Second Chances Ch. 11 free porn video

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Author’s note: Okay, two things to note about this chapter. Brian says some nasty, crude things to Sarah. PLEASE don’t send me emails saying ‘I don’t like it when a man talks so dirty to a woman. He should respect her, blah, blah, blah’. First, if you don’t like nasty talk, you’re on the wrong website. Second, I happen to love it when my man talks dirty to me and that’s why I’ve included it in the story. In fact, Brian is probably my favorite of the McKenzie brothers. His dark sexuality really turns me on. Okay, enough ranting. I hope you enjoy the story.


After Brian left to work on the cabin, Sarah cleaned the kitchen table carefully and chose one of the bolts of fabric Brian had bought. She smoothed the sturdy cotton on the table top, running her hand over the soft material. She was pleased with the pattern, a cheerful yellow with small blue flowers. She measured what she would need, cutting out enough material to make several panels of curtains and strips to make matching tie cloths to hold the panels back.

When she had everything prepared, she settled into a comfortable chair and began to sew. Sarah hummed a cheerful tune as she worked, smiling as memories of her night with Brian flitted through her mind. She was a bit stunned by the depth of emotion she already felt for him. He had claimed more than just her body, he had claimed her heart as well. She loved him. It was as simple as that. And yet, she knew that it wasn’t so simple.

She frowned thoughtfully, wondering once again about her past. Brian had said he would marry her, and she was anxious to become his wife. But, until she knew who she was and where she had come from, she couldn’t pursue a future with Brian. She knew he was equally impatient. He had made it clear that he wanted her. She blushed with pleasure, thinking of how clearly he had let her know that he wanted her. She had to find some way to regain her memory, but she was totally at a loss about how to accomplish that goal.

She sighed, pushing those thoughts from her mind and concentrating on her sewing. She made steady progress, smiling as she applied neat stitches to the fabric. Her fingers were nimble and efficient, and soon, she had completed several panels. After a couple of hours, her eyelids began to droop. She was tired from her nighttime activities, and she yawned, stretching her arms overhead to ease her aching shoulders. Perhaps a few moments of rest would be good.

She laid her head against the back of the chair and squirmed a bit to get comfortable. Within moments, she was asleep. She sighed as she began to dream.

She saw herself sitting beside a woman on a sofa. Sarah looked younger, with her hair pleated into a girlish braid. She looked about fourteen. The woman beside her looked like a slightly older version of herself. She had the same golden hair, only hers had a few streaks of grey. Her large brown eyes were identical to Sarah’s, except for the tiny laugh lines near the edges. They sat together in a cozy parlor, and the older woman was showing Sarah how to sew.

‘That’s good, Sarah. You are coming right along,’ the older woman said. ‘Soon, you will be able to sew better than me.’

Sarah laughed with pleasure. ‘Oh Mama, no one sews as well as you.’

‘I’ve simply had more practice, dear. You’ll see.’

They heard a door open, and they both looked up with expectant smiles as a man entered. He was the man from the photo, only once again, she noticed that he looked older than he had in the picture. He smiled at Sarah before bending to kiss her mother.

‘Hello, my beauties. Did you have a nice day?’

‘Yes, Papa. I’m making a new dress. Mama bought the fabric for me today. See.’ Sarah held up the dress she was making, excited to show him what she had done so far.

‘That’s lovely, Sarah.’ He gave her a wink and grinned. ‘Now, be a good daughter and give me a few minutes alone with your mother. I want to greet my wife properly before supper.’

Sarah giggled and rolled her eyes, but she obediently rose from the sofa and kissed him on the cheek before heading to the stairs. As she climbed to her room, she could hear her mother’s soft giggles of delight and her father’s playful growls, and Sarah smiled to herself. After nearly twenty years together, the pair still seemed like newlyweds. She sighed contentedly.

The sound of hammering outside woke her up, and Sarah blinked several times. The dream was still fresh in her mind, and she replayed every detail eagerly. She laid the curtains aside and ran to Brian’s bedroom to retrieve the book of sonnets. Her eyes looked at the photo and scanned the inscription once more, laughing with delight. He was her father, not a fiancé or friend. He had signed the book Y.L.F. — your loving father Thomas Martin!

Sarah was so excited, she hugged herself with joy. She knew her last name. She knew she had a father and a mother, though she didn’t know where they were. She was starting to remember. She still had to fill in the details of her life, a daunting prospect to be sure, but she knew with certainty that she was Sarah Martin!

Her eyes opened even wider with delight. Brian had said that as soon as they learned her name, he would marry her. She was tempted to go and tell Brian right away, but she decided against it. She didn’t want to share her news with Liam present. She wanted to share it when she was alone with Brian so she could fully express her happiness.

She fell back onto the bed, pummeling the mattress with her hands and feet in her exuberance. She could hardly wait for the coming night, when she could share her news with Brian. She was Sarah Martin — soon to be Mrs. Brian McKenzie!


Brian and Liam worked diligently on Aidan and Naomi’s new cabin for the rest of the day. They stopped only to eat a quick lunch, and then resumed their labor. They were both anxious to finish the project. Their brother and sister-in-law were due to come home in two days. By late evening, they were almost done.

They stopped for the day and rushed to finish their other chores before supper. Brian entered the cabin, impatient to see his angel. She was sitting in a chair near the fire, sewing on a pair of curtains for the cabin. As he closed the door behind him, she looked up with another of her glorious smiles. She could hardly contain her secret a moment longer, but she settled for showing him the curtains she had made.

‘What do you think?’ she asked.

She held up the panel she was working on. It was nearly finished. She had only one remaining side to hem. She had already made several panels, as well as small tie cloths made of matching fabric. Brian admired her handiwork, grinning at her as he inspected the flawless workmanship.

‘They’re lovely, Sarah. I think you’re right. You’re a talented seamstress.’

She gave a laugh of accomplishment, pleased with his praise. ‘I’ll try to finish by tonight. That way, you can hang them in the cabin tomorrow, to add the finishing touch.’

Brian stood watching her folding the sewing away and placing it neatly in the basket he had bought her. She looked so sweet and domestic. A barrage of images of her flashed through his mind – her cooking, her rocking his dark haired baby, nursing it at her lush breast, her welcoming him into her bed after a long day’s work. He could picture her doing all those things for the rest of their lives, but he couldn’t picture her murdering a man in cold blood. If she had stabbed Mr. Henderson, Brian was sure she must have had a damn good reason.

Unaware of his turbulent thoughts, Sarah rose and began setting the table for supper. She had made fried chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and her famous hot rolls. The three of them enjoyed a pleasant meal, laughing and talking, excited to see Aidan and Naomi’s reactions to their new home.

After supper, Liam and Brian relaxed in the living room, while Sarah quickly washed the dishes
. She hurried, sending Brian fleeting smiles as she thought about how he would react to her news.

Brian followed her movements with a brooding gaze. He was still thinking about what he had found out that morning, and he racked his brain, trying to think of some action he could take. He hated the fact that there was nothing he could do to help Sarah remember her past.

Liam noticed both Sarah’s excitement and Brian’s preoccupation. When Sarah was drying the last dishes and putting them away, he decided to tactfully excuse himself. He rose from his chair and stretched.

‘Well, I’m going to bed early. I’m exhausted, and I didn’t sleep well last night.’ He gave Brian a pointed look, being careful not to let Sarah see. Turning to her, he smiled. ‘Good night, Sarah. Thank you again for the delicious meal. If you keep cooking like that, I’m going to get too fat to fit through the door.’

She laughed at his compliment. She was already growing accustomed to Liam’s teasing banter, and she had decided she liked him very much. ‘I’m glad you liked it. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

Liam disappeared down the hallway, leaving her and Brian alone. He settled his intense stare on her once again, and she shivered from excitement. It hadn’t escaped her notice that he had been watching her all evening, and her nerves were strung tight from wondering when he would make a move.

She didn’t have to wait very long. Brian rose and prowled toward her, reminding her of a mountain lion stalking its prey. He came up behind her as she wiped her hands and hung the dish towel on a hook to dry. He braced his hands on either side of her, pinning her between his body and the cupboard.

Brian was nearly a foot taller than her, and his hard muscled frame dwarfed her much smaller one. He was a dangerous, intimidating presence behind her. Sarah felt small and vulnerable, entirely at his mercy. She shivered, relishing the suspense of how he would subdue her, how he would bend her to his will. She could hardly wait to be overpowered, consumed, ravished. She could hardly wait to satisfy his insatiable hunger once again. Sarah held her breath as he skimmed his lips down the nape of her neck, branding her with their heat.

His voice was deep and dark. ‘Come with me, my sweet angel. I told you earlier that you would have to pay for getting me all hot and bothered this morning. I’ve been aching for you all day. It’s time to pay the piper.’

Sarah expected him to lead her down the hall to his bedroom, but instead, he led her to the front door. ‘Where are you taking me?’ she asked breathlessly.

Brian draped a warm coat around her shoulders before donning another one himself. ‘Wait and see,’ he said mysteriously.

He took her hand and led her out into the night. The air was freezing, and there were several inches of crusty snow on the ground that had partially melted and refrozen. Sarah lifted her hem to keep it from getting wet, and her pace was slow as she picked her way carefully to avoid slipping. Growing impatient, Brian scooped her into his arms and tromped through the snow to the newly built cabin. She was content to loop her arms around his neck.

He shouldered the door open and nudged it closed behind them. The interior of the cabin was no warmer than it had been outside, and their breath made foggy clouds in the cold December air. It was dark and Brian set her down, fumbling until he found the lantern he had left. He lit it and turned the wick high, shedding a warm circle of light around them.

He grasped her hand and led her to the large fireplace in the living room. Sarah watched as he started a fire, adding several huge logs until he had a cheery blaze burning. It was obvious that he had planned to bring her here. He had stacked wood and kindling on the hearth, and she spied a stack of blankets on the floor nearby. She smiled, pleased that he had been anticipating being with her as much as she had wanted to be with him.

The fire quickly began to warm up the surrounding area, banishing the chill. Brian spread the blankets out before the fireplace, making a soft pallet. He shrugged out of his coat and dropped it, snagging her gaze. Tugging his boots off, he laid them aside and sat down in the middle of the pallet. He looked at Sarah, and his eyes simmered with passion.

‘Come here,’ he said quietly.

She removed her shoes and sank to her knees on the pallet between his thighs. He pulled her close and kissed her, cupping her nape to hold her still as he explored her luscious mouth. He trailed kisses along her jaw and chin, sighing with pleasure at the silkiness of her skin. He returned to her lips and feasted, deepening the kiss with bold strokes of his tongue. She was breathless by the time he released her mouth, but she wanted to share her news before they went further.

‘Brian, listen,’ she gasped, wedging her arms between their chests as she smiled up at him. ‘I remembered more about my past today. The man in the photo is my father. I saw both him and my mother in a dream. That’s when I knew, the book of sonnets was a gift from my father. You remember, he signed it Y.L.F. — your loving father, Thomas Martin. My name is Sarah Martin, I’m sure of it.’

Instead of reacting like she had expected, Brian frowned, looking away. For the first time, she remembered his behavior when he had returned from town. There was something he wasn’t telling her.

‘What is it, Brian? Aren’t you happy?’

‘Of course I’m happy that you’re beginning to remember more, Sarah.’ He clasped her hands in his and looked down at them as he rubbed his thumbs along her knuckles. ‘I’m just impatient for your memory to return altogether. I’m anxious to move on with our lives.’

‘But don’t you see, this means that we can move on with our lives? Now that we know my name, we can be married!’ Seeing his deepening frown, she blinked. When she continued, her voice was small and uncertain. ‘You said you wanted to marry me, Brian. Have you changed your mind?’

Brian found it hard not to howl with frustration. He wanted to throw her over his shoulder, haul her into town, find a preacher, and marry her as soon as humanly possible. His barbarian side was chomping at the bit to claim her, to shout to the world that she was his. But none of that would be possible until they were able to prove that Sarah wasn’t a murderer. If anyone knew she was living there, the sheriff would arrest her. Brian would have to keep her presence a secret until he could clear her name.

‘I haven’t changed my mind, angel. I intend to marry you, and the sooner, the better. But it’s not enough to remember your name. You’re going to have to remember your past as well.’

Sarah frowned as she studied his face. ‘Is there something you’re not telling me, Brian? You seem worried.’

‘No, I told you, I’m just impatient.’

‘Are you sure? I could swear you’re keeping something from me.’ She eyed him suspiciously, trying to read the thoughts in his clear, green eyes.

Seeing that she wasn’t going to let the subject drop, Brian snatched her against him and kissed her. He didn’t want her to know what he had discovered in town, at least, not yet. He didn’t want her to be frightened or uncertain. He was hoping that her memory would return, and then they would be able to clear up the mystery of how her boss had been murdered.

If there was one sure way to distract Sarah, it was by stirring her passion. Getting her body busy with pleasing him was the best way to keep her mind off of other questions. That tactic suited him just fine, because he had been dying to have her all day.

He kissed her until she was witless and panting, growling with satisfaction when she pulled his hand to her breast. He squeezed her nipple, twisting it mercilessly as she moaned with delight. She was perfect for him. Her desire to submit to him, to devote herself entirely to his pleasure matched perfectly with his desire to possess her, to make her burn for hi
s touch. His passion was dark and forbidden. Sarah understood that, and was willing to go where most women would hesitate to venture. Brian wanted to take her even further into his dark passions, to test the limits of her willingness to please him.

He released her mouth and snared her gaze. His eyes were burning. ‘Take your dress off for me, slowly.’

Sarah shivered from both the cold and her building anticipation. She pushed the coat off her shoulders and began unbuttoning her bodice. Brian watched, his eyes smoldering as each button slipped free. She pulled the dress off her shoulders and down over her hips, laying it carefully aside. She sat back on her heels as Brian admired the sight of her in her undergarments. Her body was every man’s dream, but she belonged to him, only to him.

‘Stand up and take your pantalets off,’ he ordered, still not touching her.

Sarah complied, letting them drop around her ankles. She stepped out of them and looked at him, patiently waiting for his next instruction.

‘Now your stockings, nice and slowly.’

Sarah bent at the waist, aware that Brian could see into the bodice of her chemise as she rolled each stocking off and discarded them. She shivered again. Brian lifted her chemise. He boldly trailed one long finger through her juices and held it up to his nose, savoring her clean, womanly smell.

‘You smell delicious,’ he sighed. He leaned back, dropping her hem back in place. He eyed her breasts, raising one arrogant brow. ‘Now, take that chemise off. I want to see your breasts.’

Sarah’s fingers shook with excitement as she untied the satin ribbon and slipped the buttons free. Her nipples were tightly furled, aching for his mouth. She slowly peeled the garment away from her breasts, loving the heat in Brian’s eyes as he watched the unveiling of her proud peaks. They were rock hard, standing impudently upright as they begged for his attention atop her perfect breasts. She stood naked, thrilled by the possessive fire in his eyes.

Brian tugged on her hand, and she sank to her knees beside him. Once again, he kissed her, twisting her nipples as she sighed into his mouth. He nudged her thighs apart, smiling against her mouth as he explored her slick folds. She was so wonderfully wet, and all for him, only for him. He drew back from the kiss and held her gaze as he guided her hand to his erection. He stroked her fingers up and down his hard length. Even through his breeches, his heat singed her hand, and Sarah gasped.

‘Open my breeches and take out my cock,’ he ordered calmly.

Sarah eagerly complied. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him the night before, because of the dark room. She marveled at the sight of him now. He encouraged her to explore him, guiding her hand as he showed her how to touch him, how to bring him pleasure. She was a talented student, and she soon had him groaning with delight.

‘My cock has been like this all day, thanks to you,’ Brian said, giving her a reproachful look. ‘Do you know how painful it is for a man to be so aroused and not be able to find relief?’

‘No,’ she whispered. ‘I’m sorry.’ She was secretly pleased to know that she aroused him so much.

‘Let me assure you,’ Brian said darkly, ‘it’s not pleasant. So, I’m going to teach you how to make amends to my cock…with your mouth.’ He met her startled gaze and raised a challenging brow. ‘Are you willing to pleasure me with your mouth?’

The fact that he wanted her to do something so shocking was both scary and exciting, and she nibbled her bottom lip. ‘Is that something women are supposed to do? I mean, isn’t that rather shameful?’

Brian chuckled, enjoying her uncertainty. He didn’t see any shame in a woman pleasing her man, but of course, he didn’t tell her that. Instead, he gave her a condescending smile that chided her for her naïve question.

‘Of course it’s shameful, Sarah. It’s naughty and nasty. It’s scandalous. Some people would even say it’s sinful. That’s why no proper young lady would be willing to suck a man’s cock. Only whores are willing to do it, and even then, they charge a dollar for their services.’

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SRU Second Chances

This story is dedicated to all who have ever wanted a second chance in life. Especially all our brothers and sisters fighting AIDS. * * * * SRU: A Second Chance By Robyn Waiting room. What a name for a room, any room. Especially a room in the most stressful office in the world. A doctor's office. All this would have been easy for Mark if only the circumstances had been different. Just two days ago after a ten year hiatus from doctor's offices, Mark discovered he...

4 years ago
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First Time Disaster and Second Chances

I’m a really terrific liar. It’s a talent. I know it sounds awful. My mom totally grounded me like a billion times when I was in high school, for being a liar that is. My lying is problematic and I worry about it. Sometimes I can’t decide if I’m a “good girl” wrapped up in a “bad girl”, or if I’m a “bad girl” wrapped up in a “good girl”? You decide. But actually I’ve found my lying to be a very useful talent. But that’s another story. I don’t really know why I lie so much. Maybe it’s because...

First Time
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What are the Chances

The house I was born in had belonged to my great-grandfather, then my grandfather and then my father. It had been a stately wood-frame house, but by the time I came along it had deteriorated and needed constant repairs. The neighborhood it stood in had deteriorated even more.What had once been a nice middle-class neighborhood with single-family homes and small apartment buildings, which had been built later, was now a run-down, crime-ridden area with more and more boarded-up buildings.My dad...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 28 Taking Chances

Deirdre watched Joey as he shifted up. The BMW convertible was at cruising speed now, 65 mph. The soft top was closed as it was still early in the morning and the air was a bit chilly. Joey was outwardly calm in spite of what was riding on today's interview. "So what's the schedule for today?" she asked to make some conversation. "I'll deliver my talk at their lunch seminar. I guess Carol will use the time before that to grill me a little more. She said one of her students will show...

3 years ago
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Temptation Chapter four Taking more chances

Please not this story is total fiction and none of these events happened. in this chapter I will try push it on a little as the others have been a little slow. But I will still give lots of details or if you do want to give me some advice for future chapters I would appreciate it. Please read chapters one to three so you get the full picture. Sunday morning after the Saturday night experience. As Sarah awoke she laid in her bed thinking. She couldn't help but think about what...

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Three Square MealsChapter 108 Second chances

Alyssa’s cerulean eyes seemed to drink in every detail of John’s shocked expression as she waited for his reaction. “What did you do?!” he finally whispered, staring unblinking at the elongated tips of her ears. She hesitated, unsure of herself. “I wanted to do it for you ... It felt like it was time.” Closing the distance between them, John gathered her in his arms and pulled her in for a smouldering kiss. Alyssa’s doubts fell away as she responded to him, moaning into his mouth, the tips...

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Moments Second Chances

Once in a while there are moments that occur in one’s life that seem to stand out more so than any of the rest. Sometimes those moments are bad, and sometimes they are good, but one thing about them that no one can ever dispute is – once you have them, things will never be the same. ‘Thank you, Ma’am. God bless you and good evening.’ ‘You are welcome. Enjoy. God bless you.’ The serving line continued on eternally. Sarah Rose Appleton lifted her glove-covered hand and wiped the sweat off her...

3 years ago
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First Time Disaster and Second Chances

I’m a really terrific liar. It’s a talent. I know it sounds awful. My mom totally grounded me like a billion times when I was in high school, for being a liar that is. My lying is problematic and I worry about it. Sometimes I can’t decide if I’m a “good girl” wrapped up in a “bad girl”, or if I’m a “bad girl” wrapped up in a “good girl”? You decide. But actually I’ve found my lying to be a very useful talent. But that’s another story. I don’t really know why I lie so much. Maybe it’s because...

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What Are the Chances

So I’ve been sucking cock at least three days a week with my Mailman As I’ve said before I enjoy licking pussyas well Well it’s Tuesday I’m at my local coffee placeits packed as always only chair &table available is with this lovely lady I ask if I can joinher says she doesn’t mind We chat about everything she tells me she’s married but not happy , she even tells me her sex life is dead , which I couldn’t imagine she is very voluptuous I love women that are Bbws and has big tits and she as...

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It started as a drive most of the way across the state. We were due to give a presentation at a small conference and she was nervous. She wasn't a big fan of public speaking. It doesn't bother me much, so I was pretty relaxed. She spent most of the ride (I was driving) to look over her notes a dozen or so times. I spend most of the ride looking her over as subtly as I could. She isn't a supermodel or anything, but everything about her is cute. She has shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes...

1 year ago
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Pinwheel RemasteredChapter 8 Second Chances

Once the station was secured, and they were certain that no more Bugs were hiding out in service tunnels or air ducts, the state of emergency was lifted. The crimson glow was finally replaced with the warmth of the sunlamps, the barriers returning to their recesses in the deck, and the cool breeze once again rustling the leaves of what trees remained. The damage to the station was extensive but mostly superficial. Besides for the breaches that the boarding craft had punctured in the hull,...

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Legion of LightChapter 26 Second Chances

The plans we had laid out for the creation of a library in Ureda required establishing a local presence first, as we did not want a mysterious building to appear out of nowhere. We wanted this to be something the local Uredans felt they had built. The location we picked for the library was on a promontory a little more than half a mile from the fork in the coastal trade road that marked the turn off to Ureda. At the fork itself, we bought an old building that had been built over 30 years...

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Second Chance

I had been crying, on and off, for more than an hour. When Janie told me she wanted a separation I was hurt and confused. We had been married five years and true, it wasn't as good now as it was in the beginning. For one thing, we rarely had sex anymore and if we did, it was quite routine. When we first met and starting dating, everything was great. We did lots of stuff together and had sex all the time. We were so good together, that I had the confidence to tell her about my...

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Second Chance

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Anyone wishing to archive this story is free to do so. Anyone not wishing to archive this story, is also free to do so. So there. ----------- SECOND CHANCE... By Gunslinger Jack had maybe a second's warning, out of the corner of his eye. He'd barely started to look up, when there was a dull 'thump', and he was forcibly lifted from the seat of his ten-speed and hurled through the air. He had an instant in which to register surprise before he made...

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Second Chance

Second Chance By Julie O. Edited by Robert Arnold Chapter 1 (Sometime in 2008) In many ways it started off as very typical day. I arrived home from a long day at work, and after greeting Max the cat at the front door of my condo, I sorted through the day's mail. For the most part it was the usual collection of bills, magazines, and junk mail. However,...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am riding on the back of Matt Frawley's motorcycle. I press myself against him, and my breasts tingle as they tease his bulky, sweat stained back. We careen around curves on the Angeles Crest Highway, and we exit down a winding road into the National Forest. We roll to a halt in a gravel parking lot strewn with remnants of bikers' parties. Matt hides the bike in a stand of oaks. He puts his arm around my waist, and...

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Secondary Education 2

Secondary Education Chapter 2, The Trouble With PE By Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am rounding the last turn of the mandatory mile. Each footfall is unbearable. The sun, the smog, and the heat are relentless. Coach is screaming words I cannot hear over the blood pounding in my ears. I cross the finish line and collapse at his feet. "Get up, move around before you puke, Flowers." "I can't, Coach." It is too late. I retch on the ground at Coach's feet, a watery gruel. I...

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Secondary Education Chapter 3 Self Improvement

Secondary Education By Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 3 Self Improvement Please email me a comment if you are enjoying (or not) my story. Our apartment is dark, hot and empty when I get home. I am a latchkey kid, and have been since my dad went to jail for the penultimate time, when he got his second strike for dealing meth back in '02. Now, he's in for 25, and I am sure Mom is heading back into custody for parole violation. In her waste basket I find used...

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Secondary Education Chapter 4 Inititation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Please email me or post a comment if you like, or dislike my story. Thanks. Chapter 4 Initiation I wait in line at Target behind a squat Latina and her raucous brood. She barks shrill commands and threats, which they cheerfully ignore as they slip cheap toys into her already stuffed shopping cart. Her boyfriend ignores the anarchy as he adds an armful of last minute items to their tottering pile of goods. The cashier...

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Secondary Education Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho. I awake alone, my limbs twisted in rumpled sheets. The tattered window shade flaps in a desultory breeze billowing in one moment, sucking against the screen in the next. The cheerful trill of a passing ice cream truck making its final rounds makes me hungry, and I drag myself from the bed. I look out the window into the gloaming. It's night. I have slept a couple of hours. The...

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Secondary Education Chapter 6 A Night on the Town

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 6 Night on the Town I sit in the back seat of a speeding, SUV, wedged between two Mara soldiers. Jose's corpse lies under a bloody blanket behind us, his face obliterated by the pointblank blast from Antoine's shotgun. Hector drives the Escalade up and down Jefferson Boulevard, the uneasy border between the Crip and Mara fiefdoms, speeding past its many shuttered used furniture stores, but slowing as he...

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Secondary Education Chapter 7

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 7 The Tipping Point The rising sun paints the smoggy sky over Los Angeles fuchsia. The air is dense with the smoke of distant wildfires. The breeze is already hot. It stirs the trash from overflowing garbage cans and sends it tumbling down the streets. Greasy food wrappers twirl in trash cyclones: In and Out, Jack in the Box, Weinerschnitzel. The sight makes me nauseous, and I choke back a gag. My eyes...

4 years ago
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Secondary Education Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete I cinch a belt around the baggy waist of my Dockers. The pants' seat and thighs are just as tight as the waist is loose. My old boy clothes don't fit my new body. It is as Tyler, rather than Tyla, that I am re- enrolling, two weeks late, in Fairfax High's summer program. I wrap my boobs with an Ace bandage to squeeze them flat, and cover up my curves with tee shirt and a faded Kobe...

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Secondary Education Chapter 9

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 9, Seeing No Evol Matt Frawley's arms are glistening in the slanting rays of August sunshine. He dribbles behind his back, wrong footing his defender. Matt deftly crosses the ball over, changing direction and bounce passes it to Antoine, who is streaking down the court on the fast break and scores an easy lay up. Matt whoops a victorious hurrah, and his blue eyes for a moment meet mine until he is distracted by...

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Secondary Education Chapter 10 Reincarnation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 10 Reincarnation I am asleep in the arms of my Bodhisattva. He strokes my forehead. "Look within to find consciousness of the skandhas that survived your rebirth." I concentrate, and focus on a fuzzy, black and white image. "I was Private Flores, an American warrior in the jungle battles of Laos. I killed many and died filled with guilt and hatred. These passions survived inside me, and even they roil...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Is This Nirvana? Chapter 11 I awaken with a shudder. A fractured ray of sunlight pierces the crack between a pair threadbare quilts which have been hung as an makeshift curtain. From outside I hear the clamor of banda piped through the tinny speakers of a catering truck. A hot breeze wafts a rancid flume of stale cooking oil, jalapeno and stewed pork. I feel nauseous, and choke back a heave. I have mind-splitting...

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Secondary Education Chapter 12 My Missing Pieces

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces Oprah's over, Rikki Lake's not on yet, and Dr. Phil depresses me. So I flick off the television. I pick up a month-old "Us" magazine: Lindsey's back in rehab, Paris is busted for DUI again, same old, same old. I throw it back on the table and wish I had something to do. I am a high school dropout. During my convalescence after being castrated, I missed the start of school at Hollywood...

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Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses

Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses [email protected] This is a continuation of a sexually explicit story. If depictions of sex disturb you, or if you are under the age of 18, do not read this story. All persons and events depicted herein are fictional. If you like, hate or otherwise react to this story, please email me at the address above or post a comment to the site where you read it. Xoxox, TF I am squeezed between Ocho Loco and Hector on the sagging,...

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Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal

Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal [email protected] In Tyla's harsh demi-monde, how shall she discern the betrayer from the betrayed? Cautionary Note: This is adult erotic fiction (not fantasy) and should not be read by non-adults or by adults who are offended by violence or explicit erotica involving under-aged transgendered protagonists. All persons depicted are fictional, and...

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Second Chance

I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...

Love Stories
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Second Chance

I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...

Love Stories
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Second Chance

Second Chance, By Armond "I come bearing gifts," she said, holding up a white sack. "We had a bunch left over, and I hated to see them go to waste." "Chocolate chip scones? Gina Strega, you are sinful," Marita said, peering in the bag. She grabbed the one with the most chips and bit in; crumbs tumbled down her white blouse. "You don't have to stuff us with yummy bribes, dear, we ARE changing you back." "I wasn't trying to bribe anyone," Gina said, "I thought you might...

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Second Chance

Like most high school sweethearts, Gail and I had dreams and plans. We would go to the same college, settle down, get married, and have kids. Things just didn't work out that way. For a start, we were approved for different colleges. Of course, we pledged to stay together and continue our relationship and we did that for several months. But, little by little, the calls and texts dwindled to a few — then none. Despite wanting it to work, our deepest fears were realised and our relationship fell...

Love Stories
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Second Chance

What puzzled her was that even though her parent’s finances were shaky, they always seemed to have the money to send her to prestigious private schools. She had earned a bachelor’s degree, an MBA and now just completed her law degree, all from Ivy League universities, along with experience in prestigious management consulting companies in between her degrees. She asked her mother a few times over the years how they could afford her schooling, when they often had trouble paying their other...

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Second Chance

       It had been three years.  Three looooooong years as far as her libido was concerned.  She’d stayed far away from all of it; buried herself in her awful temp job that had since become a permanent secretary position, not that it’s permanence made it any better, just more predictable.  She’d aided her ailing mother until she’d died six months before and her sister was so far AWOL she hadn’t even shown to the funeral.  She was alone and emotionally destitute when not so long ago her life...

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