Rubber Dicky, I Love YouChapter 1 free porn video

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Brandy Thurston was really enjoying her first year of college, even though most of the courses she had to take were boring. She'd been an A student all through High School, primarily because her mother was such a close-minded ice queen. Brandy remembered the almost atomic arguments Linda and Charles Thurston had gotten into over their daughter, and whether she should be allowed to date or not, whether she should have a curfew or not, what kind of clothing she should be allowed to wear, whether she should be allowed to take sex education or not and even whether she should be allowed to go to college. Her mother came down on the negative side of every argument, while her father argued hard to "let the girl live a little".

But Linda Thurston had been drawn into a philosophy that the only time a woman should engage in sex was when she was trying to conceive a baby. Since Brandy wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend, she had no need for sex education, or slinky clothing and it was Linda's personal project to ensure her daughter stayed a virgin until she was married AND the couple could afford to have children.

Brandy asked her mother one day how she was supposed to meet her future husband, and then how to know that he WAS her future husband, if she was never allowed to date. Her mother's response was "You leave that to me. I'll tell you when it's time."

So Brandy had a lot of time to study, and she was much better educated than most of the rest of her classmates at graduation. When Brandy was offered a full scholarship at the University of Oklahoma at Norman, which was just down the road from Shawnee, where her parents lived, the argument was so ugly that her mother walked out, calling both her husband and her daughter "Heathens". She tried to take Bobby, Brandy's seventeen year old brother with her, but Bobby, having endured the same rules as Brandy, told his mother to have a nice life and call him on his birthdays. Divorce papers had come in UPS within two weeks, filed by lawyers known to be associated with a certain cult in Tulsa, demanding seventy-five percent of the family assets, to be deposited in a numbered account.

Charles fought it in court, and when Linda ranted about the "horrible things" her husband wanted the children to be able to do, like go to the mall, or for sleepovers, or to college, the judge granted the divorce awarding her her clothing and three books. She was ordered to return her $5000 wedding set to Charles. Her plea for custody was denied, and the judge further ordered that she approach no further than one thousand feet to her former home without express written permission from Charles. When the judge questioned the children about what they wanted in terms of visitation, they asked that they be allowed to decline a visit if it interfered with plans they had made. In the months to come, Brandy and Bobby both met with their mother once, but after that were almost always too busy to see her.

By the time the divorce was final, Brandy was ready to go off to school, so she still didn't have an opportunity to date. Once at college she was shy around boys, feeling she didn't know enough to date successfully. Besides, she still had to study, and dorm life made that more difficult than she'd thought it would.

The winter break had been good. It had been wonderful to be with her father and brother, back home, without a raving mother to ruin every plan. She even got to spend some time with her Uncle Bob, who her brother was named after. He was her mother's brother, but he'd become thoroughly disgusted with her ranting too. It was fun going places with them. She went skating with her brother, and to movies with Uncle Bob. Her father took her to museums and out for ice cream. And the rest of the time they played board games at home, or watched videos. She was almost sorry to have to go back to school.

In her second semester of college, she took the class that would change her life forever. It was Biology. She'd taken Biology in High School, so the material wasn't that surprising. She was going over a list of suggested topics for term papers when she saw "Comparative Anatomy." She didn't understand what that meant, so she approached the graduate student who taught the class. Her name was Mary.

"Mary? Can I ask you a question?" began Brandy.

"Sure." said Mary.

"What exactly is "comparative anatomy"?" asked Brandy.

"Well, one example would be a comparison of muscle development between two cultures. Let's say you looked at muscle development for Appalachian coal miners, compared to Bantu warriors in Africa. What kind of muscle does each need for the culture and subculture in which they live and work? Is it different, or the same? I know one student last year did a comparison of breast sizes in the family, going back three generations, trying to see if breast size changed, and if that change could be credited to the changing diet and culture in America. Something like that." Mary looked questioningly at Brandy, to see if her question had been answered.

"She compared her breasts to her mother's and Grandmother's?" asked Brandy, amazed.

"Actually it was a guy who did the project. He compared his sister to his mother to his Grandmother."

"And that was OK?" asked Brandy in disbelief.

"Actually, the professor loved it. Said it was innovative and interesting. Of course I just think he liked looking at the pictures of the breasts, but the guy got an A."

"He took PICTURES of his sister's ... his mother's ... his GRANDMOTHER'S ... breasts!?" gasped Brandy.

"That he did." said Mary. "Does that give you any ideas?"

"Um, yeah, I'll figure something out." said Brandy, still shaken by the mental image in her mind of Bobby taking pictures of her naked breasts. That would be just too weird. Over the next couple of weeks she thought about it, but couldn't come up with a firm plan.

Then she went home for Spring Break and everything fell into place. It happened when she went to see her Uncle at work. Uncle Bob was a dentist, and it was time for her annual teeth cleaning, so she made the appointment for when she'd be home. He chatted with her as she sat in the chair, commenting on what good shape her mouth was in and praising her for flossing regularly. An assistant brought in a mold she had just made of another patient's teeth. It was made of flesh colored rubbery stuff, and Uncle Bob bent it, peering to see if the details was perfect. Uncle Bob explained this was a negative mold, that had been made by putting liquid silicone into a horseshoe shaped trough. Then it was pressed onto the patient's teeth and left there while the liquid cured. The result was a negative of the teeth. That could then be filled with plaster, and a perfect positive copy of the teeth could be produced. He showed her a plaster mold and Brandy would have sworn they were real teeth, except that the gums were white plaster too.

Brandy was fascinated. Here was a substance that was better than a photograph. It could be used to make exact copies of body parts. She could use this for her term project. Maybe she could compare teeth in her family. When she asked Uncle Bob if that would be possible he smiled.

"Sure sugar. You just tell me what you want to do and I'll help you. I have tons of the stuff. It's not all that expensive." That wasn't exactly true, but Uncle Bob loved his beautiful niece and she had him wrapped around her little finger. He was fully aware that she did not know that, but that was fine too.

They say things happen in threes. Being exposed to the latex molding process was the first thing that happened to her. The second was later that night. It was late, and everyone had gone to bed. Brandy had been reading, but got thirsty and got up to go get a drink of orange juice. On the way to the kitchen, she passed Bobby's room. His door wasn't completely closed and, as she glanced through it into the still lit room, she froze.

Bobby was masturbating.

He was lying on his side, naked, on top of the covers. He had a magazine spread open beside him and was peering at it as his hand moved on his cock. He wasn't going fast, which surprised her. She'd never seen a boy do anything like this, but she'd heard of it, and had always assumed it was a violent kind of thing, where the hand moved fast. Instead he was stroking himself slowly, almost lovingly. He reached to turn a page of the magazine, and she was able to see his penis completely. It was much longer than she thought a boy's penis would be and it was straight ... hard. It was also much bigger around than she thought it would be. Then his hand covered it as he began stroking again.

Brandy felt a tickle between her legs ... as if she needed to scratch herself. But she knew that was no tickle. She was reacting sexually to her own brother. She wasn't as much disgusted as she was surprised. There were boys at school who made her feel that way. She held her breath as he leaned over further, looking closely at something in the magazine. Now his hand DID speed up. It kept speeding up until it suddenly DID look violent, as if he just HAD to be hurting himself.

Then he groaned and a silvery-white string of something shot out of the end of his penis and landed on a T shirt that he had apparently spread out on the bed just for this purpose. There were more of those spurts and now Brandy felt tingles in her breasts too. Confused, she backed up and went back to her room.

She didn't feel thirsty any more.

That was the second thing, in then string of three. The third was the next morning, when she walked into the bathroom to take a shower, and her father was drying off after taking his own. Her eyes took in HIS cock, which was much SHORTER than she thought it should be. It was only two inches long, and had a narrow tip, but was much thicker where it met his wiry nest of pubic hairs. His balls were HUGE by comparison. In the time it took her to realize "Of COURSE! He doesn't have an erection! Of COURSE it would look smaller!" she blushed and he stammered and she backed out of the bathroom. She took refuge in her room.

The two penises had looked so completely different. The comparison was ... comparison ... hmmm.

Mary had said the boy had compared the women in his family to each other ... their breasts. Could she compare the men in her family? Could she compare their penises and arrive at some conclusion? The thought brought her butterflies in her belly ... and a level of excitement that she found hard to believe. She could compare Bobby to her father. Her Grandfather was dead. The only other male relative she had was her mother's brother, Uncle Bob. He wasn't in the blood line. But Bobby was in his bloodline, through their mother. So maybe the hypothesis was that Bobby's penis should look like a cross between Uncle Bob's and her Father's.

Would they do it? Would they let her compare them? She thought about the latex molding material. Could she make molds of their penises? Then she could compare them side by side. Hmmmmmm.

It was two more hours before she finally fell asleep.

Brandy chose her Uncle as the first person to approach about her idea. It was Saturday and he was home, tying fishing flies when she found him after coming in the front door.

"Hey Uncle Bob" she said cheerily.

"Hi good looking" said Bob. It was an honest greeting. As far as Bob was concerned, she was the best looking girl he knew. He got enough pussy from the assistants at his practice to make up for never meeting the right woman to marry and settle down with, but half the time he fantasized that it was Brandy he was fucking as he sprayed one of the girls full of his love offering.

"Can I talk to you about something?" she asked.

He looked up at the sound of her voice. She sounded nervous. "You know you can talk to me about anything," he said. "Always could, still can, and always will be able to."

"This is different," she said, still nervous. "It's about my Biology term project and its ... well it's kind of ... racy I guess."

"Racy" he repeated.

So she launched into the explanation, starting with what Mary had told her about they guy who photographed breasts and compared them, and then working up to how she saw Bobby with his dick in his hand, and then her father's soft, smallish cock, and finally to how she wanted to make molds of all three, including his own.

During the explanation Bob tried to concentrate on tying a Red-faced spinner. It came out looking more like a wasp, and his dick was rock hard when she finally went silent. He darted a look at her, but she was looking at the floor, her face sort of brick colored.

"So that's what you want to make molds of," he said.

"I think so." she confirmed, breathing again after realizing he wasn't going to get mad ... or laugh. "Do you think it would work?"

Bob put his tools down. "Well, we'd have to make something to hold the silicone in place while it dried. You say you want the testicles too?"

"Uh huh." said Brandy meekly. "Is that OK?"

"Well it makes it a little more of a challenge. The easiest way to do this, I think, is to take something like a two liter soda bottle and cut the top off of it. Then fill it with the silicone, and submerge the erect penis and balls down into it. By the time it had set up, the erection would have softened. It will have to, because that's the only way we'll be able to get the mold off of the ... ah ... model. The hard part will be getting the balls out, because the silicone will be wrapped all the way around them, and they don't shrink like an erection does. But I think I might have the answer to that too. We can glue a small sheet of plastic to the underside of the balls and that will make a separation point. We can pull the mold apart there, and the testicles should pop free.

"It sounds complicated." said Brandy. "What do you think?"

Bob looked at her. "Were you planning on being involved in making the mold?"

"You mean be right there?" she asked. "Right there with a naked penis ... a naked HARD penis?" It sounded like she had never thought about that part.

"Yes. You would have to touch the model, and the other thing is that we need the erection to be firm for three or four minutes after the process starts. Otherwise the silicone will sag inward before it cures enough to hold its shape and you won't get a true mold."

"How do we do that?" Brandy had already talked herself into believing that she would be there when all this happened.

"Why don't we try a trial run with me, and we'll see how things work. What do you think about that?" Uncle Bob looked at her expectantly. He already had an idea of how he wanted her to help him stay "firm" while the mold cured.

"OH!" she yipped. "Could we REALLY? OH yes please. That would be so cool!" Brandy jumped up and down. Her luscious breasts bobbed and her Uncle's cock rose to half staff.

"I'm game if you are," he said. I have some silicone out in the garage. It's past it's expiration date for dental work, but I think it will work fine for this." He went and got it, bringing back an empty two liter soda bottle at the same time. He got a pair of scissors and handed the bottle to her. "Why don't you cut that top off while I get ready." he suggested.

Brandy tried to start cutting the bottle about halfway through but Bob stopped her. "Sweetheart, we need more depth than that." he said.

Brandy looked at him, and at the six inches of bottle she had been trying to cut off. Was he longer than that? She moved up two inches and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Give it another inch." he suggested.

Brandy made an "O" with her mouth, but did as he said, ending up with a bottle that was about nine inches deep.

"OK, now the only problem is that for the silicone to stay in the bottle, we have to leave it upright. That means I'll have to lie down on something and ... let it all hang out ... so to speak. He got three dining room chairs and set them side by side, moving one about ten inches apart from the others. He lay down on his stomach across the chairs, with his crotch in the ten inch gap. "I think that might work" he said. "Now, find some books or something to put the bottle on so the top will be up next to my skin."

Brandy ran around gathering the thickest and largest books she could find, stacking them up until they looked the right height. She turned around to tell her uncle it was ready and was shocked to find him standing there naked. Her eyes were drawn automatically to his penis, which was about half hard and already six inches long. It lay lightly on his balls, which were hair covered and egg sized. He was circumcised, and the head was large and pointed. After that the neck narrowed down, but then surged back out as the shaft got larger. It looked very interesting to Brandy. This was the closest she had ever come to one. At least one that was naked. She stared at it longer, trying to figure out why it she thought it looked different than her brother's and her father's. But she couldn't decide.

Bob unscrewed the caps of three bottles of dental silicone, which were about the size of a pickle jar can. Thinking of pickles made Brandy laugh.

"What's so funny?" asked Uncle Bob. He looked at his cock. "What's wrong with it?"

Brandy laughed harder, feeling much better now. "Nothing is wrong with it!" she giggled. "It's a perfectly fine penis. I was just thinking of pickles and it just seemed funny."

"You think it looks like a PICKLE!?" said her uncle, trying to sound hurt.

"Nope!" laughed Brandy. "Most pickles I've seen are BIGGER than that!" She howled with laughter.

"Well little miss pickle breath, come on over here and play with it a little and get it hard and you'll see just what kind of pickle I can produce!"

Brandy stopped laughing. "Play with it?" she asked.

"Either that or you can take off your clothes. That would make me hard in a jiffy," he said, smiling.

"Take off my clothes?" she said, her voice trembling.

"Sweety, you're the sexiest woman I know. If you were to get naked, or play with my cock, I'd have the hardest erection of my life. Isn't that what we're trying to do here?"

"Sexiest woman you know?" stammered Brandy.

"Are you deaf woman?" said Bob in a snarling voice. "Get Naked!"

Brandy was so shocked at the whole idea of being naked with her uncle ... while HE was naked too ... that she just did as she was told. Her hands flew to the buttons of her blouse, and when that dropped on the floor she wiggled her hips to get her jeans over them. Suddenly she was standing in front of her uncle in just bra and panties. She got shy.

"I feel so funny" she moaned.

"You look delicious." said Bob. "See, progress already!"

Brandy looked up and her eyes widened. Now his penis was seven inches long and standing almost straight out. It pointed at her ... panties now. Her mind working overtime on images, she contemplated the image of his penis pointing at what was under her panties. She found that image very erotic, to her surprise, and she felt a twinge of delightful ... something ... between her legs.

"I think if you took off your bra, we might have a workable erection." said Bob.

Brandy started to say "My bra?" but caught herself. Impetuously she reached behind her and the bra snapped apart in the back. She caught it with her left hand, holding it to her breasts, but let it slip ... lower ... and lower ... and lower ... until she got the courage to just let it fall to the floor. She couldn't make herself look at her Uncle.

He whistled. Her eyes darted up then, easily, her fear of rejection gone. Somehow she had been afraid that he would think she was too small, or too big, or that her breasts were ugly in some way. She'd lived with them most of her life, and they were no big deal to her.

"Man!" he said in a husky voice. "Those are the most beautiful tits I've seen in years and years and years." Brandy thought "Tits ... he called them tits." It was a nasty word, a word her mother would have slapped her face for it she'd ever have uttered it. But it sounded ... sexy ... coming from Uncle Bob's mouth.

"Thank you." she whispered, embarrassed at his praise.

"No, thank YOU" he said. She looked at him and he was doing the same thing Bobby had been doing last night. He was sliding his hand up and down his penis. And now it WAS hard. It was probably eight inches or a little longer. When he let go of it, it stood upward, like a cannon or something, pointing up into the sky. It looked ... sexual ... and for the first time in her life, Brandy thought about what that thing was made to do ... in her body. A shudder went through her as she tried to imagine that, stuffed inside her pussy. That tingle in the very pussy she was thinking of got stronger and she felt an urge to rub between her legs.

"Shall we get started?" asked Bob. "We don't want it to get soft."

"What do I do?" asked the turned on girl.

"I'll lie down and you slide the bottle up onto my penis." said Bob. "Then I'll have to lie still for about ten minutes until it sets up." Bob mixed a second tube of something into the silicone in the bottle. "This is the hardener." He stopped, and then laughed. "But I'm already hard, so I guess YOU'RE the hardener." He stirred the mixture thoroughly and then handed her the bottle and lay down on the chairs. His erect phallus hung down in the gap between the chairs, above the stack of books she had prepared. It still pointed toward his head a little.

Brandy got to her knees, staring at the erect penis in front of her. Taking a breath she tried to put the bottle under his prick. The stack of books was in the way. She moved it and got the bottle of stuff right below him. "Here goes" she said, her breath tight in her lungs.

Then his penis was at the wrong angle. Had it been pointing straight down it would have been fine. So Brandy had to tip the bottle a little.

She moved the bottle up, fascinated as it contacted the sexual thing in front of her. It looked like he was forcing his prick into the liquid, rather than what was actually happening. With a convulsive movement she brought the bottle up quickly and it enveloped his cock and balls. She scrabbled for the stack of books, and then her blouse, making a nest for the bottle so it would stay tilted. She ended up having to lean it against a couple of books before carefully pulling her hands away. As the bottle settled into the nest of cloth, the liquid pulled away from his body she saw some of his hairs, coated with silicone, become exposed. She grimaced.

"Uh ... Uncle Bob?" she said. She was thinking about Marjorie Tomkins, at school, who had helped her remove some of her body hair with a hot wax procedure. She remembered how painful that was.

"Yeah?" his voice was tight too.

"What about your hair?" She let the question hang.

"Shit." was his short reply. "I forgot about that."

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Rubber ducky

Lacy was horny and she needed sex sense there was o guy around she decided to try it herself , so she put on a short dress with no panties on she sat in a chair and spread he legs and put her finger in her pussy and went to town but it wasn't enough she wanted fun so she put on some high heels still wearing her cute dress and high heels she got some cold water put it in a huge glass ice in the water and a rubber ducky she sat in her chair and pored the cold ice water on her body her dress was...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Rubber Doll

"How long is it since you came slave?" Mistress Michele whispers in your ear. "Three weeks," you answer meekly. You feel her body press against yours. You long to know what she is wearing but you are blind. You have been for the last thirty minutes although you don't know that. Time has no meaning when you are blind and at the mercy of your Mistress. You followed Mistresses orders and prepared yourself for her arrival. You stripped naked but for the cock cage and the blindfold and...

3 years ago
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Rubber Dog

RUBBER DOGSynopsis:A young girl from the German countryside looks for a place where to stay in Berlin. She is ready to offer certain services to the landlady but soon understands that she has been blueeagle? Story codes: F+/f, modification, D/s, BDSM, latex, bondage, mc, humiliation, bestiality, slow, Heavy- - -?RUBBER DOG(Part 1)Hannah had always felt that she was something different. All her girl friends were always talking about boys and which of them they could get on the hook....

3 years ago
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Rubber Fairy Tale

The Legend of the Latex Princess Rubber Fairy TaleBy Darqside There is an old legend that spans the fabric of time itself, well not really that old actually, but it will be around for a long time at the very least. Legend has it that there was once a young queen who ruled her people and her house with an Iron fist.? She was very strict with her Manservants and Maidservants.? She was a very selfish and indulgent woman by nature, and was very choosy about the men who courted her.? In...

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Rubber fantasy

I’m in a community park during a week day late morning. This way there would be no one around to interrupt my enjoyment of the natural environment, so I thought. Once in the park, I turn into a big k** totally. I play, run, swing and finally, I take a walk on the mile long bike trail before returning home. During the walk, at the half way mark, I kept hearing some unusual shuffling at a distance but, didn’t pay attention to it. Maybe some a****ls scurrying around. So, I completed the walk and...

4 years ago
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Rubber Restriction part 2

Miranda looked up at the shelf to where the lady pointed out the book she was looking for, 'curious' she thought 'I've never noticed that book on the shelves before?' She went over to the ladder used to retrieve books from the top shelves and carefully lifted it down. She opened the cover and to her surprise noticed that it did not have the stamp of the library or the place where the books get stamped in and out."I-I don't understand?" Miranda looked puzzled "What is it my dear ?" the woman...

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Rubber fantasy

I'm in a community park during a week day late morning. This way there would be no one around to interrupt my enjoyment of the natural environment, so I thought. Once in the park, I turn into a big k** totally. I play, run, swing and finally, I take a walk on the mile long bike trail before returning home. During the walk, at the half way mark, I kept hearing some unusual shuffling at a distance but, didn't pay attention to it. Maybe some a****ls scurrying around. So, I completed the walk and...

5 years ago
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Attacked by Silk GlovesChapter 2 The Glove Trick

Paul woke up, his heart racing. He checked his watch on the nightstand. 12 midnight, so he had only been asleep for a couple of hours. "Gonna be a long night," he sighed. Ancient but unmistakably feminine smells surrounded him. He looked around the room, scanning its contents. Apparently, nothing had been touched after Rosemary's daughter had died. "A car accident," Rosemary had said, clearly still angry. "Hit and run." Old clothing was left on chairs and dressers, make-up lids were...

3 years ago
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The Clover Coffee Club

This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...

2 years ago
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Dickie Gets Even Chapter 2

Authors note: This story is not stand alone. To understand where it is coming from you need to read Dickie Gets Even (which was posted in May of 05). There is some sex, but it is not really a stroke story, but a tale of revenge. I sat in a chair across the room and watched the man tied to the chair shake his head to clear out the cobwebs. I just sat there while he tried to move and found out that he was immobile. He looked around the room and then he saw me. He had to squint his eyes at...

3 years ago
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Dickie the Explorer in the land of Amber

"And Dickie the Explorer makes it to the top of the hill, and does his victory dance." Eric said playfully. She giggled again, her tummy shuddering as her little vagina got all squishy in anticipation of the special games that daddy played with her when mommy wasn't home. Dickie the Explorer was one of Amber's favorite new games, and it made her feel so hot, and excited when daddy would "explore" her naked little body with his big, hard thingy. She loved how warm, and hard it was, but...

2 years ago
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Lovey came with me

Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...

3 years ago
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Rubber Restriction Part 5 Coninued

The meeting-Miranda sat there nervously and slightly fidgety and trying to avoid Vanessas staring eyes when suddenly "Tell me Miranda, a little thing I just noticed, those marks around your wrist !" It was a bolt right out of the blue, Miranda just looked at her and stared like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car, Vanessa smiled that knowing smile from the corner of her mouth as her left eyebrow arched. Her heart racing, Miranda tried in vien to pull the sleeves down of her blouse to...

4 years ago
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Rubber Restriction Part3 continued

It was while Miranda was looking at a page of a woman in a long tight Hobble skirt , she had a sudden flash of inspiration. Miranda remeberd that she had a pair of magenta jogging bottoms in the wardrobe. they had a rip in them from when she went out (The only time she wore anything like trousers) running and had snagged one of the legs on some barbed wire while trying to step over a fence. They were quite new aswell and she had intended on repairing them at some point. Miranda pulled them out...

3 years ago
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Rubber Restriction Part 3

Miranda finished putting the books away on the shelves in the library, as she did she pondered what Vanessa had said to her as she left herself, she had told Miranda with a rather wry smile "Don't forget to bring the book tomorrow, and don't get tempted to look through it tonight while it is in your hands !", She said this with a glint in her eyes as if to say "But I bet you will!" Suddenly Patricia was calling after her "Aah there you are Miranda , I've been waiting for you for the last 10...

5 years ago
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Rubber Ducky You are the One

She delicately washed her hair while her eyes were closed. Luckily for him, her basement door was unlocked. He crept in silently and found her in the shower. Slowly, he opened the shower door and joined her, holding her firm backside against his now, erect penis. His instinct wasn't that someone so innocent would be thinking. But oh, how he loved her perfect body and the way she carried herself. Her round, perky, breasts, big enough for his hand to hold. These thoughts had come to his attention...

Straight Sex
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A Tale of Two Lovebirds

Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

4 years ago
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Ms Lockleys School for Unloved Girls Ch 01

Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...

3 years ago
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Meeting a Dickies Girl

Meeting a Dickies Girl By Peg Thebois I had never heard of Dickies before, let alone been there but when I asked the cabbie where to go for a wild time this was where he dropped me off. He even gave me his personal number for a pickup when I was done. This was clearly a hook-up bar, I could tell by the atmosphere but it took me a while before I realised the truth of what made this place so special. After getting a drink from the bar I noticed one of the girls standing by the wall....

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One... I had been scared. Now I was drunk. I've always found that alchohol is a great eliminator of fear, provided you don't drink too much of it. But I did and had and now the 737 was descending to land at the Boise airport in Idaho. The stewardess had tried to take my last drink before lap tables went up, but I downed it, and being the polite person I am, said thank you. She smiled. "You don't like flying much do you," she asked. "No, maam, and I have an important meeting to go...

2 years ago
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Rubberslut 2

Rubberslut, Part 2 Eleven "You can't go home now," Bambi said, strutting beautiful and menacing. Master Dave was in the corner, sipping a brandy snifter of all things, attenuated. She was in glory of dress, and I was enthralled. But very frightened. She wore a micro, and stockings showed, and the high heels were high and pink, like the stockings, and her pussy was moist, dripping. Her bra was strange, for it was like a shelf laying her beautiful breasts out sumptuously on a...

3 years ago
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Rubberslut 3

Rubberslut Part 3 Chapter 13 The basement, as Master Dave and Bambi calls it, is nothing of the sort. It is actually a huge area of stage sets. There is the bedroom. There is the bathroom. There is a Jacuzzi. The height to ceiling is twenty feet. The walls go up twelve. Cameras and lighting are everywhere. As Bambi locks the door behind us me, Master Dave trundles me out, and loosens the bands that tie me to the dental chair. Helps me up. Almost kindly. I am dumbfounded,...

3 years ago
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Rubberslut 4

Rubberslut 4 Chapter 16 I walk to the door, cold and hairless, thrice pierced on either ear, though that doesn't bother me, for I know those can heel. I'm bothered by the fat lashes glued on my lids, knowing that they are not my own. How long does it take to grow back eyelashes, I wonder. There is a mirror there, on the door, and I can see that Nurse B has done makeup par excellence. The eye shadow, lipstick and rouge, are all in bold colors, camera worthy. But I am not. Somewhat...

2 years ago
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Rubbersuit Rick

Rubbersuit Rick by Throne When you have more money than you could spend in three lifetimes, what do you do with it? Well, if you're me, you pursue your most elaborate and kinky fantasies. Mine was to create a living doll. It would be an attractive flesh-and-blood woman, sealed into a bodysuit that enhanced her natural contours and gave her an exaggeratedly sexy face. Of course, that face would include a mouth with very full lips. I'm sure you get the picture. I put a tiny...

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Loverboy Ricky

It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager….   Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him.    It was summertime...

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Loverboy Ricky

It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager….   Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him.    It...

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Vickiedickie the Pissypantysissy

All throughout grade school, Victor had been teased and picked on, called a sissy and laughed at for his high-pitched voice, shy manners and disinterest in the manly art of rough-housing. But the other kids would have had a field day of torment with him had they known what lay beneath his mild mannered exterior, the real Victor who lay hidden beneath his clothes. Victor hoped to keep it that way ... hidden. From kindergarten through eighth grade kids played some sports in the schoolyard, but...

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Night Skies Hotel Lovers Retreat

Night Skies Hotel: Lovers' Retreat By Wolverine I'm not Solari, but I'm decent, so give this one a shot. This story was written with permission from Solari. ******************************************************************* Lisa and William stumbled into the entrance of the Night Skies Hotel, watching carefully over their shoulders. Leroy wouldn't be too far behind and the hope he wouldn't look inside a high-class hotel such as this one was just that - a hope, a prayer, a desperate...

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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 6 Loves Nature

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...

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Rubber Training

I was afraid to call Christa the next day. She had seemed pretty pissed and worried, and I was afraid she would still be really mad at me. I hoped she had not told her mother, and I hoped she was not pregnant. I had not meant to fuck her, it was just an accident, and she had done it anyway. The phone rang and I heard my mother answer, "HI LInda, sure he is right here. Let me get him for you." Fear shot through me, she knows I thought. Then I wondered why she had not told my mom. I walked...

2 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 5 Love Life and the Power

It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making Joey a little mad at me. At least he tried to make it look like it was anger, but I knew from his body language that he was really just plain jealous. I mean, here I was holding hands with the girl we all had discussed in detail what we thought she looked like naked. Suzi and I had three classes together. As it happened, they were the odd-numbered...

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Fork Leaf Clover SHAMrock StandIn II

This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 10 Make Love to Me

As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...

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Little Dickie and the One eyed Monster

My wife Sally and I moved into a bungalow in a nice neighborhood.  She looked out the window and said, "The guy next door looks a bit creepy."I said, "I should go meet him."He was on the front porch of his own bungalow, not a very big guy about thirty five with a shaved head and black-rimmed eyeglasses.  It was a warm day and he was in shorts and a tight tank-top.  His name was Victor.  We shook hands and he invited me inside.It was in his living room that I first noticed his dramatic...

4 years ago
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Moana and her loverboy first time fucking in the p

As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....

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All Lovers Desire

All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...

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Loves MastersChapter 4 Summer Camp Lovers

That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...

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