Rubber free porn video

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Lori giggled, blushing as she and her husband exited the adult toy shop. They had gone in on a whim, but hadn’t bought anything - Lori had been reduced to fits of laughter and nervous giggling, as she turned red almost as soon as they walked in the door.

The truth was, as embarrassed as she felt, she actually found a lot of the items in there surprisingly exciting. She had found herself rubbing her legs together as when Brad (her husband) had picked up a ring gag - she could actually still feel the wetness in her panties.

Still - though she’d let Brad tie her up a few times (and had cum as hard as she ever had before) she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to try out any of the toys in there. Particularly with the salesgirls watching her buy them.

“You want fetish, sir and madam?”

Lori turned, her blush deepening as she brushed her curled black hair away from her freckled face in the breeze. Who... ?

She swallowed and giggled, grabbing Brad’s arm as she pushed up against him. He grinned down at her, knowing what she had been thinking. They both looked at the small man who was holding a large tray of fetish statues. He was so short and squat that he almost seemed to be a large statue himself, his broad-brimmed hat shading a dark, lined face from the sun. Brown eyes sparkled up at them, as he leveled a broad smile at the pretty girl.

“I have many fetishes - all kinds! Bring fortune and excitement to your home,” he said this with a broad wink that drew another giggle from Lori - she wasn’t usually this giggly, but leftover nervousness had left her that way. Her cheeks were flushed beneath her blue eyes.

“Sure ... whaddaya got and how much?” Brad asked, “I’m sure my wife would love a new fetish.” At 6’3” Brad towered over both of them, though even she - a petite 5’3” - was taller than the small man in front of them.

“Matam has many fetishes for your wife! Only one dollar! Perhaps this lovely dog fetish? Or a fertility fetish?” said again with the friendly wink.

Lori coughed and looked down quickly. No, not a fertility fetish, she didn’t think ... they’d only been married three months, and at 22, she wasn’t ready for that yet. Her eyes lighted on a peculiar statue and she pointed at it.

“What’s that one?”

“Ahhhhh,” Matam said, nodding, “is a modern one. Brings new and interesting things into ones life. It is ... it is a rubber fetish!”

He grinned, and Lori had to clap her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

Brad smiled as well and muttered, “I’m pretty sure some of the people in that store have that one,” then said more loudly, “Great. We’ll take it.”

Lori snickered at Brad’s comment and reached out for the small figure as Brad pulled a dollar out of his wallet. It was perfectly black and smooth, and she realized as she picked it up that it was a figure of a slim woman, with a look of something like surprise on her face, he mouth curved in an “o”. It was clearly made out of rubber, though something about it was surprisingly pleasing to the touch. Lori shivered slightly as she held it.

As they walked away from the smiling man, Lori tucked the figure into her jeans.


Lori lay on the bed, squealing in pleasure as Brad licked her. In the car ride home, she’d found herself growing more and more aroused, to the point that by the time they’d gotten into the house she’d had to run into their room and pull of her jeans and panties - she’d actually soaked them clean through. Her haste to get out of her pants wasn’t wasted on Brad, and he’d clearly been quite happy to get into them, grabbing her and throwing her onto the bed.

She hadn’t had time to think about her oddly extreme arousal (she’d never been that wet) before she and Brad were kissing. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive, too, and she’d gasped loudly when he’d pulled off her t-shirt, revealing her smallish breasts, and started licking her hard nubbins. She’d squirmed with excitement as he kissed his way down her belly, and pushed her slender legs apart to reveal the very wet black curls between her thighs.

When he’d lowered his mouth to her hot pussy, she’d started to cum almost immediately. She was to busy crying and screaming as he licked her to think much about how odd it was that she was so primed - usually it took her several minutes of foreplay to build to an orgasm like that ... and then she was suddenly having another ... and another!

When Brad finally lifted his glistening mouth from her cunt with a somewhat shocked grin, Lori shivered and let out a small sob. She’d never been multi-orgasmic before! She certainly wasn’t going to complain, however ... although now ... now she was starting to ache.

With an almost begging tone she looked down at her husband.

“Please ... fuck me ... oh please...”

Brad’s surprise - she rarely was that expressive of her desires, and rarely even used the word “fuck” - was quickly replaced by excitement. He clambered over her, making her feel so small as always. He grabbed her legs and pushed them up, folding her almost in half. Usually she preferred having her legs down, but she knew that Brad liked this position better. Almost desperate in her excitement, she grabbed her ankles, wrapping her small fingers around Brad’s larger ones.


Her eyes went wide as Brad thrust into her all of a sudden, and she came again, with a shriek. She let go of Brad’s hands and began clawing at his back - she’d never come this hard or this loudly before in her life. Tears were streaming from her eyes as her shriek rose into breathy chirps. She tucked her head into Brad’s shoulder as he grunted and thrust into her harder and faster - his modest-sized cock felt massive inside her for some reason, as though she was even tighter than usual. In the haze of her lust, she felt Brad’s fingers tickling her ears ... which she would have thought was odd had it not launched her into yet another orgasm.

Suddenly Brad let out a long, deep moan as his weight pressed down on her, and she could feel his warmth spreading inside her, rocketing her orgasm even higher, though she made almost no sound at this point, she was screaming so hard in pleasure.

Finally, he collapsed onto her, his fingers sliding through her hair, the flats of his palms oddly pressing against the side of her head. As the surges of pleasure through her body finally began to subside, Lori began to shudder and sob from exhausted pleasure. She lay there, dazed and whimpering, as she felt Brad slowly lever himself upward with an exhausted grunt.

“Oh my god! Lori, are you OK?!”

Lori opened her eyes with a bleary smile, to tell Brad that she was most certainly more than just “OK”, but her comment was cut of before she started at the look of panic in Brad’s face, staring down at her.

“What ... Brad, what’s wrong?”

Lori was getting worried now, as Brad still stared at her with a dumbstruck expression. She noticed his eyes were flicking from one side of her head to the other, quickly. She reached up with her hands - had something happened to her hair... ?

And suddenly jumped with a small yelp as she felt hands touch her feet!

Slowly, eyes wide as the haze of lust faded to confusion and surprise, she turned her head ... and lying on the bed next to her was her small foot. Lori swallowed hard as she wiggled her toes and saw those of the foot next to her head wiggle at her.

She lifted her head slightly, and followed the curve of her ankle up to her thigh, also pressed against the bed, and then down over the curve of her ass to see her crotch, Brad’s oddly still slightly hard cock sticking out of her pussy (and sending a tickle of pleasure through her as he moved slightly). Her eyes continued around following her other leg up until she saw her left foot lying next to her on the bed as well.

She had been, quite literally, folded in half.

Lori let out a small, wordless squeak of some unnameable emotion.

The sound seemed to break Brad out of his reverie and he jumped up off of her with a yell, eliciting a shocked grunt of unexpected pleasure from Lori as his softening cock popped out of her pussy.

“Oh my god! Oh god! Lori, I’m so sorry! Oh god - I’m going to call 911 oh my god just stay there don’t move I whulp!!”

Lori giggled as in his panic Brad stumbled of the bed and slipped on the pile of clothes next to it, falling to the floor in a perfect pratfall. Then she drew a deep breath as he struggled to his feet, reaching for the phone.

“Brad. Brad! It doesn’t hurt! I ... I feel OK! Really! I think I can lift my legs up...”

“No! Honey, you’re in shock! Don’t move! Don’t...”

Brad stopped and stared as Lori slipped her hand under her right foot and began to lift it upward. The slightly twisted skin around her thigh smoothed out and about halfway up, she felt a small pop (not painful or unpleasant, but just a gentle clicking into place) and she was able to lower her leg to the bed. After a moment she did the same with the other foot and lay on the bed, her small legs trembling from the exhausting she felt from all those orgasms, but otherwise feeling fine ... quite good in fact.

“My god,” Brad said, standing over her, “You were ... your legs ... what happened?!”

“I have no idea,” Lori said, quietly. She felt like she should be a little more bothered by what had just happened, but for some reason she couldn’t get that worked up from it. Maybe it was the exhausted pleasure she still felt.

“I feel fine, though. Really. More than fine, in fact,” she grinned at Brad, flushing at remembrance of how she’d cum ... and cum and cum...

“Yeah ... I’ve never seen you like that ... it was amazing. The, uh ... sex, I mean,” Brad said, still looking somewhat dazed and confused as he crawled back into the bed, obviously not convinced that she was really OK.

Lori snuggled up against him as he lay back down. Though it was only mid afternoon, she was exhausted. Within moments, Lori was snoring gently into his shoulder.

Brad looked down at her, a puzzled look on his face. His eyes moved to her hips for just a moment, and then he too lay back and slipped off into a quiet nap.

Lori walked out of their bedroom, pulling her fuzzy robe over her smooth shoulders as she walked in to the kitchen, noticing that it was dark out now - she must have slept several hours. She felt wonderful ... still a little tired from their intense lovemaking, but otherwise she felt charged all over. And, oddly, she was starting to feel a little horny again. What was with her today?

As she poured herself a glass of orange juice, she thought about what had happened with her legs ... and how she hadn’t even noticed it. It was like her hip joints had simply twisted all the way around, and her body had bent like ... like it was made out of rubber or something.

But that was impossible, wasn’t it?

And why wasn’t she feeling totally freaked out about it?

She stood, and looked down at her hand, tapping the side of her glass in her usual nervous gesture. Biting her lip, she reached down and grabbed her index finger. She slowly began to bend it back, waiting for the expected pain to start. But it just kept going, feeling like a pleasant stretch of her finger, until suddenly there was that small pop - not painful, but she could feel when it happened - and her finger bent back gently until it was laying against the back of her hand.

She stared at it, stunned. There was no pain at all - if anything it felt nice. She could wiggle and curl her finger, although she was unable to pull it upwards and back into the normal position. She held it to her mouth and licked the tip of her finger, giggling as she felt the tickle of her tongue on it.

She looked up and froze as she realized that Brad was standing at the doorway to the kitchen, staring at her, a strange look on his face.

She began to blush furiously as she lowered her hand. He must be completely disgusted with her ... and this freaky thing her body was doing. Sheepishly, she reached down and unfolded her finger back to its normal position. As she did so, her gaze fell ... and lighted on Brad’s stiffening cock.

Suddenly it was as if her body had gone into overdrive. Almost instantly her breathing quickened and she could feel herself getting excited as she looked furtively at her husband’s hardening penis. She shrugged slightly and her robe, which she’d neglected to tie, fell slightly further open, revealing her naked body to him. She looked up and smiled coyly.

“Ready for another round with your rubber wife?”

Brad let out a growl that actually frightened her a little as he rushed forward He picked up her small body and lifted her almost effortlessly up onto the island in the middle of their kitchen, and she let out a little gasp of excitement at being manhandled by her large husband. With a giggle, she leaned back onto her hands pulled her feet up onto the counter, spreading her thighs slightly, revealing her wet pussy, with cum from their earlier session still dribbling out of her.

She gasped again as he grabbed her ankles and lifted them upwards. She realized quickly that he wanted to bend her legs back again, and sat trembling as he pushed them up ... and up ... and then suddenly there was that pop, and they began to curve backwards at an impossible angle. Lori stared in fascination down at herself, as her hip twisted painlessly, her black-furred pussy tilting upwards so that she could see her wet slit. She felt Brad tuck first her right and then her left leg under her arms, so that she was sitting up on her hands, with her body impossibly bent into 3/4.

She looked up at him as he stepped forward ... and felt a sudden tingle of fright at the expression on his face. It was something like disbelief ... and horror ... and hunger ... and, it almost seemed, anger. She opened her mouth to ask if he was OK, if this was too weird...

“UNNNGHHH!!!!” was all that came out as he stepped forward, grabbed her shoulders to tilt her ceiling facing pussy slightly forward, and then thrust his rock-hard cock inside her with a grunt. She began to scream in pleasure once again as he thrust hard into her bent little body - the sensation (now that she was more clearly aware of it) of her feet being behind her adding a bizarre and exciting element to the situation.

As he thrust into her, and she built towards her first orgasm, he pulled her further forward, so that she was leaning into his chest. Suddenly she was cumming with a squeal, and vaguely she felt that odd pop again, this time in her back.

She came down from her orgasm, to realize that Brad had slipped out of her, though he hadn’t cum yet. She tilted her head to look up at him with a dazed grin, though again felt a small tingle of worry at the expression on his face - now an almost manic excitement.

He stepped away slightly and began to press her shoulders downward. At first she was still distracted by the aftermath of another massive orgasm and the strange feeling of the new impossible position her body was in. But then the sudden scent caught he attention and she realized what he was doing.

Her face was scant inches from her own wet pussy.

“Brad - no! Wait! What are you doing!?”

Brad didn’t answer, though from her new position, she could see his cock jerk out of the corner of her eye. She started to push against him, but he grabbed her arms and pulled them up and back and ... pop ... they were stuck like that behind her back.

“Please ... Brad,” she cried, “this is disgusting! Don’t ... please ... nmmmph!”

She moaned in horror and disgust as Brad’s hand on the back of her head pressed her mouth down onto her pussy. Her nose lay against her slick pussy lips, so that all she could smell was her own wet cunt. She felt horrified - she’d always been disgusted by the idea of going down on another woman ... she’d even made Brad wash his cock if she ever gave him a blowjob after they’d had sex. And to think that she was being pressed down onto her own pussy like this... ! She flailed slightly, but her hands and feet were in positions with no leverage whatsoever.

She heard Brad begin to mutter under his breath.

“Lick yourself, you little freak. Lick your own wet cunt ... suck your clit...”

Lori let out a disgusted sob, but realized that there was nothing she could do, and he was clearly ignoring her cries to let her up. She opened her mouth, and lowered the tip of her tongue down to her red, hot clit.

As her tongue stroked her clit, she let out an involuntary moan, this time of pleasure. For some reason, even through her disgust and horror, she was still just as turned on as she’d been before. Trying to ignore the taste of a girl’s pussy... her pussy ... filling her mouth (not to mention the flavor of Brad’s cum from earlier), she began to lick and suck at her own clit.

And to lick ... and suck ... and suck...

“Mmmm ... NNNnnnn ... MMMMMMMmmmmmm!!”

It felt ... amazing. The warmth of her mouth, her soft tongue ... being eaten out had always been the easiest way for her to cum. And now ... she knew exactly when to speed up ... when to slow down ... when to lick harder ... when to flick the tip of her clit with her tongue ... and when to suck the whole thing between her lips just as she was about to...


Her mind seemed to evaporate under the orgasm from licking herself - it made her earlier ones seem like the barest pleasures by comparison. She could see her pussy clenching and releasing just centimeters from her wide eyes as she slurped at herself sucking hard on her own clit to draw her orgasm out.

Finally the orgasm washed away, and she started to shudder and sob ... but didn’t stop slurping at her own clit. She was disgusted with herself, but it felt so good ... and she didn’t really mind the taste of her own pussy so much ... she started to moan slightly as her eyes fell to the little pink star of her asshole, wet with juices that had dribbled from her clit and from her own drool during her orgasm.

And suddenly Brad’s cock crept into view. The tip of it pressed against the star of her asshole.

“MMmm! NNN!” She moaned again in protest. She’d told Brad during their one conversation about that that it was totally off-limits. Even for touching. She found the idea disgusting and humiliating.

And now, in spite of her moans of resistance, she watched in horror as Brad’s hard cock pressed against that tight little star an inch from her eyes, while she continued sucking on her clit.

The sensation was incredible. To be so impossibly close to the invader pressing uncomfortably into her virgin asshole.

Well ... not uncomfortably, actually. It didn’t hurt at all. It felt ... odd - she could feel herself stretching, but just like the rest of her, her tight little asshole stretched painlessly around Brad’s cock. Someone was grunting loudly while she stared at Brad’s cock stretching her little pink asshole wider and wider as it slipped into her...

She realized that it was her.

Her breath was coming deeply and loudly through her nose as she stared fascinated at the cock beginning to slid in and out of her asshole ... so tight ... and her tongue thrummed on her clit as she could feel herself building and building...

Suddenly Brad’s fingers slid between her breasts and her stomach and began to stroke her hard nipples.


Her world was filled with a wall of pleasure. She stared at Brad’s cock thrusting in and out of her ass as she came - the impossible, disgusting vision seeming to drive her to even higher pleasure. A loud wail filled the room, and again she realized it was her, screaming her pleasure into her own pussy. She had sucked her clit all the way into her mouth and was tonguing it frantically as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over her. Somewhere during the explosion of pleasure, she heard Brad groan loudly and warmth spread into her bowels, which only drove her orgasm higher.

When this orgasm came down, she again began to sob, now in exhaustion. She lay there, gently licking her own clit, feeling the throbbing aftershocks go through her shuddering little body.

“Oh god ... oh god Lori,” Brad was saying, in a strangled voice, “I’m ... I’m so sorry ... I don’t know what came over me.”

He stepped back and his cock popped out of her asshole with an audible pop, eliciting a yelp of pleasure from her that Brad clearly mistook for pain.

“Oh god! Oh, honey, I’m so, so sorry ... I didn’t mean to ... I was just so turned on by the idea ... and I kind of went crazy...”

Lori was watching the star of her asshole return to it’s former shape in fascination - it didn’t seem to stretch out like she would have expected, but instead returned to a perfect little pink star, with a stream of cum dribbling out of it.

“Honey, can you ever forgive me? Here, I’m going to ... to...”

Brad’s words trailed off as Lori’s small, oddly twisted body began to shake and she let out small chirping noises. She had continued to lap gently at her clit while he’d been talking - it had just felt so good - and suddenly was cumming again, her little ass squirting out Brad’s cum onto the countertop almost comically.

Though this orgasm wasn’t nearly as strong as the last two, it was more than her overwhelmed mind and body could take, and somewhere in the middle of the sobbing, moaning, ass-cum squirting orgasm, she passed out.

Lori opened the door to their backyard and stepped out into the sunlight, her gorgeous slim body resplendent in her bikini, her skin glistening with suntan oil. She took a deep breath of fresh air and walked toward her deck chair to lay down.

She’d woken up in the morning to find herself in her bed, with Brad gone and her body returned to its normal shape. At first, she’d thought it had all been a dream, but as she pulled off the covers, she realized that the sheets were stained with small amounts of dried cum, and when she reached down, she could feel it on both her pussy and her asshole. Clearly it had really happened.

She walked out of her bedroom to look for Brad, and found that he had clearly slept on the couch last night. She bit her lip as tears came to her eyes about what had happened. On the one hand, he’d sort of forced her to do something - several things - that she had found disgusting. On the other hand ... she’d enjoyed it to a terrifying degree. And it wasn’t exactly like she’d been in a ... normal state. The thought of how her husband must be beating himself up ... she felt miserable.

She’d picked up the phone and called him at his law firm before remembering that he was supposed to be in a deposition and wouldn’t be reachable for most of the day. She left him a message saying just that she loved him, and that she hoped he was OK, and that she would see him tonight. Knowing that his secretary often listened to his messages, she was too afraid to make any reference to what had happened - she just hoped that it would make him feel a little better to get the message.

In the middle of a long hot shower to wash off all of the cum and sweat from the night before, she’d found herself starting to get aroused again, to her surprise. She tried to ignore it, but had found her fingers unconsciously playing over her soapy wet slit as she scrubbed herself. Finally, as she was drying off she gave in and crawled onto the bed.

She’d started with just the intention of playing with herself until she came, just to release the pressure. But as her fingers stroked over her clit, she found her mind thinking back to the night before. How Brad had made her lick herself ... it was so disgusting and wrong ... but it had felt so good!

Before she realized she was doing it, she found herself leaning closer and closer to her pussy. The scent was gross ... and somehow intoxicating. She leaned in a little further...

Pop. She felt her back pop again and her head lowered to her own pussy. Her whole body had seemed charged with excitement as she tentatively slipped her tongue out toward her glistening clit, nestled in the curly black fur between her legs.

Two minutes later she was on her third orgasm, screaming into her own cunt while she slurped at her clit. A minute after that, she was sobbing in her fifth, eyes wide as two fingers sliding wetly in and out of her pussy ... and her other index finger plunging in and out of her tight little ass.

She’d finally managed to stop after ten ( ... eleven? Maybe twelve... ) orgasms and had lain on the bed sobbing for a few minutes, again from exhaustion more than anything else. Of course Brad shouldn’t feel bad for what he’d done - even she couldn’t resist her crazily flexible body!

As she lay down on the deck chair, she found herself blushing at the memory. She couldn’t believe she’d done that. At some level, she was completely disgusted with herself ... but it had felt so good.

She was very glad that she’d already planned to take the day off from her own law internship - she was feeling oddly lethargic today. Probably exhaustion from the many - lord, how many times had she cum? - orgasms of the previous evening and this morning. As she lay in the sun, she found herself growing more and more restful, although she wasn’t sleepy. She just didn’t really want to move much.

Her mind drifted ... what could possibly have happened to her? She should probably be panicked about the whole thing, but whatever was going on didn’t seem to be harming her. Still, she should probably see a doctor to see if they could figure out what was going on, and make sure it wasn’t dangerous.

While her mind wandered, she noticed vaguely that her bellybutton had started to itch. She lay, trying to ignore it but finally lifted on leaden arm and scratched at it.

The odd thing about the whole thing was that it had come on so suddenly - the arousal, the strange flexibility. It had all started as soon as they’d come home yesterday.

Actually, she thought as she tried to get her finger to scratch her bellybutton again, that wasn’t true. It had started earlier than that. When they’d been in the car after going to dinner and the fetish shop. After they’d bought the...

With a struggle, Lori opened her eyes as it finally clicked. After they’d bought the rubber fetish.

That was ridiculous, she thought at first. It was just a little statue. It would have to be magic or something silly like that. She certainly didn’t believe in that sort of thing. But still ... what was happening to her was completely bizarre. And the fact that she couldn’t bring herself to be worried about it was odd in its own right, now that she thought about it.

With a groan and deep concentration, she managed to sit up and swing her legs over the side of the chair. She really was feeling lethargic. It was almost hard to think about moving. But she should go find the fetish. Where had she put it? She was pretty sure she’d set it on the dresser, but she hadn’t seen it there this morning. It must have fallen behind it. She should go look.

She stood up, and suddenly realized what a chore it was to move. Now she was starting to be a little frightened - this definitely wasn’t normal. She felt like she was trying to move through water. And her bellybutton was itching like crazy!

She stood next to the deck chair and looked down at he itching belly ... and paused (thankfully - just the thought of walking all the way to the patio door twenty feet away was exhausting), frowning slightly in confusion. She’d always been an “innie”, but there was now a little nubbin sticking up where her bellybutton normally was. That was what was itching. Even weirder, there seemed to be a little flap of skin on the top of it.

With a puzzled expression, Lori grabbed the little flap and pulled. There was a strange sensation and the flap came up with a small round cone, sliding out of her with a small pop.

In her cloudy state, she couldn’t really comprehend what she was seeing at first. The little nubbin now looked like a small volcano. And there was a funny sound ... like air hissing out of something.

And she felt really funny, actually. Like she was sinking.

Or deflating.

Her eyes widened as she suddenly made the connection. She looked in horror at her arm and fingers, and they were slowly growing thinner.

“Oh god! Oh my god!” She cried out in horror. She began to stumble towards the door while her hand fumbled with the plug. But her fingers were growing floppy, as were - she realized as she stumbled, then fell to the ground - her legs.

She was filled with air. And the air was escaping!

With a sob, she levered herself up on all fours as best she good and started trying to crawl towards the door. She stared down with horror as her slender arms grew floppier and thinner with each passing second. The sensation was like nothing she’d ever felt...

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Ginny slipped into the bath not long after breakfast. It was noon and there were just two hours to go before Pete would be arriving to take her away. Larry let her settle into the water and then reached for her sponge and shower gel. He still couldn’t believe that he was actually acting out his fantasy, neither could he quite grasp that all this was for real. Forty-eight hours ago life seemed so sane. He ran the soapy sponge over her back at first and then moved around to her front. The air...

1 year ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 4 Setting up home

I drove the truck back to the van, but stopped on the way to pick up the vanity case. I got down and the most wonderful aroma of cooked meat hit me. I walked to the back of the van, placed the vanity case inside, I was going to give Jane a surprise with it later. When I got to where Jane was working, she had made use of the pots and pans we had found, and had them all boiling with various vegetables. Where she had got them I couldn't tell, but there was wild turnip, and something that...

3 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt4

"Holy shit, she looks so sexy and innocent", Scott texted. I replied "and you just took advantage of that innocent pretty pussy... you better not tell anyone I sent those pictures to you!". Scott responded "I'm still feeling nervous about earlier... I shouldn't have done that. If Emily found out, she'd kill me". I messaged back "no one else will ever know... it's our little secret ?. It was so hot watching you fuck her, and then you came in my mouth". It was a few minutes...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Love

He sat up in bed and watched her sleep, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath. She looked angelic with the morning light playing across her lovely face. The night before, he had proposed to her as they walked on the beach hand in hand. She had smothered his face with kisses, saying “yes” over and over again. They had come home to his little apartment by the beach and made love. And of course it was incredible, like every other time. He loved her so much he was almost in pain. He...

1 year ago
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Master PC Creampie EditionChapter 6

Chris got out of his car and popped the trunk. He was pretty much exhausted physically as well as mentally after the long drive home from the airport. The flight was not too bad, Chris slept through most of it. It was a nightmare once he got out of the airport car park though. It did not help that he landed just as the rush hour started. Chris mind was more or less blank as he wheeled his luggage up the driveway towards the front door, and missed that fact that Sandy's car was already in the...

3 years ago
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Another cuck wish

So, there we are at my wifes Christmas party. She works with mostly men. I am constantly asking her to flirt with the guys at work. Anyway, I see Steve, a 32 year old single guy eyeing up Mary.Mary is wearing a white strapless, lacy dress that dives in between her luscious 36D tits and is only about 4 inches from her sweet, bald pussy. She couldn't wear a bra with the dress and I convinced her to go without panties too.Steve is eyeing up Mary, and she loves it. I ask her, "Do you know that...

1 year ago
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Im In Love With Twin Vampires Redone

It was a chilly November evening. I walked down the sidewalk of the city streets at twilight, somewhat oblivious to what was going on around me. Frankly, I didn’t care what anyone else was doing. Hell, like there was anything to give a shit about. Life really sucked ass for me. For the past five months, I had been something of an emotional mess. The reason? I had graduated high school back in June. Some of the richer kids had helped throw a graduation night party at their mansion. I had...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 2 To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...

4 years ago
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Wife and her new lover

Introduction: The first time she fucked another man in front of me My wife and I are both open people who have had some great sexual adventures. When I asked her to marry me, she told me that she would not be satisfied with just one dick. I told her that she could continue fucking whomever she pleased and she said yes. She does have her fun- I have never met someone with more fuck buddies- but the first time she fucked someone in front of me was particularly memorable. We went to the store to...

4 years ago
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A gentle but firm master

She went to her bedside table and retrieved the plug and the kegel set. She was able to push the kegel balls inside her pussy one at a time with relative ease. However, the anal plug needed some lube which had also been in the bedside table as well. She pressed the tip to the edge of her rosebud, took a deep breath and started to work it inside her. When she got to the widest part she had to stand there and hold it for a while. She knew she looked like such a slut at that exact moment,...

2 years ago
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Hot Day in San Diego

It was hot again in San Diego and I needed to go to the beach. Tanning in my back yard was getting boring. Why not get a buzz on and get some exercise at the same time? It was Saturday but where I usually go I don't run into too many people. Sunset Cliffs was where I was headed this day. Whenever the tide was in, you'd have to swim around a cliff to get to the good beaches. I didn't have a problem with that since I liked to swim a bit anyway and cool off.I arrived at the parking lot which...

1 year ago
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Self Discovery

Chapter One They say that university is the place you go to discover who you are. To experiment with life to see what you like, what you don’t, your tastes, your desires, what you have a flair for or just an inclination for. Well, let me tell you. Experimenting? I thought I’d been there, tried that, got the proverbial t-shirt. I did the drug thing and discovered it just wasn’t my thing. I even did the fun stuff in the bedroom. The bondage. The costumes. The rough. The wild. The teasing. The...

2 years ago
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My brothers slow demise chapter 1 and 2

This is my first story, comments and critique is welcome. I plan to make this a slow burn. Hope you enjoy it. Prologue Jesse - My brat brother Alex has gone too far! Not only did he borrow my brand new laptop that I got on my recent 16th birthday without my permission, but after I stole it back I was unable to use it from the massive amounts of viruses from his porn watching. Not only did the twerp break my computer but he had the nerve to call me a bitch after I tattled on him...

2 years ago
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A Sensual Meeting

We finally meet. We meet at a restaurant you choose for their sushi – I am standing outside with a single rose waiting for you. You arrive and we both take a deep breath. I am wearing a suit jacket and pants and you are wearing a short skirt with thigh highs slightly showing at the bottom of your skirt. Your heels are high and make your legs and ass look even more sexy than what I remember from your gorgeous pics. Your top is low cut and form fitting and your smile is enlightening. You bite...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 10 You Gotta Trust Someone

Friday was an interesting day around campus. The football team, which had been practicing for most of the summer, was being presented to the rest of the school. They were easy to spot around campus all day. The school had a standard dress policy for all sports teams. Guys were required to wear a collared shirt and tie on game day, or in the event of a weekend event, they had to wear them on Friday. This was intended to honor the other team. Of course it also gave everyone a chance to ID the...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I Teach My Younger Sister

"Here's what I'll do," I said to Tom. "I'll set my alarm early for Thursday morning and listen to the radio to see if school's been cancelled. If it is, I'll call you on your cell phone and let you know. You can come over after my parents are gone." We had a plan. I also had a way to make our "demonstration" seem totally unplanned. Thursday morning came. I had set my alarm for 5:30. As soon as it went off, I turned on the radio and listened for school cancellations. When I looked...

2 years ago
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Apologise A sisters urge

It was unlike any other normal night. I got a text message from my best friend about the party in her house. She wanted me to meet a person who could help me in getting a job. I like to be the point of attraction in parties so i took a long time to get ready. I took a white blouse that had a tailored fit. It wasn't exactly see through but, as i looked in the mirror, the outline of my black bra was clearly visible. Because it was a tailored fit i left the top buttons undone to reveal my...

2 years ago
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So all my attractions are 90 straight except for

...cock. I've never set out to do anything with another guy other than suck his cock. No other attraction to any part of a mans body, I don't look at guys, I don't think of guys, I've never kissed a guy, but every month or so I have these intense desires to put a cock in my mouth and suck. I don't want to cum every time I do it, that can wait till later with my wife while I'm thinking of that cock down my throat as I'm fucking her or she's blowing me. Its a very, very strong desire within me...

2 years ago
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BrothersChapter 3

Three more Friday's had passed by. We were now well into December. I had mostly forgotten about Ginny and Stacy. Don had found himself a new girlfriend. Her name was Connie, and she was a real hot number. From the way Don was acting, I felt pretty certain that they were fucking each other already. They were going out on dates every Friday and Saturday. I was spending my weekends at home. The only positive that came out of all this was my school grades started improving. I hadn't given any...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Anya Olsen Aria Haze Rally Race 7

Cock craving blonde Anya Olsen continues her mission to spread awareness of the Nubiles rally race as she finds more people to interview. Her first pickup is Richard, who can’t believe his good luck! They do a bit of chatting, but it’s clear that Richard wants to be part of the action. He convinces Anya to feel him up, much to his delight. Jesse and Mikes are Anya’s next conquests. Mike is a little bit shy, but Jesse is instantly into Anya. It’s not long before she has...

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First Gay Sex With My Brother8217s Friend Tamil

Hi readers, I am Arun male, I have had a sex encounter once with my friend, and I am fan of ISS gay going to tell my first 25 years old,6 feet height,63 weight normal color,this gay incident happen while am studying college finall chennai,am going tell my story in tamil,yenaku gay feel vanthathe illa,na collage la jolly ah girls and boys ta close ah palagirukan but yenaku antha taught erunthathey illa,oru nal yenga veetuku yen brother oda friend veetuku...

1 year ago
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Chaachi ki khwahish

Ek bahut hi prachlit kahawat hai:-manushya kabhi apne paas waale saaman se santusht nahin ho pata.uske paas bhale hi duniya ki harek chij maujood ho,phir bhi wo kuch aur paane ya doosre ke kisi chij ko hathiyane me laga hi rehta hai.wo apne chijon se tang aa jata hai aur sochta hai-kaash wo bhi hamara hota to kitna accha hota.bas yahi ashantushti n laalach ki kahani hai HCI n MCI ki.jahan ek or MCI ka MCA ke 50 cm diameter waale hathore jaise land se maar kha-kha ke raat raat bhar aaah-aah ki...

3 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 7

The next several days were strange. First of all, Merhnah was duly selected as the First Matriarch of the Council, but she appointed Shwantè, still Second of the Council, as chief negotiator with the humans. More precisely, Ambassador Rochelle Morris. Second, and to me more perplexingly, Commander Jay Nelson would take her pinnace back up to the carrier that was Morris' flagship each morning, and come back to my campsite each evening. She would cook meat over the fire, eat it, and spend...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sophie Anderson Arousing XXX Attention

Totti bangs his busty girlfriend Sophie Anderson and makes her scream for more while banging her tight asshole with his enormous cock. He penetrates that butthole over and over again which gives her chills of pleasure, but also arouses attention! Thomas Stone knocks at the wall and soon knocks on their door. He needs to focus on his work, but as soon as he gets an invitation to join them for a hardcore threesome, he’s sold immediately. Watch that kinkster threesome unfold and see our...

4 years ago
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Natalies Halloween

      Well first off, I want to apologize for this story coming after Halloween instead of before but I?ve never been really any good at writing fiction, even in doing my own self bondage and bondage fantasies. Thus, I usually have to actually perform what I write about. Live it to write about it as it was.  My name is Natalie, and I?m 27 Caucasian, with long straight naturally strawberry red hair to the middle of my back. I?m 34B-26-34, five foot ? five inches tall and about 108 pounds; just...

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My Boyfriend Tells Me to Get Naked in Public

by Vanessa Evans Author’s Note This story is a continuation of my story ‘What would it be like’, obviously it would be beneficial for you to read that story first but this story can also be read as a standalone story. I really love my boyfriend but he does get me to do the most embarrassing and humiliating things in public. You see, shortly after I realised that I was really, really, totally, madly in love with him I promised him that I would always do whatever he asked me to do, and I’m...

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“Angela” “Surely you’re not staying in on a day like this, why don’t you sit out on the lawn and read your book; Michael has put the sun beds up. Most people would give their eyetooth for your lifestyle young lady? Michael will be here soon!” Her mother looked up toward the kitchen clock as she spoke. Angela and her parents lived in the Cotswold’s about 20 miles from Oxford, it was a lovely part of England, the house was...

2 years ago
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A Day In The Park

I heard about this park near my home where men gather to engage in nameless gay sex, so I summoned up my courage and headed there last Tuesday. My name is Tim. I am married and anyone who knows me would say I am the straightest man they know. I am not attracted to men, but very attracted to gay sex. I just love seeing naked men from the waist down. I enjoy taking a penis in my hand, stroking it, then kissing the tip and when it's hard, opening my mouth and taking it deep down my throat. Back to...

Gay Male
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Kathy Goes To The Dance

"What's on your schedule this week" Kathy asked her husband Mark. He looked up from the morning paper and said, "Nothing special. Why?" "It's my turn in the barrel again. I have to chaperone the Spring Dance and I was wondering if you would like to go with me." "Yeah, right! You know how I feel about those things. I still don't understand why you have to do it. You baby sit those snot noses all day, five days a week. You shouldn't have to do it at night too. The parents should be...

2 years ago
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My SlutsChapter 5

The fifteen minutes felt like an hour. I heard her come in and lock the door. She moved to the foot of the bed, and stripped slowly enough for my dick to turn to steel. “Do I get to take my little boy for a ride today?” “Sure, I’m loaded for our second try to get you pregnant, Edel.” She climbed on the bed and spent a few moments licking and slurping all over my rigid pole. She shaved completely since our first time. “Nice looking pussy,” I said. “I thought you would like it, Joey. It...

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Theater Flashing

Theater Flashing by Liz_ny © When we first started going to the "X" rated movies I dressed in a skirt that could be unbuttoned all the way from the bottom to my waist, no panties, a see-thru blouse and no bra. We would go into the Porno Theater and find an empty row and sit in the middle of it. Because we were a couple, men would come and sit in front and behind us. After a few minutes of watching the movie Jerry would start to run his hand up and down my stocking leg, getting higher each...

4 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 2

Tony humped, shoving his iron-hard prick up toward Karen's flooded fuckhole. His cockhead slid against the inside of her thigh as it lunged toward the target--and then his balls erupted before he made contact! Tony gasped and jerked violently. His fuckjuice came rushing up his cockshaft and spurted from his pisshole in a creamy cascade. The steaming hot slime skimmed up the inside of Karen's sleek thigh and splashed into her crotch. Tony gave a strangled cry, a combination of shame and...

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Angelas First Threesome

She was back moments later, still naked and in her stilettos, carrying Barry’s clothes. As she got nearer to our bed, she knelt to pick up our clothes laying in a pile on the floor. Getting up and turning towards me she said, ‘Honey, I just realized that Barry wouldn’t have a fresh uniform to go to work tomorrow. I will put the clothes in the washer and will be right back.’Saying that, she turned and moved out of the bedroom. I was really amused but couldn’t have any revealing expression on my...

1 year ago
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K, 40 from near RochdaleI first chatted to a lovely lady who I will just refer to as K in the autumn of 2014 and we had a few chats on Badoo. I didn't hear from her again until the New Year 2015 when I saw her profile again and decided to chat her again.We chatted initially on Badoo then switched to Kik when the chats got more interesting! She was happy to make a friend of me but I thought she might just be after more. And it turns out yes she was. So after lots of Kik 'n WhatsApp chatting and...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 1620 of 62

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Johnathyn had pushed the horses pretty hard and we'd picked up almost another entire day by the time we rolled into the outskirts of Dupreeville, a town less than a day's ride from Glory. The place is named after the head guy of the government. Seems like a big suck up move to me. Dierdra said Beckwith chose this town because it was big enough that a few extra people coming and going wouldn't attract attention and it was close enough to Glory to act as a base of...

4 years ago
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Fianceacutee for all III Anal Attraction

With her peachy bottom propped up under a crimson satin pillow, my fiancée hiked her legs up high, exposing her tightest hole to her adoring crowd. She deftly grabbed the bottle of lube, squeezing out a fair amount and carefully massaging her butthole with it. Men and women alike took a sharp intake of breath as she slowly slipped a finger against her resistant ass, preparing herself for a much bigger intrusion. By this point, the cougar had left my side. Flirting across the room, she whispered...

2 years ago
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Saturdaynight at a pub ended with foursome 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story, Tharini is the main heroine of this memorable story....

3 years ago
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My dad shocked me with my aunt

Like most boys I thought dad had the cock of a horse. In this case he did. One co worker told how men refused to stand beside him at the pee troth. We had a farm and farm a****ls. One was a small horse we stabled for a family in town. When horse was borough in to breed her, wee all watched. The fellow suggested my dad take the job he was larger than the stud. I brought home my girl friend for Christmas and new years. Mom being religious made her sleep in my sisters room, I slept with my...

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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine

My name's Alexander Nwabudikae Morgan Sexton and way too many of my male friends think I'm a damn lucky son of a gun. When I turned 21 I was struck by the Sexton Family Curse: my lips and tongue taste like the best red wine in history to any woman whom I willingly kiss that has ever tasted a red wine before: and will get them drunk like it too. You'd have thought that would be a blessing, but it's not, oh boy, it's not! Just for starters, sure, girls throw themselves at me looking for a free...

4 years ago
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Naruto Lost in the Forest of Lust chapter 5

Since she had been brought down to this dungeon, Hinata had done many things. Anko had her suck on a dildo for about an hour. Then Hinata had to masturbate in front Anko until she came. After that, Anko had her do some endurance exercises and some light training. After all, the young Hyuuga was in the chunin exam. There were some other things as well. A moment later Anko walked into the room wearing nothing at all except a strap-on dildo. Hinata stared in horror at the plastic cock that...

1 year ago
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Hidden Love Discovered

This story is completely fictional! HEADNOTE* This story is more emotional than it is sexual. It does not cater to horniness, as do most stories on this site. Jason had never really thought of himself as manipulative, but such is most certainly what he had always been. He knew how to play to a persons interests, desires, and even their needs, to get what he wanted. The really slick part about what he did, is the fact that nine times out of ten, the person he manipulated never noticed. This time...

2 years ago
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The Bastard Ch 02

Chapter Two: Conquest The new life was Elizabeth, but I didn’t know it yet. ‘He hated me.’ It was lamentable, her meeting with Robb. That was good for me. This was the next time I saw her, in a coffee shop just around the corner from her place, with a kosher bakery and sidewalk tables. Picture her face, wind-chapped cheekbones, a wool peasant sweater, the sky only partly cloudy, a beret pulled far down while she sipped cappuccino. I was happy because women who need you are vulnerable. ‘I...

3 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 20

The first night in the barrens, they camped in the shelter of a dozen twenty-foot-tall stone pillars arranged in a semi-circle. “What do you think they were used for?” Ellerie asked Bobo, gazing up at the nearest column. It was too evenly shaped to be natural, but there were no markings on it to suggest its purpose or origin. “I have no idea. Shelter from the wind, or perhaps they were once part of a larger structure? The rear wall of an amphitheater?” Corec was close enough to have...

1 year ago
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Sperm Donation To My Sexy Teacher

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh again, the incident I am going to explain happened when I was studying 12th and the lady was my class teacher Fathima Madam. I was 18 at the time. She was living with her in-laws and her hubby was working in Dubai and the couple had no kids and I knew that Ma’am quite unhappy about this. Fathima Madam was quite an attractive lady who in her mid-thirties with a nice figure and her hubby recently left for Dubai again after spending one month with the family, and I knew...

2 years ago
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A Visit to the North

Preamble The beauty and range of Life, strikes me as unsettled. There are reasons that changes occur to each of us. Things are just imperfect and some choose to revise the conditions. We say we are what we are, but life requires adaptation. Some people "might by force of will, cause their face to approach those of they're ideal. Some imagine that this is an ability they share with most other people" from Talking Heads "Seen and Not Seen" 1980 A Visit to the North by...

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A True Story of an English Dinner Party

This is a true story, which happened in Southern England around 1990. I recently bumped into Mary, who is involved in the story. I told her I was writing an account of the evening and she asked if she could contribute a few memories to it as well…When I was married to my first wife we had great sex but simply not enough for me (I had a couple of affairs because I needed more) but, ironically, on several occasions, we had very sexy activities with others. This was one of the most spectacular. At...

Group Sex
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Gender bent Somebodys Bitch

Gender bent – somebody’s bitchI woke up to the humming from Kandi as I popped open one eye and canvased the room. I let out a load “Ughhh” and turned over. I noticed my butt hurt while Kandi came over to me wearing a lace bra and panties and smiled “Looks like the sluts awake” she then giggled as her cock was out just standing in the wind. “What happened last night?” as I removed the bobby pins that kept my wig in place. “Well we got really, really, and I mean Really wild last night with me and...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With Sanjay Uncle 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, hope you liked my earlier story with my master. Here is another one for you to read and offer your valuable comments and encouragement With the summer camp and the feverish activities associated with it coming to a close, and sir’s absence for nearly three weeks( on domestic reasons), I felt miserable, like a fish out of water. The fantastic taste of that unbelievable and unexpected sweet forbidden pleasure with sir (My master love-locked me -3) was haunting and making me...

Gay Male
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Der PinkelTest

INFORMATION Diese Female Desperation Story ist interaktiver als alle anderen, denn sie prüft dein Allgemeinwissen, also das den Lesers, in einer feindlichen Umgebung! Schalte unbedingt den Gamemodus ein. Wärme deine Grauen Zellen auf. Denn sie werden alles entscheiden. Solltest du nur die Story lesen wollen, ohne über die Antworten nachzudenken, aktiviere ebenfalls den Gamemodus und klicke hier unten auf "Nur Plot". Du kannst dann unter jedem Kapitel direkt zur jeweils richtigen oder falschen...


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