaced. Then I quickly changed the subject. "I'm guessing you don't know what did this either... " Ann let out a loud sigh that I could hear over the phone before she answered, "No... No idea. I was hoping you'd know." I frowned as I absorbed this, feeling disappointed as I did so. I'd been sort of hoping that Ann would have some idea of what had happened and would know how to reverse this because I had absolutely no idea. In fact I'd sort of been counting her on having the answers. "I think we need to meet up," Ann said carefully. "I'm going to come over as soon as I can... Before I can though, your dad said something about having a few chores for me... " "He does that," I chuckled. "So I guess you didn't tell him or my mom that you aren't really me." Once she confirmed that she hadn't, I admitted, "I haven't told Gene or Mina either..." I blushed, knowing that I'd be far too embarrassed to ever admit such a thing to Gene after last night. After this Ann and I said good-bye to each other and I hung up the phone. I remained there for a moment, my emotions swirling around again as I felt worried about the fact that she had no idea what was going on either yet a little relieved at the same time that I wasn't in this alone. At least someone knew who I really was. "Okay," I let out a sigh. "We can figure things out once she gets here... I hope." Then I looked at the kitchen and muttered, "I just have to keep playing mommy for a little longer... " -------------------- It was early afternoon and well after lunch before Ann was able to come over. It was very strange to see her standing in the door way looking exactly like the real me, but obviously no less strange for her. The two of us just stood there for a full minute staring at each other in silence before she finally came inside. "Why don't you go play in your room," I told Mina, gently leading her back to her bedroom and turning on the small TV in there. I hoped Sesame Street would keep her occupied for a bit while Ann and I talked. I watched Mina for a moment with a smile, having played 'mommy' for her all morning. I'd done everything I could to play the role well and keep her from realizing that her real mom was gone and a stranger had taken her place. Fortunately I'd done a good job, because my apparent daughter was perfectly happy and had no idea her mom had been replaced. When I returned to the living room, I found that Ann had made herself at home. She'd poured herself a glass of wine and was sitting back on her couch with a sigh, looking just a little uncomfortable. I knew how she felt since this was extremely awkward for me as well. "This is... strange," Ann said cautiously, staring at me with an expression that seemed to be both nervous and curious. Then she abruptly exclaimed, "You look good... I mean, you did a good job with the makeup... " "Thanks," I responded self-consciously. I just stared at Ann, finding it hard to think of her as Ann when she looked like a teenage boy... when she looked like the person I saw in the mirror every morning. I was definitely uncomfortable and didn't know where to start with our conversation. Then I blushed brightly, remembering that she knew exactly the situation I'd been in last night when we inexplicably switched places. "She didn't even recognize me," Ann abruptly said. At my blank look, she explained, "Mina... She didn't even give me a second look..." Then she shook her head. "It's weird not being recognized by my own daughter..." "And it's not weird having her call me mommy?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Ann chuckled at that and took a sip of her wine, pausing with a frown. "It doesn't taste right," she said, taking another sip and frowning more. "Let me see," I told her on impulse, taking the glass of wine and carefully sipping it. I've tried wine on several occasions and hadn't liked the taste, so was a little surprised that this wine tasted good. I took another sip, deciding that I definitely liked it. "Last night," Ann started awkwardly, looking at the floor rather than me. She was blushing brightly and looked just as uncomfortable as me. "I don't want to talk about it," I told her, taking another sip of the wine as I considered what to say. I took a deep breath and tried changing the subject. "Do you have any idea how this happened?" "None," Ann answered. "All I know is that one moment I was..." She scowled, then continued, "Then the next thing I knew, I was you..." "Same here," I said quietly. Ann and I stared at each other in awkward silence again, probably thinking the exact same thing. If neither of us had any idea of how this exchange had happened, then how could we possibly figure out how to undo it? I shuddered at the thought of being stuck in her body and life for the rest of my life. I was a teenage boy and didn't want to be stuck as an adult woman, mother, and wife. I certainly imagined that she would be happy giving up everything she had and was in order to become a teenage boy. After a moment Ann said, "I noticed something strange this morning..." She paused to look down at herself and give me a wry smile. "I mean other than the obvious..." Then she gave me a careful look and said, "But you probably noticed it too... " "What's that?" I asked curiously. "Before your dad asked me to do your chores," she started, then paused to give me a somewhat accusatory look. "I was playing around with your guitar. I used to play a little piano when I was just a girl, but I'd never even picked up a guitar before..." She shook her head and stared at me again before she finished, "I've never played a guitar and have no idea how to... but I was able to play yours as though I'd been doing so for a long time..." Then she paused to look uncomfortable again. "I think we got more than just each other's bodies..." I just stared at Ann in surprise, suddenly remembering how easy it had been to put on the makeup. It had been easier than I'd expected to make pancakes for breakfast as well. Then I looked down at the glass of wine that I'd just taken another sip from and frowned slightly. "I think you're right," I admitted quietly. Maybe this had something to do with why I hadn't completely freaked out though I certainly had more than enough reason to do so. "How much did we exchange?" Ann asked, looking more like she was asking herself than me. After a few seconds I responded, "Does it really matter?" She gave me a look of surprise and I was just a little startled by what I was thinking myself. "We have no idea what switched us or how to get back to normal. Until we do, we don't have much choice... We have to pretend to be each other." "You're right," Ann reluctantly agreed, though it looked like it nearly pained her to do so. "Everyone would think we're crazy if we told them... " I just nodded faintly at that though I also had another reason for wanting to keep our exchange a secret. After what had happened last night with Gene, the last thing I wanted was for him to know who I really was. It was uncomfortable enough with just me and Ann knowing but if he knew as well it would make things unbearably awkward. "Whatever else we got when we switched places," I told her carefully, trying to sound mature and reassuring though I think it was myself I was trying to reassure the most. The idea of having things in my head that weren't my own made me a bit uncomfortable though I tried not to let it show. "It will make it easier to pretend to be each other..." I gave her a weak smile as I added, "There's no way I could have done this makeup without it..." "Oh damn," Ann winced, looking almost as though she were going to be sick. She looked down at herself and grimaced. "I don't want to be you..." Then she gave me a nervous smile before saying, "No offence..." "Trust me," I responded with a sigh and a wry smile, looking down at my own new body. "I completely understand..." "But you're right," she said after a few seconds and a couple deep breaths. "We have to pretend to be each other until we figure out how to undo this..." After a moment she muttered almost under her breath, "I just hope it isn't very long." I just nodded my complete agreement. After this Ann and I spent some time comparing notes about our lives and giving each other advice about how to act so we don't make anyone suspicious. Of course no one would ever guess what was really going on, but we didn't need anyone asking questions. "Oh," I blurted out when we were nearly done. "I almost forgot to tell you... I have a date tonight with Jen..." "A date?" Ann blinked in surprise. "I should probably cancel it..." But after a moment she shook her head. "But then again, it might be interesting to try a date from the guy's perspective." I just smiled faintly at that, but didn't say a word. We gave each other a few more quick warnings about what to expect over the next two days and then she got up to leave. She paused to look around with a sad look on her face, especially as she looked in the direction of Mina's room. "I'll take good care of her," I promised. Ann just gave me a steady look and said, "You'd better," before she finally turned and left. I watched Ann leave with a sinking feeling in my stomach, somehow feeling that this situation had just become even more real. We hadn't found any answers or any solutions nor did we even have the first idea where to start looking for them. And now that she was gone, I was left here to fill in for her as best I could. I just hoped I could handle it. I remained where I was for several more minutes, thinking about my situation, but unable to come up with any reasonable idea of how this had happened to us. Of course if I hadn't come up with one yet there was no reason it would suddenly come to me now. Still, I had little choice but to keep hoping. "So here I am," I sighed, standing up and looking down at my body again. I definitely liked what I saw... just not on me. "One day I'm a normal guy and the next I'm a MILF." I shook my head at that. "Unbelievable..." Since there was absolutely nothing I could do to change my situation I decided to keep making the best of it for now. I went and checked in on Mina to make sure she was all right then I went to work cleaning up the house a little. I figured that this was normally Ann's job which meant that at the moment it was mine. While I was dusting the living room I found a large notebook tucked under the coffee table. It wasn't the kind of notebook that I used at school but was bigger, the paper was thicker and firmer, and there were no lines at all. What really caught my attention thought was that about half the pages were covered with drawings of people and places. They were good drawings too. "Ann did these," I said, suddenly sure of it. I found a small box with a variety of sketching pencils next to where the note book had been and my fingers twitched slightly as though eager to draw. I had almost no idea what I was doing, though decided to try my hand at this, remembering what Ann said about being able to play my guitar. I'd never been very good at drawing and hadn't done any since a junior high art class so didn't have very high expectations. At first I'd just been drawing a picture of a puppy, but then Mina came in and started watching me. I saw her interest and smiled as I had another idea. Instead of a puppy, I began to draw her. My hands seemed to move almost on their own and I was amazed as I seemed to instinctively know exactly how to draw the line I pictured and which pencil I should use in order to get the results I wanted. Before long the picture was very recognizable as Mina and becoming even more so. I was in awe at just how easily it was to do this. "You're good mommy," Mina told me when I was finished and showing her the picture. "I guess I am," I responded with a smile. I looked over the drawing, still feeling impressed with myself. Of course I was well aware of the fact that it was Ann's skill I was somehow tapping into, but that didn't lessen my pride. After a minute I decided to try another sketch, while Mina grabbed some paper and crayons, then began doing her own drawings of me. It was a short time after this when Gene returned home from work, looking happy as he came through the door. "I finally got the project finished," he exclaimed, pausing to give me a quick kiss. "I just wish I didn't have to go in today for it." "I'm glad it worked out," I told him, suddenly having the flash of realization that he worked as an architect. This understanding was yet another something I'd gained from Ann. This was fascinating yet creepy at the same time. Just then Mina rushed over and exclaimed, "Daddy!" She held up the crayon drawing she'd made and proudly showed it off. "See what I drew..." Gene was soon fully distracted by his daughter, getting on the floor and giving her a 'horsey' ride, even though she was obviously a little too big. I just stood back and watched for a little in amusement before shaking my head and going to start dinner. I wasn't sure what to do about dinner at first, but as with so many other things, the knowledge I'd gained from Ann took over and guided me. Before I realized it, I was in the middle of making roasted chicken and home-made mashed potatoes. While I was cooking it suddenly dawned on me that it was the time I was supposed to be on a date with Jen. I looked at the clock and winced, wishing I could be there and wondering how Ann was doing. The idea of her going on my date for me was actually kind of funny though. I continued pretending to be Ann and playing the role of wife and mother all through dinner and afterwards. I didn't have much choice since I didn't want to do anything that would make Gene or Mina suspicious. It was easy... far too easy and that scared me. Eventually Mina went to bed and it was just Gene and me. Mina was a sweet little girl and I was actually having fun playing the role of her mommy. However I was definitely happy to have a break from her. At the same time though, I was just a little nervous about spending this time alone with Gene. I saw on the couch, glancing over to Gene as he simultaneously did a crossword puzzle and watched TV. I couldn't resist thinking about last night and blushing brightly as I did so. My body began responding to my thoughts and that only made me feel more embarrassed. Fortunately Gene didn't seem to notice my discomfort. "I'm tired," I told Gene after awhile, yawning loudly. "I think I'm going to bed early." I wasn't really exaggerating the being tired by much. I blushed again as I remembered that this body didn't really get a lot of sleep last night. A lot of exercise... but definitely not a lot of sleep. "Good night honey," Gene told me, giving me a kiss and making me momentarily consider inviting him to bed with me. However my masculine pride was able to override these hormones and embarrassing thoughts... at least for the moment. "Good night," I told Gene, getting away from him while I could. Once I was out of his hearing I muttered, "What the hell am I thinking?" Then I ran a hand over one of my breasts and the erect nipple knowing that it wasn't thinking that I was having a problem with. "I need a cold shower or something." I shook my head, hardly able to believe I was having these thoughts and feelings for a guy. It was one thing to have sex with him when I hadn't been the one to start it. I'd just sort of dropped in on the middle of it was caught in the ride. There was absolutely no way in hell I was going to do anything else. I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed, finding that I had to do a little more than I was used to. Normally I'd just brush my teeth quickly... when I remembered it. Now I had to remove my makeup as well. But I had a feeling that there was more to it. I looked through the medicine cabinet and saw dental floss and mouth wash. Both of these things were outside of my daily routine, though something in the back of my mind said using these nightly was part of Ann's normal night. A short time later I was in the bedroom, stripping off my clothes and letting out a sigh of relief. I got completely naked, somehow feeling a little more comfortable this way. I stared at the wedding ring on my finger for a moment, then glanced in the direction of the other room where Gene waited before finally climbing into bed. When Gene climbed into bed about twenty minutes later, I was still awake though pretended not to be. I could feel him in bed next to me, could feel his warmth and his heartbeat. There was something comforting about his presence, though I couldn't quite explain to myself what it was. All I knew was that I somehow felt more secure as I drifted off to sleep. -------------------- I sat on the edge of the couch, having just handed Ann a can of Coke while I opened a Diet Coke for myself. I've never been interested in diet drinks before and had actually always avoided them, though things had definitely changed lately. At the moment Ann and I had the house to ourselves. Gene had taken Mina to go see the latest Disney film while I stayed behind so they could have a nice father/daughter experience, or at least that was what I'd suggested to Gene. The truth is that I wanted to have some privacy to talk with Ann again. "So how did your date go?" I asked her with a faint smile, wondering if Jen noticed any difference. I was kind of hoping she had just for my own sense of pride. "It went... well," Ann responded with a bright blush. "Oh really?" I pushed, getting more curious after seeing her self- conscious reaction. "We just ate and talked," Ann assured me, though I didn't quite believe her. After I pushed a little more she finally admitted, "Okay... We kissed." I was a little surprised at that and not sure whether I should be amused or jealous. "You kissed?" Ann looked away uncomfortably before responding, "Yes... we kissed." She turned to glare at me defiantly. "It just sort of happened..." I nodded at that, not about to tease her considering what I'd done with Gene. Admittedly, the whole sex thing had started before I ever even got there but that was beside the point. Instead I asked, "So... how did it feel?" "It felt... nice," Ann admitted with another blush. "I liked it..." Then she smiled. "It was very interesting going on a date from the guy's perspective. I almost forgot that I was the one who was supposed to pay though..." I just laughed at that, then asked, "How has everything else being going?" "About the same as yesterday," she told me with a shrug and a sigh. "Still no idea of what did this... " "Me either," I sighed. Ann stared at me for a moment then picked up the guitar that she'd brought with her, a very familiar looking guitar since I'd spent countless hours practicing on it. She held the guitar and carefully played a few notes before going into an actual song, one that I'd practiced quite a bit. "That sounds good," I said in surprise. "I just can't believe how easy it is," Ann told me with a chuckle. "And I've never even practiced before yesterday..." "Let me." I took the guitar from her, then paused as I suddenly felt lost. I put my hands to the strings, but couldn't quite remember what to do next. It was like the knowledge was on the edge of my mind, but just out of reach. I struggled for a moment, practiced a few strums which didn't really sound good and finally shook my head. "Damn..." Ann stared at me for a moment with a blank look before asking, "What's wrong?" "I... I don't remember how," I admitted in embarrassment. I closed my eyes for a moment and took several deep breaths before adding, "I think this is the price I paid for getting your knowledge... I forgot my own..." I stared at her for a moment and suggested, "Try thinking of something you know but I don't..." Then I grabbed her sketch pad and set it in front of her. "Try drawing..." Ann tried drawing for a minute, but her picture didn't look anywhere near as nice as her old ones. It was very clear that she'd gained my guitar skills, but had lost her own drawing abilities in the process. The knowledge and skills I'd gained from her had to have come from somewhere, just as the guitar playing skills she'd now gained. Now we knew exactly where they'd come from... and what they cost. I stared at the guitar and scowled, feeling annoyed at having forgotten how to play it after having put in so much time and effort. Of course I reminded myself that I'd leaned things without having to try but it didn't make me feel much better about my loss. I imagined that Ann was feeling the same way. We continued talking, comparing notes about what we'd been doing while living as each other and sharing thoughts about our exchange. Of course, neither of us still had any idea of what had caused this or how we could change back. "I'd thought that maybe it would have just worn off after twenty-four hours," I told her with a wry smile. "Then I woke up like this again." "So it looks like we have to stay like this for now," Ann said with a sigh. She shook her head. "I guess that means school tomorrow..." I paused at that and felt a cold chill run down my spine while she winced visibly. "I REALLY don't want to go back to being a student..." "And trust me," I told her with a shake of my head, "I really don't want to teach class either..." Then I stared at her for a moment and grinned, pointing out, "And you still have to do my homework before school tomorrow too..." "Homework?" Ann gasped in surprise. Then she glared at me for a moment before responding, "Then that means you probably still have some papers to grade..." She smirked slightly at the look on my face and joked, "I bet I get my homework done faster than you get done grading..." I winced at that and muttered, "Just great..." "I guess I should get going," Ann told me a short time later. "Your friend Zeke called this morning to remind me about that mixed martial arts event..." She paused, looking self-conscious as she added, "I was thinking it might be fun checking it out..." I felt a little jealous at that, thinking that it wasn't fair that she went on my big date instead of me and now she was going to hang out with Zeke. I felt sad that I was missing out on these things but knew she was missing her own family. "Well... have fun then," I told her, trying not to sound jealous. "Oh, and if Zeke wants to try some moves on you... run the other way." Ann laughed at that. "I'll remember that." Then she got up to leave, pausing at the door to give me a wry look and say, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school..." "Yeah," I sighed, "I suppose you will..." Once Ann was gone, I shook my head and sighed. The idea of going to school tomorrow was one that I really didn't even want to consider at the moment. Going to school as the teacher instead of a student seemed completely ludicrous. Unfortunately unless we switched back soon I might not have much choice. "School," I grimaced, remembering what Ann said about having to grade papers before school tomorrow. "Damn." After a few minutes, I decided that I might as well get all the school work out of the way while Gene and Mina were still away. I quickly found several stacks of papers along with the answer keys. These were the papers from more than just one class, all of which needed to be graded. I scanned through the first paper without looking at the answer key, mentally running through the math problems and adding them up in my head. It was surprisingly easy, even considering everything else I'd gained from Ann. It took me an hour to make my way through the entire stack of papers, though I held one paper back until last. It was my own quiz paper. I looked it over, already seeing the mistakes I'd made on it without needing the key. "At least I passed it," I mused as I put the D+ score on it. "Barely." Just a short time after this, Gene and Mina returned home. Mina charged into the house all hyped up on the soda and candy she'd consumed during the movie, as well as that endless supply of energy that all small kids seemed to possess. "How was the movie?" I asked Mina. "It was great," Mina exclaimed excitedly, going on to describe all her favorite scenes of the movie in no particular order. "It was nice to have some quality time with my daughter," Gene told me with an amused look. I just smiled and kissed Gene on the cheek before going into the kitchen to start preparing for dinner. "I'll remember that the next time I need a break from her," I called back with a chuckle. Once we were done with dinner, we settled down to watch the Wizard of Oz together as a family. It had been a long time since I'd seen that one and it was Mina's first time. I couldn't explain why, but there was something wonderful about just sitting on the couch with Gene and Mina watching the movie. I was almost sad when the movie finally came to an end and I had to get Mina ready for bed. "G'night mommy," Mina told me as I tucked her in. "Good night sweetie," I responded, bending over and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. I turned off the light and left Mina's room, feeling strangely affectionate towards her. It was odd to realize that I was feeling... motherly. I wasn't sure if this was something I'd gained from Ann along with all her knowledge or if it was just in response to dealing with such a sweet girl. All I knew was that it wasn't something I'd ever really felt before meeting Mina. "I have to get back to my own body," I reminded myself. "I have to get back to my own life..." As much as I was starting to care for Mina, I knew she wasn't my daughter. I couldn't afford to get too attached to her though I couldn't seem to really help it either. "Such a nice girl..." A minute later, I was back in the living room and sitting on the couch again beside Gene. It was a little different than when I'd been sitting her with him and Mina both, a little awkward as well. I was now very aware of his presence just as he was aware of mine. Gene put his hand on mine and smiled. My heartbeat began to race a little and I could feel stirrings in my body. We sat like that for a few minutes before he leaned forward to kiss me. A part of me thought it was wrong, but I ignored that part and kissed back. It felt good and right. Before I really thought about what was happening, Gene and I were all over each other. He started removing my shirt while I went at his. My hands seemed to know exactly what they were doing though my mind was still a bit startled to be doing this. Then I remembered who I was... who I really was inside and I hesitated. In spite of who I looked like at the moment, I was still Steve Colby underneath it all. I was still a teenage boy and couldn't do something like this... not with a guy. The idea was just wrong. Of course, I couldn't help but remembering that I already had... and had really enjoyed it. Gene noticed my hesitation and backed off a little, looking concerned. He was probably just disappointed that he wasn't going to get laid like he'd expected. But as I stared at Gene, I was fully aware of just how turned on I felt at the moment. My nipples felt hard as rock while my groin felt warm and gooey... not to mention sort of hungry. Damn I wanted him... It was hard to admit but I did. I licked my lips as I thought of what I'd done with him when I first arrived in this body. It was at that moment that I made a decision, though it was mostly my lust that made the decision for me. I grabbed Gene and went back to kissing him, giving into my passion and desire. He immediately responded and we made our way to the bedroom. I lay on the bed with Gene playing with my nipples, driving me crazy with the sensations. After a little more warm-up, Gene positioned himself to enter me. I gasped as he did so, feeling a little stunned yet excited at the same time. This wasn't my first time having sex in this body but it was the first time I'd entered into it willingly and of my own free will. Somehow, that made this all the more special. The sex felt absolutely fantastic and I loved every moment of it. Now that I knew what was going on and was doing it willingly, I was able to enjoy it even more than the first time. When we finally finished and were lying curled up against each other, I smiled, savoring the afterglow as well as the memory. I couldn't wait to do this with Gene again. -------------------- It was strange to walk through the halls of my school, knowing that the students who stepped out of my way saw me not as a peer but as a teacher. Strangely there was something I liked about that. Perhaps it made me feel important somehow. I smiled faintly as I considered my morning so far, getting up and going through my... through Ann's routine. After a shower and quick breakfast, I took Mina to preschool and then drove to school. So here I was, walking to Ann's classroom and knowing that I'd be expected to teach. The idea of me teaching class was nearly laughable, especially since it was math... my worst subject. However it wasn't very long ago that I would have thought the idea of me having sex with a guy was just as laughable... even more so. And surprisingly, that had worked out pretty good for me. The thought of what I'd done last night with Gene warmed me inside and caused faint stirrings in my body. I knew intellectually that I should probably feel disgusted by it, but the truth was, I felt anything but. I was actually looking forward to having sex with Gene again. I tore my thoughts off that topic, knowing that this was an inappropriate place for it. Instead I continued to my classroom and went inside. I hesitated a moment before sitting down at the desk, taking several deep thoughts while trying to remain calm and focused. "What the hell am I doing?" I muttered, feeling like a ridiculous impostor. Of course I actually was an impostor which only made it worse. I kept imagining the students coming into class and laughing at me, pointing out that I was no teacher. "Just stay calm and focus," I told myself. I looked through my desk, familiarizing myself with the contents and then looking at the lesson plan. I skimmed through it, feeling more comfortable as I did so, since I seemed to instinctively know what was written down before I'd read it. I silently thanked whatever it was that had given me Ann's knowledge along with her body. It made things so much easier. It was at this point that the first student arrived and took her seat. I remained in my seat, trying to act as 'teacherly' as I could. It seemed to work because she didn't give me a second thought as she began pulling out her textbook and papers. Other students quickly filled into the room and soon the class was nearly full. The bell rang and it was time for the class to officially begin. I slowly stood up, taking a deep breath and feeling extremely nervous. My mind momentarily blanked as I considered that I was expected to fill in for Ann and actually teach this class. I would have to teach a class that I knew nothing about. Then I reminded myself that I didn't know much about math but Ann did. And right now, for all practical purposes I was Ann. "Everyone take out your homework from last night," I said to the class. "We're going to go over the answers." I was still nervous at first, but by the time I was ten minutes into the class I was feeling much more confident and in control. I was doing it. I was teaching the class and doing it just like Ann. By the time the first period was over, I was sure that I could handle this with no problems. Once the students were gone, I was left alone in the room with my thoughts. I sat down at my desk and allowed myself to feel pleased with how well I'd done so far. Of course I still had the rest of the day to make it through, but after that last class I felt confident that there would be no real problems. It was at this point that Ann walked into the room and paused to look around with a strange expre

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Erotica Theatre

Cassandra had always fantasized about making love in a movie theatre, and knew when she met Jayson that reality. She had received orders to go to basic training down in Texas to start at the beginning of June and knew that there wasn’t a lot of time left so she began to plan the details that would make her fantasy into a memory that she could take to bed with her the many nights she would be away from him.  Jayson stood tall at five foot seven inches and kept his blonde hair pretty short. He...

1 year ago
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Return To Puerto Banus

Only when we are lucky enough to be away from home, do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us, there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 11

I had always looked forward to my parents' parties in the past. I would be provided with additional opportunities, like a salesman getting live leads. This year it didn't satisfy. I was starting to look at the guys as people, rather than opportunities, and I didn't much care for them as people. Was I becoming enlightened? If so, life was much easier when I was ignorant. I felt exhausted when it was over. It had been an effort and I hadn't enjoyed it. Well, tonight I would get to see my...

4 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 9 The Biggest Prick I ever Met

I lay on the sofa in the living room, in my lounging pajamas, mildly attentive to the television show JEOPARDY, talking to Julie through the kitchen door. She'd come home a few minutes earlier, gave me a somewhat preoccupied greeting, shed her clothes and was now prowling through her refrigerator putting a sandwich together. Wearing only bra and thong panties, Julie waltzed into the living room munching on her first bite. "How'd it go in court with your pederast?" I asked. In the...

4 years ago
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Down The Rabbit Hole Part II

Domina picked me up twelve hours later as she promised at precisely 5 am. When I entered the adult book store, I walked proudly even though I was as naked as the day I was born. By the time I buckled myself into her car twelve hours later, my knees were sore and red. My jaws were just about frozen in the open position. It hurt to close my mouth. I instantly laid the passenger side seat all the way back and went to sleep. Vicki reached over with her right hand and patted my left thigh. "Get some...

2 years ago
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I Want

I want you kissing me. Everywhere and anywhere. I want to feel your tongue in my mouth, while your hand strokes my body. I want you to take my shirt off and attack my chest with kisses, nips, and licks. I want you to carry me to a bed and throw me down on it. Then I want you to take my pants off. I'll ask you if you're hungry, and you'll smirk and push the lace of my panties aside and delicately rub your tongue over my clit before attacking my pussy with fierceness, both licking and sucking me....

Straight Sex
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Maa Bani Dusro Ke Rakhal Part 8211 7

Hi dosto mai saif fir se wapas aa gaya apni  maa bahi dusro ke rakhal ka part 7 le kar  aaya hu jaisa ke aap sab mera maa k bara me janta hai ke wo kitni badi chudakar hai nam anjum aur ab unki  size thodi badh gai hai 40 36 42 ho gai.Sedhi se bat hai bhai itna chudwagi to badaga na..Khair bhai aab aaga ke story par aata hu jinona meri pheli story nai padi hai plz pad lena tab jakar samajh aayaga ye story.Aur mujha comment aur mail zarur karna aap loga ka mujha bhout sara mail aaya hai mera...

3 years ago
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Opening the BoxChapter 8

The Diary Of Chrissie Benmore Day 1 Dear Diary, It's Sunday evening and Justin has been such a peach. My diary is still at mum's so he gave me a new one. It's leather-bound with a gold leaf depiction of his step-father's country club. It's not hard to guess where he got it! Angela rushed over to see me this morning. She ran up the stairs and gave me a big hug. We then had this long chat until lunch. Justin didn't know what to do with himself, the poor fool. The conceit probably...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 18

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 18 It was nearly 9:00am when Paul awoke next morning. Kelly was snuggled up beside him. He started to stroke her hair when she stirred. "Morning beautiful," he said. "What time is it?" she replied, yawning. "Nearly nine," he replied. "I've got to get ready, my dad is picking me up at ten." "Can't you stop a bit longer?" she asked, kissing him. "I've got to leave before your parents show up," he said. "Ok then," she sighed. He...

3 years ago
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making of a damaged man part 1

• This is my first story. The first part will have little to no sex as I am going to start with a back story which is based on my life. The events that I will be writing about have happened to me. The names will be changed to protect the not so innocent. I will switch to fiction when the revenge starts, but I feel the back story or history whichever you may call it is important to understand where the main character is coming from. Now here is the question will he be good or evil as he gets...

4 years ago
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The First Time

I can still remember vividly the very first time I came and ejaculated semen from my penis, well it had never happened to me before and when it did happen I didn’t quite know what was happening to me. I was in my teens and quite well developed for my age, my voice had long since broken, I had started shaving regularly, my face that is and I had grown a really good bush of pubic hair around my penis.One evening I was naked in the bathroom ready to take a shower and the door was locked so no one...

2 years ago
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Exploring the keystone state

My grandson and his mother live in Mechanicsburg a little west of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I go there to see him on occasion and usually check out some PA sites either on the way or after the visit. Shady Maples Buffett in East Earl is a favorite. The little horse pulled wagons amuse me. And of course he and I have visited Herhey Park many times.On this visit I decided to stay at some military quarters in Carlisle Barracks. I am always welcome at their home, but was looking forward to some...

3 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 10 Revolving Doors

We made it to the Meditation Chamber right on schedule, and our session that morning was less an exploration and more of a reinforcement of our connection. We joined, briefly, merging into that many-minds-as-one feeling we had grown to recognize during its fleeting appearances. I always felt sharper and more alive after one of these kind of meditation sessions, but this morning I could tell that everyone was feeling the same way, perhaps even more than normal. Con had not joined us, which...

2 years ago
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Its Alright DaddyI Understand

Chapter 1 It'd been 3 years since his wife died. Raising their daughter hadn't been easy but she was a good girl, an excellent student, popular at school, very helpful around the house and very obedient. He hadn't had a date in all that time, preferring to devote himself to his work and his daughter. He'd become aware however that at 15, she was no longer a child and had developed into a young woman. He found himself looking at her in unfatherly ways and feeling very unfatherly feelings...

4 years ago
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Fifth PlaceChapter 10

Betty realized the inevitability of a divorce from the day she confronted us in front of Karen's house. A no-fault with both parties agreeing required a waiting period of ninety days, so four to five months was the fastest it could be accomplished. If the defendant objected, the wait would be two years. The sessions with Andrea were designed to help us deal with issues other than the fact of not being married. It was three weeks from the last session and Betty wanted to meet to discuss...

2 years ago
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A Dream Come True Shared My Bbw

I’m 56 and my wife is 50, happily married 33 years. Vicky is a bbw, size 18. We’ve always been active sexually ourselves but faithful. We both I guess liked the more adventurous stuff, loved fucking with the curtains open all around the house. I had secretly always wanted to be watched, I knew Vicky felt the same as every time I hinted at it she got extremely wet. It was a few years ago while we were shagging I saw Phil a neighbour having a sneaky cigarette from his upper window, he overlooked...

1 year ago
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"Please, Dad. It'll be good for both of you." My daughter's voice is pleading through the phone line. "Besides you always liked Connie." She's right. Connie was my daughter's roommate in college and I always enjoyed seeing her, when she accompanied Karla on her frequent visits home. Now Connie has accepted a position with a local firm and Karla wants me to rent her a room until she can get settled on her own. Karla worries about me since her mother died five years ago. She probably thinks...

4 years ago
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The TamesChapter 2

Jean-Paul walked behind the two way glass to find an engineer and two deeply enslaved drones monitoring the results. The Engineer nodded to him. "I just began the new audio that James recorded yesterday to the feed. While under control, a Controller had commanded James to read about four pages of script that would be used to further brainwash him. Over the intercom in front of one of the drones James' voice could be heard coaxing him into a deeper level of submission: ... you are such a...

3 years ago
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Madam Martiniques Finishing School Part 1

Madam Martinique's Finishing School Part 1 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Discipline. Respect. Honesty." The head mistress's riding crop snapped sharply as it hit each word on the marble plaque behind her desk. Her eyes seemed hard as diamonds as she turned to look at my mother. "Those are the three pillars upon which our school are based." "I ... I mean ... umm. ..." Hearing Mother stutter and seeing her squirm in the hard, wooden chair next to mine...

1 year ago
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Hot Ride

Sometimes I fill the tank jump in my starship and just drive. I’d open the ships computer grid map and circle in on the planet I wanted to visit. Then I’d home in on a local town and start my venture. I’ve been in some serious shit and I owe my self a little R&R. I sometimes let the computer set a course for me towards some planet like Jamedra or Thrae. It didn’t matter where. The computer pointed, I just went until the tank ran on almost empty and filled it back up when I got there. Then I...

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working hard

My name is Micheal my birth. But I am known as Michelle As a c***d I had began cross dressing at around ten years age. I had actually been allowed to pick out and wear anything from my mother's closets and drawers. I was a very feminine boy and was often mistaken for being a little girl.My mother understood that to force me into a gender that was not really part of me would affect me badly for the rest of my life. My mother understood this because she herself was a lesbian and had divorced my...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Lindsey Cruz Getting Her Client Off

Lindsey Cruz… has a little problem. Every time she sees a hot woman, she gets horny as hell and can’t resist masturbating — no matter where she is! But the last time she did this, in a restaurant, she was caught… which is why she’s now waiting in an interrogation room for her lawyer to show up. When her lawyer, Abigail Mac, shows up, Lindsey knows she’s in SERIOUS trouble. Not just because Abigail is a lawyer but because she’s a GORGEOUS lawyer....

2 years ago
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A Night Out

A Night Out This is my first attempt at writing a story of any kind, erotic or otherwise. It is a bit long in the beginning and I apologize ahead of time. Any and all feedback shall be accepted and well received. The night was filled with copious amounts liquor and laughter that led to the events of this evening. Ed was playing the third wheel this evening while out with his close friend Larry and his longtime girlfriend Robin. The three friends were all out having a little fun before going to...

First Time
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Bus StopChapter 4

The zoo trip was just the first of many Chad invited Jessie to. His boss gave him tickets to a play that were impossible to buy. They discovered a mutual love for football and went to several games at the local college. Whenever Jessie thought they had been everywhere, Chad called with more ideas. The days turned to weeks and Jessie knew she loved Chad. He made her heart sing. It was as simple as that. She thought about him at work and smiled. His talk show was on every morning while she got...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 04

The arrow tip followed its target slowly, staying on mark and waiting for the right moment to release. Kyle MacDonnell was a skilled hunter and waited patiently, keeping the tension on the bow taut. He stepped lightly through the underbrush, keeping his footfalls near silent, as he kept his distance from the stag, grazing on new shoots. He saw it turning his way, providing the perfect kill shot. The whistling of wood and feathers streaked through the air, sure of its mark. Kyle, only son of...

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Mere dost ne banaya mujhe callgirl 2

Hi main manisha apni story ko aage badhati hoon. Mujhe agar apne ghar ka khyal nahi hota to main harry se shaadi to kya main to uski rekhel bhi banne ko tayyar ho jaat. Main jab so kar uthi tab tak 11 baj cuke the maine khane ka ordar kiya aur nahane cali gai naha kar jab nikali uske thodi der baad vetar khana le aaya tha tabhi mujhe us ladake ka dhyan aaya jo mujhe 10000 rs dekar gaya tha maine use phone kiya aur use paise wapas karne ke liye apne hotal bulaya.Jab wo mere room par aaya to...

4 years ago
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Escaping the pain chapter 1 twas the day before Christmas

Gustavo "Tavo" was abandoned when baby in a basket in front of the convent, kind of clich?ut it happened, the mom was kind enough to leave the birth act, when the police went to confront her she was already dead, her boyfriend beat her till she was dead and he grew up in the nursery, he now was a thin brown skinned, dark haired boy, good in sports, especially running (could say it was essential in that place). Jose "Pepe" was another tragic story, his folks were not rich but they weren’t...

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Chapter 3 More Than Friends Nancy series

The next few weeks went by in a blur and looking back on them, Nancy couldn't believe how quickly she'd grown used to having a man desire her or having a man in her life who made her feel as young and alive as Paul made her feel. It wasn't just the sex, either. In fact, they only had sex once more in the following three weeks and that was another spontaneous event at his house after a day of drinking and hanging out in his pool. They spent time together nearly every day since their initial...

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Betting On My FamilyChapter 4 Lights Camera Action

I scrambled to throw on something presentable, and ended up coming downstairs in a nice polo shirt that went well with my new straight-leg jeans and Doc Martens. I checked my appearance in a rush and thought I looked good, but still very fifteen. My parents were watching TV as I made my way to the door, but I pre-empted their questions by saying I was going to Drew's house. My dad had always been lenient with my freedom as long as I didn't screw up, so he simply said "Have fun" before...

4 years ago
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90 GOTH WEEKEND FOR 4It was Saturday, mid - morning when our fuck buddy Trevor arrived, he seemed very happy to be here, knowing what was to come. We'd been planning this for a while and luckily the weather decided to play along too. He gave Mary a kiss as he came in, just a kiss on the cheek, nothing too much. I asked him if he'd brought his G-string, which he then produced from his pocket. It was a black, wet look G-string, much like the one I'd bought for the weekend. He went into the...

3 years ago
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In My Mother8217s Breasts

Hello, friends, my name is Raj Singh and I am 19 years old and I am from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.Today I will be narrating the story of how I and my mother got involved in sexual activities with one another. My mother’s name is Aarti, she is 39 years of old with a figure like a sexual goddess.She has big breast which makes you wanna play with them all night.They are a little saggy but soft and warm enough to make you cum just by looking.Her ass is also big and round.Overall she is a little...

1 year ago
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An Older Women Fetish Modeling and Kinky Interracial Sex

Leigh was in her early 50s, at the time and at first was apprehensive to do something like this, especially in front of a perfect stranger. The thought followed by actually doing it was so sinfully intoxicating,. as the photographer was a young hansom black male and when he posed her had touched her in places that had brought back memories as a teenager of seductively teasing her boyfriend Jack into their first sexual experience, he later became her husband. How Leigh and I met, became...

2 years ago
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New Symbiote Saga

It had spent millions of years hurling thru space till it landed in the water of this blue planet and bonded to a life form. It needs a host to survive in an active state. The one it had bonded with was known as Peter Parker/Spiderman. But few knew him by the last name. His life had been lonely for many years. His friends were few as was the number of his mates. He desired more, but didn't have the mind set and powers to do it. He wished for control over his life as well. These were the deep...

4 years ago
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Deconstructing amy

Deconstructing amyAuthor’s note: It’s been a while since my last story. This mainly due to the fact that I am now very happily married to my biggest fan and thus have practically no time to write for the library anymore. Since I keep getting applications from potential online slaves  though, I decided to write this one as a blueprint. I have neither the time nor ambition to take on any online slaves, but if you are determined to be my slave, feel free to follow amy’s path.It was late in the...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 40 Another Gate to Pass

What is it about addictions, Angique mused, sitting in a cab on her way to a supplier of fine lace and satin. Some people resist them effortlessly while others tumble at the touch of a feather. They say you have to have the right personality to trigger it, or the right circumstances. Others suppose it is a failure of the will. They say addicted people are just weak losers. Angique wondered. People who say that might very well have addictions themselves, she supposed — to guns, often, or to...

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Tuning Chloe

Tuning Chloe, Part 1 Story by All These Roadworks (2022). Author's Note: If you're enjoying Tuning Chloe, you can find lots more incest and hypno erotica - and support my work and the creation of new erotica - in the All These Roadworks store! (Click here to view the store.) Also - my kinks aren't my politics. Please support positive, enthusiastic consent, and check out my content policy for more on how I engage with gender-degradation kinks in ethical ways. (Click here to view.) For the...

2 years ago
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Classmate While Studying MS In USA

Hello ISS readers, This is Bobby again, from USA. Hope you guys enjoyed a story I’ve submitted a few months ago “Divorced Indian Roommate In USA”. To tell again about myself I’ve been living in USA for over 6 years did Masters degree here, and now work in IT industry. I am a very good looking guy, very fair skin, good height (an inch shorter than Mahesh Babu), and I try to maintain my personality well. So, talking with girls was fairly easier for me. Just to let you guys know, the stories that...

3 years ago
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Bittersweet Surrender Part 2

Day 2 - 6:30 A.M Josie’s cheeks flushed as she thought about the scene that she witnessed last night. Watching Cameron fuck her mom like a wild animal pissed her off and aroused her at the same time. She woke up wet, and it annoyed the hell out of her because she had Cameron on the brain. She sighed as her hand absentmindedly dipped inside of her cotton panties. She shouldn’t think about him that way because he was a pig, and he was married to her mother. Her hand slowly began to massage her...

2 years ago
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At The Top

Make Sure To Click “Start Game” In Order To Best Experience This Cyoa You checked the mirror in your car for what felt like the millionth time. Every hair had to be in the right place. Your makeup must be even and professional. Your clothes could not be anything but in their absolute best shape. Your glasses had to be clean and on straight. Today was the first job interview you had been offered in your months of job searching. You could feel the sweat beginning to push out of your pores. My...

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Spanked on National TVChapter 2

Hyacinth felt rightfully proud of her performance in the spanking review and looked at the small screen of her laptop watching her very own legs kicking as she took it on the bare over the knees of the handsome workman with the large calloused hands. She made a note to herself to watch the sweets because her cheeks were jiggling a bit too loosely at the end. Still, it was very inspiring television and she saw great possibilities for the inclusion of a "real people" late evening series...

3 years ago
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Fucked in the Fitting Room Part Two The Explosive Conclusion

I took Allen’s hard cock in my mouth and began to suck it slowly. ‘Oh, God,’ said Allen. I rolled my tongue around the tip of his cock and then ran it up and down the sides. ‘Suck it faster, babe,’ said Allen. I happily complied, bobbing my head up and down on his cock as fast as I could. I grabbed his balls in my hand and stroked them gently with my fingers. ‘Oh, baby, that feels soooo good,’ said Allen. ‘Take your clothes off,’ said Allen. I stopped sucking that beautiful penis. My pussy was...

2 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 6

“Absolutely, sister mine. Have fun. And, at your age, I’m not waiting up for you. Have a ball, Sally. Tell Ricky to take care of you. Him, I’ll wait up for.” They both laughed. “Sally will explain later, folks. Nice to meet you. Better get to Ricky’s before he gives your table away. Some slick woman with a fiver may beat you out!” Again laughter. She herded us out the door and off we went to the car. “Sally, what was this about Ricky?” “Her husband. He works at Perry’s. That’s how I got you...

4 years ago
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Masters Double Subbing Part 5

Master’s Double Subbing Part 5The more emails that slave received from the lady the more excited slave got about the possibilities of a connection with her actually happening. Each email seemed to get hotter and hotter. The emails were a little more erotic, expressive and descriptive than the ones that it had received before from guys on the site. The lady would go into great detail about just what she wanted to do to slave and just what she wanted slave to do to her. She also offered the...

1 year ago
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Dyked Athena Rayne Verronica Kirei The Taste Of Great Pussy

Verronica Kirei is super bubbly and excited about teaching Athena Rayne how to cook. Athena warns her that she does not know what she is doing, but Verronica does not seem to care. In fact, she is glad Athena cannot cook, because it gives her an opportunity to get a little more hands on in teaching her. She gets behind Athena and shows her how to cut peppers the right way. She starts feeling up on Athena from behind and asks if she has a boyfriend, but none of that really matters because Athena...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Lina Flex I Got A Barely Legal Asian Head Monster On Speed Dial8230

Life’s better when it’s not complicated. Nobody likes jumpin thru hoops and doing going thru overly complicated processes. Sumtimes you just wanna get straight to the point. Sometimes you just wanna put your dick in a pretty bitch without no drama. Lina is a pretty bitch I know. A pretty barely legal 19 year old petite Asian bitch to be exact. Sound like somebody you would wanna put your dick in, right? DEFINITELY. Hit her up. Told her I was coming thru. And that’s all the...

4 years ago
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Strawberry Surprise

It was 5:00 and Trish would be home from work in 45 mins. So Maria decided to do something special.Maria spent all day cleaning the house for Trish. Everything had to be perfect. Trish was turning 25 today and Maria had planned and entire weekend of fun. It's a good thing that Trish's birthday fell on a Friday because now Maria could spend the entire weekend pleasing her woman. The house was clean so Maria jumped in the shower making sure to wash really good so she could give her woman a fresh...

1 year ago
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Tabathas Betrayal

Tabatha lay back on the silk sheets, basking in the attention the younger man gave to her body with his lips, her red hair fanning about her head and shoulders in a fiery halo as she moaned in passion. "Yesssss, Randyyyyy, yesssss" Crystal blue eyes looked up from his position over her mound and a smile shined in then before dipping back to her passion filled crevice that he was satisfying. Tabatha's full breasts swayed in gentle motion as she again bucked her hips and gripped the man's full...

4 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 4

On Monday, school started up for the three of them. Denise went with Amelia on her quick bus ride to school since her own Monday class started later. Denise wanted to be sure that Amelia felt secure in her trip there, the teen had such an air of shyness and vulnerability, it seemed. “Amelia, sweetie,” Denise said as they were seating themselves in the bus. “It seems to me that you’re quite shy. Yet you still went out for performing in dramas and stuff. How does a shy person do that?” Amelia...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

It was date night in the Whitley household and things were just starting to get exciting. Alice and Richard had enjoyed a lovely meal at a five star restaurant, a wonderful performance at the theater and a couple glasses of fine wine upon returning home. Now in their bedroom, the lights were turned low and Alice was retrieving some items from their adult toy chest. "Strip down and get on the bed, Richard." "Yes Mistress!" 'Richard? Not slave? Or slut? Oh well...' He ruminated...

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