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Jeremiah James Taylor, AKA Jeremy Smythe, AKA Eric Bolen, AKA who the hell else ... was demobilised in 1946 as a Captain, but he’d never led a company of troops. He’d been spotted early in his enlistment, commissioned and transferred to SOE, where he trained Resistance fighters and, sometimes, carried out targeted, specific assassinations. He was unusual, however, in two respects. One, was a conscience which caused him great distress when the death of a target resulted in reprisals on the civilian population. The second was a respect bordering on reverence for women. Only once during the war in Europe did he kill a woman. She was a notorious member of the Geheime Staatspolizei, whose methods had (as far as he was concerned) removed any right she may have been born with to the title of human, let alone woman. It had not taken many accounts of her actions, or the brutalised body of a young woman – girl, really – who had been caught escorting an Allied airman from one supposedly safe house to another, to convince him the world would be a better place without her. But it was a clean shot, rather than the slow death by torture that she deserved.

He wasn’t unemployed for long, and was snapped up by British Intelligence. Assassination is not a routine tool of intelligence agencies, but was necessary from time to time. Often enough to keep him busy and travelling. His salary, while not great, was really only needed while he was in Britain for a few months each year – his duty related expenses were met. As a result, he was able to buy a few acres with a crumbling farm house in Cumbria, overlooking Coniston Water, which he gradually restored to a habitable state. He had help from his organisation in excavating and constructing an underground firing range, where he could hone his skills with a selection of firearms.

One unusual assignment was the elimination of an organised crime boss, who travelled in an armoured limousine and enjoyed his golf. Various methods were considered, but in the end he took four shots with a Boyes .55 calibre rifle, killing both the boss and his driver, before melting away into the forest behind him.

He was largely alone, though as an attractive man had a succession of occasional lovers whom he visited from time to time, and he enjoyed using his collection of vehicles. He retired in his seventies and lived comfortably in his Cumbrian home, his financial position excellent as a result of astute investment. His family had largely disowned him. Always independent, the final straw had been his enlistment in 1939, but he’d kept contact with his sister, then with her daughter, his niece, who were the main beneficiaries of his will. His sister died – a lifetime inveterate smoker – but his niece kept him up-to-date with her son’s progress.

At the age of eighty, he decided he was no longer steady enough to ride his 1948 Norton motorcycle, and purchased a BMW R51/3 in perfect condition, and had it fitted to a Watsonian sports sidecar. On that, he did most of his local travelling. The Lotus Seven sports car and the VW camper were blocked up, the oil and coolant changed and the batteries removed, leaving the big Ford and the combination for his use.

One day he’d decided to get some fresh air, and a little exercise, and took the BMW to the Grizedale Country Park; a favourite destination to try to catch a glimpse of a red squirrel. The red squirrel is all but extinct south of the Scottish border, hanging on in a small handful of habitats where greys are excluded.

He didn’t see any red squirrels. His eye was, however, caught by something pale on the ground among the trees.

Sally Fellowes had run away from an abusive home situation, only to find herself, age fourteen, in the hands of a less than scrupulous Dominant. He had ‘trained’ her, reinforcing a latent submissive personality, and two years later he was becoming bored. She no longer gave any reason to punish her, not that he needed a reason, and the shine had certainly left her youth. There was one possible source of amusement, however, one he wouldn’t have made use of for any girl he wanted to keep.

She followed him, obediently, into the woodland; watched as he positioned motion-sensing cameras. Stripped at his command and docilely submitted to being tied spread-eagle on the ground. Waited for him to return. Slept, off and on, through a fortunately warm night.

Sunrise brought no return, just thirst and resignation. Mid-morning, having seen no-one else, she looked up at a tall, spare, grey-bearded man.

“Well, fuck me,” the man exclaimed. “Who left you like this?”

She half expected him to use her sexually. Perhaps he was too old to get it up, though? Would he hurt her?

He rummaged in a pocket and produced a clasp-knife. “Let’s get you out of that,” and cut the ropes. At another time, he would have untied the knots, but dew had swollen the fibres and he wanted her free as quickly as possible. “Get up, girl,” he held out a hand and helped her to stand, then brushed dirt, pine-needles and assorted small wild-life from her back. He delved into a backpack and produced a light rain-suit. “Put this on. It’ll at least cover you.”

“Yes, sir,” she spoke for the first time, obeying the order.

“What’s your name, girl?”

She hesitated for a moment. “Sally, sir.”

“And how old are you, Sally?”

Longer hesitation. “Sixteen, sir.”


“Yes, sir.”

“Could you go home?”

“No! No, sir.”

“Very well. Let’s get you somewhere safe, Sally. Hungry? Thirsty?”

“Yes, sir.” She finished with the rain-suit and rolled up the sleeves and legs. “Thirsty, sir.”

“My name’s Jeremiah.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I can’t take you into the café like that, so I’ll just take you home for now. Can you walk? Sorry I haven’t anything for your feet.”

“I’m used to walking barefoot, sir ... Master Jeremiah.”

They started walking down the path.

“I am no-one’s Master, Sally.”

She slumped. “Yes, sir. Sir...”

“Yes, Sally?”

“May I stay with you? I can cook, clean...”

“For now, certainly. For the future ... we’ll see.”

He led the way and installed her in the low seat of the sidecar, and set off home. On arrival, he put the machine away and led her into the house where she promptly removed the rain suit and stood naked once more.

“One thing, Sally ... your Master?”

“Master Jonas?”

“Is that his name?” She nodded. “Will he come back for you?”

She shrugged. “Maybe. I guess he was getting tired of me anyway. He may expect someone to take me. But he’ll return for the cameras.”

“Cameras? Damn!” He was genuinely angry – at himself, for not thinking of the possibility.

“Sir ... he might track you? He might want a price for me.”

“He’ll be paying the price if he comes here.”

“Sir? You’re...”

“I’m an old man? Yes, I’m old ... because those who wished me ill are all dead. Come with me.” He paused, hesitating. “I’ll find you something to wear. And you were thirsty. I’m sorry. Let’s deal with those.”

“Sir, I don’t need clothes. I’m used to being like this.”

Jeremiah might have been old, but he’d never minded looking at a pretty girl, so he shrugged and led the way to the kitchen. Sally downed about a pint of tap water and sipped a second while consuming a cheese sandwich. Jeremiah had a sandwich, too, but drank tea. When they’d both finished, Sally carried the crockery to the sink and reached for the taps.

“Later, Sally. Come with me, and I’ll show you something about me.” He led the way out of the house and through the garden, into the trees, and then to the open space with saplings growing over a mound. He opened the door and ushered her into the range, unlocked the gun safe and handed her ear protectors before donning a pair himself. He picked up the old Webley revolver and stood holding it by his side; flicked a switch. Nothing happened for several seconds, but then a target twenty-five yards away popped up. There were six rapid reports, sharp even through the ear protection. He broke the weapon open, ejecting the cartridges, and laid it aside, then walked down the range (removing his ear protection) to fetch the target, which showed six 0.45inch holes forming a tight hexagonal pattern round the centre. “Not that I’d carry the Webley these days. The Browning semi-auto is more convenient. I considered getting a Glock, but there doesn’t seem much point these days.”

She was wide-eyed as he laid the paper down and went to fetch cleaning materials. “A gun should always be cleaned after use,” he commented, explaining what he was doing.

He reloaded and put the weapon back in its place, then picked up a Browning in a shoulder-holster. “Let’s get back to the house.” As they were leaving,”Tell me about this ‘Master’ of yours.”

She was still wide-eyed as he locked up and led the way back to the house, listening as she told him what she knew.

On arrival in the kitchen, “Can you use a sewing machine?” He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and she nodded. “Come with me.” Climbing the stairs, she followed him. At the top, along the landing, he opened a door. “Airing cupboard. Sheets, towels, clean clothes, all that.” He took out a pair of pyjamas, which he handed to her. “These’ll be far too large for you, but they’ll cover you for now, and I’ll see about getting clothes that fit. But you can alter them for now. If you want to go naked ... I’d be a fool to complain...” he laughed, “but I’d like you to have something to cover up with in case we have visitors.” Further along, he opened another door to a small room with a single bed. “This’ll be yours, Sally.”

“My own room?”

“Of course.”

She didn’t respond to that. “Where’s the sewing machine, sir?”

“There’s a small room next to my study, with a Singer, ironing-board and iron, all that.”

Sally’s old ‘Master’ lived in Kendal, in a large Georgian house in its own grounds.

“Master Jonas? I wonder if I could trouble you for a few minutes of your time? To talk about a young woman by the name of Sally Fellowes.”

“Sure – come along in.” In a large, well-furnished reception room, he waved at an armchair. “Take a seat.”

“I was wondering if you intended to reclaim her?”

“Ah. I recognise you from the camera records. I assume you’re not here to make an offer?”

“Hardly.” Jeremiah reached into his jacket and his hand emerged holding the Browning. “Unless pointing out that if I see you near my house, or if you approach Sally while she’s out, I’ll be aiming at my first man, rather than a target, in ten years, is an offer. I’d personally describe it as a warning.” He stared at the much younger man, who was slack-jawed. “I hope you believe I am not bluffing.” He worked the slide, ejecting a round from the chamber. “There’s another thirteen rounds here – I always keep a round in the chamber.” There was a distinct odour of faeces in the room. “I’ll be leaving you now. Please don’t try to trace me – I’m sure you could.”

As he was leaving, he heard sounds from below – faint, but there was nothing wrong with his hearing.

He made one call on the way home, to pay a visit on an old friend – rather younger than himself, of course – in the local Constabulary. He suggested that a certain address might reward surveillance. A call from the friend just over a week later let him know that Master Jonas had been investigated and found to be holding an under-age girl in his cellar, who displayed marks, both physical and mental, of abuse, though she had not actually been raped. She was being helped professionally whilst her abuser (despite some high level pressure) was being remanded in custody. None of which appeared in the news media.

Sally settled in to serving Jeremiah in every way he would permit. She particularly enjoyed riding in the sidecar and acceded to his requirement to, first, own suitable clothes and second, wear them when he required her to. Which is not to say he didn’t thoroughly enjoy looking at her. While she refused to take money for her own use, she did, from time to time, ask for trivial amounts beyond that necessary for the purchase of food or household essentials, usually in order to buy some small thing for his pleasure. One day, however, following their evening meal after an outing, she knelt before him as she had often done before.

“Sir ... Jeremiah ... I wish to ask a favour.”

Relaxed and unwary, he smiled. “Of course! What do you need?”

“Sir, I know it’s a problem for you, but I ... I need you to be my Master. It wouldn’t need to be so much different than now, but I ... Please, sir.”

Jeremiah realised that he’d been backed into a corner. “You really need this? It would make you happy?”

“Yes, sir. Yes, to both.”

He sighed. “Very well, then.”

From behind her back she produced the leather collar she’d purchased earlier in the day and held it out to him.

I don’t suppose there was ever a more devoted ‘slave’, and probably never a gentler ‘master’. For over twelve years, she lived for him, to such an extent that it was entirely understandable that he would make provision for her in his will. How do I know this? Read on.

The Journey

I stowed the small soft bag in the top-box (couple of changes of clothes, toothbrush and paste) with a pair of black lace-up shoes, and carefully manoeuvred Oscar out of the garage. We were leaving Sheffield (I didn’t realise it would be permanent) to visit a solicitor in Cumbria; Bowness-on-Windermere, to be precise. I was looking forward to the ride, and suspected there would be a small legacy involved. Hotel booked, and, yes, I checked that they wouldn’t get uptight when a biker entered their reception carrying a small holdall and a helmet, and wearing boots.

It’s a nice ride; no motorways, not on fifty-miles-an-hour cruise Oscar. Besides, the route I take is a hundred and forty miles, against a hundred and eighty using the fast roads. Time-wise, it’s a wash, unless the motorway is empty and you’re driving a Maserati. And exceeding the national speed-limit.

At fifty, you’ve time to glimpse the country through which you’re passing, too, and the back roads are far more interesting than the limited view from M1, M62, M6.

So ... settle helmet in place. Gloves (light leather ones) on, ignition on and kick. Oscar doesn’t always respond positively, but usually does, and he did that time.

A61 north out of town, veering off onto the A629 at Chapeltown. Small settlements, interesting but little to hinder forward progress until Huddersfield, where the traffic is quite heavy. The ring-road is not too bad, though, as long as you keep an eye on the signs. Back on the A629 under the M62 and through Elland, then it’s Halifax and more careful noting of signs. Once through that city, it’s over the moors, past Haworth, the home of the Brontes, to Keighley with its steam railway. No time for that, though, today, much as I’d have liked to stop.

Passing Skipton, we joined the A65. About fifteen miles further I turned off into Settle, where I found a little café to serve me a tasty meal and provide a comfort break. The road skirts the Yorkshire Dales, with a succession of delightful small villages – Austwick, Clapham, Newby, Ingleton.

At length, we passed through Kirkby Lonsdale before crossing the M6 and joining the A590, then the A591, passing Oxenholme and Kendal. We turn off just before Windermere to drop down into Bowness-on-Windermere.

So ... we arrived, Oscar and I, at the hotel and I found a space where Oscar would, I hoped, be safe and comfortable. The reception clerk looked a little askance at my high-vis, padded jacket (construction-site equipment. Why not? Cheaper than bike gear and just as effective, especially over a light oversuit). However, she made no problem and checked me in to a small room which, however, had everything I’d need for my comfort, including a nice lake view.

I rang the solicitor’s office and announced my arrival; I was given an appointment for nine-thirty in the morning. Good enough. I went out for a walk and wandered down to the waterside.

Ducks, geese and gulls. Rowing boats, sailing dinghies, and lake-cruise launches. A sea-food restaurant near the pier for a meal of trout and a salad before returning to the hotel.

A restless night in an unfamiliar bed helped only a little by music from my smartphone.

Breakfast. I treated myself to the ‘full Monty’ English cooked breakfast. Good coffee. So good, in fact, I couldn’t resist a second cup. Reading until it was time to set out for the lawyer’s office.

The Inheritance

Richardson, Starr and Pollock, Solicitors at law, were to be found in the rooms above a tourist-trap gift-shop. If in an unlikely setting, it was both comfortable and elegant, in a restrained sort of way. I only had to wait a few minutes before being ushered into the office of Peter Starr.

“Good morning, Mister Smallbridge,” the stout, balding, genial-looking man beamed, approaching me with outstretched hand.

“Please, call me Jerry,” I responded, accepting the firm handshake.

“Thank you! Please – take a seat. Would you like tea? Coffee? Something cold?”

“I rarely refuse a cup of coffee,” I said, “black, please.”

He left the office briefly, and when he returned sat behind his desk, a heavy, battered item.

“Your ... Great-Uncle?”

I nodded. “I’m not sure if it’s great or great-great,” I smiled. “My parents are dead and I’m not in touch with the rest of the family.”

“Neither was my client,” he commented. “There are some, and there may be some issues over the will, but the legal situation is clear. The will was written ten years ago and your Uncle’s sanity was attested at the time. That was overseen by my father, by the way. I took over the account after Dad retired.” He cleared his throat. “The will is simple and clear. The estate is divided between yourself and one other. I have a letter for you explaining the circumstances. You will have a decision to make and there is another provision in the will which may come into effect, dependent on your decision.”

That was as clear as mud, but I took the letter he handed me and opened it.

My dear Nephew,

Until your mother, my niece, died, I was kept up to date with your life and interests. You are the only one of my relations I believe I can trust with my property once I no longer need it. This will, I am sure, come as quite a shock, but I expect you will understand better in time. You share the inheritance with Sally, who has cared for me since we met and, in the last days, made me as comfortable and cared for as was possible. Yes, there’s a story there, too. Sally is a very special young woman, but, although quite intelligent, is uncomplicated and unselfish to a remarkable degree. Hence I wish that you will take over as a trustee of her share. If my second-hand understanding of your character is faulty, there are further provisions in the Trust, known to my solicitor. Please don’t worry about those. It is my hope that you will live in my house for three months and become acquainted with Sally before you make a decision.

In that time, you may use my computer – the password is H4mur4b1 – where I have set down my side of Sally’s story.

Sadly, we never met after your Christening, but I feel I know you. I hope I am not mistaken.

Your Uncle and Godfather,


“Ah!” I sighed. “All my life I wondered why I’d been saddled with my given name. I’d guess this explains it.”

“Indeed. If I may say so, your Uncle was eccentric, but always had a good reason for his actions. He was also a very perceptive man.”

“Thank you.” I stood, and held out my hand. The solicitor grasped it in both of his.

“You will want to go and see the property, so I won’t keep you any further. If you need advice, I am at your service. Oh, and I was forgetting.” He turned and picked up a sheaf of paper. “Here. A map so you can find the house, a copy of the will, and a list of useful phone numbers. I will warn you that mobile phone reception is appalling. You can’t even call it spotty. But there’s a good landline with a passable broadband connectivity. It’s not great, but it’s as good as it gets in these parts.”

“Thank you again,” I said, taking the papers. “I’ll be on my way.”

There are few roads in the Lake District wider than two lanes, and when I say two lanes, I mean the sort of size that causes a sharp intake of breath when you meet a bus or truck going the other way. On a motorcycle, it’s not quite as uncomfortable, but certainly between Windermere and Coniston it’s ... not fast driving. On the bike it was enjoyable, actually. But Great Uncle Jeremiah’s house was even more off the beaten track. There is a minor road which runs down the east side of Coniston Water, passing John Ruskin’s house, Brantwood. Sensible visitors call at Brantwood from the lake, after a ride in the steam yacht Gondola which calls at the Brantwood pier.

Woodside House is south of Brantwood, set back from the road up a narrow gravel track, which has a five-barred gate to discourage casual callers. I noticed a large box at the gate, clearly intended for deliveries. I had to get off Oscar – there was just enough room between the gate and the road to pull off for a car or van, plenty of space for Oscar – in order to release the combination padlock on the gate.

A bumpy ride up the track (having refastened and locked the gate) brought me to a sprawling house built of the local slate and apparently dry-stone, without mortar. Just past the house was a barn.

The front door opened and a figure emerged. A slight woman dressed head to foot in black, skirt reaching to her ankles, but barefoot. She padded over to the barn, unlocked and opened one side of a large double door. I rode Oscar inside.

It was a workshop; bright and clean, benches with tools mounted on boards on the wall, light from large glass panels in the roof. Cars; a Ford Zephyr from about 1960, a Lotus Seven, a VW Camper – all blocked up with the weight off the wheels. I parked Oscar and walked over to two motorbikes; a Norton from about 1948 and a BMW with a Watsonian sidecar – mid fifties by the registration.

I realised my discourtesy and turned back to the woman as I removed my helmet.

She was kneeling, with her head down.

“Ma’am,” I felt very awkward, “Please, stand. Are you Sally?” She rose to her feet; I can only say she did so gracefully and apparently without any problems with the skirt which I would have expected to hamper her movements. But she didn’t meet my eyes.

“Yes, sir. I am Sally.”

I placed my helmet on a bench, noticing an old ‘pudding basin’ helmet on a nearby shelf, removed my jacket and boots, and peeled out of my oversuit. The floor was so clean I had no reluctance in standing on it in my socks until I got shoes out of the top box. Once shod, I picked up my bag.

“Well, Sally, I do apologise for my rudeness just now. My name is Jerry, if you will.”

“There is no need to apologise, sir. I would be more comfortable addressing you as ‘sir’, if you don’t mind. Will you come into the house?”

“Oh ... certainly.”

“I have soup on the stove for lunch, sir. Do you have any dietary problems?”

“No, um, Sally. I eat anything, and soup sounds good.”

She led the way into the house, her bare feet making no sound other than the slight rustle of the gravel. In the house she paused and used some sort of wipe on the soles of her feet.

“Master Jeremiah preferred no outdoor shoes in the house,” she said. “I don’t wear shoes anyway, so I wipe clean if I go out. There are slippers there,” she pointed.

I took the hint and exchanged my lace-ups for slippers which looked new to me. They fitted perfectly.

“Your room is upstairs, of course,” she said. “If you’ll follow me?” and padded up a wide staircase. The handrail was of mahogany, a beautiful, glowing russet, clearly well polished and cared for, the stairs covered by a rich, maroon carpet. I followed her, my steps silent in the dense pile of the carpeting.

She showed me into the master bedroom. The bed would have dwarfed any normal bedroom, but not this one. The rest of the furnishing was of a similar scale in some dark, glossy wood I didn’t recognise, but on the floor a pale cream, deep-pile carpet. I dropped my bag by the bed.

“There is an en-suite bathroom,” Sally told me, opening an adjoining door.

There was. The fittings were old, but I was pretty sure they were entirely functional, which I later confirmed. The bath did have a shower fitting too, and a curtain, I was happy to see.

“There are clothes in the tallboy and wardrobe. I haven’t disturbed any of them since Master...” She trailed off and I was sure she’d choked off a sob.

“Plenty of time for that,” I said gently. “How about that soup you promised me?”

“Oh – yes, of course, sir. I ... you ... would you prefer to eat in the dining room, or the kitchen?”

“Oh, the kitchen, definitely.”

She served me, then stood by the table. “Won’t you sit with me? Aren’t you eating too?”

“Well, sir, I ... I was going to eat after.”

“Please. Join me; I don’t like to eat alone.”

With some apparent reluctance she ladled herself a bowl and sat at the table with me.

Oxtail soup, home made, thick and rich. Fresh bread-rolls, home baked, not long out of the oven and still warm and crusty. Water – spring water from a well behind the house – and after the meal, Earl Grey tea, leaf tea in a pot, poured through a strainer. Perfect.

“Wonderful, Sally. Thank you.”

Her head dipped and a flush crept up her neck. “Thank you, sir.”

I stood and began to clear the table.

“Sir! Let me do that, please.”

I looked at her, wondering what was going on. “I don’t like to leave the work to you; after all, you cooked this excellent meal?”

“Please, sir, I ... it’s ... my job.”

Even I could see I was causing her some distress, so I let it go and took my cup, intending to take it to the lounge, but another door ajar attracted my attention. It was a study, I suppose, the walls lined with an eclectic selection of books. A comfortable armchair with a lamp placed to shine over the shoulder of the chair’s occupant, a small table next to it. A desk, bearing a computer with a fairly large monitor, printer and scanner. I placed my cup on a coaster, clearly intended for that purpose, pressed the power button on the case of the computer without result. Of course, it was switched off at the wall. When I remedied that, a modem on the floor lit up too. Okay. That made sense; I got the impression that Sally was not one likely to make use of the internet.

Once the machine was up and running, it demanded a password, and I inserted the one from Uncle Jeremiah’s letter. The computer was quite quick. It was obviously fairly new and clearly properly maintained too. There were files for finance and investment, as you’d expect and a lot of text documents – like, over a hundred, many of them large enough to constitute ‘book’ size. And there was a file with a bold title – Jeremiah. When, some time later, I got around to reading it, it filled in a lot of gaps.

Honestly? I couldn’t face any of it. It had been a long day, and there was too much to take in. I switched off, and went to make some tea (replacing the now tepid cup) preparatory to going to bed.

I had barely switched the kettle on, when Sally entered the kitchen.

“Sir, you wish to have a drink? Please, let me make it.”

I was too tired to fight anyway. “Thank you. Earl Grey, please,” and went into the lounge.

There were books in the lounge, but they were of the ‘coffee table’ variety. I selected one of aerial Lakeland views, and browsed through it. Sally entered the room bearing a tray, which she placed on a small table next to me.

“Master Jeremiah liked me to drink a late cup of tea with him in the evening. Would you like me to join you? Or leave you in peace?”

I was becoming intrigued – fascinated might be closer – by the enigmatic housekeeper and fellow beneficiary of my uncle’s will. “Please join me, Sally. I’d like your company.”

The hint of a smile touched her lips – the first I’d seen – and she knelt smoothly by the tray and began to pour tea into two bone-china cups. She handed one to me, and took one herself, whilst remaining on her knees.

“Would you not like to sit, Sally?”

“I am comfortable like this, sir, if you don’t mind.” She glanced at the book I’d laid next to me. “Master Jeremiah was very fond of that book. Of course, he disliked none of the books you see on these shelves, but there’s a reason he continued to live here.”

“It is a very lovely place to live.”

That hint of a smile touched her lips again. “It is. Especially if you wish to limit your contact with other people.”

“Would you...” I hesitated, but went on, “You don’t have to tell me anything, but I’d like to know your story.” I almost immediately regretted my words as her expression darkened.

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The building was beautiful with a small gold plaque that read, 'Sonja's day spa'. Her mother made an appointment with her friend the owner Sonja herself. Bree was petite and beautiful like her mom. Many said she looked a lot like the actress Jennifer Connolly when she was younger. Her body was similar and like her mom she had the same straight long dark hair that shown glossy all the way down to her tight shapely ass. She needed to get a break. She had no boyfriend at the moment and what...

2 years ago
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3 Evil sistersPart 2

3 Evil sisters-Part 2 The ringing of my alarm woke me up and lazily rolled over to shut it off. Upon rolling back I saw my beautiful sister Ashley only inches away from me, as naked as a newborn baby but with the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face. I didn’t want to wake her up but I still needed to get ready for school, so I tried to quietly worm my way out of her loving grip.Having successfully completed my task I grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. Once I had the shower...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 4

Everyone else, have fun! Enjoy! DanK Part 2, Chapter 4 His cock was buried as far as it would go into her hot, moist flesh. Lisa trembled in ecstasy at the thought of what her brutal, loving companion was going to do next. “Are you ready, my darling?” Vlad asked as he pushed away so their torsos were no longer touching except where they were sexually connected. Lisa nodded, breathing excitedly. Her eyes lit up at the blade that suddenly just seemed to appear in his...

2 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 10

As we entered the actual condo and sat on the couch, Eve sat close to me and said, "Bill, why do I have the feeling that you're okay with this but you're not happy with it?" "Because it's true. Eve, it's nice to have a limo to ferry us around to different places. I'm also glad I could help this morning if that's what it turns out to be. However, that's not my idea of living. I made peace with how I wanted to live, the surroundings in which I would live, and the tempo at which I...

2 years ago
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Intro For Things To Come

In Aberdeen there is, or at least was until it closed, a club called The Metro.It was always linked to one main thing, what my friends called Grab-a-Granny. My mates and I always joked about being the youngest people thereBasically put this seemed to be the place that older folks would go. Sure younger people but. After a while my friends had stopped going there but I kept going.I did feel slightly self conscious about drinking on my own a few times but I used to blame it on a bad day at work.I...

3 years ago
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Going for the Juggler2 Vanishing Act

Dinner was excellent. Paolo was vigilant. Even I could see that there were others watching us. I didn't think all of them were on Gino's team. We knew Wilson and his men were out there somewhere, but they were holding off until after tomorrow's test. I had a feeling that some of the soldiers of the third party were out there, too. The ones who didn't want either Wilson or Cadence. We'd never met them. A young guy, about my age, I guessed, approached our table at the restaurant. Paolo...

1 year ago
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AssParade Carmela Clutch Oiling the Big Butt

Carmela Clutch was hanging out at the pool showing off her beautiful curvy body. She called her boyfriend Peter. She needed some oil on her body. Peter oiled her whole body well. As a thank you she took him to the bubble bath. Foam was running through her ass cracks. It looked so sexy. She started to blow Peter’s dick. He fucked her in the bathtub. They took it to the bedroom. Peter licked her pussy while her ass was on top of him. She sucked his dick again and they fucked like there is no...

1 year ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 1

"You are out of your freaking mind, Mitch!" I couldn't believe that he was serious about this. "Donnie, you've pulled it off before! You can do it. I really need your help!" "Ask someone else, Mitch! Ask my sister, Marie. We look enough alike. That will work." "Well, maybe she'd look like you, but since you were so sociable at the Halloween party, and became friends with almost every female partner, secretary or spouse, you've become the subject of conversation ever since. 'When...

2 years ago
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The Mermaid Trees

THE MERMAID TREES By C Once, long ago, there lived two especially lovely mermaid sisters: SnowWhite and Night Black. Down to the groin, both were beautiful, full-breastedwomen; further down, they had powerful dolphin-tails. It was their hair thatmarked them off from each other: Snow White had, as you might guess, luxurianttresses of white, as dazzling as snow in the midday sun, with an equally dazzlinglittle V beneath her navel. Night Black had tresses and V the color of polishedobsidian. ...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 12

Saturday, May 29, 2010 “How do you feel today, Jake?” “You mean about last night? Relieved, Mom. Like a huge weight has been lifted. I just felt so guilty about my father.” “For the boy who’s so smart about people, you sure misread me. How could I reject you?” They pulled into the Harrisons’ circular drive. Ellen was wearing a short suede jacket over a white blouse and a light brown floral skirt that came below her knees. “Mom, you look great tonight. I think you are the most beautiful...

4 years ago
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Milk and HoneyChapter 2

McKayla knew she shouldn’t have been surprised, when she walked into Theo’s bungalow. Because he was living in a small town, she’d just been imagining him in a farmhouse - which, considering he was a professional landscaper, made no sense. But that wasn’t what surprised her the most - it was how familiar everything felt. After all, they’d lived together for fourteen months; a lot of Theo’s possessions felt like hers, and so walking into the small house he was renting was surprisingly like...

1 year ago
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My horny stoned sister

 It's beyond me how some one as petite as my little sister could find clothes that were so form fitting, much less that she was wearing them at home while alone in our bed room we share, but I will never forget that evening, or any evening thereafter. Her music was blaring through the walls, while I was trying to take a nap, no less. So, after growing tired of hearing the same Red Hot Chili Peppers song played over and over, I knocked on our door. It was ajar, and I quickly realized that she...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 82

What did one do with a knife that was a gift from a God? The flute that Ken had received from Lea was displayed under a glass case he’d had specially made for it. He’d gotten pretty good at playing it, far better than he would ever have thought. He was still learning how to read notes from paper and put them onto the instrument, but he’d discovered a surprising talent for playing by ear. Fionna had laughed when he’d told her he thought that his inability to learn musical notation was limiting...

2 years ago
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Sweet Little Kitten

Sweet Little KittenShe stood naked in the furthest corner of the room, trembling with anticipation, the chill from her Master's ceiling fan, slicing through her emotions, peaking her desire. Her eagerness to pursue her own willful humiliation, to serve, her longing, the expectancy, the waiting, all combining to only garnish her delicious thirst and decedent hunger.Master approached from behind, his hands raking through hair, his voice landing a whisper upon her sense. He commands her to purr...

3 years ago
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Mom 8211 a sex whore

hi iss lovers i am parth 22yers of age doing my final year mba in bangalore.this is my first story..and i have two more if i get some good feed back.when i finished my 10th exams most of the time i used to surf somethings on net..once i found this website first it irritated me but later i got heavy interest in reading insects stories. slowly i started fantisise my mom…i thought of fucking her or used to think two or three guys fucking her and she going mad and wild on bed…let me tel you about...

1 year ago
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The naked Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi reader another blockbuster for you read and write to me. My name is Annie. I live with my husband of 20 years and our son Elvis. Everything was normal until one day when Elvis asked me to let him see me naked. Elvis a good looking although extremely shy young man. He has a lot of friends but has never had a girlfriend. From talking to the other mothers at school events it seams that Elvis is the last of his group to be dating. Hearing them complain...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Succubus High Ch 1

by Quiver Chapter 1: Window Dressing 1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he'd caught a student nodding off during class. At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to...

2 years ago
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The New Sales Girl Part Three

The New Sales Girl - Part Three Finally the door opened again and the blindfold was removed. I was looking at Robert's shoes. He pull me up and removed the handcuffs then asked, "So how would you like to work for me DeAnn?"He sat down in the chair and told me I could pull up my jeans and get dressed again. I did and he told me to sit back down on the floor. So looking up at him I asked, "What kind of work would you like me to do Sir?"He smiled and said, "I'd like to start you out as my 'New...

1 year ago
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TrumpedUp Punishments Chapter 2 Executions

Trumped-Up Punishments – Chapter 2: ExecutionsA large punishment horse was wheeled onto the stage by one of the security guards. This had been specifically manufactured to Mr. Barton’s specifications: it allowed the culprit to be firmly secured in any position desired. There were Velcro straps all over it, allowing endless possibilities. While one of the guards took Burt’s arm and moved him over to the contraption, the voice warned that the use of video equipment was strictly prohibited and...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 87

Present – Ira – Battle ground cabin Male offspring of a female saluki! The most vile and foulest of events has occurred. While I was busy exterminating the putrid pestilence at my anterior, one of the vile rodents violates my derriere with its gnashing incisors. I exclaim in pain and order, "We must collocate our posteriors adjacent to one another so our posterior positions are protected." General Pain and Todd comply with my orders and we continue to decimate the monsters. My arms have...

1 year ago
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well. I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man’s and they get played with and sucked on like a woman’s. In fact, most of my clients tell me I’m...

2 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 1

Jack: Earth. Frankly, I never thought I'd see the home world again. I got extracted in Year Three of the Diaspora in a classic pickup from a fast food restaurant and transported in a thousand-pod transport to the new colony of Nuevo Angelino, along with a shitload of other Californians (and Mexicans and transplants from a whole lot of other places doing the whole migration to the Land of Opportunity thing). Well, Nuevo Angelino was undoubtedly going to be a better opportunity than anything...

3 years ago
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The Stall

Waiting for a flight must be the most annoying thing about the holidays. This Time was a little different though. As I sat Waiting for my delayed flight a man a couple seats down as visibly upset at his delay. I paid him no mind and went back to playing my game of solitaire.10 minutes later I went to the bathroom and then he entered still mad about the delay he mumbled to himself. I could here him from my urinal he was two down from me following proper manly bathroom etiquette. ‘What the fuck...

4 years ago
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Holy ObligationChapter 6

Time didn't exist. I didn't exist. All that existed was pain; constant, dull, inescapable pain. Muffled voices; some worried, some resolute ... a sudden cry of relief. Someone was stroking my arm ... a soft voice whispered in my ear ... expressions of love ... assurances that I was going to be okay ... but there was nothing else ... just constant dull pain and brief moments of respite from angelic whispered voices. When I awoke in my hospital bed, there was a feeding tube in my nose, IV...

2 years ago
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So all my attractions are 90 straight except for

...cock. I've never set out to do anything with another guy other than suck his cock. No other attraction to any part of a mans body, I don't look at guys, I don't think of guys, I've never kissed a guy, but every month or so I have these intense desires to put a cock in my mouth and suck. I don't want to cum every time I do it, that can wait till later with my wife while I'm thinking of that cock down my throat as I'm fucking her or she's blowing me. Its a very, very strong desire within me...

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The Lockeroom Edited

Nick sat on one of the benches, his back leaning on the side of a locker, with a sweat soaked white tee shirt, his eyes were closed but he had opened one aware of Jacob's presence. Nick was tall and slim with lean muscles, his head topped with dark brown hair which was cut short with his bangs to one side. He had the same skin tone as Jacob but more tanned, and his face covered in acne. The most intriguing feature of Nick at present was that his blue cotton shorts are pulled down to his...

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Celebrity Collection

Im probably gonna change the name of the story. Also I am very much encouraging that people add to it (anything freeze or hypno related) John has a serum that can freeze people in time aswell as a teleportation device. He also has a ray gun that can control minds , so he decides to go ahead and add beautiful women to his collection. What shall he do next?

3 years ago
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Julies Journal First Night

Oh journal I was awoken at 3am by the feeling of someone being inside my room. I slowly woke up and could hear their breathing. Scared I just stayed still feigning sleep as their footsteps slowly came over to the bed. Part of me hoped it was Gina but I didn’t think so. Have you ever been so scared you stayed absolutely still and yet so excited at the same time? So many times I had masturbated while thinking about being forced to have sex and every time I came so hard. No I didn’t mean hurt...

3 years ago
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Female Doctor

[/image]Just before heading off to college, I had a painful injury playing lacrosse. I ended up needing stitches on my scrotum and penis. It could have been much worse.After I started school in a new state, I had to find a doctor. I delayed doing it but eventually had to. Student Services recommended an office close to campus. The office was nice and used to having college students as patients.I needed to see a doctor soon to pass a physical. The physicians were booked. There was no one to see...

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RuthAnn High School Ch 03

By the time that Ruth-Ann got to the last period of the day, she was so excited it was hard to sit still. Going to all of her classes, knowing that the panties she left the house with this morning were now in her Principal’s possession had just kept her wet all day. It was a very strange and cool sensation to go to biology class today and have to sit on the little metal stools. Because she was bare underneath, her moist pussy had been resting directly on the cold metal, which was very...

1 year ago
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Our Office Fantasy Part 2

You answer the phone in hushed tones. “Hello baby.” “Hi gorgeous, how are you?” “How do you think? My nipples are hard and my pussy is wet!” I know how she feels. Since our affair began, her texts and phone calls make my body react too. The mere sound of her voice, or a sexy photo sent to my phone, causes me to leak pre cum. It’s an amazing feeling, and I love that she does it to me. “Did you take a look at the website I told you about?” you whisper. “Yes I did babe, damn it turned me on....

2 years ago
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New Neighbor New Mother

It was more a grunt than a word, and it tumbled over my lower lip while my right hand squeezed my sticky cock. I looked down and watched a tablespoon of white semen appear from the tip. She gasped as the hot, viscous substance landed on her stomach. I propped myself up with my weary left arm and tried to catch my breath. I looked down at her, sweat droplets formed on her upper lip, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath. “Oh shit, my sister’s going to be here in a little bit....

3 years ago
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Rear Zip

Like most in this vanilla and straight-laced world, as an amateur writer of erotic novels centring on the natural dominance of femininity, Roscoe kept his hobby firmly under his hat, though in reality, he never wore one. It was inevitable that his secret would be revealed sooner or later, such was his lust to reveal all to a women, and know the firm grip of feminine control, while he offered his absolute obedience. Little did he know, that obedience would be total, and the domination he’d be...

2 years ago
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Dukan Me Mili Ghar Pe Nikali

Hello ISS readers.Main rahul wapas ayah un ek new story k sath jo ki ek ladke aur ek married anty k bech me hui kamal ki ghatna ki story hai. Wese ye sambalpur(odisha) ki baat hai to tyme na waste karte hue story pe aata hun. Aj kal k dino me hum dukan me kisi cheez purchase karne jate hain to hum model select kar k payment kar k ek challan(temporary bill) le k aa jyate hain aur dukandar bolte hain ki saman aur uska bill apke ghar pe kuch der me pahuncha diya jayega. To ek ladka hai jika name...

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ComplicatedHer Side

My lover wrote a nice tribute about us called Complicated. I wanted to give my side of the story too. Although he summed it up well, I want him to hear my words too and let everyone know how I feel about this man.We met about three years ago. We were both looking for a FWB situation. Both missing something in our marriages. We thought it was sex at first that we were missing. Although that was the driving force that started this, we found out we were missing so much more in our lives. Us...

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My Private Dancer Part 2

Several weeks had passed since our first encounter. I had gotten very busy with work and it was hard for me to get away. Luckily, I was able to sc**** together some free time over the weekend. I made another trip to the club, and sure enough, there she was. I could talk until I'm blue in the face about how lovely she was, but you would have to see it to believe it. The way she moved, the way she danced, none of it can be put into words. I watched her from a distance as she did her thing on...

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A New BeginningChapter 15 Full circle

The fact that Steven had already scheduled a golf-game with his buddies early in the morning made things a lot easier for me. Mom and I had both gotten up early, already starting on our second cup of coffee, discussing the new plan, waiting on Danny as we did so. And though he slept in a little later on Sunday, it was very rare that he did so much past nine o'clock. It was a quarter to now. Once again I had placed the brown manila envelope on the table, ensuring Danny would discover it when...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 3 EnvoyChapter 8

Dusty didn't remember much of what happened the rest of the day. He knew that he won but he didn't remember how he did it. Mark later asked him how he did a flip like that so that he hit the man in the back of the neck to knock him out, but Dusty couldn't have told him what he did or how he did it. Dusty just grunted and looked off into the distance. The only thing that was burned into his eyes right then was his wife's lips on another man and how much he wondered if she seemed to...

1 year ago
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Just Friends Part 1

“I’m sorry. I just don’t believe you. And if I can’t believe you, why should I trust you? How can I commit to you in a relationship?” Sophie had to admit that Malcolm had a point, but one far too dangerous to concede. She sipped from her glass of Argentinean white and placed it on the bench in front of her just inside the shadow cast by the sunshade. She pursed her lips and glanced around at the other couples enjoying the late evening sun on the patio of the Black Swan. Were their...

3 years ago
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My Sex Goddess Salma 8211 The First Sexperience Part 2

Hello folks! It’s been a long time since my last story here. Thank you all for the love and encouragement. I received quite a few lovely comments from the horny bunch. To quickly recap, in my previous story I had narrated how I came to know Salma and instantly fell for the voluptuous vixen. After the rather awkward first day, I slowly began to settle into my job. Anu turned out to be a total slut. She was brazenly seductive with her clothing and always dressed for the kill. Her usual attire was...

2 years ago
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My first real cock

I was always attracted to men and cocks from an early age I loved pussy and women but also loved cocks and would always look at men when in gym class and showering. I never had a large cock very average maybe 5-6” when hard and remember looking at some of the big cocks I gym shower and wondering what it would feel like sucking or having it deep in my ass. After I got married all of that kind of disappeared and I was into pussy big time because my wife was good in bed at least for the first few...

2 years ago
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Pyasi Bhabna 8211 Part I

Oyari choot bali bhabhiyon aur untiyon ko mera lund bhara pyaar. jinko bhi mere lund ka swad chakna ho mujhe mail karen Aapki sewa me hi meri mewa hai.mere pyase lund ko aap logon ka choot hi saant kar sakta hai khair choriye ab sidhakahani per aate hain. Baat un dino ki hai jab mein ghar se bahar rahta tha.mere samne bale makan/flat mein ek bhabhi aur bhaisahab rahte the.wo log bahut acche the.unka ek 5 saal ke larka bhi tha. Bhabhi bahut khule bichar ki then aur unke pati thora saant swabhaw...

4 years ago
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The Resurrection of Crazy JaneEpilogue

"Then the bitch, the fucking bitch," I seethed, "started crying. On fucking cue. And Beth. Beth fucking believed everything." I'd been in therapy for six years. And sitting across from me, Dr. Kenneth, who demanded I call him "Jim," finally got my story. All of it. He was the first. In prison, therapists don't stay with you very long. Jim was my fourth therapist, trying to see through to my evil ways that compelled me to rape an 18-year-old girl. My girlfriend's roommate. Coldly...

2 years ago
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Sex Art Online story

Asuna plopped down naked on the sofa and glared defiantly at me."...Kirito, hurry up and take your clothes off," she said in an authoritative tone."What...w-we're continuing?" "It would be stupid if we stopped here!!" I hurriedly complied. Opening the window indicated by Asuna, I toggled off the option buried deep within the menu.Because of the hurried start, there was no romantic mood to speak of. Sitting on the bed which was slightly too small for the two of us, we slowly did as much as the...

1 year ago
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DistributionChapter 7 Meeting Paiges family

When Paige called at nine PM, I'd made my calls, and had given up on hearing from her. I reported that the quotations for the water hookup were arriving; I'd spoken to Harold Whitney about the consulting job, and Charlie and I had moved the crates out of the living room. "Brian?" "Yes, Paige." "I didn't follow any of what you just said. You'll need to keep notes. Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about." "Okay," I said, feeling very confused. "What do you want to talk...

3 years ago
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A First Time for Isabella

Wow! I couldn't believe it. My girlfriend, Isabella, an amazing girl, yet one whom if you were to see her on the streets, you might think she was one of those stiff ladies. Normally she's businesslike, commanding, straight and narrow. You know the type!But, tonight... We were at dinner and we were discussing what to do. We had a late dinner, as she was busy in the office and couldn't get out late until her projects were caught up for the weekend. I myself had the evening free and was just ready...

2 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 2

By the next morning I’d shaken most my concern over Josh’s threat. He was going to do what he was going to do, and I still felt deep inside he was a good person. He just needed to get over this desire to find the easy path to what he wanted and jealousy over what other people had. Megan stopped by with her van, bringing back memories of the previous year and the early days of my relationship with Zoe, which also helped bring me out of my funk. Even with her suburban, we were still packed...

1 year ago
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Learning to Submit Part II

Part II Learning to Submit With my hand still shaking I signed the forms. Jacklyn smiled at me as she snatched the forms from my hands and left the room. In a few minutes she returned. "Now get undressed, have a shower and get to bed. By the way your new bedroom is now the guest room. I don't want you sleeping next to me unless I am in the mood at which time I will tell you." After showering, I went to the guest room and discovered that there were several changes. In the closet, the...

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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 6

It was October, the boarding house was full of boarders again, and I remained a resident of Frederick, Maryland despite having no guidance yet from the Orioles Organization concerning where I would be assigned in the coming season. I knew that my solid performance for the Frederick Keys would likely mean that I’d be moved up to the Double-A Bowie Baysox in the Eastern League. Getting assigned to the Orioles’ Triple-A club (Norfolk) wasn’t out of the question, but I knew the Orioles had lots...

3 years ago
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Sparkys DadChapter 9 Christmas

Diane dumped all her clothes but her shoes in the hamper and went into ‘her’ bathroom naked except for her slippers. Ready for the night, she put on the nightgown and the robe Eric had given her. Remembering the one she had brought, she went into the bedroom and put it, too, in the hamper. She was really imposing on Mrs. Grant. She got out of robe and nightgown and got into bed. She thought that Eric, for such a controlling man, really let himself be bossed by his daughter. Only to a certain...

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A Drink with the Deacon

BOOK 2 A DRINK WITH THE DEACON. 1921 We left the church cemetery in the old T model truck. The top had long since turned from simply leaky to almost non existent, the ride was cold and miserable because of it. That ride and my mood were a perfect match for one another. Bobby pulled the T model into the dirt yard of the home place. The family home was no more than an unpainted shack. It must have been painted once since there were still white bits clinging inside the grain of the wood here...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Trisha Parks Sweet Petite Anal

Sweet little Trisha Parks is about as cute as they come. This petite blonde has perky titties and a nice round booty, ripe for the fucking. Lucky Jessy Jones get to taste her sweet holes before she gets on her knees and sucks his big cock. Her doll eyes are mesmerizing as she gets filthy. Trisha has a beautiful little pussy that gets puffy and wet as she gets horny for that cock to slide inside her. What a beautiful girl… even better to see a sweet, little thing like her pull her cheeks...


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