SamChapter 17A free porn video

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In the morning, I was so hungry that I didn't even bother to brush my hair or pull on a robe over my gauzy nightgown before hauling my butt downstairs to breakfast. I should have eaten something before I went to bed the night before, but I had been way too tired. Now, I was running a deep energy deficit for all the quick healing I had done and I craved anything with sugar and fat in it.

Mom eyed the big puddle of syrup around my stack of pancakes, but said nothing. She just went back into the kitchen and started a pan of sausages. I heard the sizzle when they hit the pan and it made my mouth water.

Jim and Bud straggled in and dropped into their chairs. They both looked at me and then at each other. Both shook their heads and Bud shrugged. I think I knew what that was about. I was getting better at reading them and their version of fraternal non-vocal communication. I would have said something apologetic, but my mouth was busy. Bud beat me to it.

"Rough night last night?" he asked.

"Umfph," I mumbled around a mouthful. I took a sip of juice before continuing. "Yeah. Rough." I shoveled in another forkful.

"Thought so. I heard you and Jim come in late, but I was already in bed. Were you in that business at the Montgomery farm?"

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it," Jim suggested. It was more tact than he usually showed. Most of the time he would have just aimed a slap at his brother for saying something dumb.

"No," I said, swallowing. I put my fork down for a moment and dabbed with a paper napkin at a drop of syrup that had fallen into the crevasse between my boobs. I was still hungry, but I decided that I had better pace myself. Besides, the sausages were starting to smell very good and I definitely wanted some. "It's OK, Jim. Last night I just didn't want you to ask anything in front of Steve that I might not have wanted to answer. You two are family. You already know the kinds of stuff I get into."

Jim smiled at the 'family' reference. They both sat up a little straighter, as if I had said something to make them self-conscious.

"There are some things that some people are better off not hearing all the nasty details about," I said in a low voice, tilting my head and pointing my fork toward the closed kitchen door. "Steve included."

"You know," Jim said, "He's going to like you anyway. I think you're worrying over nothing."

"Maybe. But let's break him in slow, hunh? I don't want anyone worrying about me unnecessarily."

"Ha! I think he already knows that when you slip away someplace, it's not you that anyone should be worried about. It's the poor fools who piss you off."

I smiled. I would have said something, but somehow more food had managed to jump into my mouth when I wasn't looking. I chewed while Jim talked.

"I know Neeka was covering for you last night. I can't read her mind like you can, but I know her well enough to tell that she wasn't giving us the whole deal on what you were up to in that barn. I knew that wasn't for my benefit. You really are — ah — fond of Steve?"


"Good. Steve's a good guy. Don't hurt him."

I opened my mouth to say something, and food almost fell out. I closed it again and thought about Jim's comment. It was kind of abrupt to say it like that, but he and I were on the same page. The problem was; what was the best thing to do? Would it be doing Steve a kindness to keep him in the dark about my adventures or would he be more hurt to find out that I had kept things from him? I needed a simple set of rules to help me keep it all straight, one that didn't involve remembering a bunch of complicated lies. I went over this again and again in my head and came back to the same decision I had made before. Neeka would know everything. I couldn't keep anything from her anyway, and it was comforting to have someone from whom I had no secrets at all. Everyone else would have to be on a need-to-know arrangement. Need, or accident, or emergency, or something; but I made a resolution to keep my mouth shut about things that happened to me that didn't make it on TV. The hard and unpleasant fact was that what my family and friends didn't know couldn't hurt them or me; while things they did know — might, regardless of intentions, good or otherwise. I hated this, but it seemed to be something else that went with the job.

Besides, I had already started writing all this down for posterity and to have a private place to vent my frustrations and fears about what was happening without having to edit out the 'good parts'. I tried hard not to admit to myself that it was really a way to record everything in case one day I screwed up and didn't make it home again.

Not for the first time, I wondered if the price I was paying to play superheroine was worth the hassle and the risk. The memory that came back to me was of the terrified faces of those kids in the supermarket where I had made my first public appearance. That still haunted me. It steeled my resolve to go on with this like nothing else ever could. Whatever else happened, whoever I might save — even if only in theory by cutting down on the criminal population — I had done good in that situation. If I had reason to doubt, I could always look back on that and feel that it had all been worthwhile.

So I was right back to where I started. I had to keep secrets from people I trusted. It was a bitter pill that I was extremely unhappy about having to swallow, but I couldn't find a way to argue my way out of it.

The look on my face while I thought this over must have said a lot about what I was thinking. When I looked back at Jim, he was looking me right in the eyes.

"You know," he said, hesitantly, "I think that look is even scarier than your dragon-face."

Bud chimed in, "No shit!"

I shifted my gaze to the younger brother without changing my expression. Bud swallowed and shifted his butt to the edge of his chair as though he were thinking of bolting out the door.

"No offense!" Bud said, quickly, apologetically, and apparently sincerely.

"It's OK. It's just that this goes way further than anyone's feelings. I will try my best not to hurt anyone, but the deeper I get into this, the more I realize that there are worse things than being out of the loop. I'm going to be making enemies. Some of them will be very unpleasant people. Remember Bubba and Leon? What if they came around while we were at school? Not that they would, even if they got the chance. My understanding is that if they were dropped off in front of this house, they would run away as fast as they could."

"Yeah, probably peeing their pants all the way. The people you ran into last night won't be a problem, either," Jim said.

It occurred to me that he was testing to see if I wanted to talk about what happened. He'd been close enough to know it would be an interesting story. He was right, though. I did need to talk, but this wasn't the time.

"Yeah, well we can talk about that after I've seen the news. There are some things I need to know first. But my point is that I need as much separation from home and my job as I can get, OK? This way it's better for everyone. So if I don't tell you stuff, don't be mad. And if I want you to help me keep secrets from Steve, I hope you understand that it's for his benefit, too."

"This is really a job to you?" Bud asked.

"I think of it that way. A job. A career. Whatever. It's what I'm going to be doing with my life. Like I told Sue, the pay sucks, but there is a lot of satisfaction in it."

"You're taking this very seriously," Jim commented.

"You betcha, sport. As serious as a heart-attack. The more I do it, the more I see that it needs doing."

Mom brought in a plate of sausages then. Jim and Bud reached out to spear some with their forks, but I was there and gone in a flash. They only got one apiece.

I grinned at them with a link between my teeth and hot grease dripping from my chin. If they wanted to duel me for food when I was running an energy deficit, they were going to be up against some stiff competition. Mom smiled and went back in the kitchen to see what else she could find in the fridge. I guessed that having food you just cooked snatched off the platter as soon as it hit the table must be one of the more gratifying things about being domestic.

"What tipped you off in the restaurant?" Bud asked. "You shot out of there before we knew something was up."

"I heard two goons trying to extort Connie's uncle. His office wall was just behind me and I could hear them talking through it. He was holding out, too... until they threatened to do something to Connie."

"What? Those bastards!"

"My sentiments exactly. I went out to the parking lot to reason with them. Things took off from there."

"Damn!" Jim said. "I wish I had known that. I'd have gone out there with you."

"Me too!" Bud said.

Their eagerness explained a lot about the conversation. I tried to think of a way to defuse this before it went any further.

"So, you guys think you might want to go out with me and Neeka and do some crimefighting sometime?"

"Shoot, yes!" You bet!"

"OK, you can come along. There's just one condition. You have to spar with me and either beat me or draw me. I promise not to break more than a couple of bones and I'll stop if you bleed too much. Deal?"

"Ah, well..." "Gee, uh..."

"Unhunh. Look, guys. Last night I got out of that place just barely in time to avoid being blown to bits or burnt to a crisp. I still got singed pretty good, but everyone who was in there with me got dead. If you had been in there, you'd be dead, too. This is not a game. People get hurt. People get killed. I get hurt. But I can recover. Even if I do have to eat like a pig to do it.

"Jim, you ask Neeka about this. I don't have to look over my shoulder to know where she is and what she's doing. I'd have to do that with anyone else and it would distract me. The two times we went out yesterday, she mostly stayed on the sidelines because we knew it was just too dangerous for her to mix in."

I almost told them about Roxy spearing me with that dagger. I thought better of it just as I opened my mouth. That would have been too grisly. I was starting to think I had really come too close to the edge that time. Another fraction of an inch and I wouldn't have been here to tell this.

"And you like being hurt." Jim wasn't being mean. He sounded more disappointed than anything. He was implying that he didn't think he could stand in the fire like I had been doing. And he was stating something that he knew for a fact.

"Let's say I have learned to appreciate certain sensations that others might find... unpleasant. I think of it as a professional hazard. I'm not invulnerable. This is how I make up for that deficiency."

They thought that over. From their expressions, they realized that going out on a job with me needed to remain something that they only fantasized about.

"I still need your help," I said. "I need you to cover for me. I need you to help keep my head on straight through all this. Mostly I need something like a normal life to come home to."

"'Normal', she says," Jim chuckled. The way he smiled, I knew he wasn't laughing at me but at the situation.

"Yeah, well... more normal than escaping by the skin of my teeth from exploding buildings, or going toe to toe with lunatics driving tanks, or tearing apart wrecked minivans. That stuff can stress you out, you know. I need to be able to unwind."

"Right. Unwinding is fun, too. What do you say, Bud?"

"Oh yeah! Unwinding is fun. Which reminds me, are you planning anything this weekend?"

"Like another party? No, after the last couple of weeks, I think I need to cut back on the partying. I plan to go visit a friend on Saturday. Other than that, I think I need to hit the books some and just kick back." That, and a workout or two, and some Kung Fu practice. Now that I thought about it, I would have a full weekend just trying to catch up with things I had missed during all the week's excitement.

Mom had come in with a plate of French toast while we were talking. The smell was heavenly, but I held myself to only one piece. When the subject of weekend plans came up, she looked both relieved and disappointed that there wouldn't be a gaggle of girls romping through the house again and staying up until all hours of the night.

"Maybe you'd all like to go to the beach one afternoon?" she suggested. We could drive over on Sunday if the weather is nice.

That sounded like a nice, family-type thing to do. It seemed a little early in the year for beach trips to me, but I hadn't seen much sand growing up, so I wouldn't really know. Even though it was only about an hour's drive to the Gulf, my parents had never taken me and the few times Yvette had let me go on organized outings, the chaperones acted like concentration camp guards. "Zer vill be no fun herr today! Nicht!" It seemed funny to me now and I smiled at the memory. It was one of the first times I had been able to look back and find something funny, instead of horrible.

Mom misunderstood my expression. "Sam seems to like the idea. How about it? Just the four of us? Fiona told me that Carl will be back in town on Saturday. The Morgans are due for some quality family time and I thought we might do the same."

Jim smiled slyly and got a mischievous look in his eye. "OK, just the four of us. But on one condition..."

"What?" Mom sounded surprised at Jim's presumption that he could dictate terms. She looked curious as well.

"Just that you go as 'Bambi', not 'Mom'."

She blushed. She looked pleased, but she had to ask the logical question.

"All right. But why?"

"Because I know the two of you are going to try to outdo each other by wearing the sexiest swimsuits you can without getting arrested. I don't think I could stand it if I had to keep reminding myself to think of you as 'Mom'."

Bud nodded his agreement. He and Jim hadn't exchanged any significant looks, so I guessed this was purely Jim's idea. It was the first time he had gone further than just agreeing to the new family roles.

"Well, I think I'll take that as a challenge," Bambi declared. "So, you'd like to see me in a sexy swimsuit, hmmm?" Dressing provocatively was the very thing she lived for. I could almost see her mentally searching her wardrobe for the right thing to wear.

Jim looked right at her for a beat before answering. He leaned back slightly in his chair, his posture indicating that he wasn't uncomfortable having this slightly flirtatious conversation. He said, "Oh, yeah! And so would every other guy on the beach. I'm sure I speak for all males between the ages of 12 and 120 on this. Think of it as a public service — as well as a private favor."

"Well, since you put it that way... how can I refuse?"

"This is going to be fun!" I said. I had meant to be supportive, but I found that I was really getting into the spirit of the thing. I had also thought of something that Bambi hadn't. I concentrated for the necessary couple of seconds and said, "I can wear my new suit!" I opened my nightgown and revealed the faux version of the blue bikini that was upstairs in a drawer.

Bambi laughed, then suddenly looked serious, as she realized that I could top her at will when it came to wearing sexy swimwear. I could mimic anything she wore, and make mine even smaller and, of necessity, skin tight. Her serious look melted quickly, though. She smiled and nodded at me, accepting the challenge.

"Yes, lots of fun," Jim said, seeing the looks Bambi and I were giving each other.

Surely he hadn't thought so far ahead that he had anticipated the competition that his suggestion had started. Or was I underestimating Jim again? Maybe it was just his hormones talking. Either way, it would be a win-win situation for the boys to get the girls into a contest to see who could be the biggest exhibitionist. I decided that I would be nice and not try to top Bambi, but she didn't need to know that. Let her think that she had to go as far as she dared. The result might be very interesting indeed.

For my school clothes that day, I put on a faded old denim skirt that I had hacked the lower third off of with a pair of shears and then never had the guts to try to get past Yvette with it on. I had even tried to fix it by popping the side seams at the waist, so I could wear it low on my hips, but that made it worse, rather than better, so I had hidden it away in the back of my old closet. Now that some of the sting of the old days was starting to fade, I got it out and put it on with a scoop-neck tank-top that Bambi had bought for me. As school clothes went, the outfit was almost demure, showing little cleavage but a good bit of skin below my navel. The split seams were the sexiest thing about it, showing enough skin on each side to make it questionable if I were wearing panties. Which I wasn't, of course. I added a macramé belt to the skirt, just to make sure that if the seams let go even more, it wouldn't fall off at an inconvenient time.

I then took a few minutes to deal with something that I had noticed happening, but hadn't understood until lately. Even though I had been getting fucked fairly regularly, and by some of the biggest cocks imaginable, whenever I had to trance-out and force my body to heal there was always a side-effect. The healing refused to be confined entirely to the site of the injury. Instead, it spread all over and insisted on trying to 'fix' all of me, in effect, changing my whole body to an earlier physical state. In my case, the most obvious result was to reverse the wear and tear on my sex organs and change me back into a virgin.

As wonderfully kinky as it sounds, this isn't really a good thing. It actually felt like my pussy was growing shut. Believe me, having your cherry busted once is enough. Doing it again and again takes a lot of the pleasure out of fucking, even for a pain-slut like me. See, the order of events is all wrong. The pain should come later, after I'm totally turned on, not right when the guy is first trying to get his cock into me.

So my original worry about getting too loose was totally wrong. The reality was that if I was going to do the healing trick regularly, then I needed to do something to keep from getting too small, especially with Bud, Jim, and Steve ready to pound me mercilessly at the drop of a hankie. The steel balls had actually helped, but I was bored with them. I decided that I needed to find something else that would keep my pussy from going back to the diameter of a soda straw, so I got down on the floor and looked through the toy-drawer to see if anything looked interesting.

A lot of the stuff was just different color, size and shape dildos, but some of it was intriguing. I pulled out a giant pacifier that had clearly been intended as a gag-gift by the manufacturer. Someone had removed the ring-shaped handle, leaving a device about five or six inches long — a big rubber bulb tapering to a curved plastic retainer with a small knob in the center of the other side where the handle used to be. I turned it over in my hand, fascinated that someone — presumably Ben Reynolds — had seen the possibilities of the thing as a sex-toy.

It seemed too cute to pass up and it was perfect for what I needed — something to keep me stretched open and for my hungry twat to suck on to keep it busy while I concentrated on schoolwork. I sat on the floor, hiked up my skirt, spread my legs and fed my pussy the outsized pacifier.

Same as Sam
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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 3

We stayed there for about an hour, talking and watching the world slowly go by. A few tourists walked by and an even smaller number did a double take at the 2 naked girls, one with her legs wide open. “Don’t worry Emily,” Aryn said, “I’m told that the tourist flock down here on an evening after being on a beach all day.” “Good,” I replied, “are we coming back here this evening?” “Either here or next door at the restaurant, it depends on what takes my fancy.” “What about you Wren?” I...

2 years ago
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Catch a body

I can walk into a room and everyone there suddenly wants to fuck me. That's what Cait's mom said, or something like that. And it's not like I actually believed her, that I had this special power and ability to turn people into raging nymphomaniacs. Like, there's Wolverine, Professor X, Mystique and then it's me, and you can call me... Aphrodisiac. No wait, there's them and then my uncle, Cupid, and then me, his not so faithful sidekick.With benefits.Imagine the final fight scene.No, it's not...

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Abandoned Wife Chapter 4b

“I’m really happy to hear that. It certainly wasn’t what I understood.” Another piece of ambiguous verbal information. What didn’t he understand? His hands left mine and went to the clasp between my breasts. It was the last barrier between him and their total exposure. Staring into my face, he very slowly undid the little clasp and held the two sides together in his hands. Then, he slowly pulled each aside, one after the other. I was looking at his face, rather than at my body, and the...

Wife Lovers
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CHAPTER 14: EVENING WITH SHARON AND JOHN We received a call from Joe to let us know about the sexual attack on Nikki and how she was being affected by it. We were of course greatly concerned for her, too. Nikki and Joe were somewhat responsible for opening my eyes to the possibilities and wonders of sexual exploration. We have maintained contact over years as friends but our sex lives have gone in different directions. She is quite settled with Joe, the dogs, and the life they have created in...

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first time or maybe not

I walked into the bedroom. I see my wife standing in front of the mirror in just her bra and panties.“You still find me attractive?” she asked.My wife Lan and I have been married 15 years. She will be turning 40 years old next weekend.I find you more attractive now than the day I met you. I fantasized about you the first time I saw you and I still do every day as I pulled her onto our bed.“Are you still fantasizing about how much of a slut I was before we got married?” Lan asked.I had a “I do...

3 years ago
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First Time Using THC Edibles

By now my wife was a getting bit mellow as the chocolate kicked in. Wearing nothing but her stockings and spike heels, she slid seductively onto the bed and leaned back against the headboard with her knees up and legs spread. Her eyes were slightly unfocused as she enjoyed the new sensation of being high. I decided to just lick her sweet pussy and tease her clit to see how she would react. I got out of my clothes and settled down between her thighs. I knew it was going to be a great night when...

4 years ago
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Step mom and son

Phoenix, Your dad had to go out of town again on business. So it will be just us this weekend. Sorry, I know you were looking forward to going camping. See you at 6.EnaI read and reread the note from my stepmom. I was pissed that my dad cancelled on me again. I didn't understand why he even promised anything anymore. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash. The only good thing was that I did like my new step mom. She was nice and always took care of me. How she ended up with my dad was...

3 years ago
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Punishment 6

Punishment 6 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Expectation of a gentleman caller After Maria had taken Jim into her bedroom and repaired his tear-ravaged make-up, she had taken him in a gentle but tight embrace for a few minutes, all the while cooing softly in his ear that he had nothing to worry about and that she and Karen would take care of everything. Despite the punishment that the two girls were putting him through, a punishment that seemed to be continually shredding not only...

2 years ago
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Forever Again Ch 04

Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex and mind control. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the fourth installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this story may not be to you liking. For those of you that haven’t backed out, I hope you enjoy my words. ~CD ***** Vala Strauss drifted aimlessly amid a...

1 year ago
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Animus AnimusChapter 4 Khaley lay very still, listening to the sound of her own breathing.? She?d woken hours earlier from yet another nightmare.? Sleep was not the escape from this deathly quiet prison that she wished it would be.? When awake, she mostly lay in silence, her arms and legs long since used to being bound and unable to stretch or bend much.? When sleeping, she seemed to be endlessly tormented by her past and the blurred association between that hell and this one.? There...

4 years ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 11

Urvashi ek do din mein wapas jane wali thi.Wo kuchh udas thi.Pr chud chud kr khoob mast ho gai thi.Uske boob bhi bade ho gaye the.Wo raat ko mere paas nangi hi soti thi.Urvashi ko gaand mrwane ka khoob chaska tha. Dopahar ka time tha.Manoj tv dekh raha tha.Reena us se baat kr rahi thi.Reena ko dekh kr mera mood ban gya.Maine usko pichhe se pakad liya.Wo chunk gai. Reena-are kaun hai?Chhodo mujhe… Raj-tum ko to ab chod kr hi chhodunga meri jaaan… Wo ye sunte hi chunk gai.Manoj k samne wo ye...

3 years ago
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Torture The Widow

Torture The Widow Chapter 1 ? Choke On It Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc. Copyright...

4 years ago
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Groomed by our horny father

Both our parents were crackheads, and us being two beautiful girls, were the delight and joy of our perverted father's fascination with all thing to do with sex.Both my sister and I would be woken up late at night and ushered into the living room, where our mother, drunk out of her head, would be getting fucked by some guy they had brought back from a visit to the pub.Dad would explain to him we needed sex education, so a show of fucking was put on by the stranger as dad would explain what he...

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Shy wife not any more 8211 6

Dear all. Hi. Email your comments. “Some of what I told you before is true. Except that Balram wasn’t as shy and reluctant as I made him out to be. He is very talkative and charming. And has a way with words. And because he doesn’t look that great, his skills at conversation and manipulating are even more surprising and caught me off-guard.” “Right from the first day, he talked a lot. Told me about himself, his family, his dead wife, his kids. Asked me about myself. Where I grew up, what I...

1 year ago
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Incest Neighborhood Ch 03

Chapter 3 — Happy Divorcees Most women would have spent the first few weeks after a nasty, acrimonious divorce drinking, crying, putting on a brave face or eating a lot of Haagen Dazs. Sharon Beachum did none of those things. She packed up her things, moved out of the condo she had shared with her asshole ex and bought a nicer, newer home on 9th Avenue, closer to her Mom. The death of her marriage didn’t affect Sharon in the least. Actually, that wasn’t entirely true. Sharon did enjoy a...

3 years ago
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Body Art Chap 1

He was a post graduate art student, already with a bit of an artistic reputation. He had irritated his professors by declining a tutoring job at the university and instead had taken this position in a private academy. Sure the money was better, but underlying motive was talent; not artistic talent, that would be in short supply, but female talent and challenge would be here. At the uni there were plenty of attractive undergrads, but after three years Jack had become bored. Bored with their...

2 years ago
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Vegans were right

It was proved. To the horror of millions, science couldn't hide it anymore.Vegans had always been right.The dairy industry was the main responsible for climate change, its product the root of the recent cancer epidemics and cows were just straight on evil. There was no way that humanity could allow them fuckers to build an army.As there were no chances that the human race could overthrow millennia of culinary traditions centered around one single product: milk.This is how the Pharm project was...

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Aging WellChapter 16 Sandy writes

I woke up in the morning beside Jack. I loved the feel of him against me. I felt it was new and, at the same time, like I had been beside him forever. It was a strange combination of feelings. How, I wondered, could something new be so familiarly comfortable? We were sleeping spoon-style and I loved his arms around me through the night. I had never slept close to Mike. Even on our best days, I didn’t wake up happy like this. I must have moved for he woke and nuzzled my neck kissing the nape...

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Poolside Summer Fun

It was the hottest day of the year, only about 10:30 in the morning and already thirty degrees. Mark stepped onto the deck, closing the door to the kitchen behind him. It was Wednesday and he had submitted the latest chapter of his book to his editor only a few hours ago, and was in need of a day off. And a beautiful day it was, too. His sister Jennifer had put her head around his bedroom door that morning, telling him that she'd be going out after work. “It's Erica's birthday and we're doing a...

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A Fresh Start0

Rolling up the sleeves to his elbows and putting on a pair of white Nikes, he couldn’t wait for the first day of classes to begin. Orientation had shown him that this school would be something worth remembering, he just knew it. The girls were extremely attractive, and he had met a couple of dudes that seemed pretty cool too. He walked into the kitchen of his apartment, grabbed an apple and headed downstairs to his pride and joy, his 95 Z28. Most people didn’t understand why he loved...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Lena Ashworth 02112021

ExCoGi is on a roll these days with the Senior honeys in High School. Amber Moore last week. Lena Ashworth this week. What’s next? These two lezzing out for a hot 3some? Enquiring minds want to know. So fresh out of class, and the school bell, is 18 year old Lena Ashworth who just turned 18 three weeks ago. They don’t come any fresher than that and yes she’s literally fresh off the campus. As soon as the school bell rang she raced to catching her flight immediately after classes ended on...

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FirstClassPOV Silvia Sage Stunning MILF Silvia Sage Gets Pounded Hard

Irresistible MILF with big tits, Silvia Saige, is a lustful bombshell who loves nothing more than having a big cock inside her mouth and tight pussy. The sexy babe in laced lingerie gives Mark White a sensual ballsucking and blowjob while lying on her back. Her teasing eyes pierce through the soul as she makes love with the huge dick. After slobbering Mark’s shaft, Silvia bends over on the couch and lets Mark bang her pussy from behind. Moans of delight fill the room as Mark pounds...

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Shorts in a Bundle 2 Anas Anecdote

Achoose Powder: Ana and Tony Dee Cypher Part One Tony looked across his desk as a rolled a pencil between his fingers, bored with another day at a job he wasn't in love with. Sure, selling insurance paid the bills, and he loved being able to work with people on the reg, but it definitely wasn't a thrill-a-day. At 28-years old, Tony was doing just fine in life. He was able to pay off his student loans from college within five years of graduating. He lived on his own a few hours...

2 years ago
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First Sex Of My Life With House Owner8217s Daughter

Hey hi guys, this is pranay sharma, from raipur, chhattisgarh. Baat un dino ki hai jab main engineering 3rd year me tha, aur maine march me new room shift kiya tha hum 4 friends ne ek 2bhk flat rent pe liya tha. Actually baat maine hi ki thi owner se fir flat conferm hote tak maine unki ek chhoti beti se baat ki jo usne hi kiya tha isi related baat karne ke liye.Tab tak maine unke family me se sirf usi ladki ko nahi dekha tha. Fir ek din ek mahine ke baad owner ki puri family police...

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Neighborhood PetChapter 8

Steve Smith knew that he wasn't feeling any pain, but hell, he was a long ways from being drunk. All the same, the goddamned revelation Don Keller had unloaded on him had whipped his appetite away, and he could only pick at his steak and french fries while his host ate heartily. Steve'd ordered another martini with his lunch and now he sipped at that as Don said: "Hey aren't you going to eat, guy? Great steak... just the thing to put gusto in the loins!" "Christ, I thought I was...

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Divine Love

Chapter I - Cure by Mother’s Hand Jamie Bradley sat quietly in the doctor’s office waiting room as his mother filled out the insurance information and questionnaire as to why they were visiting. This was nothing new, since Dr. Alexander had been Jamie’s doctor since he was a young boy, and had remained so for his annual checkups and other typical illnesses, even though he was in high school now. But this time there was nothing routine about the reason for their visit, and the teen was very...

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Mom Comes Calling

My name is Marilyn. I'm twenty-four now, and the story I'm going to tell you happened when I was eighteen. Basically, it's all about how I came to find the true love of my life -- only it happens to be with a lover who practically no one knows about. That's the way we both want it. It was my first year of college. By that time I'd had a few boyfriends, and gone all the way with one of them. Still, I felt inexperienced compared to my friends, and really looked forward to exploring my...

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Midsummer Night Cuckold 4

Sperm is leaking at the corners of her lips. Silence wakes me up. It is total, abnormal. I feel the bed next to me: empty. Murielle is not there. Where is she?I do not move.I focus listening, but nothing, I hear nothing. Silence surrounds me from all sides.The house is empty, that is why this silence. The old demons beset me. Strange sensations of abandonment, of immense solitude. Panic.Where is Murielle? I get up and head with felted steps towards the door, being careful not to bump anything....

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The Captive Princess

Clara felt herself coming to. She could not remember much but she was sure that she had been taken hostage last night. She had been asleep in her room when a strange man had woke her just as he was putting a rag over her mouth and then she could remember nothing else. She was sure her father the King would pay what ever payment was demanded for her safe return. She did not know that the man that had taken her did not want anything from the king and much from her small virginal body. Robert had...

4 years ago
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Seventh Heaven

From a woman's view point :It was the party of the century, a hundred of us celebrating in style. A pool party with alcohol and very little clothing, plenty of d**gs and sex going on in dark corners, sometimes out in the open too. It was wild and fantastic, the perfect way to spend a hot summer's night. Graham's parents were away for a few days, and he had decided to make the most of it, but there was no way he would be able to clear up all the mess we were making.Aaron and I had been friends...

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Curing Boredom

I turned up the volume as Rammstein’s industrial dance music began filling my car with heavy sounds. Sitting snugly in the driving seat I began moving my body to the rock guitars riffs and with my head bobbing to the pulsating rhythm, I was really in the groove. I was on my way back to Holland from a dirty weekend in Hamburg and this sort of music helped pass away the time and kilometres. My joy was short lived because as I passed the famous port city of Bremen the autobahn was backed up due to...

3 years ago
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A Private Workshop the amazing sequel to He

He called me a few days later. No, he didn’t cast me in his latest project, but was impressed enough with me to want me to attend a “private workshop” he was having,…at no cost. Of course, I was flattered and eagerly said “yes”, especially since I knew this was going to be hot. You see, my initial audition turned out to be something quite unexpected. It ended up involving me stripping down and whacking off for him, and then, upon his request, I proceeded to suck his cock and make him cum...

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The Thief

It was a restless night for me. Hi I’m James, A retired, single, restless man who lives in a quiet street. In fact a cul de sac. It is generally quiet, but it does have a walk way to the next street. We have had a few car break in lately and the police seem to do nothing. This night, I was sitting outside, in the dark, when I saw the thick set person come through the lane way. What struck me odd was, he had on black gloves. I got my phone camera out and started to film him. He was trying all...

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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 15

We were having breakfast at first light and our forward scouts came in with two men bearing a white flag on an inverted spear. Their arms were taken from them in a polite search and they were brought before Glenda, Mandor, Susan, and me. One of them said, "We are from the People. We have come to offer you joy and peace." I said, "That's interesting. What if we're not interested?" They looked shocked. I continued before they could say anything. "We have a nice community of a pretty...

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