Victim's StrengthChapter 2 free porn video

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A week and two planes later, to be sure they weren't followed, found them pulling up to a beautiful house on the coast.

"So what is this place? Does any one live here?" Sam asked when they got out of the car; two days earlier, they had exchanged the limo for a smaller town car.

"Anyone of the family can use this house. Usually it's used for honeymooning." Sam looked over at him to find he had turned a cute shade of pink.

"So how long will I be here for? Will we be going somewhere else?"

"No, this should be good. Unless something happens, of course."

By the end of the conversation, they had all of the luggage and supplies out of the car and were starting for the house. The inside was as nice as the outside, with its simple and rustic features; this was more Sam's style than some of the fancy hotels that they had stayed at. The house was actually two apartments; one the main part, with two bedrooms, a good size living room and kitchen, the other was a one bedroom, and living room/kitchen. This was where the guards were staying. It also held all the equipment that watched the house and area around, because the house had a state-of-the art surveillance and security system installed.

Don hardly left Sam's side, even with the two other men that were with them. When they had gotten to the first plane, the second man had joined them and had news that the cops were looking for her because they were sure she had Carl killed for ripping her off. Mr. Machiavelli ordered that Carl was to be delivered to the D.A.'s office, where he would confess that he had not only ripped off Sam but had orchestrated a kidnapping of her. The D.A. did ask were Sam had gone and was told that because of what Carl had done, also because some over zealous cops thought she was more involved than she let on and were staking out her apartment and scaring the hell out of her. The stress of which she didn't need, because of a medical condition, she had gone on an extended vacation. Don started laughing and Sam did hit him on the arm, not very hard, to get him to stop but she was smiling despite herself.

Don stayed for another week with Sam. He had shown her everything that the house had to offer as well as the fact that they were on the coast. It was beautiful to watch the sun go down, especially together. Sam realized that she was having trouble trying not to think of him as her boyfriend, rather than a dangerous mobster. When Don did leave one of the guards went with him and they other stayed. Don told Sam that when he had finished with some business that just couldn't wait, which Sam told him she didn't want to know anything about, he'd be back and he would bring more supplies and stuff that Sam might need to keep from going crazy with cabin fever.

Three months later found Sam still at the ocean cottage. She had spent her time either; reading, playing video games, which she would beat the pants off Don at, watching moves, or taking long walks on the breach, usually with Don.

It happened three weeks earlier, though, that Sam really let herself believe that she was in love with Don; She just couldn't bring herself to call him Dante. Don showed up with his arm in a sling and she was so worried that it was worse than it was, that it made her crazy, as it was, he had only fallen and had a small fracture.

Sam had made up her mind that she needed to know if he felt the same about her, also she was in need of some very personal comforting. So, as they had just finished watching a movie and were still sitting on the couch, snuggling, Sam turned and looked him in the eye. "Don, how do you feel about me?"

As a response, he reached out and caressed her face then down her neck to her shoulder. "You have captivated me since I first saw you. I feel empty when you're not with me. I think I'm in..."

Sam stopped him by kissing him passionately. Don returned the kiss with equal intensity but with care as not to frighten her, he was going to let Sam make the first moves. For a long time, all they did was kiss. Finally Sam pulled away from Don, but only to take him by the hand and lead him to her bedroom, where they picked up from where they left off and continued to it's logical end.

The next morning after sleeping in, Don took Sam to a larger town to do some shopping, she needed some things that he had forgot to bring as well as he wanted to get her something special from a store he knew was in the small mall there. Sam was thrilled to go out and do some shopping. She was even more thrilled when Don took her to the lingerie shop and had her try on several negligees and some new bra and panty sets too. Sam was being treated like a queen and she loved every minute of it. That night Sam and Don made love several times because Don had to leave the next day to go back to work.

Don had left three days earlier and Sam was just settling down to watch a movie when suddenly the power went out. This was something that happened at least once a month for some reason. Sam got up and got the flashlight then the lighter so that she could start lighting candles. When she had finished, she realized that Max, her bodyguard, had not come in to check on her. 'Maybe he's trying to get the power back on.' Sam thought to herself. Then she heard it, a soft sound like a distant car back firing. Sam turned and was about to run to her room when several masked men came running in. They grabbed Sam; she started screaming, then a hood was thrown over her head and she was dragged kicking out the door.

Sam must have been shoved into a van, then after who knew how long, she was dragged out of it only to be thrown into a cage or box. Sam could tell there were several people there because she could hear their breathing. Finally someone spoke, "Well I hope you will excuse the way we brought you here, we didn't think you would have come if we had asked."

Still with the hood on, "What the hell is going on? Please, why have you done this? Who are you?"

"Well, aren't you full of questions. Well, you're gong to be our guest for some time, so I guess I could tell you I'm Mr. DaVenchi. I've been having trouble with a friend of yours and some real estate that I'm interested in. Now that friend is going to have to work out the problem."

"Please, I don't care what business you're in. Please, I just want to go home."

"Well let's just hope your friend agrees to my offer quickly. You might as well take off that hood; you're going to be here for some time. Someone will come every six hours to let you out to go to the bathroom and to give you food. Other than that no one will be with you and no one will come to see why you're yelling."

"Please you can't do this, I know nothing."

"That's fine. Now take off that hood or I'll have someone take it off you." Sam could tell he was getting angry.

"Please don't hurt me, please."

"Then do as you're told." Sam heard the anger in Mr. DaVenchi's voice. Sam slowly lowered her head and took the hood off. "Good, that's more like it. Now relax, behave and nothing will happen to you. When your friend agrees to my terms you will get to leave."

Sam could do nothing but sit in a cage of bars with a wood top. Sam also knew that if she let herself get too frightened that she could have an attack, and she was almost certain that these men would not help her. The men who were around her slowly left the room, until she is the only one there. Sam sat back against the bars and tried to get some rest.

As promised, six hours later, a man came into the room and opened one side of the cage. "Alright, you can come out. You have ten minutes to take care of business. Come on, I won't bite, surely you have to go, you haven't gone since before you got here."

As the man was talking, Sam realizes that she did have to go and slowly got out of the cage. The man pointed to a door, Sam took the hint. Once in the room, she found that there wasn't a lock on the door but she had the feeling that this man, anyway, wouldn't bother her. She was just about finished when there was a knock on the door and she heard someone telling her that she needed to finish. Sam did finish and as she left the room, the man pointed her back to the cage. "Please, do I have to be in there? I promise I won't cause any trouble."

"Yes, you have to. Now get back inside like a good kid. I put your food in there already. No one told me what to bring, so I just brought some of the spaghetti that was being served upstairs."

"Thank you. Are you going to stay till I'm done?"

"Yes, I need to take the tray back."

Sam crawled back into the cage and ate. Thankfully, the man didn't close it up after she got in. When she was finished, he took the tray, locked up the cage and left. After that, there was nothing she could do, so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

10, 15, 20, rotations, Sam couldn't keep track any longer of how long she had been there. There were some men that came to open the cage that were nice, then there were a few that made her skin crawl. There was one man in particular that she was sure was going to try something and prayed that someone would listen to her when she told them; so far, no one had. She woke with the feeling of being watched and when she opened her eyes, she was right and it was him. The man opened the cage and roughly ordered her out of the cage. When she didn't move fast enough for him, he reached in and pulled her out. He shoved her roughly towards the bathroom door and she was only too glad to be in it, even if it didn't have a lock. When she had just finished and was bringing up her pants, the man opened the door. He had a strange look on his face and it made Sam very frightened. The man pulled her out of the room but didn't shove her towards the cage. He pulled her close to him. He made a move to touch her and Sam jumped back and told him he wasn't allowed to touch her. The man told her that he could do whatever he wanted. Sam turned and started walking back to get in the cage. This made the man angry. He grabbed Sam and spun her around to face him. Sam started to beg for him not to do this; but that only made him want to even more. Sam tried to pull away from him, but he was stronger. Finally, she kicked him and tried to throw herself for the main door, hoping that if she could get it open that someone would hear her yelling for help. The man pulled her back and struck her hard across the face, yelling at her. Sam turned into a frightened animal but the man countered every try she made, hitting her, even harder, the more she fought him. Then after one to many hits to the stomach, Sam dropped. That was when the man was on her. He ripped off her pants and did what he wanted to. When he was finished, he even put her pants back on. Sam hurt but she knew that if she could just get to the door she'd get help. Slowly she began to crawl for the door. The man pulled her back and shoved her towards the cage. She then shoved herself away from the cage in a hope to still get too the door. The man started yelling and cursing again. After hitting her across the face and in the stomach enough to make Sam drop to the floor again, then he began kicking her and continued to kick her until she couldn't move at all. When he was finished, he dragged her back to the cage, shoved her in and locked the door.

Sam floated in and out of consciousness as she waited for the next man to come. Luckily, for her, she passed out before the time the next man did come. That man was one that did feel sorry for her and would even let her stay out of the cage longer than he was told to do. He called to her to wake up as he came in and began opening the cage.

"Sam, hey Sam, Wake up sleepy head! I can't stay as long today, come on, wake up." He crawled into the cage to give her a shake since she was lying on her side facing away from the door. When he touched her shoulder, Sam gave a small whimper, but didn't move. "Sam, wake up, what's with you today? Sam?" His voice was soft and caring. Slowly he rolled Sam onto her back to find one of the most horrid sights he had ever seen. He threw himself from the cage and ran to the door. He called to anyone and everyone in the hall to get a doctor and to get Mr. DaVenchi. Several men came running, asking what was wrong. He showed them; one turned and ran to the bathroom to be sick, the other ran to get Mr. DaVenchi and the doctor.

A few moments later several people came back, including Mr. DaVenchi, "What the hell is going on? Jack said she's been beaten."

"Sir, I found her this morning like this." The man having crawled back into the cage with Sam. "I called to her and she wouldn't wake so I crawled into the cage and was trying to wake her. She wasn't like this when I left twelve hours ago. Marco was the next to tend her. Sir, she needs a doctor, her breathing is really bad, I can hear rasping noises."

"Call for a van and get her out of there, gently. What the hell was he thinking? Get her to a hospital. John, she hasn't been hurt elsewhere, has she? I mean he didn't..."

He paused, closed his eyes for a moment, opened them again and looked to the area between her legs. He didn't need to take her pants down to know that she had been violated; she'd been bleeding. John closed his eyes again, then looked up at Mr. DaVenchi and nodded. This was all Mr. DaVenchi needed to see.

"Find me Marco!!!! Bring him to me so that I can kill him." Just then, several men came in with a stretcher and very carefully lifted Sam out of the cage. Mr. DaVenchi came to her side, placed a hand on her head and softly said he was sorry. After that, the men were like lightning getting her to the hospital.

Mr. DaVenchi knew he was going to lose in this and in more ways than one, but he never wanted this to happen. He made the call to Mr. Machiavelli, who was livid when he heard. He ordered Mr. DaVenchi to turn over the bastard as soon as he had him, which Mr. DaVenchi was going to do anyway, of course, after he was dead or maybe not. Now it was up to Mr. Machiavelli to tell Don.

Don couldn't get to the hospital fast enough. When he got there, several men were waiting for him. Mr. DaVenchi's men told him that Sam was now in surgery that she had several broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and some other internal injuries. Don order the men to leave and all but one did, "I have to tell you, she's been hurt bad, I swear when I find Marco I will cut of his balls and stuff them down his throat for this. Sam told me just before, that she felt very uncomfortable with him. I told her that he would be leaving after his last turn. I should have been there. He was brutal to her, not just with the beating. The hospital did a rape kit, they had to and had to call the cops but we got them to send our guys to investigate. I'm very sorry. She's a good person. If there's anything, I can do for her just tell me. I just thought you should know."

"Thank you, now get the hell out of here and catch that bastard. When the rape kit information comes back have it sent to me." With that, the man left and Don started the long process of waiting.

Sam woke feeling cold, numb, hot and in pain, all of which meant she was alive. She remembered what happened and knew why it hurt like hell to breath, broken ribs. Then she heard someone talking. "Doc., when do you think she's going to wake up? It's been over a week."

"Sometimes it takes longer. She's in a light coma; it's the body's way of stopping the pain for her. When her body knows it's safe and the pain is no longer a problem she'll wake. If it goes on for more than another week, though, that's when we start to worry, but she is breathing on her own and that's the best that we can hope for."

"Thanks, Doc."

"You're welcome, but you should go and get some rest. I'll have someone call you if there's any change."

"No. I won't leave her alone. Not again."

"Try to get some rest then," and with that, the doctor turned and left the room.

Don walked back to his chair and took hold of Sam's hand. "Sam, you have to be alright. You can wake up now you're safe. I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again, I swear. Please, just wake up. Please, I love you, you have to wake up."

"I love you, too," whispered Sam. Slowly she put out her hand and touched him on the face. "I prayed you'd come and find me. Why didn't you come and find me?"

"I tried, I really did. I never thought the DaVenchis' would go so low. Mr. DaVenchi is mad as hell at the man that did this to you. They're looking for him, but they haven't found him yet. When you got here, the hospital did a rape kit, you'll never believe this, he's the same man that raped you six years ago. There were also 8 other unsolved rapes that matched his DNA. If there's anything left of him, they'll turn him over to the cops. Mr. DaVenchi himself has come by to check on you. He's madder than a wet hen that he's been protecting a rapist."

"Good. Now go. Please."

"Now that you're awake I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you again. I love you."

"I know and I love you, but I can't take anymore. You promised that you would keep your work outside. Well, it got in. Now please go." She didn't give him time to reply because she passed out again as the painkiller kicked in.

A week later found Sam doing better. She was healing and taking fewer painkillers, also she was able to get out of bed and walk the halls. Sam was never alone, though, there was a man outside her room, and of course, Don in the room with her. One night Sam slipped one of her sleeping pills into a drink that Don had and soon he was asleep. Luck was also with Sam that the man who was supposed to be outside her room was either answering a call of nature or off chasing a nurse somewhere; she didn't know or care. Sam got out of bed, put on what clothing she had and left a note to Don telling him goodbye and not to come looking for her; also that she was sorry but she needed money. So, she took all of the money out of his wallet.

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Sofi Ryan, born Hailey Hampshire, was born in Seattle, Washington, on December 9th, 1992. After graduating high school, Sophie wasn't feeling like going to college. Instead, she wanted to hit the workforce but not as some dull retail employee. She already knew how much men loved staring at her, so why not turn those stares into dollar signs?The Burning Bush CafeSofi became a cam girl and softcore erotic model for several publications, including the world-famous Playboy Magazine. As her modeling...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Shocked By Wife Part 5

After getting myself a cold drink and a snack, I ventured back to our room to find Colin and Karen asleep. He was on his side, his now flaccid cock resting on the sheets and she was on her back legs slightly open. I sat gingerly on the bed and inspected her red puffy hole and noticed the pool of come that had accumulated beneath her. Reaching forward I parted her lips and out oozed more of Colin's impressive ejaculate. Karen stirred and opened her eyes, she blew me a kiss and asked, "Can you do...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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His Erection

She’d sat on the sofa in her brother’s apartment, drinking a cup of coffee and waiting for him.He was unaware that she'd come visiting and, when he eventually appeared, they both got a shock.He’d come from the bathroom into the living room— and he was totally naked, not even a towel in hand.Startled and embarrassed, he stopped in his tracks and stared at her, not really knowing what to do at that moment. For her part, his sister sat in wide-eyed total shock and disbelief.In the stunned silence,...

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CindyChapter 26

Oh, Monday. Two weeks of pretty much doing what we wanted on our own schedule was nice, but now it was back to reality. Cindy chose the restaurant for breakfast, so we did run into a couple of my co-workers, as reluctant as I to dive back in. Cindy, however, was another story. School for her was not like it was for most teens, what with her gifted status, and she kissed me demurely at the trailer so I could go off to work while she waited on the bus. The staff meeting this morning was epic....

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 06Chapter 7

[Janice writes from Mexico and El Salvador] We left for Belize without incident the next morning targeting the primary airport. According to our map and book, it was in Ladyville. In honor of the name but mostly because it was our turn, I piloted and Pam was my copilot... The flight was uneventful. Landing was a bit tricky. If possible, this area had suffered more than the Cancun area. I found landing tricky because of the broken appearance of the asphalt. It was bumpy but useable. Tom and...

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Sex With Pinni And Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, this Rahul . Thanks for the wonderful response for my first story sex with my pinni and mom . Now I am back with the continuation of my first story . Hope you guys will enjoy this one also . I am a medium built boy with a 6inch long dick . I am attracted a lot to elder women that is aunties . Early in the morning bell wrung I was drowsy and went to open the door I have forgotten wear my clothes then . When I opened the door it was my mom. My mom was shocked to see me so and even...

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Gina Valentina E44

Gina just wants to get home. Her car is out of gas, her phone isn’t working and she’s miles and miles away from home. When Brick’s plain white van creeps into view she waves hhim over and tells him about her troubling predicament. He agrees to give her a lift to the closest gas station on his route. Who wouldn’t help this innocent looking little Latina? Once they’ve started on their way, she reveals that she’s broke, then has the nerve to asks him for gas...

2 years ago
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Dawn Visits Kansas

Dawn Visits Kansas Written by Kathi Jo Daniels Prologue: In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors. At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip, for two nights. Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors' home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti...

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Private Anna Polina Cherry Kiss Wild Wild Orgy

There’s nothing like a tasty meal with an orgy for dessert to end a great trip, and that’s exactly how Anna Polina and Cherry Kiss intend to round off their travels in Private Blockbusters, Trip of my Life as they make their two best discoveries in Fuerteventura yet… no, not the beaches, but Máximo Garcia’s and Chris Diamond’s huge cocks! So watch Anna’s big tits and Cherry’s hairy pussy in action right here on as our stars enjoy a mind-blowing orgy filled with all the gagging...

1 year ago
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Meine Linke wichste meinen Steifen während ich mit der rechten die Maus, und somit den Cursor auf dem Bildschirm zur nächsten Galerie führte. „ Sweet Vicky“ ich klickte sie an und kurz darauf erschienen die Bilder und ein kurzer Text. Durch Glück hatte ich diese Voyeur und Self Pic Seite gefunden. Private Personen zeigten alles, mal war der Kopf nicht auf dem Bild oder das Gesicht wurde unkenntlich gemacht, aber immer zeigten die geilen Frauen wie sie es sich am liebsten selber machten. Mit der...

2 years ago
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Naked Wet DaughterChapter 9

The next afternoon, Fran and her older son, Greg, were out alone by their swimming pool. The beautiful woman was lying on a lounge chair admiring Greg as he swam laps, his muscular arms rippling beneath his deep tan. When the young boy climbed out of the pool, he stood over his mother, grinning down at her. Fran's eyes moved to his crotch and locked there, her cunt beginning to drool as she saw his cock grow hard beneath his bikini briefs; "Wanna suck my cock, Mom?" Greg asked lewdly as...

3 years ago
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Black neighbor boy

Black neighbor boyPart IWe had been married for almost 5 years at the time this story takes place. We were quite happy, and apart from the odd row, got on just famously. I worked a lot, including weekends away, but I didn't worry too much for Mary because she had lots of friends and activities to keep her occupied.One afternoon, things at work were slow and I decided to surprise her and come home early. As I was getting ready to pull in the driveway, I noticed a bicycle in the driveway. I...

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The Big Limousine Disappeared

Along with Sally and maybe a couple of hundred other people, I stood the instant the first bars of the wedding march thundered out of the church's organ. For reasons of my own, I tried not to, but I could not stop myself turning my head and trying to snatch my first glimpse of the bride as she paraded down the aisle on her stepfather's arm. Actually that's not exactly true, it's a misnomer; I wonder just why people say aisle? In fact Alice had been escorted by her stepfather down the...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 50

Anthony and David wandered back in shortly before one to find everything under control in the kitchen and that lunch would be ready in half an hour. "Good timing," said Anthony winking at Mark. "Now, what would you lovely ladies like to drink?" "What? Lunchtime drinking, Daddy?" asked Victoria in mock horror. "Hols, my dear," replied Anthony airily, "and welcoming our little lovebirds home." "Oh well then, lager please, Daddy." "Darling?" "Guess." "Mark what about...

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I tried to recollect the thoughts that had been racing through my head at that time Michael ' Can you come along Michael,purely a social call, no need to bring anything withyou'. It wasn't a request of course, when you live in the same house as theboss, he calls the shots. Strange though, in the six months I'd been workingfor him he'd never issued a summons like this before, everything had beenvery work orientated. Not that I minded, the pay was very good, plenty oftravel, stay at the...

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Fly Robin Fly

I thought of this tale while I was at work. I do make an apology to DC Comics. The characters of Joker, Batgirl, and Robin are theirs. I use them only in jest and for a tale. Fly Robin Fly Robin awoke in a deep pit. The Joker had got him with a knockout dart. He could stand up and look around. The Joker spoke, "Good Morning Robin. I will make you a deal. You climb out that pit on your own; you can go back to your nest. If you do not after three days, I will haul you out and fuck...

3 years ago
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me and BBW Chloe

This is my first story, so please be kind...I met Chloe on craigslist, my one and only meet online so far... She was a tasty BBW, 27 years old, with curves in all the right places and soft sexy lips.... After a few emails our chat became steamy and I sent her a pic of my cock (the one on my avatar)... she masturbated over it, and I knew I found what I was looking for...She was naturally submissive, and loved executing sexy tasks... I had her watch videos from xhamster but did not allow her to...

2 years ago
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Butterscotch Part 5 The House of Ariadne

Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me . I had seen that smile before, it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one.The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the...

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Family Values Part 1

As I said before I am 41 years old. I have been married to an unbelievably attractive woman for the last 18 years. We have 2 children together, a 19 year old daughter and a 17 year old son. We have always been a very close nit and open family. I know most people think that their children are open with them and they really aren’t but it is very different with our family. I’m sure they’ve done a couple of things my wife and I are not aware of but for the most part they are very up front...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 25

When I returned from my ride the next morning there was a complete dossier on a security guard name Roland Gillispee. I made myself leave it until after my shower. The shower took the usual twelve minutes before it ran cold. I got out of it then dressed in the outer bathroom. I chose a pair of sloppy pants and a sweatshirt, since the plan was to sit around trying to work out my plan for Roland. First thing to do was to find out all about Roland. I already knew there was something dark in...

4 years ago
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The Demon pt2

John was still in the living room reading the book. He hadn't heard a thing ofwhat has been going on in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes now. He's on the5th page due to there words being so hard to prenounce. As he continues to readEvan is upstairs lying in his bed asleep. He is awaken by the sound of his door slamming shut. He looks up. There's no one in the room but him. Or so he thinks.As he rolls back over, dismissing the door, he feel a tingling sensation on thebottom of his feet. Asif...

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Nisha Fucks Teacher For Grades 8211 Pt 2 The Perfect Plan

For the next seven days, following my advice, Vipin followed Mr. Singh to track his movements. After gaining the information on Sudhir Singh, the teacher, I made a plan. Vipin found out for me that Sudhir goes to the fourth floor, of our college building, every day after 3:30 pm. The floor remained nearly deserted by that time, each day, with only a handful of the first-year mechanical engineering boys lurking around. There, Sudhir would go into the girls’ toilet and masturbate while watching a...

3 years ago
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Carlos The Man From The Beach

I arrived at the hotel with my wife Jenny in the afternoon. We’d planned this holiday for our fifth wedding anniversary a few months ago and after a long stretch of uninterrupted work, the hotel really was a sight for sore eyes. The weather was perfect and we weren’t sure if we wanted the beach or the pool first.We checked in and then went up to our room. We decided the weather was perfect for the beach at this time of year and we shouldn’t waste it. After all, we could go to the pool all year...

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Introduction: TRUE STORY OF MY FIRST & ONLY LOVE Foreword: This story was written by Laura953, and translated from Italian and edited by Empress Lainie. Copyright, 2012, Laura953. Published exclusively for XNXX. FIRST LOVE FOREWORD After I have had, for the first time, anal sex with my sister, I was hugging Marisa asleep naked on the couch next to me now satisfied and exhausted. It was Saturday, Feb. 18. As I watched my sisters naked body, lit by the dim light of the fire, my hand...

2 years ago
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FemDom Training Club

Hello my name is Elizabeth and I would like to tell you about the Femdom Training Club that I started about 7 months ago. My husband “CUB” has been after me for years to take a dominating role in our sexual relationship. He wanted me to become the Dominatrix and force him to do things he would not do on his own. He wanted some just down and dirty fucking or as he would say he just wanted some recreational sex. I really didn’t want to play along with him on this but one time when we were...

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Teacher Takes a Dare Part Three

She waited all afternoon to get a response from him. She had nervously sent the pictures of herself from her classroom and was dying to find out what he thought. When he finally responded, she was very satisfied. He went on and on, telling her how beautiful she was, and how sexy her body looked. This was so exciting to her. Even her former lovers had never told her so much. The anonymity of it all had allowed her to share so much of her sexual side. Here, she was totally uninhibited. She could...

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Sex in the video store

This is the story of my first sexual experience with another female. I was 27 married for six years. We had a great sex life at first. We had sex several times a week. As time went by our sex life diminished in quality and quantity. My husband Dave began spending more time with the guys than me. He went out with the guys and I got to stay home with our daughter Arielle. One Friday night when Dave was out playing cards with the guys, I put Arielle to sleep and went online. Out of a combination...

2 years ago
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Ja sam Bojan. Trebala bi mi cela knjiga da dodjem do price koja bi vas zainteresovala.Evo probacu da skratim maximalno.Bilo je to pre 4 godine.Imao sam tada 18 i isao u srednju skolu.Otac je radio u uglednoj firmi a majka je bila tada nezaposlena.Iako su mi roditelji bili veoma strogi , u to vreme sam imao devojku Anu ,(oko tri meseca),za koju su znali i moji i njeni roditelji.Ana je bila ljubav mog zivota,bar sam tada tako mislio.Cale je bio odlican sa svojim disom,verovatno zbog dobrih...

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TG writer

Big thanks go out to Rhonda who did a great job editing my story. Thanks again hun, I couldn't of did this without you. Hugs TG writer By Princess Panty boy "Hello." I answer the phone even though I see the number is blocked. "Hi Chrissie, this is Lil Baby Girl, we have role-played a million times on Yahoo chat." Looking down at the phone, I am trying to figure out how she got my personal cell number. "Ummmmm, hi Lil Baby Girl, how did you get my phone number, and how did you...

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Snchari Amar Rater Sathi

Hi  readers amar nam subho chatterjee from kolkata..aj tomai amar purono diner chodar golpo sonabo ami jokhon engineering collage e portam tokhon sekhane amar ekta valo friend hoi,tar nam chilo ajoy amra khub valo friend chilam o khub valo chele chilo..or girlfriend er nam chilo sanchari…dekhte khub sundor chilo,o jokhon cholto or pacha upor niche emon vabe dulto j amar dhon khara hoye jeto..amra tin jon eksathei thaktam.,ghurtam,cinema jetam. Sebar yubraj cinema legechilo amra cinema dekhte...

4 years ago
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Just A Sweet Memory

Just A Sweet MemoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan Bob looked up to see the same small, rounded and beautiful face, embedded hazel eyes and dark ebony hair.“Hi Bob. Welcome to my shop”, she said. Bob also recognized Jill Fletcher, his first love, his girl, his class mate in Dental College and they had also worked on some projects together. Unluckily, they had not seen much of each other outside the class or expressed their feelings to each other. Now after long five years of military duty, Bob had learnt...

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My first sexual experience

It was my freshman year and my buddy (Tom ) and I were hanging out at his parents house. We had just got a hold of a penthouse magazine. Which we we're both looking through slowly in his room. In the past we had both took turns watching the door while the other jacked off the playboy, but it never went further than that. This time things went further, as we looked we came across stories about guys talking about how big their cocks were. Tom suggested maybe we measure ourselves. When he...

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