Reunion Masquerade
- 2 years ago
- 34
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I wake before dawn, alone in my bed. I reach over, old habits die hard, but there is no tousled head on the pillow beside me. Not even a slight indentation in the useless fucking thing.
I get out of bed and the memories wash over me.
We’d made love, then fought. She’d packed her bag and left.
Now the loft seems much bigger than it had seemed before, with her things gone. I’d wanted her gone, so what the hell is the matter with me.
Lonely. Yeah, lonely. She’d been here for eight months, and she’d become a part of my life, no matter the terrible time the eight months had been. Now, even though I am glad she’s gone away, I miss, not her, but her presence in the place. That house filling presence. The little comforts among the horrid fights. No question, I’m lonely. But I’ll get over it.
I walk through the vast loft, or at least it seems so to me this morning, to the kitchen and put on coffee. I pour myself a glass of fresh tangerine juice from the refrigerator, and take a vitamin pill from their container on the counter. I take the vitamin, and take a sip of the juice to wash the monster down. I walk out on my balcony, no one can see my nudity up here because of the height of the balcony’s solid guardrail, and drink my juice watching the city waken, the flood of humanity coursing up Broadway. The life’s blood of the city.
Back inside my kitchen, I wash my glass out and stick it in the dishwasher. I pour myself a cup of coffee and wander over to my dining table which almost spans the entire width of the loft and which has already been washed of the smells of her body. The scents she’d drained on it last night had seemed obscene in the early evening, so as she’d been packing, I’d been cleaning.
Yesterday’s mail is thrown carelessly onto the table. I finger through it. Bills, ads, a letter from Mom who is still located in my hometown in Southern California, which I set aside, and a letter from an old friend also with a return address of my hometown.
My god. I haven’t heard from Charlie since I’d sent a gift, some six or seven years ago, for his wedding. I remember he’d married one of the hometown girls but for the life of me, can’t remember who.
Although I’m curious about Charlie’s letter, I put it aside and open Mom’s letter first, which, as always, is full of news of people I’ve forgotten, or can’t place. She always does this to me. But, then a surprise, she tells me that my old friend, Charlie, had asked her for my address and she had gave it to him. Voila, the envelope from Charlie.
I put her letter back into her envelope and take up Charlie’s envelope in my hand.
I’ve no idea what to expect. We haven’t spoken in, oh, at least ten years, and although he was my best friend during high school, I’d sort of left all that behind when I went away to college, then come to New York to sell stocks, which I’m very good at.
Still, for some reason, perhaps to escape the crush of loneliness, or maybe just a wistfulness for those bygone days, I’m curious what this letter might contain.
I open the flap and pull out a rather formal invitation to my tenth highschool reunion. It shocks me for some reason. A handwritten note inside, I suppose in his script, says, ‘Hope you can cum.’
I laugh at his pun, then sit there with the envelope in my hand for the longest time, a kind of inherent wonder suffusing itself inside of me. It occurs to me that we’ve all grown up.
The reunion is to be held, of course, in my hometown, in two months. I have to smile.
I love New York, the byways, the my ways, the up town, the downtown, the in ways of it, and even the bad ways of it. The night life, the restaurants, the movies, the plays, the bars, the women. Ah yes, the women. Of course I haven’t had very good luck with women since I’ve been here. Been alone more than with.
And it’s summertime in New York, and despite the romance that brings to mind, it’s hot, and close and muggy. It’s going to get hotter, and muggier the next two months. It makes me remember the coolness of the west coast evenings. No matter how hot during the day, it was always cool at night. At least at the beach. You can always drive to the beach there. Or to the mountains for skiing during the winter months.
Okay, maybe not as good a restaurants, maybe the bars are not the same, neither as crowded or as noisy, and maybe I’ll hate it if I go back.
And Charlie? I’d left his friendship and everything else on that coast behind when I’d gone to school here, and then took a job here. A good job. Would the old town be the same? Would Charlie be the same?
It would be great to see Charlie again though. He was always a gutsy cut up. Maybe it would be fun. Who knows?
The reunion is supposed to encompass the entire weekend. There is a mixer Friday night. Saturday, there is a dinner, and dancing at the roadhouse. I have no one to take, so I won’t plan on dancing. And finally, on Sunday, there is going to be a baseball game and barbecue. I rent a car at the airport and drive home.
The family home is located on a hillside overlooking a ravine. On the other side of the ravine are other houses. My father had selected this place during its development because of its potential night lite view. As I drive up, I remember the old days. My father, who passed away a couple of years ago, would be sitting in his out rocker out on the porch, rocking and reading, when I’d get home from school. I miss him so much it leaves an empty feeling in my chest and a tear in my eye.
When I rush inside and my mother takes me into her arms, the sadness fades as fast as it had come. It is a bit nostalgic being back in my old room. It hasn’t changed. Placing my bag on the bed, the memories come flooding back. I wonder what ever happened to Sally Landers. She’d been my first. We’d done it in this very bed while my parents were away on vacation. I’d thought we’d break the springs, but those old springs turned out to be made of studier stuff than our romance. No one had ever known about our fling except Sally and me.
My mother is truly a different person than most would expect. To give you a picture of her, I’ve never seen her when she was not wearing makeup. I’ve never seen her in flat shoes. I’ve never seen her in what one might call a house dress. In her early sixties, I was a late child, she goes to the club twice a week and hikes in the hills on weekend. She’s never been a beach person, I’ve never seen her in the sun without a hat, and if she were so inclined, an umbrella would shade her entire person. I’ve never seen her cry but for Dad’s funeral. Why she never took a beau, I don’t know. I’m sure she could get one if she wanted.
Mom quickly reminds me who Charlie’s wife is. I remember her instantly from school. In her yearbook picture, she was pretty with slanted eyes, shoulder-length black hair, and laughing eyes. I also remember that she had no shape, a real bean pole with no tits and no ass. She must’ve changed a lot, because the way Mom describes her she doesn’t sound like a bean pole anymore.
I try to envision Neoni all filled out and busty, but I can’t.
When I’d gone to New York, I’d gotten rid of my California clothing. I never really expected to come back. Mom and I spent the afternoon clothes shopping for my reunion. We pick out a couple pairs of linen slacks, several shirts, and a Jay Ko jacket California clothing. As I got into my rental car to go to the mixer, I think I look good.
They’d leased an old movie theater for the mixer. I seem to attract a lot of attention when I walk into the theater and grab a beer from the open bar. Charlie appears to be the spokesman for the event, which doesn’t surprise me. He was always in the middle of everything going on. He makes a
few jokes and then turns to me, and says it’s good of me to come all the way from New York for the occasion. Of course, everyone stares at me. I try to smile through the embarrassment, but I’m not use to this much up front attention. As a stock trader, I tend to be something of a recluse. I sell over the phone, so it’s just my computer, my phone, and me.
‘Our boy, Brian, is here for the ball game on Sunday. The Two Terrors will play again!’ Charlie leads the chant through the room. I’d forgotten about that. The Two Terrors. Embarrassing. But that’s what the other kid’s nicknamed us.
Someone yells, ‘Hear, hear!’
At last, the chanting ends and I surreptitiously look around the room. I nod to those I recognize or think I recognize and those who are staring at me. It feels strange being back, but it is still home. I don’t recognize a lot of them, but on some level, they seem familiar. We probably don’t have much in common any more, but I hope to renew a few old acquaintances at the ball game on Sunday.
I am standing there, wishing for Sunday to come, when I feel a small hand pull on my arm. I turn around and fall instantly in love.
‘Hello, Brian,’ says the vision of loveliness.
Desperately trying to place her, I search my mind for something to say that is both smart and charming.
‘Don’t tell me,’ I say, smiling at her. ‘Don’t say a word. I know you, but you’ve changed. For the better, I might add.’
Then it hits me who she is and my heart sinks.
‘I saw you talking to Charlie,’ she says. ‘Side by side, you two still look like twins. But, of course, you look better. Charlie still looks like a frump.’ She giggles. ‘I remember how truly amazed I was when I found out you and Charlie weren’t brothers or cousins or something like.’
‘Neoni?’ My mother had warned me, but I am floored by her beauty.
‘Yes, It’s me,’ she says with another heart-stopping smile.
I lean in and kiss her cheek. ‘Damn Lady, You are truly beautiful.’
‘Actually,’ she whispers, still close to me, ‘you don’t look at all the same. Charlie does, though.’ She looks me up and down. What the hell, I’d been doing the same to her. ‘I love the way you look . . . ‘
‘Compliments will get you anywhere,’ I say with a laugh.
‘Oh?’ She caresses the lapel of my jacket. ‘Nice jacket.’
‘Thank you.’
‘You work in New York City now, right?’
‘Yes, I sell shares at the stock market.’
Just then, Charlie puts his arm around me from behind and hugs me. Then he walks around beside me. ‘I see you two found each other,’ he says, his smile including both of us. It is like looking in a mirror and finding myself poorly dressed. Charlie had never had much sense of style.
‘We were just getting to know each other, but it’s going to take some time before I get used to new her,’ I say, hoping he can’t tell how much I lust after his wife.
Neoni laughs a tinkling laugh.
Charlie releases me and goes to his wife’s side, putting his arm around her.
I can’t help thinking that they don’t look right together. They look so awkward together. With both of them facing me, I feel a little on display. As other people mingle around us, I sip my beer.
Charlie thanks me for the wonderful gift I’d sent them.
Since I can’t remember what I’d sent, I just smile and sip more of my beer.
After a moment, Neoni pulls away from him and says, ‘I’m going to get a beer.’ She looks from Charlie to me. ‘You two want anything?’
‘I’ll take one, Honey,’ Charlie says.
I tell her I am all right with the beer I already have. What I really want is to take her into my arms and never let her leave me. But what can I do with my best friend, her husband, looking on?
I wonder if she has an adventurous soul. She is so sultry and so earthy, her figure a gorgeous 36C-26-35. She is tall with long, long legs. The curves never seem to end. Her long hair falls down the back of her shoulders, curling slightly at the ends. She has tiny feet and hands, her nails are painted in clear polish. She has beautiful almond-shaped eyes that seem to look right through you. I feel like she’d been looking through me all night, knowing my deepest secrets. I have it bad.
Distantly, I listen to Charlie talking about old times.
By the time Neoni returns with the two beers, Charlie has been distracted and is talking to one of the other couples. She pulls him aside and hands him his beer. She speaks to him for a few moments, then returns to me with a smile.
‘I can’t get over how you’ve grown up, Girl. You are great. Want to marry me?” I’m wondering for a minute if I’m overstepping my bounds here. Do I feel any guilt? Not yet.
She gives me a shy smile. ‘Thank you, Brian.’ I am grateful she doesn’t add, ‘again.’
She takes a sip of her beer and so do I.
‘How long are you here for? Just the weekend?’
‘I don’t know for sure,’ I reply. ‘New York is dead in the summer, you know. Everyone’s out of town to beat the heat. It gets very hot and muggy there. You spend most of your time running from building to building or from the subways to a cab. It’s hell. At any rate, it wouldn’t take much to keep me here for awhile. Depends on what’s happening.’
She smiles and says, ‘Charlie and I want to invite you to dinner at our house. As a matter of fact, I was just trying to work out the time with him. Would Sunday evening when all this,’ she says, waving her delicate hand around the room, ‘is over be okay? About eight?’
‘Sure. I’d like that, eight is fine,’ I say, smiling. ‘Have you two considered that all three of us might be so overstuffed after the barbecue that we can’t eat? Maybe we’ll end up sitting around, staring at each other, too full to speak.’
She smiles again and says, ‘You’re probably right. But, do you still want to come?’
I nod. ‘You bet. I want to see where you live.’
We both look around for Charlie, but he is talking with another group of people, further away from us now. He appears to be working his way around the room, his sole purpose to shake everyone’s hand.
I ask, ‘Is he going into politics?’
‘Not that I know of, but who knows,’ she says with a frown. [Please put the I in Italics]
I pick up something amiss but I can’t very well broach something I don’t understand.
‘I’m going out to get some air,’ she says. ‘Will you forgive me?’
I nod even though I don’t want her to go.
‘For anything,’ I murmur as she walks away. Watching her receding back, I wonder if she’d heard me?
Charlie is still schmoozing with someone across the room, so I turn and follow her out into the night.
It is really beautiful outside, if a little cool. With the full moon overhead, it isn’t as dark as it could have been. The wind is tantalizing and the air is crisp, suggesting a snowfall in the mountains later that night.
Neoni is leaning against a bus bench near the street. I pull my jacket close around me to ward off the cool air, one doesn’t get this evening chill on the east coast, and cross to where she is. I notice that she’s pulled on a sweater herself.
She is facing away from me, but I guess she knew I’d come. ‘I’d hoped you wouldn’t follow me,’ she says, her words almost lost on the breeze. As she turns to me, I watch her small, upturned nose swing into view and then disappear, because the moon is behind her now. The shadows even make it impossible to see her eyes.
‘Why?’ I ask.
‘I can . . . ‘ Hesitating, she looks down at her hands which are tightly clasped in front of her and then back up. ‘I can feel you . . . wanting me.’
‘I can see that,’ I say. ‘You should feel it, I mean. I’m sorry, but it’s real.’
‘I don’t want to feel it.’ Shaking her head, she walks back inside.
I stand there, feeling like I’m stepped on my p
Finally, I get control of myself and go back inside. I get another beer and sip it as I walk around. I avoid both of them as much as I can for the rest of the evening. It isn’t that I really want to avoid her, but I don’t know what to say to her. What can I follow my last move with? So, I avoid her. All evening, as I wander around, talking to this person and that, I never lose sight of her. She’d become the only reason I am here.
After a while, I find her with Charlie and make my excuses. They remind me about Sunday dinner.
I say I won’t forget and leave.
Tonight is the big night. Dinner and dancing. I’ve dreamed all night of holding Neoni in my arms as we twirl and spin away from this place. As I said, I’ve got it bad.
I get out of bed the next morning needing coffee, bad. I find all old pair of jogging shorts, and several old shirts, which, to my amazement, still fit. I dress in them, put on my old tennis shoes and go down stairs.
Mom is waiting for me. She looks, as she always has, rested, and perfectly dressed. She pours me a cup of coffee and brings it to me.
‘Good morning,’ I say, accepting it, and sipping.
I look up as she sits down across from me. ‘You were asleep last night when I got in.’
‘I don’t stay up too late anymore. I need my beauty sleep, you know.’
That’s a laugh. ‘Well, it sure has worked, lady.” I’m going jogging, to get out the kinks. What about us having lunch today?”
“Well,” she laughs, “I haven’t had a better offer.”
* * *
I take Mom downtown, to a nice restaurant. We’re sitting in a room that has water under the glass floor. I can’t help but look for fish.
As soon as we’re seated, I tell her I love her, and that I’m glad I’m here with her.
“I love you too, Brian.”
She smiles and sips on her iced tea.
“Have a good time last night?”
“Sort of.” I try to put a good spin on it, “tonight will probably be better. And the ball game on Sunday should be fun, too.”
The waiter refills our iced tea.
“So. Was Neoni there last night?” She asks.
I nod yes, sipping.
“What did you think of her? Isn’t she pretty?”
“Charlie’s a lucky man,” I say.
“Yeah,” she says, sipping. “He doesn’t know how lucky.”
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
She purses her lips as the waiter brings our lunch.
Mom waits until the waiter is gone.
“Well,” she says. “The way I understand it, he doesn’t appreciate her as he should, and she is a good wife to him. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like he treats her.”
I look up, chew, and swallow.
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean, Mom.”
“He runs around on her, Brian.”
“You’re kidding, right? Charlie?”
“I’m not kidding. Not at all,” she says, staring me in the eye. She drinks from her tea glass.
I can’t believe this. But, I know Mom wouldn’t tell a lie about it. I don’t know what to think, but despite the inner turmoil I feel, I can’t help wondering if this means I have a chance with Neoni.
Then I find I’m not hungry. I put my fork down and don’t even notice when the waiter removes my plate.
* * *
The location of the second night’s festivities is The Roadhouse, which is located just outside of town on the main road. I arrive about 45 minutes late, but not by design. I got a phone call from my ex in New York. She’s forgiven me my crass behavior she says. Naturally, here I am in a quandary about Neoni and my ex girlfriend wants to move back into my loft.
There is dinner and then dancing. After last night, and the information Mom had given me, I look forward to seeing Neoni and hope she is here. Despite my shyness, I hope for a dance or two, so I can hold her in my arms, just like in the dream. After all, how could she have felt my attraction if she wasn’t attracted to me too, or am I way off base? Fooling myself. And if her husband my buddy, Charlie is cheating on her, she might be more open to me, right?
During dinner, I get stuck between two women who don’t resemble at all the people I’d known in high school. The one on my left is now very heavy, but jolly. The one on my right is now the city librarian and swears I’d been to her birthday party when we were eight. I look around at the other tables and see Neoni sitting quietly as Charlie entertains the table were they are sitting. After dinner, a band gets up and starts playing. I dance one dance with the librarian and then fade away from both of the women. I hadn’t seen Neoni on the dance floor.
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It's hard to believe it, but I am happily married to my best friend, and now my family has welcomed us with open arms. I am glad, because I was born a boy. My best friend is Maxwell Anderson. He looks like an red-headed Anthony DiNozzo from NCIS with his flaming red hair, hazel eyes and natural tan. He is a musician who can play the piano, organ, violin, and guitar with equal ease. He teaches music at Warton High School. My name is Connie Renee Anderson. Me, I look like an Arabian...
The Swarm Cycle Universe Copyright© 2007 The Thinking Horndog “Missy Sinclair. I haven’t seen you since Graduation. How have you been?” “Monica? My goodness, look at you! You look great! I’ve been fine. Married Fred, just like everyone expected. We got divorced in less than two years. At least we didn’t have any kids. Then I met Jacob and things are great now. I’m Mrs. Johnson now with two kids. Let’s see now. Here is your reunion packet and your seating location. You are at table...
The room was striking; someone or some group had spent many, many hours on the decorations. The effect was arresting—burgundy and gold, matching floral centerpieces and garlands at every table, walls full of blow-ups of photos taken twenty-some years ago, full of feathered hair, primary colors, rolled sleeves, and leather. The room was full of the clamor of buoyant greetings and the celebration of reunion. As he walked through the room, he overheard snatches of conversation -- the past not so...
As she and Bill entered the reunion hall, Ashley noticed three of her friends standing on the steps. She could feel their envious eyes burning into her back, and she overheard Kim saying, "Ashley is with Prof. Anderson! They came in the same car. This is the big event of the reunion." It wasn't long before Kim took Ashley aside. "Did you get him?" "I got him. I'm staying at his house. He is going to visit me in California." "Ashley! Was it good enough to wait for?" "I didn't...
It was a cold March morning. Mist hung low over the Northamptonshire countryside and a sharp frost covered the lawn outside Matt's townhouse. His alarm beeped and roused him from his slumber. His dream faded quickly in the cold light of day. He'd been dreaming about his past a lot recently. He didn't know why. It wasn't as if yearned for his school days. Perhaps it was his age. He was twenty-eight, and feeling old. Work was getting on top of him. The previous night he'd been out on the...
We met at an Oxford shire hotel, and ageing group of old hippies someone describes us as. Lunch and afternoon was spent re-aquainting one another with old school friends our days as the kids of "ex pats". Talk of our teenage high school days and school romances. As people prepared to go and change for the evenings fun a very tall stunning middle aged guy was checking in with much younger stunning woman. Dawn exclaimed, "ROY that's Roy. People turned and headed to greet Roy, all the guys eyeing...
EroticI got a letter in the mail requesting my presence for a large family reunion. I know these types of gatherings are mainly just an opportunity for the elder ladies to gossip and catch up on all the dirt that has happened in the extended family but I decieded to go because I found out my brother was going to be there from overseas and an uncle was coming that I hadnt seen in a long time. I show up a little late and I couldnt believe how many members of the family were there and the amount of food...
IncestAs soon as he met Amanda, Brett knew that he had found the girl of his dreams. She was beautiful, sexy and clever. She could cook in seven languages, had a happy nature and was the most fun to be with, either in or out of bed. There was never any doubt in his mind, right from the outset, that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Then she dumped him.The only explanation she offered him was that he was boring, that he didn’t do anything but play golf. That was a...
Straight SexPart 1.When you live in the country, as we do. And come from an i****tuous family like mine, family reunions are so much fun!My wife and I were in bed Friday morning, and we were laughing and talking about how much fun we were going to have this week. You see our family reunion lasts all week long, and this year was no exception. We were talking mainly about our twins who were of age to party with the grownups. We've watched them bloom into beautiful young adults. My daughter Cory now stands...
Silence. Kelly had said the one thing that Matt least expected. 'Husband?' Kelly nodded. 'How long have you... ?' He couldn't bring himself to say the words. 'Almost seven years.' 'Seven? Kids?' She bit her lip and shook her head. 'So why? I mean, last night, where was he?' 'He didn't come. He doesn't believe in looking back. As far as he is concerned, reunions are a stupid idea.' 'But if you're married, why?' 'Why sleep with you? I don't make a habit of...
Smith & Jones Solicitors was a seven partner firm formed in the early nineteen-eighties by David Smith and Maurice Jones. The firm quickly established a reputation for quality service and as Milton Keynes grew, so did the firm. The latest expansion plans were for three new partners (and the staff to work under them) in the next eighteen months. Each partner headed up a different department within the firm, specialising in two or more areas of law. Each department was supported by at...
This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...
Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...
Cindy and I woke up early, before the sun came up, and went down to the lake to skinny dip. The early morning was peaceful, and the waters were calm. We dove in, and the water was refreshing. It helped wake the both of us up. “Friday, I'm going with my parents to their thing at the State Park.” She said, as she swam up to me, wrapping her arms and legs around me. “So, Thursday night I'll have to stay at home, so I can help my mom with my brothers, and my sister.” I held her ass to help her...
When they had reconnected on Facebook a few months ago it seems as if no time had pasted at all. They picked right back up at the flirty fun relationship they had before. It was always nice to have someone who you just clicked with. Hanging out, having drinks, going to movies and the sex was awesome too. So when they started talking on Facebook it just seemed natural that their sexual sides would play back into the relationship. The first time Mark asked Cindy to make a video of her...
Since the four of us were so close in age (Rob and I were both 28…the girls were 26), we got along great. We probably spent more time as a foursome than on singular dates with our respective partners. Fast forward… Rob and I had gone to high school together, and our 10-year reunion was approaching fast. Needless to say, we were both pretty happy to have these beautiful girls accompanying us. We walked into a downtown club in our hometown, and all eyes were on the four of us…probably...
There is nothing quite like a woman who knows how to make a reunion worth the time apart. Whether it’s been a few days…a few months…or even a year…a woman who can make every return special is one worth hanging on to. I got lucky enough to find a woman like that. It had been almost three years since we had last seen each other. I had spent a year in Korea, six months in Colorado, and a year in Iraq. We were in training together in South Carolina. And even though we really didn’t have much time...
Introduction: A group of College friends get together for food and fun. A reunion of old college friends was taking place. Jim was our host and the only guy who remained single in our little group. Over the years, people had mentioned in conversation that they knew Jim and when the topic of him being a bachelor came up, it was often the opinion of others that he was gay. I knew better because he and I used to double date a lot in high school and later in college. We lived in the same...
I was on my way to my high school reunion. I wasn’t eager to go but I thought what the hell it could be fun. It was the ten year anniversary and ten years seemed like an eternity. I entered the old school and my trip down memory lane started catching up. I recognized many faces, mostly people I was friends with. One guy started to approach me and he was big, about six foot three with a thick mustache. ‘Aggie’, he said, ‘what’s up.’ ‘Timmy Meadows’, I said, shaking his hand. ‘That’s Timothy.’...
Introduction: 8 years later… It had been 8 years since they had last seen each other. Cindy had gone to Atlanta when Mark graduated from college. Mark had recently married so all that had happened was Cindy giving him a blowjob at her hotel after graduation even though Cindy had wanted to do so much more. They had stayed in touch over the years, but not very frequently in the last few years. When they had reconnected on Facebook a few months ago it seems as if no time had pasted at all. They...
I’m Larry, and I’ve been dying to tell the story of what happened to me last spring at the beach. I grew up in The Hamptons at the end of Long Island, New York. I am a senior attending Cornell University. My father went to Cornell, as did his father, his father before him, and his father before him, who was a founding member of my fraternity. So you can see that going to Cornell and joining this same fraternity is a family tradition. Last spring I had hoped to attend spring break, chasing...
The college reunion must be the closest mankind has come to mastering time travel. Twenty-five years older and in a swanky city-centre hotel rather than some rough student digs, everything else was the same: the same crowd, making the same in-jokes, sat cross-legged on a carpet playing the same drinking games. It was sweet in a way; a piece of eternal youth at that stage in our lives when we're all staring over the crest of the hill. Me and Lisa were the last standing; that was the same too. We...
MatureIt's been a week since my high school reunion; taking that big stroll down memory lane, falling for one of my old classmates. Rhonda James; an African American goddess who was once a volleyball playing tomboy. That night was magical and since our encounter at my place we stayed in touch and spent plenty of time together. One day we even visited her mother; the one responsible for Rhonda's transformation. Mrs. James was in her mid forties and was a total knockout herself. Seeing them together...
Thanks to facebook, in recent years I've found a few old classmates and friends (and sometimes its the other way around) from online. One of them got nostalgic and decided to call for a reunion gathering of my sec school classmates.He managed to gather about 15 of us and we met up for dinner and drinks in Clark Quay area. 5 of the girls from my class turned up and 2 of them have already become tai tai pattern. But the hottest one of the night is still the flower of my sec1 class. She's well...
ReunionAug 5, 1976by Noelle O It was my first leased home, and as I walked to the door I looked out of the window to see the purple and orange-drenched sunset stretching it’s luscious fingers across the surf and sand, leaving tiny diamonds in its path. There had been a soft knock at the door and I opened the door to the tall lanky man standing on my front porch. The deep summer wind tousled his graying hair attractively and his smile appeared framed, as if in portrait, against the rich...
IncestIt was a hot summer night in July. I was visiting some family for our annual family reunion. I really didn’t want to be there, but felt like I had no choice. Don’t get me wrong I love my family, but like any family we don’t always get along. I almost sometimes feel like the outsider of the family. I was sitting in my hotel room watching TV when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and it was my cousin Kim who I really didn’t like, but decided to answer the phone anyway. We sat on the phone for...
Hi all. I live in Mumbai. I am a handsome young boy of 18 yrs. This story narrates the reunion and sex of my divorced parents. My mom is a young and sexy woman of 41 years. My dad is a handsome man and a very rich and successful doctor. They fell in love quite early in their age and married when dad was 22 and mom was 20. My elder sister was born just after 6 months of their marriage. So it is clear that they had sex before marriage too. But after 5 years of their marriage, I don’t know what...
Reunion by Beverley Anne Miles It's all my wife's fault. Rebecca had found a couple of her old school friends via the Internet, and 'the coven'--as I called the three of them--were meeting up for the evening every couple of weeks. She was having a great time, and persuaded me to try and contact some of my old friends. I didn't recognize any of the names registered for my old schools, but I registered myself anyway--and two days later I got an e-mail from Max Taylor. He had been...
She is about 39 yr old,5 ft 3 in, very fair and a well toned body. Her assets were something to die for, firm round breasts and pretty round ass. She use to wear salwar suit most of the time and that always highlighted her assets. The woman referred above is someone’s mother, someone’s beloved wife but also my favorite teacher. I first saw her when I was 18 years of age where I was already into adult age and any nice looking women gave me tingly feeling inside my pants. She teaches us English...
My Life Began at 50 Chapter 1 Reunion It had been six months since I relocated back to Sacramento and a year since my divorce had finalized. My work day was finishing up, the weekend was here and I was really excited about the evening. I hadn't seen my friend Jeanie in a couple years. I had been making efforts to connect with all my old friends since returning, but as usual, Jeanie and I always seemed to be unable to...
Sasha ran into Angela (an old friend from high school) during her spring break. They decided to have to have lunch and catch-up on old times. Especially all the trouble they used to get into with Lisa and Symone. Angela decided that they should have a reunion at her parents lake house on the weekend. Sasha hesitated a minute before going along with it. As she went to her apartment she thought back to how her and Symone would argue at least 3 or 4 times a week. Then she...
Lesbian"And then the dumb son of a bitch thought he would try to outrun the bull."Everyone except my cousin, Sean, the butt of the joke, laughed at his expense."Yeah, well, I didn't know," Sean said bitterly though a smile teased his lips.Sean, his brother, Shane, my two brothers, Ethan and Eric, and I were sitting around in our aunt and uncle's barn. The whole family and some close friends had gathered for the end of summer holiday and to surprise our grandparents who had recently celebrated their...
I met Joanne the first day of High School. An alphabetical accident placed Bobby McCoy and Joanne McCrary side by side on the seating charts for the next four years. I loved her at first sight. It only took an hour more to realize that that love was hopeless. She was rich, beautiful, out going, athletic, scary smart, and completely out of my league. I accepted my fate without a fight. I made myself a quiet place in her background. Dawn was the rough first-draft of her younger sister, two years...
She wiggled around on him for a few minutes and then said, "I hope Billy is OK! Like, I didn't mean to break your toy." He laughed, "He'll be OK after he rests for a while." She kissed him and said, "K, guess we'd better go." An hour later, they felt a fresh onshore breeze cooling them as they ran together on the firm sand jabbering as they went. Bill immediately knew that she was slowing her regular pace to wait for him. After a few minutes, he said, "Look, I'm holding you back...
They drove home through only moderately heavy traffic, but the truck roars drowned out any good conversation. He patted her leg, "You really hit it off with the kids. I barely had time to hold the baby." She smiled brightly, "I spend my time with kids at the Refuge House. I've learned a lot about making friends with them." "I may have to go back for another visit." "Not without me, you won't!" She laughed. "I thought you were going to bring Ann with you. You couldn't put her...
Bill walked briskly to Valerie's office feeling refreshed after his morning nap and shower even after the overnight plane ride. The halls seemed to be almost vacant, given that summer enrollment was never high. He tapped on the door and she had him come in immediately. "Hey, Valerie, what's up?" "I should be asking you that!" "Same old same old with me." "Don't be coy. I know that you're in for that job at Cal Poly." "Yes, I did send in my application, but I know nothing...
Ashley took several minutes to pull herself back together. The truth was out, though, and he knew that she didn't want to go back to Georgia. He had never seen her in such an emotionally driven state, or did he know what to do to calm her, so he took her in his arms and whispered, "I know that you don't want to go back there. I will release you from your commitment to move. No bad feelings." She pushed away from him and raised her voice, "That doesn't solve a damn thing. I don't want...