CU TRENUL DE CRACIUN free porn video

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“Cine Dumnezeu m-a pus sa las masin
a acasa…trenul…futu-i trenu’ vietii sa-i fut”.
Ganduri ce-mi treceau prin minte pe masura ce Rapidul inainta ca un melc printre troienele cat casa. E prima zi de Craciun si in loc sa fiu acasa, cu o bautura in mana la caldura, sunt intr-un compartiment nenorocit, intr-un tren pe trei sferturi gol, pe jumatate mort de frig, asteptand un drum de 10 ore( pe vreme frumoasa) care traverseaza tara de-a latul. In primele doua ore de cand am pornit la drum nu s-au auzit pasi in vagonul in care sunt, daramite vreun calator nou. Va fi un chin groaznic, o intarziere uriasa la destinatie si o zi pierduta din start. Imi pun castile in urechi, dau drumul la playlistul de pe mp3 si ma ghemuiesc intr-un colt sa-mi fie cat mai cald. Nu stiu cat am dormit, presupun ca nu prea mult. Usa compartimentului se deschide, frigul ce ma invaluie facandu-ma sa tremur. Nu ma sinchisesc sa deschid ochii, nu ma interesa cine e, doar sa nu incerce vreun dialog ca-l strang de gat. In maxim un minut un parfum fin de dama imi invadeaza simturile. Deschid ochii si zaresc o prezenta feminina, foarte gratioasa, toata zgribulita sub o haina lunga de blana. Dupa caciula si parul blond as fi zis ca-i rusoaica. Totusi mi-e prea somn. Inchid ochii si atipesc din nou…
In toiul noptii, mult dupa ce playlistul meu s-a terminat aud un oftat adanc inecat de suspine. Deschid ochii si descopar in fata mea aceeasi doamna gratioasa de mai devreme: o fata alba prelunga, machiata foarte discret, cu niste buze voluptoase scoase in evidenta de un ruj rosu. Culoarea tipatoare a buzelor era intr-un contrast placut cu blondul parului si albetea fetei. O rochie neagra, nedecoltata,pana la genunchi mulata pe corp, ii scotea in evidenta bustul frumos, talia subtire si picioarele. Privea pierduta pe geam, tinand o mana la gura. Doar suspinele ce ii miscau pieptul o dadeau de gol, altfel as fi crezut ca totul e aievea.
Doamna observa la un moment dat ca sunt treaz, isi trage haina de blana peste picioare si se opreste din suspinat. Surescitat de privelistea oferita si de faptul ca era foarte trista, nu ma pot abtine sa nu o intreb de ce este atat de abatuta.
“Tinere, imi raspunde parca eliberandu-se, lumea ar trebui sa fie fericita de Craciun”.
Din una-n alta, imi povesteste cum ca mama ei s-a imbolnavit foarte grav si a trebuit sa traverseze tara s-o vada. De parca asta nu ar fi fost de-ajuns, sotul n-a fost de-acord in ruptul capului sa vina cu ea cu sa-si vada soacra, lucru datorat unor certuri de la inceputul vietii lor impreuna.
Ma ofer s-o inveselesc, ii spun cateva cuvinte de imbarbatare si-mi aduc aminte ca, prevazator fiind, am in rucsac pe langa cele cateva haine un minibar cu sticlute de Jack. Aproba fara ezitare mica mea oferta ne uram “Un Craciun Fericit” si dam pe gat cate 50 fara sa clipim. Intre timp astia schimbasera locomotiva, sau si-au adus aminte ca au vreun robinet de caldura, caci se mai incalzise putin cusca aia de-o numesc compartiment. Impulsionata de inca 50 de Jack, doamna incepe sa-mi povesteasca franturi din viata alaturi de sotul ei, ca a fost o credula si s-a maritat devreme crezand in dragoste si ca tot ce i-a mai ramas din visele de altadata sunt un sot mai mult plecat si lumina ochilor ei, Andra, fetita lor de 8 ani. Faptul ca e si mama, ma face sa ma inec in propria-mi bautura. Totusi…e atat de tanara si frumoasa, are un corp incredibil…nu-mi venea sa cred.
Alcoolul in schimb isi facea treaba si pe masura ce inaintam in noapte, dialogul a devenit tot mai galagios, glumele tot mai “fara perdea” si atomosfera din ce in ce mai relaxata. Mai bine de o ora am povestit diverse intamplari mai mult sau mai putin comice, am ras, am baut, m-a invitat chiar langa ea sa-mi arate niste poze pe telefon cu fetita ei. In timp ce doamna mea derula fotografiile, amintindu-si intamplari comice, in fata ochilor ne apare o poza cu ea insasi, goala, facuta in oglinda de la baie. Vizibil rusinata, inchide telefonul si pentru cateva momente se instaleaza o liniste de mormant. “Nu stiam ca aveti si-o fata mai mare” ii spun incercand sa evit momentul jenant si provocandu-i un hohot de ras. Mana ei incepu sa ma loveasca peste picior, in aceste spasme involuntare si accidental se opreste peste penisul meu vizibil in erectie, gratie fotografiei de mai devreme. Se opreste si ma priveste fix in ochi…nu spune nimic pentru 30 de secunde si-apoi se repede sa ma sarute cu o pasiune nebuna, lipindu-si buzele alea frumoase de gura mea, aproape sufocandu-ma. Ma ridic speriat si ma lipesc de usa. Fara sa stea pe ganduri, vine direct la mine si aproape ca ma striveste cu trupul ei. Ma priveste inca odata direct in ochi si-mi spune: ” Toata viata mea am fost tratata ca o doamna, de cei din jur si de sotul meu. Mi-a placut si-mi place acest statut, dar sotul meu ma trateaza ca pe-o doamna si-n dormitor. Acolo e singurul loc unde poti sa dai frau liber imaginatiei, sa faci ce vrei si sa nu stie nimeni. Femeia perfecta e doamna in societate, gospodina in casa si tarfa-n dormitor.N-am simtit niciodata asta…vreau sa fac sex ca o nebuna, vreau sa fiu tratata ca o tarfa in pat, sa simt ca traiesc ,ca pulseaza viata in mine, ca cineva ma doreste a****lic”. Sunt bulversat. Auzul acestor cuvinte ma face sa-mi dispara si ultimul iz de ratiune si ma impinge la pacat. Cu o mana ferma o strang la piept, ajutat de faptul ca se eliberase de greutatea caciulii si-a hainei de blana, o apuc de par si-o trag inspre mine. Ne lipim gurile una de alta, de parca de asta ar fi depins viata pe planeta insasi. Are o limba atat de dulce si de jucausa, niste buze mari, fierbinti. Imi transmite parca toata energia ei prin acel sarut prelung si pasional. Ma aplec spre urechea ei si-i soptesc: ”Ce-ai zice ca in seara asta, sa-ti indeplinesc dorintele si sa te posed ca un nebun.Sa-ti rup hainele de pe tine si sa ti-o trag pana la epuizare. Sa ma simti adanc, sa simti ca traiesti, sa simti ca esti dorita?”
Fara sa astept un raspuns o intorc si-o lipesc cu fata de usa, si ma postez in spatele ei, tinandu-i mainile lipite de geam.”Ai sa fii tarfa mea in seara asta, si orice-ai spune sau face, n-o sa ma induplece sa te las sa-mi scapi”. Aud doar un gemat usor din partea ei in timp ce-i lipesc umflatura din blugi de fund. Ii deschid fermoarul pana jos la nivelul taliei, si in timp ce ii ordon sa nu-si dezlipeasca mainile de geam, ii eliberez umarul stang de stransoarea rochiei,si i-l sarut cu o placere nebuna.Ii dau parul la o parte, o musc gentil de ceafa si apoi ma plimb cu varful limbii de la baza gatului pana pe omoplat, trecand peste umarul ei drept. Vrea sa se intoarca, dar nu-i permit si o lipesc si mai tare de geamul usii. O vad cum isi musca buza si respiratia ii devine mai pronuntata. Sanii lipiti de geam tresar de fiecare data cand imi infing dintii in pielea ei. E prizoniera mea si asta ma excita si mai tare. Ii dau jos rochia, si-o las doar in lenjerie intima. Sutienul alb cu dantela neagra abia reuseste sa-i tina in frau sfarcurile excitate. O intorc cu fata spre mine si-i mai sarut odata gura frumoasa, sorbind parca fiecare secunda din impreunarea buzelor noastre, in timp ce cu mana ii strivesc sanul stang. O izbesc pe canapeaua din compartiment si raman nemis**t in fata usii. Incep sa-mi scot cureaua. Vizibil excitata de priveliste, o mana incepe sa-i alunece intre picioare, catre pizda. Imi folosesc cureaua sa leg usa de un maner al canapelei si trag d****riile. Ma intorc sa-mi privesc tarfulita care-si masa ca o nebuna clitorisul in asteptarea mea. Pata de pe chiloteii ei albi devenise vizibila. Cu coapsele desfacute, tremurande , cu ochii inchisi se lasa prada placerii pe care si-o provoca singura. Ii dau de inteles ca e prea tarziu sa evite ce urmeaza si-i spun sa se ridice. Ma deschei la camasa, o arunc de pe mine, in timp ce cu o mana o apuc iar de par si-o trantesc in genunchi in fata mea. Capsele blugilor sar una cate una si eliberez din stransoare barbatia, care zbiera sa iasa afara. Da sa o apuce, dar mana din parul ei ii da de inteles ca eu fac regulile. Ii plimb usor penisul erect peste gura, o lovesc peste buze, ii cer sa deschida gura si sa il ia incet. Doamne… ce senzatie! Limba aceea jucausa si buzele fierbinti se mulau peste fiecare centimetru. Parca eram intr-o alta lume, intr-un alt univers. Ma simteam pierdut. O eliberez din stransoare si-o las sa faca ce vrea ea. Cu miscari de du-te-vino incepue sa ma suga ca o nebuna . Ii eliberez sanii din sutien si-i las in voie. Niste sani rotunzi, nu prea mari, cu areole cafenii si sfarcuri erecte imi delectau privirea. Vazand-o ca incepe sa puna stapanire pe joc, o opresc si o intind din nou pe canapea. Ii dau chiloteii jos sa-i vad pizda, sa o ating, sa o simt. Era uda toata si vibra sub fiecare atingere de-a mea. Un deget trecu peste clitoris si isi facuse repede loc in vaginul ei fierbinte. Cu miscari circulare, cautam de fiecare data punctul magic. Respiratia ei sacadata imi dadea de stire atunci cand il atingeam, si cresteam intensitatea. Corpul i se cambra cu totul, sfarcurile tinteau drept in sus, in timp ce incerca sa se agate de canapea, de d****rii, de parul meu. O vad ca se simte atat de bine si continui sa ma joc cu degetul in vaginul ei, intrand, iesind, masandu-i clitorisul, cuprinzandu-i labiile intre degete. Cealalta mana se plimba pe abdomen si pe sani,cercetand fiecare particica. Curand, coapsele i se strang si mica mea tarfulita sfarseste intr-un orgasm. Cu mainile in par, intinsa pe canapea in timp ce inca ii tremurau picioarele, imi arunca o privire pierduta. Ca un a****l insetat de placere, nu o las prea mult sa respire si ma urc deasupra ei, tinandu-i mainile cu mainile mele deasupra capului. Incet ii caut intrarea ghidandu-ma dupa caldura si o penetrez centimetru cu centimetru, acompaniat de gemete scurte si respiratii fierbinti. Ma saruta in timp ce picioarele ei se strang pe fundul meu si ma imping cu totul inauntru. Era atat de uda, atat de fierbinte. Muschii vaginali inca pulsau de pe urma orgasmului de mai devreme si cu miscari ample o penetrez din ce in ce mai tare. La fiecare miscare, un “daaaa” prelung ma acompania. Voiam in acele momente sa i-o trag atat de tare incat amintirea acestei seri sa o urmareasca toata viata. Am inceput sa intru din ce in ce mai violent, mai adanc, mai repede, mainile ei imi scapa din stransoare si ma apuca de spate. Unghiile imi provoaca o durere atat de placuta. Fiecare centimetru de vagin fierbinte cucerit imi trimite fiori electrizanti pe sira spinarii. “Acolo, asaaa, da, acolo…mai tare”. Cuvinte care ma fac sa innebunesc si sa i-o trag muncitoreste. Orgasmul nu e departe. Senzatia de ejaculare, ma face sa-mi contract toti muschii din corp. O simt ca e aproape: are ochii inchisi, si ma musca de gura cu o putere de nedescris. Respiratiile sunt din ce in ce mai puternice, corpul e stana de piatra, sanii la fel, gura ii e inclestata si-mi tine prizoniere buzele. In scurt timp un al doilea orgasm o zguduie si incerc sa-i opresc tipetele cu propria-mi gura. Ma musca de umar si tremura ca o nebuna. Cu greu ma abtin sa nu-mi dau drumul si ies din ea. Fara nici o remuscare si fara sa tin cont de spasmele care inca ii controlau corpul o ridic in picioare si-o lipesc cu fata de geam. Imi potrivesc bine barbatia la intrare si o penetrez cu putere. Penisul mi se uda tot de o licoare fierbinte si aceleasi spasme musculare mi-l strang puternic. Cu miscari de du-te vino foarte rapide, fara sa tin cont ca abia reusea sa se tina pe picioare, o apuc de sani si o trag tare inspre mine. Vaginul era atat de contractat incat fiecare penetrare imi stimula intens tot penisul. O voiam, o voiam rau, s-o fac sa-si piarda mintile, sa ma adore, sa ma simta tot in ea. Inca incercata de orgasmul precedent, tarfulitza mea, incepe sa dea semne ca se apropie inca unul. In mainile mele sanii se intarisera din nou, iar spatele ei devenise atat de arcuit incat puteam sa o sarut direct pe gura. Ma aplec putin peste ea, ii trec o mana peste gat, o trag inspre mine si incep sa o penetrez foarte repede. Tipetele ei scurte si gemetele sunt acompaniate de respiratia mea grea. Vaginul ei incepe sa ma stranga, in timp ce unghiile zgariau geamul. Nu mai rezist si cu o ultimele puteri intru adanc in ea si-mi dau drumul. Tremuram amandoi din fiecare incheietura, si impreunati, savuram aceste secunde de placere suprema. Sarutul ne fura orice urma de aer si cadem epuizati pe canapeaua din compartiment. Nu-mi pasa ca era o doamna, tocmai o transformasem in tarfulita mea…si i-a placut!


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Samne Wali Bhabhi Ki Safayi Me Help Ki

Hello dosto mai iss ka bhot fan bada fan hu or har story padhta hu. mera naam hai aman height hai 5’7 or ye story tab ki hai jab mai mumbai me job krta tha. or waha maine apne flat ke samne wali bhabhi ko bhot choda unka name meena (name change). ab bhabhi ke bare me bta du unki height 5′ or rang sawla tha kyoki bhabhi marathi thi or boobs to pucho hi mat koi bhi dekhta to uska lund salami dene lgta or gand sbse alag dikhti thi uski dekhte hi mann krta tha ki turnt lund ghusa du. uske figure ka...

2 years ago
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Ceciline Part 2

It had been a week since I had met Ceciline and her husband. Although I went to the parking lot every night, I hadn’t seen the man again. Some other men had tried to pick me up and I had gotten into a couple cars, but I didn’t want to miss my chance to go back to the house and see Ceciline. I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head. I could have gotten back there myself, but I was worried that they would not want to see me. What had happened the week before scared me, but also made me crave...

2 years ago
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Bad CopGood Cop

We had gone to a local bar for some drinks.I was hoping that my sexy Ana would pick up some hard cock to fuck in front of me; but, after a couple hours, she told me that she was not in the mood for a stranger’s dick; she wanted only mine…We both played pool challenging other guys; but Ana decided none of them was worth a fuck, although she teased them all night long.By the end of the night we were both a little fuzzy after so many drinks; so, as the weather was warm and fine, we decided to go...

3 years ago
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Serena And The Flutist

I was absolutely right. She did fit right in my lap. I thought she would, so that wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise though was that she seemed to be a mighty aggressive woman who was both femme and barely five feet tall. Her name was Nan. I had met her after a concert by the city's Symphony Orchestra, where she occupied the position of first flute. I had enjoyed a solo performance she had done as well as meeting her after the concert and having a very pleasant chat. It was only after I...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Candice Dare Fourth Appearance

Candice has a nosy neighbor. He’s a real peeping tom. Well, one day he had a buddy peeping in on her. Hard to blame them though, she was outdoors doing her yoga…in tight yoga pants! That’s gonna attract every perv for miles…like moths to a flame. The thing is, Candice likes the attention. In fact she invites them inside to get a little more “familiar”. These guys can’t take their eyes off her camel toe! Her puffy pussy just stretching through those yoga...

2 years ago
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ButleredChapter 4

Dawes looked surprised and a little awed at this statement. He said, “Then I will take your word for it, Mr Jeeves. Your company came highly recommended to my personal assistant, who claims she has links in high places.” Mr Jeeves replied, “I am gratified to hear that, sir.” Verbal sparring concluded, Dawes declared, “Very well, Mr. Jeeves. We shall take on your Jeeves and see how he performs. I hope to see an improvement in the way this household is run, and if what you say is true, that...

2 years ago
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Mein neues Leben

Tag 0 (Samstag) Mein Name ist Frank Heinrichs und ich bin reich. Ich bin nicht reich geboren, sondern habe mir alles hart erarbeitet. Erst als Investmentbanker bei Goldman & Sachs und anschlie?end selbstst?ndig. Au?erdem hatte ich Gl?ck, das muss ich ganz klar sagen. Aber ich habe auch K?pfchen und den Mut meine Pl?ne umzusetzen. Nun bin ich 38 Jahre alt und habe 150 Mio. Euro auf der Bank. Ich gehe nicht mehr arbeiten, sondern genie?e das Leben. Frauen sind meine gro?e Leidenschaft. Das Ge...

2 years ago
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Jackie and I

After ensuring all of my necessities were packed, I stood in front of the floor length mirror and examined myself. I had a tight shirt that was holding up my 32AA breasts very nicely. My skirt barely covered my ass when I was standing up, and since I was wearing a small thong, whoever was behind me when I bent over would get a full view of my ass cheeks. I wore no stockings, revealing my milky white skin and a simple pair of tennis shoes. My sandy blond hair I had left down, but I had clipped...

1 year ago
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The Affair Continues Part 4

The Affair: The Conclusion When Teri awoke the next morning, she could smell the heavy scent of coffee in the air. She didn’t have to look beside her to know that Bill had already gotten up. In spite of Bill being out late last night, he was an early riser out of habit. Teri blinked her eyes trying to blink away her exhaustion. She had cried herself to sleep last night, emotionally distraught and physically spent from all of the sex that she had enjoyed the previous day. She still didn’t have...

3 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 03

Lani and Dee walked into the arena with about ten minutes to spare before the game started. ‘Wow, this place is huge!’ Dee took in the all the seats with wide eyes. ‘They must fit a million people in here.’ ‘Oh, probably around eighteen thousand,’ Lani said as they walked through the portal. ‘I hope there’s not a fire or anything,’ Deanne muttered. Lani laughed and her friend glared. ‘Fine, when there’s a stampede for the exits, you’re on your own.’ ‘Holy cow, Dee.’ Lani looked at the...

2 years ago
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Me Bird Luvs Watchin Cock Action Wiv Me amp

© Robbie Webb 2012Me, my bird Karina, and my gay mate Gavin, we have a fantastic time when we get together. We get together and once we’ve had a few beers we chill out. I’ve known Gavin for years. Knew him long before I met my bird.When my mate found out I met Karina he was really upset inside. I could tell. He didn’t show it though. Said he was made up for me. Thing is, Gavin had always had this thing about me. He’d fancied me for years. He’d never actually said it, never actually said the...

3 years ago
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Cindys Naughty Business Trip

I thought I would write about an experience I had on a business trip. My name is Cindy; I have been married for sixteen years now. I met my husband in Tempe, Arizona, and since we have been married, I have only had sex with him. I am 42 years old, but everyone tells me I look much younger. I am a little insecure about my looks, but my husband assures me I am a little sex pot with a beautiful body. I am petite (size 4), 5'4, 128 pounds, 36D-22-33, brown eyes, long blond hair, to the center of...

2 years ago
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New dorm neighbor

My neighbor down the hall of the dorm my freshman year always stared at me. One day he finally made a pass at me and we made our way to a storage room in the building's basement. They kept the old furniture from previous tenants in there. I sat down on an old futon and spread my legs as far as I could. He could totally see my cock and sack hanging out of the leg of my shorts. I began stroking until it was rock hard and beads of pre-cum dripped onto the bare concrete. I could hear his breathing...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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When you cum home

It's a quarter past midnight when you stroll through the door. Over your arm your jacket hangs, and in your hand, beautiful roses. I hear your keys clink down on the kitchen counter. That's when you first notice me. Your eyes travel from my painted toes up my barely covered body, taking in every detail. My pale skin under my lace stockings. You hold your breath as your eyes dart over my lace undies that cling to my hips and leave little to imagination. You follow the curves up to my breasts,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sexy Girlfriend Ki Chudai Ghar Bulake

Hello iss readers. I’m big fan of iss. I read all d stories. This is my first story if i did any mistake plz forgive that. Let’s start story with wasting any more time.. I’m writing my whole story in desi language kionki sex da mazza ta desi tarike ch hi aaunda.. Firstly i will tell you abt myself; I’m Jassa frm Chd, age 24. This incident was happen with my gf Ritika 20 jal. My dick size is average bt i bet i can satisfy every girl. This is wt my gfs says. Yeh kahani aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai...

2 years ago
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Dancing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Um... how would you like to go to our dance this year?" "Yeah. Right. Nobody gets in unless they are owners, or dates, or you are high class with a ton of money, and I'm not any of those!" "Well, yes, but... I have a way you can go. if your willing that is." "If I was willing," she said. As if she could pull off the biggest coup of the decade! But when she told me exactly how she could do it, I almost fell of the floor...

2 years ago
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Adore Me

Men like me don't get together with women like Aster very often. And that's because on paper it's all wrong. I was twenty years older than her. She was black and I was white. She was gorgeous and I was… well, I had done all right with women over the years but I had never considered myself to be handsome. Now that the age battle was getting the better of me, I was looking at a different area of the spectrum as regards women.I was thinking about grandmas. While young men wanted MILFs who had a...

4 years ago
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Mercado LakeChapter 2

Molly Ann Simmons looked out at the smooth waters of the lake. Everyone that knew her knew her as Ann; she hated the name Molly. She rarely told anyone that her first name was Molly. Even her checks said Ann Simmons. Her maiden name had been Tyler but she had kept her married name; more for convenience than out of love or respect for Ray. This was one of the few get-aways that she allowed herself. Her friends owned the condo on the lake and rented it out in the summer by the week and by the...

2 years ago
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The MistyChapter 3

There is an old, old saying. "The best laid plans..." I can't remember the rest, but it means that you plan for something, trying to cover all eventualities, but then something comes along and cancels out all your preparations. I had planned on departing early this morning, but a warship of the People's Union (or "PU") broke out of hyper and threatened to destroy any ship that was moving in system other than those that were already on an inward or outward track. I frowned when I heard...

4 years ago
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The Emma J Chronicles Part Four

This is the final part of Emma J's chronicle, I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as i have enjoyed writing them.You can find her profile under Emmajxxx, she loves to make horny photosets and vids for those that want them, she made a vid for Carl and I and it was just sooooo horny, check her out.AnnaxxxChapter TenThe men settled down to their poker, each determined to win Emma as their prize. By now they had moved on to the Louis XIII Cognac and were all puffing on huge Cohiba...

4 years ago
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Masturbation Times Two well three actually

Introduction: A double-feature: a wife plays with herself day-dreaming about a recent adventure, and a girl wants to watch her brother jerk off I wrote two stories, each of which was slightly too short to be accepted for this site, then I realized they had a common theme (if masturbation can be considered a theme): the first one is a follow-up to The Second Weekend in August (Part 2), in which Susie fantasizes about what happened and what might have happened on Saturday night. The second one is...

4 years ago
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MAU Pt 5

MAU: The Other Side of the Fence Part 5 Redemption Part Two By MR.20 INCH BICEPS Sunday January 5th 2009 It was three o'clock in the morning and my head was spinning! Did I just hear right? Did Jack really say what I thought he said? I looked at Claudia who obviously had been crying for quite some time. Jack was still seated on the sofa, I could tell he was tense, spent, and had called me to attend their little party. I would bear witness to whatever was about to take place....

2 years ago
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Mythili8217s Gangbang Story 8211 Part 1

Guys, let me give my small introduction. You can call me Balaji. I am 29 years old, with a height of 5’11 and a dick size of 6 inches. This is the story of one of my ISS fans and her experience in gangbang. She got banged by 5 of her friends along with her live-in boyfriend. From now on, I will be narrating the story from Mythili’s point of view. Hi all, this is Mythili (name changed), age 33 and my stats are 36D-30-36. I’m a cute looking woman and most of the boys stare at my boobs and also my...

4 years ago
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Joy of Family Part 1

It was the winter of 2008 and our family had just moved into Mumbai. My dad had just been awarded the promotion he had been longing for years. A spacious apartment in Worli, one of the posh areas of Mumbai and a hefty pay-check was all that he could ever had hoped for. The newfound moderately luxurious lifestyle was a welcome relief for our four-member family. Growing up in the middle-class suburbs of Delhi never had we hoped that destiny would bring us such a wonderful life. My dad, 40-year...

3 years ago
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Kandye buckled her seatbelt as the plane was about to descend  ????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????ENSLAVED Kandye buckled her seatbelt as the plane was about to descend. Butterflies?a whole colony of them were swimming around in her stomach. She couldn?t believe it was about to happen. Everything was coming together. She was finally going to be in the presence of Master. She had served him for months online?but now, she was about to meet him. She would be able to...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 241 Prof Is Welcomed Back to Corvallis

Friday, June 17, 2005 (Continued) After the last exam (yippee again), I headed to the store to pick up Carol's new dress. I'd been worrying that the saleslady might've remembered the wrong dress, or there might've be a dimensional difference, or some other problem, but I was very happy to see that it was exactly as I remembered; which meant it was the exact same, because I remembered it VERY well! I got the nice saleslady to remove all the tags so it was ready to wear, then she wrapped...

4 years ago
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A Session With Neighbor

Hi… I am Raj from Mumbai.. I am very much a regular reader of ISS. I wanted to share my experience with all. And this is a best place to do it. Now lets go straight to the story. I am slim athletic body looking guy and lives in a society. Once I was down with all my friends, I told my friends that I am doing a job of a massage man everybody laughed at me. I felt guilty that day. That night on whatsapp I got a message from an unknown number saying hi. It was Thursday So on inquiry I was...

1 year ago
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The sparks flew and we hooked up Real Hookup Experiences

Much to my reluctance and mortification, I finally gave into Shirleen’s months of persuasion to join Tinder. My best friend and partner in crime, Shirleen was the fearless free spirit who believed in Carpe Diem. I am Kara, and this is the story of one of my most memorable nights of getting hooked up. I had been through a rough breakup a few weeks back. I knew I was just missing the physical intimacies you get in a relationship. At this point, I was spending my nights delving into a new fantasy...

Real Hookup
3 years ago
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A Correct DestinyChapter 8

The 1st of October was a Wednesday and, as it turned out, a fairly busy news day in the northern California region covered by the Sacramento Register's Metro section. There had been a sewage leak in Folsom, resulting in a hundred thousand gallons of untreated waste being dumped into the American River. Just north of Redding, on Interstate 5, there had been a catastrophic vehicle accident in which three members of a Citrus Heights family, returning from a trip to Portland, had been killed. In...

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Sit Happens

Sit Happens Brian Thompson was on his way home after a two week stint in Florida where he had been working for a client on site. He'd been so busy that he barely slept for most of those two weeks. He was so happy that the client's problems were all solved and he could finally go home. After checking out of the hotel, Brian took his suitcase and caught a cab to the airport. He checked his luggage and went through security early. He just wanted to get on the plane and head back to...

4 years ago
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Diane and the CopperChapter 8

Diane was much more herself when I arrived at her bedside later that morning. She wanted to talk about what happened. "Pug. Terry wanted me to sleep with a man who he was trying to do business with. He was angry that I wouldn't. After that I knew I had to leave, the next morning I told Terry I was leaving him and that I wanted a divorce." I decided not to tell her that I was a witness to the previous evening's incident. "What did he say?" "He said no one leaves him unless he says...

2 years ago
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Quick Drive

just want you to start thinking about what I would do if I were in the passenger seat and we were stuck in traffic...I would slowly extend my seat belt and after whispering in your ear in french about how wonderfully gorgeous your wet sticky pussy is...I would slowly start massaging your breasts and thighs, then I would slowly trace my fingers up your inner thigh...while my hand would quietly either untuck your top or find its way up the already unloosed material, and then slowly walk up...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 09

‘It might be Frank and Tanya coming to visit,’ he thought, smiling to himself. Since he had retired and the company awarded him his own desert domicile, they had started coming by for a visit at least once a year (they’d been there twice). On their last visit, they had brought their oldest daughter Alicia and her middle-aged husband. The cabin had been full of excess motion and exuberant life for the two days they had stayed. Jake wondered if they were bringing someone with them this...

4 years ago
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Starting Out 1 Deep Snow

I was on my way to the barn to do the evening chores, my feet crunching in the ice and snow when I saw Roy Thomas coming up the valley. The coats and firs he was wearing against the cold made him look twice his large size. Mounted on his dark horse and leading a pack horse behind him, they were making slow progress through the deep snow at the bottom of my south pasture. The antler rack at the side of the pack horse told me that the horse was carrying a large buck. I turned back to the house...

4 years ago
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Just after I turned 60, for some strange reason, I just couldn't get enough sex! I was masturbating all the time and all I wanted was to orgasm as much as possible! I frigged myself while bathing, in the bed and even while watching TV and just couldn't stop. I was even using a huge dildo up my ass while another was buried in my pussy. Once I got so horny that I fucked my next door neighbors 18 year old son but that's another story!Finally I had had enough so I went to a swingers place to see if...

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