Delilah s Tribulations
- 3 years ago
- 52
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Missus Sally Smallbridge – Missus! – parked the elderly motorcycle-sidecar combination and locked her helmet in the ‘boot’ of the ‘chair’. A year after marrying the man (me) who she preferred to think of as ‘Master’, I had persuaded (ordered) her to learn to drive and manage a motorcycle. In my turn, I’d learned to use the assorted instruments of destruction my great-uncle had left. Sally had, eventually, got me to ‘order’ her to teach me to shoot, and to use a selection of hand-to-hand combat techniques. The old man, Jerry senior, so to speak, had wanted her to know how to protect herself, though he put it more in terms of her protecting him and his property. Jerry junior, Jerry Smallbridge, (that being me) wasn’t as skilled as the young woman, but was a great deal more assertive. If my ‘groups’ when shooting weren’t as tight as hers, I certainly was getting them all on target. If my skills in hand-to-hand were less honed than hers, I was stronger and, potentially at least, more aggressive.
She loved the old BMW twin because of its associations with the old man, her first love and the first Master worthy of her devotion. She tore her gaze from the machine and walked with determination toward the mini-supermarket that was all the village could boast in the way of general supplies. Finished in there, she loaded her purchases into the sidecar and went to the small baker’s shop for fresh bread and pastries. Normally she would do all the baking, but she knew I enjoyed the Danish pastries, and the brioche and sour-dough would make a welcome change. Finally, she called on the butcher for the order she’d called in earlier.
Normally, she’d not have delayed, but a once familiar voice captured her attention.
“Sally? Sally Fellowes?”
She turned, and gasped. “Di ... Diane?” She did recognise the other woman, though the intervening sixteen years had not been kind to her. Her natural body form would have been lush, but she was emaciated, her eyes and cheeks sunken, the remains of bruising apparent on her face.
“You remember me?”
“Of course!” Diane had been the one person Sally had felt able to confide in. Perhaps it was because she detected that the other girl had similar problems. They were able to share their problems and comfort each other.
“When you disappeared...”
“I ran away.”
The other woman nodded. “I thought so.” Then, “So did I. But it looks as though you did better than me...”
“Not at first. I nearly died before Master Jeremiah saved me.”
“You’re married!”
“Yes, but ... When Master Jeremiah died, I wanted to die too, until I met Master Jerry. He’s Master Jeremiah’s great-nephew. He ... he was so much like Master Jeremiah, but young. I love him. When he asked me to marry him, I couldn’t say no, but I begged him to remain my Master.”
“You are lucky...”
“I am. Diane ... do you need help? Are you happy?”
“I am not happy, except to see you again. When I get ... home ... I will be punished.”
“Diane, Master Jerry would want to help you, I’m sure.”
“Really?” There was a quiet buzz from the region of Diane’s belly and the woman jerked. “I must go.”
“Your address, Diane, quickly!”
The other woman stammered out an address that Sally didn’t recognise, but jotted down as best she could as her old friend rushed off. She followed, not deliberately, but because she was walking the same way. She was in time to see an expensive-looking sports car exit the car park, leaving rubber on the tarmac.
The AdventureI got back to my home, riding Oscar, after a day spent dry-stone walling for the National Trust. As I don’t need to earn a living, I feel it is incumbent upon me to fulfil a useful function where-ever I can, even if unpaid. Not for the first time I considered having an automatic gate-opener in order to preclude the necessity of dismounting, finding a suitable spot to prop Oscar, unlocking and opening the gate, then remounting before repeating the exercise on the other side. Sally never missed the sound of Oscar thumping up our drive and I wasn’t surprised, having put him away in the garage, to be met in the hall.
My wife (she’d rather I called her slave) is beautiful. I have no objection to her propensity for nakedness, for in my eyes she is the epitome of feminine perfection. I say nakedness; she is prone (when not in public at least) to wearing a studded leather collar. She knelt, head down.
“Sally!” She looked up and I spread my arms.
Beaming with pleasure, she stood and stretched up to kiss me, her lips soft and sweet. “Welcome home, Master Jerry.” She knelt again to unfasten the shoes which I’d only put on a few minutes before to replace my motorcycling boots. I sighed, but lifted my feet in turn to enable her to pull them off, then to replace them with slippers. “Dinner in twenty minutes, Master. Would you like help in the shower?”
Would I like help in the shower? Tell me, any normal, heterosexual males out there. You have a beautiful young woman, naked and available, whom you love, and she offers to ‘help’ you in the shower. How many of you would say no?
Of course, we didn’t have much time before dinner, but Sally’s sensual attention did far more than just remove sweat and dirt from my body. I was very happy and very relaxed as we descended the stairs to eat in the kitchen. Sally had prepared a meal that was not critical for timing. Being nearer to thirty than twenty minutes since my arrival didn’t matter and we ate together. It was excellent, as always.
“Tea, Master?”
“Yes, please, Sally.”
I went to the lounge and waited for Sally to bring the tray of tea. Although she was doing everything in the same way she always did, I could tell there was something on her mind. She knelt next to the coffee-table, close enough for me to touch her; she knew I loved to stroke her hair, or her shoulder, and she would lean against my leg and, often, lay her head on my thigh. We sipped at our Darjeeling tea, silent together.
At length, she put down her empty cup and rested her arm on my lap and her head on my knee, I caressed her cheek and the edge of her neat ear, and she sighed.
“Sally ... sweet, loving girl ... there’s something bothering you.”
“You know me too well, Master.” She said no more for several minutes as I continued to caress her. “Master, you know I went to the village to shop this morning?”
“Indeed.” I took a deep breath and might have said something else, but...
“Just as I was about to come home, someone stopped me...” she hesitated. “I’ve never told you about my life before I ran away, have I?”
“No, you haven’t.”
“I don’t like to think about it, actually. But at school, there was another girl, Diane. She was in a similar situation, and we ... confided ... in each other. Our homes ... we were both ... Master Jerry, my stepfather was horrible.” She stopped there and swallowed hard.
“It was Diane who stopped me. Master, she looked terrible. She used to be plump. Buxom, even, But she was gaunt. Her face was bruised. Master, I’m sorry! I told her we would – you would want to – help her.”
“And so I do! What’s the problem?” I was a little unsure how to handle this.
“Master, I presumed on your good nature!”
“Sally...” I hesitated, but made myself go on. “Sally, I am cross. I am cross, not because you ‘presumed on my good nature’, but because you didn’t trust me to back you. Do you understand?”
She nodded under my stroking hand. “Yes, Master.”
“Sally, you are my wife and you are entitled to ‘presume on my good nature’. I am going to spank you because you didn’t trust me.”
Although it went against the grain to hit my wife, I knew it wasn’t exactly a punishment as such. Perhaps once in a month, there would be some reason that Sally would contrive to justify a spanking. At the end of it, she would be wet as a swamp, and I would bend her over a chair or some other item of furniture, bury myself to the hilt and fondle her breasts as I pumped into her.
She moved the table away and draped herself over my lap. “Ten, tonight, Sally. Count them.”
I knew better than to hold back, as she wouldn’t count a smack she thought wasn’t hard enough, so after ten... “Ten, thank you, Master,” her bottom was bright pink. But as I intimated, her sex was positively dripping. We stood. She turned away from me, bent at the waist and grasped her ankles. This was not a regular position for us; I thought it was an expression of trust, since she would have to rely on me for balance, though I’m not certain of that.
For whatever reason, I wasn’t about to refuse, and slid into place. I grasped her firm little titties, which are a delightful handful for me, and began to thrust. As my sap began rising, I could feel her trembling. I’d made it very clear she didn’t need my permission to cum, but I was sure she was holding back.
“Cum for me, Sally. Cum for me, Darling, and show you know you are forgiven.” Two more strokes and I could feel her pussy contracting on me. I erupted into her as hard as I ever had before. “Thank you, Sally. Let’s shower, okay?”
She straightened up, one hand pressing her labia together to try to protect the carpet from spots, and I took her in my arms. “I love you, Sally”
“Oh, Master! I love you so!”
I followed her – I just love to watch her bottom gyrate as she walks, and it’s exaggerated as she climbs the stairs – to the bedroom and shower. The shower was welcome, sensual and most enjoyable, and we dried each other carefully. When we finished, she pressed against me and I held her tight. Her face pressed against my shoulder.
“Yes, Pretty One?”
“We ... if you agree ... we should go tonight. To fetch Diane.”
“You think we can do that?”
“It is likely that she is in a cage outside the house. If not, then we must rethink. If we go in the small hours of the night, we could probably get her away without a confrontation.”
We went to lie down for a couple of hours. I doubted I would sleep, but set an alarm for midnight anyway. I was out like a light. Waking was like struggling to climb a hill while wrapped in cotton wool – not a great simile, but the best I can do right now – though Sally was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to go.
I had assumed we’d just dress, hop in a car and drive over, pick the girl up and return.
Black rip-stop. Webbing. Night-vision equipment (had to find and fit new batteries). Knives? Guns?! Sally was more than usually assertive. She insisted I take the Browning, the weapon I was most comfortable with, and she, in turn, took the Luger. The rest of the weapons, less the shotguns, were secreted in a concealed safe. The shotguns were legitimate – the rest, not.
Transport? Not the Ford – too big, too distinctive. Not the Lotus – no room for a passenger. I rode Oscar and Sally took the BMW. The old BMW was quiet and smooth-running, the combination compact, easy to manage, and capable of squeezing through a tighter space than a car. At least, that was Sally’s explanation.
We left the machines in a lay-by about a quarter-mile from our objective, a farm – well, it had been a farm – at the end of a single-track, unpaved but quite smooth, track.
Ever felt like a fake? There I was, dressed all in black, military gear hung on me, following my wife who wore her gear with a great deal more assurance than myself. Pulling on a black balaclava which covered all but eyes and mouth. Night vision goggles.
The track led to the farm, but with a branch that curved off round the outside of the drystone walling. Gravel crunched under my feet – not Sally’s, she was moving like a ghost – and a dog barked. I trod more carefully, the night-vision equipment making things much easier; a bit like moonlight, if moonlight was green.
A gate to a back yard, a line of out-buildings at the other side.
The dog. I couldn’t describe its parentage, except I was pretty sure there was Rottweiler in there. Sally, on the ball, was tossing scraps of meat in front of it, while I was standing there, hoping that the dope in the meat was both undetectable to the dog and still potent after the years since old Jeremiah stashed it away.
The dog did, at least, snaffle up the scraps of meat, then came to the gate to sniff at Sally. Sally found some more bits for him and blow me, but the creature rolled onto his back to let her rub his tummy. She did that, talking softly and gently, soothing him, until his eyes closed.
That left us a problem as the gate opened inwards, but we were able to pull it the wrong way enough to squeeze through.
Once in the yard, sure enough, there was a cage with a naked woman crouched inside – it was too small for her to sit or stretch out, so she was crouched, folded up in a sort of fœtal position. Padlock – not a great one, but enough to prevent her escape. Sally produced bolt-cutters, which took care of that, and we helped the woman crawl out and straighten up. When we tried to stand her up, she stifled a cry. The soles of her feet, we saw later, had been severely beaten. I produced the blanket we’d stuffed into my backpack and we wrapped her in that.
“You’ll have to carry her, Master.”
“I know. But it’ll have to be a firemen’s lift, I’m afraid. I can’t carry her in my arms more than a few yards.”
“Can’t be helped.”
It wasn’t easy, but to be fair she wasn’t heavy. With Sally’s help, we got her vertical and I managed to get her on my shoulders.
At the gate, Sally managed to pull the dog – whilst crooning to it – far enough for us to get through with my burden, then we were off down the track.
Once Diane was ensconced in the chair, Sally set off in the opposite direction to home and I set off on Oscar, taking a long detour rather than straight home.
Sally returned, with our guest, almost an hour after me, having taken a very circuitous route. I carried Diane in and through to the kitchen. Sally got straight on with heating some soup and warming rolls. I sat our guest at the kitchen table and the blanket slipped off her shoulders.
Dear God...
What a mess. I felt sick. Grime, and under the grime the unmistakeable evidence of a comprehensive, brutal beating. The palms of her hands and the soles of her feet had come in for especial attention and when the food was ready it was necessary for Sally to spoon-feed her. I could see that she was ‘big boned’. But she’d obviously been systematically starved and those big bones showed everywhere. Her breasts were large and swollen. Now, I’d expect you’ll have picked up on my preference for small breasts. Sally’s are perfect. I’m afraid I find really big ones to be grotesque, but chacun a son gout as they say. Despite my preference, it was hard to tear my gaze away, both because of the evidence of abuse and the sheer size of the things. As I looked, one nipple leaked a drop of milk.
She looked at me, deep-sunken eyes large and dark in her face. “Not a pretty sight, am I?”
Sally spooned soup into her mouth. “No,” I admitted. “I cannot understand how anyone can treat another human being as you have been treated.”
“But I’m not a human being. I’m an animal. A hucow.” Sally spooned in another mouthful of soup.
I’m not ignorant. I’d encountered the term ‘hucow’ before. “Is that how you see yourself?”
She shrugged and accepted another mouthful of soup. She swallowed. “When you’ve been treated as an animal, as a worthless object, you begin to believe you deserve it.”
“Sally, unless there’s something you want me to do, I’m going to leave you to it. Before our guest goes to bed, though, I want her photographed. Comprehensively photographed.”
“Yes, Master.” Sally paused to present another spoonful of soup. “Master Jerry, Diane should probably be milked. She’ll be uncomfortable otherwise.”
“I don’t want to keep making milk!” Diane spoke firmly.
I looked at Sally, who shrugged. “I don’t know much about it,” I said. “I think breast-feeding, or in this case milking, should be tapered off gradually. Let me go and try a search.”
Sally finished helping Diane to eat and expressed enough of her milk to reduce her discomfort, then called me to carry her up to a bathroom. After taking a comprehensive series of photos, we soaked her in a warm bath, adding hot water as necessary, and assorted herbal oils, and washed her matted, filthy hair. Her hair, when clean and dry proved to be that light red they call ‘strawberry blonde’. It was so badly knotted and tangled, though, we had to cut quite a lot off. We applied paraffin gauze with an anaesthetic salve to her feet and hands and wrapped them thoroughly. She could then at least walk short distances without severe discomfort. We then put her to bed in a small room next to ours.
I slept in, so wasn’t aware that, like Sally earlier in our acquaintance, Diane had snuck into our room and curled up in her duvet at the foot of our bed.
I decided that our guest could probably do without a naked man parading in front of her, and dressed conservatively before going for my breakfast. Sally and Diane were in the kitchen. Diane was wearing a robe – one of mine, in fact as she had broader shoulders than Sally – and Sally was at the work-top wearing an apron; sensible when preparing to fry food, or even handle boiling water in pans, for that matter.
“Good morning, Diane, Sally.”
“Good morning Master,” blended with, “Good morning, sir.”
“I thought you’d like a cooked breakfast, Master. The usual, on toasted sour-dough bread?”
“That sounds wonderful, Sally. Yes, please.”
Sally delivered a mug of coffee to me and poured milk into a glass in front of Diane.
“We should call the Police this morning,” I suggested.
“No!” Both Sally and Diane protested that. Sally raised a hand to stop her friend. “Master, several senior Police officers have been involved in the abuse.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Master, you do not have the ... contacts ... your uncle had,” Sally pointed out, “but I think if you look in his documents on the computer, you’ll find contact numbers somewhere. Oh. By the way, the card out of the camera is on your desk, in an envelope marked with the date.”
As I ate breakfast I thought over the situation we were in and an unpleasant idea came to the surface. “Diane?”
“Yes, sir?”
“You aren’t the only woman involved, are you?”
“Oh, no, sir. There would be, I think, three or four others. But I was older and less valuable, so they enjoyed beating me. Not to mention, they liked milking me like a cow, usually the old-fashioned way, but they had a machine as well. Other girls I saw were younger, and had smaller breasts, so they probably thought mine were more like udders.”
That put a different perspective on things.
After breakfast, I went to look at Jeremiah’s files. I quickly found several encrypted files which I’d previously ignored, but it took all morning to find the key to open them.
“Good morning, Universal Exports. How may I be of help?”
It was tempting to comment. Universal Exports? Really? “I need to speak to Mister Schraeder,” I said.
“Just one moment, sir, and I’ll put you through.” A hiatus, filled with horrid, generic muzak. “Johannes Schraeder speaking.”
“Good afternoon, sir. You won’t know me, but my Great-uncle was Captain Jeremiah Taylor. He died a couple of years ago and I’m his heir. I find myself in a difficult situation, connected with my uncle’s past and I am hoping to find some help or, at least, advice.”
“I see. I was sorry to hear of Captain Taylor’s death; I knew him a little when I first joined the firm and we had some limited contact for a year or so afterwards. A fine man. How can I help?”
“I’d rather not discuss the matter on the phone,” I said. “It’s rather delicate”
“I see. I understand. I’m not sure if we can help, But I’m due for a visit to Carlisle. Could I prevail upon you for a bed for the night? Say, tomorrow?”
The relief was considerable. “Absolutely! Plenty of room. Just give us a little warning so we can have the gate unlocked. I suppose you know there’s no mobile coverage here?”
“Oh, yes. I certainly do. I’ll call from Kendal, probably.”
“Thank you! I’ll look forward to meeting you.”
I’d not long finished the conversation, when there was a ring of the door-bell. Since Sally, last time I’d seen her, was dressed in nothing except an apron, I went to the door. I did call as I left the study. “Sally! I’m going!”.
There, on the doorstep was a uniformed Police constable.
“Er, good afternoon, officer. Can I help you?”
“Sorry to bother you, sir, but we’re looking for a woman who’s gone missing. She has some psychological problems, apparently. Have you seen anyone, any stranger, that is?”
“Well, officer, there’s a footpath runs through the property, so from time to time we see walkers passing through to the fells, but no, we’ve not noticed anyone. I inherited the place from my uncle, who was very security-minded, and there aren’t any buildings a trespasser could get into without special equipment. Certainly there’s no-one in the house other than ourselves.” You see, I told no lies...
“Thank you, sir! If you don’t mind, I’ll have a quick look round outside and check any doors?”
“Feel free, officer. If we do see anything, is there a number to call?”
“Just the usual 101, sir, unless you are really concerned, then three nines, of course.”
I closed the door and walked briskly to the kitchen. “Sally, take Diane upstairs. I wouldn’t want any questions should the copper see her through the window, okay?”
“Yes, Master.”
“We need to think of somewhere she can go in case someone official comes along with a search-warrant.”
Sally blushed. “Um, Master...”
I chuckled. “Go on. Get her upstairs out of sight. Tell me later.”
In the kitchen, Sally had done the washing up, but I quickly put the plates and cutlery away. There was no sense in leaving three sets of things visible. I saw the policeman wandering around, but he didn’t approach the house again.
I went in search of the ladies. I found Sally, but Diane was no-where to be seen. I thought I knew the old house, but...
“Okay, Sally. You were going to tell me something.?”
“Yes, Master. I’m afraid it slipped my mind when I was showing you round, but there are a couple of, well, Master Jeremiah called them ‘priest holes’.”
“Oh, really? Well, we don’t have time right now, but I’ll deal with your error later. Show me these ... priest holes.”
She led the way to the attic. We’d been up there before, as it was laid out as a gym, even to the point of tatami for martial arts. At the far end, a row of cupboards which I knew contained an assortment of work-out clothing and ‘gi’s’ for martial arts. I had, in fact, worn one of the latter as Sally instructed me in the basics of unarmed combat. There was a locked cupboard which contained edged weapons and blunted practice weapons. Sally strode to one of the cupboards, opened the door and reached up behind the top of the frame. There was a click, and a panel, maybe two feet by four, fell forward, prevented from falling flat by thin webbing straps. She pulled it aside to reveal a space about three feet deep and the full height of the room. I poked my head in and could see a little light escaping from another panel to the right.
“Call her,” Sally suggested.
“Diane! Come along out.”
A narrow door swung back and Diane emerged. Behind her I could see a narrow futon mat, and behind that a tiny basin and w/c stool. All mod cons, it seemed, in this ‘priest hole’. Diane switched off the light and came toward me and, as I backed out, crawled through the low opening.
“There is food in there,” Sally explained, “Not wonderful, but an occupant would not starve for months. With care, it is almost undetectable. The toilet is almost silent. There is a radio and tablet with headphones.”
All mod cons, indeed. “Very good, Sally. I’m impressed. But I must punish you later. Twenty strokes, I think.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Sir...” Diane sought my attention. “Might I take some of Sally’s punishment?”
“Why? You’ve done nothing to be punished for. In fact, had it not been for you Sally might not have remembered this facility and I’m glad to know of it.”
“But sir, I feel...”
“No, Diane. You’ve been punished enough. Unless you enjoy being hit?”
“No, sir, but...”
“Diane,” Sally interjected, “you don’t understand. I like being spanked. I need to be spanked from time to time. It’s how I am. Master Jerry doesn’t really hurt me. I mean, yes, it does hurt, but I need that sometimes.”
“Diane, believe me, I’d rather not hit my wife, but I know she wants it, and it ... has another effect.”
I could see the light come on.
Thus, that evening after another excellent, easily digested meal, Diane followed us to the attic gym and Sally bent herself over the ‘buck’ in order for me to use a paddle on her lovely rear. Anything more than ten, I don’t want to make my hand sore! We let her watch? It was Sally’s suggestion. As I fucked my wife (that’s the only word I can think of, though I did it with love) Sally’s spectacular orgasm left Diane in no doubt that the spanking was more foreplay than punishment. I picked Sally up and carried her downstairs to the master bedroom.
“Sir,” Diane followed us into the room, “may I sleep in here?”
“Master, it would help her to see how we are together.” Sally then turned to her friend. “Diane, I will want to make love to my husband. Having you there will embarrass him...”
“Yes, it will,” I chuckled, “but if you think it will help you, I’ll live with it. Look, Sally and I should shower. Go and do whatever you need before bed, and come back, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
I took my time with Sally in the shower and both of us washed our hair. In my case, that was a minor matter, since I don’t have much, but Sally’s is thick and lustrous so I was drying and brushing it when Diane returned. She sat nearby and watched as I made sure Sally’s hair was dry and tangle free. Sally leaned against me, eyes closed.
“You, you really love each other,” Diane said quietly. “Thank you for letting me see you like this.”
“You could find someone to love you, too,” Sally said, her eyes still shut.
“That’s ... hard to believe.”
“I know. I couldn’t believe it either.”
I finished with Sally’s hair and scooped her up to lay her on the bed. As I did so, I saw the duvet on the floor at the foot of the bed. “Diane, were you going to sleep on the floor?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Sally, do you think it would be good for Diane to share our bed?”
“Oh, Master! That would be wonderful! Would you like that, Diane? Share our bed?”
“Oh ... you really don’t mind? You two are so beautiful together. I’d love to be with you...”
Now, I have to tell you that this was out of my comfort-zone. But damnitall, my whole life for the previous couple of years had been challenging my comfort zone. I could hardly believe I suggested letting Diane watch, let alone sleep in our bed as I made love to Sally, but somehow it seemed right. The poor girl had seen relationships (if they could be called that) and sex done the wrong way for fourteen or fifteen years.
Diane lay straight, right at the edge of the other side of the bed from me, and Sally sat up, swung her legs out and held out her arms. “Sixty-nine, Master?”
Oh, absolutely!
I found myself on my back near the middle of the bed, with Sally laid on top of me. I was erect again, and she was juicy as I explored her with my lips and tongue. She squealed (muffled, of course, by the contents of her mouth. How she controlled her jaw to avoid biting me I’ll never know) through a couple of orgasms before straddling me and impaling herself.
“Don’t you mind?” Diane’s voice penetrated my distraction.
“What? Sally on top of me?” I stroked up my wife’s sides from her hips and moulded her breasts. “I love it. I can look at her, touch her, feel her, love her. Sally would rather be underneath, but she knows I like her to do this.” Sally hesitated in her movements and I could see her belly rippling and feel her pussy contracting. “God! So good!” She began to move again as the orgasm faded and I began to thrust up under her as I could feel my own completion approaching. We came together and Sally flopped forwards to lie on top of me, her cheek resting on my chest, and I pulled the light duvet over us all, and pulled the light switch. I think Sally was asleep before me. I know I wasn’t long awake.
Usually, Sally is awake and up before me. She’s pretty good at predicting when I wake. So she’ll usually be there unless she’s making breakfast. I’m getting in a tangle here. Anyway. I woke, sandwiched between my wife and my rescue. On my right, my lissom wife with smallish, firm tits, lying half on me so I have two places of firmish, soft pressure, punctuated by hard nipples. Breathing softly, smiling in her sleep. On my left, a somewhat bony woman, but warm, with large, soft breasts squashed against me. And yes, her nipples are erect, but large and quite soft. In fact, I notice dampness where said nipples are leaking a bit. But she’s awake. Large, dark eyes are glistening, her expression anxious, even frightened.
‘Lila?’ Delilah froze. She knew it was him, she’d recognize his voice anywhere. It sent shivers down her spine. It had to be done. She had to face him sooner or later, after all it had been well over a month. She shakily spun round, her stilettos screeching on the tiled floor. He hadn’t changed at all. His dark hair was pushed back exposing his murky blue eyes, his rosy lips spread into a gentle smile. Delilah turned away and began walking back toward the exit, determined to walk away this...
This story has taken me forty years to tell and I only finally relate it now in the firm conviction that nobody will believe a single word of it. In many respects that doesn’t concern me. I have other motives than those of persuading the reader of the veracity of my tale. I write it more to exorcise a ghost that has haunted me for most of my adult life and will doubtless continue to do so for the rest of my days. It is a story, the memory of which, has been my constant companion these past...
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One day (I suppose it must have been after I’d spent about two months on the island) I was down along the shoreline collecting driftwood. On these occasions I always kept my eye open for anything else that might be of any use and this day I had a real find. Washed up against some rocks a few yards off the beach was a large plastic garbage bin. An old discarded garbage bin might not seem anything to get excited about but it was as good as treasure from King Solomon’s mines as far as I was...
When I awoke the next morning I was alone. I rose up from my bed amidst the ruins of the villa and peered around cautiously. There was no sign of her. Carefully I tip-toed out from the ruins and conducted a quick scan of the surroundings. The little olive grove was quite deserted other than the small creatures with which I shared the island. These seemed busy at this early hour. There was a little dark grey bird singing from the scrub at the edge of the olive grove. It had a musical voice I...
{p}Prologue Jeremiah James Taylor, AKA Jeremy Smythe, AKA Eric Bolen, AKA who the hell else ... was demobilised in 1946 as a Captain, but he’d never led a company of troops. He’d been spotted early in his enlistment, commissioned and transferred to SOE, where he trained Resistance fighters and, sometimes, carried out targeted, specific assassinations. He was unusual, however, in two respects. One, was a conscience which caused him great distress when the death of a target resulted in reprisals...
The door opened as I led Lisette up to it. Sally stood there, gloriously, beautifully, nude, except for her collar, wedding and engagement rings. “Darling, this is our guest, Lisette Connors. Lisette, my wife, Sally.” Sally stepped back. “Come in, come in!” I stepped aside to let Lisette go first and hesitated. “I’ll get the luggage from the car,” I said, and as Sally led our guest upstairs, I extracted the cases and dumped them in the hall, shut the door, and put the car away. It was...
“Hello, Jerry – how’s things?” “Pretty good, on the whole, Jonny. Good to hear your voice.” “You might change your mind about that in a moment. The Police made some arrests. Despite the seriousness of the charges, the clown of a judge granted bail. It was high, but in view of the profits of the business, hardly difficult for the accused to find. We’re trying to keep tabs on the underlings, some of whom evaded arrest. But that’s not all. Your guest.” “Lisette? She’s been quiet. Seems to...
When I made it to the kitchen, they were both there, both in pinafore aprons over their nude bodies. L ... Enid ... had her back to me, the marks of the whip vivid. I thought there was some swelling, too. “Good morning?” Yes, there was a question in my mind as well as my voice. They both turned to face me. Sally mimed a kiss before saying, “Good morning, Master Jerry.” Enid, though, took a couple of steps toward me and fell to her knees, head down and wrists crossed in front of...
I suppose we got to bed about five in the morning. I woke about two in the afternoon. I suppose I might have woken naturally about then, but there were other factors. In no particular order, a familiar scent of woman, blended with that of coffee, the hard nipple of a firm breast brushed across my mouth, and some very intense sucking on my – very hard – cock. The breast was withdrawn. “Master...” Sally’s sweet voice, quiet, welcome. “I have coffee.” My first utterance was something like,...
We settled back into a new routine, and Jakub seemed to be responding to our English Immersion regime. Yelka, in particular, seemed to be taking an interest in his training and was working on self-defence. I was, I suppose, a little concerned, but from what I could see her attitude was more parental than anything else. The girls scampered round the grounds with him, playing tag, or hide ‘n’ seek. I continued with the air-pistol training, and supervised as the girls practised with the...
I suppose I thought the kids (as I thought of them) would be embarrassed. If they were, it didn’t show. Of course I didn’t stare at them – I was busy watching the house anyway – but it seemed to me that they just got on with what they needed. If anyone was embarrassed, it was me, especially when it was my turn. The tent could open both ends, and we’d made a small hole in the ground behind and to the side, so that we could dispose of our ... organic waste ... safely and easily. Wet wipes were...
Unsurprisingly, Junior woke us at his usual time, about six o’clock. Before Junior, we’d have had a slow (or perhaps fast) session together which left us satisfied for the present. Having Junior wasn’t a big problem, but it did mean deferring that satisfaction for a while. Watching Sally feed him, well, that prepared both of us. Of course, there was no certainty he’d let us have our time. As it happened, Sally had just finished changing him when there was a knock on the door. “Come!” Our...
What’s that quote? Supposed to be from George Orwell. “Good people sleep easily in their beds because rough men stand ready to do violence to those who would hurt them?” I’d heard the quote or variations on it – apparently there’s no evidence that George Orwell actually said it – but there’s more than a little truth in it. At some point, I began to realise I’d left the realm of ‘ordinary’ ‘good’ people and had entered that of ‘rough men’. I also came to realise that many of the ‘rough men’...
In the kitchen, Sally began to prepare breakfast while I set up the coffee-maker. I anticipated the need for an extra carafe of the elixir or life, in view of the number of our guests. Of course, my efforts were not just altruistic. I wanted several mugs, myself. It was much earlier than I usually get out of bed. As a result, when the first faces appeared at the kitchen door, there was a carafe of coffee, almost full, and a large pot of tea waiting for them, and another dripping through....
Jonny and four companions returned to Woodside Lodge at seven-thirty. Jonny was rather pale, and they were all quiet. Sally was helped in serving by Yelka, but there was an empty seat next to her sister, who was next to me. Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast and boiled potatoes, carrots, cabbage, gravy. Yelka took the empty seat, and Sally her customary place on her knees next to me. What can I say? I cannot imagine a better cook than Sally – it was all excellent. I did justice to mine,...
(Ann gets inked in an intimate area)"Unique tattooing, can I help you?" David answered the ringing phone. "Hi David, this is Ann. Do you have any time to squeeze me in today?" she asked, cheerfully.A huge smile flashed across David's already darkly handsome face when he heard her voice. Ann.... Her golden hair, long legs and chubby body just made his senses soar, not to mention his heart race every time she smiled at him. She had a smile that would melt the polar ice caps, and bring blinding...
I apologize BIG-TIME THIS IS MY OFFICIAL WARNINGThis is a **** story... bad stuff happens.I deeply apologize for not warning you guys the first time, If you don't like this please don't read. I have not made any alterations to this chapter as a side note.Okay my first attempt at lemonyness... be nice please no trolls or flames constructive criticism please. Also I don't own Httyd... the mistakes I do.An eighteen year old Astrid Haddock cuts her way through the forest behind her home heading for...
Natalie moaned as Jeff made love to her. He pushed his cock into her slowly and held it inside her. He moaned softly and Natalie felt that he was cumming. He was silent as a mouse and after he came he whispered into her ear ‘Did you cum baby?’ Natalie nodded. ‘Good.’ Jeff rolled over and pulled Natalie into his chest. He was asleep quickly and Natalie lay there for a few minutes. Her pussy was still wet and she was horny. She had never been able to cum during sex and had just decided it was...
Natalie walked down the empty street and tried not to look around. It wasn’t the best neighborhood, but this is where the woman’s office was located. The buildings were dark and dingy. She walked fast enough to show that she knew where she was going, but at the same time not too fast. She was worried one of the guys sitting on the street would take it as her being scared and use that against her. Natalie was still wearing her business suit and when she walked by a man sitting on the ground...
Danny walked quickly down the street to his high school. In just a few short days, he had gone from a geeky awkward, shy guy, to a confident sexually needy man. Well, at least, that’s what he thought. On the outside, he was still short and geeky. He was thin with almost no muscle. As Danny walked up the steps to his school, he thought about his encounter with Tiffany. He grinned as he played out the scene in his head. She had sucked his cock willingly and he wanted more. He knew that all he...
‘You’re such a fucking idiot. No one will ever have sex with you ever! You’re ugly and geeky.’ Tiffany slapped Danny and then spun around to leave. Danny watched the sexy cheerleader leave his living room. He just sat on the couch and pouted. He hated how awkward he was. He hated that he had practically begged Tiffany go come over. She had been desperate for math help, which is the only reason she had said yes. The first few hours were great. She was listening carefully and he loved teaching...
When Delilah registered for classes at her university she tried to pick a schedule that was spread out. On one particular Thursday, a day where she only had two classes, both classes were cancelled abruptly the night before. In her Speech class the professor said in the mass email he sent that he had an appointment so that all of his classes were cancelled for the day, and in her government class there is some sort of construction going on for the remainder of the week in the building the class...
You know, I never understood those weird kids in high school that jerked off to Hanna Barbara porn. Getting a hard-on from seeing George Jetson shit in Betty Rubble’s mouth while Space Ghost jerks off onto her tits never did it for you, but then again, this kid I’m thinking about did wear a cape, so maybe there’s a correlation there. All I’m saying is when I had the chance to sneak a peek at some porno, I chose the real thing, not fantasy.Today’s cartoon porn is fucking realistic, and I can see...
Cartoon Porn SitesPorn aggregator sites come in all shapes and forms to offer all kinds of content. You can find pretty much any porn category to watch with porn aggregator sites. One such genre is cartoon porn. If you look at a website like, you will notice that there are all kinds of categories to choose from. We will look at the cartoon category today because I’m sure not many reviews deal with this genre. It might not seem like a popular one at that, but I promise you that many people get turned on...
Cartoon Porn SitesLet’s talk about animated porn, and more specifically, let’s talk about the animated porn that xVideos has to offer. By now, I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about since this site has been here for quite some time. It is a free porn place with millions of porn videos for you to enjoy, and I particularly love their cartoon porn section.Since you are here, reading my shitty review, it is safe to guess that you are also a big fan of animated tits, right? Well, my friends, you...
Cartoon Porn SitesHave you ever wondered what the best porn tube website for cartoon porn is? Well, some people think that cartoon porn tube sites are the best for this kind of stuff. However, one thing that many people don’t take into consideration is that maybe the biggest porn tube sites out there have the biggest collections of other categories, including cartoon porn! Well, I’m here to unveil that this is exactly the case. With porn sites like, you can always count on countless cartoon pornos...
Cartoon Porn SitesI was up early because Mr. Hill wanted to get in two shoots before we had to leave at noon. Tracy had come over last night and helped me pack. I found out the no sex rule did not include manual stimulation. I brought her off three times and she gave me a hand job. We came very close to breaking the rule, but somehow I was able to slow things down. We decided her spending the night was probably a recipe for disaster, so she went home. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. Mom's bags were...
Why the fuck do videos, virtual reality content, and live streams of camgirls rubbing their clits and spreading their pussy lips get all the attention? Yeah, I get it: when the pictures move, it’s enough to make you cum like it’s fucking Christmas morning all over again. But why in the hell does that mean you should overlook images? It doesn’t, and if you’ve only been sticking with videos and VR shit where you’re pretty fucking close to getting blown by a Borg, you’re doing yourself a...
Cartoon Porn SitesAre you looking for just a basic porn site? I mean, aren’t we all? Well, there are many basic porn sites out there, but there is one that sort of stands out, and it is called Now, why does it stand out? Well, it is because it offers a nice collection of cartoon pornography, and that is why y’all are here, right?I love to watch cartoon porn, and it is nice to have a site that offers it all. You basically do not have to visit a different website for a different kink; you have it...
Cartoon Porn SitesHello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Late at night when I wasn’t doing anything, I would fantasize about them. Sometimes it would get so bad, I’d get incredibly wet. I needed to be relieved, some how… Oh yeah, I know you’ll say go get some guy, but being a geek, they’re still hard for me to come by. I tried to get a...
Mike passed them every day while walking the dogs. He had two black labs and on many occasions one or more of the girls came up to pet them. The walk often took up to a half hour and once he made it around the curve he knew there was the chance the girls would be hanging out. So many high school students today stay inside and watch TV or play video games. These three girls liked to be outside. Chelsea was the leader and most vocal. You could hear her voice almost a block away. She had...
Chapter 6 –Secrets of the tool shed The morning after our Sunday brunch at the Holmsteads, I wake late, aware that its late by the brightness of the sun through the venetians on the bedroom door to the pool. I lay contentedly, listening to Paul’s deep breathing, enjoying the fullness of his soft cock nestled snugly but comfortably in my ass. Yes, I know sometimes its my pussy, sometimes my ass, but it’s just one of the things I’m used to as a TG woman. I’m vaguely confused as to how we...
I see one of her favorite shirts and I grab it and shredd it. Grunting out I hate her! She ruins everything, one day she'll ruin me completely. I pause, someones at the door... Damien! I exclaim. I tip toe over to the top of the stairs and listen. She's not here. If she were would you let me see her? No! Why not Mrs. Stark? Because your too old and she's to young. I'm just.... her tudor. Bullshit damien, my daughter is a straight A student, she needs no tudor. He sighs, we've...
Introduction: A taboo love love story. Based on a true story. Oooh that bitch! I swear this time punkie has gone too far. If anyone recognizes me… if I run into someone who was there.. my cheeks flare and I become flushed at the thought of it. How could they do this to me? The shame, the embarssment ill have to face it, not her! I see one of her favorite shirts and I grab it and shredd it. Grunting out I hate her! She ruins everything, one day shell ruin me completely. I pause, someones at the...
You are an animated inhabitant of Toonopolis, a colorful cartoon city. A typical day in Toonopolis involves mayhem such as anvils falling from the sky and folks chasing each other around with giant mallets, but when the animators aren't watching, things happen that aren't always suitable for Saturday morning viewing. For instance, on one particular bright and cheerful day, you are walking down the cartoon street to your cartoon house, when you hear a strange buzzing sound. You look up to see...
NOTE AU LECTEUR Suite à certaines critiques que j'ai reçu, j'aimerais vous prévenir au sujet de deux ou trois trucs: -Cette histoire n'est PAS réaliste, et ne se veut absolument PAS réaliste. -Oui, il y a plein d'invraisemblance: les femmes ont des seins démesurés, plusieurs d'entre elles sont dotées d'immenses pénis, leur soif de sperme est du jamais vu dans la "vraie vie", des pénétrations ou des maniements de seins décrits ici comme agréables seraient extrêmement douloureux dans la "vraie...
In muy current line of work I travel at least one week a month. Recently during one of my travel weeks buffalo, NY, I was staying in a well known chain of hotels that offers continental breakfast. While I was sitting and enjoying my breakfast, a young couple in their mid to late 20's came in and started serving themselves from the breakfast bar. The man who was about 5,7' was shorter than the woman who was about 5'9". Both of them were slender built and wearing nice cool summer clothing of tee...
My wife Gloria and I were talking about girls getting tattoos. She was saying how she didn't think she would want something permanent. She was certain that she didn't want anything permanent that someone could see. I personally think tiny tattoos strategically placed are cute and sexy on petite girls. She agreed but not certain she wants to take the chance of changing her mind later. She also wasn't sure she wanted a tattoo artist drawing the tattoo on her body in a place that wouldn't be seen...
Inside Grandpa's Tool ShedBy billy69boy(Sequel to "Grandpa Tucks Me In")Chapter OneLate the next morning I awoke to the sounds of hammering and sawing and other construction noises coming from my grandparents' back yard. A tingle ran down my spine as I figured that grandpa was out there preparing for me to help him "clean out" his toolshed. Now that I realized how kinky my grandparents were, I couldn't wait to find out what they had in mind next. All I knew for sure was that my so-called...
Toonwhich By Barbi Satin I was just 21 and had my first job. It seemed like the perfect job for a horny young man out to meet the hottest bad girls and just get laid. I would get to travel all over New York City and State with a van loaded with exotic lingerie, leather, latex, thigh boots and shoes and fantasy attire. My company sent salesmen out to strip joints, professional dominatrix's, bridal showers and anywhere we could make a sale. The guys who had the best sales records...
ISS ke sabhi readers specially hot girls and bhabion ko mera hot hot Hellooooooo, doston ye meri first story he vese me iss ka bahut bada fan hun or pichle 4 saalo se regular reader hun or har roj 2-3 stories padta hun, kai readers ki tarah me bhi bahut time se soch rha tha ki me bhi ek story post karu par aalas or time nahi milta tha kai baar to likh kar chhod di bich me. Me apne bare me bata dun me 32 years ka male hun, bilkul fair colour he, achhi body he, sex chat ka bahut shok he mujhe, or...
Ye us samay ki baat hai jab main apne pati ke sath Goa, apne sasuraal gai thi kuch dino ke liye. Mere pati to char din wahan mere sath rahne ke baad wapas Delhi jaane wale the par mera wahan kuch aur dino tak rukne ka iraada tha. Wo barsaat ka mausam tha aur ye kahani bhi usi barsaat ke mausam ki ek toofani raat ki hai jab bahar barsaati toofan tha aur andar chudai ka toofan tha. Maine apna raat ka khana jaldi hi apne saas sasur ke sath khaa liya tha. Mere pati apne doston ke sath bahar gaye...
Execution of Danish cartoonist.1. The events leading up to her capture.Sarah sat in her cell and thought about the event leading up to her execution. It was only two years ago that she received an order from a Danish newspaper to drawing a picture of the damn prophet.She had lived her entire life in Denmark and had devoted her life to her work. She liked her work as a cartoonist even though it was not well paid and she had not a say of what kind of drawing she should draw. It was her employer...
Narrated by Author Us taraf pool ke dusri taraf in baato se anjaan Rahul aur Bharti apaas mein chidane aur ladne jhagadne mein lage hue the. Rahul rah rah kar Bharti ko pareshan karta. Kabhi uspar pani phekta to kabhi uski baal kheechta aur wahi Bharti bhi use galiya de deti. Par dheere dheere Rahul ke sath hoti bahas mein Bharti ko bhi maza aane laga. Rahul: Are pani hi to hai, pagal kutte ne kata hai kya jo itna chid rahi ho pani se, ha-ha-ha! Bharti: Jaha tak mujhe yaad hai tumne to nahi...
My parents were both well educated, upper-middle-class professionals who had, for the most part, succeeded at much in life. Still, they remained human beings and were troubled with their own relationship issues from time to time. I was vaguely aware that they were having one of their "spats" and that my visiting my aunt's place in the country was perhaps less for my enjoyment than it was for their convenience. That was all right with me, for as a fifteen-year-old boy, I was looking forward...
Sin-Haree was a city of mostly tents. I went around to the far side before finding a vacant pen for the drama. As much as they had been eating lately they would probably just go to sleep. I stripped everything off and left the saddles and packs near them. I took a few stones and the small pouch of fire stones as I called them. The whole city was merchants, in a central marketplace I showed an older merchant one of the firestones and watched as his eyes went wide before narrowing. He looked...
This is the chronicle of a very unusual set of supernatural objects and the people who are exposed to them. They cause mutations to very fundamental, abstract, or philosophical aspects of the world. Their mechanisms and effects are often difficult to pin down or define, but with practice and careful application you'll get the hang of it.
Mind ControlHenry hated Toons. He was an adult when they first invaded our reality (Or did we invade theirs? The debate raged on), and as a respected professor of Math, and a serious man all around, their inherently chaotic nature meant their very existence was nothing less than actually insulting to him. So much so that not even fond childhood memories of watching Tom & Jerry and The Jetsons could overcome his contempt. So he chose to avoid them whenever he could, which made it all the...
Cartoon Porn Videos! Yeah, you won't find any real women on here! Being bias towards one porn category when reviewing a porn site is probably not a good thing, but you can’t deny that the world of hentai is where the kinkiest shit happens. Well, I am here to introduce a great hentai website called, and here you will get to watch all kinds of kinky shit, which is to be expected; right?The real reason why people are fucking in love with this genre is quite simple; every slut...
Cartoon Porn SitesToon Pass! I want to see some hentai sluts getting fucked in every way imaginable. Yeah, there are plenty of sites with hot hentai babes getting what they deserve, but I want even more than just that. I like all kinds of animated porn. Comics, cartoons, hentai, and sometimes I’ll even jerk off to some quality 3D SFM shit if I’m feeling it. But I don’t want to have to go to half a dozen fucking sites to get my fix. I want one site where I can go and fap to all kinds of drawn porn. Fuck having to...
Premium Hentai SitesWelcome to ZZ Cartoon, a website that’s home to so much fictional (3D) cartoon hentai porn that it can keep its fans satisfied and jerking off to something new on a daily basis. There is so much XXX cartoon content on here that you could fap to something new every hour for literally years, and the content itself is pretty varied so you can switch between videos, images, and comics if you don’t wanna settle for one format for too long. This site hosts all kinds of fictional porn, from drawn...
Cartoon Porn SitesMany Toon! When you’re looking for some good porn comics to beat off to on your lunch break, there’s always the question of just how many sex cartoons you’d like to have at your disposal. One piece of manga might do it, but two is even better. If you’ve got a whole stack of nasty hentai, that will keep you going a long time. At ManyToon, they aim to provide you with many pornographic toons. The number here may be vague, but it’s certainly high, and that’s what we’re looking is...
Hentai Manga SitesReddit Too Cute For Porn, aka r/TooCuteForPorn… is there such a thing? I mean, Reddit has a subreddit with that name r/TooCuteForPorn/, but the majority of what is posted here is actual porn. So, I guess there is no such thing as being too cute for porn. So, if you are into a chick who are classified as cute or whatnot, this is the perfect section for you.There are thousands of subreddits out there, and I think I really love what this one has to offer. I am also sure that you will enjoy all the...
Reddit NSFW ListAs much as I love the raging hormones and flawless beauty of horny teens, there’s a certain sexual magic that only comes with age and experience. That’s why MILFs will always be a porno staple, even with a constant new crop of fresh meat fucking their way into the scene. The fuckable moms at MILFtoon take the standard MILF-porn formula and ramp it up with the kind of perfection and perversion comic smut is known for. In other words: their skin is perfect, their boobs are extra-large, and...
Premium Porn Comic SitesWhoever chose Toonily as the title for this next site deserves some kind of award, maybe a handjob or a cock-shaped trophy. I review all types of porn sites with all sorts of names, and this one strikes me as pretty damn clever. It’s weird and catchy and honestly could have been a branding opportunity for something totally wholesome if they hadn’t decided to give out porn under the name. I mean, look at that classy logo. These guys could have been the next Hulu, but Nah, they’d rather help...
Hentai Manga SitesCartoon Porn Vids! Millennials are the first generation to actually fall in love with cartoon porn. Now that animation can be done on computers creating a porn cartoon takes a third of the time. The barrier to entry is the ability to download a program. You don’t even need to pay for it; you can just as easily torrent that shit. That means the world has been flooded by cartoon porn over the last ten years.Why men love animated porn so much has been a topic of hot debate amongst psychologists...
Cartoon Porn Sites