- 4 years ago
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Gracious thank you to Lady Jane who read through this. My thanks on picking up the errors I missed. If there are still any errors the fault is entirely mine.
**This story is for Aaron C – he passed away on October 23, 2015. Memories of life without you still have to be written my friend. You are missed everyday.
Ray knocked on Mike’s door for a third time. Much harder this time. He figured Mike was lying in his house somewhere passed out from being piss drunk. He waited a couple of seconds and then heard sounds behind the door – someone was coming. The door creaked open a crack. It was Mike.
‘Yeah?’ He asked, his eye was red and he didn’t sound sober.
‘I need a gun.’ Said Raymond.
Mike stared at him with one red eye, trying to sum up the situation as fast as he could. As fast as his depleted brain-cells would let him.
‘For what Ray?’
‘For none of your business, that’s what. Are you going to give me a gun or not?’
‘I don’t have spare.’ He began to close the door.
Desperation took over and Ray pushed the door back open, Mike tried to push back but he was too hung over to struggle much.
‘What the fuck Ray!’ Mike complained loudly when Raymond pushed the door open and stepped inside.
‘I need a gun!’ Raymond shouted at him. Mike put his hands over his ears. It was easier to give Ray a gun and get rid of him before the pounding in his head became too much.
Mike walked to the kitchen and Raymond followed. He bent down in front of a kitchen cupboard and asked Ray what kind of gun he wanted.
‘Pistol, whatever is closest, as long as works.’
Mike pulled out a Beretta and handed it to him. Ray ejected the clip, no bullets. He looked at Mike and shrugged.
‘Sheez, you can’t even buy a gun with bullets these days. And this?’ He asked inspecting the Beretta.
‘One fifty.’
Ray looked at him incredulously. ‘That’s day light robbery.’
‘Take it or leave it.’
‘With a box of ammo?’
‘Three hundred only, we’re friends.’
Ray chuckled and put three bills on the sink.
‘No, we’re not.’ He picked up the box of ammunition and walked out of the house.
‘Thanks, see you around.’ Mike said to no-one in particular as he opened a beer for breakfast.
An hour later Ray was on the road, heading to Jackson. The last few months kept playing over in his mind like a bad dream. He pulled over on the shoulder and stopped for a while. There was a bottle of Old Thompson under his seat, he took it out and had a long drink. He had a smoke and thought about what he was doing. At length he decided what the hell, she started it – he would end it.
He took the postcard he wasn’t supposed to know about from his jacket pocket and looked at it again – I had to. Don’t tell Ray. It was post marked Seattle. He was angry and hurt at the same time and didn’t know if he was going to kill her or kiss her. He started his truck again and drove on, blinking away tears that kept blurring his vision. Drive, he thought. Don’t be such a sissy.
Close to Ralston, the rain began pouring down hard and he could just make out a really small person with a back-pack on the shoulder ahead of him. He could see it was a woman, he hesitated then slowed and pulled over. She began to run towards the truck. Ray rolled down the passenger seat window a bit as she caught up.
‘Where are you headed?’ He had to shout over the noise of the rain.
‘I don’t know.’ He shook his head at her.
‘I’m from Mobile, I want to get as far away as possible.’ He grunted, she didn’t look under aged, she could run away if she wanted to. He pressed the unlock button and opened the door for her. She put her bag at the back on top of his food and got in the front. She smelled musty and wet and Ray wondered what he had gotten himself into. She gushed her thanks as he pulled back onto the road.
‘Take your bag off my food. Move it behind me.’ He said and turned to get a proper look at her.
Big, green, frightened eyes, bleached blonde hair, beautiful pouty lips. She must have weighed thirty pounds wet. She did as he asked and then faced the front again.
‘You hungry?’ He asked.
She nodded then shook her head. He wasn’t going to beg her to share his food.
They drove in silence until Ray wanted another cigarette.
‘I’m going to have a smoke. Hope it doesn’t bother you too much.’ Ray said and took his pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket.
‘Oh thank God.’ She said and took her own pack out and gratefully lit up with him. She had almost not taken the ride and she was ready to jump out of the truck if he tried anything. He didn’t look friendly, but maybe that was a good thing, she thought. Bundy was a charmer. She sneaked another look at him and he caught her. She snapped her head back to the front.
‘I’m Ray.’ He said. ‘I mean, my name is Raymond, or just Ray.’
‘Vicky.’ She said shyly. ‘Victoria.’
‘Which do you prefer?’ Ray asked.
‘Vicky’s fine.’ She said sneaking another glance.
‘May as well tell you now, I’m going to stop for the night around Texarkana.’
‘Okay.’ She hesitated. ‘Where are you headed, if you don’t mind my asking?’
‘Seattle.’ Ray turned and looked at her, she dropped her gaze to the seat.
‘Why are you running away Debbie?’ He asked, lost in thought.
‘Excuse me? I’m not Debbie.’ She looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights. Ray shook his head and clicked his tongue.
‘Sorry, I meant Vicky.’ She wasn’t going to tell him it was none of his business, she needed the ride.
‘Why are you running away Ray?’ She looked at him pointedly.
He glanced at her in a lazy way and slowly smiled.
‘Fair enough.’ He said. ‘I tell you, you tell me. I’m not running away so much as chasing someone.’
‘Are you one of them bonds-men?’
He laughed and she smiled at him.
‘No. Nothing like that. Now you.’
‘I… He beat me. I left.’ She said softly then focused her eyes on her feet, she dug her nails into her palms to keep herself from crying.
Ray didn’t say anything at first and she was grateful for his silence.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Okay. How about you reach back and get us some food?’
As Vicky turned and reached behind her seat she quickly wiped her tears away. Ray glanced at her and saw the tell-tale bruises on the back of her neck. He was normally a man who was slow to anger but not for this. He clenched his jaw and silently promised himself that if he and that asshole ever crossed paths, he wouldn’t let the opportunity to hurt him badly pass. Vicky unwrapped a burger and handed it to him.
‘Thanks. What’s his name Vicky?’
‘Are you going to chase him as well?’
‘Nope, not unless you want me to. I just figured if I ever ran into him, I’d want to know it’s him.’
‘Scott Murphy. It’s a common name, chances are it won’t be him.’
‘Have you got family in Mobile?’
‘Some.’ She nodded, she was eating her burger faster than Ray was. He realised she hadn’t eaten in a while.
‘Hey, Vicky, take another one. There’s plenty.’
‘No, it’s… I’m fine-‘
‘I said take another burger.’ He put a little force into his voice and she surrendered and took another burger.
‘Did you try going to family?’
‘Yeah, he fetched me back, every time.’
‘Restraining order?’
‘Broke it.’ She took another bite of her burger.
‘So, now what? You just keep running?’
‘For the moment. If and when I know he’s not coming after me…’ The words died in her throat.
Ray pulled over to the shoulder and Vicky became afraid and started to unlock the door.
‘Don’t Vicky. I pulled over so that you could ask me whatever you wanted and I could look you in the eye when
I answer. Then you’ll know it’s the truth.’
She was half facing him, pressed against the door. She was breathing fast, her heart was pounding.
‘Go ahead.’ He encouraged her.
‘Who are you chasing?’
‘I’m looking for her, not chasing her. I should have chosen my words more carefully and for that I apologise, it led to a misunderstanding. Debbie is my ex-girlfriend.’
‘Excellent question. I think I still love her. Or I’m in denial. Maybe I want her to tell me to fuck off face to face. Maybe she’s got nothing to do with it and it’s him I’m chasing.’
‘Him?’ Vicky asked and raised her eyebrows questioningly.
Ray chuckled in a self depreciating way.
‘Wayne, a guy I used to work with. As it turned out they were having an affair. I thank the good Lord we never shared more than a bed and a dog, and the dog doesn’t miss her. Wayne walked out on his wife and two children.’
‘What are you going to do to her if you find her?’
‘I have no idea.’
Silence settled between them, she didn’t want to ask the question, he didn’t want to answer the question.
‘I think I should go.’ She said and began to turn away. Ray grabbed her arm, she spun her head back to him and gasped in shock.
‘No. Not here. In Texarkana, okay? I swear on my mama’s life I won’t hurt you.’ He nodded at her, trying to convey his sincerity. She nodded reluctantly. He patted her gently on her arm.
‘Let’s get going.’ He said and started the truck again.
It was after dusk when they saw the city lights of Texarkana, Ray kept on the outskirts and soon they were almost past it. He turned into a gas station and filled up while Vicky went to the bathroom. When they were back on the road Vicky spoke up.
‘I thought you said you were going to stop for the night.’
‘I am. I’ll stop somewhere on the road out.’
She nodded and said nothing further. They passed a truck stop with a diner and a bar, things looked very lively. Vicky was sure she’d be able to get a ride from a trucker. Two minutes later Ray pulled into a motel parking lot and drove up to an empty space.
‘Thanks for the ride and the food Ray.’
‘Those trucks will still be there tomorrow. Come in with me and get a hot shower and some rest.’
‘No, it’s okay thanks.’
Ray turned and put his hand on her shoulder, she looked at him nervously.
‘I know we don’t know each other. I don’t want anything from you. Come in, get a hot shower and get some sleep. Please.’ He looked her straight in the eye. She looked back at him, trying to make up her mind, a shower sounded so good.
‘Promise?’ She asked at long last.
‘I swear.’
‘Okay.’ He repeated. ‘Stay here, I’ll get the key.’
Ray got out and within a minute he was walking back to the truck. She watched him walking toward her. He pointed to the motel door and nodded.
‘I’ve got your bag, get the door for us please.’ She took the key from him and unlocked the door to the room. Ray followed with her pack and his bag.
‘It’s not bad at all.’ Vicky said looking around. ‘It looks clean.’
‘Yep.’ Ray said dropping the bags on the bed. ‘You shower first. I saw a drugstore back past the truck stop. I’ll be back in ten minutes. Is that long enough for you to shower?’
Not nearly, she thought. ‘Yes, I’ll be done.’ She said. Ray nodded and left. She locked the door behind him.
She quickly stripped her clothes off and took out a short and t-shirt to sleep in. She went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She stepped in and stood under the hot water for a minute, feeling the tension leaving her neck and her shoulders. Then she turned and let the water hit her back, it hurt when it hit her bruises but it was a nice pain, she turned again and the hot water ran down the bruises on her chest and stomach.
Vicky bit open a little sachet of shampoo and began to wash her hair. When she was done she turned the water off and heard someone knocking at the door. Her heart jumped into her throat and she stood frozen with her arms over her breasts. The knock came again and she heard a voice.
It was Ray, she closed her eyes with relief and exhaled deeply then quickly grabbed a towel. She tried to wrap herself in the tiny towel as she walked to the door.
‘Yeah, it’s me.’
‘Please give me one second, this towel doesn’t cover anything.’ She unlocked the door and turned and fled back to the bathroom with her shorts and t-shirt.
Ray dumped the paper packet on the bed. He sat down next to it and took out a couple of tacos. He had also rescued the Old Thompson from the truck and put it on the bed with two cans of coke. Vicky came back out of the bathroom with the towel around her head. He took out a tube of bruise ointment and passed it to her.
‘I was in the same aisle.’ He said by way of explanation.
‘Thank you, you didn’t have to.’
‘I know.’
She gave him a swift peck softly on his cheek.
‘Eat.’ He said. ‘I’m going to shower.’
Ten minutes later he stepped back in from the bathroom.
‘Damn, you were right. Those towels don’t cover anything.’
She smiled at him, she was brushing her hair.
‘Why didn’t you eat?’
‘I was waiting for you.’
He nodded. She finished with her hair and tied it up again. He didn’t say anything but he liked the way she looked when it hung loose. They unwrapped the tacos and started eating.
‘Drink?’ Ray asked with the bottle of whiskey in his hand.
‘Why not?’ Vicky said and he handed her the bottle.
‘Umm… I’m going to mix it with my coke, I’m not a big whiskey fan.’
When they were done eating, Ray topped her coke with more whiskey and she began to feel very relaxed.
He told her to turn away from him and take off her t-shirt so that he could put ointment on her bruises. She complied without saying anything.
‘Lie down on your tummy and put your arms up next to you so I can get at those as well.’
Perhaps it was because the whiskey helped but she felt as if she could trust him. Nevertheless, she still flinched slightly when he touched the first bruise. She felt his fingertips gently apply the ointment. He did so very gently and very slowly and she relaxed again after a minute or two.
Ray lay down on his side, close to her, with one arm propped against his head. She felt like dozing off, the feeling of his fingertips lightly brushing the skin on her back and shoulders was almost hypnotising. She turned her head into him and lay almost under his arm. At some point the atmosphere changed between them. She snuggled even closer and turned onto her side with her breasts against his chest. She heard him inhale sharply when she turned and she knew full well he could feel her nipples against his chest because they were hard. When she heard him, her stomach did a little flip in excitement. She felt so safe and the damn man had rough hands that were so gentle, she almost opened her mouth to tell him to take her. It was just the fact that they’d only met eight hours before that stopped her.
For his part Ray was caught by surprise when she turned into his chest. He could feel her nipples and he bit his lip wanting to kiss her so bad. She moved slightly and her nipples moved against him. He looked up at the ceiling and cursed because he could feel his erection, it went from zero to full salute before he could think of something to turn him off. They had met just eight hours before, he didn’t want her to think that he was a sex crazed maniac – though he was getting to the sex crazed part pretty quickly. In fact he’d promised her he wanted nothing from her. But damn her and her beautiful eyes and those lips – he couldn’t help it and didn’t want to stop.
She moved again and snuggled into his neck and he gave up and kissed her softly i
n her neck. She put her hand on his shoulder, not pulling him closer, but not pushing him away either. He felt her lips in his neck, echoing his kisses and he caressed the small of her back running his hand down over her shorts to her leg. He brought his hand up again and this time he held her chin lightly and turned her face to his lips. They began very slowly, kissing and then looking in each other’s eyes. He had brown eyes with an amber ring and felt she could stare into them endlessly, they reminded her of a Tiger’s Eye gem she saw once. He felt like he was swimming in her eyes, deep, clear, green pools of water.
He kissed her again and gently coaxed her mouth open, her stomach did a double flip when she felt his tongue searching for hers and it settled into a knot when it did. He explored her mouth and she caressed his tongue with hers, then he teased her tongue out of her mouth and into his. She could feel his erection against her. He was big, and very hard. He pushed his cock against her and her body followed naturally and she thrust her hips back at him.
He glanced down at her body for a millisecond and that was enough to see bruises on her breasts and stomach as well. He wanted to kiss every single bruise as well as her nipples but he was damned if he was going to give her a reason to remember what another man had done to her. He wanted her to remember the things he did. He moved his pelvis back slightly and slipped his hand to her short and tried to loosen her button, she came to his rescue and he zipped down her shorts. He kissed her again and pulled his own shorts down, then reached behind her and tugged on hers. She lifted her hips and helped him and they were both naked. He kissed her more intensely and held her by the back of her head against his mouth. Slowly she put her leg over his and began to pull up her knee until it was resting on his hip. He moved his pelvis back and positioned his cock, then he slipped it inside her. She gasped then moaned when she felt him push into her.
‘Jesus.’ Was all that he said and then words were replaced by sounds of pleasure and their rhythm became as one. She felt the knot in her stomach fade away and moaned in his neck. She could feel herself clenching his cock, and she could feel an ache beginning between her legs, a pleasurable throbbing.
Each time he thrusted into her, he could feel her muscles flexing around his cock, stroking his length as he pushed into her and withdrew again. Ray started counting back from one hundred so that she could get to where he was and they could climax together. He heard her ragged breath and her moans when he thrust into her and egged her on in his mind, not noticing that he was thrusting even harder and pulling her leg up to spread her wider apart. She began panting and he felt her vagina squeeze his cock even harder. Vicky thrust herself as hard as she could, the smoldering ache was at it’s peak inside her vagina and her swollen clit kept bumping on his pelvis adding to the ache and drawing it to an even higher peak, she thrust at him one more time taking him into her as deep as she could and there was a sudden release of pleasure.
‘Oh God.’ She said. Her body jerking with pleasure. Ray grunted and she could feel him spurt inside her. His cum was hot, as the fucking subsided they could hear their wetness slapping together and the pulsing aftershocks from both his cock and her vagina.
Vicky lay in Raymond’s arms. She didn’t know if they were going to discuss what just happened. She wanted to be clear on a few points, like she wasn’t a slut. Ray was hoping she wouldn’t want to discuss this and would just let it be. By the time she made up her mind to talk to him, it was too late. He was holding her tightly and snoring softly in her hair. She smiled and yawned, then tickled his nipple and ran her fingers through the hair on his chest as she fell asleep herself.
Vicky didn’t want to wake first the next morning, but she did. She found herself still wrapped in Ray’s arms. It felt so good she didn’t want to think about the night before, she just wanted to enjoy this. She held him a little tighter and snoozed until he woke up. She felt him loosen his arms around her and then roll on his back to stretch. She propped her head up next to him with her hand.
‘Morning.’ She said quietly.
Ray froze, remembering, thinking that perhaps it was a dream. He looked at her slowly from beneath his eyelids, trying to gauge her mood. She was smiling. Good start. It occurred to him that last night was real. Shit. He thought.
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(Author note- Added a kingdom hearts 2 thread in Tranverse town section) You are sitting on the beach relaxing. You remember the long adventure you ounce had in a distant land. You lay next to Kari your true love "I'm going to go for a swim" She says laughing. She runs into the water and dives in. Suddenly the water turn black as oil. it forms a black hand and grabs here. It takes her down into a portal. You run to get her. Monsters come out of the ground. A keyblade forms in your hands. Kari...
You and I finally get to meet. You jump off the road runner shuttle and I jump into your arms, giving you the biggest hug and the sloppiest wettest kisses ever. I say lets throw your things in the house and I’m going to show you a good time. I’m wearing my sexy black latex outfit with corset and your wearing leather pants and black pvc shirt. We drive downtown to LA to the Bondage ball. Your like shit I didn’t know we were going here....why didn’t you tell me...I said no worries you look fab...
We had played around with bondage before. What horny couple didn’t? Nothing too rough, just using my old ties to keep her from being able to use her arms. Our bed has the perfect headboard for it, with nice bedposts to tie Jennifer’s hands to. We’ve been married for ten years, since we were 22. I’d estimate that I’ve tied Jennifer up maybe 7 or 8 times, and she had tied me up twice. As I said, nothing too hardcore — just giving the feeling of being under someone else’s control. (Honestly,...
Helpless[/bHe coluld do nothing to escape the lip gloss brush across his lips as hehad just started the engine to the car and done up his seat belt when shereached over and applied it to his lips. He had thought she was going toput it on her own lips and was caught by surprise by her sudden act.She told him, "Pucker up your lips like you see other women do."Having just had lip gloss put on his lips against his will why did heobey this direct instruction? He could have refused as he wasn't a...
HELPLESS HUSBANDS WENDELL IS NOW WENDY Wendell was upset. His wife Talia had dressed him in an especially girlyoutfit. Perched atop his head was a yellow cap with a short brim in thefront. His upper body was covered -- sort of -- by a clinging apricottop with spaghetti straps. It ended several inches above his bellybutton. Below that was a pair of red mini-shorts that rode low on hiships and invaded the cleft of his bottom. His smooth shaved legs wereuncovered and on his feet he wore...
HELPLESS HUSBANDS by Throne WENDELL IS NOW WENDY (inspired by the Art of Sissy-Cuck) Wendell was upset. His wife Talia had dressed him in an especially girly outfit. Perched atop his head was a yellow cap with a short brim in the front. His upper body was covered -- sort of -- by a clinging apricot top with spaghetti straps. It ended several inches above his belly button. Below that was a pair of red mini-shorts that rode low on his hips and invaded the cleft of his bottom. ...
Helpless He could do nothing to escape the lip gloss brush across his lips as he had just started the engine to the car and done up his seat belt when she reached over and applied it to his lips. He had thought she was going to put it on her own lips and was caught by surprise by her sudden act. She told him, "Pucker up your lips like you see other women do." Having just had lip gloss put on his lips against his will why did he obey this direct instruction? He could have refused...
HELPLESS STRUGGLES & MUFFLED MOANS A Piece of Fiction by THE Traveller PROLOGUE: A constant buzzing noise and soft, muffled moans fill the otherwise silentroom. Alfred took a sip from the coffee as he went through Vanessa's laptop. Hewas looking at her pictures taken at a coctail. A busty brunette with a nicefigure, "chubby just a tiny bit but otherwise with the nice make up, thecute dress and the shiny heels, a striking 28 year old" Alfred thoughtas he took another sip from the coffee....
High cirrus clouds slivered across the moon, shedding shreds of light on the beaten, weathered cabin where Kathy McGuire lay entangled with her young lover on the barren mattress. All was silent except for an occasional snore from one of the drunken teenagers and the crickets who serenaded the strange and rowdy newcomers to the peaceful country side. For a hopeful moment, the night animals thought quiet would fall over the forest again... until Lydia Johnson stampeded through the woods, the...
The music had stopped, and the crowd grew impatient until the amplifiers crackled and sizzled and far away in the distance, no one knew where, a sound became discernibly audible. Sitting near the stage, Robert jumped to his feet, his face a show of gleeful revenge. This was it! He slipped his tennis shoes back on, threw his shirt over his shoulder, and headed up the hill. It had cost him a lid of dope, but it would be worth it, just to show that smart-ass Jim that he was just a stupid,...
Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...
It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...
Jacobs is a muscular build guy, long blond hair and has a tanned complexion. Though he is an absolude playboy, yet many gals would risk anything to know him. But, though lots of gals surrounded him, he didn't quite liked anyone of them. However, there is one girl, he totally was damn mad about her. Her name was Cynthia, 4 years younger than him, red haired, and petite breast. She loved to wear sports bra just everywhere. Her tight long jeans showed her madly curved shape and the outline of her...
BisexualHi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....
Chapter 1 At last winter was over and spring had begun, even though the air still had a small bite of the cold that had hung around longer than normal. I wasn’t here to see it but was told that in only two weeks all of the forest and bushes in Altoona Pennsylvania had turned a deep, healthy green. I had come to Altoona on a work crew working for a Wind Energy Company and quickly fell in love with the lush country side. The work I had come to do sucked but when I was off work I spent most...
LesbianShe's ultimately a female version of myself, except she's very tiny like my mother. We both have dirty blond hair (mine falls in my eyes, her's falls to her waist), and grey blue eyes. But I know her eyes, delicate and feminine, circled by the black lace of her eyelashes. She's stunning and she knows it too. She's not beautiful in they way a sports illustrated model is with big tits and ass. She's got a tiny body with delicate B cup breasts and a round firm ass atop a set of legs, the...
She's ultimately a female version of myself, except she's very tiny like my mother. We both have dirty blond hair (mine falls in my eyes, her's falls to her waist), and grey blue eyes. But I know her eyes, delicate and feminine, circled by the black lace of her eyelashes. She's stunning and she knows it too. She's not beautiful in they way a sports illustrated model is with big tits and ass. She's got a tiny body with delicate B cup breasts and a round firm ass atop a set of legs, the...
(Romance) An office romance is dealt an important hand by love.* * * * * * *Thursday's temperatures wavered between cool and warm. I waited impatiently for the finale of a sudden downpour before opening the window near my desk, to coax the outside in, to cleanse the stuffy office air, to linger near for the cool, damp breeze to finger my warm, dry face. April's weather was not on my list of favorites since the renewing season and I parted company last year. But that changed today—the long...
Helpless Teens are arguably the best type of teens, at least if you’re the sort of depraved pervert who drives around in a windowless van stocked with ropes, handcuffs, shackles and blindfolds. That could be the setup for a horror movie, but you already know what kind of subject matter I talk about here at ThePornDude. Sure, it might be some rough stuff, certainly not for everyone, but in the end, we’re always talking about porno movies. The question is, how kinky do you like to get while...
Premium Extreme Porn SitesKyle, who was 32 at this time, and Carrie 30, had been together over 8 years, living the last six with each other. Kyle wanted to marry her but Carrie did not feel the need for a stupid piece of paper saying they were together. That always sat uneasy in the back of Kyle’s mind, but he never mentioned it to Carrie, who can be a bit selfish. Carrie, was the typical blond hair, blue eyed babe you see on any beach in Florida. Great tan, killer body. Always in need of attention from anyone who was...
Angel spent the weekend alone with Jordan and it seemed to her that for a short time at least, the outside world didn't exist and she and Jordan were the only two people on earth. It was a stark contrast compared to Monday morning when she accompanied Jordan to his office to resume her new job as his receptionist. Even though Angel had only known Jordan a matter of days, to her it seemed a lot longer. She was surprised he was able to accept her, despite her filthy past. Connie and Meredith...
Note : This story is completely fictional!!! I am a 32 years old ,unmarried girl.I teach at a university in Delhi.I wish to share my sheer helplessness in a train accident .I was travelling alone from Guwahati to Delhi .I was seated in an AC 2 tier berth.I had in front of me an elderly couple with their grandson.The train took off in the morning.The journey was good.They were talking to me and we were sharing a very good time together.I did not know when it got dark and i had dinner .I went to...
EroticOctober 14th, 1995, 9:40 AM CT, Union Station, Chicago, IL The Cardinal arrived into Chicago Union Station fairly close to on time; only about 30 minutes late. They had been told that the Cardinal tended to run late; this meant that they had plenty of time in the Windy City before their next train, the Southwest Chief departed for Los Angeles at 5:40 PM that night. They were hungry; they had overslept and had not gotten breakfast on the train. They asked a passing person where they should...
I climbed on the bus, looking around. The adults were near the front, and the girls and Jason, were all in the rear. I finally took a seat about halfway back. It's easier to mope if no one is sitting next to you. I realized that I was still hoping she would come. That she would suddenly appear with her bags saying she had changed her mind. The driver looked to see if everyone was seated, then closed the door, and put the motor coach in gear. I couldn't stand it. What if she was on the...
Towards the end of July, long past the Fourth of July excitement, and with the heat of the summer in full force, I got invited out to Joe Porter's ranch to ride some horses. I'd seen some of his Dad's horses in our Fourth of July parade, and made a comment to Joe at our next baseball Sunday how neat I thought they were. Their family had taken part in our festivities rather than the larger events in Hermiston, only because Joe said that this was where his friends were. He picked me up...
September 9, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “White boy! Phone for you!” Clark called out on Thursday evening while I was with the study group. I got up and went to our room to pick up the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, Mikey,” Liz replied. “I just called to say, ‘thank you’.” “For what?” “Making Mindy come back to my room.” I chuckled, “Do you know how difficult it was to kick a hot, naked fox out of my bed? And then, after she turned on the lights so I could see her body, kick her out of my room?” Liz...
There I was sitting in the instrument lab of Sampson University, running the sixth of what would be ten trials. There was a hell of a storm outside, but you wouldn’t know it from here in the fishbowl. You can lose track of time, as well as any semblance of connection to the outside world, in this brick room in the center of the building, filled with all manner of instruments used by the chemistry department. The room is officially named the advanced chemistry instrument lab, but everyone calls...
Chapter 1 At last winter was over and spring had begun, even though the air still had a small bite of the cold that had hung around longer than normal. I wasn’t here to see it but was told that in only two weeks all of the forest and bushes in Altoona Pennsylvania had turned a deep, healthy green. I had come to Altoona on a work crew working for a Wind Energy Company and quickly fell in love with the lush country side. The work I had come to do sucked but when I was off work I spent...
It had to be today. All winter only a few inches of snow. The snowpack was at a 5-year low in these mountains, and everyone expected the winter drought to continue. But Rocky Mountain weather is unpredictable as ever, as evidenced by the dark billowing clouds blotting out the sun even in late April. The first flakes are beginning to fall as she reaches the first sign for the tiny town of Clayton, Colorado. Abby squints at the sky ahead, trying to judge how bad this late-season blizzard is going...
Romance“Falling. Into darkness. Then a bright flash burning through the darkness, but only for a second. After that, still the black emptiness again, as you spiral through it. A girl. Calling. From a tropical island. Huh? I’m standing in the sea? And who is this Sora? Hey, she looks up, frightened. Hey, there is someone falling from the sky above. Hooooo, the falling feeling returns lose and I’m somehow fell backwards into the sea. What is this for spacy dream? Feels too damn real…” “Suddenly a floor...
Darkness is destined to consume the rest of this realm, for as it was the beginning so shall it be the end.
okay so this is one of the more sexy stories for me, so i`m putting this one up first, also as a heads up, even though i`m actually am a normal girl in actual life, i do (day)dream about what it`d be like to have a cock, while staying a girl. and remember, these are just dreams, and sadly not real stories, so here goes:A short while ago i had a lovely conversation here that stayed in my mind so much i had a pretty vivid dream about it. It all started like this; i was just waking up next to Jenn...
I was having an afternoon nap when I felt a soft, warm hand gently brush through my head.I was so tired that I kept my eyes close and just enjoyed the head massage I'm receiving from my daughter, who must have just arrived from school. After a long silence, I was jerk awake when I felt something wet touch my lips. I opened my eyes to see my wife leaning over kissing me. So I gently laid my hand behind her head and kissed her back. After a few moments she held her face away and saw my daughter's...
last night was a totaly crazy one my baby ♥ u make me feel so good and gave me a great love making pleasure as i never had b4 ♥ i love u so much hone :*i open my eyes to see ur angelic face :) u still sleeping... lovely i can see u smiling like u sleep happy ^_^... i kissed ur forhead as im leaving the bed quietely to not wake u up... go the bathroom... i need that shower really...when i finished i come out with only a towel on me... my hair still wet and smell so good with a very soft fresh...