Orgasm Total free porn video

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Cat de important este sexul in viata de familie? Sunt casatorit cu o superba femeie. Dincolo de alcatuirea trupeasca fara cusur, Miriamin cucereste prin trairile interioare pe care si le exteriorizeaza fascinandu-i pe ceilalti. Ea este, deopotriva, naiva si cocheta, copilareasca dar frivola, are gesturi pline de eleganta, insa, subtil presarate cu parsivenie. Creaza, permanent impresia ca se simte, o doamna din lumea buna si, in acelasi timp, tarfa de lux. Deseori, amicii mei, dupa un pahar in plus, ma intreaba, salivand lacomi (Cum este la pat, o asemenea femeie?), iar eu le descriu scene fierbinti, cu lux de amanunte, urmarind, cu coada ochiului, cum li se ridica barbatiile in pantaloni. Aceasta pornire a mea catre exhibitionsimul conjugal, mi-am dezvoltat-o treptat, stimulat de preludiile erotice cu Mirimin. O excita sa stie ca eu vorbesc despre ea cu alti barbati. Ne sarutam, ne pipaim peste tot si, din cand in cand, sotia ma intreaba (Si li se scoala cand le spui ca ma dezbraci cu fata catre oglinda, ca sa vad si eu cum mi se dezgolesc sanii cand imi tragi bluza, descheiata la toti nasturii,, intr-o parte?), si eu, cu mana la pizdulita ei umeda, frecandu-i clitorisul, descriu cum, cate un ascultator, imaginandu-si totul, nu mai rezista, si si-o prinde pe deasupra pantlonilor ca sa si-o framante superexcitat. Miriamin ma musca de buze, ma face pervers, apoi ne restogolim pe covor, cu trupurile incolacite unul imprejurul celuilalt. Tot jocurile noastre conjugale au determinant-o si pe ea sa se imbrace tot mai provocator pe la seratele unde eram invitati. Desigur, firesc, intr-o zi a venit si intrebarea fierbinte din partea ei. Asta s-a intamplat in vara anului trecut. Miriamin implinise 26 de ani, iar formele trupului ei, implinite, rotunjite, dar mladioase, erau inebunitoare sub fusta mini si tricoul luat direct peste bustul gol. Dansam cu ea, in pasi cu piruiete, i se ridica fusta pana sus, dezgolindu-i complet picioarele, iar cand melodia a fost lenta, am strans-o la piept. Mi-a cautat pula cu piciorul bagat intre picioarele mele, s-a lipit, toata, de mine, si apasandu-mi organul ce mi se sculase, m-a intrebat (Daca iti place atat de mult sa fim priviti, nu ti-ai dori sa inviti un prieten, mai discret, pe care sa-l lasi sa te admire in actiune?). Tulburat de intrebarea ei, am sarutat-o pe gat, si i-am soptit la ureche ca putem incerca asa ceva chiar in noaptea aceea. I-am propus sa plecam de la petrecere si sa luam un tip cu noi. Pe Nicu Radici, am precizat, deoarece el, dupa o proaspata certa cu sotia, venise singur la serata, era vulnerabil si, sigur discret. Miriamin m-a privit fix in ochii, cu febra, apoi, cu o expresie inocenta, dar cu parsivenie in voce, mi-a zis (Eu nu am sa ma impotrivesc la nimic. Ma las, toata, in voia dorintelor si actiunilor tale, poti sa-l inviti pe Nicusor, e cel mai nimerit).
Jumatate de ora mai tarziu, dupa ce l-am convins pe Radici ca serata e plictisitoare si mai bine bem un pahar la noi acasa, ne aflam, in trei, pe fotolii joase, cu un vin vechi in pahare. Nu banuia Mirimin ca eu ma oprisem la Nicu din cu totul alte pricini decat cearta lui cu nevasta-sa. Nicu Radici ajunsese sa ma obsedeze. Nu am nici o pornire catre homosexualism, dar barbatul acesta a reusit sa ma tulbure. La 32 de ani, cu patru mai mult decat mine, Nicu era personificarea virilitatii masculine. Inalt, suplu, paros pe piept si pe brate, buzele groase, carnoase si o privire devoratoare atunci cand ochii lui se opreau asupra formelor unei femei sexy. Certurile cu sotia sa, porneau, intotdeauna din gelozia ei. Eu nu aveam resentimente fata de el, cand imi admira, pe furis, sotia. Dimpotriva, masculinitatea lui, un pic agesiva in privire, ma stimula in mod ciudat. Mi-ar fi placut sa-l simt subjugat, abnadonat la discretia mea, sa-l pot domina, iar el sa mi se supuna. Nu imi puteam intelege pornirile, dar, in acele momente eram un pic gelos pe Miriamin, nu din cauza ca sotia mea, dupa cum banuiam, era atrasa sexualitatea lui primitiva, ci din cauza ca ea avea mare impact erotic asupra barbatului, un impact pe care eu nu aveam cum sa-l realizez. Un pic panicat, am constientizat ca, in cazul singular al lui Nicu, mi-as fi dorit sa fiu femeie posesiva, sa-l subjug si sa-l fut in draci, ca tipa. Acesta a fost motivul, nemarturisit sotiei mele, pentru care m-am oprit asupra lui. Nu stiam, insa, ce va urma. Cateva minute, am sorbit vinul aromat si ne-am privit firesc, discutand banalitati. Miriamin s-a tras cu fotoliul mai aproape de mine si, intr-un gest spontan, m-a sarutat pe gura, lung, parsiv, lingandu-mi buzele si bagandu-mi apoi toata limba in gura, dupa care si-a motivat pornirea, spunand pe un ton dulce-naiv, dar privindu-l cochet pe Nicu (Si la serata am fost excitata, dar ce bine este cand poti sa-ti saruti sotul fara sa te feresti de straini. Banuiesc, Nicule, ca pe tine nu te deranjeaza intimitatea noastra). Barbatului i s-a aprins privirea, a raspuns ca zburdaliniciile unei frumuseti ca Miriamin sunt acceptate indiferent ce face. Am simtit ca se trezise in el masculinitatea si ca o dorea pe sotia mea, mult de tot. Ramasesem cu privirea la el, la camasa lui desfacuta la primii trei nasturi, lasand parul negru, carliontat sa i se vada, abundent pe piept, la bratele sale cu bicepsii lunguieti, ce i se miscau ca niste serpi sup pielea bronzata, am simtit ca sunt mai fascinat de el ca niciodata. Sesizand ca nu i-am raspuns, asa cum si-a dorit, la sarut, Mirimin s-a ridicat, rugandu-ne sa o scuzam cateva clipe. S-a reintors foarte repede si, trecand prin spatele fotoliului lui Nicu, s-a oprit o clipa, mi-a tras parsiva cu ochiul si si-a ridicat, incet fusta scurta, pana sus, lasandu-ma sa vad ca nu mai avea chiloti. Apoi, ocolind fotoliul lui Nicu, s-a asezat in bratele mele, cu profilul catre invitatul nostru. Avea un picior pus peste celalat, fusta i se ridicase mult, dezgolidu-i-se coapsa arcuita aproape in intregime. Cu un brat dupa gatul meu, imi mangaia ceafa, din cand in cand impungandu-ma cu unghiile. Am pus o mana deasupra piciorului sotiei mele, si am inceput s-o mangai, incet, coborand mana pana la genunghi, apoi urcando-o in sus pana la marginea fustei. Barbatul imi urmarea, pofticos, alunecarea degetelor pe coapsa alba. Am sesizat ca i se intareste sub pantaloni. Ca sa nu-si mai fereasca privirea de mine, l-am intrebat, direct (Nu-i asa ca Miriamin este foarte incitanta, poti sa-mi spui, nu sunt gelos pe tine). Odata cu ultimele cuvinte, in mangiere, am ridicat un pic mai mult fusta lui Miriamin. Nicu s-a lins, lacom pe buze, privind, fix, portiunea dezgolita, si a raspuns ca si-ar dori o asemenea sotie ca nevasta mea. Miriamin s-a mis**t, lasciv, in bratele mele, frecandu-mi cu fundul, pula ce mi se intarise. Si-a infipt, din nou unghiile in ceafa mea, apasandu-mi capul catre sanii ei. Sub tricou, i se vedeau perfect rotunjimile si intariturile sfarcurilor . I-am soptit sotiei mele, la ureche, sa priveasca, fix in ochii lui Nicu, si in timp ce il fixa din privire, eu am inceput sa urmaresc, cu degetul, liniile sanilor ei, intrebandu-l pe Nicu (Nu-i asa ca rar poti sa vezi asemenea sani, tari, pietrosi dar jucausi, ar fi pacat ca sotia mea sa poarte sutien). Uitandu-se cand la ochii sotiei mele ce il fixau, cand la degetele mele ce evidentiau formele sanilor sub tricou, Nicu era tot mai starnit si am simtit ca, din cauza dorintei ce crestea in el, se lasa dirijat, ca nu poate avea nici o initiativa, nici macar in cuvinte. I-am propus sotiei mele sa dansam un pic. Miriamin, a pus o muzica lenta si am inceput sa dansam in fata barbatului ce ne urmarea flamand de pe fotoliu. Sotia mea s-a lipt de trupul meu, mi-a incolacit gatul cu bratele si mi-a soptit, rascolitor, la ureche (Daca te-ai decis sa ma ai in picioare, macar intoarce-ma cu fata catre Nicu, ca sa vada tot si sa ma pot uita si eu cum ne priveste) Nu i-am raspuns imediat. Am coborat mana de-a lungul trupului ei, apoi, in mangiere, am ridicat-o, privind catre Nicu, ce imi urmarea mana. Ajuns la fusta, nu m-am oprit, am continuat mangierea, ridicand si fusta sotieie mele. I-am dezgolit, dintr-o parte, intrega coapsa si tot fundul. Vazand ca sotia mea e goala pe dedesupt, Nicu a avut o scurta tresarire, apoi si-a mas**t brusca erectie, cu mana pusa deasupra. Am continuat sa o mangai pe Miriamin peste fundul gol, sub privirea lui Nicu, si atunci i-am soptit si eu la ureche (Ai spus ca o sa te lasi, complet, in voia pornirilor mele, deci, sa nu fi surprinsa de nimic) Am intors-o, incet, cu fata catre Nicu, intrebandu-l (Nu ti s-a facut pofta?. Vino-o sa dansezi si tu cu sotia mea). Nicu s-a ridicat de pe fotoliu. Sub pantaloni avea un madular viguros curbat. Eu continuam sa o mangai, dezgolindu-i, permanent, coapasa pana la parul pubian. Cu spatele lipit de pieptul meu, trupul sotiei mele a inceput sa vibreze. Imi transmitea excitatia nemaipomenita de care era cuprinsa. Cand Nicu a ajuns in fata ei, si-a incolacit bratele de gatul lui si s-a lipit toata de trupul sau muschiulos. Apoi si-a rasucit capul inspre mine. Avea pupilele dilatate de febra sexuala si o privire, intrebatoare, dar, in acelasi timp, plina de dorinta. M-am lipit de fundul ei, sa-mi simta pe la spate pula sculata si i-am zis, privind, insa in ochii lui Nicu (Iubit-o, in timp ce dansezi cu Nicu, mis**ti fundul, ca vreau sa ti-l simt cum se freaca de penisul meu). Din bratele barbatului, sotia mea mi-a raspuns, ucigator de parsiv (prinsa intre voi doi, daca ti-o frec tie, in acelasi timp are sa mai fie frecata una, cea pe care o simt, acum, la fel de tare ca a ta, intre picioarele mele). Am impins, un pic, apasand cu pula fundul sotiei mele, si miscarea a resimtit-o, prin trupul sotiei mele, Nicu, care, sub impuls necontrolat, a prins-o de mijloc, raspunzand miscarii mele printr-o contra. Sotia mea a gemut, si-a mus**t buza si lasand un brat pe gatul lui Nicu, si-a trecut celalat brat peste gatul meu, semiintoarsa catre mine. Cu o voce incarcata de excitatie maxima, m-a intrebat ce am de gand. Nu i-am raspuns. Am coborat mana catre o mana a lui Nicu. I-am prins-o cu degetele si am condus-o in jos, spre fusta sotieie mele. I-am lipit mana de coapsa ei si am inceput sa o ridic incet, catre fund. I-am zis barbatului (Imi place sa-mi pipai sotia cu mana ta) Am impins din nou, iar Nicu, mi-a raspuns intr-o contra, iar Miriamin, a inceput sa se miste intre pulele noastre sculate. De la fundul dezgolit, eu am dirijat mana lui Nicu, inspre tricoul sotiei mele. Cu degetele barbatului am inceput sa-i ridic tricolul in sus, dezgolindu-i sanii. Apoi, privndu-l fix in ochii, am inceput sa-i apas mana pe cate un san al lui Miriamin, pipaiam cand un san cand altul cu mana lui Nicu, iar sotia mea, se misca, inebunitor intre pulele noastre. Ea a inceput sa geama, zicand, incet, rapusa de excitatie (Nu mai pot, vreau sa fiu fututa). M-am cutremurat de excitatie, la fel si Nicu. M-am tras un pic intr-o parte, si mi-am scos-o zicand barbatului (Sotia mea a zis ca o ai la fel de tare ca a mea. Sa o vad). S-a uita la pula mea in erectie maxima, si indepartandu-se un centimetru din bratele sotiei mele, si-a scos-o si el. Un madular viguros, drept, gata sa intre in actiune. Am luat mana sotiei mele de pe gatul meu si am dus-o la pula mea. A inceput sa mi-o frece, iar eu i-am ridicat un picior, cu bratul sub coaspa ei, iar cu cealata mana am prins pula lui Nicu si am inceput sa-i frec varful de parul pubian al sotiei mele. I-am bagat varful pulii printre buzule de jos si am inceput sa frec lindicul sotiei mele cu varful pulii lui. Privindu-l fix in ochii, l-am intrebat (Nicule, vrei sa-ti simti pula cum intra in vaginul sotiei mele?) El s-a incordat, cu mainile pipaia sanii ei, iar privirea o avea fixata pe mana mea cu care il masturbam si frecam varful pulii lui de clitorisul lui Miriamin. I-am potrivit madularul viguros la gaura sotiei mele si i-am zis barbatului (Acum, am sa te fut, Nicule, am sa te fut cu sotia mea) Si am inceput s-a imping, incet, pe Mirioamin, in pula lui Nicu. Pana a intrat toata in ea. Miriamin a strigat de excitatie, iar eu, tinand-o in continuare cu un brat sub piciorul ei ridicat, cu cealata mana am prins-o mai jos de mijloc, lipit pe jumatate de fundul ei, masturbat de ea, am incuput s-o trag si s-o imping in pula lui Nicu, zicandu-i (Te am Nicule, te fut cu sotia mea si te am prin ea). Era o senzatie bestiala. Simteam trupul sotiei mele vibrand in pula barbatului si, in acelasi timp il aveam si pe Nicu. La momentul maxim, am strigat (Acum, am sa te termin, Nicule, in pizda sotiei mele am sa te termin) si am inceput sa o misc repede in pula lui, in timp se si Miriamin ma mastura cu frenezie. Nicu s-a terminat in Miriamin, iar eu am dat drumul jeturilor de sperma, stropindu-i pe amandoi. Ne-am prabusit pe covor, dar ramasesem, in continuare, superexitati. Nici la unul nu li s-a culcat madularul. Iar Miriamin, intre noi, ne saruta, cand pe unul cand pe celalat. I-am dat fusta si tricoul jos si i-am spus ca acum vreau sa o fut eu si sa priveasca el. M-am asezat pe fotoliu, cu Mirioamin, goala, bratele mele si fata catre Nicu. Era in pula mea, se ridica si cobora incet, iar eu l-am chemat pe Nicu, in picioare, in fata ei. Simteam, in vaginul sotiei mele, sperma lui Nicu, pula mea luneca prin sperma lui, iar el o avea sculata in dreptul gurii ei. I-am spus sa deschida gura, am apucat pula barbatului si am inceput sa o frec de buzele sotiei mele. Ea si-a scos limba si lingea, cu voluptate, varful pulii lui, in timp ce se ridica si cobora din pula mea. Am fixat-o pe mine, I-am zis sa miste din fund, cu pula mea in ea, iar eu i-am prins capul cu o mana. A inteles si a deschis, larg gura, jucandu-si, ademenitor limba catre pula lui Nicu. Eu am inceput sa-l masturbez tot mai repede, cu varful pulii exact catre gura sotiei mele. Si-a dat drumul la sperma in gura ei, moment in care, Miriamin, cu gura plina de sperma, si-a intors capul catre mine si m-a sarutat, parsiv, trecand sperma din gura ei in gura mea. In aceasta senzatie m-am terminat a doua oara si am avut un orgasm total. Si abia in aceea clipa am inteles cat de important este sexul in viata de familie. Pana atunci nu avusesem un asemenea orgasm total, el nu poate fi descris prin cuvinte.

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Orgasm On The Road

Just remembering what happened that night makes me wet... Gosh..***This is all true by the way... if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t waste my time trying to get you wet/hard.***Anyways, being a Chuukese Nemin like me, you have a lot of boundaries, a lot of restrictions & a hell of a lot of people monitoring your every move. Respect is major in my culture, and PDA? Ha. It’s frowned upon... PDA is supposed to be done at home, behind closed doors.. just between husband and wife.. There’s no such thing...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Of My Life With Neighbor Goddess

I am an average guy with decent looks. I have always been steeped up in studies so I didn’t have much interaction with girls during adolescence. During eleventh standard, a new family moved next doors. I have seen the kids hop around for a while but I have not seen their mother. Since it was my IIT preparation phase, so I didn’t notice much. I went with my life with usual pace. My first sighting of her…I remember distinctly- how would I not, I have masturbated so many time to it. I was...

1 year ago
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Orgasm Deficit

Last winter my wife flew out to spend a week with me on a jobsite. My assignments away from the office seem to be increasingly longer and more frequent, so we were looking forward to quality time together. Unfortunately, as so often happens, problems developed, cutting into our time together. My cheap short-term studio apartment was no fit place for her to spend time alone. A major winter storm was forecast for the weekend. We were concerned about making her flight, as she had commitments...

4 years ago
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Orgasm Control

It's five in the morning when he nudges me. I moan a bit, then shift my weight.He nudges again, this time more insistently. "Get yourself wet for me," hesays. "Wake me up when you're ready for my cock." He rolls over andseems to ignore me. His breathing becomes deeper as he relaxes back into asnooze. I am irritated. The morning air is cold, and I want to go back to sleep.I want to tell him to go to hell. But I don't. I remember that this is whatI signed on for, and I stifle any initial impulse...

4 years ago
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Orgasm Competition

Two girls, Rose, age "18", and Kimberly, age "18", just tried out for their school cheerleading team. They got accepted and were invited to an initiation by their more senior cheerleading member, Sasha. Sasha: Hey girls, come on in! We are so glad to get cute girls like yourselves into our squad! Kim: Thank you! Its exciting to be part of a team! Sasha: I have some fruit punch for you, here. Let me tell you about the squad. Cheerleaders are used to excite members of the football team....

2 years ago
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Orgasms thru Breast Stimulation

Most women don't know that their breasts are orgasmic. We're so focused on having an orgasm through clitoral stimulation and/or vaginal penetration that we miss out on so many other great forms of stimulation. Our entire bodies are orgasmic.Rutgers University researchers discovered through MRI brain scans that nipple stimulation activates the same nerve cortex as clitoral and genital stimulation. 1. Set a sensual scene. Start by lying comfortably on your back wherever you feel most relaxed. Set...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 Last night was... great. It was late last night when I went to bed and I was tired. I was trying to sleep but I couldn't. So I turned on my radio louder. First I just rubbed myself through my boxers. Then I moved my hand inside of them. It was uncomfortable so I took off my boxers and undies. I wasn't expecting anything great since I know I had to be quiet because I wasn't alone in the house. Anyway first I just touched and rubbed but I wasn't getting anything out of it. I...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Competition Edit Better Ending

Sasha: Hey girls, come on in! We are so glad to get cute girls like yourselves into our squad! Kim: Thank you! Its exciting to be part of a team! Sasha: I have some fruit punch for you, here. Let me tell you about the squad. Cheerleaders are used to excite members of the football team. They see us, and unconsciously think if they win, they get to have sex with us. Kim: But we're so young! Why would they think that? Sasha: Well, it's these cute skirts that we're wearing, boys are right...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Control

You've recently gained a strange power. You can control when others orgasm. You can "lock" someone out of cumming, set certain conditions that they can can't cum without, set conditions that will force them to cum, or simply command them to orgasm. You can also control what turns them on. You can change someone's fetishes. That doesn't change their personality of coarse. A prude who secretly has a fetish for exhibitionism and humiliation won't suddenly jump to have sex. On the other hand that...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Orgasm torment at Kays hand part 4

Kay had already turned orgasm into a form of torture for the night and it had only been two hours! She had threatened to keep me going through the night! Yes, my sister Kay is a demonic little slut with huge tits, long blonde hair and brown German eyes that have seen and read enough tricks to make any man her slave!She undid the buckles that held me face down on the table and then undid my feet and wrists from their ropes. The moment I moved, I felt my bladder slosh from one side to the other...

3 years ago
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Orgasm torment at Kays hand part 1

I laughed as I got out of bed and headed for the shower. My sister Kay, was swearing at me between gasps for air. Two hours earlier I had stopped by to check on her since her husband was out of state for work and she had basically demanded I take care of her or she was going to go crazy. Being the wonderful older brother that I am… I made her cum orally a few times before I finally gave her the cock she wanted! By then, the bed was soaked because I had her so horny she had squirted on my face...

3 years ago
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Orgasm Filled Bus Ride

Hi to all ISS readers, I am Gokul(name changed) living in trichy and studying in reputed engg college near thanjore. I am going to narrate a sex incident along with events that led to it. I daily travel in private bus to college.It used to be big rush during peak hours.So one day while returning from college i was standing in back side where usually men’s stand. Bus stopped at thuvakudi,a lady wearing brown saree got in bus via back side.The conductor and fellow passenger were shouting at her...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Diary September 2020

#1  When: September 13, 2020 2 p.m. EDTWhere:  My bedI got out of the shower, wrapped my towel around me, then air-dried my body in the bedroom. I felt clean, free of the sweat from my workout. I touched my hand to my chest, my skin still soft and holding on to the heat from my shower. The smell of sea salt shampoo lingered in the air. My laptop on my bedroom table was still open to our texts. I  scrolled through the transcription of you and I from earlier today. I got instantly hard again and...

1 year ago
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Orgasmic Teen

Note : this story is completely fictional! Yokir was going crazy, it had been nearly two days since her last orgasm, and if she didn't get one in a hurry she would lose her mind! Even though she was only an eighteen year old junior in high school, Yokir had been having regular orgasms for over two years, and once you start, it's like potato chips, you can't eat just one!!! She picked up the phone and hurriedly dialed Kelvin Webster's number, and said out loud, "Please be home Kelvin, please be...

1 year ago
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Orgasmic Massage

“It’s not fucking fair,” is it?In every major - and even not so major - city, men can go to any number of massage parlors and get their cocks worked along with their backs and legs and arms. Why is it that women can’t get the same thing? The experience of an amazing, full body massage that then turns erotic and ends with an explosive, earth-shaking orgasm?It’s definitely unfair. It’s why you need me, actually. It’s why you need me to take you by the hand and lead you into a softly lit room with...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Orgasmic Changes

A powerful and potentially dangerous magic spell is uncovered, it holds the vast power over the human body, allowing those who utter it's words to manipulate their own body into any form be it person or object. Allowing them to become whomever or whatever they desire. All they need do is picture the person or object of their desire as the achieve their next orgasms, after having spoken the words. The spell could of been used for good, it could of been used to allow people to better themselves...

3 years ago
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Orgasm denial

I made a mistake and disobeyed my Mistress. My punishment was to write this fantasy – she even gave me instructions on what she wanted to be in there. My next punishment was to live it through. And now, she asked me to publish it here so you all know that I was bad boy and how I was punished. I walk into the room with proud steps. There you are, straddling a chair with one leg over the top. Your hair is falling down your back and your lips are painted bright red. Your body is clothed in black...

2 years ago
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Orgasm denial

I made a mistake and disobeyed my Mistress. My punishment was to write this fantasy – she even gave me instructions on what she wanted to be in there. My next punishment was to live it through. And now, she asked me to publish it here so you all know that I was bad boy and how I was punished.I walk into the room with proud steps. There you are, straddling a chair with one leg over the top. Your hair is falling down your back and your lips are painted bright red. Your body is clothed in black...

3 years ago
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Orgasm Deficit

Last winter my wife flew out to spend a week with me on a jobsite. My assignments away from the office seem to be increasingly longer and more frequent, so we were looking forward to quality time together. Unfortunately, as so often happens, problems developed, cutting into our time together. My cheap short-term studio apartment was no fit place for her to spend time alone. A major winter storm was forecast for the weekend. We were concerned about making her flight, as she had commitments on...

4 years ago
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Orgasms by Machine

I had the opportunity to try a fucking machine a while ago and ever since then have been addicted to watching videos of fucking machines. If you have hot videos of women being fucked by machines (especially if they are bound) please send them to me. Makes me so damn hot to watch other women being fucked by machines. Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy a fucking machine in person once again. What a night! So many leg shaking, mind blowing orgasms. I was invited to a dinner party. There were...

2 years ago
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Orgasm torment at Kays hand part 2

Kay walked out of the room leaving me mere moments away from cumming, and yet completely helpless as I sat naked on her couch, tied with my hands and feet spread to the four corners of the couch! The video of her doppelganger fucking a young stud continued to play on the big TV right in front of me and I swear to God, if I could have had a bird land on the end of my cock, it would have been enough of a touch to make me spurt my aching balls.Kay returned a few minutes later with some more wine...

2 years ago
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It was a warm night as Sonal was lying in her bed. Resting peacefully, her thoughts gently strayed into a gentle sex scene with another woman. Her breaths quickened as the heat slowly built, these thoughts came more and more often now. It was only ever in the mornings that she felt any amount of guilt about her thoughts the night before, however during the night, nothing stop her. She had never, not once, had touched herself when thinking about women daring not to take that step, but this time...

3 years ago
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Orgasmic Chemistry

It started as one of those days where nothing went right. From the moment my alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:00am (damn that broken snooze button), to narrowly missing the train to campus, I knew I should have just skipped classes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a choice as it was the first day of spring semester. If I was going to be out, I needed a damn good reason. Since I didn’t have one, well off to class I went. At about 10am, I battle the wave of academic humanity to attend my Organic...

4 years ago
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Orgasmic Chemistry

It started as one of those days where nothing went right. From the moment my alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:00am (damn that broken snooze button), to narrowly missing the train to campus, I knew I should have just skipped classes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a choice as it was the first day of spring semester. If I was going to be out, I needed a damn good reason. Since I didn’t have one, well off to class I went. At about 10am, I battle the wave of academic humanity to attend my Organic...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Orgasms in the Sunny Meadow

Jennifer got me to volunteer for the local woods cleanup day that our College was sponsoring. We lived in the same dorm and had talked a few times. She was perky and seemed fun, but I had been so busy trying to keep up with my classes that I had not had time to really get to know her. I wasn't sure if she was my type or not, but I figured it would be nice to help cleanup the woods around our school. I would enjoy being outdoors in the sun on a nice spring day rather then cooped up in the...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Orgasm torment at Kays hand part 3

Kay had had me bound to her basement couch as she played porn and teased me mercilessly for over an hour before I was finally given a release I so badly needed! After she had ridden me in a reverse cowboy style and allowed me to cum in her after she had reached a few orgasms herself, I thought we might be done, but she had other plans.She went to the bathroom and came back several minutes later with a soapy warm wet washcloth and began cleaning me up from both of our bodily fluids and sweat. We...

3 years ago
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Orgasm calling

Sherri was a special-education elementary school teacher. Trim, 5' 9" and 110 lbs, small tits with big nips, and dark brunette hair. We met in a therapy group originally, and she sought me out later outside of the group. She was married; I was newly divorced. At our first private meeting, I asked her what she wanted from me. She looked into my eyes and said, "Well, you can play with my tits to start, if you want, but what I really want is for you to fuck me." We were out by a local lake, just...

1 year ago
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Orgasms in the Sunny Meadow

Jennifer got me to volunteer for the local woods cleanup day that our College was sponsoring. We lived in the same dorm and had talked a few times. She was perky and seemed fun, but I had been so busy trying to keep up with my classes that I had not had time to really get to know her. I wasn’t sure if she was my type or not, but I figured it would be nice to help cleanup the woods around our school. I would enjoy being outdoors in the sun on a nice spring day rather then cooped up in the...

3 years ago
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Orgasm Body Swapping Curse

It was in the middle of summer and Kevin Wallace was minding his own business for most of it, until the day when he was cursed (or blessed?) with swapping bodies with a certain someone. Some prepared characters (feel free to add your own): Christine Wallace, 38 Martin Wallace, 40 Ben Wallace, 16 Amanda Wallace, 21

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Orgasm wrestling

Entri nel palazzetto convinto di partecipare all’evento di oggi. Ti hanno sempre incuriosito questo genere di match ma non avevi mai avuto il coraggio per iscriverti. Ti avvicini al banco e la ragazza ti dice:”bene..per l’iscrizione è tutto a posto...l ‘unica regola è che il primo ad avere un orgasmo perde e per il resto della giornata diventa lo schiavo del suo avversario,qualsiasi questo sia. Accetti e la ragazza ti guida verso gli spogliatoi:”vuoi partecipare subito al torneo principale o...

2 years ago
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Molly and Me

There I was, wandering around the hotel's public rooms, somewhat furtively asking people I vaguely remembered meeting in the previous few days if they'd seen my wife Molly, and at the same time trying not to make it too obvious that I'd completely lost track of her. I'll be honest with you, I was getting more than a little worried; I'd last seen Molly about three hours previously and she'd been in conversation with the very disreputable Gordon Hamster. Hamster wasn't exactly a...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 5 The date

It seems that I arrived there just in time and not five minutes after I walked through the doors, in came Verity dressed casually, which meant jeans and a rather nice jumper. She still looked like a supermodel. There weren't that many people in there as I thought, so we were able to take our drinks to a table and talk in relative comfort. "Thanks for the makeup tips." I said as if to break the ice. "You're most welcome. You're getting better too." she replied and the moment she...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Neighbour Friend Athira

Hi, this is Rahul 54545 from Kerala to share my experience with my neighbour. I had earlier wrote about my first time with my aunt seena when I was 18. This story is how I used my friendship with my neighbour athira to satisfy my teen cock. I was 19 and athira was 18 years old. We were childhood friends too. We used to play all sort of games with other friends since childhood. Once, when we were 10 years, we played the game of parents with we acting as parents and another girl as our child. I...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex With Wife8217s Cute Cousin In Goa

Hi guys, this is Akhil. I have been away for some time now and wanted to share a hot incident that happened with me this January. You could read . For the new readers, a small brief about me. I am 5’8, athletic physique with a charming personality. So this incident involves my cousin-in-law. I am writing this with her permission. I and my wife had come to Goa for a family wedding on my in-laws’ side. It was a grand affair and at a beachside property. A little about Ridhima, she was my wife’s...

4 years ago
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My cousins not a kid

"Hey looked at what just popped up" It was a video of a girl touching her boobs while a guy sucked her pussy. "i'm gonna jack off" he said The thought of him, masturbating next to me turned me on. But I played the innocent. "What!?" I said "Here? Next to me?" "Ha! You wish." "What is your dick too small" He laughed "Please, I bet mine is two times yours" he said There was a part of me that wanted to see his cock... Wait. i'm a guy. I like girls. It was...

4 years ago
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Just Like First Night

Suddenly shuvo woke up at the middle of the night.he had to go to the he slowly walking through the toilet,but he suddenly stopped.his room was at the north end of their house & toilet was at the south he had to pass beside his mother’s room.shuvo looked that although the door closed,window is still open & light was on at their he was very curious to see what was going on.he care fully hide pulled the curtain of the window & got a thousand volt shock! At one side tv was...

3 years ago
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Padosan Bhabhi Ki Bathroom Me Chudai

Hello friends, this is Ashmit from kanpur,jaisa ki aap jante hai ki mai ek average built guy hu,jo ki chudai me bahut nipud hu aur mujhe ladies chodne me bahut maza ata hai,mai kabhi jabardasti nhi karta but agar lady ki marzi hoti hai to bahut mast chudai karta hu,mera aim hota hai to satisfy ladies.Ab mai apko born a karte hue seedhe story me ata hu ,yeh story meri aur mere ek padosi ki biwi ki hai jiska name alka tripathi hai ,bhabhi ki age lagbhag 32 hogi,colour bilkul fair aur dekhne me...

3 years ago
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ArdRiChapter 6

Michael had worked with his staff of advisors and the AIs to review every aspect of the infrastructure that had already been completed in Ulaid. The plan developed was to insure that they would take enough supplies to meet the requirements of the community for ten years. What surprised Michael was the subject about tampons and sanitary napkins, which made him realize how little he knew about the requirements of a female. Because of the age regression, every female that reached puberty would...

3 years ago
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The Carnival Pt 6

I hesitated and had second thoughts of continuing. Just then Joe flew out the door, hopped in his truck and drove off. In his anger he didn’t even notice I was there. Maybe that was for the better. Perhaps the game for tonight had been cancelled. I went back to my tent and waited another fifteen minutes or so before I got up the nerve to approach their trailer. You didn’t want to be a target around Joe when he was angry. It was after eleven when I knocked on the door; Carmen was right...

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