CU TRENUL DE CRACIUN free porn video

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“Cine Dumnezeu m-a pus sa las masin
a acasa…trenul…futu-i trenu’ vietii sa-i fut”.
Ganduri ce-mi treceau prin minte pe masura ce Rapidul inainta ca un melc printre troienele cat casa. E prima zi de Craciun si in loc sa fiu acasa, cu o bautura in mana la caldura, sunt intr-un compartiment nenorocit, intr-un tren pe trei sferturi gol, pe jumatate mort de frig, asteptand un drum de 10 ore( pe vreme frumoasa) care traverseaza tara de-a latul. In primele doua ore de cand am pornit la drum nu s-au auzit pasi in vagonul in care sunt, daramite vreun calator nou. Va fi un chin groaznic, o intarziere uriasa la destinatie si o zi pierduta din start. Imi pun castile in urechi, dau drumul la playlistul de pe mp3 si ma ghemuiesc intr-un colt sa-mi fie cat mai cald. Nu stiu cat am dormit, presupun ca nu prea mult. Usa compartimentului se deschide, frigul ce ma invaluie facandu-ma sa tremur. Nu ma sinchisesc sa deschid ochii, nu ma interesa cine e, doar sa nu incerce vreun dialog ca-l strang de gat. In maxim un minut un parfum fin de dama imi invadeaza simturile. Deschid ochii si zaresc o prezenta feminina, foarte gratioasa, toata zgribulita sub o haina lunga de blana. Dupa caciula si parul blond as fi zis ca-i rusoaica. Totusi mi-e prea somn. Inchid ochii si atipesc din nou…
In toiul noptii, mult dupa ce playlistul meu s-a terminat aud un oftat adanc inecat de suspine. Deschid ochii si descopar in fata mea aceeasi doamna gratioasa de mai devreme: o fata alba prelunga, machiata foarte discret, cu niste buze voluptoase scoase in evidenta de un ruj rosu. Culoarea tipatoare a buzelor era intr-un contrast placut cu blondul parului si albetea fetei. O rochie neagra, nedecoltata,pana la genunchi mulata pe corp, ii scotea in evidenta bustul frumos, talia subtire si picioarele. Privea pierduta pe geam, tinand o mana la gura. Doar suspinele ce ii miscau pieptul o dadeau de gol, altfel as fi crezut ca totul e aievea.
Doamna observa la un moment dat ca sunt treaz, isi trage haina de blana peste picioare si se opreste din suspinat. Surescitat de privelistea oferita si de faptul ca era foarte trista, nu ma pot abtine sa nu o intreb de ce este atat de abatuta.
“Tinere, imi raspunde parca eliberandu-se, lumea ar trebui sa fie fericita de Craciun”.
Din una-n alta, imi povesteste cum ca mama ei s-a imbolnavit foarte grav si a trebuit sa traverseze tara s-o vada. De parca asta nu ar fi fost de-ajuns, sotul n-a fost de-acord in ruptul capului sa vina cu ea cu sa-si vada soacra, lucru datorat unor certuri de la inceputul vietii lor impreuna.
Ma ofer s-o inveselesc, ii spun cateva cuvinte de imbarbatare si-mi aduc aminte ca, prevazator fiind, am in rucsac pe langa cele cateva haine un minibar cu sticlute de Jack. Aproba fara ezitare mica mea oferta ne uram “Un Craciun Fericit” si dam pe gat cate 50 fara sa clipim. Intre timp astia schimbasera locomotiva, sau si-au adus aminte ca au vreun robinet de caldura, caci se mai incalzise putin cusca aia de-o numesc compartiment. Impulsionata de inca 50 de Jack, doamna incepe sa-mi povesteasca franturi din viata alaturi de sotul ei, ca a fost o credula si s-a maritat devreme crezand in dragoste si ca tot ce i-a mai ramas din visele de altadata sunt un sot mai mult plecat si lumina ochilor ei, Andra, fetita lor de 8 ani. Faptul ca e si mama, ma face sa ma inec in propria-mi bautura. Totusi…e atat de tanara si frumoasa, are un corp incredibil…nu-mi venea sa cred.
Alcoolul in schimb isi facea treaba si pe masura ce inaintam in noapte, dialogul a devenit tot mai galagios, glumele tot mai “fara perdea” si atomosfera din ce in ce mai relaxata. Mai bine de o ora am povestit diverse intamplari mai mult sau mai putin comice, am ras, am baut, m-a invitat chiar langa ea sa-mi arate niste poze pe telefon cu fetita ei. In timp ce doamna mea derula fotografiile, amintindu-si intamplari comice, in fata ochilor ne apare o poza cu ea insasi, goala, facuta in oglinda de la baie. Vizibil rusinata, inchide telefonul si pentru cateva momente se instaleaza o liniste de mormant. “Nu stiam ca aveti si-o fata mai mare” ii spun incercand sa evit momentul jenant si provocandu-i un hohot de ras. Mana ei incepu sa ma loveasca peste picior, in aceste spasme involuntare si accidental se opreste peste penisul meu vizibil in erectie, gratie fotografiei de mai devreme. Se opreste si ma priveste fix in ochi…nu spune nimic pentru 30 de secunde si-apoi se repede sa ma sarute cu o pasiune nebuna, lipindu-si buzele alea frumoase de gura mea, aproape sufocandu-ma. Ma ridic speriat si ma lipesc de usa. Fara sa stea pe ganduri, vine direct la mine si aproape ca ma striveste cu trupul ei. Ma priveste inca odata direct in ochi si-mi spune: ” Toata viata mea am fost tratata ca o doamna, de cei din jur si de sotul meu. Mi-a placut si-mi place acest statut, dar sotul meu ma trateaza ca pe-o doamna si-n dormitor. Acolo e singurul loc unde poti sa dai frau liber imaginatiei, sa faci ce vrei si sa nu stie nimeni. Femeia perfecta e doamna in societate, gospodina in casa si tarfa-n dormitor.N-am simtit niciodata asta…vreau sa fac sex ca o nebuna, vreau sa fiu tratata ca o tarfa in pat, sa simt ca traiesc ,ca pulseaza viata in mine, ca cineva ma doreste a****lic”. Sunt bulversat. Auzul acestor cuvinte ma face sa-mi dispara si ultimul iz de ratiune si ma impinge la pacat. Cu o mana ferma o strang la piept, ajutat de faptul ca se eliberase de greutatea caciulii si-a hainei de blana, o apuc de par si-o trag inspre mine. Ne lipim gurile una de alta, de parca de asta ar fi depins viata pe planeta insasi. Are o limba atat de dulce si de jucausa, niste buze mari, fierbinti. Imi transmite parca toata energia ei prin acel sarut prelung si pasional. Ma aplec spre urechea ei si-i soptesc: ”Ce-ai zice ca in seara asta, sa-ti indeplinesc dorintele si sa te posed ca un nebun.Sa-ti rup hainele de pe tine si sa ti-o trag pana la epuizare. Sa ma simti adanc, sa simti ca traiesti, sa simti ca esti dorita?”
Fara sa astept un raspuns o intorc si-o lipesc cu fata de usa, si ma postez in spatele ei, tinandu-i mainile lipite de geam.”Ai sa fii tarfa mea in seara asta, si orice-ai spune sau face, n-o sa ma induplece sa te las sa-mi scapi”. Aud doar un gemat usor din partea ei in timp ce-i lipesc umflatura din blugi de fund. Ii deschid fermoarul pana jos la nivelul taliei, si in timp ce ii ordon sa nu-si dezlipeasca mainile de geam, ii eliberez umarul stang de stransoarea rochiei,si i-l sarut cu o placere nebuna.Ii dau parul la o parte, o musc gentil de ceafa si apoi ma plimb cu varful limbii de la baza gatului pana pe omoplat, trecand peste umarul ei drept. Vrea sa se intoarca, dar nu-i permit si o lipesc si mai tare de geamul usii. O vad cum isi musca buza si respiratia ii devine mai pronuntata. Sanii lipiti de geam tresar de fiecare data cand imi infing dintii in pielea ei. E prizoniera mea si asta ma excita si mai tare. Ii dau jos rochia, si-o las doar in lenjerie intima. Sutienul alb cu dantela neagra abia reuseste sa-i tina in frau sfarcurile excitate. O intorc cu fata spre mine si-i mai sarut odata gura frumoasa, sorbind parca fiecare secunda din impreunarea buzelor noastre, in timp ce cu mana ii strivesc sanul stang. O izbesc pe canapeaua din compartiment si raman nemis**t in fata usii. Incep sa-mi scot cureaua. Vizibil excitata de priveliste, o mana incepe sa-i alunece intre picioare, catre pizda. Imi folosesc cureaua sa leg usa de un maner al canapelei si trag d****riile. Ma intorc sa-mi privesc tarfulita care-si masa ca o nebuna clitorisul in asteptarea mea. Pata de pe chiloteii ei albi devenise vizibila. Cu coapsele desfacute, tremurande , cu ochii inchisi se lasa prada placerii pe care si-o provoca singura. Ii dau de inteles ca e prea tarziu sa evite ce urmeaza si-i spun sa se ridice. Ma deschei la camasa, o arunc de pe mine, in timp ce cu o mana o apuc iar de par si-o trantesc in genunchi in fata mea. Capsele blugilor sar una cate una si eliberez din stransoare barbatia, care zbiera sa iasa afara. Da sa o apuce, dar mana din parul ei ii da de inteles ca eu fac regulile. Ii plimb usor penisul erect peste gura, o lovesc peste buze, ii cer sa deschida gura si sa il ia incet. Doamne… ce senzatie! Limba aceea jucausa si buzele fierbinti se mulau peste fiecare centimetru. Parca eram intr-o alta lume, intr-un alt univers. Ma simteam pierdut. O eliberez din stransoare si-o las sa faca ce vrea ea. Cu miscari de du-te-vino incepue sa ma suga ca o nebuna . Ii eliberez sanii din sutien si-i las in voie. Niste sani rotunzi, nu prea mari, cu areole cafenii si sfarcuri erecte imi delectau privirea. Vazand-o ca incepe sa puna stapanire pe joc, o opresc si o intind din nou pe canapea. Ii dau chiloteii jos sa-i vad pizda, sa o ating, sa o simt. Era uda toata si vibra sub fiecare atingere de-a mea. Un deget trecu peste clitoris si isi facuse repede loc in vaginul ei fierbinte. Cu miscari circulare, cautam de fiecare data punctul magic. Respiratia ei sacadata imi dadea de stire atunci cand il atingeam, si cresteam intensitatea. Corpul i se cambra cu totul, sfarcurile tinteau drept in sus, in timp ce incerca sa se agate de canapea, de d****rii, de parul meu. O vad ca se simte atat de bine si continui sa ma joc cu degetul in vaginul ei, intrand, iesind, masandu-i clitorisul, cuprinzandu-i labiile intre degete. Cealalta mana se plimba pe abdomen si pe sani,cercetand fiecare particica. Curand, coapsele i se strang si mica mea tarfulita sfarseste intr-un orgasm. Cu mainile in par, intinsa pe canapea in timp ce inca ii tremurau picioarele, imi arunca o privire pierduta. Ca un a****l insetat de placere, nu o las prea mult sa respire si ma urc deasupra ei, tinandu-i mainile cu mainile mele deasupra capului. Incet ii caut intrarea ghidandu-ma dupa caldura si o penetrez centimetru cu centimetru, acompaniat de gemete scurte si respiratii fierbinti. Ma saruta in timp ce picioarele ei se strang pe fundul meu si ma imping cu totul inauntru. Era atat de uda, atat de fierbinte. Muschii vaginali inca pulsau de pe urma orgasmului de mai devreme si cu miscari ample o penetrez din ce in ce mai tare. La fiecare miscare, un “daaaa” prelung ma acompania. Voiam in acele momente sa i-o trag atat de tare incat amintirea acestei seri sa o urmareasca toata viata. Am inceput sa intru din ce in ce mai violent, mai adanc, mai repede, mainile ei imi scapa din stransoare si ma apuca de spate. Unghiile imi provoaca o durere atat de placuta. Fiecare centimetru de vagin fierbinte cucerit imi trimite fiori electrizanti pe sira spinarii. “Acolo, asaaa, da, acolo…mai tare”. Cuvinte care ma fac sa innebunesc si sa i-o trag muncitoreste. Orgasmul nu e departe. Senzatia de ejaculare, ma face sa-mi contract toti muschii din corp. O simt ca e aproape: are ochii inchisi, si ma musca de gura cu o putere de nedescris. Respiratiile sunt din ce in ce mai puternice, corpul e stana de piatra, sanii la fel, gura ii e inclestata si-mi tine prizoniere buzele. In scurt timp un al doilea orgasm o zguduie si incerc sa-i opresc tipetele cu propria-mi gura. Ma musca de umar si tremura ca o nebuna. Cu greu ma abtin sa nu-mi dau drumul si ies din ea. Fara nici o remuscare si fara sa tin cont de spasmele care inca ii controlau corpul o ridic in picioare si-o lipesc cu fata de geam. Imi potrivesc bine barbatia la intrare si o penetrez cu putere. Penisul mi se uda tot de o licoare fierbinte si aceleasi spasme musculare mi-l strang puternic. Cu miscari de du-te vino foarte rapide, fara sa tin cont ca abia reusea sa se tina pe picioare, o apuc de sani si o trag tare inspre mine. Vaginul era atat de contractat incat fiecare penetrare imi stimula intens tot penisul. O voiam, o voiam rau, s-o fac sa-si piarda mintile, sa ma adore, sa ma simta tot in ea. Inca incercata de orgasmul precedent, tarfulitza mea, incepe sa dea semne ca se apropie inca unul. In mainile mele sanii se intarisera din nou, iar spatele ei devenise atat de arcuit incat puteam sa o sarut direct pe gura. Ma aplec putin peste ea, ii trec o mana peste gat, o trag inspre mine si incep sa o penetrez foarte repede. Tipetele ei scurte si gemetele sunt acompaniate de respiratia mea grea. Vaginul ei incepe sa ma stranga, in timp ce unghiile zgariau geamul. Nu mai rezist si cu o ultimele puteri intru adanc in ea si-mi dau drumul. Tremuram amandoi din fiecare incheietura, si impreunati, savuram aceste secunde de placere suprema. Sarutul ne fura orice urma de aer si cadem epuizati pe canapeaua din compartiment. Nu-mi pasa ca era o doamna, tocmai o transformasem in tarfulita mea…si i-a placut!


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Jesse and Dylan

             Please leave me a comment, this is my first story here and I want to know what you all think of it, please let me know about any modifications or improvements you think I should make.  Thank you! Enjoy!           It was late when he finally came home that night. The cold had driven him home earlier than normal, it was almost time for the first snow to come again in the city. After being at work for a few hours, he decided to go home and he’d catch up with the guys later in the...

2 years ago
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The Shoot

Hey this is my first story so please may I have no spamming I’m gonna try things from both sexes points of view (not in the same story) but i’m gonna start of with a Girls one. Louise was walking along the street as she saw the house coming up. It was on the largish affair and was strangely multi-coloured. She had found completely on accident an ad on the internet for starring in a porno. It said she’d be told what she was doing at the job. When she had looked at the ad she had dismissed it,...

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It Started At The Pool Part 3

I you haven't read the first two installments, you might want to do so to get the background of what has transpired with Greg, Cindy, her daughter Jen, and her friend Diane. Part 3 finds Cindy justifiably concerned about her daughter's confessed attraction/desire for Greg. Jen is back in school, and Cindy's been home for a month and things have largely returned to normal. However, a new complication has arisen with Cindy's next business trip, because she's been asked by her...

2 years ago
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Bitter Lemons Part 1

Bitter Lemons - Part 1I originally wrote this story as a one-off called 'One woman's fantasy fulfilled'. It can be found in its original form here -, in response to requests, I've written a Part 2. To aid the story flow I've made some changes to the original story and corrected a number of typos and grammatical errors. This story, Bitter Lemons - Part 1, is the amended version of the original story. Part 2 will be posted in the...

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Repaying my cheating Husband1

I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out of town and that was the reason for the few extra days delay. He was going to shack up with some bar-bimbo he picked up and bedded on the expense of the company account. Today was the day I was going to confront him about his infidelity when he called. I expected him to call in about a half hour, after his young brother, Douglas...

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Be Careful what you wish for day 4

Be Careful What You Wish For, day 4 holly Day 4 dawned as the other days had, but in my mind, I recalled Mistress' last words to me that it would be a new beginning. I was excited as the trainer was removed from around my head and I was removed from my cocoon. So far nothing had changed, but the promise was in the air and I looked forward to the day. Once on my feet, standing in my 4inch heels, Gwen told me to turn so that she could remove my corset. This was a first, normally, I...

2 years ago
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This is a story that has been on the shelf for awhile. It is about a bunch of people that interact with each other. Not a particularly happy story. Jasimine might be a good study as a psychiatric subject. "Hi Hon, you're going out with Sherry tonight, right?" "Yes. Why, do you have to work late again?" "Yeah. Two more weeks and then I'm home every night. It has been a rough three months for both of us, I know. I'll make it up to you, I promise. "It's not been that bad as long as...

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An Impromptu Lesson

It’s a warm Tuesday afternoon in May, and I’m catching up on my studying on the lawn outside the music building. I’m a music major at the University of… well, to protect the innocent let’s just say it’s a large state university in California. Plenty of time before my piano lesson, I think to myself, until I glance at my watch… 2:25 – only 5 minutes until my lesson! I must have lost track of time as I was enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin! 5 minutes is plenty of time to gather up my things...

4 years ago
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Sidewalk Encounter

Walking back to work from a fast-food lunch, I had to navigate an obstacle course on the newly created sidewalk as various pieces of construction equipment were still parked. Approaching me from the opposite direction was a woman. Thinking she had also navigated this course before during this summer of road-widening construction, I smiled and said, "Still a real challenge to get through!" She smiled, and as she came next to me asked, "Do you know where Columbia Street is? Is it down there?"...

3 years ago
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Dual sex drive

TunnaldiggerAt the very base of dual sex principle is the understanding of a woman's psychological need for a variety of sex partner's. Psychologically, women are hardwired differently than men. A woman has a dual sex drive. The first is centered on finding a mate for life to help support her and her offspring. This is why (and when) love is such an important part of a women's sexual desire. The second is a desire to obtain a variety of the best genetic material to produce the best c***dren....

2 years ago
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magic of wolfords

Introduction: how i met my wife and how we play I was a delivery driver and one day i made a delivery to a office bldg in ny city. this time i had to pick up a letter from the hr office.when i got there this sexy woman in a business dress suit with heels and shiny black pantyhose was waiting for me. I was in love…lol. she handed me the letter and l was so nervous being with her that i dropped my clipboard and it hit her leg. It put a run in her pantyhose.I apologized and asked her to dinner as...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Kiere Matty Its What Girls Do

Kiere is feeling lonely today, but her girlfriend, Matty, is here to cheer her up. Offering Kiere a hug and then a kiss, Matty lets her lover know she’s here for whatever. Kiere makes her interest in taking things further clear as she rubs her hands all over Matty’s ass as the girls feel each other up. Peeling Matty out of her clothes, Kiere continues to explore every inch of her lover’s soft skin. Matty returns the favor, unveiling Kiere’s magnificent big boobs and lush...

3 years ago
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My First Sex With Anandhi Aunty

So, readers. You believe it or not.It is up to you. This is a real story happened in my life.It was during my 12th-grade annual examination. It was a study holiday that day. I used to go to tuition for my difficult subjects. One day night after my maths tuition, I reached home. I heard an unusual voice in the kitchen. My mother was talking seriously to someone. It was my aunt. Our family is a far relation to hers. Though she is not my aunt, I use to call her so. First I should tell about her....

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The Girls Next DoorChapter 1 Rachel

About five minutes later my neighbour’s 17 year-old daughter came out of her house and walked down towards the bottom of their garden. Since she was carrying an airbed, a towel and a bottle of something, presumably suntan lotion, it was apparent that she had the same idea as me, to get some sun. Rachel, the same age as me, was one of the most popular girls in school and had always treated me well even though I thought she was way out of my league. I’m not a dork but, at the same time, I don’t...

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Magical Girl Adventures

PLEASE click "START GAME" to read this adventure in the way that is intended to be read. If you don't things may not add up or play out very strangely. Please and thank you! Long ago, there once was a great evil that ravaged the world in hopes of becoming the ultimate power. It wished to ruled the Earth by exploiting the sins of man and using it to manipulate everyone's hearts into something corrupt and malleable for it to use. It was a manifestation of chaos itself, taking form of whatever...

2 years ago
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The Little Lady

On my twenty-first birthday, I married Sir Peter Hargreaves. We must have looked comical when we stood at the altar. I was four-feet, seven-inches (but taller in high heels) and he was just over six feet. I was attending a seminar with my normal-sized brother Andrew about financial planning when we sort of met. I was sitting in the middle of the front row almost directly in front of Sir Peter, who was making a speech. He couldn't keep his eyes off me.We had a very affluent lifestyle and he was...

3 years ago
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It Started With A Text

“I am eyeball fucking you from across the bar” That’s what the text said. I was sitting in a bar on a Friday night with a girlfriend and her friends. A married couple. I looked at the text again and then I scanned the room. No one seemed to be staring or leering at me. I should have been scared, but instead I was intrigued. I didn’t recognize the number. And trying to show my brave side, I sent a text in return. “Who the fuck is this?” I waited for a reply. A few minutes went by, and nothing. I...

1 year ago
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Chachi Made Me Hot

By : Moveon2 Hello to all ISS readers I m Som and I am live in Kolkata/India. Not wasting time in describing my self and about my chachi. This is my true incident with my chachi (my father’s younger brother’s wife and she is widow with one child so she use to stay with my parents). Let me start my story. I am into job in Kolkata and my parents stay in other city. I visit every month to them but never realize about her figure nor seen her in lusty mood but in last visit I felt that for first...

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Fog in the HeadChapter 4

It seemed like I'd just got off one endless flight before hopping onto another one. We did wait a week though, Dagmar and I, and managed to become closer to each other by the end of that week. By then I had every confidence that she wouldn't try running away. I think my calling her Dagmar and never Linda had a lot to do with it. The sex did too. It wasn't nearly as intense of a relationship as some of my others. It had much more of a friendship quality to it rather than a torrential love...

2 years ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 4

(The Present) "One thing you said earlier I wondered about Deirdre." "What was that Duncan?" "You mentioned the Hunters. How did you know about them?" A merry smile danced across the woman's impish face. "Because Fitz told me about them." "Fitz? When did you see him?" "A couple of years ago. I was participating in the annual Renaissance Faire. As usual I was a strolling singer accompanying myself on the lute, which is not exactly my favorite instrument. I was singing, of...

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A Night in Latia

I had just got off form work at the busy buy. When I got home from work she would kiss me at the door and lead me to the dinner table. Latia had on a short black dress with high heels. She always had I hot home cooked meal waiting for me. She sat me down and turned on the playboy channel. I started eating my juicy T-bone steak she had made. When I was in the middle she got on her kness and took my nine and a half inch dick out. She put the head in her mouth first and started jerking me off. She...

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Daddy and Emily turn Jenn into a slut

a fantasy about a daddy and his little girls out for a saturday on the was about us all being on the boat on a sunny day out in the middle of a lake just drifting around... my older daughter emily has been trying to get my younger daughter jenn to wear more sexy bikinis instead of the little girl ones she usually wears but she is sort of shy to start getting all sexy just yet. you finally get jenn to wear a pretty skimpy string bikini just like yours, at first she is uncomfortable...

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Son You Know We ShouldntChapter 1

Michele Cashmore had raced home from work early to tell her son the good news. She had not only been promoted; she was going to get a huge pay raise. She raced inside their small two-story cottage and quickly climbed the stairs, her high-heels clattering on the wooden treads. She snatched at the doorknob and flung open the door to her son's bedroom. "David! Guess what? I got a pro..." Michele failed to complete the sentence. Her mouth agape, Michele stood still as a statue, mesmerised by...

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The Luckiest Dad

THE LUCKIEST DAD Hi this is Mridula with another fairy hot incest encounter between a bitch daughter and lust dad. Hope you will enjoy the passionate fuck. It was early afternoon, and after a working lunch in which my associates and I signed the deal on a major contract, I decided I would head home for some well deserved relaxation. It was the first large business deal I had closed since my wife’s death some six months before, I walked into the house at a quarter to two. The house was quiet;...

2 years ago
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Into It repostChapter 10

We showered and I shaved while Karen fixed her hair. Marianne came with us as we left for my truck. Karen said, "You are about to learn something about your brother." I opened the door of the truck. Karen got in and slid as far to the left as she could. She patted the seat next to her. "Get in, Marianne." Marianne entered the truck slowly, her eyes wide as she realized that the interior didn't match the exterior. I went around and got in the driver's seat. I cranked the motor and the...

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Angel In The Park

The winter is so long and dreary that I really love the outdoors once the temperature rises enough that I can get outside during my days. It's not as if I didn't have enough to fill my days inside, what with my research and writing. I'm an author by trade, you see, having been successfully published a lucky 13 times so far. So I kind of set my own work schedule and sometimes, like early spring when it is warm enough to get out, the schedule is really flexible. Some days I just walk around...

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The Haven 3

Alex closed his eyes and felt every sensation around him, especially the warmth that surrounded his manhood. Veronica saw the look of approaching ecstasy on his face and she focused on tightening around him and increasing her movement just enough so he could lose himself in his overloaded senses. "My sweet girl. My sweet little girl with the glitter eyeshadow and the beautiful nightie. I love you so much." At that moment, Alex exploded deep within her and set off her own...

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Finding a New Life Ch 0708

CHAPTER SEVEN ‘Lily, I have to talk to you!’ Grace exclaimed. Lily looked up from her book. ‘What’s going on?’ Lily wanted to know. ‘I met a guy and I need some advice,’ Grace said. Lily grinned. ‘It’s about time. I think your parents had given up on you,’ she teased. ‘His name is Grant. He’s from New York City and he’s totally cute,’ Grace gushed. ‘What is he doing in Ann Arbor?’ Lily wanted to know. ‘Going to the U of M. He wants to be come a doctor,’ Grace answered. Lily grinned. ...

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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 1

Hollis drove his Honda Accord onto a state highway leading to the capital. It was a raw, overcast October morning. A light drizzle fell on his windshield and he periodically flipped on the wipers. He arrived at Clency State hospital, parked the car and trudged inside. There he rode an elevator and approached a receptionist. “Hollis George,” he announced himself. “Doctor Wallis called me.” “Have a seat,” he was instructed. Hollis sat and waited. Soon a late middle-aged man with a graying...

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Threesome with Kate Winslet

Andrew was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in!" Andrew said out loud and the door opened and Kate Winslet walked in. She had her long blonde hair left out, a short skirt that just about covered her ass with black stockings going all the way up, a tight black top that was held up by straps and she had on her feet, open toed heels. Her arms were bare. "What do you think?" She said to Andrew, not even noticing that I was in the room. "Nice!" He said nodding in approval. Kate looked over...

Group Sex
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Onderdanige slet

Hallo, Ik ben Sara, een jong sexy sletje dat ook nog eens heel onderdanig is, Als een grote sterke meester of een sexy meesteres me iets beveelt dan doe ik het. Ik ben een sexy brunetje met kleine b cup tietjes en een strak kontje. Op dit moment ben ik alleen thuis maar dat gaat veranderen

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Mia Seduced and Betrayed

There was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of pathetic excuses that didn't mean shit to me. I mean, there I was, with my make up all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just made for being pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going...

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My Fucked Up Family by Fridagirl

Alison left home for college at nineteen and only keeps in touch through the telephone. Strange to say, she never speaks to dad.I think it all started with her, the isolation from moving from the city to further North and in the wilds. I was fifteen when she left and starting to feel the loneliness and the sudden affection from daddy. Mother was heavily pregnant with my future sister and had decided to be nearer the hospital back in the capital with our relatives, leaving myself and my k**...

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Daddys Lessons

“Dad, can I drive the car to school today?” Abby asks, elbows on the counter, a sweet smile on her face. Mateo glances at her, pouring his coffee. He has his work truck, so the car usually sits in the driveway during the day, but now that Abigail has just turned sixteen with an official driver’s license, she sees no reason why it has to sit.“You only turned sixteen last week,” he says.“And now I’m a legal driver. You wouldn’t be breaking any rules,” she tries to sway him. Abby looks up at him...


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